HomeMy WebLinkAboutTexas WWII MemorialA8 Austin American-Statesman ~ Wednesday, August 15, 2007 ~.u~tin ~merican~~tate~man MICHAEL LAOSA, Publisher RICHARD A. OPPEL, BELINDA GAUDET, Editor Executive ~cePresident/General Manager FRED ZIPP, ARNOLD GARCIA JR., EDWARD BURNS, Managing Editor EditorialPageEditar V~ceFresident/Chief Financial Officer DAVID A LOWERY, ALBERTA PHII.LIPS, BRUCE RIGHT, Editorial Writers tribute at f you walk out the west doors of Ithe Capitol, your eyes come to rest on a monument that bears a "T" outlined by an arrowhead. For too long, that tribute to Texas' 36th Infantry Division has been the primary acknowledgement on the Capitol grounds of the state's World War II GIs. Though the 36th Division, then as now a National Guard outfit, was mobilized for the war and served with distinction, Texas sol- diers weren't exclusively assigned to that unit. Texans served in all branches and all theaters of that epic war. World War II Texans are long overdue for the recognition Mike Blackwell they earned and deserve. TExAS suQ.niNC Arm raocuREMENr comm~ss~oN That finally happens today when The new monument honors the 830,000 a monument honoring all Texans Texans who served in World War II. who served in all branches in World War II is officially dedicated. served nationally. In 1945, Aug. 15 was VJ Day Interesting statistics, but statis- - Victory over Japan - so the se- tics don't come close to telling the lection of the date is no accident. numerous stories of valor, sacri- By the time Japan surrendered in fice and courage. Soward helped 1945, more than 830,000 Texans had spearhead the fundraising effort to served. Of those, 22,000 gave their make the monument a reality. It is lives. a replica of the Texas pillar on the Larry Soward, the Texas Com- national World War II monument mission on Environmental Quality in Washington, D.C. commissioner, noted that 830,000 The ceremony is scheduled for 10 was 5 percent of the Texas popula- a.m. today on the grounds west of tion in 1940, and that number rep- the Capitol. It is an elegant salute resents 7 percent of the those who that has been too long incoming. ^ ~.