HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/2006 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission• FILE COPY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning cr Development Services AGENDA Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, May 04, 2006, at 6:00 PM. Administrative Conference Room, City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas • 1. Call the meeting to order. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the status of items within the P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (LS) 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Traffic Impact analysis Requirement for Residential Developments. (KF) 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. • June 2006 ~- Joint Meeting ~ P&Z and City Council • October 18-20, 2006 ~ APA State Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 7. Adjourn • Notice is hereby given that a Workshop Meeting of the College Station Plantung and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, May 04, 2006, at • 6:00 PM. at the City Hall Administrative Conference Room, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. • Posted this the day of April, 2006, at CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, Ciry Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice ate readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on April 2006, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: Dated this day of , 2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: 2006. by This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. • • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning er Development Services AGENDA Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, May 04, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to • accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 2, ConsentAgenda, are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary and fznal plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all sta~ recommendations There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the AegularAgenda for further consideration. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Greens Prairie Center, consisting of 89.71 acres located at 1649 Greens Prairie Road in the general vicinity of the east corner of State Highway 40 and Arrington Road. Case #06-500063 (TF/CC) • 3.2 Consideration, discussion and possible action on meeting minutes. • Apri16, 2006 ~ Workshop Meeting Minutes • Apri16, 2006 ~ Regular Meeting Minutes • Apri120, 2006 ~ Workshop Meeting Minutes • Apri120, 2006 ~ Regular Meeting Minutes • Regular Agenda. 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a variance from Section 8-K.1 (Lots) of the Subdivision Regulations for Lakeside Village Subdivision, and presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat consisting of 56 lots on 13.79 acres generally located along the proposed extension of Eagle Avenue and west of Longmire Drive. Case #06-500012 (TF/CC) 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Replat consisting of Lots 14-18 and the remainder of Lots 1-5 of the Frank Visoski Subdivision located at 102 University Drive East. Case #06-500062 (JR/CC) 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for North Forest Business Park, which includes a Replat of Lot 1 Block 1 North Forest Subdivision consisting of 5 lots on 5.22 acres located at 2801 Earl • Rudder Fwy., just south of North Forest Parkway. Case #06-500064 (JR/JN) 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Replat of Lot 1, Block 1 Jordan Subdivision and a portion of Block 4 Harvey Hillsides to create Lot 1 R, Block 1 Jordan Subdivision, 2.78 acres located at 3910 Harvey Road. Case #06-500067 QP/CC) 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Conditional Use Permit -Use & Site for a Verizon Wireless telecommunications tower located at 1500 Harvey Rd in the general vicinity of Post Oak Mall. Case #06- 500050 (TF) 10. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Sections 7.4, Signs. (LB) 11. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Sections 7.2.K, Alternative Parking Plans. (KF) 12. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Sections 7.2 J, Drive-Through Facility Queuing Requirements. (KF) 13. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 5.7 Design District • Dimensional Standards, related to the required front yard setback. (JP) 14. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 6.3 to address Wireless Transmission Facilities (WTN~. (TF) 15. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 6.4 Accessory Structures to address Portable Storage Structures. (TF) 16. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 6.4 Accessory Structures to address Farmers' Markets. (TF) 17. Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney ~ Gov't Code Section 551.071 } ; possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. Litigation is an ongoing process and questions may arise as to • a litigation tactic or settlement offer, which needs to be discussed with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Upon occasion the Planning and Zoning Commission may need information from its attorney as to the status of a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, May 04, 2006, at 6:00 PM. at the Ciry Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of April, 2006, at CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov. • The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on April _, 2006, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by • • Dated this day of , 2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2006. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channe119. • • • • o. ~ ~ ad a o e v~ o O N a> b O O ' p N O "~' O ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ? ~ o rv ~ N ~ ~, ~ N .--. b4 a ~ ' ~O R w ~ \ A ~ ~ a ~ a ~ o ~ p o ~ ~~ +.• '~ .~~ ~ '~ .~a e ~~N v~ Q ~ ~ ~o ~.o ~ o °oQ c ~ ~ ~ " ' ~ ~ ~Y .~ U ~ O 0.; '" ~ 0 0~ Q ' ' "' y b ~ m ~ ".. ~'' chi iV o c~ o \ CS ~ ~ ~ ~ ..p CS °: ~ q, ~ CS ? ~ N ~ > - o ono o pp ^C V1 o a 5 cd C b ~ ~ 0 Z 'v ~ v ° `~ O O h ~ Q' 4 ~ ~ . `° ~ v, ''~ N ~ S ~ o U s ~ , ~ ~ ~ S a ~ °~° ~ ~ ~ ti c ~ ~ . . oa ~' z O o °- ~ ~ ~" w ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v O ~.. , ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ a QI +.. ~ C Oi ~ ~ ~ 4~"-i ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ -°' 'O ~ C%~ +~. ~ C1~ ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ cs. o Q ~ .i.y ~ ~ • U L~ ~ ~ ~ G i ~ a. ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ ;~ :~ a •~ ~. 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Q a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N o ~' ~s V b •» r ~ ~ •° ~ ~ .~ Q •~ .~ ~" $ ~ ~ ~ N ~ °' w R+ '~ .~ ~ •~ w ~ o ti ~ a .~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~• °> w a ~ ~ ° • ~ CC °~ b 5 by ~ `~ F" o 'i 'zs ~ ~ ~ C 3 '~•~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ a i ^~ m ~ a ~ o ~ ~ o v~ ~•~ ~N a ~ ~" ~ ~ 'orbc°~i ~ ~~ ~ ~ obi a , ~ ~°WUU ai o zw ~ c •~ aci ~ ~,, ~ a' N O~ "~ '~ O ~ r •r W A A ~i V U ° o co 0 •c N J ~a 0 m rn d Workshop Agenda 4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Traffic Impact Analysis Requirement for Residential Developments. (KF) • !~/~ City of College Station Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 23, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner THROUGH: Lance Simms, Acting Director of Planning & Development Services • SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review - Traffic Impact Analysis Requirement for Residential Development At the direction of the Planning & Zoning Commission at the January 5, 2006 meeting, the Annual Review of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) has been divided into several smaller amendments for consideration. The following background information has been prepared for your review prior to the formal consideration at the May 18, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. When the Non-Residential Architecture standards were adopted in 2004, the traffic impact analysis (TIA) requirement was included in these standards. Therefore, this requirement is not applicable to residential developments. At that time, it was staff's intent to incude residential developments under the TIA requirement as part of a future UDO amendment. The requirement that was adopted for non-residential developments generally requires that a TIA be conducted when a development is anticipated to generate more than 5,000 trips per day. The attached draft extends this requirement to residential developments. Based on typical residential trip generation rates, a 500 unit single-family residential development would generate 5,000 trips per day. For these types of developments, the traffic peaks are concentrated around the 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. commute times, and for large residential developments, mobility during these times can be greatly improved if traffic mitigation is planned with the development. Typical mitigation alternatives for a residential development may include adjusting street locations, providing an adequate number of connections to the greater thoroughfare system, and providing auxiliary lanes (right- or left- tum lanes) where heavy turning volumes are expected. • Based on discussions with consultants who conduct TIAs on a regular basis, a residential TIA of the scope described in the UDO draft should typically cost less than $10,000. • Attachments: ^ Redlined Copy of "Traffic Impact Analysis" Requirements • • Article 7. General Development Standards Section ~ Traffic [moact Analvs~ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ • p. The spacing requirements for driveways not meeting the specifications in Section 7.3.C.3, Spacing of Driveways, may be lessened or waived if auxiliary lanes are used. q. Access points on arterial and collector streets may be required to be signalized in order to provide safe and efficient traffic flow. A development may be responsible for all or part of any right-of-way dedication, design, hardware, or construction costs of a traffic signal if it is determined that the signal is necessitated by the traffic generated from the development. The procedures for signal installation and the percent of financial participation required of the development in the installation of the signal shall be in accordance with criteria set forth in the City's Traffic Signal Policy. 7.4 Traffic Tnpact Analysis A. General ---~-- Thl_ sectu~rl ~;st~bll_h__e~ I _~~uir Int i,*s end pl_gcedures~crtalrunr~_to_traf_fic ri7ii?act 3na155i~~TI~)__fnr ~lt•~~ero[_menrs_ These reauir~m_nts a~e.~o_nf~~r~Yi_tl~l_. ~~~li~ant of the pity's ex ectations, e,~ )elite the City {tiff's revir~~r~ pl ocr~~~f TIA r~~orls,t rovide, standard critr~ria for c?~aluatin~c dc_~,!elo~me_n~ro~~sals~ and_estahlish_e~iitable mitictatlon and_cost sharingFgllcies_ The_-i=L<? is o devF,lup_public~~~i_v_ate~art~tersi~i~s_ko coordinate land use and transp~rlation_faeility de vel~~ment.__P.~o~n the Crty_of College Station and_r.i?e land_dw~^I,o er share in the re~ponsioilit~!.to consider all_reasonahle solutions,tr~ IdFntlfeo tr~anspu tation plr.~.' ~~' I C` i;,:ll ~>f tlli5 _[~sdy i t~~ ~O ,i i~ a S i itlC C!eVE'tP~rlCnt Cif F.IIObVn ,I~e' anG :,~ ,.tnd t~~ l~~tr t i L_n?_t e ~ Ife_ ~ uF Thai ~,;,e oii the existinca_r~}ads^da~,~ cyst ~t~l. 't u ~ r x ,I~n t.l=ia~f~ ~~;' ,r~ _li<i ~ _71t tnr r tlstir g ro ~d~13y~ ~ unfigtn ,iii n - tr nF USL(i t 1r c n I? r> I r ~ ,_=R ( s _h~ uld rn I)rr- tl a' iht r~ ~dlv:w y~l _nz "lCir~nat~ r~l 8_C~U(nn1CC~at 1,IIF_ I~~p~)~~Q rISE: ,n ~ nl~iUU~ilni~~f ~~ nllLl~3ti01, L - _ me nsY.r,i~c-~ nE~cessary_to en ~r_~ 1h~ iznr *r ;3fr_ic flc~~~~_~round_th _I)I ~,rpc r u situ- (<.rr; based C 1 urtci"SHCiIGII u1~U tua~i .8y IE~~PI, ~~I~SeIVICe~ 1. Qbiective !~_?I/`` is.,~o define the ir7_rnieciljte-im~~cts of the Dro~gsed develoUrlien[ and ~_rnv necessary transportation improvements (public or privates required to e.nsure_a satisfactory level of service on all affected thoroughfares. A TIA is Cesigned_to_m_iti_gate tr~f_fc in_>pacts by optimizing_roadvva~_ca~acity~access desi nand traffic contrul_A TIA may,pe used to deny, commercial site plan or residential plat where it has been determined that transportation facilities are not adequate to handle the increased traffic caused by the development,_~e~ific im,~ovements_to. the ~xisting_roadw~s consistent yvikh the_Thorquyhdare_Pl~n ni~y ~e needed t~~ain ap~rw~f_of site_hL~n_or Ip at pr~osals. 2. t~efinitions a. Tr~,Generation Rues -The City_'s criteria for tra~_generation for various catec~ories_of land rase and.-dei~sity__shall be_those set forth in the I~test dition of the tri --generation nfori_national_report~-rublished by the, 7-25 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: 7.3 -_-- Delebed: Traffic Impact Analysis Inserted: 7.3 Deleted: 7.3 Inserted: TrafFlc Impact Analysis Deleted: Access Management and Circulation r ----- Formatted- Bulletr and Numbering _ Deleted: intended Deleted: intended Formatted: Bulletr and Numbering Formatted: Butletr and Numbering Deleted: intended Deleted: not Deleted: development permitted by zoning, nor shall it be used to modify road design contrary to the Comprehensive Plan --- , I~ Formatted: Bulletr and Numbering • • • Article 7. General Development Standards Section ~ TS~~S fLnp~ct Analysis Institute of Tran_sp_grtatign._Enc~ineers ITF unle_s_th_e_prot~osed_it~c does not have a COrresponding rate In the TRIP GENERATION MANUAL. _.If alternative tri~generation rates are~roDOSed they must be based on a general stu>~ of local conditions and shall be adopted for City-wide use. b. pesiyn .Year _ The ciesign_year i5 th~_pomt .in__trrne upon whir_I_i a~~um~ticrns ~~c~rtainn~ to I~rrd a e,__gopulatipn r~mr~loyrtlc nk, ,rn~i tran_portation Paulitics arr k~ased._All TIhs shall u,_e_~ ~fe~igr~ yc ~r_b,~r _~:,~_i nn the expected datc.._ot project ~~r_cupancy__ e. t3asc_Vulumcs _ Base_v_olumEa_ shall Lie based on cunt nt try-~Flic rounls ~ldxu5ted, lo_the_c.xpE etc ~~ c1~te of prg,~ect occupancy.__4Nhc~n_av~ilahl_,, .ill Era>c~ data: h~r.ll,pr._s~ip~li~~d.by ti~c~_C_'i~ Traffic Enc irre~r In_~~II c j r~;_ yvhen_ground,caunl, arc. ne~_ded and_are npt av~ilcthle ~h~ dwulox?er_c_ri_ hrs ~t1cnt shall_be reyuiie,d tu_~ollect suds data= d. l eve! ofS~.rvice jL_QS~_ Level of str_v_ice is_a_me3_ur~_c~(_the Itvel of c ong~stion c.xilencnced on_roadw_ays_The, desirahle_isinin_iurn level of sr ryirc~_of lh_c_C~y ref C_cllr rIe station i~ Le_v_el of ~,c_rt~im_D~less than 25 second of stopped delay Der vehicles, as defined by the HIGHWAY CAPACITY MANUAL In tilt pe_7k _hQUI'._Le'.'~JC i u(__SCr ~ICF' Shall bL__In~a ~U_I_~i or h~th I ilk and iniF~r~t t~un_c~re~ jti;,ns_ __ ApDlicabili~ Deleted: 7.3 Deleted: TrafFlc Impact Analysis Inserted: 7.3 19eleted: ~.io Inserted: TrefFlc Impact Analysis Debted: Non-Residential Architectural Standards Deleted: Alternate trip generation rates shall not be accepted but shall instead be adopted For City-wide use on the basis of a general study of local conditions. Formatted: Small wps Formatted: Font rnlor. Blue Formatted: Small caps Deleted: of , Formatted: Font mlor: Blue Formatted: Bullets and Numbering a~Si:igle Family.and Duplex Residential Developments a TIA_vv~ll rte rc~Iuire~i fur__snglc tarnily_ and duplex re~ic'~ntia; preliminaryplats t_ihm t~ d.f_n_r ap~~rnval t.nat_penen>c ~,C)OL~ ti_hs,ni n;ore U~r_ci.ay. ~ tn.. c ~r~~ri r i i:~, i rl r._~: L~icant ~ ~ dernr~ t tr;jtr ih ~~t .. 1 ` ~ I n~.,r rIu rr1 r r ~a__i X11 r_i~ ly and duplex ~s ~!elU~~._preliminary plat_~r,~ iE_ )3L~~;T`~r )r.i 1L~ iC in c c ~,_ :. ,r_ ~_ , fJ t. ! . ! Tii~,rj I ~l3Ct ~ F. ~~~. ~.t ~ . ~ `IG) is L)rlil~~, Ih~:_ preliminary plat rl~h~ir.,<jUr~n ~:~!i~ br .,,,r ia~ ~.:< t grn;;al~ . ,_unti t~ _T r ~:ubmit,~;.1._ u.__, t~9ulti~-~ttrrril~ ~ev~pf,,~,n~e~r~ts ~ i 1 ._r~~, II ~r r`_l;i~ r~c_t ~r_ rnr.;it f :~ i~iiv rc silent al site.. pl<,.n= ubm;t:___i o~ ,I_Pr~y ~ ;heat ~ ithe i~ ~~~c a flr~~r area ratio L~~ ~f 0 75 ~ _~_, =~,t2~ and more than 100_units_~r.9er ~ ~t~ 5 OCO trips or more_per d~._ It is_thc res~,or~sibilfly of ttlt= ap[;licant to demonstrate that a TIA is nr~1= e~uir_ed for a multi_famil~resldential site~lan application as defined in ~ccton_3 S Sitg Plan Rwi~~~^J_In ca ,es where a TIA_is r~ctuir~d the site plan,~j,pp,lication will be cpnsidered,ir~corn Mete until the.TIA i =submrtted.: c. Nnn-Residential Developments A TIA_uvill hie required for non_residenCial site lairs sut~r7iilted for approval that~n~r~te_5,000 trips or more per day at build out. A Tila m~wbe__r__c__iuired_tcir,non_residential_site.pians submitted for a~?~rgvai h~It_genc.r~te lr ~ tl_!at 5 OJ0 trips per day, where the ueaki har~l~~ i~tics could i~avE a_desmiental im act on the transgorlaio; ,stem as determined by the Administrator It is_lhc respoilsi~ility__pf th~_aj:~plicant to r~errarlstrate_th~t_a.T1A is riot ec~uir:ed ft~r a non residential itP plan applicatior~as defined in Section 3.5. In_casc:s ~nhere_a TIA,is rec~ired the site plan application will be con_sidcl-er1__inr_omplete unti.l,_the TIa_is submitted,. 7-26 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Small caps Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering , Deleted: or his designee • • Article 7. General Development Standards Section ~ Traffic Impac~Analvsis _ _ - d Cam~r~hensive Plan Amendments A TIA maybe required with a comprehensive Ian amendment application where tt1P. prc~osed land use changes would generate_mol;e tri s than the exi~ ting land use(sa The Administrator will make this determination at the time of the pre-application conference. C._~~iWettlnctoloc~ AEI TIAs shall be performed by a~,rofessional traffic engineer qualifi?ci t~ oerfarm, such sludle~__Requir~rr.:,nts for rnitigatiny_nEgative/traffic im~ad~_ ~h_,II ~~~I_y tc_all_r_~ses,. A i e-sribrnission c or~siiltar r~ri ~~ tlr ih~ ldrninistrator~ is re~urreU,_Dt tai s nt the. reduir_ed ar~al~sis ~nd._the_sti~iciy ~3r~~a_U~iil_he_ determined_at this.n~eetind [n certain instances~trafFrr f,rurr~ othcr_ap~ro~ed but not built de_velo~n~nts rna have to be accounted for in traff~ assignments, Staff m~also re~cuire s~ific ~issu_mptions~such as the r~ercentage of,~eavy vehicles using the roadway, to be altered to matchlncal_conditions,~ lkie fi~llo~,~~irig_piocedu~~~_ ?~~II t,r:_f~llgwed inn~c,~snn1 traff_c u_1~~~~1t _~r~cir>_ tiuornitt~~d lo_tf E t it~L- D. Content 1__Study_f~re_a__- fa, rnaufs~ shahL~_inciu7ed_deiine_~tiitg the TIA stt.igp_~re~i_anl all cxislingand_~anne_d struts th ~'_in_Thg study arr:a ±rrill be de fined in the_nre-sudr;issiorr_consultatign mectinn~ tth the Acmin~stratox_ z. Fk.l~t.l[~j~G111..G dl',d i ,~elCf ,~','t t i..i- u~~ eXl;t.(itl ~J'll?~ II'~_~11d(ri(I i~tr~ii r ~,r_Gi t_~ OSS r,l~~l '~~. ~ ~ y <<- ! ~_~_~~ ail _c~il )n _t~t1.31 f~}cLag UI 1' "' __ -- __> _ IOtC~ rr`0~')5 a' C`II i;~,. •"_ ~ ~!2 t IJc_~? if C_,iSt~(c '~;~~.~~~ rr~c:i'~! _)n- ft '_c'71'C~ ii( ~J it ~ :iri I ~ ~ltw C ~7(tl_ 1_~~ h(~ i S.__. _.._ 3 I I_OI L Kral"t ° t`: ~~I `. _. ~ _ c.h~ 1.1_ I~ ll ~i, ~ll~ rarE'-'S t . ~G~ 1 l_7 = ~ '"l''. 1~4 it In # ttfi ~ ~r „fir ~ ~t~): i ri.c_~ ;+X rr ~ - ?r0(7c. ~~I t~ev.elo~,7 ..,_ ~ r r_ ~i ._~;r_r$ r`d +r-.t ,l~cmr•~~ it . c ~~ c. _ area (moss and net.i, ware %oattjc;~r)~.r_mbi~r of hotel rooms~i ~ ifiP,G units, etc., and the d~vv ~l,~pment, pha _ine~~lan if applicable. f11so descri~c roadwav conditions ~s ex ected by daft of occupancy,_L~ciicat_ _,_padwa4-- and intersection ca~aciiies at studv date. Deleted: 7.3 'Deleted: 7.3 ~® Inserted: 7.3 Deleted: TrafFlc Impact Analysis Inserted: Traffic Impact Analysis Deleted: Access Management and Circulation `Formatted: Bullets and Numbering J ~ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ~. Deleted: consultant Deleted: In certain cases, due to project phasing, a TIA might be required with a concept plan submittal.¶ Deleted: or his designee Deleted: trucks Deleted: Peak hour analysis might be directed to reFlect the peak 15 minutes for certain types of land uses. All of these ~ types of issues will be addressed at the pre-submission ~ consultation. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ~ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: or his designee 5. Inn~aet Determinatior_- Determine the„love) of service for all thorou blares end intersections in. the vtudv area_Th~__anal~sis sha!I r_ontain the iollc~.~•_~~rc~ minimum information: a. pr~po~ed Trip Gener:~tion__ Calculate_total trip___Ic eneratir n b~;`_use ~assum_i~full ~eveloprnent and occupancy) and report ar~_reductionr_ fpr~asser_-by,_rni~ed usc~_t_.t_c_Show trio generatipn b~ ~ise_iri t~k~ulcr form with land use trip generation rates and trips generated,, b. Trip Distributign and Assid,nn~~ent - Tri s gener~atec; by the nrt~ ose development are to be added to the base. volumes proiected for thy; r~esi n year. Peak hour volumes must be calculated. Distribution. assumptions and assi nment calculations must be rp ovided, Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7-z7 City of College Station, Texas • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.~, i n - - e. Level_of Service Anal.~si;~_____>liu~,v__in tabular fort 24 hour and peak hour • V/C ratios for links and Inlersectians within the study area. This analysis should be_ctone for the f~llowinq_traffic conditions: existing traffic, background traff___i_c _background_pius_proiect traffic at uQ.to three phas~s_if_ap.p,licable)_.__f\n~alyze_all__ponts_~f ingress and egr_pss median brc ak~.<~nd turn I,tr~1 s u, oc__it;3rrd ~.v__ith thF__plgpostd_site._ (~, i~~~ln Ri:Vi~v/___K JIC4'J_~flt Iti__[~i1]rl_IY,~rEIIIrTllnB~~dt fOI;_SI~hI (~ilSf:all~i` ISSUeS an(J SITE' CIfCtJatiGn ISSU25. e. t:or>clu_s_ions_ _Provl~l~_~ ~uriihary.nr_j)o~nts of conflict and_c~nge~tiun, Id1 ntifiy _~II, tf>c~rour~hf<ti c linl<5 , rr u~t~rsE_ctipns ~xcc,eding _ti Lev_el cif ~(~rvlcc~ C~ andth~_t!1°rr~ ,t_incre~ !~_in tot<~I traf~l~_produced fw the proposed sllE_plan _Iricnlify_anv,clt~eratloi)~Irroblcrns ~'_~.~_drv_es, m(dian openings, srgl>t I~~,t~,nr~. <~nti ~Ipnalizatlon,~ avlthin_the stuff area. f. Niitic~ati_on_- Traffic levels exceeding Level of Service D, as defined by the HIGHWAY CAPACITY MANUAL (HCM) where the development Is contributing 5% or more of the total trips shall be mitigated to predevelopment levels. Plupl_c~ni.~ ~ien~nrl uat,;~ii y'`:~;Ttr\ can hererr~cted_by__. 1*~___Fl,cr_css,fnan adorns n~ reoulrr lu~~nl~ m ad_drtior to thase,~vided._in ' Artlcl~ 7._', ~nci _,hr ,l_I1 +' of C~ u.EC~ 5 _yTiori E ticTr• ~Fr~ir•i~_DcSi~ r, GIiiDF~INES I I~ltllli t ? ~If'i\c \1:.IV_8rl~ r11E)`i!all_C)1~;tf_n1113SjJaCII~. 2) Modifying.dry-its:!r_int,nsty_of use~e_<~reduction_irl share footage or pct cent a1~z, of a n7meru~,l ~,i~_~~. 3) f'ha~lna con tract n I„~tl' nI11 tir,,al I~ad>~ay c~pacity_bzcom~s ~iVdll~ti~'. 4) C1n SI Irl'1 ~ i;) t i I li .l ,1Ct ~; CC Iiti GIS,R SIC! cif a ~.1. !~ ~jd;u51 nets, and., II r,i; . , i a fat i~_r~r_.I Str.lans bll.y_cl t~ ~3r)d f:ra~ sit users. S Oil tri Ii111 I"'`'.C~ ~ 4 Ins UCllld ~! ~' f.UIl5lrllt!O ~ ri3u>I~Id_V_lunes ) (I,P dc_Ct_ r a~iun. ,d ,Cr I t~tlor lan~:,i 'jnd ~r1 r~ nuta Ian ~. - „flErF the U"I .~;~~(i 1 f'l~i~ I .t!r I__ I nt fa~b ,_, l-E I~~(E { qi' Ifll,~l oMC101 it~1[ir_:_1 t Ylt'rlt~ nCu( iilii ;ICIi ali-'.3111 1 e'h:rc thC,: SUrrVLll1.11~ ~IF_i3_ ~ht.,l'Qc~ 1111 _j_f 111 C~1'V_ IO~Illeflt; g,__Cosls ~i l1ltiy_~tion _r9it1~1!_ion ulli~rg,~f ~)ertTs Fvhich_arf: ~tlr_ibutai>Ir tc . the prppu~ed develof~ml nt shall be funl~ed _a_t the devtlc~per_'s exper~s~, Another irnorovernen~ shor~rr lvhicr are consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan _rna~ re r E:pa d h,y tnc _Ci~in_arordance with its_~osi sharing_~ollr_ies_ 7.5 Signs A. Purpose The purpose of this Section is to establish clear and unambiguous regulations pertaining to signs in the City of College Station and to promote an attractive community, foster traffic safety, and enhance the effective communication and exchange of ideas and commercial information. B. Applicability The City Council recognizes that signs are necessary for visual communication for public convenience, and that businesses and other activities have the right to identify themselves by using signs that are incidental to the use on the ~-zs Unified Development Ordinance 9/z3/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: 7.3 Deleted: 7.10 Inserted: 7.3 Debbad: Traffic Impact Analysis Inserted: Traffic Impact Analysis Deleted: Non-Residential Architectural Standards Deleted: Traffic levels exceeding Level of Service D, where the development is contributing 5% or more of the total trips shall be mitigated to predevelopment levels. Formatted: Font color: Blue Formatted: Font color: Blue, Small caps Formatted: Font color: Blue C......~fla.l• R~.Ilnfe anil IJ~nnMrinn ,...~--_ .-_..__t,--_-..-~.~-_,a.~~..- Deleted: M _ Formatted: Small caps ~i Deleted: and ~ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • Consent Agenda 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Greens Prairie Center, consisting of 89.71 acres located at 1649 Greens Prairie Road in the general vicinity of the east corner of State Highway 40 and Arrington Road. Case #06-500063 (TF/CC) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner Report Date: April 20, 2006 Email: tfletcher(c~cstx.gov Meeting Date: May 5, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500063 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Greens Prairie Center consisting of 89.71 acres located at 1649 Greens Prairie Road in the general vicinity of the east corner of State Highway 40 and Arrington Road. Applicant: Parvis Vessali, Property Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Master Plan. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a Master Plan that consists of five phases and the implementation of the realignment of Arrington Road. The proposed land uses are based on the existing zoning for general commercial and residential uses. • Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Master Plan is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan shows this area to be Regional Retail and a limited area of Single-family Residential Medium Density at the southern corner. On the Thoroughfare Plan, Arrington Road (Major Collector) is shown to realign with the new Arrington Road stub at Greens Prairie Road near the western corner of the property. Item Background: Land within this Master Plan area was annexed in 1983, 1993, and 2002. This area was zoned A-O Agricultural Open upon annexation and was rezoned C-1 General Commercial in January 2006. Neither parcel is platted. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment was approved by City Council on December 15, 2005. Various transportation improvement projects, but no private development has occurred. The Brazos County Rural Fire Station for Precinct 1 will be relocated as development occurs on these parcels. Budgetary & Financial Summary: The application indicates that the "developer will request that the City of College Station fund the design and construction of the Future Arrington Road shown on the plan." Since staff comments to the applicant related to limitations associated with oversize participation, the Master Plan has shown the Future Arrington Road as part of Phase 2A. • Related Advisory Board Recommendations: • Parks and Recreation Board: Not applicable at this time. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES main line on the eastern corner of the property. The western portion of the property is within the Wellborn Special Utlity District CCN for water. Fire flows will be required with development. Water will need to be provided to all subdivided lots. Water lines proposed by the City's Water Master Plan are located on a portion of this tract and are required to be constructed with development. Sewer: There is an existing sanitary sewer main on the western boundary of the property. Sanitary sewer will need to be provided to all subdivided lots. Sewer lines proposed by the City's Sanitary Sewer Master Plan are located on a portion of this tract and are required to be constructed with development. Streets: Arrington Road is a Major Collector on the Thoroughfare Plan and must be extended to its minimum design standard. • Off-site Easements: May be required for extension of utilities shown on the Water and Sanitary Sewer Master Plans. Drainage: Drainage is divided on the property between the Spring Creek and Alum Creek basins. Development must comply with the City's Drainage Policy and Design Standards. Floodplain: The property is not within FEMA designated floodplain. Oversize request: Developer is requesting Oversize Participation for the extension Arrington Road. Impact Fees: A portion of the property is located in the Spring Creek Sewer Impact Fee Area (97-01). Currently, the Impact Fee for this area is $349.55 per Living Unit Equivalent. A portion of the property is located in the Alum Creek Sewer Impact Fee Area (97-02b). Currently, the Impact Fee for this area is $343.38 per Living Unit Equivalent. Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Master Plan (provided in packet) • ~ ,~' n ~ i ~! ~._,I lei r _.' •', n~ f~' ~~,%, / ~ tt •1~ ~''+. ~ ~.';r'i' ',rr ,. . ., '' .. '~ .. r . ~ (~ :~~ ... ..:.... r , ~ I -- - r-- f!) ~, ; ~~~~ .. '..~,~ rI ~ r` ~ ' '`~ ~' W '~ ~ W ~~ ~ ~ i ~? ~ \ z i ~' w /' a `~ . ~ n ~/ ~ ~ i c - --}( • x yt ' ~ :~. r 6i ~ 1 ;r1 f '~'!~, _ . ~ I ~ 4 ~'• t i`. . ~'. - , i ~ ~~ n, i • ~~A ~, '~.~,,~• FOR Ot*KIGE USE,~NLY !'bZ CASE H4.: r - '+ ~~ DATE SUBMITTED: C, •• ~, .~ NfASTER PLAN AP~LICATIOIV The falloin~•ing items rn~ist hP submitted by arr estaGlished tiling deadline data for P & 7 C4rnrni5Sipn CUfr3ider~lli~rr_ .,. a MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: • __~ {'iliriy Fee of 5a0•g:gD. / AopliCatioa cornplt;ted in full. ~~ Thirteelt (13j folded espies of pldrr. (Art's+isad mylar ~rir~insl most be submi!ted after staff revicw.l A copy rrf thf? attached ChCrkllSt a'Ith 211 items c.)tecked eff Or A bnP.f t'xpl<9natinn ~js to why they are nal. N~ ~2eeUr)ing App6cahon if 7~nP rh~ngP is proposed. Date of Requ Ired PreappHcatiort Conference: ~ r~ ~ - ~ ~ PIArnr {~rSUf3rrIV~SIpN ~('r.,~.~ ~~A:s-~~. ~c«~-~er SPECIFIED LOhCATION GF I'h'UF't){~'EL' S JBUIVI51t~N fj ~ ~ ~e^~'n s ~fDr~~e ~ AFFLIG?1NI;F'KU.i(I~.{,1 f•.1ANACiFR'S Ihl`FpFlfrlATlOfit{Fri,tt3rti'GcriSCtftr Jir:Prc~S~:ctr. Na;ne L drV~~ ~~rrj~~l, Str~ret /tddres;~ ~ ~Q Y*~S ~ 'd~rw.t City ~o~~c~[ S~c•~~•eM' r5tate. ~ ~- Z~pCprl~ 7 ~~'~ ~ E-M1nilA~i;Jrcg rrvi2~cSS~~r -,r~~^o~,ca~~t Phone PJurnbei ~ ~ bpi - ~ t~b`~ faY Number 7 b~ - ~ b"~ 1'fli:l'tFt I Y ~1'fti+Nthi'S INt=ORfJIATIlO,,Nt: ~~I~ !1 Name ~ t ~t.G TL8 1~ l Y~ +411~SL ++U~tr~ , ~ ~ F` -a SRreet Rdd ress ~ff~~~(~ ~~ { ~ ~ ~ ~ e •..k e _ Glty ~o~t r~c 7rr ~ca'r State ~4L Zilt C•:sdE _ ~ J ~~t ~ E-~vt~ilAdcifASS ~~,rv.'Lv<Sie`, ~i ltr~.oe, Cover _ PhunF NiimLrr ~ 6~ " ra~~~ l Fix N..1'iDer ~ ~ ~ ~ 9~b AR+.HITECT O:~ ENIGIn'EEP'S( IN~ORMlt'IOV' Kamp ~riC ~ rhr` «2 ~. L. ~t~ c.a~ •SIrFrlltitl4rB~~ 1 {~4~ ~C T•~ ~ ~1,c J ,y, c E-~:1a i l rt•]•yre s s ~~~~Sc ~r~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ t a-+ . irl t T Pho•~c~ Nui'~b^i ~ ~ ~~ 3 F.rr tv•..irb~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~?? :~. ~., •: • • TOTAL ACRFAOE aF SUBDIVISION: ~-1- ~ 2. TOTAL ACREAGE BY ZUIVINC~ UISf KICI TOTAL FLQODPLAIN ACREAGE: ~ UIr'ILL P,~RKL~iND DEDICATION BE A~IET BY ACREAGE 6R F F {CIRCLE ONES of acwa~e, please show Apprcximsto size and location nn plant' REQUESTED VARIANCES TG SUBDIVISIQN REGULATIaNS R REASQN FC}R SQI.tE ~`n'~ REQUESTED OV~(R512E(`PAR4T'ICIPArTIOrN 7~~e ~~~y~~~r~ +~.r ~'' 1''~ ~'{R'+^~~" ~~'~ • ~Yt. C-Te_c;1 LCRIy,l J~'~TC... Y-ri~ ~LP Cl~'.i '~~w G-.=~ tff ^i ~~~, ~jy, y~ 'she ayp+rcaar has AreyareG f1~,s apAr~eHl+cn and ~vrtr~'es ihet the facts stated hem,, and exhiDrts af:achod ~Crf'to ~~rr fn: r..+ric+ r.~,rr[:[.f. Tarr, un~tcrsigr,t:cf hr,-r:hy r+:+;,ar:,s:~ vpf,mv,Yl 8~• +f,tr Lily r,f Cui+eyr. 5tyfxln Ol rl+e abov~e;da+tti/ied~pre+~n , + r ~ ~~~ ~~i~~~~~- ~c ~T ~ ~ t ! a ~ Si na ~ e• * UatP . i.. :...r . • • r . .. ~ 4t is f.i•,y:.~M1U).a,f lilt/.•" AueGl' gPPI l ;ar nr. ,~•+o ~r~s • • MASTER PLAtV MINIMUM REQUtREMEhlTS (ALL CITY QRDINAl1CES MUST 8E METJ INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED T~ THE FOLLOWING; ~sT cr~nce~aFS vn,ir i~ ~G I f Y D C 0P~E3 OF P LAT FAR RLY~L'ri 1, Drawn o:~ 24' x 3~3 sheet tv s~alz of 104` per inch or lanyer. Multiple sheets may k?e reCUired. !. Vicinity map which inclutes enough of si.rrrounding area to sha~,ti• oeneral location of subject prOprrty~ in rr1:tL¢~nship tc GoRr_~r Sl.:1i©n and its G•iy I. imits. No SC2.!C r[:quirr:d but indudc ngrth 3'r4tiY. [~ 3. Title Block with the followirty intarrnation: -,~,d Narne and address ^f subdi•.fider, recorded awner_ planner. engineer and surveyor. NmpasAd name of sUb~ivisinn. Uat~ rf preparation. Q E~c~neer's scale in fee?. Tnla' area intended tr, hr developed. ~. htorth Arrarr ,~ ~f. Subdivision bound3rv intl~ca-ed b)f hEa~ay Iines. 5. f riorc: in,in 1 sheet, an indl:x Yhr:ei fihrnving Cnlirt; suhtlivisiun at ~ sr.K~lt• of ~t~0 fret per inch or larger, ~ 7. Prcpcsed land asps, iril:Illl'flnCj h,Utflt?t ilmltpC!'Ul;1rEGl Ilijltit5-af-,.'ay ~ 8 Prupoaed toninft cltanycs..f Gpaiicdble. ,,~ 3. Proposed drainage development, including the lOCati~n of tree 100 Year I iotydf:la~n and Floodway, ii` applit:ahlt~, .3t:t:t>.nliny to Inc: mn:;l rrx:t:i~l t:V2 13tlle rJat~t. [~ it! Fn•rpnSrd public irnprov~;rn~nts, includi~+y Utz; rro~ iirnitad to parks, schao's. and other auftlic t,,^_rilitirs. ][~ 11 Prr;;tn5tri ftha5int~ rf tirnnr. cirwrlt~pment 1~. t of ~::.rrit:r ~T13rkrrr; .end ;;urve•~+ rr,nnurncnts ;5y symb,~l) ~3nd clearer bod :o bE~t.i[::;i,rve Cats. ~• Yi .. .t ..f Consent Agenda 3.2 Consideration, discussion and possible action on meeting minutes. Apri16, 2006 Workshop Meeting Minutes April 6, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes April 20, 2006 Workshop Meeting Minutes Apri120, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes ` MINUTES Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Thursday, April 6, 2006, at 5:30 p.m. P/av~ingdDrvelapmnrtServira Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafe ;1 Davis, John Nichols, Ken Reynolds, Marsha Sanford and Harold Strom ~~uh' COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Dennis Christi "'~"sen. °w'I,~~~ ~ ~'~„ ~q~ ~ `phi G; CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Berry. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVE ES ~~,'Q~FF PRES~`VT: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer, Crissy Hartl, Senior Pla ~~rs Jennifer Prochazka and Trey Fletcher, Assistant City Engineer n Gibbs, Grac~~'{'~~t~ ,Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh Norton, Transportation P ~~~'" ,~~ Ken Fogle, l~'~i'~ector Joey Dunn, Assistant Director Lance Simms, Planning Intl ~ Casey Page, Staff' „r1'ssistant Lisa Lindgren, City Attorney Harvey Cargill and OTI~ctlon Center. Rc~p>;esentative Brian Cooke. i ~ ~,~,, • 1. Call the meeting to order.' ~'' ~a;~ Chairman Shafer c~ the ~rneetmg to orc~'p~t 5:35 p.m. ~~ .~ d ~ I ~ M1 '.1' 2. Discu I~ ent ai~n egular a~~~cla items. ~, was general ~ ssiori ~ "ding the Preliminary Plat for Aggieland Business Park, Prelimin ' at fo ` ~ Crescent Pointe Subdivision, the Replat for High Ridge y~ vision an !the Variance and Preliminary Plat for Lakeside Village 3. Presentation, p" ble action, and discussion regarding an update of Texas Department of ' ransportation projects in the College Station area. Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner, introduced Chad Boening. Mr. Boening an Advanced Planning Engineer for the Texas Department of Transportation gave a presentation regarding updates on projects that the Texas Department of Transportation is working on in College Station area. . 4. Presentation, possible action and discussion on an item to update the Commission on the status of items within the P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). P&Z Minutes Workshop Agenda April 6, 2006 Page 1 of 3 This item was not discussed at the meeting. C, • • 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.2.K Alternative Parking Plans. This item was not discussed at the meeting. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a ~ date to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.2 J Alternative Par ' ~ lan . This item was not discussed at the meeting. ti rypp ~;~;, 7. Presentation and discussion regarding an upc~te on the This item was not discussed at the meeting '~~ ~~~ 8. Presentation, possible action, ~ , d discussion Upcoming Meetings. 'i,!~I II ~o~,~uu~','ryff y, itl~ur~i~~l'u"~Ilu'~~a~~~~~~~'~ iii, ~h uiGll~~~ ui~,.i • April 22 2006 ~ Dedication cei~~nony~' ~~~ ~'~';h ~~ ,~~ Earth Day present nand relate~h~;ts. • ., ~ , o• Apri122-26 2 ~ ~ ;National nferer • ~ ~w I;~ FI i~ ~f il. o• October 18 ~'~ ~ X006 A State C~ feren ,,,„, , , This item was not ~`g~xding the P&Z Calendar of t ~'~ 1~~~1f Pert' Creek Trail Systems and "'San Antonio, Texas Corpus Christi, Texas 9. Di ~sion and" ~ le a o future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning r may inq ~ bout ject for which notice has not been given. A state of specific al ' :' ormation or the recitation of existing policy may be given. , deliberati shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for '~~~ ~'~~seque meeting. Commissioner ~is suggested a future agenda item regarding a list of trustworthy sources to work~on projects within the City of College Station and a list of options for courses of action that the Commission could take on projects before the fact instead of having to come up with a solution to the problem after the fact. Commissioner Nichols expressed interest in a list of the top three and the bottom three items that have come before the Commission in the past few years. P&Z Minutes Workshop Agenda April 6, 2006 Page 2 of 3 10. Adjourn. • Commissioner Sanford motioned to adjourn. seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission ,: ~~ ~., ~~ Attest: • it ~i ~=~~~' , ~~`y ~~~F, "s ~i ~, ~ ' ,,: r .r~~ C~ rti Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistant ~,, `'~ ~:~;~, ~~`' Planning and Development Services ~~~~'I;~~ ,~7 ~~"~~. u ~ ,1~'~. P&Z Minutes Workshop Agenda April 6, 2006 Commissioner Davis Page 3 of 3 '~ MINUTES • Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, April 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas ~~ INuom~u~~ COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafe ill Davis, John Nichols, Ken Reynolds, Marsha Sanford and Harold Strong. ~~,,~~~i~i~IliOQ~~ ~~~ ~~~'' ,. ~u,;;l ''Ij1~°~,, "'~Iq~~, ~~ ~~II~!iil' COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Dennis Christiansen. ,~ , ~~~I!Hi ~ p~ ~,, CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy, Berry. ~'ry;li~; I~,II~i,~~ V~,~~~' STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer, and Crissy Hartl, Senior Planners Jennifer Prochazka and Trey Fletcl~,er, Assistant Ciry''Engineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter andJ'o'sh,, Norton, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Director Joey Dunn, Assistant Director ~-a~~!~ ~, ~imms, Planning Intern Casey Page, Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren, City Attorney ~aiv~'y~~~~,,;;Cargill and OTIS Action Center • Representative Brian Cooke. 1. Call meeting to order, Chairman Shafer called chi mcc~in,g to order °~j~~~'~~~OS p.m. ~., ~; U!° 2. Hear ''~..~,% ~ ~ ~' spoke at this' ~'~` ,~'I' ~ i 3. Consen4~!' nda. '~li!"~ ~,~ 3.1 Consi 'or~~tscussion and possible action on meeting minutes. • Marclrl, 2006 ~ Workshop Meeting Minutes • March 16, 2006 ~ Workshop Meeting Minutes • March 16, 2006 ~ Regular Meeting Minutes 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Sendera Subdivision, consisting of 23 lots on approximately 98.7 acres located on FM 2154, just south of Bentwood Estates in the City's ETJ. Case #06-500008 (JR/CC) • P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Apri16, 2006 Page 1 of 6 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Indian Lakes • Phase VIII, consisting of 36 lots on 69.67 acres, generally located southeast of the intersection of Indian Lakes Drive and Chaco Canyon Drive, in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case #06-500047 (JP/CC) 3.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Aggieland Business Park consisting of 17 lots on 117.48 acres located at 5942 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy generally located at the northwest corner of FM 60 and Jones Road in the College Station ETJ. Case #06-500048 (TF) Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the consel tllll''~~,~ia. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). ,,,,, IIIIII!IIIIIII~~ I ~Illlii;,,, Regular Agenda. -i!III "'~I!li;llf'"Ii~~ I'jgll ~~II~IIIijj~~liul 4. Consideration, discussion and possible action on requests for absenclllll~l~ '~ meetings. I~t~~ ~~~I~Ii;~,, ,,h Scott Shafer ~- May 4, 2006, Workshop & Re~l~r 1V;~ee~~ • Scott Shafer ~ May 18, 2006, Workshop & Reg~y~lleeting • Scott Shafer ~ June 1, 2006, VGF~~kshop & Regular:„feting I, I,I~, ~, k.,,. • Dennis Christiansen ~ April 6, ~~, ~~,,,~X/orkshop & Regular Meeting • John Nichols -r play 18, 2006, V~'~i~k~ho~ Regular Meeting ~,~ ~,~~~a~~~~~~ • John Nichols ~ June 1, 2006, Wor~'~~op 8' i '~ ~r Meeting • I ~ Iii ~~ ~ ~i~li u ~ Ili ~liii~lll ~ ~ I ,~ I'' ' ~ ~~, ~ iillil!Ij ll!I ~ Commissioner D~i~is mo~oped to appr+r~ve the absence requests. Commissioner Sanford secon~~~~,;,,the mote, motion p~~sed (6-0). rl ~~I ~Ilq'I~pP~ 5. Consideration, disco ~` ssible acd ~ In on items removed from the Consent Agenda ~~,~,~,nissio~ on. "` ~ ,d~lli I. fr.~.. N ~., "ms were re fro ~~,consent agenda. _~ 6. ~'res 'on, possible 'on, argil discussion on a variance from Section 8-K.1 (Lots) of the Su ~ 'ion Regula s for Lakeside Village Subdivision, and presentation, possible action, and ~ ussion o Preliminary Plat consisting of 561ots on 13.79 acres generally located alon pro sed extension of Eagle Avenue and west of Longmire Drive. Case #06-500 /CC) Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, presented the Variance and Preliminary Plat. Mr. Fletcher stated that no phone calls were received and the item is not for a public hearing. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the Variance request shown in Block 3, but not approve the Variance request in Block 1 and asked that the applicant work with staff prior to the Final Plat to modify Block 1. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motion passed (5-1). Commissioners Shafer, Nichols, Sanford, Davis and Reynolds were in favor of the motion; Commissioner Strong was opposed to the motion. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Apri16, 2006 Page 2 of 6 Commissioner Davis motioned to request that when the Preliminary Plat comes back before the Planning and Zoning Commission, that changes be made to • include Right-of--Way dedication within the subdivision boundary lines indicated by heavy lines and the computed acreage of the subdivision; add a note to the plat to state that common areas will be maintained by a Homeowners Association (HOA); and, that pedestrian and bikeway access easements be granted from Block 2 to Eagle Avenue and from Block 3 to the future bike trail on the greenways. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to a Master Plan for Crescent Pointe consisting of 137.14 acres located at 3500 University Drive East in the general vicinity of University Drive, State Highway 30, C erfield Parkway, and Crescent Pointe Parkway. Case #06-500025 (LB/JN) ,,,,~IIIIIII~"" ~~°""~~~ Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the Master Pla~~d'iil~!I~~~-itnended approval. Stewart Kling, Kling Engineering, 4101 Texas tlvenue';'' College"'f~';~ion, Texas. 1~Ir. Kling answered questions in general from Commissioners regarding""~~~u~~~l' ,,gdifficulty with financing for the project, the PI/IUD requirements and access. i~~,~~~~~ ~iiii~~'" ~. .111 "~,~,,, Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve`~i,the Master Plan as presented. Commissioner Reynolds se~Onded the motion, motion passed (4-2). Commissioners Shafer, Nichol ~'~~~i~~~,~nolds and Sanford voted in favor of the i~~ ~~~;,il~ motion; Commissioners Davis and;~~$'~~,~~i~ voted in opposition of the motion. ;, ~~;, 8. Presentation, possible action, and disci~~,io~, on a Pf;',, "' ary Plat for Crescent Pointe ~ ~. Subdivision consisting of 16:lots on 137 ~; ~-acres loca~i~~300 University Drive East in the general vicinit;~ of Coppe~field Park~~~~ between University Drive East and State Highway 30. Cdse ~#06-500 4 (LB/JN) ,. iii Lindsay ~ Staff tier; p~eset~te the Preliminary Plat stating that it is in ~~ . com Sub Division requirements, the Comprehensive Plan and th rrent and pr ~ d zo ,. 'stxicts on the property. Com ~~~oner Reyn motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat as submitted with th .`~:l:~ndition staff review comments are satisfied. Commissioner Sanford se'~ed the,. otion, motion passed (6-0). 9. Public hearing, p , entation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning for Crescent Pointe Subdivision consisting 137.14 acres located at 300 University Drive East in the general vicinity of Copperfield Parkway between University Drive East and Harvey Road from M-1, Light Industrial to a combination of C-1, General Commercial, A-P, Administrative Professional, and R-4, Multi-Family. Case #06-500003 (LB/JN) Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the Rezoning and recommended approval of the Rezoning if the amendment to the Master Plan was approved, with the condition that no fence or wall be built between the park and the adjacent R-4 Lots. • No one spoke at the public hearing. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Apri16, 2006 Page 3 of 6 Commissioner Nichols motioned to recommend to City Council approval of the Rezoning with the condition that no fence or wall be built between the park and • adjacent R-4 Lot as stated in the staff report. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion denied (2-4). Commissioners Nichols and Sanford voted in favor of the motion; Commissioners Strong, Reynolds, Davis and Shafer voted in opposition of the motion. 10. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Replat for High Ridge Subdivision consisting of 3 lots on 8.138 acres located at 1201 Earl Rudder Freeway South, generally located on the east side of the freeway between Harvey Road and University Drive. Case #05-500090 (LB/CC) :~,iiiiillliim,,,. Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the Repla ~ ~~I~ that the plat was in compliance with all of the City of College Statio :~ S ~ ' sion Regulations and '','1~;~~ i~l,ll~li~ recommended approval of the Replat ,.,,,, i~ ~ ~'i~,~, Ali ~~~~~i No one spoke at the public hearing. ~''~ll~~'~14^~~ ~i~ll~~iII~IIiIIIIIIi iii i~~ Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the F~,~jtal,~Plat Replat ''~'' ~ presented. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, rrigUpri passed (6-0). .,~. . ~ii!~iii~ ~' ', 11. Public hearing, presentation, possi~~e action, and discussion on a Rezoning from C-1 General Commercial to C-1 General ~`dmtti'e cial with the RED Redevelopment overlay district for the Culpepper Plaza consisting o~19 1~ cres located at 1505 Texas Avenue South, or the northeast corner of Harvey Rtlad a~i~~;~~"~'~~~"as Avenue. Case #05-500222 ;;,,~~ Trey Fletcher ,SeE'~i~r Planned' presented th~i eaoning and stated that a thorough set of ' ~ 'h ;w,1D~~~ reviews had been cu3i: ted~' ~ r to a site lan coming forward for a Conditional Use Permit. ~ tcher s ~ ~d ~o ~t~e s~ reviewed were the elevations in compliance ~,~~~ with ~~~ ~ nti tectural ~andards and stated that staff was comfortable ba on the app 's lev ,^co . pliance and what they would seek relief for from ign Review He~ ~ stated that staff had looked at the following: throat depth ~. ~ ~~ g off of s Av nue, access points which have been reviewed with the Texas ent of sportation, parking lot configurations fox spaces, dimensions and circula ~ m.. and th andscane. Mr. Fletcher stated that those were the Site Plan components o govern the redevelopment of the site. He also stated that there were waivers b requested but that the project is substantially compliant. Mr. Fletcher reco ded approval of the requests with the waivers requested. Veronica Morgan, 511 University Drive, College Station, Texas; Robert Scott, 3901 Bellaire, Houston, Texas. Ms. Morgan and Mr. Scott spoke in favor of the Rezoning. Commissioner Davis motioned for approval of the Rezoning from C-1, General Commercial to RDD, Redevelopment Overlay District with all staff comments and the variances as requested and presented. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). • P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Apri16, 2006 Page 4 of 6 12. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a possible recommendation to City Council regarding streetscaping in the City of College Station. • Case #06-500049 (JD) Joey Dunn, Director, presented the recommendation on streetscaping. After general discussion, Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the recommendation regarding streetscaping and forward it to City Council. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 13. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion arding a thoroughfare plan amendment in the area bound by State Highway 6, Ro ., ~~'1'r l~l"i' ~e Road, and Greens Prairie Road. Case #06-500039 (KF) .,~~~Ii~~I~llllnlliou,. Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner presented the thord4'hfare 1~ mendment. '' ~ i!I"i~~i~ ~~~ No one spoke at the public hearing. - ~' ~~I~I'~V~~~~, '~~'!~~Il~~i~ii~t ~; i~~r, Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the thrt~~ghfare plan,~;,amendment. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, tntiti,on passed (6-0). 14. Public hearing, presentation, possible actic~r~, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, ~ectto~ ,x.15 ldininistrative Adjustments. Case #05-500023 (JP) ~ ~' • Jennifer Prochazk~ Senioi` .Planner p~~,sented the amendment to Section 3.15 Administrative Ae~tlstments~~ta; the Unified evelopment Ordinance. '~1~4 ~I'i l~ili~~uLl i No one spoke at the pu ~_ jie~l~g ~~~ ..,, ~ Co issionei~' ' 's ned to approve the amendment as presented. issioner Str eco emotion, motion passed (6-0). 15. Public ' "~ ,present n, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified ment ,;; rdinance, Section 7.3, Access Management & Circulation, related to dri s. ,~F~,B se #05-500023 (JP) Jennifer Prochazlla, Senior Planner, presented the amendment to Section 7.3, Access Management and Circulation to the Unified Development Ordinance. No one spoke at the public hearing. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the amendment as presented. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 16. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Sections 7.2.F-H, Off Street Parking Standards, related • to surfacing and curbs. Case #05-500023 (JP) P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Apri16, 2006 Page 5 of 6 Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the amendment to Section 7.2F-H, Off Street Parking Standards to the Unified Development Ordinance. • No one spoke at the public hearing. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the amendment as presented. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 17. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.1 General Provisions to address building permits /setbacks and porches policy issues. Case #05-500023 (TF) ~~~~ Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, presented the amend to Section 7.1 General Provisions to the Unified Development Ordinance. ,,;illlil~~~~II~I"''~,Ili~~iliV~o~, No one spoke at the public hearing. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the amendme InI~I~I~~~~;~~~', resented. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion~k motion gassed (6-0) ~~~~~ ~~i'i,,~~ ;~~ 18. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinari'~e, Section 7.8 Solid`Waste. Case #05-500023 (TF) ~~'il ii i Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, preseritec~~ the ~ndincnt to Section 7.8 Solid Waste to the Unified Development Ordinance. • No ones oke at the ublic hearin . p P g ~i ~~ Commissioner Nichols r~citioned to a~ 'i~''ove the amendment as presented. Commissioner Davis Secc~nde~; the tnot}c~, motion passed (6-0). ~W '''r`~~~I~~Ir~jl ~; 19.Adjo } ~~,iN:ry ' ~q~. ~!F 1~~~~~~ ~ ~ ''~'- '~o ~ sinner Rey ' s mo>~oned to adjourn. Commissioner Davis seconded the m' motion ed 6-0 . ,,,!,F~~;Lir~.,. Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: • Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistant Planning and Development Services P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Apri16, 2006 Page 6 of 6 • • .~ MINUTES Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Thursday, April 20, 2006, at 5:00 p.m. P/anningdDeve/apmentServica Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Dennis Bill Davis, John Nichols, Ken Reynolds, Marsha Sanford and Harold COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. ' "~~" "+~~~a~i~~~~4.h. I~~ r PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staf ~~,~~' ~ '' s Lindsay Boyer, Jennifer Reeves and Crissy Hartl, Senior ~~an ; ~xs Jenrvfer Prochazka an ;;~ '~ ey Fletcher, Assistant Ciry Engineer Alan Gibbs Graduate Civil ~ngu},e s Carol Cotter an Josh Norton Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Director Joey Dunn, As~,t~ t Director Lance Simms, Mapping Coordinator Sven Griffin GIS Techru "; : Adrian Welch "Development Coordinator Bridgette George, Planning Intern Casey Page, Sta ~ I , ~~Xs~~~nts Jessica Kramer and. Lisa Lindgren, Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson and OTIS Action Ce~~~~y~~epresentative, Brian Cooke. 1. Call meeting to order. ~y~i Chairman Scott. Shafer cal'icd;rhe meeting t';order at 5 ~~12p.m. 2. Discussion of col (~]~~ and ar a enda ite~'~'~~ '1j1'"'~ items for Rock Prairie Baptist Church, Wolf Pen 3. '''"'" " tation, possili'~{~I tion a „; 'discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the sta items within1ryry P&Z'' lan of Work (see attached). (LS) Lance S~ Assista hector, presented the plan of work. IIIIIIII~I 4. Presentation, ~ le action and discussion regarding the Planning & Zoning Commission agenda prepara n process. (LS/BG) Lance Simms, Assistant Director, and Bridgette George, Development Coordinator, gave a presentation regarding the agenda and notification process. 5. Presentation, possible action and discussion related to an update on the Bryan Comprehensive Plan. (JP) • Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the update on the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Bryan. P&Z Minutes Workshop Agenda April 20, 2006 Page 1 of 3 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.4 Signs. (LB) • Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the updates for the Sign section of the Unified Development Ordinance. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.2.K Alternative Parking Plans. (KF) Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner, presented the updates for th~l;~~lternative Parking Plans section of the Unified Development Ordinance. ,, ~~~~~~; ~, ~~.,uyui;~m,„ 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regar ~ ~~"""~il~ update to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.2.J Drive-Through ~ euing ' ements. (KF) h;;, Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner, presented the updates rega iI'~~ Drive Through Queuing Requirements section of the Unified g6velopmgnt Ordinance. '~~r'~i,~h ~ , ~~ !~~ " ~ q~~l~rh '~r,l. ., i;~~lj 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion ~~~;"~~ , upr~~t~'~t;;,~o the Unifies Development Ordinance (UDO) regarding Land Use Issues. (Tr~' i, ,' , Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, pre~~j~~tecj,the updates for the, Land Use Issues section of the Unified Development Ordinance. ,.,.~ i 10. Presentation, possible action and discu~~ion c~i~ an~u~ '; ~{„ent to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section ~.7 ~?esign District l~~m~usional S ~ ards. • `q ,,,' Jennifer Proc~i~~~a, Senior Planner, pry' ~~ nted the updates for the Design District Dimensional Staid s sec em of the Unifie~~ ~" ~~ ;~~elopment Ordinance. 11. Prese y~ d disc regardin~, ari tx~i'date on the Northgate Ordinance. (JD) .~~a~ Iii ~I(~~~~II~„ Imu~,,. .. . Dunn, Dire'~Ill~resen',,~;pdate on the Northgate Ordinance. 12. Pr~'~~~ation, possibT~~~~~'tion,,'~nd discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Api 2~(~I~~ ~ Dedication ceremony for the Wolf Pen Creek Trail Systems and Earth II~~ esentation and related events. April 221 6, 2006 ~ APA National Conference, San Antonio, Texas October 18-20, 2006 ~ APA State Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas Joey Dunn, Director, went over the upcoming calendar of events. Mr. Dunn also stated that there will be a joint workshop meeting with P&Z and City Council and that when a date is confirmed the Commission would be notified. 13. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member • may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. P&Z Minutes Workshop Agenda April 20, 2006 Page 2 of 3 • Commissioner Reynolds asked for staff to work with someone to come up with ideas on how we can improve neighborhood designs for residential and multi-family development. Commissioner Sanford also asked if the Commission could get a report on the APA National Conference. CJ :7 14. Adjourn Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn. Cor motion, motion passed (7-0). Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: ~+~~1.Y,i Ghh~~qq ~~~~i~~I~hiTi~~~~r' Ill~~~~:,,, Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistant ~~~~I;j ~ ~~~ Planning and Development Services ~~, i~~~~~yu ipiu~~ ;,,n P&Z Minutes Workshop Agenda April 20, 2006 nded the Page 3 of 3 • MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Crrc~~, c~F~ C~)L.LEGE ST.rtiTi~~cv f'~rrurir~ t$ tkatelcip»trnt ,~eruirr't COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Sha, e~; '.~j~nnis Christiansen, Bill Davis, John Nichols, Ken Reynolds, Marsha Sanford anc(`arold ~1xQng. a-~_ COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. , ~;, G ~il~~! CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: ~'~i~~~ , None ~~~~~~~i~~,I, STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer, J~~ifer Reeves and Crissy Hartl, Senior Planners Jennifer Prochazka``and Trey Fletcher; ~ sistant City Engineer Alan ~, ~~,, Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol''. Cotter and Josh ~ ,Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Director Joey Dunn, Assistant Director Lance Si , ~ s, Planning Intern Casey Page, Staff Assistants Jessica Kramer arid. Lisa Lindgren, Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson and OTIS Actit~~,~~,~~ter Representative BrianCooke. 1. Call at 7:04 p.m. 2. ~r Citizens':' spoke durill,this i 3. 3.1. Present~~f'Y possible action and discussion on a Final Plat for Horse Haven Phase 2, consi rng of 9 lots on 1.97 acres generally located at Earl Rudder Freeway and Horse Haven Lane. Case #04-283 (JP/JN) 3.2. Presentation, possible action and discussion on a Final Plat for Horse Haven Phase 3, consisting of 54 lots on 14.43 acres, generally located at Eazl Rudder Freeway and Horse Haven Lane. Case #04-270 (JP/JN) • Apri120, 2006 P&Z Regulaz Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 • 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Indian Lakes Phase VIII, consisting of 36 lots on 69.67 acres, generally located southeast of the intersection of Indian Lakes Drive and Chaco Canyon Drive, in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case #06-500047 (JP/CC) 3.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Aggieland Business Park consisting of 17 lots on 117.48 acres located at 5942 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy generally located at the northwest corner of FM 60 and Jones Road in the College Station ETJ. Case #06-500048 (TF~ ,~:~,. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the conse~~ ~nda. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0~. Re ul~ ar A eg nda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible ac ='~i~~Illlolllln'~Ilitems removes( from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. ,,,~;,~~il~;;j~~;l~;ll;~,. ,I~ I V~Iil~;li~l I~;II114 ~i~U~~'I'~li~ur~~~.,_ No items were removed from the consent agel~~a. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a conc~~t /site plan for previously approved Conditional Use Permit for the} Wolf Pen ~ ~~'~~k`(WPC) Condos in the WPC Design District consisting of 7.61 acres. locate'I'~~at 305 Holleman Dr. E., • generally located on the north side of Hallemarr between George Bush Drive East and Dartmouth ~~'~~~~Il,yi~i~' se #06-500001 (TF/CC) IIIIIII'ff~~ii~ii ~ ~I~IIi., Trey Fletch'~~'~~I~~I ~~'' for Pl i C~ ~ er, presented` ~ item. m"II~I i,, i Ilpl ~ ~~~~i~~lll~~~l~'i ~lii I ~ ~~ ,, ,~ ~~;o;~ Co er N'i s ~~>~~ I;IiI to approve the item. Commissioner ~~ ~' s is ' and emotion, motion passed (7-0). 6 ,~,,,~~~~°', 'c hearing, p' Sec 18 of the Resid Subdivi~ discussio a Re consisting Columbus Str ~ C tatior~~~l!III'~ossible action, and discussion on a Variance to divis~'on Regulations (Platting & Replatting Within Older ns) and public hearing, presentation, possible action, and of Lots A & B, Block 2, Prairie View Heights Subdivision, on 0.293 acres, generally located north of and adjacent to ase #06-500055 (JP/CC) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the request for the Variance and the Replat. Ms. Prochazka recommended approval of the variance request and recommended approval of the replat if the variance request was approved. She stated that several phone calls had been received regarding the property, but none of the calls were in objection to the replat. 3'erry Smith, 803 Pace, College Station, Texas. Mr. Smith spoke in favor of the • variance and replat. Apri120, 2006 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 • Commissioner Sanford motioned to approve the variance request. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the replat. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Replat of Nantucket Subdivision Phase 2, a Final Plat of Nantucket Subdivision Phase 7, and a Final Plat of South Hampton Subdivision Phase 4, collectively consisting of 21 lots on 15.99 acres, generally located at the southwest co er of State Highway 6 West Frontage Road and Nantucket Drive. Case #06-60 ' (~P/CC) ,~z~ Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the replat~ofNantucket Subdivision Phase 2, the Final Plat for Nantucket Subdivision Phase 7, end the Final Plat for South Hampton Subdivision Phase 4. Ms. I„'~ ~~~~,azka recoiriinended approval of the plat as submitted. She stated that the,;~~'~at was m compliance' with the zoning, the preliminary plat, and the Concep~, ~,~,~~ill I ,iI,,I and th~t the plat was in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. ~~~~!~il~~~i r~ ~Ii~~!~~,,, i ul~n h... i~i~ulli ~ Miles Orin, 1209 Winddnft. ;Cove, College 5f~~ n, Texas.; Joe Powell, 1605 Harpers Feny, College Station, Texas; Glenn ~ ~ ers, 1609 Harpers Ferry, College Station, Texas; Pat Kulcfien, 1503 Fairha~;i ~i;,,;.Cove, College, College Station, Texas; Paul Bollin, 12x7 Winddrtft ,Cove, ,,,, ~~~ollege Station, Texas; all ~. W spoke in opposition of the replat. Some'of the~~,Fconcerns were access and roads "~ ' Il~j~l~~.~ in and out of th~~~~~~~;;llt"!~'~ ~ ldlife preservation, the size of lots and homes being built, timely notif ~ 'fi°n of~~ ; ~~' replat, and'-time constraints in order for residents to review the~>~'N~;~nary ~ and replat. Joe ~ ~ ~ 3208""'~' ' roo~';1°!~'~1'~~'' ~'~"'"Station, Texas and Phyllis Hobson, 9304 C ~ wic , ~ e S ~ Texas, both spoke in favor of the replat. l to approve the final plat of Phase 7, which 9. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, mo Commissi~'' ~ ~ ~'avis motioned for approval of the final plat of South Hampton P e 4, Lots 7-14, which excludes Lots 5 and 6. Commissioner Sanford sec' nded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Commissioner Davis motioned to deny the replat of Nantucket Subdivision Phase 2 as submitted due to the notification error. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (6-1). Commissioners Sanford, Nichols, Christiansen, Shafer, Davis and Strong were in favor of the motion. Commissioner Reynolds opposed the motion. • Apri120, 2006 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 • 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Rezoning from A-O Agricultural-Open to C-3 Light Commercial consisting of one lot on 3.67 acres located at the southeast corner of State Highway 40 and Barron Road. Case #06-500053 (TF/JN) Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, presented the rezoning and recommended approval. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0) :., ~~: 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and dis -ion on an amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for approximate" I: ~ res from Floodplain to Retail Regional for the area generally located stS,~thwes~`~~''? ~., the intersection of future Decatur Drive and future Arrington Ro,~;t~~~!~~il~a~e #06-SIUp`~69 (LB) Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, present~,~',,;, I~;I~iil'item. ~,I;, ~~ ~~ ,~I I~uIV~ I,:~II ~~I~' , ~i ~u~~I w4~,, `~'' Chuck Ellison, 2902 Camille Drive, Colleg~~,~,~~,,,~ ~n, Texas and Joe Schulz, 3208 Ensbrook, College Station, Texas spoke in ~''~~~,; r of the amendment to the ~ ,~ Comprehensive Land Use Plan... ~I'I ij~~~l ,, Commissioner Nichols motioned to ...approve ,t1~ie amendment to the • Comprehensive Land Use Plana Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, mohoi~ ~~~'~u~i~~~l ~~ 7-0). 10. Public heari'~~ senta ~ n, possible a~X~n, and discussion on a rezoning for ~~ ~ Spring Creek co 'n ~II~Il~t on 28`~ acres located at 4300 SH 6 S in the gener of tur~ ' ; ~'~~(~'~on of Decatur Drive and Arrington Drive, so es exis tersection of Alexandra Avenue and Decatur Drve m R-4, Mul ily, ~ gricultural Open, and R-1, Single Family to R-1, ~~~'~~~~ e Family R ntial, , ~~- Administrative Professional, and C-1, General Co cial. Case -500' 29 (LB/CC) v Lindsa i ier, St Planner, presented rezoning and recommended approval. Chuck Ellisod2902 Camille Drive, College Station, Texas. Mr. Ellison spoke in favor of the ' ezonin~. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). L` Apri120, 2006 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 • 11. Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). • • Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistant Planning and Development Services Apri120, 2006 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Regular Agenda 5 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a variance from Section 8- K.1 (Lots) of the Subdivision Regulations for Lakeside Village Subdivision, and presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat consisting of 56 lots on 13.79 acres generally located along the proposed extension of Eagle Avenue and west of Longmire Drive. Case #06-500012 (TF/CC) • C.IT~r' OF COLI.ECaE STA7FI~~N PLANNING 8~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM Report Date: 4-19-2006 Meeting Date: 5-4-2006 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: TREY FLETCHER, PROJECT MANAGER Email: tfletcher(a~cstx.gov • SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT for LAKESIDE VILLAGE PP 06- ( ) ( 00500012) Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a variance from Section 8-K.1 (Lots) of the Subdivision Regulations for Lakeside Village Subdivision, and presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat consisting of 56 lots on 13.79 acres generally located along the proposed extension of Eagle Avenue and west of Longmire Drive. Applicant: Ron Lagrone / Lagrone Construction Co. -Property Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat if the variance request is granted by the Commission. Item Summary: As recently presented to the Commission on April 6, 2006, one of the two parts of the variance requested was considered favorably to the applicant. The right angle lot condition that was of concern to the Commission in Block 1 has been reconfigured. Still, this item is for the consideration of a variance request to the Subdivision Regulations regarding the • Home of Texas A&M University • configuration of the lots, and a preliminary plat for the Lakeside Village Subdivision. The single-family residential development consists of a single phase and lots vary from 5,000 to 15,245 square feet. Section 8-K.1 of the Subdivision Regulations states that "an arrangement placing adjacent lots at right angles to each other shall be avoided." Right angle lots occur at one location (Block 3) in the proposed development, where according to the applicant, alternatives have been considered. The Subdivision Regulations Section 5-A state that "The Commission may authorize a variance from the regulations when, in their opinion, undue hardship will result from requiring strict compliance. In granting a variance, the Commission shall prescribe only conditions that it deems not prejudicial to the public interest. In making the findings hereinbefore required, the Commission shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of the land involved, the existing used of the land in the vicinity, the number of persons who will reside or work in the proposed subdivision, the possibility that a nuisance will be created, and the probable effect of such variance upon traffic conditions and upon public health, convenience, and welfare of the vicinity. No variance may be granted unless the Commission finds: 5-A.1 That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this • chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; 5-A.2 That the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; 5-A.3 That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter; and 5-A.4 That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter." Additionally, block lengths exceed 800 feet in both sections of the planned subdivision. Per Section 8-J of the Subdivision Regulations, "In blocks over 800 feet in length, there may be required, near the center of the block, an access way...An access way may be required at the end of a cul-de-sac to facilitate pedestrian traffic movement." No access ways are proposed, but may be required by the Commission. Per direction given by the Commission on April 6, 2006, two pedestrian access ways (PAWS) have been integrated. The area containing Blocks 1 and 2 will be a gated community. As noted on the plat, a Homeowners Association (HOA) will be established to maintain the private street and associated common areas in accordance with Section 8-W of . the Subdivision Regulations. Home of Texas A&M University Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan projects Single- family Residential Medium Density uses for this and surrounding parcels. The parent tract is bisected by Longmire Drive. A short segment of Eagle Avenue will be extended through the development of this parcel. Longmire Drive is a Major Collector and runs north-south connecting Barron Road to FM 2818. Eagle Avenue is a Minor Collector and runs east-west ultimately connecting the SH 6 Frontage Road to the SH 40 Frontage Road. The southwest corner of the parcel is adjacent to a Lick Creek tributary. As such, this Floodplain /Streams area is planned to have a bike path adjacent to the creek. Budgetary & Financial Summary: OP for the 12-inch water line along Eagle Avenue will be requested. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: Parks Board: The City Manager or his designee is authorized to accept the Fee for dedications of less than three (3) acres where: • There is a sufficient amount of parkland existing in the park zone of the proposed development; or • The proposed dedication is insufficient for a Neighborhood Park site under existing park design standards. Commission Action Options Regarding the Variance Requests: The Commission must consider each variance request prior approving the preliminary plat. The options regarding the variance request are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the preliminary plat. The options regarding the preliminary plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Attachments: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Infrastructure and Facilities 4. Copy of Preliminary Plat (provided in packet) 5. P&Z Minutes for the 4-6-2006 meeting (provided at meeting) • Home of Texas A&M University ~~~~~i~ ,j ,~ C;i-r~• ~F Ct».lrc, c Sr~~ru~K UA I E SU6AV: rtu_ P;u+aujC'IktYlnymr+v~ 4nra PR~LII~IINARY PLAT APPLICATION The Irllawiny ile+r+S +F+U3t Ix: $uFrr:ttr:ii hy:ln establ+shed filing dti~~line clalu Fvr P 8 7 ~'iUfT7~T7lSSI(m conSi[fer3tlOr+. MIh~IMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS; l~J J '~ Filing Fee of $d0il-QO. ~,~ ;t:iri;+rare. Requost to ;ivkxtivisian Hetlul:+liuns ~- $ic)0 of applir7blc} ~_ Application eo+repletGci in tall. ~ tt+irtc..n (13) falded copies of plat. (Q rQVised myl:+r uri,iin~~+l must he sat~mitted after staff review.) hi~~ Qrre { } j cofry of the appravcci f+4astcr Ptan if applicat>le, ,~,._ A Cupy of the ettaChed checklist wi(J'r c+lt items Checkpci affor a tjriCf expt3nativrt as to wrhy lh~y are rlrit. ~- Running llpplit;aiion it Tune chHnye Is prupnsAd. Parkland Ue~ication requirement approved by the Parks ~ keCrealiort Boarrj, please provide proof of approval (if a~,pl9c.abie). 'PendinK ©ate of Preapplication Conference: ;~ mar goo NAh1EOF SUt3UiVISION t.erkeaidP b': 1 ]are Subu~i:;lUi+ SF'1=CIFIED Lt}CAI IUN t]F f'F{DPUSED SUBHIVI3IC}N , . [;cst 3idr uL Lua1~u+Fre llr. betsattit ~~,1c kvP _ and 7lridl a {~:ier• At'PLICANT~H(~,1ECT MANAGER'S INFCRMF~TION tF'rimary Contact far the Project): N,mu L{vu Lagroue StreetAddrrss +~F~n~ r.a~,lt.~ r~~~rr St:+1Fi 1'aaas lip f~nrJc? 7; 845 .. .. I'honeNwnln~r 9?9.8'Lq,459Y I'ROf'ERTY O'aVNtl'd'S INFORh7ATfON fAt.t p multiple owr~rsf: Ndr~lE! i.d~;rr>ne l:Ul15CL'l1iL~.:J1L l:u. SineetAd~Jrc., 46U3 Gssldi~ C~~urt Slate 'f~X•~~ Z+p Cade 'iA~S I'horae Numt+r~r 979. F91~.01li2 _ City rr~~la~a fitartr~n E-P.iail Address F:~x Nun+~ber wrrcrs rust t+c idaniipect, Please ;~[Lach an aQditiunal sheet for _._...__-_-- • ~, City C.alleKe !-Laliuu E-hlailAddress Lagrcn~~~cox.nc~ __- Fax tdumt~er }i9.5~JU,5153Z ARCHITECT C?R ENGINEER'S INFC<RMATI~N, Name _ C5C: ,trpl;~rie el: ~.nG & r:ny irontuental Consvlt:snte;. IllL'. ';h~~tAr3dr~CSS 3411! T~bm- Rn:~ri _ f.ity _l~rya+i Stah~ ~:exas ~itr C:ad~~ i lBCB E-A1ai! AddrQSS c~~~~x~~yh~r_snm PhoneNumbcr 979.7Ttj.Jlili] Faxf+4umber, 97?.778.0820 ._ • ~. L J Tiyt81 Acres (7f Subdivision l3.7~~~-_ F2-O•ti"~ Acreage _~_5~ .-,r Tetal # (:.1f Lnts }5 NurtitihrrGf Lots By Zoning C~istrict `~. ,~- . ~-i ! _ r r'1veriye: Acreago Cif Each I~esideMia; Lot By Zoning blstrict: Flnodplain P,r;rr:ngc 0 -•-- Parklanct decix:;rtiun fy ~+cre:ac~o or fee? t'eP _ A Statemt'•r+i ,+ridrer:.~siny r:ry diffCfCnCeS Irelween Ihc: t'rr:l{minrrry Plat and op{%rnw:rl M~stcf PIS (if appl•IO,~bIE) '~ 1+~ Reyuestc•d variances In subd-visir~:+ne~1ul31ions & rrwsnntnr sam4 Kequebt va~~~u~e Co Ser;tion 8_IC vt 5ubdiviaiou Re~;ulatiurv. W~ re~uebL Lttat Lc CS S, +} ~ t0 of 81ock 1 and 22, ~.3 ~ 24; Z5 oI Iiin~A 3 be ~erm;tted ~t rich sn~]_e, a, being the mast nrart{~a]• s=r~caent Rctiuested oversize participation ui Chr lots. yr~ parkland DeditaEian due prior to filinfl tl+e Final t~1:~R: • ACREA~t=. _ rr of Acres to be d~d'rcated # of sr:res in flu of :~4r~s in detention __ .-_ # of rcres in gr~ OR FEE I1;1 t.lElJ OF LAi~lD: •' 6 # of Sir-ylc-Family p~llirrg Unitx X $556 = $ ~! . ~ ~~ (~;ite) Appruv~ti try marks ~ Racreatian f34aid T.hE ~rrplrcant has preparied this apptisatio-r and certitres that thQ {acts stated her~rrz .Ind cxhi~bits attacfrcd hereto are tare a~~d carract_ 7ha urrdersrgrred hereby requests ap~rovat ~y tr~~a C~'tY of Gvliage 5tc'i~fOt~ of fJ7e a~Gove irlentifie[t~rlat.'~nd attests [hat ~A res~CCttvC owners have baert idenlifiec! t~r~ iJ1t; a~rcafio~T. Sig r~aturc ~rx# 'f itle $~„p~ 4r1~ tV1~'~` f )ato lV i _~ '•• ~`• •r • INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water: There is a 12-in waterline along Eagle Avenue that will be extended with this development. The new system for this area is required to meet B/CS Unified Water and Sewer Design Guidelines for domestic and fire flows. A Water Design Report for the subdivision is required at the time of Final Plat to ensure compliance. Water Service: Water to be provided to each lot, as required. Sewer: There is an existing 18-inch sewer line along the southwest property line that will be extended with this development. A Sewer Report for the subdivision is required at the time of Final Plat to insure capacity and compliance with the BCS Unified Water and Sewer Design Guidelines. Sewer Service: Sewer to be provided to each lot, as required. Streets: The Developer is providing access to all lots with conventional-width streets. Lakeview Drive will be gated and private. Eagle Avenue is a minor collector and on the City's Thoroughfare Plan and will be extended with this subdivision. Longmire Drive is an existing major collector on the Plan. An additional 5 feet of ROW for Longmire Drive will be dedicated with this development. Off-site Easements: N/A • Drainage: This development is required to meet the Drainage Ordinance. Detention is planned for a portion of the development by means of a retention pond in the gated area of the subdivision. Direct discharge is planned for the remaining area. Flood Plain: N/A Oversize request: OP for the 12-inch water line along Eagle Avenue will be requested. Impact Fees: N/A Parkland Dedication Fees: Based on 56 lots, the Fee-in-lieu of Land will be $11,088. The Park Development Fee will be $20048. C, • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner Report Date: April 21, 2006 Email: jreeves(q~cstx.gov Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500062 Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Replat consisting of Lots 14-18 and the remainder of Lots 1-5 of the Frank Visoski Subdivision located at 102 University Drive East. Applicant: Louise Barker, Kerr Surveying Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Replat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for Consideration of a Replat. The property owner wants to plat along existing ownership lines. Across-access easement is being required across lot 16-R to provide future joint access as adjacent properties redevelop. • All lots meet or exceed minimum City Subdivision Regulations. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Comprehensive Plan shows this area as redevelopment. The property has frontage along University Drive East and Poplar Street. University Drive East is considered a major arterial on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Item Background: The subject property was annexed into the City of College Station City Limits in March of 1939 and platted in 1952. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Replat (provided in packet) • i ~,7.. \X Vim, /,,. /~ -N'~ 1 ~~ ,~ i •~\.,, ,vJ •! '.•~' .~ ~ rr,,• ~ i). `~^ .. •'~r~: ~ Y:} ,.. •` ~ ~;: nl ~, ~~ ' `,, / !T` ~f~f ~!/ysj~` rC a""'~ / ~'y"'\ ;-~~;` , `iy! ~\ '. 'J~~K? ./ / w •-'.(~ .`y'• :r N '~Y~~ `=`.^•, ~ ~ ~"~ lT^ s ~' My4f'.'' .~ ~ \~•~ '~' ^ / \.c- / ' •~~) • ° . r, [o I ~ 1 N ~~ i :q f'k {r J,., •~ ~ 4j r ~ fig' `'` ~ ~ '.,, ~'•Y~ ;a' ~~L~~r \. • ~ ~<- _ ~ ~ ~~ a ~;~ Y .'o s... `' ~y; ~\' ,p , ~ / ,~;•,C i,\<.'h~c[\n,Y~,~~ ri ~y •' ~ ~j ~#r '~ 1~[ ~7 C~i_C r_.. '~~~ i • 3.'ir r..Y '. ~ .:~~.r i V ~, a "s'tv,Y= y~', ~. •:w^ ::~.~' of / , ~ °:CJ Cfa ' /~/1~r;~~~\ •',~'~n~~ ' ° ~= \l (~11~' --'F N .- ' \ • ~ ~ji• ' '~ -^ s ~ tai ( / 4 - ~ •~• <J ' „~~n , `\• (~ ~ y :,1, ~ .~ c :n \ . s' ,ctcr \ - 1 i ]Gy~. / ~ mil ~ ~ W ' ~~ .v'C ~' 7~_ i g ` v r i ...' ` N~N, / A . _ 1. _ ~ ~~ -1_?Y`-'-- __ . -_ '`. , ~' 1. c [q~' w ~ (-'°I __ ~ -.,••`•`•.. Z ---+,.r --r • • • / II - r f S 371i 4r~ -n _ _ ~-.._,.,- ~ ,; -~ _ - _ - -~ • • CTTYDi; C.OLLCGCiL• STATtpN Pl'i~rnno~ ~ Un~k~xar*t Srln:rs (trheck one} [~ >yllnor n Amsndiny © Finai ^ Yagtinq [ R~plat #~~-m'I t~3oo.ao) {slsm.naj I#~.~i { aor •tn~t,aas pui,lia haering fid foR oF+ic~ usE army Pd~rJ~SENO.: CYO ., ~ L3JlTE 3!lM111'T7EJ): .-; • ~,~ I~:G~~~ FIMAL PLAT APPL~CATI~M ~~ The following itmna must Lt~;ubmllt~d e!r An satat>1lahed i1Hrp deadline dste for PiZ Commission eoflsldera4on. [lAlNlMtrlM SUBIN(TTAI. REQl11REMF,IJIT$: '~Fifng Fee (Se@ ahnve} NQTE: Multiple 3h8e1s - 335.f1U per additior~l Sheol ~_ Variance Ft~equest bo Sub+3Nlsian Regulalictns - 3100 ('rf sppllcable} Development Permit Application pee of S~2b0.0(i tiF applicable). Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $6011.00 (agplic~6is if any public infrBSiructura is being constructed} ~'Appliratian completed in full. _ Copy of original dead restrictbnsJcwenalns #ar replete (IF applicable) _~ Thirteen (13) folded cbpias of plat (A sigrsed mylar ~xiginal mus3 lee submitted after staff revie~r.) Qr-E: ~ ! } mpy of the sppna~,iec1 pr~eliminery plat sndlor one (1) Master Pidn {iF app lirahle). Paid tax aertific~ItBS fnprn City of College Station, Bra~~+as CvUr>ty acrd Colege Station I.S.D. ,:' A copy of Ute 8tteohed checW ist vriltr sill items chedcad t11f or a brief explanalinn 8s Rc why they are nat. ,_. Two t2~ espies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat [tf applicable). Parkland DediraaLioe requirement approved by the ?arks ~ FtecreeUort Bawd, please pr~a-gde proof of Date of preappGr,$titsn Confier~entsc: NAME OF $UBUIV151QN ~,~ f'} ~' I ~ r ~, ^~ ~~ `~ ` 4' ~ •`., l C~Y~ _ - SPECIFIED LOCATION of PROPOSEd SUBDIVISION (L~oI 8 Bbcky~r.~{ 1'~- fF -' ^~l,r• lt~~IJ. u{ L: -{s l~ 5- APPLICANT/P'ROJECY AMNA~G~R'S INFbRMATIGNJ (Prirnary Carttact for If~e Project}: S`treelAdttess .`~"C,S~ [r.~7t.~l~C~`J c~~ City `f ! ,~'-'f ~:~(Cl7F~: rl Slere ,~~ Zip Cede ~~'~4h~~!`'+ E-Mei114d~~S /='ice'%.iF'. ~~ur'/Y'r•~_`-'L''!:`f"~r'C•17. i.k'T PhorrBhlumt~sr ;;~,~.~.~''~/~,j__ Fpr~Numper ~ylt-~!'~ PiROPERTY 0WNEFC3 INFQRMAT/ItrON: Name uF'c~ fi!i~!(!!° hE r.~ SReet lledrPSs 5te~ls zip Code P"tron e M urntyer . _ !flFC~RhkATFOrU: ~bF~-ED'S - Neena ~: 5triaet Address Slate Phone Nurnbcr 4f+3uo3 E-M9i~ Adtke86 Fein Nwt~r6er Oily ~I~ Z`p {rode E-Me it Address Fax Nurnper for s • • KFRR SURVEYIN[i. L[,C F, o. $ax ~ sos G'T[~'RCH srREET t'.pLLE(;~, STATIOM,'i'EXAS 7?R4j Snarl Kett R~~istared F'rofessionsl L~u1 S~,avcvod• X4302 Tetepgolte: (979) 26314'+ P1tQPERTY OWNER iNr~ORi~iAT~.OIY • T.ot i4 and z pctc{ian of Ltats 4, S & i S i st ! to and a~xxt;rx, ~n' I.atY 2, 3, a, I i & 17 Lot l8 and a M~Ttirm of t~ 1, 2 ~ l7 Yv-Fu Lee l2011~rmtttiylhit~ L'vllr~tr eta%lt)T!. Tomas 77~idU P,ernsacin Ins+esno~cnts Fical Emote Fund l $W Saint James Yleo~, Si~iec :RO(t Hcnu~l on, Taxas 771750 !'hone {713)'Nr [-0751; FN~C 0713 } 9trl ~0~75:3 Ann: Anohzx Hct~tein Hr~ i>d' Tcxas t'il~u 1.P 3t33D !v. G~pr~Cd*i Efivc, Sutte 1W R'ichils. Kates 0?~2C~ • • Is (here a temporary Clank8l ~easRmr!rd pn M-is propeHy? If an, plpast provide Ina Vaiume arm page A Aar:age -total t'raperty ~~ r'~:K ,~r,r•_ Tatal a Or Lois ~:> R-aW Acreage ,V/~- ~xisting llse: (,'lG';i3?/h~t'~ i,t1 Proposed Uxe: ~{,PJ7lrrr-.I t'?.ft`~ --- Nurnber CJf Loll By ?.oning District ~^ 1 C y _ n . ~ / C~ - ~ r i~verage Acreage 4f Each lieLirJ9nliol LOt B5t honing Dia~riet: r --- 1 --' •-- ~ - Flaadplein Aa~eage ,.,,~~~_ A glgtrrnent addressing any d'rMerer-cas tlelx~n the Flnsl Platand approved Mesoar Plan andfor F'relirninary Plat f fi appiiCanle): Rgraunstod Verianoec To Subdivision RepulHt ions S Reason Fdr Same: Requested Ov~ersi~ Pariirip2~t»n: _ tat~il Linear F+ybtage of Propoa~ii Public: f 1 ~~ Streets Sidervalic~ _ Sanitary Sewer Lines Water Lines Channels Storm Sewers Qike Lanes ~ Paths Parittnnti Dedication due priarlOlllirtg idhe Final PJart: ACREAGE: # of acres to he dedimted + ~ development fee __. . # of acres in-floodplaln !~ of acres in delantion # of acres in greenways 4R FEE iN LkEU 4F LAND. # ~ Single-Family Dwelling Units x $55B = $ MOTE: DlritTAL COPY OF PLAT IaUBT f3f SUB~IITfED PRIOR T{! FIUHC, rite ao,vkcav~t Jr~s,orenareB ~ air;o~Gastia- and oertdaA.v truer the testa a~lacl' her~air- and exhrbr7s atlatlred'irerratoare true, GYZffPG7r arld f7WflpfBle. TrS+F+ frftdBrS7~lT9d hO/Bb]I raqua5ts ~1~fri0vSJ by th9 CJfy p1 C+~~ Slffiri~rl O{' rile P60v6-~idaMl~Ad isnat pla~l acrd aBesra That lhrs raqug~ Qipgr rrDt amend any Ct>v~rrra dr l+estlticriorrs associsteB with thrs plat ~_ s~nai~re a le C.%~f!~`fI~ ~ . errsro~ date) Approved by Parks 8 Recre®tion Baerd Date ~~~ • Regular Agenda 7 Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for North Forest Business Park, which includes a Replat of Lot 1 Block 1 North Forest Subdivision consisting of 5 lots on 5.22 acres located at 2801 Earl Rudder Fwy., just south of North Forest Parkway. Case #06-500064 (JR/JN) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner Report Date: April 21, 2006 Email: jreevesCa~cstx.aov Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500064 Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for North Forest Business Park, which includes a Replat of Lot 1 Block 1 North Forest Subdivision consisting of 5 lots on 5.22 acres located at 2801 Earl Rudder Fwy South, just south of North Forest Parkway. Applicant: Fred Bayliss, Agent for Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a Preliminary Plat for the North Forest Business Park. The owner is subdividing the property into 5 lots and a common area in anticipation of an Administrative Proffessional development. • Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Comprehensive Plan shows this area as Single Family Medium Density; however, it is currently zoned A-P Administrative Professional. The property will have access off of State Highway 6 frontage road pending TxDOT approval and off of North Forest Parkway. State Highway 6 is shown as a Freeway and North Forest Parkway is shown as a Major Collector on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Item Background: The subject property was annexed into the City of College Station City Limits in 1971. The property is currently platted as Lot 1, Block 1 of the North Forest Subdivision. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water required for plat: All proposed platted lots will be required access to a public water main. • • Water Service: There is 12-inch water main that runs along the west property line adjacent to Hwy. 6 and an 8-inch water main that runs along North Forest Parkway. Sewer required for plat: All proposed platted lots will be required access to a public sewer main. Sewer Service: There is an existing 36-inch sewer main that runs along the south property line. Street(s) required for plat: A shared access and parking easement is being granted to provide for internal circulation between all of the proposed lots. Streets/Access: The subject property will have access off of State Highway 6 frontage road pending TxDOT approval and off of North Forest Parkway. State Highway 6 is shown as a Freeway and North Forest Parkway is shown as a major collector on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Off-site Easements required for plat: Offsite easements may be required for drainage. • Draina e: The subject ro ert is located in the main Bee Creek 9 J p P Y Drainage Basin. Flood Plain: None on site. Oversize request: None at this time. Impact Fees: N/A Parkland Dedication Fees: N/A Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Preliminary Plat (provided in packet) • ., , .: ; ... r s • y • ,~~r /~ ~ c • Cl~Jt ,1~ ; r ~i: ~ _ ~~•;-_ '/._ l.. •. ' ~Qi/ ~~ ~<yr •r . Z • /, ~`'^~.~/ ~ ,, ~ . ~%' `r-.\ / n \- '0 1.. it I /~ ~ ~'{~ ' I I ' -,< ~ \-,~-.:., i i. i.. ~'ti i ., P ___._. Y ~~)«\.~ ~j~: .. ,T; \;i~ i• _•.'... ;w. / ' a _ '~ I r. ~ I - ~ » r-~--JW+'y '~, i,F\~~~-^t ~/~7(x~~( SOY, • /\ ?~,• .}• ^ ` •[ I ~ 1 ~ -_- a r } /, ?• i i _ ~ ~~ r• . .~ "~ ~/•~ yam?; ~ ~, ,Q ~ .a ~ • . ~<i~ - / < j I t; ~~ h~ .. ,~ ~ ~ ~ to y ') I ... ~ i- !' \•. '\ W ' ~ ~\ ~ ~ \• LL \ ~ Z ~~ } ~5 ~,. _, ~ -- , .~ w ''`\. ~• ;~ ~y ~l. ~ , LJ \ \ ~~, 1 W rll iJt) \ ' I \ ` T j t ~ 1..V '1 T ~ f O /' ~ ~ \ 11 • ,rte ~~ W \ / ` \ '~I ~\ \• ti . • \ \ r t .y ~ ' + ,~ + . kl: i.:' ~' • ` ~~ t:CI'Y t il~ t .i r l l k',c: L' S I:L:'1(!ti 2g°\ ~t~. FGR QFFI SE O P&Z CASE NO._ ~~-~• -, i ~n~ t 3Ul;ht1T rED. ~~ ~~ PRELIMIMARY PLAT ARPLI~ATI~N "~ }~,1.,~- The following ilerns must tx: subrnittcd by an estaLbshed filing dc~dline crate for P ~ Z Cuminissi~n ::0~1SiLe~alittn. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REOUIREf~1ENTS: • ~'`~ Fihng Fee of $4[}lY.l1D. ~b'3rlani:e Raquest to Sufrdevi~ron Rec~uiations ~ $100 {il up{nc~aUlr:l v Application completed i.r iu'd. ~ 1'hirte;(;n (73ti toltlod Copre3 of pl:3t (A rP•vrsed mylar ~rir~in~l must be suhrnittett nfiPr staff rr,•ti'i~~.j ~,~ Una (1) cop} of the aFprOVed tiiaster PI3ii if applicHt~l~. v'-' A ropy of the attached rhrrkliSS 1s~iYn all items Checked vft or ;~ hriet axplanation 2sto why lhi;y are nat. a, (~ fzozoninQ I~ppliCatiau if lane ch~n,ye i~ prapoSCC N s F'arkla~~d Uedicalipn re~Uirernent 3pprUt~ed by Use N~i~s ~ I~PGrpatiOA F30;~rd. (31e3:;e uru~irJ~! proof of approval (if applirahle;. Date of Preapplication Conferenc~,e+: I ~ ` ~ ~ _0 5 NAM1AE[7FSU8QIVISION 1VOr'~~4-• 5-4ref~ ~~~t1.iI~~.Sn•r' f - SRECIFItL1 LOCnI IUN t)(~[[~~PRC}PCGSED SUGUIVISION f •~~ ~ufrc•~r_~-. ~ t ~•~u~~- 1 ~-.: r c Sk ~orl~- f'f r~t jiz°l (i-•J ~.fr Ir ~-~oler air Y P aJ.-,1 ~: r~ ~- e--~~ i e ~err.l ~PPLICANTrPROJE~~ h1At~(~~GER'S INF~IRP•r1ATIGN (Primary Contact for the Projectj: Nnrne ~rt r} ~J'-~ ~• Street Asld ress ~ . O ~ 11+f't ~ T lJ '-~ • b~ ~~ ~r• ` ~r C.' ~t}/ !~ ~ "`~`'°~- Sf3te ~~. 7i,~ ~dd8 ~ Z u ~ ( f -b1~.il xd;IreE4 ~ t ASS Gi~--~~~r~~ ,e ~'-+ Phone Number _ ~ 7 °I ' ~ ~ 7 ~ Fax Nun••be~ _ 7 ~ ~ ' d~6 7 PRC;PERTY {71rJ~IFR'S INrORft4ATIflN {.aLL c~unprs rrn.iSt be idpnrifipd. Please an~rh 2n ~'~t1(tiliwrca) xhP.At for rnui~iFle owners): Name = 1~~ ~ r ,~ 1~rrol-~ , L. L rr- StrPa1 Address t ~J ~S wrla- V' ~~r+ •~ei~.L ~" ~ City t~t+f •'^ Slab -_~~- 711 Gode ~ 7 ~ 0 ~ _ F-~,tcril k~idre.~~ _ ~pc,'~•SS C' Ca'd' ~~~r_~~~. ~ ~~ PhuneNur-fiber _ ~?°I- ~7~-~37~ F~ixNurnbc•r ~~`1~a5~7 ARGHITE'.: i 4R ENCINEt~'S Ilvl ::Rfvltl'flt.l}N: r Nara 7r~c c rr~ ~ J~ ~c4~v ~~ z- ~ ~ ~ - -•- tr~;rt rArir)ra,s •-- I ~'~ [%. ~.l~r.., ~~.-.~ c:i1~ ~'a ~~ "}< .f~c 1 r~~ S~atF "~'~- ~i•,:.{;c,c1e __7 '; i~~t S E-I~iid a,dc'~s~: X110[ 5e1~~ l~'t~ ~~ce-,,.r.F P"Coe M1lurtb~f _~~' ~ - ~ 1 ¢ 3 _- t ix N~rrnh,^,r ,J ~ 7~~ 76 ¢~ 77 r~ • • ~J ~ uF Aures to be cedicateti if of acrpa in rlelPntign Total Acres [?f Subdivi5ton ~ Z ~~ R-p-W Acreage ~~ G~`1 Number Of Lats By Znning Qistrict ~ + ~ "~ Av~ra~e AGr~acgr, Ui~yFt~4h~ReSic'Cniiel t of B} coning [District: i Tom'"' r F~oodpldin Acreage F'arkl<3nd d~dic,~t~nn by aGfP.igP or (EP.`.+ ~! ~' Tota I ~ CJF Lots A statement addressing ary differ+~nces between the Preliminary Plat and approL~ed Master Plan 4rf applicable] t~~~ RCQUCStCd Vdr12~nCCS t0 SUbdivi4ibn rPgulaliCns 8 rP.A4An (:Sf san1P. +v ti~ '~ Requested o:ersizc participation r~dn~ Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: AC RE'l1GE >X at acrc:s in t',a4dplain A of acres.n green~N~ys 4R FEE I~ LIEU OF L.AIvD: a of SinGlc-=arnilV GwClling Units X 5;56 = ~ (date) /appmvc•i by Parks 8 Rc?rrpatian Br^aM 7~s ~pp~~C~t~t t~~s prepored to+s applrcalior? and c:er~ifi~:s Thal Ifrr Earls s?+~teri frPrr:in ar+ri t~xhibie5 attaci,ecl !?ere!o are true and ccn>,cl_ T.+i~ ,~r!drrsigrred lir;rt:by rot~tresfs pfp+~vral by i're C+ly o/ Callsye 5ta~ron ci tnP atrn~e i,7en*Ifier: niat and al±v8fs t~St ali rCSOCCtivC c~rn^rs IlaY3 J!}9e:t rder7f+rtr~-f1 on tn~s appr'r.ar.~on. S', ~i£,turu 8 ~i4 Title C•nta • Regular Agenda 8 Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Replat of Lot 1, Block 1 Jordan Subdivision and a portion of Block 4 Harvey Hillsides to create Lot 1R, Block 1 Jordan Subdivision, 2.78 acres located at 3910 Harvey Road. Case #06-500067 (JP/CC) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Planner Report Date: April 21, 2006 Email: iprochazkaCa~cstx.gov Meeting Date: May 4, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500067 Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Replat of Lot 1, Block 1 Jordan Subdivision and a portion of Block 4 Harvey Hillsides to create Lot 1 R, Block 1 Jordan Subdivision, 2.78 acres located at 3910 Harvey Road. Applicant: Marek Brothers, property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Replat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a Replat of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Jordan Subdivision and a Replat of a portion of Block 4 of the Harvey Hillsides Subdivision. The existing Lot 1 of the Jordan Subdivision is developed as the Stop-N-Store Mini-storage. The proposed Replat is for the expansion of the development. • Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates this property as Planned Development, and the property is zoned PDD -Planned Development District. Harvey Road (State Highway 30) is shown as a major arterial on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. The plat is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations. Item Background: The property was annexed in to the City in 1980. Harvey Hillsides was platted prior to annexation. The Jordan Subdivision was platted in 1996. The property was zoned PDD in 2003 for the mini-storage development. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: N/A Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the Replat. The options regarding the Replat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Replat (provided in packet) C, \ l \ \ ~~ ~ ~; r~ •\ r ~- ~ ~:•• ~ ,'iq .9 / ~ •i .\\ / ~~~-- ' ~ - ~`'•~ _ • /'. \ r ---- --- , /• i~ i ~ LL ~ ~y~ , ~ I J • \ ~o \ j ~~ /' ~ ~ \ ' / ~ / '~° ~~ y / kV / / / / ' / / - ' ' i r : ~ \ •~ , \ /~ - '` w \ ~,, \ ~,/i r ~ g ~ \ ~ / ~' ~ • ' ~ / f r. / ~ l' // / ~i \ • r ''~ •. , ~ r~ ~. L J ~.fllr (7F C(?l.t.k7C'F STATION pja~wwj ~ I3eKfp~paner ~4r~ra~ (Check o-t4) ^ Mingr ^ Amending ^ Final [] Vacating Raplat [iao3.0a! g<.i00.801 {ia00.8dj {3160.00) 0,00)• `tirJudee puma t>a~ ' trs FOR OFFUSi PiZ CASE NQ.. ~ y, 0JITESUBMITTm: ,,rr~~'ay~ ~1 ..? FINAL PLAT ~4PPI~IC~11'!ON TM 1dlbwiAp Items must he wbmittsd byan e~teWiMted (1Ur~ eadgntr 4sbe for Plt~ Co+n~rtlseMn wnsld~nWon. YIINIMtlTM SUB~AflT/1L REQUIREMENTS: .f^ Ring Fee (sea above) NQTE- Multiple 5haets - $56.OQ per addltlonaa sheet TTT777~Varianc+e Request to Snbdivislan Regulatbns -- ~i1013 {lf eppllcable) U~+ebprrtenr Pertnfl Application Fee t7F $20~_tl0 {iF applicablaa. Infrastructure Irtspectloa- fee of $6~D0_Dt? {applicable tF any public inirastructure is tieing Constructed) _ /' App1lCaGon oornplebed in iu9. .~ Copy o6 original deed restrictionsucavertants fnr replete {iF applioabla)_ ,r'' Thirteen {Y3} faikied copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must tIE submitted after staff review.) ~ Ore (t} avpy of the approved Preliminary Plat androrane {1} Mader Plan (if appli~le) +-% Paid tax Csrttficaees from City of CoNega Station, Brazos County and Calepe Station I.S.D. .r- A copy of the atta[tr6d chadctist with all items Checked ofI dr 8 bri of eocptsnat~ as bo why they 8rE trot. Ttvo tZ} c+oDies of public inirastrut~ure plans associated with this plat (q appliraAle). Psrklanrl Dediu'a. tiort r+equir~nt sppnpved by the Parks 8 tZecreatien Board, please provide proof of ilatE of Preappticstivn Conferenc+a- NtAtuE ~F SUBDFVISION `k'~[~~tr,: ~~~dxl't~~i ~L~.-~ _ SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPC]SED SUBDIVISlOiJ (!at a Bk~k} APPUCANT1PRQlECT MANAGER'S INFOF'AIATION (i'rirnary Contact tar the F~rrijad}: Name ~f~l'EkfL~T'~?~r CI~~{dr~~:~ ~j_ St64tAddr1~e i'L I ~sp+~ y `11, Glly ~ f~t`_ 1'~r+4T-l 5feie ~J~ ~p erode '1'7 L~` { .~. E~u4sil Address Phony Number _ ~+cf ~ - e~•`-~(r ~~ Fax idrunber (d`?G= _ '~~ ~? r? _ PR¢F+ERTY OYYi,IE R'3 [iNFOfiMpTICN FlSme ~ ~"1t:4"t~]t'~^5 ~C7t~~''t-1'7e0ii_ ~ ~, ~~LL'e ~t`~r[~Yrf. L-fi~ i ~kr-r•1 Adaroas PCB ~^x.~C ~ry I ~ _ GtY ~t,yl Cc;r ~:'~A'~it~r-, _ St9ta _ Zip Code 'J 1k ~{ ~~ E~Aail Address Ptlorn8lvurYebsr ~e_ `t~g~.}'~-~ ~Z- FaxNtallC-er [~~l -3C'•~`i w7v ~'{y<~ rC Iat~ClitTE 'S lilFOftAIATiON: r:• Name 17~~?~ ~.SC~~'S.'nY • 11r - ~.f ui-c~ t'~d r" e+r I SP9ot Address ~„~ f~ ~ C.II C: Y; 5 ~~'- ~ ~G~ty ('f) l f_ E'9ic~~ ~D-'~r tt>z Snare t u _ Zip Code _`~.78~C1 ~-Meil AGtlreS6 L3L5~~~.`•~ G t~r e r C~ 4't?i :'~~'~1. FACT Plwnr Number c~C)r' • • l~i.~s" Fex Number ir`r 1- ~?9t_~1~1 ~i anx+ r ors • • Is Ih6re a ternpOrary blanket easement on this pnpperiy? If so, pteasrs prov+de the Volume -end Page # AOr+eage- 7o1n1 prpperlY _ ~.~ 77 Total ~ t?f Lois ~~ R-4-W AciaagP ~ 1'i -- 6cisdng Ilse: ~~?Cti:171 ..~ ~( _ _ Proposed Uf:~e: G''~r3rt7~c-~•7:Cci;._I Number Ol Lots By2av~ing Lti~iri8t .~ _ I F'f>i~~ _ 1__ r Average Acrnaga Oi Each Residential Lol lay Zoning D~slricl.: + / r ! Fldodplain Acreage ~~ A $lalernenl addressing any tliAenences between the Final Plat 9nd 8pprc~vad Master Ptan endJor F"raliminary Plat (i} ®ppicaWe}: Requested llarianoes TO S4bdivision Ftegulaiions d. R88SOtt For 3eme: Reque51t3d Oversize Pertitipelion: total Linear Fr~tage of Prapoasd Public: • St rests I Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer t.inas Water Lines t;t+annet~ Stprrn Sewers Bike tJanes !Paths Parkland DedicadQn du~a prior to Oling• the Final Plai: ACF2FJ~~E: # of acres to be dedicated + S ~ dsva Iopmsn[ fee # vF acres in iloodplain # Uf aCfes in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE !N LIEU QF 1J4NA: # of Singie"Famity l]wetiSng Units X 5556 = $ (date} ApprCtved by Parks & Recreation $osrd NtTTE: DIGITAL irQRY QF PLAT itU>gT BE SUBIiAtTTEO PRiDR Tt) L'1lJFlt3. T1~e sp~diicarn teas pppered ihia sgo~pficauon anQ oevf~es lust the 1f9oim slated herein and exhih+te ettaehed faerefR ere true. ca~rr+acr, e-ta c[ul;~tera. nc~ undereigrled hsreby refit A,rK+rn~rat ay 8re cnr oaf Coriiega stte~tawr ar rite s~o-w-adwx~..i htiaJ pl9t Agdaimasw Hutt t7fisnilgerest does not amerfd eny ooveniants ar raarrierroris es~aeirrtad 114111 this P/sf. c ~r Sgnaturie gntl Titfe frt3~4g ya~~ L.. L; (,. ~' ~~ Date _. j~S • • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Trey Fletcher, Sr. Planner Report Date: 4-24-2006 Email: tfletcherCa~cstx.gov Meeting Date: 5-4-2006 Project Number: 06-00500050 Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Conditional Use Permit -Use & Site for a Verizon Wireless telecommunications tower located at 1500 Harvey Rd in the general vicinity of Post Oak Mall. Applicant: Shep Poland, Agent for Verizon Wireless Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the request. Item Summary: The purpose of the conditional use permit application is to facilitate the construction of an 80-foot stealth telecommunication tower. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan shows Regional Retail for this site and surrounding areas on the south side of Harvey Road where the tower is proposed. The opposite side of Harvey Road is shown as • Residential Attached and Regional Retail. Harvey Road / SH 30 is a Major Arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan. Because the proposed tower is considered stealth the required thoroughfare setback is not imposed. The "stealth" determination is based on the flagpole design and the context of the site, being an entrance to Post Oak Mall together with the method of screening of the cabinets behind a reconfigured sign. Conventional telecommunication towers would be required a setback of the tower height multiplied by a factor of three; in this case the resulting setback would be 240 feet. The stealth tower is proposed 25 feet from the property line along Harvey Road which is in compliance with the UDO. In addition, as a stealth tower, the tower separation requirement is not imposed. A conventional telecommunications tower would be required to satisfy a tower separation requirement of 3,500 feet. No additional landscaping is proposed on the site plan. The proposed site is currently 100 percent impervious surface. Landscaping (six canopy trees) does exist in the median area and will be maintained as is. According to the application, the tower base and associated cabinets will be screened by a wall to match the Post Oak Mall sign materials, and the affected sign lettering for Post Oak Mall will be relocated to outer face of the wall. Item Background: This site is zoned C-1 General Commercial and is platted. No recent development activity has occurred recently in the immediate vicinity. • Created on 4/20/2006 8:49:00 PM C:IDOCUME-11LLINDG-11LOCALS-11TemplStatf Report.DOC • Staff Analysis: Section 14 of the Zoning Ordinance authorizes the existence of conditional uses. The Commission may permit a conditional use subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards when, after public notice and hearing the Commission finds that: (Staff comments are in italics) 1. "The proposed use meets all the minimum standards established in the ordinance for the type of use proposed." Staff conducted a technical review and found general compliance with development regulations with the exception of the items listed below in the staff recommendation. 2. "That the proposed use meets the purposed and intent of the ordinance and is in harmony with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for Development of the City. This site is zoned C-7 General Commercial in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan which shows Regional Retail for this property. The proposed Power meets the definition of "stealth" per the UDO and should be encouraged as alternative to conventional telecommunication towers as appropriate. • 3. "That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, nor be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property." While the public hearing is an opportunity for the Commission /Council to measure the potential impact on surrounding land uses, this application and associated site plan is in compliance with the UDO. The Commission may impose additional reasonable restrictions or conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of the ordinance and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, increased open space, loading and parking requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvements such as curbing, sidewalks and screening." Unless the public hearing bring to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, Staff recommends approval with Staff Review Comments. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: N/A Commission Action Options: The Council has final authority over the Conditional Use Permit and associated site plan. The options regarding the use permit are: 1. Approval as submitted; • Created on 4/20/2006 8:49:00 PM 2 C:IDOCUME-11LLINDG-11LOCALS-11TemplStaff Report.DOC • 2. Approval with conditions relating to specific site characteristics or with time limitations; 3. Denial with specified reasons for denial; 4. Table; or, 5. Defer action to a specified date. INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Water: N/A Sewer: N/A Streets: Harvey Road / SH 30 is a Major Arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan. Off-site Easements: N/A Drainage: Surface drainage through the Post Oak Mall property. Floodplain: This site is not within a floodplain. • Oversize request: N/A Impact Fees: N/A NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 4-18-06 and 5-9-06 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 5-4-06 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 5-25-06 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners within 200': 21 Response Received: None as of date of staff report Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Site Plan (provided in packet) 4. Visual Impact Analysis images (provided in packet) Created on 4/20/2006 8:49:00 PM 3 C:IDOCUME-11LLINDG-11LOCALS-ilTemplStaff Report.DOC • Created on 4/20/2006 8:49:00 PM C:IDOCUME-11LLINDG-11LOCALS-11TemplStaff Report.DOC Regular Agenda 9 Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Conditional Use Permit -Use & Site for a Verizon Wireless telecommunications tower located at 1500 Harvey Rd in the general vicinity of Post Oak Mall. Case #06-500050 (TF) ' ~. ' ~ ~` ~ rr + it ~ ~. ' r , ' C J 1 ~ S' I r • ' \ • ~ ~ - ~ \!. ~'.: ' ri ~ ~ ~ $-r ' ~ W ...T d 0 L1. 1 I; . )~ .`~~1./ r. T / . •!.)., . / r Iii .y '^ \~ t/'~`.>!\ .+ ,.-~I/ c• ~ moo/ a-• °,'~/ =a -+ ~T'.. : ! `./ `/rE. ~ ter-. •t (~ S • 1 - 1 •~ J ~ ,a ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ +: :: y' f.., 1. ly, \. ~• ..J T %.r ~ •.r r~- ~~ / ~ r 1 r, •'~ •.t/ a •:/ ~ /,~ '` \'~ # /:+f~~e, ,' 1~++~:• -'I . C C:tTY pF C.C~[_LEGE $TAI~<)N !~'Csaxixx 1i '1 ncfsf~s: a1 Srmfrci FDR DFr US4 0 Y CASE NO. _ ~ ~ " SATE SUBrdITTED L ''ll' r V ~vl~,+ Major Wireless Telecammunicatians Facilities CpNDITIONAL USE PERMIT ! SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATIOhI • Mlnimurn Requirements 53fl0.00 application, processing; and notificair'on fee ~~„// S2Dtl.tYJ Site Plan Review Fee {includes 3 staff reviews}. S200.00 bevelopment Permit Application Fee if applicable. Sti00.00 RubNe Infrastructure Inspection Fee if applicable. (This fee is payable if construction of a /public waterline, sewerline, sidewalk, street or drainage facilities is involved.} _„! Eleven (11}copies of site plan that meet requirements for WTF's as described in Section 6.3.Q of the Unified Development Ordinance and includes requirements For site plan proposals as listed on the attached sheet. This site plan will go to City 5tafi` far review. after which Eleven tit) copies of the f revised site plan will be required. ~/ Detailed explanation of proposed use including the location; type, and height of the proposed facility, anticipated traffic, numbQr of employees, etc. Additional requirements listed on following page. Date of Requir$d Preapplication Conference: pnrapAlicati n canferenoe was held last fall Height of Transmission Tower; 80' hIAME OF PRCJJECT Verizart Wireless'Harve}[ cen site ADDRESS 1500 Harvey Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION APPLICANT {Primary Contact for the Project): Name Shea Poland {on behalf of Verizan Wireless) Street Address 3500 East Alataama_Road City Wharton State TX 7~p Code 774$$ E•Mail Address s_DOland(~intertex net Phone Number 9791282-2068 Fax Number 979x532-172 PRdPERTY +;31M'~IER'S INFORMATION: Blame CBL & Associates Prnoerties Street Address 2030 Hamilton Place Blvd._ S-500 City Cttattanaoaa State TN Zip Cade 37421 E-Neil Address Phone Number Fax N~rmber r ,.r, • ARCHITECT QR ENGINEER'S INpDRMATI~N: Name Axia Enaineenn Strt~et Address 6200 Rothwav. 5-140 City HouSRon State TX Zip Cade 77040 E-Mail AddreSS ctafleur[dJaxisenaineedna.net Phpng r~um>,er 7'13/d60-9902 Fax Number 7131891)-5037 OTHER t;pNTACTS {Please specify type of contact, i.e. project manager, peiential buyer, local corrtact, eta.J Name Jack Lave, General Manager. Post Oak Mtalt (local contact and representati,~e fo! owner! Street Address 1500 Harvey Road City College Station State YX Zip Cade 77844 F•Mail Address Jack_LovecJ~cblproperties.cam Phone Number 979!764-U06a Fax dumber 9791698-0977 PRESENT I~SE OF PROPERTY This oronertv is presently used as the median between the ent,erin9 and exiting automobile traffic to the mall from Harvey oad The m~ian contains a "rnarauee" reader Sian that is approximately twenty feet f20'1 Iona and eleven feet ' 11'1 hioh. The sign is oerpendioutar to Harvey roe snd will used as part of thC~ &Cr@Bnina Walt for the radio equipment and the base of the tower. • GURREN7 BONING OF PROPERTY C-1 I verify that all Of the inigmlBtipD o01'tCalnetl •~ this application is true and comeci. tF AFPLlCAT1O111 1S FILES BY ANYDIVE ~TNER 77~JAN THE OWNFR OP THE PROPERTY, APPLICATIQN MUST t3E aCCQA~?PAN1E'~] BY A PO WER QF A TTORNFY STATF'11r4FNT FROM THE O WNER. c= ~~,, ~-~-' sigryt[v~ ofOwner. A~eM or,tppJicant _ _h~GLf ~ ~c+~ 6 Dace • . !.I h • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 STAFF REPORT DATE: April 19, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner THROUGH: Lance Simms, Interim Director of Planning & Development Services • SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review, Article 7.4, Signs Item summary: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.4, Signs. Item background: At the request of the Planning and Zoning Commission at the January 19, 2006, meeting, background information was prepared for your review at the February 16, 2006 Workshop. At that time, Staff received concerns regarding banners for non-profits and places of worship. This item was removed from the Planning and Zoning agenda in February in order to receive feedback and direction from the City Council regarding these banners. At the April 13, 2006 City Council Workshop, Council did not recommend including banners for non-profits and places of worship as part of the UDO update. The current draft of the ordinance was discussed on the April 20, 2006 P&Z Workshop meeting. Non-housekeeping items in this section include additional restrictions on political and non- commercial signs, and provisions for the removal of signs when the associated building is demolished. Additionally, staff received direction at the December 14, 2005, Joint City Council/P&Z Commission meeting regarding community spirit signs and signage for neighborhood groups. Following is a summary of proposed changes by category: Non-commercial and political signs: Language was added to Section 7.4.Q limiting the size of non-commercial signage to 50 square feet, clarifying that signs may not be placed in any public Right of Way, and providing a time limit for political signs. The proposed changes will allow non-commercial signs related to an event to be placed up to 90 days prior to the event and require sign removal within 10 days after the event. • Sign removal: Section 7.4.X was amended to require signs to be removed if the associated building is demolished. A number of sites have redeveloped in the City while maintaining their grandfathered freestanding sign status by not removing the existing sign. This provision will require sites that are completely demoished to remove any freestanding signs. When new signage is installed, it will be required to comply with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. Community Spirit Signs: Community spirit signs were originally located in Section 7.4.D as a prohibited sign unless authorized by Council. The new ordinance will locate these signs under "Exempt Signs" in Section 7.4.E, and allow for on-premise community spirit signs as well as off-premise. signage for neighborhood groups: Provisions have been made in the "Exempt Signs" Section 7.4.E. to allow for signage for neighborhood events. These provisions allow for temporary signage within the perimeter of a neighborhood for a neighborhood event sponsored by an association that is registered with the City of College Station Neighborhood Services. These will be considered unregulated signs, so no permit will be necessary, however the signs must remain in good repair, and the name of the association must be featured on the sign so that Code Enforcement may contact the association or group about any problems with the sign. These signs may be placed up to 14 days prior to the event, and are to be removed 24 hours after the event is over. Attachments: 1. UDO Section 7.4, Signs Proposed Language C~ Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7_4. i n • • p. The spacing requirements for driveways not meeting the specifications in Section 7.3.C.3, Spacing of Driveways, may be lessened or waived if auxiliary lanes are used. q. Access points on arterial and collector streets may be required to be signalized in order to provide safe and efficient traffic flow. A development may be responsible for all or part of any right-of-way dedication, design, hardware, or construction costs of a traffic signal if it is determined that the signal is necessitated by the traffic generated from the development. The procedures for signal installation and the percent of financial participation required of the development in the installation of the signal shalt be in accordance with criteria set forth in the City's Traffic Signal Policy. 7.4 Signs A. Purpose The purpose of this Section is to establish clear and unambiguous regulations pertaining to signs in the City of College Station and to promote an attractive community, foster traffic safety, and enhance the effective communication and exchange of ideas and commercial information. B. Applicability The City Council recognizes that signs are necessary for visual communication for public convenience, and that businesses and other activities have the right to identify themselves by using signs that are incidental to the use on the premises where the signs are located. The Council herein seeks to provide a reasonable balance between the right of a person to identify his or her business or activity, and the rights of the public to be protected against visual discord and safety hazards that result from the unrestricted proliferation, location, and construction of signs. This Section will insure that signs are compatible with adjacent land uses and with the total visual environment of the community, in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 1. The City Council finds that the rights of residents of this City to fully exercise their rights of free speech by the use of signs containing non- commercial messages are subject to minimum regulation regarding structural safety and setbacks for purposes of traffic protection. The City Council seeks herein to provide for the reasonably prompt removal and disposal of such signs after they have served their purpose, and yet to avoid any interference with First Amendment freedoms, especially as to persons who are of limited financial means. 2. The City Council finds that instances may occur in the application of this Section where strict enforcement would deprive a person of the reasonable use of a sign, or the reasonable utilization of a sign in connection with other related property rights, and herein provides for such persons to have the right to seek variances from the requirements of this UDO for good cause. The City Council finds that it is imperative that enforcement officials apply this Section as it is written, in the interest of equality and fair and impartial application to all persons, and that the procedures to appeal a denial of a sign permit to the ZBA shall remain the sole administrative means to obtain any exception to the terms hereof. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 ~-2~ City of College Station, Texas • Article 7. General Lleveloument Standards Section 7_4. Signs • 3. The regulations of this Section shall apply for developments within the zoning districts listed in Section 7.4.C, Summary of Permitted Signs. These regulations only apply to special districts within the City of College Station so far as is stated in the following Sections of this UDO: a. Wolf Pen Creek District (WPC), Section 5.6.A. b. Northgate Districts (NG-1, NG-2, NG-3), Section 5.6.8. c. Corridor Overlay District (OV), Section 5.8.A. d. Krenek Overlay District (KO), Section 5.8.B. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 C. Summary of Permitted Signs The followin si ns are ermitted in the relevant zonin districts of the Ci • ~ € ,t~ r ~: ,A ,: ~ s~ a ~ t _ i ~~+, ~, ~ , ' ' u ~ a a ae: ~cc :~~, a, a a :o e a u u ° ~ ~ Apartment/Condominium/ Manufactured Home Park X X X Identification Si ns Area Identification/ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Subdivision Si ns Attached Signs X X X X X X X X X X Development Signs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Directional Traffic Control X X X X X X X Si ns Freestanding Signs X X X X Home Occupation Signs X X X X X X X X X Low Profile Signs X X X X X X X Non-Commercial Signs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Real Estate, Finance, and X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Construction Si ns Roof Signs X X X X Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 D. Prohibited Signs The following signs shall be prohibited in the City of College Station: 1. Portable and trailer signs, and temporary freestanding signs. 2. ,Signs painted on rooftops. 3. Inflated signs, pennants, wind driven devises (excluding flags), tethered balloons, and/or any gas filled objects for advertisement, decoration, or otherwise, except as permitted in Section 7.4.0, Grand Opening Signs4 Section 7.4.T, Special Event Signs. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 4. Vehicle signs except as permitted in Section 7.4.U, Vehicle Signs. 7-28 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Deleted: <#>Off-premise signs, including billboards, both commercial and non-commercial, except where there has been a resolution adopted by the City of College Station City Council or an executed contract with the City of College Station and the display of the sign:¶ <#>Promotes a positive Image of the City of College Station for the attraction of business or tourism;¶ <#>Depicts an accomplishment of an individual or group; orA <#>Creates a positive community spirit.¶ Per Ordinance No. 2763 dated October 21, 2004 _FOnnatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: and • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7_4. i n • 5. Flags containing copy or logo, excluding the flags of any country, state, city, or school, are prohibited in residential zones and on any residentially- developed property (except when flags are used as subdivision signs). 6. Signs and displays with flashing, blinking, or traveling lights, or erratic or other moving parts, including electronic message boards that change more than once per 24-hour period, either internal or external to the premise, and oriented and visible to vehicular traffic, provided that time and temperature signs are permissible if the maximum area and setback requirements of this Section are met and if the commercial information or content of such signs is restricted to no more than eight square feet. 7. Signs containing manual changeable copy or electronic reader boards which are greater than 30 percent of the allowable sign area. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 8. Any signs that are intended to or designed to resemble traffic signs or signals and bear such words as "stop", "slow", "caution", "danger", "warning", or other words, and that are erected for purposes other than actual traffic control or warning to the public. 9. Any sign located within the site triangle in any district as stated in Article 7.1.C, Visibility at Intersections in all Districts. This does not include traffic control or directional signs. 10. Any sign that emits sound, odor, or visible matter. li. Commercial banners in all districts, except as permitted in Section 7.4.0, Grand Opening Signs and Section 7.4.T, Special Event Signs. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 • E. Exempt Signs The following signs are exempt from the requirements of this UDO: 1. Signs that are not easily identified from beyond the boundaries of the lot or parcel on which they are located or from any public thoroughfare or traveled right-of-way, as determined by the Administrator. Such signs are not exempt from the safety regulations contained herein and in City Building and Electrical Codes. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 2. Official notices posted by government officials in the performance of their duties: government signs controlling traffic, regulating public conduct, identifying streets, or warning of danger. Bulletin boards or identification signs accessory to government buildings or other buildings are subject to the provisions of this UDO. 3. Temporary signs erected by private property owners for the purpose of warning of a dangerous defect, condition, or other hazard to the public. 4. Non-commercial signs on private property or works of art that in no way identify or advertise a product or business, or by their location and placement impede traffic safety, except as stated in Section 7.5.R. Non- 7-29 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7_4. i~ n • Commercial and Political Signs. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 5. Temporary decorations or displays, if they are clearly incidental to and are customarily and commonly associated with any national, local, or religious celebration. 6. Temporary or permanent signs erected by public utilities or construction companies to warn of the location of pipelines, electrical conduits, or other dangers or conditions in public rights-of-way. 7. Non-Commercial Signs carried by a person and not set or affixed to the ground, that in no way identify or advertise a product or business, or by their location and placement impede traffic safety. Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 8. Commercial Signs carried by a person and not set on or affixed to the ground, provided that the sign is temporary, on-premise, and not used by the person on the premises for more than three (3) consecutive days, more than four (4) times per calendar year. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 9. Outdoor advertising display signs for sponsors of charitable events held on public properties. These signs may be displayed for the duration of the event or not more than three days with approval of the City Manager; and 10. Flags used as political symbols. ii. Special District Identification Signs, as defined by Article 11.2 Terms, that in no way advertise a product or a business, or by their location and • placement impede traffic safety. Special District Identification Signs must be approved by the appropriate Board or Committee. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 12._ ,On-..remise andLor_.v_ff-prern~~e si ns where there_h_~s_f»>t:n a rraolution adopted by the Ci~of Colleae Station City Council or an executed contract ~.vith the City of Colleae Station and the dis Ip av of the sians are for ~esignated_locations~ a_specified time period ands a_ Promotes_a positive image cf the Cif of College.5tation for the ' attraction of business or tourisrr~~ b. Depicts an accomplishment of an individual or group• or c._. Creates a gositive communitv~irit. 13._Teiriporary siarl5_zrected for a.neighborhood event sponsored try a neighborhood roup that is registered with the Citv of Colleae Station, provided that the signage is:_ ~. _l~oc~ted within th_ 2~erimeter of the neiyhborhood~ b. Provides the name of the association sponsorina the event on the Sian, e. Tn aood repair, 7-30 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Heading 4 f Formatted: Heading 5 Formatted: Heading a ,--- ', Formatted: Heading 5 • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7_4. i n • d. Allowed t~to fourteen (144~ia s prior to the event, and e. Removed within twenty-four (24) hours of the event. F. Sign Standards The following table summarizes the sign standards for the City of College Station: C, .~ Apartment/Condominium/MOnufactured 100 10 10 1/frontage Home Park Identification Si ns Area Identification Signs 16 4 10 1/10-50 acre subdivision or hase Not to exceed 1 foot from top of Any number allowed Attached Si ns g Varies, see wall, marquee, if within the total allowed square 7.4.I below or parapet to footage of attached which it is attached signs Development Signs Residential /Collector Street 35 Arterial Street 65 15 10 1/premises Freeway 200 As desi Hated on Thorou hfare Plan Directional Traffic Control Si ns 3 4 4 1 curb cut 1/building plot Freestanding Signs Varies, see 7.4.M below SO where lot exceeds 75 feet of fronta e Home Occupation Signs Not to exceed 2 top of wall to which it is ___ 1/dwelling unit attached Low Profile Signs (In lieu of permitted 60 4 10 1/150 feet of Freestandin Sin fronta e Real Estate, Finance, and Construction 1/frontage Signs 16 8 10 (Real Estate) Up to 150-foot frontage 32 8 SO 1/property (Finance) Greater than 150-foot frontage 3/property Construction Determined Roof Signs by frontage. Same as 10 feet above --- 1/building plot in place of a freestanding structural roof freestanding sign Max. 100 s.f. 1/primary Subdivision Signs 150 15 30 subdivision entrance. Not to exceed 2 si ns. * Except as provided for in Section 7.4.M.10, Freestanding Commercial Signs. ** The area of a sign is the area enclosed by the minimum imaginary rectangle or vertical and horizontal lines that fully contains all extremities (as shown in the illustration below), exclusive of supports. Per Ordinance No. 2681 dated November 25, 2003 Per Ordnance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 7-31 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas r~ Art. isle 7. General Develo~~gLt 't:andarcis Section 7_4. 'i n • ,,. r ~u s , ` r - ~ _ ~_ _~ EMBISM ~ 1 1 OECK 1 ~ CIRCLE I 1 i ~ ----1 L _J 1VIpiR -._~ ~~~ MtlIN _..~ tqa r~--- i ~`" - _ I L cwo SruvF S I~ 1 i ~ 1 ,f" ~ . - _ JI~ ~... ygijl........ "-.1 ~~ 1Mtl1R ~____ --~---~ i MULTIPLE _ - - - - - - ~je~ ~ '~Y ;ELEMENTS ~"`t' _.. ~- - - - - - - - - - - _ _.... .. _ tAC~O_ J Per Ordinance No. 2681 dated November 25, 2003 G. Area Identification and Subdivision Signs 1. Area Identification Signs shall be permitted upon private property in any zone to identify multiple-lot subdivisions of 10 to 50 acres in size and subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. Area Identification Signs may also be used within a large subdivision to identify distinct areas within that subdivision, subject to the • requirements in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. 2. Subdivision Signs shall be permitted upon private property in any zone to identify subdivisions of greater than 50 acres, subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. 3. Both Area Identification and Subdivision Signs must be located on the premises as identified by a preliminary or master preliminary plat of the subdivision. Subdivision Signs will be permitted only at major intersections on the perimeter of the subdivision (intersection of two collector or larger streets). At each intersection either one or two Subdivision Signs may be permitted so long as the total area of the signs does not exceed 150 square feet. Flags may be utilized in place of a Subdivision Identification Sign, but the overall height shalt not exceed 20 feet and 25 square feet in area in a residential zone and 35 feet in height and 100 square feet in area in industrial or commercial districts. 4. Subdivision markers of no more that one square foot in area and used in conjunction with a subdivision or area identification sign are permitted attached to architectural elements within the subdivision. 5. Indirect -ighting is permissible but no optical effects, moving parts, or alternating, erratic, or flashing lights shall be permitted. Landscaping valued at 250 points shall be installed around each Subdivision Sign. 7-32 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7_4. SicL • Adequate arrangements for permanent maintenance of all signs and any landscaping in conjunction with such signs shall be made, which may be through an owners association if one exists or is created for this purpose. 6. All signs shall be setback as shown in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above except in areas where a Private Improvement in Public Right-of-way permit has been issued. H. Apartment/Condominium/Manufactured Home Park Identification Signs 1. One Apartment/Condominium/Manufactured Home Park Identification Sign may be located at a primary entrance on each frontage to a public road. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 2. The maximum area allowed for each frontage may be divided among two signs if those signs are single sided and mounted at a single entrance. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 3. An Apartment/Condominium/Manufactured Home Park Identification Sign may be either an attached sign or a freestanding monument sign. It shall be placed upon the private property of a particular multi-family project in the appropriate zone as established in Section 7.4.C, Summary of Permitted Signs subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above,. 4. The Apartment/Condominium/Manufactured Home Park Identification Sign shall list the name and may list the facilities available and have leasing or sales information incorporated as a part of the sign. 5. An apartment or condominium project must have a minimum of 24 dwelling • units to qualify for an identification sign. 6. Indirect lighting is permissible, but no optical effects, moving parts, or alternating, erratic, or Flashing lights or devices shall be permitted. 7. Any manufactured home parks existing at the time of this UDO that are non-conforming may still utilize an identification sign meeting the provisions of this Section and Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. Attached Signs 1. Attached Signs are commercial signs under this Section. 2. Attached Signs on any commercial building or tenant lease space shall not exceed a total of two and a half (2.5) square feet per linear foot of all public entry facades, with a maximum of 500 square feet of attached signage allowed for any one tenant. Multi-story businesses will be allowed 100 square feet of additional attached signage. Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 3. The division of allowable building signage amongst building tenants shall be the sole responsibility of the owner or property manager, and not the City 7-33 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas C, Article 7;Gei~eral Develotm~ient Standards Section 7_a. ~ i~ cros • r~ of College Station. 4. Signs attached to features such as gasoline pumps, automatic teller machines, mail/package drop boxes, or similar on-site features, if identifiable from the right-of-way, as determined by the Administrator, shall count as part of the allowable sign area of the attached signs for the site. Information contained on such features pertaining to federal and state requirements, and operation/safety instructions are not counted. All other signage on such features shall count towards the allowable attached sign area. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 5. Architectural elements, which are not part of the sign or logo and in no way identify the specific business tenant, shall not be considered attached signage. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 6. An attached sign: a. Shall advertise only the name of, uses of, or goods or services available within the building or tenant lease space to which the sign is attached; Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 b. Shall be parallel to the face of the building; c. Shall not be cantilevered away from the structure; d. Shall not extend more than one foot from any exterior building face, mansard, awning, or canopy; e. Shall not obstruct any window, door, stairway, or other opening intended for ingress or for needed ventilation or light; and f. Shall not be attached to any tree or public utility pole. J. Development Sign 1. A Development Sign may be placed only on private property subject to the requirements in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. 2. A Development Sign for a building project shall be removed if the project has not received a Building Permit at the end of twelve months. The Administrator may renew the sign permit for one additional twelve-month period upon request. Once a Building Permit for the project is received, the sign may stay in place until 75 percent of the project is leased or a permanent sign is installed, whichever comes first. 3. A Development Sign for a proposed subdivision shall be removed if a Preliminary or Final Plat has not been approved by the end of twelve months. The Administrator may renew the Sign Permit for one additional twelve-month period upon request. Once a plat has been approved, the Sign Permit is valid as long as a Preliminary Plat is in effect, or in the absence of a valid Preliminary Plat, for 24 months from the date of approval of a Final Pfat. 7-34 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7~4. i n • K. Directional Traffic Control Sign 1. Directional Traffic Control Signs may be utilized as traffic control devices in off-street parking areas subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards above. 2. For multiple lots sharing an access easement to public right-of-way, there shall be only one directional sign located at the curb cut. 3. Logo or copy shall be less than 50% of the sign area. 4. No Directional Traffic Control Sign shall be permitted within or upon the right-of-way of any public street unless its construction, design, and location have been approved by the City Traffic Engineer. L. Flags 1. One freestanding corporate flag per premise, not to exceed 35 feet in height or 100 square feet in area, is allowed in multi-family, commercial, and industrial districts. 2. Flags used solely for decoration and not containing any copy or logo and located only in multi-family, commercial, and industrial districts or developments are allowed without a permit. In multi-family developments, such flags will be restricted to 16 square feet in area. In all permitted zoning districts such flags will be restricted to 30 feet in height, and the number shall be restricted to no more than 6 flags per building plot. C7 3. Flags containing commercial copy or logo, excluding the flags of any country, state, city, school, or church are prohibited in residential zones and on any residentially developed property (except when flags are used as Subdivision Signs). M. Freestanding Commercial Signs i. Any development with over 75 linear feet of frontage will be allowed one Freestanding Commercial Sign. All Freestanding Commercial Signs shall meet the following standards: a. Allowable Area .. 0-75 ~-- ~ ~. Low Profile onl 76-100 50 101-150 75 151-200 100 201-250 125 251-300 150 301-350 175 351-400 200 401-450 225 451-500 250 501-550 275 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7-35 City of College Station, Texas 1r\1 u Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7~4. Si4ns • 551-600+ 300 b. Area For the purposes of this Section, area shall be considered the area in square feet of a single-face sign, or one side of a double-face sign, or half the sides of a multi-face sign. Per Ordinance No. 2681 dated November 25, 2003 c. Frontage 1) For the purposes of this Section, frontage shall be considered the number of feet fronting on a public street to which a sign is oriented. 2) On corner lots, the frontage street shall be the greater street as classified on the thoroughfare plan. Where the two streets are classified the same, the applicant may choose the frontage street. d. Allowable Height i) The allowable height of a Freestanding Commercial Sign is determined by measuring the distance from the closest point of the sign to the curb or pavement edge and dividing this distance by two. No Freestanding Commercial Sign shall exceed 35 feet in height. 2) For the purposes of this Section, height of a sign shall be measured from the elevation of the curb or pavement edge. 3) For the purposes of this Section, the distance from curb shall be measured in feet from the back of curb or pavement edge to the nearest part of the sign. 2. Freestanding Commercial Signs are allowed only on developed commercial property established in the appropriate zones as set forth in Section 7.4.C, Summary of Permitted Signs. One freestanding sign shall be allowed in the • A-P zone only when the premise has a minimum of two acres, subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards. One Low Profile Sign shall be allowed in the A-P zone when the premise has less than two acres subject to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards, above. 3. A premise with less than 75 feet of frontage shall be allowed to use one Low Profile Sign. 4. A premise with more than 75 feet of frontage shall be allowed to use standards for one Freestanding Commercial Sign located in Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards, rather than one Low Profile Sign. 5. A premise with more than 150 feet of frontage shall be allowed to use one Freestanding Commercial Sign or any number of Low Profile Signs as long as there is a minimum separation between signs of 150 feet. In lieu of one Low Profile Sign every 150 feet, hospital uses may have one low profile sign located at each driveway. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 6. Premises with less than 75 feet of frontage may be combined in order to utilize signage corresponding to the resulting frontage as described in the preceding two paragraphs. 7-36 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas C, Article 7. General Development Standards Section L. ins • 7. No more than one Freestanding Commercial Sign shall be allowed on any premises except when the site meets one of the following sets of criteria: a. The building plot, as recognized on an approved Plat or Site Plan, must be 25 acres or more in area with at least 1,000 feet of continuous unsubdivided frontage on any major arterial street or higher (as classified on the Thoroughfare Plan) toward which one additional Freestanding Commercial Sign may be displayed (see diagram below); or Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 ~~ ~~ IT ~' !, ~I 1 ICI 'i I~' mi ~I o ~ SIGN A (`I C O NI ~ j E I j ~' I I I' III ~ 25 Acre Minimum ' I I I rn SIGN I~ -1--- --- ~ property line • b. The Building Plot, as recognized on an approved Plat or Site Plan, must be 15 acres or more in area with at least 600 feet of continuous unsubdivided frontage on any major arterial street or higher (as classified on the Thoroughfare Plan) and the site must have additional frontage on a street classified as a minor arterial or greater on the Thoroughfare Plan, toward which the additional Freestanding Commercial Sign may be displayed. Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7-37 City of College Station, Texas • ArBele 7. eneral Dzvelopr~ient'~'tandar[is Section 7_a. Sians • -- minor arterial or greater --street ----- ---~ I I I ( I-~-------------~-- I ~ SIGN I I I I m' ~ ~ I I I I I ~I I I i I I m ~~ l p° SIGN ~ I ~~a ~ I ~ I I ~I I I cl i I I E 15 Acre Minimum i i I I I I _ L_ _ ------- --I i I property line 8. Any sign where two or more panels have separate supports extending to them shall be considered to be more than one Freestanding Commercial Sign, even where only one main support extends to the ground. 9. Sites with limited or no street frontage, due to a proliferation of pad sites, that are not contained within the building plot, as defined by the Administrator, and are fronting along a street classified as a collector or greater on the Thoroughfare Plan, will be allowed the area of the sign to be less than or equal to the square of one-sixth of the distance from the closest portion of the sign to the curb or pavement edge, with the maximum area not to exceed 200 square feet. ~~ ~.~ 30. Any site defined as a single building plot, and containing one or more pad sites, shall be permitted to erect a Freestanding Commercial Sign in accordance with Section 7.4.N, Freestanding Commercial Signs, and to the standards of Section 7.4.N.1.a, Allowable Area, with the maximum area not to exceed 200 square feet. In addition, each pad site will be permitted to erect one Low Profile Sign per pad site according to the restrictions of 7.4.F, Sign Standards. N. Fuel Price Signs Facilities with fuel sales will be allowed one additional sign for the purposes of fuel pricing, either freestanding or attached, per premises. 1. The area of the fuel price sign shall not exceed 16 square feet. 2. Fuel pricing may be incorporated into the allowable square footage of a Freestanding Commercial Sign or Attached Sign. 3. This sign shall follow the setback requirements for a Freestanding Commercial Sign and shall not be located within the right-of-way. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 7-38 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • C, r ~J Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7_4, i n O. Grand Opening Signs 1. Flags, commercial banners, and balloons, which advertise a business's grand opening, may be displayed for one consecutive 14-day period, selected by the business owner, within 60 days of the granting of the initial Certificate of Occupancy, a change in the use, or of a change in the name of the business. A permit is required. 2. A Commercial Banner: a. Shall advertise only the name of, uses of, or goods or services available within the building, or tenant lease space, to which the sign is attached; b. Shall be parallel to the face of the building; c. Shall not be cantilevered away from the structure; d. Shall not extend more than one foot from any exterior building face, mansard, awning, or canopy; e. Shall not obstruct any window, door, stairway, or other opening intended for ingress or for needed ventilation or light; and f. Shall not be attached to any tree, fence. or public utility pole. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 P. Home Occupation Signs i. A person having a legal home occupation may have one sign on the building or porch of a residence_ 2. The sign may contain only the name and occupation of the resident. 3. It shall be attached directly to the face of the building or porch. 4. It shall not exceed two square feet in area, shall not be illuminated in any way, and shall not project more than 12 inches beyond the building. 5. No display of merchandise or other forms of commercial communication shall be allowed within a residential area, unless same are in existence prior to the adoption of this UDO in connection with a use that is presently a lawful non-conforming use within the district. 6. Such anon-conforming sign may be maintained until the non-conforming use of the building ceases, subject to the requirements for maintenance herein. Discontinuance of the use of such a sign for more than three months shall prevent future use, even if the non-conforming use of the premises is continuous. Q. Non-Commercial and Political Signs This Section does not regulate the size, content, or location of non-commercial signs except as follows: i. No commercial message shall be shown on any non-commercial sign. 2. No non-commercial sign: a._ M~y_be grf°ater, than fifi~~ squ~re_feel~50 sq`ft.~ in size ' 7-39 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • Arti4le 7. 'ever I~velotxrient Standard_s_ Section 7_4. 'i ns • b. May be located within public road right-of-way of the State of Texas or the City of College Station; -- - - - _ _ c~May be located off the premises of the property owner who is displaying ' Formatted. Bullets and Numbering J the sign; and d~ May be located within any sight distance triangle as defined in Section 7.1.C, Visibility at Intersections in All Districts, or where determined by the Administrator as a location that would hinder intersection visibility. This provision is necessary to avoid clutter, proliferation, and dangerous distraction to drivers caused by close proximity of such signs to automobile traffic, to avoid damage to automobiles which may leave the paved surface intentionally or by accident, and to avoid the necessity for pedestrians to step into the roadway to bypass such signs. No regulatory alternative exists to accomplish this police power obligation. 3. In the event that any non-commercial sign is located in a public right-of- way of the State or Cif, the City shall remove it. ~ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ' -- _- - _ - ~,____f111 nun, c~~ntrn~rc.i_al_sictn_,..a~i~liess.irig ~i~_~iit~cul,tr cv~ nt_;:Irc, allo_s~c ~1_~ii~,._~.: ninety__~90'~ ~I,ayS_~_ioi to tht _y_~~nt ~n~' shill t~~ r~ mc~,~~d ;~i_hin_t~(~ ~ 1t)1 d~~ys eFter,. R. Real Estate/Finance/Construction Signs • 1. One Real Estate Sign not exceeding 16 square feet in total area (exclusive of stakes and posts) may be erected at any time while a property is offered for sale or lease to the public. Properties with a minimum of 150 feet of frontage shall be allowed one Real Estate Sign not exceeding 32 square feet in total area. Properties with a minimum of two acres and frontage on two streets shall be allowed one real estate sign on each frontage street with the area of the sign to be determined by the amount of frontage as stated above. 2. One Finance Sign and three Construction Signs (for a total of four signs), not exceeding 16 square feet in total area each (exclusive of stakes and posts) may be erected once a building permit has been issued on a property. Properties with a minimum of ten acres and 1,000 feet of frontage shall be allowed one Finance Sign and three Construction Signs not exceeding 32 square feet in total area each. 3. Real Estate, Finance, and Construction Signs may be either attached or freestanding and only those visible from the street are limited in number. 4. All such signs shall be maintained by the persons in control of the premises so as to remain erect and in good repair. Such signs shall be removed by the property owner or other person in control of the premises if they are damaged, broken, or incapable of remaining erect. 5. Such signs must be removed by the owner or person in control of the premises when either the property has sold or been leased and/or when performance under the construction contract or subcontract (in the case of Construction Signs) has been completed. In all cases, Financing and Construction Signs shall be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ~-ao Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7_4. 5icy~ • S. Roof Signs i. Signs mounted to the structural roof shall be regulated as Freestanding Commercial Signs. 2. Painted or applied roof signs are prohibited. T. Special Event Signs 1. Signs, commercial banners, and balloons advertising or announcing a Special Event, as defined in Chapter 4, Section 4.B of the Code of Ordinances, are permitted as a part of the Special Event License and shall be limited to the property holding the event. 2. The Special Event Signage is allowed up to 14 days prior to the event and must be removed within 24 hours of the end of the event. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 U. Vehicle Signs 1. Signs that are displayed on motor vehicles that are being operated or stored in the normal course of a business, such as signs indicating the name or the type of business, excluding all banners, that are located on moving vans, delivery trucks, trailers or other commercial vehicles are permitted; but only if the primary purpose of such vehicles is not for the display of the signs thereon, and only if such vehicles are parked or stored in areas appropriate to their use as commercial or delivery vehicles, such as service areas or locations close to the business building away from public traffic areas. • 2. Signs or advertisements permanently attached to non-commercial vehicles, excluding all banners, are permitted. V. Signs for Conditional Uses 1. Signs for Conditional Uses shall comply with the regulations for the zoning district in which the Conditional Use is permitted. 2. Signs for Conditional Uses in residential or agricultural zoning districts shall comply with Section 7.4.F Sign Standards, "Low Profile Signs." Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 W. Signs for Permitted Non-residential uses in Residential or Agricultural Districts Signs for non-residential permitted uses in residential or agricultural zoning districts shall comply with Section 7.4.F Sign Standards, "Low Profile Signs." Per Ordinance No. 2664 dated September 9, 2003 X. Abandoned, Damaged, or Unsafe Signs 1. The provisions of this Section shall apply when in conflict with the provisions of the Building Code; but where the provisions of both ordinances are consistent, the enforcement of either shall be permissible ~-a i Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas C7 ~rti~le 7,~ngrai r.)eve~~n~it,titandards Sectlon 7_5. Lin sea in an 'tree Prgtectiori • ~ and remedies or penalties cumulative:. 2. Non-conforming signs that have become deteriorated or damaged to an extent that the cost of the reconstruction or restoration of such signs is in excess of 50 percent of its replacement value exclusive of foundations, will be required to be removed or brought into full compliance with the current sign regulations_ 3. All abandoned signs and their supports shall be removed within 60 days from the date of abandonment. All damaged signs shall be repaired or removed within 60 days. The Administrator shall have authority to grant a 30-day time extension where he determines there is a reasonable necessity for same:. 4. Discontinuance of use or removal of any non-conforming sign or any sign in connection with anon-conforming use shall create a presumption of intent to abandon said sign. Anon-conforming sign that is damaged and not repaired within 60 days shall be presumed to be abandoned. I 5, _'~'Uhen a bui_I~Jiritis denivli~hed, the 3ssoci~ted_si.~s_and_~i~~ structu±c~s + ;hall it>o be ,removed.,, Y. Signs in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction All off-premise and portable signs shall be prohibited within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of College Station. 7.5 Landscaping and Tree Protection A. Purpose and Intent The purpose and intent of this Section is to regulate the manner in which land in • the City is used and developed, to minimize adverse effects on surrounding property owners or the general public, and ensure that high quality development is maintained throughout the community. For the purpose of landscaping, College Station, Texas falls within Zone 8 of the USDA Hardiness Zone Map. Dwarf plants will not be allowed in required screening or buffer areas. B. Application of Section The landscaping requirements of this Section apply to all land located in the City of College Station proposed for site development with the exception of those zoned NG-1, NG-2, and NG-3. The requirements also do not apply to single- family, duplex, or townhouse uses, except as follows: 1. The requirements of this Section have limited application to properties developed for duplexes, as follows: a. A minimum of 200 points of landscaping as calculated in this Sectlon shall be provided for each new duplex unit. b. Where parking is provided in the front yard, an eight-foot landscaped setback shall be required between the property line and the nearest side of the parking pad. This eight-foot setback area must be landscaped and contain athree-foot high screen consisting of a continuous berm, hedge, or wall. In addition, an eight-foot landscaped setback shall be 7-42 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas __ __ -- - - iFormatted: Bulletr and Numbering • • ~~ City of College Station Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue South, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 23, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Kendall Fogle, Transportation Planner THROUGH: Lance Simms, Acting Director of Planning & Development Services • SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review - 7.2.K Alternative Parking Plans Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.2.K, Alternative Parking Plans. Item Summary: At the direction of the Planning & Zoning Commission at the January 5, 2006 meeting, the Annual Review of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) has been divided into several smaller amendments for consideration. This item, driveways, was discussed at the April 20, 2006 Workshop meeting. No changes were recommended at that time. In this section, the change would remove the provision of bicycle parking as an acceptable alternative parking plan since bicycle parking is required through Section 7.9.F "Pedestrian/Bike Circulation & Facilities". • Attachments: Redlined Copy of Section 7.2.K Alterative Parking Plans Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7~. Off-Street Parkinq Standards • I K. Alternative Parking Plans 1. Scope An Alternative Parking Plan represents a proposal to meet vehicle parking and transportation access needs by means other than providing parking spaces on-site in accordance with the ratios established in Section 7.2.H, Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required. 2. Applicability Applicants who wish to provide fewer or more off-street parking spaces than allowed above shall be required to secure approval of an Alternative Parking Plan, in accordance with the standards of this Section. The Administrator may require that an Alternative Parking Plan be submitted in cases where the Administrator deems the listed standard to be inappropriate based on the unique nature of the use or in cases where the applicable standard is unclear. 3. Contents Alternative Parking Plans shall be submitted in a form established by the Administrator and made available to the public. At a minimum, such plans shall detail the type of alternative proposed and the rationale for such a proposal. 4. Review and Approval Procedure The Administrator shall be authorized to approve Alternative Parking Plans. Appeals of the Administrator's decision may be made to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 5. Recording An attested copy of an approved Alternative Parking Plan shall be submitted • to the County Clerk's office for recordation on forms made available in the Department of Development Services. Proof of recordation of the agreement shall be presented to the Administrator prior to issuance of a Building Permit. An approved Alternative Parking Plan may be amended by the Administrator. 6. Eligible Alternatives A number of specific parking and access alternatives are described below. The Administrator shall, however, be authorized to consider and approve any alternative to providing off-street parking spaces on the site of the subject development if the applicant demonstrates that the proposed plan shall result in a better situation with respect to surrounding neighborhoods, city-wide traffic circulation, and urban design than would strict compliance with otherwise applicable off-street parking standards. a. Shared Parking The Administrator may authorize a reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces for multiple-use developments or for uses that are located near one another and that have different peak parking demands or different operating hours. Shared parking shall be subject to the following standards: ~->.a Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7_2. Off-Street Parking Standards • i) Location Shared off-street parking spaces shall be located no farther than 250 feet from the building site. The Administrator may waive this distance limitation, if adequate assurances are offered that van or shuttle service shall be operated between the shared lot and the principal use. 2) Zoning Classification Shared-parking areas shall be considered accessory uses of principal uses that the parking spaces are intended to serve. Shared parking areas shall require the same or a more intensive zoning classification than that required for the most intensive of the uses served by the shared parking area. 3) Required Study and Analysis The applicant shall submit a shared parking analysis to the Administrator that clearly demonstrates the feasibility of shared parking. The study shall be provided in a form established by the Administrator and made available to the public. It shall address, at a minimum, the size and type of the proposed development, the composition of tenants, the anticipated rate of parking turnover, and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads for all uses that shall be sharing off-street parking spaces. The Administrator shall have the authority to require a revised study and analysis should conditions change that may result in a change in site parking conditions. 4) Shared Parking Agreement A shared parking plan shall be enforced through written agreement among the owners of record. An attested copy of the agreement shall be submitted to the County Clerk's office for recordation on forms made available in the Department of Development Services. • Proof of recordation of the agreement shall be presented to the Administrator prior to issuance of a Building Permit. A shared parking agreement may be revoked by the parties to the agreement only if off-street parking is provided pursuant to this Section, or if an Alternative Parking Plan is approved by the Administrator. 5) Revocation Failure to comply with the shared parking provisions of this Section shall constitute a violation of this UDO and shall specifically be cause for revocation of a Certificate of Occupancy or Building Permit. b. Off-Site Parking The Administrator may permit all or a portion of the required off-street parking spaces to be located on a remote and separate lot from the lot on which the principal use is located, subject to the standards of this Section. 1) Location No off-site parking space shall be located more than 250 feet from the building site. The Administrator may waive this distance limitation if adequate assurances are offered that van or shuttle service shall be operated between the shared lot and the principal use. ~-i s Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7~. Access Manaoement and Circulation • 2) Zoning Classification Off-site parking areas shall be considered accessory uses of principal uses that the parking spaces are intended to serve. Off- site parking areas shall require the same or a more intensive zoning classification than that required for the use served. 3) Off-Site Parking Agreement In the event that an off-site parking area is not under the same ownership as the principal use served, a written agreement among the owners of record shall be required. An attested copy of the agreement between the owners of record shall be submitted to the County Clerk's Office for recordation on forms made available in the office of the Administrator. Proof of recordation of the agreement shall be presented to the Administrator prior to issuance of a Building Permit. An off-site parking agreement may be revoked by the parties to the agreement only if off-street parking is provided on-site pursuant to Section 7.2, Off-Street Parking Standards or if an Alternative Access and Parking Plan is approved by the Administrator. c. Bicycle Parking The Administrator may authorize a reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces for developments or uses thatlnake special ' oel!eted: provide tricycle parking provisions to accommodate bicyclists. Examples of accommodations ', or that _ _ __ - __ , include bicycle lockers, employee shower facilities, and dressing areas for employees. 7.3 Access Management and Circulation A. Location of Existing and Planned Multi-Modal Routes Any proposed development shall take into account the location of existing and • planned multi-modal routes (i.e., bikeways, pedestrian ways, and transit routes) and provide pedestrian and/or vehicular connections to the route(s) within or adjacent to the development. B. Easements i. Street Access No use shall be permitted to take direct access to a street except as allowed in this Section. a. Local Streets All residential uses may take direct access to local streets. Nonresidential uses shall not take direct access to local streets, provided that any lot located within a nonresidential subdivision or any parcel adjacent to a street within a nonresidential subdivision may take direct access to the local street internal to the subdivision, and provided that any corner lot abutting a local street and an arterial or collector street or freeway may take access to the local street if such access is required by the highway governmental authority having jurisdiction. b. Minor Collector Streets No single-family dwelling, townhouse, or duplex shall take direct access to minor collector streets except when permitted by the Subdivision Regulations. 7-16 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Regular Agenda 12 Public hearing, action, and amendment presentation, discussion to the Unified possible on an Development Ordinance, Sections 7.2.J, Drive-Through Facility Queuing Requirements. (KF) • ~~ City of College Station Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue South, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 23, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Kendall Fogle, Transportation Planner THROUGH: Lance Simms, Acting Director of Planning & Development Services • SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review - 7.2.J, Drive-Through Facility Queuing Requirements Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.2.K, Drive-Through Facility Queuing Requirements. Item Summary: At the direction of the Planning & Zoning Commission at the January 5, 2006 meeting, the Annual Review of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) has been divided into several smaller amendments for consideration. This item, driveways, was discussed at the April 20, 2006 Workshop meeting. No changes were recommended at that time. The changes proposed to Section 7.2.K will provide requirements for the design of drive-through queuing lanes for businesses that serve drive up customers. • Attachments: Redlined Copy of Section 7.2.K, Drive-Through Facility Queuing Requirements r~ ~~ C7 • • Article 7. General Development Standards Section ~ _4ff-Street Parkino Standards - _ _ __ _ _ k. * Overflow parking above required parking spaces may be grassed rather than paved. All unpaved spaces shall be shown on site plan and organized for efficient traffic circulation using wheel stops and other appropriate measures as required by the Administrator. ** No more than 25% of any shopping center square footage shall be utilized for intense uses (uses that, individually, have a parking requirement greater than 1:250 in C-1 or C-3 and 1:350 in C-2) unless additional parking is provided in accordance with the above requirements for that square footage of such uses in excess of 25%. Per Ordnance No. 2753 dared September 23, 2004 7. Drive-Through Fa~iJit~Queuinq Reauir•ements 1. Minimum Number of Spaces Drive-through queuing_s ac_r s_shali_be,~-ovided as indicated in tl_~e following table: MINIMUM OFF-STREET QUEUING REQUIREMENTS Automated Teller Mac_hi_ne ~ Tetler Bank Teller Lane ~+ Teller or Wind vv Car GVa`,h S al_I Autornati • ~ rvice Position Car Wash Stall Self-Service 3 rvi P sition Dr Caeanin _or Laundr .. _ _ ~ UVirtdov/ .. __ Oil Chance Station 3 Service Position Photo_I,ab 4 Pick-U b^Jindow _____ Restaurant Drive_Throu h ~+ Order Box Restaurant Drive Throu h ?. Order B ix to Pick-U 4Jindc:nv C>ther tits de!E~rmined h the Adrninistrati~r. Deleted: 7.3 _ Deleted: Traffic Impact Analysis Inserted: 7.3 Deleted: 7.3 Inserted: Traffic Impact Analysis Deleted: Access Management and Circulation Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ~ Formatted: Heading 4.1 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 2. ~7~;iq_n_~nc7 Lay~~~~Y l7UF'.l~li g SC)l( 'S,. (J r.-ll, ~rr i i~~ ~ 'I [ll.' i~ ~i; il~d, 111 dLL ,r (1 ',nc~, tht-h i. ___ _._ !: _ Ili; ~ ilQ, I.1[t.rld.. d. ~)I t LIP S» c._ bi ~ Ali, ~i~?' iu~ Ilt li t-~l;f, It.~l~ tr klll~ , t1.27, (~ k~l i1a_i 5~ ;,_ va(1 ci it I f iln.'i C~I _ll ,1.1 I u,__ll IV av~~~! ,C(_F , ~_._ b. Ear ,l t:~t12 ~1~->pd(.E .1 !I ~ rciSl lI ~ ri9CSdIlC~JI~t aP~.a i,l It` S ~1~11 tl'.il ~cel~lU~ ~ ~e_and ~~~~ ,_an~ orle-half fr_,_t (1S_5'j_lull~, ;_vi~l, a v_erkical clearance Us.~e~ified in the building code. c Queue spaces are not interchangeable with oarkinq spaces except for the following uses where the space providing services may count toward the parking requirement: bank teller car wash and oil change station d. A twelve foot 12'Lbv~~ss lane rna~be required adiacent to ~I.ieue ' lines to allow_vehi tes an,opportunity to circumvent the drive_through actiyity_and exit U e site. e. t ueue areas and dl_iv_e_thruugl_i_f~_ciljtier_shail_be_clearlx ~entifie.d.w.ith the appropriate.,signinc~ and_ n>?rkinc~_ fi., Spaces within a car ~,v_ash_faility_ordriti+_throu h.oil change station may_I~e counted tvwai_c1 nc~~_c~ueuii~g requirement. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 7-13 City of College Station, Texas Formatted: Heading 4.1, Tabs: Not I at 1.05" Formatted: Bulletr and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbednn C7 • ~Lp/~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 21, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner THROUGH: Lance Simms, Acting Director of Planning & Development Services • SUBJECT: UDO Amendment -Section 5.7 Design District Dimensional Standards Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), Section 5.7 Design District Dimensional Standards, related to the required front yard setback. Item Summary: All residential zoning districts in College Station (with the exception of A-O and A-OR) are permitted to reduce the required front setback to 15 feet when approved rear access is provided, or when side yard or rear yard parking is provided. The Wolf Pen Creek (WPC) Design District requires a front setback of 25 feet for all uses, including multi-family projects. Staff recommends adding a note to the Design District Dimensional Standards to allow for a reduced setback for multi-family projects when the above mentioned conditions are met. Item Background: Prior to the adoption of the UDO, the Wolf Pen Creek District (WPC) did not have a dimensional standards table. The Zoning Ordinance (#1638) text stated that C-1 General Commercial setbacks were to be used for all commercial projects. Non-commercial projects defaulted to the general dimensional standards table, which permitted a reduced front yard setback for residential projects when specific criteria were met. With the adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance in 2003, the dimensional standards were divided into three sections, Residential, Non-Residential, and Design District Dimensional Standards. The note that allows for the reduced setback is included in the Residential Dimensional Standards table, but was inadvertently left out of the Design District Dimensional Standards. • ~~ City of College Station Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue South, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 24, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Trey Fletcher, AICP, Senior Planner THROUGH: Lance Simms, Acting Director of Planning & Development Services • SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review -Land Use Issues: Wireless Transmission Facilities (WTF) Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 6.3 to address Wireless Transmission Facilities (V1ITF). Item Summary: At the direction of the Planning & Zoning Commission at the January 5, 2006 meeting, the Annual Review of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) has been divided into several smaller amendments for consideration. This item, Land Use Issues, was discussed at the April 20, 2006 Workshop meeting. No changes were recommended at that time. The purpose of this amendment is to facilitate and streamline the process required for collocated wireless facilities and to improve the organization of this section of the UDO as it relates to the type of wireless facility proposed. Wireless Transmission Facility (WTF) ^ Section 6.3.X.2.b "Intermediate Facilities" to include antennae collocations onto existing transmission towers as intermediate facilities. ^ Section 6.3.X "Wireless Telecommunication Facility (WTF)" to reorganize WTF requirements and application procedures by type of facility (attached, collocation, and new transmission towers). Attachments 1. Section 6.3 (Redlined) • • C7 C7 Regular Agenda 14 Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 6.3 to address Wireless Transmission Facilities (WTF). Article 6. Use Regulations Section ¢~. Temporary Uses Specific Use Standards • W. Vehicular Sales, Rental, Repair and Service i. Vehicles undergoing repair, painting, or body work which will remain on site in excess of 48 hours shall be screened from public view or stored indoors. 2. Inoperable vehicles shall not be allowed to remain on site for more than 30 days. 3. All parts, including automobile body parts, shall be stored within an area which is completely screened from public view. X. Wireless Telecommunication Facility (WTF) 1. Purpose The purpose of this section is to establish regulations pertaining to wireless telecommunications facilities that are consistent with federal and state law. The City Council of the City of College Station finds that: a. It is in the public interest to promote competition in high quality telecommunications services and the availability of broadband transmission services to all residences and business; b. It is in the public interest for the City to protect the public safety and welfare, safeguard community land values, promote orderly planning and development and preserve historic sites, structures and areas. Wireless telecommunications facilities should not be allowed to detract aesthetically from the visual quality of surrounding properties or the City; and c. The proliferation of wireless telecommunications facilities negatively impacts the appearance, character, and property values of the community. Therefore the City should endeavor to minimize the size, • number and obtrusiveness of antennas and towers. Collocation and stealth technologies are strongly encouraged to mitigate negative visual impacts and reduce the total number of towers within the City. 2. WTF Categories In order to expedite the siting and review process, WTFs have been divided into use categories. The review process is more thorough as the intensity of the use increases. a. Unregulated Facilities The WTFs listed below are not regulated by this ordinance and do not require review or approval. This does not exempt these facilities from other applicable city codes, ordinances, and permits. 1) Over the air reception devices exempted from local ordinances by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 2) Parabolic antenna less than 2 meters in diameter. 3) Omni-directional antenna (whip antenna) 6 inches or less in diameter and not extending more than 12 feet above support structure. 4) Directional antenna 1 meter or less measured across the longest dimension and not extending over 12 feet above support structure. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 • Article 6. Alse Re uul ~tion' ~ Deleted• Zoning Districts Section 6.~.~Tern~_orar~lJses ...Deleted: 2 5) Public safety tower or antenna. Deileted: types of use !, b. intermediate Facilities 1) New transmission tower less than 35 feet (10.5 meters) in height. 2) New transmission tower that does not extend more than 35 feet (10.5 meters) in height above a support structure and that meets the definition of a stealth facility. Per Ordnance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 3) Parabolic antenna over 2 meters in diameter. 4) Omni-directional antenna (whip antenna greater than 6 inches in diameter and/or extending 12 feet above the support structure. 5) Directional antenna more than 1 meter measured across the longest dimension and extending over 12 feet above support structure. 6) Attached WTFs. T)_ Ar.rtenn__c~llordti+~q__on an_~~;istind tot~_F_r;~ - ~ - Formatted: Outlinenumbered+ - ~ C. Major Facilities Level: 6 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + New transmission tower rester than 35 feet 10.5 meters rn hei ht. g ( ) g ~ signed at: 1.4^ +Tab after: 1.75^ + Indent at: 1.75" 3. Permitted Locations Formatted: Font: Not Bold a. Ali Intermediate WTFs are permitted by right in the following zoning districts: A-O M-1 C-1 M-2 A-P R&D C-2 PDD (except PDD-H) WPC NG C-3 City-owned premises b. Major WTFs are allowed in the following zoning districts with a Conditional Use Permit M-2 M-1 C-1 C-3 • A-P R&D C-2 City-owned premises c. WTFs may locate on city-owned premises without a conditional use permit with approval of the City Council and subject to the requirements of this ordinance. 4. Reauirernents for Attached WTFs . - - ~,__!_VT~s~_altach to_the exterior_~~f ar~non_residential building YVithin - Formatted: Heading 5 ~?ny zonn_g_distru_t ~rouided_th~ antenna and antenna support structure ci egupment are mounted flush_with the verti_r_al_exterior_of the building gr _grg1t, ct no more tear, tw~nlsf~~ur inches~24" from thG_s_.urf~ce of t1ie building to whicf~i it is attacf~red and does not raise the heiaht of the i~~.iildinc~more_than_ten feet__~10'~;and does.n_ot_violate the__maximurn F Bight restricticn ~f that Tuning district. t~,_ An _ antr.nna_ nleetinc the stealth antenna_definitioit gf this ordinance ' - - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering and locating_on_an alternative mounting structure ma attach to the ~,xterior of any non_resitiential buildingwithin and z~ninc~_district with a ~Jal of the ~dir~ir~isCrator., 6-16 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 6. Use Regulations Section §~. Temporary Uses Soecific Use Standards • c._If an antenna is installed on_a support structure other than a Lowe i the . antenna and supporting electrical and mechanical equipment must be of a neutral color that is identical ko, or closely compatible with,~the color of._the suppprtinc~structure so as to make the_antenna an_d related ec~uiprnent as yisual~_ur~~htrusive asyossible_ ~, .AI?hl_ic~~tign_Fr.c~cGd~.ir4~s '' 1~___ An_inventot'y of the applicant's_e_xisting anii_(;ufurr~ tovtivt~rs_thal ~r eiCher within the City~_the city's ETl or within at least 1 mile of the ~_ .~ - City's boundary where the ETJ does not: extend that far__The n_v__~ ntc~ry_shall_include specific information ~itx~ut the. I~c~tion, deign _ai~d t,~eight of each toyv_er_ the. uyJner_rnust have on file with tht~_PJ_annir~g_and__Dtyel~pment Scrvi(r DepartrnEnt a m~~~ttr limit of all exrstir~g_t`<~~,rer~ structures owned or_r_ontroll~d_by Che owr7er. Such list must specify, the name< <rddr es_-_an~i tele_~horu~ numhur.of thc~ owner of record _thr tt~wer I~r_at.ions by__address _~nc It~gal '1es~.i_ipttun,_ tourer hetght~thc ruaiYb~ r of ~~r?tenn~ ~rra-~ on the t~;aver, jn(1_tl~i:~ names, ,.1ur:e~ c , _mc! +F:I~pt one n~,init~ ~r__~tf all other usr r,__ ot_thr~ towEr~tructur ___l_hF_ _~dnnr , tratc~i r~i y_ sh~i ~ ~ls~ h rnri~rinnt rn!;v_ith otF~_r apnli ants fir- r i ci;r~,;:~~ ions, [;c~~ng tq I„r ~r~; antennas ti~i~hin 'Itc~ C:ity_ ~____ A_site t_I iii dr~t~srn to scale clearly indicating_th~_lu_:~~tirir.~__~_igh_t: and desk n nfi the_pro3>gsed f~cili_ty, eyuipmcr_t_cahin_et=~ tr_ansrrussior, rui!~fir~cs and othe.r_accE ~sgr ~ uses arc<<_s o-Irking, FE~n~es, anc+ landsca~d ~r~.a~,,_ • j__ F:_yi ual_!n;,~_t_~na.lysis~Presente~i_~s culor__phct~~ sirnulitto~is _~~u_w,r~g tl]F p~opo~t~i site of the WTF_A~ io3L_i ~~ r ~_ievrs ~P;all r, „a~~nii~tF,l i< ~I<inc~tov~~rard Yh~ site tlypicall,%~,r?rt_~, ~,_i(h, ta5t_..and ;r~et` rn~ lur ~ ~. vii v r~r~n; the cir c~ r,.? iri tit l t ~,_._. ~, ,rnd __ ~ __:_ a. ~. __ ._ ._ ._ - - -- --- irgm ,d_~~,cc t i ~_~~u.4ay _..__ I ~ ~,} at __ _ai .t . c} ~.s . t ,~1 icn sh<i~l (1a; I ~_: `~nVl Ile ~__ I _ s:n_CJ1 i ~~;. ~.! .. r,Cir_ iFt~a'_'r .'f. l r J.':?4:,y) ru~~,~ `,'~.Ti + > rzr ~;rrd ~I ~~ ti, (l~r,~ t Fa ~ ' ;~ ti,r,i. UI)~(, C~r`71 r~Utlf C_tfl t_ .i ~j i, rlt } ,t _!_ ~l t_'i._i ~~:,r Iii 3i_y~nr ~_ar_d tf ~,~yi.~t i.;a_lc, ~ r _ir:il b _I-_r= L<~ _r_~1 ~i:°d ,I~J~i Ci r~__u i Cr.n~~d pt ~fe slUrlal ~ n~ln(.'t ~I bj _Q~ liy lLt_' iC' ~~ ;frith°~tand sustained ~>rinds of at,least 9Q~niles~E r nr:~ur. ~__All teleco-mrnunication facilities must meet or exceed the_curr(~nt standards and_regltlations of the_FAA the FCC___and another agerr~_of tiie Federal Government with the authority to regulate telecommunication facilities_Aneplicant_for a_~er_n.~it shall submit an affidavit confir_miny com_~liancey+rith applicable reyulatiors. 5, Requirements for Collocation a.__.._lntermediate faciliti~s_shall not exceed,thi_rty__fi~~e F=et~35'l. h._It tnt_exi~tin~c_tower h_as_been_detfzrmined_to be 5t~~~ith~_th~ antenr7a r~~ust iaE_intE:~gratcd.ir~to the,Yowe~ der~n as to regain the_stealth designation. "The Administrator will deten-nine if the antenna is stealth, _e. __If an antenna is_installeti on a si.~por_t structure other than a torver,_th antenna end suf~~ortiry electrical and mechanical e,~~uipn>et~t must_be ~f a neutral color that is identical to, ur closel~cornpatible witl~~thE ceigi~ Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 - - Formatted: Outtlne numbered + level: S + Numbering Style: a, b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.15" + Tab after: 1.4" + Indent at: 1.4" - - Formatted: Heading 5 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Heading 6 - - Formatted: Heading 5 Secltion 6.~,Tem~orarU~Use~s Deleted: Zoning Districts -_,_...____l Deleted: 2 ,~,~~~,; ~f the su ortinq structure s~ as to make the ar7tenna and related ~eletad: types of use equipment as visually unobtrusive as possible. t1. Application Procedures . - - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering If not completely locating within an e.xistina. fenct,d rnech~mlcal area, a site plan drawn to scale clearly indicating the location, I~eighr, ~n~1 d~~sigr~ ~t thie_E~xiStinc faciltk cquihrm nt_c:ghiriets, lr~n rni5s~~n builclinys and ether acc~ssury use, ,a~~r~ss~ parkr~, fence°1_ and landscaped areas. 2)___ Plan.;_Fpr file antenna shall b~r_ep_ar~~d and_s_iar~eC_L~y=~ licensed E~r_t~fE _i~_n;~l c~rigine~:rand designed G~_~,vi_th5l~inc~ . u5l:aincci v~~inds_~f at_le r~t.ninnty_.~90~ rnilesper_hour_ 3j ._l~II_tcle_r__orrirnunicatic~nfac lities_musti rn~et qr e_x..tcd_tlie curd=nt '--- ~nnatted:Heading6 sCandards and rcc ulations of the FRA thE: FCC and env other a_caenc~of the Federal Gavernmentwith the_authgrit~to recdulate. tel_ec ommi.rnication facilities. Ana _glicant for a~crmit sl7all_subi7.~it <in_attr~layit canrirmmr~ c~rr~pliance with ~pk,licahlr~ r ec~ulations. _ . - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 6. Requirements for New 7ransl~7ission Towers a. Setbacks The standard setbacks for each zoning district will apply to WTFs with additional setbacks or separation being required in the sections below. To protect citizens in their homes, transmission towers shall be placed a distance equal to the height of the tower away from any residential structure. And, non-stealth towers shall be set back a distance equal to the height of the tower away from any R-1, R-16, or R-2 zone boundary. Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated September 23, 2004 b. Proximity To Major Thoroughfares • To preserve and protect the appearance of the City's major thoroughfares and entrances to the City, additional setbacks are placed on WTFs proposed to be placed near these areas. The setback for these areas is determined by measuring from the centerline of the right-of- way of the thoroughfare. Applicable thoroughfares include freeways and expressways, major arterials and minor arterials, as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan. 1) Intermediate WTFs must be 150 feet from applicable thoroughfares. 2) Major WTFs must setback from applicable thoroughfares by the height of the tower x 3. c. Separation Between Towers In order to prevent tower proliferation and protect the City's natural beauty and skyline, the number of transmission towers per square mile has been limited. New transmission towers must be placed a minimum distance from existing towers as described here: 1) New transmission towers 35 feet or less in height shall be separated from existing towers by a minimum distance of 1500 feet. 6-18 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 6. Use Regulations Section §~. Temporary Uses Specific Use Standards 2) New transmission towers more than 35 feet and less than 75 feet • in helght shall be separated from existing towers by a minimum ~r,,,a~; Heading s.l distance of 2500 feet. 3) New transmission towers 75 feet or more in height shall be ;, Formatted: Body Indent s separated from existing towers by a minimum distance of 3500 ~;, Dew' S feet. ~; Formatted: Heading 6, Outline ~~,~ numbered + Level: 6 + Numbering d. Height Limitations ;;, style: I, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + 1) Intermediate WTFs are subject to the normal height restrictions for ~~; Alignment: LeR+ Aligned at: 1.4" + " " each zoning district where permitted by right. In any zoning +Indentat: 1.75 i,~ Tab after: 1.75 district where a tower is a conditional use, the requested height ~~' Deleted: s may be reduced through the review of the visual impact analysis. ~~~ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 2) In no case shall a proposed transmission tower exceed 150 feet ~~; ~ Deleted: <#>If an antenna is within the city limits, except where a height variance is granted by ;;~ ~ installed on a support structure ' h h h the Zoning Board of Adjustments to allow a tower or antenna that er t an a tower, t e antenna ~~, , ot and supporting electrical and , demonstrates a hardship that can only be remedied by locating a ;~~ , mechanical equipment must be ' tower or antenna exceeding such height on a proposed site within ~;; ; of a neutral color that is Identical the city limits. ,;~ ~ to, or closely compatible with, ~,~ ~ ,the color of the supporting e. Stealth Towers ;~, , I structure so as to make the Any tower determined to meet the Stealth Tower definition of this ~~; ; antenna and related equipment ~, , , as visually unobtrusive as ordinance by the approving authority may be located in any zoning ,;~ ~ possible.)) / district with a Conditional Use Permit. Approved Stealth Towers do not ~~; ; Deleted: <#>Attached WTFs~ have to meet the tower separation or thoroughfare setback ~~; ; , WTFs may attach to the exterior requirements of this section. ;'~ ~ ' of an non-residential and non- y a ' I historic building within any f_Landscaping, Screening, And Aesthetic Standards ''~ ; !zoning district provided the The following requirements shall govern any transmission tower or any -' ~ ~ antenna and antenna support structure or equipment are parabolic antenna larger than t~,~,;___~2j meters. 'mounted flusn witn the vertical 1~Landscaping: Refer to Section 7.E3r Landscaping and Tree exterior of the building or Protection. Plant materials and/or fencin that effective) Screen, g Y 'Projects no more than 24 inches from the surface of the building the WTF site from view of the public right-of-way will be required. ' to wnich it is attacnea and does • 2L New transmission towers shall maintain a flat (not shiny, reflective, ' I not raise the height of the . or loss finish or be ainted in accordance with an a licable 9 Y) P Y PP building more than 10 feet and does not violate the maximum , standards of the FAA (unfinished galvanized steel is not neignt restriction of that zoning acceptable). district. me attached VVTF must ' 3) .WTFs shall not be artificially lighted with the exception of motion I ' be colored so as to blend with the surrounding surface of the detectors as security lighting, unless required by the FAA or other buuding.y ; applicable authority. If lighting is required, the City may review ~ <#>Stealth Antennas !Any antenna meeting the stealth the available lighting alternatives and approve the design that antenna definition of this would cause the least disturbance to the surrounding properties. ordinance and locating on an 4Z Towers may not be used to exhibit any signage or other I ~ alternative mounting structure _ advertlsing. ;may attach to the exterior of any ~, non-residential building within a. .Application Procedures •- any zoning district with approval 'i, Hof the zoning official.g ,An application for administrative approval or a Conditional Use Permit for a WTF shall include the following items (in addition to the site plan Formatted: Heading 5.1 and other information required for a standard CUP application): Deleted: <#>Sice Plan ': 1 L.An inventory of the applicant's existing and future towers that are Requirements - either within the City, the City's ETJ, or within at least onc_(1) mile Formatted: Heading 6, Outline numbered+Leve1:6+Numbering of the City's boundary where the ETJ does not extend that far. The style: 1, z, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + inventory shall include specific information about the location, Alignment: Left+Aligneat: 1.4"+ Tab after: 1.75" + Indent at: 1.75" Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 C, • Article 6.,~1se Reuuf<3ti~n~ _.._-----------._._.______., ~ Deleted: Zoning Districts Section 6.~. T m orar Uses CDeleted: 2 { st have on file design and hei ht of each to er. The owner m Types f Use ~`~ ~~~ g p p with the Plannin and Develo ment Services De artment a master p : Deietea• develo ment d list of all existing tower structures owned or controlled by the owner. Such list must specify the name, address and telephone number of the owner of record, the tower locations by address and legal description, tower height, the number of antenna arrays on the tower, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all other users of the tower structures. The,~dministrator may ~ Deleted: zoning a share such information with other applicants or organizations seeking to locate antennas within the City. 2Z_Site plan drawn to scale clearly indicating the location, height, and ' - - - " Formatted: Bullets and Numbering design of the proposed tower, equipment cabinets, transmission buildings and other accessory uses, access, parking, fences, and landscaped areas. 3L_The linear separation distance from other transmission towers within aone-mile radius of the proposed tower site. The linear separation distance from all residentially-zoned properties, residential structures and applicable thoroughfares as outlined in Section 6.3.Q.4.b, Proximity to Major Thoroughfares, within 500 feet of the proposed tower. 41_A visual impact analysis, presented as color photo simulations, showing the proposed site of the WTF. At least four .~?views shall be submitted looking toward the site (typically north, south, east and west) including views from the closest residential property and from adjacent roadways. The photo-realistic representation shall depict a "skyline" view showing the entire height of the proposed tower or WTF to scale, and the structures, trees, and any other objects contributing to the skyline profile. 51__.Plans for the antenna and the antenna tower shall be prepared and signed by a licensed professional engineer and designed to withstand sustained winds of at least rin`tL_~,"_0 miles per hour. Deleted: s 6Z_,_AII telecommunication facilities must meet or exceed the current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC, and any other agency of the Federal Government with the authority to regulate telecommunication facilities. An applicant for a permit shall submit an affidavit confirming compliance with applicable regulations. 7~Grid plan (propagation map) of the service area for existing and future structures for a period of not less thanL-Y.wo ,Z)_years. The - --- Deis eted: 5 submission should include a map showing the "search ring" that (Deleted: - was required for siting the proposed facility. '- -- ~ 8L,No new tower shall be built, constructed, or erected in the City Inserted:- ~-----------°°_----~ unless the tower is capable of supporting additional wireless Deleted: <#>couocation ~, Requirements telecommunication facilities. The applicant must submit aletter - --- -- - - addressed to the City declaring an intent and willingness to construct a proposed tower that would allow additional service providers to locate on the new tower. 9~,._.,No new communications tower shall be permitted unless the ;Deleted: <#>Documentation applicant demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the ~, of-Need and aternatives~ approving authority that no existing tower, building, structure, or alternative technology can accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna. The applicant shall submit information related to the 6-20 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas • Article 6. Use Regulations Section §~. Temporary Uses Specific Use Standards • availability of suitable existing towers, other structures or alternative technology that can accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna. The zoning official or approving authority may request information necessary to demonstrate that reasonable alternatives do not exist. The applicant must submit: a)_The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all owners ~~ ~- " Formatted: Heading 7 of other towers or usable antenna support structures within a ~ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering one-half mile radius of the proposed new tower site, including City-owned property. bl_A sworn affidavit attesting to the fact that the applicant made diligent, but unsuccessful, efforts to obtain permission to install or collocate the new facility on existing towers or antenna support structures located within one-half ~!/~) mile_ _ _ l _ - Formatted: runt: verdana radius of the proposed tower site. The affidavit shall spell out the efforts taken by the applicant. cZ_A description of the design plan proposed by the applicant to the City. The applicant must demonstrate the need for towers and why technological design alternatives, such as the use of microcell, cannot be utilized to accomplish the provision of the applicant's telecommunications services. 7. Conditional Use Permits Major WTFs must apply for a conditional use permit (CUP) as outlined in Section 6.3.Q.3, Permittable Locations, under the procedures set forth in Section 3.13, Conditional Use Permit. In addition to the standard guidelines, the following additional factors shall be considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission when determining whether to grant a CUP for WTFs: a. Height of the proposed tower, surrounding topography and surrounding tree coverage and foliage as they relate to: • 1) Skyline impact, examining whether the proportions of the structure appears to dominate or blend in with the surrounding environment. 2) Shadow impact, whether or not the proposed tower will cast shadows that would prevent the reasonable use or enjoyment of surrounding properties. b. Design of the tower, with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness. c. Proximity of the tower to residential structures and residential district boundaries. d. Economic impact on adjacent and nearby properties. e. Proposed ingress and egress. f. Availability of suitable alternatives and/or existing support structures. g. All the information submitted as part of the site plan. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 8_Abandonment Any WTF that is not operated for a continuous period of 12 months shall be considered abandoned, and the owner of such facility shall remove same within 60 days of receipt of notice from the City notifying owner of such Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 • Article 6 Jl;e R~ aul~iticns Section 6 }~T_e_rn~~r~ryllsas • abandonment. If such facility is not removed within said 60 days, the City may remove such facility at the property owner's expense. If there are two or more users of a single WTF, then this provision shall not become effective until all users cease operations on the tower. Y. Places of Worship i. Where the parking lot abuts residential development, a 10-foot buffer yard with buffer plantings and a minimum 6-foot privacy fence is required pursuant to Section 7.6, Buffer Requirements. 2. When outdoor accessory uses including, but not limited to, playgrounds, recreational areas, and special event areas abut residential uses, a minimum 15-foot buffer yard with buffer plantings and a 6-foot privacy fence is required pursuant to Section 7.6, Buffer Requirements. 6.4 ,Accessory Uses, A. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are allowed with permitted, established primary structures and uses subject to the following: 1. The use or structure is subordinate to and serves a primary use or principal structure; 2. The accessory use shall be subordinate in area, extent, and purpose to the primary use served; 3. The accessory use shall contribute to the comfort, convenience, or necessity of occupants of the primary use served; • 4. The accessory use shall be located within the same zoning district as the primary use is permitted; and 5. Accessory uses located in residential districts shall not be used for commercial purposes other than permitted home occupations. B. Accessory Structures 6. No accessory structure shall be erected in any required setback area. Excluded from this requirement is any portable storage building or structure if the Building OfFicial has determined that it does not require a Building Permit. 7. On lots with approved rear access all setbacks shall be measured from the nearest boundary of the access easement or alley. On all other lots rear setbacks shall be measured from the rear property line. In no event shall more than 30 percent of the rear yard area (that portion of the yard between the rear setback line of the principal structure and the rear property line) be covered with accessory buildings, structures, or uses. 8. The following restrictions shall apply to accessory buildings, structures, or uses other than garages, carports, and living quarters for family or 6-22 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas --- , Deleted: Zoning Districts Deleted: 2 ~„~,; (~Dekted: Types of Use ~ _ - - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: <#>A low profile sign `~ ~ as defined in Section 7.4.F, Sign '~ ,Standards, is permitted. `~ ~ Per Ordinance No. 2753 dated ~ September 23, 2004 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • • ~f City of College Station Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue South, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 24, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Trey Fletcher, AICP, Senior Planner THROUGH: Lance Simms, Acting Director of Planning & Development Services • SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review -Land Use Issues: Portable Storage Structures Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 6.4 Accessory Structures to address Portable Storage Structures. Item Summary: At the direction of the Planning & Zoning Commission at the January 5, 2006 meeting, the Annual Review of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) has been divided into several smaller amendments for consideration. This item, Land Use Issues, was discussed at the April 20, 2006 Workshop meeting. No changes were recommended at that time. The purpose of this amendment is to facilitate and streamline the process required for collocated wireless facilities and to improve the organization of this section of the UDO as it relates to the type of wireless facility proposed. Portable Storage Structures ^ Section 6.4.E "Portable Storage Structures" added to regulate the use, use duration, size, location, and additional requirements for portable storage structures. Attachments 1. Section 6.4 (Redlined) • Article 6. Use Regulations Section 6.5. Temporary Uses • abandonment. If such facility is not removed within said 60 days, the City may remove such facility at the property owner's expense. If there are two or more users of a single WTF, then this provlslon shall not become effective until all users cease operations on the tower. Y. Places of Worship 1. Where the parking lot abuts residential development, a 10-foot buffer yard with buffer plantings and a minimum 6-foot privacy fence is required pursuant to Section 7.6, Buffer Requirements. 2. When outdoor accessory uses including, but not limited to, playgrounds, recreational areas, and special event areas abut residential uses, a minimum 15-foot buffer yard with buffer plantings and a 6-foot privacy fence is required pursuant to Section 7.6, Buffer Requirements. 6.4 Accessory Uses A. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are allowed with permitted, established primary structures and uses subject to the following: 1. The use or structure is subordinate to and serves a primary use or principal structure; 2. The accessory use shall be subordinate in area, extent, and purpose to the primary use served; 3. The accessory use shall contribute to the comfort, convenience, or necessity of occupants of the primary use served; • 4. The accessory use shall be located within the same zoning district as the primary use is permitted; and 5. Accessory uses located in residential districts shall not be used for commercial purposes other than permitted home occupations. B. Accessory Structures 6. No accessory structure shall be erected in any required setback area. Excluded from this requirement is any portable storage building or structure if the Building Official has determined that it does not require a Building Permit. 7. On lots with approved rear access all setbacks shall be measured from the nearest boundary of the access easement or alley. On all other lots rear setbacks shall be measured from the rear property line. In no event shall more than 30 percent of the rear yard area (that portion of the yard between the rear setback line of the principal structure and the rear property line) be covered with accessory buildings, structures, or uses. 8. The following restrictions shall apply to accessory buildings, structures, or uses other than garages, carports, and living quarters for family or 6-22 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas ~ _ . - Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • Article 6. Use Regulations Section 6 ~l. Temporary Uses /1c~cssc~ry, Use_= • servants: a. A minimum rear setback of 15 feet; and, b. A maximum building eave height of eight feet. 2. Garage and Carports Garages and carports in residential zoning districts, including those of a temporary nature, shall have a minimum rear setback of 20 feet. A minimum side yard setback of 20 feet shall also be applied when garages and carports, including those of a temporary nature, gain access from a side street. All other setbacks shall be applied as required in the district in which the structure is located. The following restrictions shall apply to garages and carports: a. A minimum rear setback of 20 feet; and, b. A minimum side street setback of 20 feet is required for garages or carports that face onto side streets. 3. Living Quarters Accessory apartments may not be rented to persons other than bona fide servants employed on the premises and members of the family of the occupant(s) of the principal structure. a. Single meter service shall be provided to each buildable parcel. b. The accessory use shall be subordinate to and serve a primary use or principal structure. c. In combination, all accessory uses shall contain no more square footage than 25 percent of the habitable Floor area of the principal structure (with the exception of garage or carport areas devoted to the storage of vehicles, which shall not be included in the calculation and may exceed • the 25 percent restriction). d. A minimum rear setback as stated in Section 5.2, Residential Dimensional Standards, for the district in which the accessory building or structure is located; and e. A maximum size not to exceed 25 percent of the area of the principal structure. C. Home Occupation A home occupation is that accessory use of a dwelling that shall constitute all or some portion of the livelihood of a person or persons living in the dwelling. 1. In-home Day Care (six or fewer people) 2. Bed & Breakfast A bed and breakfast facility shall be considered accessory to asingle-family dwelling. a. No more than four unrelated individuals may occupy the property overnight. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 • Article 6. Use Regulations Section 6.5. Temporary Uses • b. The facility must maintain a residential appearance and be the permanent residence of the proprietor. c. Limit number of rooms to four where shared/common bathrooms may be provided. d. No cooking facilities are permitted in individual rooms. 3. Exclusions to Home Occupations No home occupation shall be permitted that results in any of the following: a. Changes the outside appearance of the dwelling; b. Is visible from the street; c. Generates traffic, parking, sewerage, or water use in excess of what is normal in the residential neighborhood; d. Results in the off-street or on-street parking of more than two vehicles at any one time not owned by members of the occupant family; e. Creates a hazard to persons or property; f. Results in electrical interference; g. Is a nuisance; h. Results in the any outside storage or display; or i. Includes employment within the home or on the premise of persons other than members of the occupant family. 4. Prohibited Home Occupations The following are prohibited as home occupations: a. Barber, beauty, and other personal service shops; • b. Animal hospitals, stables, or kennels; c. Dance studios, schoo-s; d. Mortuaries; e. Private clubs; f. Repair shops; g. Restaurants; h. Automobile paint or repair shops; i. Doctor, dentist, veterinarian, or other medically related office; or j. Rooming/Boarding House. D. Recycling Facilities -Small i. Single Feed Reverse Vending Machines . Single feed reverse vending machines may be located with a permit either in the interior or immediate exterior of commercial, industrial, or public facilities. 6-24 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas Article 6. Use Regulations Section r~.4, Temporary Uses Accg sor, Uses • 2. Small Collection Facilities Small collection facilities may be permitted when established on an improved surface in conjunction with an existing commercial or industrial use or public facility. The host facility must be in compliance with all City codes. No facility may occupy more than 500 square feet, nor occupy more than five parking spaces of the host site. All vehicular and pedestrian circulation aisles shall be unobstructed. a. Setbacks Each facility shall be set back at least 10 feet from any right-of-way line when located in front of the host use. Side, side street, and rear setbacks established for commercial uses shall be maintained. Containers intended for 24-hour donation of materials shall be a minimum of 40 feet from property zoned or developed for residential use. Attended facilities within 100 feet of residentially-zoned or developed property shall operate between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. b. Landscaping A small collection facility shall not be placed on the host site in such a manner as to impair the landscaping required for the subject site. c. Parking One space will be required if an attendant is provided. Occupation of parking spaces by the collection facility and attendant shall not reduce available parking spaces below the minimum number required by ordinance for the host site. d. Noise Noise levels shall not exceed 60 dBA as measured at the property line of residentially-zoned or developed property, otherwise noise levels shall not exceed 70 dBA. • e. Signage Each container must be clearly labeled with a sign, limited to one per container and no larger than 20 percent of the side upon which the sign is placed, to provide information pertaining to the type of material to be collected within the container, and the name and telephone number of a person responsible for maintenance who may be contacted at all times. E. Portable Storage Structures 1. Residential Use a. A permit shall be obtained prior to placing the temporary structure on the property and the permit shall be posted in view from the riaht-of- way for the duration of use. b. No more than one temporary structure shall be allowed per dwelling unit and shall not remain on the site longer than ten (10) consecutive days from issuance of the permit. c. No more than four~4} permits may be issued to a oropertx per calendar year and there shall be a minimum of sixty (60) days between the issuance of permits. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 r~ Article 6. Use Regulations Section 6.5. Temporary Uses • d. No temporary structure shall exceed a height of eight feet (8'), a width of eight feet (8',~, or floor area of one-hundred twenty square feet (120 5 .ft. . ..Deleted: twelve e. Temporary structures shall be placed on~,mproved surfaces as specified - Deleted: paved in Section 7.2.G or screened from view of the right_af _way_and ad~al cent ro erties. g.p.-- --- --- ~,®, f. Temporary structures shall be placed,putside the site triangle as ~~~~"" established in Section 7.1.C. inserted: in 2. Non-residential Ugg a. Site plan approval identifying the location of the structure shall be obtained prior to placing the structure on the property b. Structures shall meet required setbacks as stated in Section 5.4 and shall be screened from view of the ri hg t_of_way and adjacent properties. c. Screenin.g_reauirernents for the structure shall include landscaping and ~n_eight_($'~foot wooden fence or wall,, d. Additional parking shall be provided based on the square footage of the screened area for the structure according to Section 7.2 Off-Street Parking Standards. 6.5 Temporary Uses Temporary Uses, as set forth below, are declared to have characteristics which require certain controls in order to insure compatibility with other uses in the district within which they are proposed for location. A. Particular Temporary Uses Permitted • 1. Garage Sales; 2. Indoor and outdoor art and craft shows, exhibits, and sales; 3. Sales of Christmas trees or other seasonal goods; 4. Religious revival tents; 5. Temporary buildings and equipment for uses incidental to construction work on premises in any zone but shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of construction work. None shall be located on any public street or public right-of-way at any time during construction; < ~ Deleted: and - =- -- _ 6. Temporary Concrete Products Deleted. • Temporary facilities for manufacturing concrete or concrete products may be located in all zoning districts where they are directly associated with construction in the area. Retail sales of concrete products shall be prohibited in conjunction with temporary concrete plants. The production site must be returned to its pre-construction state following completion of the associated project, and Deleted; . . - - - Formatted: Heading 4 7. Farmers' Markets 6-26 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 City of College Station, Texas C Article 6. Use Regulations Section 6_5. Temporary Uses Tem°grii__4_Use;> • a. Te ~orary outdoor. sales of products in an unrefined Mate, by a State Certified Farmers' Market may be operated for a maximum of two (2) days per week and ,are permitted on: i) Public properties, with locations approved by the Administrator, and -_.Priv_atc~_pr~pert~~_n_z~ning_di,tri~ts th~3k .;ill~~w_ fr~r rr~r~il _~I~_as a ~ermilled usc_ b. _1_'he Market must bc_located within a_ga_ved~arkingl~t_apd shall not utilize more than ten percent (1Q%~_of the. rec~uir_eli_number_gf parking spaces on private }~rnper~t_y_.__Thc Market _rnay not be loc_ated_!~nthin_driye aisles, fire lanes~or arkinc se backs, and in no case shall the market be located within_the Public Ftig_ht-of-Way_ c._ The_M.arket_must_complLr v~ith Section 7 5_Signs._ Attached Sigis advertising the_Market or_any..~roducts fc~r.sale muss bl._securely attached to the_Sales area__Tern~orar~Freestandirg Sicans and Commercial Baners~_as_descrihed_in Serti~n_7.5,are not..permit[cd. cf_.lhe Mar{.ct_sl~a_II_ha~t;_a~~prg_v_al of tf~e City of_L~Ile~e_~t~3tion_pnor tv location or sales. B. Temporary Residential Sales Ot>'fices and Model Homes The following regulations shall apply to the conduct of temporary residential sales offices and model homes within residential zoning districts: i. Temporary residential sales offices and model homes may be located within a residential district as part of an on-going residential development; however, they shall only be located at the end of a residential block on the periphery of a subdivision or at the entrance to a subdivision; 2. Any temporary residential sales office or model home shall be removed or • converted to a use permitted within the district when Certificates of Occupancy have been issued to 95 percent of the associated residential units or when use as a sales office or model home has ceased; and 3. Model homes for new subdivisions shall only be occupied for residential habitation after all business activities have ceased and upon sale of the home. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 - - Formatted: Heading 5 - - Formatted: Heading 6, No bullets or numbering - - Formatted: Heading 5 • • ~~ City of College Station Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue South, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM • DATE: April 24, 2006 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Trey Fletcher, AICP, Senior Planner THROUGH: Lance Simms, Acting Director of Planning & Development Services SUBJECT: UDO Annual Review -Land Use Issues: Farmers' Markets Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 6.4 Accessory Structures to address Farmers' Markets. Item Summary: At the direction of the Planning & Zoning Commission at the January 5, 2006 meeting, the Annual Review of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) has been divided into several smaller amendments for consideration. This item, Land Use Issues, was discussed at the April 20, 2006 Workshop meeting. Clarification of the area of the market was requested. The intent is to limit the actual area being used for the market, exclusive of parking. The market would never exceed 10 percent of the required parking spaces for a site, thus providing some assurance that this temporary use would not be an undo burden to the surrounding area regarding parking provisions. The purpose of this amendment is to provide specific standards for farmers' markets as an additional temporary use. The proposed provisions are intended to address their location, signage, and define eligibility. Farmers' Markets • Section 6.5.A "Particular Temporary Uses Permitted" to include farmers' markets as a temporary use permitted and the applicable regulations for the use. Attachments 1. Section 6.5 (Redlined) • 1F 1, u Article 6.,hJse Requl~tions Section 6.~,~rem„~oraiy st:5 d. No teml o~ rary structure shall exceed a height of eight feet_(8'~, a width of eight feet (8'a or floor area of twelve square feet X12 sq ft~l, e. Temporary structures shall be placed on~mprpvgd surfaces as specified in Section 7.2.G or screened from view of the right-of-way and adjacent properties. f. Temporary structures shall be~lace~iu~~icle the site triangle a~ established in Section 7.1_,C_ 2. f~on-residential Use a. Site plan approval identif in the location of the structure shall bg obtained rior to placing the structure on the propert,y._ b. Structures shall meet required setbacks as stated, in Section 5.4 and shall be screened from view of the right-of:wav and adjacent pro ep rties,_ c. Screening requirements for the structure shall include I~~ndsc_a~inc~_~neJ an eight (8l foot wooden fence or wall. d. Additional parkin shall bc' provided based on the square footage of the screened area for the structure accordir~q to Section 7_2.Off -Street F?arking Standards. 6.5 Temporary Uses Temporary Uses, as set forth below, are declared to have characteristics which require certain controls in order to insure compatibility with other uses in the district within which they are proposed for location. A. Particular Temporary Uses Permitted C, 1. Garage Sales; 2. Indoor and outdoor art and craft shows, exhibits, and sales; 3. Sales of Christmas trees or other seasonal goods; 4. Religious revival tents; 5. Temporary buildings and equipment for uses incidental to construction work on premises in any zone but shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of construction work. None shall be located on any public street or public right-of-way at any time during construction; , 6. Temporary Concrete Products. Temporary facilities for manufacturing concrete or concrete products may be located in all zoning districts where they are directly associated with construction in the area. Retail sales of concrete products shall be prohibited in conjunction with temporary concrete plants. The production site must be returned to its pre-construction state following completion of the associated project.; an~c, 7. Farmers' Markets 6-26 Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 I Deleted: Zoning Districts ~~ ~ °, Deleted: 2 _ I Deleted:-Types of Use Deleted: paved Deleted: in _ - -- - -- - Inserted: in Deleted: and -- -~_--) --z~~~°~~`~~ Deleted:. J Deleted: . . - - - Formatted: Heading 4 City of College Station, Texas • Article 6. Use Regulations Section ¢~. Temporary Uses Tem op raSy Uses • a. Temporary outdoor sales ofA roducCs in an unrefined state, by a State Certified Farmers' Market may be operated for a maximum of two (2} days per week and are permitted on: lj Public Droperties, with locations approved by the Administrators and 2LPrivate~roLer_Ty_irt mririg ditit.rict that allow fc~_r retail_s,rlE s_~s_a ~rmitted usc.. b._rhe Market must be located.v~it:hin a_~aved ~~rking_lot_and shall not utillze__mor~_than t~n_perc~:nt;_(10%j of the re_quirtd_number of_p..a.rkng spaces on ~ri_yate_prop~.rty___Thr_Market,_may pot_be located withn.dri_v_e aisles, fire lanes, or p~rking_setbacks, Viand in no case shall the market be located within the Publii:_Right-of-Wav' c.__The Market must comDn IY with._Section 7.5 Sig~s._~ttached Signs ~dvertising.the.Market,_or any pr_od_ucts for' sale,_must be securely attached to the sales area._Ter7~>orary Freestandincr Signs and Commercial Banners~_as_riescrihed_n Sy_ction_7.5,._are not oer_mitted_ d,__:1"he Market shall havt_ or~~rgv~l qt ~i>e Lity_o_f_C~~Ilege Station prior_to location or sales. B. Temporary Residential Sales Offices and Model Homes The following regulations shall apply to the conduct of temporary residential sales offices and model homes within residential zoning districts: i. Temporary residential sales offices and model homes may be located within a residential district as part of an on-going residential development; however, they shall only be located at the end of a residential block on the periphery of a subdivision or at the entrance to a subdivision; 2. Any temporary residential sales office or model home shall be removed or • converted to a use permitted within the district when Certificates of Occupancy have been issued to 95 percent of the associated residential units or when use as a sales office or model home has ceased; and 3. Model homes for new subdivisions shall only be occupied for residential habitation after all business activities have ceased and upon sale of the home. Unified Development Ordinance 9/23/04 - - Formatted: Heading 5 - - - Formatted: Heading 6, No bullets or numbering - Formatted: Heading 5 • Y. 1 O 1 ~ ~ r•' ` y r ~ d dr ,r.~'.. ~ i' ,~{-~ t Z` ~ f r: r :+" i. ~ , yY .i . ~q w ,,~ 7 -yt Z*~ . ~i NI r ~.~' r.'. .~ ",~~~ sY~ ~. .r.t ,~. •'i4y~~ r ~ M ~ ~i '~`1 F„(. ~r k ~~ J ~I :~. ~T ?,~ „~ ~' ~jf ~ : ° ~~G; ~,~s ~ ' ~r~ ~'~t ,~, 1 t ~N~ ~ '~. d' } ~ { ~yl~W' l ~~~ xr ~ t"r s ~r„~ 1I ~ y~;rt r I -~' ffi~.l ~'~.~ 5"'~ TY ly]) -"~^~ r~5, •,lrjtrsq• 5f ^ Y': t "4~K ~~ r ~ { ,f~ ~ ~. ~„i r 'K Nc's r, t i 4°:"~ L'~~ ~ {-~'~ ~ r ( ,K] Mr ~' w `'r ~n " .+ LL~ Z '`~ 'i t r ~,. w '~ rl r 1-i~l :{'•w ~~ - e E.~.,Mt, ~ T~i*-r i~ r'~p1 ! ~ Y+. rh. ti r - a ,: ~ ^y ~t->. fit. . r ,:... ~ 1" -p,r• ~{,, °ti~,, sal F. P 7" r~ ~~. fir11 Vir,~"~..~,, !~ .r~' ' t -~ ~r'y, It'„ 4.~ ,~_~ I,~ x S'~ ~ t~~ r R}J%_,tyi t d '~ ~\~~'~~}.'~~~~c -,1,~Ri~`~-A'~',~ _ ~ ~~ n, ~';~ r •.r:,r f; c ~1 ~~ !' 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