HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-1368 - Ordinance - 06/24/1982Ile ORDINANCE NO. 1368 AN ORDINANCE AMMDING CHA t 11, SECTION 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO THE SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I. CHAPTER 11, SECTION 2 A. SCHEDULE OF RATES IS yEREBy AP n. TDM, , TO REM) AS ML1.PT?S : SECTION 2: WATER AND SEPlER, SERVICES A. SCHEDULE OF RATES The monthly rates to be charged consumers for public utility services, namely water and /or sewerage connections, shall be in accordance with the schedules as follows: (1) Rates for Water Service (a) For domestic consumers, whether single - family or multi- family, using water within the corporate limits of the city: �Aw Charge per thousand gallons - $1.25 Service charge per month - $4.00 (b) For commercial and /or industrial consumers using water within the city: Charge per thousand gallons - $1.25 Service charge per month - $4.00 (2) Rates for Sewerage Service (a) For consumers using sewerage service for household purposes, single or multi- family, within the corporate limits of the city: Monthly charge per household unit - $8.00 (b) For consumers using sewerage service for cornercial and /or industrial business establishments within the corporate limits of the city: First 7,000 gallons or fraction thereof of water - $8.00 Each additional 7,000 gallons or fraction thereof of water used $2.00 "]here it can be shown that any considerable Part of the water used by commercial and /or industrial consumers does not reach 03668 ORDINANCE NO. 1368 the sewers, the City Council may rmke such adjustments in their rates as shall be deemd just and equitable. II. CHAPTER 11, SECTION 2 E. EFFECTIVE DATE OF PATES IS .. I Y Ab'UMED TO READ AS FOLLO�NS E. EFFECTIVE DATE OF RATES These rates shall be effective on all invoices submitted by the City of College Station to users on or after July 1, 1982. III. Should any section paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any purpose, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby. Mfg All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. PACE 2 V. And, it is ordained that this ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the city charter of the City of College Station. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE rAth DAY OF June API MI , 1982. ATTEST: Dian Jones, C' Secretary 03669