HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/2004 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionFILE COPY • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • July 15, 2004 Workshop Meeting - b:00 P.M. - • • ~ • College Stetlon N Enebracing the Aast, Exploring the Future AGENDA Workshop Meeting Planning and toning Commission Thursday, duly 15, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. Administrative Confereince Room College Station Clty Hall if01 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas i. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 2. Discussion of the televising of the Piannih9 and Zoning Commission meetings. 3. Discussion of minor and amending pints approved by Staff. None. 4. Discussion of Subcommittee Reports. • Neighbofiood Task Force • • 5. Blue Ribbon Committee report. 6. Discussion of the annual review of the Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). 7. piscussion and possible action on future agenda Items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject far which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 8. Adjourn Consultation wkh Attornav {liov't Cr+•+~ gectbn 55~, Oyi? ; oorible actio_~ Tha Planning and Zoning Commiaslon may seek advlos from Its attorney regarding a pending and wntemplated litigation subbed or attomey-client privileged inPormation. Altar executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will ba in public. If litigation or attom~y-client privileged Information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. this building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are availebla. Any roquest for sign interpretive service must ba made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements ull 979.764-3517 or ('T'DD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website and Cable Access Channel 19. P&Z Workshop Agenda ]uly 15, 2004 Pagelofi • ~ College Station N Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future • AGEND/~ Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, ,7uly 15, 2004, at 7:00 p.~tft. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall iios. texas avenue College Stations, Texas i. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor tp citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place tha matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All rrratters listed under Item 2, Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the Planning and Zoning Commiss/on and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary and final plats, where staff` has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulat/ons. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and al! staff` recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item pn the Consent Agenda, It will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 2. Consent Agenda. 2. i Consideration, discussion and possible action on the minutes: • July 1, 2004 Workshop Minutes • July 1, 2004 Regular Minutes 2.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for the Duck Haven Subdivision Phase u consisting of 22 lots and i Common Area on ~9 acres generally located at Drake Drive and FM 2154 in the City's ET7. (04- 157) 2.3 Consideration, discussioh, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Our Saviour's Luthern Church, Lot 1, Block 1 consisting of 7.628 acres, located at the northeast comer of State Highway 6 and Woodcreek Drive. (04-129) 3. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. • 5. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Iteplat for Nantucket PH 2 Block 14 Lots 1 and 2 and a Final Plat for South Hampton PH 3 consisting of 13 lots on 14.5 acres generally located at Nantucket Drive and Highway 6 South. (04-125) P&Z Agenda July 15, 2004 Page 1 of 2 6. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on Re~onings in the Shenandoah Subdivision along the SH 6 frontage road from A-O Agricultural Open and A-P • Administrative Professional to A-P (2.101 acres) and C-i General Commercial (3.341 acres) and a rezoning west of Spring Creek from A-O to R-1 Single Family Residential (2.408 acres). (04-150) u 7. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat of Pooh's Park, Lots 1-4, Block i, located at the southeast corner of Texas Avenue and Holleman Drive. (04- 152) 8. Consideratipn, discussion, and possible action on a Master Plan for Horse Haven Estates, consisting of approximately 126 acres, generally located on the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway, south of State Highway 30. (04-153) 9. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an ordinance Rezoning Horse Haven Estates, consisting of approximately 20 acres, from A-O Agricultural Open to R-i Single-Family Residential, and approximately 3 acres, from A-O Agricultural Open to C-2 Commercial Industrial, generally located on the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway, south of State Highway 30. (04-154) 10. Discussion and passible action orl future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 11. Adjourn. S~AS;ultadion with Attornav ~'Dov't ~~ ~+F~~ n~i 0711 • pprj~~-~-~ -~ The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged infom~atfon. Altar executive session discussion, any final adlon or vote taken will be in public. If Iftigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted :ub~ect matter of this Planning and zoning Commission meeting, an executive sessfon will be held. • This building Is wheelchair accessible. Hsndicapped parking spaces an available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979-764-3517 or (TDp) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website htto://www.cstx.aov end Cable Access Channel 19 P&Z Agenda July 15, 2004 Page2of2 • College Station N En~bractng the Past, Exploring the Future COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: MINUTES Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, duly 1, 2004, at 6:15 p.m. Administrative Conference Room College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Shafer, White, Hail, and Reynolds. Davis. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Economic Development Director Foutz, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Staff Planner Prochazka and Boyer, Senior Planner Fletcher, Development Manager Ruiz, Graduate Civil Engineers Cotter al:d Thompson, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. OTHERS PRESENT; Veronica Morgan and ]oaquin Jaramillo of Mitchell and Morgan, Kenny Cotten, and Kenny Cotten Jr. • Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. is Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. Consent and regular agenda items were discussed. Mr. Kenny Cotten and Veronica Morgan made a presentation regarding the Kenny Cotten rezoning on the regular agenda. AGENDA ~_NO. 2: Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. There were none to discuss. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Discussion of Subcommittee Reports. • Neighbofiaod Task Force ~ Blue Ribbon Committee report. Commissioner White gave a brief report of the status of the Blue Ribbon Committee's progress. interviews are continuing • AGENDA iTENI NQ. 5: piscussion of the annual review of the Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). P&Z Workshop Agenda July i, 2004 Page i of 2 u Development Manager Ruiz stated that a full draft will be available at the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 7uly 15, 2004. AQENDA ITEM N0.6: Discussion and possible action on future agenda Items - A Planning and Zoning Member may Inquire about a sub,~ect for which notiice has not been given. A statement of specific tactual Information or the redtation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subiect on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No items were mentioned. New staff members were introduced at this time. 7. Adjourn Commissioner White motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Commissioner Hall. The motion carried 4-0. FOR: Shafer, White, Hall, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Davis. The meeting adjourned. ATTEST: APPROVED: Chairman, Scott Shafer Susan Hazlett, Staff Assistant • P&Z Workshop Agenda July 1, 2004 Page 2 of 2 • College Stetson N E~nbractng the Past, Exptor/ng the Fature COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, duly 1, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Shafer, Hall, White, and Reynolds. Davis. None. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Economic Development Director Foutz, Development Manager Ruiz, City Planner Kee, Staff Planners Prochazka and Boyer, Senior Planner Fletcher, Graduate Civil Engineers Cotter and Thompson, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Action Center Representative Kelley, Planning Intern Perez, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Hear Citizens. • No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consent Aaenda. Commissioner White motioned to approve the items on the consent agenda. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion. 'T'he motion carried 4-0. 2.1 Approved by consent the minutes: June 17, 2004 Workshop Minutes ^ June 17, 2004 Regular Minutes 2.2 Approved by consent the Final Plat for Shenandoah Phase 13 consisting of 41 lots on 10.3 acres generally located at the intersection of Southern Plantation Drive and future Newport Lane. (04-131) 2.3 Approved by consent the Final Plat for Castlegate Subdivision Section 5, Phase 2 consisting of 45 lots on 13.507 acres located off Green's Prairie Road and Castlegate Drive. (04-141) The Commission convened to Executive Session @ 7:07 p.m. Chairman Shafer reconvened the Regular meeting C~ 7:20 p.m. • AGENDA ITEM N0.3: Consideration, discussion and possible absence from meetings. Commissioner Reynolds motioned to approve the absence requests, Commissioner White. The motion carried 4-0. action on request(s) for which was seconded by P&Z Agenda July 1, 2004 Page i of 4 FOR: Reynolds, White, Hall, and Shafer. AGAINST: None. • ABSENT: Davis. A ENDA ITEM N0.4: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed. Al';iENDA ITEM NO. 5; Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an ordinance Rezoning 6.99 acres south of Harvey Mitchell PaNcway from R-i Single Family Residential to C-1 General Commercial. (04-143) Staff Planner Prochazka presented the Staff Report. She stated that the applicant is requesting the rezoning in order to develop the property with a retail market and a 20,000 square foot drive-thru restaurantJbanquet hall, adding that Staff recommends the Commission table the request to allow staff to update the OV Overlay zone to include regulations that more clearly address the aesthetics of this gateway to the City Center. However, Ms. Prochazka said that if the Commission wishes to approve the zoning, Staff recommends that they do so with the addition of the existing OV Overlay zone on the property. Because of its proximity to the proposed City Center project, Staff is recommending the addition of the OV Overlay for additional restrictions on color, signage, and setbacks. The current OV zone does not regulate building materials, architectural articulation, or the location of the building and parking in relation to the site. Ms. Prochazka pointed out that the C-1 zoning district allows a restaurant of the proposed size with a drive-thru. Additionally, the articulation requirements have been met by the applicant. Ms. Prochazka explained that the Land Use Plan designates the property as Planned • Development, which emphasizes the need to consolidate properties and masterplan the area to ensure appropriate placement of different uses. The creation of the intersection of the Dartmouth extension and Harvey Mitchell Parkway makes commercial zoning on this property a valid concept from a planning perspective. As additional properties are zoned for general commercial development in this area, there may be more pressure to rezone the remaining tracts in the area to a general commercial classification. in dosing, Ms. Prochazka reported on the responses received regarding concerns about tafflc, lighting and noise. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Veronica Morgan, Mitchell and Morgan, 511 University Drive, made a presentation in favor of the request. She displayed a concept plan, pointed out the alignment and explained that the applicant is willing to finance and construct a portion of Dartmouth. and requests oversize participation. She also pointed out the access points on the proposed site. Ms. Morgan stated that the applicant has met the intent of the corridor regarding aesthetics through his submitted proposal. She added that this is an appropriate use for the property and that development policies also support the proposal. The flag and pennant restrictions ••• ~••~ ~• ~ ~....~~~y u~~~~~~~ ClWlly w~ui u,e concerns regaramg a grave isle were tTie only concems Ms. Morgan expressed. Kenny Cotten, the applicant, spoke in favor of the rezoning. He briefly explained the nature of the family owned business. His son, Kenny Cotten, ]r., pointed out the water features and other possible specialty shops and amenities planned for the site. George Ball, 3800 State Highway 6 South, representing the property owner, spoke in favor • of the project, asking the Commission to consider granting the C-1 zoning change to development the property owner, the developer, and also the City of College Station. PI3~Z Agenda ]uly i, 2004 Page 2 of 4 Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. • Commissioner Hall motioned to rezone the property to C-1 with the recommendation by Staff for the overiay zone. Commissioner White seconded the motion. Commissioner Hall stated that the character of the applicant and his attitude in working with the staff is commendable. He added that the business can be very favorable for other businesses to come to College Station. He said that concern with this property has always been in regards to drainage. However, the recent weather has shown that it can handle this type of development. Commissioner White stated that he too was impressed with the good job of applicant and was looking forward to the possibility of having a quality establishment at this important gateway of the city. Commissioner Reynolds concurred. Commissione Hall also remarked that a family owned business is more respectful of their neighbors. Chairman Shafer agreed with all the comments. He stated that he appreciates the applicants differences from other applicants and his desire to connect with Texas A&M University. He added that his good-faith efforts are commendable and that the plans for a farm patch and other establishments of sorts are complimentary businesses and will represent an area that in the future will be a destination. He supports the motion. Chairman Shafer called the question. The motion to approve the rezoning with the addition • of the existing OV Overlay zone on the property. The motion carried 4-0. FOR: Reynolds, White, Hall, and Shafer. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Davis. AGENDA ITEM N0.6 Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an ordinance for a City initiated Rezoning from C-2 Commerdal-Industrial to R-i Single Family Residential for Lots 27-34 and Lots 38-45 of Block 2, Paster Subdivision located west of Paster Street, south of Gilbert Street and east of Turner Street. (04-144) Presenting the Staff Report was Staff Planner Prochazka. In her opening remarks, she stated that Staff recommends approval of the rezoning, which was initiated by the City to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood, making it more compatible with the surrounding area. She explained that the Land Use Plan designates the area for redevelopment, adding that the only desirable redevelopment for this area would be single-family homes. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Onie Holmes, 616 Paster, spoke In favor of the rezoning. She complimented Ms. Prochazka and City on the positive action taken with this rezoning request. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner White motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. • FOR: Reynolds White Hall and Sh r afe . AGAINST: None. P&Z Agenda ]uly i, 2004 Page 3 of 4 ABSENT: Davis. • AGENDA ITEM N0.7: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. None were mentioned. AGENDA ITEM NO. B: Adjourn. Commissioner Hall motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconding the motion was Commissioner Reynolds. The motion carried 4-0. FOR: Reynolds, AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Davis. The meeting adjourned. White, Hall, and Shafer. APPROVED: • ATTEST: Susan Hazlett, Staff Assistant Chairman, Scott Shafer • P&Z Agenda duly 1, 2004 Page4of4 MEMORANDUM July 6, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Spencer Thompson Email: sthompson@cstx.gov SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT for DUCK HAVEN SUBDIVISION PHASE II Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for the Duck Haven Subdivision Phase II consisting of 22 lots and 1 Common Area on 39 acres generally located at Drake Drive and FM 2154 in the City's ETJ. (04-00500157) Applicant: Paul Clarke, Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval with Staff Comments #1. • Item Summa :This item is for ry the consideration of a Final Plat for the Duck Haven Subdivision Phase II. The additional lots in Phase II front on existing streets constructed in Phase 1. Access to the subdivision is from FM 2818 by way of the railroad crossing. The entire site is 188 acres. All platted lots are 1-acre or greater. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Thoroughfare Plan: FM 2818 is a Major Collector. Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Aerial 3. Application 4. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers • f (Check one) ^ Minor ($300.00) FOR OFF~SE P8Z CASE NO.: J DATE SUBMITTED:~_ FINAL PLAT APPLICATION ~~'~ Y ^ Amending X Final ^ Vacatin ($300.00) ($400.00) ($400.00) g (^so0.00)eplat "Includes public hearing fee The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P8Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: X Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet na Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations _ $100 (if applicable) na Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). na Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) X Application completed in full. na Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats (if applicable). X Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) X One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). X Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. X A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. na Two (2) copies of public infrastruc#ure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). na Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicable). mate of Preapplication Conference: Unknown NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Duck Haven Subdivision SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: 4 miles south of Wellborn on FM 2124 in the B. McGregor Survey, A-170. APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name: Paul J. Clarke Street Address: 3608 East 29th Street, Suite 100 State: Texas Zip Code: 77802 Phone Number : (979) 846-4384 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name: Paul J. Clarke Street Address: 3608 East 29th Street, Suite 100 State: Texas Zip Code: 77802 Phone Number : (979) 846-4384 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: City: Bryan E-Mail Address: pjclarke@clarkewyndham.com Fax Number: (979) 846-1461 City: Bryan E-Mail Address: pjclarke@clarkewyndham.com Fax Number: (979) 846-1461 Name: McClure & Browne Engineering/Surveying, Inc. Street Address: 1008 Woodcreek Drive, Suite 103 City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845 E-Mail Address: mikem@tca.net Phone Number: (979) 693-3838 Fax Number: (979) 693-2554 6h 3/03 1 of 2 ' Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? If so, please provide the Volume and Page # _ Acreage -Total Property : 32.83 Total # Of Lots: 22 R-O-W Acreage: 0 fisting Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Single-Family Residential tuber Of Lots By Zoning District / 1 / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: / / / / Floodplain Acreage: 0 A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and approved Master Plan and/or Preliminary Plat (if applicable): Not Applicable Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: None Requested Oversize Participation: None Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: 0 Streets 0 Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer Lines Water Lines 0 Channels 0 Storm Sewers 0 Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: 0 # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention OR # of acres in greenways FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies fhat the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-ident~ed final plat and attests that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. Signature and Title c~ 1 DtSiC~G.~ c ~crr.J ~rvCTis1.~ ~~Lh4/g f'/- ~~a Y~~-/ Date 6/13/03 2 of 2 • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Carol Cotter Date: July 6, 2004 Email: ccotter~cstx.gov Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Our Saviour's Luthem Church, Lot 1, Block 1 consisting of 7.628 acres, located at the northeast corner of State Highway 6 and Woodcreek Drive. Applicant: The Arkitex Studio for Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a Preliminary Plat of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church consisting of 1 lot located off State Highway 6 and Woodcreek Drive. This Preliminary Plat meets zoning and subdivision requirements. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The current zoning of the property is C- . 1, General Commercial which is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. The property owner desires to develop the property as Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, which is a permitted use in C-1 districts. Buffering requirements will be addressed at the time of Site Plan. The property will take access from Woodcreek Drive which is designated a minor collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. The property also fronts on the northbound frontage road of State Highway 6, which the Thoroughfare Plan designates as a Freeway and Expressway. No access will be granted to the property from State Highway 6. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Aerial 4. Infrastructure and Facilities py o re immary a • • INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water required for plat: There is an existing 12" waterline along the Woodcreek Drive property line. Water Service: Water to be provided to each structure, as required. Sewer required for plat: There is~ an existing 8" sewer main along Woodcreek Drive. Sewer Service: Sewer to be provided to each structure, as required. Street(s) required for plat: No facilities are required. Streets/Access: Woodcreek Drive is a minor collector and State Highway 6 is classified as a freeway/expressway. Access to the property will be from Woodcreek Drive. Off~site Easements required for plat: Based on the Drainage Report that was submitted, an off-site private drainage easement will be required. Drainage: Development on this property will be required to comply with the City's drainage ordinance. • Flood Plain: None Oversize request: None Impact Fees: None Parkland Dedication Fees: None • ONLY P8Z Case No:-~V`r" Date Submitteci~ l lam' ~~~ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION G~'~•~~p (check one) ®Preliminary Plat ^ Master Preliminary Plat i ne tonoHnng Hems must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for Planning 8~ Zoning Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ® $400 Application, review, and filing fee. k Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A revised mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) N~~ One (1) copy of the approved Master Development Plan or Master Preliminary Plat if applicable. ® A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. /J~~ Rezoning Application it' zone change is proposed. Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks ~ Recreation Board, please provide proof of annrnvsl /if ~nnline4Je~ NAME OF SUBDIVISION Our Savior's Lutheran Church Lot ~ Block 1 acres 7 631 ~ECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION 1001 Woodcreek Drive APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name The Arkitex Studio Inc. Eva-Read Warden AIA E-Mail _ eva(dtarkitex com Street Address _ 511 Universifi- Drive East Suite 201 City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77840 Phone Number 260-2635 Fax Number 84~8~4 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name Our Savior's Lutheran Church John Blasienz E-Mail Street Address 315 Tauber Street City _ College Station State Texas Zip Code 77840 ax um r 690-6029 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name McClure & Browne Inc. Michael R. McClure P.E. E-Mail MikemCc~tca net Street Address 1008 Woodcreek Drive Cky _ Colleoe Station State Texas Zip Code 77845 one Number 693-3838 Fax Number 693-2554 1,Auo-o2 1 of 4 ~al Acres Of Subdivision 7.63 Number Of Lots By Zoning District G1 / R-O-W Acxeage -0- Total # Of Lots 1 _.1_ / / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: CC=1 / 7.628 acres / / Floodplain Acreage -p- Parkland dedication by acreage or fee? N/A A statement addressing any differences between the preliminary plat and approved master development plan and/or master preliminary plat (if applicable): None Requested variances to subdivision regulations 8~ reason for same None Requested oversize participation None Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the F1na1 Plat: ACREAGE: # of Acres to be dedicated # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X$556 = $ # of Multi-Family Dwelling Units X $452 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board The applicant has or~eQared this application And rRrt~r~y that fhp f~dta stated-# hereto are true and corn3ct. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Stafion of the above ident~ed plat and attests that all respective owners have been identified on this application. '~~~e~ ture an it ~oJ~Cr C/Vii E~1G~.u-~t7e 5' /8 O¢ Date V• IIHII ~"s o ~ - .. ~ J 7 OI. „ ~ p y,t! ~~ 3 ~ ~ • _ ~ ., _ R ~, A Q') J W O ~ LLa _ o N r 65. '{ ~~~ ~ e . ,. ~ ~ ,~ ,~ ~p ti '~ i a . ' -. : ~ Z _ ~. ~ LL ~~ ~- _~ ~ es a a R LLx R s r _W ~ 4 F ~ a V1 ~ C ~ # ~~ R " _ *^ j m ~ ~ a =- -a q .. N ~ ~ g Q ,~,. „J a _ ~ _ -- _ ~ a R U~ wus.+r a ~ ~ R E R ^ ~ ~ 4 , _. . MEMORANDUM July 7, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Spencer Thompson Email: sthompson@cstx.gov SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT for SOUTH HAMPTON PH 3 Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for Nantucket PH 2 Block 14 Lots 1 and 2 and a Final Plat for South Hampton PH 3 consisting of 13 lots on 14.5 acres generally located at Nantucket Drive and Highway 6 South. (04-00500125) Applicant: TEXCON, Agent for Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat as submitted. . • Item Summary: This item is a public hearin in consideration of g a Replat for Nantucket PH 2 Block 14 Lots 1 and 2 and a Final Plat for South Hampton PH 3. The Plat is in conformance with the approved Preliminary Plat. The replat and public hearing affects the 2 lots in Nantucket PH 2. Subsequent replats of these two lots will involve incorporating the lots into future phases of South Hampton. Drainage from this phase of South Hampton is to the TxDOT ROW and culvert under SH 6 South. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Land Use Plan: Single-family residential. Thoroughfare Plan: Nantucket Drive is a Minor Collector. SH 6 is a freeway/ expressway. Parkland Dedication: Fee in lieu of land. Open Space Dedication: Some open space in the way of buffers and landscaped areas are being dedicated to the Homeowners Association. None of these areas fall Zoning: PDD. The Preliminary Plat was approved per the rezoning. The rezoning required the average lot to be'/. acre. It also required buffer areas and landscape reserves. Impact Fees: The subdivision is in the 97-026 Sewer Impact Fee Area. The current fee is $243.38 per Living Unit Equivalent. Budgetary & Financial Summary: None . Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Aerial 3. Application 4. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers • • ~~ a.~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~~ ' I O q , 3 ~ P8Z CASE NO.: ~~ ~~ O~ DATE SUBMITTED: ~~~ FINAL PLAT AP LIGATION (Check one) ^ Minor ^ Amending ^ Flnal ^ Vacatin ($300.00) ($300.00) ($400.00) ($400.00) g ($~0.00)eplat *Includes public hearing fee TV- L~11-___!~~ !a ~~o ~.,nv.rn~a nnma must Qe supminea Dy an established filing deadline data fns PR7 r_....,.,,:~e:.,., ,.....~.~a,.__.:__ MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: - - X Filing -Fee (see above} NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet N/A Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) X Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). X Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) X Application completed in full. Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats (if applicable). X Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) * One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). X Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. X A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. X Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). ** Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicable). ending ** Previously Approved ~te of Preapplication Conference: Oc~-o~V 6 pt7 ~ NAME OF SUBDIVISION South Hampton -Phase 3 SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION (Lot & Block) Lots 1-3. Block 5; Lot 4. Block 3' Lots 1-4 Block 6 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Nantucket. Ltd. - Phyllis Hobson Street Address 1101 University Drive East Suite 108 City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77840 E-Mail Address phvllisCa~brazoslandrealty rom Phone Number (979) 846-5735 Fax Number 1979) 846-0652 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Nantucket. Ltd. Street Address 1101 University Drive East Suite 108 City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77840 E-Mail Address phvllis(a~brazoslandrealty com Phone Number (979) 846-5735 Fax Number (979) 846-0652 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name Texcon -Joe Schultz P.E. .Street Address 1707 Graham Road City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77846 E-Mail Address ioeschultzCa texcon net Phone Number (979) 764-7743 Fax Number (979) 764-7759 6/13/03 1 of 1 Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? If so, please provide the Volume N1 ~ and Page # Acreage ~ Total Property 1 ~ , s 7 ~ Total # Of Lots 11 R-O-W Acreage 0 ~ S xisting Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Single-family residential tuber Of Lots By Zoning District 11 /PDD 'P ~a~ e 3 ~ J I ~fl rp ~ Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: ~ Q~ ~~ p~,~j~ 3 0. 7 / Pp~ ?.~~ / Pp~p , , Floodplain Acreage 0.0 [~~,.~' A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and approved Master Plan and/or Preliminary Plat (if applicable): N!A Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: None Requested Oversize Participation: None Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: S Z- Streets Z ~ Sidewalks ~_ Sanitary Sewer Lines .~2 S Water Lines 22 Z Channels s S Storm Sewers 0 Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: 11 # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ 6.116.00 N/A (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-identified n n s or res nc ions associated with this plat. • ~, i t re and itle 6/13/03 Date 2 of 2 • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Molly Hitchcock Date: July 15, 2004 Email: mhitchcock a~cstx.gov Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on rezonings in the Shenandoah Subdivision along the SH 6 frontage road from A-O Agricultural Open and A-P Administrative Professional to A-P (2.101 acres) and C-1 General Commercial (3.341 acres) and a rezoning west of Spring Creek from A-O to R-1 Single Family Residential (2.408 acres). Applicant: Ed Froehling Builder Co. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezonings. Item Summary: The applicant states that continued growth and market forces have made the frontage properties ideal for commercial and office uses and the popularity of Shenandoah has created a need for additional single family lots. The frontage properties are surrounded by developed R-1 and C-N Neighborhood Commercial to the north, undeveloped R-1 (largely floodplain) to the west, and the partially developed, C-1 KTH Subdivision to the south. • The proposed R-1 property is in the southwesternmost comer of the Shenandoah Subdivision, isolated from the rest of the single family by Spring Creek. it abuts undeveloped portions of the Crowley and Seaback tracts. In the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of future area residents, staff will recommend at time of platting that this portion of the property provide access such that there is an outlet that does not cross the creek. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The rezoning requests are in compliance with the recently amended Land Use Plan that shows Office, Retail Regional, and Single Family Medium Density in the respective subject areas. The commercial areas will have access to the frontage road (Highways and Freeways). The residential property will have access to local streets. The greenway abutting the proposed residential parcel has previously been considered through the processing of Shenandoah Subdivision Ph. 10-17 preliminary plat. tem Background: The eastern portion of Shenandoah was annexed in 1983. The A- Oproperty near the frontage road that is proposed for office/commercial was zoned PUD-2 in 1983, but reverted back to A-O when it was not developed. The western portion of Shenandoah was annexed in 1995. • R:WTLTRI PZLTRI PRODI PZ20041 P0009743. DOC Cmated a~ 07/OGK14 9:51 AM • Commission Action Options: The Commission acts as a recommending body on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately decided by City Council. The Commission options are: 1. Recommend approval of rezoning as submitted; 2. Recommend a less intense zoning classification for the proposed C-1 property; 3. Recommend denial; 4. Table indefinitely; or, 5. Defer action to a specified date. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Infrastructure and Facilities Notification: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 6-29-04 and 7-27-04 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 7-15-04 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 8-12-04 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 86 • Response Received: None as of date of staff report. • R:WTLTRI PZLTRI PRODI PZ20041 P0009743. DOC Created on 07/b6/04 9:51 AM INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES FOR PROPERTY FRONTING SH 6 • Water: There is an existin 24-in water m ' g am along SH 6. Sewer: There is an existing 10-in gravity sewer main along SH 6. Any new development will need to confirm capacity. Streets: Property has access from SH 6. However, there appears to be insufficient spacing to allow an additional driveway for this area. Any new development will require ajoint/ cross access point with an existing property. Off-site Easements: None known to be needed at this time. Drainage: Drainage is to the south and west to a tributary of Spring Creek. Flood Plain: None Oversize request: None at this time. Impact Fees: The subject property is in the 97-01 Spring Creek Sewer Impact fee line. The current fee is $349.55 per Living Unit Equivalent INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES FOR PROPERTY IN GREENWAY Water: Water to be supplied to the subject area by other phases of • Shenandoah or other. Waterline will have to cross floodplain or come from the other direction. Sewer: There is an existing 21-in sewer line along the SE property line. Any new development will need to confirm capacity. Streets: Staffs future recommendation (at time of platting) concerning this matter is for this property to construct a street that either crosses the creek and provides through access to the adjacent property or provides sole access from the adjacent property. This recommendation wilt be made to provide the public with safe ingress and egress in all weather conditions. Off-site Easements: Easement or ROW will be required to provide utilities and access to the site. Drainage: Drainage is to the Spring Creek floodplain. delineating the floodplain in this area. The report was required as part of the Shenandoah Preliminary Plat requirement. Oversize request: None at this time. Impact Fees: The subject roperty is in the 97-01 Spring Creek Sewer Impact fee line. The current fee is 349.55 per Living Unit Equivalent. • R:WTLTRI PZLTRI PRODI P220041 P0009743. DOC Created on 07/06/04 9:51 AM Oi~1LY L~-TE SIJBNl1T[ED ~GNING -MAP AMENDMENT .{REZQNING~ APPLlCA7JGN MMNMUM SE1iBNi1TFAL REQ~IIR~MENTS ff a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shah not be hied within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning. & Zoning.. Commission or -City Council. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: X Application completed in fuN. X $500.00 application fee X Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24"x36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights-of-way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. X Written legal description of subject property {metes 8 bounds or lot ~ block of subdivision, whichever is: applicable). X The Rezoning Supporting Information sfieet completed in full. A CAD {dxf/dwg) or GlS tsfip) digital fle~, may be required for more complex rezoning r9eauests_ ~ Date of Required Preapplication Conference: June 10.2003 and November 10 2003 APPLICANT'S INFORMATION: • Name Ed Froehlino Builder Inc S#reet Address 3887 Hisah Lonesome Rd City Colleoe Station State TX Zip Code 77845 E-Maii Address N/A Phone Number 774-0565 Fax Number 774-0565 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name ____ same as applicant Stree# Address ~, State Zip Code Phone Number E-Mail Address Fax Number This property was conveyed to owner by deed dated 3/4/2402 ~ 7/26/2001 and recorded in Volume 4514, Page ~ and Volume 4248, Page 144 of the Brazos County Deed Records. General Location of Property: Shenandoah Subdivision Address of Property: none Legaf Description: 2.408 acres. 3.341 acres and 2 101 acres (See Attached Field Notes) Acreage -Total Property: 7.850 acres Existing Zoning: A-O and A-P Proposed Zoning: R-1. A-P, AND G1 sent Use of Property: Undeveloped sect Use of Property: Single Family Residential Professional Office ~ Commercial • a Ud;13i 1u04 TNT' la:OY F~ 919 69, 755 McClure & Bro~ne~ inc. ~-~ Froehli~, Bdward ~ 003!003 RELONINQ BuPPOR~ING INF01tMAT10N 1.j [~st if+t ~nged or ~-9~ cvnditbns kv the sna or 1h tl~e City YMiCh make ibis zone charipe neoesssry. Theme __ ~ fa-CQt have m.~+e the nreee a --- ~ g ~~.i i>l.oifidal uss~;, ~, The ppplkztnt has prepared thlt >~1-cat<a~n And eupportlnp brlfom~etlan and ~rt~es that' the Fads sEeted h~areJn and vxh/blts ettrtd~ed heoredo are true anal oarracr. IFAPPIJCATIpN /S FILED BY ANYOiNE OTHiER THAN THL OWNER OF THE pI~PERTy ; APPLIGA770N MUST B6 ACt:OMPANlED BY A POyyER OF A7TpRNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNlt~ -..... ~ ~~ Slgnahare of owrrer (a agent) or appG M '~ /7 0 e el:sloa P~idZ nl S ~J ` O~C~ ~ N V ! O d% ~ Q ~ ^ „'~ "a h ~ ° so 0 ~ Q ti ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ^ 'o~ 9~~ ~ `'~ ~ ~ ~tib ~ oo O~ Q ~~ '~'~~ N ~ ~ O O a/ h ~ dl ~ - ^n^a ~ n~~ Yyy 1__L ~ rn v ' (s o ~~ / ~ ~}ji ^ "' ~ `1"~1-J n , ~0. YY .fl it " ~ QO f ~ ~ sO~~i ~! ~ b ~! ~ ~ ~~,~~ ~~ .,o ~ ~ s ^ ~. tiJ ~, °' id, `'~' ~~~ ~, sue. ~ ~ ~ .YO/ ~ ~~~Q.~ ,,i~ ~~V ~ ~ "~ ~ d' 1 ~O' ~ r ~" 7 O J ~- Y J m ~ ~ Q a ~ W _ ~n V Q ~ O O ~ ~ (~ U = Q ~ P~ ~ °' ~ vl P~ X ~ Q ~W «' J C W ~ ~~ ~ ~ cL "' ~ Z ~~° -~ D ~ v~ ~~'> a U 0 > oy ~ ~ ~'~u ~ ~ ~ U~ «~ ~~ ~ =~~~ W ~/ • MEMORANDUM July 6, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Carol Cotter Email: ccotter@cstx.gov SUBJECT: REPEAT OF POOH'S PARK, LOTS 1-4, BLOCK 1 Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat of Pooh's Park, Lots 1-4, Block 1, located at the southeast comer of Texas Avenue and Holleman Drive. (04-00500152) Applicant: Windrose Land Services, Agent for Arvindbhai A. Patel and Parvati Patel, Owners Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Replat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a Replat of four lots in the Pooh's Park subdivision. The Developer is requesting to combine the 4 lots into 2 lots in preparation for redevelopment of the resulting Lot 1 R. The other resulting lot is the current location of the EZ Travel motel. This Replat meets zoning and subdivision requirements. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan shows this area to be Regional Retail. Current zoning of the properly as C-1, General Commercial, is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. The property has frontage on Holleman Drive, which is designated a minor arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan, and on Texas Avenue which is designated a major arterial. No additional access will be granted from Texas Avenue. ttachments: 1. Area map 2. Application 3. Aerial 4. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers U ~~ <<iiii~~t Sinn~>n~~ FOR OFFICE 3I~~Y P8Z CASE NO.: qq DATE SUBMITTED: "~ V .. Q 1=1N01 PI OT eDD1 Ir~e-r~n~~ C~ ~ ~- (Check one)^ Minor^..qq//~~//~~ Amending ^ M/Final (^~~//~~ //~yV~~acating ~~~//~~/~~ //~~/Replat (i~7VV.~0) .(.-JW.OO) (~•vvl (.1'R7~.W) (~WV.W'k `Includes blic heart fee ••~Q ~vuv..n~a ius~ns must re supmraea oy an estaullsheq flung deadline date for P8Z Commission considenstion. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ~ Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet ~ Variance Request to.Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public irrfrastructur~e is being constructed) ~ Application completed in full / Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats (ff applicable). / Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) _(g One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). ~ Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. n la Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). ~(u Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of ~ approval (if annlicabiel. ~'r 6 Date of Preapplication Conference: to 1 3 ~ 0`1 NAME OF SUBDMSION ~oDln' S T>ar I L DnYkia ~ QP p1 a •4 N 0 SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDMSION {Lot & Block) __~2eplg ¢ ,~~ _ } S ~ - ~-~• T31oCk 7 oIF i>rx~h ~ -7ar 1 ~.. Subdi vi s i n , Sec . 1 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name ~Vihdrose l,a~d Sewi ces = j~~g AA,er -,ordal~ Street Address Oro •~ [_ R iC~ m o n ~~ City _ -KOV StC~ h State ?~ Zrp Code '~70~-(2 E-Mail Address or • h, r ,~ wZ~S. ~ Phone Number ~`3 • ~S ~ ''L?~2 Fax Number 2 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: o men Ah ~_,/ Street Address _ SdoS RiveYway ~ 25b City -~-10.rs'~+x-~ State T~ Zip Code 1"1 t~Slr E-Mail Address ~ dame 'Gohc4C•~cKa~arcl • co-ti, Phone Number -~ r "~ • b 2 ~ • q33 Fax Number 1 iz gQ,$ • Oq g ~ ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: • Name Qoc~ Chak12,~ @ ~Ai: A 4~rchi fect~ S Street Address t~~5t~ Sc~r,ds ~-bir~t ~ 1 City -f1dvS-to~ State T~ Zip Code ~ ~ O ~ `'F E-Mail Address C GhU1G1e~(o~ Qeq~rch i f ec{ s .core. 8113!03 1 of6 Phone Number '~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ' 0~O0 Fax Number X13 • ~~ a ~ O~ o~ • • 8/13/03 2of6 Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property'T ff so, please provide the Volume f 1 I o1 and Page # 'I ~ Total Property 2 • (o b ~ ~} Total # Of Lots 'd R-O-W Acreage 0.11 a~ E~asttng Use: L'mmrnerci al Proposed Use. Cornmerc i a I Number OF Lots By Zoning District ~_ /~_ Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District >1 / q / / / / / Floodplain Acreage ~ A statement addressing any differences between the Fnal Plat and approved Master Plan and/or Preliminary Plat (if applicable): N l a1 12•elJl A#' Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations ~ Reason Fw Same: h Ici Requested Oversize Participation: n Iq Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: n Iq Streets 111A Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer Lines ~~ Water Lines ~n1A Channels ,_.Jp1~ Storm Sewers ___Q)1~1 Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing tie Final Plat: ACREAGE: Q # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED. PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certitiec that tnA_facts stated herein anal e~hib;ts ~~, -' '- b~ue, cornsct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Stafion of the above- identified final plat and attests that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. ~~~~~~ Date ~~3~ 3of6 C ~in~ni a ~,9 /a a ~ w ~~~ ~' c $ ~ ~ ~ ` _ e ~ ~ O A ~ ~ e ~ ^~ fi + ~ N N U w e ~ e! .~ `~' ~ 9 w "~~LL Y ~ V ., s' o Q a !., _~ A ti h ti Ri g V N _ ~+ ~ ~ ~ ti r h ~ ~ ~ Q ^ b_ ~ _ h ^ < _ O Rp h ~~ O b ~ W 1 :. ~! r " a s. ~s Q e -,~ 4 :::::; :::.: :.:. ... ;~: :. ~::: ab :: -.~ .•.. . :::w :::::::::::::::::::. ~ : n .~x,~.-.-. ~~~~T:: ~::::: Q :~'~ + : : ~ .. :: ~ ~ ~ „ ~ 9C: : : : : :: 6 .e h •.....-.-..~.-... Q 6J ~ ,,, Z ' ~ ~ R R ~ _ bJ h h R ... .,' .. ..... ............ ~ r n ~ ~ t~ ; q ~ R ~ ~~ = a_ .~ h ~~ ~ ~ h~~ ~ R Q ~ i Q Y/ _ ~~'~-~Ri I'y:J Y ! b ~ EMS ~ ~i.~ ~ ,, ~ ~, R~4~. ~ ~ ti ~ ~ ~ F' W 4 -e a ,; .~~~ ti ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ N ,,¢ v '~ ~ W ~ < :`~ F a ' ~ ~ ~ W r~ h ~ < t W ~ 7 ~ ~ L i J1~1 ycP ~ M ~ - OLL ~~~' `~~pfa r O ~ J P flame ` ~ J s~'a M O''>>W d „~~ Q ~ Q ,~ ° ~' ~ - ~lL U ~ 5 ZOi~ ~O NH<.iY ., O a ;g Q ~ c M ~ ~' `~ a8 ~ $9 ~ a~ ~~ '~ a ; W .. ..., s ~ M a • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka Date: July 7, 2004 Email: jprochazka@cstx.gov Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Master Plan for Horse Haven Estates, consisting of approximately 126 acres, generally located on the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway, south of State Highway 30. (04-153) Applicant: Alton E. Ofczarzak, agent for Virginia Hermann, property owner. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Master Plan with the exception that the 3 acres shown for "proposed commercial zoning" be changed to reflect future residential development. Commercial development in this location is not desirable because of limited access to a residential cul-de-sac and the distance from State Highway 6. Item Summary: The plan proposes single family development, undeveloped floodplain /greenbelt, and commercial development along the highway. The plan also provides for the extension of Appomatox, a minor collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. Horse Haven Estates consists of approximately 20 acres proposed for R-1 Single-Family Residential, and approximately 3 acres proposed for C-2 Commercial Industrial. The floodplain located on this properly is proposed to remain A-O Agricultural-Open. The Master Plan also includes other properties not controlled by the applicant, including the existing driving range, the Academy development, the College Station Utilities switch station, and the eastern and southern floodplains that surround the proposed development. Staff asked that all of this area be included in this Master Plan so that the proposed development could be considered in the larger context. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan shows this area for Si development. Appomatox is designated as a minor collector and State Highway 6 is designated as a freeway on the Thoroughfare Plan. The northwest portion of the Master Plan includes property that is currently zoned A-O and developed as the Lone Star Golf Academy. This property is proposed for future commercial and single-family residential development, which • is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The southwest portion of the plan includes commercial property, zoned PDD-B and developed as Academy, and is also in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The southern-most and • eastern-most portions of the Master Plan include property that is designated as floodplain/streams on the Land Use Plan, and is proposed to remain undeveloped. The remainder of the property included in the plan is currently zoned A-O and shown for single-family residential development. The Greenway Master Plan identifies the greenbelts shown on the Master Plan as Priority 5 and Priority 7 Greenways. These greenbelts are proposed to remain A-O Agricultural Open. Item Background: The property was annexed in 1977 and zoned A-O at that time. The large majority of this property has never been platted. The area has been master planned several times. The Academy property was platted in 2001 as a requirement for development. Budgetary & Financial Summary: The applicant is interested in requesting Oversized Participation (OP) for the development of the storm sewer system. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the Master Plan. The options regarding the Master Plan are: ^ Approval with conditions; ^ Approval as submitted; or ^ Denial. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Infrastructure and Facilities 4. Aerial INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water required for development: There is an existing 8-in line along Horse Haven Lane. Sewer required for development: There are two existing sewer mains within the property boundaries. Street/Access required for development: Access is to Horse Haven Lane. Off-site Easements required for development: None known to be needed at this time. Drainage: Drainage is generally to Wolf Pen Creek and Carters Creek. Flood Plain: Wolf Pen Creek and Carters Creek floodplains are on the subject site. Oversize request: None requested at this time. Impact Fees: None Parkland Dedication Fees: Parkland fees to be determined for the residential areas by Parks Board. • MASTER PLAN APPLICATION The following items must be submitted by an e8t~blished filing deadline date for P ~ Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Filing Fee of $400.00, Application completed in full. Thirteen (13) folded copies of plan. (A revised mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are Rezoning Application if zone change is proposed. Date of Required Preapplicatioh Conference:. _ 3.16 • ~- _ ~ ._. NAME OF SUBDNISION SPECIFIED LOCATION OF F~ROPOSED SUBDNISION ~Mj-L- ~u~rJE`R- ~~~/~,t ~~-~ MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name ~ I.TOYI ~ ~'G~,e?L~1~,1C. Street Address I ~o tvLos~y/~L._'t'E'fy~ City C . S, State ~ Zip Code _?? Q~l.~ E-Mail Address ~rLTon1 ~ Qdk.Ct--FG,, CO M/~ Phone Number ~~ I ~ Fax Number G90 • PROPERT,Y,OWNER'S 1NFORMA street Address %~Ztc~_{~p,~ ~,~ (..,~~.aG City C. S • State _'>rX Zip Cod Phone Number r°R~ I ?, Fax Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name .Street Address City C S . E-Mail Address rX Zip Code Phone Number ~IT_I .~,ra0 rFax Number 6°I 3_~cZ7 ~ e?? • J .7 TOTAL ACREAGE OF SUBDNISION: ~ ~i. 3 ~ ~TAL ACREAGE BY Z N DI O ING STRICT. ~s e -Ll~~ ~ ~, 7 I __^__ TOTAL FLOODPLAIN ACREAGE: 4-6.'7 /~G WILL PARKLAND DEDICATION BE MET BY ACREAGE OR EE (CIRCLE ONE) ('d acreage, please show approximate size and location on plan) REQUESTED VARIANCES TO SUBDNISION REGULATIONS & REASON FOR SAME N f~ The applfcant has prepared thi application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct he ndersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-ident~ed plan. • (Q ~ O Date ^~~.r. ~~ REQUESTED OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION ~toeN/~ 'D N Sti'S[~11/- 'tp a Z • Z ~ ~~ N W J`r v~ ~ w .~ V' L() r t ~ , ~' O ~ ~ rN ~ • ~ ~ U ~ ~~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ (A W ~~~~~~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • W Z ~ 1 6 W ,~ ~, ~ ` 2 ~ ,, ~ ` ~ O ~ ~~~ ~ } a W , ' ~ ' O F H >_ W ' S ~ , 7 ' ~ x K , ~ Rv~~ N a ~ , ~/ 0 Q 3°z Y ~ x ~ y ~ W a W ~ ~ W O ~ o ~ o ~ f- ~Z ~~ < `~ NW 0 d ~ 0 a~ ~ J W ~ ~ o O ~ w ~ ~ o o o O W ~' a ; ~ U ~ z ~.~ Y ~ ~ STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka Date: July 7, 2004 Email: jprochazka@cstx.gov Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an ordinance rezoning Horse Haven Estates, consisting of approximately 20 acres, from A-0 Agricultural Open to R-1 Single-Family Residential, and approximately 3 acres, from A-O Agricultural Open to C-2 Commercial Industrial, generally located on the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway, south of State Highway 30. (04-154) Applicant: Alton E. Ofczarzak, agent for Virginia Hermann, property owner. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning to R-1 Single-Family Residential, but recommends denial of the rezoning to C-2 Commercial Industrial. Staff recommends that the area proposed as C-2 also be rezoned to R-1. Item Summary: The applicant has requested rezoning in order to develop the property as approximately 20 acres of single-family residential and approximately 3 acres of commercial industrial. The commercial industrial use is not appropriate in this location because of its adjacency to the proposed R-1 and because its only access would be from a residential cul-de-sac. Generally, commercial development should be located along major roadways or at major intersections. The applicant is not proposing to rezone any of the floodplain / greenways on site. The property is surrounded by PDD-B developed as Academy to the west, A-O developed as Lone Star Golf Academy also to the west, a large floodplain and Raintree Subdivision to the south, large undeveloped floodplain to the east, and the College Station Utilities switch station, Switch Station Road, and Windwood Subdivision to the north. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates the majority of this property as Single-Family Residential Medium Density, Floodplain /Streams, and a small portion as Retail Regional Item Background: The properly was annexed in 1977 and zoned A-O at that time. This property has never been platted. A Master Plan of this property and the surrounding area is currently under consideration. Commission Action Options: The Commission acts as a recommending body on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately decided by City Council. The Commission options are: 1. Recommend approval of rezoning as submitted; R: WTLTRI PZLTRI PRODI PZ20041 P0009745. DOC Created on 7/62004 11:00 AM 2. Recommend a less intense zoning classification; 3. Recommend denial; 4. Table indefinitely; or, 5. Defer action to a specified date. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Infrastructure and Facilities 4. Aerial • R:WTLTRI PZLTRI PROD1 PZ20041 P0009745. DOC Created on 7/6200411:00 AM INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water required for development: There is an existing 8-in line along Horse Haven Lane. Sewer required for development: There are two existing sewer mains within the property boundaries. StreetlAccess required for development: Access is to Horse Haven Lane. Off-site Easements required for development: None known to be needed at this time. Drainage: Drainage is generally to Wolf Pen Creek and Carters Creek. Flood Plain: Wolf Pen Creek and Carters Creek floodplains are on the subject site. Oversize request: None requested at this time. Impact Fees: None Parkland Dedication Fees: Parkland fees to be determined for the residential areas by Parks Board. NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 6-29-04 and?-23-04 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 7-15-04 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 8-10-04 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 24 Response Received: None as of date of staff report • R:WTLTRI PZLTRI PRODI PZ20041 P0009745. DOC Created on 7/6f2004 11:00 AM cONIIVG MAP AMENDMENT FO FFl ,E U E ONLY CASE NO. ~_ DATE SUBMITTED (REZONING) APPLICdT10N MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ff a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: ~ Application completed in full. y $500.00 application fee ~ Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights-of~nray and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. ~ Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or lot ~ block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). y The Rezoning Supporting Information sheet completed in full. A CAD (dxf/dw~) or GIS (shp) digital 81e may be required for more complex rezonino requests. Date of Required Preapplication Conferenc®: 3 • [~ • ~ APPLICANTS INFORMATION: Name _ ~ ~Dll ~ _ L~1=L~~~M'I~J,~ Stn:et Address ___ I (e L%~ZV r ~± ~ ~ r City ~D[~ ~-~-tc ~d ~--~ State Zip Code 71'8 ~~ E-Mail Address ~rt.'Ga~J ~ Dam{-t-t3. 1A/1 Phone Number _~o [S,pL~ Fax Number~o -2,~4T, PROPERTY` OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name 1 Stnaet Address 2'~ by !r City C •S. State ~_ Zip Code ~'8 ~ E-Mail Addre$s Phone Number ~ ?, q,'st ~ Fax Number ~~(ol~ This property was conveyed to owner by deed dated and recorded in Volume ___^_~.~', Page~$4 of the Brazos County Deed Records. __ General Location of Property:, Address of Legal Desci dam' Acreage -Total Property: i ~ 6 . ~ I~ ., ting Zoning: __~ -O Proposed Zoning:~~_ nt Use of ProMrty: ~GI~nTf" ~iO lC ~ESI©EIVi'I ~ ©(~ e~Yl C~DWi1Nt~'L. . Proposed Use of Property:_ ~ l t'Y.t ~G ~iA-h/1 t [_ Y (ZES l ~ ~_ Cep {y1I1r1 ~7Z~lI~t., REZONING SUPPORTING INFORAAATION 1.) List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change n9cessary. 2.) Indicate wheXher or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. ff it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. YCs , lT t s. U-J co~PL.IANC-.~~rn.1 Tom- w- ~~5~., . List any other reasons to support this zone chap e. 9 The applicant has prepared this application and supporting information and certifies that the fact$ stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are fCue and correct. lF APPLICATION /S FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROP YA POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. . . Signet of owner (br agent) or applicant • Co -- l 8 - y- Date