HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/2004 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission• . College Station ti Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future AGENDA Planning and Zoning Commission City Council Workshop Meeting Monday, August 9, 2004, at 2:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas i. Presentation, discussion and possible action related to Core Services Vision Statement, Strategy #5 We will provide streets, traffic and transportation systems. 2. Adjourn Consultation with Attorney Gov't Coda 3action 551.0711 : aoraible aetion. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attomey-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will ba held. • This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979-764-3517 or fTDD) 1800-739,;2989 Agendas posted on Internet Website btto://www.cstx.aov and Cable Access Channel 19. P&Z Workshop Agenda August 9, 2004 Pagelofi ,:. , .. :Susan Hazletf - Re 8%9 Workshop Agenda Page 1 From: Kim Foutz To: Susan Hazlett Date: 8/4/2004 10:09:02 AM Subject: Re: 8/9 Workshop Agenda Looks good. »> Susan Hazlett 8/4/2004 9:38:40 AM »> Please see attached. Your approval is requested for posting. Thank you very much. Susan Hazlett <>< Staff Assistant Development Services City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 PHONE: (979) 764-3570 E-Mail: shazlett _cstx.oov FAX: (979) 764-3496 "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -think about such things." Philippians 4:8 NIV • AIN 8~ti sueldd!I!yd „~sBuly; yons;noge ~Iuly; - ~ty~onnasle~d ~o;uapaoxa sl Buly~ue;l - algealwpe sI Cana;eynn `~tlanol sI Cana;eynn `and sl Cana;eynn ';yBu sl Cana;eynn `algou sI Cana;eynn `aru; sI Cana;eyM„ noB~x~ig~ttalzeys :IIeW-3 OLS£-ti9L (6L6) ~3NOHd Z~8LL Xl `uol;e;S a6alloD anuany sexal LOl 6 uol;e;S a6alloD;o ~;ID saolnaaS ;uawdolanaa ;ue;slssy ~e;S ><> ttalzeH uesnS f1OJl ~NdHl '1SOd 3S`d3ld - 3DIddO ~IDNf1OD ,~'~ E•MAILED doys~WoM IlounoD - epuaBy Z'8d 6/8 INV ZE~£L~OI t-OOZ/1-/8 palzeH uesnS ;;alzeH uesnS :~afgng :area . :ol :woad ,. ~ aBed , doys~oM IlounoD epua~y Z'8d 6/8 Aa~zeH uesng