HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchleuter, Norma UdashenNorma Udashen Schlueter Norma Udashen Schlueter has been a resident of Bryan since 1947 when she moved here from Waco with her family. She and her late husband, Virgil, have three children, Frank and Anne Schlueter, Greta and Kyle Drennan, and Harriet (Misi) Schlueter, all of Houston. Norma's grandchildren are Jessica Schlueter, Will and Daniel Drennan. It was while attending the University of Texas at Austin that Norma met her future husband. She and Virgil owned and operated their own pharmacy, and Norma continued the business for several years after Virgil's death. Once the pharmacy closed, she worked for Binford Insect Control and Bryan Independent School District for a number of years, and has finally retired to a life of fun, exercise, and volunteerism. Norma has been an active community volunteer for many years, long before she "retired" to volunteer. A charter member of Congregation Beth Shalom since 1968, Norma has served as chair of many committees and as an officer several times for both the Congregation and the Sisterhood. She began her community service as a Brownie and Cub Scout leader, taught religious school and served on the original Girls Club Board of Directors when it was first established. Norma's other volunteer activi- ties included working with the Bryan High School Band Boosters and being an active Shy-Anne parent. She also reports that she sewed many costumes for the Shy-Annes over the years. Today, Norma continues to be active in her congregation as well as mentoring in the Bryan ISD HOSTS program and volunteering at the Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Center twice a week. Norma counts her children and her marriage as her biggest accom- plishments. But she's equally proud of the fact that she finally learned to drive at 46 and her ability to maintain long-term friendships. She still has lunch once a month with women with whom she graduated from high school, some of whom have been her friends since the third grade.