HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 years later Eagle photo by Peter Rocha on Myers shares a moment during special POW-MIA ceremonies Saturday with sie Velasco, who wore a bracelet bearing Myers' name until he was freed. • E~ ht awarded med g als in P - OW MIA ceremon y By Blair Fannin of the Eagle staff In ceremonies at the Veterans of For- eign Wars Post 4692 Saturday afternoon, local residents paid tribute to those Americans who spent -time in enemy prison camps and to others who never came home. With tears of sorrow and sadness, resi- dents remembered their friends and fa- mlly members who were Prisoners of War or are Missing in Action. Eight servicemen were presented with medals during the ceremonies. Receiving the special medals were Edgar Peters, Bob Boriske, Elroy Frieda and his brother Rudolph Frieda, Alton Myers, Pat Mann, W.T. Cantey and Frank Mucha. The medals they received recognized them for performing special services and for the sacrifices they made for their country. Each recipient had his name in- scribed on the back of his medal. Martin Elias, VFW District 17 chair- man, said he is glad the ceremony was held because he wants everyone to be aware what POW-MIA means. `"The public needs to know what POW- MIA means. My job is public awareness," Elias said. For Elias, the ceremonies Saturday were merely the latest efforts to make the public aware of POW-MIAs. '"This past Memorial Day, my family went to Houston and submitted a float which we built ourselves. It was a cage made out of bamboo and my sons were dressed in black silk pajamas and blind- folded inside the cage. The crowd all stared at us, but that is what I wanted them to do - to make them aware. We were the only people there that supported POW-MIA," Elias said. College Station resident Susie Velasco, Please see POW-MIA, 4A POW-MIA From 1A who wore a POW-MIA bracelet with Myer's name on it, ftrst met him when he returned from the war in 1973. "In Houston they were selling the bracelets to get the soldiers out and get them home," Velasco said. "I waited until he got home to let him take it off. We took pic- tures to commemorate the occa- sion." After his return from the war, Myers received his master's de- gree from Texas A&M University. He retired from the U.S. Air Force as a lieutenant colonel. RE. "Sonny" Dannhaus, VFW state chaplain, told the audience, "We should be proud of our coun- try that we live in and where we can express our own beliefs." At Saturday's ceremonies, Col- lege Station Mayor Larry Ringer and Bryan City Councilman Bob Reese read a joint proclamation declaring last week national POW-MIA week. Elias said the war is not over today and that it will not end until every American is out of Vietnam. "We can't stop now. You've got to keep the faith every day and not stop," he said.