HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/2006 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commissionv w/4" FILE COPY C ITY OF CO LLEGE STXHON l'A rnning c� Dti elopment Jrrt ices AGENDA Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, March 2, 2006, at 5:30 PM. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Call the meeting to order. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 5.4 Non - Residential Dimensional Standards. (CH) 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.9 Non - Residential Architectural Standards. (JP) 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Article 11, Definitions. (CH) 6. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a possible Streetscape Resolution. 7. Presentation, possible action and discussion on an item to update the Commission on the status of items within the P &Z Plan of Work (see attached). (LS) 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P &Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. ❖ March 3, 2006 — Planning and Development Services Department Forum, Conference Center, Room 127, 11:30 a.m. ❖ March 23, 2006 — Joint Workshop with City Council 40 ❖ April 5, 2006 — Dedication ceremony for John Crompton Park, 5:30 p.m. ❖ April 22, 2006 — Dedication ceremony for Wolf Pen Creek Trail Systems and Earth Day presentation and related events. • ❖ April 22 -26, 2006 — APA National Conference, San Antonio, Texas ❖ October 18 -20, 2006 — APA State Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 10. Adjourn Notice is hereby given that a Workshop Meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, March 2, 2006 at 5:30 PM. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of February, 2006 at CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary 40 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on February _, 2006, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of , 2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2006. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3517 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. CITY OF C O[.[.r.(r[ S'rNHON !'Ltrrnirjs 6- D v-dopttrent &-rt ire; AGENDA Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, March 2, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate • time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 2, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda forfurtber consideration. 3. Consent Agenda None Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. • ❖ John Nichols — March 2, 2006, Workshop Meeting ❖ Marsha Sanford — March 2, 2006, Workshop & Regular Meeting ❖ Marsha Sanford — March 3, 2006, Planning and Development Services Department Forum • 5. Presentation possible action and discussion on a Master Plan for Aggieland Business Park consisting of 117.48 acres located at 5942 Raymond Stotzer Parkway (FM 60) at the northwest corner of FM 60 and Jones Road in the City's extra - territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Case #06 -50020 (TF) 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion on a replat of Indian Lakes Phase IV into Indian Lakes Phase IX, consisting of 44 lots on 14.78 acres, generally located southeast of the intersection of Indian Lakes Drive and Arapaho Ridge Drive. Case #05- 500232 (JP) 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning for Lot 1, Block A of the Haney- Highway 6 Subdivision, 1.2 acres, from C -3 Light Commercial to C -1 General Commercial located at 3129 Texas Avenue South in the general vicinity of the intersection of Texas Avenue, Deacon Drive and the Highway 6 frontage road. Case #06- 500021 (JP) 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance to amend the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.4, Signs. (LB) • 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance regarding Northgate zoning districts. (JD) 10. Adjourn. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, March 2, 2006 at 7:00 PM. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the ' day of February, 2006 at CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on February _, 2006, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the • following date and time: by Dated this day of , 2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • 1�1 By. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2006. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3517 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. C, • Workshop Agenda 3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 5.4 Non - Residential Dimensional Standards. • • 0 (*Or"" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 15, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Crissy Hard, Staff Planner THROUGH: Joey Dunn, Director of Planning & Development Services • SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review, Article 5.4, Non - Residential Dimensional Standards At the direction of the Planning & Zoning Commission at the January 5, 2006 meeting, the Annual Review of the UDO has been divided into several smaller amendments for consideration. The following background information has been prepared for your review prior to the formal consideration of amendments to Section 5.4 Non - residential Dimensional Standards at the March 16, 2006 P &Z meeting. In office and commercial zoning districts, minimum lot sizes for individual developments are 24'x100'. Because of the site requirements for non - residential projects (setbacks, parking lots, landscaping and streetscaping, etc.), the developability of such small lots seems unlikely. It is proposed that these non - residential zoning districts have minimum lot sizes that are more realistic for development. The proposed dimensions are as follows: • A -P, Administrative Professional and C -3, Light Commercial — 50'x100' • C -1, General Commercial and C -2, Commercial- Industrial — 200'x200' • No changes to M -1, Light Industrial, M -2, Heavy Industrial, or R &D, Research & Development • Current Non - Residential Dimensional Standards: • A-P Non-Residential C -1 C -2 Zoning C -3 Distr M -1 M -2 R &D Min. Lot Area None None None None None None 20,000 SF Min. Lot Width 24' 24' 24' 24' 100' None 100' Min. Lot Depth 100' 100' 100' 100' 200' None 200' Min. Front Setback 25' 25' 25' 25' 25' 25' 30' Min. Side Setback (A )(B) (A )(B) (A )(B) (A )(B) (A )(B) (A )(B) 30' B Min. St. Side Setback 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 25' 30' Min. Rear Setback 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 30'(D Max. Height C C C C C C C Proposed Non - Residential Dimensional Standards: • A -P C -1 C -2 Zoning C -3 Districts M -1 M -2 R &D Min. Lot Area 5,000 SF 40,000 SF 40,000 SF 5,000 SF 20,000 SF None 20,000 SF Min. Lot Width 50' 200' 200' 50' 100' None 100' Min. Lot Depth 100' 200' 200' 100' 200' None 200' Min. Front Setback 25' 25' 25' 25' 25' 30' Min. Side Setback (A )(B) (A )(B) (A )(B) (A )(B) (A )(B) 30' B Min. St. Side Setback 15' N(C) 15' 15' 15' 25' 30' Min. Rear Setback 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 30'(D) Max. Height C) C) C) r (C ) (C ) (C • Workshop Agenda 4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.9 Non - Residential Architectural Standards. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue South, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 20, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner THROUGH: Joey Dunn, Director of Planning & Development Services • SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review - Non - Residential Architectural Standards At the direction of the Planning & Zoning Commission at the January 5, 2006 meeting, the Annual Review of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) has been divided into several smaller amendments for consideration. The following background information has been prepared for your review prior to the formal consideration of amendments to the Non - Residential Architectural (NRA) Standards at the March 16, 2006 P &Z meeting. In October 2004, the City Council adopted an ordinance that established aesthetic controls for non - residential developments, the Non - Residential Architectural Standards. This is the first review and amendment to the NRA since its adoption approximately 16 months ago. The proposed changes are in response issues that have been identified by both customers and staff during implementation and enforcement of the ordinance. This section has been reorganized into a format that is easier to understand — including a summary chart at the beginning of the section and reorganization of the standards by building /building plot size in a cumulative manner. Because this is the first review of the NRA, there are several grammatical changes and overall word - smithing of the section. The following are the policy issues involved: • Section 7.10.A "Applicability" to clarify that the non - residential architectural standards apply to all non - residential development, redevelopment, and fagade changes. • Section 7.10.13 "Standards for All Non - Residential Structures ": graphic added to summarize the requirements of the non - residential architectural standards, to define what fagades face a right -of -way, and to define what constitutes a right -of -way`. • Section "Building Mass and Design" to remove requirements for front building fagades and have them apply to all fagades facing a right -of -way. • • • Section 7.10.B.3 "Building Materials" to clarify that existing buildings may utilize non- conforming building materials for maintenance purposes, but any material change or replacement of more than 10% of the total area of all facades shall require material and color compliance; to establish a minimum percentage of surface area that must utilize a required building material; to clarify which concrete products are allowed; to restrict reflective glass on all facades facing a public right -of -way; to add an exception to the reflective glass limitation; and to add a restriction against unbuffered painted steel panel siding and galvanized steel use from residential areas. • Section 7.10.B.5 "Pedestrian /Bike Circulation & Facilities" to include a standard for how much area is needed for a bike rack and to only allow the racks to be anchored to the ground. • Section 7.10.B.6 "Parking Lots" to clarify that drive aisles are considered part of parking areas. • Section 7.10.D "Additional Standards for 20,000 S.F. or Greater" to set a minimum percentage of surface area that must utilize a required building material and to remove the requirement for a 30 -inch band of specified material at the base of buildings. • Section 7.10.E.1 "Building Mass and Design" to remove requirements for front building facades and have them apply to all facades facing a right -of -way for 50,000 sq.ft. or greater buildings /building plots. • Section 7.10.E.3 "Landscaping" to define minimum tree well requirements and to allow for unlimited substitutions of non - canopy trees for canopy trees against a building. • Section 7.10.E.4 `Pedestrian /Bike Circulation & Facilities" to set a standard of brick pavers or stamped dyed concrete for required walkways in parking lots for 50,000 sq.ft. or greater buildings /building plots. • Section 7.10.E "Additional Standards for 150,000 S.F. or Greater" to increase the • minimum area for a plaza from 200 to 500 sq.ft., clarify that the area of a plaza can not count towards parking lot island requirements, remove the option of vegetation shading as a minimum component of a plaza, set a minimum percentage of surface area that must utilize a required building material, and require parking areas to be screened by berms. • Section 7.10.G "Variances — Design Review Board" to increase the amount of an allowable variance from 75% to 100% of the total percentage of a standard. • Section 7.10.H "Submittal Requirements" added to define what information is needed from the developer at what time in the development process. Attachments: • Redlined Copy of Section 7.10 Non - Residential Architectural Standards • • • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9. Drainage and Stormwater Management 3. Townhomes not served by approved, accessible alleys, shall provide the required pad and scree_ ning for one eight -yard dumpster per 1(�6 dwelling units. 4. The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a single 300 - gallon container enclosure shall be j- n feet (10')_deep J by ,t.en feet (tg')_wide. S. The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a single (one eight -yard) dumpster enclosure shall bed (121cleep x i_yjty - feet (Q') wide. 6. The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a double (two eight -yard) dumpster enclosure shall beLwe ve feet (1.2,."_ Py Jl v ity__ _fur_ feet ,(2, }'),_wide. 7. Bollards and other such devices shall not be set within the minimum width dimensions noted above. S. All required containers and dumpsters pads shall be constructed of six inches (6" 1of steel- reinforced concrete. 9. All required containers and dumpsters shall be screened by means of an approved six -foot 16')_high opaque device on a minimum of three sides. Depending on visibility to pedestrian and vehicular traffic, a gate may be required for all enclosures except 300 - gallon side loading automated containers. Gates shall have a minimal width of twelve feet (12'.) when open, shall swing 180 degrees from the closed Dosition, and shall utilize a positive locking mechanism while in the open position. Three hundred - gallon side loading automated container enclosures shall be open on the side facing the collection point. The open side cannot be facing the pubic right -of -way. Materials may be dictated byXhe terms of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) or the Design Review Board (DRB). 10. The ingress, egress, and approach to all dumpster pads shall conform to the fire lane requirements. 7.9 Drainage and Stormwater Management This Section is reserved. Any reference to this Section shall apply to Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances, Flood Hazard Protection. 7.10 Non- Residential Architectural Standards A. Applicability The design standards of this Section shall apply to development, redevelopment, and facade changes to all non - residential buildings located in any zoning district with the exception of the M -1, M -2, R &D, NG -1, NG -2, and NG -3 districts. All buildings shall be subject to the following standards. This applies to single tenant buildings, multiple tenant buildings, and any grouping of attached or stand alone buildings and associated pad sites Exemptions: Deleted: Single- family developments with a lot width of less than 50', I Deleted: 10 Deleted: x Deleted: 10 Deleted: 12 j Deleted: Deleted: Deleted: 12 i Deleted: 12 Deleted: x = Deleted: 24 — Inserted: tt ) mien open, shall swing 180 degrees from the clos,ed posihcn. and .hall uhliae a positive for king mechanism chile it the up: o pL- srtion. Thl(2C hu di q i! for, , idk ,adicg aulun"nted r-,nl.nner enclosures shall bt opCn nn the side facing t ,ofladicn point The open :h• .,:n�i'; I�� L.; u!y the pubis_ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: out parcels Churches 7 -56 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Body Indent 3, No bullets or numbering • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards • B. Standards for All Non-Residential Structures The following table summarizes the Non-residential Architectural Standards for the City of College Station: • Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: 100% under 30' R Deleted: Deleted- 100% under 30" R % u n er Deleted: , 100% under 30' R if visible from ROW Deleted: , 100% under 30" R if visible from ROW Deleted: , 100% under 30* R if visible from ROW R� If -EIFI _ Stucco, specified !S).'o f Rr B r i,, k_ tone marble, IQ �L visible visible 0 visible . gLranite, the or soecifted 1 R from from fro visible Facade Standards concrete product t r. 0 from Row ROB Qj Reflective glas 6 800/. 100%. a C O - a O C 01 sLandqjq__ metal, 20% prefflium glade max LIL. U. U. U. I MI A Accent_Colorsperjqi5 cle 5 R_ no 9_rL0 LI- more j I L 2 L' f rg h At t t-I I I than than _e —ec rt � I i e f e v,,� r y 4 5_ fe et R P 33`% on 33q on s ame Sallie Dane an Chi 2elewents of architectural relief every fe t R R R R No more than 66 of R R R R Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: 100% under 30' R Deleted: Deleted- 100% under 30" R % u n er Deleted: , 100% under 30' R if visible from ROW Deleted: , 100% under 30" R if visible from ROW Deleted: , 100% under 30* R if visible from ROW R� If -EIFI _ Stucco, specified !S).'o f Rr B r i,, k_ tone marble, IQ �L visible visible re uired q visible . gLranite, the or soecifted 1 R from from fro visible from concrete product ROW r. 0 from Row ROB Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: 100% under 30' R Deleted: Deleted- 100% under 30" R % u n er Deleted: , 100% under 30' R if visible from ROW Deleted: , 100% under 30" R if visible from ROW Deleted: , 100% under 30* R if visible from ROW -EIFI _ Stucco, specified allowed vvL 2 75'� max , concrete p r oduct Iolors if under 5 00-05 f Wood or cedar siding 30°!, max Smooth face, tinted 10 max concrete blocks — Reflective glas 6 800/. 100%. 100% 1-CLQ% 800/. 100. , max max M_Q_x m ax Stainless steel chramj sLandqjq__ metal, 20% prefflium glade max architectural metal Paintedstee.l pariel-5iding Rear of building only if not visible from ROW, parkland, greenway. or residences and galvanized steel A Accent_Colorsperjqi5 cle 5 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: 100% under 30' R Deleted: Deleted- 100% under 30" R % u n er Deleted: , 100% under 30' R if visible from ROW Deleted: , 100% under 30" R if visible from ROW Deleted: , 100% under 30* R if visible from ROW l / 11 u • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards E Conceptfor_irior- th at 120 spaces R Additional Standards Apply public space or plazp E 0 S.F. mi Landscape Double pts Dou ble pts Tree wells R R Minimum- tree_siz? 2" raliner 2 "- calip ?r R _ -: Reguireci _A facade is consi dered to be "facing pubhc hhL-oo ,�qay when ,�iC imamnary plane could be extended_unohsuucted_f y- „_ wall _or structure from j__Ica.t - ,' °!:_of the facade into the 1xublicii ht.of,_ ,.yay_.adjacen t to.the bUddin plot_.Fnr the_ urpu e ! thi, or, p itr;l r,ght, �` ; vow h 311 bide ,.II turns Of Im dye ".nays (such_.3 street,, sicieyvalks, mid hike poth dee'icateu or -dee ded ro the l?ublt,_ fnr puHit, usr', = When a property does not have frontage on a public right -of -way, the primary entrance facade of the building(s) will meet th standards of a "facade facing a r? ublicxight- of - �yqy.” 1. Required Screening All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view or isolated so as not to be visible from any public right -of -way or residential district within 150 feet of the perimeter boundary of the subject lot or tract, measured from a point five (5') feet above grade. Such screening shall be coordinated with the building architecture, materials, colors and scale to maintain a unified appearance. Acceptable methods of screening are: encasement, parapet walls, partition screens, brick /stone /masonry walls or fences. Detention ponds shall be screened using berms, shrubs, brick /stone /masonry walls or a combination of these to achieve a 3 -foot high screen above the visible perimeter of the pond's finished grade. No screening is required for retention ponds designed to also serve as year round water features. 2. Building Mass and Design In order to provide visual interest,, the first two C2) stories of any facade facing a public right -of -way shall use architectural relief every forty -five horizontal feet (45') py incorporating a minimum of two (2) different design elements within each forty -five foot (45') section from thepption ,8II other _fagades shall incorporate a minimum of two (2) different design elements within each sixty -foot (60') e� ction as described bove. Wall sections less than forty -five feet (45') or sixtv feet (60') respectively, shall also be required to provide the two (2) different design elements. .Canopies, permanent decorative awnings or windows accompanied by overhangs; Wall plane projections or recessions with a minimum of four foot (4') depth; Pilasters or columns: Recessed entries, stoops, porches, or arcades; Balconies that extend from the building; or 7 -5 Unil ENTRY ARFAS Deleted: R Deleted: W L Deleted: R r Deleted: W Deleted: R ( Deleted: W Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Body Indent 4 Deleted: The geometric plane of the front or main building(s) facade on the Deleted: feet to provide visual interest Deleted: following Deleted: Deleted: canopies, wall plane projections or recessions with a minimum of four (4') depth, vertical expression of structural bays, pilasters, columns, bay windows, balconies that extend from the building, recessed entries, stoops, porches, arcades, boxed or bay windows, permanent decorative awnings, and or windows accompanied by overhangs. Along a Deleted: visible from a right -of- way, there Deleted: be some architectural relief or wall recession or projection every Deleted: feet Deleted: herein Deleted: f � J WINDOWS AWNINGS AW ADES Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards • Boxed or bay windows. Min. 2' Roof or Parapet ax. o o r As represented above, on buildings three (3) stories or less, the horizontal line of a flat roof (or parapet) alongany fagade facing a public right -of -way shall vary by a minimum of two feet (2') ,up or down so that no more than sixty -six percent (66 %),of the roofline is on the same elevation. • 3. Building Materials All buildings determined to be a single building plot by the Administrator shall have materials and colors that are similar and complement each other architecturally. This applies to all stand alone pnd pad site buildings, regardless of their use. All exterior fagades of a pad site building must meet the requirements for a fagade facing a public right -of -way -All buildings shall employ architectural, site, and landscaping design elements that are integrated with and common to those used on the main /primary buildings or structures on site. These common design elements shall include building materials associated with the main /primary structure. In the event that a, pad sitep non - primary building(s) is developed before the primary /main building(s), then all other buildings, with the exception of stand alone restaurants, shall have materials and colors that are similar and complement each other architecturally to the building constructed first. Existing buildings may continue to utilize materials other than those listed below provided that any material replacement is for maintenance purposes only and the existing material is continued. Any material change or replacement of more than ten perce nt X 10 %, of the total area of a ll fagades shall require that all building materials and colors,pe brought into compliance. -All other materials are prohibited unless authorized herein or by the Design Review Board (DRB) determining area herein, windows and doors are included. a The following applies only to the first two (2) stories of all buildings. All building fagades that are visible from a up blic right -of -way shall have at least ten percent (10 %) of the surface area of the facade consist of one or more of the following building materials: 1) ,f ired brick 2) B atural stone 3) M arble 4) G ranite _ 5) He 6) Any concrete product so long as it has an integrated color and is textured or patterned (not aggregate material) to simulate brick. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7 -59 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: the front or main building(s) Deleted: feet Deleted: percent Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: developed as Deleted: out - parcel Deleted: n Deleted: out - parcel Deleted: will be considered primary facades Deleted: n Deleted: out - parcel Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: shall Inserted: shall be brought into compliance. Deleted: ¶ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering J Deleted: a minimum of Deleted: f Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: n Deleted: m Deleted: g Deleted: t • • C7 Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards stone, marble, or granite, or is covered with brick, stone, marble, granite or tile,. b.Stucco, EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems), hardboard, concrete products as described in Section 7.10.B.3.a.6 above, reflective glass, certain metal products described in this section below, and cedar siding are allowed on,a_.,II facades subject to the following limitations: 1) Stucco, EIFS, high build textured paint on concrete to simulate the aple arance of EIFS, h ard board, or any material equivalent in appearance and quality as determined by the DRB, shall not cover more than seventy -five percent (75 %) of any facade. 2) Wood or cedar siding shall not cover more than thirty percent (30 %) of any facade. 3) Smooth face, tinted concrete blocks shall only be used as an accent and shall not cover more than ten percent (10 %) of any facade. 41 R eflective glass shall not cover greater than eighty percent (80 %) ofd facade facing a public right -of -way and may cover one hundred percent1 %1 pfany other facade._ ExQm[[cn W here calculations are.nroo b _y_a licensed professional ennaineer or c jrch itect v erif ying that enerav c ode complia cannot be achieved without the use of reflectiv class there shall not be a limit on the use of suc material. The calculations shall be approved by the Building Official and_comrly with the International Ene y.Code as a an amended by the C Coileae Station. 5) Stainless steel, chrome, standing seam metal and premium grade architectural metal may be used as an architectural accent and shall not cover greater than twenty percent (20 %) of any facade. 6) Painted steel panel siding and galvanized steel is allowed on the rear facade of buildings when the faSade is not visible from a right - of way, parkland,,greenway or any residential area provided however, tha these materials may be used if, he faSade js screened from adjacent properties. This screening shall be installed regardless of adjacent property zoning or use and in no way shall this Section diminish the requirements for Buffering required in Section 7-7. Plantings, fences, or walls which meet the specifications established in Sections 7Z.F.2 or 7,,ZF_3_with substitutions allowed as provided for in Section 721`_4 are permitted screening materials and methods. Use of these alternative building materials shall count toward the required percentages of materials as described herein. 7) Galvanized steel and painted steel are allowed on doors, including roll -up doors. 8) Metal, standing seam metal, architectural metal or steel may be used as a roof and or canopy /awnings with no limitation on percentage. c. All architectural submittals shall provide elevation drawings for each faSade and a material legend (see sample legend below) for each facade. 7 -60 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: or material fabricated to simulate brick, stone, marble or granite Deleted: All other materials are prohibited unless authorized herein or by the Design Review Board (DRB). Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: visible unscreened Deleted: concrete products as described above, Dele ted: the al Deleted: < *>Buildings less than 5,000 S.F. may use one hundred percent (100 %) EIFS, Stucco, hardboard, or concrete products as described above, but only if it is painted or tinted with a minimum of two (2) colors to avoid monotony.¶ Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 6 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 100.8 pt + Tab after: 126 pt + Indent at: 126 pt j Deleted: the front Deleted: be used Deleted: on Formatted: Bullets a nd Numbering Deleted: or Deleted: if Deleted: are used, then Deleted: must be Deleted: 6 Deleted: 6 Deleted: 6 Deleted: 6 • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards • USE City of: College station SAMPLE LEGFN2 OF MATERIAI_s,_QN'FACADE'A' Total Square Footage of Facade 'A': 10,000 s.f. Material Area in Sauare Feet Percent of Overall fac4de Stucco 2 000 s.f. 20% Brick 5 000 s.f. 50% Doors and Windows 3 000 s.f. 30% 4. Building Colors a. All building fagades and roofs shall consist of only colors from the color palette approved by the City Council, as amended by the DRB, and maintained in the Office of the Administrator. All other colors shall be considered accent colors and may be used on no more than fifteen percent (15 %) of the facade on which the accent color is applied b. A eon, metallic (except copper and silver_ metallic colored roofs) and fluorescent colors are prohibited on any facade or roof. c_When applying brick, colors normally found in manufactured fired brick are permitted. All colors of natural stone are permitted. d�Building and roof color requirements apply to all new buildings, redeveloped buildings, and facade work. Color samples shall be submitted for approval to the Office of the Administrator. • e. Existing buildings may continue to utilize colors that are not from the approved color palette provided that repainting is done for maintenance purposes only and the existing color is continued. Any color change on existing buildings shall be brought into compliance with this ordinance and color samples shall be submitted as provided herein. S. Pedestrian / Bike Circulation & Facilities a. Each building shall provide a facility capable of storing a minimum of four (4) bicycles. The area provided for such a facility shall be approximately fiftv -five square feet (55 sci.ft.) in area. _aDDroximatel\ nine feet by six feet (9' X 61, or as approved by the Administrator. b. Facilities shall be separated from motor vehicle parking to protect both bicycles and vehicles from accidental damage and shall be sufficiently separated from building or other walls, landscaping, or other features to allow for ease and encouragement of use. This separation shall be a minimum of three feet (3'). Bicycles may be permitted on sidewalks or other paved surfaces provided that the bicycles do not block or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic. c. Bicycle facilities shall be constructed so as to enable the user to secure a bicycle by locking the frame and one wheel of each bicycle parked therein. Facilities must be easily usable with both U -locks and cable 7 -61 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: < # >Single buildings or combination of buildings of 20,000 S.F. or greater shall have a minimum of twenty -five percent (25 %) (calculation shall be based on the area of the first two stories of the front or main building(s) fagade) brick, stone, marble or granite or a material fabricated to simulate brick or stone (not split face concrete masonry) on the front or main fagade(s). All facades visible from the street shall have only brick, stone, marble, granite, tinted split face masonry blocks or tile below thirty (30 ") inches from the ground surface.1 < #> Metal, standing seam metal, architectural metal or steel may be used as a roof and or canopy /awnings with no limitation on percentage. I Metal or hardboard may be used as a structural material as long as it is not visible. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering i Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: ; n Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: or Deleted: feet • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards C7 locks and support the bicycle frame at two points. Facilities shall be Deleted: or building anchored securely to the ground, Deleted: < *> Traffic Impact Analysisl 6. p arking Lots This section establishes These requirements are in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements requirements and procedures pertaining to traffic impact established in Section 7.2. Off Street Parkin Standards. 9 analysis (TIA) for non - residential developments. These requirements are intended to a. Where parking gr drive aisles are located etween the building and the inform the applicant of the City's public right -of -way, there shall be a minimum ten foot (10') setback expectations, expedite the City from the public right -of -way line to the parking area or drive aisle staffs review process of TIA reports, provide standard criteria b. In order to break up the parking lot area and minimize visual impact for evaluating development one of the following parking concepts is required on any parking lot with ` proposals, and establish equitable mitigation on and and cost greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces. _Parking sharing policies.¶ concepts shall be approved by the Administrator provided that it meets The TIA is intended to develop one of the following minimum criteria. Pedestrian ways are allowed public /private partnerships to land and within the below- described areas. coordinate use transportation facility 1) Concept 1 - Every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall development. Both the City of be a separate and distinct parking area connected by driving lanes I College Station and the land but separated by landscaping strips a minimum of eight (8 feet developer share in the responsibility to consider all wide and the full length of the parking row. _Where pedestrian reasonable solutions to identified facilities are located within landscape strips or where vehicles transportation problems.¶ would overhang these strips, the strip shall be a minimum of ten <tt >purposej feet (10') wide; or, i This process is done simultaneously with the 2) Concept 2 - For every one hundred and twenty (120) parking submittal of a site plan. The goal spaces, an 1800 square foot landscaped island shall be installed of this study is to look at a (Landscape Pods). _Such island(s) shall be located internal to the specific development known size and use and to det ermine parking lot and shall be located so as to visually break up each one the effect of that use on the hundred twenty (120) parking spaces. The landscaping square existing roadway system. It uses footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred existing traffic volumes and twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro -rated at fifteen square assumes the existing roadway configuration to be used for feet s ft. f landscaping p er parking s pace; or, ( � — ) . P 9 P P 9 P � � analysis. This process should 3_ Concept 3 - For every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces, ensure that the roadway system an additional 1 square feet of landscaped area shall be q P '. is adequate accommodate the proposed us and may added /distributed to the interior row(s) end island(s) located recommend mitigation measures closest to the right -of -way line (i.e. in conjunction with the necessary to ensure efficient minimum setback creating a double row of landscaping) but in no traffic Flow around the proposed ed area be located farther than event shall the additional landscaped � site (as based on intersection and roadway levels of service).¶ one hundred feet (100') from the right -of -way frontage. The <a >objectivel landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than A TIA is intended to define the one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro -rated at immediate impacts of the s Fifteen square feet 15 ft. f landscap parking s pace. (� )p P� 9 P er — P 9 P proposed development and c. . Deleted: is Deleted: i Deleted: n the front of Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: This additional setback requirement shall not apply if the proposed building(s) resides in an existing overlay district. Deleted: feet Deleted: square feet Deleted: square feet 7 -62 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards • li PROPOSED BUILDING ......... P ROP O SED BUILDING Wz goo 40" N o. 40 i �i� CONCEPT I CONCEPT 2 LANDSCAPE STRIP/ LANDSCAPED ISLAND MEDIAN 1800 SF • PROPOSED BUILDING PROPOSED BUILDING WA wo 'do 0 oil I A I tal-LL-A. I 'AM L, i ii CONCEPT 3: INTERIOR Row 1800 SF PER 120 CARS LANDSCAPE: BUFFER c. Interior island area requirements, as required in Section 7.2, may be Formatt Bullets and Numbering consolidated into end islands, landscape strips, and landscape pods. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7-63 City of College Station, Texas C , Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards C7 • d. Shopping cart storage spaces shall be identified on the site plan. These spaces shall not be located in landscape islands or any areas designed for plantings or pedestrian or bike access. C. Standards for less than 5,000 S.F. A single building or combination of buildings less than 5,000 gross square feet in area = vhe_thcr ::gnncrar d er r c;t _hut_dctei nntinc hr h,, ,; ,mg : huiJ(iil�_plo1, may use one hundred percent (_100% EIFS, Stucco, high build textured paint on concrete to simulate the appearance of EIFS, or har dbo; rd, but only if it is painted or tinted with a minimum of two (2) colors to avo monotony. D. Additional Standardfor 20,000 S.F. or treater In addition to the standards set out in Section 7.10.8 the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 20,00 gross square feet in area, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot,B uilding Material: Any facade facing a public right -of -way shall have a minimum of twenty -five percent (25 %)(calculation shall be based on the area of the first two (2) stories of any single building(s) fagadq) brick, stone, marble, granite or a material fabricated to simulate brick or stone (not split face concrete masonry). E. Additional Standards for 50,000 S.F. or Greater In addition to the standards set out in Sections_7 and 7.10.D the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 50,000 gross square feet in area or greater, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot. i. Building Mass and Design Facade articulation (wall plane projections or recessions) is required on the first two (2) stories of facade facing a public right -of -way _No more than thirty - three percent (33 %) olio facade facing a public right -of -wax shall be on the same continuous geometric plane. Restaurant pad sites are excluded from this articulation requirement but are required to provide architectural relief as provided in the previous Section 7.10_B. Wall plane_ projections or recessions shall have a minimum depth of four feet (4' Deleted: s Formatted: Bullets and Numbering For matted : Body Indent 3 Deleted: ¶ Deleted: B M aterials$ Inserted: ' w.....,.. _ .. ....,.......m Inserted: Building Materials¶ Any facade facing a public right - of -way shall have a minimum of twenty -five percent (25 %) (calculation shall be based on the area of the first two = nt: Not Italic nt: Not Italic Formatted: Font: Not Italic 1 Deleted: < *>All facades visible from the street shall have only brick, stone, marble, granite, j tinted split face masonry blocks or tile below thirty (30 ") from the ground surface.¶ Formatted: Bullets and Deleted: this Delete 9 Deleted: S.F. Deleted: developed as one Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 1 Formatted: Body Indent 4 Accent colors may be used on no greater than ten percent (10 %) of the Deleted the front or main buildings) facade on which the accent color is applied. Deleted: the _ 3. Landscaping Deleted: front or main These requirements are in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements building(s) established in Section 7.6. Landscaping and Tree Protection. Deleted: out - parcels a. The minimum required landscape points for a site shall be double (2 x t Deleted: herein minimum landscape points) of that required for developments of less Deleted: feet than 50,000 gross square feet in area The minimum allowable tree size Formatted: Bullets and Numbering is two -inch (2 "),caliper. Streetscape point requirements remain the Formatted: Bullets and Numbering same and shall count toward the landscape point requirement. Deleted: 5 b. Tree wells are required along fifteen percent (15 %) of the linear front of Deleted: S.F any facade facing a public right- of- way,and shall include a minimum of one (1) canopy tree for every required six feet (6') in length. Non - Deleted: inch canopy trees may be substituted in the tree wells, provided that the Deleted: the main building(s) 1 fagade 7 -64 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas 2. Building Colors 1 1 1 J Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards • number required shall be doubled This landscaping shall count toward the overall landscape requirement. Each tree well shall be a minimum of si feet (6') square. Tree wells may be at grade or may be raised a maximum ofI inches (30" in height so_long_as the so il is contiguous with the s oil at grade. If the tree wells are located within interior parking islands, then the islands shall not count toward_ the re uired interior par king - islands - d escribed in Section 7.2.E Interior Islands. c. All landscaping strips, islands, pods, and areas used to segregate the one hundred twenty (120) space parking areas as provided for above under "Parking Lots" must include canopy trees or structural shading. This requirement shall not apply to auto sales lots. 4_Redestrian / Bike Circulation & Facilities a. There shall be designated connections among primary buildings and pad I sites for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Locations for sidewalks and bicycle parking facilities shall be provided and shown on the site plan. Pedestrian walkways may be incorporated into the landscape strips separating parking areas only if the strip is ten feet (10'1 in width. b. In centers with multiple tenants, one or more facilities capable of storing eight (8) bicycles shall be placed in clearly designated, safe, and convenient locations, such that no tenant entrance is farther than one hundred fifty feet (150') from a bike facility. c. Pedestrian walkways shall be a minimum of five feet (5') Aide. Pedestrian walkways shall connect public street sidewalks, transit stops, parking areas and other buildings in a design that ensures safe pedestrian use. When the walkway is within a Darking lot area, it shall be clearly designated usina brick Davers or a stamped dved concrete • pattern. F. Additional Standards for 150,000 S.F. or Greater In addition to the standards set out in Sections 7.10.B, 7.10.D, and 7.10.E the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 150,000 gross square feet in area n r greater, whether connected or not but determined to be,a,sindle building plot._ d. There shall be a ten foot (10'j sidewalk along the full frontage of any facade facing a public right -of -wad. Tree wells and planter boxes shall be placed along this walkway and in a manner that does not obstruct pedestrian movement. Bike parking facilities are allowed in this area. Vehicular parking or cart storage is prohibited. Outside display is allowed but only if it does not occupy more than thirty percent (30 %) of this area and meets the requirements of Section 7.1,2.6. This requir does not apply to developments meeting the definition of a p ad site. 1. Each development shall contain a plaza developed as an integral part of the development and not less than ive hundred__ square feet 0500 si, ft. jn area. This area shall not count toward required parking islands or area requirements of a parking concept as described in 7.10.B.6.b.,This area shall incorporate a minimum of three (3) of the following: Seating components* 7 -65 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: Each tree well shall include canopy trees. De leted: 3 feet sa j Deleted: 30 �- Inserted: 30 Deleted: Deleted: < #>The substitution of two (2) non- canopy trees for one (1) canopy tree is not allowed for more than fifty percent (50%) of the overall canopy tree requirement. Massing of trees is allowed. ¶ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: out - parcels Deleted: feet Deleted. feet Deleted: foot Deleted: the primary building facade Deleted. 1 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: above Deleted: S.F. Deleted: develop Deleted: s one Deleted: or public space(s) Deleted: two Deleted: 2 Deleted: square feet Deleted: Such areas • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards • � Structural shading* Water features* Decorative landscape planters* Public Art* Outdoor eating accommodations Hardscape elements at entrances and within the parking area such as decorative pavers, low masonry walls, ,clock towers, etc. *These public areas may be located within the parking landscape areas. 2. All facades facing a public Right -of Way shall have a minimum of fifty percent (50 %) brick, stone, marble, granite, or a material fabricated to simulate brick or stone (not split face concrete masonry). 3. The minimum allowable tree size is two and one hal - inches (2.5 caliper. d. All parking areas must be screened from the public Right -of -Way using berms. 5. Accent colors may be used on no more than five percent (5 %) of the fagade� on which the accent color is applied. G. Variances - Design Review Board (DRB) The DRB may grant a variance from the standards contained in Section 740 of up to one hundred percent (100 %1. of the total percentage permitted for the following: 1. Substitutions of building materials if the applicant shows that: a. The building material is a new or innovative material manufactured that has not been previously available to the market or the material is not listed as an allowed or prohibited material herein; pr • b. The material is similar and comparable in quality and appearance to the materials allowed in this Section 7,10; ,pr . c material is an integral part of a themed building (example 50's diner in chrome). No variance shall be granted to requirements for brick or stone on buildings twenty thousand (20,000) gross square feet in area or greater. Financial hardship shall not constitute a basis for the variance. 2. Alternate colors or materials on each facade if the applicant shows that: a. The applicant is a franchised and /or chain restaurant to be developed as a single detached building (not integrated into a multi- tenant building); and b. The proposed colors /materials are part of its corporate branding; and c. The applicant provides all of the alternative color /materials schemes the chain or franchise has used. 3. Alternative materials on facade work that does not involve an expansion of an existing building as defined in Section 9 of the UDO or constitute redevelopment if the applicant shows that: 7 -66 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: or vegetative Deleted: public art, ll - J j Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: Deleted: inches _ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: 9 Deleted: 75% Deleted: and Deleted: 9 Deleted: and Deleted: < #>No variance shall be granted to requirements for brick or stone on buildings twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or greater; and¶ < #>Financial hardship shall not constitute a basis for the variance; and¶ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 1 Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7 -67 City of College Station, Texas • a. The materials allowed in Section 7.10 cannot be utilized without a I De leted: 9 • structural alteration(s) to the existing building; and b. A licensed professional engineer or architect verifies in writing that a structural alteration is required to apply the permitted facade materials to the building. c. The DRB may grant a variance of up to 100% from the facade articulation or roofline standards herein if the applicant shows that it is not financially or structurally feasible. I _ Deleted: Screening must be 4. Alternatives to the options for screening listed in Section 7,10. 13 may be provided in accordance with considered. Section 7.98. Deleted: 9 5. Alternatives to the options listed in Section 7.10.8. m_ a_ y be considered Deleted: 9 for approval provided that the alternative incorporates a minimum of two (2) architectural relief elements with spacing as required under Section 7 ,10. B.2 � Deleted: 9C 6. The DRB may approve the following alternative parking lot concept as follows: a. The area of a landscaped plaza may be credited toward the area(s) required for parking lot landscape concepts in Section 7 .40.13. provided _ Deleted :9 that each of the following conditions are met: Deleted H3b 1) A minimum of three buildings must be clustered around a plaza; I Deleted: out - parcel and 2) The area of the plaza and associated landscaping /water features /fountains shall be no less than 1800 square feet for every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces; and 3) The clustered buildings may not be physically separated by parking spaces. • The area of the landscaped plaza shall only count toward parking spaces located directly behind the clustered buildings and plaza. The point of orientation for determining what is "behind" the clustered buildings and plaza shall be from the adjacent street with the highest rating on the Thoroughfare Plan. All other parking spaces shall meet requirements established in 7 _10.3.b for minimizing visual impact of parking spaces. Deleted:9 The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one _ Deleted: H hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro -rated at fifteen (15) Deleted: 3b square feet of landscaping per parking space. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7 -67 City of College Station, Texas • • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.10. Non - Residential Architectural Standards i1l "�1 ' "Q'; , ! 4" 44m. 7. Alternate colors on a facade if the applicant shows that: a. The applicant is a franchised and /or a chain business to be developed as a single detached building (not integrated into a multi- tenant building); and b. The proposed colors are part of its corporate branding; and c. The applicant provides all of the alternative color schemes the chain or franchise has used. H. Submittal Requirements -1. When non - residential architectural standards are applicable, submitted site plans shall include the following, in addition to other site Dlan application requirements: a. Accurate building footprint(s): b. Mechanical screening details: c. Detention pond screening details; d. Location and number of bicycle parking facilities; e. Parking lot confiouration in compliance with 7.10.H. Parkino lots. if applicable (120 parking spaces or more) f. Additional landscaoinq requirements, if applicable (50,000 square feet and greater); g. Location of pedestrian walkways, if applicable (50,000 square feet and g reater ); h. Traffic Impact Analysis, if applicable (5,000 trips per day or greater and 7 -68 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas (Formatted: Bullets and Numbering KttMNATVC PA*a L , C­ A �`^ Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.11. Outdoor Lighting Standards • i. Location and details of public plaza and amenities, if applicable (150.000 square feet and greater). 2__ When non - residential architectural standards are applicable, submitted building Qlans shall include the following, in addition to other building permit application requirements: Scaled building elevations for each facade, depicting the following_ 1) Required architectural relief; and 2) Location of building materials. h. , Accurate building footprint(s); c.__ Sample building materials and color details; and d. Table of vertical square footage and percentage of building materials for each facade. 7.11 Outdoor Lighting Standards It is recognized that no design can eliminate all ambient light from being reflected or otherwise being visible from any given development; however, the following requirements shall be followed to the fullest extent possible in order to limit nuisances associated with lighting and resulting glare. All lighting within developments other than single - family residential and duplexes shall meet the requirements of this Section. A. Site Lighting Design Requirements 1. Fixture (luminaire): The light source shall not project below an opaque housing. No fixture shall directly project light horizontally. 2. Light Source (lamp): Only incandescent, florescent, metal halide, mercury • vapor, or color corrected high - pressure sodium may be used. The same type must be used for the same or similar types of lighting on any one site throughout any master - planned development. 3. Mounting: Fixtures shall be mounted in such a manner that the projected cone of light does not cross any property line. B. Specific Lighting Requirements 1. Facade and flagpole lighting must be directed only toward_ the facade or flag and shall not interfere with the night - visibility on nearby thoroughfares or shine directly at any adjacent residential use. 2. All lighting fixtures incorporated into non - enclosed structures (i.e., gas pump canopies, car washes, etc.) shall be fully recessed into the underside of such structures. 7.12 Outdoor Storage and Display A. General Outdoor storage and display is allowed in nonresidential districts in accordance with this Section. Any merchandise, material, or equipment situated outdoors and visible from the public right -of -way or adjacent properties shall be subject 7 -69 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: sand Numbering Deleted: Residential Protection StandardsWithin 150 feet of any residential zone, building - mounted and aerial lighting fixtures shall be of a design such that the light source (luminalre) shall not project below an opaque housing. No such fixture shall directly project light horizontally. Deleted: Canopy Area Lighting Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • • Workshop Agenda 5 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Article 11, Definitions. • • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 16, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Crissy Hard, Staff Planner THROUGH: Joey Dunn, Director of Planning & Development Services SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review, Article 11, Definitions At the direction of the Planning & Zoning Commission at the January 5, 2006 meeting, the Annual Review of the UDO has been divided into several smaller amendments for consideration. The following background information has been prepared for your review prior to the formal consideration of amendments to Article 11, Definitions at the March 16, 2006 P &Z meeting. Non - housekeeping items in this section include changes to the definitions of "building plot," "clinic," and "hospital." The following information reflects the proposed changes to each definition: Building Plot or Premises: All of the land within a project, whether one or more lots, developed according to a common plan or design for similar or compatible uses, that may have shared access or parking, and that singularly or in phases is treated as such for site plan review purposes. The determination of the boundaries of a building plot shall be made as the first step in the site plan or project review, unless such determination has previously been made at the time of plat approval. For development not subject to site plan review, the building plot or premises shall be the exterior boundary of any included lots, in the event that the structure sits astride two or more lots. In the event that two or more lots are under single ownership and the structure does not meet the required side yard setback, both lots shall be considered the building plot or premises. Demolished sites located in larger parking lots that may not have previously been considered part of a larger building plot, will be considered part of the plot if access is shared with the site. • Clinic: • A facility operated by one or more physicians, dentists, chiropractors, or other licensed practitioners of the healing arts for the examination and treatment of persons solely on an outpatient basis. Hospital or Sanitarium: A building, or portion thereof, used or designed for the medical or surgical treatment of the sick, mentally ill, or injured persons, primarily on an inpatient basis, and including as an integral part, related facilities such as laboratories, outpatient facilities, or training facilities; provided that this definition shall not include rooms in any residential dwelling, hotel, or apartment hotel not ordinarily intended to be occupied by said persons. C7 is Workshop Agenda 7 Presentation, possible action and discussion on an item to update the Commission on the status of items within the P &Z Plan of Work. (LS) 1 � u • • c° O Z m U - 0 N J co CL D It _o Q rn m a 0 0 y co rl to CIS O a a a ° °�°•� o O a ° ° o o a o c A p" r y o o 0 cs ° 3 0 " ° U ° o b b °' a o v U v) o b o `� o on G 5 an o O N Z o o U s ��� o °° °� °°o G �Gati • O O O 'ZS pp U U O i cd •� q N y •g N 0 o r� w L ZL on a, 0., � - 4 a o to oo 50 ° oo Zs N con to � Aq b Q - cn �' o a a � � ❑ b � • a � � w o � ° o Cd Q) ccc�� z ti a 4: o a b �� 3� Huc� tea. xi c° O Z m U - 0 N J co CL D It _o Q rn m a • 0 • cc 0 m 2 0 N J a CD a. Q a o o .0 V p b O N 0 a C o �.0 a� ❑2 ° O a� ❑ Q.�, w o g v� o o w N z >, cl o a� � a o ° 3 a -_ cd to o E ° •T a � O eq w O v o 0 a W 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 a U a G 0 ° f 'b a m o o i V v a o b o b o b o q o El � U eb U ob o U ob o 40 U Q •� ;� on on O In b u 0 0 > a a 0 O 1 06 94 A A� N M cc 0 m 2 0 N J a CD a. r� • co 0 ca 0 N J T (0 v n 5 am rn co .b a> O v, 'n O `r) v, v) O v, O U (V p cz O 00 00 cq y QI w-i 000 N A on on o a o o o 0 i, aV U U W o l d N .O L .4 N ° v O 0 0 0 E 0 o U U U U U U • i C h .r V a O fi v o >aY a ep or � �•O a oo >� cd .� U � � r , U •� �o0 0 � ' n > O+ U .� � a � o w •Zs Old �� o E- 5 �a� ¢ Q ° yam to to on o s o, Qa 5 Cd w x w a` U a 4 p Q 3 x x c o y 0 c E" u �0 0o ri kn Q F1 U U U A co 0 ca 0 N J T (0 v n 5 am rn co • • • co p m 2 L w 0 N v� J a m Q. D v rn M CL b 0 0 k 0 U U r z z U N o C 0 a y ' O Q O O En N z 'o Cd cq 1 '� (/� o •y Qn •l b 0 b 0 0 Y • O L1. y ^+ w � � • r o � N � N c v 4 N � N o o •^ y CA 0 �o M.> U a� Cd O it In o o ° •>� N o a U W U U O Z w o a A Q o at o co p m 2 L w 0 N v� J a m Q. D v rn M CL Regular Agenda 4 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. Lisa Lindgren - Request for Absence from P &Z Workshop Meeting -March 2, 2006 Pa$e 1 • L ` From: "John Nichols" <jpn@ag.tamu.edu> To: "Lisa Lindgren" <Llindgren @cstx.gov> Date: 2/23/2006 5:17 pm Subject: Request for Absence from P&Z Workshop Meeting - March 2, 2006 CC: "Scott Shafer" <SShafer @ag.tamu.edu> Dear Lisa, Please submit a request for absence from the March 2, 2006 Workshop meeting of the P&Z. I will be involved in the ground breaking ceremony for the Veterans Park Phase 11 which begins at 5:30 pm. Since this is a project that I have long supported, I want to be there to help start the next phase. I will return by 7 pm for the regular meeting of the P&Z that same evening. Thank you for submitting this request. I ask my fellow commissioners to approve it. John P. Nichols Commissioner College Station Planning and Zoning Commission • Sent By: COVENTRY GLEN REALTY; 979 846 4652; Feb -23 -06 7:54PM; Page 2/3 Feb 23 06 06:27p City Secretary 9797646377 p,2 • "uy O, f CO ftej,S'�adon Absence Requeot Form For Elected and Appointed 0Wicers Name Request Submitted on I will not be in atteadawe at the meeting of for the reason(s) spedflod: UAX M. This re UC& shall be 59bMhWd to thdi o. Vc #. of dw Cat' Secr&wy or Board SecreMy one we * pror to meelix &k o :aoaodvtre�o{,aoe • Sent By: COVENTRY GLEN REALTY; 979 846 4652; Feb -23 -06 7:54PM; Page 3/3 i Page 1 of 1 • Maraha Sanford From: Marsha Sanford [marshasQtca.netj Sent; Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:53 PM To: 'Lisa Lindgren' Cc: 'Scott Shafer" Subject: Request for Absence Lisa: Unfortunately, I have just found out today (2/23106) that I will beIunable to attend the March 2, 2006 P & Z workshop & meeting, the March 2rd Veterans park 11 groundbr Icing and the March 3, 2006 Planning & Development Services Department Forum. I will be out of-town gas my husband has just been scheduled for surgery In Houston. I am faxing you an Absence Request Formitoday as well. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Marsha Slagford .. ASR CRS GPJ Broker Associate/REALTOR Coventry Glen Realty 414 B T=ow College Station, Tx 77840 Direct 979- 777 -2556 Toll Free 1.800 -809 -2200 ext 9 Email MarshaSQtca.net • Web Marsha5anford.Realtor.com (no www in fiiont when searching) Serve ng you with experience, integrity & enthusiasm for the results you deserve! • 2/23/2006 Regular Agenda 5 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Aggieland Business Park consisting of 117.48 acres located at 5942 Raymond Stotzer Parkway (FM 60) at the northwest corner of FM 60 and Jones Road in the City's extra - territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Case #06- 500020 (TF) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner Report Date: February 20, 2006 Email: tfletcher(a)cstx.gov Meeting Date: March 2, 2006 Project Number: 06- 00500020 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Aggieland Business Park, consisting of 117.48 acres, located at 5942 Raymond Stotzer Parkway (FM 60) at the northwest corner of FM 60 and Jones Road in the City's extra - territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Applicant: Jim Jett, agent for property owner 60- Jones, LLC dba Aggieland Business Park Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Master Plan. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a Master Plan, which is required for all subdivisions proposed in more than one phase and containing more than 50 acres of land. Aggieland Business Park proposes two commercial phases (38.31 acres) and a future mixed use area (79.19 acres). Phase I has six lots and Phase II has 10 lots. • Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The property is at the northwest corner of FM 60 and Jones Road in the College Station ETJ. The Land Use Plan projects Single - Family Residential Low Density for this area, but the City has no authority over land use in the ETJ. Residential uses are proposed on the area shown as future mixed use development. FM 60 is shown as Freeway, on the Thoroughfare Plan. Jones Road extends from FM 60 north to Villa Maria, immediately west of SH 47, but is not classified as a thoroughfare by either College Station or Bryan. The water supplier for this development is currently Brushy Water Supply and the sewer is proposed to be on -site septic. The City of College Station has filed a Sewer CCN (Certificate of Convenience and Necessity) application with the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to provide sewer collection and treatment in the ETJ. Since the property is in the ETJ, the Parks and Recreation Board does not review this Master Plan. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the Master Plan. The options regarding the Master Plan are: ■ Approval • Denial • Attachments: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) & Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Master Plan (provided in packet) • • dh wz X da LS •�� '• /� � \• ,• - , vii -,�.. 4 41 uj ca LU /• z I lk w / Y ./ ':. •: , • ... • /„. • • ..• / . •• / .. /. / • • .... •4 ...,... I , , / , .. „ \ . . .. • •, .•• . \ ‘,.." \ \.,/•" \ ', / ./ ... \ / '•• , / ,.' s, 411," DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AGGIELAND BUSINESS PARK Case: MASTER 06-500020 PLAN • Crry ()F C0111�(&. STA HON Aje!4,tfW"1 Vx,? FOR OFF Ir1 HLY I Z CA59 NO.; r_j0 __ E SU dA/TT6q \_ mat— MASTER PLAN APPLICATION The k4lawog Items must be submitted by an estWshed filing dea(Aine date for P & Z Comrrission wrisiderabon MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIRIEMEWS: V Filing Fee of $400 00. Application completed in fidi. Thirteen (131 folded copiies Of plan. {A revised mylar original must be submmed after 510H tqview,) A copy of the attached checkils! with all Items 0hQcW off or a brief explanatim as to why they are no(. Rezoning Application if zone change lis proposed. Date of RequIlmd Proapplication Conference — UILZO" NAME OF SUBDIVISION __ A 4jLiL_1&Lte-%c4 IC -'C7 E _ Tj SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION L-f WI-a' I APPLICANTIPROJECT MANAGER'S IN FORMAT ION (Primary Contact for the ProjocW • NarPe___(0" ---,.d Street Address an lvt ECA t.+, Coy CLI �tl t_ L , 7ip Code - 1 IV4 ___-.,State — E -Marl Address — Phone Number _6(rj Imo — Fax Number _&,T)_7_i> PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION I Name 42E J51W 5 - 1 L"_ J-12-d --A-' - Streel Address 54f6 t�zi J Egsi, _&,t_ City , ( �iate z;s - - -- Zip E-Mail Address Phone Namber Jlj 177) '7,164 -7k ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION Nam :Ukt-ka - Street Addrm City sl ate _'rte_ zip code E-Mail Addresa — pe 4 , tex e 0,4 -,1 e_,: " Phone Nun*af I --Fax Humtkw • C7 • TOTAL ACREAGE OF S OCNISION: 11 X4 8 14 , e s TOTAL ACRE.Ai BY 2ONI04G DISTRICT. d i f 1 I DTAL FLOODPLAN AC:RF-AGI=. I VOLL PAR CLA140 OEDICAT0N EE MET 8Y ACREAGE OA FEE ? (CtRUE ONE i Q Ii' acneage, pk s A gnow appioumte clre and bcabm on piano MQI JESIED VARIANCES TO SlJMVID REMLAMNS & RCASON FCGR SAME_ - hk, MQUESTED OVrP.SIZE PpRTICIPATI0N --�-. /�, —.__. . The appitcont eras Fnepo ed this apowation acrd certifies t6al the facts x'ated her M .prod erhrbts a•raeix-yj hgfWv are Iniw vaV C0nvCt The undersigned tiorvby t *quests mpprovW by (he City 41 COrwg* S?41bn of the kkave- rder7rlfiv? rt l0ar _ ►�� 1`- 14 - 1 � 3 gllti lut n t Dace - - -- —_ rx, : w ) ;ot•. C7 4 Regular Agenda 6 Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion on a replat of Indian Lakes Phase IV into Indian Lakes Phase IX, consisting of 44 lots on 14.78 acres, generall located southeast of the intersection of Indian Lakes Drive and Arapaho Ridge Drive. Case #05- 500232 (JP) 4 • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Planner Report Date: February 17, 2006 Email: Meeting Date: March 2, 2006 Project Number: 05- 00500232 Item: Public Hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion on a replat of Indian Lakes Phase IV into Indian Lakes Phase IX, consisting of 44 lots on 14.78 acres, generally located southeast of the intersection of Indian Lakes Drive and Arapaho Ridge Drive. Applicant: Travis Martinek, agent for Smiling Mallard Development, Ltd., property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a Final Plat for a new section of the Indian Lakes development that will provide smaller single - family lots in a gated community. Several variance requests were approved in August 2005 to allow such a development to occur. The following table summarizes the variances granted for • this property in August 2005: It is also necessary for the applicant to request variances from the County Subdivision Regulations and receive plat approval from the County Commissioner's Court. The County Commissioner's Court will be considering variances to the front and side lot utility easement widths, setbacks, and maximum dwelling units per acre and lot size. Minimum lot sizes are recommended in the County for the construction of septic systems. Since the developer has proposed to tie into the City's sanitary sewer system, individual • lots will not need septic systems. 13 -B Streets ROW width of 70 feet ROW width of 28 10 -foot shoulders feet no shoulders 13 -C Lot Width 100 feet 34.05 feet to 98.48 feet 12 -J.2.1 Utility Layout 20 -ft. utility easement at front or 10 feet at front of lot rear of lot or 10 feet at rear when and 10 feet at lots abut each other (unabutting) rear of lot It is also necessary for the applicant to request variances from the County Subdivision Regulations and receive plat approval from the County Commissioner's Court. The County Commissioner's Court will be considering variances to the front and side lot utility easement widths, setbacks, and maximum dwelling units per acre and lot size. Minimum lot sizes are recommended in the County for the construction of septic systems. Since the developer has proposed to tie into the City's sanitary sewer system, individual • lots will not need septic systems. • Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan shows most of the land in the ETJ to be developed at a rural density (very low density residential development with agricultural and support uses). The City does not control land use in the county, but does share platting authority. Item Background: This area was formerly part of Indian Lakes Phase 4 (vacated June 22, 2005). The City and the developer agree that the increase in density from the rest of the Indian Lakes development warrants this proposal to be a new project. A Preliminary Plat for this property, proposing 42 lots and an on -site sewer treatment plant, was approved in August. A new Preliminary Plat was approved by the Commission on February 2, 2006 because the applicant proposed connecting to the City sanitary sewer system. Because of the removal of the on -site private wastewater treatment plant, two additional lots were included in the most recent Preliminary Plat. Commission Action Options Regarding the Final Plat: The Commission has final authority over the Final Plat. The options regarding the Final Plat are: ■ Approval • Denial Infrastructure and Facilities • Water required for plat: This phase is not considered to be vested and . therefore must meet all fire flow requirements in accordance with the Bryan /College Station Design Guidelines and Specifications. The domestic water is proposed to be served off the same line as fire flow and is to be served by Wellborn SUD. • Sewer required for plat: The developer proposes tying into the City sanitary sewer system. This requires that this property be brought into the City's sewer CCN or a special exception be granted by the City Council, and easements be obtained prior to the Final Plat. Streets required for plat: The streets are proposed to be privately maintained by the HOA, 24 -feet in width, inverted crown for centerline drainage with no curb and gutters. The private street system is proposed to tie into Indian Lakes Drive, a major collector on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Final Plat (provided in packet) • 1�1 0 0 | ' | ` ` / / | . / � � . . � m �c LL � ` ` / / . / � � . . � m �c LL � U • • FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PS�Z CASE NO { : - „? '� • .a. DATE SU BMITTED. (�t'I'Y t )>+ t. (.)I.1.1•�G E �' 1 i1 i : (�hT i'L:nni+5; :Jlevxtiop »rrn:J:roien t V t l FINAL PLAT APPLICATION • (Check one) [j Minor ❑ Amending ® Final ❑ Vacating ❑ Rapist (smil.00) (s3 0c.00� (3400.00) ($400.00) 11"00.0o,11• *Includes public hearing fee The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P&Z Commisalon consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: X Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sheet NIA Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations - 5100 (d applicable) NIA Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable). NIA Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600 -00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) X Application completed in full. X Copy of original deed restrictionslcovenants for replats (if applicable). X Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) X One (1) copy of the approved Preliminan/ Plat andlor one ( 1) Master Plan (if applicable). X Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Stallion I.S.D. X A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. X Two (2) copies of public infrastructure pisns associated with this plat (if applicable). NIA Parkland Dedication requwement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board. please provide proof of aaoroval (if applicable). Date of Prealppiicstion Conference: Unknown NAME OF SUBDIVSION: Villages of 1rldiyn Lake, - Prase IX SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION (Lot & Block): S of rrfrersedton between Indian Lakes Drivo and Arapaho Ridge Drive, fnrmar)y Phase 9, Lots 1. 2A. 78, 3. & 4 APPLICANTIPROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (PrimaryConiscl for the Project): Name: Travis lbfarllrrek Street Address: 3609 East 2r Stmel, Suite 900 State: raxas Pip Code: 77802 Phone Number: (979) 846 -4334 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Ndnve: Smltrng Mallard asvebprnerlr, LLC Street Address: 3888 East 2e Street, S06r 100 State: TOxas Zip Code, 77002 Pho.rie Number: (D79) 8dd -4384 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S IN FOR MAfiON: Name: McClave & Browne, 1.,c SJreel Address: 1008Wo avvekBvive. Sutfa IGk3 slate: 1•axas Zip Code; T7645 • Phone Number: (975) 693 -3836 W1103 City: i4ryrrn E -Mail Address: fr:lvis @clarkewyndh3m.com Fax Number. (979) 846-1447 City. Bryan E -Bail Address: trawl @claMewyndham,cam Fax Number: (9N) 046 -7469 City: CGrege slaboo E -Mail Address: mikem(@mccll reb►owrie. oom Fax Number; (979) 693- -6554 I of l / 1 J • Is ihere a ternporaery blanket ee. nernl on this property? No Acreage -- Total Ptoperty 14.7A Total # Of Lots: 44 R -O -411 Aofeage: ?. G4 (Private) Existing Use: 5irrgle- Fdrvily Rcsirfenhal Prnposed Use: Single - Family ResidenVaf Number Of Lnt% By Z.oWriq District: NIA Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning DibtriCC WA F:oodplain Acreage: MIA A siatemeni addressing anydifierenem between the Final Plat and approved Master Plan andfor Preliminary Plat (il appdcable): WA Requested Variances To 5ubeivisinn Regulations & Re-ason For Same: NIA Requested Oversize Parlicipation: The Devefgper vlyd be requesting oversize perncipetiar, for an oflsite sanifary sewer tine extension. Plans Tor dris are currernfly under negotiation with Co/iege 5tafron ilfrf es and Development Services. An DMcbI subrniltat will roNow. Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: Streets Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer Lines Water Lines Channels Storm Seivers B?ke Lanes i Paths it of SingWFarnily t]weiling Units X $556 = S (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TD FILING. Tho applicant has prof this ,3N&r7Hdn and corilfies th-ot rfie tents stated hcrain tsnd exhibits attached horofo arr. true. Lorrecf, and cornplete. The undersign -d hemby requests appravat by tfre City of Coflege Slaliorj of the aba-.?e- fdengfied filial Mai aril aftesrs Mat this requeid d0E8 r?pt a Met 10 any 013~617YIS :X rgstrichbris erssuciated 1Wih ihrs #J f. Travis Martinek Design $ Construction Managw Parkland Dedication duo prior to filing the Final Plat: — I ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicabad + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention OR # of acres in greenways FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: I / 6 -- Date • & 5 +03 '_ cat'? Regular Agenda 7 Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning for Lot 1, Block A of the Haney- Highway 6 Subdivision, 1.2 acres, from C -3 Light Commercial to C -1 General Commercial located at 3129 Texas Avenue South at the intersection of Texas Avenue, Deacon Drive and the Highway 6 frontage road. Case #06- 500021 (JP) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Planner Report Date: February 20, 2006 Email: jprochazkaCcDcstx.gov Meeting Date: March 2, 2006 Project Number: 06- 00500021 Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning for Lot 1, Block A of the Haney- Highway 6 Subdivision, 1.2 acres, from C -3 Light Commercial to C -1 General Commercial located at 3129 Texas Avenue South at the intersection of Texas Avenue, Deacon Drive and the Highway 6 frontage road. Applicant: Charles Taylor, applicant for TOC -DS Company, property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends denial of the rezoning request. The Comprehensive Plan policy guide states that general commercial uses should be separated from lower intensity residential uses by transition buffer areas. While an office- commercial development such as the adjacent mini - storage can provide an appropriate separation, the policy states that transitional buffers such as these be a minimum of 200 feet to separate incompatible land uses. The adjacent mini - storage property does not provide the minimum 200 foot separation. The Small Area Map attached to this report shows a distance of • 200 feet from the subject property (the notification area). The Unified Development Ordinance states that the C -3 Light Commercial zoning district is "designed to provide locations for commercial sites that are too small for many permitted uses in the C -1 General Commercial District. These are moderately low traffic generators that have little impact on adjacent areas or on adjacent thoroughfares." The C -1 General Commercial zoning district is "designed to provide locations for general commercial purposes, that is, retail sales and service uses that function to serve the entire community and its visitors." The current C -3 Light Commercial zoning on the property is appropriate for its location and size. Item Summary: The applicant is requesting a rezoning to C -1 General Commercial in order to develop the property as a retail shopping center. A retail shopping center is a permitted use in the current C -3 Light Commercial district. Attached is a list of uses that are permitted in C -1 General Commercial, but not in the current C -3 Light Commercial zoning district. C -1 General Commercial allows many uses that may not be appropriate in this location, which has limited access and is in close proximity to an established single family neighborhood. Bernadine Estates, the Mile Drive neighborhood, may experience cut - through traffic as a result of development of this property. • C: IDOCUME— IVLLINDG- IVOCALS- 11TemplStaff Report.DOC Created on 21612006 8:42:00 AM • The subject property is 1.2 acres and is surrounded by property that is zoned PDD Planned Development District and developed as a mini - storage facility. The subject property has street frontage and access from both Texas Avenue and the Highway Six frontage road. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates this property as Regional Retail. The Comprehensive Plan defines 'Regional Retail' as "areas permitting regional -scale development of tax - generating developments such as retail centers, service commercial, restaurants, etc. These uses are generally dependent on good access to highways and major arterials. Post Oak Mall is an example of this use." While the property is shown as Regional Retail on the Land Use Plan, the Comprehensive Plan development policies suggest that this property is better suited for C -3 Light Commercial than C -1 General Commercial. Texas Avenue is shown as a major arterial and State Highway 6 is shown as a freeway on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Item Background: The property was annexed into the City limits in 1969 and was zoned 'District No. 1, First Dwelling House,' for single family development, at that time. • The property was platted as Haney- Highway 6 Subdivision in 1985, the plat was amended in 1988 to relocate access easements and add a 'greenbelt' to help buffer the Mile Drive neighborhood from commercial uses on the adjacent property, in compliance with an agreement reached by the commercial property owners and representatives of the adjacent Mile Drive neighborhood. There have been numerous rezoning requests for this and surrounding properties in the Haney- Highway 6 Subdivision: 1976 - C -1 request denied 1978 - C -1 request denied 1979 - C -1 and A -P request approved with the A -P as a buffer between the commercial property and the neighborhood 1982 - Planning and Zoning Commission initiated a rezoning to A -P for the whole tract after a petition by the Mile Drive residents requested that no commercial development be allowed on the Haney- Highway 6 tract 1984 - C -1 request denied 1985 - C -1 request denied 1985 - C -3 request approved on subject property. 1988 - C -3 was approved on adjacent properties with the support of the neighborhood and the addition of a greenbelt between the commercial property and the neighborhood. 1988 - The property was replatted to reflect the greenbelt that was a condition of the C -3 rezoning. • C: ID OCUME- 11LLINDG- 11LOCALS- 11TempIStaff Report.DOC Created on 21612006 8:42:00 AM • 2004 - Lots 1 & 2, Block B, and Lot 2, Block A were rezoned PDD Planned Development District after negotiation between the residents of Mile Drive and the property owners of the lots. The list of approved uses was compiled using the original agreement between property owners and Mile Drive residents (1987) and the opinions of the current residents. The following uses were approved with that PDD: • Animal Care Facilities - Indoor • Art Studio /Gallery • Educational Facility, Indoor Instruction • Mini - Storage Warehouse (with accessory living quarters) • Offices • Clinic & Medical Office • Personal Service Shop • Printing /Copy Shop • Radio /TV Station /Studios (no towers) • Retail Sales and Service Demolition for redevelopment of this site has begun. Commission Action Options: The Commission acts as a recommending body on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately decided by City Council. The Commission options are: • 1. Recommend approval of rezoning as submitted; 2. Recommend denial; 3. Table indefinitely; or, 4. Defer action to a specified date. Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) & Aerial Map 2. Application 3. C -1 & C -3 Zoning District Comparison • C: IDOCUME- 11LLINDG- 11LOCALS-11TemplStaff Report.DOC Created on 21612006 8:42:00 AM • NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 2 -10 -06 and 3 -8 -06 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 3 -2 -06 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 3 -23 -06 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 11 Response Received: I have received one phone call in opposition to the request. This gentleman is a current resident in the Mile Drive neighborhood and has been involved in rezoning requests on this property in the past. He has concerns with the types of uses that C -1 General Commercial zoning allows, including drive -thru restaurants. r� C: IDOCUME- 1ILLINDG- 11LOCALS- 11TempIStaff Report.DOC Created on 21612006 8:42:00 AM .7'34 \ /35 /113 / 9 \•tr„ .. - 8 • . , 7 • / .„ 6 ./4.4 T13A 5 \..' 4 ,s 6 /- . 4, s.. .• 5 3 .'s •-•, \ 4 / • „•••::,,:o., Ark, T13A M.- ".4.-tar ..„..,,, ... r. 1R •• .... 4%.• ,, „d ‘.," , , e ..' ( 2 R — 1 r 23B ez:z ./..,A2R \ .. '' .•::;: '''.. , • / / .. Al ..-. . .,./23A ,6:, .. b- ..ii•', ..... , , Bilopi< 16 .,/ :,....••• ' , ...i. f . 22 , "ez'''; '...3, irB1 21 •• • ,..;-•::.' • . • 20 .• ;:zvi:'' ...:.. .. . : i /1/15 •IV'tt''' ,s K<N ; ' 24 • . ./14.'..".2-- Fdl / '' / ..1._ i R - 6 + 1 i / -4r, 1'ks) ...,: 1 , •-_., 118R I-, / ..1 '104 ,'--, BLOCK41. ''-'-?-..r 105 •..- RA 3R (lbr" DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 6R 4R ,?re,'Iwv 0 - .0'. • 0*- - • '41*1 .•tr;. ° - 3129 TEXAS AVE S. AMP co -r, r- 0 0 rn rn rn :7) Case: 06-500021 • c 2 BLOCK 1R REZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Iri111," 3129 TEXAS AVE S. • • FOR QFFICE USE ONLY t—A AZ CASE NO. DATE SUBMITIrED O C , N of 011.1: GE STATION ' 1^�uurins d'L4rr6opoct�xr,irars '�� ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION M1141MUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a potitinn for rezoning is denied by the City Council, anothar application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days From the date of denial, excopt with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council. Thefollo+Ying items must be submitted by an established filing deadline dame for consideration: Application compleW in full. $500.00 application lea _ Two (2) copies or a fully dimensioned map on 24" x ;i6" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c_ Pro%ant zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and pnvate rights - of - wary and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. %Written legal descrlptlon of subject property (mete@ & bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever applicable). The Rezoning Supporting Information sheet completed in full. A CAD (dxF!dwg) or GIS (shp) digital file may be requited for moro complex rwonina reauests. Date of Required Preapplication Conference: APPLICANT'$ INFORMA Name. (11,,aele TQAtIorl StreetAddre &s 2 44 cz brmrt.,.dr _ k!L',tidi<nA City State FA Zip Code E -Mail Address 'L } o,rC n lift" - C.e. r Phone Number 1'i t. - 2z i Z Fax Number _ - 11t.,, 22 k Lt PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORh1AT ION: Name 7c)C, — D °r~ yy%Tu a Des - a Q arat�or. Street Address Qrw w \IQ.trra tL1a.. City ScL., stabs " rx Zip Code IS 4 24q E -Mail Address 51!n}. Phone Number a Fax Number 2tQ.... - 2a, a This property was conveyM to owner by deed dated O r& . 16 , lrtgg and recorded in Volume I0 Pago I+C7 of the Brazos County Deed Rocords, General Location of Property: Address of Property. 3 1 % GA Tcra3 i1�c... i t'a : r TCua3 Legal Description: Lo+ 1 Z hoA n , N &,& _ t{•, -11 rr— q..JftrL Acreage - Total Property: _j . wf Existing Zoning: .1 Proposed Zoning: C.- I Proscnt Usv of Property; ar.0 syrbee_ L% Proposed Use of Properly: Q, aa, i Ski, a 0 6.tt= A11W03 Pago 1412 • k .140 NIHG SUPPORTING INFORMATI. . f.) Ust Iha changed or charlaing condidons In the area or In the City which make this zone change necessary. 1• / •• I V � � h J _ '' 1 f/r1 TIM 2.) Indicao whother Or not this zone change is in amordance with the Compreh[ansWe Plan. It ft Is not, explain why the Plan is lncc nal. Wo • S-) i_ist any other reeaons to support this =one change. Th a spplican f has prepared this appfta bn and SUpp"ng in?brm&#Drr and eeditj lira( the facts sftted hWWn and exhibits anached h� are true &W C W#Ci i F ApPt.ICA crow iS I%ELU B Y ANYONE OTHER TWJV THE OKWER OF THE PROPEAW. APPLiCA 170M MUST BE ACCObI►PA49ED BY POWWR OFATTORNEY STATWEN7FAOM THE 0KWER. Signature wn or agent) or applicant Deto • E,1 W Pb0e2012 r r F. 1 / _ 1 Th a spplican f has prepared this appfta bn and SUpp"ng in?brm&#Drr and eeditj lira( the facts sftted hWWn and exhibits anached h� are true &W C W#Ci i F ApPt.ICA crow iS I%ELU B Y ANYONE OTHER TWJV THE OKWER OF THE PROPEAW. APPLiCA 170M MUST BE ACCObI►PA49ED BY POWWR OFATTORNEY STATWEN7FAOM THE 0KWER. Signature wn or agent) or applicant Deto • E,1 W Pb0e2012 • Uses allowed in C -1 General Commercial that are not allowed in C -3 Light Commercial include the following: Permitted by right in C -1, but not C -3: • Extended Care Facility / Convalescent / Nursing Home • Educational Facility, Outdoor Instruction • Educational Facility, Tutoring • Educational Facility, Vocational / Trade • Health Care, Hospital • Conference / Convention Center • Country Club • Drive -in / thru Window • Dry Cleaners and Laundry (permitted in C -1 , has specific use standards in C -3) • Fraternal Lodge • Funeral Homes • Health Club / Sports Facility, Outdoor • Hotels • Restaurants (permitted in C -1 , has specific use standards in C -3) • Retail Sales - Single Tenant over 50,000 SF • Shooting Range, Indoor • Theater • Storage, Self Service (permitted in C -1 , has specific use standards in C -3) Permitted with Specific Use Standards in C -1, but not C -3: • Fuel Sales (Limited to 4 fuel pumps in C -3, C -1 may have any number of fuel pumps) • Golf Course or Driving Range • Car Wash • Commercial Garden /Greenhouse /Landscape Maintenance • Commercial Amusements • Vehicular Sales, Rental, Repair and Service • Wholesales / Services Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit in C -1, but not C -3: • Night Club, Bar or Tavern .7 Regular Agenda 8 Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance to amend the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.4, Signs. (LB) CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 STAFF REPORt • DATE: February 17, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner THROUGH: Joey Dunn, Director of Planning & Development Services SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review, Article 7.4, Signage Item summary: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance to amend the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.4, Signs. Item background: At the request of the Planning and Zoning Commission at the January 19, 2006, meeting, background information was prepared for your review at the February 16, 2006 Workshop. Non - housekeeping items in this section include additional restrictions on political and non - commercial signs, and provisions for the removal of signs when the associated building is demolished. Additionally, staff received direction at the December 14, 2005, Joint City Council /P &Z Commission meeting regarding community spirit signs and signage for neighborhood groups. Following is a summary of proposed changes by category: Non - commercial and political signs: Language was added to Section 7.4.Q limiting the size of non - commercial signage to 50 square feet, clarifying that signs may not be placed in any public Right of Way, and providing a time limit for political signs. The proposed changes will allow non - commercial signs related to an event to be placed up to 90 days prior to the event and require sign removal within 10 days after the event. Sign removal: Section 7.4.X was amended to require signs to be removed if the associated building is demolished. A number of sites have redeveloped in the City while maintaining their grandfathered freestanding sign status by not removing the existing sign. This provision will require sites that are completely demolished to remove any freestanding signs. When new signage is installed, it will be required to comply with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. • • Community Spirit Signs: Community spirit signs were originally located in Section 7.4.D as a prohibited sign unless authorized by Council. The new ordinance will locate these signs under "Exempt Signs" in Section 7.4.E, and allow for on- premise community spirit signs as well as off - premise. Signage for neighborhood groups: Provisions have been made in the "Exempt Signs" Section 7A.E. to allow for signage for neighborhood events. These provisions allow for temporary signage within the perimeter of a neighborhood for a neighborhood event sponsored by an association that is registered with the City of College Station Neighborhood Services. These will be considered unregulated signs, so no permit will be necessary, however the signs must remain in good repair, and the name of the association must be featured on the sign so that Code Enforcement may contact the association or group about any problems with the sign. Attachments: 1. LIDO Section 7.4, Signs Proposed Language • • J • Deleted: Article 7. General Section Y Y p Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General p. The spacing requirements for driveways not meeting the specifications i, Development Standards in Section 7.3.C.3, Spacing of Driveways, may be lessened or waived if Inserted: Article 7. General auxiliary lanes are used.;`; Development Standards q. Access points on arterial and collector streets may be required to be Deleted' Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. signalized in order to p rovide safe and efficient traffic flow. A si g p � , ' General Development development may be responsible for all or part of any right -of -way StandardsArticle 7. General dedication, design, hardware, or construction costs of a traffic signal if it Development StandardsArticle 7. Ge neral Development Standard is determined that the signal is necessitated by the traffic generated from the development. The procedures for signal installation and the Inserted: Article 7. General percent of financial participation required of the development in the Development Standards installation of the signal shall be in accordance with criteria set forth in Inserted Article 7. General the City's Traffic Signal Policy. Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General 7.4 Signs Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General A. Purpose Developm Standards The purpose of this Section is to establish clear and unambiguous regulations Delet 7.4 pertaining to signs in the City of College Station and to promote an attractive Inserted 7.4 community, foster traffic safety, and enhance the effective communication and Deleted: 7.5 exchange of ideas and commercial information. B. Applicability Deleted: The City Council recognizes that signs are necessary for visual communication Inserted 7.4 for public convenience, and that businesses and other activities have the right to inserted: 7.10 identify themselves by using signs that are incidental to the use on the premises Deleted: Signs where the signs are located. The Council herein seeks to provide a reasonable - - balance between the right of a person to identify his or her business or activity Inserted: 7.4 and the rights of the public to be protected against visual discord and safety Inserted: 7.2 hazards that result from the unrestricted proliferation, location, and construction Inserted: Sig of signs. This Section will insure that signs are compatible with adjacent land - -- —J uses and with the total visual environment of the community, in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 1. The City Council finds that the rights of residents of this City to fully exercise their rights of free speech by the use of signs containing non- commercial messages are subject to minimum regulation regarding structural safety and setbacks for purposes of traffic protection. The City Council seeks herein to provide for the reasonably prompt removal and disposal of such signs after they have served their purpose, and yet to avoid any interference with First Amendment freedoms, especially as to persons who are of limited financial means. 2. The City Council finds that instances may occur in the application of this Section where strict enforcement would deprive a person of the reasonable use of a sign, or the reasonable utilization of a sign in connection with other related property rights, and herein provides for such persons to have the right to seek variances from the requirements of this UDO for good cause. The City Council finds that it is imperative that enforcement officials apply this Section as it is written, in the interest of equality and fair and impartial application to all persons, and that the procedures to appeal a denial of a sign permit to the ZBA shall remain the sole administrative means to obtain any exception to the terms hereof. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7 -27 City of College Station, Texas • i Section - 4 ; .,I •• 3. The regulations of this Section shall apply for developments within the • zoning districts listed in Section 7.4.C, Summary of Permitted Signs. These !i, regulations only apply to special districts within the City of College Station, so far as is stated in the following Sections of this UDO: a. Wolf Pen Creek District (WPC), Section 5.6.A. b. Northgate Districts (NG -1, NG -2, NG -3), Section 5.6.13. !' c. Corridor Overlay District (OV), Section 5.8.A. d. Krenek Overlay District (KO), Section 5.8.B. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 C. Summary of Permitted Signs • The tollowinq Sig n are permitted in the relevant zoning districts of the City: iV t 7` � i+t � ad Y F k� ' � �; >7$hzt` �.�5 F ,}t '"' � �` piC Y y ' ,� I +•s=p � IFr' �, �, a. '! 14 t a Apartment /Condominium/ Manufactured Home Park X X X Identification Signs Area Identification/ Subdivision Signs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X' Attached Signs X X X X X X X X X X Development Signs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Directional Traffic Control Signs X X X X X X X Freestanding Signs X X X X Home Occupation Signs X X X X X X X X X Low Profile Signs X X X X X X X Non - Commercial Signs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Real Estate, Finance, and Construction Signs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Roof Signs X X X X Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 D. Prohibited Signs The following signs shall be prohibited in the City of College Station: 1. Portable and trailer signs, and temporary freestanding signs. 2. ,Signs painted on rooftops. 3. Inflated signs, pennants, wind driven devises (excluding flags), tethered balloons, and /or any gas filled objects for advertisement, decoration, or otherwise, except as permitted in Section 7.4.0, Grand Opening Signs„ Section 7.4.T, Special Event Signs. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 4. Vehicle signs except as permitted in Section 7.4.U, Vehicle Signs. 7 -28 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Deve lopment St i Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Develo Stan dards ( Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General D Standards Deleted 7.4 Inserted 7.4 Deleted: 7.5 Inserted: 7.5 = - -� Deleted: Inserted: 7.4 ^ -_ - ¢ s J r Inserted: 7.10 Deleted: Signs D Signs Inserted: Signs Inserted: Signs Deleted: Access Management and Ci rculationOff- Street Parking StandardsTraffic Impact Ana lysisNon- Residential Architectural StandardsNon- Residential Architectural Standards Inserted: 7.3 Inserted: 7.2 Inserted: Access Management and Circulation Inserted: Off- Street Parking Standards j ` I nserted: Tr affic I mpact Analysis Inserted: Non - Residential Architectural Standa Deleted: < #>Off- premise signs, J including billboards, both l commercial and non -co . 19 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: and • • • t n.i.,nl`= Deleted: Article 7. General Section ' ". -� ;,, Development Standards ` Deleted: Article 7. General S. Flags containing copy or logo, excluding the Flags of any country, state, I Develo pment Standards city, or school, are prohibited in residential zones and on any residentially- developed property (except when Flags are used as subdivision signs). Inserted Article 7. General Development Standards 6. Signs and displays with flashing, blinking, or traveling lights, or erratic or Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. other moving parts, including electronic message boards that change more General Development than once per 24 -hour period, either internal or external to the premise, StandardsArticle 7. General and oriented and visible to vehicular traffic, provided that time and Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development Standard temperature signs are permissible if the maximum area and setback requirements of this Section are met and if the commercial information or content of such signs is restricted to no more than eight square feet. 7. Signs containing manual changeable copy or electronic reader boards which are greater than 30 percent of the allowable sign area. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 1004 S. Any signs that are intended to or designed to resemble traffic signs or signals and bear such words as "stop ", "slow ", "caution ", "danger ", "warning ", or other words, and that are erected for purposes other than actual traffic control or warning to the public. 9. Any sign located within the site triangle in any district as stated in Article 7.1.C, Visibility at Intersections in all Districts. This does not include traffic control or directional signs. 10. Any sign that emits sound, odor, or visible matter. 11. Commercial banners in all districts, except as permitted in Section 7.4.0, Grand Opening Signs and Section 7.4.T, Special Event Signs. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 E. Exempt Signs The following signs are exempt from the requirements of this UDO: I. Signs that are not easily identified from beyond the boundaries of the lot or parcel on which they are located or from any public thoroughfare or traveled right -of -way, as determined by the Administrator. Such signs are not exempt from the safety regulations contained herein and in City Building and Electrical Codes, Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 2. Official notices posted by government officials in the performance of their duties: government signs controlling traffic, regulating public conduct, identifying streets, or warning of danger. Bulletin boards or identification signs accessory to government buildings or other buildings are subject to the provisions of this UDO. 3. Temporary signs erected by private property owners for the purpose of warning of a dangerous defect, condition, or other hazard to the public. 4. Non - commercial signs on private property or works of art that in no way identify or advertise a product or business, or by their location and placement impede traffic safety, except as stated in Section 7.5.R. Non - 7-29 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General De velopme nt Standards Deleted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.4 - -- -- - - Deleted: 7.5 Inserted• 7.5� D �-- - se Insert 7.10 Deleted: Signs Inserted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.2 - — Inserted: Signs J • • • Section 1, a Commercial and Political Signs. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 S. Temporary decorations or displays, if they are clearly incidental to and are customarily and commonly associated with any national, local, or religious celebration. 6. Temporary or permanent signs erected by public utilities or construction companies to warn of the location of pipelines, electrical conduits, or other dangers or conditions in public rights -of -way. 7. Non - Commercial Signs carried by a person and not set or affixed to the ground, that in no way identify or advertise a product or business, or by their location and placement impede traffic safety. Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 S. Commercial Signs carried by a person and not set on or affixed to the ground, provided that the sign is temporary, on- premise, and not used by the person on the premises for more than three (3) consecutive days, more than four (4) times per calendar year. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 9. Outdoor advertising display signs for sponsors of charitable events held on public properties. These signs may be displayed for the duration of the event or not more than three days with approval of the City Manager; and 10. Flags used as political symbols. 11. Special District Identification Signs, as defined by Article 11.2 Terms, that in no way advertise a product or a business, or by their location and placement impede traffic safety. Special District Identification Signs must be approved by the appropriate Board or Committee. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 12_un- orernise and/or o -or err se�ns_ ere Ii.as �_oen a_r_esolution adopted b _ !he City of Colle c�o.-Station City Council an ex ecuted contract with the Cif of Colleg S tatio n an the dis play of the signs are for designated_locabons, _a specified tin .penod,and: a. Promotes a - o sitive ima ge of the City of Cullegg Station for the _attraction of business o r tourism; b. [de picts an accomplis of an i ndlvidi_]W or-ar_i,jjj�_ or c. _Create a gositive c ommun ity spirit l ' r 1 li F. 1, v Y r. r Deleted. 7.4 - - - - - -- - -- Inserted: 7.4 Deleted: 7.5 - - - - - C Inserted:7.5 Dele In 7.4 nserted: 7.10 Deleted: Signs Dele ted: Signs Inserted• Signs Inserted: Signs Deleted: Access Management and CirculationOff- Street Parking StandardsTraf iic Impact AnalysisNon -Residential Architectural StandardsNon Residential Architectural Standards Inserted: 7.3 Inserted: 7.2 Inserted: Access Management and Circulation Inserted: Off - Street Parking Standards In serted: Tra ffic Impact_Analy: Inserted: Non - Residential Architectural Standard Formatted: Headin 4 Fo rmatted: Heading 5� Formatted: H eading 4 Formatted: Heading 5 Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards ( Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards 1 Deleted: Article 7. General Devel Stan dards Inserted• Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Developmen Standa Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7 General T j Development Standards 13._Tenm sicins erected for a neighborhood event__ sponsored by a n q hbo rlroo d group tha is registered with th Ci S tatio n provided that the signage is: a. Lo cated withi the penmeter of the neighbor b. Provides the name of the association sponsoring the e vent on the sign c. In good re air and 7 -30 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas C, • • Section ; - jr- k d._ Removed within ten 10 days o f the event. F. Sign Standards The following table summarizes the sign standards for the City of College Station: Sign lype Area (s.f.) Height (ft.) Setback ROW (ft.) Number Allowed Apartment /Condominium/Manufactured 100 10 10 1 /frontage Home Park Identification Signs Area Identification Signs 16 4 10 1/10 -50 acre subdivision or phase Not to exceed 1 Any number allowed foot from top of if within the total Attached Signs Varies, see wall, marquee, ___ allowed square 7.4.1 below or parapet to footage of attached which it is attached signs Development Signs Residential / Collector Street 35 Arterial Street 65 15 10 1 /premises Freeway 200 As clesicinated on Thoroughfare Plan Directional Traffic Control Signs 3 4 4 1 /curb cut 1 /building plot Freestanding Signs Varies, see 7.4.M below 10 where lot exceeds 75 feet of frontage Home Occupation Signs Not to exceed 2 top of wall to ___ 1 /dwelling unit which it is attached Low Profile Signs (In lieu of permitted 60 4 SO 1/150 feet of Freestanding Sin frontage * Real Estate, Finance, and Construction 1 /frontage Signs 16 8 10 (Real Estate) Up to 150 -foot frontage 32 8 10 1 /property (Finance) Greater than 150 -foot frontage 3 /property Construction Determined by frontage. feet above 1 /building plot in Roof Signs Same as t structural roof place of a freestanding freestanding sign Max. 100 s.f. 1 /primary Subdivision Signs 150 15 10 subdivision entrance. Not to exceed 2 signs. * Except as provided for in Section 7.4.M.10, Freestanding Commercial Signs. ** The area of a sign is the area enclosed by the minimum imaginary rectangle or vertical and horizontal lines that fully contains all extremities (as shown in the illustration below), exclusive of supports. Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards I Inserted: Article 7. General 1 Development Standards JI i: i Deleted: Article 7. General I. Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development 1: StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. p. I General Development Standard Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: 7.4 Inser :7.4 i Deleted: 7.5 - Inserted: 7.5 - -^ Deleted: Inserted: 7.4 - [ Inserted: 7.10 Deleted: Signs Inserted: 7.4 — Inserted: 7.2 Inserted: Sig Per Ordinance No. 2681 dated November 25, 2003 Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7 -31 City of College Station, Texas • Section r f� • II �, 1' t i Per Ordinance No. 2681 dated November 25, 2003 G. Area Identification and Subdivision Signs 1. Area Identification Signs shall be permitted upon private property in any zone to identify multiple -lot subdivisions of 10 to 50 acres in size and subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. Area Identification Signs may also be used within a large subdivision to identify distinct areas within that subdivision, subject to the requirements in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. • 2. Subdivision Signs shall be permitted upon private property in any zone to identify subdivisions of greater than 50 acres, subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. 3. Both Area Identification and Subdivision Signs must be located on the premises as identified by a preliminary or master preliminary plat of the subdivision. Subdivision Signs will be permitted only at major intersections on the perimeter of the subdivision (intersection of two collector or larger streets). At each intersection either one or two Subdivision Signs may be permitted so long as the total area of the signs does not exceed 150 square feet. Flags may be utilized in place of a Subdivision Identification Sign, but the overall height shall not exceed 20 feet and 25 square feet in area in a residential zone and 35 feet in height and 100 square feet in area in industrial or commercial districts. 4. Subdivision markers of no more that one square foot in area and used in conjunction with a subdivision or area identification sign are permitted attached to architectural elements within the subdivision. S. Indirect lighting is permissible but no optical effects, moving parts, or alternating, erratic, or flashing lights shall be permitted. Landscaping valued at 250 points shall be installed around each Subdivision Sign. Adequate arrangements for permanent maintenance of all signs and any 7 -32 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development Sta Inserted Article 7. General Devel Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General ! Development StandardsArticle 7. j General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General De velop me nt S tandards Deleted: (Inserted: 7.4 Deleted: 7.5 - Inserted: 7.5 r - -� D e l eted: 7 . Inserted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.10 Deleted: Signs Deleted: Signs l Inserted: Signs _ Inserted: Signs Deleted: Access Management and CirculationOff- Street Parking StandardsTraffic Impact AnalysisNon- Residential Architectural StandardsNon- Residential Architectural 1 Standards Inserted: 7.3 Inserted: 7.2 Inserted: Access Management and Circulation Inserted: Off - Street Parking Standards Inserted: Traffic Impact Analysis Inserted: Non - Residential Architectural Standards • • • i Section L, landscaping in conjunction with such signs shall be made, which may be through an owners association if one exists or is created for this purpose. 6. All signs shall be setback as shown in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above ;. except in areas where a Private Improvement in Public Right -of -way permit has been issued. H. Apartment /Condominium /Manufactured Home Park Identification Signs 1. One Apartment /Condominium /Manufactured Home Park Identification Sign may be located at a primary entrance on each frontage to a public road. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 2. The maximum area allowed for each frontage may be divided among two signs if those signs are single sided and mounted at a single entrance. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 3. An Apartment /Condominium /Manufactured Home Park Identification Sign may be either an attached sign or a freestanding monument sign. It shall be placed upon the private property of a particular multi - family project in the appropriate zone as established in Section 7.4.C, Summary of Permitted Signs subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above_ 4. The Apartment/Condominium /Manufactured Home Park Identification Sign shall list the name and may list the facilities available and have leasing or sales information incorporated as a part of the sign. S. An apartment or condominium project must have a minimum of 24 dwelling units to qualify for an identification sign. 6. Indirect lighting is permissible, but no optical effects, moving parts, or alternating, erratic, or flashing lights or devices shall be permitted. 7. Any manufactured home parks existing at the time of this UDO that are non - conforming may still utilize an identification sign meeting the provisions of this Section and Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. I. Attached Signs 1. Attached Signs are commercial signs under this Section. 2. Attached Signs on any commercial building or tenant lease space shall not exceed a total of two and a half (2.5) square feet per linear foot of all public entry facades, with a maximaJm of 500 square feet of attached signage allowed for any one tenant. Multi -story businesses will be allowed 100 square feet of additional attached signage. Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 3. The division of allowable building signage amongst building tenants shall be the sole responsibility of the owner or property manager, and not the City of College Station. 7 -33 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards f Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General j Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development Stand ards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: 7.4 - ( Inserted: 7.4 - - D eleted: 7.5 — -- Inserted• 7.5 - -- Deleted: In se r ted: 7.4 Inserted 7.10��� -- ..��..a.._ -,m.. ,.,. _.... Del e t ed: Sign Inserted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.2 Inserted: Signs -- ; C Section 4. Signs attached to features such as gasoline pumps, automatic teller • machines, mail /package drop boxes, or similar on -site features, if identifiable from the right -of -way, as determined by the Administrator, shall count as part of the allowable sign area of the attached signs for the site. Information contained on such features pertaining to federal and state requirements, and operation /safety instructions are not counted. All other signage on such features shall count towards the allowable attached sign area. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 5. Architectural elements, which are not part of the sign or logo and in no way identify the specific business tenant, shall not be considered attached signage. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 6. An attached sign: a. Shall advertise only the name of, uses of, or goods or services available within the building or tenant lease space to which the sign is attached; Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 b. Shall be parallel to the face of the building; c. Shall not be cantilevered away from the structure; d. Shall not extend more than one foot from any exterior building face, mansard, awning, or canopy; e. Shall not obstruct any window, door, stairway, or other opening intended for ingress or for needed ventilation or light; and f. Shall not be attached to any tree or public utility pole. J. Development Sign • 1. A Development Sign may be placed only on private property subject to the requirements in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. 2. A Development Sign for a building project shall be removed if the project has not received a Building Permit at the end of twelve months. The Administrator may renew the sign permit for one additional twelve -month period upon request. Once a Building Permit for the project is received, the sign may stay in place until 75 percent of the project is leased or a permanent sign is installed, whichever comes first. 3. A Development Sign for a proposed subdivision shall be removed if a Preliminary or Final Plat has not been approved by the end of twelve months. The Administrator may renew the Sign Permit for one additional twelve -month period upon request. Once a plat has been approved, the Sign Permit is valid as long as a Preliminary Plat is in effect, or in the absence of a valid Preliminary Plat, for 24 months from the date of approval of a Final Plat. K. Directional Traffic Control Sign 1. Directional Traffic Control Signs may be utilized as traffic control devices in off - street parking areas subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7 -34 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas e r . h' y . 9. a t. D eleted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.4 Deleted: 7.5 Inserted: 7.5 Deleted: Insert 7 .4� : � - -- -y I Ierted: 7.10 Deleted: Signs Deleted: Signs : Inserted Signs I nsert — r � nserted: Signs Deleted: Access Management and CirculationOff- Street Parking Stand ardsTraffic Impact An alysisNon- Residentia l Architectural StandardsNon- Residential Architectural Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development _S tandar ds Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Devel opment S Inserted: 7.3 Inserted: 7.2 Inserted: Access Management and Circulation Inserted: Off Street Parking Standards Inserted: Traffic Impact Analysis Inserted: Non - Residential -- - - -- Architectural Standards • • • urr r r. n;,r� i Section 7.4.1 Sign Standards above. 2. For multiple lots sharing an access easement to public right -of -way, there shall be only one directional sign located at the curb cut. 3. Logo or copy shall be less than 50% of the sign area. 4. No Directional Traffic Control Sign shall be permitted within or upon the right -of -way of any public street unless its construction, design, and location have been approved by the City Traffic Engineer. L. Flags 1. One freestanding corporate flag per premise, not to exceed 35 feet in height or 100 square feet in area, is allowed in multi - family, commercial, and industrial districts. 2. Flags used solely for decoration and not containing any copy or logo and located only in multi - family, commercial, and industrial districts or developments are allowed without a permit. In multi - family developments, such flags will be restricted to 16 square feet in area. In all permitted zoning districts such flags will be restricted to 30 feet in height, and the number shall be restricted to no more than 6 flags per building plot. 3. Flags containing commercial copy or logo, excluding the flags of any country, state, city, school, or church are prohibited in residential zones and on any residentially developed property (except when flags are used as Subdivision Signs). M. Freestanding Commercial Signs 1. Any development with over 75 linear feet of frontage will be allowed one Freestanding Commercial Sign. All Freestanding Commercial Signs shall meet the following standards: a. Allowable Area Allowable Area 0 -75 For � Freestandin Low Profile onl 76 -100 50 101 -150 75 151 -200 100 201 -250 125 251 -300 150 301 -350 175 351 -400 200 401 -450 225 451 -500 250 501 -550 275 551 -600+ 300 b. Area For the purposes of this Section, area shall be considered the area in 7 -35 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development i StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standard Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.4 - - Deleted: 7. Inserted: 7.5 De leted: Inserted: 7_4_ Inserted: 7.10 Deleted: S ign s Insert 7.2 r Inserted: Si gns • | imaletea Article 7. General � Section 1 Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General square feet ofa single-face sign, or one side cfa double-face sign, or i Development Standards half the sides ofa multi-face sign. |Deleted: Article r. General Per Ordinance No. 2681 dated November 25, 2003 Development Standar c. Frontage |Inserted: Article r. General | �Development Standards 1) For the purposes of this Section, frontage shall be considered the 1 Deleted: Article r. sen~m/ number of feet fronting on a public street to which a sign is �� | Development smouoms^mc/er. oriented. ' \� General Development | stanuams«mc/er. General 2) On corner lots, the frontage street shall be the greater street as ` 'Devwo tmanuamm�mer . !sen dass|�edon the thoroughfare plan. VVherethe two streets are ('� Sta classified the same, the applicant may choose the frontage street. ` ` Inserted: Article 7. General d' Allowable Height � Development Standards 1) The allowable height mfa Freestanding Commercial Sign is | Inserted: Article 7. Generall Development Standards determined by measuring the distance from the closest point ofthe < sign to the curb nr pavement edge and dividing this distance by ~~~~~'~'~~~^ ~~^~'~' � two. No Freestanding Commercial Sign shall exceed 35 feet m ` Development `�����������'��-----� height. Deleted: 7.4 2) For the purposes cf this Section, height ofa sign shall bemeasured `nserte"d: 7 . 4 -_----_'_-__/ from the elevat of the curb or pavement edge. Delete 7.5 3) For the purposes of this Section, the distance from curb shall be measured in feet from the back of curb or pavement edge tothe ` nearest part of the sign. ^ .. Inserted: 7.4 2' Freestanding Commercial Signs are allowed only on developed commercial Inserted: 7.10 property established in the appropriate zones asset forth in Section 7.*.C Deleted: Signs Summary o[Permitted Signs. One freestanding sign shall be allowed in the 7 1 Deleted: Si gns A-P zone only when the premise has a minimum of two acres, subject to Inserted: Signs the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards. One Low / Profile Sign shall be allowed in the x'p zone when the premise has less than serted: Signs two acres subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.p Sign `| Deleted: Access Management Standards, above. and orc"/auo"o,pstmetParking stanuamsTrafficImnact 3. A premise with less than 75 feet of frontage shall be allowed to use one Ana /vs/swvn'Residential � Architectural Standar Low Profile Sign. . Residential Architectural lStandards w' A premise with more than 75 feet of fron shall be allowed to use Inserted: 7.3 standards for one Freestanding Commercial Sign located in Section 7.4.1-' Inserted: 7.2 Sign Standards, rather than one Low Profile Sign. Inserted: Access Management �ncl 5. x premise with more than z5U feet of frontage shall be allowed to use one Circulation Freestanding Commercial Sign or any number o[Low Profile Signs as long Inserted: Off-Street Parking as there is a minimum separation between signs of15Ofeet. Standards Inserted: Traffic Impact Analysis In lieu of one Low Profile Sign every 150 feet, hospital uses may have one low profile sign located a� each driveway. �� -' Inserted: Non-Residential ' - � Architectural Stan Per Or�mamcmNo. 275odated September 23, 2004 � --'---�------ 6' Premises with less than 75 feet of frontage may be combined in order to utilize nignage corresponding to the resulting frontage as described in the preceding two paragraphs. 7' wn more than one Freestanding Commercial Sign shall be allowed on any premises except when the site meets one of the following sets ofcriteria: r'so Unified Development Ordinance o/uz/ox City or College Station, Texas 0 Section y a. The building plot, as recognized on an approved Plat or Site Plan, must I • be 25 acres or more in area with at least 1,000 feet of continuous unsubdivided frontage on any major arterial street or higher (as classified on the Thoroughfare Plan) toward which one additional Freestanding Commercial Sign may be displayed (see diagram below); or Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 I I i I I `m O —SIGN I CI ` i p I L0 y 1 7 E i I 1 r SIGN 25 Acre Minimum i � I � I j — - property line • Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General D Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards J Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. Ge neral Deve Standar Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.4 Delet 7.5 Inserted: 7.5 - - - - -- _� -� Deleted: 7.4_7. In serted : 7.4 i Inserted: 7.10 Deleted: Signs Inserted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.2 In serted: Signs b. The Building Plot, as recognized on an approved Plat or Site Plan, must be 15 acres or more in area with at least 600 feet of continuous unsubdivided frontage on any major arterial street or higher (as classified on the Thoroughfare Plan) and the site must have additional frontage on a street classified as a minor arterial or greater on the Thoroughfare Plan, toward which the additional Freestanding Commercial Sign may be displayed. Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7 -37 City of College Station, Texas • | owuteu Article 7. General | Section Development Standards | ------ —' '- Inserte Article 7. General D , �Inor arterial m��*�_ ;I Deleted: Article z General ��*t— -------- | Inserted: Article 7. General ^ SIGN ' '-------------'- � | i � 'Deleted: Article r General oewyonmen ��uardsArtmer. / / | ' Genera / | ! | � s�nu rds«mcle r� General | � Development StandardsArticle 7. ==u�m | � Ge Devel . Inserted: Article 7. General � ' � | � Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General / | | �| mxcm�vmown Development Standards | . � | � Inserted: Article 7 . General Development Stanclar s ---� property line oeu*ou z� � LInserted: Z.4_ o*uu=w rs o. Any sign where two or more panels have separate supports extend to nserted: 7.5 them shall be considered tobe more than one Freestanding Commerc � 5ign, even where only one main suppo�emendxtnthe ground. ^^ ' ` . . �����:�. Inserted: 7.4 ��___ g' Sites with limited or no street frontage, due to a proliferation of pad sites, Inserted: 7. 10 that are not contained within the building plot, as defined by the ' � '------�--- -'- , Deleted: Signs Administrator and are fronting d ng a|nng a street as a collector or � ` goome, on the Thoroughfare Plan, will be allowed the area of the sign to be ' oeuye: Si gns less than nr equal to the square o[ one-sixth of the distance from the . Inserted: Signs closest portion of the sign to the curb or pavement edge ' with the Inserted: ' �n���:s/ � maximum area not toexceed zUU square feet. Deleted: Access Management 10' Any site defined as a single building plot, and containing one or more pad and c/oulauonmff-suaaParking smnuardsrrafficIm»act sites, shall be permitted to erect a Freestanding Commercial Sign in «"awuu»»n'«eu«e"ua/ accordance with Section 7.4.w Freestanding Commercial Signs and to the A,cmtect"m/stanua�swon � Residential Architectural standards of Section 7.4.m.1.a Allowable Area, with the maximum area not Standards to exceed 2OO square feet. ln addition, each pad site will be permitted to Inserted: 7.3 erect one Low Profile Sign per pad site according to the restrictions of 7.4.F, Sign Standards. Inserted: 7.2 Inserted: Access Management N. Fuel Price Signs and Circulation Facilities with fuel sales will be allowed one additional sign for the purposes of Inserted: Off Parking fuel pricing' either freestanding or attached per premises. Inserted: Traffic Impact Analys 1' The area of the fuel price sign shall not exceed z0 square feet. Insmted'moo'neuuenna/ Architectural Standards ----� --- -- — o' Fuel pricing may beincorporated u,the aUowab|esquare footage o[a m Freestanding Commercial Sign or Attached Sign. 3. This sign sha follow the setback requirements fora Freestanding Commerc Sign and shall not be located within the right-of-way. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 r'sx Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City ur College Station, Texas 0 � | �Deleted: Article z se=.v - Section Standar -- — | em General— 0^ Grand Opening Signs Development Standards Flags 1. cnmmerca|bannas �.� oa�m�Amuer� General r. grand opening, may be dis for one consecutive 14-day period, | ue»«m' Development Ge~'"' selected by the business owner, within 6U days of the granting cf the initial , i ~~'~~'~~~~^e'. � Development stanuardsxmuez Certificate of Occupancy, a change in the use, nrora change |n the name of !�' |General Development S the business. A permit isrequired. ' Inserted; Article 7. General Development Standards 2' A Commercial Banner: � Inserted: Article 7. General a' Shall advertise only the name of, uses of, or goods or services available Development Standards----- within the building, or tenant lease space to which the sign is attached; Inserted: Article T General ks Shall be parallel to the face of the building; ' Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General o' Sha not be cantilevered away from the structure; Development Standards d' ShaUnot extend more than one foot hnmany exter building fao� "�"�°�°"=°'�"°"°�' � mansard,awning,orcanopy; � �--' ---� . Deleted: 7.4 , "" window, "�' ""., ."*v crv��`i oy e Shall any d d stairway, other -------- -- Inserted: |mma r� -- intended � � for or for ventilation or light; ht� and / Deleted: 7.5 f. Shall not be attached »o any tree, fence, or public utility pole. � nserted: 7.5 Per Ordinance No. 275adated September 23, 2004 ' Deleted: P. Home Occupation Signs '~~~~~.'^. 1' A person having a legal home occupation may have one sign on the building Deleted: Si gns or porch n[aresidence. | Inserted: 7.4 2' The sign may contain only the name and occupation of the resident. r Inserted: Signs 3. o shall be attached directly to the face o[ the building orporch. --'----- w' It shall not exceed two square feet in area, shall not be illuminated in any way, and shall not project more than 12 inches beyond the building. S. No display of merchandise or other forms of commercial communication shall be allowed within a residential area, unless same are in existence prior to the adoption of this UDOin connection with a use that |s presently a lawful non-conforming use within the district. 6' Such a non-conforming sign may be maintained until the non-conforming use of the building ceases, subject to the requirements for maintenance herein. Discontinuance of the use of such a sign for more than three months shall prevent future use, even if the non-conforming use of the premises |scontinuous. x�. Non-Commercial and Political Signs This Section does not regulate the size, content or location of non-commercial signs except asfollows: JL' No commercial message shall be shown un any non-commercial sign. 2. No non-commercial sign: | n"-Mavbc�roa�e��huu�bd��nuarc[cxLL5O'���l-b���� ~| ' - �- _ --- __ -- — l \p���u���a����»��m��L-/ 7-ao Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City m College Station, Texas �~ • • r'n', ;,•iii rdl I �- ..- I iu Section I . b. May be located within public road right -of -way of the State of Texas of tht�_ City_ of Colle c. May be located off the premises of the property owner who is displaying the sign;_ct,nd !j. May be located within any sight distance triangle as defined in Section y 7.1.C, Visibility at Intersections in All Districts, or where determined by the Administrator as a location that would hinder intersection visibility. y' This provision is necessary to avoid clutter, proliferation, and dangerous distraction to drivers caused by close proximity of such signs to automobile traffic, to avoid damage to automobiles which may leave the j paved surface intentionally or by accident, and to avoid the necessity for ; pedestrians to step into the roadway to bypass such signs. No regulatory alternative exists to accomplish this police power obligation. 'v 3. In the event that any non - commercial sign is located in a public right -of- way of the State or Citv the City shall remove it. 4. All non- ccmirrv:rnal siyn cdr'-s_ing a_1 Dit-cula' - -!„ <:rl,are _allovvcd_L11)t - -- ni �.it - - �I_Iks fL ui t o -the . gvenL and I jail be- iui r owed vjithm tin XID) days artct _ R. Real Estate /Finance /Construction Signs 1. One Real Estate Sign not exceeding 16 square feet in total area (exclusive of stakes and posts) may be erected at any time while a property is offered for sale or lease to the public. Properties with a minimum of 150 feet of frontage shall be allowed one Real Estate Sign not exceeding 32 square feet in total area. Properties with a minimum of two acres and frontage on two streets shall be allowed one real estate sign on each frontage street with the area of the sign to be determined by the amount of frontage as stated above. 2. One Finance Sign and three Construction Signs (for a total of four signs), not exceeding 16 square feet in total area each (exclusive of stakes and posts) may be erected once a building permit has been issued on a property. Properties with a minimum of ten acres and 1,000 feet of frontage shall be allowed one Finance Sign and three Construction Signs not exceeding 32 square feet in total area each. 3. Real Estate, Finance, and Construction Signs may be either attached or freestanding and only those visible from the street are limited in number Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Dev elopment Stand Inserted: Article 7. General Development St Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: 7.4 Inserted_ 7.4 Deleted: 7.5 Inserted: 7.5 i D eleted: Inserted: 7.4 3- - Inserted: 7.10 Deleted: Signs Deleted: Signs Inserted Signs Inserted: Signs Deleted: Access Management and CirculationOff- Street Parking StandardsTraffic Impact AnalysisNon- Residential Architectural StandardsNon- Residential Architectural Standards Inserted: 7.3 Inserted: 7.2 Inserted: Access Management and Circulation Inserted: Off - Street Parking Standards 4. All such signs shall be maintained by the persons in control of the premises %Inserted: Traffic_ Impactt Analysis so as to remain erect and in good repair. Such signs shall be removed by Inserted: Non - Residential the property owner or other person in control of the premises if they are Architectural Standa damaged, broken, or incapable of remaining erect. For Bull an d Numbering S. Such signs must be removed by the owner or person in control of the Formatted: Bullets and Numbering premises when either the property has sold or been leased and /or when performance under the construction contract or subcontract (in the case of Construction Signs) has been completed. In all cases, Financing and Construction Signs shall be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 7 -40 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • • l � u Section l S. Roof Signs 1. Signs mounted to the structural roof shall be regulated as Freestanding, Commercial Signs. i 2. Painted or applied roof signs are prohibited. T. Special Event Signs I. Signs, commercial banners, and balloons advertising or announcing a Special Event, as defined in Chapter 4, Section 4.B of the Code of Ordinances, are permitted as a part of the Special Event License and shall be limited to the property holding the event. 2. The Special Event Signage is allowed up to 14 days prior to the event and must be removed within 24 hours of the end of the event. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 U. Vehicle Signs Signs that are displayed on motor vehicles that are being operated or stored in the normal course of a business, such as signs indicating the name or the type of business, excluding all banners, that are located on moving vans, delivery trucks, trailers or other commercial vehicles are permitted; but only if the primary purpose of such vehicles is not for the display of the signs thereon, and only if such vehicles are parked or stored in areas appropriate to their use as commercial or delivery vehicles, such as service areas or locations close to the business building away from public traffic areas. 2. Signs or advertisements permanently attached to non - commercial vehicles, excluding all banners, are permitted. V. Signs for Conditional Uses 1. Signs for Conditional Uses shall comply with the regulations for the zoning district in which the Conditional Use is permitted. 2. Signs for Conditional Uses in residential or agricultural zoning districts shall comply with Section 7.4.F Sign Standards, "Low Profile Signs." Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 W. Signs for Permitted Non - residential uses in Residential or Agricultural Districts Signs for non - residential permitted uses in residential or agricultural zoning districts shall comply with Section 7.4.F Sign Standards, "Low Profile Signs." Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 X. Abandoned, Damaged, or Unsafe Signs 1. The provisions of this Section shall apply when in conflict with the provisions of the Building Code; but where the provisions of both ordinances are consistent, the enforcement of either shall be permissible 7 -41 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards j Deleted: Article 7. General D Standards = Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. 1 General D Sta n d ards ( Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General z_ Deve Standards JI Deleted: 7.4 __ - -- Inserted: 7.4 Del eted: 7.5 Inserted: 7. s D eleted: 7.47.27. 47.107.10 Inserted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.10 Deleted: Signs , m. Inserted: 7.4 Inserted: 7.2 • Section and remedies or penalties cumulative.. • 2. Non - conforming signs that have become deteriorated or damaged to an extent that the cost of the reconstruction or restoration of such signs is in excess of 50 percent of its replacement value exclusive of foundations, will be required to be removed or brought into full compliance with the current sign regulations. 3. All abandoned signs and their supports shall be removed within 60 days from the date of abandonment. All damaged signs shall be repaired or removed within 60 days. The Administrator shall have authority to grant a 30 -day time extension where he determines there is a reasonable necessity for same. 4. Discontinuance of use or removal of any non - conforming sign or any sign in connection with a non - conforming use shall create a presumption of intent to abandon said sign. A non - conforming sign that is damaged and not repaired within 60 days shall be presumed to be abandoned. S. When bui lding is d emolishe d the �jssociata I sins an stu structures shall a lso be r Y. Signs in the Extraterritorial 3urisdiction All off - premise and portable signs shall be prohibited within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of College Station. 7.5 Landscaping and Tree Protection A. Purpose and Intent The purpose and intent of this Section is to regulate the manner in which land in the City is used and developed, to minimize adverse effects on surrounding • property owners or the general public, and ensure that high quality development is maintained throughout the community. For the purpose of landscaping, College Station, Texas falls within Zone 8 of the USDA Hardiness Zone Map. Dwarf plants will not be allowed in required screening or buffer areas. B. Application of Section The landscaping requirements of this Section apply to all land located in the City of College Station proposed for site development with the exception of those zoned NG -1, NG -2, and NG -3. The requirements also do not apply to single - family, duplex, or townhouse uses, except as follows: 1. The requirements of this Section have limited application to properties developed for duplexes, as follows: a. A minimum of 200 points of landscaping as calculated in this Section shall be provided for each new duplex unit. b. Where parking is provided in the front yard, an eight -foot landscaped setback shall be required between the property line and the nearest side of the parking pad. This eight -foot setback area must be landscaped and contain a three -foot high screen consisting of a continuous berm, hedge, or wall. In addition, an eight -foot landscaped setback shall be 7 -42 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. General Development StandardsArticle 7. Gen Dev elopment Standards Inserted: Article 7. General 1 Development Standards Deleted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Inserted: Article 7. General Development Standards Deleted: 7.4 Deleted: 7.5 Inserted: 7.5 - 'i Deleted: I nserted' 7.4 ! Inserted: 7.10 r Deleted: Signs " u....w....- + Deleted: S ig ns - Inserted: Si - - - -- - - - - -� Inserted: Signs Deleted: Access Management and Circu lationOff- Street Parking StandardsTraffic Impact AnalysisNon- Residential Architectural StandardsNon- Residential Architectural Standards Inserted: 7.3 Inserted: 7.2 Inserted: Access Management and Circulation Inserted: Off - Street Parking Standards Inserted: Tr affic Impact Analysis) Inserted: Non - Residential Architectural Standards Formatted: Bullets and N umbering is Page 28: [19] Deleted Iboyer 2/9/2006 1:54 PM Off - premise signs, including billboards, both commercial and non- commercial, except where there has been a resolution adopted by the City of College Station City Council or an executed contract with the City of College Station and the display of the sign: Promotes a positive image of the City of College Station for the attraction of business or tourism; Depicts an accomplishment of an individual or group; or Creates a positive community spirit. Per Ordinance No. 2763 dated October 21, 2004 �J U Regular Agenda 9 Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance regarding Northgate zoning districts. (JD) -1 ■ Remove the requirement for a maximum setback from a right -of -way and create a maximum setback from the back of curb, and add a minimum 2 -story height and minimum floor to area ratio for all Northgate districts. Article 6 Zoning Districts • Allow drive -in /thru windows in NG -2 with specific use standards. • Remove fuel sales as a permitted use with specific use standards in NG -2. • Allow outdoor health clubs /sports facilities with specific use standards in NG -1. • Change parking as a primary use from a conditional use permit in NG -2 to a use permitted with specific use standards. • Allow radio/TV station /studios in NG -2 with specific use standards. • Remove theaters as conditional uses in NG -3 and allow them by right. Article 6 Nonconforming Structures • Clarify the point when changes to an existing building(s) will require the whole building plot to come into compliance with the ordinance. L� 0 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.6. Wolf Pen Creek Design District Site Plan Review • Article 3. Development Review Procedures 3.6 Wolf Pen Creek Design District Site Plan Review A. Applicability In reviewing a project, the Design Review Board Completeness may require traffic and parking impact studies, a Review review of existing occupancy, and other reasonable data to determine the impact of the project. 2. Design District Site Plan Review Required No private development shall be lawful or permitted to proceed without final design district site plan approval. Minor additions may be approved by the Administrator. Design district site plan approval shall be required for all site plans as part of a conditional use permit. 3. General Requirements a. All improvements reflected on approved site plans must be constructed at the time of development. • b. All associated rehabilitation, facade work, and other construction must be conducted subsequent to and in compliance with approved elevations, colors, and materials. Such review may take place concurrent with the site plan review, or may take place separately, as provided in Section 3.8, Development Permit. c. All terms and conditions of site plan approval must be met at the time of development. B. Application Requirements A complete application for site plan approval shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1.C, Application Forms and Fees. The application shall include a landscape plan illustrating compliance with the requirements of Section 7.5, Landscaping and Tree Protection - -- Deleted: (except in NG -1, NG -2 and NG -3 as referenced in Article 5.63, Northgate Districts) 1. Design Districts Prior to any development inxhe Wolf_Pen Creek _ district (WPC) excluding minor additions such as storage buildings, fencing and the like, an applicant must obtain design district site plan approval under this Section. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 Preapplicatlon Conference Deleted: any Northgate district -_ -- -- — - (NG -1, NG-2, NG-3) or Application Submittal Staff Review Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 3 -1 City of College Station, Texas Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.6. Wolf Pen Creek Design District Site Plan Review • C. Wolf Pen Creek Design District Site Plan Approval Process Wolf Pen Creek design district site plan review applications shall be processed in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Preapplication Conference Prior to the submission of an application for design district site plan approval, all potential applicants shall request a preapplication conference with the Administrator as required in Section 3.1.B, Preapplication Conference. 2. Review and Report by the Administrator If the proposed design district site plan is determined to be consistent with all applicable provisions of this UDO, the City's Comprehensive Plan, and xhe Wolf Pen Creek Master_Plan,_or if _the plan is recommended for denial or Deleted: the Northgate conditional approval, the Administrator shall report such consistency, Revitalization Plan or inconsistency, or proposed conditions to the Design Review Board. 3. Review by the Design Review Board The Design Review Board shall review the design district site plan in a public meeting and may approve, approve with conditions or deny the application. Notice shall be provided by publication of the agenda of the meeting. 4. Final Action by the Design Review Board If the proposed site plan is determined to be consistent with all applicable provisions of this UDO, including the applicable district provisions of Section 5.6. olf Pen Creek WPC and the review criteria below_ , the_ Design _ ._ __ _ _ __ _ _ - f Deleted: , Design Districts Review Board shall approve the design district site plan. A determination that all such requirements and provisions have not been satisfied shall result in disapproval of the site plan. • D. Design District Minor Additions Approval Process Minor additions to a site are accessory buildings and structures, change of solid waste disposal location, painting, and landscaping. All site plan review applications for minor additions shall be processed in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Review by the Administrator The Administrator shall review the design district site plan for minor additions and may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the site plan. The Administrator may also forward the site plan to the Design Review Board for any reason. 2. Final Action by the Administrator If the proposed site plan is determined to be consistent with all applicable provisions of this UDO, the City's Comprehensive Plan, and a Wolf Pen_ _ _ Deleted: the Northgate Creek Master Plan, including the applicable district provisions of Section Revitalization Plan or 5.6 .AWolf Pen Creek (WPC) Use Standards, and the review criteria _bel_ow, _ _ _ - Deleted:, Design Districts the Administrator shall approve the design district site plan. A determination that all such requirements and provisions have not been satisfied shall result in disapproval of the site plan. 3 -2 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.6. Wolf Pen Creek Design District Site Plan Review • E. General Site Plan Review Criteria In order to be approved, a site plan must provide for: 1. Safe and convenient traffic control, handling, and vehicle queuing; 2. Assured pedestrian safety which may include the provision of sidewalks along the perimeter of the property meeting the specifications for same as outlined in Article 8, Subdivision Design and Improvements, relative to width and placement; 3. Efficient and economic public utility and sanitation access; 4. Public road or street access; S. Satisfactory internal access including public, private, and emergency; 6. Adequate parking and maneuvering areas; 7. Noise and emission control or dispersion that complies with Chapter 7, Health and Sanitation, of the City's Code of Ordinances; 8. Visual screening of trash receptacles or other areas offensive to the public or existing adjacent development; 9. Runoff, drainage, and flood control; 10. Visual screening from the right -of -way of parking lots; 11. Compliance with standards, guidelines, and policies of the City's adopted Streetscape Plan; and 12. Determination and clear indication of what constitutes the building plot for • purposes of this UDO. F. Additional Review Criteria for the WPC District The following standards, which affect the appearance of a development, shall govern the evaluation of a design submission in the WPC district: 1. Conformance to the City's Comprehensive Plan; 2. Exterior space utilization; 3. Material selection; 4. Compatibility with existing development in the design district; S. Vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle circulation; 6. Building location and orientation; and 7. Specific standards listed in Sections 5.6.A, Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. G. E xpiration of Approval An approved design district site plan, including those approved prior to the Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 3 -3 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: < * >Additional Review Criteria for Northgate Districtsi < # >Conformance to the City's Comprehensive Plan and such Northgate Redevelopment Plan as adopted by City Council;$ < # >Vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle circulation;¶ < #>Specific standards listed in Section 5.6.13, Northgate Districts.¶ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.6. Wolf Pen Creek Design District Site Plan Review effective date of this UDO, shall expire 12 months from the date of approval • unless the proposed development is pursued as set forth below: 1. Work that does not require a building permit (such as a parking lot) has commenced. 2. A building permit has been issued and remains valid. 3. In a phased development where more than one building is to be built, the applicant may submit a series of building permit applications. The first application must be submitted within 12 months from the date the site plan is approved. Each subsequent application must be submitted within 12 months from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the previous building. The lapse of more than 12 months shall cause the expiration of site plan approval. A final, one -time extension of 180 days may be granted by the Administrator upon demonstration of substantial progress and the lack of changed or changing conditions in the area. • 3 -4 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas C7 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.7. Wolf Pen Creek Design District Building and Sign Review 0 3.7 Wolf Pen Creek Design District Building and Sign Application Review Submittal Staff A. Applicability Review 1. In the Wolf Pen Creek WPC - all substantial completeness - Rev - - maintenance (including but not limited to iew- rehabilitation, facade work, and, change of exterior materials or other construction, including the replacement or alternation of signs) shall be subject to the district building and sign review process._ Design Review - Board 2. Minor additions to a site (accessory buildings and structures, change of solid waste disposal location, painting, and landscaping) shall be reviewed by the Administrator. B. Application A complete application for building or sign review in a design district shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1.C, Application Forms and Fees. Deleted: design Deleted: s (including the WPC, NG -1, NG -2 and NG -3 districts) - - - f Deleted: design C. Final Action by Design Review Board 1. Public Meeting The Design Review Board shall conduct design district review in a public meeting. Notice shall be provided by publication of the agenda of the meeting. 2. Design Review The Board shall apply the standards for the applicable district as set forth in Section 5.6.A Wolf Pen Creek (WPC), In considering such - matters, the -_ - . Design Review Board may rely on special area plans or studies adopted by the City Council. 3. Written Decision If approval is granted, the decision shall be communicated in writing to the applicant. D. Expiration and Lapse of Approval Deleted: , Design Districts, and approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the building and sign materials and colors as specifically required in Section 5.6.A, Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor and Section 5.6.B, Northgate Districts An approved Pen Creek district building or sign plan, including those - - I Deleted: design J approved prior to the effective date of this UDO, shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of approval unless the proposed development is pursued as set forth below: 1. A building permit has been issued and remains valid. 2. In a phased development where more than one building is to be built, the applicant may submit a series of building permit applications. The first application must be submitted within 12 months from the date the site plan is approved. Each subsequent application must be submitted within 12 months from the date of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the previous building. The lapse of more than 12 months shall cause the 3 -5 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas C7 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 0. • expiration of site plan approval. A final, one -time extension of 180 days may be granted by the Administrator upon demonstration of substantial progress and the lack of changed or changing conditions in the area. • 3 -6 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas l I / 1 u Article 4. Zoning Districts _ Section 4.5. Establishment of Districts _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ - Deleted: Establishment of Districts Article 4. Zoning Districts Deleted: Rules for Interpretation • of District Boundaries 4.1 Establishment of Districts For the purpose of this UDO, portions of the City, as specified on the Official Zoning Map of the City, are hereby divided into the zoning, design, and overlay districts enumerated below. The intensity regulations applicable for such zoning districts are designated in Articla S and tha iico ransilatinnc nra riocinnatarl in Artirla 6 of this UDO. _ • • - - - - - - - - - - - — - Formatted: Heading 2 Deleted: ¶ A Deleted: Commercial • Residential D istricts A -O A ricultural -0 en A -OR Rural Residential Subdivision R -1 Single-Family Residential R -1B Single-Family Residential R -2 Duplex Residential R -3 Townhouse R -4 Multi-Famil R -6 High Density Multi-Famil R -7 A -P Manufactured Home Park Zoning Districts Administrative /Professional C -1 General Commercial C -2 Commercial - Industrial C -3 Light Commercial M -1 Light Industrial M -2 Heavy Industrial C -U lCollege and Universit R & D P -MUD lResearch & Development Planned Districts Planned Mixed -Use District PDD Planned Develo ment District Design Districts WPC Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor (; rn r t' 0 Z OV NG -1 Core Northgate NG -2 Tran sitional Northgate _ _ _ _ _. _ - - -- - NG -3 Residential Northgate Overlay D istricts Corridor Overla ROD Redevelopment District KO Krenek Tap Overla Formatted: Heading 2 Deleted: ¶ A Deleted: Commercial • • • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Adiacent to Texas A &M University's north side. the Northgate area encompasses one o the oldest urb an areas in College Station and therefore, No rthgate Plays a Drominent role in development and service of both the City of College Station and Texas A &M University. It is cha_r_acterized_as a unique "c_ampus neighborhood" containing local businesses churches and off - campus housing in close proximity to the University. Concepts related to Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND), which prom a mixtu of no and reside uses in a ep destrian- oriented setting have been incorporated within the standards for the Northgate Distr O ther TND concepts incorpo into the N orthg at e Distr include increased density, compatible high quality building design and specialized signage The end result is inte nded to be a unique, pedestrian- fri dense urban environment that allows citizens of College Station and students of Texas A &M to eat work live and recreate in an area within close proximity to the University. 1. Districts The.Northgate area consists of three districts: (1) Core_North_gate, NG -2 Transitional Northgate, and (3) NG -3 Residential Northgate. Any reference and/or requirement made in_ this _Section _ shall apply-to-all. Northgate districts unless otherwise specified These zoning districts inc orporate regulations in accor dance with th Northgate Redevelo Implementation Plan. a. NG -1 Core Northgate This mixed -use district applies to areas containing a diversity of pedestrian- oriented retail dining /restaurant housing, and entertainment businesses that are in close oroximity to on- and off - campus dormitories Regulations are designed to aid structural reha bilitation and redevelopment while promoting new high density mixed use pedestrian- oriented infill development with an urban char acter. b. NG -2 Transitional Northgate This district is intended for areas In Northgate contai large retail commercial uses and undeveloped land. This district also serves to transition from suburban -style commercial development to high density, mixed -use redevelopment. This zoning district shall incorporate regulations designed to aid mixed -use development, pedestrian circulation, and . _rede_velo[J_ment _ with an _ urban character. _Any development in NG -2 may develop under the standards herein of NG -1. c. NG -3 Residential Northgate This district is intended for areas in Northgate containing a variety of residen use an structures. This district applies to areas determine to be suitable for higher density residential developments due to its clo proxim to Texas A &M University. NG -3 incorporates regulat designed to aid pedestrian - oriented redevelopment for high density residential and limited commercial uses. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 5 -1 City of College Station, Texas Style Definition: UDO Body Indent 2: Indent: Left: 0.5" Style Definition: UDO Body Indent 4: Level 4 Style Definition: UDO Heading 7: Outline numbered + Level: 7 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.75" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 2.1" Deleted: < #> Northgate Districts (NG) I The Northgate Area is one of the oldest urban areas within the City of College Station. The Northgate Redevelopment Plan, which is incorporated herein by reference, describes the Northgate area as having played an important role in serving both the City of College Station and Texas A &M University and as a unique "campus neighborhood" containing local businesses, churches, and off - campus housing in close proximity to the University. Existing development in the Northgate area has aged and deteriorated and, as a result, needs revitalization and redevelopment. Therefore, this zoning district and zoning regulations have been designed to aid in revitalization and redevelopment that is compatible with and will serve to preserve the character of the Northgate area. This zoning district and concomitant regulations are only applicable in this area. 'i The Northgate District consists of three Subdistricts; (1) NG -1 Core Northgate, (2) NG -2 Commercial Northgate, and (3) NG -3 Residential Northgate. 9 The following supplemental standards apply to the entire Northgate District.¶ < # >Special Restrictionsi Parking and traffic studies conducted for the Northgate Redevelopment Plan reveal that there is a significant deficiency in the numbers of available parking spaces and that existing parking and traffic facilities are su .. 1 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. 2. Additional Use Standards The Dermitted and conditional use outlined in Section 6.2 TYDes of Uses shall meet the following additional requirements related to the district in which t he�rono sed_p_r oiec t is. located. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering d. NG -1 Core Northgate - - - t Formatted Bullets and Numbering j 1) Buildings with frontage on Church Avenue, University Drive, College Main, Boyett Street from University Drive to Church Avenue and Naa le Street from University Drive to Ch urch A venue shall not have parking, fraternal lodge, or residential use on the ground floor_ These us es shall be allowed on th gro fl oor if they are completely located behind a commercial use that meets all other requirements of t his ordin ance. 2) parking lots that are an ancillary-use must be-abutting the primary use. 3) Residential uses are only allowed in buildings that also contain commercial uses. 41 The maximum allowable gross floor area on the ground floor per single retail establishment is 10,000 square feet. 5) Freestanding, single- tenant buildings are prohibited except for the following uses: casual and fine dining restaurants (not "fast food "), hotels, and theaters. e. NG -2 Transitional Northgate 1L Buildinos w ith frontage on C hurch Avenue, University Drive, S outh College Avenue, and Nagle Street from University Drive to Church Avenue shall not have parking, fraternal lodge, or residential use on the groun flo or. These uses shall be allowed on the round floor if they are completely located behind a commercial use that meets all other requirements of this ordinance. 2) The maximum allowable gross floor area on the ground floor per single retail establishment is 25.000 square feet. 3) Freestanding, single-tenant_ buildings are _prohib_ ited_except for the following uses: casual and fine dining restaurants (not "fast food "), hotels, and theaters. f. NG -3 Residential Northgate Nonresidential uses permitted within NG -3 shall meet each of the following re uire ments: 1) Nonresidential uses may occupy no more than fifty percent (50 %) - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering of the total square footage of any building(s) or group of buildings developed in a building plot. 2) Any building containing a nonresidential use shall have a minimum of one (1) floor wherein one hundred percent (100 %) of the floor area is occupied b a residential use. Offices and studi maintained within a residence for home occupations may be included within the residential use calculation. 3) The m allowable gross floor area per single reta establishment is 5,000 square feet. 5 -2 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article S. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. • 3 Building Design Considerations for Historic Properties a. Applicability The following structures are reflected as medium or high priority in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey. Possible address discrepancies maybe re solved by refere the Nort hgate Historic Resources Survey. NG -1 101 Church 417 University 106 College Main 113 College Main 501 University 108 College Main 217 University 505 University 109 College Main 303 University 303 Bovett 110 College Main ____.____. 335 Univ ersit� 400_Bo ey tt _._ 111 Colleg Main • 401 -405 University 105 -107 College Main 318 First Street NG -3 41 -418 C olle ge M ain __ 500 College Main 415 Tauber b. Standards Rehabilitation of these structures shall follow the following standards: 1) The historic charac of a property will be retained and preserved. Distinctive materials or features and spatial relationships that characteriz a.pro perty shall not be removed or altered. 2 ) Distinct materials, features, fini and constr uction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a gronert will b preserved. 3), Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive featur t he n ew f eature will match t he old i desig color, texture, and, where possible, materials. .- - Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 5 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: left + Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" .- - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering - - - - i Formatted: Bullets and Numbering c. Process All proposals affecting the materials, construction, or colors of a historic structure must be app roved by the Admin The Administrator shall first consider the proposal in light of the standards listed above, then according to the standards set forth below in Section 5.8.5 Building Design Standards. _ - 4. Building Design Standards ' - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering The following standards shall apply to all structures in the Northgate districts, including residential. - Formatted Outline numbered + a. Buildin 9 Orientation and Access Level: S + Numbering Style: a, b, c, 1) All buildings that have right -of -way frontage on Church Avenue + t 1 +Alignment: Left+ shall orient their primary entrance facades toward Church Avenue. l Aligne at: : 1.15~ +Tab after: 0.25" A + Indent at: 1.4" 2) All buildings that have right -of -way frontage on University Drive Formatted: Bullets and Numbering shall orient their primary entrance facades toward University Drive. 31 _ The primary entrance facades of all buildings not on Church Avenue or University Drive shall front a public right -of -way. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 5 -3 City of College Station, Texas • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. • 4) If a building has frontage on University Drive and South College Avenue, the erimary entrance facade shall be oriented to one of the rights- o f_way__at th developer's discretion. A public entra facade shall be oriented toward the other right-of-way(s). 511n th eve a building has frontage on more than one right -of - way not includin Church Avenue, Universi o r South-College Avenue) the Administrator shall determine to which right -of -way the_prima entrance fa cade ._shall be oriented. A_public en trance_ facade shall be oriented toward the other right- of- way(s). 6) In the event that more than two facades require a public entrance, the Administrator_ may_ d which two f acades re cluire entrances. The Administrator may also forward the auestion to the Design Revi Board for any r eason , residen dwe lling units in a buildin with less than 12 residential dwelling units shall have access from the primary entra facade. Th ac cess may no be thro an area with a fence or wall taller than four feet (4'), garage, or parking area. b. BuildingTransparencv • Exemption: Sanctuaries in places of worship are exempted from this requirement. 1) For maximum pedestrian visibility of the nonresidential use(s '- nonresidential structures and the commercial portions of mixed -use structures sh all be at least fifty percent 50% transparent between zero and eight feet (0 -8') above ground level of the primar entrance facade an at least thirty percent (30 % transparent between zero and eight feet on the facade fronting other rights -of -way. In the event that more than two facades require transparency, the Administrator may determine which two facades require minimum transparency. The Administrator may also forward the quest to the Design Review Board for any reason. 2) Glass shall be clear or tinted, not reflective. Glass block and other mate rials that ar sem - tran shall not b e used to me this requirement. 3) Roll -up doors must be at least seventy -five percent (75 %) transparent between zero and eight feet (0 -8') above ground level for all facades facing a right -of -way. c. Architectural Relief 1 ) For all facades faci ng-,a righ t-of-waythe first two stories or first twenty -eigh feet (28') above gr ound l evel shall use architectural detail to provide visual interest by incorporating a minimum of two (2) design elements every twenty -five feet (25') from the following options: canopies, permanent decorative awnings, hood /drip molding over windows, cornices, c orbelling, quoining, stringcourses, pilasters, columns, pillars, arcades, bay /oriel windows. balconies that extend from the buildina, recessed entries, stoops, and porches. 2) Along all other facades not facing a right -of -way and not screened by another buildi nglocated_ within fifteen feet 15') of - the - facade, 5 -4 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Bullets and Numbering C7 Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. • there shall be at least two (2) design elements as listed above for every forty feet (40'). These fagades shall be similar and c omplementar y t o the entrance faca 3) In lieu of the above requirements, buildings with less than 12 re sidential units shall p rovi de indivi a rchitectural relief such as a fron porch�b alcony.or_ba_�w indo w. f each unit on each fa cade. Architectural relief is not required on facades that are within fifteen feet 15'Zor another building t scr eens the facade. 4) Alternative architectural features may be considered for approval by the Design Review Board. d. Roof Type ) Shed mansard,._and_ gambrel ro are pro hibited. H ip and gable roofs ma_y_on>� b e used whe t he ver plane(s) of any roof facing a right -of -way is interrupted by an architectural detail. e. Exterior Building Materials • All structures within a building plot shall ha materia tha a re simil and complement each other. When determining area herein, windows and doors are included. IL-T following ap plie s onl to th first two (2) stories or first twenty -eight feet (28') above ground level of all structures, excluding parking garages. All facades, except those within fifteen feet (15') of another building that screens the facade, shall consist of a minimum of twenty-five percent (25 %) of one or more of the following building ma terials. Parking ag rages are excl from this re All other materials except as authorized herein or by the Design Review Board, are prohibited. aLfir bric b)_natural stone• c) marble; d) granite e) tiles and /or .- - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering .- - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering f) any concrete product so long as it has an integrated color and is textured or patterned (not aggregate material or split -face CMU) to look like brick, stone marble, granite or tile; or is cove with b rick, sto marb granite, or tile or a material fabricated to simulate brick, stone, marble, granite, or tile. 2) In addition, all facades may utilize the following materials subject to th stated limitatio Parking garages are exclude fro these limitations. All other materials are prohibited. gl Stucco, hard board, split -face CMU with integrated color, or any material equivalent in appearance and quality as determined b the Design Review Board shall not cover more than seventy- five 1percent 75 %_)_of each facade. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 5 -5 City of College Station, Texas • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards _ Section 5.1. • h) Wood or cedar siding, stainless steel, chrome, standing seam metal and premium grade architectural metal may be used as architectural accents and s hall not cover ci reater than twenty percent (20 %) of any facade. ij_Glass block and ot her m ateria ls that a re sem - tra nsparent sh all not cover more than fifteen percent (15° /)_of any facade Places of worship are exempted from this limitation. D Continuous ribbon window systems and glazed curtain walls are prohibited. kk) Smooth face, tinted concrete blocks shall only be used as an accent and shall not cover more than five percent (5 %) of any facade. 1) Galvanized steel and painted steel are allowed on doors, including roll -up doors. m Steel standing sea metal and or arch itectural metal, may be used as a roof and /or canoDv /awning with no limitation of percentage. 3) The facades of parking garag may utilize any material, but may only use steel, standing seam metal, and /or architectural metal as an architectural accent (limited to 20% of any facade) and as a roof and /or canopv /awning (with no limitation). f. Exterior Building Colors 1) Building and roof color requirements apply to all new buildings, redeveloped buildings and fa cade work. 2)_ AII building faca s hall consist of only color fro the color palette maintained in the Office of the Administrator. All other c olors sh be considered accent colors and may be used on no more than ten percent 10 %) of each facade. No more than two • C21accent may be used on each facade. 3)__Exceptfor flat ro all roofs shall co nsist of only co lors from t he color palette for Northgate roof color approved by the City Council and a s amended and maint in th Office of the Administrator. No more than one color may be used on a roof when visible. Color shall no be r when the roof is flat. 4) Existing buildings may continue to utilize colors that are not from the approved color palette provided that repainting is done for maintenance purpose one and the existing color is continued Any color change on existing buildings shall be brought into compliance with this ordinance and color samples shall be submitted as provided herein. 5) Metallic (except copper and silver metallic - colored roofs) and fluorescent colors are prohibited on any facade or roof. 61 When applying bri ck., colors norm f ound in manufactured fired brick are permitted. All colors of natural stone are permitted. 7) Color samples shall be submitted for approval to the Office of the Administrator. 5 -6 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. • g. Canopies /Awnings 1) Canopies /awnings shall not completely obstruct any window. • All off- street parking shall meet the requirements specified in Section 7.2 Transom windows may be located under canopies /awnings except as specifically provided herei 21____Canopiel are_considered _part of the buildin facade and surface marking that is closer t han 200 feet to the right ( shof -way o r is are subject to the color requirements as specified above A not completely located behind a habitable structure Lots with frontage maximum of one (1) color shall be._use_.d. for all canopies /awnings that is closer than 200 feet to Church Avenue or is not completely on a single building facade (excluding business logo). located behind a habitable structure. 3) Canopies /awnings shall consist of cloth canvas steel standing nonresidential uses. seam metal, arch itectural metal, _a metal not c. Off - street Darkina facilities for residential uses shall meet 75% of the corregated) and shall be maintained in good repair. Number of Off - Street Parking Spaces Required Canopies /awnings that are used to meet the required building d. No interior islands are required setback shall not be cloth or canvas, but shall be a permanent structure integrated into the building's architecture consisting of materials simil to t ha t of the rest of the building_ 4) Canopies /awnings located over the public right -of -way shall require a Private Improvement in the Public Right -of -Way agreement (PIP) in addition to th necessa ry_Buildin _ Permit. 5. On- Street Parking Standards a. Existing head -in parking that requires bac_kinq maneuvers into a richt- of -way shall be removed with all pro d redevelopment, rehabilitation and facade projects within any Northgate district. b__AIl_prop develo pment,_ redevelop ent _reh and faca vroiects with frontage on a right -of- wav(s) designated for on- street parking in the Northgate On- Street Parking Plan shall install such parking in accordance with the plan For residential uses non - metered parallel spaces may be counted toward off - street parking space requirements. e. Where off- street surface parking is to be installed adiacent to a right -of- way, there shall be a six -foot W) setback from the required sidewalk to the parking pavement The parking area shall be screened along 100 percent of the st reet f mi nus drive and visibility triangles) with shrubs or a brick, stone ti -MU, or concrete product textured 5a Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 5 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" .- - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • 6. Off - Street Parking Standards • All off- street parking shall meet the requirements specified in Section 7.2 except as specifically provided herei a. Lots with frontage on Church Avenue or University Drive shall not have surface marking that is closer t han 200 feet to the right ( shof -way o r is not completely located behind a habitable structure Lots with frontage on University Drive and Chur Str eet shall not have s urfa ce p arking that is closer than 200 feet to Church Avenue or is not completely located behind a habitable structure. b. There shall be no minimu number_ of par king spac req uired for nonresidential uses. c. Off - street Darkina facilities for residential uses shall meet 75% of the number of specified parking space requirements of Section 7.2.H Number of Off - Street Parking Spaces Required d. No interior islands are required e. Where off- street surface parking is to be installed adiacent to a right -of- way, there shall be a six -foot W) setback from the required sidewalk to the parking pavement The parking area shall be screened along 100 percent of the st reet f mi nus drive and visibility triangles) with shrubs or a brick, stone ti -MU, or concrete product textured 5a Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 5 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" .- - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. • or patterned to look like brick or stone wall a minimum of three feet (3') in height, and within three feet (3') of the sidewalk. Walls shall be com plementar y to th pri mary_ building and _shall be. c onstruc ted as sitwalls. f.___ NQ_.off- s treet surface parking o r_circulation aisle _shall _be located between _the prima_ry- _ entrance facade of _a building .and a right -of -way. Parking shall be located to the rear or side of a building. Two exceptions are___ 1) Sites on the South College Avenue right -of -way may have up to ' one circulation aisle against the right -of -way with parking on each side of the aisle. 2) Hotel and residential uses may have porte cocheres and ' temporary, loading /unloading Parking, not to exceed ten (10) Space a gainst the right=of -way,. Q. Ramps shall not be built on the exterior of Parking_ garages h. Steel guard cables on garage facades are prohibited L In order to break up the parking lot area, minimize the visual impact on pedestrians, an encourage p edestrian movement through the districts one or a combination of the following parking concepts is required for parking th pr ovides more than sixt �O��ar s w ith more than one parking row: Parkinq is located in a oaraae. 2 The parking structure is located on the interior of the block scree from oublic view by habitable structur and i not located adjacent to a right -of -way, 3) For every sixty (60) parking spaces there shall be a separate and distinct parking area connected by drivincilanes. but sep arated bva landscaping strip a minimum of ten feet (10') wide the full length • of the-_parking r ow. At a minimu shall be one canopy tree (1.5 -inch caliper or greater) for every twenty -five (25) linear f eet o f the landscaping_strip. In addition, at least seventy -five Percent (75 %) of all end islands i the park ing lot mu st be irrigated and landscaped with a minimum 1.5 -inch caliper canopy tree 1 25 -inch caliper noncanopy tree _ enough shru three feet -3' in height a time of plant to cover 75% of the island. Islands not landscaped shall be treated with brick pavers, groundcover, and /or perennial grass 7. Bicycle Parking Standards Specific bicycle racks utilized shall be as identified in the.City of College Station Design Standards: Northgate. Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 6 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Deft + Aligned at: 1.4" + Tab after: 0.35" + Indent at: 1.75" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering .- - Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 6 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.4" + Tab after: 0.35" + Indent at: 1.75" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering .- - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering a. For nonresidential uses, a minimum of four (4) bicycle parking spaces -- Formatted umb Outline innumbered+ Levvel: el:55 ++ N Numbering Style: a, b, c, plus one (1) additional space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet ... +Start at: 1 +Alignment: Left+ of floor area above 2.000 square feet shall be required Aligned at: 1.15" +Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" b. For residential uses, a minimum of one (1) bicycle space per dwelling Formatted: 1.4" and Numbering unit shall be req c._ In no cas shall m ore than 20_ bicycle__ parking spaces per business_or residential building be required. 5 -B Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. • d. Facilities shall be separated from motor vehicle parking to protect both bicycles and vehicles from accidental damage and shall be separated at least three fe et (3') from b uildin g- or ot her_ walls land scaping , or other features to allow for ease and encouragement of use. Bicycle parking facilities_may_be_permitted_ on sidewalks_ or other paved surfa wit a PIP (_when necessary) and provided that the bicycles do not block or interfere_ with pedestrian _or vehicular traffic. e. Required._ bicycle parking may consolidated with the bicychap_arking. of adjacent properties and provided off -site if the bicycle rack location is within 100 feet of the main entry facade oft - he building and_w writ ten agreement from the property owners. 8. Sidewalk Standards Sidewalks shall be incorporated into all proposed development, redevelopment r ehabilitati on, and fa ac de p rojects within any Northgate district. In the event that a sidewalk exists on a site prior to development or redevelopment and does not meet all sidewalk and streetscape standards outlined herein, the sidewalk must be upgraded to meet current standards (including American National Standards and Texas Accessibility Standards). a. Sidewalks shall be required along both sides of all rights -of -way. b. Sidew widths shall be as follows: 1) _ Sidew sha ll be a minimum of twelve feet_ 12' in_wi on University Drive and South College Avenue. 2) Sidewalks shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') In width on Church Street and College Main. 3)__5ide shal be a mini mum of eight feet-.(8' ) in wi on all other streets in Northgate. c. Sidewalks shall be located directly adiacent to the back of curb. The Administrator may approve alternate locations to eliminate • encroachments of streetscaping materials that would reduce the clear space of-the sidewalk to_less_ than six feet (6'). d. Sidewalks or parts of sidewalks that lie outside, but are located next to, the right -of -way shall be covered by a dedicated public access easement initiated by_ t �r operty_owner so th t hey will be de for public use and maintenance. e. Sidewalks shall be constructed of colored brick pavers on the exterior visible lay as specified in the City_o College Station Desi Standards: North 9. Landscape and Streetscape Standards For NG -1 and NG -3 the standards set forth herein are in lieu of Section 7.5.0 Land scaping Requireme and Section 7_5.D Streetscape Requirements of the UDO. For NG -2, the standards set forth herein are in addition to the requirements of Section 7.5.0 Landscaping Requirements and Section 7.5.D Streetscape Requirements. Any IandscapeLs improve ma y be located within _the _ public right - -wa pursuant to a Private Improvement in the Public Right- of -Wav agreement (PIP Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 5 -9 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 5 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 6 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.4" + Tab after: 0.35" + Indent at: 1.75" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 1 � u Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. • • Specific landscaping elements and streetscape hardware (benches street lights, etc.) utilized shall be as identified in the City of College Station Site Design Standards. a. Street Trees 1) On University Drive, Church Avenue, Wellborn Road, South College Avenue, _First _Street,_Boyett Street,_ College Main _Avenue, and Nagle Street, installation of minimum four -inch (4 ") caliper street trees shall be located in at -grade tree wells with tree grates (or raised tree wells or planters on University Drive and College Main Avenue only) and shall be spaced at a maximum of twenty five feet C:25'f_on center and lo cated a djacent to _ the _ back - of.curb__ On all other streets not listed above installation of minimum three -inch (3acali stree trees shall be located in at- grade _ tree wells with tree grates jraised tree wells or planters may be used when eight feet -._(8) of- clearsnace can be maintain o n the sidewalk] and spaced at a maximum of 25 feet (25') on center and located adjacent to the back of curb. Alignment of such street trees shall commence twenty feet (20') fro the f of c of street intersection S pacing may be varied upon approval by the Administrator for the purpose of m con flicts with other streetsca elements and utilities. In areas of concentrated retail activity, street trees may be Ip aced at different i ntervals u pon ap proval by the Administrator for the purpose of minimizing the obstruction of views of nonresidential uses. 21____In_location where a healthy and ma ture cano r eq ual to four inches (4 ") in caliper or greater currently exists, the requirements for new _tree mav b wai ved o modif byjhe Admin istrator. Such trees must be maintained, barricaded, and otherwise fully Drotected during the project's construction phase and shall be replaced with trees meeting the specifications herein if they are damaged or die. Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 5 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering .- - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 3) All in- ground vegetated areas, trees, and above ground planters shall include an automated irrigation system. Irrigation will not be required for existing trees that are properly barricaded (see Section 7_5.C.2.c during construction. b. Landscaping Any area bet ween th ins or interior of th sidewal edge and the building fagade and /or parking area not utilized as outdoor cafe seating is required to be one hundre percent 100 %) landsca ed s treetscaped and irrigated. Eligible landscape /streetscape improvements shall include raised masonry planter boxes or planter pots, at -grade planting beds, seating benches, light features, decorative railings, masonry walls not exceeding three feet (3') in height, decorative wrought iron fencing additional p edestr ian areas f inished with brick pavers, or other elements featured in the College Station Streetscape Plan. Live plant material mu st be inclu where feasible in eac proposal. c. Sidewalk Benches -- -- -- Formatted: Bullets and Numbering A minimum of one 1 sidewalk ben sh all be uro vided for _e very fiftv linear feet (50') of building frontage along a right -of -way. In no case 5 -10 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas C� Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. r shall more than four (4) sidewalk benches per building facade be reauired. d, Building and Site Lighting .- - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering lding illuminatio a n d arc hitect ural lig hting shall_ be indirect _.(no light source visible). Exposed neon tube m y b ae used. 2) Light standards for parking lots shall reflect the style of the building Dllot's arch itecture or be comple mentary to that std_ Standards shall not be greater than twenty feet (20') in height. 1) Street light location and type shall be as determined by College Station _Utilities _Elect and t he Administrator._ 2) The installation and cost of lighting shall be performed by the developer or his authorized construction representative subject to complian with the utilit street light installa sta ndards of t he College Station Utilities Department. 3) Once satisfactorily installed, approved, and accepted by College Station Utilities, the maintenance of the street lights and th furnishing of electric energy to the street lights shall be Drovided b y the Cit f. Trash Receptacles • If installed, tras receptacle locations shall be sho on the l plan One trash receptacle may be located within an intersection's sight distanc triangle de in Section 7.1.0 V isibili ty a t Intersections in All Districts. g. Newspaper Racks If installed newspaper racks shall be placed so that a four -foot (4') minimum clear space is maintained on the sidewalk. 10 Dumpster and Mechanical Equipment Standards The following standards are in addition to the requirements of Section 7.7 Solid Waste. a. Any dumpster and other waste storage area or container other than streetscape trash receptacles shall be located to the rear of the building serv by th dumpster, area, and /or container. The Administrator may adiust this standard where a required entrance facade is located at the rear o the build or wh parking is provided on the side of a building .- - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ------ Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 5 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + y Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" b. Where feasible, consolidation of dumpsters may be required by the City. ` - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering c. Solid waste storage areas, mechanical equipment, air conditioning, electr m and service components, and similar utility devices, whether ground level, wall mounted, or roof mounted, shall be screened from view fr om rights -of -way. Exterior screening ma terials shall be opaque and the same as predominantly used on the exterior of the rp incipal building. Such screening shall be coordinated with the buildin architecture, colors, and scale to maintain a unified appearance. Accepta methods of screening various equipment include encasements, parapet walls, partition screens, or brick walls. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 s -11 City of College Station, Texas C7 Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards • • Section 5.1. d. Mechanical equipment shall be located to minimize noise intrusion off site. 11, Detention Pond Screening Standard Detention ponds shall be screened from view along one hundred percent (100 %_)of ri hts-of- wax_using berms, Shrub _walls or a combination of these to achieve a three foot (3') high screen measured from the ground level Walls shall be coordinated with the architecture,_ col and scale to maintain a unified appearance. 12, Sign Standards a_ Signage shall not obscure other building elements such a windo cornices, or architectural details. b. Illuminated plastic signs are prohibited. c. The following types of signage may be used. All others are prohibited. lawAt M. .- - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering .- - Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 5 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 7 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.75" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 2.1" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 7 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.75" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 2.1" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 7 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.75" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 2.1" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering a) Refer to Section 7.4 Signs. b) Exposed neon may be used in attached signage. 2) Window signs a) Window signs shall allow for the majority of- display ar ea t be open for pedestrian window shopping and shall not cover more than t hirty - three . percent (33 %) of th window area bl Ex posed n may be used in window signag 3) Hanging signs a) Hanging signs shall be suspended from canopies /awnings and - - located in front of building entrances, perpendicular to the fa b_). A_ maximum of one sign_per b is allowed. c) The sign shall not exceed four square feet (4 sq.ft.) in size and shall have _aminimu of eight feet-(8.')- clearance-from the w alkw grade, e, four inches (4 ") of clearance from the building face, and eight inches (8 ") of clearance from the edge of the canopy/awning. d) Hanging signs located in /over the vublic right -of -way shall require a Private Improvement in the Public Right -of -Way agreement (PIP) in addition to the necessary Building Permit. 4) Proiection signs a) Proiection signs are allowed in NG -1 and NG -2 only. b) Projection signs shall be mounted perpendicular to buildings. They sh all have a minimum of ei ght feet (8') of clearance fr the walkway grade and four inches (4 ") of clearance from the buil ding face (barber pol are exempted fr these clearance requirements) All extremities of projection signs, including sup ports, frames and the lik sh all not prot more than three feet (3 j from the building face. .- - - Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 7 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.75" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 2.1" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering c) A maximum of one sign per building is allowed. 5 -12 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. d) Buildings with one story may _have _a sign that shall not exceed • six square feet (6 sq ft) in size For each additional building Story an add itional four square feet (4 sq.ft.) of is allowed, uD to a maximum of eighteen square feet (18 sq.ft.). e_) e ction signs located in /over the Dublic _right- of -wav shall require a_P rivate Improve in the Public Right -of -Way agreement (PIP) in addition to the necessary Building Permit. f) Exposed neon may be used in projection signage. 5) Low profile signs a) In_NG2 onl p ` � X� one low___ r ofile sign pe r 150 linear feet of a building Dlot along South College Avenue may be permitted. b) Refer to Section 7.4.F. Sign Standards. ' c) Exposed neon may be used in low profile signage. d. If more than twenty -five percent (25 %) of the square footage of a building is demolished, any nonconforming signage associated with the building must also be demolished. The signage will not be considered " a " ,_a nd no otheroer will be issued for the site by the City of College Station until the signage has been removed. 13. Outside Storage and Display Standards The following standards are in lieu of Section 7.11 Outdoor Storage and Display._ a. Outdoor st o f materials or commodities is prohibite - b. Temporary or portable buildings of any kind are prohibited except during construction of site - planned facilities. c. Outside salesloutsi display a shall be located within five fe (5') of a required entra facade and shall only be loca in front of the property /business that is selling the item(s). A four -foot (4') minimum • clear space on sidewalks shall be maintained. d. All merchandise and /or seasonal items used for outside sales or display shall be moved indoors at the end of business each day. 14. Waivers The Design Review Board (DRB) shall review requests for deviations from the st of Section 5.6.13 Northgate Districts as listed below. T DRB shall approve waivers found to meet the intent of the standards of Section 5.6.6 Northgate Districts and the Northgate Redevelopmen Implementation Plan. Financial hardship may not be considered in the review or determination of a waiver proposa DRB review and waive aD Dro val shall be limited to the following ite a. Relief from the building design standards for historic properties if t he pro posed buil ing i mprovements or additions generally confo t 5.3.B.3 Standards and they preserve the historical appearance and architectural character of the building. b. Relief from specific requirements related to building orientation and access for the improvement of existing buildings if it can be proven by the applicant shows that inherent site characteristics constrain the Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 7 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.75" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 2.1" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 5 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering .- - - Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 5 + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 0.25" + Indent at: 1.4" .- - - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 5 -13 City of College Station, Texas • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. • proposed project from meeting the requirement(s) herein. Relief shall not be considered for building expansions or additions. c. Alternatives to the requirements related to building orientation and access when physical characteristics limit the site or provide for unique orient ation a acc Qs5 oppor unities. d. A reduction in the percentage of required building transparency for the rehabilitation of existing buildings if it can be proven by the applicant that inherent site characteristics constrain the proposed proiect from meeting the requirements herein. e. Alternatives to the requirements related to building transparency for new construction if the alternatives substantially provide the same visual interest for the pedestrian. f. Alternate architectural features to meet the requirements related to architectural relief when the proposed architectural details substantially provide a level of uniqueness to the building at the pedestrian scale. g. Along non - primary entrance facades that do not abut a right -of -way and that require design elements, murals may be considered by the Design Review Board to meet the two - design element requirement. Mural topics may include architecture and /or Texas A &M University. Murals may not contain copy or logo advertisi — q – ny– business_ h. Substitutions of building materials for buildings if the applicant shows that: 1L__The build ma teria l is a n ew or i nnovative m manu factured that has not been previously available to the market or the material is not listed as an allowed or prohibited material herein and the material is similar and comparable in quality and appearance to the materials allowed in Section 5.6.B.5.d Exterior Build Ma terials_ or 2) The material is an integral part of a themed building (example 50's • diner in chrome), )-No varianc sh all be gr to minimu build mat erial requirements specified for buildings ten thousand square feet (10,000 sg ft) or greater in area or for building plots with a cumulative structure square footage of ten thousand square feet (10,000 sq.ft.) or greater. L Alternative materials on facade work that does not involve an expansion of an existing building as defined in Section 9 of the UDO or constitute redevelopment if the applicant shows that: 1) The materials allowed in Section 5.6 B 5 d Exterior Building - Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 6 +Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, Materials cannot be utilized without a structural alteration(s) to the ... +Start at: 1 +Alignment: Left + existing building and Aligned at: 1.4" +Tab after: 0.35" + Indent at: 1.75" 2) A licensed professional engineer or architect verifies in writing that Formatted: Bullets and Numbering a structural alteration is required to apply the permitted facade materials to the building. j.._ An in crease in the e rcentac a f acce col that may be us ed, ona facade, not to exceed a total of twenty Percent (20 %) of the facade 5 -14 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards Section 5.1. k. An increase in the number of accent colors used on a facade when the additional colors are analogous to the two original accent colors Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 6 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, fa diacent to the original accent colo on the color whee +start at: 1 +Alignment: Left+ I. Alternatives to the requirements related to surface area parking lots. Aligned at: 1.4" + Tab after: 0.35" +Indent at: 1.75" Altern must separate._the parking ar so that no mor than sixty (60- parking spaces we located in the sa v icinity without substantial visual separation from additional parking spaces. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: UDO Heading 5, space Before: Opt m. A decrease in parking requirements for residential uses provided that Deleted: < #> Design District the applicant submits a parking study that supports the decrease based Dimensional Standards) on reasonable assumptions of parking availability. Unless shared or off- sit par king is provided as allowe in Sec tion 7.2.1 Alternati Parkin — Plans, in no case shall the DRB permit a reduction in the number of ` ` I' The following table establishes dimensional standards that shall be applied within the Design Districts, unless otherwise required spaces: identified in this UDO:$ 1 To less t han the number recomm within the Dar king_ stud y, or`' 2) To more than a fifty percent (50 %) reduction in the amount of parking required for residential uses by Section 7.2.1-1 Number of Minimum Lot Are Minimum Lot Width Off- S treet Parking Space Requ ired Minimum Lot Depth n. An increase in the distance requirement for shared and /or off -site parking when the shared or off -site narking is Drovided in a Darking Minimum Front Setback Minimum Side Setback garage Minimum Side Street Setback o. Relief from the sidewalk width standard when bringing an existing sidewalk up to current standard where existing physical conditions Minimum Rear Setback Maximum Setback from a Rig prohibit the sidewalk expansion. Maximum Height p Alternatives to the Landscape & Streetscape Standards for projects utilizing an existing structure(s) if it can be proven by the applicant that inherent site characteristics constrain the proposed project from Minimum Height Minimum Floor to Area Ratio i meeting the requirements herein. a. Relief from the two -story requirement for casual and fine dining 9 Per Ordinance No. 2663 • restaurants (not "fast food ") and theaters in NG -2 if all facades are a minimum of twenty-five feet (25') in height and all facad give _the appearance, of_a two -story stru_cture_as_determined_b _the Desi n — y - - -- —g Review Board. dated September 9, 20031 Notes: I (A) - - Lot line construction on interior lots is allowed where access to the rear of the building r. Relief from the minimum height requirement in NG -1 and NG -2 for an existing structure undergoing only facade rehabilitation if the applicant `' is provided on the site or by dedicated right -of -way or easement.1 shows that inherent site characteristics constrain the proposed project (B)- Maximum setback from any fr om m eetinq th requirements herein. Relief s hall not be conside for building expansions or additions. property line adjacent to ROW, including lots with single frontage, lots with double 5.1 Desion District Dimensional Standards - - - - - - -- — -; frontage, and corner lots with multiple frontages.¶ The following table establishes dimensional standards that shall be applied within the < # >Ten feet or the width of any public easement in excess of ten Design Distric unless other identi in thi UDO: feet.¶ (D) -A one -story structure may be erected if all facades are a minimum of 20 feet in height.$ (E) -This area calculation shall not include any lot area encumbered by required easements, setbacks, sidewalks, or detention.$ Per Ordinance No. 2663 dated September 9, 20031 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 5 -15 City of College Station, Texas `, I 1 u Article 5. District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards • Section 0. Notes: Formatted: Bullets and Numtx�ring - - - - - — - — _ - - - _ _ - - -- _ . - I Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Not Italic (A) Lot line construction on interior lots is allowed where access to the rear of the building is on the site or by dedicated right -of -way or easement (B) Minimum /maximum setback from the back of any curb including lots with single frontage lots with double frontage,-and- corner lots with multiple frontages. If th width of any D ublic eas ement o ri ght -of -w is._in- excess of th maximum setback, th maximum setback will be measured from the edge of the public easement or right -of -way. (D) Maximum setback from back of curb for University Drive is 25 feet Wellborn is 35 feet and 100 feet for South College. (E) When cafe seating is between the cafe's building and a right-of-way. the building may be setback a maximum of 35 feet. OF) -_This area calculation shal not include an lot area encu mbered b requ ired easements. setba sidewalks detention or area dedicated to civic features The area of a porch or arcade fronting a publ street is included in the calcu lation_of lot covera _e. 5 -16 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas is NG -1 NG -2 NG -3 WPC Minimum Lot Area None None None 2,400 SF Minimum Lot Width None None None 24' Minimum Lot Depth None None None 100' Minimum Front Setback None None None 25' Minimum Side Setback None None None None (A) Minimum Side Street Setback None None None 15' Minimum Rear Setback None None None 35' Minimum Setback from Back of Curb (B) 10' 10' 10' None Maximum Setback from Back of Curb (B) 20' (C)(D)(E) 25' (C)(D)(E) 20' (C)(D)(E) None Maximum Height None None None None Minimum Number of Stories 2 Stories 2 Stories 2 Stories None Minimum Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) 1 : 1 (F) 0.75 : 1 (F) 1 : 1 (F) None Notes: Formatted: Bullets and Numtx�ring - - - - - — - — _ - - - _ _ - - -- _ . - I Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Not Italic (A) Lot line construction on interior lots is allowed where access to the rear of the building is on the site or by dedicated right -of -way or easement (B) Minimum /maximum setback from the back of any curb including lots with single frontage lots with double frontage,-and- corner lots with multiple frontages. If th width of any D ublic eas ement o ri ght -of -w is._in- excess of th maximum setback, th maximum setback will be measured from the edge of the public easement or right -of -way. (D) Maximum setback from back of curb for University Drive is 25 feet Wellborn is 35 feet and 100 feet for South College. (E) When cafe seating is between the cafe's building and a right-of-way. the building may be setback a maximum of 35 feet. OF) -_This area calculation shal not include an lot area encu mbered b requ ired easements. setba sidewalks detention or area dedicated to civic features The area of a porch or arcade fronting a publ street is included in the calcu lation_of lot covera _e. 5 -16 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas is • Page 1: [1] Deleted City User 1/31/06 1:45 PM Northgate Districts (NG) The Northgate Area is one of the oldest urban areas within the City of College Station. The Northgate Redevelopment Plan, which is incorporated herein by reference, describes the Northgate area as having played an important role in serving both the City of College Station and Texas A &M University and as a unique "campus neighborhood" containing local businesses, churches, and off- campus housing in close proximity to the University. Existing development in the Northgate area has aged and deteriorated and, as a result, needs revitalization and redevelopment. Therefore, this zoning district and zoning regulations have been designed to aid in revitalization and redevelopment that is compatible with and will serve to preserve the character of the Northgate area. This zoning district and concomitant regulations are only applicable in this area. The Northgate District consists of three Subdistricts; (1) NG -1 Core Northgate, (2) NG -2 Commercial Northgate, and (3) NG -3 Residential Northgate. The following supplemental standards apply to the entire Northgate District. Special Restrictions Parking and traffic studies conducted for the Northgate Redevelopment Plan reveal that there is a significant deficiency in • the numbers of available parking spaces and that existing parking and traffic facilities are sub - standard. Because each particular use has relatively different parking and traffic impacts, when reviewing a project the DRB may require additional parking and traffic impact studies, a review of existing occupancy, and other reasonable appropriate data to determine the impact of the project. Additional parking may be required where studies reveal that it is necessary to relieve or mitigate this impact. Subdistrict Regulations Subdistrict NG -1 Core Northgate This subdistrict is intended for areas in Northgate containing historically significant structures that are included in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey, as well as structures that may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register for Historic Places. This subdistrict also applies to areas containing a diversity of pedestrian- oriented retail and entertainment businesses that are in close proximity to on- campus dormitories. This zoning district shall incorporate regulations in accordance with the Northgate Redevelopment Plan, which are designed to aid structural rehabilitation and pedestrian- oriented infill development in a manner compatible with the character of the Northgate area. Historic Structures Structures over 50 years in age that are reflected as high or medium priority structures in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey or have been determined to be eligible • for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places shall be treated using methods and materials in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Dimensional Requirements As required by Chapter 3, Building Regulations of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances. Refer to Section 5.7, Design District Dimensional Standards. Parking Requirements Off - street parking shall be as required by the DRB in accordance to parking and traffic impact study data. The offstreet parking required by the DRB shall not exceed the minimum parking requirements set forth in the Parking Requirements contained in Section 7.2, Off - Street Parking Standards. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page Break - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bicycle Parking Projects involving site development or redevelopment require the installation of bicycle parking spaces. For commercial businesses, a minimum of two bicycle parking spaces per business plus one additional space for each 1000 square feet of floor area above 2,000 square feet shall be required. For apartments or residential condominiums, a minimum of one bicycle space per • dwelling unit shall be required. In no case shall more than 20 bicycle parking spaces per business or apartment building be required. Landscape Requirements A landscape plan shall be required for all proposals involving site development or redevelopment, and shall be reviewed by the DRB in accordance with the following standards: Landscape /streetscape improvements shall be required along at least one -third of the length of a property's frontage onto public streets. Doorway widths and driveways shall be excluded from frontage calculations. Live plant material must be included where feasible in each proposal. Eligible landscape /streetscape improvements shall include raised planter boxes, at -grade planting beds, indoor window plantings where sidewalks are too narrow for outside plantings, seating benches, light features, trash receptacles, decorative railings, and other elements featured in the College Station Streetscape Plan. The standards set forth herein are in lieu of, and not in addition to, the landscaping requirements contained in Section 7.5, Landscaping and Tree Protection. 0 Sign Regulations Attached signs only. Refer to Section 7.4, Signs. Parking A three -foot high parking screen shall be provided when parking is adjacent to public right -of -way. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, or structural elements. Dumpsters Dumpsters shall be kept in the rear of the building and shall be screened with devices made of masonry or wood with surrounding landscaping. Where feasible, consolidation of dumpsters may be required by the DRB. Subdistrict NG -2 Commercial Northgate This subdistrict is intended for areas in Northgate containing larger retail commercial uses and undeveloped land. This subdistrict also applies to areas identified in the Northgate Redevelopment Plan as suitable for mixed -use redevelopment in close proximity to Texas A &M University. This zoning district shall incorporate regulations designed to aid mixed -use development and redevelopment in a manner compatible with the general character of the Northgate area. -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Page Break — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Dimensional Requirements As required by Chapter 3, Building Regulations, of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances. Refer to Section 5.7, Design District Dimensional Standards. Parking Requirements Off - street parking shall be required by the DRB in accordance to parking and traffic impact study data. The offstreet parking required by the DRB shall not exceed the minimum parking requirements set forth in the parking requirements contained in Section 7.2, Off - Street Parking Standards. Bicycle Parking Projects involving site development or redevelopment require the installation of bicycle parking spaces. For commercial businesses, a minimum of 2 bicycle parking spaces per business plus 1 additional space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area above 2,000 square feet shall be required. For apartments or residential condominiums, a minimum of 1 bicycle space per unit shall be required. In no case shall more than 20 bicycle parking spaces per business or apartment building be required. Landscape Requirements A landscape plan shall be required for all proposals involving site development or redevelopment, and shall be reviewed by the DRB in accordance with the following standards: Landscape /streetscape improvements shall be required along at least one -third of the length of a property's • frontage onto public streets. Doorway widths and driveways shall be excluded from frontage calculations. Live plant material must be included where feasible in each proposal. Eligible landscape /streetscape improvements shall include raised planter boxes, at -grade planting beds, indoor window plantings where sidewalks are too narrow for outside plantings, seating benches, light features, trash receptacles, decorative railings, and other elements featured in the College Station Streetscape Plan. The standards set forth herein are in lieu of, and not in addition to, the landscaping requirements contained in Section 7.5, Landscaping and Tree Protection. Sign Regulations Attached signs only. Refer to Section 7.4, Signs. Provided however, if the applicable site complies with both the area requirements and landscape requirements established for subdistrict NG -2 and district C -1, the sign regulations for the NG -2 subdistrict shall be the same as those established for the C -1 district. Parking Screening A 3 -foot high parking screen shall be provided between • parking and adjacent public rights -of -way. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, or structural elements. ----------- - - - - -- - Page Break - — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — — Dumpsters Dumpsters shall be kept in the rear of the building and shall be screened with devices made of masonry or wood with surrounding landscaping. Consolidation of dumpsters shall be encouraged by the DRB. Subdistrict NG -3 Residential Northgate This subdistrict is intended for areas in Northgate containing a variety of residential uses and structures, some of which may be historically significant and included in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey. This sub - district also applies to areas determined to be suitable for higher density residential developments due to its close proximity to Texas A &M University. This zoning district incorporates regulations in accordance with the Northgate Redevelopment Plan, which are designed to aid pedestrian- oriented redevelopment in a manner compatible with the residential character of the Northgate area. Area Requirements As required by Chapter 3, Building Regulations of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances. Refer to Section 5.7, Design District Dimensional Standards • Parking Requirements • Off - street parking shall be required by the DRB in accordance to parking and traffic impact study data. The offstreet parking required by the DRB shall not exceed the minimum parking requirements set forth in the Parking Requirements contained in Section 7.2, Off- Street Parking Standards. Bicycle Parking Projects involving site development or redevelopment require the installation of a minimum of one bicycle space per dwelling unit. In no case shall more than 20 bicycle parking spaces per apartment project be required. Landscape Requirements A landscape plan shall be required for all proposals involving site development or redevelopment, and shall be reviewed by the DRB in accordance with the following standards: Landscape /streetscape improvements shall be required along at least one -third of the length of a property's frontage onto public streets. Doorway widths and driveways shall be excluded from frontage calculations. Live plant material must be included where feasible in each proposal. Eligible landscape /streetscape improvements shall include • raised planter boxes, at -grade planting beds, indoor window plantings where sidewalks are too narrow for outside plantings, seating benches, light features, trash receptacles, decorative railings, and other elements featured in the College Station Streetscape Plan. The standards set forth herein are in lieu of, and not in addition to, the Landscaping Requirements contained in Section 7.5, Landscaping and Tree Protection. Page Break Sign Regulations Attached signs only. Refer to Section 7.4, Signs. Parking Screening A 3 -foot high parking screen shall be provided when parking is adjacent to public rights -of -way. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, or structural elements. Dumpsters Dumpsters shall be kept in the rear of the building and shall be screened with devices made of masonry or wood with surrounding landscaping. Where feasible, consolidation of dumpsters may be required by the DRB. 0 • • Ol E C). V) 3� D E E 0 u 0 0 clf� V4 0 V, ' V i l 40 - U 0 V) a) t to o E 1 4 r4 E a. 0. Ol E C). V) 3� D E E 0 u 0 0 clf� V4 0 V, ' V i l 40 - U 0 V) a) t to o E 1 4 r4 E 0. a a a 0. as a. CL CL 0. 0. CL CL aaaa **T-ON 0. a a n 1--I Q. a- Q- as a- *:)dM 0- 0. u CL n a Q- a. a_ CL 0. Q- 0- Q. IMI C d o a. Q. a- 0- D) a. 0. a- a. O c 0. D CL 0. M IL a. o. CL 0- 0. CL (L CL m M (L U m m m m CL m .0 LL IL 0. I 1 0. Q- u CL Q- CL !6 CL 0- aaaa a a a CL a- a- 0. 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V) 3� D E E 0 u 0 0 clf� V4 0 V, ' V i l 40 - U 0 V) a) t to o E 1 4 r4 E • V d d O w O m u o 0 C 0 Q N c O H1� Y L O L N 0 w o— c v 10 E 3 E o U O 4 a * *DdM a s a s gg f�' v 14 1E * a o aaa aaaaa aaaaaa as a a a a s a s a U a G a a a * a * a U a a s a a a U a y U) - r * a a s a a a, a. a a a s a s a U a O ' 1O o a q4 * a s a a a a s a a U a Z i• ' x * �> ik it a * a a a * �r a IIF • a a a a ** 9 -b a H a a * *b -1! tn * *£-21 * a d * a * *Z-2! 8T -H a a a a ZIO -V ° a * CL a m v � v a E U- V) a o a�i c a °o -ffi ti I f C i to o 'E o a o v v v L ul C c o E °~ m o 0 O v O = Q o n @ c ° a a LL C V1 N (n '� N Y C c C N 7 U N C J V) W LO 7 U C U C U c E E E (I C a N @ @ O N N L N u O O O 0 (A y VI y O @ a' y N N In pi J= 7\ C N N Gl L } V) 7 N �' ur VI F- ` Vf V N (A N mSS02U,V)V) y@ 83 3 33 w O m u o 0 C 0 Q N c O H1� Y L O L N 0 w o— c v 10 E 3 E o U O 4 Article 6. Use Regulations Section 6.3. Temporary Uses Specific Use Standards • 6.3 Specific Use Standards The following specific use standards shall apply to those uses listed below and identified in the Use Table in Section 6.2, Types of Use, with a "P *." A site plan review, as required by Section 3.5, Site Plan Review, is required for all specific uses identified herein. For the purposes of this section, buffers shall comply with Section 7.6, Buffer Requirements unless specified herein. For the purposes of this section, residential areas or uses shall mean existing developed or developing (platted) residential uses including single - family and multi - family housing, townhomes, and duplexes. A. Animal Care Facilities Any animal care facilities with defined outdoor uses and /or facilities shall be located a minimum of 500 feet from existing or developing residential areas; and facilities with outdoor facilities for large animals shall be permitted in A -0, Agricultural Open, only. B. Car Wash Vacuums shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any adjacent residential use. C. Commercial Amusements All outdoor activity must be located a minimum of 300 feet from an existing residential use. D. Commercial Garden /Greenhouse /Landscape Maintenance Outdoor storage and display of unpackaged or bulk materials, including but not limited to topsoil, manure, and aggregate materials, shall be screened and located at least 50 feet from all property lines and not closer than 150 feet from an existing residential use. • E. Drive- in /Thru Window All site designs and elevations for drive -in /thru windows shall be reviewed by the Formatted: Body indent 3 Design Re_vi_ew Board as._p of the iste_ an revie All o utside activities and appurtenances related to drive -in /thru service shall be located wholly underneath a habitable structure screened from view from the University Drive right -of -way, and designed to be sensitive to the pedestrian environment F. Dry Cleaners /Laundry Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ' All activity must be wholly contained within a building not to exceed 3,000 square feet in size. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering G. Fuel Sales 1. Any vehicle repair uses must comply with Section 6.3.P, Vehicular Sales, Rental, Repair and Service. 2. All activities except those associated with fuel pumping must be conducted within an enclosed building. 3. Ice and vending machines must be enclosed in a building. • • 4. No signage, in addition to the signage allowed in Section 7.4, Signs, may be allowed within view of the right -of -way. S. No outside storage or display of vehicles for any purpose. 6. A drive -thru car wash designed to accommodate one vehicle shall be permitted as an accessory use. 7. In C -3, Light Commercial fuels sales shall be limited to facilities designed to accommodate a maximum of four vehicles obtaining fuel simultaneously. 8. Minimum setback requirements shall he as follows- 9. Storage tanks must be located below grade. H. Golf Course or Driving Range � _ - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 1. All driving ranges shall be a minimum of 10 acres and have a minimum field size of 275 yards. 2. Driving ranges are classified as commercial enterprises and must comply with Section 7.6, Buffer Requirements. 3. For driving ranges, all balls must remain on the property through proper orientation of the tee boxes, adequate buffering or screening, and barrier n ets. 4. No building, structure, or outdoor activity of a driving range shall be located within 100 feet of residentially -zoned property. • 5. All ground -level lighting of a driving range's landing area shall be directed away from adjacent properties and screening shall be provided with plantings, berms, or other means to limit nuisances associated with lighting and resulting glare. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 I. Government Facilities and Utilities Activities not wholly contained within a building shall not be located within 100 feet of a single - family residential use unless buffered by a 25 foot buffer yard and a six -foot privacy fence, in accordance with Section 7.6, Buffer Requirements. J. Health Club /Sports Facility, Outdoor Outdoor health clubs/sports, facilities_ shall only be allowed on roof tops. K. Manufactured Homes 1. The placement of an individual manufactured home where permitted or the replacement of an existing manufactured home shall be subject to obtaining 6 -4 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas _ .. - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering .- - Formatted: Body Indent 3 �_ _ - Formatted: Bullets and Numberi • Fuel pumps 50 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet Canopies 40 feet 1 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 9. Storage tanks must be located below grade. H. Golf Course or Driving Range � _ - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 1. All driving ranges shall be a minimum of 10 acres and have a minimum field size of 275 yards. 2. Driving ranges are classified as commercial enterprises and must comply with Section 7.6, Buffer Requirements. 3. For driving ranges, all balls must remain on the property through proper orientation of the tee boxes, adequate buffering or screening, and barrier n ets. 4. No building, structure, or outdoor activity of a driving range shall be located within 100 feet of residentially -zoned property. • 5. All ground -level lighting of a driving range's landing area shall be directed away from adjacent properties and screening shall be provided with plantings, berms, or other means to limit nuisances associated with lighting and resulting glare. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 I. Government Facilities and Utilities Activities not wholly contained within a building shall not be located within 100 feet of a single - family residential use unless buffered by a 25 foot buffer yard and a six -foot privacy fence, in accordance with Section 7.6, Buffer Requirements. J. Health Club /Sports Facility, Outdoor Outdoor health clubs/sports, facilities_ shall only be allowed on roof tops. K. Manufactured Homes 1. The placement of an individual manufactured home where permitted or the replacement of an existing manufactured home shall be subject to obtaining 6 -4 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas _ .. - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering .- - Formatted: Body Indent 3 �_ _ - Formatted: Bullets and Numberi • C7 Article 6. Use Regulations Section 6.3. Temporary Uses Specific Use Standards a Location Permit issued by the Building Official and Administrator. The application for such a permit shall be accompanied by a location plan • including the following information: a. Location plan showing the dimension of the site, required setback lines, the placement of the manufactured home, the designated parking, and any existing structures on the same or adjoining lots; b. A signed and dated application, requesting permission to locate the structure on the lot; and c. A legal description of the location of the property within the City. 2. All manufactured homes shall be skirted with brick, vinyl, or other solid skirting materials within four months of occupancy of the lot. 3. All trailer hitches and other devices designed to aid in the transport of the manufactured homes must be removed within four months of occupancy of the lot. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering L. Mobile Home A mobile home, after the effective date of this LIDO, may not be located within the corporate limits of College Station for residential dwelling. A mobile home legally located within the corporate limits of College Station may continue to be used as a residential dwelling, but shall not be relocated or enlarged. A mobile home may be replaced by a manufactured home. - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering M. Parking as a Primary Use Parking as _a primary._ use shall be_ permitted .when all of the parking_ is located ' -- "- Formatted: Body Indent 3 within a multi -level garage. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering N. Radio /TV Station /Studios Outdoor trans mission facilities shall_be comp letely screen fr view from any Formatted: Body Indent 3 right-of -way. • C7 Error! No text of specified style in document.. Error! No text of specified style in document. Section 9.3. Nonconforming Structures 40 9.3 Nonconforming Structures A. Enlargement, Alteration 1_A structure (including parking lots, parking structures, and parking areas), which is nonconforming by physical design may be enlarged or structurally altered as long as such enlargement or alteration otherwise complies with the terms of this UDO. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 2. In NG -1, NG -2, and NG -3, the whole building plot must come into comp liance with the requir ements of thi UDO when more than twent y-five percent (25 %) of a buildings) on the site is enlarged or altered. u Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 9 -1 City of College Station, Texas Style Definition: UDO Heading 4.1 + Verdana 10 pt Before: 3 pt: None, Space Before: 12 pt, Outline numbered + Level: 4 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.81" + Tab after: 0.81" + Indent at: 1.15 ", No widow /orphan control, Keep with next Style Definition: UDO Comment Text 4: Level 4, Indent: Left: 0.81" Formatted: UDO Heading 4.1 + Verdana 10 pt Before: 3 pt, Indent: Left: - 0.28 ", Hanging: 0.28 ", Space Before: 0 pt Formatted: UDO Comment Text 4, Indent: Left: 1.13 ", Tabs: Not at 0.5" Formatted: Bullets and Numbering •