HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 25, 2001Management Team Minutes Council Chambers April 25, 2001 8:15 a.m. AGENDA ITEMS New Items: 1. Strategic Plan Update (JefJ) 2. Internal Survey (Jeff) 3. Flextime Policy (Julie) 4. Broad Topic Discussion (Tom) 5. Other 1. Strategic Plan Update: Jeff Kersten, OB SP Manager, distributed the Strategic Plan '01 status report and milestone tracking calendar. Most of the milestones for the fist 6 months have been completed. There are some incomplete milestones from February, and Jeff requested that directors review them and report any reasons for them not being complete. Tom Brymer stated that this info needs to be reported to Jeff or Dana as soon as possible so that it can be added to the Council workbook for the Strategic Planning retreat. During the retreat the focus is going to be on the strategy level instead of implementation plans. The focus at the retreat will be long-term visions. Jeff and Dana have been rewriting the strategies to mirror the format that was discussed at the Mgt. Team retreat. Tom encouraged the team to review the newly formatted strategies to see if they meet requirements. Jeff stated that there are a couple of strategies in the plan that are actually written as implementation plans, which should be avoided at the retreat. Steve Beachy, PARD Director, stated that there are some strategies that have been completed (reports and studies) that have resulted in work that has not been completed that need to be kept alive until full completion. Tom informed the team that we nee to keep working on these items and that staff needs to go into the retreat with a good faith effort and not be afraid to take on any extra work it might produce. 2. Internal Survey: Jeff Kersten reported that the internal survey will be kicked off this week. The survey will be sent to directors for distribution to the chosen employee. The sample being survey will include 175 city employees from all levels of every department. Results are due in the OBSP no later than May 4th. 3. Flextime Policy: Julie O'Connell, HR Director, returned the topic of flextime to the Mgt. Team for discussion because some employees have requested it be added to the EIC agenda for the next meeting. The Mgt. Team decided in a past meeting to allow flextime only in those instances where it required due to organization or City related reasons (no personal flextime). The team concurred that the policy should stand as written. 4. Broad Topic Discussion: Concorde California Mgt Tool: Tom asked the team if they thought that our City's Comprehensive plan should be organized to act as an overall management tool. The question is how to tie finance and HR into the plan. NFPA Proposed Fire Standards: The NFPA is currently debating standards that would change the truck/response standards to include large truck crews and shorter response times. If these changes are made and adopted in Texas it could cost the City $9-11 million to become compliant. David Giordano, Fire Chief, will observe the situation and report the results. 5. Other: Monthly Skills Increase Report: Julie O'Connell distributed the monthly skills increase tracking report. The report showed that the number of new skills increases has dropped and is beginning to level off as predicted. Travel Meal Policy: Tom requested that this be sent out for employee signatures and be dated for tracking purposed. Election: Tom stated that if City Council candidates ask directors for information they should comply with the request. If they feel uncomfortable releasing the information the item should be referred to Tom.