HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-1347 - Ordinance - 03/11/1982OpPI'.TArJCI: P :'O. 1147 AN ORPINAt'CF '1T1TIinrI7TT7C TIFF COPPFCTICT7 CFPTIFICATF OF OPLICATION ( rn03, PROVIPIP'C' THE APIOPTI ?ATIOZ' ANP PT'PAYP'E I ?T f'CTIT PULE - FT AUTIIOPIZIITC THE EXECUTION OF TfTF .'\TTACIIFP SAME BY TTII? "TAYOR. ANP '"OPIFICATION OF' FOR TITF. REVISION OF F'OPTII TH T, ArTP AOPT *.sI":t CONCEPr.TPr 0 PF IT OPDARMP PY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF' COLI EOF STATION: 1. That TIHEREAS, The City of College Station :lid, in accordance with the statutes and ordinances pertaining thereto, issue to Pobert F. Spears -,an Certificate of Ohl inati.on ^Turlher 00003, in the amount of ONU 'ITLI,ION T`;O HUrTIPEP TIICtISA.7.p DOI.LAP.S, (51,1 being payable as provided therein with interest at the rate of Ti:FLVF' PEPCET!T nor annum,, APTP WHFPEP_S, it was inten(le(l that the repayment thereof should be by an amortization of principal on the basis of twenty equal annual installments, with the rer~ai_ninq principal and interest beinri nayable in the seventh year, ALT P i ,,'IIFRFI\S the Certificate must ' rio�?ified to exnress the terms and intentions of this Council. and the holder of such Certificate, said holder 1havincx indicated his concurrence in the necessity for such revision; rIOV T TTJ7P7FOPF, the Council havi.nr considered tl1 t0 T c said Certi..fi_cate of Obl i.gation r7umbor 0000?., an(! tl -)Q rtt,cl�e ' ^CCr•TT'TC'T' T(':! " rS Tn r•T ';rIIF'IC? TT OF ^PLICATIn BE IT OPPAIT PY TI1F CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CIi'Y OF COL !.CF STATIOI', TF }'A` , that the attache(? " At PFVISIOTJ OF CEPTIFICATF OF OPLICATIOIT shall become effective upon execution by the tSayor and Pober.t F. `.nearrian, and shall_ control. the payment and amortization of said Certificate from this ( ?ate forward. Should any section or portion of this ordinance be declared to be invalid, unenforceable, or unconstitutional, the remainder of same shall continue in full force anr' effect and shall not be vitiated thereby. All ordinances or harts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed to the extent of such conflict. 03 OU Orclinance No. 1347 4. This orrlinance shall 1�ecore effective iipon its PASSEP AINP APPRON77P th 11th (lay of March I App ,v7p* YOT ATTEST : 4 64 - 4 - - - - --------------- - -- CITY SECR APY 03600