HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/2006 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission• CI`T'Y OF COT.I.,I:GE STATION PGrnnrng o4 Drvrlopmsnr Srruun AGENDA Workshop Meeting Planning and Zuning Commission Thursday, November 16, 2006, at 5:30 P.M. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Call the meeting to order. FILE COPY 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Comprehensive Plan update, including information on the Focus Group meetings, the Citizens Congress and the community survey. 4. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the status of items within the P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (JS) 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. (LS) • November 16, 2006 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ Council Chambers ~ P&Z Briefing • • December 4, 2006 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ Citizen's Congress ~ College Station Hilton • December 5, 2006 ~ Noon to 2:00 p.m. ~ Special P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers • December 7, 2006 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ Council Chambers ~ P&Z Briefing • February 22, 2007 ~ 7:00 p.m. ~ Council Chambers ~ City Council Briefing • March 20, 2007 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ Conference Center ~ CPAC Meeting :• Apri15, 2007 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ Council Chambers ~ P&Z Briefing • Apri124, 2007 ~ 7:00 p.m. ~ Joint Workshop of P&Z and CPAC • May 3, 2007, or May 17, 2007 ~ Council Chambers ~ City Council public hearing regarding acceptance of CPAC goals 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 7. Adjourn. ~: Notice is hereby given that a Workshop Meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, November 16, 2006, at 6:00 P.M. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See • Agenda. Posted this the day of November, 2006, at • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.eov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on November _, 2006, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of , 2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2006. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas NIy commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. .Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.EOV. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channe119. • • C1TY C7E C{?LLECGF STr47"ION i'Grxxi.rq ~-iken^~o~xuxr Srrur.rr • 1. Call meeting to order. AGENDA Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, November 16, 2006, at 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 2. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 3, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda forfirrther consideration. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Creek Meadow Subdivision consisting of 1006 lots on 277 acres located at Greens Prairie Road West in the general vicinity of Greens Prairie Trail between the Wellborn Oaks and Royder Ridge subdivisions in the City's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Case #06- 00500220 (LB) 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for North Forest Estates consisting of 26 lots on 9.86 acres located at 2050 North Forest Parkway. Case #06- 500222 (JR) 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a final plat for Gateway Phase 4 consisting of 1 lot on 7.59 acres located at 100 Forest Drive, generally located on the north side of University Drive, west of the Gateway Villas. Case #06-500223 (CH) 3.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Southern Trace Phase 2 consisting of 59 lots on 14.31 acres located at Wellborn Road in the general vicinity of the intersection of Barron Road and William D. Fitch Parkway. Case #06-500221 (LB) 3.5 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • :• October 5, 2006, Workshop Minutes • October 5, 2006, Regular Minutes :• November 2, 2006, Workshop Minutes • November 2, 2006, Regular Minutes 3.6 Consideration, discussion and possible action on request for absence from meetings. • Bill Davis ~ November 16, 2006, Workshop & Regular Meeting Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Great Oaks consisting of 224.5 acres located at Rock Prairie Road West and Great Oaks Drive in the City's Extra-territorial Jurisdiction. Case #06-500237 (CH) 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations Section 12-K Blocks and a presentation, possible action, and discussion on a preliminary plat for Bradley Estates consisting of 14 lots on 48.34 acres generally located • south of River Road on Whites Creek Road in the City's Extra-territorial Jurisdiction. Case #06-500209 (CH/GW/CC) 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) regarding the applicability of development plats in the City of College Station and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case # OS-500209 (MH) 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 9. Adjourn. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, November 16, 2006, at 7:00 P.M. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of November, 2006, at CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary • I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.eov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on November _, 2006, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of , 2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2006. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. • Workshop Agenda 3 Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Comprehensive Plan update, including information on the Focus Group meetings, the Citizens Congress and the community survey. • KENDIG KEAST C O L L A B O R A T I V E 514 Brooks Street I SuKar Land, 'T'exas 77478 Phone : 281.242?9611 Pax :281.742.1115 College Station Comprehensive Plan Update FOCUS GROUP SUMMARY On October 26-27, 2006, a series of small-group interview sessions was conducted as part of the "Discovery and Reconnaissance" phase of our work program as consultant for the College Station Comprehensive Plan Update. These "focus groups" consisted of one-hour discussions between Gary Mitchell, AICP, principal of Kendig Keast Collaborative (or Sean Garretson with TIP Development Strategies for the two Economic Development sessions) and anywhere from 10 to 30 community members in each session. Participants offered their insights and concerns about current conditions in College Station and their ideas and preferences as to how the community will develop over the next 20 years and beyond. These informal conversations, together with the broader input to be received through the • upcoming Citizens Congress on December 4, 2006, will become the foundation of the City's new long-range plan. The plan is issue-driven, meaning that it began with issues identification, moved into exploration of the nature and cause of these issues, and will result, ultimately, in an expressed deliberate course of action to overcome obstacles and resolve difficulties to achieve the community's overall vision for the Year 2025. The following topical sessions were completed over the course of the two days (City staff documented the attendance by session). Some topics were repeated due to greater interest. Concurrent sessions on Transportation and Economic Development were held on Friday. Thursday, October 26 1. Historic Preservation (9:00 a.m.) 2. Transportation (10:00 a.m.) 3. Growth Management (11:00 a.m.) 4. Parks and Greenways (1:00 p.m.) 5. Land Use & Community Character (2:00 p.m.) 6. Housing & Neighborhoods (3:00 p.m.) Friday, October 27 7. Growth Management (9:00 a.m.) 8. Economic Development (10:00 a.m.) 9. Transportation (11:00 a.m.) 10. Economic Development (11:00 a.m.) 11. Transportation (1:00 p.m.) 12. Land Use & Community Character (2:00 p.m.) 13. Growth Capacity (3:00) On the following pages are summary notes from the focus groups, compiled by topic. • Peri<tnnana: Crntceyts in Plnrtrrirtg www.kendigkeast.com • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Barriers • Barriers to diversifying the economy have been transportation, no interstate, airport -businesses want to be able to get in and out fast. • Need to focus on infrastructure needs; don't have the workforce we need, and the ability to get people to and from here is a challenge (i.e., they get stranded at the airport). • Need to improve airport if you want to bring in more national people and businesses, airport is a need that we as a community have very little control over because it is owned by the university. • Lacking in urban character and housing appeal. Great place for college, great place to raise a family, but not for those in between. People want to move to downtown, want a townhome. Currently the city lacks character. • You have a great talent base, but you need to transform College Station (CS) into a cooler community in order to retain youth. Opportunities • Need to develop partnerships with Texas A&M University (TAMU). • Need to keep talent here by diversifying economy. • Need to recniit commuter-type, full-time jobs with benefits -everything that comes here is part-time, except government. • Northgate -potential as a "cool" place. City needs to look at what attracts 25-40 year olds. • • Figure out a way to get to Intercontinental Airport in less than an hour. • Entertainment areas along the creek, tie into amphitheatre, like Market Street in The Woodlands. • Work with TAMU to tie everything together through a transportation corridor -Northgate, University, creek. • Bring Northgate back a little, with "live-work" businesses. • Mall -develop strategy to help retail market become more viable. GROWTH CAPACITY (Utility Infrastructure & Public Services) Drainaee • Underbrush needs to be cleared from waterways. • Problem for those who live near floodplain - when it rains you end up with rivers in people's backyards. • Police Department -entire back where they store the equipment is built on a pond, so they have to move all vehicles when it rains. • This is routine, happens every time you get over three inches of rain. • Water sits for days in areas that do not have curb and gutter. Water • Drinking water is disappearing -salt water, desalination plants as an option. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 2 of 18 • • No plan to go to surface water, sitting on one of the best aquifers, it is recharging, will put a cap on the number of new wells. • Looking at desalination locally, so it won't be pumped from the Gulf. • With some conservation measures can get peaking factor down. • Will start pumping effluent for irrigating playing fields. Can wastewater be used to irrigate boulevards? If you can get it there economically (difficult). • Don't think it is possible to convince developers to institute water conservation measures until it is necessary. • City of Coppell uses plants for streetscaping that require very little water. • Water resource coordinator has worked with the planning department to offer incentives when people use xeriscaping. • Aquifer is 3,000 feet deep - Region G water planning group (through Texas Water Development Board) has done studies on how much growth this will accommodate. Wastewater • Sewage is a concern, extending CNN area in the ETJ. • Two treatment plants, one at one-quarter capacity and the other at two-thirds capacity. • City of Bryan is building a plant on the west side, and CS is currently working with them to take some capacity on the west. CS will build a facility on the east to take sludge, so that will increase capacity at Carter Creek. • There are no developer Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) in the CS area (but other utility providers). • Police • Currently have 1.3 officers per 1,000 persons -national standard is 1.7 per 1,000. Currently working with City on their projections and going through five-year plan to see what growth is going to be like. • Police concerned with area growth and staffing levels that are necessary. • How do we compare to other cities of our size? When compared to police departments of 24 other cities we were third lowest in terms of staffing levels. Fire • Went up 12 percent on calls in 2004; 2005 and 2006 had 20 percent increase. • Call volumes are up in north-end university area -large opportunity for loss. Need more resources in north, but growing toward the south. So need more fire stations in the south, will have to add more stations (on east side of SH 30). • Police help with fire emergency response, depends on where the officer is. • Traffic on SH 6 has increased, improvements on Texas will help. • Fire Department response-time goal is five minutes -can do that for 95 percent of city, on SH 30 cannot even with the opening of Fire Station 6. Will continue to need connectivity as city grows south, east and west. • Currently respond all over Brazos County, assist TAMU as needed, do hazardous materials response for the seven counties around us. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 3 of 18 • Development Impacts and Issues • Developers install nearly everything -need more strategic thinking on where utilities could be encouraged. • Developable acres in the school district that have sewer -there is a 15-year supply. What if we extend sanitary sewer beyond the city limits into other school districts? • Sewer _is the key for development, can always get water. • Oversize participation is great help to developers. • Have done impact fees in some areas, looking at system-wide impact fees. • Regional detention has worked in other places, could be an amenity. School District • Schools are growing 3.5 percent per year. District waits to see where the kids are going to be and then put the schools there. Growing in K-3 and then staying stagnant. Other Issues • Electrical supply -should we offer incentives to encourage efficiency? Currently trying to buy a baseload. • Have not pulled together all the different service plans. • All facilities will need to start adding staff to deal with growth, and then you will have to expand facilities. • Library -need to look at options for expansion. • Entire array of City services will need to be expanded to accommodate growth -how? City will have new sales tax dollars, but there will be a lag time between that and service provision. • • Need for economic development effort to match what we are doing as a city - we are going after businesses, but we have more people than we can accommodate. • Right now we are subsidizing TAMU - need a better tax base. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Current Growth Patterns and Issues • CS is a destination and is definitely growing - we need to manage growth but wori t be able to shut it off. • Growing better than we are managing -growth is occurring fast. • Opportunities for infill -some are being done properly, but there are other opportunities. • Not doing a good job of managing the growth. • Despite this we are ending up with a nice community - we have nice neighborhoods. • Not doing a good job of managing growth outside the city limits -sprawl. • Redevelopment is more difficult than new development -need to encourage development at the core -this will help problems at the periphery. • Leaving so many structures empty, it is becoming an eyesore. • You can't stop growth, so you need to manage it. • We are trying to control growth; however, the harder you try to control the worse it gets -too much control can pose more problems (like Fairfax VA, Austin). C, Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 4 of 18 • • Would like to see Bryan get some of the growth, even though they are getting more than they were 10 to 20 years ago. • Taxpayers are going to have to be aware that they will have bear a burden if they want City to manage growth. Factors Influencing Growth • Getting to TAMU -development is going in where the Aggies buy their food, where they live, where they recreate, and how they get to A&M. • Explosion of growth outside the city limits - at some point these areas may be annexed, so we can't just focus on growth in the city. • Part of what is happening is beyond our control - we live in the orbit of Houston, Navasota will eventually become a bedroom community for Houston. • Texas will get a significant amount of growth (15 percent increase over the next decade) - we are in the center of that, that has huge implications for CS. Need to change attihide from growth management to growth accommodation. Need things that will diversify the tax base so we can afford to accommodate the additional growth. How are we going to pay for infrastructure? How are we going to get ahead of the growth curve? How are we going to handle sanitary sewer, drainage basins? • Why is growth occurring south and not on the other side of the Bypass? - Available land for development. - Floodplain. - School district boundaries (positive perception of College Station ISD). • -Carter Creek east, Bryan to the north, huge magnet (Houston) to the south. - Growing number of people working in/toward Houston. - Rail initiative in Houston -all the way to CS? Then we will become the bedroom community of Houston. • Retiree population -getting more and more of it, already have a weekend home market. • Increase in student population at TAMU, and it's driving down home prices. • Population growth due to our location as the hub between population centers in the state. This is a bedroom community that will ultimately expand into Navasota, and the opening of the SH 6 corridor will be the beginning. • 35-50 years is the bedroom community cohort that can afford the commute and the homes. • TAMU will continue to grow -need housing and infrastructure to support that. • Don't want to be an Austin, but there are opportunities along those lines. We are the Research Valley. We do offer afamily-oriented community. • Quality of life is nice, TAMU is good, and some students don't leave; outlying areas impact CS because they commute in and spend their money here. • Huge drop in property values as you cross the school district line to the south into Navasota. • Very family-oriented town, and the City is good about supporting that. The schools are very good. Families choose to come here because of the school district. There are several types of growth: TAMU, retirees, families, etc. The issue is when and where they intersect with one another. They are each looking for something different. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 5 of 18 • • Population growth (professionals) outstrips student population growth. Issue is the commercial developers who see opportunity and flood the market with types of development that does not have the growth to sustain it and it crashes. • Would like to see some focus on the types of development that is being encouraged to come here -not necessarily all retail, need more higher-paying jobs so that people don't have to commute. • There seems to be tremendous loyalty to the area -people want to give back to the community. • B-CS essentially functions as a single entity. They feed off each other, and there should be a higher degree of cooperation. • TAMU is the engine that drives the community. Surprised by some lack of accommodations made for students. Growth Management Tools • Zoning in the city, subdivision regulation, thoroughfare plan, utilities plans and extension policies, and impact fees are the major tools for growth management. • Problem is looking to tools without looking at the comprehensive plan, which is the policy. For example, policy was to increase densities around university; however, every time we tried we were met with resistance, so the tool must be flawed or the City is not meeting it. • There are areas where higher densities would work (e.g., area behind Bank of America). City needs to take the initiative and pursue this policy in targeted areas. • Smart growth includes neighborhood connectivity, higher density, neighborhood commercial; however, whenever those items are proposed neighborhoods complain and then it falls to pieces. • Need to make core development attractive because City doesn't have as much control in the ETJ. • • If the City changes zoning over time it will change the course of development. • As a community we have required the builders to build infrastructure, with the City reimbursing 30 percent of the cost. The City should take the lead in building infrastructure where they want to see commercial and residential development. • Need for balanced growth not smart growth. Have to have growth to keep the engine of City government going. How do we balance growth in terms of economic development, and who is going to pay for everything? • Annexation -the City will begin to develop athree-year annexation plan as required by statute. Tremendous amount of pressure for development just outside the city limits. Concern over ability of City to aggressively annex and afford cost of providing traditional city services. • Need to have along-range annexation plan that is more visionary. What Tools Are Not Being Used Want to protect the quality of life here. Need to think about the pace of consumption of land. Can't walk anywhere here -and that will continue to erode the quality of life. Mixed use is not a dirty word, and looking at other medium-sized cities around the state can provide solutions. Add walkability to the mix. Where will open space go? Is anyone thinking long term? Concerned about the City becoming very linear along Texas Avenue. Need annexation to provide for another 2818 out east. Concerned about all the strip malls going up with three to four stores empty -how many barber shops and nail shops can you handle? Planning & Zoning is more loyal to developers than to the residents. Recommendations that come to City Council seem to focus on ways to accommodate the developers. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 6 of 18 • • Enforcing comprehensive plan and zoning regulations is a matter of political will. Also developers run to Austin to complain about local regulations. Cities need to be more aggressive with the state legislature too. • Walkability sounds good, but people are not going to use it - no one is going to walk to the grocery store in the dead of summer. People want more police/fire protection -where does that money come from? • Not true -survey done last year shows a consensus among students that those who can walk places do. South of Rock Prairie people are living next to commercial properties. Just because it's hot people still walk. • City is behind in annexation. Growth here is in many directions -have infill in small areas throughout the city. • Are rules in place? Mixed use was in place for some time, but there has to be a change in the mindset. There's a lack of consensus. • Taking tracts that need infill, for example -only the 10% who complain show up. Few show up to support the City. • Public transportation -cannot have an all-car solution. There are regional plans under way at the Council of Governments (COG), but there must be solutions at a reasonable price. How many students use the buses now? Where do you spend your money? • As the community meets a certain threshold the focus is not on public transportation but on where are people when they get off the bus? Do they have to get in the car? The two highest public transit users are seniors and students. • Projects around town need to be more pedestrian friendly. Need more sidewalks for example. • What is Working Well • Some of the redevelopment at George Bush and Texas has been good. Culpepper Plaza is due for redevelopment. City should encourage some smaller developments - dori t need massive developments. • What about vertical development? Is that being encouraged? Land is so cheap here there's no incentive. Northgate is the only area where two stories is required in all three sections, and that is tough. Driven by the economy. • Didn't move here to be in the city -could stay in Houston for that. Want to have a yard and place for kids to run. Want a little space. Developers are essentially building what we evidently want. • The majority of developers here live here. A lot of them want multi-modal mixed use. Most of our planning staff lives here too. The old comprehensive plan was not great, and it's been too long since the last update. Maybe cluster development is a good option that should be considered. • B-CS is the regional hub for the Hearnes, Navasotas, etc. -because we want those dollars to support our City services. Some regional economic development is necessary with some scale - residential development is not enough to expand the tax base. Other • South of George Bush Drive -someone bought a home for $300K and then tore it down. • Why is growth occurring in the county? One factor is the difficulty of getting projects done where the City controls them - if it were easier you might see more development. Need to change the development process -outside the city is always easier because there are hardly any regulations. C7 Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 7 of 18 • • There are opportunities within the city center that will help the city grow. The City should encourage appropriate development through city-initiated zoning changes and street abandonment. Make the city more attractive for development, and give developers businesses a good place to build. • We have good staff in the planning department; however, the process is difficult -for example, staff is working with ordinances that were written 20 or 30 years ago. Ordinances and standards need to be consistent and easy to interpret. • Development process - partly a function of the number of people, also a function of updated ordinances -subdivision ordinance needs to be in line with Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Need to be holistic -right now have too much stuff in the system. • More seniors are relocating to CS - it would be nice to see a senior community here. • Growth management does not mean Texas Avenue. • Growth management needs metrics -they disappear here when they dori t bode well for the developers. • We need to think about how the natural environment affects us. • Disagree completely with limited housing developments -open ourselves up to fraud. • Need easy access to Texas Avenue -that brings people here from outside the City. • What happens to old apartment complexes in the inner city? Are we creating a donut hole? • Need to look at loft apartments in Bryan as examples. HISTORIC PRESERVATION • • "Heritage Conservation" is a better term. Overlooked Assets • Homes -more broadly neighborhoods, neighborhood integrity. • Parks. • Business preservation -older buildings. Historic Resources at Risk • Need historic conservation focus to form our identity -great place to raise a family but there's a lot more that people are missing. We have parks and places in the city that have a story that people are missing. We have a tendency to bulldoze. • We need to identify what we have -our database needs some attention. Not only TAMU involved, but the schools aren't doing a good job of teaching through history. TAMU has done a better job within the past five years of identifying their resources, and there is now a master plan so it'll stop tearing down its own resources. • Don't feel that people value older homes out on South Knoll -it's an area in limbo. Developers keep pushing you out to tear down and build new. The significance of homes that are 60, 70 years old is important. Specific Areas Where Preservation is a Particular Concern • A few months ago the City Council and the Historic Conservation Committee took a tour of homes that had been moved off campus - there is a great deal of interest. • It's not just what was there in 1938, but CS has an identity -because of the neighborhoods. New • residents have no ties to the neighborhoods - Foxfire has a distinct identity and should be valued Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 8 of 18 • as much as the South Knoll neighborhood, but in different ways. CS has a broader identity than TAMU. • Cypress Meadow south of Rock Prairie - there's a transitory nature to the community Lessons Learned • The historic preservation should be connected visually -unified design style where things are tied together so that people as they tour through town should be able to grasp the identity of the community. There's no downtown but there are pockets scattered around that need to be connected. • Don't need each franchise at your doorstop -sprawl does not lead to a community's identity. • Mayor Boswell planted 5,000 live oaks to be distributed throughout the community. Brazos Beautiful made an effort to plant crepe myrtles. No one knows the story of how those efforts came about. • There's a tree on Munson Drive that dictated the flow of traffic because the City didn't want to cut it down. • Bryan had a head start because they had a downtown. Lee Street is an issue because of the huge homes going in next to historic homes that are 50+ years old. • Under the City's program, the owner requests the historic designation and it's a process that is entered into a database. It's just a recognition at this time. • Does the City need to take it further? Many of the older neighborhoods do not have neighborhood associations. Without the resident interests -the City would allow inconsistent uses such as a duplex going into an historic neighborhood. The architectural committee has done some good, but the City identifies historic buildings as those that are 50 years old. South Knoll is • a limbo area because they're not quite 50 years, but they are of value. Strategies Outside College Station • In New England there's an effort to save the old buildings. • Bryan has done a wonderful job of preserving their downtown. Other • There should be more stringent guidelines for development in older residential neighborhoods. • We do have Northgate -there are some restrictions/regulations in place, but there needs to be a balance. That's the closest thing we'll have to a traditional downtown. Trying to give businesses an opportunity to expand as needed and not cause economic challenges to the businesses. • College Hills/Eastgate -TAMU drives this community, and with them attempting to preserve their history the City should follow suit. • City neighborhood lunches sponsored by the City and historic preservation committee. They happen 10 months out of the year and are filled each month -they're "marvelous." It's an opportunity for people to connect with each other. They are scanning old newspapers and other artifacts. • Need education for newcomers to the community. • There is a museum group forming for the Brazos Valley. • HOLD -Historic Online Database. Effort to compile any and every aspect of CS life. • People should make more effort to be neighborly. It's hard to get to know each other. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 9 of 18 • HOUSING & NEIGHBORHOODS This Comprehensive Plan will not be Effective if it Fails to Confront ... • Affordability. • Code enforcement and the volume of renters in the community. • Rental properties in College Hills and other places -how can the City better deal with renters? • College Park -maintaining the character of the town; Oak Park is building "McMansions" out to the lot line, and concerned that it will occur in College Park; there are no deed restrictions and no neighborhood associations in this area. • Character and identity. • Criminal activity -ordinance violations. • Rental registration -difficult to determine who owns the house so that code enforcement could be accomplished. • There are a lot of areas that are in transition, underutilized, and in need of redevelopment. • Neighborhoods are the backbone of this community. • There must be a way to prevent every house from becoming a rental house that is not cared for. • Pershing Park -parking on the streets; parking on Anderson near the soccer fields was a nightmare; Pershing and Shetland and now four tracks park there overnight and it makes life difficult. • Integrity, neighborhood planning, code enforcement. • Overall traffic and parking throughout older residential neighborhoods. • Specific Areas Where Housing Issues are of Greatest Concern? • Code enforcement - a violation notice is mailed to the owner, but no one follows up to see if the issue was resolved. • Rental properties, parents buying homes for students. • In one neighborhood homeowners made it clear to real estate agents that if they showed properties for rent the residents would not be giving them their business. • Noise is a $395 fine, the second time is a $595 fine and a trip to jail. It's effective. • Northgate -the noise ordinances are not effective because they get ticketed as a nuisance issue not a noise issue (even though they monitor their own noise). • College Hills -try to send a packet each time someone moves in to spell out what is expected of them. The president of the group is a realtor and tracks it. • Wolf Pen -out of 48 units, 20 are students, and we are ringed by homes with dogs that bark endlessly and it's difficult to control. • We are upside-down in our ordinances -for example, trash pickup; the owner becomes the bad guy versus the renter, who should be fined unless it is explicitly spelled out in the lease agreement. Other • Affordable housing - on a national level we're not riddled with red tape and we're extremely affordable; there are some neat, nice opportunities, but you have to get on the outskirts to do it; infill is too difficult. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 10 of 18 • • Courting new businesses takes precedence over the folks that are already here (for example, Lincoln Avenue and the traffic signal being moved to Barnes & Noble). Which economic development takes priority -new or old? • Thoroughfare planning -badly needed here -cannot comprehensively plan without one. • Comprehensive planning needs to be followed up with neighborhood planning to drill down to the next level. • Encourage diversity of housing stock -lots of single-family development. • Need townhomes/duplexes near campus -very little zoning around to support it. • "Game Day" development in Northgate -intended as high-end condos that will not allow students (geared toward alumni). LAND USE & COMMUNITY CHARACTER This Comprehensive Plan will not be Effective if it Fails to Confront ... • Quality of life. • Growth. • Compatibility of neighborhoods. • Cultural diversity in population. • Code enforcement and drainage -additional codes are not the solution. • Neighborhoods. • Maintain the rural edge of CS. • Control of growth. • Character. • Must define quality of life somewhere in the plan -means different things to different people. • Neighborhood integrity. • Preservation of the natural environment -tree protection. • Traffic. • Long-term growth. • Connectivity of the community. • Where we want our businesses. Recent Developments You Have Liked • Corner of George Bush and Texas Avenue (Bed Bath and Beyond center) -the parking lot is not so overbearing, parking is on roof. • Wolf Pen Creek - has a sense of neighborhood. • New extension of Wolf Pen Creek Park -would be ideal if whole city was surrounded by floodplain where you could prohibit development. • Growth of hotels and restaurants has been good for city. • Restaurant area on University; however, would like to see parking in the back so it is more of a walking and pedestrian area -put entrances on the parking side. • Parks. • TAMU. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 11 of 18 • • Bikeway at Bee Creek Park and Wolf Pen Creek, but they missed some opportunities there. • Historic District just south of the campus across George Bush. • Northgate -it's in flux but contributes some unique character (The Deluxe no longer there). Recent Developments You Have Not Liked • Removed greenery in widening Texas Avenue. • Trees are all gone (for example, Courtyard Hotel at Rock Prairie and Bypass). • Maybe it's an issue of utilities and where the City's regulations require they be placed -but lots of examples to draw from around the state of how development occurs without sacrificing vegetation. • Disagreement about what thoughtful planning means -town centers versus sprawling commercial development. Types of Development You Would Like to See • Would like something to mark the center of city, like fountains. • Would like to see more planned-unit, mixed-use developments. Use floodplain to establish clear-cut boundaries. • Would like atree-lined roadway like SH 6 in Sugar Land. Problem is the type of trees here -any development near them kills the trees, so it is not always possible. • Need to screen existing facilities like Home Depot. • Would like to see more hedges around developments. • Need for more redevelopment -should not just use trees to hide how ugly our buildings are - instead we need to look at redevelopment. • • Look at form-based zoning code -offer opportunity to determine character so uses will blend into existing character. • Use other incentives like tax incentives to encourage redevelopment (Culpepper Plaza). • For neighborhoods there should be some type of incentive to upgrade. • Green architecture that encourages less energy consumption -this needs to be aggressively approached. • Need for redevelopment instead of new development -development should occur inside the city limits. • Emerald Forest and 2818 -don't want to see the lake go away. Hope City can buy as City Center with restaurants, no big box, not strip malls -ideal area for business park or shopping center. • 2818 on the west side -potential for nonresidential. • Think regionally about future development as there are a lot of brownfields in Bryan that would be appropriate for industrial development. • Look at inflll for industrial, but not at the edge of city as the edge offers a nice buffer. • Residential development -currently there are no requirements for landscaping -some developers care, some don't. • Would like to see a neighborhood conservation clause in the code (like Bryan). • Bryan's overlay is working. • Redevelopment in Eastgate - redevelopment is just as important as development. • Rural edge -must be maintained. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 12 of 18 • • Need to be planning for a certain look. • Need to identify areas for new development while preserving the old. Barriers/Obstacles • Vermont is not a fair comparison because it's a different animal here. About one out of three residents is a student - we are a college community. • What about large master-planned communities? The pattern here is smaller lots with older residences purchased in what was then suburban with expectation to stay suburban. Citizens of older neighborhoods do not want to lose that. • Mixed use adjacent to residential (for example, Central Market in Austin). • We dori t have ordinances in place to facilitate tree preservation or planting of more trees. • Allowed neighborhoods to go in 300 feet off of major arterials. Now we have to deal with people who dori t want to carry the burden of the uses. We already have these pods around town (tor example, east side of town). • Residents need to accept the fact that development around their neighborhoods is inevitable. The codes need to be rewritten. • We want to be CS, not Austin or Georgetown -but must think big picture when it comes to our codes. We are about to get another influx of additional students and will feel that ripple effect. • Largest demographic we'll experience in the next five years is retiring Aggies. PARKS & GREENWAYS • Best Things City has Done in Recent Years related to Parks and Recreation • Have 42 projects this year ($17M) -just approved park #51, approaching 1,300 acres of parkland. • Upper side of Wolf Pen Creek. • Number of parks. • Quality of the parks -forethought of the parks staff and City. • Trails. • Improving and expanding the facilities in the parks. • Central Park -good efforts. • Edelweiss -very well used. • Thomas and Central Parks -provide lots of facilities at a single location. • Dynamic -wide range of ages/users. • Shade structures. • City is very proactive with their parks, and they reflect that. • Neighborhood parks -City goes around to residents and asks what they'd like to see in a park before they implement; also 80-90% are within walking distance to most neighborhood parks. • Veteran's Park -can be an economic draw for the City, moved to phase 2B ahead of schedule. • Walking paths/trails at most parks. • Every subdivision has to have a park at time of approval. • Leadership in City staff and elected official -recognize the long-term value. • The beginnings of a network between the parks. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 13 of 18 • • They're growing like crazy. Greatest Deficiency • More "pet friendly' parks -Steeplechase Park is a dedicated space, also Lake Creek. • Would like to see more pools - not a new one since 1988; multiple uses at parks would be nice. • Lots of kids are not involved in formal sports; would like to see a skate park. • Lap lane availability for seniors; don't think you should be able to rent a public pool. • Interpretive trails (trees, vegetation) -we're losing track of our sense of place. • Would like to see an urban park area -open mall or public gathering spaces; on the plans for Northgate, but not there yet. • Would like to see more natural areas -more trees. • Greenway planning tends to be an exercise in watershed management -Wolf Pen Creek is beautiful but it's in a backyard -would like more "front yard" spaces. • More mini parks/pocket parks. • Denver's greenbelt system is a fine example of a comprehensive system. • Use a bufferyard for park space between different residential densities. • Greenways have been a touchy subject here: What constitutes a greenway and who can own one? Permitted activities in greenways? Joint use of greenways by precluding them as park space. • Parks are expensive and we must determine who will pay for them. • No park requirements in the ETj -have to purchase it outright. That's how Central Park and Lake Creek were acquired, otherwise they would have been lost. • Barriers • Greenways are split between public works and parks/recreation departments -need them to work together. • What happens in the ETJ? -Timberline is one of the most beautiful drives in the county. • Greenways need to be incorporated into the plan ahead of time. • No advance acquisition in place -have done some item-by-item acquisition in the past but not a comprehensive plan. • Concerned about the pattern of residential development -City will have more greenways than they know what to do with due to development occurring in the floodplain. This goes back to determining a definition of a greenway. • University/Texas/2818/George Bush/Harvey -few to no safe crossing points for cyclists. • Tree ordinances and setbacks should be pursued -would like to see the ordinances beefed up in this regard. • 77 acres in the ETJ were developed to build 330 homes -every tree on the 77 acres was removed. Without a county population of 700,000, the County has no authority. Features Lacking in Current Park System • City cannot develop connectivity soon enough. • CS has awell-defined edge now -concern that we must maintain that rural edge by focusing on infill opportunities. • Bicycling is an afterthought. There are not safe crossings for cyclists. Demanding more from developers would be proactive. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 14 of 18 • • Need to focus on developing a network to hold the community together. Other • Park initiative between Grimes and Brazos County fora 10,000-acre park facility. • An arterial intersecting a freeway, where Home Depot went in, is encroaching upon the floodplain -the thoroughfare plan needs to respect the greenway system. • CS has a sister city (Bryan), and they don't always play well together. CS has been proactive in the past, and citizens would like them to go to the next level. • Need to decide what type of economic development they want. • Parks are as fundamental as streets and infrastructure. TRANSPORTATION Bike/Pedestrian/Transit Issues and Improvements • Roads are not wide enough to cycle safely, and intersections are not safe. • Major challenges crossing over Bypass because bridges are not bike friendly. • Bicycle routes needed for park-to-park recreation; however, there is a need for those who are using it to go to work. • Need to accommodate two types of users of bike facilities: those that use roadways/paths to commute to destinations and those that use paths/trails for recreational purposes. • Access roads on Bypass were usable before they were improved (could ride on shoulder), now there are curbs so you can't ride your bike. • • Need bike paths that are separate from both cars and pedestrians. • Transportation rights-of-ways should include roads, bicycle lanes and sidewalks. • Also need to account for school kids; right now bicyclists are using the sidewalks not the bike lanes because they are not safe. • Crossing Texas Avenue by bike is a safety issue because there is car recognition but no bike recognition at the traffic light. • On campus the underpass is wonderful -the old overpass didn't work. • Public transportation is a good solution (light rail, buses). • General public can ride the TAMU transit system, but does it go where they need to go? • There are a lot of bikers that use the east Bypass, and therefore there is an opportunity for bike connections to Wolf Pen Creek. • Need good community planning so kids can walk/bike to the park, school. • Bikeway system is relatively good - as an alternative transportation system. • The bikes still have to compete with cars to get across Texas and University to get to campus. • George Bush and Wellborn - TxDOT does have funds to put in a grade separation eventually for bikes/pedestrians. Everything lags behind 10-15 years before projects hit the ground. • Bikes need to abide by traffic rules. • Northgate is beginning to make progress for pedestrian traffic. Roadway/Intersection Improvements • Lack of north/south corridors. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 15 of 18 . • Longmire Drive and Rock Prairie. • Deacon and Longmire (waiting at the lights when there are no cars). • Synchronization of lights on University, Texas Avenue. • Munson, Dartmorth, Harvey -could be a great pedestrian and thoroughfare corridor. • Wellborn Road. • Rock Prairie and Wellborn Road. • Have proposed a project to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to interconnect signals on state system -this will happen in the coming years. • Southwest Parkway at the Bypass -need for traffic signalization here, going east you have a traffic light at Dartmouth. • Late at night lights should go to blinking red. • Overgrown trees on sidewalks forces people to walk in streets. • Lincoln -there are bike lanes; however, when you get to the duplexes it stops because of parking, and then starts again. There is no serious consideration for bike lanes. • Intersections are really a problem for bikes; bike boxes elsewhere in country allow bikes to make a left turn. • Rock Prairie and Highway 6. • Going north to Rock Prairie, traffic backs up. • Stonebrook at Rock Prairie (traffic, turning movements and intersection). • Emerald Forest and Highway 6. • • Traffic on Munson, result of a system that lacks north/south roadways to travel. • 2818 by the high school -getting kids safely across (no medians, crosswalks). • Holleman and Texas Avenue. • Grade separation at 2818 and railroad will be implemented next December. • College Station ISD: getting into neighborhoods is not a problem, coming out of the neighborhoods is difficult. Up to 10% of the budget can be used for hazardous conditions (for example, Barron Road -two schools on Barron and kids cannot cross the road). Need to see more connectivity. • Nantucket -difficult to pick up kids because of high-speed traffic. • Munson -speed -it's acct-through. • Forest Bridge School on Barron Road is backed up because parents drop off kids (they can't walk to school due to traffic). • All development inhibits connectivity -still only three to four ways north-south and three to four ways east-west. Limited alternatives, therefore there is congestion. Every street should be a minor collector with sidewalks. • Fine and good for new development but not for older neighborhoods. Should be able to come home and not feel intruded upon by traffic. Kids should be able to play in the front yards - it's wrong to take a neighborhood that's been there 20-25 years and seek connectivity options. • Community attitude has always been reactive not proactive. Traffic plan should be in place well in advance including the ETJ. Plan should be updated every five years -10 years is not enough. We have not had a viable plan/system for some time. Development is way ahead of the City's • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 16 of 18 • thought process. One of the key ways a city can encourage/discourage growth is through a transportation plan. • Did put in traffic calming along Dexter that works. • Traffic enforcement by the Police Department is good. • City uses quality traffic signal system equipment. Thoroughfare Plan • Major sections of the thoroughfare plan have been changed because of development. • Thoroughfare plan is being implemented now. • The thoroughfare plan establishes an overall picture, unfortunately it changes because of development. • Shouldn't negotiate splitting roads with developers, need to preserve right-of-way. • Include a strong statement that City and City Council cannot ignore thoroughfares on plan. Land Use and Transportation Planning • Cut-through traffic through older neighborhoods is a problem. • Don't want new thoroughfares cutting through neighborhoods, need to preserve neighborhood integrity. • Design the community to minimize reliance on automobile to get everywhere - i.e., through mixed-use developments. • Mixed-use developments -people dori t believe it until it is there, so maybe make one corridor a pilot, identify a target area and try to demonstrate that it works. One potential area could include the Wolf Pen Creek and Harvey Road area. Look at transit possibilities (i.e., like Portland street • car or light rail, currently buses are packed, they leave people behind because they are so full). • CS has done a good job with Wolf Pen Creek corridor. • Not going to have the mixed-use development if you attract the franchises, with parking lots out front. European cities have plazas; however, if you don't restrict franchises this won't happen. • Where major roads come together there is pressure for commercial development -this generates pollutants that go into drainage system. Old thoroughfare plan did not take into account natural constraints. The new plan should take into account natural constraints, and new intersections should be located away from floodplain. • CS has grown and has had to rely on arterials that are now inadequate. Munson-Dartmouth was designed to discourage cut-through traffic but it doesn't do that. Need a plan to allow for future traffic loads. Collectors are serving as arterials. Should be on a half-mile grid. People need to know that there's a 200-foot right-of-way. Barron Road is a good example -the right-of-way should have been bought years ago. Other Not interested in traveling faster in the city. University near Northgate can have narrower lanes, with a median, and everyone's quality of life would go up. The number of cars there does dictate quality of life. Need transportation planning for special events. Looking for creative ways to handle traffic because of football games and other special events. No plans to add more on-campus housing -more students are going to be living off campus and we need to accommodate them. • Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 17 of 18 . • Converting Foxfire Drive into a collector will redefine the neighborhood -making the street larger than what it should be changes the character of the neighborhood. • Should include question about bicycle usage on community survey. . • Community relies heavily on the comprehensive plan with a 10-year horizon. Could we think in a 30-year horizon for a traffic plan? • The right-of-way on 2818 shows tremendous foresight but now may not be needed because it was planned as a freeway, but that is no longer where we need a freeway. 2818 is one of the few streets where you can get somewhere through town. • Expansion on the Bypass will be to six lanes instead of four and the widened bridges out near the mall. The ramps will change from a diamond pattern to an "X" pattern. • Is TAMU transit just for students, or is it open to anyone who wants to go to the University or the mall? Brazos Valley Transit does a lot of coordination that people do not see. They have nine buses now that are shared between B-CS -could use 30 buses because of the large apartment complexes going in. • The railroad is an asset. Lots of big development going in. Railroad should stay. • Transportation system is designed to fail twice a day. • Older schools are located off major routes; new schools have access from a major road, which creates traffic flow problems. Access needs to be far enough off the roads that queues do not back up into traffic. • Rock Prairie Road widening is good. • Kudos on working with Bryan and TxDOT for the timing of the lights to move people through morning commutes. • • South of Olson Field -City has put in two or three roads to funnel traffic off George Bush - it helps alleviate backup onto George Bush. • We have exceptional City staff, but the difficulty is using staff in processing rather than planning. Not fully utilizing the talent of the staff. • The City should work with other communities to find examples of where traffic issues have been successfully addressed in other places. Focus Group Summary (October 2006) Page 18 of 18 Worltshop Agenda 4 Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the status of items within the P~3'L Plan of Wont see attached. ~JS~ • • C7 Z Y a ~~"~ a o M o M w N ~t N r- N N O E v m c~ Y Q Q ~a X ~ i a ~ ~ Y Y C Y f O O ~'~ Z `~ a 0 J '~ :`; ~ ~, d d c v E ~ 0 ~ ~.~~~, a> a~ Q u Z ~ L ~ ~~«: ? ~ ° ~ ~ °~ .•- ? c o O ~ ~,f-' _ _ _ _ o ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ U O ~ ',;~ ' Q m~ Z ~ ~ ~4~~ rn Z ~ `h o '~ ~ ~ (d ~ ~ ~ J ~ ,'C ~ C c 2 - r ~~ O ~ O p O ~ N ~ > ~ ~ O ~ O Od ~ O N L ~ ~ U ~ c N N O d Z ~ { t - a m ~• ~~ ~cc0~ c co o ...oar 0 ..om 0 ...oar ~ Z ~ a ~~' T~~m~ ago ~ ~ L O O~ ~~~" 7t/" 3~~ d Q W U ~ `u ~, c cv o o- ~ ~. n - o o O c y v O c v~ ~ c y - . ~ ~. ~ :. ~ ~ o :.. ~ N a Q ~ ', -~,t. ~> ~oo as o B bo c oQ, oa, a, ~ H (' W N ~ ~ ~ 3 a~ m ~; 3 ~ ~ a. m o ~ ~ ~ c a vi a> o g a 3 c ~ vi a~ y~ v ~ ~ ~ vi a~ N 5~ Q F o ~ a > ~ •y .c •~, X ~ ~ m ~ ~ ca ~ -o ca ~ J S Yi E a~ cv c ~ c io c o c ~ o ~ c ~ m ~ c ~ m ~ • ~ c v at m a> ~ a> c ~ >_ c~ u0i > ~ o >_ >, a~ u~ N ~ _o > >' m ~ ~j 's a~oi3 ~a'3n. mm ~a i~ i ~m~ n a ~imm i .~ ~ ~ ~ E a~ E ~~ `~° a~i o~ ~ ~ o~ ~ `~° ~ o ~ ti in ca ~ ~~ v in •3 ~~ aco~ ins act inw a~ a~ a N ~ ~ U m ~ fl ~ ~ . 0 0 ~ d ~ m d c c ~ ~ c a ~ V a ~ o ~ U p ~ N ~' ~ C W C ~ •~ :«. 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'~ L C C C ~ a p U ,.. ~ ~ -o c ~ ~ ~ W c 00 O m N D. , ~, c0 m ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ f0 ~ O 'p ~ N C U U Z' O U O m p N ~ ~ O m U 'a ,~ 4. ,~.`~`. O C~ • C • U +'' ~ ~ L . L O ~. cv ~ •- U ~ ~ O ~ U ~ ~ ~ o co 'C O C N 'a > O .3 U ~ ~ ` ~ C O ~ N O ~ V ~ . O ~ ~•°' . to m ~ C L U ~ N ~~ N E E ~ ~ ~ 'O _ C N _ O C ~ tq ~ O O Q O p ~ ~ ~~ Y 0 ' O ~ C C O 7 7 ,"~"'' ~ c a U a U ! ~ ~ U cn cn U U Consent Agenda 3.t Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Creek Meadow Subdivision consisting o~ ioo6 lots on X77 acres located at Greens Prairie Road West in the general vicinity of Greens Prairie Trail between the Wellborn Oaks and Royder Ridge subdivisions in the City's Extra- Territorial Jurisdiction ~ETJ~. Case #ob-oosoo~~o (I~B~ • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner Report Date: November 6, 2006 Email: IboyerC~cstx.gov Meeting Date: November 16, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500220 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Creek Meadow Subdivision consisting of 1006 lots on 277 acres located at Greens Prairie Road West in the general vicinity of Greens Prairie Trail between the Wellborn Oaks and Royder Ridge subdivisions in the City's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Applicant: Rabon Metcalf, engineer for the owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat with the condition that Staff Review Comments are met. ETJ Plats -Brazos County's comments and recommendations: Brazos County Commissioners Court approved variances to block length, lot width, right of way width, rural streets, location of Public Utility Easements, and sleeving of non-pressure utilities on October 31, 2006. The County will consider the plat at Final Plat stage. Item Summary: This preliminary plat is in preparation for residential development on the property. The proposed plan includes land use areas for duplex units for student housing, single family detached development, commercial and retail areas, recreation facilities, and • open space. -- The property has access from Greens Prairie Trail, Greens Prairie Road West, and Royder Road. Additionally, the proposed plan provides over 53 acres of open space, 33 of which is unencumbered. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan identifies this property for Rural Residential development on the entire property. The property is surrounded by vacant, agricultural, or large lot residential development. The property is bound by Greens Prairie Road West to the north, and Royder Road to the east, both major collectors. Greens Prairie Trail, a minor arterial, bisects the property. Current traffic count estimates on Greens Prairie Road West and Greens Prairie Trail are 2,500 trips per day and 1,500 trips per day respectively. Existing capacity for each of these roadways is estimated between 7,000 and 10,000 trips per day. When fully constructed to their thoroughfare designation, Greens Prairie Trail has a target volume of 5,000 to 30,000 trips, and Greens Prairie Road West has a target volume of 5,000 to 10,000 trips. A subdivision of this size is estimated to produce around 10,000 trips per day at build-out. This plan is in compliance with all elements of the Comprehensive Plan that are enforced in the City's ETJ, the City's Subdivision Regulations, and the approved Master Plan. Item Background: The subject property is in the City's ETJ and as such has no associated zoning. The property has not previously been platted. • • Budgetary ~ Financial Summary: None. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: None. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the preliminary plat. The options regarding the preliminary plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Staff Review Comments 4. Copy of Preliminary Plat (provided in packet) • • • C:I7-Y nF COLL.LGE STA'I7~Jlti ('4~o~ens~ 4~ Ilhxlof~ TrriY .Srrvirh FOR OFFICE U5E ONLY raz cASE nla.- T~ is -•~~~` f DATE SUBP+RTTED: I ~, i ' l ~l ~,` E/ PRELINIIh~AI~Y FLAT APPLICAT~~N 11., f~-i The fotlr~+,rring items must ba sutxnitted by an established filing deadline date fat P 14 Z Commission C4n8id~r8tl0n. ~iIINI1111UM SUB~IIITTAL REQUIIiENIENTS: X Filing Fee of $1Wl).QO. NrA Variance Rertuest to Subdivision Regulations ^~ ~,1{~0 (if appli~ble} X Application completed in full. X Fourteen (1d) folded Copies of plat. (A revised mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) X One (1) ropy of the approv~ad Hostel Plan if appl"lcable. }L A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off ar a brief axplanaticn a5 to why they are not. N1A Rezoning AppliCalivn if gone change is proprs~ed. N1A P~rltland Dedication requirement approved aY the Parks & Recreetiort Board, pease provide proof vF approval {if applicable. Date of PreapplMcatiatt Conference: June 7 2006 NAME OF SUBDIVISION Cr~k Mesdvw _ • SPECIFIED LUCATION OF PROPaSED SUBDIVISION Located on the north and south side of Greens Pralria Troll between the Wellborn bake and I~toYdar Ride subdivisions. APPLICANT+<PRC}JECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION {Primary Contact fior the Pra~eci): Name Rabon A. ~IatCalf, P.t_. fRabon (Metcalf Enaineerin Street Address P.O. Box 9x53 Gity College Station State TX Zip Code 77lld4 E-Mail Address rmena inaentitve~izon.net Rhone Number 979 690329 Fax Number 1979) 690-029 PROPERTY OVIPNER'S INFORtutATION' Name Creek Meadow Fart»ers fc~o Todd Cameo Street Address x30 Southwest Raritway East City Collsse Statiion State TX Zip Gods 77$4iJ E-Nleil Address taddcanne~~tcvnline.net Phone Number 19791893-7535 Fax Number t979189~7839 Af~GHITECT CtR ENCIM1kEER'S INFORMATION: Name A Lic {i+Fl~Yl3 k 0~'1 • • Total Acres C1f Subdivision ~76.9&ii R-~-w Acreage Total # Of Lots 100$ Numtaer ~f Lots Qy Zoning District 1 DDB /A,O ! ~ /~ Average Ac-eaQe Of Each Residential Lot 8y .Zoning District: 1 ~! ~t 1 Floodplain Acreage 4 ParklancF cladicatican by acreage or fee? NIA A statement addressing any differences between the Preliminary Plat and approved Master Plan (if applicable Sectlan 1 has ixeen broken intr> two s~ectioris lSectinn 9A & ~IBiI and the phasing carder has been reconffaursd. Requested variances to sutxiivision regulations ~ mason for same None F~equested oversize patticipartton None Parklant! D~e~iioatiion due prier t4 filing ~ Final Plat: AiCREAGE: NIA # of Acres tc be dedicated NIA # of ecrsa in derhentian raR FEE If+i LIEU OF LAND: FUA # of acres in fleodplain NIA # of acres in gre$nways lVIA # 4f Single-Family Dw~eiiir3g Units X $586 = $ N1A {datsi Approved by Par}ca & Recreation Board The applicant bas Fxaepar~ed this sppllcafron and certi{res ih~At' the fads stated her~er~ ar'rd exhibits attl~chBd i!a e~ tttlB ff1Td cOr7iEC1: TJ1e ilntte~ipr}ed hereby requasls approval $y the City of Calleg~e Statjan of the above ' tif~e~d p1a# acrd atfa-gts ghat ~J- respe+cl'ive awrrer5 i`il3~e been ddeni'ifred ~~, rats a~pr~~~r -~-~; • Signature and Title ~ Date dJ13r~3 ~ cry • STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS NO. 1 Project: CREEK MEADOW (PP) - 06-00500220 1. Water line crossing the Creek Meadow Blvd median between Wild Horse Creek and Silver Brook requires a PUE. Reviewed by: Carol Cotter Date: November 9, 2006 • r~ Consent Agenda 3•~ Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for North Forest Estates consisting of ~6 lots on q.86 acres located at Soso North Forest Parkway. Case #o6-SOO~~~ ~~~ • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner Report Date: October 26, 2006 Email: jreeves@cstx.gov Meeting Date: November 16, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500222 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for North Forest Estates consisting of 26 lots on 9.86 acres located at 2050 North Forest Parkway. (06- 00500222-JR) Applicant: Justin Whitworth, Agent for property owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the final plat as submitted. Item Summary: The applicant is moving forward with a Final Plat for North Forest Estates to continue the residential development. The Preliminary Plat was approved with a variance request to the Subdivision Regulations regarding the configuration of the lots. The single-family residential development consists of 26 lots. The Preliminary Plat was approved with 28 lots, two of the lots located at the south-east corner of the property are now being proposed as a common area for detention and drainage. The Preliminary Plat is still in general conformance with the Subdivision Regulations and the Unified Development Ordinance. Section 8-K.1 of the Subdivision Regulations states that "an arrangement placing adjacent lots at right angles to each other shall be avoided." Right angle lots occur at • one location (Block 3) in the proposed development, which received a variance with the Preliminary Plat on May 18, 2006. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan projects Single-family Residential Medium Density for this area. The parcel is located along the east side of North Forest Parkway which is a Major Collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. This classification is a result of the recent East Side Thoroughfare Plan Update. Prior to this update, North Forest Parkway was a Minor Collector and was not anticipated to cross Carters Creek. With 26 residential lots, the Parkland Dedication requirements were reviewed administratively by Parks staff because the required dedication would be less than three (3) acres. Fee in lieu is recommended. Sidewalks will be provided internally along one side of the street as required. The proposed Final Plat is consistent with the Preliminary Plat as well as the Comprehensive Plan. Item Background: The subject parcel was annexed in 1977 and was consequently zoned A-O Agricultural-Open. R-1 Single-family Residential zoning was established earlier this year (Feb 2006). The Preliminary Plat was approved May of this year. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: The Parks & Recreation Department staff recommends approval of a fee in lieu of land in the amount of $5,544, where the required land dedication would be 0.27 acres for a total development fee of $10,024. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval • Denial • Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of or Final Plat (provided in packet) • • • CI'T'Y 4E COLLGG>;STATfQ~I 1'~~vfliel~ rr r~ •Ulin f rtilkl .SM. •~NCd! • (Chc*ck one) '~ llilinnr ~] Amending '~ Fiinat ~ Vaeat}!1g ^ Reptat iS3Ud.401 (S3fiD.401 (544~.D0) (3404.001 IS600.00}' la this plat in the J:Td? (; 1l+e3 ~No 'Induces public hearing foe ~ FOR QFFICE U9E ONLY Pa.Z CA56 NB.. ~~ ~ -- ' DATE SUBM1TrED; _r ~~ " l+ ~-,~~ :1, FINAL Pi...AT ARPl.~~ATi~N ~~i; The foliprnring items must be submitted by an estabi""~heti filing deadline state fvr F'aZ Gammiasiion consitleratJan. ` JIRJNJMUId1 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ~r F~hng Fee see above) JVC3TJ=~ MuttipJe Sheets - ~56.OD per additional sheet ru Variance Request ts~ 5ubdivision Reyulatrons ~ ~1 a0 (if' applicable) v' Qeveloplnent Permit Appication Fee flf $tQO.t}0 i~~i applicahlei. err... s_i '• ~-~~ r,nt -,~ Intrastruckerre Inspection Fee of $tiQt).00 (applicable if any public intrastl'lrcture is being constructrrcJ}~~., ~ r Applica#ion completed in full. f4 ~ ` ~1 Copy of ori~inat deed restriCtionslCOVenants for replats cif applicable}. -~ Fo~rrteen (14) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylas origiftaJ must be submitted after staff review. } "'Paid tax certificates from Litt' pE College Skation, F~fazos County and College 5latlon I.S.D. ~ A copy bf the at#achetl Checklist w6t1'~ alt items checked cff or a brief explanation as tv why they are not. `' Two ~2a copies of public infrastrucura plans associated with #his plat (if applicable). ~'f Parkland Deciieat~an requ~xers-ent appro+red by the Parks & aeereatia~ Board, please provide proof of approval cif applicable). _ _ _ __ _ Qate ~f Preapplication Corrfarence: Preliminary P}at 1s8.Z AppravaJ May 18, X006 NAME OF SuBDtVtSiar~ North Fist Estates $PECIFI Et7 LC}CATIC}N CF PROPO$EQ SUBDJVISJaJ•J Lot 8 Block) 11 b0' Northea~~Ft6 t Est by ass _ P,PPLICAhJTfRR(7JECT MANAGER :S INFORMAT1C7iV (Primary Gvntacl ray the Ptoj~c:t}. htcme ,iustin ~-lhitwQrth Street Address P.0.13_~x_ t 1671 _ _ City College Sta64n State TX zip GudQ 77842 E-Ml~il Address ,lastrn• centurv21 bcs.oarn Phone Number (97~ 73g-~l~b Fax Number rg?9) 76~-QiIZ1 PROPERTY G'UNNER'S INFORMATION f+~LE oVrriers must b~ identified. Please attach an aalditional sheet for mulUpkr ovuriefs). Name tNhitWOrth North Forest DHV~Ibbmen L.P. Street Address 5srn a a ~ _ Spate dip Code phone 1Vumber • ARCHITECT 4R ENGJNEER'S INFORMATION. City ':-Mail A.~idress -ax Number A1smo I{ting En ine rinc b Sunre in .r ~_ - - ---~- Slreet,4ddress d1Qti Texas Ave ._$t~ A City Bryan _ Std TX Zlp Code 77~„~2 E,lylail A,ddross ~eremY kling_mg;r:r~n „~ Phone Number (s93 B~6-B2.2 _ fax N~lmb~er 'fly] 8d6-8282_ ~ .,r: • • Do any deed restrictions or covenants exist for this oropery? Yes tta Is there a ternparary blanket easement on this propert}~ If so, please prauide the volume and Page # _ Acreage ~ 1'c~tal Property 9.88 Total # of Loll 2~ K-O-W A~reago t .42 Existing USe_ VaC~nt _ Propcyed US6: RegidAnti~l Subdi~iSion Number of Lois By Zoning aisriGt 26 ; R-1_ ; Average Acneage {Jf Bach Residential Let By Zoning C3istrict~ .2g70~ lit-1 ~ ~~~ Fkradplein Acreage fl.0 A statement addressing any di~terences hetv~een the Finat Plat and approved hlasts- Plan and:nr Pm~irninaryr Plat (~f :~ppficable}. fJiA Requested Variances Ta Subdivision RegulBt~ons ~ Reason For Same, l1rA_ Requzsbed QVersixe Fart~cipatton~ None SotaS Li~eac Faota$e of Proposed Public: ~ 132 Streets 1041 SidevraJlcs 770! Sanitary Sewert_irFas 17'17 Water Lines f+UA~ Channel6 553: Storm Beware h11A Bike Lanes !Paths Parkland iDedication due prior tv filing the Final i'lat~ ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicated + $ development tee # of acres in ftoadpiain # of acres in tleiention # of acres in greenways ~R FEE Ifs ~.IEU pF LAND: 26 ~ a1 Single-FarnUy Dwelling Units X S55J3 ; $ 14,456.OG_ _ _ _ {date) Approved by Pr3rks ~ Recre2tian Board NOTE: DIGITAL COSY Uf Pt~1T MUST BE SUidMITTED RRIt3R 70 FILINiG. The a~p~rcanP has preA.~red this application and cert+~cs That t1tQ iacls staffed -~ere-n errd ax~rbrfs ~~ftacnoc7 her+Eto are Mtre, Correct, ant! Anmpf9lr+. The i~nnE:raign~d »ersby r~aque~ts apprth.~l by ;ho Crt}r of GY,llega Sldtior> W the abov9-irlennrred €~naJ plat and altgsts that thi~5 ray~uest obss not amend any ~PvE;'a1~tS Qr;e5trliGtr0i7S as~bCi818d a/ith this prtL El13J~0 _ ~~~~ ~ Qate ~n~i Consent Agenda 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a final plat for Gateway Phase 4 consisting of ~ lot on 7•Sq acres located at ioo Forest Drive, generally located on the north side of University Drive, west of the Gateway Villas. Case #06-Si00~~3 ~CH~ • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Crissy Hartl Report Date: November 3, 2006 Email: chart)@cstx.gov Meeting Date: November 16, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500223 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a final plat for Gateway Phase 4 consisting of 1 lot on 7.59 acres located at 100 Forest Drive, generally located on the north side of University Drive west of the Gateway Villas. Applicant: David Scarmardo, Developer Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the final plat. Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a final plat for Phase 4 of the Gateway Subdivision. The plat consists of one lot on a 7.59-acre tract of land. The applicant is requesting the final plat in order to build a condominium development, similar to the Gateway Villas development. The subject property is adjacent to 100-year floodplain as depicted on the final plat. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan projects Floodplain & Streams; however, the property is zoned R-4 Multi-Family Residential. University Drive is identified as a major arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan. This final plat is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Regulations, and the preliminary plat that was approved in 2003. • Item Background: The subject property was annexed in 1971 and subsequently zoned R-1 Single Family Residential. The property was rezoned in 1995 to R-5 Apartment/Medium Density. When the Unified Development Ordinance was adopted in 2003, zoning districts R-4 Apartment/Low Density and R-5 Apartment/Medium Density were combined into R-4 Multi- Family, which is the current zoning of the property. A preliminary plat was approved for Phases 2-4 of the Gateway subdivision in 2003. Phases 2 and 3 have since received final plat approval. The subject property is currently unplatted. Budgetary 8~ Financial Summary: None requested. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: Parks Board: When the preliminary plat was approved in 2003, the Parks Staff recommended a fee in lieu of land at $452 per dwelling unit totaling $43,368.00 that will be collected at time of building permit. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Final Plat (provided in packet) ~.` q ;c~•t ~ U ~ ~ 11 1~ ~ ~ r~~.~~y' .t`'i•~y~4;~ :'"rn u- 0. ~'T ~ J. `~~~;. ,,, ~.E. `•_n ~ `~ ~~ Ott -.. w'l~rtTij • fit` c'' ~ ~ d' - tq-0. s;'t^ r•y ~. M , , 1 y ~ •r C ~ ~ /~ - : ~."% ,~~4 'ice 'ti.~ty • ~ `i to ~'" i rr r .ok~~ro t lC'~t'.,,y'•r~ ~' O :~" ' W ~, ~ off. ~ •j-. t' ~ ~ ..r.~ ;'' to ~>--~ ~ ,,_~r• m ~ ~ ~ . T ~~,. r 1 2 --='~~'-+-.i r. ,~ • ~ 3 ~ tl ~~ 7~: = ~~-' -I ~ r ~ l • r ~~--i f~R t_I ~ L d, i ~ V 1~' J /, .. ~ In iL= ~ 1. J +'. .~ K ~ , 1, ~~ ~ Y / ., .' `. .-. I I III I ~. c~ U ..- Q + 7i 1. , t -~~ a -) C- .~ f' fJ - -~ . , y r_I,: .. l m - y~ rr. ~ ,• •j IIL .~ rt W' j ~~~.~ ' •s'~ rat ~ .. ~ 1 c- ' 1 _ y 1 _~ <r Vim' ~ W v. I _.: .~f' .~ _... ...N. t~ 4 O • r C:1T5r' OF I~CN,LEGF. ST.'1Tit?t` 14;euxirg d ~rsrinpNrrN1 Serarrr • • (Dheck otte` ^ lyltnor ^ Arnbndin~ ~ Final L) Vacating ^ Rapl~t {SSDa,00) (i;.1D0.00) {s4D0.00) (5400.40) ISB00.8Q)• 'Includes pubrc heading fee Is ItFris plat in the ETJ? ~ Yes X No _ I FbR OFFICE USE OMLY I DATE SUBMITr'ED: ~ `J ~~ i'y;~_ 1 1 'f ~4r~.ti FINAL PLAT APPLI~A7~C~N The tollpwing itarns must be ^ubmitxad byr an estabtiahed fllin~ deadline date for P&Z Gommiaslan soosiderativn. MihlllYlUM StIBMITTAt_ I~EQUIRi_MEt~1TS: K Filing Fee (see above) ~1DTE: Multiple Sheets - $55_QO Der additional sheet til3riance Request to 3uhdivision Regulations ~ $'104 {+f appliaab.~e} t3e~relopment Permit Application Fee of $2p0.04 (if applicable). ~~ --~_ ~ K Inrrastructure IrtisprrCtiran fee of $6D0.00 (applic2tSl~e if any public -nfr2structure is being construCtedy ~ Application cernpteted in full. Copy of ariginel deed restrictionsJcovarants f©r realats (rf applicable. X Fourteen ~14~ `oltied copies of plat. {~. signed ,fi'tyl3r original must I~ submitted after staff reVieur.~ X Paid tax zartifirates from City of College Station, Drazos bounty 2nd College Station t.S_D. ~f _ A copy Hof the att+~Ched Checklist with aJl items checked dff ar 0 brief explanation as to why they Ore not. Two {2} copies of public fnfrastru~ture plans assoraated with [his plat {if applicable). Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Psrks & Recreation E3oard, plea3e provide proof of approval {~i applicablz). Dat$ of Pre~pPlicatlt~n Conference: Nr1ME OF S~ BDIVISIflFv' Gateway Phase ~ _ ~_ `_ `_ SPECIFIED LOCATI4hl CF PROPt'iSED SUBDIVISIfliV I;Loi ~ 81ack~ ~4t 1 81oCit 1 ~ _ APPLICANTfPROJECT MANAGER'S 1NFflRhAATIfJN fPrirtiaty Contact fpr the Pr~lect): Name Bra~os`Gateway Piacr i3evaloRment, Ltd=Day' Scarmarclo-President _ Streei Address 12139 tUorth Harve MY ItChetl iP2rkwa•~_ City Baran ~_ State 7X Zip Code iT$D5 [-Malt AddreSS david(~scdrrnardofoads.corn Phone Number 97g-7~9-7209 Fax Numt+er 979-B22-T7§3 . PI~C?RERTY pWNER'S INFORMATIaN (ALL onerners roust be identified. PlQase attach an add'+tioral sheet for multiple owner5l' Name Sane As Applicant Street Address City _ State ^ Zip Code E-Mail Address _ _ _ __ PhOrae Number Feot Number ARCHITECT OR EN~INEE~'$ INFORMATIQrJ~ Mame ~ljn3# ~ meeri & Sure ' S>-- StreetAridness 41bt Texas Ave. fiuiteA City i3ilri~_ Stets TX zip Cede X7802 C-Neil Address frcd~klingenfl.cnm _ ~`rona Number g79-ti46-~Z,l 12 Fax Mumbei 979-84 8252 Gri ~~ 3 1 nr$ • • r ~~ ~a Da any deed r~e$:ricGons Or oDVenanls exist fpr this prCrpeAy7 Yes Na X is tRere a temporary brankei easemant on this property? if so, please provide the volume ~ and gage ~ ~. Acreage - Total Property ^ 7.59 ate, total a of Lots 1 R-O-W Acreage 0 Existing LJse; Vacant Proposed Use: Condaminiunr~ hlurnber of Lets 13y Zoning District ~_ ~ Rid ; Average Acreage Ci Each RssidenGai Lot ny ZnnintJ tiistrsct: X581 furl i _ 1 Floodplain Acreage 2 4 ac A ata6ement addressing any diti`erenCes behveen the Final Plat and approti~ed Mastzr Plan andr4r Preliminary Plat (if sppli~ble}; Revised ~s~odplsin per 2403 LDMR, Adde devetoeJment succif.~ easements Requested Variances 7v Subd'IVision Regulations & Rea9gn For Sa~'ne: None _ _ Requested ~versiae Participation: Nana Total Linear Footage of PropOSeti Public: Streets S'Id9W~11{S Sanitary 5evrer Lines 3.D75 Water Lines 14~ Channels 45D Storm Sv~nrars Bike Lanes 1 Paths Parkland Dedication dud ptiorto filing the Final Plat: I ACR~4GE; # of acres to t>e ded'icated + ~_ development free # of acre3 in floddplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU tDF LAiUD: 78 # of Single-Family ~7welling Ur.;ts X X556 = S X13,368.04 _ ~ [date) ApprOVed' ay Parks a ReCr'eation Rpard ~ NOTE; pIGJTAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBlIiITTED PRl4R TO FILING. Tt19 applicsn~ has prrpered i~trs dpplrcati~n a~7[f Carti{iss that tine facts sta~e~ hera~n art,/ axtribi;8 artacheil her+eb are true, corr~cf, aril! co~~ete. Tare undersrgr~ed hereby requests appravaJ 4y the G.k'y pf Corl'e~ Slatron of the a6~ove-irlenrrliac! tinarpdet and attes~~ tit {his raques f does ,~1 anr~.ncl any covenants or nas.+ncti~oru associated v.~ilir rftiS plat /r---- j ! + ~ ~ t~ • ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ _ Signature ahd ~' e ~~ Da ~~~ • Fi+13t1Y3 - °15 Consent Agenda 3.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Southern Trace Phase ~ consisting of Sq lots on 14.31 acres located at Wellborn Road in the general vicinity of the intersection of Barron Road and William D. Fitch Parkway. Case #o6-soo~i (LB) • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner Report Date: November 7, 2006 Email: Iboyerla~cstx.gov Meeting Date: November 16, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500221 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Southern Trace Phase 2 consisting of 59 lots on 14.31 acres located at Wellborn Road in the general vicinity of the intersection of Barron Road and William D. Fitch Parkway. Applicant: BCS Development, owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the final plat with the condition that the attached Staff Review Comments are addressed. Item Summary: This plat is in preparation for the second phase of the Southern Trace subdivision. The applicant is proposing to develop under the cluster development platting option. Cluster development is allowed by right in all zoning districts and allows decreased lot sizes with accompanying common area. Clusters may not exceed the overall density requirement for the zoning district. The proposed plat has a density of 4.12 units per acre, and total common area of 0.89 acres. Additionally, the plat includes a private access easement along the rear of lots for parking and access. These will function similarly to the access easements which were approved on Phase • 1. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan designates this area as Single Family Residential, Medium Density. The property has frontage on Wellborn Road, a major arterial, and William D. Fitch Parkway, a freeway on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. The property is surrounded by large lot agricultural, single family development, and vacant property to the south, and Southern Trace subdivision to the north. The entire area is designated as Single Family Residential, Medium Density on the Land Use Plan. This plat is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Regulations, and the Preliminary Plat. Item Background: The subject property was annexed in 1995 and was subsequently rezoned A-O, Agricultural Open. The property was rezoned to R-1, Single Family Residential on August 7, 2006 with a condition of a buffer between the new subdivision and the existing large lot development to the south. The property is not platted. Recent development activity in the vicinity includes Phase 1 of Southern Trace Subdivision to the north, and Edelweiss Gartens Phase 6-12 located east across William D. Fitch Parkway. Budgetary 8~ Financial Summary: None. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommended fee in lieu of land dedication on Juty 26, 2006. The total amount for this plat is $30,024. • • Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the final plat. The options regarding the final plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Staff Review Comments 4. Copy of Final Plat (provided in packet) • • • CI'i Y or ('.C.)I.i.L•~E .51nTlON ~':an•a:vt LZ'! 1wv?.;rrN.N .4'~r?.y • Marne _B Development C_omDany: Contact Name. Mr. Rand drench _~ _ Street Address 41090 5H t3 South City ~olleoe Station State T a,~i Zip Cede 7745 E-Mail Address rfrenchr~stvlecra - uittiers. om Phone N+~mber ~979~90-1~~. ~._ Fax Number 979 ~ -0348 ______ " ~ ~ Fi3R OPFI t1SE GNLY ~ ~'V' ~4 PB~Z CASE NO.: %' kl " ~"~ \,) ~" ~` O~TE SUBMITTED; ~r ! l ~ - - - -i] FI~lA~ PLAT APPLtGAT~ON ~:; ~Cher:k one) ^ Minor ^ Arnending ~~ Ftnal ^ Vacating [] iteplat tssoa.oo) isaoo.ooi {il7Va.oo) ~s4oo.aa) iibao.oory• "ladudes public hearing fee is this plat in the ~TJ? [] Yes No The t`nttawing trems must de submltt~d by an establ'~shed fitlnp deadline date for P8-Y Cornmiaaion conaidernttvn. Mlt`1lt~UJ~ SUl3MIT1'A~ R~(~UIR~MfNrs: ~C_ Filing Fee {see above) hIC~TE: Multiple Sheets - $55 OG per additional sheet I+tIA Variance Request to SubdiyrSibrt Regufatians ~ $'TUU iif applicable) _~{ pevelopmsrt Permit Application Fee of $200-CO {if applicable). ~( Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $f;~U,tlO (applicable if any public infrastructure is being r~orlSirUCted} iC Application vompletad in full. NlA Gapy at original dee+~ restriotionsr'coven2nts for replats {if applicable). X Fourteen {14} folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar ar+grnal must be submitted after staff rev+ew.} ?C Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, eraias County and College Station I.S.D. X A copy rrf the atiacJ'led Ch:Cklist -viitt all items Ct1eCKet1 art or a tar-ef explanation as to why th®y are not. X Two (~) copies Of public infrastructure puns associated with this p+tat i;if applicable). X Parkland Dedicatron requircrnent approved by the Parks U Reor~stian Board, please provide proof of .approval {if_applcable). Date of P~eapplication Conference: NAFAE OF SUBDIVISIQN SCIUTHEt~N TitAC6 SUBi]IV1SOk. PHAS~_ ~, SPECrFIE[7 LOCATION 4F PROPOSED SUBDIVISION $Qbertnson S rvay : 5~4. Colle 'tatlon -~i ~~,.lrrr~. AP?LICANTJPRO_'r`CT MANAGER'S IN~ORMATIOhI (Primary ConiarJt for the Pro;eCt): PR4PCI~Y1' OWMER~S Jrr~aRnti4Tronf (ALL Owners rnufit b9 identified. Please attach an additional sY~eet for rnul;iple awlersa: Name Same a~ab~rve ARCHITECT QR ENGINEER'S !h1F4Rhtrl714~1: Name McClure & Browne ~nc~~ineerin ?Surva in c.' nlaci~o>?: Nor. J. C3ale_6rowne. Jr.. P.F. Street Address 10DB UVoodcreek Drive _ _ City _CoHetae Stati~nn_ _ r~ State Texas Zip Cosye 77845 _ Phare Number L7g:~g3-3835 ~„ G-Mail Address DalaB{r~~CClura!erowr~e.com Fax Number c~79Z -25x4 _ _, Rr 191 7~ i :~[ • • • Do any deed restrictions nr covenants exist for this property? Yes hto X Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? If so. please prav'~de tna 1+alurne .and Page # Acreage ~ Trial Property 1d. 9 y9 acres Totar * of Lots 9 Lots R-O-UV Acreage 3 88 acres Existing Use'. A-b~~ Proposed Use: ,R~- hlurntrer of Lots sy Zoning bistrict 59 ! R=1 leverage Acreage Qf 1=ach G~esidential Lot By Zoning pistrici• p=748 ! R-~ Florxiplain Acreage None A statement addrassing cry differences ttetween the Final Plat and approved Master Play antiivr Preliminary Plai {iF applicable}: None Requested Variances Ta Subdivis'son Regulations R Reason For S$me: Non Req~,asled D,rersize f~art~cipation~ None Tetal Linear rr4ot~ge t~f Proposed Public: 3059 Stre~ls 5~2 Sid~x'alks 2278 Sanitary $evrer Lines X168 Water Lines -~- Channels 1378 5torrn Sewers -0- Bike Lanes ! P2~ths Parkland Dedication due prig to filing the Final f?tat; ACFZEAGC: # of acres to be dedicated + $ develnprnent fee # of acres in flraodplain ~ of acres in detention _ # of Gores in greenways i~R FEE tIV LtEI! Or LAND: # of Sirtigle-Family D~wellin~ Liniis X X556 ='~ ~- ,_ _ (date) P~pproved by Parks 8 Recreation Board NDTE: DIGITAL GDPY t3F PLAT MUST BE SI~BMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. 7ing 6~p,,~llCdrtt haS i~r'~P8r+9d rr-rs &ppJ,Cddan Sr-.7 Cerifh83 rAat the 1~C!s steteq• ~-dlbfrr e~id exhib;ta aL~lc:hed !'ierviv am tru9, oo-reol, and oorrrfNata. The undersigned hereby tea~rests alapra'rat by lire Dity of Coil~ge Stal~vr, al the above-iClcntiGed 1fn8i p,at end aftesis thal'his rearrest does rnt emend arty caverrartts or rostrr'ctians associated with lhrs plat r+ ~ ~, ...~_ !! Sign to anQTit~ ~ ar' 3'43 rr r ~~-~1 ~'• - - - - - Qate . 2a~tf STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS NO. 1 Project: Southern Trace Phase 2 - 06-00500221 CJ C~ PLANNING 1. Construction Documents will not be released until Landscaping Plan has been submitted in compliance with City Ordinance 2916 for the Rezoning of Southern Trace Phase 2. 2. Add note to Final Plat: Landscaping along southern property edge will be planted and maintained in compliance with City of College Station Ordinance 2916 for the Rezoning of Southern Trace Phase 2. Maintenance is the responsibility of the HOA. Reviewed by: Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner Date: November 7, 2006 Home ofTeBas A&M University Consent Agenda 3.5 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. * October S, X006 Workshop Minutes * October S, X006 Regular Minutes * November ~, X006 Workshop Minutes * November ~, X006 Regular Minutes • iC~'T'Y OF CC71..LEC:E ~"Cr~7'IC7N 1'lw'uur~tg C~' fkt~e(op~rnt Srt~rrttt MINUTES Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, October 5, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman John Nichols k Dictson, Glenn Schroeder, Harold Strong, Dennis Christiansen and Marsha ~ :ord. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Bill Davis. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: .,;<U"John CITY STAFF PRESENT: Staff PlannersJa ~~ chu Grant Wenc~'and Crissy Hartl, Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka, Plann ~ ministrator Molly Hitchcock, Graduate Civil Engineer Josh Norto Transportation ~ er Ken Fogle, Acting Director Lance Simms, Staff Assistants Britt : ~ ~: rthauer and ~~ Lindgren, Senior Assistant City Attorney Angela Deluca, and Dep `.. h~'~,~Ianager Te :: elders. :; hti ~C. 1. Call meeting to order. ~~' .~~'``~~`~'~~<`~"" ;, ~~`. n4 Chairman N,}~~ls ca~~~e meeting` ~ order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ori°ii`iisent Agenda Items 3.4 and 3.5 and Regular 3. 4. plats approved by Staff. Phase 3 ~ Case #06-500165 (LB) Planner, presented the Crescent Pointe plat. Presentation;- discussion and possible action regarding the Planning and Zoning Commission's Plan of Work which includes consideration of future tasks in coordination with the City Council's strategic planning process. (LS) At this time the Plan of Work was considered and the rankings were tallied and reviewed. 5. Presentation and discussion concerning the Planning & Development Services Director search. (TC) • P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes October 5, 2006 Page 1 of 3 Discussion of c '~"~t ab Terry Childers, Deputy City Manager, discussed with the Commission the status on the search for the Director of Planning and Development Services. • 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. (LS) October 10, 2006 ~ 5:30 p.m. ~ City Hall Council Chambers ~ Open Government Training October 12, 2006 ~ 3:00 p.m. ~ City Hall Council Chambers ~ Joint Workshop with City Council October 18-20, 2006 ~ Corpus Christi, Texas ~ Y fate Conference October 26, 2006 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ Conference ° e ~ CPAC Meeting November 6, 2006 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ Co ~ c Center AC Meeting .~ November 16, 2006 ~ 6:00 p.m, ouncil ~ hambers ~ P ~~ ~~fmg December 4, 2006 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ Cif 4' ~,'on ess December 7, 2006 ~ ~ ...m. ~ Council . bers ~ P&Z Briefing ~ 4<: ~ February 22, 2007 ~ ~ ~ `''~ ~~:.. Council `'embers ~ City Council Briefing ~~; .~y~t4;~:~~`~.~~~ ;~~,~` • ~ March~~~;'~~3 `:~ ~ 6:00 p.m. ~onferenc~~'Center ~ CPAC Meeting ~~`~ `\, Apr'f~~~~: 06 ~ ~k~0 p.m. ~ Cod~~l~~Chambers ~ P&Z Briefing e`~ 24, 2 7: ' ~ `~. pint Workshop of P&Z and CPAC ~~~. May , or 17 2007 ~ Council Chambers ~ City Council Public ~° Hearing ding ptance of CPAC Goals ,~ Lan ms, Act' Director reviewed the calendar of upcoming events. 7. Presentati is sion, and possible action regarding an update to the College Station Com ensive Plan. (JP) ~ AMENDED Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented an update regarding the Comprehensive Plan. 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • No future agenda items were discussed. P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes October 5, 2006 Page 2 of 3 9. Adjourn. • Commissioner Christiansen motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Dictson seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Approved: John Nichols, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistant Planning and Development Services • • P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes October 5, 2006 Page 3 of 3 • r~ ,~„~ t,,..i`1'Y OF ~C)Ll_CGP ~'CA1'IUN ffl+rrlui~rg d'.fhi+~lopmm~ Stririax MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, October 5, 2006 at 7:00 p. m. Council Chambers College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman John Nichols, Derek Dictson, Glenn Schroeder, Harold Strong, Dennis Christiansen and Marsha Sane. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Bill Davis. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners J,. ~~'~n Schu ert, Grant ~ a~a~ Hartl, Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka, ~~ ~ ' g A istrator Mo ~ ~~Ii Graduate Civil Engineer Josh Norton, Transportati ~ er en Fogle, A ting Lance Simms, Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren, Sem ~ . ssistant City Attorney Deluca and Information Services Red' .. ntative B an ~~~~":~ 1. Call meeting to order. Chairman Nicho~,~Cl the meetin`~~~`'order at`b~5 p.m. ~.. ~~ 2. Hear Citi No one 3. G~isent . Crissy Director Angela 3. resentation, siblection, and discussion on a Vacating Plat of Lot 8R Block and a F' Plat of Lots 8R & 9 of Block Two of the Edelweiss Business consis g of 1.57 acres located at 12815 FM 2154 on the east side of Wel between Rock Prairie Road and Mortier Drive. Case #06-500186 (JR) 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Dove Crossing Phase 3 & 4 consisting of 71 lots on 15.85 acres located at Graham Road in the general vicinity of the intersection of Graham Road and Alexandria Avenue. Case #06-500190 (LB) • 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Castlerock Subdivision Phase lA consisting of 30 Lots on 13.384 acres located north of Castlegate Subdivision along the north side of William D. Fitch Parkway. Case #06-500192 (JR) P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes October 5, 2006 Page 1 of 4 3.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for the Sonoma Subdivision consisting of 165 lots on 40.38 acres located at 2755 Barron Road in • the general vicinity of the southeast corner of the intersection of Barron Road and State Highway 40. Case #06-500187 (GV~ 3.5 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Southern Trace Phase 2 Subdivision consisting of 59 lots on 14.31 acres located at Wellborn Road in the general vicinity of the intersection of Barron Road and William D. Fitch Parkway. Case #06-500174 (LB) 3.6 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. * September 21, 2006 ~ Workshop Meeting Minute * September 21, 2006 ~ Regular Meeting Minute Commissioner Strong motioned to app ~ , e Consent Agenda. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion ~>ma~ 'on nas ~ :(6-Ol. Re lgu ar A eg_ nda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible act Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from • 5. Presentation, possible action, and ~~ c K Blocks and Se~',~ ,13-C Lot presentation, p ' ~ w :: ,and disci Subdivision ~`~sting o ' X63 lots on Road and Bent'"`.''`'- Dri "`'',approxim in the Citv's Extra- i ` ~:i~dicti Agenda. the Consent ~'" ~ V ~ nce Request to Section 12- of t `: division Regulations and a n on a~'~reliminary Plat for Saddle Creek ,145 acres generally located at Wellborn ;::line mile south of Greens Prairie Road Case #06-500191 (CI-n the Variance Requests and Preliminary Plat Joe tz, 2900 L mire, College Station, Texas, spoke in favor of the project and ad d quest' s by the Commissioners. Commission ford motioned to approve the Variance Requests as stated. Commission Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (4-2). Chairman Nichols, Commissioners Sanford, Christiansen and Schroeder were in favor of the motion; Commissioners Strong and Dictson were in opposition of the motion. • Commissioner Christiansen motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat as submitted. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (4-2). Chairman Nichols, Commissioners Sanford, Christiansen and Schroeder were in favor of the motion; Commissioners Strong and Dictson were in opposition of the motion. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes October 5, 2006 Page 2 of 4 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Comprehensive Plan amendment for approximately .44 acres located at 2201 Texas Avenue South, • from Single-Family Residential -High Density to Regional Retail. Case #06- 500082 (JP) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and stated staff recommended denial. Greg Taggart, Municipal Development Group, College Station, Texas, stated that he represented the applicants and spoke in favor of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and addressed questions from the Commissioners. Denise Sheppard, 105 Sterling, College Station, Te and Adrian Williams, McGruder Family Representative, College Station, , ~ ~ both spoke in favor of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. ,:~> ~ , ~~ Chairman Nichols closed the public hearin~taff addres _ uestions by the Commissioners. a~ .,.. Chairman Nichols reopened the public hey ~ a ~~, Commissi~h~~~called upon Greg Taggart for further questions. Mr. T assisted Commissioners with questions regarding the Comp nsive Plan Ame :. ent. > .. 't e~' James McGruder, College Sta'gn;~~4<~ " 'a~ ~ Mr. ~~~~.`.~~ ruder stated that all homeowners within the 200-foof`4notif ` ::wfi: ea were present at the public ~~ ~~ ~~Y ` • hearing and that tom.;` 'cy did a go~i;`jh~ in g ~ out documentation to those individuals. _~~~ ~~~~~:. ':~ Chairman I~chb _~~.~osed~#e public e:o Vitro tated "tlt~~he would be in favor of assisting the borhoo aki anges in the area and agreed that changes needed ake place b at h '>~d not support the request of Regional Retail. issioner St mo ned to recommend to City Council denial of the req or the Co ~ rehensive Plan Amendment as presented. Commissioner Dictso nded t motion, motion passed (6-0). 7. Public hearin ~ sentation, possible action, and discussion on a request to rezone approximate) .44 acres located at 2201 Texas Avenue South from R-1 Single- Family Residential to C-1 General Commercial. Case #06-500084 (JP) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the rezoning and stated that staffdid not feel that a rezoning to General Commercial would be in line with the City Council's goal of neighborhood integrity. Adrian McGruder, McGruder Family Representative, College Station, Texas. Mr. McGruder addressed the Commission and asked for their assistance regarding thoughts of what type of changes could be made for the area that the Commission • would agree to. Mr. MrGruder was advised to get with staff and go over other recommendations for the property. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes October 5, 2006 Page 3 of 4 Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Commissioner Sanford motioned to recommend denial of the rezoning request • to the City Council. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). • • Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There were no additional items other than what was the workshop meeting. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to seconded the motion, motion passed (6 John Nichols, Chairman Planning and Zoning C, P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes October 5, 2006 discussed during r Schroeder Page 4 of 4 • • Cris ot+ Cc~i..~.~c:~: S~r~r~caN Pfrtx~trng d-I~~rlopm,rnt 5rruirrs MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, November 2, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman John Nichols, o strong, Marsha Sanford, Bill Davis, Dennis Christiansen and Glenn Schroed:- ~,_~ COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Derek Dictson..y ~~ ~~~ CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: .~;~ N CITY STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Cris~~` ~ ~_ rt'i~~say Boyer, .;rant Wencel and Jason Schubert, Senior Planner Jennifer Proch~ ~ Planning Intern Hayden Migl, Planning Administrator Molly Hitch~~ ~, k, Assistant Cif ~~ ~ ineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and J ~ : ~ ti., ton, Acting ~~. ~ ctgr Lance Simms, Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren, Assistant Cite ~'~i~ _.:~c„Carla Roh~~~n, Information Services :.,. ::,~k~, Representative Brian Cook. ~tij;::;~~»:~,,,. Call meeting to Chairman NichY3~ ;~~lled .~ meeting to c~~.~i• at 7:05 p.m. 2. Hea ~ t th e, the~~ian will open the floor to citizens wishing to a ~ ess the 'ssio lanning and zoning issues not already scheduled on 'ht's agend . e ci <p~-esentations will be limited to three minutes in o to accommo eve ne who wishes to address the Commission and to alto quate tim r completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive informa ~ n, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on ture enda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give me and address for the record.) No one spoke during this item. • 3. Consent Asenda. 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Vacating Plat and Final Plat for Duck Haven Phase II. The Vacating Plat consists of 22 lots and a common area on 21.43 acres and the Final Plat consists of 20 lots on 13.99 acres located along Drake Drive, near the intersection of Drake Drive and Wellborn Road in the City's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Case #06-500202 (JP/JS/CC) P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes November 2, 2006 Page 1 of 5 • 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for the Lakeside Village Subdivision consisting of 56 lots on 13.79 acres located at SH 6 S in the general vicinity along the proposed extension of Eagle Avenue and west of Longmire Drive. Case #06-500196 (LB/CC) Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion and possible meetings. <h 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Shenandoah Phases 10 & 11 consisting of 80 lots on 24.07 of acres generally located on the south side of Barron Road at Newport Lane. Case #06-500212 (JS/JN) 3.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Williams Creek Phase 7 consisting of 19 lots on~,' Prairie Road. Case #06-500214 (JR/CC) Commissioner Sanford motioned to Commissioner Davis seconded the motior \'• * John Nichols ~ November 16, Z~: ~'~ ~~. • ~~ Commissioner Davis motioned f, €~:~ ~• Commissioner ..~~'~~~ seconde Commissions ` . Davis,..~,~,~.~)iroeder, favor of tle~~, ~tion; >~~ one was abstained from f • ate~~~~~_ 5. by Co po 6. • assed Plat -Residential for located at 9500 Rock onsent Agenda. request for absence from & •~r Meeting }... rov~`'~' "~~bsence request submitted. e' motion, motion passed (5-0-1). ~tiansen, Sanford and Strong were in ~,~;opposition and Chairman Nichols action on items removed from the Consent No were remo• fro~i the Consent Agenda. Yresentat ossi action, and discussion on a Master Plan for the River Stone Subdivision g of 202.648 acres located in the general vicinity of the north side of Green rairie Road West at the intersection of Sweetwater Drive. Case #06-500185 ( B) Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the item stating that it was in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval. Commissioner Strong motioned to approve the Master Plan. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes November 2, 2006 Page 2 of 5 • 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Master Development Plan for Bird Pond Estates consisting of approximately 75.35 acres located on the south side of Bird Pond Road, just north east of Rock Prairie Road. Case #06-500180 (~~) Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the Master Plan and stated that the plan was in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Subdivision Regulations and recommended approval. There was a citizen that wanted to make a comment on the ' em. Chairman Nichols opened the floor for comments. :.~ Johna Gauze, 1712 Strand Lane, College S opposition of the project. She was concerned traffic issues. :~ Bruce Jones, 2295 East Placid Drive, ~ the development but stated that he had Cody Catalena, Developer, Co ~ e Station, T the development and addres ncerns Commission. ~~~ •~`~;~>.. • Commissioner Christiansen mot submitted. Co.w~~`~~r Strong of the Master Plan as ,motion passed (6-0). 8. Public hearing~`~'~~; entati```:`~, possible act:' 1~~4 and discussion on a Rezoning for Bird Pond Estates fro O ~ , s ral Op ~ to A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision, consi '~ pro tely es located at 1601 Bird Pond Road, just n~ ~ ~ ast o rain ad. Case #06-500181 (JR/JN) Boyer, St lanne resented the Rezoning and recommended approval. Eaur 310 H ~ Drive East, College Station, Texas. Mr. Havu had questions regarding t typ f development would take place. Staff informed Mr. Havu and the Co ' • ers what type of development could occur in the area. Commissioner Davis motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning to City Council, communicating to City Council the concerns from the Citizens regarding traffic and the condition of Bird Pond Road and that those items should be addressed. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). • 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Great Oaks consisting of 224.5 acres located at Rock Prairie Road West and Great Oaks Drive in the City's Extra-territorial Jurisdiction. Case #06-500205 (CH/JS/JN) P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes November 2, 2006 ~T < Ms. Gauze spoke in the c :: • 'ons of the road and ~ Texas; Mr. ~ w~ favor of e traffic in t ' •area. ex's ~, .Catalena spoke in favor of and ions of the citizens and Page 3 of 5 Crissy Hartl, StaffPlanner, presented the Master Plan and recommended approval. • Joe Brown, McClure and Brown, College Station, Texas. Mr. Brown was called to address questions from the Commission. Fred Anderhohn, 2208 Quail Run, College Station, Texas. Mr. Anderhohn spoke in opposition of the development because of the traffic in the area. Ed Hard, 11760 Durrand, College Station, Texas. Mr. Hard spoke in opposition to the development. Marla Binzel, 11783 Great Oaks Drive, College Station Ms. Binzel spoke in opposition to the development. She stated that shed , there was a public safety hazard regarding the traffic in the area and the stre~.~ °~ ,, Commissioner Schroeder motioned to d~~'~Vlaster ' Commissioner ~~~~.. 4 '~1~ 10. Public hearing, presentation, p action, and ~ ssion on a rezoning of 44 acres from A-O Agricultural O ~ ~: ~ ~ -1 Single ~~ ~ :'~~y~y Residential to A-O Agricultural Open and R-4 Mull' Fa ' ~ .~ 4;> - 1300.,; arvey Mitchell Parkway • South. Case #06-500142 (CH/JN)~ ::>~~``'~ ~`~`~h~~~' i~ ~ ~;: \\4 Crissy Hartl, M1Sf Plan ,,~ presented t~, Rezoning and stated that the request was in compliant~e`~`~"'~: the C`~~'prehensive l? and recommended approval. ~ t ~. Don , De er, ~ ~'`at~oral, Austin, Texas. Mr. Hammond spoke in or o elop ~ and note changes made since the last presentation to Commissio ,~ Mr: ~ , 11760 D d, College Station, Texas. Mr. Hard spoke in favor of the develo ~ . t but co unicated concerns regarding access and traffic. Commissio ~istiansen motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning request as su fitted to City Council. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 11. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Conditional Use Permit for Winestyles Wine & Gifts located at 1741 University Drive E in the Gateway Retail Center directly behind Cheddars restaurant. Case #06-500213 (JS) Christiansen seconded the motion, mot' passed (5-0-1). an Nichols, Commissioners Strong, Sanford, Ch ' `~ sen a~. Schroeder 'favor of the motion; no one was in opposition ~~ : ~ e ~on; Commi ~ i'oner Davis abstained from the vote. Jason Schubert, Staff Planner, presented the Conditional Use Permit and recommended approval. • No one spoke during the public hearing. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes November 2, 2006 Page 4 of 5 • Commissioner Strong motioned to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit as submitted with the condition that some type of partition or physical separation be put between the outside seating area and parking lot. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 12. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding adoption of the Planning and Zoning Commission's Plan of Work. (LS) Lance Simms, Acting Director, presented the updated Plan of Work to the Commission for adoption. • Commissioner Christiansen motioned to adopt to City Council. Commissioner Davis seconder 0). ~? 13. Adjourn. ,~ti {: ~~~ Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn. ~~ ».i seconded the motion, motio _. assed (6-0). ~` .~ Meeting was adjourned at S:~ ::~ :4~<>~~~~ \..~.v. ..i `.~}~~ `~: Approved: :.~`~~ °,~';`~ i~ ``4`••t ~4~ ` ,,. John Nic ~ `"" Plann' and Zoning issi ,~ ,~ Attest: Lisa Lindgren, Staffssistant Planning and Development Services P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes November 2, 2006 of Work and submit it ion, motion passed (6- oner Schroeder Page 5 of 5 Consent Agenda 3.6 Consideration, discussion and possible action on request for absence from meetings. Bill Davis ~ November i6, X006 Workshop ~3 Regular Meeting j Lisa Lindgren Request for Absence __ ,_ _ _._. _~:~.. _ _ _.._..__. ___: _..... . • From: "Bill (George W.R.) Davis" <bill@pianoplace.net> To: "'Lisa Lindgren"' <Liindgren@cstx.gov> Date: 10/27/2006 10:20 am Subject: Request for Absence Lisa I may have already done this -but in case I haven't. 1. I will be out of town for the November 16th P&Z Meeting and request an excused absence for that date. 2. The remaining P&Z meetings that I have on my calendar for this year are a special at 12:00 on Dec 5th and a regular meeting on December 7th. I have Council Liaison on December 11th and and the first P&Z meeting in 2007 is January 4th. 3. I have a CPAC Citizens congress at 6pm on Monday Dec 4th. If I am missing anything please let me know :-) Bill (George W.R.) Davis, RPT 1006 Holt St College Station TX 77840-2621 (979) 695-1475 www.pianoplace.net • Page 1 • to s action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Great Oaks consisting of ~~4.5 acres located at Rock Prairie Road West and Great Oaks Drive in the City's Extra-territorial Jurisdiction. Case #o6-S00~37 ~CH~ • ., .~ Project Manager: Crissy Hartl Email: chartlCa~cstx.gov Project Number: 06-00500237 STAFF REPORT Report Date: November 6, 2006 Meeting Date: November 16, 2006 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Master Plan for Great Oaks consisting of 224.5 acres located at Rock Prairie Road West and Great Oaks Drive in the City's Extra-territorial Jurisdiction. Applicant: Steve Arden, Project Manager Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Master Plan. ETJ Plats -Brazos County's comments and recommendations: None Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a Master Plan for a single family residential development of 224.5 acres. The plan includes ten phases of development, including one developed phase. Master Plans are intended to be conceptual in nature and serve to show the general layout of land uses, streets, utilities, and other public facilities. Based on the Master Plan, upon buildout the development would have six external connections, with provisions for a seventh. Of these seven connections, three are to existing roadways and four are to undeveloped property. The three existing connections include Rock Prairie Road West via Great Oaks Drive, Walnut Road via Arboleda Drive, and Feather Run via an unnamed minor collector to be built with the development. Rock Prairie Road West is shown as a minor arterial on the City's Thoroughfare Plan, and Walnut Road and Feather Run are rural residential streets. The four future connections include two into the Abbate tract, one to the Borski tract that will connect to Jones-Butler Road, and one to the Kemp tract that could also connect to Jones-Butler Road. The applicant is proposing a minor collector through the development connecting between Great Oaks Drive and Feather Run. The capacity of a minor collector is 5,000 vehicles per day. The applicant will be required to request variances to all applicable development standards, including block length at the preliminary plat stage. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan projects Rural Density Residential for this area, but the City has no authority over land use in the ETJ. This portion of Rock Prairie Road West is shown as a future minor arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan. Item Background: A Master Preliminary Plat was approved for this development in June 2000. Phase I received final plat approval in September 2000, and was developed shortly after. At the time that the Master Preliminary Plat was approved, they had a shelf life of one year, and could be extended with the approval of each final plat. The last action taken on this development was the approval of the Phase I Final Plat; therefore, the Master Preliminary Plat has expired. • • Since that time, the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) was adopted in 2003 and now requires all major subdivisions that will be developed in more than one phase and contain more than 50 acres, or more than 100 residential units to have an approved Master Plan. This request is in compliance with the City's subdivision regulations and UDO. The Planning 8 Zoning Commission was presented with a Master Plan in June 2006, but it was denied because of connectivity concerns. At the last Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, a Master Plan was presented and denied because of density and connectivity concerns. Budgetary ~ Financial Summary: NA Related Advisory Board Recommendations: Since the property is in the ETJ, the Parks and Recreation Board does not review this Master Plan. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the Master Plan. The options regarding the Master Plan are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Copy of Master Plan (provided in packet) • • Regular Agenda 6 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations Section ~~-K Blocks and a presentation, possible action, and discussion on a preliminary plat for Bradley Estates consisting of i4 lots on 48.34 acres generally located south of River Road on Whites Creek Road in the City's Extra-territorial Jurisdiction. Case #o6-SOO~Oq NCH/GW/CC~ • • C7 Project Manager: Crissy Hartl Email: chart) _cstx.gov Project Number: 06-00500209 STAFF REPORT Report Date: November 6, 2006 Meeting Date: November 16, 2006 Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Variance to Subdivision Regulations Section 12-K Blocks and a presentation, possible action, and discussion on a preliminary plat for Bradley Estates consisting of 14 lots on 48.34 acres generally located south of River Road on Whites Creek Road in the City's Extra-territorial Jurisdiction. Applicant: Mike Beal, Agent for the Owner Staff Recommendations: If the Commission grants the requested variance, then staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat. ETJ Plats -Brazos County's comments and recommendations: None. Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a variance to Section 12-K Blocks of the Subdivision Regulations and consideration of a preliminary plat for Bradley Estates, a rural residential development. The applicant is requesting a variance to Section 12- x.2 of the Subdivision Regulations relating to block length. The maximum block length allowed within a rural single-family development is 1,500 feet. The proposed block length measures at 2,845 feet, requiring a variance for 1,345 feet. The property will drain toward a tributary of Whites Creek, located along the rear of the lots in this subdivision. There is FEMA designated floodplain along this tributary. Base flood elevations will be determined and finish floor elevations set for each lot. These requirements are the purview of Brazos County. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan projects Single Family Low Density and Floodplain & Streams for this property; however, the City has no authority over land use in the ETJ. This preliminary plat is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Item Background: This property was brought into the City's ETJ in 1963 and the property is currently unplatted. Budgetary & Financial Summary: None requested. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: Parks Board: Since the property is located in the ETJ, the Parks Board did not review this request. Commission Action Options: The Commission has final authority over the variance request. The options regarding the variance request are: ^ Approval ^ Denial The variance request shall not be granted unless the Commission finds: • 1. That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; 2. That the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; 3. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter; and 4. That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The Commission has final authority over the preliminary plat. The options regarding the preliminary plat are: ^ Approval ^ Denial Supporting Materials: 1. Small Area Map (SAM) and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Variance Request Letter 4. Copy of Preliminary Plat r1 • • ` GYrYc.)F C()i.l.t~~t;F ST_Al'f(~N PLm„iatd Dw~+itopxierirSar~uecxt FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Piz cASE Na..~ ~ ~~ ~~ DATE SUBMIT'rEb_ - a ~~ PRELIIVIINARY PLAT APPLI~ATI(~N ~ The following items must be submitted by an established fling deadline date for P & Z Commission consideration. MIfVIMUM SUBMITTAL REt;2U1REMBNTS: • X Filing Fee of $400.00. Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) X Application completed in full. X Fourteen (14) folded copies of plat. to reuised mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) na One (1) copy a!'the approved Master Plan if applicable. X A copy of the attached checklist yurth all items Checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. n~ Rezoning Application if Zone change is proposed. ~ Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of approval (if applicable. Date of Preapplication Conference: NAh4E OF SUBDIVISIQN __ Bradley Estates SPECIFIED LQGATION OF PROPOSED SLIBD1Vi5fON End of White's Creek Road APPLICANTIPROJECT PAANAGER`S INFORMATION (Primary Contact forthe Project); Name _ Centu 21 Beal (Mike Beal Street Address 404 University 17r. E Gity College Station State Tx Zip Code 77840 E-Mail Address Phone Number 879-764-2100 Fax Number PROPERTY 01NNER'S INFORMATION ~S owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name James R. Bradlev ~ Margie Ruth Bradley pcnne Street Address 616 E. 315 Street State TX Zip Code 77802 E-Mail Address Phone Number 979-775-8730 Fax Number ARCHITECT OR ~NGINESR'S INFORMATION: Name __ Kling Enoineerino 8- Surve~ind City f3rvan Street Address 4101 S. Texas Ave Ste A City _ Bryan State TX Zip Code 77802 E-Maii Address stewa kiino~n com Phone Number _ 978-84s-6212 Fax Number 979-$4$-8252 • E+13:03 1 oC4 • Total Acres Qf Subdivision 48.3 Number 4f Lots By Zoning District nla 1 Average Acreage Of >=ach Residential Lot By Zoning District: 1 1 Fioodpiain Acreage Partcland dedication by acreage ar fee? R-O-W Acreage 0.69 Total # df Lots 14 nla A statement addressing any differences between the Preliminary Plat and approved Master Plan {if applicable? n/a _ Requested variances to subdivision regulations & reason for same none # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X S556 =5 (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board The applicant has prepared thfs application and certifies Chet the facts stated herei» and exh+bits attached hereto are Prue a»d correct. The undersig»ed hereby requests approve! by the City of College Ste#ron o€ the above iderttifred plat artd attests that aN respective owners have been identified on this appricafioa_.._ .,~~ ' , /' S Signature aRd Title Date Requested oversize participation none Parkland dedication due grior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of Acres to be dedicated OR # of acres in detention # of acres in floodplain # of acre ' FEE Ih1 L11=U OF LAND: 6:13'03 2 or4 • I~.~t• ~iv~r.~rrrr~~r;c., ~ ~tr-ut~~-~Y.r1~: 't_~ernaulEinx .~n~urcrs • 1L.~ud ilurrrora 4102 Taaaa Avaane, Suite A Brysa, Texas 77803 Telephone 979J845-bZ1Z Fax 979!846-SZSZ H.J. Kling, P.E., RP.L.$. $.bt. Kling, RP.L.St. Bost OtTise Boa 4234 Bryaa, 7tiexas 77805 Email: atrwark5d~lingeag.zgm ATTACHMENT TO PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION November 3, 2406 TO' Crissy Hart! City of CaNege Station FROM: S. M. Kl~ng ~~~1~'.~~ RE: Bradley Estates -Variance Request please accept this as a request to vary the block length from tf~e required 12170' tsu6division ordinance 8-J2) to a length of 284x'. The justification far this request is as follows: +The property has 2845 feet of froniaga along an existing county roatl {White's Creeks. No • new roads are being created with this development. The reasonable use being sought is the development of the property into a rural subdivision with lets ranging in sire from 2.0 acres to 3.1 acres, There are no alternatives to this variance request. ~ -'cam 11 s~cv ~ NL~ Regular Agenda 7 Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance ~UDO~ regarding the applicability of development plats in the City of College Station and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case # os-Soo~oq • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1101 Texas Avenue South, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM November 6, 2006 TO: P&Z Commissioners FROM: Molly Hitchcock, Planning Administrator • SUBJECT: UDO AMENDMENT -DEVELOPMENT PLATS The TExAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE (Chapter 212 Subchapter B "Regulation of Property Development") allows municipalities to require a development plat for properties that are developing, but not required to final plat. This gives a city the opportunity to acquire easements, rights-of-way, etc. and identify existing conditions on properties that otherwise would not have had to plat. The City of College Station elected to be covered by this Section and require development plats with the adoption of the UDO in 2003. The ordinance has now been in effect for over three years. In the limited number of times the development plat has been required for a submittal, it has been for the development of a large- acreage single family home and the plat has effectively served no purpose. The strength of the ordinance essentially lies in its requirements for commercial and multi-family developments, discouraging development on properties that do not meet the City of College Station's standards for a lot. The proposed amendment is to exempt from the development plat requirement tracts over 10 acres that otherwise would not have to plat and that are developing for homestead and/or agricultural purposes. Attachment: Ordinance Draft (redline) cc: Case file #05-00500209 Home of Texas A&M University Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.2 Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) • Article 3. Development Review Procedures 3.3 Subdivision Plat Review Preappllca[lon Conference A. Applicability • 1. Subdivision approval shall be required (except as exempted under the TExas LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE) before any of the As bmittal following activities occur within the City limits or the limits of the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction: Re~ie a. The division of land (for any purpose) into two or more Completeness parcels; Review b. Development of a platted property where right-of-way for an identified future or additional right-of-way for an existing thoroughfare has been identified by the Varks& Comprehensive Plan• Recreatl°" ~ Board c. Development on a parcel not previously legally platted; d. Development that involves the construction of any public improvements that are to be dedicated to the City or to a county within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction; %a^"~9a Z°"~., comma:~a, e. Resubdivision of land that has previously been platted; or f. Amendment of any approved plat. Exemption: Subdivision of property that result from a governmental entity's land acquisition for public facilities such as expansion of street right-of-way. 2. Any person who proposes the development of a tract of land within the City limits or the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of College Station must have a Development Plat of the tract prepared in accordance with this Section. New development may not begin on the property until the Development Plat is filed with and approved by the City. The Administrator may waive the requirement for a Development Plat within the City limits when no parkland, infrastructure, or easement dedication is required on the subject tract. Exemptions: a. When an applicant is required to file a Preliminary or Final Subdivision Plat by other requirements of this Section, a Development Plat is not required in addition to the Subdivision Plat. b. The development of a tract .of land within the City limits or the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of College Station that meets the following criteria is not required to provide a Development Plat: i) The tract is larger than five (5) acres; 2) The tract has access; s) The development is a single family home for the use of the property owner or a member of the property owner's family, an accessory structure(s) of the home, and/or an accessory structure(s) for the benefit of agricultural uses. B. Unlawful to Record Plat Without Approval • y '_ Ii :~ ------~O~I~ERf RIDGE '~ ~ . --- • '- ~~ 1 _ ----_---::--------------------------C--- --- ~------------- ------- ------- -------- ~ -----~---•---------- •I ;------ T--------- 1 - 1 (/1 _ 1 1 1~ ^Rnl ~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- 1 -i--.• 1 = ~ = -- 1 ~ ~----°------ 1 1 ~ O~ ~ ~ ' 1 1 ~ ~ _ - ~ J 1~1 ~ 1 ~ I ' ---~ ~ 1 v /~ __ } 1 1 ~~' ~ / 1 - i m/ 1~ ff ~ I ~ n ~ >~~ 1 IQ J ~ 4 ~ ~~ 1 r- - ' ~1 1~ ~ `~~ 1 ~ ~Z v ~ 1 ~~ J' ^ ~ H ~1 1 _-f 1 N ~C r.f 1 ~ --- _ ~ 1 1 I 1 /' ^A /- n ~ 1 .~ 1 ,r,^o ~ ~ ~ _ ~ > 1 ~•-111 • -/ ••• .ESSE BlFD50E SURVEY. 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Cpl ~~ ~ tom ~Z ~Y ~ ~~ t ,~~,~ •~ _ ;i. mz ). ~o ( ~/~ ro ~, ~~~ '~ !~Y\ ~ r i~\\ -_ -- _..... A11~. 70- /% ~G\ C p ~t ~ ~~' ~n COLLEGE sS YOUR COMM VNITY ~ YOVR PLAN S T A T I O N The City of College Station Comprehensive Plan Citizens Congress • Entertainment • • Food • • Door Prizes • • Kids' Art Contest • Share Your Vision! The City of College Station is hosting a community meeting to gather input on our Comprehensive Plan update. The Plan guides decisions about the future growth and development of the City. In order to create the Plan, We Need Your Vision For College Station! Monday December 4, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. College Station Hilton College Station Comprehensive Plan -Your Community, Your Plan! For more information, please contact College Station Planning & Development Visit our website at www.csbc.gov/CompPlanUpdate at 979.764.3570 or by email at for more information about the CompPlan~CSb(.gov CrrrpFCOLI.EGESTA7'ION Comprehensive Plan Update • Ten Common Themes from the Focus Group Meetings. 1. Growth 2. Neighborhoods 3. Mobility 4. Connectivity 5. Safety 6. Identity 7. Green 8. Diversity 9. Capacity 10. Reality • • -~ ~- The Ci of ~j ~Ol e e ~~a~iOn Texas ~~ ~ • F.mhracing 1`hP Past., Exploring the Future. Legal Department I'.O. I3ox 9960 • 1101 'Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 • (979) 764-3507 FAX: (979) 7(ut-3481 www. ci.coIle~e-s to lion. tx. us MEMOI~;ANDUM PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENT~L Tb: Mayor McIlhaney and Members of the City Council Chairman and Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Harvey Cargill, Jr., City Attorney DATE: April 16, 2001 . RE: Standards for Review of Plats and Zone Changes The purpose of and basis for adopting platting and zoning regulations is to promote the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community. TExAS LocAL Gov'T CODE, Section 211.001 and Section 212.002. The standard for review of a plat is objective. The approval or disapproval of a plat is considered to be a ministerial act Section 212.005 Approval by Municipality Required: "The municipal authority responsible for approving plats "trust approve a plax or replat that is required to be prepared under this subchapter and that satisfies all applicable regulations" If the City Council or Planning and Zoning Commission want to require two or three subdivision entrances, specific lot sizes, or other such requirements, it must incorporate such provisions into the subdivision orclin;tnc:p~;. Lf the plat complies with all the subdivision standards le~lly, it must be approved by P&Z. The standard For review of zoning ordinance amendment is subjective. The standard for review of zone changes allows for much more latitude. A zone change allows P&Z and the City Council to decide if the zoning ordinance change "promotes the health and safety of the community." The City has the power to amend the basic zoning ordinance if the public necessity demands it, but any amendment ~ust bear a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare." jslo:Iharveylmemosi200llsrandard revrewpl tsdoc Home Of Texas AdzM University I-l`ome o~ the Ceorge Bush Presidential Library and Museum . ,. • Mayer Mc:Ilhancy and Members of the City Council Chairman and Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission April 16, 200] Page 2 Recently Roxanne attended a conference on Planning and Land Use. At the conference, Mr. Chuck Ellison was in attendance. The people presenting and appearing before P&Z and the Council are working to know the rules. The first speaker at the conference emphasized that time and time again P8cZ members confuse the standards for review for plat and zone changes, get sued, and lose on platting issues. The general rule on zoning is the City wins, so long as the City (P&Z or Council) doesn't expose an improper motive in its meetings, and give the Court some excuse to set aside its decision. These distinctions for review are critical. Please call if you have any questions. HC:jls cc: Roxanne Nemcik Tom Brymer • Glenn Brown Jim caraway Connie Hooks • Jsb: Iharveylmemoa1200/ Istandardtnevlcwplats.doc a~ • *~O ~O A Q . v f~ ~ N Z= (s, O ~ s f.l G4. O y z ~ ~ O U ~A y +~"' .~ ~O a'O gyp' a0. ~~~~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ y DAB w ..7 N w y a R V~ O ~ ~ N [~-~ 4 i ad ~ C R f~ O c... y ~•N O ~ ~ d~ . ~.Q~ ~ N ~ ~~ +.+ ~C~C V N d ~'C N ¢ ccv N 0' N y cv cv W .a J ~O C W ~- cv .-. ~ 0 ~ ~ J N~ 0 d'~ Z .L ¢ y '~ '~ '~ ~'y~33 a.+ c6 N ~ 'O ~ i"wJa~ O^~ N"~ O.~a t]. 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''troduetions, scope attid / 09/21/06 (Department schedule overview, project Citizens Congress checklist 2:30 .rr-. - directors,`key staff) to 'sties / Friday, None Existing land use character Existing Land Use Character 10/06/06 anal sis Ma Thursday, / 10/26/06, Focus Groups - Assess community e 9:00 a.m.- Day 1 p rceptions and concerns, None 4 00 . solicit,opinions and ideas : .m Thursday, Complete SWOT analysis, 10/26/06, CPAC 1 issues identification None 6:00 .zn: Friday, / 10/27/06, Focus Groups - Assess community i 9:00 a.m.- Day 2 percept ons and concerns,. None 4 00 .m solicit opinions and ideas : . / Monday, None Submit interim deliverable Focus Groups Summary 11/06/06 for review and distribution Monday, Review results of Focus / 11/06/06, CPAC 2 Groups, discuss Citizens None 6:00 .m. Con ess laps / Friday, None Submit deliverable for Draft Community Survey 11/10/06 review and distribution Thursday, Update on Focus Groups, / 11/16/06, P&Z Briefing 1 Citizens Congress plans and None 6:00 .m. draft Communi Surve Monday, Identify .vision statements 12/04/06, Citizens Congress and community objectives None 6:00 , .m. Thursday, 'Update nn Citi~,ens 12107/06, P&Z Briefing 2 Congress results and None 6:00 .rn. Communit Surve laps Friday, None Submit deliverable for final Final Community Survey 12/15/06 acce tance (to be conducted in Janua ) January 2007 None Conduct Community None Surve Thursday, City Council Update'on Phase 1 progress' 02/22/07,_ Mid-Point to date and upcoming None 7:00 .m. $riefin activities • Kendig Keast Collaborative Prepared 09/25/06 I KENDIG KEAST C O L L A B O R A T I V E 574 Brooks Street I Sugar land, Texas 77478 phone : 28].242.29bb Fax :281.242.1115 College Station Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) SWOT SUMMARY On October 26, 2006, the City-appointed Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) met for the first time with the City's Comprehensive Plan consultant, Kendig Keast Collaborative (KKC). KKC facilitated a "SWOT" (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities- Threats) discussion with the CPAC. Below are the notes taken during this session. STRENGTHS • Lesser congestion • Proximity to Houston • Weather • Parks • Rural nature • Airport • • • Character Schools • • Art, culture, sports, etc. with A&M Attractin retirees g • University influence • Cost of living • University amenities • Quality of medical • Quality and cost of housing • Northgate WEAKNESSES • Fragmentation of government (could be a • Small property tax base (A&M, churches, strength as well) -Bryan, College Station, CSISD) A&M, TxDOT, Brazos County • Losing A&M graduates - no job • Sprawl opportunities • Homogeneity • Lack of "green" on city roads • Lack of history • Availability of air service • Lack of city center • Difficult to deal with for developers - • No major interstate (strength?) time, process, regulations • Growth does not pay for itself • Lack of planning • Lack of diversity in economic base • City growth inhibited Performance Cor~ee is rn PJanrtin P 8 wWZ+'.kendigkeast.com IfENDIG KEAST C O L L A B O R A T I V E 514 Brooks Street I Sugar Land, Texas ?747$ Phane :281.242.2960 Fax :281.242.1115 Opportunities Missed • Not buying land for parks ahead of growth • Not moving railroad • Location of business park detriment to thoroughfares • Conference center • Wolf Pen Creek-Bee Creek connections • Retirees • Redevelopment/revitalization of older areas • Infill "skipped" areas • Transportation system • Thoroughfares • City center for mixed use also in Rock Prairie Road and Greens Prairie Road area Peer Cities University Communities • Boulder, CO • Bryan (rental/single family) • Ft. Collins, CO • Arlington • Gainesville, FL • Plano • Waco, TX • Austin • Lawrence, KS • Sugar Land • Walla Walla, WA • The Woodlands • Moscow, ID • Kingwood • Cary, NC per~armar:ce Concepts in Pla-tnfng www.kendgkeast.com KENDIG .1\C~AST C O L L A B O R A T I V E 514 }3rcwks Skreet I Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Phone :287.242.2%0 Fax :287.242.1115 OPPORTUNITIES • Urban choices • Wellborn -look at ways to move up schedule • Northgate -entertainment, popular arts • Tech or vocational school • Water park • 25-35 year old population -jobs • Railroad passenger service to Houston • Regional partnerships • Regional medical magnet • Economic/industrial development • High-tech friendly • Two current business parks THREATS • Lack of economic diversity • Regional accessibility • Outside/franchise Businesses • Tax base to support new residents/students • Lack of money for infrastructure • Neighborhood degradation -student lifestyles • Looking like Houston Successes as a Community • Blinn in Bryan • Scott & White • Lick Creek Park • Southwood Athletic Park • Central Park • Wolf Pen Creek • Veteran's Park 1 • • Performance Concepts in Planning www.kendigkeast,com Project Schedule College Station Comprehensive Plan (:a i r oa- t::c ~r.r.a c.t: 5 ra'rttro • Regular City Council meetings are the 2"d and 4tn Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Regular Planning & Zoning Commission meetings are the 1St and 3~d Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Regular Zoning Board of Adjustments meetings are the 1St Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Regular Parks & Recreation Board meetings are the 2"d Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. NOTE: The CPAC may schedule interim meetings with City staff but not the consultant as needed • Kendig Keast Collaborative. Prepared 09/25/06 ~h a "~"~^ ~-r~:~r.: ~.,.. ~~,, z}~,x ~i: t .~ o i r. ~w uq /1,~e i .~,~'~y' ~,1`~~'r r~.r-, ; r~. r-_ Y ~ : s ~!^"i'`r,'' i ,..t a. ~+~',r}N,~,,~if t' R`" a 0.a 4, ~ y fd ~ we~yt 2~!~ f lh t! , ~ : ~i`f M 'y ~ry': 'n ~~ Nk/- ~~ 1,-},,, ~a'ru`F~ra ',; Yry, jf r rjl "~~ 5, t ,e' F ~, 'C. ~ ~ i. S l- ~ a«S"E~'~t -L!J' A•T°tr`.'JJ~ F~ J ~~b ^s -yr5 ti~ "~^,t ~ '"! y {.~~ } e >~.i c A ;c~f7~r >F '' ;~~ .'~. ^ .~ ~_ Q « ~c~~•,~~ ~~~ t :t }~a '.~ ( ,~1 ~ ''1LL r",~ 4 '' !~ . ~ ~. -rt"Ky"L.`i'? !yi+"~ ~ r~x ~^4 'i~ ~~a r'~~ ~" - '~ a. e ,¢,H~,t .t .Y:'ik°G ~. •' rj+,i '.+.1 ;.-''.~ nJ :.~" , - ti,~a .'}r +tk V'p '4 ~w'~. ~re't~~b, ? r _ 'x t- r ~ f~ ~~~e f L r '~Yr:.r °e ~ rr- trKY •,Y, ~ ~'s+4~~~4~t,~,r~h.-w ~1'% ~ ~ L {;; ;t •z 't'4• Ys ~!rYd w-~.y r. t.. ~. r. 1` t r f~-' ZC rte 1 ,,.. ... y... \~ t..~ ~,• in ~ s'~ Sti _.~~ ..` 'e ••p ,xy.'~tl ~,5~'~.a~i k~.*~ ~I '..~'F '; ~ r-~, . it''c F~'» ~, .;: n`r?A•~ ,i e ,~, r7w ;k'^t~~'~: - f:7: ~.: t- ,f x:_a t ~' M ~ ,'~', ~ 1 Y i 1. tw. C '' 1.'. k - "Q'~ +,K ~ ~"jC~~~+j:,A 'tii « ^ Y,. ti f.~ t ~~k_~~,~` t t ~ ~~.,k P~ kR _ ;A'L }J~.,z ~ ~ ~'~ ar r f '~ ' t.. ~ ~!. p\a Y 7•A .`''s. 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