HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/2002 - Regular Minutes - Zoning Board of Adjustments (2)• 1tIINUTES Zoning Board of Adjustment April 2, 2002 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 6:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hill, Lewis, Richards and Alternate Members Corley and Allison. MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Shelly & Birdwell. Alternate Member Goss, not needed. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Assistant Grace, Staff Planners Reeves & Hitchcock, Planning Intern Flannery, Assist. City Attorney Robinson, Development Review Manager Ruiz, City Planner Kee, Development Services Director Templin. AGENDA TI'EM NO. 1: Call to order -Explanation of functions of the Board. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM N0.2: Consider any absence request forms. • Mr. Shelly & Mr. Birdwell submitted absence requests. Mr. Lewis made the motion to approve their requests. Mr. Corley seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0.3: Consideration, discussion and possible action of meeting minutes from February 5, 2002. Chairman Hill made minor changes to the minutes. Mr. Corley approved the minutes as amended. Mr. Richards seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0.4: Consideration, discussion and possible action of a front and rear setback variance request for 1108 Detroit, lot 20, block 5, McCullough Addition. Applicant is Neatherlin Homes. (02-46). Planning Intern Flanery stepped before the Board and presented her staff report. Ms. Flanery told the Board that the applicant is requesting the variance to allow for the construction of a new house. The subject property is undeveloped. A house is planned for this lot that will encroach into bath the front building setback and rear building setback. According to one of the two site plans submitted, a new house could be set parallel to the property line, which would seem to create a minimal, if any, setback encroachment. The second site plan shows that if the house is built parallel to the street, a varying encroachment would occur. The applicant is requesting a variance of 1' 8" to both the front and rear building setbacks to allow for the construction of the house. Pa elo 3 ZBA Minutes April 2, 2002 g f The applicant offers as a special condition that the lots on block 5 of the McCullough Addition are at an angle from Detroit Street. The applicant offers as a hardship that the angle of the lots on Detroit Street and the required front and • rear setback reduces the buildable area on the lot. The house is 1420 sq. ft. If the home were reduced, it would be too small for the family. The applicant has offered the following alternative to the requested setback variance: keep the house parallel with the street and distribute the variance to allow all four sides. This would require a 1-foot building setback variance on each side of the property. Staff sees a second option as shifting the encroachment entirely to either of the front or rear yards. Ms. Flanery ended her staff report by telling the Board that there were three phone calls on this case, one being in opposition. Chairman Hill asked what were the comments by the individual who called in opposition. Ms. Hitchcock. stepped before the Board and told them that the caller was concerned about property values and possibly affecting resale values of their home. Mr. Corley asked if the lot was the same width and same depth (an actual true rectangle with 90-degree corners) would the house fit without a variance. Mr. Flanery replied that it would set within the setbacks but asked for the question to be deferred to the applicant. • Chairman Hill opened the public hearing for those wanting to speak in favor of the request. Mia Nevenhoff of Neatherlin Homes stepped before the Board and was sworn m by Chairman Hill. Ms. Nevenhoff stated that the home would fit if the lot were rectangle. Mr. Richards asked if all the homes on that block are parallel to the street. Ms. Nevenhoff replied that some are parallel and some are not. Mr. Richards asked in what way would this home affect the surrounding property values. Ms. Nevenhoff replied that this house would improve the area property values. There have been other homes built and the neighborhood is growing. Mr. Lewis asked Ms. Nevenhoff to say a little more about the quality of the proposed house. Ms. Nevenhoff told the Board that the home would either be vinyl siding or vinyl siding and brick. The proposed home is comparable to the homes being built in the neighborhood. Chairman Hill asked what provisions are being made for parking. Ms. Nevenhoff stated that the homeowner would be responsible for putting in the driveway. Ms. Nevenhoff stated that the driveway will be 12 feet wide and will have access for two cars. With no one else stepping forward to speak in favor or opposition of the request, Chairman Hill closed the public hearing. • ZBA Minutes April 2, 2002 Page 2 of 3 Mr. Corley made the motion to authorize a variance to the minimum setback from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest, due to the following special conditions: the A typical angle: of the lot lines; and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship to this applicant being: the inability to construct a home on a lot whose • size would typically allow for the construction of a home of similar size: and such that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done subject to the following limitations: that the home be built according to the side plan presented in `exhibit A" (attached) of the variance request. Mr. Lewis seconded the motion. 1VIr. Lewis stated that a new home of this quality would be beneficial for the neighborhood. Mr. Lewis stated that just driving through the neighborhood it appears that the majority of the homes have been built with the sides parallel to the side setback_ Mr. Corley stated that he observed that as well. Chairman Hill stated that the revitalization efforts going on in the neighborhood are helping the area. Chairman Hill called for the vote. The Board voted (5-0) to granting the variance. AGENDA ITEM 5: Presentation and discussion by Legal Staff regarding requirements for determination of variances. Chairman Hill stated that it has been suggested since Mr. Birdwell is out, and he is the Board Member who placed this item on the agenda, that this item will be deferred until a future meeting. Mr. Lewis made the motion to defer the item to a future meeting. Mr. Corley seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0.6: Consideration, discussion and possible action on future agenda items. Mr. Richards asked staff for the future dates for the UDO and if there have been any changes to the Board granting variances of 20%. Mr. Templin stated that the next two meeting dates scheduled are April 9 & 19. The Board's request of approving variances of 10% has not changed since the recommendation was given to the Planning & Zoning Commission. AGENDA ITEM N0.7: Adjourn. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: Deborah Grace, taff Assistant ZBA Minutes April Z, 20©Z APP OVE ` f ~ ' Leslie Hill, Chairman Page 3 of 3 1 PROPOSED RESIDENCE LAYOUT FOR: HARRf50N, MORRIS SUBMITTED BY: NE.4TNERLIN HOMES 2810 N. HARVEY 1'11TC!-{ELL FKWY., SUITE 100 BRYAN, TX 11801 i 919/118-0206 FAX 9'19/118-5628 ,/ j/ R£VIS£D 3/5/02 -~j I° 10~ \Qa' / / DRAWN BY: ,. w/ / j ~~~ JENNIFER ROBIN30N p~ ~ ~;,~ ~` ~~ i ' j O/ M1~l 9 ~ ~" = lS %~ `%/ ~` ~ ~~~ \ ~ -~ % X\ ~~ ~ ' /\\~ ~ ~ i~ j ,,. b, ~~~ ~~~/, i , ~ A ; 6 -, / ~ /~ ~ n,m atE Pwa Is e~sEn on FL.LING iNE NausE oN / . T4E Lct r+R-LL.I..EL WTN T4~ 61DE ~R~FAiY LINES. ~ + THERE C. l f-e' vSRIaNCE <i iNE fRON1 41YJ RFM Of % THE NO;J'_E P~ ~;'~.or ~ ,\p~` \` . ~. // LOT 20 BLOGiG 5~ OF McGULLOUGN ADDITION TO GOLLEGsE 5TA ION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TExAS • EXHIBIT "A" OPTION #1 - PREFFERRED ARIENCE Page 1 Deborah Grace -Meetin m From: "Graham Sheffy" <chase1 cox-internet.com> • To: <dgrace~ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 4/1/02 3:22PM Subject: Meetin I'm sorry to tell you at this late of a date, but I just found out today myself. I have to go have some day surgery tomorrow at Scott and White in Temple and they are putting me to sleep, so I probably won't be awake in time. Sorry again for the late notice. • Deborah Grace - RE: Can you meet April 2? Page 1 • From: To: Date: Subject: Dick Birdwell <d.bird~verizon.net> 'Deborah Grace' <dgrace~ci.college-station.tx.us> 3/18/02 1:12PM RE: Can you meet April 2? I will be out of town on April 2. Dick -----Original Message----- From:, Deborah Grace [SMTP:dgrace@ci.college-station.tx.us] Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 9:52 AM To: chase1 cLDcox-internet.com; rodgercL'DFellowshipCC.org; d.bird~verizon.net Subject: Can you meet April 2? We have one item to consider. t appologize if you have already answered this. Little crazy here lately! Thanks. College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. • • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT • FORMAT FOR POSITIVE MOTION Variance from Section 15, Ordinance Number 1638. I move to authorize a variance to the yard (Section 8.7) lot width (Table A) lot depth (Table A) X nunimum setback parking requirements (Section 9) from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest, due to the following special conditions: 'ilPtcai, h1u4L~ OF Tnr ~~r ~lN[S • and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship to this applicant being: ~ Nt: I~ ~ntzct~ T, Ca-air;z~-~ ~ tlcPn[ f~N ~ ~~'r Wi1~sE S~Zt 1,~~. ~~ ~~YPr~aL~7 ~~rc~~~~ ~~z ~T~+t ~;~ S^2~G; L1JhS v F ~ ~v na e.= r ~;,N~EL}1~ ~1zE_ and such that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done subject to the following limitations: ~~H A'T THG ~e M ~ ~7j v I~ i,' ~= of /~ CiZGh-+'a `tii 4 TG ~ fl G S -~ i t ,'~i.~kN 11'~z.ES~NTE1> LM \` ~X'e{[y ~is ~ v 6r I NEEyt ~l/~ R'tkAlC!' ~~f~o'^`ST Motion made by ~ hTf~T~f= ~. l„c~~Zi-~ Y Date ~`1 ~'t `L Seconded by (~~ ~'~~ ~ L~'^'%.S Voting Results 5 - . ~// _, Chair Signature ~~C1~;~ o Yf{RP1638.DOC ZONING B OARD OF ADJUSTII SENT GUEST REGISTER MEETING DATE ~ ~ ~ T pQ NAME ADDRESS ,, ,~ J ~i~l.~-~ ?~~`- I'~ 1, ~<,!.,L 9-' ~ ~~ ~ ~. 3. i 4. 5 6 7 8 9 • 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. • 24. 25.