HomeMy WebLinkAboutLinda Isbell Scrapbook`~' ~v ~. LINDA ISFlELL ^, hiY YEARS IN HIGH SCHOOL 19b2-1966 i IJI1A I~~~i=Li_ - MY YEAi~S IN HIGH SCHOi7L 1962-1966 J26~LQil! nday, March 26, 1961 3:00 P.M. torial Student Center )LLEGE STATION DISTRICT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION ted to the memory of Maudelle Wiley Gray r ?le ~~u~uae Stucde~rt (~;~i .Sum ~~~~ ~~~~t~ a musical play Sout~i ~aci~i.'c Music by RICHARD ROGERS OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN, II Directed by BILLIE .TEAN BARRON BOB BOONE 1 this program makes an ideal fan The summer after my freshman year I danced in the musical. August, 1963. On February 9, 1963, I took Tommy Cartwright to the annual FHA Sweetheart Banquet. r.~ .~ ~~' I~ -'l I~ 1~ 1 ' ~i~ ri ~- a~ 1~ ; i~ s My date and I at the Sweetheart Banquet my freshman y2~,r. -~ _~ ,' • "A N Y T H I N G G O E S" f. 'i..3' . By ~~. t-' Ri4.~-. - ` P% • _ Cole•Portet• , _ ,, /J~. ,~: " Directed by \ i \ ~ ~. ^~: Billie Jean Barron ,, ~"'~~ ° ±~, ~ ' Bob Boone ~.~ .` ~, • `,,' S~ ~j ~, `,,i , ~~ ~~? ~ 11 ~ ~,1 11 111 -' ~• t ,, ~ . , ;~ " ~, G; ~'+ ~ / ~ , '~ ~ I "~ i ' i /~ ( ` `• F~ f I ` ~' ~+ k r / i ~, '~ r \ l e a,.. s s. {/Y~ 3 ~` i ~ V \.lr ~ ~r ` . 3 - ' ~~ ~' ~ r ~, ,, ;'j i ~ ; ; ~ ~ \ _J , ~ 1 i ~, ~' , t~, ~~~ ~.~ r"`.` ~ ~ ' fJ, •~ j 1 ~ . ~' COtIRTESS OF TAMS-WITMARK CO. I The summer before my .freshman year I practiced for the musical. The night before the performance I got mono. y. . y .~ A & &1 ~.~~~• s ~ ~~ ~ S ~ ~r i~ w i •. ~~ ~~~ S ~ y. a~ ~ L'`' ~~ ti ~: ~ f tyt'",2 y ~~;e '- ~~i . e~'. ,' !~ / ., '~ 1' ~~ ,, ~ ,~~ f~~ :~ ~ Cj J..., r ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~; ~,~ ~ ~ ~, ,~ C~~~ ,;- i~~ ~~;~~= ~~ As a sophomore I took Duke Butler to the FHA Sweetheart Banquet. ~~ Duke an r III. ~ ~ t ~~,q r ~; - I K r ~UTU~~ fl0~l~~lfl~~~ 0~ flf~l~~ICfl TEXAS ASSOCIATION AREA VIII DISTRICT II THEME "Now is the Time" NOVEMBER 7, 1964 A&M Consolidated High School College Station, Texas As President of District II FHA I presided at the District meeting. 1964 ~ Also included on the morn-! ing program will be the pre- o n November 6 , 19 6 4 . sentation of colors by an hon- or guard from Allen Military Academy, greetings from school officials and chapter, ` i presidents, a report of the na- tional. convention and of the ~ state executive council meet- ~ mg. A luncheon honoring the dis-I trict officers and their spon- sors will beheld at the Tex- . as A&M University Memorial Student Center during they ~ noon hour. ; ~ Miss Isbell will preside over the afternoon session which j will include the meeting of the ~ House Delegates and the elec- troduce Rev. Thomas who will T h 1 s W a S tn1 r l t t e n U p i n speak on "Let's Zero in on the IFamily." the Aryan Daily Eagle HA Meetin g 'Here Satu rd.a Y Linda Isbell, president, and tion of the Distric t II officers Patsy Burch, first vice presi- for the new year. Nominees i i dent, will preside at the Dis- from 17 schools will be run- trict II, Future Homemakers ning for the various offices. ~ of America, Texas Association Talent numbers and relaxers ~ meeting here. will be interspersed through- ' The annual meeting will be out the day's program for the held Saturday at A&M Con- girls' entertainment. solidated High School auditor- The Future Homemakers of'~ ium. America, Texas Association, is ~~ Miss Isbell, student at A&M made up of 60,000 members Consolidated, is sponsored by v'ho are or have been students Mrs. Mary Phillips and Mrs, of the homemaking program John K. Riggs, and Miss in high schools. Other schools Burch, student at Stephen F.. m the local area who are as- Austin, by Mrs. Carl Landiss ~ silting with the meeting in- and Mrs. Grace Beamer. The chide Anson Jones and Lamar sponsors are homemaking Junior High Schools of Bry- i teachers at the schools. an, Caldwell, Snook, Hearne and Rockdale. Members of FHA chapters Among girls who have tak- from 38 schools representing en responsibility in acting as eight counties have been invit- chairmen of the various com- ed to the one-day session. mittees are Glenda Newcomb, j Miss Burch will preside at I art materials; Karlene Knebell the morning session which will and Deborah Schatte, general feature the Rev. Richard H. chairmen; Linda Bloom, stag Thomas, pastor of the First .decorations; Jane Houze, 1 Presbyterian Church of Bryan, cheon arrangements; Barb i~ as the keynote speaker. Yolan- Hedges, hostesses. ~', da Burkhalter, Area VIII sec-!r_ - and vice president and student ~ at A&M Consolidated, will in- iNiil~llµ?iIII,I~ilil~; SAN MARCOS BOUND • 3 n r F is to oo ina Two A&M Consolidated stu- Grand p r i z e in the national A, F. Isbell of 1106 Marsteller, dents and an Aggie wife left event will be a tour of Europe. College Station. today for the state finals of the Only senior contestants will go Linda made her suit from "Make It Yourself With Wool to the Phoenix finals. blue wool flannel and it fea- Contest." Y o l o n d a, the 18-year-old tures a low button coat with a Making the trip to the South- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. d e e p V-neckline and 1 o n g west Texas State Teachers Col- Burkhalter of Route 4, Bryan, sleeves. She accessorizes the lege campus at San Marcos won second place in the dis- full skirted outfit with white were Mrs. Don McDonald, Yo- trict senior division, gloves and dark shoes. ]onda Burkhalter and Linda The A&M Consolidated High ABOUT 75 girls and women Isbell. ~- School senior will model her from Texas will compete for 'l~s. Houston Smith, directorinavy blue basket weave wool the two first places -one in of the District 9 contest and a ensemble that features mill- the senior division and one in Bryan resident, accompanied tary buttons in a d o u b 1 e the junior division. State win- the girls. Also making the breasted effect. Hers will be announced Satur- trip was Mrs. Ed U v a c e k, WINNER OF second place in day night. A&M Consolidated homemak- the junior division of the dis- According to Mrs. Uvacek, ing teacher who handled the trict contest, Lind ell is a the state Make It Yourself local level of the wool sewing 17-year-old junior at A&M With Wool Contest will be held caitest. Consolidated. The small blonde in Bryan-College Station next SANDY McDONALD, a 21- is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, year. year-old Aggie wife and jun-~ for at Sam Houston State Teachers College; will vie for honors in the senior division of the contest which is sponsored in the state by the Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association and nationally by the Ameri- can Wool Council and the Na- _ tional Wool Growers Associa-~ ~ ~' ~' ~ ~ s tion. N N~ 7 N~ 7 ~G v. The blue-eyed, dark-haired' ~ ~ r+ ~ ~ home economics major wont 0 7 N C first in the senior division of J m m ~ `+ J the 23•county district contest a ~ p ~. p held here at the Ramada Inn. 0 F' rn h The suit she made and will 0- ,0 model Saturday is of cranber-I m .~ p~ rv ~ ry red loose weave wool with aj N: N• 0 ~ m rolled collar, simulated flat; ~ < ~ co y packets and three - quarter] 7 m N I (n H H sleeves. N .~, ~ ~ ONE SENIOR winner will C 0 I F be picked from Texas to go to -'• ~ ~ ~ the national contest at Phoe- `F 0 J f0 t4' H C ch nix, Ariz,,. later this m ~ p, 7 N _ _---- N J N c+ c+ F-' ~ 0 0 0- o ~' (0 n fi ~ UI (D cf Q TO VIE FOP TITLES These three ~~oung women are on their way to President Lyndon Johnson's alma mater in San Marcos to compete in the state Make It Yourself With Wool Contest. Seated is Linda_Isbell, the 17-,year-old winner of second place r Local Girls Are Cited In State Wool Contest Two local young women wife, was cited for having the I placed in the State Make It "best accessorized garment" in ~ ~' Yourself With Wool Contest. the senior division. The contest was held over Winning first place in the the weekend on the Southwest junior division was M a r c i a Texas State College campus at Peebles of Fuiz High School, San Marcos. Houston. She represented Dis- Linda I s b e 11, 17-year-old trict 9 which is in charge of cT-aug ter of r. and Mrs. A. F. Mrs. Houston Smith of 4000 Isbell of 1106 Marsteller, Col- Oaklawn, Bryan. Another dis- lege Station, was cited for hav- trict representative, Mrs. Rog- ing the costume with "line and ers Garrett of Waller, placed design best suited to person" in in the adult division. Firs t e junior division. place winner in the adult divi- rs. Don McDonald, a Texas i sion was Mrs. Cecil Woodard of University student 's Junction. The results of the wool contest are reported in the Bry~n Daily Eactle January 10, 1965. 1 Taking top honors in the senior division was Jane Wig- inton of Big Sandy. Both she and the Houston high school student will represent Texas at the national contest to be held in Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Smith, who has been in chargE of District 9 for sev- eral years, said she was very pleased with the showing made by her district. Bryan-College Station will be host to the state contest next year. I For Classified Call TA 2-3707 ~~ MAKE ~,:, IT 4 .A~ ...~ YOURSELF WITH WOOL .. r SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE COLLEGE JANUARY 9, 1965 The state contest took place at San f~'!arcus on January 9, 1965. ~ ~ y .O .~ ~ ~~ .C~ U c++ O G~ ~ ~ O ~ Q' .~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n, ~ Fes'' ~ ~ ~ h ^ ~ ''" H ~'~J ~ p c~ _ v1 y ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~' +~ ,~ O ~ ~ ~ .,~ u i Q a ~ ~ U ~ ~ `~ H ~ ~U O A ~, `I~,1 ~ H O ~ 'ti ~ ~ a x ~ o U ~ o ~~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ , A r^ ~' ~ x ~ ~ ~/ 1 .,..., ~ O r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. .~.~ F U y .~ ~ H O ,~ ~ ~ H +~ ~ ~ ~ a .~ ~ a~ ~ a ~ ~ ~, V ~ ~ E'' ~ o J 7 After almost a year's work I completed the State Homemaker Degree. I received notice of it at the st~.te FHA meeting on April 23, 1965. ~ ~ t _ ~~ *~~~ a "MP~ .. hs.. ~~~ '' ;'~._, i~ >w Vic; After being in the pep squid for two years, I tried out for the Bengal Belles and made it. This group does high-kick routines at the football games and at some of the basketball games. Y. ~_ This was taken a,t the District Woel Contest. I placed here and got to go to the State Contest. ' 11111111111111111111. ~ ~~~41u1~1'~f~il'~'~t~~~li;illi 11111 1i• ~ ~ • III°1 1t1 ~ IIA I A I 'ht°111iff1~lf ° li,lh:lf°Iifyfpiflt I,I~i~ ^I 11'1 111 111 111 11111 i 1111AI11/1~ ^1^111~1 1 11SI111~1 hi 11 f 111 11 :°~ 1111.1 ti111: X1111 Id. 111.1,111 11 11 ^I111.1'.~I 1111 I ht h 111111 t 1X1111111°! ~1-l11 111 111 I Ii11^111 1X1^I G~t111111 X11 1 11111111, X1.11 11,1 IAiilblpl 1°111 111111 11ti;11111R~1111111~1111°~ I-II Ii111 11111111 It~l .11,11/11.111111111111 I1t1¢1111 111 ~ I^11 `'11111 1111 111 111' =11t I t~~ ~ • ,1.~I p1. 11 11.1111 1A1,1111 , /1 °I 1^I I° °h 11111 I IXI I hR1 1R hI1, 11 X11 II 11111 1^Iililill 1111 ;Itl~lli11R1~~~1 111 ~ pp 111.111,p1111t1<.;11~"AII 1111,1111 11111 1 P:1 11 1t '1'111 1111 11111~11h 111'1111h1.11b1~111111111^ 1°I 11;1111°11111 11 11°III 1111 11~ 1111 1 11 111 111111 11'11111 1~ 1111111.1. LIJIhb 1111) 111X111) ~1 ,r,T ~. ~~ - - ,t ~ ; ~~ ~ t I, ~~I • , ~I`~ -', ~ ~ ~_ iti y 1 ~ I~G~!~I~~~~~Illle~'iIl'I i~i+r4. •~ ~~^~ w ~~ ~~ T~ 9 11 pl .g111pIg1 q q +" •1119111P1 1 1'1 1 Ia~y.c A11 1t~11 111 1.111111 p1.111 11.1 .11111111° ~, 1111 1'11111111111111,111 11'11111 tl 1111 1 +.y c 1111 1p .11p =1 1.1111111 1 IAA IXIIt I .~ !il lili~ltilili il'li 'I'iilil iilllikll l i111' ' 1.. 1 1 1 1/ / 1 1.1 I I A 1 1/ / 1 1.1 1h jlltili'I 'itlillhll I~I III fell i I Ili'1l :~ ° it Ii1i.i~' i1i 1111'li ', ,'Iil 1'"iAilil ili ' i ~v 1~/~111,1~'~11'illlil"'I'lie~ I"i'ih!I' {~11 i i +IXi^ 11 1 I 111111 1"1'1'11111 .i1111 r ° ,I 1'.11' ' 111 111'h11 X11p 111. I ~ ~~~ .R 1 I 111tH I 1 1111 111- 111- 11 ~ ~ ~i~h`. i111A11i11A1111 1!4 1111 I^ 11111!, .-.-. ~~' 1^ h 1111111 1111; 1111 I I /1X1111 1X1.111,1 111 ! .1 A111/ 1/11~.11t t^ 11 'I .~ ~ It1 11;1p11 iiq ! 11111 111 11 IXI 111^i %~ ti ,tl ~1ili Itl ,iilil,l i1111iiiii lillllli~~( , R; , 111i1ei4~~ `1 (I~'11'1''' 1il'',11,I,i1;111~,I _~, i ~t~~~1~1l11~1~ltl~I~~~`~11~l~I~l~~4141l~ .tlr, .!~ , / ro i I ~ ~'~~ un~r. . before m~ X ~' ,r~ y F Junior ye ~ ~,,. ,~1 ^' the Belll ~ ~ ~ attended _ I ~~ 1 Drill Tee _ ~ ' r School wt / ` ~ we won a ~~ ~ ) a ~: place trc ~ I ~ ~~ The follc ~ ~ ~ i _ ~ ! \ ~ ~ summer we , ~ t + ~ _~ ^ also won "s , Y l r( 1 .. ~ ~ ~' 3rd place _ _ ~~ ~~ '~ 13 ~" C ~ ~ trophy. • I ~/ Z {~ :,~~ ~ . ~ I I r ~L ~~/.v ~ 1s t3.~,L..L ~~, K ~' `. 1-pv E Fl K ~S TNT L,.~O RL~ Gc~ ~Oc1F10 My Junior year I took Howard Nelson to the FHA Banquet. It was held on February 6, 1965. I introduced the speaker. r m:F: - ... `~.,~ _ ~ ~t' ~- ~.: - .~ ~~ ~ ~~'~ %~ ~:, _~- _ ~ k ~ ~_ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~: s. .. .~ _ -- _. - ..~r i i ~ ~~ ''s ' ~ ~' . r -' r, ,.~ f ~ -:~. r ,: ;r~; 4 ~ 4 '';'~ s„' ~. ~ ~, k s • ~ ~ ~ ~~~. fie' ~~y~~ ~~sl~~° ~~ f L~ ~1 , Howard and I at the banquet. I dated him steadily after that. F ~ ~_.:. / li~~~ b: D1~ ~ 1 \\ i~ Howard took me to the Junior-Senaor Prom my junior year. 1 Theme: Sayonara (Photo by Aggieland Studio) GIRL STATE PICK - nda Isbell 17-year-old daughter of Dr. and Mrs.~`I~"IsT~eTl of 1106 Mar- steller, College Station, will attend the Bluebonnet Girl State in Austin June 16-25. The A&M Con- solidated High School junior honor student is spon- sored by the Bryan-College Station Business and Professional Women's Club in the state-wide Am- erican Legion Auxiliary-sponsored event. As chair- man of the state nominating committee of the Fu- ture Homemakers of America, Lynda will attend the national FHA meeting in Philadelphia in July. She's a past president of the district FHA. Also, she placed second in the state Make-It-Yourself- With Wool Contest; is a member of the school band and choir, and has appeared in several Summer Musical productions at Texas A&M University. From about ten other people I was chosen to represent the Bryan-College Station Business and Professional Women's Club at Bluebonnet Girls State in Austin, I was there from June 1b-25 learning about. and parti- cipating in government: r _ r -- _ ~ .~ "~ _. ~--- t `~ ~~~- ~, --~- ~`~ ~ ~\ ~~~~ i~~~ ~ , '~ ~~~~ ~ ®~~~ I ~- a- i ~,,~ - ~- _ - . ~, _ ~ _ ~, _ _ ._ _ , ~~ _' .. :~ ~-~ ~ ~ There were 500 girls at Girls State, and we were divided up into cities and counties. I was in city K and c~cnty NU'w, utie were also divided into parties---the Nationalists and Federalists. I was a f'~at. =~a "~' . Y ~ "~ ~~ .~ ~ d ~ ~ w,r~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ' :_ n t~ ~ ~ - Cl. 1 c "~ ~j ~ ~_ .~ - ,,. ~. Boa A ~ Z ~ ~.~~~~,~~! d Here was a daily Nats vs. Fells exhibition. In the background are all of the campaigning banners fur State offices. I ran for Count Clerk and here my name was announced as winning the prim~~ry election. However, this was, as far as I got. r session at the state capitol. ~~6 - - ~`7 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~s~z~~l~ ice- ~~ ~ ~ _~_~r_~ ~~s~<~' ~~~~' ~ ~ Q ~l~ s. ~ ~ . ~~~_ ,~ _.r .,_~.~ .. _. - - - ~~~~~ The newly elected County Clerk sold marriage licenses for a penny. I bought one ar,~1 later married his ;picture. `~,Ul fUl'll l l l~l I11I~I l~I ttf~Vlblibl ICI VI Vl lll'lll l l~l~111~11114!l llllVl111 Pdr~ .~.ntPrtrtt~t ~~p~tun ,~.u~tlt~r~ ~Yue~o~tr~et ~ir[g * estate ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE TH1S IS ~'0 CERTIFY TH14T: has attended and completed the session of BLUEBONNET GIRLS STATE 1965 GIRLS STATE CHAIRMAN DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT C ~ C C ~ C ~ C ~ - COUNSELOR ECTOR ~ ~ ~ ~1lll~~l1'~ U~ o~ ~_~ ~ h,~, : ~ ~ rk a 'y ~f 1fl ~ ~~ U 'i-~{ } J~ - _ r~ }` _. ~`~d ~ e 1 `~ fi,T „~f ~. ~;~ ' E ' ; , a n'-. '~ ~y - , " ~ ,~ i ~ rI~ $_ . 'x' ~,. ~rs. Vance Is Installed , B&PW Club New President Members were urged to take i new vice president. leadership in finding avenues Linda Isbell, the club's rep- of progress at the Bryan-Col- i resentative to Girls State, lege Station Business and Pro-sponsored by the Texas Am- fessional Women's Club in- erican Legion Auxiliary, re- stallation dinner. ported to the club on aetivi- Urging the membership to ties of the annual experiment take the lead in civic progress in government held each was Mrs. B. F. Vance, new,Year in Austin. Linda will b president. li a senior at A&M Consolidat She and other new officers. High School. were installed at the Tuesday -- night session in a ceremony conducted by Mrs. P. L. Bar- A s soon a s T r e t u r n e d ron Jr., a member who is the B&PW District director. ii from G1rls State I had Serving with Mrs. Vance will be: Mrs. Tom Wortham, vice ~' president; Mrs. Chester Jones,' corresponding secretary; Mrs.' Roy Carpenter, recording sec-' retary, and Mrs. Lloyd Curtis, treasurer. Outgoing President Mrs. Guy Smith chaired the meeting and the invocation was given by Mrs. Bruce Chandler. Music for the occasion was presented y Dana Rose Wo7•tham, a niversity of Texas music ma- d daughter of the club's to report to the ''~ti'omen's Club. It was written up on July 1, 1965. Cunf erenc~ To Attract Eight Lacals - Eight Bryan-College Station young adults will leave Thurs- day for the Attorney General'9 Youth Conference on Crime in Austin. The conference ends Sunday. William R. Vance, assistant county attorney, and Floyd Lynch, State 4-H Club leader of the Agricultural Extension `•'fl Service, will accompany the group as senior counselors. ADDRESSES BY w e 11- known specialists combating crime and juvenile delinquency are scheduled during the meet, - Teaching young adults to have a better understanding of the law and the work of law en- forcement agencies are two of the primary purposes of the annual attorney general's con- ference. Delegates and their sponsors are : , ~, • Elizabeth Stacy, daughter "j of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Stacy, 609 S. Coulter, Business and Professional Women's Club. • Chris Busiek, daughter o! .',~ Mr, and Mrs. Jim Busiek, 2505 Carter Creek Parkway, Bryan- '-' College Station Jaycees. ~ ~ '"~" • David Ling, son of Mr, and Mrs. Don Ling, 202 N. . Hutchins, 2 x 2 and Wedding Ring classes, First Methodist Church. • Scott Hervey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hervey, 1201 ` Winding Road, Evening Lions Club. • Billy Cangelose, son of { Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cangelose, 412 Emmett S't., Brazos County Bar Association. • Arcenio Rodriquez, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rodriquez, .. Route 1, Kiwanis Club. • Adolph Johnson, son o3 , Mrs. Velma Johnson, 1204 N. Sterling, Elks Lodge. , , • Lindar Isbell College Sta• ^, tion, specral representative to "y the Youth Conference. ~ The young adults will de- "~ ,, part at 1:30 p.m. Thursday by special bus. _ r This article first announced what delegates would attend the %onference. 9 ~ ~ ~;~ _ Y .'~ p ~'' - -s °~ .i ~ ~ -^-y. "~ ~ ~~{t- \~ '~ 1 ~) (i r .~ 1 ,~ ,. R~~..~ ~ ? ^~ ` . ~~ t ~~ ~- 1 .j ., ~. M- , \ 1..~. _. ~ ~ i y~ ' ark ~~~~, ~ ~ ` , ~~- ~ ~ "~ _~;. ;~ :~ .. t ~ ~ !~ ..'Ya`` ate`', • _- At August 20, 21, and 2~, 1965, I at.:ended the Youth Conference in Austin. This is the group that went ,from Bryan-College Station. .~__C., m~~I~fIIII~lfltl 911~1II~ IIIIIParylgl gmNO pp ~I I u,~a r 1~ I I I I i I ~ I ~ I .III I I I II I~n"I Inn ~mn • n I i t Iii Ip~~o I I l i~;ll~ ~ '.I I~I11111 ~ Il j I I i 11 I I ~~ III 11 I~ 111 ' 11 '~I I I .. ~uI ~~II r ~ I III: I III III I I I ~~ill I Ilu~7~Y~~~~lu Ilnl 1111111 I ~I I~~II 1111 I I n11, pu ~ i~~i iu ijd111 'h I ili II I i I 'III Ih ~ lix V I I I ili I). h l III I III i11 I I I I ~~ ~ ;7 III', Ii~A11 9u III it I pill l1 I I I ~ 'i1 I I~° j~ 1 ~~ I~ ~Ihl ~I~ IIW'^ ~~~~ ~I ~ I~. vlll ,..!~~Njlu L, q •mnn ;,~,,~. I ~ ~ u e 1 1 I ~ ~ ' 141'"'" I '!~ DELEGATES TO CONFERENCE Shown above are the Brazos County delegates who the second row in the same order are Bill Vance, attended the Attorney General's Youth Conference David Ling, Arcenio Rodriguez and Billy Cangelose. in Austin last week. In the bottom row left to right The top are Adolph Johnson and Scott Hervey. _are a I ell, Betsy Stacy and Chris Busick. In The same picture appeared in the bTl,an_L~aily tar::le on August 23, 1965. r Third Nnnual Attorney General 4outh [onferena August 20, 21, 22,1965 Austin, Tezas Sponsored by ;`. Attorney General of Texas WAGGONER CARR ~_ This is the program explaining what we did at the Httorney General's Youth Conference. First Bank 8z Trust E. RIGLEY BRIGGS. VICE PRESIDENT November 17, 1965 Miss Linda Isbell 1106 Marsteller Street College Station, Texas Dear Linda: BRYAN, TEXAS I want you to know how proud I am of you and our other delegates for the tremendous program you gave to the Rotary Club today. You have helped to further the cause for honor and decency among our young people, and I am extremely proud to be associated with this movement. Please do not hesitate to call on me any time I can be of help. Enclosed please find a check for $32.00 which will pay for your registration to the Youth Conference. I apologize for the delay, but the books in Austin have just recently been balanced. Thank you again. Sincere y, E. RidleylBriggs ERB:dw Ridley Briggs was one of our sponsors to the Conference. f',fter we got back we spoke to the Rotary Club telling what the conference was about in order to get others interested. >nda Ishell New Capiain ~f Drill Tea>tn r The Bengal Belles, drill team from A&M Consolidated High. School, have elected new of-, ficers for the coming year. I Leading the group for 1965- 6G will be Ca tain Linda Isbell;, and Lieutenants at a 1Tiham and Susan Sorenson. Also, elected were Kay Fisher, secre- tary-treasurer, Jane Bashaw, .assistant secretary -treasurer,, 'and Dianne Bell, reporter. I Other members of the drilll team are, Linda Anderson,' Susie Brown, Janet Calliham, Kerry Fisher, Janet Holt, Meg Huebner, Kati Prater, Jane Rudder and Linda Williams. ' Sponsor of the group is Mrs. Wilma Carrell. The girls are now planning to attend drill team school at uthern Methodist Unive the first week in Aug SUST 12, 14 +.fter my first year in Belles I ran for Captain. ~rle practiced three weeks in June and all of Juiy. After we returned from Drill Team school we practiced at. 6:30 in the mcrning and at 5:30 P. M. CONSOLIDATED'S BENGAL BELLES The Bengal Belles, composed of junior and begin two-a.-day practice sessions in prep- senior girls at A&M Consolidated High aration for the coming football season's School, have returned from a drill team halftime activities. Linda Isbel (center) is chool at SMU where they won a third place the drill team's captain. phy in competition. The group will soon June 11, 1965 Dear Linda, I am so glad to hear that you have been elected as captain of the Bengal Belles. Congratulations to you on your newly acquired power and position. I know the feeling, it is wonder- ful and exciting, and I am confident that ,you will fulfill your responsibilities ~n,~ith ~ ~,~ =-' ~. ~ ~. ,,;~~ ~~~~t: ~r ,;;~: _-~d_ d:~ _. ~;vnior_ member. I received a letter similiar to this one last year, from Peggy Breazeale. It was my first real recognition as Captain. Although such a small thin`., it meant so m~-cr. to me in ~-uch a big way. I hope you will benefit from my many experiences last year. This is a responsibility that requires temper, faith, and courage to pull the team members through. It takes a girl with confidence to meet all the problems that arise. It also takes someone who is confident i~r herself and the other members so public performances ,~•aill run smoothly. I know th~it you will not feel the ::ressii~g re s;: onsibility until the m~~jor season starts, but it is now that you must unify tre girls =i_nto a group, all working toward a better_ dri_11 learn. The best of loch to you, Li~:da, with this duty t'clat ,you will remember always. I know thr.~t you will do all. th:t you can to make this ye:.r better than ever. I cep:°tzirrly do ho-~,e that I can come to see the Bengal Belles of 1965-66 perform. May God bless you, P•Zargaret Durst Captain, Bengal Belles, 1964-65 .~. ~'~~~~~'?i~!ill~~~~ ~~II~h~IIMII~I11~9~lIINIII~'~~~ qpl n.. I,. I~ olio ~jj~ I!, ~~ ~, L ~ , ' 'I~ ~ !Ilji: ~,. i i III ~i~dllll~lli~~, i~lli~l,'I~i.ll ~fllPii9lilVi~P n'~'. ~i i 'illilll~l ~~ Illllli I VIII ~I .LV '~ ~IIIIIjq~IlGlj i illNil~l" ~ I pillui' il~~~lllli~lji,~i ~ III~I~ii~~ll~~;'i~~jjlil~lil~l i~ Igo, ~ I,.,,~ li!i~~! i!I~Pi I~~'I;~l!~! i' UI~illll~~ll~i I~i'I~, ~ ~ „Ij ~~'lil~~ ijll~llillji~ri! :i ~ -----------°°°°•^^^•^^•^^^~•^~.~•~~~•~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nnrnuunuuuuumimnxmnninnnnnmuumnnninmm~~ximinNnunnlnlllllllllllllllll111111aNIII11111111NINIIImmINtlpIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIIIIIIMMNNdIRINd~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~fl~N~~~~h~~~~~~~~iiii~il!ipiii~~ ~ READY FOR THE STARTING WHISTLE Tht~-Bengal Belles of A&M Consolidated High and Linda Williams: And in the back row are Di- School strike a winning pose on the steps of the anne Bell, Kerry Fisher, Janet Holt, Meg Huebner, Texas A&M University System Building. Holding Pat Calliham, Linda Anderson and Janet Calliham. the third-place trophy won by the Belles this sum- The drill team will make its first half-time appear- mer at Southern Methodist University's Drill Team ance this fall at the game between Consolidated School is Linda Isbell team captain. In the front and the Caldwell Hornets Sept. l? on Tiger Field. ow in descen ing order are Jane Rudder, Kay Fish- (Eagle Photo by Gene Dennis) Susie Brown, Susan Sarrnson, Sandy Cathcart This was taken after we returned from Drill Team School. .~h~ ~~rns~Ilna~~,t~~l I3[Il~ ~l~~a~l ~19~~ Fc~otb~11 I~~ra~~~~~t The Bengal Belles A~ 15c 8:00 A. M. Tigers YS. vasota Ratt/ers ,__ 15~ T/GFi~ f/FC October 1, 1965 .~ ,~r 5, ~. 1'VE GOT TO ... . A FEh' of Tue GUYS AND MB GOf ToGETNER 'Ib TEIi You. While I was at Drill Team School Larry Carter sent me two cards. This was my suit I entered in the Fool Contest m at the local level, and went to district. ~ .-., On November 2Q, 1965 I ,~artici;, ;tc-, in t',F. '_ ",, '~;_ ;t.~.ct meeting. Miss Simmons '~ To Hold Cave. O~l Third Veep Miss Vicki Simmons serve as district third president of a meeting Sa day of the District 3 Fu 'Homemakers of America m ing in Hearne. Miss Simmons is a men of the A&M Consolidated nior and Senior Chapters FHA, which are attending meeting. ~ 1 Linda Is 11 chairman 'the area nominating corru tee and sergeant - at - ai will present the response greetings. "Live FHA today" is theme of the address to given to the group by Dr. F gan Brown of Texas A University, after which Bay i Jones of Consolidated will q tertain the meeting with a ent number. -.! =_ ~~~ ~~ 1 ,Aa~ee. My Senior year I took i-i~.~.:ard ,!ei-_on t:o tl~e HH Banquet. I introduced the speakex. February 12, 1966. r ~ rti:i~ yr_ ~ ~4,~ ^ a.~ .~ r n -- __ -- Howard and I at the Banquet. ..~~.•,~,~,~~.~•~~~,~~~~~~~~,,•~~..~~~~~~~~~„„~~,: ~.~...~~, ~.~.~,~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~vnmiii;~~ ~~~n^nu~iunn~ii~,~~,i~in~i~iuuuuuw~nln~i~I~IN~IIIIIinUhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl001f MISS LINDA ISBELL - Mi¢¢„~, Tch~ll~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Isbell, will represent the College Station Kiwanis Club as duchess in the annual Cot- ton Pageant and Ball. She is a senior at A&M Consolidated High School, a member of the Madrigal Group and captain of the Bengal Belles. Her escort will be Gary Windsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Windsor of Ft. Worth, and a Fresh- man at Texas A&M University. This picture was in the Ea le for the annual ~.otton Pageant. was. a c~uei2ESS to t~tE 32nd ~nnua~ cotton ~a9Eant TEXAS ABM UNIVERSITY DATE April 2 , 19 6 6 ~ M/ ~" . ,~: ~~, .'°='~ ; _,~ ~~- Social Secretary President, Agronomy Society The Junior Mass of A&M consolidated invites you to attend the Junior~Senior Prom Etamada Inn on Saturday, the sixteenth of April Nineteen hundred and sixty six seven until twelve in the evening Music by the Traits r. s.v.p. 8467543 8465475 r Howard and I at the prom. `~~`~L ~~ ~Y./~ M ~ - TiL~ G!~/~ ~ C~ 1 ~~L'i;ivl~~ l~ c~~ PICNIC SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Owen honoring Peggy Owen at five o'clock in the evening 900 Parr Place 117ay Graduates Given Ranee __ By Parents A&M Consolidated H i g h School senior, were honored with a dance Saturday evening held at the American Legion Hall. Hosts for the event were the parents of the honorees. The "Babycakes" of Austin provided music for the 150 guests. The Hall was decorat-, ed in keeping with. a "Batman" 'theme featw-ing a Batmobile and a Batmachine located in the foyer. Refreshments were 'served from a table highlight-' ed by a Batman centerpiece. The honorees were John. Baldauf, Susie Brown, David Brusse, Duke Butler, Pat Cal- e liham, Mike Cooper, Paul Fa- gan. Kay Fisher, Scott Hervey, 'nda Isbell, Howard Nelson, Steve rescott, Mark Riedel, ~,; Rich Runktes, Joe White and i Linda Williams. _ _ _" These are some Friday, May 20th Water-Skiing '`- Party Is Held Near Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Jack Humph- ries honored the following i seniors fram A&M Consoli- ~,dater High School with a wa- ter skiing party near Cald- well: Glen Wallace, Howard Nelson, David Morley and Misses Susan Sorenson, Jan Harris and Kay Fisher. The honorees and guests ,participated in water -skiing, swimming and had supper by the lake. Present for the par- ty in addition to the above ~ were Rick Landman, Walt So- ~ renson, Iron and Wesley Hum- phries and Misses Joey Ann Foster, Janet Holt, ,Is- bell Cindy Humphries and rs. A. M. Sorenson. ~ Ilel~~' iii ~ ~. „~ ~, a::,. . r ~~ ~ .. ~ a a-~ \~ ~'e ~:. ~~ s ~~~ ~c of the invitations I got for gradu~~tion parties. s, ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ Y °'~ : ~' . s ~ F: p;1 :~~ ~ ya _ 6 htH .(F ~~ ~',R '' ~'=: fir'' -_ - ~~, ~' 1 ~. ~~~. ~~ `c ` ~ .. w T ~ ~~ ~ ~/ ! ', 44 J ,$ f M }1,'#~ j ~!~ 4 ~ ~ ~, ' ~ ~ ;~ ~r ~ ~1 w ~ ; w '~ 0 -~,_..-.n. '°~"s'~'y .~'~.3" .a~~r~ rF:r;~~`~-_'~s~ydP"u:~'-~.a'K:~"~'^.~?!°,~?~' \~11i t~ 5/ i l 0 N Q ^~ tom' ~ h .~ O n~ V h 0~ 0~ N '~~ V ~~ W !~~ y w ~ l~ ~s ry '' O t,'. W r O 'ry r r: ~~ ~y ~,a r•' y S i ~?~` 1, ,,, ,,. ~~'~ -tic .:~7p~°'~ ~ °~(t A ~ ~ s'1 " ?7.~ , i i The 5tuderit Council elects several seniors to serve on Government Day. ::e ate lunch with the city officials and learned how the city officers operate. ~t;. V 1V eL , ~ - a ~:`.__ ~w v h ~~ . ti ~, ,~ .. H h~h~ `''RJ ti .a ~~ .~ ti h^ ', v h~~~., N ' N V 'N r~~\~ ~ ~1 ~ . d i z v 0 Pros Praise Current Col TUCSON, Ariz. IIQI - Sev- eral of the nation's current crop of college baseball play- ers may be in for king-sized bonuses from major league teams this summer. Pro scouts and college coaches agree there is unpre- cedented quality, and lots of it. "While I definitely believe this year's college crop is the strongest I've seen( it's going to improve with each new sea- son," Ben Hines, veteran coach of Laverne, Calif., says, "THERE'S JUST no compar- ison between the college base- ball of today and that of 10 to 15 years ago. I would say today's tap teams would beat the top clubs of 10 years ago by five runs." Hines has plenty of company among other college coaches and many major league offi- cials who share in his opinion about college baseball. PERHAPS THE shining ex- ample of the modern colleg- iate product is Rick Reichardt of the California Angels. Rei- chardt signed for a bonus es- timated at approximately $75,- 000 after hitting .443, belting 8 home runs and stealing 20 bases for the University of Wisconsin in 1964. Reichardt is among the Am- erican League leaders in home runs and batting average. "He will be another Mickey Man- tle - perhaps better than Mantle" a scout predicted aft- er Reichardt signed his pro contract. AMONG THE COLLEGI- ATE stars who are being watched closely this season is Steve Arlin, who pitches for Ohio State. "Frankly," Arlin said re- cently in an interview for the newspaper, Collegiate Base- ball, "I have every intention of breaking the Ohio State school record for bonus pay- ments." Thalt means he plans to top the $108,000 outfielder Frank Howard rece Angeles Doc SO CONF of his than six-figure be ed up an June by the Another c getting a ch scouts is Ir Ford of P Ford had be and was h through 33 € PITCHER California st ters in 128 school record ord and a games of M Lynn Leads Astros Past Phill HOUSTON 119) -Jim Wynn Hart followed with a single, rapped aone-out, bases-loaded McCovey scored on a passed `` `~ ~+ ~~ single to left ;n the 11th inn- ball by John Stephenson and ' ina~ Co+~,r~:.,., ._ ~ _i .. __ rr..., ~. ,.,..7 - s"'g ~~ + r^S $ f ~o ~ s _ ~ .. 4x ." :.. tt. Rte. a ~ ~ ~ .. III' '?III!!I! Illllllogll~l r,:' III~II'II ~II!'~'~'' I~I'i~llllp ~~~VO~llll~lll~l'~I~~!!I'I~IIU~;IIV!I~~ ^ !~~ ~^II~I~~~I''!pP~~~~~ ~ >~ , ~ ~" ,~~„ i~ll~ 111 lil l,,". III I I ~I, ~~~ IIII 11 ill~~l I I I o III III ~ ~~I3u~llli ~ it ~ I~~~V Ili i ~ Ili i i~ ~ it II II.Ii iii ~I hill IIII III ~~~ ~,I~j~ggI IIII IIII ,iii ii~l ~ ~'~`+% v ~, „y~„iy ~~ " II~Illlfu"!~!I~!~~'INIiiI~Pihb~al.~~.~~ill~IluIIIIIaI III I I',I ,~ ~~;"'~Z,. ,.. ~. ~ . ~N I~~IPh~I~IPII~~ll~llli~!jl~~l~l ~~~~~,, ~;„u; ill I I I ~ ~i,p i ~..',~ I ," ,; ,,~~ ~~ od ~~I ~ ~I%I~ii~~~I~N~I~~,~i~l~p~~lll~ I ,I , Lo'I~ I?. II ~i it I~ ~~ II ~~~ Illl~~il~l~ ~~~III~~I ~ I, VII!" il~l~il'q,'~~~~ I I~ ~; I,I~ I I II i;I~d,,l ~. I ~II~ ~'I, I ~i i!I I ,,' IIII I~,III, I Ili ~~I 9 I III'' N~ III ~I' Ilhlo ~Illl~il! h~~ll~illl~l ~' '~''''~?~~Illllllllllllllllllli~lllllllllllllllllll!!!1111111 ~~ Illllilllillllll (Eagle Photos by Gene Dennis) Math Award Barbara Hedges THE FIRST THREE-These are the three Pastest qualifying cars n is aran avane~olis. Mario Andretti sits in his ca and Rick Landmann; ord qualifying speed oP 165.899 m History and governmenith a mechanic in driver's seat fil: Linda Batner; homemakinhe third car which will fill out fire Kay Fisher, Claudia Fishe- and Delais Wilborn; mu ' (ba'nd) Kay Callahan, (choral) David Brusse; math, Barbara Hedges and Ann Ballinger. LATIN, JANET Puckett and Lynda Miller; photo, 5c'ott Hervey; Science, Larry Wil- hoit, Barbara Hedges, and Lin- da Miller; Spanish, Linda Bot- ~ ner and Helen Hoicomb; best i all-round girl, Linda Isbell; I best all-round boy, Duke But- ler. Kiwanis Club: most valuable tennis, Mark Riedel; mast val- uable golf, Jahn Skrabanek; - mast valuable track, Richard Runkles. Clothing construction, Linda 'Anderson; outstanding junior,i Vicki Simmons; outstanding I 'senior, Linda Isbell; star chap-I -+~!!~ - - Ln May 20, 1966 the annual awards were given. I received these ' awards. Consol Students i Cited by Kiwani~s Outstanding Future Home- I makers of America and Future ` Farmers of An.erica students of A&M Consolidated High School were honored this week' by the College Station Kiwanis Club. F.H.A. members honored in- clude Linda cb 11, outstanding senior chapter member; Vicki Simmons, outstanding junior chapter member; and Linda Anderson, most progressive sewing student. FFA members honored in- clude Bob Franke, Star Green- hand award winner, and Mike Thiltgen, Star Chapter Farmer award winner. The students' teachers also ' met with the Kiwanians and outlined the students' accom- plishments. Every year the Kiwanis presents FHA and FFA students awards at a luncheon. .°iy sophomore year I got out- standing juni_~r chapter member, juni^r year I got most progress made in sewing, and my senior year I got outstanding senior"chapter member. ~nO\ V ~C/ ti 0 ~ o~ y h ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ .aa z 1 ~ ~ N ~ ~ U O _ ti ~ ~ .~: z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o d ,~ ~ ~ z _` j~~)' n g '° GRADUATION EXERCISES A ~ M CONSOLIDATED SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Friday Evening, May z~, 166 Eight O'clock Sunday Evening, May ~~, i~GG Miss Ballinger Valedictorian 0~ Consolidated Miss Ann T. Ballinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard H. Ballinger of 1602 Lang- ford St., was named valedic- torian of the A&M Consoli- dated High School graduating class with a scholastic aver- age of 95.769. Miss Ballinger has received a scholarship to Radcliffe College from the Radcliffe Club of Houston. Salutatorian of the class was Miss Mary Ruth Watkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Watkins of State Highway 6, South. Her average was 94.526. Other Consolidated students receiving scholarships includ- ed Richard Runkles and Scott Hervey, to Texas A&M Uni- versity; Charles Powell, to ~xas Lutheran College; Miss iiirley Robison, a scholarship rom the Brazos Parent-Teach- er's Association Council. Joe White and Steve Pres- cott received the Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Cooper Scholarships. The announcement of the a- wards were made at the Fri- day evening graduation exer- cises, at which Dr. Tom Har- rington was guest speaker. RECENT BRIDE-Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Brown III announce the marriage of their daughter, Susanne, to Peter Gail Fagan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gail Fagan of Grand Prairie. The couple, both graduates of A&M Consolidated High School, were married on March 18 in Sabinas Hidalgo, Mexico. They will reside in Grand Prairie until September, when they will resume their studies at the University of Texas. Susie announced her marr5.age to Peter in June. Rites Are Performed In .All Faith's Chapel Miss Diana Lynn Sutphen, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Gene Sutphen, and Beniton ~ Lamar Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Watson of Spur, were married Saturday even- ing in All Faith's Chapel, Tex- as A&M University. Rev. Don McGinty of Col- lege Station performed the 8 p. m, double ring ceremony, ' For the nuptials the altar was decorated with white bri- dal flowers and greenery cen- tered by a brass arch and flanked by double candelabra with softly burning vigil lights. Music was presented by Jim Austin, soloist and Mrs. Fern Hammon, organist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a formal gown of candelight silk peau de soie, appliqued with re- embroidered Alencon lace and styled in a slender silhouette. The fitted bodice featured a scoop neckline, elbow length sleeves and a lace midriff. A wide banding of lace border- ed the Bell shaped skirt which swept to a circular train of chapel length. Her veil of im- ported silk illusion fe•11 in tiers from a coif of peau de soie loops accented with pearls. The bridal bouquet was fa- shioned of greenery centered with a white orchid and step- hanotis fastened to a white Bible. Miss Linda Lea Williams was maid of honor and Misses Kay Fisher, Patricia Hill, Lin- da Isbell and Sheila Watson, siste' r of the groom, of Lub- bock, were bridesmaids., They wore formal gowns of deep petal pink crepe with accents of peau de soie featur- ing adraped back with Em- pire waist and long straight skirts. A single peau de soie rose held their circular veils and they carried cascade bou- quets of green folage, accented with glamellias shading from pale to deep petal pink.. •Bos3g'~ Karp •sa~ afq uonn ssn~ xtlosac ; 3~fllo'I •sapl utoal azl~d coop auy •anou Islaos pus sluau.~ -gsaa3aa ~foiua of aasaaay aul uo laui dno.zN au} ~u13aauT aul 1a33E~ 'a~paId aul ~uI}sadaa uI riaauzo~}uoy~ ualag •sap~ pus ~oaiio~ au3 Io ,~ulpsaa ut dnoa~ auI paI aa~saA ~falazug i says •ussy uso~ pus 9urpltng us.frg gill. ;o uzoog ssxay au3 ui plau ss~Yt .~ul3aaux ayy •uosxasr spmp pus `xTI -auzua aaZ `ullssy~ ualag `,hut -poop alapt; `uosuzstlltM s~fp -sID •saurpl `aa~;ulayg uotsgs nag aaan~ pa3oala saaquzaLu maN •panoadds pus uotlsaapts •uoa ao; paluasaad ssm• as}3Tu: ~i~ vaaaaca yaaua Lyla11 .7ub~ruC11) . f ~, ~`o,~° ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ 7 ti' MRS. BENTON LAMAR WATSON ,r