HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 6, 2001Management Team Minutes City Hall Training Room June 6, 2001 8:15 a.m. AGENDA ITEMS New Items: 1. Review Coversheets for June 14th Council Meeting (Tom) 2. FY02 Budget (Tom) 3. Change Orders (Tom) 4. Citizen's Survey (Jeff) 5. TAMU Campus Master Plan (Tom) 6. Emergency Mgt. Exercise Briefing (Dave) 7. Council Update (Tom) 8. Brazos Valley Rehab Fund Raiser (Julie) 9. Health Plan (Julie) 10. Agenda Planning Calendar (Tom) 11. Other 1. Review Coversheets for June 14th Council Meeting: Tom Brymer, City Manager, reviewed agenda coversheets for the June 14th City Council meeting. 2. FY02 Budget: Tom reported to the Mgt. Team that the OB&SP has the preliminary numbers for the FY02 budget and that projected revenues are lower than projected expenditures. The expenditures forecast does include the payplan changes minus competency pay, but does not include the impending changes to the healthplan. The Mgt. Team will have to make some decisions regarding budgets, the pay plan, and health insurance. The City Council has expressed some desire to raise the ad valorem tax rate to pay for infrastructure and debt service. Jeff Kersten stated that the OB&SP is reviewing budgets and may be able to lower utility costs and will be reviewing fleet maintenance to assure the money is allocated properly. Tom informed the team that in an effort to avoid putting money in the general fund at the expense of public utilities that some SLA's will not be funded. Directors will have to decide if the pay plan should be fully funded or some of the money should be directed to healthcare. David Giordano, Fire Chief, asked if the departments should adjust their strategic plan implementation plans to match the budget. Tom replied that may be a possibility, but directors should submit the plans as currently written. Jim Smith, BVSWMA Director, asked if BVSWMA should start paying more money to the City in the form of ad valorem taxes. Tom replied that may also be an option. 3. Change Orders: Tom informed the team that any change orders that include a change in excess of $25,000 must be presented to the City Council. Tom does not have legal authority to approve them. 4. Citizen's Survey: Jeff Kersten presented the results of the 2001 Citizen's Survey. Overall 91.5% of the respondents were either very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with City services. Jeff will present the results to the City Council during the June 14th meeting. 5. TAMU Campus Master Plan: TAMU sent Tom a memo inviting the City to participate in formulation of the new master plan. The consensus of the Mgt. Team was to participate with the university o the plan. Mark Smith and Jim Callaway will represent the City at TAMU. 6. Emergency Mgt. Exercise Briefing : Dave Giordano reported on the State emergency exercise scheduled for the week of June 25th in Brazos County. The exercise will be used to practice state response to a foot and mouth epidemic should it occur. The state has asked for some assistance from local govt. CS Fire Department will be monitoring the exercise. 7. Council Update: Tom reminded the team the Council Upodate has an internal focus and the City Manager's report is more of a newsletter. The update is sent out to the Mgt. Team and can be distributed to assistant managers. If dept heads want other employees to get it them they need to contact Tom so he can email it to them. The team stated that they usually forward the document to those people who they feel have the need for the information. 8. Brazos Valley Rehab Fundraiser: Julie O'Connell, HR Manager, reminded the team about the fundraiser and asked if there is any interest. The team stated that the City should focus on the annual United Way fundraiser. Consensus was to not participate. 9. Health Plan: Julie reported on the healthplan. A full market adjustment of the plan would raise dependant premiums to — $500 per month, which would make it unaffordable to many employees. She distributed the proposed changes to the plan, which are designed to get employees to think about using preferred providers. The changes encourage people to use the Med and make all others a 70/30 pay split. Another option is to go to an 80/20 split with a $250 deductable. 10. Agenda Planning Calendar: The team reviewed the planning calendar and items were added, removed and rescheduled. 11. Other: None