HomeMy WebLinkAbout6-25-07 SSC Min College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, June 25, 2007 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: Patricia Boughton, E.E. Burns, Joyce Davis, Rick Heaney, Dorothy Hernandez, Jack Hernandez, Laura Holmes, Edgar Jones, Robert Meyer, Haskell M. Monroe, Neal Nutall, Jr., Donald Pirwitz, Raymond Reed, Colleen Risinger, Yvonne Stevens, Doreen Todd and Joanna Yeager Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I.Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:00am by Robert Meyer, Chairman II.Hear visitors David Ruesink, Council Member, thanked the committee for their work. III.Approval of minutes from regular meeting on May 21, 2007 Haskell Monroe’s name should be listed under Members Absent. Rick Heaney made the motion that the minutes be approved with the correction listed above. Haskell Monroe seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV.Discussion, consideration and possible action on Absentee Form The committee was presented with the City of College Station Absence Request Form from the City Secretary’s office. The committee is not required to submit the form to the office of the City Secretary. Members should call or email the Senior Services Coordinator if unable to attend regular scheduled meetings. Haskell Monroe made the motion that members of the Senior Advisory Committee should not use the form. Rick Heaney seconded the motion. The motion passed. V.Discussion, consideration and possible action on report providing information to senior adults new to our community (report attached) Ray Reed and Don Pirwitz reported to the committee suggestions for activities that would benefit older adults new to our community on services, opportunities and facilities available. Ray Reed asked that the seniors’ website be placed on the July 30, 2007 Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Agenda for discussion. VI.Discussion, consideration and possible action on recommendations to Parks and Recreation Advisory Board regarding new members and appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Ray Reed made the motion that Laura Holmes, Neal Nutall and Jean Roberts be recommended to the Parks and Recreation Board as new appointments to the Senior Advisory Committee along with Ron Silvia upon receipt of his application. E.E. Burns seconded the motion. The motion passed. Ray Reed made the motion that Robert Meyer serve as Chairman with the understanding that there may be times Mr. Meyer will need to give priority to meet the needs of his wife’s health. Joyce Davis seconded the motion. The motion passed. Joyce Davis made the motion that Ray Reed serve as Vice-Chairman. Haskell Monroe seconded the motion. The motion passed. The recommendations will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board at the July 10, 2007 meeting. VII.Discussion, consideration and possible action on Senior Services Coordinator report regarding upcoming programs and events. (Report Attached) VIII.Recognition of members ending term with Senior Advisory Committee Marci Rodgers presented service awards to Laura Holmes, Patricia Boughton, Haskell Monroe and Neal Nuttall in appreciation for their generous contributions to the Senior Advisory Committee. IX.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Committee Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. ?Discussion, consideration and possible action of senior website ?Presentation of a statement from the Senior Advisory Committee to the City Council on the proposed uses and activities of a Community – Senior Center. X. Next meeting: Monday, July 30, 2007 XI. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:30am