HomeMy WebLinkAboutTAMU Old Campus Houses 073103The Old Texas ~ Campus Houses Paul P. Van _Ri~erI This is to request authorization of a Texas historical marker to commemorate the faculty and staff houses once on the Texas University campus, which, sold and sod, mainly in the 1940s, now comprise the principal historic residences in the city of Colleg~ Station, Texas. 5~nis application was initially proposed by the Brison Park Com- mmu_~ty AsSOciation of College Station as its sesquicentennial project,2 ~nd has been endorsed by +~he for Historical Preservation cf Brazos County,5 The immediate sponsor of the marker application is the city government of College Station, supported by Texas AZ~ Univer- sity.4 It is expected that any ~oproved marker would be placed on the Texas A&2M U.n/ver~ty campus, 5 The ~apporting data to follow are divided into three sections: l) the development of faculty e~ud staff housing at TAMU, 2) the remo,ral of this housing, and 3) its present location, ownership, etc. ",-,..~ile there was housing erected on many segments of the Texas University property, both in College Station and elsewhere, this pose! &nd documentation apply only %o the housing once in the section long recogr, ized as comprising the central TA~ campus. 5"his area is bounded by University Aveeno (formerly Sulph~mr Springs Road) on the :~orth, ?e:ca-~ Avenue on ~ne East, Jer.s.=.l~ S~.reet on ~k~ Sou~h, -e!lh~-rn ~eei {oli ~i~fhwa¥ 6~ :on ~he ~.-~e~.6 2 Folunded in 1876, the early Teas A~M University encompassed close to 2,500 acres of open count~ land more than fo~ miles from the small town of B~--ys.u, Texas. Of necessi~, the ~versity, then a small college (the ~icultur~ and Mechs_uical College cf Texas), had to function much as a milita~ post, ~th housing furnished and officially allocated to many facul~ and staff. That, as a land grant institution, the college's curric~um included co~sory milit~ tra~ing o~y underscored the analogy. i~0st of the school's old bull records were destroyed when the principal ~inistrative building, Old :~in, burned to the gr_ound in Nay of 1912. ~evertheless, th~ gro~h of campus housing can be outlined~ in a general wa~r. The first houses were five brick facul~ homes erected in 1876 on the East side rmed the nucleus of what became known for m~ny yea~s thereafter as Quality Row along both sides of t~his street. However, the last of the brick houses was demolished in 1949. Additional housing was rapidlY const~cted from the 1890s on. By 1914 there were nearly 50 houses on the central campus.8 Con- sti~ction of additional homes continued apace until the middle l~20s. By then ~itable housing for £~cul~y ~nd staff w~s rapidly ber, ~ ¢ 1 ~om~ng a~able in the Col!ege Station area aro~ud ti~e university~. ~r~over, it was becoming e.~ident that it would be necessa~y to uee more .~r~ uore o£ ~o central c~n~d~ anre~e for t¼~ ~o,4~,~ ~ o~ ~ ~--~ ==~'~u~q~_r._~or:al_~ilitie~_~ _ ~o ~c~o~-~=~ ---~,~ ~'~..~= __~-~_~_. ~rc~n' oi' ~'n=.. ~ student body, Which nearly doubled between 1917 and 1~5°~ and then doubled again between 1925 and 1935.9 In early 1913 the boar~ of directors ordered the numbering of the fa~lt~ and st~f homes. effective May 1 l0 , !919, and all references to house r~mbers in this proposal use the 1919 numbering s~ystem,- which is also the system used in the property ~ecords of the T~MU Fiscal Dopant. ~y 1~58 there were mpp=oximately llO faculty and staff homes on the main cam~, b~t onl~ two (nos. 251 and 422) h~ been erecte& after 1~25. Only the latter (no. 422 on ~ckmorton St. ) ~emains.11 As for s~yle and construction~ there were no more brick houses after the initial five. A~ll the rest have been frame. Sizes have varied from largish two-storied structures to ~ cottages of perhaps 1,200 square feet. The styles of those known to be in ex- istence can be g~ouped into four ma~n. types, which can be design~te~ 12 as follows: l) Queen Anne, most ~th ne~l~Ssical features, constructed between 1890 and 1910; this was t~ predominant style. 2) Cottages, smaller houses with a ~ll porch and sinple lines, erected here and there over per?~ap~ a forty year period, some of the earliest in a simplec~T~°~ ...... C~othic, with the more recent very plain indeed. 5) .~erica~u Four-Square (usin~ term~.no~.o~~ ~ of the 01d House Jo~al), relatively plain and squartsh two-~to~y st~ac- tu_~,~ with a one sto~y front_ oorch, ~rected b 4 4) ~alows of v~i~ sizes, but most ~atlish with square foota~es from 1,200 to 1,.600, erected between 1910 and 1925. This style comprised the second largest group. 15 It should also be noted that there were no great ~nsions or fancy Victorian structures among them. These, even the ,~_versity presidents' houses (see house no. 410) were essen middle class types of housing, o ous. Of the known ~emaining homes, the ~s vary from 1890 for house no. 222, now at 611 M~ntclair, College Statiom (and p 'the oldest house in the city) to 1923 for two homes, no. 204, now at 502 Kerry, College Station, and no. 289, at 1004 Ashburn. Id ~the early years of the ty, housing assignments were controlled directly by the president-and t.he board of directors. Effective in 1913, the directors z~ the president to delegate this task to a CoOtie on Housing consisting of the deans. This com~ttee met seve~ times a year from 1915 until 1939, when the board of directors decided to close out campus housing for faculty and staff.14 This committee developed an initial set of housing rules a~ud regulations, which were approved by the board of directors on Auo~st 18, 19!3.15 In main outline, these ~tes g~ided housing use policy for tD~ entire twent~y-six years of the Housing Co,tree's exist ~=nce. Removal o£ Houses With the Formal incorporation of the City of College Station, Texas, in Octo~r 1938, of campus hous~ for facul a~i t f rang ty saf . On Sept. 2, 1939 the ~uivsrsity's board of directors adopted a resolutiom stating that "on or before Sep- tember 1, 1941, all c~s re es be vacated and those that a~e vacated prior to that time 'se not d or occupied.',16 Excluded were residences of officers required to live on campus, such as the president, the commandant, th e surgeon a~ sever~ o~hers, lC was ascertained tha~ many faculty and staff would like to buy the houses they lived in, or perhaps others, and the first of several sales, via bids, was authorized by the board in of 1941. or about a thir~ of those on the campus in 1938. ~othe= t~ were ~adually sol& off in the next ~enty ye~s, while the f~ t~rc! is re-corded as having been burned or othemu,ise d or demolished, given to the Piremen ~s for use, moved somewhere else on th~ university's farm properties, etc~. The last sale of a main house appears to hav~ been in 1972.17 In the early 1940s these houses were apparently a drag on the =arket. They had to be moved and tha~~ was expensive, in £trst echelon of sales, the houses went ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~or between ~200 s_u~ ~800. 18 ~ot until the 1960s did houses bring as much as $2,000 to 6 Location 9f Old Campus Houses For the past three years the au~thor and his associates have been as pos- sible.19 The. search has been se h~mpered by the fact that the ,~versity's records do not show, except in three or four cases, to whom particular houses were sold. 20 As a result, the search has had to be th~ou~ a combination of in ~spe~ion and interview. The results of this seal-ch ~re ~mm~rized in the "lis~ of houses" to follow. A1 r, we have found forty-one houses for which the evidence is ove~elm~ that they wets once on the Texas ~M cam~so Of these, the campus location of tht~-~wo is known with considerable to absolute ce~ainty. For nine of the forty-one the prior campus location is uncertain to va-~'degrees. Thirty-eight of the houses have been fo~d in College Station. This gr~p forms by far the st segment of the ci~'s histori~ houses, for there app~rently are no Colleg~ Station nom-campus houses which antedate the early 1920$. Of the remaining three houses, there are ~ iz~ Bryan, Texa~ and the thl~ nearl2~ two miles north of Bryan and out in the countr~. In addition to the forty-one identified houses, at !east &uother four are known to have been b'~rnt or demolished after being moved off the campus. As approximately seventy cam~s houses were~ sold at some ti=e or other, this leaves the whereabouts of t~enty-five or so unknown. ~evertheles~, during the last year o£ our fairly extensi-~ and careful search---calendar 1985--we have been able to add only ~wo pr?~iou~!y unlcnown forum, er c~.."~m~s ho,~.se~ ~o eu_~ list. 7 In the list to follow there is provided for each house information relating to these topios: 1) present address, 2) present owner, 3) date erected when known or e~lanation of probable date, 4) location on c~mpus when known, 5) Year sold, 6) the evidence pertaining to identificatio~ of the house as a campus house and it~ location on , 7) style together with some comments on ~ent condition of the house, and 8) such resi- dents of the house when on campus as have come to our attentiom. The College Station houses ~ listed first, then those in Bryan and vtcini~. Within each city group, the houses ame listed by' present ad- dress according to an alphabeti~ ment of stm~e~ ~ames. An asterisk (*) indicates that the prior camp~s location of a house is un- certain. For a house listing by campus number, see ~hibit Jo For ~*ormation about sources and related matters see the following Special Notes: to May 1, in the mittee those to ~ application. 2. The dates houses were of Fiscal 3. Brazo s 5. and illus~ 6. Names of persons ~ the year a house was cation 19t5-39," Com- the same as to this on dates indicated. s of ~he 19~5. tert above E. and dates of residence (only · ~iiable) are txe ..,_nu~s o~ ,~ ~ Committee on Houses uni~ss other?s= attri?z ed. ~bu_~'~ ~ Erected Zold 1941 by them and College Jan. 29, 1986; purchased ~oye%t, 400 Charles E. ~rris, Jr., Erected 1902 (~s no. Sold 1954 Identift purchased Style: Previou~ R.P. Marstellar, I924, , ~ owl~er , who years School o£ Veterinary F~dicine Boyett, 402 Cbm.rle s E. Er~ So:d 1955 Ide Style: 19~Os to Previou Designated, min~t es of F~rsh~ S~ J. E. Marsh, Jr., son, sociologist, who in the once a twin 's house'~ in the Nelsom and from , Jan. 15, 1986) * College M~kln, 500 Donald Er_ected: Sold: for "Add Identification a~ c F~chased the house Cato: lone 2~/!e: ~ma in close to origir~] Pre¥ieum residents on camels: ? 77084, owner around 1900 s office block 23j lots 1, 2) e _~. _~oyett, whose Father ; coni~irmed by 'd.rl 0 was · S_=:tur~s; aTparently ; rebuilt born on campus and long time ]), We 1956-57 (Owens, Jan, 16, 1986) ow'I~er ) N.M. M~Ginnis, 1937 and mayor of * Fidelity, 300 Timothy R. Erected: Sold: Some probabt~ lot prior Style: of rest by owner Previous campus: (e.g. 601 moreover, been on this and 4) ; in process First, $18 Estat Sold 1941 Identification by Ceor~e H. Bovett. ~ - ~b. 1, i~6; Caroline ~.~c~~ ~an. lo, ~986 Style: small ~ized Queen -~ne, minor modifications ?T~vious residents o~ ,-amicus- lO Erected Sold o~rMe ~ $~ move from 1944 C1 adc, William Sold 1965 Wo Rs first assigned in 1914)(campus no. 418) Caroline and additions his niece) and later Grove, 100 Aubrey W. Sold 1941 Previous A.~r. on c~u~.pus: Peggy Campbell ~ens, Jan. 16, 1986 High. land, 200 Hi Erected Sold 1942 Identification as s, Jain. 16, 1986 one of five houses £acin~ Previous residents on E.J. Fe.~-nier, head Highland, 201 M. Sold 1942 west ll Reid House, Caroline Mitchell, ~v!ou R. L~ So Wo d~irying, 1920 * ~dghland Echo side of Sold by MAry~olto= on the wes~ are no% "Additions" Previous res no. no. civil e~ineering Sold: no t~hat West Id~ Style-. Previous C.A. Felker, 1914; F.B. W.L. ~ghes, 1925, ,"' 1939-43, 16, 1986; W. L. Feb. 1, 1986 E.B. La~oche, 1924 (see 1712 Clade) Highland, 504 Erected no. 208) Sold 1948 Identification by reside= Sty!~: t~n~alow Previous P.O. Box 3576, Texaa-kar~a, "~X 75501, owner the ir cuse in 19}8 ~-~, ~07 Steven P~ House is owl/er 12 old peak ow!Get for some yeara of Richard J. Ikmn, Sold 1 Style: A.E. Wood, owner ~hton, Jan. 16, 1986; co~irmed by Peggy Campbell Kezm-_y, 502 ~A- ~e L. Erst%ed 1923 Sold 1948 Iden%ificmtlon: same date Style: Previous Mrs. Potter, ~ 16, 1986 and Peggy campbell Owens, I mOVe ~ T~ne~ Richard Sold 1965 Identification: Jan. 16, i known Style: ow!~r S ne Mitchell, i s well with neo-classical features; well restored by Francis C. Bolton, 19i$, ...... e_r_..E, de~_u of engin- Luther, 107 ~ld 1941 S~yle: Jack no · San ~cisco, CA 94131, owner mo~e * Montclair, 201 Myrnm J. Hughes, T~ustee, 2400 Logier, No. 302, College Station, TX, owner ~ecte~ c~pus , Judging from design and interior; (~e of 14 clearly Style: Previous on ~ *Montclair, 400 Oscar C. ~ected· known to be on the ca~upus and Sold Identi Style: small sized Previous residents on camp~s: to several houses a~ 300 see of 11 from porch pillars Montclair, 601 Eric J. Schulte (resident) owner ~ected probably in tgll, as closely similar in design to seve~l houses known to be ~rected in 191I (see house at ~00 Fidelity) certain) Sold probably in 1948-49 ,~see Rrazo~ Cou_n~£ tax recoil-ds, '"Additions, ~9-p5, Colle_ge Park, block A, lots -B =~d 9; con£i_~m_ed by ~ardin Nelson~ r._.. a~ ~ house 2ovid about 1950 S~yie: ..a__ ~=_.1 ~.~n .~ne ~ith necciassic~~ ~= ~-~= F~ou~ residents on c~s: ? 14 Montclair, 605~ had the S · tyle, J.C. A.B. W.A. Eolzmann, (campus no. 417) Abbo who originally Montclair, 611 Paul P, and DorothyD. Van Riper (resident) owners Erected Sold 1984 1 child, July 3, 28, 1983; , Nov. 22, as one of five Sbyle: ~eatures Knowl~ house; M~urk F., dean, veterinary medicine Montclair, 710 Donald Erect~ Sold 1976 Identification: April 28, 1983 owner Bardin Nelson, Sr,, bo~t ~nis house and had it moved, St~yle: small sized Queen Argue, o~i~inally with some neo-ctassica! features Previous N.M. P.K. 1922, head ./ on Sold: Style: Park John ] Erected. Owens J.J above Park Erected ~ Sold 1948 Identification: This cadets Hot on from Style: Freviou ?. B. C1 ark. )'a~. !. A so director 2~Lla~ e · 15 situations) of both Dean, reporte~ 1970 Dean f Luther to Co~lan~ of' had been of the Campbell house was researcher, agricul~_re (see Jus~ gned 1916) (camous no. 220) of by Gr~uam time resident' 3o easily ~dentz~la01e campus drill field o .... e_ P~rk Place, Gerald Lo of from Previous F.E. Per~ Mrs. S.W. Sold Style: D. $.W. Suffolk, 315 Pe Sold 1941 Identification: house; house in a former Style: bungalow, with Prey i ou s C.B. Canpbell, 1917, head owner ?ter move 16 residence ident~iable field pillars; the hou~ tracks to present it, and maintained in · ~as born in the lived in the person to do so * Tauber, 415 Howard C. Erected Sold April far from Style: Prew 17 as not a~re where located "Additions" 1954-5T, to Tauber, was not houses M~s. W.M. Erected ] Sold 1952 Identification: house kno~n was head Previous Col. C.C. Col. C.J. og~r~ler 1986, that to the Trigon is also Dowell Timber, 205 Homer~. Erected Sold 1941 IdentiJ house, , S~-le: Previous residents residence Timber, 208 ~ected?~Ym°nd andi918Patricia(campus no.H' 2eed~254~ P.O. Box 9863, Colle~ Station, ~, o~er ~o!d !9~1 identification: ~s. Novon bouznt th~ house, 3-~ C~pbelI ~wene. j~. 16, 19 ~.2. Wooten, 19!B, he~ T.~ ~!i~--y tr~inin~ zchco!3 in %'or!d W~ I 18 FM Road No. Dale ] Erected i from twic~ 8, 1983 Identification: Style ~.D. ~e Road; then tur~ considerable nor~ of B.) at least , Sept. also identified Servicet as 5 July 198~; Pease, 508 James A. Sold 1948 College, authorized he did so; Caroline Style: Previous residents on no. 413) ? other tbm~ Puryea~ dean of the ,was one of few his own house~ 1940; conm~irmedby Willlamso~ 10T Basil W. Long, Jr, (resident) owner Erected 19!l (campu~ no. 248i Sold 1942 Identification: by M~rris 76502; he is son of H.H. .~--ktension Se~ice, who t ~ corner of block house, no. 248 was Style: .middle sized Queen Anne ~ intact in original form ?revious residents on campus: ~tr~%t St., Temple, ~ director of the A&ricultura! described as on ; only one cuped by Williamsons cai features; largely H.H. Jobson, 1915; F.W. Bell, 1915 (Jobson given leave) L~.H. ~ro-~l~ ~.~]v. R.L. Pou, ~020 ~ ~ ~ ~, ~-, ~~ , ~ s~ciali~t on extension staff · _-~on, l~2d (see .just above) Footnotes 1The research reflected here could not have been possible without a great deal of assistance. The members of t~he Brison pa~ Historical Committee, which I have ch~ed, were e~cially helpful in establtahing the ~n~ttal listing of ~esumed former c~ houses p~ared during 1983 and 1984. The members hav~ been Mr. and Mrs. ~nomas ~reazeale, Sam M~ Clelan~~, Mr. and Mrs. A~thu~ C. Dean, Dr. and Mrs. H~-~ison Hierth, Graham Eorsley, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy ~neipp, ~ill D. !~ncaste~, Mrs. Peggy Campbell Owens, Dorot~ Van RiPer, Mr. and Mrs. David Woodcock and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen WorleY. For o~er support I am especially indebted to Dr. Charles SchuItz, T~U ~_~chivist and Pan_l Scott of his staff; Joe J. EstiI1, Jr., and Ja_-~e.s David~on of TA~MU's Fnysical Plan= Department; P~nl W. Stephens, Manager of ~cal Planning, T~MU; Ms. Ann Grady of TAMU's Fiscal Department. Dr. P~nd ~s, president of Citizens for Historical PreservatiOn, ~os County, ~ovided en- couragemenl: and many copies of photographs. My political science col- league, Dr. Gaz-y M~ Halter, also M~yOr of College Station, has been most helpful beyond his formal sponsorship. Other ~ufo~ts, inter- viewees, etc., to whom I a~ indebted are ~own in the notes found with the "List of Ho~es" which is ~ ~ ..... part oz ~his d~c~_n~ 2~ae ~kison Park Association's sesquicentennial proj'ect to identify houses tb~t .have been moved off t~hs c~s was officially approved by the Brazos County ~esquicentennial Commission on ~{~. 28, 199A, by ?-~y ~elyn ~'~uite, Chairm~n. 3~= otc :ect was ~otad ~pu~ ~ ~ ~ - 2O 4See letter from Dr. ~amk Vandiver, President 0£ Texas A&M University, dated Jan. 31, I986, ~nd at~d as ~bit A in the appendix to follow. 5~ne site Presently favored is on Throckmorton Street on the main campus, near the only remaining house erected prior to Worli War II. map attached as N. M~st of t.his area is shown on the 1938 ~A~ map a~acned as it c. 7For old PhOto s of the brick houses see photoEraphs 2 and ~ in t F. For their location on campus, see houses numbered ~0~, 407, 411, 415 and 419. For their destruction, see the "Building Records," T3hMU Fiscal Department. 8See the campus map of Jan. 4, 1914, attached as Fo~hlbit D. The hous~ numbers on this map are those of 1919. 9For the university enrollments, see Henry C. Dethloff, A Centennial (College Station, TX: ~. 583. Texas A&M vols. II, tab!e 10?or the directive estab!isb/ng th ~ ~ .... ~ e o~ig~_n~l rmmb~ng system, see Minutes, Board of Directors, TA2~U, vol. 5, p. 59, J~n, 6, 1915 and p. 88, ~'~rch 5l, 1915. For ~ revised ~stem, '~th cross-ref- erences to the origi~ ~tem, s~e~ :~s,~'~ ~e Co~ittee on ~ousing, p. 62, T~ ~chives. For use of house m~berm in a few ex~ples 21 11 See the 1958 map, ~bit C.. There is so~e uncertainty about the total number of houses on the campus in 1958, as the property records are in a very few cases incomplete o~ manifestly incorrect or inconsistent; moreover, t~here are ten houses shown on the 1938 map for which there appear %o be no extant property inventory recomds. 12See ~bit .E for current photographs illust .rat~g the various styles of campus houses. 15See Rrb_ibit F for several old photographs of the houses while O~ l~see ~l~tg~s, 1913-1959, Committee on Housing, TAMU, University Archive s. 15For a copy of the housing rules of 1913, see ~bf~ G. For their approval, see Minutes, Board of Directors, vol. III, pp. 93-97, August 18, 1915. t6Dethloff, o~p.~ cit., II, 449. 17For sales data, see ~ope~ Records, F~scal Dep~nt, 18~oid. rot associates~ see tho~e listed in note 1 ~hov~, as well as those listed under the identilica~ion headings in the £ollowi~ "list o£ houses." 20_ ~or a few typical proper*ri records for ca_~us rent houses, see the esarrples in Ew£~_~bit H. Append~ 22 Exhibit A - Letter from Dr. Frank Vandiver, President of TAM~. ~bit B'- S a~iom showing the campu_ s e Exhibit C - 1 mo st the Exhibit E - ~z~hibit F - 01d photographs of the houses while om campus. ~rkibit G - The housing ~-~,les of 1915. Exhibit E- from the i ~hibit J - List of existing by campus number. ~le s to campus houses, EkZnibi~ TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77843-1246 (4o9) 545,,~17 January 31, 1986 Research Texas Post 0 Austin, 78711 application s the ic university campus. We placing, somewh ma rker. Sincerely, on and .~ Orl OUr able of such a Exlmibit - B ~o~es: 1. ~nis of 2. The se~nen~s data, , Fiscal ~ a~'e kno~z~ or otherwise proper~y--source s A former president's h°uSe (~0~); ¢~s no. 4!0; now 1700 Laura Lane, CS E- 2 2~, now 1102 Park Place, (medium Queen Anne, continued) Former bandmaster's home; among oampus houses for its 307 ~land, CS; unusual iori gi rm~l ~! ~ueen Anm~ E-4 One of half dozen of this design; c~,~pus no. unce~t~n; now 601 ~{ontciair Cs~urpu~ s E- 5 Co%tastee C~us number uncertain; now 908 M6n~clair, CS; aho~in~ a bit ar ~in~rbre~; Cam~e no. E-6 Campus no. 2~O; ~tO~Park Plaee; onc~ ~cu~ of commandant of cadets no. =0~,, now 2~_ ~t~land' CS Ca~mpus _mamber ~mnce~taz,,, ~rhaps 256; now 5DO Hi~bils~nd, CS Camps no. 208; n~ 304 ~g'nl~ud E~mhibi~ - J No te: List of e~stt~ houses b~ o~~±_ ca~ous~., numb~ _~ See also the 1938 ; addresses are in College 112 11~ 123 14~ 152 154 2O4 2O7 2O8 2O9 211 22O 222 22d 22~ 250 252 254 250 252 254 265 281 289 4O5 410 412 417 418 42O Cup'rent address~ Place 611 ll02 100 10T 208 501 - Ave., South 508 1712 Glade lO1Permhtng APPLICATION FORM FOR OFFICIAL TEXAS HISTORICAL MARKER Texas )artment P.O. Box 1 Texas 78711 iTitle of marker (subject to revision by THC staf~ ~She Old Texas A&M Campus Houses ppticabl¢: if on hi City or nco rest College Station, Distance For example. Close to Owner of marker sltc _ Texas A~M Universi~:. Sponsor of marker City of Person to whom marker is N 0 TE: mar~'er ~ to be p/aced %~gnarure of County Ch~ "l hate reviewed Please consult the appiicxt:on and nar signature on this form. sub!et., or budding 5% state sales tax must be SUBJECT MARKERS ~ ',~x 12' / wi grave marker (come~ with mounting bar) .... $175 5183 75 ~27' x 42- subiect marker with post .................. 5575 5603.75 ~ .,~'' ~4.~" subjec~ marker without post ............. G ~8' x 2g" sublect marker with post ................ ~ !8'x 2:C' su0iect marker without post 2 [tWc~ rzuuc:,i RTHL be considered for this marker. Z ~a- ~ t2"bu e n~ markerw~h oost 5225 5~36v 16" ~ I2" budding marker wnhou~ post .............. ~175 5183.75 Apphcatmn~ ~or builmng marker~ *~H1 a~lomatlcallv be constdere0 for the RTHL desk,nation. Please read carefully Texa~ Marker Policies tSrt~u~h ~5. and ineicate that you have done so by si~nmg below. PAPERWEIGHTS :': , "~ -:- :a -:r-_-: .................... 575 5-~ 75 ~ ..... . ,.. - ......................... S25 526 25 Station, TX c~s houses on post) will be attached On City, Zip Code /f TX City. Zip Code 77840 Approval of the the county caairmanW payment if ordering DIRECTIONAL SIGNS location(s} on form above: ............ $65 S68.25 to and ptaced on ),our t~n ~ cny b}' the District Highway ~gtneer. 81ackand W~ke(~or t~rm4~market roads, state and U.S. highways} Green and Whim Ifor mter~mte highways) 22- Hismncai Marker di~ctional sign .......... ~5 [68.~ la 31ack and ~'htteontv. For c:tv and county rtstl~. 4 ~p/tcant. m~t 5uppt*'. post and be responsible .tbr /,iace.ment. With arrow o ntin stmt~htahead W~ h arrow pmnting left Wit h arro~ pointing r~ghl OTHER ~ 6~upoiementat vtate ...................... ~ ~ ~~'5 ~ I_ h'md:ngmarkermateoniv~see~oticvlll .... 5~I0 ~I15 50