HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 Veterans Day at BVVM~~ Z a W J N w m i,i ~ III ~ u Q~ LL_ ~a W H d' VETERANS .DAY PROGRAM I2 NOVEMBER 2006 BRAZOS VALLEY MEMORIAL FOR ALL VETERANS COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 2:00 P.M. WELCOME MAJOR GENERAL, USA (RET.) ALVIN JONES President, BWM Board of Directors INVOCATION DR. P. DAVID ROMEI Vice President, BWM Board of Directors Design Chairman AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL DR. BEN WELCH POSTING OF COLORS TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CORPS OF CADETS COLOR GUARD NATIONAL ANTHEM TEXAS AGGIE BAND TEXAS OUR TEXAS SERVICE MEDLEY REMARKS COLONEL, USA (RET.) TRAVIS H. SMALL, JR. FREEDOM PAVILION Chairman Emeritus, BWM LYNN STUART PATHWAY SPECIAL RECOGNITION BILL YOUNGKIN, ESQ. WORLD WAR II VETERANS BWM Board of Directors GREETINGS HONORABLE RANDY SIMS Brazos County Judge HONORABLE ERNIE WENTRCEK Mayor of Bryan, Texas HONORABLE RON SILVIA Mayor of College Station, Texas SPEAKER INTRODUCTION MR. TIMOTHY N. BRYAN Chairman/CEO, First National Bank KEYNOTE ADDRESS SENATOR STEVE OGDEN Texas State Senate District 5 21 GUN SALUTE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ROSS VOLUNTEERS TAPS BUGLER, TEXAS AGGIE BAND BRAZOS VALLEY MEMORIAL FOR ALL VETERANS BOARD OF DIRECTORS zoo6 MAJOR GENERAL, USA ~RET.~ ALVIN JONES PRESIDENT DR P. DAVID ROMEI BOARD VICE PRESIDENT DESIGN CHAIRMAN LIEUTENANT GENERAL, USA (RET.) RANDY HOUSE VICE PRESIDENT MR GEORGE MCCOY, CPA TREASURER SERGEANT FIRST CLASS, USA (RET.) BRIAN HILTON ~ SECRETARY COLONEL, USA ~RET.~ DR TRAVIS H. SMALL, JR CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, EMERITUS .EY VETERANS MEMORIAL BRIGADIER GENERAL, USA ~RET.~ LOUIS LYNN STUART CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, EMERITUS MR STEVE BEACHY DR RUSSELL BRADLEY CITY OF BRYAN APPOINTEE MR MICHAEL REAL MR JERRY POX MS. DEBORAH JASEK MR TREY MALECHEK MR DAVID MARION CAPTAIN, USN ~RET.~ M.W. NEWMAN MR KEVIN C. SMITH ~BRAZOS COUNTY APPONTEE~ MR JOHN VELASQUEZ MR BILL YOUNGKIN HISTORY OF THE BRAZOS VALLEY VETERANS MEMORIAL P. DAVID ROMEI, PH.D. In the 1990's, the City of College Station bought land between Harvey Road and University Drive East that it intended to use as a major new athletic park, featuring softball and soccer fields. As bond money for the park's development became available in 1999, the Parks and Recreation Board decided to name the park. Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation for College Station and a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army, spoke to several people in the community about an idea he had to name it in honor of veterans. John Nichols of the Park Board, P. David Romei of the Arts Council and Craig Carter, representing the local chapter of the VFW all readily endorsed Beachy's idea and helped create a petition to ask the City Council to name the park "Veterans Park and Athletic Field." In the fall of 1999, the Ciry Council, upon recommendation of the Parks Board approved the name. ~„ In the spring of 2000, a group of veterans and community leaders, Steve Beachy, P. David Romei, Craig Carter, John Nichols, Travis Small, and Debbie Jasek met to discuss the idea of using a part of the land at the new park as a memorial area for US military veterans. It was decided that a 12-acre area near what would be the southeast entrance of the park would be dedicated for the purpose of building an educational and memorial area in honor of veterans. Craig Carter was named to coordinate administrative matters as the group established itself as anot-for-profit organization; P. David Romei was appointed Chairman of the Design Committee with responsibilities for the layout of the twelve acres, art selection for a memorial, and the development of a vision and scope for the project; Steve Beachy became the liaison between the Ciry of College Station and the developing group; and, John Nichols, a member of the Park Board, became the liaison between the Park Board and the group. In the summer of 2000, a local attorney, Larry Holt, performed the necessary legal tasks to incorporate the group in the State of Texas and with the IRS as anot-for-profit charitable organization. Shortly thereafter, Lynn Stuart, a retired US Army Brigadier General came on board as Chairman of Fundraising. Paulette Hunt came on board as Treasurer and Travis Small became Vice President and troubleshooter. In the fall of 2000, Stuart, Romei and Beachy called on the three primary government organizations in the Brazos Valley, Brazos County Commissioners Court, City of Bryan and City of College Station, and obtained a commitment from each entity to contribute $50,000 each to the project over atwo-year period. This $150,000 became the seed money for the endeavor to build a memorial. vrww.veterans-memorial.org 12 NOVEMBER 2006 Also, in the fall of 2000, Romei sent a nationwide call for entries out to artists asking them to reply with ideas for a veterans' memorial. Over 120 artists replied. From the 120 respondents, 25 were shown to a Design Committee made up of 16 community members. The 25 were later narrowed down in a five-hour meeting of the committee to 3 finalists in January of 2001. Each finalist was awarded $4,000 to develop a model of his sculptural design and plans for landscaping the immediate area, to include a memorial plaza. The three finalists came from California, Massachusetts and New York. In March of 2001, each of the artists visited College Station and presented his ideas and plans to the Design Committee. After careful consideration, Robert Eccleston, a former US Army Captain and member of the 10th Mountain Division, was selected and given a contract to create the sculpture that would become the center piece of the Veterans Park memorial park. The price of the sculpture was $152,000.00. Members of the BWM began to educate the public about its efforts. Speakers were sent to civic clubs, government organizations, and veterans groups. Television, radio and newspaper stories reported on the BWM's mission, vision and goals. Veterans and their family members were informed about how they could help and be included. Slowly at first, but with great enthusiasm later, thousands of people responded favorably and generously. The Wall of Honor, featuring the names of veterans, currently has over 4,500 names and the donors are in the thousands. The response has been overwhelming and would not have been possible without the patriotism of our community. As fundraising efforts continued throughout 2001, plans to develop the memorial plaza area and the sculpture's base, upon which would be the names of all honored veterans began to take shape. Larry Schueckler, a local landscape design architect, was engaged as a consultant to the Design Committee by Romei, and plans for the area developed quickly. Schueckler created many pages of detailed blueprints for the site from which the Design Committee could work. With little change to his plans, the Design Committee approved Schueckler's concept and submitted the plans and specifications to local contractors for bids. In April of 2002, Madison Construction of Bryan, Texas, was awarded a contract for $337,500.00 to construct the plaza, benches, honor walls, sculpture's base, stage, pathways, landscaping and other improvements on the site. Within two weeks of awarding the contract Madison Construction began construction. The memorial site was completed on time for the dedication ceremonies which took place on November 10 and 11, 2002. 4 The dedication ceremonies featured former President George H. W. Bush on November 10 and over 5>000 people on November 11. The Brazos Valley Symphony performed beautifully and the Ross Volunteers executed the military ceremonies with an exactness and dignity rarely seen. Dr. P. David Romei gave the keynote address, and U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady had it inserted in the United States Congressional Record on November 14, 2002; a rare tribute to the Brazos Valley and all those who worked so hard on the memorial. Since the dedication of the memorial, there have been four additions to the names - Memorial Day 2003, Veterans Day 2003, Veterans Day 2004 and Veterans Day 2005. two additions to the names, Memorial Day 2003 and Veterans 2003. Because all the ~~- space for Honor Wall names was taken by the summer of 2003, the BVVM initiated an expansion in the summer of 2004. On Veterans Day 2004, the expansion was completed and now provides for an additional 6,500 names. The architect Elton Abbott and designer Tom Woodfin made significant contributions to the effort. Madison Construction effected the project under budget and on time. The beautiful Louis Lynn Stuart Pathway was dedicated in a public ceremony on September 22, 2006. The War on Terror Memorial was dedicated on May 31, 2005 and is the first of 12 planned memorials that will be located upon the Louis Lynn Stuart Pathway throughout the 12 acre wooded site. Every war since the Revolutionary War will be included. The Freedom Pavilion, housing the computerized directory of donors and veterans, is under construction and will be dedicated at a ceremony in early 2007. On November 12, 2006, we will honor the sacrifices of all our United States veterans who have given so much of themselves for America's freedoms. Texas State Senator Steve Ogden is the Keynote Speaker. Brazos County Judge Randy Sims, Mayor Ernie Wentrcek of Bryan, Mayor Ron Silvia of College Station will be present. We are proud to be part of a community where duty, honor and country are fundamental values that we all share and respect. www.veterans-memorial.org 12 NOVEMBER 2006 HONOR WALL NAMES INSTALLED NOVEMBER 2000 Samuel Edgar Albritton USA James B. Crane USN Harry Orville Alderson USA Macario Cruz, Jr. USA Glenn Allardyce USA Richard Davison USA Thomas C. Arrington USA Floyd Kenneth Dawson USA James Wynns Ashton USAF David Randolph Dawson USA John H. Atterbury, Jr. USA Wilson Travis Dickey USA Edwin Dale Aughtry USN Charles L. Dobrovolny USA James Davis Aughtry, Jr. USA Calvin Dockery USN Charles Douglas Bailey USN Robert E. Donaghe USA George Balog USAF Gerald R. Donaldson USA James Thomas Barnes, II USA Wayne Alan Dunlap USAF Jim E. Batson USA Raymond J. Dusold, III USMC Fred J. Benson USN Richard L. Easterwood USA Fred Charles Benson USA Doyle G. Evans USN Joshua M. Betty USA T.L. Farmer USN Jake Betty USA Joseph Anthony Ferreri USN Richard Bertrand Boughton USA William D. Fitch USA E.J. Bowers USAF Jesse Flores USAF Rayford Jasper Bridges USAF Scott Alan Foltermann USMC William Rayford Bridges USN Freddie C. Forsthoff USAF Herford H. Bridges USN Frank X. Gaenger USN Robert G. Brooks USAF Harold L. "Spec" Gammon USA Zack Broome USN Roy S. Garcia USA Jimmy Reagan Brown USA Lyle L. Gordon USMC Joseph C. Brusse USAF John R. Grable USN Jack P. Casimir USA Randall Clair Gray USA Todd Tyler Christmas USA James E. Gunn USA Bobby Clay USN Sean Michael Hanley USA Kenneth Coleman USA Henry B. Hargrave USA 6 ~F Ron R. Hart USN Everett Doyle Laird USAF Leslie R. Hereford, Jr. USA Frank M. Lara, Jr. USA Rudolph S. Hernandez USN Bobby Glenn Lebow USA Billie G. Hester USAF Jim C. Lewis USA Mark A. Hester USN Ollie B. Livingston USA Clarence H. Hester USA Anthony "Tony" Vincent Lombardi USAF Kirk William Heyman USN Arthur Leo Lucas USN Arthur R. Hickle USMC Timothy Wayne Luza USAF Arthur Scott Hickle USMC Stuart D. Lyda USMC Claude Hoke, IV USAF Clarence C. Mallett USA Kenneth Hugh Holligan USA Milton Jerome Martin USN William D. Hollis USAF Jesse D.J. Massey USMC Burtis R. Hollis USN William D. McCain, Jr. USA Denzil R. Hollis USCG William D. McCain, Sr. USA Jack H. Holloway USA D.A. McCaskill USA Kirby W. Hosey USA Phil McDonald, Jr. USN Merideth L. Howard USA Michael M. McFarland USA Doyle M. Hufstedler USA Edwin F. McFarland USA Vincent Bell Hughes, Jr. USA Roger W. McNees USA Christopher Ardelle Johnson USMC William B. Meeuwsen USA Horace Weldon Jones USA John E. Mikeska USA Robert H. Jop USA Robert Joe Mikulec USA Zachary R. Kamerer USA Norman S. Moise USMC William F. Kelley USA Elmer Monroe USA Wayne E. Kennedy USN Michael Lee Moore USA James V. King USN Martin Munoz USN Clarence Edward Kolbe USA Michael David Musinski USA Charlie F. Krolczyk USA William Radford Newcomb USA, USAF Joseph W. Krolczyk USA Lester Mervin Newcomb USA ~ www.veterans-memorial.org 12 NOVEMBER 2006 HONOR WALL NAMES INSTALLED NOVEMBER 2000 ~CONTINUED~ James Elmer Newcomb USN, USAF Mabry W. Rosier USA Albert Earl Newcomb USA Joseph Henry Rothe USA Anthony C. Nichols USA Milford E. Royder USCG Pierre G. Normand, Jr. USAF Robert Henry Rucker USA Neal Nutall, Jr. USAF Blake H. Russell USA Thomas A. O'Dwyer USN Carl L. Ryan USA Peter J. O'Hagan USMC Charles Salpetro USA Clarence L. Oldham, Jr. USMC Richard Matthew "Matt" Salter USA Joe Ray Parker USN Willie Fred Sander USN James D. Parker USA Ryan T. Sanders USA Raymond L. Parsons USAF Joe A. Schovajsa USA Stanley Pavlas USA Melvin C. Schroeder USAF James Dale Perdue USA L. Hughes Schwanecke USA Edward James Pivonka USA Ernest F. Sebesta USMC Robert C. Poland USA Christopher M. Seiter USA Harold Milton Poling USN M. Leroy Shafer USA Lawrence T. Polzer USA Sean P. Sims USA Paul Ponzio USA Scott A. Smith USAF Joseph Neal Pratt USA John Russell South USA, USN David Richard Pratt USAF Larame Wayne Sowder USAF Louis Truett Pratt, Sr. USA W.D. Sparks USA Gordon Alfred Pratt, Sr. USN Douglas Perret Starr USN Tina M. Priest USA Harry Suehs USA Clinton W. Pruitt USN Farrell D. Tilley USAF Joe M. Ramirez, Sr. USA Leonard Burman Tiner USA James W. Richards USN Joseph M. "Trey"Ramirez, III USA Robert M. Richardson USA C L Turcotte USA Gerald W. Rieger USAF James E. Turcotte USMC Austin W. Roberts USA Douglas M. Turcotte USN Anthony E. Rogers USMC Edgar W. Turcotte USMC Ray M. Valigura USA Donnie R. Ward USA Jonathan Wayne Warden USAF James Carroll Weaver, Jr. USMC Paul W. Webster USA Lucas J. Wells USMC Walter W. Whaley USA Thomas Whittle, III USA Paxton K. Williams USA Glen Nordyke Williams, Jr. USAF Claude B. Wilson USN Matthew W. Worrell USA www.veterans-memorial.org 12 NOVEMBER 2006 PERIMETER BENCH DONORS I2 NOVEMBER 2006 Britt Rice Electric, L. P. Virginia Miller Tom and Sandie Light Chilifest, Inc. Larry and Jessica Hodges William D. McCain, Jr. B/CS Convention and Visitors Bureau FREEDOM PAVILION BENCH DONORS I2 NOVEMBER 2006 Dr. Russell Bradley Major General AI Jones Dr. P. David Romei Mr. John Velasquez 10 ETERNAL COLUMN DONORS I2 NOVEMBER 2006 Jo-Ventures, Inc. Bruce & Bonnie Alderson Children of Jesse Massey John E. Anderson Ruby Arnold Ronnie, Nathan & Cathy Arrington Springhill Wildlife Park & Springhill Regulators John H. Atterbury, Jr. Family of George Balog Marjorie C. Benson Jake & Juli Betty Patricia Bonnen Boughton Brian & Barbara Bowers, & Cori & Chad Baird William D. McCain, Jr. Bill Broome Lila Burns Judy F Chiles Sam Crenshaw Deloris R. Cruz & Family Mary Dawson Frank & Nancy Dickey Charles Dobrovolny Family Margaret Dockery D.J., Andrew, Sophia & Brandon Dunlap Joseph Anthony Ferreri Family Flores & McCoy Families Johnny & Brenda Fogle, & Craig & Sharon Mills Minnie Foltermann ~ Linda Forsthoff Francis & Schuster Families Arla Gammon Allen G. Goehring Dennis H. Goehring John R. Grable Michelle Griffin-Garner Sean Michael Hanley Darryl W. Hargrave R. K. Hart Randall Haynes Friends of Ed Whittle Mona Hernandez Michael G. Hester Michael G. Hester George W. Hester & Blue Ribbon Construction/Homes Brian & Tracy Hilton Larry Hodges Claude & Irene Hoke, III Mrs. Jimmie A. Hollis William D. Hollis Mrs. Jack H. Holloway Vincent Bell Hughes, III James D. Ingram, III Janice Jackson Roy E. Kelly Chris & Kevin Kennedy, Lori Hajjar & Kim Timmons The King Family Frances D. Kolbe Zoltan & Penelope Kosztolnyik Joseph W. Krolczyk & Nancy A. Krolczyk Family of Joseph W. Krolczyk Mrs. Everett Laird Eva Marie Lancaster & Ruby M. Crane Connie, Francisco & James Barbara J. Lebow Tom & Sandie Light Vincent & Dianna Lombardi Lydia Fojtik Luza Gary Jerome Martin & Lynn D. Martin Lynn & Gary Martin Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McCaskill The Mike McDonald Family Mr. & Mrs. E. F. McFarland Michael M. McFarland Barbara A. McNees Shirley Mikeska Sons, Daughters & Grandchildren of Robert Joe Mikulec Linda, Adam & Max Moore Pete & Shay Moreno Carmen Munoz Ben & Connie Newcomb Sidney & Shelby Newcomb Laura F. Normand Mrs. Neal Nutall Biddy O'Dwyer Margaret, Trey & Mandie Oldham Sonja Olsen Virginia A. Parsons ^ , ^ Bob & Kay Poling _awrence T. Polzer liana Bratton & Sandra Pozmantier Joseph Neal Pratt Joy Priest fhe Pruitt Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Putz, Jr. Joe & Peggy Ramirez James W. Richards 3arbara Rieger James G. Rosier Milford E. Royder Dorothy Salpetro Johanna L. Schroeder /iola K. Sebesta Jeff & Melody Shaddix & Meridith Gray :,arl E. Shafer :,ol. (Ret.) Alan C. Smith Nelda Parker Sommers Douglas Perret Starr Chilifest, Inc. Bear & Emily Stuessy Burton R. Suehs Jamin Syptak Ken & Peggy Telg Bea & Ed Uvacek Ray M. Valigura Donnie R. Ward Geralyn West Lambert & Stella Wilkes Mary & Glen Williams Grady & Wendy Winkler Winnie Jones Winslow & Family www.veterans-memorial.org 12 NOVEMBER 2006 BRAZOS VALLEY VETERANS MEMORIAL KEYNOTE SPEAKER 2000 Elected to the Texas Senate in January 1997, Steve Ogden has been a leader on budget issues, educational funding, child protection, transportation safety and criminal justice. Senator Ogden chairs the Senate Finance Committee. Senator Ogden has been in the oil and gas exploration business for 20 years and is currently president of Ogden Resources Corporation, an independent oil and gas company based in College Station. Prior to entering the oil business, Ogden served as an officer in the U.S. Navy's nuclear submarine force for nine years. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree at the U.S. Naval Academy and his Master of Business Administration degree at Texas A&M University. Before his election to the Texas Senate, Ogden served three terms in the Texas House of Representatives. As a State Senator, Ogden has been honored by the Texas County Judges and Commissioners Association, the Texas Association of District and County Attorneys, Scott & White, Texas A&M University System, the Texas veterans Commission, the Texas Municipal Police Association, and the Free Market Committee. Senator Ogden was the recipient of the sixth annual Bob Bullock Award for Outstanding Public Stewardship. Senator Ogden and his wife, Beverly, were married in December of 1973 and live in Bryan. They are the proud parents of sons USMC Captain Michael (wife Lisa) and Chaz, and daughters Stephanie (husband William Lewis) and Kristen. They are the grandparents of Christopher and William Lewis and Gabriel Ogden. BRAZOS VALLEY VETERANS MEMORIAL PAST KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 2002 FORMER PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH -DEDICATION SPEECH 2002 DR P. DAVID ROMEI -INAUGURAL KEYNOTE SPEECH 2003 LT. GEN. USA (RET.) RANDOLPH HOUSE 2004 TEXAS GENERAL LAND COMMISSIONER JERRY PATTERSON 2005 U.S. SENATOR JOHN CORNYN 14 TEXAS SENATOR STEVE OGDEN 15 www.veterans-memorial.org 12 NOVEMBER 2006 The Board of Directors of the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial extends its deepest gratitude to THE BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU MR. BARRY BIGGAR PRESIDENT/CEO a man of integrity who exemplifies patriotism. BRYAN*COLLEGE STATION CONVENTION AND VISITORS B U R E A U COPY CORNER Service £~ Technology LARRY AND JESSICA HODGES OWNERS With deepestgrdtitude www.veterans-memorial.org 12 NOVEMBER 2006 The Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Board and Members express our deepest gratitude to the ACBV ARTS COUNCIL of BRAZOS VALLEY ~` CIT1 OF COLLEGE STATION; Parks ~' Recreation and to CHOATE MONUMENT COMPANY, BRYAN, TEXAS To enroll names for November 11, 2007, please submit your application, accompanied by a $100 donation for each name no later than August 15,2007 "Ihe Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial P.O. Box 11055 College Station, Texas 77842 Applications are available at the P. David Romei Arts Center, 2275 Dartmouth Street, College Station, Texas 77840 or you can visit us online at www.veterans-memorial.org Special Thanks to 7~C CRAIG HOLLINGER AMIE McCOY BRONIUS MOTEKAITIS ~i' www.veterans-memorial.org 12 NOVEMBER 2006 Special Thanks to ERIC WIVAGG FOR HIS DESIGN OF THE FREEDOM PAVILION ESI~-NIS www.designfirstinc.com THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS GIVE A VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO STANTON K. WARE FOR HIS ENDURING GENEROSITY AND PATRIOTISM STA Tt3N WARE design www.stantonware.com ARMY NAVY MARINE CORPS AIR FORCE r;~„~ COAST GUARD FLAGS OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE