HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/2005 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionFILE COPY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning d~ Dr~bpment Snvias AGENDA Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, March 3, 200, at 6:00 p.m. Administrative Conference Room, City HaU 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 2. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the status of the draft Subdivision Regulations. i 4. Discussion and possible action regarding the numbering of positions on the Planning and Zoning Commission for purposes of recordkeeping in accordance with the P&Z Rules of Procedure 5. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting 6. Adjourn Consultation with Attorney ~S~4Y~LCnde ~~on 5+31 n'!lI ; t~blz aceion The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice firm its attorney regarding a pendicg and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After ezec~tive session discussion, any final action or vote takea will be in pubfic. If litigation or attorney~clieat privileged infom-ation issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are avagable. Any request for siga interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979-764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735- 2989. Agendas posted on Iatemet website l~j:lj~ .cstx,~ and Cable Access Chancel 19 • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Pta~aun~ d D~lopr+~anr Services AGENDA Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, March 3, 2005, at ?:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Ham' Cif' ens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed underltem 2, Consent.~enda, are consrderrd routine by the Plmrning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These stems include preliminary and frnal plats, where sta~J'has found compliancr with all minimum subdivision rr8ulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff' recommendations. Them will not be separate discussion of these items If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 2. C~sent da. 2.1 Workshop Minutes -Thursday, February 17, 2005 Regular Minutes -Thursday, February 17, 2005 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. $en White -March 3, 2005, Meeting 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 5. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning from A O Agricultural Open to R 1 Single Family of a portion of Renee Lane RO.W. and for lots 4 and 5 of the Bald Prairie Subdivision, consisting of approximately 7.7 acres located at the north end of Renee Lane. Case #04-285 QR) Regular Meeting Agenda March 3, 2005 Page 1 of 2 • C7 6. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning by the Municippal Design Group fora 4.7-acre tract from A-P, Administrative-Professional to R-4, Multi- family generally located at 1000 Spring Loop. Case #05-12 (TF) 7. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning for the Pebble Creek Development Company for a portion of a tract consisting of 22.692 acres and generally located at the southwest comer of Greens Prairie Road and Pebble Creek Parkway from R-4, Multi-family to R 1, Single-family Residential; from R-4 and R-1 to A-P, Administrative-Professional; and R-4 to C-3, Light Commercial. Case #05-16 (1'F) 8. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat that includes a replat of The Glade Section 12, consisting of 15 lots on 3.04 acres, generally located on the north side of Southwest Parkway between Glade Street and Laura. Lane. Case #45-11 (JP/JN) 9. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for Bald Prairie Lots 6, 7 & 8 and a Final Plat for Edelweiss Gartens PH 6 consisting of 581ots on 15.7 acres generally located at Victoria Avenue and Night Rain Drive. Case #04-191(AG) 10. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 11. Adjourn. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attomey regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subJact or attorney-client privileged inforrnetion. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken wlli be in pubUc. If titigatlon or attomey-client privileged information Issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. This buiidinq is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces era available. Any roquast for sign Interpretive service must ba made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979-764-3517 or (1'DD) i-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website tto:/lwww cstx aov and Cable Axes Channel 19 Regular Meeting Agenda March 3, 2005 Page2of2 Regular Agenda Item #2 Workshop Minutes Thursday, February 17, 2005 Regular Minutes Thursday, February 17, 2005 MINUTES Regular Meeting • Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, February 17, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. Cauncll Chambers, Coliey® Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning drDevelopae„rServices • COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Shafer, Commissioners White, Nichols, Reynolds and Hooton. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Davis and Fedora. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Hitchcock, Prochazka, Boyer, Senior Planner Fletcher, Graduate Civil Engineer Norton, Senior Assistant City Engineer Gibbs, Development Coordinator George and Staff Assistant Lindgren. OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: First Assistant City Attorney Nemcik and Brian Cook, OTIS. 1. Hear Visitors No visitor spoke. 2. Consent Agenda 2.1 Consideration, discussion and possible action on meeting minutes: Thursday, February l7, 2005 -Workshop Minutes Thursday, February 17, 2005 -Regular Minutes Commissioner Reynolds motioned to approve all minutes as presented. Commissioner Hooton seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 3~1_ ~ , 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. • ~ John Fedora P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 02-17-05 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Nichols motioned to accept the absence request. Commissioner Hooton • seconded the motion, motion passed (S-0). 4, Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were discussed. 5. Public hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action on a REZONING of an 8.S42~-acre tract located at the northeast corner of the proposed eitension of Pebble Creek Parkway and Alum Creek floodplain from A-O, Agricultural-Open to R i, Single-family Residential. Case # OS-04 (1'F} Senior Planner Fletcher presented the item for consideration for a rezoning request by McClure & Browne, agent for two property owners, Animate Habitat, and Paul Clarke, and Pebble Creek Development. The request was for 8.542 acres located at the southern end of Pebble Creek. The property is zoned A O and the proposed request is for R 1 Single Family Residential. The land use plan shows the area as predominately for Single-Family Low Density Residential Development, a change of late in conjunction with Animate Habitat's request for a plan amendmem last year. It was previously Medium Density. A small portion of the tract is identified for Medium Density according to a revised preliminary plat. The staff report shows the property as being outside the regulatory flood plain, but the BFE in the area is 230 feet and the contour meanders • somewhat in this area. On the other side of the Alum Creek floodplain it meanders in and out as well. Staff supported the request, finding it to be in conformity with the comprehensive plan. Chairman Shafer inquired about the floodplain issue. He stated that the floodplain is shown in blue and that the contour varies there and moves into what seems to be backyards. He stated that he feels we need to be careful about how it is built out in the end, if it stays a backyard situation then it may work out, but is seems as if the 230 foot interval then the blue tine is erroneous. Senior Planner Fletcher stated that there is a certain level of imperfection on the FEMA map and staff has to go with the best available data. Fletcher stated that if the map is accurate, homes built in that area would be required to elevate to that prescribed elevation. Mike McClure, McClure and Browne, stated that the bh~e line of the floodplain was the digital definition of the floodplain as provided to him by FEMA. Mr. McClure stated that his clients asked him to go out and provide cross sections throughout the area to see where the 230 foot line was located. He stated that it was based on anal mapping, and that was not always precise. Mr. McClure stated that they found that the 230 foot line was further out; it was closer to the property line. Mr. McClure stated that they are comfortable with extending the cul-de-sacs back into that area. Commissioner White motioned for approval of the Rezoning of Pebble Creek Parkway and Alum Creek floodplain. Commissioner Hooton seconded motion, motioned passed (S-0). P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 02-17x05 Page 2 of 3 • 6. Discussion and possible action oa future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specitYc factual information or the recitation of ezisting policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No item discussed. 7. Adjourn. Commissioner Hooton motioned to adjourn. motion, motion passed {5-0). Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: r~ u Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistant Planning and Development Services • Commissioner Nichols seconded the P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 02-17-OS Paqe 3 of 3 MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and toning Commission . • Thursday, February 17, 2005, at 7x00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hali 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas CITY OF COI.t.EGE STATION Planning dr Development Services COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Shafer, Commissioners White, Nichols, Reynolds and Haoton. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Davis and Fedora. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Hitchcock, Prochazka, Boyer, Senior Planner Fletcher, Graduate Civil ingineer Norton, Senior Assistant City Engineer Gibbs, Development Coordinator George and Staff Assistant Lindgren. OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: First Assistant City Attorney Nemcik and Brian Cook, OTIS. 1. Hear Visitors No visitor spoke. 2. Consent Agenda 2.1 Consideration, discussion and possible action on meeting minutes: Thursday, Febnzary 17, 2005 -Workshop Minutes Thursday, February 17, 2005 -Regular Minutes Commissioner Reynolds motioned to approve all minutes as presented. Commissioner Houton seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). R~gg~gr Agenda 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action on regnest(s} for absence from meetings. • ~ John Fedora P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 02-17-OS Page i of 3 Commissioner Nchols motioned to accept the absence request. Commissioner Hooton seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). • 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were discussed. 5. Public hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action on a REZONING of an 8.542-acre tract located at the northeast corner of the proposed extension of Pebble Creek Parkway and Alum Creek floodplain from A-O, Agricultural-Open to R•1, Single-family Residential. Case # OS-04 (1'F) Senior Planner Fletcher preserned the item for consideration for a rezoning request by McClure & Browne, agern for two property owners, Animate Habitat, and Paul Clarke, and Pebble Creek Development. The request was for 8.542 acres located at the southern end of Pebble Creek. The property is zoned A O and the proposed request is for R-1 Single Family Residential. The land use plan shows the area as predominately for Single-Family Low Density Residential Development, a change of late in conjunction with Animate Habitat's request for a plan amendment last year. It was previously Medium Density. A small portion of the tract is identified for Medium Density according to a revised preliminary plat. The staff report shows the property as being outside the regulatory flood plain, but the BFE in the area is 230 feet and the contour meanders somewhat in this area. On the other side of the Alum Creek floodplain it meanders in and • out as well. Staff supported the request, finding it to be in conformity with the comprehensive plan. Chairman Shafer inquired about the floodplain issue. He stated that the floodplain is shown in blue and that the contour varies there and moves into what seems to be backyards. He stated that he feels we need to be careful about how it is buik out in the end, if it stays a backyard situation then it may work out, but is seems as if the 230 foot interval then the blue line is erroneous. Senior Planner Fletcher stated that there is a certain Level of imperfection on the FEMA map aril staff has to go with the best available data. Fletcher stated that if the map is accurate, homes built in that area would be required to elevate to that prescribed elevation. Mike McClure, McClure and Browne, stated that the blue line of the floodplain was the digital definition of the floodplain as provided to him by FEMA. Mr. McChue stated that his clients asked him to go out and provide cross sections throughout the area to see where the 230 foot line was located. He stated that it was based on aerial mapping, and that was not always precise. Mr. McClure stated that they found that the 230 foot line was further out; it was cioaer to the property line. Mr. McClure stated that they are comfortable with extending the cul-de-saes back into that area. • Commissioner White motioned for approval of the Rezoning of Pebble Creek Parkway and Alum Creek floodplain. Commissioner Hooton seconded motion, motioned passed (5-0). P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 02-1705 Page 2 of 3 • 6. Discussion and possible action oq future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire abt-ut a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No item discussed. 7. Adjourn. Commissioner Hooton motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, motion passed (S-0). Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistant Planning and Development Services • P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 02-17-05 Page 3 of 3 Regular Agenda Item #3 Absence Request Ben 'White, March 3, 24U5,1VIeeting G°~~D • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning d Development Services Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name ~ ~ ~/ Vv ~ (~" L`_. Request Submitted on Date: ~ `~ ~~--v~` c~ 5" I will not be in attendance at the meeting of for the reason(s) specified: 3 ~~ d 5 (Date) Signature This request shall be submitted to Deborah Grace one week prior to meeting date. Fax 764-3496. City of College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Attn: Deborah Grace o: counc i I/absenreq. doc • Regular Agenda Item #5 Rezoning Bald Prairie Case #04-285 (JR) t • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves Email: jreeves@cstx.gov Date: 1-27-05 Item: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family of a portion of Renee Lane R.O.W. and for lots 4 & 5 of the Bald Prairie Subdivision, consisting of approximately 7.7 acres located at the north end of Renee Lane. Applicant: Edelweiss Gartens Venture, J. Steven Arden, Manager Partner and The City of College Station. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of both zoning requests as submitted. Item Summary: The applicant's intent is to continue the growth of Edelweiss Gartens in College Station and to rezone the A-O Agricultural Open rural tracts into R-1 Single Family lots. The rezoning of the Renee Lane Right-of-Way is not an approval of the right-of--way abandonment. The right-of--way will be submitted to the City Council for consideration through an abandonment ordinance. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan shows this area as Single Family Residential Medium Density. The property will have access via Renee Lane, which is classified as a residential street on the thoroughfare plan. The zone request from A-O to R-1 is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan; therefore, staff is recommending approval of the zone change. Item Background: The subject property was annexed into the City of College Station City Limits June of 1995 and was platted June 1973. The intent is to include lots 4 and 5 in the preliminary plat for Edelweiss Subdivision Phases 6-12 that will be coming before the Commission for approval in the near future. 1. Recommend approval of rezoning as submitted; 2. Recommend denial; 3. Table indefinitely; or, 4. Defer action to a specified date. Commission Action Options: The Commission acts as a recommending body on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately decided by City Council. The Commission options are: Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial 3. Application 4. Infrastructure and Facilities P: IGROUPIHTLTRIPZLTRIPRODIPZ20041P0010589. DOC Created on 12/30/Z004 2:35 PM ~ ~ L. I ~ a O A ~„ ti N3 0 ~ '(- ~ w ~ ~ ~ a OS~~ ` 4 ,f ~ U a 1 ~ ~ a \ aob ~ ` N s G -. b 49PTti'~~ ~ _ I ~ Iv ~ v H gib '' 'oa' f~~ ~ D O ~ ~ ` b \ ' O r. a~ q,P ~. C) c„ 'D ?~ ~ . 3 C"'~ o " 3'1r -! -1 ~ D ` a ~ `~ a ` ~ l~ ~ 0 d ~' ~-aC ~ O,pp 'L ~, JIJ' a ~ ~ y R, ..,;~ Cl a ~ .pp ~~j ~~yy a ~ a ~ ^ ~ u O b ~~ ~ qq ,. , ' ' b v _ . ~ ~ w ~ a ~ w ,.:- ~. ~ti ti ti a ~ 11...~~ F+ , ''v a ~ ~ , ~ i b -' ~" c.. ~ .. ~+ b ~ ~_~ ti _ ~ v ~+~ I ~ ~ ~ `~6 _ 'PG ~°' ~ a .~~ - f/ U Sao ab ~.. S C Cum ~ ~`K, O ~q i~ a~ ~ '~ ~, y ~ ~! titi °'~ w ~ c'~', ti4r~a°' 0 -' __ - a ,~~ v b --,~ ; O,Pp ~ L ~ ~, ,~,~, o, ,04 ~ / /~ l V r q c„ °` ;(f11~ pp yi, COQ a qu ~O - 2 j,~ A~ ti a ~-+ u) F Y~ ~ ~, ~'/- 0 ~C i L `~ y ~ H c ,. ~ , \. , a t'g. J ~ a O,p ~~' / O 2 ti ' ~ •,, b 1 ' gg ~ ~ „ ~p ` t r o,~ ~ ~~?' ~' o o~o ~ ' nfs tr b ~ ~. o ~o ~ a o ~~ ~~~ ~1 ~ ~ 3~ F ~~ ~ ~ \ ~ a ~~C'Y ` q j v ~' V~ o> ~ .~`'qti 2 ~ ~ ,o ~aay ~a o a o o \#~ on ` ~~` ~ b ~ ~~ ~ O b ° ~ . Y ti a ~ a F m . ~., N,4 ~ o .(p pG ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~^.; ~_ G i' b (^ ^A~ ~t i~ ~ q ~ O ` G.i \ C ~ ` ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ O ~, aye _, ~ ~ w S' r ti 0 ~~a o T ~ 2^ u. - ` b ~ ti ~.~, ~~ -_ ti ~ a % " ~ _ l "~ a ~ ti Fqn_ a ~ 41 a a ~ U . \c r off.. ^ , Viz, ~,, e, a ~ ,. ti r? n _ _ ~-- a`' _ :~ ~ m d _ _ - a '~ c _ ~~ N ~ ~ ti A 1~ T+ ~' ~ a ~ m °^'+ a N 0 0 ' e ~~F - ~ w ° a ay ' ~ ti , e `~ ' ' J ,^ 1 V• ~~ `~ _ ~ ti~ v _ ~ ~~~ W 9~. b ,~ Y o a+ of ~.. ~ yip + F ~ i gG a a C ~ ~ ~ ~ , ( 4 y ~ ~ _ Cn ~ a ~~ n ti ~ ~' b u, a~ '~ a ac., Re• O ~ a$ ~ a~ b c ? l 0 i b ~~~ ,$ ~ ti a ~ a' y~ N ~ ^ ~ ~~ a Fro ~ - o ~m ~ ~ :~ ~~ ` $ +~: o o o ti ~ _ ~ ' m _ - a .tiv 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ e .. L,~ u .~ '~'' yq '~ ~' -a. pi ~ Ql ~ ~ b ~ p }~ r~ ~ ~ b ~g ~ ~ b ,~, ~ti ~~- tis a V C+ ~ b ~ _~. i c" FOR OF~ USf,~ILY, CASE NO. ~b" J DATE SUBMITTED CONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: X Application completed in full. _ X $500.00 application fee , X Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. Alt public and private rights-of-way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. X Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). X The Rezoning Supporting Information sheet completed in full. A CAD (dxf/dwg) or GIS (shp) digital file may be required for more complex rezoning requests. Date of Required Preapplication Conference: APPLICANT'S INFORMATION: Name EDELWEISS GARTENS VENTURE. J. STEVEN ARDEN. MANAGING PARTNER Street Address 311 Cecilia Loog City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77845 E-Mail Address: Phone Number 97j 9) 846.5735 Fax Number (979) 846-0652 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name 8 address Lick Creek Farm 8 Ranch. Inc. , 13886 Renee Lane. College Station, TX 77845, Name & address L C F & R Trust. 13886 Renee Lane. College Station, TX 77845 This property was conveyed to owner by deed recorded in Volume 3942, Page 155 (Lot 4), and Volume 4657. Page 20 (Lot 5) of the Brazos County Official Records. General Location of Property: along Renee Lane Address of Property: 13864 and 13886 Renee Lane Legal Description: Lots 4 & 5 BALD PRAIRIE SUBDIVISION & PART OF Renee Lane R O W Acreage -Total Property: 7.700 Acres Existing Zoning: A-0 Zone Proposed Zoning R-1 Zone Present Use of Property LargeLarge acreage rural tractrural tract Proposed Use of Property: R-1R Single Family Residential lotsFamily Residential lots • REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1.) List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change school and a new elementary in this vicinity adds to the demand. 2.) Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. The zone change is in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3.) List any other reasons to support this zone change. The upcoming Barron Road widening and improvements along with the schools in the vicinty are only going to make this area of town even more desirable to the single family residential market buyers. It is advantageous to the City's interests to upgrade the development of this property ~e a licant has re ared this a lication and su in pp p p pp pport g ~nformafion and cert~es that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. 1F APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BYA POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. na ure er (or agent) or app t Date • In this area. The construction of the new middle school and the proposed construction of the new high INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water: There is an 8 inch water line currently being constructed with Mountain Breeze Way, as part of the final plat for Edelweiss Gartens Phase 6. This 8 inch line is fed by an existing 12 inch waterline on Victoria. Sewer: Similarly, an 8 inch sewer line is currently being constructed with Mountain Breeze Way, as part of Edelweiss Gartens Phase 6. Streets: Renee Lane is classified as a residential street. Off-site Easements: N/A Drainage: Drainage is to an unnamed tributary to the northwest that flows to Edelweiss Gartens Park. Flood Plain: No FEMA floodplain onsite. Oversize request: None requested at this time. Impact Fees: This subject property is not in an impact fee area. NOTIFICATION: • Le al Notice Publications : The Ea le' 02-15-05 and 03-04-05 g () g Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 03-03-05 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 03-22-05 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 10 Response Received: None as of date of staff report • P:IGROUPWTLTRIPZLTRIPRODIPZ20041P0010589. DOC Created on 12/30/2004 2:35 PM Regular Agenda Item ##b Rezoning 1000 Spring Loop Case #05-12 (TF~ • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Trey Fletcher, AICP -Senior Planner Date: Feb. 16, 2005 Email: tetcher@cstx.gov Item: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning by the Municipal Design Group fora 4.7-acre tract from A-P, Administrative-Professional to R-4, Multi-family generally located at 1000 Spring Loop. Applicant: Municipal Design Group (MDG) /Greg Taggart, agent Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning with the condition that access is exclusively via Spring Loop. Item Summary: This rezoning request is to allow for the development of amulti-family residential development. The requested R-4 zone allows a maximum of 20 dwelling units per acre. A number of easements affect this property, including access easements to commercial uses along University Drive. Due to the difference in land uses, these easements should be removed and all access should be via • Spring Loop. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: This request is in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Land Use designations shown in the area include Residential Attached, Single-family Residential High and Regional Retail. On the subject parcel, the Land Use Plan element shows a strip of Single-family Residential High Density along Spring Loop and the remainder of the site designated as Regional Retail. Adjacent parcels along both sides of Spring Loop are zoned R-4, Multi-family. Some of this area is shown for Single-family High Density while most of it is shown for Residential Attached. The table below illustrates similar dwelling unit densities among the various land use designations and zoning districts in the area. Low Medium Hi h Maximum Land Use Plan SF Residential Hi h 7 du/ac 8 du/ac 9 du/ac Residential Attached 10 du/ac 15 du/ac 20 du/ac Zonin District R-4, Multi-famil ''~-'~ ~r'~~ `~ ~` - 20 du/ac Based on the lot size of the subject parcel (4.7 acres) 94 dwelling units would be permitted. This zoning district is consistent with the area along Spring Loop. The viability of regional retail uses on the interior of this site is also reduced because of poor access and visibility from University Drive. This parcel is within aone- mile radius of the TAMU campus. • The Thoroughfare Plan shows Spring Loop as a Major Collector (70' ROW). No additional right-of-way is necessary. P:IGROUPWTLTRIPZLTRIPRODIPZ20051P0010728. DOC Created on 2/152005 8:02 AM • Item Background: Annexed: In 1956 and a small portion (northeast corner) in 1971. Rezoned: In 1992, Ordinance No. 1957 rezoned property from A-P, Administrative-Professional to C-B, Commercial-Business with the condition that a final plat be filed that combined the subject properties into one lot. No such plat was ever filed and the zoning change never took effect. In 2003, under the UDO the C-B districts were combined with C-1, General Commercial. Platted: This area is platted as Lots 4-9, Block U of University Park Section II (1981). Recent actions: The subject parcel remains undeveloped. Development activity in the vicinity: Although this parcel has no frontage on to University Drive, a number of undeveloped tracts in the vicinity with frontage on University Drive have developed recently. Others are currently under development. In either case, development has included restaurants, hotels, retail and office uses in addition to the proposed residential infill in conjunction with this request. Multi-family Issues: The Comprehensive Plan proposes 1087.87 acres of Residential Attached in specific locations. As of June 2004, there were 1,357 acres zoned multi-family, R-4 or R-6. • 0 950 total acres developed as multi-family 0 841 acres developed as apartments & condominiums and 0 109 acres developed as group housing (off campus dorms) 0 203 acres zoned multi-family, but undeveloped. However, these are not necessarily in areas where we desire multi-family growth. o Approximately 204 acres zoned multi-family, but developed as other uses. o There is approximately 26 acres (in various locations) currently zoned for multi-family, but undeveloped, within one mile of Texas A&M University campus. Current occupancy rates for multi-family units: 0 86% B/CS area 0 87% College Station Current occupancy rates for all rental units: 0 85% B/CS 0 86% College Station Texas rental vacancy rates in 2003 (Census Bureau) were 14.1%. • P:IGROUPIHTLTRIPZLTRIPRODIP220051P0010728. DOC Created on 2N5/7005 8:02 AM • A certain level of vacancy is generally needed for ease of movement, housing choice, and affordability. Sources: Rosemarie Selman, B/CS Apartment Association U.S. Census Bureau City of College Station Geographic Information System (GIS) Related Advisory Board Recommendations: A multi-family development will require review by the Parks Board based on the number of dwelling units. A determination by the Board of land dedication or fee in lieu should be rendered prior to the re-platting of the property. Commission Action Options: The Commission acts on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately The Commission options are: 1. Recommend approval of rezoning as submitted; 2. Recommend denial; 3. Table indefinitely; or, 4. Defer action to a specified date. • Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Infrastructure and Facilities as a recommending body decided by City Council. P:IGROUPWTLTRI PZLTRIPRODIPZ20051P0010728. DOC Created on 2/152005 8:02 AM ~, ~~ ~~ ~z ~ ~; n 1 ~ ~ V ~, o w ~ <" 00 ~ ~ ° ~a o~ ~ ~ a O ~^ ~ °~ .~ p n ~ ~ O ~. ~+ v ~ ~ ti ~ ~ _ n ~~ O p ~ ~~V ~C_)l a ~ ,p ~ l Zb ~ ti~ ~QV ti g a v N O ~ O ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ti ~ ~G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g~ Nnl t-- 646 ~O ° ~ S ~ ~ ~~ ~~ pC ,_r~ ~ n c~ ~Ob o ~7 oc~,'~ O O O ~ 60V °0 ~0 b ~ ~ 4001 ° ~ ~ ti T ~ _ o ~' w ~O ~ Z04 „~ ~ \ ~ 0 9p4 d ~ o rn ~ n ""~' S06 4~b b Z ~ - Q4 L V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. S ~ ~ O ~. ~fl ~ ~ o o ~ -ca ~ ~~\ ~ O O ~ c _ r ~ gp~ ~ t l r ~ a ~ ~ ~" r, ~ ' -A ov°, l 6l 1 1 Z l l l ~ t O ~ ~' ti " ! ~ ~ Cb (( ` \, W O N O ~ `~ ~ \ rV `A O ~+V r a ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~a D ti o v cr ~~ ~ ` ~~ ~ ^ ` oti` ~~ti ~ 0 `0 ~ `~~ ~ 1~ g~ ~. ~ Cp ,~\ ~. ~ a` ~ ~`~` ~ V ~ o ~ti\ ~`ti` ~ ~ ` 4 ~ ~ti n\ ~~ \~\ 92 o ` ~ ~ rn "~` ~ 8 ~ 6`~` ,I11,11p ~~~" v N O ~ '~ 0~ 0~ ~~ ~ ~p ti ~ti~ ~ ' ` ~~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ r Z 3 y ,, ~' '9'909 ~~ rn ~ ~ ~ q~ ~, s CITY' Ol~ C;OLL~OIr STATION I'lnrirring e~ Ikvr/opme~tt Srnccr .~ ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning 8~ Zoning Commission or City C~Gncil. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: ' Application completed in full. $500.00 application fee Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. 'All public and private rights-of--way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. c/Written legal description of subject property (metes 8~ bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). _~ The Rezoning Supporting Information sheet completed in full. A CAD (dxf/dwg) or GIS (shp) digital file may be required for more complex rezoning requests. Date of Required Preapplication Conference: 31 Jowc 'Zd~ ~'^ .APPLICANT'S INFORMATION: ~ ~ Name C~ C9 i' Street Address ~.5~ l City G S E-Mail Address M c7~o c ~' FOR OFFICE US^E ONLY CASE NO. OAS ' ~ d''+ DATE SUBMITTED I" 3 ~' ~V~ ~ ~~~ Zip Code 'D O ~ C asi 77$~f0 Phone Number r'o~'.3'`r'S'-3,S~' ~ Fax Number (0~3 ~-~¢243 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name 12bS.S c-o d oe ~ J ~VI Ca LedKQr~ ~Qoss e o e~[jSe D/~hq,~ Street Address ~V ~'S~ ' ~/.. ~ City G~ C-14s1i'c ~,~1~1, State ~~zip Code _ 7 7 ~ 4d E-Mail Address _( Phone Number 8 `~'~- ~ ~ 8 ~~ Fax Number This property was conveyed to owner by deed dated and recorded in Volume ~ .Z /,~ Page ~~ of the Brazos County Deed Records. General Location of Property: Sp Y'i'i'~-4 L~ P ~Lt N~L~e Y . C'1~ /S C ~~ ~'e- Address of Property: ~!~ 00 `~ Legal Description: Acreage -Total Property: . 7~ ~ C Existing Zoning: • Present Use of Property: Q C, Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use of Property: C~G~O /NI r1 / Gc-t~t~'1 ~ WYl ~20~1 rt' .~ State ~~~ 6/13/03 Page 1 of 2 ' REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION S1.) List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. 2.) Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. Srs ~.~. S 'o~ S' ~"i ' Lon- s l ~~ a S ~~'' ZO ~ GC ~o~ f~-~, ~t rr'e S i ~T~~ i c~ L !it /°• ?hg's / ~s' /~! •3.) List any other reasons to support this zone change. The applicant has prepared this application and supporting information and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. IF APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. ~ 8 ~.~i ~o s-~ ~. Sigry~tFe of gaGner (or icant i~~~ ~~~ • Date ~~ 6/13/03 Page 2 of 2 INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water: Water lines (6" and 8") exist along Spring Loop and along on the southern property line of the parcel. Sewer: Access to sewer exists at the northeast corner of the parcel as well as at points along the western property line. Adequate sewer capacity exists in the immediate area, but upgrades are needed and anticipated to the Northeast Sewer Trunkline in the future. Streets: Access is to Spring Loop which is classified as a Major Collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. Off-site Easements: It does not appear that any are needed at this time for utility extensions. Drainage: Drainage is to a tributary of Carters Creek to the southwest. Floodplain: This parcel is within a Flood Zone X. Oversize request: None has been requested at this time. Impact Fees: None. NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 2-15-2005 and 3-6-2005 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 3-3-2005 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 3-22-2005 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners within 200': 28 Response Received: Received call from Mr. Alfred Lehtonen (2/16), owner of 1003 University Drive, who was concerned about access to the subject parcel via University Drive. • P:IGROUPIHTLTRIPZLTRIPRODIPZ20051P0010728. DOC Created on 2/152005 8:02 AM Regular Agenda Item #7 Rezoning Pebble Creek Case #OS-16 (TI+~ • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Trey Fletcher, AICP -Senior Planner Date: Feb. 17, 2005 Email: tfietcher@cstx.gov Item: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a REZONING for the Pebble Creek Development Company for a portion of a tract consisting of 22.692 acres and generally located at the southwest corner of Greens Prairie Road and Pebble Creek Parkway from R-4, Multi-family to R-1, Single-family Residential; from R-4 and R-1 to A-P, Administrative-Professional; and R-4 to C-3, Light Commercial. Applicant: Davis Young, Pebble Creek Development Company Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezonings as requested. Item Summary: The purpose of the rezoning request is to align the zoning in conformity with the recent comprehensive plan amendments that were approved for this tract integrating a mix of uses as defined by the arrangement of R-1, A-P and C-3 • zoning districts. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan element of the Comprehensive Plan indicates that this parcel is designated for Planned Development. Implementation of this land use designation may be facilitated with various approaches including the application for a PDD, P-MUD or a more traditional zoning district such as C-3 and A-P as was referenced when approving the Comprehensive Plan Amendment application. This notion is also supported by the Mixed Use Opportunities Study that was completed in 2003. The proposed single-family residential area is a continuation of the residential pattern that exists at the northern end of Spearman Drive. The proposed office uses are shown adjacent to existing and proposed single-family residential development and provide a land use transition area between future light and general commercial uses that may occur nearer the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and Pebble Creek Parkway. During the process to amend the land use plan last year, many residents raised concerns about the proximity of adjacent land uses and buffering. According to the application, the developer has requested that a strip approximately 130' wide between the existing homes and the existing and proposed commercial areas as a transitional area in addition to "using the buffer requirement that triples the depth of the buffer area" to 45'. Spearman Drive, a minor collector, is planned to be extended through this • parcel. The alignment was amended last year in conjunction with the aforementioned Comprehensive Plan Amendment application from Pebble P:IGROUPWTLTRIPZLTRIPROD1PZ20051P0010727. DOC Created on 2/152005 8:02 AM . Creek Parkway to intersect with Greens Prairie Road opposite the new fire station benefiting from the median opening. Pebble Creek Parkway is also planned to be extend to the north and west from Greens Prairie Road ultimately intersecting with the northbound frontage road immediately south of Christ United Methodist Church. The realignment of Spearman Drive, extension of Pebble Creek Parkway and road improvement in the area will afford increased access to this parcel from surrounding residential areas while providing improved circulation in the area. Item Background: Annexed: 1983 Rezoned: The current zoning configuration of R-4, Multi-family and C-1, General Commercial was established in 1990. This request does not affect the portion zoned C-1. Platted: This parcel has not been platted. Recent actions: No development activity has occurred on this parcel. The Land Use Plan was amended last year from a combination of Institutional and Single-family Residential Low Density. Also last year Spearman Drive, a planned minor collector, was realigned from Pebble Creek Parkway to intersect with Greens Prairie Road opposite the new fire station benefiting from the same median opening. Development activity in the vicinity: Early phases of the Pebble Creek • subdivision exist to the south, while the Stone Forest subdivision has been developed to the west. The City of College Station is constructing Fire Station #5 across Greens Prairie Road from this parcel. Commission Action Options: The Commission acts as a recommending body on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately decided by City Council. The Commission options are: 1. Recommend approval of rezoning as submitted; 2. Recommend denial; 3. Table indefinitely; or, 4. Defer action to a specified date. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial 3. Application 4. Infrastructure and Facilities • P:IGROUPI HTLTRIPZLTRIPRODIPZ20051P0010727. DOC Created on 2/15x2005 8:02 AM .~ ^ ^!ry ~S _~ ^M1 F pF~ cry GQ,`"~~~ h Si Zl(7 "~ /tsi 3N Y/6f C1S3ylj sls~ l6~ ll61 q ~ .'~ ~ ~F 0161 RKI AMI KMY tOf~ ~'~• O 1 F• F'I 6^ 4i I ° ' ~Z:'_: ^.,. -'.~I a e/e~ l/6i f!6! ~ Il6! /!N 6CIfI \~ bJ bnb83N0 L5 ~ ~ ___ 0~ ~ ~ 1 iV!I~ ~ b lL161 fYMf fO6F r~ V z R i ~ ~ ` I~~;,j ..~~ (Il:j I~~_:I S.Y ~ N.~z~ ~ a ..~ ., ~ }'~ . i ii~~ 0 ~ ~ e v -... l i ~ Lb ~lol nol oml Ru[ Rbl ,cn[ ~~![ 5 ~, u B l~ 07 o/o/ 9m1 3wiiln o~3leainw r ~ °' 1 ,i s~~ 31~~InW /0/I (pll 1 SIOI Il0! 01 f101 f(d[ !~/ $ h ~~ ~ h ~~ ~ /h!/ 6101 L h b n ~ ~ h ._ ` ~ "') q & ry IPp h ' fQll ` ~' 1~ ~ _ - y cl ~ ~; r:r r~A `~\~ ``~ ~ ~: u ~ h 1 p b N /0/ rl0/ ~ ~ b h ~ ~ ~ ~ `ry O <, \ ~ 0/0/ ~ qb/ ~ it q _ 0 ,g ~ h ~ Q h ~ • _ !bi h / b/ //0/ _ ~/ ~' / l~l W7/ aC lOOd o3`JNIM O 1/6 ti6 o ~ p\ ~R~~ ~~ b - h ° Lbi ~ 11 ror~J~Nb{y ~i~Z h ~ ~ a ^ Obi F rrol lG7L b c rrs ~ ~ ' .o. : ~ ~ ~ ;:~`e~l R ~ -.I , h Y ~ V o [ /`~ ~ ~~ rn ~~~ ~Sp\c? ~ h~~ ,~ ~ gyp,, ~ ,?3SC~ ~ ~ ..\,',~- -~-~ q 4 ~' Spgr ; ~ i ,~ ~ ~ e "' Qi` 4 0 ~ ! 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' ._ u,~ w q SOP ~o ~ 1 qv `, '.1 S a ~ ` rn ^ N N OJ ?V °O v 4~ ~n P h q b $+ \ ~' ~„ ~' PP °: \, y ~ '~ ~ e A o r.'f~ ~ ~` O T.OF f0 V]U t.]h] AS ~ o _ /' N 2V ~\ . ~ ~ _ ~1 ~n I `^' h ~ aJ ' - c°., ~QQ- h °~ ` dp a^~o N `h°~ ~ C 'h _ u> ~i ° e ~tiy ~ ~ ~ \\ {J ~ h y ` ~ ' J p ~ / c ~ j ~O e ~O y, ~ F e \ r fa e o ti = o~, s3 ~ p r 0 os ~1. ~ \ \ ` _ ~ b ~ ~ oo h ~{~, ~ ~ , PQO o ~ v ~ _ $ O q ~ S i~•~~3 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning c4' Development Services FOR OFFICE eU~SE ONLY CASE NO._ 7'~ IO DATE SUBMITTED ~ 3 ~'p ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION __ MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: X Application completed in full. X $500.00 application fee X Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights-of--way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. X Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). X The Rezoning Supporting Information sheet completed in full. A CAD (dxf/dwg) or GIS (shp) digital file may be required for more complex rezoning requests. to of Required Preapplication Conference: June 28, 2004 PLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name: Pebble Creek Develo ment Co. -Davis Youn Street Address: 4500 Pebble Creek Parkwav City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845-8942 E-mail:_ development(cr~pebblecreek orq Phone Number: 979-690-0996 Fax Number: PLANNER'S INFORMATION: Name Jessica Guidry Jimmerson -Planning and Land Use Solutions Street Address 3211 Westwood Main City Bryan State TX Zip Code 77807 E-Mail Address iit'a~plusDlanning.com (Please email staff comments etc Phone Number 224-4340 Fax Number This property was conveyed to owner by deed, dated 11/01/02 and recorded in Volume 1671 Page 276 of the Brazos County Deed Records. General Location of Property: Southwest corner of the intersection of Pebble Creek Parkway and GreensPrairie Rd Address of Property: none Legal Description: A020201 S W ROBERTSON (ICLI Tract 14 11 Acres 289 57 Future Phases of Pebble Creek ~eage -Total Property: 5.00 acre C-3. 15.445 acre A-P totaling 20 445 acres fisting Zoning: 'R-4 . R-1 Proposed Zoning: C-3. A-P Present Use of Property: vacant Proposed Use of Property: Office and Dossibly light neighborhood commercial 6/13/03 Page 1 of 2 REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. Comprehensive Plan. 2.) Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. This rezoning request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3.) List any other reasons to support this zone change. Developed for office and neighborhood commercial use this area would serve as a low impact transitional use between the existing residential development and the major arterial Greens Prairie Rd. approximately 130 feet wide between the existing homes and the proposed C-3 be zoned A P to help insulate fhe existing homes from the new development A-P Administrative-Professional is the lowest impact standard commercial zoning district To maximize the insulation and because of the topography of fhe area the developer does at this Time anticipate using the buffer requirement option that triples the depth of the buffer area The applicant has prepared this application and supporting information and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. IF APPLICATION /S FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BYA POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. Signat e o r (or agent) or applicant • 1 /28/05 Date 6/13/03 Page 2 of 2 • INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water: Is available to this parcel. A water report will be required upon platting of the parcel. Sewer: Is available to this parcel. A wastewater report will be required upon platting of the parcel. Streets: This parcel is adjacent to Greens Prairie Road, a major arterial, Pebble Creek Parkway, a major collector, and the planned extension of Spearman Drive is within the area of the parcel. Off-site Easements: None are known to be required at this time. Drainage: Drainage is to the northwest (Lick Creek watershed). Floodplain: This parcel is in a Flood Zone X. Oversize request: None has been requested at this time. Impact Fees: None NOTIFICATION: • Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 2-15-2005 with correction on 2-16-2005; and 3-6-2005 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 3-3-2005 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 3-22-2005 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners within 200': 35 Response Received: Staff has received one phone call from a resident in the Stone Forest development concerned about the proximity and nature of proposed uses between the residential area and the planned extension of Spearman Drive proposed for A-P zoning. • P:IGROUPWTLTRI PZLTRIPRODIPZ20051P0010727. DOC Created on 2/152005 8:02 AM Regular Agenda Iteam #8 Preliminary Plat The Glad Sec. 12 Case #05-11 (JP) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner Date: February 21, 2005 Email: jprochazka@cstx.gov Item: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat that includes a replat of the The Glade Section 12, consisting of 15 lots on 3.04 acres, generally located on the north side of Southwest Parkway between Glade Street and Laura Lane. Applicant: Greg Taggart, Municipal Development Group, agent for owner Charles Bergstrom, III Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat with the condition that the attached Staff Review Comments are addressed. Item Summary: This item is for a preliminary plat that consists of 15 lots on 3.04 acres. The property is zoned R-1 Single Family Residential. The preliminary plat is in preparation of a single family infill development. The property is surrounded by developed single family to the west, north, and east, and Southwest Parkway to the south. This plat proposes a 5 foot right-of- . way dedication on Southwest Parkway. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The property is shown on the Land Use Plan as Single Family Medium Density (3-6 dwelling units /acre) and is in compliance with the plan (4.9 dwelling units /acre). The subdivision will access Southwest Parkway, which is a minor arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan. The proposed plat is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations. Item Background: The subject property was annexed into the city in 1968 and has always been zoned for single family. A preliminary plat was denied for this property in early 2004. The plat proposed 17 lots in a similar configuration. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: On February 8, 2005, the Parks Board agreed to a cash dedication in lieu of land for the proposed plat. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the preliminary plat. The options regarding the preliminary plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial • 3. Application 4. Infrastructure and Facilities 5. Staff Review Comments 6. Copy of Preliminary Plat ~ ~ ~ (~ ~0~~ ~~~ .~~~~ mran ~ -~oz LJ(J °~ °O c; ~, • ~ O ~0~ ~0~~ ~~ ~ O ~ ~~ ~ R° C~ ~ ~ 00~,~ ~,o ~..~ ~-~J O ~~ ~ C ~ ~ ~0~~, ~O~\ ~, `~ ~~~, ~ ~0~~ ~ 000 ~0 ~ ~ ~ 9 ~~ ~ ~ ~0~ ~ ~ ~~ 0~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~00~ ~ O hi 00~~ ~ oo ~,~'~~ 4~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~0~~~ ~~~~, ~ ti ~ ~, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti 0~ ~ ~ (~ ti ~, ~ti~~ ~ ~ ~ ~°~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti0 ~0~~ ti 1~~~ ~~ ~~0~ ~0~~ ~ o ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ Og ~~ ~ ~ ~' S ~ ~, ~ ~o ~~ ~o~~' ~ o~~ ~~Ty ,~ ~ ~ A ~, ~, ~, o ~, DES ~, T ~ ~ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ c„ ~ ~0~~ ~o~ ~ ,, ~ SO v ~ g~ ~, ~ 0~~' ~0 ~ ~ tio~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~~~~ ~~0 ~ ~ 9~~~ ~o ~ ~ ~ "t ' ~ % • CCTY OI~ C;C>Lt.IrG} S~ATI©1V I'lttntting er Detxlapment Srrnires Street Address The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P & Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Filing Fee of $400.00. ~V riance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) ,application completed in full. Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A revised mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) ~.. A~ one (1) copy of the approved Master Plan if applicable. ' %" A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. ~ Rezoning Application if zone change is proposed. _~ Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks ~ Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicable). ~,-~ v~`o-trsf. l~~D~avea/- i~ be ~eviewco( Feb 8 P B•Irle~e~ Date of Preapplication Conference: '~ ~ cJ awt 7r©® S~ NAME OF SUBDIVISION ~_~ l.~C-~ P_ S~ • i ,~- •S CIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SU `~ ~ ~v ~ / Sov~Cc u~ac~ ~~~ LICANT. Name FOR OFFICE USE ONLY P&Z CASE NO.: 5-I DATE SUBMITTED: I~3 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION ' MANAGER'S I~ '~-- z T~ ON NATIONL(1Primary Contact for Y'D t P./1 M ~i7,u ~' r°,./' , State Zip Code R ~ E-Mail Address Phone Number ~O (~J "5 3~~ Fax Number_ G, e Gov ~{~-~,y c s-{` ~~PAroject): ~l ~ ~--~ t /`r ~ rc 4ao. ~. ~ -- 4.~~~ PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners)• ( Name ~.VIIV ~ GS ~. ~JC~G~.S-{VO'Lw . Street Address (~'b d Y~1M. GZG ~/ State ~ Zip Code ~`lo~?"'•(~oE-Mail Address City ("by Phone Number Fax Number ARCHITECT Name • TION: Street Address ~-J7 ~ t ~~Y~1 ~ 6`Tt State ~_ Zip Code ~ ~~ Phone Number CP `~ 3 -~ S3 S 1 _ 6/13/03 Cdr 1 of 4 Total Acres Of Subdivision 3• ~~' ~e S R-O-W Acreage ~~ Total # Of Lots ~ ~ `Number Of Lots By Zoning District ~'~ /~ / / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: Floodplain Acreage ~~~ Parkland dedication by acreage or fee? _ ~ ~ A statement addressing any differences between the Preliminary Plat and approved Master Plan (if applicable) ~~ Requested variances to subdivision regulations & reason for same ~ A' Requested oversize participation >~ Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of Acres to be dedicated # of acres in detention # of acres in floodplain # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: ~~ # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ ~~ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above identified plat and attests-that all respective owners have been identified on this application. 1~. - ~e%~ Sig re d Title ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ J~ ~~ s- ~f. ,o , Date 6/13/03 2 of 4 • .., ` , CITY t)F COLLEGE rJT.~TION !'l~xnnrlg ~ Uri+rrlopment 5rrrricts SUBMIT APPLICATION AND THIS LIST CHECKED OFF WITH 13 FOLDED COPIES OF PLAT FOR REVIEW PRELIMLNARY PLAT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (ALL CITY ORDINANCES MUST BE MET) INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: /1. Drawn on 24" x 36" sheet to scale of 100' per inch or larger. Include the words "PRELIMINARY PLAT -NOT FOR RECORD" in letters 1/2" high. If more than 1 sheet, an index sheet showing entire subdivision at a scale of 500 feet per inch or larger. /2. Vicinity map which includes enough of surrounding area to show general location of subject property in relationship to College Station and its City Limits. No scale required but include north arrow. [/~ 3. Title Block with the following information: Name and address of subdivider, recorded owner, planner, engineer and surveyor. Proposed name of subdivision. (Subdivision name & street names will be approved rough Brazos County 911.) (Replats need to retain original subdivision name.) ~/~Date of preparation. (INCLUDE DATE THE PLAT WAS SUBMITTED AND THE DATES • ~F ANY REVISIONS ON THE PLAT) Engineer's scale in feet. Total area intended to be developed. ~' 4. p~North Arrow. [~ 5. vLocation of current city limit lines and current zoning district boundary. 6. ~~ubdivision boundary indicated by .heavy lines. Boundary must include all of parent tract. ~7. ascriptions by metes and bounds of the subdivision. which shall close within accepted land survey -"standards. (Labeled on boundary lines, not separate metes and bounds description.) y~ 8. Primary control points or descriptions and ties to such control point, to which ,later, all dimensions, U-_ angles, bearings, block numbers, and similar data shall be referred. The plat shall be located with respect to a comer of the survey or tract, or an original comer of the original survey of which it is a part. ~' ^ ~ 9. Name of contiguous subdivisions and names of owners of contiguous parcels of unsubdivided land, and an indication whether or not. contiguous properties are platted. ~1 ~. Location of the 100 Year Floodplain and Floodway, if applicable, according to the most recent v available data. K1. Topographic informs#ion, including. contours at two foot (2 ft.) intervals, wooded areas, and flowline elevation of streams. • 6/13/03 3 of 4 roposed land uses (Incompliance with Land Use Plan). ~~ .Proposed zoning changes, if any, submit formal rezoning request. 14. The location and description with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles and radii, area, center angle, degree of curvature,. tangent distance and length of all curves for all of the following: (Show existing-items that are intersecting or contiguous, with the, boundary of or forming a boundary with the subdivision, as well as, those within the subdivision). Existing Proposed Streets. Continuous or end in a cul-de-sac, stubbed- out streets must end into a temp. tum around unless. they are shorter than 100 feet. ~ ~ Public and private R.O.W. locations and widths. (All existing and proposed R.O.W.'s sufficient to meet Thoroughfare Plan.) [a' [~ Street offsets and/or intersection angles meet ordinance. t.,~(~ ~ Alleys. ~- ~ Reserve tracts. Well site locations. Pipelines. If carrying flammable gas or fuel, also show size of line, design pressure and product transported through the line. ^ Utility Services. (Water & Sanitary Sewer) All existing and proposed utilities of sufficient size/depth to meet the utility master plan and any future growth areas. ^' ~ Easements. • [~ ^ Drainage Structures and improvements including underground storm sewer and all overland systems (flow line of existing watercourses) and showing where these will discharge. Proposed channel cross sections, if any. [~" [~ A number or letter to identify each. lot or site and each block. ~- ,~ Greenbelt area/park linkages/parkland dedication (All proposed dedications must be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Board prior to P & Z Commission consideration.) Public areas , [~_ ~ Other public improvements, including but not limited to parks, schools and other public N +~ facilities ~~ 5. Proposed phasing. .Each phase must be able to stand alone to meet ordinance requirements and infrastructure costs should be distributed evenly throughout the subdivision.. 16. Are there impact fees associated with this development? ^ Yes No 17. If requesting oversize participation items, are the necessary impact studies included? ^Yes ^No ^N/A • 6/13/03 4 of 4 • INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water required for plat: Domestic water and fire flow capacity are required in order to plat the property as shown. Water Service: Domestic service is required to all platted lots. Sewer required for plat: Existing sewer is available to the site. Sewer Service: Sewer is required to be extended to all platted lots. Street(s) required for plat: The plat shows the construction of North Bardell Court, a cul-de-sac. Streets/Access: Access from residential properties will be restricted to North Bardell Court. Off-site Easements required for plat: Off Site Easements will be required for any extension of public utilities to the development, as well as a temporary easement for the boring of Southwest Parkway. Drainage: The development is required to comply with the City's Drainage Policy. The City storm sewer system, including street and pipe capacity, is designed for the 10-yr storm. Capacity of the existing system will have to be ensured by the project engineer. Flood Plain: None. Oversize request: None. Impact Fees: None. Parkland Dedication Fees: Parkland and development fees will be required for the 14 new lots to be platted ($556.00/lot). NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 2-16-05 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 3-3-05 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 22 Response Received: I have received ten phone calls related to this item. All of the callers were in opposition to the replat for varying reasons. One caller did not feel that the lot sizes fit the character of the existing neighborhood. Another caller was concerned with traffic impacts and street alignments. • • STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS NO. 2 THE GLADE SEC 12 ENGINEERING 1. Clearly depict the PUE running behind lots 1 thru 6. (Repeat Comment) This easement is a PUE, and not an "electrical easement." 2. Depict the existing PUE which runs across the development (along rear of current "Tract A"). If you wish to move this easement with this plat, you will need to provide sufficient documentation showing that there are no utilities in this easement. (Repeat Comment) 3. If Southwest Pkwy is going to be bored to connect to the existing water line, the encasement must extend 2ft beyond the back of both curbs on the street. As well as on the north side of Southwest Pkwy be extended additionally as not to be located under pavement. The feasibility of a boring pit located on the south side of Southwest Pkwy should also be addressed. (Repeat Comment) 4. FYI: The "Existing Plat" shows a 20' Private Drainage Easement located along the southwest and northeast boundary of the development. The grading plan provided with the construction documents will need to illustrate that Lots 1 thru 8 will drain exclusively toward the street. 5. ALL electrical comments listed below must be addressed. Reviewed by: Josh Norton & Jennifer Prochazka Date: February 18, 2005 ELECTRICAL 1. Developer provides digital AutoCAD 2000 version of plat and/or site plan email to sweido _cstx.yov. 2. Developer provides easements for electric infrastructure as installed for electric lines (including street lights). 3. Will need 10 ft. PUE along rear property lines. 4. Will need 10 ft. PUE along Southwest Pkwy. 5. Will need 5 ft. PUE on between lot 10 and 11 on Lot 10 for street light service. Reviewed by: Tony Michalsky Date: 2-4-05 • Regular Agenda Item #9 Final Plat Edelweiss Martens Phase 6 Case #04-191(AG) MEMORANDUM February 22, 2005 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Alan Gibbs Email: agibbs@cstx.gov SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT -RESIDENTIAL for EDELWEISS GARTENS PH 6 (FP-REPEAT) Item: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for Bald Prairie Lots 6, 7 & 8 and a Final Plat for Edelweiss Gartens PH 6 consisting of 58 lots on 15.7 acres generally located at Victoria Avenue and Night Rain Drive. (04-00500191) Applicant: Steve Arden, Owner/ Developer. • Staff Recommendations: Staff recomm n e ds approval of the Replat. Item Summary: This item is set for a Public Hearing because a section of the subject property involves a Replat of a portion of the Bald Prairie Subdivision. The original plat for Bald Prairie was filed in 1973 and therefore does not come under Section 18 of the Subdivision Regulations for older subdivisions. All proposed lots meet the standards of the Subdivision Regulations. The majority of the subject area is zoned R-1. However, a portion of the subject area is zoned R-3. All lots are being platted to meet R-1 standards as allowed by the UDO. Mountain Breeze Way is a Minor Collector and will connect to Victoria. The Victoria connection is being dedicated with this plat to meet the requirements of Section 8-G.2 of the Subdivision Regulations which states: No tract, lot or parcel shall be subdivided unless the required internal street system adjoins an existing, paved public right-of- way. The off-site portion of Victoria was constructed and paved with Wesifield Village Phase 6 but not dedicated as infrastructure. Mountain Breeze Way will connect with Renee Lane and eventually with SH 40, now under construction. The Developer is proposing "lot-line construction" for all lots except Lot 7 on • Faimes Court, as shown on the Plat. Homes will be constructed on the lot line opposite the Maintenance Easement (ME). The eave of the home on the lot line is allowed to extend over the property line. The ME restricts storage of combustible items in the area under the eave of the neighboring home. The proposed plat meets the regulations for lot line construction as outlined in Section 8.2 of the UDO. Parkland is being dedicated by this replat adjacent to Latinne Ct, as recommended by the Parks Board. The plat also includes several HOA easements. Edelweiss developments are well known for having landscaped areas adjacent to thoroughfares. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Land Use Plan: Single-family, residential Thoroughfare Plan: Mountain Breeze Way is classified as a Minor Collector Parkland Dedication: Requirements are being met with land dedication. Development fees are still applicable. Budgetary & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Application 3. Aerial • 4. Section 8.2, UDO 5. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers • -- _ _ b C r v °~ , S b ~ O ao0 ~ ~ , ~ ~ 4 ® , a ~ ~ v _ ~r o~ N ti $ "' b _ w ~ "'~ a ~ ~^ti ` o w ~ u w a ~ _ m = y .~ ~ Z a `' as . rn ° ,~b^~ ` ~ 4 ti~~ ~v 3W ~ ; _~ m ~ fi b ~, u a a~ cr, ~Z (p _ r v Z m ~ w ~~ `~~_u ~ r ti=a w N T i'i'i c ~`-.~ to N N T ~ errs imr: ^_~ t ~ ^' ~ V1 ',1 ~ b ~ ~O N ~ r ~ w q~~ =,~ a~ ~ ~ ti m ~ ~ S,ti a _ a ~~ bU b 4 ,N` C ~ ~' VI ~~ V a b~` `` ' ~~' C _ Cy p O .~ ~' ,- ` tAORO~ C ~ a Cr R' ' ~ 9C ti ~.a by obm i~ „`~a~,~ ayti ~ ~ ~ ~ '~+ ~ ~~~ ti ~ s ~ ti ~, ti~ , m a 4 _~ ti w m _ ~ _ _ ti v __ ~ ~ ti ~ _ m ~ a ~ qA _ ~; __ ~. Q ` ` y ~~a b~ti ~ fTl o°'~b ~~~~ ~' ~OO ua ~,~'` ~ N ~ ~ ,~ waN * a c.. N m ti tna w ti y v~ b ' bs. £ :p'~5tii:~ ln~b" ~,. ~. qtn ~ yti ::~, ,~ : , ~.: ~a :~;~~<<,g ,,,,, :a>;!: ~~~; fig. i ~¢¢,;, ~ ~~a ~ b o N s~iiaeei3~ r. sii[¥a~',._,KF' * ~"R6'g ~ i1. a ~ '~ ~ v sa S S.. ~~ r vp~ __ ti ~'~iq ~~r '€3 r.~u,, -p R.a ' n ' a gyti 8 ~ ,. ~°~ ~~' °jN ~ ~.: ' ,.iE g .'.:iiF,giiG~ii: ,\ a 6 a ~~ ~~ bm moo. _ c~ a: ~lroNge S ..!'~ y C 4 : i Ih ' :. j is 1~5:'" '~+ ia~ 3 ~~ ~ s ° ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ a~~v ti ~ ~ o n ~'°' ~~ ' w m ~ ~ ~~ o ° ~~ _ - b ~ ~ N ~ a _ V~4~ ~ ~ ~, ti e ~ti ~ ti ,~,~a'~ ~. 2 ~N a ~ tna QR ~ w °' as v ~" ~ti _ ti _ N aG N ~ ti __ A b V q + __ ` p a o te_ ~ ~~0. ". ¢i Z ^' b ~ r ~ ~ ti ~q ~ b ~~ ~ 'b u 2~ 3' ~ ~ .~ 'b, v m4 3' ti ~' ~ $ ~ ^' FOR OFFI E U\S ONLY P8Z Case No.: '- ` Date Submitted: ~- ~' ~~ pm 3. ~,~ FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ^ Amending ^ Final ^ Vacating ® Replat ($300.00) ($400.00) ($400.00) ($600.00)' 'Includes public hearing fee The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P8Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ® Final plat review and filing fee (see above). NOTE: Multiple Sheets -- $55.00 per additional sheet N/A Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) Development permit fee of $200.00 (if applicable). Infrastructure inspection fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) ® Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) ® One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). ® Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. ® A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. ® Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). N/A Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicable). ~ME OF SUBDIVISION EDELWEISS GARTENS. PHASE 6 SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION (Lot 8~ Block) R. Stevenson Leaaue A-54 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Mr. Steve Arden. Edelweiss Gartens Venture E-Mail Street Address 311 Cecilia Loop City Colleae Station State TX Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979-846-8788 Fax Number 979-846-0652 CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: (All owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet, if necessary) Name Same as above E-Mail Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name McClure & Browne Engineering/Surveying. Inc. E-Mail mikem@tca.net Street Address 1008 Woodcreek Drive ~ity College Station State TX Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979-693-3838 Fax Number 979-693-2554 1-Aug-02 1 of 5 w Acreage Total Property 15.453 acres Total # Of Lots 57 R-O-W Acreage 3.74 acres ting Use: Vacant & Residential Proposed Use: Single Family Residential umber Of Lots By Zoning District 17 / RR=3 40 / R-1 / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: 0.163 / RR=1 / Floodplain Acreage None A Statement Addressing Any Differences Between The Final Plat And Approved Master Development Plan And/Or Preliminary Plat (If Applicable): None Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: None Requested Oversize Participation: Sewer Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: 2900 L.F. Streets 2780 L.F. Sidewalks 350 L.F. Sanitary Sewer Lines 3080 L.F. Water Lines -0- Channels 1170 L.F. Storm Sewers -0- Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: OR # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ # of Multi-Family Dwelling Units X $452 = $ (date) Approved by Parks 8~ Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-identified final plat and attests that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. -cG~. Signa re and T' e f~~T ~,~~~ 8so Date 1-Aug-02 2 of 5 Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 8.2 Lot Line Construction The following requirements apply to all single-family residential development. A. Description A zero lot line development is where houses in a development on a common street frontage are shifted or offset to one side of their lot. This provides for greater usable yard space on each lot. These developments require that planning for all of the house locations be done at the same time. Zero lot line developments are allowed by right. Review for compliance with the standards of this Section shall occur during the subdivision platting process. Restrictions that assure the minimum distance between houses and any required easements must be recorded on the plats of the applicable lots. Proof of such recordation must be submitted as part of the building permit application. B. Setbacks The side building setback may be reduced to zero on one side of the house. This reduction does not apply to the street side setback or to the interior side setback adjacent to lots that are not part of the zero lot line project. The reduced setback may be located anywhere between the lot line and the minimum setback required for the district. The minimum distance between all buildings in the development must be fifteen feet. C. Additional Standards 1. Eaves The eaves on the side of a house with a reduced setback may project a maximum of 18 inches over the adjacent property line. In this case, an easement for the eave projection must be recorded on the plat and deed for the lot where the projection occurs. 2. Maintenance Easement An easement between the two properly owners to allow for maintenance or repair of the house is required when the eaves or side wall of the house are within four feet of the adjacent property line. The easement on the adjacent property must provide at least five feet of unobstructed space between the furthermost projection of the structure and the edge of the easement. These easements must be shown on the recorded plat. 3. Privacy If the sidewall of the house is on the property line, or within three feet of the property line, windows or other openings that allow for visibility into the side yard of the adjacent lot are not allowed. Windows that do not allow visibility into the side yard of the adjacent lot, such as a clerestory window or a translucent window, are allowed. All materials within three feet of the property line shall be fire-rated to meet building code requirements. i