HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-0885 - Ordinance - 07/23/1973ORDINANCE NO. 885 AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GARBAGE; REGULATING THE KINDS, TYPES AND SIZES OF CONTAINERS IN WHICH TO PLACE SAn , THE MANNER OF ITS PREPARATION AND WHERE GARBAGE CONTAINERS MUST BE PLACED TO BE COLLECTED, AND REGULATING THE COLLECTION OF SAME; PROVIDING FOR FEES AND CHARGES AND THEIR COLLECTION; PROVIDING FOR EXCLUSIVE CITY COLLECTION; PROVIDING FOR SECURELY FASTENED LIDS OR COVERS; UNAUTHORIZED DISPOSAL PROHIBITED; PROVIDING FOR USE OF THE CITY SANITARY LANDFILL AND CHARGES THEREFOR; PROHIBITING DEPOS- ITING GARBAGE OR REFUSE ON PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY; PROHIBITING MEDDLING WITH CONTAINERS OR SCATTERING CONTENTS; PROHIBITING THE BURYING OF HEAVY ANIMALS; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSAL OF REFUSE RESULTING FROM BUILDING OR REMODELING OPERATIONS, MANURE AND WASTE OILS; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 726 and 738. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: SECTION 1: This ordinance shall be known as the "garbage ordinance" of the City of College Station. The word "premises" as used in this ordinance shall be taken to mean business houses, boarding houses, offices, theaters, hotels, restaurants, cafes, eating houses, mobile home parks, apartments, sanitariums, rooming houses, schools, private residences, vacant lots, and all other places within the city limits of the City of College Station, where garbage or refuse accumulates. Garbage. The term "garbage" shall be held to mean all animal and vegetable matters, such as waste material and refuse from kitchens, grocery stores, and restaurants, including such items as meat scraps, bread, bones, fruits and vegetables and their trimmings, similar waste, and rubbish, such as feathers, paper, bottles, cans, rags, glass, broken dishes, boxes, old clothes and shoes; also grass trimmings, tree leaves, hedge trimmings, small pieces of metal, scrap, and similar waste. SECTION 2: Every owner, occupant, tenant or lessee using or occupying any building, house or structure within the corporate limits of the city, for residence, church, school, college, lodge, commercial business and other purpose shall provide and maintain garbage containers of sufficient number and size, as hereinafter specified, to hold the garbage that will normally accumulate on the premises. SECTION 3: From and after September 1, 1973, each owner, occupant, tenant, and lessee of each dwelling designed for occupancy by one, two or three families shall provide or cause to be provided for each dwelling unit or residence disposable refuse bags. Only such refuse IL I ORDINANCE NO. 885 Page 2 bags as are manufactured for use as garbage containers shall be approved by the city, and such refuse bags shall not exceed 30 r✓ gallons in size. The city shall not collect garbage after Septem- ber 1, 1973, from any dwelling unit of such dwellings designed for use by less than four (4) families, unless contained in such approved refuse bags. Approved disposable refuse bags may be used by larger multi -unit dwellings, such as apartment houses, hotels and motels upon a finding by the city manager or his authorized agent that such use is practicable. Such bags may likewise be used for garbage disposal by churches, schools, offices, or any other establishment if the city manager or his authorized agent shall find such use to be practicable, sanitary and not detrimental to the collection of such waste by the city. SECTION 4: All business or commercial establishments within the city, including apartment houses containing more than three (3) dwelling units, and mobile home parks, shall be required to use such commercial containers as shall be approved by the city for the collection of garbage in accordance with collection schedules to be established by the city manager or his authorized agent, except where the city manager or his authorized agent has found the use of refuse bags to be practicable in accordance with this ordinance. The use of any other method or manner of disposing of garbage other ., than specifically authorized in this ordinance is expressly prohibited, except by special written permission obtained from the city manager or his authorized agent. SECTION 5: In the event no alley is available or it is not practicable to collect and remove the garbage from the alley, the owner, occupant, tenan, or lessee of the premises shall place the container at curbside or such other point as the proper agent of the city shall find and designate to be the most accessible for collecting and removing. If the house, building or premises from which the garbage is to be collected and removed is adjacent to an alley, the owner, occupant, tenant or lessee of such premises shall be required to place the garbage or container at the entrance from the alley in order that it may be easily accessible to the person collecting and removing the garbage. On the day that the garbage is to be collected by the city sanita- tion department, each owner, occupant, tenant or lessee of each dwelling from which the garbage is to be collected shall transport all garbage to be collected in approved, disposable refuse bags to the curbside, alley or other designated point. The bags shall not be deposited at the designated pick-up point at any time -.earlier than the morning of the scheduled collection. The bags shall be securely tied or fastened so that their contents are not easily ORDINANCE NO. 885 Page 3 n available to animals, and every person whose garbage is to be collected shall acquaint himself with the scheduled garbage pick-up times for his neighborhood or area. There shall be no exceptions to the established collection proce- dures for garbage unless by the express, written consent of the city manager or his duly authorized agent. SECTION 6: In the business district and from hotels, motels, restaurants, cafes, boarding houses, and sanitariums daily garbage collections will be made daily except on Sunday. In the residential districts, garbage shall be prepared for collec- tion to be made two times per week, or as often as may be necessary to comply with sanitary regulations of the city. SECTION 7: The charges fixed herein for the collection, removal, and disposal of all garbage shall be entered in their respective amounts as charges against each such person or persons, owner, manager, tenant or lessee described herein on the utility bill of such person or persons, owner, manager, tenant or lessee and the amount so fixed and charged shall be collected monthly in connection with and as a part of the utility bill of the City of College Station. It is further provided that should any person or persons, owner, manager, tenant or lessee of any place of abode or of any business or commer- cial establishment fail or refuse to pay the charges fixed against him and his place of abode or his place of business when due, the City of College Station shall be privileged to disconnect utility services to his place of abode or place of business against which such garbage collection fees have been fixed and assessed, and in addition thereto shall be privileged to discontinue garbage collec- tion services until such fees have been paid in full. SECTION 8: There shall be charged, assessed and collected from each person, firm or corporation within the city limits the following monthly service charges for garbage disposal: Each single dwelling unit ...............$ 2.25 Two-family residence (each unit) ........ $ 2.25 Apartment house with more than two apartments (each unit) ...............$ 2.25 Mobile Home Park (for each unit counted in park on 15th of each month) ....... $ 2.25 Apartment house, with ten or more apartments under one roof and served by one electric meter, and using sanitary container (each unit) ....... $2.00 Small appliance shops, cleaning estab- lishments, filling stations, photo- graphic shops, etc. each................$6.75 ORDINANCE NO. 885 Page 4 Large places of business (one cubic Y or PY•• and less per day ...............$11.25 ` In the e,ient that the amount of garbage customarily being removed from any place of business exceeds one (1) cubic yard per day the owner or manager thereof shall be required to pay an additional fee of $0.15 per cubic yard per day for each additional cubic yard or portion thereof. All schools shall be charged at the rate of $0.15 per cubic yard of garbage per day. A delayed payment in the amount of ten (10) percent of the bill will be added after the due date. SECTION 9: The collection of garbage within the city limits is hereby prohi- bited except by the city sanitation department and/or its authori- zed agents. SECTION 10: The city sanitation department will not make collection of garbage where same is not prepared for collection and placed as designated by the terms of this ordinance. SECTION 11: The lids or covers of all nondisposable garbage containers shall at all times be kept secure and fastened so that flies and other insects may not have access to the contents thereof. Such lids and covers shall only be removed while the containers or recep- tacles are being filled or emptied, as the case may be. SECTION 12: The disposal of any garbage in any manner other than that designated in this ordinance within the city limits is strictly prohibited. SECTION 13: Any person who wishes to use the city sanitary landfill for dis- posal of garbage or other refuse privately hauled to the city sani- tary landfill may do so without a permit provided: (a) The person requesting to dump is a resident of College Station and is able to establish same to the operator at the landfill site, and (b) The garbage or refuse which is to be dumped is not refuse from any commercial operation or establishment. All persons not meeting the above requirements must secure a per- mit, which may be obtained at the City Hall, in accordance with S-7 ORDINANCE NO. 885 Page 5 the following schedule: (a) Car, small trailer or pick-up $2.00 (b) Truck or trailer of two cubic yard capacity or larger $5.00 Upon payment of the proper fee, such person shall be entitled to dump such garbage or refuse in the manner and in the place desig- nated by the landfill attendant. Private haulers in the business of hauling or disposing of refuse for a profit shall not be entitled to use the city sanitary land- fill, except upon expressed written consent of the city manager or his authorized agent. No person shall dump any refuse at the city sanitary landfill at some place other than a place desginated by the landfill atten- dant for dumping. SECTION 14: It shall be unlawful for any person to sweep, throw or deposit any garbage, refuse, dirt, stagnant water or dead animal into, upon or along any drain, gutter, alley, sidewalk, street or vacant lot or upon any public or private premises within the corporate limits of the city. SECTION 15: The meddling with garbage cans, bags or trash receptacles or the pilfering from or the scattering of the contents of any garbage container within the city limits is prohibited. SECTION 16: It shall be unlawful for any person to bury the carcass of any heavy animal, such as cows, horses and mules, within the city. SECTION 17: Rock, waste, building materials, or other refuse resulting from building or remodeling operations will not be removed by the city. Such waste shall be removed by the building contractor, owner, or occupant of the building at his own expense. SECTION 18: Manure from cow lots, horse stables, poultry yards and pigeon lofts and waste oils from garages or filling stations shall be disposed of at the expense of the party responsible for the same under the direction of the city manager or his authorized agent. i •' ORDINANCE NO. 885 Page 6 SECTION 19: Any violation of any of the terms of this ordinance, whether here- in denominated as unlawful or not, shall be deemed a misdemeanor; and any person convicted of any such violation shall be fined in a sum not exceeding two hundred ($200.00) dollars. Each day of the continuance of such violation shall be considered a separate offense and be punished separately; and any person, agent or employee engaged in any such violation shall on conviction be so punished therefor. SECTION 20: Ordinance No. 726 passed on March 1, 1971 and Ordinance No. 738 passed on April 26, 1971 and all other orders, ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance, or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent necessary to give this ordinance full force and effect. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of July, 1973. APPROVED: is or Y ATTEST: Sac, r-e`tary,