HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 Letter to the Editorr 1~ d' ~p d' M ~ 3 2 J At war with Islam hope readers paid atten- tion to the article by Jean- nine Aversa and Andrew Taylor headlined "Chertoff says it's time to grow up" (Eagle, Jan. 18). Michael Chertoff made the point of our need to grow up, one made in the book by Dian- na West I just finished read- ing: The Death of the Grown- up, How America's Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization. Her take is that our war against terror is hampered by our teenage mentality carried into our adult population. So much for political cor- rectness, relativism and, sur- prisingly to me, having worked in the Islamic world, multiculturalism. She even concludes that we are not only at war with.Islamic terrorists, but with Islam itself. CALVIN BOYKIN ~ College Station