HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 19, 2001Management Team Minutes City Council Chambers September 19, 2001 9:00 a.m. New Items: 1. Coversheet Review for the Sept 27 Council Meeting (Tom) 2. Agenda Planning Calendar (Tom) 3. Employee of the Year (Tom) 4. CIP Process (Charles) 5. Annexation Plan (VS#2, S#2) (Tom) 6. Strategic Planning Calendar (Jeff) 7. FY02 Budget/Employee Pay (Tom) 8. "Blue Sky" Vision Decisions (Glenn) 9. 3CMA Conference Review (Kelley) 10. 2001 Annual Report (Kelley) 11. City's Response to Terrorist Attacks (Kim) 1. Coversheet Review for the Sept 27 Council Meeting : Tom Brymer, City Manager, reviewed coversheets for the September 27, 2001 City Council meeting. 2. Agenda Planning Calendar : Tom reviewed the agenda planning calendar and items were added and rescheduled. 3. Employee of the Year : Tom Brymer , CM, and Julie O'Connell, HR Director, reminded the team that it is time to make nominations for the Employee of the Year. Directors need to make their employees aware that it is time to make nominations. Deadline for nominations is Friday, September 28, 2001. 4. CIP Process : Charles Cryan, Fiscal Services Director, distributed a handout stating the process for submitting items for the new CIP. The form can be accessed on the Pdrive at P: Engineering/New CIP. Completed forms should be submitted to Mark Smith no later than November 13, 2001. 5. Annexation Plan (VS#2, S#2) : Tom reported that the City is behind schedule according to the strategic plan VS #2, S #2 on annexation. The Team discussed the annexation plan and the impact of utilities on it. Tom stated that directors need to get their information to Jim Callaway for the plan. 6. Strategic Planning Calendar : Jeff Kersten, Budget and Strategic Planning Director, distributed the FY 02 Strategic Planning Calendar. The calendar will be placed on the P drive and intranet for review. If Directors identify items that are complete e-mail Jeff Kersten or Brooke Brandenburg. All information to update the calendar should be send to Brooke Brandenburg. 7. FY02 Budget/Employee Pay : Julie informed the team that she recently sent out information to directors about the recently approved portion of the employee pay plan. Individual employee pay sheets will be delivered to departments as soon as they are complete. Tom informed the team that it should look ahead at future portions of the pay plan. This is important because with the possibility of a declining economy, the funds may not be available to carry out future increases. The team discussed the possibility of increasing retirement to 7%. Julie stated TMRS will meet with employees to educate them on what 7% means to them, after which, HR will send out an employee survey on the subject. th 8. "Blue Sky" Vision Decisions : Rescheduled for September 26 . 9. 3CMA Conference Review : Rescheduled during a future meeting. 10. 2001 Annual Report : Kelley Cole, PC& M Manager, reminded the team that it is time to start putting together information for the 2001 Annual Report. All information should be submitted to Kelley. th 11. City's Response to Terrorist Attacks : Rescheduled for September 26 . 12. Other: th ? United Way Cookout - Is scheduled for October 12 . All those interested in helping out should contact Dave Giordano. th ? Employee Banquet - October 26 at the Brazos Center. th ? Police Accreditation - October 26 . Contact Ed Feldman for reservations. nd ? Supervisory Academy - Starts October 2 . Tom reminded directors that if they have employees attending the Academy it is important for them to attend the graduation ceremony.