HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/2004 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission• PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 18, 2004 Workshop Meeting - 6:00 P.M. Regular Meeting -- 7:Od P.M. • College Station Entbracfng fhe Past, Exploring the Future AGENDA Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, March 18, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. Training Room, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas i. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 2. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. None. • 3. Discussion of Subcommittee Reports. 4. Consideration, discussion and possible action of city-initiated rezonin~s along State Highway 6 in the Arrington Road area. 5. Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding an Amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance as it relates to attached sipnape and banners. 6. Update, discussion and possible action on a proposed connectivity index and pedestrian access ways in residential subdivisions. 7. Discussion and possible action on future spends items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of spedflc factual information or the redtatton of existing policy may be liven. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 8. Adjourn Consult,tion with Attnenev Gov't ~e ~ctibn bS1.071~ ;possible actin: • The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regaMing a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged Information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information Issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. This building Is wheelchair accassibla. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive seMce must ba made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979-764-3517 or (T'DD) 1-800- 735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website htto://www.csbc.oov and Cable Access Channel 19. N&Z Workshop Agenda March 18, 2004 pagelofi • College Station N Esrbracing the Past, Exploring the Futura C, 1. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) 2. Public Comment on the Unified DeveloQment Ordinance [UDO). At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on the recently adopted Unified Development Ordinance. The dtizen comments will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information and it will be added to the public record. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 3, Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items inGude preliminary and Tina/ plats, where stall` has f~nund compilance w/th all minimum subdivis/on regulations. All Items approved by Consent are approved w/th any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of i'fiese items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Cor-ser-t Agenda ft will be moved to the Regular Agenda f>Dr further consideration. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Consideration, discussion and possible action on the minutes: ^ February 19, 2004 Workshop Minutes • March 4, 2004 Workshop Minutes • March 4, 2004 Regular Minutes 3.2 Consideration, discussion and possible action on a Preliminary Piat for Dickson Run consisting of 2 lots on 15.747 acres, located at the bend in Calumet Trail adjacent to Woodlake Subdivision in the City's ET]. (04-44) 3.3 Consideration, discussion and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Castlegate Section 7 consisting of 24 lots on 31.094 acres located off Castlegate Drive, southeast of its intersection with Victoria Avenue. (04-51) • AGENDA Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, March 18, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hell 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas This building is wFlaelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign Interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979-764-3517 or (T'DD) 1-800- 735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website htto://vwvw.csbc.aov and Cable Acoess Channel 19 rts~c Agenaa March 18, 2004 Page i of 2 Regular Agenda. • 4. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6. Consideration, discussion and possible action on a Vacating Plat and Final Plat for the Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase I consisting of 85 lots on 400 acres generally located at the south end of Arrington Road in the City's ET7. (04-47) 7. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for Herman F. Krenek Phase II consisting of 2 lots on 2.94 acres generally located off Texas Avenue and Brentwood Drive. (04-45) 8. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for the University Preserve Subdivision (save and except Lots 14R and 15R) consisting of 25 residential lots on 11.5 acres generally located at 1207 Munson. (04-40) 9. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Phase 6 of the Castlegate Subdivision from A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District, consisting of 10.80 acres generally located on the north side of Greens Prairie Road, lust west of Castlegate Drive. (04-48) 10. Public hearing, dis~xlssion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Nantucket • Phase 7, consisting of 4.794 acxes located south of Nantucket Drive between State Highway 6 and Harper's Ferry Road from A-0 Agricultural Open to R-i Single Family Residential. (04-54) ii. Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an Amendment to Article 2, Development Review Bodies, and Article 5, District purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards, of the Unified development Ordinance, creating an overlay zoning district for properties fronting Krenek Tap Road for a depth of 750'. (04-36) 12. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of spedfic factual information or the redtation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 13. Adjourn. Consultation wkh Attorney ~6ov't C!+ae ~Ctbn SR1.071~ • possible actbn The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from Its attomey regarding a pending and contemplated • litigation subject or attorney-client privileged (ntonnatlon. ARer executive session discussion, any final adJon or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. P&Z Agenda March 18, 2004 Page 2 of 2 • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM N0.3.1 Minutes February 19, 2004 Workshop Meeting March 4, 2004 Workshop Meeting March 4, 2004 Regular Meeting • ~ College Station Embracing the Past, Exploring the Fu[ure MINUTES Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, February 19, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. Training Room, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:. Shafer, Reynolds, White, Williams, Davis and Trapani. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Hall. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Development Services Director Templin, Development Manager Ruiz, City Planner Kee, Senior Planner Fletcher, Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Commissioner Shafer called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. i. Discussion of ~nsent and regular agenda items. • Discussion ensued regarding development in and around the floodplain area of the William Brooke Hunter Estates, Consent Agenda Item No. 3.3. Development Manger Ruiz stated that the engineers are looking at possibly rezoning that area in order to construct amulti-family or duplex development. At the time of the rezoning, the Commission can discuss the site plan as well as the layout plans. She added that the applicant is considering mostly staying out of the floodplain area. Ms. Ruiz reported having seen some preliminary layouts and said that the applicant is also considering picking up some of the other tracts to consolidate the area in order to create a larger development. Staff is working with the multi-family project across Southwest Parkway on aligning the driveways off Southwest Parkway, which is the reason for the proposed private access easement. An additional curb cut along Wellborn Road has not been agreed upon by TX DOT so this will need to be reviewed at the time of the site plan. There was some further discussion about access and a land lock situation. 2. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. ^ Edelweiss Business Center, Lots 7R & 7R Blodc 2 (04-17) Ms. Ruiz explained that this minor plat was for the Southwest Business Center which is currently under construction on Wellbom Road. The interior lot line was shifted to facilitate a parking lot layout. The plat has been filed for record. 3. Discussion of Subcommittee Reports. • East Side Thoroughfare Plan and Land Use Update. P&Z Workshop Minutes February 19, 2004 Page i of 4 City Planner Kee reported that a meeting is scheduled for the Emerald Forest Homeowners Association on February 26, 2004. Ms. Kee also updated the Commission on the outcome of the previous meeting, stating that the atizens were very amenable to the plans. A survey sheet was distributed and the results were 3-i in favor of the plan. The issues of concern were site specific. The item is scheduled to come before the Commission on March 18, 2004. A discussion regarding the cross section and plans for a median or wider street at Linda Lane followed. 4. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding an amendment to the subdivision Regulations, Section 18, Platting in Older Residential Subdivisions. Development Services Director Templin recapped the background information on a previous development that pertained to the amendment. He added that the applicant will be returning with a replat request to split one lot and reapportion it in order to create two lots. Both lots will meet the 8500 square feet requirement, but they must also meet the average block requirement. Mr. Templin further explained that the direction staff received from legal counsel was to allow for the additional lots. A brief discussion regarding traffic ensued. Mr. Templin pointed out that the replat will go before the City Counal on February 26, 2004 and the Commission on March 18, 2004. The Munson area residents will be notified. After reviewing the lot sizes on the plat, Commissioner Shafer stated that he believes • the lot sizes are reasonable. Development Manager Ruiz interjected that if the Ordinance is passed by the City Counal on February 26, 2004, then the plat will meet the standards. If it is not passed, a variance request will be required from the Commission at the March 18, 2004 meeting. She added that action must be taken on the plat at that time. A discussion regarding plats and the Commission's responsibilities ensued. There was some question as to whether or not safety was a valid reason for denial. Ms. Ruiz stated that she met with Assistant City Attorney Nemcik regarding a previous plat that was denied by the Commission for safety reasons. She reported that Ms. Nemcik felt the Commission had some authority and discretion in the alignment for that particular plat and could require the alignment. 5. Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding neighborhood integrity issues including requiring garages. Development Services Director Templin announced the City Council Workshop meeting on February 26, 2004, where Neighbofiood Integrity Issues will be a topic of discussion. He stated that both Fire Chief Giordano and Assistant Fire Chief Hurt traveled to a number of college communities from Blacksburg, Virginia to Boulder, Colorado where they engaged in numerous discussions regarding neighbofiood integrity issues. Discussion regarding homestead exemptions and garages followed with some brief remarks regarding maximum lot coverage with an impervious surface. Also discussed was the definition of a family. Mr. Templin will forward the Belle Terre Ordinance to the Commission for their review. P8~Z Workshop Minutes February 19, 2004 Page 2 of 4 6. Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding lighting regulations in the Unified Development Ordinance. Development Services Director Templin pointed out that the Unified Development Ordinance does not allow the lighting element to extend beyond the bottom of the fixture, creating a lateral glare. The ordinance is not applicable to existing sites. However, newly permitted sites would be required to meet the standards set forth in the UDO. Development Manager Ruiz interjected that with the UDO, if you are within 150 feet of a residential area, there are some additional requirements for your building mounted lights as well. 7. Consideration, discussion and possible action re: Wolf Pen Creek design requirements for public and private developments. Development Services Director Templin explained that private development items in the Wolf Pen Creek area are typically reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB). However, this is not the case for governmental structures or signage. Those items go before the Oversight Board. Mr. Templin stated that the electronic sign has been a topic of discussion in excess of two years. Discussion regarding the responsibilities and the items reviewed by the Oversight Committee ensued. The Commissioners agreed that all developments should be required to meet the same design standards and qualifications in Wolf Pen Creek. Development Review Manager Ruiz interjected that in terms of the setback and size of the sign in question, it does meet the sign ordinance qualifications. With regards to flashing and blinking signs, Ms. Ruiz explained that a sign giving only time and temperature is exempt from the requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Other electronic signs that change more than once every 24 hours are prohibited. She added that signs which were permitted prior to the adoption of the UDO are allowed to change their messages more often than once every 24 hours. Commissioner Reynolds proposed that one regulating body be responsible for new construction, including signage, for both public and private entities in Wolf Pen Creek. Commissioner Trapani motioned to review and approve all new construction, including signage, for ail entities both public and private in the Wolf Pen Creek Design District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White. Chairman Shafer suggested the board for doing so as the DRB (Design Review Board). Commissioner Trapani asked if this would also indude trails and etc. Chairman Shafer stated it would be only site plan issues, since trails and such would be more along the line of a master plan issue. Commissioner Reynolds suggested just adding public to the private description already written in the UDO for that board, but not to indude infrastructure. City Planner Key read the ordinance to clarify the Commission's Intent. Chairman Shafer confirmed that the DRB should see all matters regarding site plan issues in the Wolf Pen Creek Design District. Chairman Shafer called the question. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Shafer, Trapani, White, Davis, Reynolds and Williams. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Hall. 8. Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding a proposed overlay for Krenek Tap Road. P&Z Workshop Minutes February 19, 2004 Page 3 of 4 City Planner Kee stated that the subject area began as part of a municipal complex which extended across Krenek Tap Road. She added that the proposed overlay will • come before the Commission on March 18, 2004. Also, Ms. Kee stated that the underlying zoning is still applicable and that the overlay will apply to properties along Krenek Tap Road for a depth of 750'. She cited a few architectural standards such as no parking between buildings and the Krenek Tap frontage and a maximum setback if there is a single family development. Commissioner Trapani asked if there will be something about connectivity in the area. Ms. Kee explained that there would not be specifically, but that the City will deal with these issues and others during the platting stage as it is developed. 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda Items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of spedfic factual information or the redtatlon of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Senior Planner Fletcher announced several upcoming workshops and encouraged the Commissioners to attend. Development Review Manager Ruiz reported that Planning intern Harrell has done some further research on the sign and banner issue and is preparing a report for the Commission of her findings. Development Services Director Templin stated that the options are open, are resource driven and should be simple and easily enforceable. Commissioner Davis had questions regarding landscape provisions and the • replacement of trees that have not survived the initial development of a site. Ms. Ruiz explained that several sites went into code enforcement this past summer and areas are being policed. Further enforcement efforts are planned. 10. Adjourn Commissioner Trapani motioned to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Commissioner White. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Shafer, Trapani, White, Davis, Reynolds and Williams. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Hall. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Scott Shafer Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett • P&Z Workshop Minutes February 19, 2004 Page 4 of 4 • College Station N Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future MINUTES Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, March 4, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. Training Room, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Shafer, Commissioners White, Davis, Williams, Hall and Reynolds. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Trapani. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Development Services Director Templin, City Planner Kee, Transportation Planner Fogle, Senior Planner Fletcher, Staff Planners Prochazka and Reeves, Planning Intern Harrell, Development Manager Ruiz, Graduate Civil Engineers Thompson and Cotter, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Action Center Representative Kelley and Assistant City Attorney Nemcik. • OTHER GUESTS PRESENT: John McBeth and Jennifer Montgomery, Brazos Transit Systems. i. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. An extensive discussion regarding Zero Lot Line Construction ensued. Development Manager Ruiz, Fire Marshall Hurt and Building Official Simms answered questions and explained the process in drafting the language for the amendment in order to clarify the requirements that will align the current contradictions and discrepanaes in the UDO and International Residential Code. 2. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. There were none. 3. Update and discussion regarding future agenda Items requested by the Commission. • Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding bus stops/covers and associated off-premise advertising. John McBeth, General Manager of The District, a public transit agency, spoke to this issue, displaying several styles, designs and concepts of bus stop covers, both current and future planned shelters. Mr. McBeth stated that he anticipates September 04 as the earliest date for purchasing the approved model at a 10% local • share. The District's goal is to provide the shelters at no cost the dties. P&Z Minutes Workshop Meeting Page i of 2 Also discussed was the off-premise advertising which is currently not allowed in either Bryan or College Station per city ordinances. However, there was some • favorable discussion regarding advertising on the transit buses that followed. 4. Discussion and possible action regarding an Amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance as it relates to creating and applying an overlay zoning district for properties along Krenek Tap Road. Time did not allow for discussion of this item. It will be rescheduled for a subsequent workshop meeting. 5. Consideration, diswssion and possible action regarding development requirements for driving ranges and additional development criteria when located adjacent to single-family homes. Time did not allow for discussion of this item. it will be rescheduled for a subsequent workshop meeting. 6. Discussion and possible action regarding an Amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance as it relates to attached signage and banners. Time did not allow for discussion of this item. It will be rescheduled for a subsequent workshop meeting. 7. Discussion and possible action of city-initiated rezonings along State Highway 6 in the Arrington Road area. • Time did not allow for discussion of this item. It will be rescheduled for a subsequent workshop meeting. 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda Items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of spedflc factual Information or the redtation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 9. Adjourn Commissioner White motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by a vote of 6-0. FOR: Shafer, White, Williams, Hall, Reynolds and Davis. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Attest: Approved • Susan Hazlett, Staff Assistant Scott Shafer, Chairman Development Services Planning and Zoning Commission P&Z Minutes Workshop Meeting Page 2 of 2 • ~ College Stat/on N Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future • MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, March 4, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Shafer, White, Hall, Davis, Williams and Reynolds. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Trapani. CITY COUNCIL MEMEBERS PRESENT: None. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Development Services Director Templin, City Planner Kee, Development Manager Ruiz, Senior Planner Fletcher, Staff Planners Prochazka and Reeves, Planning Intern Harrell, Transportation Planner Fogle, Graduate Civil Engineers Cotter and Thompson, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Fire Marshall Hurt, Building Official Simms, Center Representative Kelley and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 1. Hear Citizens. No one spoke. 2. Public Comment on the Unified Development ordinance [UIDO). No comments were made. 3. Consent Agenda. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the consent agenda items. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Shafer, Hall, Davis, Reynolds, Williams and White. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. 3.1 3.2 C~ P&Z Minutes Approved by consent the minutes: ^ February 19, 2004 Regular Minutes Approved by consent a Final Plat for the USDA Subdivision consisting of 1 lot on 1.7 acres generally located at 1001 Holleman Drive. (04-18) March 4, 2004 Page 1 of 5 3.3 Approved by consent a Final Plat for the William Brooke Hunter Estates consisting of 2 lots on 9.7 acres generally located at Wellborn Road and Southwest Parkway. (04-33) 3.4 Approved by consent a Final Plat for Callaway Subdvision Phase II consisting of i lot on 14 acres generally located at Marion Pugh Drive and Luther Street West. (04-30) 3.5 Approved by consent a Preliminary Piat for the Foxworth Subdivision consisting of 2 lots on 41.493 acres generally located at the corner of North Graham and South Dowling Roads in the City's ET7. (04-12) 4. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings, Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the absences. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Shafer, Hall, Davis, Reynolds, Williams and White. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. • 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent agenda for discussion. 6. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an ordinance amending the City of College Station's Comprehensive Plan for the area bound by Harvey Road (SH 30) on the north, Greens Prairie Road on the south, SH 6 on the west, and SH 30 on the east. (04-37) Transportation Planner Fogle presented the Staff Report. He explained that Staff has been working with a subcommittee to update various components of the Comprehensive Plan for the subject area. He added that Staff proposes to amend the Thoroughfare, Bikeway and Land Use Plans. He identified the goals of the update and explained the process that was used in developing the proposed amendments. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Sherry Ellison, 2705 Brookway Drive, spoke in regards to neighbofiood traffic concerns as well as an interest in retaining the greenways and open space areas. Toe Byrne, 2608 Wingate Court, the representative for both the Homeowners Association and the Neighbofiood Assodation made comments concerning the possible extension of Appomattox, traffic concerns on Windwood and using Switch Station Road as an alternative access. He is meeting with Staff to present and discuss the residents' ideas. Mr. Fogle clarified that the proposed amendment shows no changes to Windwood Drive or Raintree Drive at this time. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. P&Z Minutes March 4, 2004 Page2of5 Commissioner White motioned to approve the amendment which was seconded by Commissioner Hall. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0. FOR: Shafer, Hall, Davis, Reynolds, Williams and White. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. 7. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Bridle Gate Estates Phase Ii, from R-6 High Density Multi-Family to R-i Single Family Resientlal and consfsting of 27 lots on 8.591 acres located at end of Bridle Gate Drive. (04-26) Staff Planner Prochazka presented the Staff Report. In her opening remarks, Ms. Prochazka stated that Staff recommends approval of the Rezoning, adding that the subject property was recently platted for single-family development, but is currently zoned R-6 High Density Multi-family. With the adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), single-family homes are no longer permitted in R-6, which is why the R-1 rezoning is required. Further, the Land Use Plan designates this area as Single Family Residential. Access points were pointed out and the alignment of Longmire was discussed. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Since there were no other comments made, Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the rezoning which was seconded by Commissioner Davis. The motion carried 6-0. • FOR: Shafer, Hall, Davis, Reynolds, Williams and White. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. 8. Public heating, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for the Callaway Subdivision Phase 2I consisting of 13.768 acres, located on the east side of Mahon Pugh Drive approximately 500' south of the intersection of George Bush DMve, from C-i General Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. (04-28) Staff Planner Prochazka presented the Staff Report. Ms. Prochazka stated that the applicant requests the rezoning in order to develop the property as a student housing complex. Approval of the rezoning is recommended. Because the Land Use Plan designates the subject property as Residential Attached, the rezoning request is in compliance and is also supported by the City's development policies. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Rabon Metcalf, the project engineer, spoke in favor of the rezoning. Access, distance from the railroad tracks and the number of units planned were briefly discussed. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner White motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. • FOR: Shafer, Hall, Davis, Reynolds, Williams and White. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. P&Z Minutes March 4, 2004 Page 3 of 5 9. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Stephen- . Anderson consisting of approximately 211.5 acres generally located on Greens Prairie Road just east of Rock Prairie Road. (04-32) Staff Planner Reeves presented the Staff Report. She pointed out that the subject property is shown on the Land Use Plan as Single Family Low Density. Therefore, Staff recommends approval since the zone change would be in compliance with the Land Use Plan. The flood plain area was pointed out and the Commission encouraged protection of the greenway and floodplain areas. Discussion ensued regarding the minimum lot sizes. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Dave Lund, 17141 Rock Prairie Road raised issues regarding the down stream drainage, utilities and paving Rock Prairie Road. Kenneth Bonnet, 17155 Rock Prairie Road, spoke on issues of concern regarding the lack of dty services and infrastructure to the current residents in the subject area. He also requested the paving of Rock Prairie Road. The time limitation in the annexation policy for providing city services to annexed areas was discussed and the current law explained. Development Services Director Templin stated that Staff has looked into the concerns of the residents and explained his findings. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik concurred that Mr. Bonnet's property is serviced by Wellborn Water and Bryan • Electric and that the City of College Station has no legal authority concerning those services. Mr. Templin added that the current plan does not include an access on Rock Prairie Road. Also, if the properties were annexed prior to the most recent annexation, there would not be city utility service. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik interjected that generally speaking, the area is not within the city's water or electric service area. Chairman Shafer thanked Staff for the clarifications and others for comments and concems which have been noted. He stated that this seems to be a situation where we have see how this evolves in terms of this particular development and what opportunities it does provide to extend services as we go forward. doe Schultz, 3208 innsbrook Circle, the project engineer, stated that as part of the platting procedure, a sewer report is required, which is a general design of the sewer system, whether or not the sewer is constructed. Therefore, sewer will be studied for this tract. He added that Wellbom Water Supply has a 16" line on Greens Prairie Road and told the applicant that they would be able to provide fire protection to meet dty standards and that all water lines would be built to city standards. The applicant is evaluating access to the site. He stated that they would like Rock Prairie Road to be paved. In dosing, Mr. Schultz stated that because Rock Prairie Road is an existing road, in general, private developers do not pave existing roads. Assistant City Attomey Nemcik interjected that if the developer were required to take access off Rock Prairie, then they would be responsible in upgrading/paving the road. Mr. Lund interjected that Lick Creek Park now has a paved entranceway and parking which encourages additional traffic and requested consideration for paving Rock • Prairie Road. Chairman Shafer dosed the public hearing. PI3eZ Minutes March 4, 2004 Page 4 of 5 Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Shafer, Hall, Davis, Reynolds, Williams and White. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. 10. Public hearing, discussion, and possible ad~ion repardin8 an Amendment to Article 8, Subdivision Desfgn & Improvements and Article i i, Terms of the City's Unified Development Ordinance. (04-35) Development Manager Ruiz presented the Staff Report. Ms. Ruiz explained that the purpose of the amendment is to align the requirements of the zero lot line construction with the City's UDO and the International Residential Code (IRC). In their current state, contradictions and discrepancies in the overall requirements occur. As a result, Staff worked closely with the development community, the Construction Standards Board and the Fire Marshal to draft language that clarifies the requirements for zero lot line construction. In closing, Ms. Ruiz reported that an amendment to the IRC will go before the Construction Standards Board on March 8, 2004 for a recommendation going to the City Council for consideration on March 25, 2004. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Since there were no further comments, Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the amendment. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 6-0. FOR: Shafer, Hall, Davis, Reynolds, Williams and White. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. ii. Discussion and possible action On future agenda Items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the redtatlon of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meetin8. Commissioner Davis requested Staff to look at areas on Green Prairie Road in regards to piece-meal rezoning vs. Comprehensive Plan amendment. 12. Adjourn. Commissioner Williams motioned to ac~ourn the meeting which was seconded by Commissioner White. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Shafer, Hall, Davis, Reynolds, Williams and White. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. APPROVED: Chairman, Scott Shafer ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&Z Minutes March 4, 2004 Page 5 of 5 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM N0.3.2 Preliminary Plat Dickson Run Z 1- ~g J a W d O N N U \ ~.,~. ;\ ~. . ,. :. .. ... .. . .. .. , ~ i ~., _ -- • , ,•:: •. . • , :- ~ _ .., ., .. `\ ,. ~ .;•~ ., ., ~ ~... ~.~. ' ~ i :'. _ ., .. ~ I ~ ' `. Y ~` / :~ 1.~- _ Y ./ ~:. ~" ~~ j' l / `Y . . .. .. .. . .. .. ,.•'• .. .;- .. ;, ... •: „ . c _. .. ~., 1 .. , . ~:. ~.~ .•:~ -- --- - _ .< i _.._ _ f .. .- , _. ~, ;• '-' -~'"" ~,~~( .~ ~ - _ _. _..... _... _ _T i .- . ~ ;~'T _ _. - - ~ ~. ., -_ 1_ _ .; r i l _. .. . ,• ,• . ~ •., ~. i ,. ~ ,,. E --- , • _ . ,. ~. - •. ~:, ~ Z Y D N X C O ~ N WWC ~ G N Q. O 0 vV-. W O U~ • MEMORANDUM March 9, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Carol Cotter Email: ccotter@cstx.gov SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT for DICKSON RUN Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Dickson Run consisting of 2 lots on 15.747 acres, located at the bend in Calumet Trail adjacent to Woodlake Subdivision in the City's ETJ. (04-00500044) Applicant: Kerr Surveying, agent for owner. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat as • submitted. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a Preliminary Plat for 2 lots in the City's ETJ. The property is located off Calumet Trail between Royder Road and Woodlake Drive. The Plat divides the 15.747 acre tract into a 5-acre lot and a 10.747-acre lot. Both Lots front on Calumet Trail. This Preliminary Plat meets the minimum requirements for ETJ subdivisions. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Calumet Trail is a County road. Budgetary & Financial Summary: NA Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Application 3. Copy of Plat • -5 ~ FOR OFFIC E Y P8Z Case No: ~~ ~~ Date Submitted: o~ -a3 -O PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION (check one) Preliminary Plat ^ Master Preliminary Plat The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for Planning & Zoning Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: [~ $400 Application, review, and filing fee. ^ Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) Q~ Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A revised mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) ^ One (1) copy of the approved Master Development Plan or Master Preliminary Plat if applicable. (~ A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. ^ Rezoning Application if zone change is proposed. ^ Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of ME OF SUBDIVISION ~l.~n ~u n CIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ~['Urnef `7`Vhc APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name E-Mail ~nytsc.-t~i'schpr ~ UtUZZav,. nefi Street Address ~QS (;hui~h ~ City l~ lI ~aP S'i''a~,o" State ~_ Zip Code r17,~~1 / Phone Number ~8 - ~Q S'" Fax Number __~(-I~'40~/ PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: ~ owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name ~ d ~ ~{~ ov, P ~ ; ~~ SO n E-Mail Street Address C I S Sy n~ a~ e ~ TYtti ~ City ~~~~ ~ P ~~ ~ State ~( Zip Code X77 ~~1~~ Phone Number~S'S-o?I a.`i Fax Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name E-Mail Street Address 'I~~ne Number State Zip Code Fax Number ~I Acres Of Subdivision j~S ; '7y 7 Number Of Lots By Zoning District / R-O-W Acreage /U ~ Total # Of Lots _ / / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: ~/ / / / Floodplain Acreage N Parkland dedication by acreage or fee? A statement addressing any differences between the preliminary plat and approved master development plan and/or master preliminary plat (if applicable): Requested variances to subdivision regulations & reason for same Requested oversize participation Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of Acres to be dedicated # of acres in detention OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = # of MuRaFamily Dwelling Units X$452 = (date) Approved by Parks ~ Recreation Board # of acres in floodplain # of acres in greenways s The applicant has prepared this app/kadon and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are tare and coned. The undersigned hereby requests appreval by the City of College Station of the above identified plat and attests that all respective owners have been identified on this application. ~t / nature and Title Date T 7 • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM N0.3.3 Preliminary Plat Castlegate Section 7 • 2 F- ~g ~a w RR R RR, R R ° i R R R i * ^ i q R • ~ i i z ~ O • R R q M ~ s • l ~ R ~ R i R R R R i ~ • R ~ R y $ `,~ ~ R 1 R ` R R • R R R i R R i R R ~ t r r ~ i • t~ i R 7 •R i R R R i R i n ~' i i ' ~`I} R i R ~ ~ ~ Ri4 ~+ ~ ~ ~ R b ~ ~ t R ~ ~ t R i _ W U R i ~ R R R R R ~ R R R R R R ^ ~ R 7' i R ~ R R R R' ^ f a a a ~ R * • R . : ° x n R ' R A R s e a ' i ~ N R • ' ~` U W ~ R R O '^ v/ R R ~ R I~ V W • R ~+ ~ `` N Q R ~ R R U R R R ~ r "+~ R ~ i ~ r = R R F .,, _ ~ a R t ! z R ~ ~ ~ X ~ ~ ~ t o _ ~ C~ O ~~ NZ m ' m~ a s /~ ~ Y. O R • ' `` J ` f • ~ U ~ ~ ~ s -! ^ ' ~ ~ N P N • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Carol Cotter Date: March 9, 2004 Email: ccotter@cstx.gov Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the Castlegate Section 7 consisting of 24 lots on 31.094 acres located off Castlegate Drive, southeast of its intersection with Victoria Avenue. (04- 00500051) Applicant: Wallace Phillips for Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat as submitted. Item Summary: In accordance with the PDD-H zoning approved in November 2001, the applicant has submitted a Preliminary Plat for Section 7 of Castlegate Subdivision that will allow for the development of 24 single family homes. Included in the development are common areas and a greenway area that encompasses the 100-year flood plain located along the southeast property boundary. • The Land Use Plan designates the area as Single Family Residential Medium Density (3-6 DU/acre). Although the density of this Preliminary Plat is less than 3 DU/acre, Castlegate Subdivision overall meets this density and is in compliance with the land Use Plan. The Preliminary Plat is also in compliance with the modified standards approved with the rezoning, including modifications to standard street widths, sidewalks, lot dimensions, and setbacks. Sections 7 will take access from Castlegate Drive, which is designated as a minor collector on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. This subdivision is located in the Spring Creek Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area 97-01. Impact Fees will be due at time of final plat. Current fees for this area are $349.55 per Living Unit Equivalent (LUE). Item Background: This area was annexed into the city in 1995. Soon after that, the developer began discussions with the City for the Crowley Master Development Plan, of which this tract is a part. The Plan was originally approved by Council in 1997 and then modified in 1998. In 2000, Crowley teamed with Wallace Phillips to develop the approximately 350-acre portion of the property on the west side of the future Hwy 40. The initial PDD rezoning request for 162 acres out of the 350-acre, Castlegate Subdivision was quickly followed by a Master Preliminary Plat for the 350-acre area. This tract was shown as a reserve • tract in the 2000 Master Preliminary Plat. • Related Advisory Board Recommendations: The Parks Board approved the plan for parkland dedication for Castlegate Subdivision in 2000. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Infrastructure and Facilities 4. Copy of Preliminary Plat • INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water required for plat: Each lot is required to have public water service, as shown on the plat. Water service will be extended from an existing 12-inch water line along Castlegate Drive. Water Service: Water to be provided to each structure, as required. Sewer required for plat: Each lot is required to have public sewer service, as shown on the plat. Sewer service will be extended from an existing 12-inch water line along Castlegate Drive. Sewer Service: Sewer to be provided to each structure, as required. Street(s) required for plat: All streets shown on plat are required for this subdivision. Streets/Access: Castlegate Drive is a minor collector. Residential access is precluded on collector streets and larger, where applicable. Off-site Easements required for plat: None required. Drainage: Detention for this development was provided by the existing regional detention facility at SH 6. Flood Plain: The plat reflects the mapped 100-year floodplain. Minimum floor elevations have been established for effected lots. The map for this floodplain did not include a floodway. A hydraulic model of Spring Creek incorporating the effects of the upstream pond and fill of the proposed lots in the floodplain has been made a requirement to the final plat. Oversize request: None Impact Fees: The development is located within the Spring Creek Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area 97-01. Impact fees for sanitary sewer will be due at the time of filing the final plat. Currently, the impact fee is $349.55 per living unit equivalent Parkland Dedication Fees: Parkland has been dedicated for the Castlegate Subdivision including Sections 7. Any additional parkland development fees that may be required will be due at time of final plat. • FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Q1 ~ P&Z Case No: Date Submitted: a 'a 3 - 0 • PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION (check one) [Preliminary Plat ^ Master Preliminary Plat The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for Planning 8~ Zoning Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: [~ Filing Fee of $400. Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations - $100 (if applicable) ~ Application completed in full. [v]im Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A revised mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) ^ ,,,,One (1) copy of the approved Master Development Plan or Master Preliminary Plat if applicable. A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. d Rezoning Application if zone change is proposed. ~J Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of ~~u-, c t u~•~td' ~ ~ ~ I - NAME O SUBDIVISION • SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION N• o~ Giree.Y-S Prturi~e ~. I~Sfof t~rol~t~ SL}gU OJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): APPLICANT/PR n Name ~,d,~X~Q ~~~ ~1~5 E-Mail ' - Street Address ~ ~ .u ~~ 1edlt~. ,~ City ~ State ~ Zip Code 7~~ Phone Number - Fax Number ~~1~~~~=(0~~ PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: (ALL owners must be identified . Please attach an additional sheet for multiple o ers): ~. - E-Mail Name L~P.Y1S rL'CI rl P_ Y'~ ~7~ Street Address ~'D CQ4,-~~Q.ot4~. Y~-'I~V'~ City ~~~PA~~Q~1i8~/1 State ~ Zip Code ~~ Phone Number ,.;~~~ (e90- 725(7 Fax Number ~~ tP~O -/O~ ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name ~~ ~~ ~,~_ T~P~CGOfrI E-Mail ~ L pP ~~~~ ~ T ~ ~ ~CCOVI •yl~ Street Address ~~(Z~. I , P_OlP ~fi~l7lfltn State "~C City ~ ~ • Zip Code ~~t<~ Phone Number ~Q~ 7~P4 -`774-~ Fax Number ~ 6 - `77 1-Aug-02 1 of 4 ~1~/PYT~ • Total Acres Of Subdivision 3I.0~~-- R-O-W Acreage 3.osD • Number Of Lots By Zoning District ~ / ~7 _ f~' Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: r~ ISM I I I Floodplain Acreage ~,1 ~ rr~ S Parkland dedication by acreage or fee? A statement addressing any differences between the preliminary plat and approved master development plan and/or master preliminary plat (if applicable): ~ Pr Requested variances to subdivision regulations ~ reason for same -I~ ~ovt~nol Requested oversize partiapation irl~. Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of Acxes to be dedicated # of acxes in detention C~~ FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board # of acres in floodplain # of acres in greenways The applicant has pr+epansd this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto aro true and correct. The undersigned hereby n3quests approval by the City of College Station of the above identified plat and attests that all respective owners have been ident~ed on this application. • •.. ignature and Title ~ tea" ~y Date Total # Of Lots _ 21.~- /-Aug-02 2 0( 4 • AGENDA ITEM N0.4 Absence Requests C7 City of College Station Absence Request. Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name ~~,~~it/ IN//~<liyYl ~ i Request Submitted on CJ I will not be in attendance at the meeting of Cl ~ ~C~ for the reason(s) specified: (Date • /~-~~,5 Signature • This request shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board one-week prior to meeting date. • AGENDA ITEM N0.6 Vacating Plat & Final Plat n Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase I • i~ .`; 1 ~~. z ,n~ .>{i.•'1 A i ~~ •.Y ~ ~1 ~1 ~'u A ~ • J ~ Q Z ~ n. • • ~ , __ __ ~ 1 . ~ ~ ti . ~ • O . __ __.. ~ _ ... _. ~ to :. ~ , ~ __ __ ., _ .,. . ~ .. • ,, _._ ~' i :...: x ....... -_ ~ __ . ~ ~~ r ': ~ ~.: '_. ..' y~. ~ ~~ _ -- i 4. ,.: ^'t--', _ Y ;~ - ~ g ~ ._ ,~ ;,-,~.,T.. 1 „ ~~L... ... '`~~' ---~ ~ r--~ Z ~~~ i \ o -- -.•~ ;~ ~ / i~ ~...__._.___ i...r= ~ ~~~ . 1 // ~.. _ .L `__ t_ _1__...__~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ f / y . r. ~=~~ . • ~W ~/~ m a ~` oO ,.,~ ~~ O W ~~ U~ .s`~ .~ •~ • MEMORANDUM March 9, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Spencer Thompson Email: sthompson@cstx.gov SUBJECT: VACATING and FINAL PLAT for INDIAN LAKES SUB PH 1 Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Vacating Plat and Final Plat for the Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase I consisting of 85 lots on 400 acres generally located at the south end of Arrington Road in the City's ETJ. Applicant: Paul Clarke, Owner/ Developer Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Vacating Plat and • Final Plat as submitted. Item Summary: This first item is for the consideration of a Vacating Plat in order to vacate the original Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase I plat. This is the easiest way to erase property lines, rights-of--way, and easements from the original plat. The following item is a Final Plat to establish lot lines and easements in a similar manner to the previous plat with some minor changes. Some lots were eliminated and some reconfigured. Lots along Arapaho Ridge have been reconfigured to allow 100-ft of frontage along ROW and then "neck-down". Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Land Use Plan: Shown as Rural. Thoroughfare Plan: The East/VNest arterial is shown on the plat. The arterial street section is not being constructed at this time but the ROW is being dedicated. Parkland Dedication: N/A in ETJ. Budgetary & Financial Summary: None Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Application • 3. Copy of Plat FOR OFFICE USE ONLY P8Z Case No.: ~' ' 4~ Date Submitted: ' ~. FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ^ Amending ^ Final ®Vacating ^ Replat (x300.00) (x400.00) (3400.00) (x600.00)• `Includes public hearing fee The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for PbZ Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ® Final plat review and filing fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets ~ $55.00 per additional sheet N/A Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) N/A Development permit fee of $200.00 (if applicable). N/A Infrastructure inspection fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) ® Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) ® One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). ® Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. ® A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Nl A Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (ff applicable). A Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks 8~ Rekxeation Board, please provide proof of OF SUBDIVISION INDIAN LAKES SUBDIVISION. PHASE ONE SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION (Lot 8~ Block) J. M. Bamera Survev. A-69: Brazos County. Texas 401.03 Acre tract APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Paul J. Clarice. Manaoer of Smilino Development. Ltd. Street Address City Brvan State TX Zip Code 77802 Phone Number 979.846.4384 Fax Number 979.846.1461 CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: L owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet, if necessary) Name (See attached sheet) E-Mail Street Address __ City Phone Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Fax Number Zip Code Name McClure Enoineerino. Inc. E-Mail mikem[a~tca.net 'I~~~ t Address 1008 Woodcreek Drive Colle~le Station State TX Zip Code 77845 State Phone Number 979.693.3838 Fax Number 979.693.2554 85 Acxeage Total Property 399.08 acres Total # Of Lots .S6r R-O-W Acreage 30.16 acres sting Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Residential umber Of Lots By Zoning District N/A -ETJ Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: N/A /ETJ Floodplain Acreage 0.09 acres A Statement Addressing Any Differences Between The Final Plat And Approved Master Development Plan And/Or Preliminary Plat (If Applicable): (Please see attached sheet) Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations 8~ Reason For Same: N/A Requested Oversize Participation: N/A ETJ CONSTRUCTION Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: N/A Streets N/A Sidewalks N/A Sanitary Sewer Lines N/A Water Lines N/A Channels N/A Storm Sewers N/A Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: N/A # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee N/A # of acxes in floodplain N/A # of acres in detention N/A # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: N/A # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ N/A # of Multi-Family Dwelling Units X $452 = $ N/A (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Hoard NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certfies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, con~ect and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above,idend~ied Bna/ plat and attests that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. Sign ure and 1Je Fko%r~~e~yQ,z. • a ~/e~ Date • AGENDA ITEM N0.7 Replat Herman F. Krenek Phase II ~ ' ~ ~ '~a ~ _ o a ~ ~,~° ~ ~ ~a~ 1 ~ a a `~ A r r1' h t~` ~6 4f ,~ ~o , .S{ ,n ~ .,. = ., b h ~ 1 rig,,, o , ~ ~V'' h -~ is .~ ~ a ~ f~~r ~ ~ ~ Ri h ~ IM1~ ~ ~.~ 'jam ~ /06 ` ~ m ~~y~~' b °~ .~ ~~h r 1~ t ~ Intl Ifl G~~'GP ~w ~ of ,~ P a 1 w .- Q ~ zf ! ' ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z J ge~~_ oe- ,t`' ~~ ~ - ~ ~ ~, c - -, O ^ ~ ~ ' ~j p ~ ., R G0~ g , o stY 'A ~ ls,~ Ip a _ J ~ am ~ ~ Q P `~' ^' ~ q ~ ~ ~' ~ ~' - ~6T~ ~ , s ~ ~ eQ .~ ~ ~~ ` ~ Y 1 Q ~ ~ h ~ ttpp~ ~ 1 ~ ~~ J ~ r- t 1 .. O S; ~ ~ d6 ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~6 ,p~ 1 h ~ ~ ti ~~$~'V n _ b p~ ~ ~ r ~ ^~ h h U h ~ ~ ~ ~ r-~ h - - '1~~ a T J- - ~ : ~ ~ ~ W , ~ ~ h -a h ~ ;.. o .~I\ ` f~f4ti~`` '~ii's'i€i'~ ' ~~ . ' \e ~ (v ~~~' ~ ~ ~ 1 LL i-t h ~ ~ ~• Q 2 ~ ~- Q W '~ fi ~ e ~ i h Ih ~ cr ~ ~ 9 ~ m1r \ ~ ~ \ b /- "'~ h rp -i - b h \ " ~ ~ h h ~ h h\ ~ 4. .ry e - Ri '~ ~ ^~ ~ a ,~ ~ ~ ,,, h e ~ ~ .' h ~ - h ti ~ h b ~..~ ~ ~ ^ h ~ - ^ b ^ b ~ ~ \ ~- X ~ I W W ~ ~ m o ~ -bf'! ! ~ ux °j - ~ 3N N N ldld r rots ~ Z ~W ~ r (~ U 2 ~, - ~ • a Q Y h 4- ~;~ ~. - ,~ o `~ ' ~ - - ~~ ,~ _°'' "" h J ra d "'' r ~ Q; !t - •~ U G ~ ~ MEMORANDUM March 10, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Carol Cotter Email: ccotter@cstx.gov SUBJECT: REPEAT for HERMAN F KRENEK PHASE II Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for Herman F Krenek Phase II consisting of 2 lots on 2.94 acres generally located off Texas Avenue and Brentwood Drive. (04-00500045) Applicant: Steve Duncan, agent for Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Replat as • submitted. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a Replat of Lot 5 of the Herman Krenek Subdivision Phase II. This Replat divides the existing 2.94-acre lot into two equal acreage lots. The lots are located behind Discount Tire and Epicures and are accessible by a private access drive between the two businesses. The private access easement will be extended through Lot 5A to Lot 5B with this Replat. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Although the Land Use Plan shows this property to be planned for high density residential use, the current zoning of the property is C-1, General Commercial. The planned use for one of the Lots is for a hotel which is a permitted use in C-1. The property has access to Texas Avenue by way of a private access drive. Texas Avenue is classified as a Major Arterial on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. A public water main will be extended to Lot 5B as part of this Replat. Budgetary & Financial Summary: NA Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Application 3. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers FOR OFFICE I~SE ONtLtY n ~ ~~ P8Z CASE NO.: (~ `(1T~ v1 ~i DATE SUBMITTED: ~ ~~ FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ^ Minor ^ Amending ^ Final ^ Vacating ® Replat (;300.00) (;300.00) (;400.00) (;400.00) (;600.00)` •Indudes public hearing fee The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P8Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ~ Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet Na Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) ~ Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). Na Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) ~ Application completed in full. Na Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats (if applicable). ~ Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) Na One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). ~ Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. ~ A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Na Two (2) copies of public infrastnacture plans associated with this plat (if applicable). Na Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of ~fte of Preapplication Conference: December 15, 2003 NAME OF SUBDIVISION Herman F. Krenek. Phase II SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION (lot 8 Block) Lot 5 (2.937 ac. Vol. 930. P4.653) APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Steve E. Duncan. P.E. Street Address 7020 Coyote Run City Aryan State Texas Zip Code 77808 E-Mail Address S@dCC~Dkengineering.com Phone Number (979) 731-8000 Fax Number (979) 731-1500 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Charies R. & Lucv H. Farrar Street Address P.O. Box 9 City Monument State Texas Zip Code 80132 E-Mail Address Phone Number (719) 488-0986 Fax Number (719) 481-2153 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name Steve E. Duncan • Street Address 7020 Coyote Run City ~iyan State Texas Zip Code 77808 E-Mail Address ~Cd~pkenaineerina.oom Phone Number 1979) 731-8000 Fax Number (979) 731-1500 ~~'~ 1 of 1 Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? If so, please provide the Volume 737 and Page # 778 Acreage ~ Total Property 2.97 Total # Of Lots 2 R-O-W Acreage 0 ttng Use: vacant Proposed Use: hotel ber Of Lots By Zoning District C-1 /2 / / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: C-1 / 1.469 / Floodplain Acreage 0 A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and approved Master Plan and/or Preliminary Plat (if applicable): Pronerty is subdivided into two (2) 1.47 acre lots and a utility easement and a drainage and access easement are added to the front lot 5A Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: n/a Requested Oversize Participation: Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: 0 Streets 0 Sidewalks 0 Sanitary Sewer Lines 390 Water Lines 0 Channels 0 Storm Sewers 0 Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: n/a # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and cert~es that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-ident~ed - final plat and attests that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. Signature and Title • t Date ~~ 3ID3 2 of 2 • AGENDA ITEM NO. B Replat University Preserve Subdivision • \ l~P ` ~ ~Zf ~ ~ 9 ~ q Q bQ ~ J~Q \ ~; LL o ~, r } ~ 6 b 'it a• ~ ~' F ~ yG~~ 4: ~ ~ ~ o ~'' 1 N ''° ~ ~ q 'Jb, ~N~ h ~ 1, ~i a ~„~, ,Q ~ ~ s"~'L Z io '~. - 'Q`~ h m' Ir r ,I~ t ~ gi~Sd -, h. ~; J ~ ~, \ p ~ \ lai ` ~ ~ ^ ti ~ \ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ h ^\ Q ` 7 ~ ~ = i. J1\, ~ may} ~R ~' - h ~ MI ~ h \S\ ~ O ~ ti~ b ~ "\ h _ V ~ w e~ s\~ \ q \\ '~ h ~ ~ V ~ S` b ~ Q' ~ V ~~ \~ a ~ y 0 \~ h \ `~' ~ ~, ~ h ~' l .~ • ? • ~~ a\~ h \~ h ~ h "7 h ~~ ~n Q` q h n ' 'y '~ f b ' ~ ~ ~ \\+~V ly, ~~ ~ a b \` P ~- to .~'r y $ ~ ~ n' I ~ ,Y .'I .- i I p , L/Y/~~ i b h O q b ~i h W b \ l ~ I H. h b ~ ~ \ q ' '• i . w , i qty • b I h ,\.Z. b \ b \\ p h `~ ~ ' \ \ \\~ V ~ b ~ ~ !! ~- ~ h W '~ ~ b ~• b Q ~ , q ~ C ^ \ ~ V p e W Na ti ~~ b 3 _ \ ~ Ap ~ ~ g + 7~ as P' _ \ N ~ h ~ ~ca- J , h ,~, .. F ~ ~ a ~~ ~ ~ h ~ h ^ S sTK ~ a b ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~ J 4 " aj h U ~ _ 1 V M h ~ ~ A ~ ~ _ rV ~ ~ a M N ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~~ e \ ~ ~~ \1'P ~ K ~ U ~_ ~ W P _ \ b \ ' ~ ~U' ~ W b ~F Oj h \\ n \ ! "'1 ~t / m + a m w ~ ^ t ~ ~ e \ ~ h L r J h h " ' h \\+ ~ q b \ ~ h - d~ ; m ~QO R ~Z b ~ ~ ` = N '° F ~. b ~~ ,. ~ = ~ ~ ~ b ~ b ~ ~ C9 ~ yy~ „ ~ ` ~b~J ~O ~ h J ~ ~J.~ J. q J ti Q ~ ` 'L „ ~ O ~ ~ b ` , ~ - h -, - o 3r v b - ~ =o.. .~ ~~ Q\ ~~ ~ 7 1~ + b ~ 1 + T h ~ ~ L~ ` \ `\ r ~ q , ~ \ ` \h ~ b , MEMORANDUM March 10, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Spencer Thompson Email: shompson@cstx.gov SUBJECT: REPEAT for UNIVERSITY PRESERVE SUBDIVISION Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for the University Preserve Subdivision (save and except Lots 14R and 15R) consisting of 25 residential lots on 11.5 acres generally located at 1207 Munson. Applicant: Switzer Deacon, Owner/ Developer Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Replat as submitted. • Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a replat of a portion of the University Preserve Subdivision. This replat creates two additional new lots. Lot 1, a 2/3-acre lot, is being subdivided into 2, 1/3-acre lots. Lot 7, a 0.57 acre lot, is being subdivided into a 0.29-acre lot and 0.28-acre lot with minor shifts in lot lines in Block 2, Lots 8 through 12. The entire subdivision ranges from lots of 0.275-acres (11,980 sgft) to 0.531-acres (23,130 sgft). Minimum lot size for R-1 zoning is 5,000 sgft (0.115-acres). The previous average lot size within the replat area was 0.382-acres (16,638 sgft). The replat would create an average lot size of 0.353-acres (15,362 sgft). This plat falls under Section 18 of the Subdivision Regulations Platting in Older Subdivisions. This applies to areas within the City that were platted before 1970. Section 18 was recently amended by ordinance (No. 2698) to allow two additional lots in the University Preserve Subdivision. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Land Use Plan: Shown as single-family residential, low density. Thoroughfare Plan: Francis is a Minor Collector and Deacon is a Major Collector. Parkland Dedication: If approved, the Developer will owe the parkland fee in lieu of land dedication and the development fee for the two newly created lots. Attachments: 1. Area map 2.. Application 3. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers ~~~.Q~ FOR OFFICE U E ONLY ~ PBZCASENO.: D~ ~~ DATE SUBMITTED: ~-~~-~ FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ^ Minor ^ Amending ^ Final ^ Vacating Replat (tl~oo.ooi tt3ooo0) (>raoo.oo) (iaooool oo~* 'Includes q,bRc hearing fee The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P8Z Commission consideration. J MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: V Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet ,~ Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) ~ Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). Infrastnrcture Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) Application completed in full. Copy of original deed restrictions/oovenants for replats (if applicable). Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat rri applicable). Paridand Dedication requirement approved by the Parks ~ Recxeation Board, please provide proof of of Preapplication Conference: NAME OF SUBDMSION University Preserve SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDNISION (Lot ~ Block) Lot 1, Block 1 and Lots 7 -12, Block 2 APPUCANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S ~VFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Sv~er Damson. Cnak Financial Services, Inc. Street Address 2706 Pinehurst City Bryan State TX ZQ Code 77802 E-Mail Address Phone Number 979-575-6248 Fax 979-7741156 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Same as above. Street Address Shdte Z~ Code Phone Number E-Mail Address Fax Number City ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name J. Dale Browne, Jr., P.EJAsh ~ Browne Engineering, Inc. Street Address 505 University Drive E.. Suite 803 City Colleoe Station State TX Zip Code 77840 Phone Number 978-846-6914 s~t~ E-AAail Address Fax Number 879-846-8914 lof6 Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? ff so, please provide the Volume Acreage -Total Property 2.8~ ~ Use: Residential and Page # R-O-W Acreage ~- proposed Use: Residential ~mber Of Lots By Zoning District 8 / R1 rage Acreage Of F~ch Residential Lot By Zoning District: 0.312 / R1 / Fkadplain Acreage None Total # Of Lots 9 A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and approved Master Plan and/or Preliminary Plat (if applicable): Not applicable. Requested Variances To Subdivisbn Regulations $ Reason For Same: Not applicable. Requested Oversize Participation: Not applicable. Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: ~_ Streets Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer Lines ~_ Water Lines ~_ Channels _Q_ Storm Sewers -~,Z. Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: I O # of acres to be dedicated + $ b development fee _,Q_ # of acres in floodplain _~ # of aches in detention C~ # of acres in gnrenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: _~ # of Single-Famiy Dwelling Units X $556 = a ~, LIZ.~~ (date) Approved by Parks 8~ Recreation Boani NOTE: DIGRAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMRTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this applicatron and certifies that the fads stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are bue, correct and oomp/ete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above- ialenbfied final plat and attests that this request does not amend any oov~enants or restrictions associat+e~d with this plat. Z /b D re and Title Date • • AGENDA ITEM N0.9 C, Rezoning Castlegate Subdivision Phase 6 Z_ 2 N W w v RR RR R RaR,~ R ion R R R a a _ R a R R • R R 1 R = C_ ^ ~ 0 R R a R R a t q a R a a a R R R R ~i 1 a Y R a = O R R R R RR R R t R ~ = a O b ~ a asa R R R R a R R i R R p R ~ ~~ U R R a a a R R a ~ R RR i R + si ` ` R a a R a _ ~ ~ R ~ S ` ` 0 t R R R ~ R R R R R^ ~ ~ ~ ~ `` R a R a ^ „ x 6~j`, f ~ R a s R_ R R ~ ' o ~.~ ~ ~ Y ` ' ~ m a R ~ a R R ~ '~ r a _ _ z a #' ~ ' ~ +~ R i.~.s; ~ ' r/~. f ~.f'.~..... ~~, 4 :i4~" " ~ l ' •~ _R R ' R . ~ ~'/A~ vI a ' ~i ~h~~9 .~~%~'.~. ';L~ ~ ~ : i.~i.~.'rb' i ~~ ' R a ' ,~ R R ' ^ R ' . R R • ' ~ S a ``b R R R p ~ d a ~ a r F z a ^ ~ t ` E- W ~ ~ a a =~ ~, G ~ ~ p Z ~ m~ e < ~o ~ a VO • ~ o ~ U~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves Date: 03-04-04 Email: jreeves@cstx.gov Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Phase 6 of the Castlegate Subdivision from A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District, consisting of 10.80 acres generally located on the north side of Greens Prairie Road, just west of Castlegate Drive. Applicant: Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the zone request as submitted. Item Summary: The proposed Planned Development District is for a single family integrated residential community with amenities that provide for an enhanced quality of life. The PDD District is the only available district that provides for the meritorious modifications of the regulations that allows for the developer to continue the development as it was originally envisioned and implemented in the previous Sections 1-5 of the Castlegate Subdivision. • The Design Review Board will be reviewing the concept plan with the meritorious modifications on March 26th. The property to the south and west is zoned A-O, Agricultural Open, and undeveloped. The property to the north and east is Castlegate Subdivision that is already zoned PDD and under construction. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan shows the subject area as medium density single family residential (3-6 dwelling units per acre). The Master Development Plan shows residential development for the area with a density of 3-4 dwelling units per acre. The proposed single family housing is in compliance with the Land Use Plan, thus staff is recommending approval of the zone change. Item Background: This area was annexed into the City of College Station city limits in 1995, and is currently not platted. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: The proposed concept plan will go to the (DRB) Design Review Board for approval of design standards once the zoning is in place. The Parks Board has previously approved the Castlegate Master Plan for • parkland dedication. Rwn.rRwurnwROOiPZZOawoooss~ ~.noc Created on 3/~i/20041:17 PM • The developer has also worked with the Greenways Program Manager to finalize plans for dedicating a 5.3-acre greenway area in another portion of Castlegate. Commission Action Options: The Commission acts as a recommending body on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately decided by City Council. The Commission options are: 1. Recommend approval of rezoning as submitted;; 2. Recommend denial; 3. Table indefinitely; or, 4. Defer action to a specified date. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Infrastructure and Facilities 4. Purpose and Intent Statement C7 • Rwnrnwurnw 311.DOC Geated on 3/x/20041:17 PM INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water: There is an existing 12" water main on the south side of Castlegate Drive. The development of Section 5 of Castlegate will bring an 8" water line to the property. Sewer: There is an existing 12" sewer main on the south side of Castlegate Drive. The development of Section 5 of Castlegate will bring an 8" sewer line to the property. Streets: Greens Prairie Road is a minor arterial. Off-site Easements: Could be required if this Phase develops before Phase 5 of Castlegate. Drainage: Drainage will be to Spring Creek. A regional detention pond was constructed to offset post-development drainage impacts to downstream areas. Flood Plain: The limits of the detailed study by FEMA stop just north of this tract. Oversize request: None requested at this time. Impact Fees: The property is located in the Spring Creek Sewer Impact Fee Area (97-01). Impact fees will be due at time of Plat. • NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 03-02-04 and 03-23-04 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 03-18-04 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 04-08-04 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 28 Response Received: None as of date of staff report ~J R:WTLTRI PZLTRI PRODI PZ20041 f'0009311.DOC Cleated on 3/4/2004 1:17 PM a,.a-~ FOR OFFICE U~ONLY CASE NO. 0~aa'..~~~ DATE SUBMITTED o~'ac3'~' ZONING MAP AMEND ENT (REZONING) FOR PDD / P-MUD ~DD o P-MUD MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: / Application completed in full. $500.00 application fee. / Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights-of-way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. ~',~ Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). The attached Rezoning Supporting Information sheet completed in full. Date of Required Preapplication Conference: t~~A ~PLICANT'S INFORMATION: _ Name(s) ~arP~_YIS ~LLiY(, Street Address ~Q_~LLS~ City State ~ Zip Code ~~S~S E-Mail Address '- ~ Phone Number ~q~4, ~`lD - 7ZS0 Fax Number ~g7q)1Q~0 - /D~~ PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name(s) larePylS ~'Gtirle ~ Street Address cZ te. City ~((~~ ~~tfic7~7 State ~_ Zip Code E-Mail Address -' Phone Number ~`-~9,J ~o~D -7ZSU Fax Number f'~ 1'7q, f'o~~ -/D~ This property was conveyed to owner by deed, dated ~-/ 7- ZGIQO and recorded in Volume 3'~O 5 Page _ ~S of the Brazos County Deed Records. General Location of Property: ., t Address of Property: t10VIP~ Legal Description: ~~f'o~~ Sfrel/P.hS~ Sl.~,f JP..~(. ~- 5 4' Total Acreage: ~~[Ll1p („~r~.e,S Existing Zoning: A- -0 Requested Zoning: f ~~ sent Use of Property: QDl rj ~'fN,~~ posed Use of Property: ~ r 6/13/03 Page 1 of 2 REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1.) • 2.) maicace wnemer or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, 3.) List any other reasons to support this zone change. Please also provide the following information for PDD or P-MUD rezonings: Statement of purpose and intent of the proposed develAopment: ~'F~ ~ "i -(7~ j ~~r/~d,,~ A list of proposed land uses: The applicant has prepared this application and supporting information and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. IF APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. .,,r ~ r~ / ignature of owner or ap icant Date • x/13/03 Page 2 of 2 List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. explainwhy the Plan is incorrect. ~Drti,-~a ~'~jC~v>Gt.p ~•u~.~SfP ~ %n ~or~aYt • PDD Rezoning Request -General Bulk or Dimensional Variations Sought 9.896 Acres Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Modifications or variations to the City of College Station Standards maybe requested for the following items: - Street pavement width for collector and residential streets - Sidewalk requirements for collector and residential streets - Building setback line distances - Minimum lot size and dimensions C7 • • AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 Rezoning Nantucket Phase 7 r~ u 2 O Z~ yb ~P ~~G y~PtQ. y~'1~ O ~` .. .e ..~ Y w$ ~ M ~ 3 ~ ^ -. N _ ~ n '~~ w ~ o ~ ~ z ~""'~ ` a w ` m w ~ ~ _ •• .. ° ~ ~ e ~ Z ~ ~ Q w ~ ~"_ ~ ~. ~ w J ~ ~ ~ w w ' Z Q Oi ~ w ~t~~ ~ t ~ itl a e ~ m L a Jj ~ 4 N ~ tl O ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~' - N Z m a '~. 4 w _ ~ ~ _ ~' (~ O ~ o _ _ ~ ~ ~ = ~ U~ ~:. .w = ~ w N Y7d~dONYS '~ _ r • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka Date: March 9, 2004 Email: jprochazka@cstx.gov Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning for Nantucket Phase 7, consisting of 4.794 acres located south of Nantucket Drive between State Highway 6 and Harper's Ferry Road from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family Residential. Applicant: Phyllis Hobson, Nantucket, Ltd, property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning Item Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning in order to develop the property as single family lots. The prope is surrounded by developed Nantucket (in the ETJ) to the south, Fairhaven ~ove, zoned R-1 and developed as single-family housing, to the southwest, and undeveloped property zoned A-O, but shown on the Land Use Plan as Single-Family Medium Density, to the north and east. • Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The request is in compliance with the Land Use Plan, which designates this property as Single Family Residential Medium Density. Nantucket Drive is shown as a minor collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. Item Background: The property was annexed in 2002 and was zoned A-O Agricultural-Open at that time. This property is in the process of platting. The property to the east, Faifiaven Cove, was recently rezoned to R-1 and is also in the process of platting. Commission Action Options: The Commission acts as a recommending body on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately decided by City Council. The Commission options are: 1. Recommend approval of rezoning as submitted; 2. Recommend a less intense zoning classification; 3. Recommend denial; 4. Table indefinitely; or, 5. Defer action to a specified date. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Application • 3. Infrastructure and Facilities • INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water: Currently this area lies within the Wellborn SUD CCN. Domestic water will be supplied by Wellborn unless the CCN changes before the subdivision is constructed. Sewer: City sewer is available to be extended to the area. Streets: Nantucket Drive is a Minor Collector. Off-site Easements: Off-site easements may be required to extend utilities to site. Drainage: Drainage is toward the lake Flood Plain: No FEMA floodplain onsite. Oversize request: None at this time. Impact Fees: The subdivision is in the 97-02B Sewer Impact Fee Area. The current fee is $243.38 per Living Unit Equivalent. NOTIFICATION: • Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 3-02-04 and 3-23-04 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 3-18-04 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 4-8-04 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200':- 23 Response Received: None as of date of staff report • //~~, „ n FOR OFFI E US'EPNLY V~' CASE NO. ~~S'Y GATE SUBMITTED '~ • ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning 8 Zoning Commission or City Council. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: / Application completed in full. ~ $500.00 application fee ~~ Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights-of-way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. / Written legal description of subject property (metes 8 bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). / The Rezoning Suaporting Information sheet completed in full. Date of Required Preapplication Conference: ~~-~ibu ~i _ 7~3 APPLICANT'S INFORMATION: • Name Street City (a~ I ~~ aP ~Q-~-i e,~, State Zip Code ~~L~ (~ E-Mail Address ~I~s P iora~~a~+dr~~n .Goer, Phone Number Number ~=0~~ 5 Z. PROPERTY OAW/N- ER'S INFORMATION: Name 1 ~.In~'~M.~e~' , L~'G} . Street Address 110( lanivpr4n"~ City ('~ ~ .P~~ ~sl'a ~~tr~ Sta E-MailAddres~ e~-,w(~iSC~bha~x(~...a~~l~ Phone Number This property was conveyed to owner by deed Page of the Brazos County Deed Record General Location of Property:, _Fax Number ~L~o - (Yo S L dated ~-~S and recorded in Volume , s. 8 7~ Z voj. s31, ~ ~ 7 ~ . 1113 vni.`f~'2-~.. ~~ ,.. ~ .1 __ ~_ r T 1 _ 1 Address of Property: ~~t.y~.~~l"~\V~i Legal Description: fee Q,.~a~ W~P-~S ~ ~tiltirn~S Acreage -Total Property: ~- .1q ¢- Existing Zoning: lac -O Proposed Zoning: R.-I Si-~o~ ~aw~I ~ ~Si~Q1f i4 resent Use of Property:~q,h~ Proposed Use of Property: ~~ V ~~y~y ~,, ~~jd~,~`Gt~ 6/13/03 Faye 1 of 2 ~S~ ~~ to ~ Zip Code _ _~T~f7 REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION ~~ ~J 2.) Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance•with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. ~3.) List any other reasons to support this zone change. Co ~Y~.p~~? ~~1~iVi~irm . ~ The applicant has prepared this application and supporting information and cert~es that the facfs stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. IF APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. Si u e of o er (or agent) or applicant 2 ~3 Date 6/13/03 Page 2 of 2 1.) List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 Amendment to the UDO Article 2 and Article 5 ~~ ;= i t t~~f •~ w ~~ ~ N - ~ r .. t _ ~ ,E x" . a..""' ~,. r t _ '~ * _ + /A / ~ cif .. ~ ~ _ _ ~ = t, ^ ' ~ O N ~ , ~ ~ = ' ' , W ~ a e e ~y Y~ '~•. ^ ._ ~ y .' ~i t - - a - - _ ~G d' O E w c3 t ~ l' ^ ~ _ ~~ ~ ~ ° .. ~ R r' E E U a t ~ _~ ~ ~ ~ a M ~ '' ' t w . . .• ~ o , , a • s ~ F Q- ~ ~ ~~ W , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :._ ._. . ~ ~ ~ Y 4rt ~ ~ ~ ~ ` , ~• • ~'~ t e~ x i w k ~~ «o u • '• a ~ ~ g 4 `' ~ a ,p w ~ ~ r ' ~ w ~ ~ ~ w ~' ., ~ .~ ; ~; .~ ~ n ~~ . N ;u ~ . 4 ' ' A ~ • ~i~ ~ • ~ ' ~ N Y ~~ ' e ~ _ X ~3 ~~ ~~ ~_ ' ~ ~ O ~~ _ t ~ ~ ;~ N ~ ~ - _ O ,_ ¢ ~ ~ V ~J ~ " . ~ U~ ~ ~i w „~ 4 ~~ ~ • Maroh 10, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Jane R Kee, City Planner RE: Property along Krenek Tap Road As you know, the City of College Station will be developing a municipal complex on the south side of Krenek Tap Road over the next many years. The land acquisition and the initial phase of construction were approved by voters in two separate bond elections. The City Council wishes to create a sense of place and identity for the City, not only on the municipal property but along • Krenek Tap Road itself. An overlay zoning district is being proposed that will address the views along Krenek as properties develop in the future. The overlay addresses the front fagades of structures and does not allow parking to be seen along the Krenek Tap frontage. Existing zoning remains in place and all existing uses will still be permitted with the exception that duplexes will not be permitted along the corridor. Letters to all individual property owners within the overlay were sent and there have been a couple of inquiries. The actual application of the overlay will come before the PBcZ at a future meeting. Sincerely, Jane Kee, AICP ' Planner, City of College Station Attached: Draft Overlay regulations Area Map r~ . ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 2.4.D.2 Design Review Board "Powers and Duties" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: 2. Design District and Overlay District Review The Design Review Board shall approve or deny building and sign materials and colors in any designated design district, and shall approve or deny alternate building or fence materials and fence height in the Krenek Overlay District, as specified within this UDO. That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 5.8, "Overlay Districts," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby. amended by adding Section 5.8.C., "Krenek OveNay" to read as follows: C. Krenek Tap Corridor Overlay District (KO) • The purpose of this overlay is to provide for consistent development of office, retail, and residential uses in the area of the new City Centre Complex. The City Centre Complex is located on the south side of Krenek Tap Road, and will contain several municipal and public facilities having high quality urban design characteristics. This overlay, along with all other applicable requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), shall apply to all properties on the north and south sides of Krenek Tap Road. Uses: Permitted uses shall be those as established in the underlying zoning districts with the exception that duplex dwelling units are not allowed anywhere in the overlay district. Design Standards: The following standards apply to all development, except single family residential development, along the Krenek Tap Corridor in addition to other design standards contained within the UDO. 1. Parking: No parking or circulation aisle shall be located between a building and the adjoining right-of--way of Krenek Tap Road. Where no building exists and • parking is to be installed adjacent to aright-of--way, there shall be a 30' setback from the right of way line to the parking pavement, within which Jib:IdeNS serJ/anelcttyandrl0?-?0-0f or~damendnkn~-orate overlayyan.dac 3/?ro! • ORDINANCE NO. Page 4 a three foot (3') high screen of shrubs, fencing wall or earthen berm shall be installed. 2. Architectural Design: All building facades facing Krenek Tap Road shall have architectural treatments similar and complimentary to the front facade of the building. All exterior walls visible from the public ROW shall be finished in the following materials: brick, native stone, cast stone, textured concrete masonry units, fiber/cement board, solid wood planking, stucco or synthetic stucco. Metal siding is prohibited on all exterior walls. Alternative materials may be approved by the Design Review Board, if the alternative materials meet or exceed the standards of the materials listed above. There shall be no flat roofs. 3. Reflective Glass: For non-residential buildings no more than fifty percent (50%) of any fagade faring Krenek Tap Roadway may include reflective glass. For the purposes of this ordinance, reflective glass shall be defined as glass having a reflectance of greater than ten percent (10%). • 6. Fencing: Any fencing visible from the public designated roadway or public area shall be decorative wrought iron or tubular steel, a picket fence or alternative similar products approved by the Design Review Board. Fences along the right-of--way shall not exceed four feet (4') in height unless otherwise allowed by the Design Review Board. The materials and height limitation referenced above do not apply to fences required for screening as -specified in this UDO. 4. Sign Regulations: Only attached building signs and low profile signs meeting the requirements of the UDO shall be permitted. Building signs shall not obscure other building elements such as windows, cornices, decorative details, etc. Design Standards: The following standards apply specifically to single family and townhome residential development along the Krenek Tap Corridor in addition to other design standards contained within the UDO applicable to single family development. i. Front Setback: Residential lots adjacent to Krenek Tap right of way shall be oriented so that the front facades of individual units or dwellings face Krenek Tap Road, if there is sufficient properly frontage to do so. The front setback of Jsb:ldevr rerym¢Icllycendr102•?0-OI ar[a+nendinnu-craft o-rrla~yandoc 3/LO/ ORDINANCE NO. Page 5 these units shall not exceed fifteen feet (15'). This does not preclude residential street access to Krenek or pedestrian access. 2. Front porches: Every front fagade visible from Krenek Tap Road shall contain a front porch extending along at least one half of the front fagade. These porches shall be large enough and useable for outdoor seating and not solely decorative. 3. Parking: No driveways or locations for parking shall be allowed in the yard areas facing Krenek Tap Road or along Krenek Tap Road itself. Rear parking and access shall be required. 4. Architectural Design: All exterior walls visible from the public ROW shall be finished in the following materials: brick, native stone, cast stone, textured concrete masonry units, fiber/cement board, solid wood planking, stucco or synthetic stucco. Metal siding is prohibited on all exterior walls. Alternative materials may be approved by the Design Review Board, if the alternative materials meet or exceed the standards of the materials listed above. The primary material shall not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the fagade. The fagade calculation excludes windows and doors. There shall be no flat roofs. • Jtb:l~ve xryanelctty andieW?-?0-0~ orc[amendmeM-crate ovrrlayyan.doc 3/?~7I • • R ~t ~ ~ ! l ~ ~ r~ ~~ ~ l~ ~~ ~ ~ ~' i ~ ~t~ fp ~ f ~ ~ ~~~ ~ jf~ ~~ ~., ~~ ~~~ e ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~~ f ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8~ ~~ ~ < ~D ~~ _°D Z Imo`' Z m o "~ D ~D i ~~ I ~~ ~~ I _ ,~ >~ ~ I r 1R I a N ~~ ~- ,. I I ~a ~' I ~ ~ ~ ~~,y~ ~ ~ ~ 2 m ;, N ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ a ~ Z ~ V ~ ~ c ~ .. x a -~ ~~~~~~ ~- - - ~ SHEET S -~~`L~ 8HEET 4 - - i - - - - - - b `, ; I m .. w I • ~ 7 ~ a ( d~~~~ I I • i I ~ i `~` I ~ I I I I ~ i I ~g I I ~ i ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I • • mow. ~ ~ ~ ~ I m I I o " ~ ~I r I ~ vl Icy ~ a w ~ ~ I I ~~ I ~ Ia ~ s i I ~~ I n71 ~ ~ ~ l -----I-----• I g I ~ ~ ~~ I I ~ -------- I g • ~ ~ ~ + -- .. ~_ I ~ ~~,~ ~~ , ,. a ~ L - ~~ -- -- e I • w ~ I ~ ° I .~ ~~~ / ~ ~a~~ SHEET 7 ~ ----------~ S ! ~ ! p ! 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