HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/2006 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionCITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning d Developmrnt Serviar AGENDA Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, August 03, 2006, at 6:00 P.M. Administrative Conference Room, City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Call the meeting to order. FILE COPY 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding Chapter 13, "Flood Hazard Protection", Sections 5-G and 6 of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances, commonly referred to as "Zero-Rise". (AG) 4. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the status of items within the P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (LS) Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. • August 11-18, 2006 ~ Texas Transportation Summit, Dallas, Texas • •'• October 18-20, 2006 ~ APA State Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 7. Adjourn. Notice is hereby given that a Workshop Meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, August 03, 2006, at 6:00 P.M. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of July, 2006, at CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 13y Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a • true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Ha11,1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on July ~ 2006, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by • Dated this day of , 2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2006. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: C This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. • I1'Y OF COLLEGE STATION Planning c4' Detxlopmrnt Scrvicrr 1. Call meeting to order. AGENDA Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, August 03, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 2. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 3, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. • 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat -Commercial for Greens Prairie Center Phase 1 consisting of 2 lots on 7.46 acres located at the intersection of Greens Prairie Road, new Arrington Road and State Highway 40. Case #06-500145 (JR/CC) 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion of a Final Plat for Castlegate Section 7, consisting of 301ots on 17.971 acres, located off Castlegate Drive, southeast of its intersection with Victoria Avenue. Case #06-500146 (JP/CC) 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat -Residential for Williams Creek Phase 5 consisting of 20 lots on 30.8 acres located at 9500 Rock Prairie Road, just south of Greens Prairie Road. Case #06-500147 (JR/CC) 3.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the vacation of Greensworld Phase 1, consisting of 23.5 acres, and a Final Plat for Greensworld Phase 1, consisting of 2 lots on 3.23 acres located at 1005 Earl Rudder Freeway South, and more generally located along the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway, south of the intersection of Earl Rudder Freeway South and University Drive East. Case #06- 500007 (JP/CC) • 3.5 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Spring Creek Townhomes Phase 4 consisting of 20 residential lots on 1.966 acres located on Heath Drive near the intersection of Arrington Road and Spring Hill Drive. Case #06-500107 (JP) 3.6 Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes. * July 20, 2006 ~ Regular Meeting Minutes ~J 3.7 Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. * Harold Strong ~ July 20, 2006, Workshop & Regular Meeting * Scott Shafer ~ July 20, 2006, Workshop & Regular Meeting • Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 5. Presentation, discussion and possible action on a request to re-consider a rezoning within 180 days of denial for Lot 1, Block A of the Haney-Highway 6 Subdivision, 1.2 acres, from C-3 Light Commercial to PDD Planned Development District, located at 3129 Texas Avenue South at the intersection of Texas Avenue, Deacon Drive and the Highway 6 frontage road. Case #06-500140 (JP) 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning for Lot 1, Block A of the Haney-Highway 6 Subdivision, 1.2 acres, from C-3 Light Commercial to PDD Planned Development District, located at 3129 Texas Avenue South at the intersection of Texas Avenue, Deacon Drive and the Highway 6 frontage road. Case #06-500140 (JP) 7. Adjourn. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, August 03, 2006, at 7:00 P.M. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of July, 2006, at CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS sy Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on July _, 2006, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by • Dated this day of , 2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • • By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2006. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.~ov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. • .r.,v:rwrr.w ~rv~avrv:~+r r>-„r .fl.,r-.~-m .r on:,. , -w .-. ,. o --r-.,~.v-~...:.a r/w....;:~ r-xv. ,.:_ < ,K ,c .-r-.z,v-s~.~.e,,, ~ ..v„v w~. a r,.vwi ..u~,.acxi-~i,.~,wiirirrir~rrrs..wr ems„ w :~,.. .r. ~: .v ,w,m .. ~ ~? 9 9 M b A Workshop Agenda 3 Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding Chapter 13, "Flood Hazard Protection", Sections 5-G and 6 of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances, commonly referred to as "Zero-Rise". (AG) • SECTION 5: SPECIAL PROVISIONS A. NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a federal program enabling property owners to purchase flood insurance. This program is based on an agreement between local communities and the federal government that if a community will implement programs to reduce future flood damages, the federal government will make flood insurance available within the community as a financial protection against flood losses. The United States Congress established the NFIP with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and later modified and broadened the program. The NFIP is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The following provisions are in accordance with the requirements for participation in the NFIP. B. ESTABLISHMENT OF AREAS OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD The basis for identification of the Areas of Special Flood Hazard shall be the most current engineering report entitled "Flood Insurance Study for the City of College Station, Texas" as accepted by FEMA and the Federal Insurance Administration, including the accom- panying Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Hazard Boundary Maps showing the floodway. The current report is dated January 2, 1981; however, an revisions, amendments, or updated studies accepted by FEMA and the Flood Insurance Administration shall be adopted by reference and are hereby declared to be a part of this chapter. The most current Flood Insurance Study shall be used for all determinations of flood insurance rates, floodways, and additional revisions as they become available. The current Flood Insurance Study, FIRM, FHBM, along with any revisions or amendments shall be maintained and made available by the designated Administrator of the Stormwater Management Program. C. REVISION OR AMENDMENT OF FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY • Any revision or amendment to the Flood Insurance Study which is requested by a land owner in the City shall be submitted to the designated Administrator of the Stormwater Management Program in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Drainage Policy and Design Standards. All requests for map amendment or map revision must be approved by the Administrator in writing prior to their submission to FEMA. If modification of any watercourse is involved, an effective Conditional Letter of Map Amendment shall be on file with the Administrator prior to any development. All submit- tals to FEMA shall be made at no cost to the City. D. METHODS OF REDUCING FLOOD DAMAGE In order that the purposes of this chapter shall be accomplished in accordance with Section 1, the following methods, measures, requirements, and practices may be utilized by the Administrator in accordance with the Drainage Policy and Design Standards: (1) Limit peak Stormwater flows after development to that which existed before development; (2) Limit, control, or prevent changes in the path of stormwater flows across or away from a site or development; (3) Limit, control, or prevent alterations to existing watercourses and drainage facilities either inside or outside existing Areas of Special Flood Hazard; (4) Limit, control, or prevent the alteration of natural or developed Areas of Special Flood Hazard, channels, or protective barriers which are necessary to accommo- dateflood waters; (5) Limit, control, or prevent the use of existing or proposed drainage easements such that the easement remains useful for its intended purpose; • (6) Limit, control, or prevent the construction of barriers which may increase flood • hazards to other lands or facilities; (7) Establish or cause to be established adequate drainage easements and/or rights of way to control development and limit potential flood damage and protect existing or proposed drainage facilities; (8) Limit, control, or prevent dumping of refuse, fill, garbage, grass clippings, brush, waste concrete, or other materials in existing drainage facilities including swales, streets, inlets, ditches, storm sewers, culverts, etc.; (9) Limit, control, or prevent filling, grading, clearing, dredging, paving, berming, or other earthwork which may increase stormwater flows, change drainage pathways, increase erosion and sedimentation, or increase flood hazard or damage from flooding; (10) Limit, control, or prevent development which is dangerous to health, safety, or property by causing increases in water surface elevations, velocities, or flowrates which exist prior to such development; (11) Limit, control, or prevent development which is vulnerable to flood damage or require that said development shall be adequately protected against said flood damage at the time of construction; (12) Require adequate maintenance of drainage facilities such that they retain their capacity for conveyance of stormwater flows. E. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR AREAS OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD In all areas of Special Flood Hazard where base flood elevations have been determined • in accordance with this chapter, the following provisions shall apply: (1) All new construction, any substantial improvement to a structure, and appurte- nances shall be securely anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral move- ment; (2) All new construction, any substantial improvement to a structure, and appurte- nances shall be constructed in such a manner as to minimize flood damage; and, all electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities shall be designed and/or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding; (3) New and replacement sanitary sewage systems, including but not limited to septic tanks and drain fields, package treatment plants, etc., shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the system and discharges from the system into flood waters; (4) New and replacement water supply systems including wells, treatment plants, distribution facilities, etc., shall be designed to prevent infiltration of flood waters into the system; (5) Solid or liquid waste disposal sites or systems shall be designed and located to avoid contamination from them during flooding and to avoid impairment of their operation during times of flooding; (6) All new construction or any substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including any basement, at an elevation at least one foot above the base flood elevation, and certification that this standard has been satisfied shall be submitted to the Administrator, said certification shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer or registered • public surveyor on the form provided by the Administrator; • (7) All new construction or any substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial, or other non-residential structure shall either have the lowest floor, including basements, elevated at least one foot above the base flood elevation or the structure with its attendant utility and sanitary facilities shall be floodproofed so that the structure and utility and sanitary facilities shall be watertight and impermeable to the intrusion of water in all areas below the base flood elevation, and shall resist the structural loads and buoyancy effects from the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic conditions. Certification that this standard has been satisfied shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer on the form provided by the Administrator; (8) For all new construction and substantial improvements, fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect or must meet or exceed the following minimum criteria: A minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided. The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade. Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters; (Ordinance No. 1728 of October 22, 1987) (9) In areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevations have not been established, base flood elevation data shall be generated for subdivision proposals and other proposed development, including manufactured home parks and subdivisions which are greater than 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever is less. • (Ordinance No. 1740 of February 25, 1988) • • F. SPECIAL PROVISI NS FOR MANUFACTURED HOMES IN AREAS OF PECIAL FLO D HAZARD • The following provisions are required in all Areas of Special Flood Hazard where base flood elevations have been determined: (1) No manufactured home shall be placed in a floodway; (2) All manufactured homes shall be anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement and shall meet the following requirements: (a) over-the-top ties shall be provided at each of the four corners of the manufactured homes: (b) on manufactured homes of 50 feet in length or less, one additional over- the-top tie shall be provided approximately at the mid point; (c) on manufactured homes of over 50 feet in length, two additional over- the-top ties shall be provided at intermediate locations; (d) frame ties shall be provided at each of the four corners of the manufactured home; (e) on manufactured homes of 50 feet in length or less, four additional frame ties shall be provided at intermediate locations; (f) on manufactured homes of over 50 feet in length, five additional frame ties shall be provided at intermediate locations; (g) all components of the anchoring system for manufactured homes shall be capable of carrying a force of 4800 pounds without sustaining permanent damage. (3) For new manufactured home developments; expansions to existing manufactured home developments; existing manufactured home developments where repair, reconstruction, or improvement of the streets, utilities, or building pads in which the cost of repair, reconstruction, or improvement exceeds half of the value of the streets, utilities, and building pads before the repair, etc. has commenced; and for manufactured homes not placed in a manufactured home development, the following are required: (a) stands or lots shall be elevated on compacted fill or on pilings such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home will be above the base flood elevation and the elevation of the center of the stand shall be no more than one foot below the base flood elevation. Certification that this standard has been satisfied shall be submitted to the Administrator; said certification shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered pro- fessional engineer or registered public surveyor on the form provided by the Administrator. (b) adequate surface drainage and access for a hauler shall be provided. (c) if a manufactured home is elevated on pilings: (i) lots shall be large enough to permit steps; (ii) piling foundations shall be placed in stable soil no more than ten feet apart; (iii) reinforcement shall be provided for pilings more than six feet above the existing or finished ground level. • • G. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR FLOODWAYS Located within Areas of Special Flood Hazard established in Section 5-B are areas desig- nated as floodways. The floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and the potential for erosion; there- fore, the following provisions shall be required: (1) Encroachments shall be prohibited, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements of existing construction, structures, manufactured homes, or other development. Variances requested on this standard shall be accompanied by a complete engineering report fully demonstrating that the encroachments shall not result in any increase in water surface elevation or flood hazard upstream, within, or downstream of the encroachment location. The engineering report shall conform to the requirements of the Drainage Policy and Design Standards and shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer; (Ordinance No. 1728 of October 22, 1987) (2) Exemptions for the requirements of Section 5-G may be made in the following cases: (a) Customary and incidental routine grounds maintenance, landscaping and home gardening which does not require a building permit, zone change request, or variance from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance; (b) Emergency repairs of a temporary nature made on public or private prop- erty which are deemed necessary for the preservation of life, health, or property, and which are made under such circumstances where it would be impossible or impracticable to obtain a development permit. (c) Temporary excavation for the purpose of maintaining, or repairing any • public street, public utility facility, or any service lines related thereto; (Ordinance No. 1740 of February 25, 1988) (3) All new construction or substantial improvements of existing construction shall be subject to the methods of flood hazard reduction outlined in Section 5. (Ordinance No. 1728 of October 22, 1987) (4) When a regulatory floodway has not been designated, no new construction, sub- stantial improvements, or other development, including fill, shall be permitted within zones designated AI-A30 and AE on the community's FIRM, unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot at any point within the community. (Ordinance No. 1740 of February 25, 1988) H. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR AREAS OF SHALLOW FLOODING Located within the Areas of Special Flood Hazard established in Section 5-B are areas designated as Areas of Shallow Flooding. These areas have special flood hazards associated with base flood depths of 1 to 3 feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist and where the pathway of flood waters is indeterminate and unpredictable; therefore, the following provisions shall be required: (Ordinance No. 1728 of October 22, 1987) • • (1) All new construction or any substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including basements, elevated at least one foot above the depth number specified on the community's FIRM. (Ordinance No. 1740 of February 25, 1988) (2) All new construction or any substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial, or other non-residential structure shall either: (Ordinance No. 1728 of October 22, 1987) (a) Have the lowest floor, including basements, elevated at least one foot above the depth number specified on the community's FIRM; or (Ordinance No. 1740 of February 25, 1988) (b) the structure with its attendant utility and sanitary facilities shall be flood- proofed so that the structure and utility and sanitary facilities shall be watertight and impermeable to the intrusion of water in all areas below the base flood elevation, and shall resist the structural loads and buoyancy effects from the hydrostatic and h drodynamic conditions. Certification that this standard has been satisf~ed shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer on the form provided by the Administrator. (Ordinance No. 1728 of October 22, 1987) (3) Adequate drainage paths to guide floodwaters around and away from proposed structures shall be provided for all proposed structures on slopes in Zones AH or AO. • (Ordinance No. 1740 of February 25, 1988) SECTION 6: VARIANCES A. GENERAL The Zoning Board of Adjustments may authorize a variance to the provisions and requirements of this chapter when, in their opinion, undue hardship on the owner will result from strict compliance with those requirements, and when either of the following criteria are met: (1) There are special circumstances or condition affecting the land involved such that strict compliance with the provisions and requirements of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; or, (2) The variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; or, (3) Variances may be issued for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, or restoration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the State Inventory of Historic Places, without regard to the procedures set forth in the remainder of this section. (Ordinance No. 2277 of November 13, 1997) B. PREREQUISITES FOR GRANTING OF VARIANCES Upon consideration of the factors noted above, the specific provisions and requirements of this chapter, and the intent of this chapter, the Board may grant variances subject to the following prerequisites: • (1) A variance shall only be granted upon a determination that the variance is the • minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, or potential flood damage, to afford relief to the applicant; (2) The effect of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the City; (3) The effect of the variance will not increase water surface elevations, flow velocities, or alter drainage pathways to the extent that there will be any threat to public safety, extraordinary public expense, increase in nuisance flooding, or be detrimental to other portions of the major or minor drainage systems; (4) The effect of the variance will not prevent the orderly subdivision of other land, upstream or downstream of the subject property, in the City, and; (5) No variance shall be allowed within any designated floodway if any increase in water surface elevation would occur during the base flood discharge. (6) Variances may be issued for new construction and substantial improvements and for other development necessary for the conduct of a functionally dependent use provided that (i) the criteria and procedures outlined in this Section for obtaining a variance are met, and (ii) the structure or other development is protected by methods that minimize flood damage during the base flood and create no additional threats to public safety. C. VARIANCE PROCEDURES The granting of variances shall be subject to and in conformance with the following procedures and requirements: (1) The Zoning Board of Adjustments shall hear and render judgment on any • requests for variances from the requirements of this chapter. (2) The Administrator shall maintain a record of all actions involving appeals, and variance requests, and shall report all variances to the requirements of this chapter to the Federal Insurance Administration upon request. (3) Upon consideration of the above criteria, and prerequisites, and the intent of this chapter, the Board may attach such conditions to the granting of any variance as it deems necessary to further the purpose and objectives of this chapter. (4) All requests for variance shall be judged solely on the merits and special conditions of the case. The granting of a variance based upon the facts and evidence of one request for variance shall have no bearing on the consideration of any other request for variance. (5) Before consideration by the Board, a formal request for variance shall be submitted to the office of the Administrator. The request shall contain sufficient information to: (a) define specifically which provision or requirement according to this chapter that allegedly causes the undue hardship; (b) detail specifically what measures shall be taken to obtain the minimum relief from said hardship; (c) define specifically the effects of the variance in terms of water surface elevations, flood velocities, etc. which pertain to the prerequisites required by this chapter; and (d) identify any special conditions which should be considered as criteria for • granting said variance. • After review of the request, the Administrator may require additional information which he/she deems necessary to fully document the prerequisites required by this chapter for the granting of a variance. This information shall be provided by the applicant prior to placement of the variance request on the agenda for consideration by the Board. (6) Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be given written notice that the structure will be permitted to be built with a lowest floor elevation no more than 3 feet below the base flood elevation, and that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk resulting from the reduced lowest floor ele- vation. (7) Any person or persons aggrieved by the decision of the Zoning Board of Adjust- ments may appeal such decision to the courts of competent jurisdiction. • • • Workshop Agenda 4 Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the status of items within the P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (LS) • C7 ~ 6~ U ~ ~: ~ C a ,~ ~ ~ vl ~ to. ~ o V a a ~ o o °o °o G ~ ~ ~ ~ N N „~, ' ~' N N V py '~ N ~ W ~ (i. w ~ ~ ^ ~ H H A o~ ~O C ~ ~ ~ o v.~' o b v.~' o ,ti ... ~ U ~ ~ ~, .~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ a ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ c ~ Y o ~ ~ " ' N z °ry .~ .~ ~ ow ~~ ° ~ ° ~ oa~ ~ ~ ~ o v ° ~ ~ +-EGA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `ti ~ :b o _, as U ~ a i b . ~ n "~i ~ ~ H H ~ " o ~ ~ ~ ~ ¢ . N y p„ 6n ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~"~ C~ " ,~ ,d ~ ~ a ~ ~ Vi O . ~ ~ v ~ ~ U ~ U Q U Q U Q ~» U U Q U Q ~. y ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ _ U 'Gp ~ ~ ~ Q C7 coo fx ¢ ^~ W ~ o ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ U ,,, v ~ ~ ~ ~ ° a ~°•~ ~ U ~ b N ~, y ~ y ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ y C ~ `~~~' q ~ ~ `.:' ao ~ `~' c~ • a' O ~ ~ . .N U ~ U ~ U a V ~ .. U~ 'w U U •> U 3 ~'" ~ z, •~ o ~' yam, ~ ~' ,~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~o Uv~ ~°~' ~ ~ a I+h N ~ ~ ° A ~ a a O ~ v ~ {~ O '~ ~ ~ ~ a o ~ • ~ N O ~o ~ a j ~ ~, N o ~ ~o •o .~ ~ a~ ~ ~ a •~ U 04 '~ O U '~ ~ O ~ ~ 3 o ~, 'b ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ .a .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a i .3 N O ° •~ ° ~ fi ;~ ~ 3~ ~ ~ .... 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Consent Agenda 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat - Commercial for Greens Prairie Center Phase 1 consisting of 2 lots on 7.46 acres located at the intersection of ~ Greens Prairie Road, new Arrin ton g Road and State Highway 40. Case #06-500145 (JR/CC) ~; • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves Report Date: July 24, 2006 Email: jreeves@cstx.gov Meeting Date: August 3, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500145 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat -Commercial for Greens Prairie Center Phase 1 consisting of 2 lots on 7.46 acres located at the intersection of Greens Prairie Road, new Arrington Road and State Highway 40. Applicant: Parviz Vessali, property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat as submitted. Item Summary: The applicant is moving forward with the Final Plat to start the first phase of the Greens Prairie Center, a commercial development. The Preliminary Plat was recently approved with several block length variances; however, Phase 1 does not require any of the block length variances. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan shows this area to be Regional Retail. On the Thoroughfare Plan, Arrington Road (Major Collector) is shown to realign with the new Arrington Road stub at Greens Prairie Road near the western corner of the property. The Final Plat is in compliance with the previously approved Master Plan, Preliminary Plat, Subdivision Regulations and the Unified Development Ordinance, therefore Staff is recommending approval of this Final Plat. Item Background: Land within this Master Plan area was annexed in 1983, 1993, and 2002. • This area was zoned A-O Agricultural Open upon annexation and a portion was rezoned C-1 General Commercial in January 2006. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment was approved by City Council on December 15, 2005. The Preliminary Plat was approved by the Commission in July of 2006 with several block length variances. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: • Approval • Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Final Plat (provided in packet) ~: • • ~~ Crrt ot. ~I.1.LGL• S~ra~TtoN /'kArurrs e'rUreelrpravlrrSr~r~:I! {Check one} ,.~ Minor U Amending ~ Final L Vacating U Replat tszoo.oar (S30o.oor ~;40v.ool (#400.001 (5604.40' 'Includes public hearing fee Is this plat in the ETJ? ©Yes [i/FNo [~ FOR OFFICE lIS6 ONLY j~tf ~ '~~ ~ PdZ CASE ND.: "~ fit/ ~yY ~ DATE SUBMITTED: l . ._. ~~ FINAL I~LA`!• A~PL(CATION ~ Yho fotlpwfng items must be submitted by an ®stablishsd filing dcadlina date for P&Z Commission consideration. AIIINIMUM SUBMITTAL aE4UrRf=MENT3: / Filing Fee {see above} NOTE: Multiple Sheets.- $55.OU per additional sheet Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations - X140 {if applicable} ~ Daval4pment Permit Application Fee of $2011.00 (if applicable}- Infrastntcture Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) Application completed in full. Copy of original deed restrict+onslcavenanls for caplets (if applicable). Thirteen {13} folded oapies of plat. (A signed rnylar original must be submitted aRcr staff reuicw.) ~~ne (1) copy of the appro+~ed Preliminary Plat andlor one (1a Master Plan (if applicabie). Paid lax certificates tram City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. _ A espy of the attached checklist with s!I items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Two {~) copies ai public infrastructure plans assacialed wish this plat (if applicable). _~~. Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & ReCreBtion Board, please provide pronF of ~21t+e of Preappliraltion Confplr+enlCe: ~ -l2 -Z.~R NAME OF 5UBDIVI5ICN ~'1~1..~-YrS ~+~'ee•ir ~.R- ~~'@~. ~{~tatiF~ SPECIFIED LOCATION OF' PROP05ED SLIBDIVI5IC)N (Lot f4 Block) -~?~ rCJf _~~[_°'v APPLIGANTIPROJECT MANAGER'S INFORfufATlpPt (Primary Contact for the Project}: ,,77.~.~I~ .~.__._ . _..____. JJ _ __.._...--- -- _ _ Gf ,D, _ t _.....__ _ Stale ,~~, zlpCOdB_ ~~j-U~O E-Mai~Add~ess ~~~ 1aJA ~"~~'I.CC7. rent Phone Number _.'7{s~_~ ~'~o~ Fax Number. '"'~~1# -`jrf~~! ___ PROPERTY CIWNER'S INFQRMATION ~ owners m ovmers}; Name ~ SAd ~, srreetaddrass ~~' ~. Slate _ lip Code ~`~~"t~~ Phone Number ,_~~~''_~?~1~~. _. usl be identified. Please sitsch an additional s~~eet for multiple _._ _ City ,t~ ~I_T_~,~.~;7,rr E-A4ail Address __~'_ Fax Number ~4P~ ~ ~1~DJ ARCHITCCT OR/~ENGIrrNEER'S tPIrORMATIQN; Name ~~G_-l~ ~'~.~ uDtnn P=~- ~ '~.l~. " ~ ~ ,~...,,~ v - ` Street A.d~rilr~esS _ . -~;~,~~~~ _~ City L° . State. 11~ Zip Code ~~1~. ,7~_ , E•hl~eit A;idress ,-rQt. f P~.Q ~t s • ['~yr, shone Nomtxgr 7t~ ~} ~~~~~ ._ Fax Number ~~~ ~~_~ ~~__..__ _ Dv any deed restrictions or covenants exist for this property? Yes N fl _ / Is Ihere a temporary blanket easement on this profserty7 If so, please provide the Volume ~,~} 3nd Page Jk Acreage ~ Total 1'ropeRy ~ ~'~6 ~ Total # of Lots ~- R-0-W Au+esge ~Q Existing Use: 1/LILQn~ Proposedusc: ~~Wt~~'~`4ts~.t _ ,~ Number of Lots By Zoning Distrfa ~- / C~ 1 ! Average AGr+edge Of F.,aCh R~ysidenl"rat L,dt Fay 7,oning Orsirict- Floodplain Acreage ~ A statemer-t addressing any drA`erencea betvHeen the Final Plat and approved Master Plan andlor Preliminary Plat (if applicable): r~a~ Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations 8 Reason for Same: 1(~~~~. ~S D _..m_ :. .. .. ._. ~ ... .. ,,. ... Requested Avers?ze Participation: ~~~~1 • Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: "' Sheets .~,,, -. Stdewa lks 1 iri ~ San'rtary3ewerLines ~.flr•] r Ul~tec Lines Channels Sturm Sewers __" _ Bi1ce Lanes ! l~sths Parkland Dedication due prior to fling the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicated + $ developmen! fee ~ of sores in floodplain # of acres in detention # of across in groenways flR FEE IM LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family t7welli~g Units X $SSti = S .- (date) Approved by Parks ~ Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY DF PLAT MLIST BE S11~3MITTEO PRIOR TO FILING. • The applrcan! bas Arepar+ed Fhis e~nriralfirxr and Cartifias that 1h@ loots staled rre~R anti 9xhrbrls ~ttacv?ed beretu are trr+e, Com?c!, 8nd COmi01~1E. TRe urideirsi~nad y r+aquvsls trpprovet by lh9 Ciry of Colreg+e Station o! ihv sbore•itfrrrlrrrer~ iibai l+rat endatre~s teat tlr~s requ+ssl does not a any covenants vr~sfrrcfipns ssacfated h lhrs pi'2l. ~-~. __ -- S+onature and Tula poke. _ --.-....~ ._..~ ".vt~~ .A_--rim„~:r;.rv n~s..w~rw,.riwgv.,.,a ~syar.,vi3r ro:,sr-x„s':.~v.o:-miM.wivo.ri.w~:>~v ..~,as~-~.s ...Ya.~..~. ~-.>. ~. c-.... .:a.s~.; .e, ,. .y.4~<r v~,.r,.,,,~s~.., .~.r z ,.. .. F. .:. .., .. .r .. v..~~ /, d 0 f r v Consent Agenda 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion of a Final Plat for ~` Castle ate Section 7, consistin of 30 g g lots on 17.971 acres, located off Castlegate Drive, southeast of its intersection with Victoria Avenue. ~ Case #06-500146 (JP/CC) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner Report Date: July 24, 2006 Email: jprochazka(g~cstx.gov Meeting Date: August 3, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500146 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion of a Final Plat for Castlegate Section 7, consisting of 30 lots on 17.971 acres, located off Castlegate Drive, southeast of its intersection with Victoria Avenue. Applicant: Wallace Phillips, property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the final plat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a final plat for the first phase of Castlegate Section 7, asingle-family development that is planned in two phases. This phase consists of 30 lots on 17.971 acres and includes common areas and greenway area that encompasses the 100-year flood plain located along the southeast property boundary. A five foot right-of- way dedication for Victoria Avenue is also proposed. This property was granted a variance to Section 8.J.2 of the Subdivision Regulations relating to block length on July 6, 2006 that allows this project to have an overall block length of 2,711 feet (when the second phase of Section 7 is completed). • The subject property and surrounding areas are zoned PDD Planned Development District. The land uses approved with the PDD zoning include single-family residential, from estate lots to patio home lots, parkland, open space and greenways. The approval of the PDD zoning included alternate lot dimensions. The minimum lot dimensions approved for this section are as follows: Minimum Lot Area: 7000 square feet Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet Minimum Lot Depth: 85 feet Section 7 proposes no sidewalks, as is permitted in this PDD zoning. Because the property is zoned PDD, the Design Review Board reviewed and approved a Concept Plan for Section 7 in April of this year. This plat is in compliance with the approved Concept Plan. This plat is also in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates this area as Single- Family Medium Density; the proposed density is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. Section 7 will take access from Castlegate Drive, which is designated as a minor collector on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Victoria Avenue is designated as a major collector and Greens Prairie Road is designated as a major arterial adjacent to the Castlegate Subdivision. Item Background: The subject property and surrounding area were annexed in 1995 and zoned A-O Agricultural Open, a holding zone for the property, at that time. The Master • Development Plan (for the area now developed as Castlegate and the adjacent Crowely property) was approved by Council in 1997 and then modified in 1998. A Master Preliminary Plat for the 350-acre Castlegate subdivision was approved in 2000. The subject property was shown as a reserve tract in the Master Preliminary Plat. The property was zoned PDD Planned Development District in 2001. A preliminary plat and final plat of Section 7 were approved by the Commission in spring 2004. At that time, the plat included 24 estate lots. Development of Section 7 never commenced. The preliminary plat and a variance to the maximum block length were approved in July 2006. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: The Parks Board approved the plan for parkland dedication for Castlegate Subdivision in 2000. The parkland requirements for this phase have been met with the dedication and park development in previous phases. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map • 2. Application 3. Copy Final Plat (provided in packet) ~. _ •' • `~` - - ~,~ - it ~` . _ -~{'r. '.: , ~r...,^ ~ ~ • . of •.. ^ {t;,,. ~d J ` ,, '~ :'••~ 'i f' 1•-yl~l ~ tt L• .o;~•r° ~.~' .!5;••4~e Vii` ~ ~ I . -, `' sF •: ~ N f l;~i i . Jr /~ ~ .: yr"'\: r_ . ti~ y v,. ~ ..: .'~\ . ;'~ .Z J •.. , ~ a Jr1CU. ~ v~ '.I. -~ 1(.:il 1-1M. y.j -'• _. ~' ~~>~1`•).• ~~" :N'I'.. ''•.v `~ v.'~'~t~.J `•q \' j' 1 ~v ~ I ^ I ~ ~ , ~i x `~~ Y'+ .N' ~' ` Z I +~1~L'.yi .~ ~+, ~ '~~p ter'' ~ \ ` •.. '„~ I - .'I '_ .1y.,~ I III :,I.~.H `.Jig y` •~ ~~ •- •~5. ~ f. il- ~.. . ~~w \%j' '.L~.• j •- ` '\ N '+R ~'~P7f1N.'~i{xUyi ~ /.. ~N _"• •" `~~~, ~'~ ~ , r ,~ :.e~`.. w'l . .. 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[; Yes [~No FINAL PLAT APALICATION }"~l~- ~l.J' r ~~ ____ FOR Off~~IyyC--E U~~S((~E~~ONLY P#,ZCA$E~ ~~~ ____ Y_ DATE SUBMITTED, ~ ~ ~~ "t The following itern5 mUSt he Suhrnltted by an established filing deadline date for PAZ Commission consideration. MINIMUiIA $UBMIT7AL ItE~UIftEMENT3: Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: ~Aultiple Sheets - 555.00 per additional sheet Variance ReQuest to Subdivision IieQulatians ° $1UU (rf appl~abte) / Development Permit Application Fee of $204.00 (if applicable}. .~ Infrastructure inspection Fee of X600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is bcrng con5trvpred) _~ Applicr3lion carnpleted in full. Copy of original deed restrictionslcovenants for replete (if appliCablel- TttiHeen {S3} folded copies of plat. {A signed mylar original must be submitted after stair review. _,One tT) copyr of the apprcnred Preliminary Plat 2ndlnr one ('f) Master Plan (if applicable). ~ Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Ctrazos County and College Station 1.S.D. ~A copy of the attached checklist wish all items checked off or a brief explanation as to +,vhy they ere not. f Two {Z) copies of public ~nfrastrrrclure plane associated tivith this plat (iF applicable), Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks ,~ Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if apRlicablea, ~ ~_sirhl1-~,u c;~ct.it.~$~ Date of Preapplication NAMF. OF SURDIVISI4M (.LI_~'f1.ctct,~-t'2". c~?trtlr„~Cf : Lrt set pY'1. ~ r_~h~ SPECIFIED L CATION PRQPpSED SUBUIVISIQN ((.ot ~ F3lacky ,~ ~-C'~~lD LGt1S4itr; L l.~ Wt~~~~ l AFPIICAh2T1PRQJECT MANAta'FK'S INFpKMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name vvC~.i~AGe ~~,~,;p5 Street Address State ~~rt Zip Codr. ~,'1'~~~ F.-M;~il Address ~1~Ki.I,~nILe , b)ru1~iP~SI~' ~?.f~ rorR .vt~ Phone Number ~~~~-7~0 Fax fYumber ___ (a`rQ O t PROPERTY CIUVNFR'S IMFOFrMAItfJN (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional Sheet for multiple owners}- ~~~ fix' ~f _ Hams I("Ltt+r,~t, tt ~.~~, Street Address a ~r~5~'LerQ ~ L~=~~...a~ City ~ ~~~ ~ ~ +" 5tata ,~ Zip~de ']'~~}~~ E-Mail Address ~a ~~ .r,~ '~ ~!d~~,r~,„, {~~~ , ~~ Phone Number ~~d -- ~~SD Fax IUumber ~,~ - ICI -- -- ARCI IITECTt?R ENGIhiEER'S INFORMAnt?N: Horne ~+~~c~rt~t~ t.~~ . "' ~~eP ~C.~'li,+r,,.' i~ ~1 ~s,. _. streetAddness .1?_~v~.~.rryr~},,. ~~~ ~ City ~ `~ _____ ate. ~~~ Zip G4d° --~-ita.~ J-- t= tularl +~ddress ~ '~ ~~~Q'~'~ Phone Nurnb¢r ~~_"'~~ Fcx Number `~'b1} .,~~ ~~~ ~~,,... • ~ • DO any dead restrictions or covenants exist [ar thi s property? Yes No ,~_ is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? If so, please provide the Volume _ an d Page t? _l--~- Acreage ~ Total Property 1~ .~~ Total # of Lots .~ ..~i'O__.._._ R-Q-WJJAcr~age 2, ~r Ltd Ex+sting Use: ~....~ f~,~.,,:,:,:,:_.:,:_:.„,,..,., Proposed Use: ~i vlc~ t! - '.-~L~ Ir~d eri l; al Numder of tats t3y Zoning District ~_ t ~_ ~ ! t Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot 13y Zoning District: 0,?.9~ rPO~ r r r FloodplainAcreage ~+~ A statement addressing any differences balweenthe Final Plat and approved Master Plan andlor Preliminary Plat {if appliCabte}: S ..~.......,_.,_._.~._..___.n~._....._,,~..,~_ _._.. _ .._ _. __ Requested Variances Ta 5ubdi~+'rsion Regulations 8 Reason Far Same: '~Ph 'i~7 ~ww'~Gi Requested oversize Participation: `~fiY~l ..__~_.___._ .~.._ .~...___ Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: Streets ~ Sidewalks ~ Sanitary Sewer Lines 7.15.0 Water Liries r' Channels ~~ ~ Storm Sewers $ike Lanes ! Reths Pa-kland Dedicati~acn ~d}ue prior to Bing the Final Plyat,:. ~ ACREAGE.; ~i+ f ~'~.1J1~ LA~-~7 ~, # of acres to be dedicated + „_..,, ,~._.,, devebprnent fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detentio n # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU aF LAND: # 04 Single-Famly iDwelling Units X $55B = $ ~ u ,,, (date} Approved b'Y Parks & Recreation E~oard NpTE: DI41TA~. COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The app'~ar~r has prepared 1i1~ appfleattat and c~erfrfies thFat tJre facts staled herarrt and exht6iis atlrroheri tranrb errs frua, ranrrr~, and r,Omjt)A9fp. The Gnderci'gned hertsby 1'eQttBStS 8pprrlvd! by the Caiyr of Cotleg~c Statror~ of rfte abovardcnflfred 'rrtai plat ar~d ofteSis flat this request does riot 8trlertd 8-ly Cvvsrittfrt5 orrestrrctions aS50G'9.Ad w~trr this plat. Signature 2nd Title ' Dafe • * V-iT.:~.~i_.v 5'...:~:3;'[Y. I~~TA.<"d_.Tb..a~~~d9%Y/.M/9.'©i~.P~.iA:ls/_~/F/.q%~'.YwY:~Ay.S~=.4Y/.3i~9/A'>/O% 'd'Ad~J"Jb 9=%a 6-Y.'Y:O'. ~.:0~ N'A'..9~-8?%Y, N/~.W9/d•:V. ,~Y,~t~.'S/,~il,l1/O'N'.II/.J.AI:/%/.lI/I~"d':O ~arb:N :7 Consent Agenda 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat -Residential for Williams Creek Phase 5 consisting of 20 lots on 30.8 acres located at 9500 Rock Prairie Road, just south of Greens Prairie Road. Case #06- 500147 (JR/CC) r~ I. J STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves Email: jreeves .cstx.gov Project Number: 06-00500147 Report Date: July 19, 2006 Meeting Date: August 3, 2006 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat -Residential for Williams Creek Phase 5 consisting of 20 lots on 30.8 acres located at 9500 Rock Praire Road, just south of Greens Prairie Road. Applicant: Joe Johnson, property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat as submitted. Item Summary: The applicant is moving forward with a Final Plat for Phase 5 to continue the rural residential development in the Williams Creek Subdivision. The Preliminary Plat for phases 5, 6 and 7 was approved with a number of variances from Section 12, regarding rural subdivisions within the City Limits. The property is zoned A- OR, accordingly. The variances that were approved are as follows: • Section 12-1.5 Half Streets -The Subdivision Regulations prohibit the platting of half streets. However, in this case the existing Rock Prairie Road is covered by an easement and the public currently has use of the entire roadway. This development will dedicate half of the ROW for a Major Collector. • 12-J.2 Utility Easements -The Subdivision Regulations require a minimum 20- foot Public Utility Easement. The applicant is reducing this width to 15 feet. • 12-R.3 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan -The Subdivision Regulations requires a Sewer Master Plan for a rural residential subdivision. The applicant will submit a schematic and determine finished floor elevations to allow for future gravity sewer. No construction documents will be provided. • Section 15 Ownership -The Subdivision Regulations require that all infrastructure be dedicated to the City. Wellborn Special Utility District (SUD) is required by law to own their water system that serves their customers. The Plat is proposing lots in excess of one acre with On Site Sewer Facility (OSSF). The subdivision will have access to Greens Prairie and Rock Prairie Roads. The water system will be designed and constructed in accordance with City Standards. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: This Plat is in conformance with the Preliminary Plat and is in conformance the Unified Development Ordinance. Item Background: The subject property was annexed into the College Station City Limits in November of 2002 and Phases 1-4 of the approved Preliminary Plat for Williams Creek Subdivision have been final platted. In March of 2004, the City Council approved a zone change from A-O Agricultural Open to A-OR Rural Residential for the 211.14 acre-tract of the Williams Creek Subdivision, and in July of 2005 the City Council approved a zone change from A-O to A-OR for the additional approximate 117-acre tract of proposed Williams Creek Estates, now called Phases 5-7. A-OR has a minimum lot size of 1 acre. • • The. original Williams Creek Master Development was approved in May of 2004, then was revised in September of 2005 to include additional residential acreage that was previously shown as part of a large reserve tract. The Preliminary Plat of Phases 5, 6 & 7 of the Williams Creek Subdivision was approved by the Commission in June of 2006. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: The Parks Board met on April 20th and recommended approval of accepting fee in lieu of the park land. Phases 5, 6, and 7 include 47 lots, which will require $9,306 for Fee in Lieu, and with the Park Development fees included, the total fee will be $26,132. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Final Plat (provided in packet) • ~7 • Fi~AL PLAT APP~.~~ArtQN i ~I"i~'' U1= (;t}L61;G1; ~'1'tl't'[C}N r'Ernnru~ ;- Jkrrfipnrwe .Snwlrr F4R 0[`FICrE``USE Q!(tll„ PdZ CASE NO.: ,I~llt y t{ i_.._.... DATE SUSMrI'TED: ? ~- ~ "~ ~' r~ ~'~~-' ~ZIA/ (Check vnef ^ tUlinor [Amending Ftnal ^ Vseatfng ^ Replat {E3ao.aa} Is~oo.oat (saoo.oo} Iseoo.oa} (5680.00}• 'I~dutle9 puGlic hearing tee Is this plat in fhe ETJ7 [Yes d No Thef011owing Iteirn must be submlltsd by an sstabllshed fiiing deadline date for P$~ Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUfREMIENTS: ~ Fling Fee (see above} NOTE: P~lultiple Sheets - 355:04 per additional sheet r Variance kequest to Subdivision ReguiatiQns ~ S100 (if applicable) -~ development Permit Application Fec of $200.00 {if applicable). _IG_ Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.U0 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) t/` Application completed in full. Copy of original deed re&Iriclionstcovenants for replats (if applicable). ,,.,~ Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) / one (1) copyaf the approved Preliminary Plat andlor ane (1) Master Plan (if applicable). ~ Paid tax certificates from Oily of College Station, Brazos County and College Station 1.S.D. _/. A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief Pxplanatinn as to why they are nat. ~ Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). w'~_ Parkland DediCaitign requirement approved by the Parks & 12ecreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicablej, rQV-4.~1 e}- o Date of Proapptication Cvn~ore NA1NE bF SLfBDIVISION ~~ ~~.t~ SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PR4POSEt? $UBQIVI$IQN (t.f-t R BIpCk) ~, ~~-ateers4 ~iru ~ ~ nrt~h APPI.3CANTA'RC}.lFCT MANACI=R'S INFORMATION {Primary Contact bor Uee Proje ): Name -~ ~~~.t.,~aY'^~ .~. _ y..: _..._.....~.___ Street Address ~jty f ti„ ~ ~ S[atC ~]~i ZIpC,OdB~~~~" t~-rVldl)AC1YIr1'@55 2'~* ~ -LOvr+ PhnnP Nrrmher (~J~~ ~ta~x'Z,~~-~-.___ __ Fax Number ~ 5~ ~~~• ~~~•~- PROPERN OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL tnvners rnugl be Identified. Plgese attach an additiar-al sheet for rnulUple a~.vners}: Name - ~ ~ n~ '~ ~~ne.~ ,,~a~~nSrtaY1 ___.._.. street Address _(_~Q ~G~~± ~v„Ii~flt+iCM'~f'rt+t.~ ~Y.i~' Cit Y .~e~.~tYt~Srf'I. Sta12 ~~ Zip Code E-Mail Add-~I;S a okrt~er- } ~ af-rax. ,faro PhonQ Number ,~~-~„ x' Fax Number ~~~.5 _~pZ.~.-..~~-_.... , ARCFtITECY OR ENGt~N^,E~E~R~,S1 INFORhRkTiON: ~ _ 1 t Name ,,,,1~„L.1f1~....1,,~..~ ~~~t~~+r1`~~-~~.,.1}~~.~.-. Street Address ~,.'~()C? ~~nar~ t!~ t..~~_ City a•~ Stat+; zip Coda ~ E•Mail Address ~ ~ ~.~ S. . ~~--~..._w. ~_ Vie.. _.~ ~ . C.~! .. PhanQ Number ~~~~~~~ Fax Nwnber -7tp~) ~-?~ ~~' , ?; ~,,.~13 i .~ ,. .7 C~ Average Acreage Cif Each Residential Lot By Zoning {3~sViCt; • ~ i ~-0~ r FloadptainAcreage ~ 15 there a temporary blanket ease ent on this proQerty? If sa, please provide the Volume and Page it Acreage ~ Torte! Property ~1 ~ ~ Tote! # of Iota ZD R-O-~"J Acreage 3. f~~ac ~s ~~ Existing Use: ~f~L:ObY'1~ Proposed Use: t Nurnt7er of Lats By Zoning District ZO i~ D~ ! '~ 7 r~~ ~~'ya W~l~~' [}o any deed restrictions or covenan exist for this property? Yes No / A statement addressing any differences beNreen the Final Plat and approved Hasler Plan andlar Prelirninary Plat (if applicable): L -_~ G.L-tw~/~~P ~~"trrv-, ~-~tiwy+.tyttt.~~~t~:~ Requested Variances To Suhdi,ris,on Regulations 8 Reason Far Sarne: ~~li~ y~~S _,~.,{ ~~ ~~.~__ ~~CQ-I,Lh'L1 r,ann ~~a~ R~uested Oversize Pariiapalian: ~~~ Tgtal Linear Footage of Proposed Public: ?J#'~3~ Streets Sidewalks ~- Sanitary Sewer Lines r W2rter Lines ~r '~ Channels ~ StOtm Sev~narS _._.~ ~" Bike Lanes t Paths parklarxl Dedication due prior to tiling the Final Plat: ACREAGE; # of acres to bA dedicated + $ development fse H..., , # of acres in floodplain # of acres iti detention _______^ # of acres in Qreenw>3ys OR FR=E IN UEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = S tdate) Approved by Parks & RCCrC'~tion Board ROTE: QIGITAI~ DOPY tJF PlA7 MUST BE $UBMITTEf3 PRIflR TQ FILING, 7ha applir.~nt ITaS pr8~tt3d ti1~S apAriCaNon and cetfdte8 ttlc?1 the fRCls st8tecf her~eln and cxhiblfs aYached hereto arrc fnrc, c~arrect, anti rr~mpiate. 7ihA tin~te~rsic~rred hEUaby requests aoproi~l by the City of ColNege Station of t5c 86ove,rdeni'r!ied Ilnaf plat arc! atYasFs That i`i?is rAgiwsJ rk~as nots+ra9n(t any COY872nts orrestnclions 8ssocheted xx7t~ this pfaf. ~;-~yyJ ~~,~,"~ Sa tore and Title ~ it .-... ~~~~ fate C, ,h :,r.r,s,~~.n ~~wsdr-.~~.r..~,,,.,.r.~,m~a~;~x.ivrw bv:~~:~.rrsac~:r~,~:.m.v-.r,<.,.o:ar, .. ,.v,.r.crwzu~:, u~y..»«r i,.a:cm; a....~.-„ ,__~.: r, .r T..v. cam, .,,: .e ~rm.~z~~r_-.A.: .~,,h~_m-s-.e rs•a-iv<m; r 8 r c Consent Agenda 3.4 v ~~~ Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the vacation of Greensworld Phase 1, consisting of 23.5 acres, and a Final Plat for Greensworld Phase 1, consisting of 2 lots on 3.23 acres located at 1005 Earl Rudder Freeway South, and more generally located along the east side of ~! Earl Rudder Freeway, south of the d intersection of Earl Rudder Freeway South and University Drive East. Case #06-500007 (JP/CC) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner Report Date: July 24, 2006 Email: iprochazkaC~cstx.aov Meeting Date: August 3, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500007 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the vacation of Greensworld Phase 1, consisting of 23.5 acres, and a Final Plat for Greensworld Phase 1, consisting of 2 lots on 3.23 acres located at 1005 Earl Rudder Freeway South, and more generally located along the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway, south of the interection of Earl Rudder Freeway South and University Drive East. Applicant: Rabon Metcalf, P.E. of RME, agent for property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the final plat. Item Summary: This item is for the vacation of Greensworld Phase I and a final plat of 3.23 acres into two lots. The remaining 20 acres that was included in the original plat is located in the floodway and is zoned A-O Agricultural Open. A portion of the new plat contains property within the floodplain that is zoned C-1 General Commercial. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Comprehensive Plan designates this property, and adjacent properties along Earl Rudder Freeway, as Retail Regional. • The property to the north is zoned C-2 Commercial-Industrial and is developed as Douglass Nissan. The property to the south is zoned C-1 General Commercial and is also undeveloped. The subject property will have access via the State Highway 6 frontage road that runs along the west side of the property. Item Background: The property was annexed in 1958 and zoned C-2 Commercial Industrial in 1989. Greensworld Phase I was platted in 1991. The City Council will consider a rezoning to C-1 General Commercial on July 27, 2006. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the vacating and final plat. The options regarding the vacating and final plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Vacating and Final Plat (provided in packet) • •;il I~~~ ~' ~'~ ~. tirt ~ u .. L= ~„ J~ J . i ~ Z~ J ~ r 1~ J f?:r; Y ^ LL 1.{. := J It ,, rr 1--i ~ ~' N ~ U ' ~r- i ' U ... '_, . r ~ ~ ..~, n O - ~ ~ , ~~ O ~.~ ,~ ~ U - r,,.~ ~` : '' . d O O r ~ _ s. , ~ I I, t.' Nti ~ to tQ ~ ~ ~. -.. 1 ~, IS ~ Q ~ J ~ 1=ti r ic~J' ~ LJ J . , • ~ ~ o i I .~ ' .' . ~ - o ~- = i!` ~ ~' _ ! 1 ~~I ~ lII ' ~ ~4~ 1~+`'~ W ' 111 ^ ~'~ '~ I ~•~ L'! W l II 'e• ~ ~ % /~/~n . 1.. ~i.,...lf ~iS µ,f ~~ l". t Tr +,• 'S ~'~ ~~~ ti~~C ~ ..•.~ -. ^ I • X11 A/ r /' `~*,~ ~-.`' ^f ~-'~'s' W ~`.~V U l:'ar C~' y; r.l\~i 'V'~ ~ f,.~'1~~, ~s'w~.~'~. 00 _ti~:. ~,) eM 4~ .` ` ~ :tom ~ ` "' C! ~! ^IY r~ ~'~ ~ ~"" •~ S laY.'~ fro ` ~~N,,.,~;.:. ~'. ~.~Y• ' ~ .` .. a~. f• «•w' ri it rr 4.,.~.~ ~ r `'~ \~'tiyf~ I 1'•,'S ' l~.r~ 4,T•~v~•` ••L F_ ru fl~,,"'C~''l/ ,~ `~/ j'~, "y`\ I • ~~ L:rr>tor CaLtECt:.S~ln~rlol. FdaMarry d-L~rcd+fnomr Snwrn l~ u FORGI'K~C[ uSG p11LY P~f,2 CASE MO.. ~ • " aaTe suak~rt e`u: ~ ' L ~ f: ~ . ~, ~. CE~EAi f,l AT A~dl 1~`JlT1A1J ~`~"' ~ nv~~. r r..rs ~ rss r r.rwrra ~ ^vr' ~+L1x-1 O'i-I'4~"bb {CheCK onay Q Minor ~] Aterending t~ Final ~ YiCititlg J Replat Is9oo.ot» ~soo.ot-} w+oo.a} csroo-oai taaoo.oar •ina~ ~nil~ n.arin tee Ths iowxtrg Ilutrs molt ds aubmKOOa oy an amoasnea mrn0 wavane aaw >m• rac ~mmreoron wnsoeraovn. MIMMUN SUBiMl7TAL REQUIREAAENiS: Fling Fse (vee above) NK?TE: MullipiE - $55 00 ppr adettionat shear IitA VSrtanm Request Eo suedi~ion Reputations ~ $14D RH appltr;able) grg Dr.weloptnenl PermkA0p8ciEtbn Fee Ot yZ00.00 (it eppHCaDte}, ~ IftttdFitfUCtLlre tft6pection Fee aF$BQ4.00 (appllC2ibb 'rf any pubic infrastruCtuns I8 heing constructed) ~,,.. Appol:atian aompieted i1 full. ~. Coay of ortglnal deed resvidionskpvertarrts tar replats {~ appl'Irabfe). X Thitteer-(13} folded wpie6 of vial. (A signed -nyl;; prigirlal must be subeilied 8flor star rervie~w,a ~A qna { t) wpY of the approved Preliminary P4at arMYor orre {9 y INasner Plan (if appHca61e1. X Paid tax oertiFcalza from City of College Station, etazva County and CoHagd Station t.S.D_ X _ A voDy of the atladxsd ctxrnklarl wiilr ~ ttema chedted olf or a hr let rxplanatlon as to vYhy they arir nut. NIfA Two (2y espies of publ'r. intrastructuro plans associated witfr this pl®t (if applicabba}. ~ P-alktafd Dedicaliai rgquirnrnenl approved by 1Fro Patks & RnorsaHon Board, pl~e prnriib proof of of Pr+eap~licativn C~arrfarerlrre: Clclober 17.200'3 NAME OF SUBDIVt910td firewreworid BuNdNmton. Plraae Ona SJ'F~C;IFED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SU9DMSION (Lot 8 HM~Ck) 7006 Earl Rurtder Freeway APPUCd-ftT,FRpJ~CT hVSNI-GER~S INFQRIMTI4N (Nnmary Gbncaaforthe pro~cctL Narrea Ration IRecratl. P.C fRahon 111emaN ~aarwnnol Street Address PA. Box 926.1 City ~ Station Stale i7C Tp Carle 77842 E-Mai Jlddreo6 ~lElt7fn®ert9vertmn_rrct _ Pdorrt Number (9791 tS0~3Z9 PROPF~2TY 4MlfV~t'S fFiFORMATION: Nama Mlloel)avla [tteofrwcll Patllwa!!,!~] Fmr Number ~Bl 990.032!+ Street Address ~AO2 n CRy Brrin Stale TX Zip Cur1m 77!101 E-IA~ril Addrt~ mie-f~dEv~cfl=~ret Phrne Nrattkve- ~JE 77T~i Fan NrnnbOr 11RCHLTECT UR EAtCJNE>;R'$ iNFOR~lAT10N: Name SanroA~Aooticarrt an sins less • • Is tlrare at~rnporary WaMupt 6a69.....rrt On tl~is r+ml~+~ H so, Pl6alaR Prrrurdp! l... Jnlurrr~ _ and PAR d ~4a~eapt - TbfN P'^operiy x:1.60 Tpt91 i Of Lob _, R-4-1N ACIeegC 0 E~dsling U99: ~mmbOrJrl Propoaad LIi9r_ Cemewtlar • Nurnbar Of Lalx Bp Zoning ~isdict 1 J C,2 ~ A-0 r l Average Ach3ags Of Each F4esiden5al LOI By Zr~nlnp IlISV1Ci:' 1 ! ,,,_- ~ ~,,,~ 1 rlvotlpia~n A,croaga]ZS3 A eplenaerA addreeairg arty diRerencee be6vgen the Final Pbt and appr~red .Heeler Plan and/or P^9fstrinary Plat (f applir:eble); ~Ud- Requested vargnees To Subdivision Regulations & Rq~nre For Seme: NtA RPqusSleU [J1Y:rSILB Partid~ialhon: NYa Total I..inoar Foot~a of Proposed Ph~lic: Stn:eLg Jidewelks _ SanitarySewer t ineg VYster Lines Channels Smarm Sewers BAce tstties l Paths Parkland DOdktadon duY prior Ito filing the Final plat: # of arras to be dedicated + $ development foe # of acres in Ibodplain #of awes in deieniiors # of ages in greenways aR FEE IN LIEV QF LAND; ~ of Multifamily Dwelling Urite X 3452 =$.__._____. {d31e} Approved by Parke ~ ReC+E3ti0rr BoCird lYl}TE: DKi1Twf,. CQP7 OF PLAT Mu$T BE SVBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING, Tim appficsnt has preleered this appS~Lion and oevttlees thsQ the facts af~104 Apr~CM Fled eorA~Qa elret~be0 hC+erto arC krrc, rlovrect and c~rnpbtb. TAO undDis~bed haveby regrreata approval by ttra Lily r>i` C~~lh~ga Sfati~vr ~ the atrovr--ld9ntNi~K~ firwl plat and atle,~s tAaf this dose not arr+anC! s'nY aoveoer~ air resorlCObVrs 88apw><ebd vx]h tM's plat. ~- I! Q(1 Sigriirh . rrnri 1'[ile ' {labs 6'13iQS ~3 C, ,i> r - , w ~ ;r.~l W_!S- /iP3er%~/sarY/,o,:eJ'mm,P-~/„aPOV,iYa.:I.a~.r~+s:W;u/.a9r,:A-~ahr ~w.BY,rr: N.'s/r/%s~~a'r r~u,.r=a s• l~~s o~.c•Le-~~Y m/.r .r..4s- re..e.W4.,rnu~a~rt~m .r.9.rlr,. .P-w,.v~ :` 3 ~ d % A !~ Consent Agenda 3.5 ., f Presentation, possible action, and ., discussion on a Final Plat for Spring Creek Townhomes Phase 4 consisting of 20 residential lots on 1.966 acres located on Heath Drive near the intersection of Arrington Road and Spring Hill Drive. Case #06-500107 (JP) 3 y • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner Report Date: June 5, 2006 Email: tetcher ancstx.gov Meeting Date: June 15, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500107 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Spring Creek Townhomes Phase 4 consisting of 20 residential lots on 1.966 acres located on Heath Drive near the intersection of Arrington Road and Spring Hill Drive. Applicant: Wallace Phillips, Property Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the final plat with the condition that the attached Staff Review Comments are addressed. Item Summary: The purpose of this application is to continue the Spring Creek Townhomes development where the Master Preliminary Plat was approved in 2003, and revised in 2004. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: • Item Background: Annexed: Zoned: Platted: Recent actions: Development activity in vicinity: Budgetary & Financial Summary: N/A Related Advisory Board Recommendations: Parks Board: Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES • • Water required for plat: Water Service: Sewer required for plat: Sewer Service: Street(s) required for plat: Streets/Access: Off-site Easements required for plat: Drainage: Flood Plain: Oversize request: See Budgetary and Financial Summary Section. • Impact Fees: Parkland Dedication Fees: Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Final Plat (provided in packet) 1 ~, w ~ ~ 1"`~ '~ ' ~ d ~ z ~ ~, ~ n. ,• *~, _~ ,~ /, . ,~ i t ~ ~ 1 _b i ~ T f~ /• ~ IQ V .`\ O 1 ~: i ~ ~ ~. ~ a a ~ • V 1 W ~'\ a ~ • •. ;,d o ~' ~ 1 ~.• 5 r ,~ ~ W ~ ~<; ., ~ W ~. , ~`,e ,! I ~ ~ ~j 'V / `~~ :n~-fir' 1 %.~~ '~ I • I C ' J ~ ~. V ~ ~/.. . i• L c II \. ~~! i C fi~~. v' \ i } ~~ ~~ / /7 d (,~ ~t I/ i.3 ~.. ail ! ,: ~ ~ I~. ..~ <>`. F fie%° \ \>,/Oi ~ • ,i .~(f ~ c, ~: V 'y;~l~ :ry l,~~j (~ ~ ~'J t ... •. a i 1~~' .I i~~c ~ . f • • .` { :t 1'Y l>F ~:t it l.:tr .I•. ~'I'A'i tt?~I {Check ot~$y ~ Minor [ ~ Am~rtdin~ Fin$1 [ Vacating ~j Replstt (5300,04) (5300,001 SS440.Q0} {~d00.00} {5604.00}' " ~cluces publ c ~r•rg (ee 1s thls plat In the ETJ? ^ Yes Na oe~~~~~ The fvllrswing items must bs submitted by an established filing deadline date far PB~Z Cammisslon ronst¢eratlon. MINIMLtM SUBM11'7AL RE{~UIREMEN75: Fi~irig F'ea see .~k,rwe; NQTE: Multiple Sheets , S55.OG per add tional meet ~ r lariance Request io S.abCivision ~pgulat one - $1Q~ (if applicahlpl // Develapmcnt Porrrit Appiicaiion Fee of $204.9a (if applicablel. ~ Infrastructure Inspection Fee of ~liti~~l.pi0 {R~pplic,~~h r> if any fruhlir, infnstnaGlure is bcir.9 cvnslru~tGd) ~ Ap:7!i~::iliur• i:u~nplete~d in full. Copy of oriflinal deed restricticn5~'ccr~en~~rts for reirlats (if applic::aalF). Thirteen (131 frJldarl coNias of plat. {A Signed rnylar original rrust be submitted after staff rsv~e~ti~,:~ One I1; copy of 1hE approved Preliminary Plat anci+'or ana ~ 1) '+4aster Plan {if applicable). ~ Prjic! ttfx rerlifi~•,les inner. C(ly ref College Station, Brazos Gou~~ty ar~d Co lege 5tstion LS.D. +l A copy cf the attached chQCklist with all teas checker! vff or a brief explanation as to ~4t~y they are noi. /' Tti~ro ,7) rgpics of pualic i~frastruct.,re plans associated vriih this f:~lat jii app c:3ble1. Par<land Dedicator reyuiretnent approved by t'~e F'ark.3 & Recreation Bcarci. please provide proof of apryrovet (f apglicaL~le~r. FOR ~FFt E US Y PJlZCASE NO.: -1 ~,4TESUgM1TTED: ~fl ~ V~ ~~ ~ J C ~' SF'Lt~IE ILU LUf;ATIUN f;F PRi7Pi75Ff: U8D11%ISI'lty (Lot 3~ l?I~ck;~ ~~ ~v~-c~ =. S ~ ~ ~ ~e rf ~'"~ ~ IU s G~"~CV~ fs ~jnsjt ~ ,1E'FLIt'~llN 111'k{)JLL.'~F~1;iNAt~ER'S INFORA4A~ION (Rrirr~arr Co^I~ct i~r th~ Projcell: oa'~ o~rF~re2pp~i~~ikln ~Canference: 1~~ Nr1A~E OF SUBDI'v'IS14N ~~~~ 'r''~ t ~° 1`- ~~sms ~ll__r« ~f.:11~,~s 5:reetAedras5 l~ ~cy.7 ~~ ~~c•t'~ S~~al~ ~ ~ Zip Cn+~e '1 `l ~ S Oily ~'~~~~~'~ $•~t~r~;•~ Yl.~... F-k8il ACi~Jress w 4~. ice , lam' ~ ~' S ~ 1,fr'i~+~,.+n~ F;~x t~turrbrrr LP ~ a - l ~ PRGFFRTY 4+IdNER5 NFC?Rh.1.~T1•~N (AFL ~ra~r,r, •rr,t:t ha irlrntifia•.1 Please 8tt~::h 2ii 8(!tl:~>n_I 51ika!'c~' rn+.llil~le n~+~rx::~ 1: ` r Strr•.ntAd^rc^. ~~~~ ~SI'~~~e~! pri;v-0 t.:i'.; ~~~~~ e .~-a'~ lav' 515fe ~~ ZiN CCde ~ZtU ~ S E-ftil~il ,~ddr~55 V ~ G ~ ~ Las .1 "~ t`L+M M+4n•'+: r i, c O rw ,~ ='hrnc Nurn~~r ~.,~'t, ... -1 ~~t ~nsc N~:mh~:- ~r'~Q ~'~ b~ f~Kr,F-I l tt; f UF! 1-h :71t~F??'~, INFC!~b'ftT,~}hJ. clrcalitdctT.r 'L,..~lQt7 ~~w~ry~~i t ~r'rve r ,{tir'.~-t :~1F11~c "'r ~~-p C:oda ~ ~ ''~ ~ --r~~~~ A~~rress !.. , .,. ~~~~~1 FINAL PLAT APPLICATI~JN , rrvt. 4i' ~ Cr~. ~}t:f.C~L~vti -~~,~J .~~{-7-~s • Du any deed resirc;liv-+s or ~u•~enan.s exist fir this Rreper:y? Yes • •.• ,__ ha Is :hero a tsrnporar+r blarkei ea3arre'+t an th~s ~rope't." It so, pleasa provide the ~~olume .~nrf Pacer. A.crea~~F ~ i r?t~l I'mpetly ~ • ~ ~ ~' 1 at~l ~ d I. ot5 '~. V~ R-O--'u ~; AerC~gC Q ' 3 j ~ Existing Use: ~ F~ c v.}- F~opascd L~sc: "~ew~~i„-a f-------------- Nwriser of Lots Qy Zoning DiStriCl ~ ~ ; `' Q ~ Average Acreage Ur Ea~~CS5h Residential Lat 6y Z~oni~g Di$tri~,. roodp ain Acreage Q ~~ 1 ~ ~s ~~ : ~ ~ "" ~' ~~ ~~ r: sla:erlent sddressirt~ any ~ii(Erences bei~n~eer~ :"e Final Plal and aporuatd t:~1~s-~•r Nlnn :~nd~or F`rrh~nrnary Flat I;if a~llIi~ahltCi~L I t f ~t`4. 19T wcd'~~ ~~it ~rtO}t~C 4s ~d.1 •~fr1'~ tMtfrr~[lr.~~.'~0 1brT~~+t~ ~rrT t~•'~y rf're~r(t~n~ YLC ~ O~. `~ S ~rJ~''"` ~ T 7-fl ~ L ~SI I~ V,r'G~ o'T f GY^~! ~}~e.~ ~ ~ OTS• hGUt ~ I~ trtl/~J~J !d YC••• Fl:•gtestcd Vananccs To Subriivision F{~:aul~ti~n; K H{~nson Frr Marna: ~~ ~ ~~© ~"`ti~'R ~ -~~ ~ ~~ f _ ~~~b}I Krqur.•stcti~ Uvcr~izr.• h'7rti5.ipatin't_ Nt~Vti ~ • Total Linear Footage of Proposed Publiz: _~l ~ ~ Stre~[ti ~ Side~r~alks Sanitary Srati~cr l in85 ~3 4~Iz3tt;r Lines Channels PL ~ SlarrTr Sc:tve;r:; C7 f3ikr, I ~nps ~ f~a7ths Parkland Qedit:atiofn~ duc prior to f~/i}}ling the FinaE Plat: AGREIIGE' ~ I`rr:r:+ ~Jr-~ !d[c~lcc~.l ""' ~` ~'r~rz?.1<- # afacres to be dedicated + ~ development fee # of acres in flnodr:lair R of acres in detention R aF aores in green~~vay5 OR FEE ~N LtEU (~F LAND: t! of ~ •iylr:-Family Dv+elling Vnits X 5556 - S i;date) kp~rovt;d by Par~c~ ~ Rccraa:ian Board NOTE: DIGITAL iCOPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. ~fizc'jJ~Jr~.'pl'.~i fidu,~rrs~~;~reQ IHJ,i .7~pi~6~7iiD.n ~T.n[~ cr.~~".;S r~~at ihr• t~rrs.st7lr!f1 r:~:+'!'1 f/lir~ f:Ar!i~~:~:i it?~::G~IL'd ~.UlC!t[: ii~L' ~i'J{:. f.[)i rr.'fr, .end rrarr:~i!!?f•. 7~f! r;RtiB,'S17f~B:1 r'PrP.'."~:r ~@!PJ%35~5 ~IL'i~!ObA~ ~;~ rra t;ci y G` ('~f]~~if`~r.• .'~i ;'iiinn n.- ~ nf.A 7!!f-L.?-,'~!^ftri/~~~; ~1C7J j.i i <NQ ~?.:F`S ~h?i ~~15 J•fif~~iC F!'1.'rRS nr,•; r'1~71•~riG' Rr~y' G.~USfT%il i~° (!i feSf4i:~'rlrJS .:F..f+f4'i~r!r'J Stil-I' 45„i h~7L ~~~~~ ~- Siynan.rr.•'arr! T t c L'ale ~ `~~ -~~ • ~ i• .,drva-v;or,~.rr.as~,.ar ~~rr;arisv,rnrivariiir nr.,r.~s,.ciw.mr:r,:~:xv-,c--drs.x ,:*r.:v:.~:maa+,~c,.rva-a.~r ., _.. 7/ d W <..e,.rm,xo,.r x-tn..u% 9' 4 Consent Agenda 3.6 Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve u meeting minutes. • July 20, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes • MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, 7uly 20, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas CITY +~~ Cc.°~t.tr~;t: S`t~~nc~i f~nfArtirl(+ del" ~cAYl~tifYNtiRnt ~krtNft7 • COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman J i ,Bill Davis, Dennis Christiansen, Ken Reynolds and Marsha Sanford. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman tt Shafer and Harol ng. 1 CIYT COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Noi 'r4~, CITY STAFF PRESENT: Planni Jennifer Reeves and Lindsay Boyer, City Attorney Carla Robinson, Inf Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren. Hitchcock, Staff Planners sh Norton, First Assistant ative Bryan Cook and order at 7:12 p.m. 2. 3. Call meeting to stated that Items 3.2 and 3.3 would be pulled from the • 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Spring Creek Townhomes Phase 4 consisting of 20 residential lots on 1.966 acres located on Heath Drive neaz the intersection of Arrington Road and Spring Hill Drive. Case #06-500107 (JR/JN) 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat - Residential for Carter's Crossing PH.1 (FP) consisting of 37 of lots on 17.820 acres located at 2050 North Forest Parkway. Case #06-500128 (~~ P&Z Regulaz Meeting Minutes July 20, 2006 Page 1 of 5 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat - Residential for Carter's Crossing PH. 2 (FP) consisting of 35 Lots on 9.92 acres located at 2050 North Forest Parkway. Case #06-500127 (JR/JN) 3.4 Consideration, discussion and possible action on meeting minutes. o June 15, 2006 ~ Workshop & Regular Meeting Minutes o July 7, 2006 ~ Workshop & Regular Mewing Minutes Commissioner Christiansen motioned to Consent Agenda. Commissioner Sanford , (5-0). Re ulg_ ar A eg nda 3.1 and 3.4 of the ion, motion passed ~' • 4 5. request for absence from to apove the absence request. the motion, motion passed (4-0-1). ners Sanford, Christiansen and no one voted in opposition of the from the vote on the motion. action on items removed from the Consent from the Consent Agenda for discussion. • 6. Consideration, discussion meetings possible * Bill Davis ~ June 22, 2006 ~ Jo Commissioner Commission Acting C Reynolds vote consisting of City's Extra-'. 1e action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Oakland Ridge acres located on Jones-Butler Road north of Cain Road in the -ia1 Jurisdiction. Case #06-500130 (CH/JN) Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner, presented the Master Plan and recommended approval. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the Master Plan. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes July 20, 2006 Page 2 of 5 • Steve Arden and David Borzak, College Station, 'T~"xas, were called upon and spoke in favor of the Master Plan and staff s recommendations. <,,~ . . Commissioner Davis amended his previous motion, the new motion recommended approval of the Master Plan to include the same access points as Great Oaks, per staffs recommendations. Commissioner Sanford seconded the amended motion, motion passed (5-0). 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discus 'on on a rezoning for Crescent Pointe Subdivision consisting of 36.89 acres at 300 University Drive East in the general vicinity the northeast c r of the intersection of Crescent Pointe Parkway and Copperfield Parkwa o 4, Multi-Family, to R- 4, Multi-Family to amend conditions regardi encin dards. Case #06- 500003 (CI-~ Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, • 8. No one spoke on the item during the public h ~~,. ~ Commissioner Reynolds mot to recommenil~:b, proval of the changes on the rezoning by staff, which mend co s to the R-4 zoning allowing an ornamental wroug iro with ` minimum 80% opacity aGGround the park. Commissione a se the motion, motion passed !r ~~ 2 '~+ Public heang~` resent ° ' n, possible 'on, and discussion on a Rezoning consisting of 4 ~ , n ~ res loca at 600 and 604 Tarrow Street in the gener ~ ' of ters 'a ~ arrow Street and Banks Street, from C-3, Li o an Single Family Residential to R-3, Town homes. Case -500076 (L Sta er Boye rese ed the rezoning and stated that it was in compliance with mprehen a Plan and recommended approval. No one spo the public hearing on the item. Commissioner Davis motioned to recommend approval of the rezoning to City Council. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 7103 Rock Prairie Road consisting of 1 lot on 5.01 acres in the general vicinity southeast of the intersection of Bradley Road and Rock Prairie Road from Single Family Residential, Low Density and Park to Retail Neighborhood. Case #06-500119 (LB) • P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes July 20, 2006 Page 3 of 5 • 10 • John Fedora, 4414 Willow Ridge Drive, College Station, Texas, spoke in favor of the item. Staff Planner Boyer, presented the item and recommended denial. Linda Praytor and Arlene Holiday, College Station, Texas, spoke in opposition of the item. Commissioner Davis motioned to deny the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. There was not a second to the motion. Commissioner Sanford recused herself from the Commissioner Christiansen motioned Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Co motion, motion failed (2-2-1). Commiss' in favor of the motion; Acting Cha' voted in opposition of the motion; Com the vote. Public hearing, presentation, p O, Agricultural Open to R-1, Sin consisting of one (1) lot on 41.16 vicinity of the southeast corner Highway 40. C 0124 (: voted Davis 'from ~sion on a rezoning from A- -3, Light Commercial arron Road in the general of Barron Road and State recommended denial. Station, Texas, spoke in favor of the 'hed to recommend approval of the rezoning to Christiansen seconded the motion, motion 11 Public hear entation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning from PDD-B Plann evelopment District -Business to PDD Planned Development District for 1 lot on 1.939 acres located at 1111 Rock Prairie Road generally located at the northwest corner of Rock Prairie Road and Rio Grande Boulevard. Case #06-500125 (CH/JN) Staff Planner Reeves, presented the rezoning and recommended approval. Joe Gattis, Engineer, College Station, Texas, addressed concerns by the Commission. Bill Privett, College Station, Texas, spoke in favor of the rezoning. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes July 20, 2006 Page 4 of 5 royal of the seconded the • Mr. Safi, 1005 Copperstone, College Station, Texas, spoke in opposition of the Rezoning. Commissioner Reynolds motioned to recommend approval of the rezoning to City Council. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 12. Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn. Commissio er Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning C • ~~ U Attest: P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes July 20, 2006 Page 5 of 5 Lisa Lind aff ~ Planning and p ~,> .~ ~f _ ~+r:n..n. <u~a,m-~.x;ro;.r~m:c r,M.M+a ~ .,. ,~c_.,>.mw:.avs.rssr~so:r :3o-,mr~s,;rs.,or„w-,v;~r w.a~i i..~~.w-cr. a%s~ir-siv~.a ,..>i~rx' leas.a~.ca+~~s~.n~~aa<a-~er,.zsmr~.rswa;.r~x.v~ „r. c$ > 0 h A S. ti Consent Agenda 3.7 Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. Harold Strong ~ July 20, 2006, Workshop & Regular Meeting r Scott Shafer ~ July 20, 2006, ,P Workshop & Regular Meeting _, 3 .I City of College Station Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name: ~(/Yl Request Submitted on: J e`~UC~~i I will not be in attendance at the meeting of: a~~/ for the reason(s) specified: • c~.~~~ l''~rrld ~~rrin~ cs~gnature> This request shall be submitted to Lisa Lindgren one-week rror to the meeting date. Lisa Lindgren - Re: July 20, 2006 PACKETS 1 From: • To: Date: Subject: "Scott Shafer" <sshafer@ag.tamu.edu> "Lisa Lindgren" <Linndgren@cstx.gov>, "Bill Dav... 7/16/2006 8:45 pm Re: July 20, 2006 PACKETS CC: "lance Simms" <Lsimms@cstx.gov> Lisa - I made arrangements to be away visiting family during the coming week some time ago. I will have to miss the July 20th meeting. John Nichols has agreed to act as the chair in my absence. Scott • »> "Lisa Lindgren" <Llindgren@cstx.gov> 07/14/2006 4:07 pm »> "` High Priority •* Good afternoon Commissioners. The packets were delivered to your homes this afternoon...enjoy your weekend reading!! See you next week and have a nice weekend!! Lisa Lindgren Staff Assistant City of College Station Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 979-764-3783 Ilindgren@cstx.gov www.cstx.gov College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. ~tegular Agenda 5 Presentation, discussion and possible r action on a request to re-consider a rezoning within 180 days of denial for Lot 1, Block A of the Haney-Highway 6 Subdivision, 1.2 acres, from C-3 Light Commercial to PDD Planned . . Development District, located at 3129 Texas Avenue South at the intersection of Texas Avenue, Deacon Drive and the Highway 6 frontage road. Case #06-500140 (JP) • ~0 tjr~'~r ui- Ccyu.e~t~ S'rn rtc~x Planning 8 Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue South College Station, Texas 77840 MEMORANDUM July 26, 2006 TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Lot 1, Block A of the Haney-Highway 6 Subdivision - 1.2 acres located at 3129 Texas Avenue South, at the intersection of Texas Avenue, Deacon Drive and the Highway 6 frontage road. • The City Council denied a C-1 General Commercial rezoning request for the subject property in March of this year. According to Section 3.2 of the Unified Development Ordinance, if a rezoning is denied by the City Council, another rezoning request for the same property cannot be considered by the City within 180 days of the date of denial unless the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that one of the following factors is applicable: 1. There is a substantial change in circumstances relevant to the issues and/ or facts considered during review of the application that might reasonably affect the decision- making body's application of the relevant review standards to the development proposed in the application; 2. New or additional information is available that was not available at the time of the review that might reasonably affect the decision-making body's application of the relevant review standards to the development proposed; 3. Anew application is proposed to be submitted that is materially different from the prior application (e.g., proposes new uses or a substantial decrease in proposed densities and intensities); or 4. The final decision on the application was based on a material mistake of fact. If the Planning & Zoning Commission finds that one of the above criteria exists, the applicant may request rezoning of the property within the 180 day time period. New Application: The applicant has submitted a request to rezone the property to PDD • Planned Development District because of the history of zoning requests for the property and • surrounding area (see Item Background attached) and because the property is in close proximity to an established single-family neighbofiood. There are two lists of uses (two separate PDD zoning districts) proposed for the property, one for the north end of the property and one for the south. The primary difference in the two is that a restaurant with a drive thru is permitted on the south end of the property, and not on the north. The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on July 11, 2006. All residents of Bernadine Estates, the Mile Drive neighborhood, were invited to the meeting. In all, 6 residents attended. The neighbors were presented with the list of proposed uses during the meeting. All expressed support of the proposal. U U p \ T !~ I p CIF.: • `a ~ 1 ~ 'y _/ m I ~`• 'r ~ ~ A S;,r`-t ~,v1' ~, . ~~r.i<_ Rt,~~t:~-~. rr.tr. v:Av snuff ~ ~ 0 .- ~'~~' g 'K. \ ,~y , '• ,i. ~. ~~ :A ~~ n .. \ \ / '~" ~'~ CY fit-. ~`_A > \. ~ rc ~ j . ', .~ \ , / rte,,; /' ~ "Q ` ~~~ ~. r~ ~\ •` FY ` - rte. _ i,;~+~ °`~ ~`} _ _ (~ f, `• / `• ~'•• c+~. ~ s~~:i1=K ~_~ `~ %, ~~~; ~G ~x~4 f `gin ' ~ . W `~ ~ ~~ ~ cy ~iin' •.~.~ s4f~, YFlJ00'+~!' ... 1 / *S' F; «a'Cc~ `~+~,1~ Qd ~+ `•~, `{'' C• j1~ ~ ~ -•~~'-• -gig :,~ ~'• ,. ••• r ~`~ ~~~,4-~ a ~ ~ / • -tip +Y~ . 1t~ ..a. Q : "' ' '0•,c. '~ "~ ."~ F ' ;7 J ' ~`~ +~'. Vii' .r. `~ ~ x • S`a•-.. _ •'''.•'~.y..'r6 ' ° ~`. p+ :~,~1 rf~r4 l~ m :~'`~ ~ ~ C~-L `.~/ ;:~, ' r :'hh ; ~ y l ; ••:~ .s.,• • ac .•• .•:~ >"t ~ ~y \"Y~ f ~ ~•~ r'~\ N ~ _ M ~,,r''` l ~ / ~~ +aT ~' -- r~ - n its ~ ~ ~ r ~,. ~ 4, r, yy5_ ~ _ i~ ~~~~T ~~~ ~ r ~ii1' I ~ _ ... 9k~C~TFii=fZ4. Vii.. __._. -~--. • ~ ~OR~~OyyF~F~~ICE USC ONLY CASE AO. l~Cr~ r DATE cueMrlTEO - ia: ~ Ut• C.~JI.Lht;' STAJ Jsiti' ~QNING MAP AMENDMENT ~RE~ONING) fpR PDD / P-MUD X POD ~~ P-MUD • MINIM U M SUEtM ITTAL f;FGIUIREJM EM1iTS It a petldon fair nezcntng is denied by the, City Crwnol annltrer applrahan for rP~arorg shad nol de h led wrhr n e p®riad of 180 data from the dabs of denial, excepl with permits'~ra~t of the Plarring $ Zoning Cammisaion or City C~unaiL Thw fo~lawing items mint ba su6rr.;kad by ar established fitmg deadline date for consideratia't: y~ Appticatior. completedn fuR. $5(Y}•D O a ppr'cation fP.P ~~ 1 ~~ !Z) :ap.e5 of a fully drmenstoned reap on 24' x 36" paper shpwing: a. Land affected; 5 Lega d°scliplion of ar2a vi proppsed change c. Present zoning. d. Zoning G'assifitali0n of all abutting land: and a. !, II public and pm-ate rilyhts-of~way and casements bounding a nd inten~cting subject land. ~U14ii,err Isyxti tlesc,iNbun of subjucl rYOperiy (mates & wounds or lut b blodr of subdivieio~ whichever apptirabla). The attact•ec Rezoning Support~rg Information sheet completed in full. !, PPLICA NT S JNFOFtIdATIC Y' NameteJ Jane K~o; iP8 Group Sheet Address 51f Univef5ity Orne Suite 211, _ t;iry C411ege St2tion $ta1B TJ{_, _ .Zip C.offC T7940 E-Mall Addres9 i~ne~ipsg~oup.us ~_ Phone N~,~tder 973846-9259 Fax Nt,mber 979-848-9259 PRCPERIY OWt~Ei?'S LYFCRMATION' h'arne(s~ Jn-tn'Nrioht _ Sl~eat P.dtl•ass 304 Nolana Looo _ City Mr1,11en - State ??c Zip Code 78504 E-Potiail Address jhw~rgorr.,^.ort Phony INumbe~ 958.631-8481 ext 114 Fax Nurrt~ T'tis property was convoyed to owngr by dam, dated 2_3•_06 rewrcied in Volume 7y4~t Page 108 of Brazos ~otrnry Creed +tecaros General •_ocatiAr, of Property. Intersedio:~ of Texas Ave., Deacon and rid S1 I G Fro~tag- Road _ ~,ddres s cf Property: 3129 'exas Arenue South _ LegPt 17PSCriC,tien• I nt 1 31nrk k, Haney-Hlr~nwey 3 5u'*'s.vision Total Acreage: 12 acres CxisSng Zoning C-3 Light Commercal Requested Za~i ng: Planned De~~elnpme•n:. Alorth PDD end South PDO. The 5tvulh PDD described as the south 13C~ feel of Lot 1 Black A h aney FUgFrway & and tho North YUL) descntv.3,y ae Lot 1, HloCk A, Haney H ~grwray 8 save and except the south f 3U feet. Pee~~,in Use vi PropNrty. Sk,viua $iatgn •,vith ui•va Ihrvu;itt pumps and Canva'tilenca Store trecently closed) Kti-Alty-'..~. ~fY~-d141e~-L~ • • ~raposad Jse of Property: See uses listed bela~v SUPPpRTING INF~RMATIpN 1 1 List the changed ar changing conditiDns in the area bran the City which ntaKt: this Zono change rtacessary. A. s~noe development of this property, the t1D0 removed drive through facilities From fl l office aid OOmrner;,ial Zprtes etacept C-1 Cyenerdt Garnmr~ial. The result is 'hat a Dank wi;f': drive-through lanes and a drive through restaurant can locate or•ly in C-1. C-1 Cenera• Comrrte.~ial uses are ;ypioaly found al bcations sur.n 95 this where visibility and haPFiq pa~rrts are high. Tt1ic .s the rntarsAr..'tion of 8 major 2rtariat rc:adway and 2 fraativay UeUetopmerts across the artenal roadway are srmrlar to those requested In 6h s P Jl]. B. The C.'?GPa adopted architecutral standards and rreighborttood protector standards since this prgcerty was originally developed. These standards ware developed to improve atppaararce and to protect neighbarnooc integr+ly L~traugh ta,rtfe.~, heir~ht restn~cttons, Itghhng standaM., 8tc 2.) Irxficate Whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the C~mprehanSivB Plan. If it is not, 6xpfamwhy the Plan is ihoDRact. Yes the request Is In oompliantx as the tarts use plan shows this property far Retail Regional. hl3 luratiun also rr;eets develnpnrenl po~Cn.>5 For wrnrnerti~ rievelOprnen) al points 0` ~t yh visibility 2nd access. 3 j I rat any amer reasons ro Support »~s ione change A. Thum are edequaiestarrJardsin pleas LOmihaaie im{>"edb~f wmmr~rcial uses ad~.7CBn[tV residerrtiar • uses. Evan sa. rho ag7liGant is not regrsosting the full range of use9 allowed in either C-1 or C•3. B. 7ha applicant is proposing conditions to funlt6r ntiki~te perceived negative impacts ;hrough the PDT. C. The bile privy nPighhnrtrood is proiectart frcxn d~velnprnent W the sot,th by a platted 7o Taal •+~tde Iand5C2ged gttff8r. which Is larperthan eny Duffer required rn tfis current standards, plus a new mini storage reality is a stop-down use +~+ch further buffers tie neigh6arfiood. D. The Mile Drive Neigfittorttood is the anomaly in the area. It was annexed into the yily with rta revetapmaM fii,rmi,ndinQ,F 1 he :tiH ti 9yPA5s revPlnred and sunoUnding proaerties began to CEVel4p :un~urerrially due to the visibility atl+1 tla`fit: in ttte area. C~ ww.. 'Y M "+ C7 • Plaeise also proYlele the rollow-np Iftronnatlon for PDD Pexonings: 5lau-ment of purpose and Intent of the prcQoso~~ development: Thht ADD is lrrrer-drd to a!!ow i~or PhR nrdevetbpment as-his rttrcf of i~nd Wimle pro[ec'ing the inhglity of the !rl~ie Dr~ra negbba.7rooa. Jses requested are those commerlcia~ uses ryyiwiiy found of poirrrs of Jtrghesr wtiV~inry std blghoct trsf4fc rsptrnfx sr,rh as this rocatian. Ar the savr:r~ h'.me Fmpacta to bhp Mile J7ffve rncti+phbarhood wiA be nvtigalosd by pveclu~dtng cgrl-tin more rr+rensa uses nor7rafiy aNowoa in rte C-3 and C 1 zor'rng dltsG~as. As N~a,~l, i17e lot w•,tY cbnlarn two dil/erenr i•'[)!) dtsnrcrs sutYr mar the most ~nJ+errss use. the drive tlrrou~ii rt'Sraurarr Id~~iJry wili be lo~caAE~d arliy an the mbSr StSurh~arly porfiorr G~ me Amoerr5'. l4r!! ptftar rrnni~nt~ m s`~rNfarrAt wry he rnP. r w7h a cnnrpnr Aran o~E?varr~~rt rn ar.~:Yl~lan~ with !?align Rettiew f~narrf t10rfShkrrt3ti~: is 1~ u A lis; of prvpoststl lantl uses rot Ilte JVrxtll RDD Animel Safe FauiliBes - Mdoor hrt Studio Gtstlery Educational Fsdity, Indoor Ins:ru~^tjon, Mini storage wa%hotse with accessory living cJUarters Maxirnura ttti+C-story bui.cJng wllh oifioe and yr o~rar urea permitt+sc herain Glini:, i med~cai taffiGC P~rspnal Se•ViGe Shap Punting i Copy Shop Rad+a~TV stat~onr studio Retail Sd1es ArW sPfviOe Ftl+anClel >rtstltulion wrth ditve~thrnugn One restau~anlwithoula drive through A hxt ttf pr~µJSeCI la~ld uses rui t1e t3oull- Pbb Animal C9re ~aGlltlBd - Ind4n' Art Studio Gallery Edursitionsl Faciltry. Indoor tnstruc4an. haJni storage warehouse wilts accessory liel~g quail: Maximus two-story bullding with orRce and cr ocher uses perrni~ed -,erein CI irtic i ma3cal oFfit:e Personal Service Shop Pttirtting t Copy $~op RfadiolTV stations sh,dio Retail gs~lpc and zPrytl_g t]ne rpst;:urant •rLith a ttri•rP thrr5~ tt r ~inent:ial inslitWion wrth dove-tr•rnugh Tfie app~4cant Yas prepared rtNS appl~iG'dtiOA and supporting inlbm~ijpq and oe.~t~{+es r-~r the facts StarCd here,'.a acrd err+inwls atrac~ed Hereto arc ir~rt+ acrd correct. 1F APPLrCATI~~N 1S firtJ=D 6Y ANYOV~ pTN~R TNAAf iNi; OWNER pF 7N~ P~4QP~RTV. ,aFpt_1GAT10~' iVprJST 8E RCC4MPAlVtEt7 8Y A a0•Nt=fi Ot= ATTORI~tFY STA TEn9€rVT FROM 7!-1E O WtV~R. Signature of bwrt~r or appl~cerrt ., w,n~. Dale ~v-.e R ~s 7 U ,_ ~ ,.v,,,a~ae m: is w.~:u-os,s Ra,/~a-aa~:~~.r<_rw.r~r:evbnm-.~r; c<.a,_~x Aa±x.w r,~:.a:,rv~s~w. .~-. .«. ,,. 7„ d d 3, Regular Agenda 6 Public hearing presentation, possible ,E action, and discussion on a rezoning for Lot 1, Block A of the Hane - Y Highway 6 Subdivision, 1.2 acres, from C-3 Light Commercial to PDD Planned Development District, located at 3129 Texas Avenue South at the intersection of Texas Avenue, Deacon Drive and the Highway 6 fronts e g road. Case #06-500140 JP ~. ~ ) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner Report Date: July 24, 2006 Email: jprochazka(a~cstx.gov Meeting Date: August 3, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500140 Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning for Lot 1, Block A of the Haney-Highway 6 Subdivision, 1.2 acres, from C-3 Light Commercial to PDD Planned Development District, located at 3129 Texas Avenue South at the intersection of Texas Avenue, Deacon Drive and the Highway 6 frontage road. Applicant: Jane Kee, IPS Group, agent for property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning as presented. Item Summary: The applicant is requesting a rezoning to PDD Planned Development District in order to redevelop the property (Please see application for the list of proposed uses). The applicant has requested the PDD zoning because of the history of zoning requests for the property and surrounding area (see Item Background below) and because the property is in close proximity to an established single-family neighborhood. There are two lists of uses (two separate PDD zoning districts) proposed for the property, one for the north end of the property and one for the south. The primary difference in the two is that a restaurant with a drive thru is permitted on the south end of the property, and not on the north. • The subject property is 1.2 acres and is surrounded by property that is zoned PDD Planned Development District and developed as amini-storage facility. The subject property has street frontage and access from both Texas Avenue and the Highway Six frontage road. The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on July 11, 2006. All residents of Bernadine Estates, the Mile Drive neighborhood, were invited to the meeting. In all, 6 residents attended. The neighbors were presented with the application and list of proposed uses during the meeting. All expressed support of the proposal. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates this property as Regional Retail. The Comprehensive Plan defines `Regional Retail' as "areas permitting regional-scale development of tax-generating developments such as retail centers, service commercial, restaurants, etc. These uses are generally dependent on good access to highways and major arterials. Post Oak Mall is an example of this use." While the property is shown as Regional Retail on the Land Use Plan, the Comprehensive Plan development policies suggest that this property is better suited for lesser intense zoning district such as the proposed PDD. Texas Avenue is shown as a major arterial and State Highway 6 is shown as a freeway on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Item Background: The property was annexed into the City limits in 1969 and was zoned `District No. 1, First Dwelling House,' for single family development, at that time. • C:IDOCUME-11LLINDG-1.CSTILOCALS-11TemplStaff Report.DOC Created on 7/23/200612:49:00 PM • The property was platted as Haney-Highway 6 Subdivision in 1985, the plat was amended in 1988 to relocate access easements and add a 'greenbelt' to help buffer the Mile Drive neighborhood from commercial uses on the adjacent property, in compliance with an agreement reached by the commercial property owners and representatives of the adjacent Mile Drive neighborhood. There have been numerous rezoning requests for this and surrounding properties in the Haney-Highway 6 Subdivision: 1976- C-1 request denied 1978- C-1 request denied 1979- C-1 and A-P request approved with the A-P as a buffer between the commercial property and the neighborhood 1982- Planning and Zoning Commission initiated a rezoning to A-P for the whole tract after a petition by the Mile Drive residents requested that no commercial development be allowed on the Haney-Highway 6 tract 1984- C-1 request denied 1985- C-1 request denied 1985- C-3 request approved on subject property. 1988- C-3 was approved on adjacent properties with the support of the neighborhood and the addition of a greenbelt between the commercial property and the neighborhood. 1988- The property was replatted to reflect the greenbelt that was a condition of the C-3 rezoning. 2004- Lots 1 8~ 2, Block B, and Lot 2, Block A were rezoned PDD Planned Development District after negotiation between the residents of Mile Drive and the property owners of • the lots. The list of approved uses was compiled using the original agreement between property owners and Mile Drive residents (1987) and the opinions of the current residents. The following uses were approved with that PDD: ^ Animal Care Facilities -Indoor ^ Art Studio/Gallery ^ Educational Facility, Indoor Instruction ^ Mini-Storage Warehouse (with accessory living quarters) ^ Offices ^ Clinic & Medical Office ^ Personal Service Shop ^ Printing/Copy Shop ^ Radio/TV Station/Studios (no towers) ^ Retail Sales and Service 2006- C-1 request denied Demolition for redevelopment of this site has begun. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: If the property is rezoned to PDD, the Design Review Board must approve a concept plan for this property prior to site development. Commission Action Options: The Commission acts as a recommending body on the question of rezoning, which will be ultimately decided by City Council. The Commission options are: 1. Recommend approval of rezoning as submitted; 2. Recommend denial; • 3. Table indefinitely; or, C:IDOCUME-11LLINDG-1.CSTILOCALS-11TemplStaff Report.DOC Created on 7/2312006 12:49:00 PM • 4. Defer action to a specified date. NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 7-18-06 and 8-24-06 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 8-3-06 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 8-8-06 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 11 Response Received: None as of date of staff report Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application • • C:IDOCUME-11LLINDG-1.CSTILOCALS-11TemplStaff Report.DOC Created on 7/23/2006 12:49:00 PM T ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~Z~ y . J f , m ~ ` , I ~, ~ , r •. .a_ St.","tH'P±"i is iE~'•12_Ru!~Irti.FREC'~YAV ;rJUir') O Q' r- ~i~., ~f ~ ~ ~f ~ 'j`S'i; ~ \ `~ ' ~ ~•~ stir ~ `~'. ~ ~ t'~'p'\+~, ~~~~ l`=' Q ~ ,~ °c<~\~ \r ~~ ~ Y ti., 1 ~.: ~`J .. L..G~ ~~ r. >. ~/~ ~ ~~ ~ ` ~ CYO ~~ ~~ ~ •• /~ ~,~G/,q" i^ 4= 4 .`r '`i~ 'fir"" f~'~~ M~»t: i~~ ~ ~~..•tlE ~~tv~ ~, ~' ~ ,,fir \~A .~ c~ > ••`.~ •.~• .' '+Aj ` "~'.• v ,. • ~ ra '~" ~:.i'•.: i r• )~'_ W ,."': f' • ~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PG:nRi~rg ~ Development Servicrs FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO. DATE BUBAAITTEO ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZt~NING) FOR PDD I P-MUD X PDD o P-MUD AAINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning sha11 not be filed within a period of i80 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: Application completed in full. $500.00 application fee. Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24"x36" paper showing: a. Land affected; i b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning ctassiftcation of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights-of--way and easements bound+ng and intersecting subject land. Written legal description of subject property {metes 8 bounds or !ot 8~ block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). ~ The attached Rezoning Supporting Information sheet completed in full. ~PPLiCANTS INFORMATION: Name(s) Jane Kee, IFS Group Street Address 511 University Drive Suite 211 City College Station State TX Zip Code 77840 E-Mail Address jane(f~ipsgroup.us, Phone Number 979-846-9259 Fax Number 979-$46-9259 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name(s) John Wright Street Address 304 Nolana loon City McAllen State TX Zip Code 78504 E-Mail Address jhw(c~rgvn'.c:om Phone Number 956-631-6481 ex't 114 Fax Number This property was conveyed to owner by deed, dated 2-3-06 recorded in Volume 7144 Page 108 of Brazos County Deed Records. General Location of Property: Intersection of Texas Awe., Deacon and the SH 6 Frontage Road Address of Property: 3129 Texas Avenue South Legal Description: Lot 1, Block A, Haney-Highway 6 Subdivision Total Acreage: 1.2 acres Existing Zoning: C-3 Li t Commeraal Requested Zoning: Planned Development. North PDD and South PDD. The South PDD described as the south 135 feet of Lot 1 Block A Haney highway 6 and the North PDD described as Lot 1, Block A, Haney Highway 6 save and except the .south 135 feet. Present Use of Property: Service Station with drive through pumps and Convenience Store (recently cbsed) Proposed Use of Property: See uses I'ISted below BJt3l~3 Pagc t of Z Proposed Use of Property: See uses listed below SUPPORTING INFORMATION • 1.) List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. A. Since development of this property, the UDO removed drive through facilities from all office and commercial zones except C-1 General Commercal. The resul# is that a bank with drive-through lanes and a drive through restaurant can locate only in C-1. C-1 Genera! Commercial uses are typically found at locations such as this where visibility and traffic counts are high. This is the intersection of a major arterial roadway and a freeway. Developments across the arterial roadway are similar to those requested in this PDD. B. The COCS adopted architectural standards and neighborhood protection standards since this property was originally developed. These standards were developed to improve appearance and to protect neighborhood integrity ihraugh buffers, height restrictions, lighting standards, etc. 2.) Indicate whether or nat this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explainwhy the Plan is incorrect. Yes the request is in compliance as the land use plan shows this property for Retail Regional. This • location also meets development policies for commercial development at points of high visibility and access. 3.} >,ist any other reasons to support this zone change. A. There are adequate standards in place to mitigate impacts of commercial uses adjacent to residential uses. Even so, the applicant is not requesting the full range of uses allowed in either C-1 or C-3. 8. The applicant is proposing conditions to further mitigate perceived negative impacts through the PDD. C. The Mile Drive neighborhood is protected #rom development to the south by a platted 70 foot wide landscaped buffer, which is larger than any buffer required in the current standards, plus a new mini storage facility is a step-down use which further buffers the neighborhood. D. The Mile Drive Neighborhood is the anomaly in the area. it was annexed into the City with no development surrounding 'rt. The SH 6 6yPass developed and surrounding properties began to develop commercially due to the visibility and traffic in the area. • Please also provide the following information for PDD rezonings: Statement of purpose and intent of the proposed development: .This PDD is intended to allow for the redevelopment of this tract of land while protecting the integrity of the Mile Drive neighborhood. Uses requested are those commercial uses typically found at points of highest visibility and highest traffic counts such as this location. At the same time impacts to the Mile Drive neighborhood will be mitigated by prBCluding certain more intense uses normally allowed in the C-3 and C-? zoning disMcts. As well, the lot will contain two different PDD districts such that the most intense use, the drive through restaurant facility will be located only on the mast southerly portion of the property. AN other minimum standards wit! be met with a concept plan developed in acco-dance with Design Review Board considerations A list of proposed land uses for the North POD Animal Care Facilities -Indoor Art Studio Gallery Educational Facility, Indoor Instruction, Mini storage warehouse with accessory living quarters Maximum two-story building with office and or other uses permitted herein .Clinic /medical office Personal Service Shop Printing /Copy Shop Radio/TV station! studio Retail sates and service Financial institution with drive-through One restaurant without a drive through A list of proposed land uses for the South PDD Animal Care Facilities -Indoor Art Studio Gallery Educational Facility, Indoor Instruction, Mini storage warehouse with accessory living quarters Maximum two-story building with office and or other uses permitted herein Clinic /medical office Personal Service Shop Printing J Copy Shop RadiolN station/ studio Retail sales and service One restaurant with a drive through Financial institution with drive-through The applicant has prepared this application acrd supporting information and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached he-eto are true and correct. IF APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPLICA710N MUST 8E ACCOMPANIED BY A POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. ...~ Signature of ovun~r or appli nt i ~' `' (~ Date • „~,,,~ o.,.,o o ..~ ~ ~aa~-~~- ~~ - e e ~ ~ ~ c w n w w ^ w ~~~ d n -~.. N~~~ _~>.~a~ ~~ < r - _ _ 1 . f0- ~ Lb L ~AI~~ ~Ra# N X~^ O ~~ STATE ~Ik~~,~,gY Np b CNE 1u4Y ~~ FROM : W3Food5/EPl_ FAX t~10. :95663123321 .Tu 1. 21 2006 Oti: i iPM P7 ~ay, July 21, 2006 Ta whorn (t may concern, Please accept this letter as my authorization to have Jane Kee ~rvlth the ]PS Graup to reapply for zoning variance on a property we own in College Station, 'Texas. The property is described as Lot 1, Block A, Haney Highway b subdivision. Thank You, ~~i~G~'~ G~/- Mark W, Wright Mission Shary Partnersf+ip, Ltd. r~ • z ~~~~ z~Y~~ ~~~~~ ~aiiWW I I . I ' . i ~' I I I I I ~. a H Z U ~ ~~ ~. 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