HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/2005 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionPILE COPY • CITY OF COLLEGE STa Planning er Development ~ _ __.~ AGENDA Special Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Wednesday, June 22, 2005, at 11:30 a.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.} All matters listed under Item 2, G'onsent j 4genda, are c'orraidezrd routine by t{re Planning and 7onirrg Commission and will fie enacted by one nzotlorr. These items include pzrliminay and-final plan; rvher~ sta~has found compliance . with all minimum szrbdirrision zz,~ulation.c. ~=111 atemi crppzt~ved by Consent are approved with any and all ,rta~- recommendations. There will not be .~-eparcrte discussion of these items. If any Commie~-iozter de~irzs to discurc an item on the Consent flgerrdcr it will be moved to the I~egdarA~enda for fFrrther consideration. 2. Consent Agenda. 2.1 Discussion and possible action on: Minutes - IV1ay 17, 2005, Workshop Meeting l~finutes -1\-lay 19, 2005, Workshop Meeting Minutes - I~~iay 19, 2005, Regular Meeting 2.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the Castlegate Subdivision, Phase 6 consisting of 23 lots on 11.142 acres generally located at on Green's Prairie Road west of Castlegate Drive. Case #05-74 (JR/CC) 2.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the Edelweiss Gartens Phases 6-12 consisting of 367 lots on 94.417 acres generally located at Victoria Avenue and Night Rain Drive. This item includes a Replat of Lots 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Bald Prairie Subdivision. Case #04-281(JR/AG) 2.4 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Vacating and Final Plat for the Indian Lakes Subdivision Ph. 4, Lot 11 Block 8 and Lots 31-36 Block 9, consisting of 9 lots on 19.909 acres, generally located north of Indian Lakes Drive and east of Chaco Canyon Drive in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case #05-100 (MH/AG) 2.5 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for the Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase 7 consisting of 10 lots on 18.28 acres, generally located south of • Chaco Canyon Drive in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case #05-101 (MH/AG) Regular Agenda. 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. Fien White -May "19, 2005, Meeting c`ic Resignation Marilyn Houton - Iviay 19, 2005, IVleeting John Nichols -June 2, 2005, Meeting ~- Marilyn I-Iooton -June 2, 2005,1~Ieeting John Fedora -June 2, 2005, Meeting ~.. Scott Shafer -June 16, 2005, Meeting Bill Davis -June 1 G, 2005, Meeting John Fedora -June 16, 2005, l~Ieetu~g 4. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff, and plats approved due to inaction by the Commission. 05-62 Stone Forest Phase '1 -Final Plat Amending - ('I'F/JI•~ 05-63 Crescent Pointe Phase 1 -Preliminary Plat - (I~IH/JN) 05-67 Spruig Creek'I'o~vnhomes Phase 1 -Final Plat emending - (l~if-I/JN) OS-91 I~ald Prairie -Final Plat Amending - (JR/r1G) • 5. Consideration discussion, and ossible action on items removed from the Consent A enda p g by Commission action. 6. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat and Replat of the University 'Town Center Subdivision consisting of 4 lots on 20.02 acres generally located south of the intersection of University Drive and Tarrow Drive Fast. Case #04-269 QR/AG) 7. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Replat and Final Plat for the Century Hill Development Subdivision consisting of 15 lots on 36.92 acres generally located at 1595 Sebesta Road, east of the F..arl Rudder Freeway (SH G). Case #05-43 (TF/CC) 8. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Callaway Subdivision Phase II, consisting of approximately 14 acres, located on the east side of Marion Pugh Drive, approximately 500' south of the intersection of George Bush Drive, including a portion of the Luther Street Right-of--Way, from C-1 General Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. Case #05-79 QP) ). Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Lot 1 of the Callaway House Parking Subdivision, 1.35 acres, generally located along the east side of • Marion Pugh Drive, approximately 200-feet south of the intersection with George Bush Drive, from C-1 General Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. Case #05-75 (jP/CC) 10. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Toning Member • may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 11. Adjoiun. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071 ;possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979-764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website htt~/~ww.cstx.pov and Cabie Access Channel 19. • CITY OF COLLEGE STA~I'IGN I'lunning e5' Ilevelapment Services MINUTES Special Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, Tuesday, May 17, 2005, at 12:00 p.m. Administrative Conference Room College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioner John Nichols COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Ben White, Bill Davis, Ken Reynolds, John Fedora and Marilyn Hooton. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer, Jennifer Reeves and Molly Hitchcock, Senior Planner Trey Fletcher, Director Joey Dunn, Assistant City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh • Norton, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Assistant Director Lance Simms and Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren. OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney Harvey Cargill, First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson and Director of Public Works Mark Smith. 1. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the status of the draft Subdivision Regulations. l~lark Smith, Director of Public Works, gave a presentation to Commissioners and staff regarding the status of the draft Subdivision Regulations. Access requirements, street scapes, fencing, vesting and replats were some of the main items discussed. l~Tr. Smith stated that he would still welcome feedback from Commissioners regarding other items that they are interested in or would like to see changed. Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: • Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistant Planning & Development Services P&Z Workshop Minutes May 17, 2005 Page 1 of 1 • C CITY OF COLLEGE ST.ATIUN Planning c~' Development Services MINUTES Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, May 19, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. Administrative Conference Room College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Actuig Chairman John Nichols, I~en Reynolds, Bill Davis and John Fedora. COMMISSIONERS .ABSENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Maxi yn Hooton and Ben White. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Berry. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Jennifer Reeves, Senior Planner 'T'rey Fletcher, Director Joey Dunn, 1~ssistant City 1ngineer elan Gibbs, Graduate Civil L:ngineers Carol ('otter and Josh Norton, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Assistant Director Lance Simms and Staff 1ssistant Lisa Iandgren. OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, and Director of Public Works 1\Iark $tnith: 1. Call to Order. Commissioner Nichols called'the meeting to order at G:03 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. Commissioner Davis asked if this was the first time that Crescent Point, had come before the Commission. Senior Planner Fletcher stated that it was the second time and that everything was basically the same, it had just expired. Commissioner Davis asked if staff had anything from Texas A&M in writing for access to Veterans Park. Mr. Fletcher stated that he is not aware of any such document. Commissioner Nichols asked for clarification regarding the detention area on the property. Mr. Fletcher stated that it was his understanding that everything was basically the same and that the Applicant can possibly answer those questions for Commissioners. Commissioner Davis asked if staff was comfortable with the way access in the Gateway was being laid out in terms of moving people around and that it would be a much larger than what it is right now. Ms. Cotter stated that there were two or three access ways proposed into the lot, so there should not be any change to the existing main drive aisle. Commissioner Nichols asked what the standards were for something that large that is being P&Z Workshop Minutes May 19, 2005 Page 1 of 3 • developed in pieces. Mr. Fogle stated that he feels that once the shopping area has been completed it will make more sense and that the drive aisle will be more clear. Ms. Reeves stated that since the time that the packets were mailed some changes have occurred regarding the rezoning for 9500 Rock Prairie Road. hls. Reeves stated that staff did more research and feels that the impact of traffic on Williams Creek and Rock Prairie Road will be too much and that at this dme the City is recommending denial of the rczoiung. There was minimal discussion regarding the case and other options that the Commissioners had. Commissioner Reynolds asked if staff was visiting the idea of redrafting the section to require the applicant to pave the road. 1~1s. Cotter stated that the CityT is requiring that all. internal access roads be paved. 3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding P&Z meeting schedule. 'I"his section was reviewed along with item 5. • 4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding_ the status of the draft Subdivision Regulations. Mark Smith, Director of Public Works, gave handouts regarding Parkland Dedication, Greemvays, and "Thoroughfare Screeiung to Commissioners and staff. These items were discussed and I~ir. Smith asked that Commissioners contact him with any questions or suggestions regarding these items. 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to finalize agenda for upcoming joint meeting with Bryan Planning & Zoning Commission. ~4r. Simms handed out a rough draft of an agenda for the joint Planning and Zoning Commission meeting between :Bryan and College Station. Commissioners suggested that the meetuig begin at 5:OOpm and that items be added to discuss Highway 30, L?iuversity Drive and Texas Avenue under the thoroughfares discussion. 6. P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings May 1 G, 2005 P~tcDS Department Forum, College Station Conference Center, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (lunch provided) June 9, 2005 Joint Council/ P&Z Workshop regarding Zucker Report, Council Chambers June 15, 2005 P&`L Workshop /Seminar, sponsored by TxAPA, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., BVCOG Offices on 29~' Street June 30, 2005 Joint 11~Ieeting of Bryan and College Station Planning & "Coning Commissions, at Bryan City Hall Mr. Dunn reviewed the items with the Commissioners. Commissioners asked to be polled to see who can attend the June 15, 2005, P&Z Workshop/Seminar. • P&Z Workshop Minutes May 19, 2005 Page2of3 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning • Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. None. 8. Adjourn Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion, motion passed (4-U). Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Lonuig Commission Attest: ., • Lisa Lindgren, Staff rlssi5tant Plamung & Development Ser~-ices P&Z Workshop Minutes May 19, 2005 Page 3 of 3 U • ~1 CI'T'Y OF COI.L.EGE STATION Planning ~' Uevelapment Services MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, May 19, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. Administrative Conference Room College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman John Nichols, Ken Reynolds, Bill Davis and John Fedora. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Iv~arilyn Hootan and Ben White. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Berry. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Jennifer Itec~res, Senior Planner Trey Fletcher, Director, Joey Dunn, Assistant Cit}F lsngineer Man Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Jash Norton, 't'ransportation Planner Ken Bogle, Assistant Director Lance Sun~ns and Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren. OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: and Brian Cooke, OTIS. 1. Hear Citizens. None 2. Consent Agenda. 2.1 Discussion and possible action on: first Assistant Cit~T attorney Carla Robinson, Minutes -May 5, 2005, Workshop Meeting Minutes - Ma~T 5, 2005, Regular IVfeeting Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Fedora seconded, the motion passed (4-0). Reguular Agenda. 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. • ~ None P&Z Workshop Minutes May 19, 2005 Page 1 of 5 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. • ~ None 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Master flan for Crescent Pointe consisting of 192.64 acres and located between FM 60 and SH 30, across from Linda Lane. Case #05-80 (MH) Mr. Fletcher presented on the Master Plan for Crescent Pointe, stating that the proposed plan was in compliance with the comprehensive plan. Staff recommended approval of the request. Commissioner Davis had questions for the applicant regarding the detention plan and the access to Veteran's Park. hlt. Fletcher stated that the applicant was showing detention off- site and has been in contact with the property owner, "Texas A&M, in order to negotiate off- site detention. If the desired outcome cannot be met, the detention would be required on their own property. The requirement is the same for pedestrian access. Stuart ILling, 4101 `Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas. Itiir. Fling, Engineer, stated that there have been discussions between the developer and Texas A&M regarding both issues stated above. At that point there had not been a resolution. Gominissioner Davis asked what would happen if there was not a resolution. It~Ir. ILling stated the detention would move onto the Crescent Pointe property. Mr. ILling stated that if the. pedestrian crossing access, vas a key component for the City, then the applicant would like to be able to communicate that to "Texas i1&1/I. All Commissioners agreed. that they would like to see work progress along the lines of access being gamed to the park through `Texas i1&Iti. • Commissioner Davis motioned for approval of the Master Plan. Commissioner Davis stated that he would like to add to his motion that the Commission feels that it would be highly desirable far pedestrian access to be gained to the park from Texas A&M. Commissioner Reynolds'seconded, the motion passed (4-0). (. Public hearing, presentation, cliscussion, and possible action on a Replat for Gateway Subdivision Phase l,'Lots 1A1~ and 12 of Block 1, consisting of 2 lots on 14.4 acres generally located at Uni~rersity Dr7ve East and Forest Drive. Case #05-60 (JR) Carol Cotter, Graduate Civil Engineer, presented the Replat for Gateway Subdivision, Phase 1. Ms. Cotter stated that the Replat was in compliance with the City's Subdivision Regulations and the Unified Development Ordinance. Staff recommended approval of the Replat as submitted. Commissioner Davis asked for clarification regarding the traffic flow and development. IVIs. Cotter stated that the site plan was currently under review and that staff was reviewing traffic circulation. Commissioner Fedora motioned to approve the Replat. Commissioner Davis seconded, the motioned passed (4-0). 7. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for 9500 Rock Prairie Road from A-O Agricultural Open to .A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision, consisting of approximately 117 acres generally located on Rock Prairie Road just south of Greens Prairie Road. Case #05-53 QR) • Jemufer Reeves, Staff Planner, presented the zoning request for a future phase of this current development. She stated that the subject property is shown on the Land Use Plan as P&Z Workshop Minutes May 19, 2005 Page 2 of 5 Single-Family Low Illensity. T'he property to the North is floodplain; to tl1e south is Rock Prairie Road which is classified as a maJor collector on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. To the • east the property is shown as Single-Family Low Density and is currently zoned A-O Agricultural Open and undeveloped. `I'o the west are phases 1 through 4 of Williams Creek Subdivision. Phases 1 and 2 are currently under construction. The property is shown as Single-Family Low Density and is recently rezoned to A-OR Rural Residential. Williams Creek has an access off of Gteens Prairie Road from a paved rural residential street. According to the street design criteria and the Subdivision Regulations, a rural residential street is designed to handle no more than 1,000 trips per day. If the rezoning is approved the resulting density could produce traffic in excess of the design standards. it paved secondary access to the subclivision would be required to handle the additional traffic. Since the previous rezoning of the adjacent 211 acres from ~~-O to A-OR of the Williams Creek Subdivision, staff has concerns about the additional traffic impact on Rock Prairie Road. On May 6, 2004, the Commission expressed concerns about Rock Prairie Road and it being an unpaved surface. "I"he secondary access required to handle the additional lots allowed under the proposed A-OR zoning would put additional traffic on the unpaved Rock Prairie Road. Although the zoning request is in compliaiue with the City>'s band Use Plan, Section 3.2 of the Unified Development Ordinance contains review criteria ,for zonng map amendments. One of the criteria is availability of transportation facilities. At this time staff contends that transportation facilities are not suitable and adequate for this proposed use. Since the time of preparation of the staff report and packets, staff determined that conditioning the rezoning is not appropriate and changed their recommendation to denial. Staff based their recommendation of denial nn health, safety and welfare issues regarding the additional traffic that would be added to Williams Creek Drive in the current condition of Rock Prairie Road. I~en Fogle, Transportation Planner, presented the traffic study. I`Ir. Fogle discussed with the Commissioners the trips per day ratiq and haw the estunated trips were calculated. At the time of the preluninary plat there were 120 lots which calculate to approximately 1200 • trips per day that would be applied to Williams Creek Drive. If the rezonuig is approved that would add an additional 70 lots and that would make it approximately 1800 trips per day, that would be applied to Williams Creek Drive which is double what the street is designed for. I~Ir. Fogle also stated that when traffic increases to that nature, neighborhood streets are not designed for traffic of that level and it will increase vehicular conflicts and possibly pedestrian conflicts: Joe Schulz, 3208 1/nsbrook. i~1r. Schulz stated that according to the Unified Development Ordinance in regards ~o'the different zoning classifications, AOR fits what is proposed in this case and fits the Land Use Plan. Ivlr. Schulz stated that they are following their plan for the property and spoke in favor of the rezonng. Mike Gentry, Attorney for lppplicant, 1515 Emerald Plaza, College Station, Texas. 1~~Ir. Gentry spoke in reference to the issues of Government taking and Government reliability. Mr. Gentry stated that the applicant had a contract to buy the 210-acre tract and the 120- acre tract and came before the Planning and Toning Commission and presented a Master Development Plan for the property. hlr. Gentry stated that the applicant relied on information received from the Comtrussion and staff and stated that the applicant relied on the expectation plan of the City that there would be a capital improvement plan to pave Rock Prairie Road. Mr. Gentry stated that the applicant met with City staff to review the zoning application and the two basic issues were how to interpret the City's Ordinance and the power of the City to regture off-site improvements. He stated that in the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 8-G2, states that no tract lot or parcel shall be sub-divided unless the required internal street system adjoins an existing paved public right-of--way. There has been discussion over the past that this particular requirement is not applicable, • that it does not apply to A-OR zoning, and that the belief was that the applicant was attempting to get A-OR zoning in order to avoid the application of the Ordinance. Mr. Gentry stated that it does not matter if it applies to A-OR zoning because the particular P&Z Workshop Minutes May 19, 2005 Page 3 of 5 property is in full compliance. h1r. Gentry stated that the internal street system does connect to an adjoining public right-of--way. • Joe Johnson, Developer, 1400 Commercial tlvenue, Coleman, 'T'exas. Mr. Johnson spoke in favor of the rezoning and stated that they are still on course for the development and spoke of the improvements made to the property. l~r. Fred tlnderson, 2504 Rivcrforest, Bryan, Texas. ItTr. 1lnderson asked Commissioners to consider what is fair. Commissioner Reynolds motioned for the Commissioners to adjourn to executive session. Commissioner Fedora seconded, the motion passed (4-0). Commissioner Nichols called the executive session to order at 8:03 p.m. Commissioner Reynolds motioned to adjourn the executive session, Commissioner Fedora seconded the motion. Commissioner Nichols adjourned the executive session at 8:23 p.m. Commissioners returned from executive session. Commissioner Davis stated that lus understanding was that the Master Plan has changed from the original version and asked for clarification. Joey Dunn, Director, reminded the Commssion that platting is not on the agenda, but that there have been two of the phases fuial platted and that the I~Taster Plan has not been changed. l~Ir. Dunn stated that there are Preliminary flats for Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 and Ctvo Final Plats for Phases 1 and 2 and the Mater Plan is still the same as it was last year when approved. Commissioner Reynolds motioned to approve the rezoning from to A-O to A-OR. • Commissioner Fedora seconded the motion. Commissioner Davis stated that the concern for the rezonuig was the maximum capacity. Commissioner Davis stated that it was apparent that if the maximum number of lots were put on the reserve tract, that: will create a problem. He also stated that he does not believe the paving of Rock Prairie will be an issue, but he was concerned about the length of the subdivision and the limited number of egress pouits and would like to sec good efforts put in for fire, police and safety access. Commissioner Reynolds stated that he felt when the anticipated entry point was complete, that a substantial number of residents will go to the intersection of Greens Prairie and Rock Prairie and enter from that direction. Commissioner Reynolds encouraged the applicant to continue to work with the City on points of ingress and egress to the development to optimize and make the internal flow as safe and efficient as possible. Commissioner Fedora stated that he agreed with Commissioner Reynolds. He stated that he feels that at some point Rock Prairie will extend and will be paved and that he felt it would be in the best interest of the developer to have another access point that was not gravel. Commissioner Nichols stated that he respected the guidance of the earlier Commission but that he also listens closely when staff indicates that there is a significant traffic and safety problem. He stated that he is not convinced that individuals will turn down a gravel road when they can go a little further and go on a paved road and turn onto another paved road and should this be developed to a maximum density then there will be a serious overload on Williams Creek Drive. • The Motion of the rezoning from A-O to A-OR passed (3-0; Approve -Reynolds, Fedora and Davis; Deny -Nichols) P&Z Workshop Minutes May 19, 2005 Page 4 of 5 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and 7.oning Member • may inquire about a subject for which nonce has not been given. ~`1 statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 9. Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Fedora seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and lonuig Commission Attest: Iasa I.,indgren, Staff Assistant • Planning & Development Services P&Z Workshop Minutes May 19, 2005 Page 5 of 5 Consent Agenda 2.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the Castlegate Subdivision, Phase 6 consisting of 23 lots on 11.142 acres generally located at on Green's Prairie Road west of Castlegate Drive. Case STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves Report Date: May 18, 2005 • Email: jreeves@cstx.gov Meeting Date: June 22, 2005 Item: Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the Castlegate Subdivision, Phase 6 consisting of 23 lots on 11.142 acres generally located at on Green's Prairie Road west of Castlegate Drive. Applicant: Wallace Phillips for Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat as submitted. Item Summary: In accordance with the PDD zoning approved in April 2004, the applicant has submitted a Preliminary Plat for Section 6 of Castlegate Subdivision that will allow for the development of 23 single family homes. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates the area as Single Family Residential Medium Density (3-6 DU/acre). The Preliminary Plat is in compliance with the Land Use Plan with a density of approximately 3 DU/acre. The Preliminary Plat is also in compliance with the modified standards approved with the rezoning. The plat includes modifications to standard street widths, sidewalks, lot dimensions, and setbacks. • Sections 6 will take access from Green's Prairie Road, which is designated as a minor arterial on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. An emergency access is planned from the Amberley Place cul-de-sac and the future Phase 7 of the subdivision. This subdivision is located in the Spring Creek Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area 97-01. Impact Fees will be due at time of final plat. Current fees for this area are $349.55 per Living Unit Equivalent (LUE). S~ 1. • 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Background: This area was annexed into the city in 1995. Soon after that, the developer began discussions with the City for the Crowley Master Development Plan, of which this tract is a part. The Plan was originally approved by Council in 1997 and then modified in 1998. In 2000, Crowley teamed with Wallace Phillips to develop the approximately 350-acre portion of the property on the west side of the future Hwy 40. The initial PDD rezoning request for 162 acres out of the 350-acre, Castlegate Subdivision was quickly followed by a Master Preliminary Plat for the 350-acre area. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: The Parks Board approved the plan for parkland dedication for Castlegate in 2000. ~pporting Materials: Location Map Aerial Map Application Infrastructure and Facilities Copy of Preliminary Plat ~~ /~ ~~ d~ft ~ _ ~ ~;- ~j ry `. ~, ~ ~~,~ a ~a~ zd ,~,, ~ ~ -~ ~ V'~',, ~ ~ M mod/ Vd .y^ 7 ~ ~ ~~ n.^bj~ ~~ ~ tM- .-„ Y i '~ 1 C}' dd ~S`e~..O e,.. nQJ`l d ~C ,~'.r b~ti lZI~~ . ~,~ i ~ ~, a~1 :~, add b~ dt~ ^~ tq dom. ~ `~1r q 5'~ ~, u ; ~ ~~ A ~ ,~eti~'~ ti 4 ;°~ ~ d>> ~, "mil lf~ :'~.~ ~~ ~ •• ~ ~ ~ J~ 6d. n1y ~, ~ ~~ ~~ ,~ ~= ~s. ~ ~ / N ,~ __ ~.. c-v ~- - ~ M ~._./ Z ~---~i " __ ~~ NOiSdil~ " '~? ~ ~ f ~~-,.~i N -7g_~___. -_ g ~ N ~ AJi6 q}IS ~' ~~~ (PVT) 1 ~~p~\V~ O ~~~, Q ~~~ ~SI h 1 ~O U a H U 1 Q ~~ii ,ZOF FO fnU <..147 ~f b,~~ ~ ~~~/~ • FOR OFFICE USE ONLY P&Z CASE NO.: ~ 5~Z`i' i Z.u:~~ DATE SUBMITTED: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ~~i ` PGrnnina C4' UrrKlup~nrnt $rrr~icrr ~ `~'' ~ ~ ~ J~/ ~ 'r'- .....-y---• PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P & Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: • Filing Fee of $400.00. - Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations - $100 (if applicable) ~ Application completed in full. _,~ Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A revised mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) - One (1) copy of the approved Master Plan if applicable. A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. ZJ~ Rezoning Application if zone change is proposed. ~-- Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks 8 Recreation Board, please provide proof of Date of Preapplication Conference: rVlta~t~ ~~~~ ~ NAME OF SUBDIVISION ~- t V1 SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSE SUBDIVISION ~.i/~' ~ __~ ~'t .I,~(~Y.e,z,~S ra.ir ~A- 1~~ ~~ APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Name Street Address `~e..~ City ~'n ~~~1P ~~}1cT~l State -~.~ Zip Cade ~~~~ E-Mail Address - _ / A/' Phone Number 1~ ~ ' Z~v Fax Number ,~~~D~~ ~ ~.CT~"~ PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): - ~~~~ Name r,:.n°:^, ~ f'VQIY f ~S Street Address ~q0 tnQ i v-~ City ~'n ~~~P_ S~t.'~ d'~- State ~_ Zip Code ~ ~~`~ E-Mail Address -"" Phone Number ~~79 L~~~'7Z~0 Fax Number 74 `l~" (o41 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name _~ ~- Street Address State ~_ • Phone Number ..~ Total Acres Of Subdivision ____~_ - ~"Z-AL- R-O-W Acreage ~ ~ ZZaL-Total # Of Lots ~'3 • Number Of Lots By Zoning District ~~ !~ Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: ~`L ~ / 1 ~~ • Flaodplain Acreage Parkland dedication by acreage or fee? ~-Y2ln. ~ A statement addressing any differences between the Preliminary Plat and approved Master Plan (if applicable) ~~i~ ~~ Requested variances to subdivision regulations & reason for same Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Fina! Plat: ACREAGE: ~f' {~rQ~,! i~v4~ ! Gn-e-c~ C:~ # of Acres to be dedicated # of acres in detention OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ # of acres in floodplain # of acres in greenways (date) Approved by Parks S Recreation Board The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above identified plat and attests that all respective owners have been identified on this application. ignature and Title Date ~i Requested oversize participation _: ~~\P C.~.xt" -Fri ('-X-~~b`lt~ IA,`u~.P.t ~ SE',UJ~'k'" ~viP S INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES • Water required for plat: Each lot is required to have public water service, as shown on the plat. Water service will be extended from an 8-inch water line that will be constructed with Section 5, Phase 2. Water Service: Water to be provided to each structure, as required. Sewer required for plat: Each lot is required to have public sewer service, as shown on the plat. Sewer service will be extended from an Water service will be extended from an 8-inch sewer line that will be constructed with Section 5, Phase 2. Sewer Service: Sewer to be provided to each structure, as required. • Street(s) required for plat: All streets shown on plat are required for this subdivision. Streets/Access: Green's Prairie Road is a minor arterial. Off-site Easements required for plat: None required. Drainage: Detention for this development will be provided by the existing regional detention facility at SH 6, and by 2 detention ponds proposed with this Section. Flood Plain: The 100-year floodplain within this subdivision does not affect any of the proposed lots. Oversize request: None Impact Fees: The development is located within the Spring Creek Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area 97-01. Impact fees for sanitary sewer will be due at the time of filing the final plat. Currently, the impact fee is $349.55 per living unit equivalent Parkland Dedication Fees: Parkland has been dedicated for the Castlegate Subdivision including Sections 6. Any additional parkland development fees that may be required will be due at time of final plat. • Consent Agenda 2.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the Edelweiss Gartens Phases 6-12 consisting of 367 lots on 94.417 acres generally located at Victoria Avenue and Night Rain Drive. This item includes a Replat of Lots lA, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Bald Prairie Subdivision. Case #04-281 (JR/AG) . STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves, Planner Date: June 16, 2005 Email: jreeves@cstx.gov Meeting Date: June 22, 2005 Item: Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the Edelweiss Gartens Phases 6-12 consisting of 367 lots on 94.417 acres generally located at Victoria Avenue and Night Rain Drive. This item includes a Replat of Lots 1A, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Bald Prairie Subdivision. Applicant: Edelweiss Gartens Venture, Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a Preliminary Plat for Edelweiss Gartens Phases 6-12 which includes a Replat of Lots 1A, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Bald Prairie Subdivision. The subdivision is proposed south of the existing Edelweiss Gartens Phases 1- 5, east of Victoria Avenue and along the Future State Highway 40. • The plat includes areas zoned R-1, R-2 and R-3. A portion of Phase 6 which has already been final platted is zoned R-3. R-1 development is permitted in R-3 if done to R-1 standards. A note on the plat limits the property on the plat to development under R-1 standards. All lots in this area meet minimum R-1 standards. Phase 10 is zoned R-2. All lots in Phase 10 meet minimum R-2 standards. Each lot is 70-ft wide or greater. Therefore no additional requirements for access and/or parking are placed on these lots. There is a buffer requirement when R-2 develops adjacent to R-1. Buffer requirements are implemented with a building permit. The development is providing several alleys. When a lot has approved rear access the front setback can be reduced to 15 feet. Although this is not required after preliminary plat approval, if City alley standards change before construction, the Developer may wish to provide a revised plat. A portion of the subject area is being replatted. The Replat requires that a public hearing be held. The public hearing only applies to the areas being replatted as noted on the Preliminary Plat and not to the surrounding property. There is a Drainage ROW to be dedicated to the City separating this subdivision from Phases 4 and 5. Preliminary discussions alluded to this drainage way consisting of grassy side slopes with a concrete flow channel. C7 • Sidewalks are required on both sides of Brandenburg Lane, Santour Drive, Eagle Avenue, and Victoria Avenue, and on one side of all residential streets. Sidewalks are not required on cul-de-sacs. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan shows the property as single-family residential. Eagle Avenue is shown as a Minor Collector and Victoria Avenue is shown as a Major Collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. State Highway 40 is a Freeway. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: The Parks Board recommended approval of Parkland to be dedicated as shown. Budgetary & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Aerial Map 3. Application 4. Infrastructure and Facilities 5. Copy of Preliminary Plat • • INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water required for plat: Public water system to provide fire flow and domestic use. Sizes will be established by water analysis and compliance with BCS Unified Manual. Water will be available for extension into Bald Prairie once line is constructed. Water Service: Domestic service to be provided to all platted lots. Sewer required for plat: Sewer area to be established by sewer report. Portions of the Bald Prairie Subdivision are in the sewer shed of this development. The City will look for extension of the public system so as to provide continuity of development. Sewer Service: Domestic service to be provided to all platted lots Street(s) required for plat: Eagle Avenue is shown on the T-fare Plan as a Minor Collector. Victoria Avenue is a Major Collector. State Highway 40 is a Freeway Expressway. StreetslAccess: The plat does not show connection of Eagle Avenue nor Santour Drive to SH 40. The Final Plats of Phases 11 and 12 will need to include a connection of these roadways to the pavement of SH40. • The abandonment of Rene Lane was conditioned on the developer constructing a cul-de-sac at the end of Rene Lane within 6 months of the abandonment. The abandonment is null and void if the cul-de-sac is not constructed. Per the UDO, residential drives are restricted from connecting to a collector street and above. This plat complies with this restriction. Off-site Easements required for plat: None known to be needed at this time. Drainage: This subdivision is required to meet the City's drainage regulations. The general flow pattern of the subject site is to the north. It appears the proposed detention pond will flow into the existing detention pond in the City Park at Hartford and Victoria. Flood Plain: There is no FEMA floodplain on the site. It is imperative that floodplain is not created by development; i.e. the drainage way along the north side of the subdivision should not impact residential lots with floodwaters. Oversize request: None at this time. Impact Fees: None Parkland Dedication Fees: Land dedication requirements are being met with land dedication. The Park Development Fee is currently $358 per lot. • =~'~~, , r ~ ;~, ~ f ~J~' ~~~~ ~' ~ ._ _ .4''. ~., ~ @ a l i a l O ' Q Y' --__ ,' o '`------___~~ h '~`-- q ~_~~-_.~-= ` "`_`---z"~_ -`"~~ ;•• ~ ~ ~ _v~ Cl~ " ~ ~ ~ k ,'~,; ~ ~ s ~ i i~ N ~ ~ „~ 3 ~ s V ~ ~ ~$ ~ g ~ ~ .'~e '8 ~ ~ ~ -s $ i R ~s _ w ~ V' ~ ~ ~ ' , { _ ~ ~' p R ~' N ~ -V ~ ryj / am' ~ h N~ i ~ H Fib f~lpf, b,; V 4: 3 / ii $iu "z ~' v i !,.°w 1 I1II X21 N?J08113M e o 4 cd'~ ~ O s ,~ y '~ ~-~ ~ A'. a ,~ y r ~,.~ G ~,F~ ~~* ~r ~,~# N~ c 'T r } ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ s "~ .`~.1 ~4 ,~. ~ try ~~ ~ , x ~ ~ '~ Y fr .~~ `'~` 7i~- ~~ ~ f '2~ r/ x ~s~ yr: t'~ ;~ ~ .~ h .: .. F ~¢ • R LL r""~' ,~~ ,, ~ .:f', "~, ~~ ~ . a.~y ," tt try ~ *.~ f. j JJ, "~ L ~ ~ ~ t~ !~ ~ J f' }^ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ t :. - ~ ~ T .1S'rut i r y~., '3r '. '. ~ -.~ k3 ~~ '~4 ,, ~ f ~" ~ ry ~ r w * '~ r ~ d,.' ~ y r fi p:~ F~ r~. ay ~ ~ ~ {, ` y>ir ~ ~ is t, x ~~~" # ~} ' i' - ~~ , eta,. _ ~ ~. ~ } ~' ,~,,~ ~ f ~ ~ gg I ~ ,. ~ . L~,.' 'y .~- ~~ ~ _~ ~ t € ~~t .rhy. V ° `~} ~!.ltj4 1 J~ ~~ 4 S j ~ 4 f.. ~~'r ~~ L i~ tl ~~4V ~:~1 ~~~ ~r r;. ,~ ~~. x ~ ~ ~ ~ A Y. ~~ r +j ~ • ~My i~ ~ Y: ~ "ice ~e ~~ ' •t.. ~ M ~ _ ~~~;'.r 'i ~/~ _. .,'z ' '1~.~ 1 ~;? {~~J~~t z? .~f:, ~ f,~~ i 91 ~F~ V~jJ ~~, ,~'~ U } ~ ` 3 .• sv ti.. '^ f - `~i~u~~ ~ ." °-.' , ~.r ' y ~ M ° y ' h y ~ Y ~~ ~ xr 3 ~ r ~ ~ ,~ Y - ~, ~,;, 4 ~~ +1 uti 4s ~ ~ ~ r .r 'y ~.l q ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,t ~~ ~ t~r~ # V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ P~ 8 . it ~~ F ..sF~ ~_,_ • '! t ~ ~ ~ M' if X ~ ~; 0 4 ~}. .YC_ i~~v f ~ ~ I ~; ' t~ ' `~ ~ FOR OFFI U E ONLY ~~~ a - ~ ~~ P8Z Case No: Date Submitted: a~ ~ -n PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION (check one) ^ Preliminary Plat ®Master Preliminary Plat The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for Planning & Zoning Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: $400 Application, review, and filing fee. ti/~, N/A Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A revised mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) One {1) copy of the approved Master Development Plan or Master Preliminary Plat if applicable. A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Rezoning Application if zone change is proposed. Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicable). NAME OF SUBDIVISION Edelweiss Gartens Subdivision Phases 6 - 12 ~PECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION out of the R. Stevenson League A-54 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Edelweiss Gartens Venture E-Mail Street Address 311 Cecilia Loop City College Station State TX Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979.846.8788 Fax Number 979.846.0652 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: IALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name (See attached sheet) E-Mail Street Address City Phone Number Fax Number Zip Code ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name McClure ~ Browne Engineering/Surveying Inc. E-Mail mikemCa7tca.net Street Address 1008 Woodcreek Drive City College Station State TX Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979.693.3838 State Fax Number 979.693.2554 1-Aug-n7 1 of fi ~ROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet r multiple owners}: Name Edelweiss Gartens Venture E-Mail N/, Street Address 311 Cecilia Loop City College Station State TX Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979-846-8788 Fax Number 979.846.0652 JCXiII cr`j~liCt.uiCZ- Name Lick Creek Farm & Ranch Inc. E-Mail Street Address 1675 Fort Worth Hwy. City Weatherford State TX Zip Code 76086-4628 Sl7- t~i3-9na~ Phone Number B'~x#~'~y'$' Fax Number ~i 7 3µ-I -139 ~~~-~n~-2~~i~v - c,,e11 .s J~~~-~a~7~C~1CL Name LCF&R Trust 5 E-Mail Street Address 13864 Renee Drive City College Station State TX Zip Code 77845-8116 • Phone Number Fax Number C~ otal Acres Of Subdivision 94.417 R-O-W Acreage 21.742 ac Total # Of Lots 367 umber Of Lots By Zoning District 327/ R-1 23 / R-2 17 / R_3 Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: 0.175 / R-1 0.266 / R-2 0.176 / R-3 Floodplain Acreage None Parkland dedication by acreage or fee? 6.369 acres A statement addressing any differences between the preliminary plat and approved master development plan and/or master preliminary plat (if applicable}: None Requested variances to subdivision regulations & reason for same None Requested oversize participation None Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: 6.369 # of Acres to be dedicated # of acres in detention -0- # of acres in floodplain -0- # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = # of Multi-Family Dwelling Units X $452 = (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above identified plat and attests that all respective owners have been identified on this application. N ,Z y o¢ ature a d Title ~k~~T C.c.~i~~ Date • INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water required for plat: Public water system to provide fire flow and domestic use. Sizes will be established by water analysis and compliance with BCS Unified Manual. Water will be available for extension into Bald Prairie once line is constructed. Water Service: Domestic service to be provided to all platted lots. Sewer required for plat: Sewer area to be established by sewer report. Portions of the Bald Prairie Subdivision are in the sewer shed of this development. The City will look for extension of the public system so as to provide continuity of development. Sewer Service: Domestic service to be provided to all platted lots Street(s) required for plat: Eagle Avenue is shown on the T-fare Plan as a Minor Collector. Victoria Avenue is a Major Collector. State Highway 40 is a Freeway Expressway. Streets/Access: The plat does not show connection of Eagle Avenue nor Santour Drive to SH 40. The Final Plats of Phases 11 and 12 will need to include a connection of these roadways to the pavement of SH40. • The abandonment of Rene Lane was conditioned on the developer constructing a cul-de-sac at the end of Rene Lane within 6 months of the abandonment. The abandonment is null and void if the cul-de-sac is not constructed. Per the UDO, residential drives are restricted from connecting to a collector street and above. This plat complies with this restriction. Off-site Easements required for plat: None known to be needed at this time. Drainage: This subdivision is required to meet the City's drainage regulations. The general flow pattern of the subject site is to the north. It appears the proposed detention pond will flow into the existing detention pond in the City Park at Hartford and Victoria. Flood Plain: There is no FEMA floodplain on the site. It is imperative that floodplain is not created by development; i.e. the drainage way along the north side of the subdivision should not impact residential lots with floodwaters. Oversize request: None at this time. Impact Fees: None Parkland Dedication Fees: Land dedication requirements are being met with land dedication. The Park Development Fee is currently $358 per lot. • Consent Agenda 2.4 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Vacating and Final Plat -Residential for the Indian Lakes Subdivision Ph 4 Lot 11 Block 8 and Lots 31-36 Block 9, consisting of 9 lots on 19.909 acres, generally located north of Indian Lakes Drive and east of Chaco Canyon Drive in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case #OS-100 (MH/AG) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Molly Hitchcock Report Date: May 18, 2005 Email: mhitchcock@cstx.gov Meeting Date: June 22, 2005 Item: Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Vacating and Final Plat - Residential for the Indian Lakes Subdivision Ph 4 Lot 11 Block 8 and Lots 31- 36 Block 9, consisting of 9 lots on 19.909 acres, generally located north of Indian Lakes Drive and east of Chaco Canyon Drive in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Applicant: Travis Martinek, Agent for Smiling Mallard Development Company Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the vacating and final plat. Item Summary: The applicant wishes to vacate two portions of Phase 4 (final platted in 2004) and final plat. All lots will be 1.83 to 2.595 acres, consistent with the density of a rural residential subdivision. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The property is shown as rural on the • Land Use Plan. The subject area does not include any streets that are proposed on the Thoroughfare Plan. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the vacating and final plat. The options regarding the vacating and final plat are: ^ Approval with conditions; ^ Approval as submitted; or ^ Denial. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Application 4. Copy of Vacating and Final Ptat • J ~ Zg ~- 0 __________--- ~ ~ o ~~ ~N O ~g ~9 N c~ U ~~;o ~ Y W Z a Q ~~ Z ~ ~ ~ O -~ a w c~ g _J ^ > 0 W W ARRINGTON ROD ~ H Z W 0 J W '`~`~ ~ ~~ G` -~-Q 1A ~y 4 ITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning d~Deaelopment Srrvias FOR OFFI U3E QN-L`yY ~ P&Z CASE NO.: IL ~.~/ DATE SUBMITTED: ~~~ FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ^ Minor ^ Amending ^ Final ^ Vacating ® Replat ($300.00) ($300.00) ($400.00) ($400.00) ($600.00)" "Includes public hearing fee The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P8~Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: X Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet N/A Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) N/A Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). N/A Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) X Application completed in full. X Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats (if applicable). X Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) N/A One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or ane (1) Master Plan (if applicable). X Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. X A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. X Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). /A Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicable). Date of Preapplication Conference: Unknown NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Villages of Indian Lakes -Phase lV SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION {Lot & Block): North of Indian Lakes Drive, Lots 11A-11 C, Block 8; East of Chaco Canyon Drive, Lots 31-36, Block 9 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name: Travis Martinek Street Address: 3608 East 29~' Sfreet, Suite 100 City: Bryan State: Texas Zip Code: 77802 Phone Number: (979) 846-4384 E-Mail Address: tavis@clarkewyndham.com Fax Number: (979) 846-1461 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name: Smiling Mallard Development, LLC Street Address: 3608 East 29th Street, Suite 100 City: Bryan State: Texas Zip Code: 77802 Phone Number: (979) 846-4384 E-Mail Address: Travis@clarkewyndham.com Fax Number: (979) 846-1461 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: • Name: McClure & Browne, Inc. Street Address: 1008 Woodcreek Drive, Suite 103 City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845 Phone Number: (979) 693-3838 E-Mail Address: mikem@mcclurebrowne.com Fax Number: (979) 693-2554 6/13/03 1 of 1 Is there a temporary blanket easerrf on this property? No Acreage -Total Property: 19.95 Total # Of Lots: 9 R-O-W Acreage: 0.00 Existing Use: Single-Family Resldentlaf Proposed Use: Single-Family Residential ~ber Of Lots By Zoning District: N/A Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: NIA Floodplain Acreage: N/A A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and approved Master Plan and/or Preliminary Plat (if applicable}: N/A Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: N/A Requested Oversize Participation: N!A Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: Streets Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer Lines Water Lines ~_ Channels Storm Sewers Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicated + $ # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: development fee # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-identified hnal plat and attests that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. ~~ ~~~~ Travis Martinek Design & Construction Manager • y~a8fo s Date 6/13/03 2 of 2 Consent Agenda 2.5 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for the Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase 7 consisting of 10 lots on 18.28 acres, generally located south of Chaco Canyon Drive in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case #05-101 (MH/AG) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Molly Hitchcock Report Date: May 18, 2005 Email: mhitchcock@cstx.gov Meeting Date: June 22, 2005 Item: Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for the Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase 7 consisting of 10 lots on 18.28 acres, generally located south of Chaco Ganyon Drive in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Applicant: Travis Martinek, Agent for Smiling Mallard Development Company Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the final plat. Item Summary: Phase 7 will be a new section of Indian Lakes, continuing the rural residential development. The plat includes the extension of the Anasazi Bluff Drive right-of-way and one cul-de-sac. The lots will vary from 1.204 to 2.641 acres each. The plat shows conservation areas to comply with the project's Corps permit. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The property is shown as rural on the Land Use Plan. The subject area does not include any streets that are proposed • on the Thoroughfare Plan. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval with conditions; ^ Approval as submitted; or ^ Denial. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Application 4. Copy of Final Plat • i J I.... Zg ~- o o ~~ ~ ca U ~~ 5 W j Y W g Z a Q- CI > Z y ~ ~ O~ ~a w C7 g J_ ^ > W W ARRINGTON ROD ~ H W ~.. J W •.~~5 O V`~~ r H ul FOR OFFICE~US+E ONLY P8Z CASE NO.: ""J `' DATE SUBMITTED: `-~ i ~TY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning d Drvelopment 5trvicet FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ^ Minor ^ Amending ® Final ^ Vacating ^ Replat ~~, ($300.00) ($300.00) ($400.00) ($400.00) ($600.00)* *Includes public hearing fee i The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P8Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: X Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet N/A Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations -- $100 (if applicable) N/A Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). NIA Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) X Application completed in full. X Copy of original deed restrictionslcovenants for replats (if applicable). X Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.} N/A One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). X Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. X A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. X Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). N/A Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicable). Date of Preapplication Conference: Unknown NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Villages of Indian Lakes -Phase Vll SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION {Lot & Block): Easf of Chaco Canyon Drive, Lots 1-10, Block 14 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name: Travis Martinek Street Address: 3608 East 29~h Street, Suite 100 City: Bryan State: Texas Zip Code: 77802 Phone Number: (979) 846-4384 E-Mail Address: tavis@clarkewyndham.com Fax Number: (979) 846-1461 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name: Smiling Mallard Development, LLC Street Address: 3608 East 29<'' Streef, Suite 100 City: Bryan State: Texas Zip Code: 77802 Phone Number: (979) 846-4384 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name: McClure & Browne, Inc. . Street Address: 1008 Woodcreek Drive, Suite 103 State: Texas Zip Code: 77845 Phone Number: (979) 693-3838 E-Mail Address: Travis@clarkewyndham.com Fax Number: (979) 846-1461 City: College Station E-Mail Address: mikem@mcclurebrowne.com Fax Number: (979) 693-2554 6/13!03 loft Is there a temporary blanket easy :ant on this property? No Acreage -Total Property: 17.52 Total # Of Lots: 1Q R-O-W Acreage: 1.98 Existing Use: Vacant/Agricultura'I Proposed Use: Single-Family Residential ~mber Of Lots By Zoning District: N/A Average Acreage Of Each Residential tot By Zoning District: N/A Floodplain Acreage: N/A A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and approved Master Plan and/or Preliminary Plat (if applicable): N/A Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: N/A Requested Oversize Participation: N/A Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: Streets Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer Lines Water Lines Channels Storm Sewers Bike Lanes I Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-identified Tina! plat and attests that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. Travis Martinek Design & Construction Manager y a ~ oS Date 6113/03 2 of 2 • City o, f ~'ollege Station Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name: Ben White Request Submitted on: Ma~b, 2005 I will not be in attendance at the meeting of May 19.2005 for the reason(s) specified: Will be sworn in on May 18, 2005, for a position with the City Council. Resignation to follow before May 1$, 2005. • Request Received By Phone on May 16, 2005 (Signature} This request shall be subnutted to .I.rsa ~rndgren one-week rior to the meeting date. • Ma8 17 05 11:50a Rehab Gase Mgt 821 7585 p.2 • May 17, 2005 To Whom It May Concern: Please allow this notification to confirm the fact that my term as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner for the City of College Station will expire in June 2005. Resulting from my recent election to the City Council for the City of College Station and my May 18`t' induction ceremony to the Council, I hereby request early termination of my Commission obligations. Thank you for your attention to my request. Regards, Ben White • C, • City of College Station Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers I~Iame: Marilyn Hooton Request Submitted on: Mav 14, 2005 I will not be iri attendance at the meeting of: May 19, 2005 for the reason(s) specified: Will be out of town. • Request Received B~•Mail on MaY 1 b, 2005 (Signature) ~~ 7~1is request shall be submitted to Lisa Lindgren one-week rior to the meeting- date. Lisa Lindgren P & Z May 19 .- _ _ _ Pa e 1 • From: <Mjhooton(~eol.com> To: ~Liiruigren~csbt,gov> Date: 5/14/2005 4:42:50 PM $ubject: P & 2 May 19 Lisa, I have to be out of town May 19. My i have an excused absence. Thank you, l will see you Monday. Marityn • C~ Lisa Lindgren -Request for Pardon -June 2, 2005 P8Z Meeting _ ~,~~ Page 1 • From: "John Nichols" <jpn~aq.tamu.edu> To: <Llindgrent~cstx.gov> Date: 5/24/2005 6:02:06 PM Subject: Request for Pardon -June 2, 2005 P8Z Meeting Dear Lisa, Please accept this as my request for pardon for being absent from the June 2, 2005 meetir~ of the Planning and Zoning Commission. 1 will be out of sown on business. 1 appreciate the Commissioners granting me this pardon. John P. Nichols Planning and Zoning Commissioner CC: "Scott Shafer" <SShafer(~iag.tamu.edu> • • Lisa lan ren -Absent June 2 _ __ <a___-w_. ~P-- a 1:: • From: To: Date: Subject: SCatt, <Mjhootont~aol.com> <sshafer(~ag.tamu.edu> 5131 /2005 9:2$:31 PM Absent June 2 1 am unable to attend P 8~ ~ June 2. We have a grandson who is seriously i11 and we will be in Houston on Thursday. We hope to get same goad news on Friday. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you, Marilyn CC: <Jdunn(i~estx.gov>, <Llindgren~cstx.gov> • • City of College Station Absence Request Farm Far Elected and Appointed Officers Name: Sohn. Fedora Request Submitted on: June 2, 2005 I will not be in attendance at the meeting of: June 2, Zoos for the reasons} specified: Please excuse my absence far this meeting - I am unable to attend. • Request Received By Phone gn June 2, Nos (Signature} This request stall be subrnitxed to Lisa L~dgrex~ one-week r~or to the .rr~eeting date. • i Usa Lindgren - Re ABSENCE REQUEST ~ ~ ~. , pale • From: john fedora <jdfedoral~yahoo.com> To: Lisa Lindgren <Liindgren(~c~tx.gav> Date: 8!8!2005 5:41:21 PM Subject: Re: ABSENCE REQUEST Lisa, Please excuse me for June 2, 2005. I will be out of town. Thanks, John Fedora --- Lisa Lindgren <Llindgren~cs#x.gov> wrote: > John: > Please send me just quick note so i can have it for > the packets this > week for your absence request from the June 2, 2405, > meeting. > Thank you!! > Lisa Lindgren > Staff Assistant > City of College Station • > Planning ~ Development Services > 1101 Texas Avenue > College Station, Texas 77840 > 979-784-3783 > IGndgren(t~cstx.gov > www.cstx.gov > College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. > Discover Yahoo! Use Yahoo! to plan a weekend, have fun online and more. Check it out! http;JJdiscover.yahoo.camJ • • City of College Station Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name: Scott, Sl~.afer Request Submitted on: June 3.2005 I will not be in attendance at the meeting of ~t~ne l6, 2005 for the reason(s) specified: Out of town on business. • Rgquest Received By e-mail on June 3, 2005 (Signature) ~~ This request shall be subrrutted to .Lisa I.~rrldgr~en one-week rior to the mee~ir~g date. Lisa Lmd$ren fJfficiai R~uest fot Ala~ence from Mee1m s _ ~ __ Page 1' • From: "Bi1t (George W.R.) Davis" <bili~pianopiace.net> To: "'Lisa Lindgren"' <Uindgren~#cstx.gav> gate: 6/812005 5:45:47 PM Subject: ©ffiaai Request for Atksence from Meetings To: Planning and Zoning Commission t will be out of town for the toilowing periods and request your permission for an excused absence from any affected scheduled or special called meetings during these dates: June 1 Qth through June 21st -Kansas City Kansas July 8th through Aug 2nd - Atlanta Georgia Thank you for your consideration. Bill Davis Planning and Zoning Commissioner 1006 Hott St College Station TX 77840 C7 • -~,~,~.,Y.,-n.,~ ~,-y-,-T-<,m,,,<-,. ,isa Lindgren,. Re PLEASE CHECK YOUR CALENDAR _. _. . ~ " ~ _ _ _ , Page 1: , • Fran: john fedora <jdfedora(~yahoo.com> To; Lisa Lindgren <Llindgren(~cstx.gov> Date: 6/10/2005 5:25:13 PM Subject: Re: PLEASE GHECK YOUR CALENDAR Lisa, No good for june 15 or 16, but good for june 22 and July 18.19 J Fedora --- Lisa Lindgren <Llindgren~cstx.gov> wrote: > Commissioner Fedora: > Please check your schedule for the following dates. > As you know we have quite few things > happening...trainings, meetings, etc. over the next > couple of months and I need to double check your > calendar. > Please check your calendar for June 15, 2005...the > TXAPA training...let me know if you can attend. > Please check your calendar for the June 16, 2005, > regular P8Z meeting...there wtll only be 4 of you so > 1 need to make sure everyone can attend this • > meeting. > June 22, 2005, from 11:30am-1:OOpm...this is a > rescheduled P$Z meeting (06/02)...please let me know > if you can still make this meeting. > Please check your calendar for the week of July > 18-22, 2005, for the times of 11 am-1 pm. We are > trying to schedule the joint meeting with Bryan Pi3uZ > during this time. Give me the two dates that work > best for you. > Thank you and have a wonderful weekend! > Lisa Lindgren > Staff Assistant > City of College Station > Planning 8 t~+evelopment Services > 1101 Texas Avenue > Goliege Station, Texas 77840 > 979-764-3783 > Aindgren(t~cstx.gov > www.cstx.gov > • > College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves, Planner Report Date: June 17, 2005 Email: jreeves@cstx.gov Meeting Date: June 22, 2005 Item: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat and Replat of the University Town Center Subdivision consisting of 4 lots on 20.02 acres generally located south of the intersection of University Drive and Tarrow Drive East. Applicant: David Scarmardo, Sahara Reality Group, Ltd., property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of this request as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a Final Plat and Replat of the University Town Center Subdivision. This is a "clean-up" plat to consolidate previously unplatted acreage and replat portions of the Henton Subdivision and One Lincoln Place Subdivision. This property is within the City Limits of College Station and bounded by • University Drive to the north, a vacant tract to the west, a restaurant and hotel to the east, and town homes and vacant land to the south. Public Utility Easements are proposed to satisfy associated Site Plan development. An Easement Abandonment was approved by the City Council on February 22, 2005 to abandon easements from which electric facilities have been removed. Each of the proposed lots has access to University Drive through joint access easements. On December 21, 2004, the City Council approved a request to rezone the southern portion of this property from R-1 to C-1. With all four tracts being C-1, this allows for the development of the proposed commercial shopping center and multiple restaurant development known as the University Town Center. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates this property as Retail Regional. C-1 General Commercial is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. This Final Plat and Replat are in conformance with the Thoroughfare Plan, as it does not depict the extension of any thoroughfares or any additional Right-of- way. With regard to Special Area Plans, this property is within the University Drive • Overlay. • Budgetary & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Application 3. Copy of Plat • • ~ --- ~~ ~ i ~ 1 ~ a op `, dJ fL' p.i ~ ~1 ~ ~~: q~, rv `7 ,.~±~ m .)S ^~ / p~ c ~ 4~ / o ~ J u~ ~, r r .. - ,o -y %) c~ ~ ; f. ~ /~ O ~~i ~~ ~ - is ~, ~~ J ~. ~ ~. s xl ~. / u P ~ ~ ~ - o N . .-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 - ,. ~ ,, ,, /~ ~(~~, \/~' o ,~ _ v~ ~ fl, 1 ~ ~' _ '~~ ~~ ttl ~'~, - 1'~ : 6 ~~ , 1 ~ / W 1\ ~ 1' l=~ ~'`' ~6, :. ~ ~) 1 i R ~~ ~^ ,. Cam' ('' O ~~ ~1 ~\ \ ;` ~ ^ z ~,- ~ V w ~ ~~~ ~ ` z ~ / ~ H a ~ ~ l ~~ w L- - -; ~ z - . << ~M ~ ~, o ^ ~ _- ~ ~ >> ~ ., ~~ z © ~.m / ~ ~~ ~ J ~'?/ '.. a j S O o ~ ~ ~ z ~' ii ~ v o0 ~ ____ ~ "~P ~i c , 0 M S~ ~ ~ 1 ^-~ ~ o ~ y ~ n' ., 1~~ ~ m ~ ~ ~~ ~ Q .~~ 4J m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ "~ ~a~ A ~ 1S ~ d lA ~~ 1S M y1 / ~ X 0 ---, a a~ qj ~ I ~ ~, i l ~S CR ~ ~ ~ R~ pd, 4i ~o '. A ~' ~` bbl ~~ ~ h .~ ~~ ~ rn v .. / ,` . I, _ w `O n. `n t`y- -f 1 - r- w ". ~ _~ z~ i -" -- 0 ai MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: X Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) X Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). X Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) X Application completed in full. ~-- sub~.,;~~~d at3(~y a tnl~4ioy YWtz-Meyer br;ut,v~ay Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats (if applicable}. X Thirteen (13} folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). X Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. X A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). NA Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicable). bate of Preapplication Conference: May 10, 2004 and September 13, 2004 NAME OF SUBDIVISION Replat of Lots 3R and 4R Henton Subdivision and One Lincoln Place SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION (Lot & Block) 800 University Drive -the southeast corner of Tarrow Street E and University Drive APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name David Scarmardo -Sahara Realty Group Ltd Street Address 1289 N. Harvey Mitchell Parkway City Bryan State TX Zip Code 77803 Phone Number 979-779-7209 E-Mail Address david[ scarmardofoods.com Fax Number 979-822-1763 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Same Street Address State Zip Code Phone Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: E-Mail Address Fax Number City Name Klino EnAineerin4 & Surveyin4 Street Address 4101 S. Texas Ave. Suite A City Bryan State TX Zip Code 77802 Phone Number 979-846-6212 6/13/03 E-Mail Address stewart(c~klinoeng.com Fax Number 979-846-8252 1 of 5 The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P&Z Commission consideration. Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? If so, please provide the Volume and Page # Acreage ~ Total Property 17.7 Total # Of Lots 3 R-O-W Acreage none xisting Use: vacant Proposed Use: Restaurant and retail shopping umber Of Lots By Zoning District 3 / C-1 / / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: 1 Floodplain Acreage A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and approved Master Plan and/or Preliminary Plat (if applicable): Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: Requested Oversize Participation: Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: Streets Sidewalks 1624 Sanitary Sewer Lines 2670 Water Lines Channels Storm Sewers Bike Lanes J Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 =$ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-identified trnal plat and attests that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. 8' 0 Date 6113103 2 of S MEMORANDUM Report Date: 6-06-2005 Meeting Date: 6-22-2005 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Trey Fletcher, AICP, Sr. Planner Email: tletcher@cstx.gov SUBJECT: REPEAT 8~ FINAL PLAT -CENTURY HILL DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION Item: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Replat and Final Plat for the Century Hill Development Subdivision consisting of 15 lots on 36.92 acres generally located at 1595 Sebesta Road, east of the Earl Rudder Freeway (SH 6). (05-43) • Applicant: Garrett Engineering - DeAnna Ordonez, for owner, Brazos Valley Construction Inc. and Stephanie Sale Singleton. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the plat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a Final Plat for Century Hill Development. The proposed plat includes a Replat of Lot 2 of the Agency Records Control subdivision. Lots 1-8, 13 and 14 are currently zoned C-1, General Commercial. The remaining lots (9-12 and 15) are zoned M-1, Light Industrial. The development proposes to construct two (2) collector roadways: Pavilion Avenue will connect Sebesta Road to the SH 6 Northbound Frontage Road, and Coreusier Circle has been renamed to Corsair Circle (per the Commission's request), and will extend from Pavilion Avenue to Emerald Parkway. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Land Use Plan: As per the Mixed Use Opportunities Study in 2003, this area was designated on the Land Use Plan as Regional Retail, with a limited amount of Office along Sebesta Road. Prior to this it was shown for Mixed Use and • Office. The extent of future office uses was unchanged. • Thoroughfare Plan: The subject area is located along Sebesta Road, a Minor Collector and SH 6. No additional rights-of-way for these roads are necessary. A Minor Collector is shown on this parcel connecting Sebesta Road to Emerald Parkway. The development of Pavilion Avenue and Corsair Circle will fulfill implementation requirements of the Thoroughfare Plan. Special Area Plans: This parcel was considered in the East Bypass Small Area Action Plan (2000) as well as the Mixed Use Opportunities Study (2003). Budgetary 8~ Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Application 4. Copy of Final Plat C, ~ 47 "'l '~ ! ,~ ~ ry ~ ~ "' ~ ~- ~~' l z ~ 17W Y ,eis ~ p ~ ~y. ~~ ,o,r ~ iy ¢~ 1j0 V1 ~.is '29~ ~ / Y ~y ~~ ~ ry p~ e r$ y~ ~e `Vj r') ~~ V~ ~~oy~, ~~~ ~ b p~~ ~ a h ~ i°' 'ID ~ h ~. ~ /~'~~ " u[o ~ e„c :d ~ p~ ~ ~w BENT`- tREE. gib r.'' l .~ ' h, - [ ~~~ '~ ~„ -;, .~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ry ~. ~, Oa ~- e 03 ~o~ ~v 4 .J~ i f /~ ~~ h .J. lxi ~~ e~ , E1p7 ^' itoi . `~' o~_~~p -~ -~ ~ ~: -~ ~ ~_ I _ 4~ _ q. _. s T ~~ ~ O ~ N 3 ~ ~ a M w ~ ~ a, ^ u `~A,a m i- x i ~{ Q ~ 4 ~ ~ ' } - 2 / it i ~ e FO ~U Q...141 b r ~ ,o,r M ~l ~' O v eS U Q ._ 1 r , Q z W a O o A ~~ ~ __ ~ z W STA'E HWY 6 - (EARL R UCCER FREEWAY gp~TH) _- ti ' ~ o+ 4 _ " ~ c.,$' ~ ~ ~ ti ~~y i~l ~`% ~ ~ ~ 9[i '\ ~y } y ti ~: ^r, O: 1 ~V ~~ ~ ~ %~ c,~ r ~ . O ~ ~ b r ~ ~ "~ '^~ ~p ^'1 M ly ~ `)~y,. ri~~/~~~ - h ~ / e W / ~ h`% Q ~ FJ ~ $ PG' ~ m ~ °~ ~4,+ ~ i~1 Q ~ ~° _ - ~ '~ ,~ Q o - ; ~~ _ ~ ~~ ~ e a 1 \ ~^ ~ rn ~h =~ N h h m ~ , 3 •~_ r FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I P8Z CASE NO.: DATE SUBMITTED: ~.---... FINAL PLAT A~LICATION~ `~ (Check one) ^ Minor ^ Amending ® Final ^ Vacating ^ Replat {s3~.oo} (t~.oo} (s4oo.o0} (s4ra.ooy fssoo.oa}• *Includes public hearing fee The fallowing items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P8Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Filing Fee {see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations w $100 (if applicable} Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 {applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) Application completed in full. Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats {if applicable). Thirteen {13} folded copies of plat. {A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) One (1}copy of the approved Preliminary Plat andlor one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. A copy of the attached checklist with ail items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Two {2} copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat {if applicable}. Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks 8~ Recreation Board, please provide proof of anoroval (if apc~6cable). of Preapplication Conference: None NAME OF SUBDIVISION Century Hill Subdivision SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION {Lot ~ Block) Approximently 700 ft North of the intersection of Sebesta Road and the feeder road of North Earl Rudder Freeway (State Highway 6). APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project}: Name Garrett Engineerint: - DeAnna Qrdonez Street Address 4444 Carter Creek Parkway Suite 1Q8 City Bryan State Texas Zip Code 77$02 E-Mail Address acimint'a~garrettonline.net Phone No.(979} 846-2688 Fax No. (979) 846-3094 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Centuray Hill Ltd. -Emanuel Glockzin, Jr. President Street Address 45t)0 Carter Creek Parkway. Suite 101 City Bryan State Texas Zip Code 77805 Phone Number ,979) 846 -- 8878 Fax Number (979) 846 - 0783 PROPERTY Name Street • State iNFnA~n-rinn~• °~~ _ ~a~ ~L~~~f~V'.~ ~~(a , ~ ~,pr~ `~/ ~ . ~ c~ ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: • Name Garrett Eng~n.eering -Don Garrett Street Address 4444 Carter Creek Parkway Suite 108 City Bryan State Tex s Zip Code 77802 E-Mail Address ~idm~2~ ~i ~r~~-rettanlic~~.net Phone No.L979) 848-268 Fax No. X979) 846-3094 Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? No. If so, please provide the Volume and Page # Acreage ~ Total Property 38.92 Total # Of Lots 15 R-O-W Acreage 2.83 Existing Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Commercial Subdivision Number Of Lots By Zoning District 10 1 Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: 0 / / Fioodplain Acreage 0 C1 _ / 4 _ / M1Average / ! A statement addressing any differences between the Final Piat and approved Master Plan and/or Preliminary Plat (if applicable): None Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: None Requested Oversize Participation: None Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public; 1930 Streets 4070 Sidewalks 4013 Sanitary Sewer Lines 1950 Water Lines 518 Channels 3465 Storm Sewers Bike Lanes C Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 =$ {date) Approved by Parks 8~ Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto ane true, correct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-identified Crnal plat and attests fhat this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. ~ " Signature and Title 3 3 ~ °,s-~ Date Regular Agenda 8 Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning for Callaway Subdivision Phase II, consisting of approximately 14 acres, located on the east side of Marion Pugh Drive, approximately 500' south of the intersection of George Bush Drive, including a portion of the Luther Street Right-of-Way, from C-1 General Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi- Family. Case #05-79 (JP) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Planner Report Date: June 17, 2005 Email: jprochazka~a cstx.gov Meeting Date: June 22, 2005 Item: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning for Callaway Subdivision Phase II, consisting of approximately 14 acres, located on the east side of Marion Pugh Drive, approximately 500' south of the intersection of George Bush Drive, including a portion of the Luther Street Right-of-Way, from C-1 General Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. Applicant: Rabon Metcalf Engineering, agent for Callaway Development Corporation, and the City of College Station, owner of the Luther Street Right-of- Way. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning with the condition that the Developer, extend Marion Pugh Drive from Luther Street to Holleman Street at the time the property is developed. Item Summary: The purpose of this request is to develop the property as a multi-family housing complex. This item came before the Commission in March • 2004 and received a unanimous recommendation for approval by the Commission. At that time, the property owner was not ready to move forward to the City Council for final approval of the R-6 zoning. The Planning & Zoning commission again heard this case on April 7, 2005 and again recommended approval unanimously. The City Council denied the rezoning request on April 14, 2005 because of traffic and accessibility concerns. On May 5, 2005 the Planning & Zoning Commission waived the required 180 day waiting period required by the Unified Development Ordinance for re-application of rezonings because of available new information. The new information submitted by the applicant is a letter for a proposed development participation agreement with the City for the construction of the portion of Marion Pugh Drive between approximately Luther Street and Holleman Drive. The applicant has also submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis to assess the traffic issues associated with the development of the subject tract. This analysis assumes the extension of Marion Pugh Drive to Holleman Drive is constructed, as the developer has indicated in his letter. Even though existing traffic volumes in this area are high, the primary finding of the TIA is that the traffic that this development generates will be accommodated by the transportation system with the Marion Pugh Drive extension. This is primarily due to the significant number of trips that will take place using modes other than the automobile, since the project is in close proximity to TAMU. In addition, it is expected that the traffic • peak for the proposed apartment complex will be different than the overall transportation network's morning and afternoon peaks that are associated with • commutes to work. In the long term (2010 and beyond), traffic conditions should significantly improve with the construction of the Wellborn Road /George Bush Drive grade separation and the eventual extension of Jones-Butler Drive to George Bush Drive. The staff Traffic Engineer has reviewed the subject TIA and is in general agreement with the assumptions and conclusions of the report. The Executive Summary of the TIA is included as an attachment to this staff report for your information. The property to the west, across Marion Pugh Drive, is zoned R-6 and is developed as apartments. The property to the south, across the Luther right-of- way, is zoned R-4 and M-1 and is not developed. The property to the east, acrass the railroad right-of-way and Wellborn Road, is zoned R-1 and A-P and developed as single-family homes and offices. The northern property is developed as a parking lot for the Callaway House Dormitory and is zoned C-1. The rezoning of the Luther Street Right-of-Way is not an approval of the right-of- way abandonment. The right-of--way abandonment will be submitted to the City Council for consideration through an abandonment ordinance. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates this property as Residential Attached, therefore the rezoning request is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. The location of the rezoning request is also supported • by the City's development policies which attempt to locate multi-family in close proximity to Texas A&M University. Marion Pugh Drive is designated as a major collector on the Thoroughfare Plan, Wellborn Road is designated as a major arterial, and Luther is a residential street in this area. Item Background: The property was annexed in to the City and zoned Industrial in 1958. When the zoning was changed to M-2, the district also included C-1 uses. In 1984 an amendment was made to the Zoning Ordinance that prohibited C-1 uses in M-2 zones, however, this particular property was specifically exempted from the exclusion of C-1 uses in an M-2 zone, and allowed the General Commercial uses. With the adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance, City Staff worked with the property owners by giving them. the choice of retaining the M-2 classification without the commercial uses or being rezoned to C-1 to include the commercial uses. The property is zoned C-1. Luther Street was closed in this area in the 1990s. Information on Multi-family Housing in College Station: The Comprehensive Plan proposes 1,043 acres of Residential Attached in specific locations. . There are currently 1,357 acres zoned multi-family, R-4 or R-6. 950 total acres developed as multi-family • 841 acres developed as apartments & condominiums and 109 acres developed as group housing (off campus dorms) 203 acres zoned multi-family, but undeveloped. However, these are not necessarily in areas where we desire multi-family growth. Approximately 204 acres zoned multi-family, but developed as other uses. Approximately 26 acres (in various locations) currently zoned for multi- family, but undeveloped, within one mile of Texas A&M University campus. Current occupancy rates for multi-family units (2004): 90.6% B/CS area A certain level of vacancy is generally needed for ease of movement, housing choice, and affordability. Commission Action Options: The Commission acts as a recommending body on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately decided by City Council. • The Commission's options are: 1. Recommend approval; 2. Recommend denial; 3. Table indefinitely; or, 4. Defer action to a specified date. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial 3. Application & Staff Memo 4. Infrastructure and Facilities 5. Letter in opposition to request 6. Letter from applicant's representative for proposed Development Agreement 7. Traffic Impact Analysis Executive Summary [ ~ rp~ ~ ' ", . 1 y ~~'b '`'~~\' ~~' ~~ ,~, ~~~' h ./' v y `~ a ~. 4~~ .~~ ~C h ~ w~ ,~ ~ ~ 1«~i' Fc , ~ ry tpn~ ~ ~~, ~ v~ ~ di 0' 4 ~0 b 1 ~ ~' • b 6' ,{Y ti~ 1~. \ ~. ZF ~ `4f > '~' .A d ~ ~t~~" ~ r ~_ ~~. ~ ~ 1 ~ J 4g. ~ _. ; / cca ~ ~ f / 9 \ T ~ °~; /,-; " ~ ,-/ . _ a w ~ ~ </ > >.\ \ /~ ~ \~ sir.: ~ / ,. a ~, t~Y ti~',S ~ * v z ~ ~ 1 ., J, } ~~.~ pug'' ---_. ---_ t'" ~. ` /"~ ~`* -a ~~ f~~ ~,~~ ~:'20F FO V1V<.~1W "'..-~-~ f,~ Jy ~9 , y ~O A ~t ~7 y5',J ~" ~:J ~~' ) :\ ~^ 4i ~ ,/ ~R ~~pt.Of~~iOEU H z w a. O a w a d V A ~ ~ z q ~ ~ U ., k+ ( rl O I .. .. r ~ Z . ~ ~ ~ .~ - , iy~ '~ ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ , 'r ~ ` ~ 'I ~~: M~.r.x it ~~. ~'`~~ ... ,' y , ~ i',.' 4 ~~ ;\ ., O . l 7' I}A+ ~- ~~ ~ ~~ ,yl~, ~t .~ , ~;~ ~q~ ~ ~t +~ a * U ~, ~~ "` y" ''li• ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ,~~ ~ ~~ A' /.:'~ '~~y// /~ \(~/ ",s y, C;'F~y~ 4 .yf~~~ r Y' ,~4` M;~ -<';,.di~.y. x~~ ~'fi' ~ ~~,~`~ / ' _ Sr ~,"~"' • ` ~t ~f 'a1~ $ Y r~ ,+. MR'S ~ Z ~y ! ~ w ~.,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~„ „ • ~ v ~ ~ ~> .~ f ~p~,~ ~ _ Irv' ~1.:- # 1 ~ '~ i~ • : ~~ .~ t ~• ~ ~ s ,~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ;t ,. "~`~ ~ ~' f` '~ ~ .~ ~. r i. ~ y~,' ~.~ 4~ F~ W ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _ ,-, ~ ~~-- s,. .~ i~ ~~.7~`. vd'~;z J `' ,~; ~' ~ ~ , : ~ `~ '~ x rt' ~ ~ ~ ,. ~`+ i. ~ ~~ ,~ ' W q b~. ~ 0 d ~' ~ ~~ ~ ~ s d ,~ x'" 4 ~ ~. ai ~y( ~~ ~~ r ~ ~~ ~ S L .I •~y ~~ ~}L~ 3 ~ 1t} ~ y ~ h ~'l`~ 1. ::7.. ~ rr-uaC v t Crrx a>r Cc~is~c~ ST~~no~ ~~tx.~~-,~s.•.~ FQR ON'~IC! U$E ONLY DJ1TB 1'rfeb ~ - n - (~ ~- ZC~NINt3 MAP AMENDMENT ~REZQNING) APPLICATION __ __ MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a ped#ion for r+a~zoe~rp is dew~ied by the City Coated!, another application for reaxxlir~g shall not be fiird within a period of 18Q days from tl~e dabs of denied, except with permission of the Planning 8~ ~oninp Commission or City Council. The following items must bee submitted by an establishE!d filing deadline dab® fw corre~ideratlon: ,,,,~,,,,, AppliCatian txxnpie~d in full. _,~. x500.Q0 q>~-licatbrti fe3e „ ls„__ Two (2) cgyies of a fuihy dimensioned reap an 24"x36" paper ~thowing, a. Land afbcted; b. Legal descrip0on of area of propo~d change; c. Present zoning; d. 2oreang d8~ssificatlon of a~ abutting !and; and e3. AN puWiC and private rights-of-way and easements bounding and intersecta~ subject land. ~„ Written legal description of subject property (metes 8 bounds or lot 8 block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). „~,,,_ The Rezoning Supporting lnfvrmei~an sheet Gromplete~ in fuN. A CAD (d~cf/dwg) a OIS (ahp) digital file may be required for more oorrro{e~t rezoning renues~ts. bate of Required Preappiieation Canfiarence: April 30y,300~_ APPLICANTS INFORMATION: Name Rabcn Metcatf4 P E -- R,~~,.f~ajf ~nuineerin+a Street Address p.O~iBo~c 9363 City Coliene L~tioO„ Sts#e TX Zip Code 77t34x E-Mail Addre~sa rmttnoin~tsr~verison.net Phone Number () 6940339 Fax Number 1979) 690-0338 _ PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATIt~N~ Noma Ca Street Addr~ 1ZS0 NE t.oon 410. Suits 800 . _., _,. _.. ~, _ ~ ~. r.... . _.. _..... Gity San M nio States TX. ~p Code ~~ E-Mail Addre:es I it i Phone Number [310) $33-03Q0 Fax Number t21D) lt32•,3361 This property was conveyed to ownet by deed dated 3RIQ0. 11/21!00, i11Z1100 1„i,~~+, and recorried in vdume 3765l,3~7.3987.4036, Page 527.~~i, 64_, . 6? +~ the 8r~zos Gourtty Deed Records. C3enearal l.ocetian of Property: Clue block youth of tlw inter:ectlon~ $ush Dr, i Marion Ptah Gr. and nth Addross of Property: ~~ uo___ h Q_ri ~~ Legal DettCriplian: '~8.71M a~r•s out of tfie d E mot Survew A~ ~'~ounty TX ,_. ,.,._ • 8!13103 P 1 of 2 Acreoge -Total Property: _ • ~$ Existing Zoning: ~,~, ... _ Proposed Zoning: $•~ Present Use of Property: ~~d1Y..k.Ylfc~A~1 '~~3!?!~ ~ ~l +~mmercW byM~r~. Proposed Uss of Property: ~,E~th..d°rn~t-nsida~sa~nt housiny~.~ RE20NIN© 8UPPOftTiNi3 INfORMATNdN 1,) Ust the changed or changing conditions in thee area or fn tho City which make this Pone change necessary. caner i i Hanel 1 f ~ ~ DensilY Re~sNlentMl tR-6f tar;he de+-o~o_~i~,i.houainn sa~rnolex. x.} indicate whether or not this zone change is M eecordanoQ with the Comprehensive Plan. if it is not. expiain why the Plan is incorrect. T rehen d 3.} t.iai any other reasons to support this r_ona change. The aruaerty avmer ~~ in the process of enterine into a Devel+dnme,~gr~ement aad nerforminsr a Traffic ! a i t extena n t,uther t. the applicant has propared this application and support-ng Inforrnatiorr and certitres that the facts stated hert'in and exhib-ts attached hereb ere true and cvmect. 1F APPUCAT-C3N IS FILED 8Y ANYONE THE'R THAN THE t7WNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPLICATJON MUST BE ACC(}A,~~iliEt~A POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. or pitcant Dot srt Bros Ppa ~ o~ 2 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MEMORANDUM March 7, 2005 TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Joey Dunn, Director of Planning & Development Services SUBJECT: Callaway Phase II Rezoning • As the Zoning Administrator for the City of College Station, I am initiating a rezoning request for a portion of Luther Street Right-of-Way from C-1 General Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. This request is in conjunction with the rezoning request for the Callaway property located on the east side of Marion Pugh Drive. This area is planned far the development of an apartment project. This portion of the Luther Street Right-of-Way is required to be abandoned prior to moving forward with the platting and site planning of this property. The rezoning of the Luther Street Right-of-Way is not an approval of the Right-of- Way abandonment. Home of Texas A&M University • INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water Service: Service can be taken from the 18" main along Marin Pugh. Sewer Service: Service can be taken from the main along the railroad ROW. Streets/Access: The property fronts on and has access to Marion Pugh. Any access to this property must meet the Driveway Ordinance. Drainage: A Development Permit is required for development of the site. It appears the site drains to the southeast, along the railroad ROW. Flood Plain: The subject tract is not located within the 100-year flood plain. Oversize request: None. Impact Fees: None. NOTIFICATION: • Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 6-4-05 and 6-6-05 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 6-22-05 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 6-23-05 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners within 200': 22 Response Received: None as of date of staff report. • Jamespoin~t Man~~gemerrt ~J Opildond Qsa~isnBtie~pMe~,Mc. May 26, 2005 Ms. Jennifer Prochazka Staff Planner City Planning Office City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue South P O Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 13140 Coit Rd. Suite 220 Deltas, Texas 75240 Phone: 872!234-155t Fax: e7v23a-t seo E-mail: claningham(~jmc-mgmt.com Re: Rezoning of 14 ac. Tract at 305 Marion Pugh Dr. Dear Ms. Prochazka, I am writing in response to your notice of a proposed rezoning of the above captioried tract from C-1 Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-family. We operate the Meadows Point Apartment complex at 800 Marion Pugh along with nine other apartment complexes across College Station. Speaking on behalf of the property owners and our own experience in the community since 1981, we strongly oppose this rezoning request for the following • reasons: Traffic congestion. Marion Pugh starts at Gearge Bush and ends at our property entrance. The traffic congestion at Marion Pugh and George Bush is already unbearable and is further congested by the railroad grade crossing on George Bush. At the south end, traffic is already cutting through our complex to get to the homes, duplexes and apartment complexes located between Meadows Point and FM 2818, the Harvey Mitchell Parkway. Luther Street, adjacent to our property, is under utilized in part due to invisibility of the intersection, in part due to limited development along Luther and in part due to the traffic attracting entrance design of Meadows Paint Apartments. The addition of 14 acres of high density multi-family housing will exceed the capacity of Marion Pugh to handle traffic and tum our apartment complex driveways into traffic arteries far persons trying to avoid the permanent bottleneck that will be created at Marion Pugh and George Bush. A bottleneck that will become catastrophic each time one of the several trains per day crosses that intersection. If this zoning change is granted, how does the City and developer propose reimbursing Meadows Point for damages to our driveways and loss of property value resulting from this excessive traffic? Also, as I understand your notice, the right of way to extend Luther Street across the railroad tracks will be lost, eliminating this corridor as a means to relieve traffic at the south end of Marion Pugh. Perhaps the developer will pay for extending Marion Pugh to FM 2818. It is not reasonable to expect the citizens to pay for extending Marian Pugh, as development under the present commercial zoning will not overload Marion Pugh' s traffic capacity. r~ • Page 2 May 26, 2005 Train noise pollution. The present zoning is compatible with trains moving adjacent to the long axis of the property. Residential zoning is not. Visit the web site: apartmentratings.com and view the resident's complaints about train noise at Sterling University. The property's desirability and value has suffered from its proximity to the rail lines. Consider, that Sterling is not piled on the tracks, as this development would be. A high priority for thirty years has been to move the rail lines further west to the mutual benefit of the rail operators and the city. No progress has been made. If that move is ever made, a rezoning request of this nature will make more sense, due to the parcel's proximity to Texas A&M. Multi-family development tracts. Several parcels of multi-family zoned property are available along the east side of Wellborn. They offer some relief from the noise issue and should be developed before more land is changed to multi-family use. College Station has several apartment development sites with adequate road and utility infrastructure to meet a developer's needs; sites that also offer a reasonable environment for the occupants. College Station has an oversupply of existing multi-family housing and a supply of vacant land zoned for multi-family development. The community doesn't need to ferret out potential development sites to meet a pent up demand for housing. I can't speak to commercial development needs, except to state the present zoning appears in all respects to be properly zoned. Sincerely, C7 Charles Laningham President • ,~ : ~~ ~~ CHARLES A. ELLISON, P. C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 302 HOLLEMAN DRIVE EAST SUITE 76 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840.7000 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 10103 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842-0103 CHARLES A. ELLISON TELEPHONE: (979) 696.9889 AMY L CLOUGH• FACSIMILE: (979) 693-8819 BRADLEY 7. SHARPE 'also 6censad in Wisconsin May 17, 2005 HAND DELIVERY Mr. Joey Dunn Development Services City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue S College Station, TX 77840 Re: Request for Marion Pugh Drive Extension Development Agreement Dear Joey: I represent Callaway Development Corporation. Please allow this letter to serve as my client's request far a Development Agreement which will allow my client to pay for the extension of Marion Pugh Drive from it terminus to Holleman Drive. As you know, my clients are in the process of developing their property for student housing and it is our belief that this road extension with (i) alleviate some of the traffic pressure on the intersection of George Bush Drive and Marion Pugh Drive; (ii) stop some of the cut through traffic through the near by apartments; and provide a needed northlsouth addition to the City's roadway system. It is my understanding that the City already owns the roadway and my client would be constructing, to City standards, the actual street. As always, I appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving a draft Development Agreement from you. If I can provide further information or assistance, please contact me. Ve ruly yours, L C rles A. Ellison CAE:bg cc: Page Callaway Rabon Metcalf • • ~~ Callaway TIA Executive Summary Page l ~~e+~utlve umm~y A comprehensive tragic impact analysis has been completed for the proposed residential development of the Callaway Tract. 'Phis 13.76 acre tract adjacent to Marion Pugh Drive south of George Bush Drive will provide 704 bedrooms and will generate traffic accordingly. The study of the area shown below included traffic counts of several intersections and the gathering of data r,.~ ~ ,.. ~ ~~ tj ~ d d y} ~ r `y r d l~ +3 ;wfi ~ + o~r `a ~~ r, ~' ~< ~/ <> ~~ ~~ .~ ~ \ \ ~ \~ ~\ m ~~ ,~ ~~ ,~ ,~ ~~ ~rA~ ~~ x ~~~~ , = '` `:' ,~~r ~. Figure 2 Site Map b~ Y ,~v ~~ ~D u ~~ ~+1~ Gam. / ~ Ic? O ~_ .~ r' u ~ ~~ ~~ `~~ r,. r1 ~_v. ~ ~4 ~ ` ~ ~~~ ,,t ~ ,, ~ Callaway TIA Executive Summary Page 2 including traffic information and proposed improvement information from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT} and the gathering of data from the City of College Station including zoning restrictions, traffic signal data and information on the City Thoroughfare Plan. Discussions were had with City staff and TxDOT planners to develop some ofthe information presented herein. Trip generation calculations for the residential development were made based on accepted Insti tote of Transportation Engineers data.. :Data collected on bus ridership and student residence occupancies in the study area indicated that net production of vehicle trips would be reduced by 34% considering the multi-modal transportation methods that students make use of, such as pedestrian connections to the an campus shuttle and the off campus transit system operated by Texas A&M Univeristy ('I'A:l'vIU.) The net result. in dai ly trip ends for various potential uses of the site are summarized in fable A below: Table A Daily Trip E.nd Generation For Development Alternatives Development Size Daily Traffic {Vehicles per day) Student Residences 704 Persons 1614 VPD Office Park 13.7 Acres 2740 VPD Tire Stare 85 KSF 2295 VPD Lumber Store 85 KSF 3825 VPD Garden Center 85 KSF 4420 VPD These data show that the proposed development would have much less traffic impact than a number of other tenable uses of the tract. Capacity of the receiving traffic stream was studied including the intersections of Marion Pugh at George Bush, Holleman at Wellborn Road, and the new intersection to be provided by the proposed connection of Marion Pugh Drive to Holleman Drive which will be completed for this project. These intersections are currently near capacity during the peak two to three hours of the day, however, adequate capacity remains to accommodate the traffic generated by this project. During off peak hours capacity remains in all intersections to handle the additional traffic from this residential development with little additional congestion. Levels of service (LOS) will remain at current levels. Improvements in the area are proposed by TxD4T in the form of a grade separation of Wellborn Road at George Bush Drive for construction in the next five years. Additional improvements such as the connection of Jones Butler Road to George Bush Drive are shown on the City Thoroughfare Plan and have been studied and recommended in report to TAMU in 2000. • Callaway T1A Executive Summary Page 3 Conclusions and Recommends ions The traffic volumes generated by the proposed residential development of the Callaway tract can be accommodated by the existing transportation system without significant adverse effects, assuming the connection of Marion. Pugh Drive is made to Holleman Drive. 2. 'T'he presence of the connection of Marion Pugh Drive to Holleman Drive will. stop the cut through traffic that currently uses routes through private property to access Holleman Drive. 'T'his will improve safety in the area. Other types of commercial development al lowed under the current zoning restrictions would cause more traffic problems in the immediate area than the proposed residential development of the subject tract. 4. The Level of Service of the Holleman Drive -Wellborn Road intersection will remain at LOS D during the peak hours driven the addition traffic directed to it from the subject tract. Minor adjustments to the traffic signal timing at T-{olleman Drive maybe required to balance the traffic flow there. 6. The intersection ofMarion Pugh Drive and George Bush Drive has limited capacity during the morning and evening peak periods to receive additional traffic in great quantities. 7. The accommodation of small amounts of additional traffic at this intersection. will become possible from the reductions in traffic that are expected from the connection of Marion Pugh to Holleman Drive. The intersection of Marion Pugh Drive and George Bush Drive has the necessary additional capacity to handle the traffic generated by the subject tract in the off peak hours of the day. 9. No significant negative effects of the additional traffic generated by the residential development of the subject tract should be noticeable. lq. The presence of multi-modal outlets, including pedestrian access to the an campus shuttle and the ofii' campus transit system will greatly reduce the traffic generation of the subject tract if developed as a student residence develapment. 11. The connection of Jones Butler Road to George Bush Drive should be a high priority element of the transportation system improvements planned for College Station and Texas A&M University. 12. The construction of the grade separation of Wellborn Road and George Bush Drive will ~, solve many of the current traffic congestion problems in southern and western College Station. Regular Agenda 9 Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning request for Lot 1 of the Callaway House Parking Subdivision, generally located along the east side of Marion Pugh Drive, approximately 200-feet south of the intersection with George Bush Drive, from C-1 General Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. Case #05-75 (JP/CC) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Planner Report Date: May 18, 2005 Email: jprochazka@cstx.gov Meeting Date: June 22, 2005 Item: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning request for Lot 1 of the Callaway House Parking Subdivision, generally located along the east side of Marion Pugh Drive, approximately 200-feet south of the intersection with George Bush Drive, from C-1 General Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. Applicant: Rabon Metcalf Engineering, agent for Callaway Development Corporation Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Item Summary: The subject property is currently developed as an overflow parking lot for the Callaway House dormitory that is located across Marion Pugh Drive. The application indicates that the parking lot may continue to be used as overflow parking for the Callaway House dormitory or may be used as off-street parking for the future multi-family development of the adjacent property to the south. To be used as parking for any future multi-family development, the • zoning of the property must list multi-family housing as a permitted use. Multi- family housing is not a permitted use in the current C-1 General Commercial zoning district. The property to the west across Marion Pugh Drive is zoned R-6 and is developed as apartments. The property to the south is zoned C-1 General Commercial and under consideration for rezoning to R-6 High Density Multi- family. The property to the east across the railroad right-of-way and Wellborn Road is zoned R-6, C-3 and A-P and developed as an apartment building, an office, and a church. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates this property as Residential Attached, therefore the rezoning request is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. The location of the rezoning request is also supported by the City's development policies which attempt to locate multi-family in close proximity to Texas A&M University. The property is already developed in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the proposed zoning. Marion Pugh Drive is designated as a major collector on the Thoroughfare Plan, and both Wellborn Road and George Bush Drive are designated as major arterials. • Item Background: The property was annexed in to the City and zoned Industrial in 1958. When the zoning was changed to M-2, the district also included C-1 • uses. In 1984 an amendment was made to the Zoning Ordinance that prohibited C-1 uses in M-2 zones, however, this particular property was specifically exempted from the exclusion of C-1 uses in an M-2 zone, and allowed the General Commercial uses. With the adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance, City Staff worked with the property owners by giving them the choice of retaining the M-2 classification without the commercial uses or being rezoned to C-1 to include the commercial uses. The property is currently zoned C-1 and was platted and developed as overflow parking for the Callaway House dormitory in 2002. Commission Action Options: The on the question of rezoning, which The Commission's options are: 1. Recommend approval; 2. Recommend denial; 3. Table indefinitely; or, 4. Defer action to a specified date. Commission acts as a recommending body will be ultimately decided by City Council. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Application • • • NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 6-4-05 and 6-6-05 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 6-22-05 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 6-23-05 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 10 Response Received: None as of date of staff report • • ~~~ ~~ +A~ T~~~~ _,~ *ax ~~~ fit' -" ~~~w ~ ,`• b`~\ y~" y ~ ~~~ v `' ,~ ~" ~~\ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. d . SSA h' ~ ~ ~ `~``S , ~ \\ ;: ~ r ~~ ~1~~ ~~ ~ '~ \\ \ :~' `~' `~ ~* •~\ ~ ~ ~ `j.~ _ ~. r "~w ~ -~ ~ ~ PP's/ r .~ \ ~ ~ 6~ ~ rye ~ ,, ~ ~,"~ ~p1~ "., ~ ,{ ti.~ ~ ~3~ A p•_' phi V ~ / / ~ / ,. ~.t3~ v,"~~~sy~ ~\ 5 ~ t,~ ~~1. f.~~ /~'~ v I~ ... i ~ ~ ~ a7 ~4 ~ ~ .~ o~~~ ;~, /` j., ~ ~ ~~ ..~ a ~,/ ', ~ , ~~~~~~~~~~ eye ;: t, ~ .(,v `` , , \`\ °u, / 4~,f~cr~~,~~ 1 ~ ix~ ti~ +{'.~ 1~,% 4h 1~~~~~ vd V'\ ~ V.~ ~ i 'f~ 'l~~ .~ o~ 4 ~) ~ /- / 1 f. y t'i ~ ~ i ~.V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, / ¢ ~~~ -~ Y day ~.. ~ ~r~ - ~, ,. i ` ~ ~ A\ `t ~ ,,~~ i r ~~, _~ ~: ~ ~: ~' ~. ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~~ :, \~t~, ~ \.rfi oR ~... Y '~ •' \~ ~ - ~- ` 7} ~.,..y ~. ,'Y1 `~~ ~ ~ X91 c` ..~ ` _~ v~:.. ~;~~ 1,~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ U ~ 1-~ Zqf- FO t/I (JtaW I H ° ---~---~ z ~~ ~i ~~ z z ~', ~~ 0 c~, V xi c • • Ma;,, 02 05 1 1 : 31 a o5~oz~toos ~aN lo;- .~t Ration R. Metcalf, P.E. ~a ~~ 9796900329 ~ooZroaa FOR OF CASE NL C~ NO 5 ~ SATE SUHAOnTED CITY qF COLLEGE STATION /'~~ PLr~~ d'Arv~toprNtMr Sen+m ZONING MAP AMENDMENT {REZONING) APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMEN"fS ff a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application k~r rezoning shall not be flied within a period Of 1$4 days from then date of denial, except with permission of the Planning 8 Zoning Commission Or ' City Counal. The following Items must be submitted by an estabi[shed i'ilintl deadline date for consideration: X Application completed in full. X $500_(}0 application fee X Two (2} Copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. land affected; b. legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classrfication of all abuiting land; and ea. All public and private rights-of-way and easements bounding and intersectlng subject land. X Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or lot 8 block of subdivision, whichever is applicable), X The Rezoning Supporting Informati~ sheet completed in full. A CA[) (dxf/dwg) or GIS (shp) digital file _ may be required For more complex rezoning requests. Date of Required Preappilcation Conference: March 7.2005 APPLICANT'S (NF4RMATION: Name Ration MetcaN p E - Ratron Mete:aK En 4lneerina Street Address _P.O. Box 9253 City ~oltege Station State TX Zip Code 77842 E-Mai Address rmen~ineer(~verizon.not Phone Number i879) 680-0329 Fax Number j'97'9) 680-0329 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFQRMATION: Name SHP - Callaway Land L.P. Street Address 805 Las. Limas Parkway. Suite 400 City ~-ustin „State 1'X 2Sp Code 78T48 E-Mail Address xgarw<ial~studenthous(,pg.gg~ Phone Number (372} 732-1000 ~ ..,,,,,,,,-Fax Number j51,z] 732-2453 Phis property was convQyod to owner by deed d8ted January 3, x003 arnd recorded in Volume ,~Q~$, Page 284 of the 6razos County peed Records. ©enearal lxal'ion of Property: ,QO ~g east sirs Qf Mason Pugh Drive ori~block south sf its Inter~ctlon ~_C~eorge Bush Drive. Address of Property: 208 Msrion Puah rive Legal Desrxiption: t=at 1 of the Callabrav House Parking Subdivision 6r13l03 Pap01 or 2 • p.l Mad 02 05 11:31a Ration R. Metcalf, P.E. 9796900329 05/OZ/2005 YON 10' 'CAI X003/OOd Acreage - Total Property: 1.3+16 acras Exiatin Zonin -1 9 9= ~ Proposed Zoning: R.$ Present Use of Property; ON premisa narking tqr Callaway Houg,~_ Proposed Use of Property: Off•prQmise Qarktna for Cagaway House or g~fn~ee~R~~i,g~ for noasiblo fpture develonmenta. RExONING 5UPPORTtN(3 INFORMATION 1.) List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. Aa an accessory use to a hlah density reeldentiat d iedmgnt (R-6f the UDO would require this off» pter[~IASe Dorking IQt t2.~Y~XIIQ~ame or more intense zon{nn Rez~mina this property would yiel,~ greeter ftexibllity to the purrg~j cgs and ether potential users. 2.) Indigtte whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. It it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect Yes, this zone change is in accordancg with the Comprehensive Plan 3.) List any ether reasons to support this zone change. (1l Sincs the currant use of the prop~R~S)C1Sl Iat,Z,wiA not thanQ+~, t,~,li~ zone change wilt have no adversQ impact on existinv facilities devQ- ~Qnts and infrestructu~~z_I2l 7h4 request change is,,.a down zoning from it3 currant zoning. The applicant has prepared this application and supporting information and certi/ies that the (acfs stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and corract. IFAPPLICATION /S FLED BY ANYONE OTHER TNAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPU~CATION MUST 8E ACCOMPANIED BYA POWt=R C1F ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROt~f THE OWNER. Signatuns of owner (or agent) or applicant ~~ a Sr Date ~ ~~ Pope 2 of 2 • p.2