HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Using the A&M Book CollectionU~IN~ T ~~aK G~L~f~L`T~QN As was saki in the Intrcxluction, if you learn how -o use the rare] ratalag, vau have the key te) elfecti+•c f ~9,t•ary use. tiultlxrc that you arc a Civit t1'ar fan ant] have learned the,t a brx,k by ~ohn F. CG. Fuller discaascK C:rxru's qualities as a general. You decide that if (:tr:hing has Fttller•y Ix,ok, yau'ct like tc- charge ii out and rear! it. 1'lot:n To Clarert;w Uud a Book Hert•'s h„w to charge cntt a Ixwk from nut librar}•: Lrx,k up the txx,k in the cart] catalog (an the secant] }lcx,r) under the author'Y name. the title, ar the tiabject. `L Fill out a "Lihran Request Sli1-" (generally knu.7•n ;rs a "call slip") , giving call numt,cr (t!,<• Rruul- of rttarnlx•n in the upper Irfthanct earner .,I th, eatalc-g c•arcl), authar•s name, title of the? Ixx,k. attcl ynut• name sari address. (tiul-plies of call slips arr. tnuntt nn t•ariuus tal,le. throughout the library.) :t• Take the slip to the (;irculation desk (also ~,n t i.r .c-r ~>url f tsar) rate] hand it to an as- v•aaru, a-•ha 7~ ill hrittg cart the ixx,k tram thc• :rcks. '1• 6gn and return to the assistant the cards in- .i lc the h•ant rater of the ba,k. (1tt the slip inside the front raver the assistant will•sta-np th,• elate the txx-k is due and give you the vnlutnr. licwks tram the llrnwsing C:ctllectinn nE fictiem snot brx-ks front tht• display rases nn the first and srcand flrx,r~ c1o not rerluire a call slip. Just take them to the n:•art•st {:irruiatinn desk an the first nr xrrnncl fluor, end c hargc• them aut Ly signing the r:trds and h:evinl; the txx>k, stamped with the date due °i~hc Mx,:~ anti rtt;ttt•r•ial, in the unir•er,ity lit,rars• ;;.~ are the prap:•rt~ of the titate of ^l•exas; markirrg it, thorn or tearing sett pagt•s will ~uhje•et you rn 1,resertr• tion for dc~fac•inf; tiUrtc• pr•olx•rt}. 11 }uu ac•ciclcrleatly damage a txx,k, f,lc•ase eel,<>rt such clantagr to tht' main t:irrulatinn clt•sk. 41'ht•n tree iilarary is n,t nlx•n. txx,ks Wray tat: rt•turnixt h}' i,uttitlg them in the Ix,c-k chats: ;tt ttr~• left of the main emrance to the fwildutg(. Tlte. Card a/itdulu~ Since the c:enl catalog is an inds~x to rvrr}• Ixwk in cwt liitrarv, Ix•cuming ex1,t'rt in its use ix a skill every se~rinas student must a<quin•. If you learn to use the carol catalog skillful]}. v«u can put the entire Ix,ok eolle•rtir>n of (rushing l.ihrar•y ;tt your elisluxal. First of all. t•ach {xx,k in uauali} listed on at Irast thrt•c• rants--.en author c:ud (nr +ccctal authnr cards if a tac,r-k h:cs mare than c,nc• aurlr+>r) , a titic~ cart]. and one nr ntctre .ttbje•ct cards. ,ill these carry are filccl itr the caY.dc+f.; itt nor hig all,ltahet; tltat is, thc•rc is nn separatt• catalog fur authrn's, another [ur titics, and a third fur sultjccts Ilc•r•t• is x ~:r,tll>le• :utth,~r i:rrcl: ~ Fwlkr. lohn Frederiete t9,arto, Id76~ bftZ The lentcnlship of T'IcK.rv S, Gnnt, cad ed.~ ITloami„R- t.,n, [ndi,u,s [Jnivrr~ity rrex. ~19:itS, :e.t, •n ~. pn„ mtps rose c~ta.t W+a. >4 era. ttf.n 79n ant«w., rMa- a,wtnc,.ae,«r teomec<w I.Bnst. RtaMS R1mWe. 1•eb. L'. Ll. 18~-1867. 2. 0, !.-HW -. Cl.q W~t^-Camoalpa ~Od L~LtML 1, 7YU5 i~W1 o ,,o, iI a tu>,-k )art want ix chargett nut tot >,nmebcxly rtse. }<,u uta7 asl: w 1-c• notified when it c•ctrnes in. Yau will fx• a,kcl to fit] cntt the Ix-st e-arcl given to yatt .u-sl 1,a}' the lxtstagc far the card. You may charge out all the tx-nks }mt need, within r<•atian. A t,<-nk it rhar);rd out to )nu lur two week,; you ma} renew it far anc.ther tu•o-wt•c•k I-ericx! i( nahotly else Kant. it. 1'nu tt~a} rc•ne•w a txx-k by bringing it track to tTte library. where it will lx siamt,rd ic-r two works from lire clap t•c,u renew it. There is :+ liar of ts~n cems for each Clay a ix,c,k i. avclduc. 1t you ]stir a txx,k. eau will I,r chat•ged its re- 1>i:u:rmrnt rr,,t plus a email handling fee. 4 This carsi is filc•ct anus-k the other csrtl. in the F'. in ,trim all,halx•rir c,rder, fir+t. according to the tot, litn•, aud, when route thou anc• wc,rk of the author is rrpre•scnttd in the catahg, by the strand line. tiample 1•ile: Fullat7•ay, IDavid "t-immms t•'ullcr, Ktair Fulkr, •~ah-t l)uutCl:ca 1'itrs t•'crller, •~c>hn Frech•irk (:h:lrlcs Decioit•e hattlt~s. Falter, )nhn Frs•clrick (:hark. 7-]te: gencr:dshila of Ulysses 5. Greni Fuller, IZoy Fulnu•r, jnltre Leonard, err. to tht' ut+lx'r i~•Ir hand eclrner is telTt°ct t1tN earl nt,rttf,t•r r,l the ixK>iv (<.xi+i;si!!ed inter) , zzttie`h ~•s,t) sl:11~t r ~,t,y :!r flT's'.tt~'tY ten us,!!r ; :tf t 51i},. ()rr ilit (it~t tir(• cif ths• r,rintc•<t }x,rtic,n f,t the c;srd c(,mP t#)e narrre s,f tt;r ;r,ul+; or arlcl t?i. cfars•.. v.hcn kne>to•n (h~rc f)nly the cl.i!+' +,2 Lis 1lirth) . l he ti-lc s4 the work bet°gins e'at the ss•inn,i line: n;?list' th:lr a catalr>,t; cart r!},'t- ti:l.fleS (,Rty the" Itrt stir>rd r,l :{ Lftlt', Ifs <ratttr:dSt ((A the tziaal way +,t ca~lriri,ittfi eider. i~f,lt:z~s•inR the tttl;' are 12se ttililtc)1: 71tlrplk'3', IIlr })la('i' C>I t)tttrliC3tlort, 1>tlbli,.her, ant9 }~rintin); s,r co}ryri};ht :tale. 'I'he edi- tic>n .t<st(~tnrt)t i• cs})ecially itp})f,rta!)t, for ysYtt usually want to ket the mr+tit r::re!!t ~(•rsir,n f)f a lxwk ~rc;rp !rte tine ls3ttuwi,)~ tl-(° title st.atemeni atul t)rinti)tR slate }•s,u learn that tl)e tp:iin }>cn•tiun of I:ulter's lx,c)k hits -111 l,at;e~. :~•hi+2! :tre• tTrs°crsts•fl by '_'ti t,a~rr (the rs~tn::rt 1lunierats) r,t it)ttsxltlrtr>ry tn:tttrr. F°utther- rlture, the 1N,s,k etas a },c>rtraie, Marls, ansi ma~ti, ~rtd 22 (s:rrtitr)s.ter•, alx,ut H!!~ inches, 2Eigh. Ycu ;als.: 4t~artt that the l.xxlic ~, c,rtc c,f a series, c:ttl(:d !e "(:itil i1'i!r (:r!!!(°pni<tl 'ierie~.'" C)!! the tine iarll,.~', tir,it :ere ;rl~s, tr+t<.l !hat the lx,nk. has ffx,tnut(:s ret•r• rips tlts• rt•sdre' t., r)!hrs H~;:o'~~ ("liih]i<~raptticat frxr- r3+~!=•."~ . ~I'!tc iir+i:k r)e.sr ttte t,5>tt(Yfn of +,ur sane}!le t:ar+f :zxe tees in)j,urtattt, ths,tt);ta u?tert r)verlrlr)te(1 try tlti s'utierst "1't!e} c(~lf rc,u r;t:)t ttlis f)(x,t+` is t'epresente( try tttrer sxhrr c:trcl~ its t)ur i:ctalu~;--one under l;r~tnt ;trts,tt)s-r arleter rite ~u=,ject "tlt)ite(i States--}iistnrti,' ~srul ;t thi::l u!lctcr tl)r title. "!'his record ut icll the s:ltct< in the ' yrF" is raped tl)e "tracing." Kpr~wittq lrs„~ t.s> tpeifr• F{sKxt use s,t tht^ truinf; is oftrat i!ar sr'+rc: sir sarc~st'~>fui use' srf the fart ratats>~. r'!>r ~erai0tip oS Ulra+•a S. :rant. •r-' 1>•Mer, raAa r'eedrrtck Charka i9TY~ .lturx, llrss:><s saa'sosl, t+taorxs~ v.s.r T} f9®er. lo6a P?ririet f3urlrt ?drf}. :tti2-18tiS. n°s. - fitsA:rtT -carts. vat - CalrrllGil~ ,u~ ,77 F'Yrfrr. )aMa rkrda.(rrl cVrY~ !F7'~ ~'l2 ?1k ,r.,•rr.Irh.+, ~f !'ly..o 5. Gram, ,sd wl.; BIw,r6ilR. trw,ln~r~•„• `~n. •arvty 1`rea+~i-5!e rt•l ell -. asr_ o•!• 11M taM! Mar 8 as ftt+/ R•> r•as...•u+ ear; wMLip•}a5eai LYOai®. f. OrMt C1tw ~ia+r•r Fro U. a. rrs IMR. L U l ~- MrYa.- .~.,,•war~ranWlGaa•r/betl~ s)kl- fareB~1 t~ `--" •a Tap-IStrv Bard: eenlrl aai wottsm-yvta}rocs cards. t°h:• txxl} ~f stl title a»d +trt,jr,'ct car(i; i> the sane :ts that s,f tttr auth+,r t:ltcl; tfrr '"yet" <s,tlsi~ts c,f "ur:it°. ratst~. T't1e loiter<'rus• is ttl.cr rids' tit)rerti hss !~'r~rsl th:.' !Et!N 5i;rlt'irir!]t '!t ^-S.Il,tett r!t•.Nl!t74.• 3,x)tt: tfis' I€i1*' ~)rtr2t- ., ~'3! SS'!!}~ rrT! .1 L._t'..:.-'J~ Y ti.l ~'flr_'. :l!} I fFl~~ 1.-.f 1:1 .?~f" (~?;('(t ~.}t' li'.:`1e.' h('a(ttrt r i 11!14. !! ~f}U it!!e}• .+It' title /,f :i Ix>t,k. ~•,9u w:sni te, r(°:,d, I,stt (lr,n' :°s!u c~aa find tlr(• frx>k ull:t(•r ~ `"`ie. ()r if, hn~in~ rc•ircl 4~ttll(•r's tx,r,k, lr,it rvi~h t.':lsi <,Iher lxx,ks alu,ttt (:r:lnt s,r :s lisxtt the• cat2lt• •~rr. :srlrf t):lt t)e5 c,f the (:i~il '.1'aa, 4f,u san ',e°,erch '`>nt gut t>~ nrDtia)}; the ~ut)jrcE fleadirl~, :l:cri~!-!f:(2 • In a(tc4ir ,,s, ts, auch(,r, titt>`o :Ens! stlbjrs t (~aa-ct:,, [he ei[t;!) ~; Cf~lif:iltfli fi?t:ltDS' rztc're°)CC (~7r'dti. ,.fie.. rrfere-•c.r tardy are use(! to c.lif-ect va,u from, a ya~riant heaiiin~, whi(~h nay have clcrurrect to `s)ta to the c,aar under whittt !h4. lx,ok4 :lrr~ listeKi t:c)r rxam}ytc, i1 yott havt~ tc, write a l>:.:tarn fur t'1-i~'ii(•:rl k:;tue::ttisTrt oat itrjuric~ tram s}x,rta, Icx,ki)r~ tu)df••r tllat heactirt(~ ,uu ~r.•ill tiz)sl: Iki~ tlrtdx:5 ~tilJ!! SJ~!^',"o se. SsClB":S - ,4,CGIUENTS AtiD IMJITRYFS ~~ t'r~rtting t~:) SPt)FtTS -- ACt:tUf.*w"T5 ~'l`;ll Y"WJ~'- ~11•~S, yr~tr will find the tar(is ti5tinj{ ail vxtr tx->lts "tiee also" relere•ncc~s are used to direct ~'ou tf, hca(lin~ ttllrrP° asl(litic)n.sl s,r alti(•ft it)forrnati„r! ntay lx- tl)und. At the rns.i r,f the lar~r ~rfxll) r,) c:~rdc t,ncirr .~G}?.1C:1`It."1"l~1tAl.. EX l't;I~!,2(J~` l1'()1tK ys,u wilt fiftsl: ALFI^.UL?StLIL SP3'F,hiS?qN l~Gt1R sse a:,~a AfiRICL2?;ISA!. p7;OCbY1iXt ;..0{Itt')'r P_GilICL2TlTRAl. AGF]iYS AttFfE:I+-5l INS? : i sal E.i "ELE'17SION i1t 3GPi!;tiL7Utttw lt:sl;~ "srs• :tlas~" r a)f}s filed tlf~icinri .t totrl? Fiie (sf ,. P~-: i t,f:'a. •tut= ct. t..l.9r~'l t>• :i eck f"; ;~ 5uu *hr:! liud reirren(c (•ar(!s alsv ur~e(t in (ern nectiott H'illb autltr>rs> ;rTw,tbtirati+rtts, l~i;t(~rs, er.c. 1'Y6Tt,Yty, ~Ot»Y4,s t71-KYa• !M v,Ml.r[e:*~ .r0TU1 tlb(1~tQl911~ t'tr~•• Yt. PeearnDur; .ae tingxa+i ~../ :'si+,w s+,sn+.• remark, aixt(at al}ahatxtizing, a su t- ject Nlrieh is +•~trerttriy ter:rtEJli,eated, es}srcially vhea •r'uu hatir a number +,1 similar rtttri+.s: I. lu iT title ltcgi(tnittt; t~•ith ~, Art, :+r Tlrr ,'at. their erluiti•;-!<•rtts ita f+,rripn languages, like !)rr a:t~ L,r•) , s}sr .1, :fn..sr 7~J,r' is ignored aiul the can! i~ fiie(I iltT±let t}Te ut•xt ta•or(l- L. "I'he b:t,ir arrzntyetncnt of rite c:.talttg is ward Irv K•+,rsis :Tll,lr;slx•tire+l I~ tree by inter to the r.ntt nj t}tL' word. tllr,uk :i nr?d furs ix~fRtre l3nukLirtdi»c;; and the sc~yurrtce is .~'rru York, :~`ew Zclnnd, anti then ?L'~rrrrP+f ;T n(1 ,~-r•u'rsrk ) ~. It+iti:tl, creme b(•fcrrc~ w+,rds ItrginttinR with the- 4am<° letter. l.~t:~.ti7' !lundtrundt [iies hefort~ ~3nkAu.s, 4. .Lbttreci,tti~+tts tits :ts iE slrelle(} out in full. il)r. a~ t)(x•tnr. St a, Sairtt. l'.5. as lt-Ti!ctt States, :out fife as ?11ac.) 5. i'ersr+nal sbauu's c(tnTt• before titres tteginning T, ith the s;(rttr 4.+brd. t'i hat is, Aciam, James, and .~.(L-m, ~1'illiatn. c<rnte ltt•i'(.re the nnvrl Adam :tru! 1;t~e by joftn F.rskirtc.} +,tc tl5.+t rn ,bbv lnn~ lily. uI Kent•ra! sul>~c(t he•ad- inl;- ar(• ar~nttl;c•,t ray Ciling r45c• r,(:w~st }xi(~ks first an(t then al},haix•tically t,v auttarx feu ttcx-ks published tltc• santc y~rar. !f you f;rt into (tifficttliv using; the cata}~, ask a ltlArtrian u, hc•Il~ y+,u. liut lust, try to a•urk it ut.it err, yr7tlt' eA~~'IY. ;ll+.st, +e•t y(,ursrif a },rublt•nr +br tweA ire ir-ukirtg uIA txxAks in thc• cat:tiu}{, th++tTf;}t vrAU <tr,rt't base tc> teat! the:nt, lie•rr', +~t+(. lArr,hlrtn: :\ nt.ut naitxtt•(1 4ir I)<+n- al!1 l~r:+nci, "l ~,+~•~ Hr+,t(• a nUrz6ltrr' (Yl lxk,ks (-n mn51c`. i`E.1 rs t't:i°i it?! ~. 2 ~i1 ('i~ ,I<r ~. 1.,3 +, ~IuSS' trt.: 3y volumes of lxx,kst liut 'I'(rties i, also tltr subject of a birtgrta~rhy r:+Lle(} !)r,rrolr! 1•,•rtr,rr.ti T/3P•")!; a Nru~- rrt+,~hy lansett (,*a J.rttrrs. 1t'ho is th_ auth(sr +Tt tlTis l:ography? I, there an auth(>r (ar(ii' .-1 re there iA(+th tit.i(• <rnd ;u},jeer tar(1~ for the tt(x,k% Ths :[ku.~y ~:imx~/ SYt*lnrn if tht more than 45(-,ttgt) tx,oks ire the Library v.'crr. shrived at ran+}um, a!1 of them woetl(} be t+x;t. ttr use, ttc~ause n+,lx)ili' rrtUi(1 fTltd :( particablar erne. :++i lii>raries etttpir?~' YartotrS s}stt•ttr• Tc, keel, track +i their Ixx,ks, f)tar librar}' T:ses the T'ewey Derintal Systrri, its whir!; ever; K•~~rk is put into one (-f ten general fields, atul a:tth (ic•1+t iti assil;ne(t a bl+xk nl 1()f) num}x'rs. H:•re .ere tlTe ficl(is a.t(t thr.,ir numi,ers in the Dewey 17rcimal ~yxtem: il4Q-1395 General works 5t1{f-~~>y Purr science t{xl-t~1 Phi}usoPhy F-(h)-6t)4 `T-echsrc>1rsRy ?Ul)-~.?~ RetiY,ton 7t)()-iy9 The arts 3t~-Sy9 Srxial sciences ~it-tt-llyS- literature 4!30•-19'~l Langti~tgt ytX-.°~~ }~isu,ry To pin}xtint brAOks rturre lTrrcisety, the numbers wrtlbin Cttet) lAl(tck of tIR) :Tee titled in, arTCI ttumberc tray also Iae added after :t (trcimal ls+>int. On ttte cata}(~ card, you noted that the first dine i+E the +.-all rtunttser for kuller's h+xtk The (;enc~rpJshi~i (,/ (,'{pssPs S. Gsn>rt is 975.73. Atxtks r+>ncerning the histtrry ~iorth America have txen ;(ssif;rted to the 171)'s. • silt 97.91 given +rvcr u+ the i)nitrc! !fates •TS a statior, ai5.; to the Gie•il 1~1-ar, and 975.7'S ro l~artirttlar r-mpa=Kits anti batNcs in that a•ar. "i hr second line of the rail nsnt}r•. of I•'uller's Fxxtk-FJ`r(ig"--m:ty Ire ralle+l the as th(>r ~rumFb+er. f:aeh author r(•isresrntra in vur li~r,ry has Ix•rn a+- sigt((•+-) art .ntthrrr numlx:r, whic•}T cursists rTf t}tc initi:(I !(.!ter +rf the ;.tutu+,r's surn.(btie :(tt+r ., SerteS nl nunbf3rrs (usually three} that .huw~ uhc•(' hit Ttansr :+tan(1s in the :!!!,babe! in re:latioTt to nt`irr writeT•s Txhnse ia_.t nantc•s start with the same `rrtrs iFictd• (+-r exam}Ale. `tas been assignee! F4b5, F~cldinK f•~4511, an(} i•'y'!r t•~~i-7j . Finally, the auth(>r nutnlAer f+rr any parti+ uiar br+rAk wilt era! se•ith a snb:tl! fetter that is the same as ;•tte first k•tu•r +tf the txy~itte:in~ surer+i (n++t an attic Ir} (.t the titic +,! rh:rt txr+k. '~l-e ~ after l~'1riG r+n Ful!(•r's t:~„k st:ur(l. ter F;car•r,c?,irk, to++t (~ru,rtj arnt the `: si~~ugies the sec<nuf ecliti=,n of the r+•+Aik. ()ur library h;TS tnr~tlificd the Dewey 4v1LCtn itt its fT~intilitts; (+f fictir»5, '+,r whirtz tibr r:tll tbnnbl:,er is sinal;:~~ !~ (f<,r !ic•tictTbl f >li(btitird c,n the second line by ilte tt.rur of the autlrrtr. titur(fer rttsste•ries :Tr(' Prtt('r+~(.1 hJ arts! scit•nce li( ti+~n .3. f•'nr tl'rrsc rt;as;es (51 txsc;ks it is ti<.•rs itnpurtant ghat +uu }rut tttc title (rtt the tall sli}+.~ lnclivicfuai !~iugrsl,fTy is :tls+; sitrTltlititTl:. t}ie trb}; Litt-• of the call u.uttbcr i, just li• (lur bicryr;TyAfty) with the src+brut line uiaele uis irf they initial (Ai t}tt: iy~~i~ba ),. };:~,ttr~) .;`k Fp.3. r ,.; tt~ePtN'?' '•t1?)tA trk ~g- r3rg r,lu.'t ~. ias the :+fl>hatx~t ;ssttf lit-:aft,, :: ,mall litter ft,r tits i,sitiial t,4 lf+e atlth"r. I or r`:aYIYl314' i3 is the call ttutnlstr £c>r ('. S. !;cacti (, i ti:3ta nerd tier ~rrt,•rrrnr .llriitrr,.t. 7°suditian, a itit,g;ral)hy a4~ (:~c;tlit i)e t3rucr {:attou. 3"7ts ~itl!' Slsp 'I lsesc +tetails aix>ut how lxx)ks arc classifitAd have laeett Ki~en t,t }r;ts l<)) .+ l)urpct+c•~ Ht•rause c)ur stack. :-rr; crowe.ieet, ttndcrgracluat+: ststdents are trot alle)weci to gu intro tfteatl: !)rants, since rite call ntstnher is rite 4:ey to where a fxsc~fc is lrx:atcel in the stacks, ie is ^rces~;:try tur yc>u to rutty the gall numiter accurately tJtt the call slit', ur l i~tt'rc likely to wasu time and steps fctr txtth .rxt anti the library assis€ant. At the right is :+ rail sltp filiect out for Fuller's Tfrr Grrrar•rulsltip n( t'h•ssrs .5. (;curet. AS tt:rs tress saitf ttefc,re, :sfter yr)tt have hatntit~tt this slit) in ai tltr i:itculation tlcsk, :sn assistant will #e,tate the txxtk its the sucks anti bring it to you. (iratlu:+te atndt•nt. ant! faculty melnbcrs have ar crass tr) t11r: stacks ;ssrci ttt:ati; :slsc) rr+erac un a sctnester #tasis the :air-r~,Ittlitustatt# .tutt~ carrell on the sixth, ~t~l:l~ ~~~ IltilY.b~ ~. Cushing Library :rtottr:• subscritt;•s to x,000 ctr• so periodicals, anti the live branch #iftra?'ieC to abclut •• ~ tt ' s ctrlc name fc)r a seventil ;t:tti e•i~t-tle fesrls atPCl it) tfYr h:i,t'tllt'3,t. I f,r• C:irculatio+'t Ue!)artsttettt ax the tircotttl tlc«)r desk i, Its;}aonsiblc• a::r git ing stack }xrn-i.,iots ::slit assigning t:at rely. t.'At.L Nt;ML>+lGR Ds mot y~e this wlace 9 ~'~', 7 ~ ~w~V~~ ._._..~,a .._.~._ •rtw ~ __ ~~i~. ~Y ~.4Y.L....____ --_--------.__~ -- risss~ l'4e'k wee: ir,.m Cwi' eia. Y.n~ttw truewti+ .Y V~iV~~1 V~~~~~E~~A~ C3ccasionalip a ~tutient lsas to read anti take notes on articles in bouncl back fi#es u£ tltagatiztes, cspee Tally 1,rtUt1 snort. t i t'r-tKLt.+1 Is tt •lar tvhett hr fs wt~tirt({ ;: terttl paper. n;:Y~;ariue, lH't:ltl5t: surit .s i)tlbiitati<)n appears at elefi- nitt; pc•ritxis -- w;rr•kl~, n)rlnthf}•. rtt.) Gurrrnt anti tsnF)ouEltl issttc•s „f :+Irnr„t aEl tlse snag:+rines in Crushing I.ibr+r~' :trt~ fuutYtl :.t t,rst• ut 1'it•e rta-i~ns. Grnctal :+rnl pul)ul.u tls;+g:Yrinr,. iikt• tht: .4tlnrttic, the :'~'rur !'urkrr, atstl SprrYt~ 11t;rstr+Etrrf, are placed in per>tective t,)s;ers its a maKrtciur ru.r_k in the first floor lobby. A frt~• magacinrs---f.if,', (.ouk, :Vel,~su~e~rk, the SeturdnY 1~•rvrnirrg Pust and f'.S. ,'!'errs rind 1y'nrld Re(ir»•t-must 1)e checkrcf r)ut ffr)ttt the ltcsrrve Desk. In the Reserve ittx)m. at the• [•t<tr, lrsa} 1st' fr)t-s)e# the educational an<i l;s,}'rholc,g}' pt•ritxticats. The fourth stattun, also c)n the first £1e,r,r, is the tirx iaf :ic letters ;loci humanities Pericxlical itrN,lts. ()st thr<• dtitrt f)r«,r is the Pericxiirtl 'r',tx)tn for Purr :ssY~l .LplTficrl ticit•nces. ]n the Fcluca- tinn Reaciits~; lZr«,tsl the 1-c~rirxlicat~ air shelved alptta- tx+icall} ar•nut.;! t#tt• w:Yll4, rvht~tra.+ the prricxiicals• in [ilt• S•xiat 4cjt:rxt•, :+ncl Fltsat.rnitirs anti in th~• Purr anei .~t)l)fird ticirtxty Kcatfing 1{tx)tns ore shrived :sllshalxticailt :.•itlsiu their fit•fYis---astrr)nurny, t)inlugy. rYrrlrstni<•s. iitt•ratute. f,h~nir.. et:. ltt afi thcwr rnrnns, the sntslr•lIt :r~'rcfr t~itfa uSs !Ise tul)i r,! the tttaKaritsc "~ ht stiff>lsY. u) tt;YCl, ::Ykrs it u, a table, :+utl tx•f;ir:, reatf- etivv. iY:.' ti,tr:~,l;-, t. t+~'t'el tea t itiit'wY !t. ;?P.I[. rflou+ To Cluzrge taut' u Ptxe'iudirr~,f !lire air the. stet), tit t:Yke in rilartirsg cntt a hack issue of :t pt:ricxii.::tl. !. Using the 1>?r'urlrrs' Glcidr• (itI the (;enr_r:tl Referetu•e Rcxtm) or sr>me csther pcrirxiical itttlex, find the title ,)f rite artitlr you In'rnt. ltakr a note ctf the nantc of the mag:cristc it's in, and the ~°rtfctrt-~ anti elate ~f the tnagazirte. ;.). (:et the c•a#t Ituntk)er cif the roa;;:uine ft•om ttte' frtldcr ta•hi+th lasts tttr n:tsnt~ ;Yuri ca1.1 nunttx•rs of the pcricxiirals irnlexeti ist iteadrrs' (;Eitr(Y an<l sechscritx<•d tc, b±' r~ur iihrar}•. !This foltirr is rtn the shelf wi=.it the (;uidr.) 3. l•'i#! csut a call sli.l>. giving the call nurnl>er. title of tht magarine, vnlulne ttunsbtr, and ct:ttr. l'ut yr~ur n:ttne aucf alitlrrss on the cal! slip. I- (:i~'c the cart ,ill) u, rut :+szistactt at the l:irt:u- l:tti.-tt dt•sk, tshn, t«il[ isrits€; vt,u the lxyunc# vr)ltatltt• lYV-lt tlsr star ks. 1 .+~,. tL• 1 .{i,ntr• tea stir tt•.r+i:nk( ;+:+au .rrtl) tt~t i1 t!n•?:. :+tt+ttrin;: it r:. tiu• t;it'rt:i.,tiun +{c~{. wht•+r ,,+,rt arr tiu'+n.;~,tr t; ittt it. I'Ir•asc• tx• tr.+v,ttalc{r :+txa?t`, tttt• rrumtxr of tx,+ertel ~>?'THri{ItJ!{1 \+)14 It'(ilrf~l .+t :,tit• stns['--title Ile Urt l.I~rcirl rttic, r)r iilit't'. ~+,tt c:ctr altr:t•: go t)srr•k to the dt:slc ;isa snore cc)laics :eftt•r ~r>it'te tut•)z:rl it3 tlt:.: c+ttr; }tnt'rc: ts;inK 1'eritxtic:tis. w•hetlre•r Ir)ttnt' ur -.,rttxiuncd, may nr7t rx• chargt:d cxtt stet ttse outside the i>4rary by unde:- ,w,~'attuatei, :dthrwgh facttity rrtea.nl-aers and Rraduat~ sttulrnts Wray .:barge ciut kxsunt! a:ulraies t.•ut not aingt~; t+)l,ie., rat' bark i':;ues. dl }ou cttt uses a pirture•, a Ir.-};e, t:r a w+t.ole article, "vc)!t'rt• ruirfing that ntal;acine clot whus•er else wages tea read the artit lr. dir~idrs th:lt. }'ou ,tee •-iolatinf{ a atate law and arr subjrc't to I-rcisrcutior~ P'erecJicaC index~a Sup}xase that fur a course in r\meriran list:>ry yr,u'!•e tarn assigned a [erne }caper antd have t1ec~'dE tc) diecuss snore c)f tErr' }x•t~on:tt narrativt~s writ~rn atx>ttt the. (:ivit tyar. (It's nr,t tht purpose of tlti~: h;tttrltxxik to trii yriu whether you't'c pickttit a grxi; sr.rl)jr_4 t or to shot+' ynu how tea narrow it to sramething tlt•lir:ite.j ,`,Ithot.tl;h yore sbout:l not neglect griinq to ;.Ere card cat:do;E; tr, ~;cc• whether the library has any I•arx>3:o on yr)w• suhjee..t, tnc)st term p:t}ierr arc' based an nt:+gaiinc artictc•s. ^i<,anetimes, hc)wever, students over- +.+xrk sttc-h ntatt•rial tat~cause they don't ltnuw how; to gr- atxiut irXatit?g ir. d.ibr:irits lart~st ttt• beck i~surs of peri<xiicats, cata- lc,ginl;, I>inclini;, ant{ sl-chiuf; rbeart as cartCulCy .+s they du txr.rk~ 3_:ar h t)ourel p~ritxlica! our library ~,utrycribcs tri is );ist tt ita apltrripriate caii nutntaer in t?tc t-rt^wrt' ~1~te't'1. {.tr-trrrcrlrr flrriingr, a tttagazinc tlt:tt c{eai, x ith .!sate rir:rn hi;,tcir}, c rrc~s the cats rttrttttxx J7'(.(t~i.? Intl just as the card c;,tatt,); is :tn •~:r t °~ incle'x t:, the 'xx)l.1 ir. a lihr:try, x, there :arc: intlcxta~: [tics witl hell, tc,u Icx:ate :trtirles in +ttal;atines. do }r)tsr first year in cullr(;c yvu riuY,,ht tc: ttecomc thur- r,upht}• faln,iar tr ith an index vt)u've prr>'hably already used in hit-n achrxr!-the Rendrr,c` Guider tea Prrrr)dicnJ ,l.idrrnltt~r. usu:!{{t railec4 just rate ftr•rtdrrs' GrerelN. l~~~r lr;s` l;uirl,•, tvhirh rntttrs rzut in imalt t}apex. tx)unel.~<<,es tt,•ict :.t ntc)trth frcint 5ry)temtx:r tt?rc)tagh 1ii71r.• rtt:l eitt("t' :1 11?nnttr tiltt7ng Lltt; Sltrrrtnt7. IIStS ra)::ga'nr :trtic~.t', tit t„J,it and b.' auth.tr, and rxca- sir,[tal~' h} title:-•iu unt alialrahrt, just as the cartel t.at<<u}; r{rx'ti. t c, rttakt• tht• `.rr•rlr easier t+, use. erc:r~, c'r)'iale +~{ rnt~trths the .mall tr);urrret arr• ° euntulatiei"; t4..t i., tb+• +t•nri rrtunt{ric +ir tvunthly isut', ,sett re- rg:tttitc'ti .tut! last[ into trtn' alt,{?.[slat ::t:rl Fattt,li.hed ' 3t ~~ +es-l;+rttttcl ?,•.[~' a,rlrac{1 ?::kP] tht' l~l7ift• al t}?r' I~rc t ruu. i,.ur~. lift+c• ., ~r.ts the {~.t{u•r {,ccuu+{ t t:nnt t.itll4 rtillt(.'1 arl' rt'Sir~kl'r{ ttitn tt1iC' .III){tati°,'t .tilt{ I)tltl lishryl in t,ne tl:fr<i-I))Ullrl itsttr•. ;tnr! ester rt.e 5e..1 Iltt' :,Untr:d f~tilleti :St (' UrltrtNlrf'd. ttt wurkinQ un ~t J+rnl)Irn- with !tr•urlrrs' Gtti<ir, tl,itt't ~u~C) ~+~ith c+,rt:~rltisr;; just r,rrr of the ih>unrt tc)luntrs of the ~:)rt.i•, I,tu 1+-x,k thrut.tg;k+ tltc reec:nt la;:lace-tx,ctnel issues. 3t:t vul)pcnr [Eras. fur }'Orlr [tern laalaer cset taeraorral arr:ttives cf the C:is•il tit'ar yorJ haptarnerl to ~ ucinpthr t•olurTte !<)r '~darr•h, ir.?5.5, tci February, 1957, an<t iavc Irxakrd under ttte heading °'C:fVIL war"; hire eau are t+attt trt see "lJnitecd States-Histar}•--C:iti•ii '•ar," "t'urninf{ trt "iJNiTI:[) S7'A"1'ES" vuu will fin' a }arts ntttnlrr•r cif laa(C+~s lixi• ing articles conce:rnitt~tbe tJnitr<t States. #itrt what helps you is chat tlretx are subheads, tike "C:lintatr," "Ecurrxttir C:r.in(liti+ins,' "Adarine C;trrps," etc., ar- ran({eci :r .iph~b(•tir'ally. ~~ tnaiu hcacl is /arinterl in lull C:tJJirals and set ftu:. with the lrfthatxl margin, wttrrras subhrarls arr cerret'rd anti are not in fult cal,itsts.) 9'et evert an': r "1,?!t;t'7'EIy ST.1'T'L5- History" there xre three p.+t~s of artrtes, ao z further brcaixttovrn is ernpinyerl, w;" italirizt•t heartin~ like "Crat~)nrul fzeri~ct," rrrangr t in ruder of time; ants there is even .r slae:riiic headi.~ under "(:t •i? tti':rr" fur yr,ur tr,laic: "(:rail t„rtr--Pr-,rrtal rtrarrntir.r.:." }ielcitV is tttr~ list cif entries under t~is sutaheael: it.~KtTF.iT S3',i'1'F9-~Hrdrq~y-continued ::itnir aem - Prrsonrx x:tnr,rt~•rs Ariget o! I4larpt's kieigbts. t;. B. t:oariritk. it G:,ronet 9 t : t 69.5 )a '.57 R.~enai o0 ttrr So~rlt. (:. B. Litan.. it Am iierirage i::+2~!1 .}. )+. ':>6; Major Raphzet ). Moran at t:re„Sir: sriR•rtitn+x trv:cn Iris at,tul)ir-K!•at)i,~. (:rurlrnentar}' 19:'i'„`l-;n Jr 'i5 Titrec ycan Kith i.rant; cxrerprs, [YL t1V tt. ~. ~t tteNll:+i. S. (,dtt.h'.Iti1tM. it .•irn tirrilage ti;6; 9~ () 'ri:,: t'isrt!'AirM,. 7: IOti•II SK '.'i6 flr)w eau ye,tt tac~in ttr judge iron 4hese taste list- ings which articles [night ix w+irt t f'Nikrrtg into? Let's inj•tytigate ttte inf<-nttatian g~vrn Qar ttte last item: 7 here nears with (:rant == the title raf Otte art.ick• r.,cer}ats, est. lay A. Y. •i'htirna, =- a +:r,ectitan c>' tr•ritinl;r cclite(t, ot• r.h<ascrr say '.1r Thut.ras 5. t atlw:allatler = ttte cosh+rt of ttte e,eections ct?then it _= i±IttsU':rt(•c.; Art[. IdrtitaJ;e• __ .•?rstriic•arr EAr^ rtu~rr, [tie Wart[[: of the trta~a~cine ti:fil•~:t;; -- the vr)lurrte raumtt~r ant' ttte t,.rKr r'.r?€t lkf'rz.. ~i°•-r't Fr,-~_ t:-.'9~. i~.'.' 4~<;•l `. ._ `Y>', Y*.' -'t tti:' tnagaaitse comes befcarr the colon. and the page number after.) (} '55 . t7ctober, 1955, the tiara of the magazine Disr_ussinn. 7:lfki-I t .tg '$fi -" a discussion of the article .'ill tx~ fr~un~! o-t 1>;~;:<~> 1t1Fi-11 gel ••ulurre 7, for august, 1'15F. ('I'hi~ last bit c-f itafc~rtnaticn niay be a clue to ahc ~:tlue ~>f the piece for your paper.} "This article also has an author entry, tttsckr tt~r "9: ~ADwflt.t.ADER, ~riraaw 7 hear yeat^e wide (:not; eetcrrprs. ad.l~r} >1• p. "i hvrtas. Arn iieriuttt ti:6~-9!1 4 ''!3 Under Thomas. the eclieor, thane is an entry t~,ling you to °'see Cacl~vatlae:e:r." ' Be sure to check rite front of cite voluttes of Renders' Guide, su that you'll understand :hc~ ab- txeviatians the Grride use's. And when ~u work with topic hedc4ings, it's important to follawup c-~ass refet~rsces, especially i[ you are told to "'see a~•" krom ahc grade°rs' Gtaide you must cap/ ~ a call sti}s certain essentsal information: name of :nagaaine. volume, and date. (For your own infnrsrJ~ion ytau'd ber.tKr make a ranee of the author of thrsrticle, title, aril pages.) 'Then front the fc>lder sD=iv~tl near the t~ui~!r, you must get the call numh+er.jf .he maga2ine anti ropy it, on your call slip. Lta~x »tt~t.~._ ;Rt,t. N lttl ~ r ••t a. ttr..p~c. ~'~~.04~ ~s ~;~_~.___~ ____----..,,..~...........,..a i~.,~ Q~°~~te.Y~t1~~ Tlse advancxYl student, he>wevtr, uectils to know alwut many nacre inciezinR resource: than the Rrod• err' C.uide. For the Guide, v;tluable as it is in index- ing abcwt one hundred and ten pericxlic>ils, rnnfitxs itself t~ the more popular, or Rener~t maRazincx, like lift, %'irrrr•, anti Hcsrpf~t'.s. h'ur prufcs.iunat articles in fields +uch as agriculture and en((irtrrrin}{, yo(t wilt have to consult works like the r) gricultura! 1»drx, the Eng'netrirrg lrtdcz, Bust»ess Prri~.~dirals Indez, .lp~lied SriencC and Trchrratugy index, and the Edu• ratiort ;nd~x. ('T'he veterinary student wilt, fitxt necessary both the Index Mrcficus and else Index V~t- erynarius, whit?t are in the ~eteritaary f.ibrary.) Anci the lnrtr»atiottol Index, devoted chiefly to the hu- manioc:, and tine sciences, provides an index to a selected fiat of t-erialicals l:ubtished thrrsughout the world, in Fnglis.t and in other languages. Basicslly chest indexes an arganizeci tike the Rradcrs' Guide. though they difl,•; in important deuils. So if yew lea,*n how to har~.ile the Rr~!ers' Guide with ease, you'll 6e much bett~.r prepared to de:-1 with the special iodexea in your fie~~l, Dti using these :pedal inckxea you will assn firxi it necessary to tuns+lt tht card catalog for periodicals (mare formally ca1Ld the "Aeriodica!s holding list") . Ibis file, {ecrted near the Rradrrx' Guide in the ReSerence ltcxxn, lies every periodical taken by otsr library, in contrast a the folder in the Reference Room, which Gives tell nutnbera only for tnaEazines indexed in the Gurd,. The holding lia:, made up of cards the same size ;s those in the gt:nent catalog, provide yew not anl' with the call number of the pericxlieal ymts are looking foe, bit also tells you what our "'hoklin;a" :iCCi that is, it tells you whether any +,•oltunes r-r +,arts ere tuissing. Be:ow is the talc! for American Ne-+ta~rs: tl».os al~cr's•o b~ritar, . leurot o: oae.aaity ~~ heatas~r, r. ]r Jan. 19rr dalilast r.2,t+ ~. •,2,A.'.~lasSa 0 Mfait a~Jrea-_ j,~ Rl;. T,3 ~K7 Gee! .a¢: ,RfaR C~ t~ SseAa~p 'l'ake the c:cl! slip to the library assistant at the Ciscuiatiott dr~k. "I'he assistant will bring you• a d~UGfadl volume, but rxc-a~ion:~liy you may be told thy. a paella-ular issue is nut available becatase it's at -:tie lkita.iery. like. the general catalc.~ fcror books, the holdings List :."lso contains referenc.~e cards, it:lling you to "se:'." Everynnc as:tive in the field in which a govenro- ntw+t department or bureau (e.g., the 13eparttnent o` Agrricutture a~ the National Bureau of Standards) is doiteg wo?k, should familiarize himself with the Nfortltty Catadog, ~. S. C;crt~rrnr»rnt S'ulrliratio+rs, anti its ityRaluabte annual index. Ant! of ccxtrsr, for 9 pinpointing what has gone on in the world, there is the New Yurk Tinter Index, in yearly and mcxsthty issu~5, while carefully incfext:s [.very issue of the IVeu~ Yc,rk Times. Factual Questions, particularly the problem of establishing specific delta, are often at~s~°ere~! by the Tirnes index itself. These indexes are shelved in the Reference Room. In addition to the special indexts there also exist a number of abstract series, like Biotagicsl d6stractr, Che-nical A6strnrts, and Science .lbstracts, which be- sides merely listing articles and books give brief and valuable suaramaries of their contents, Bccarne ia- tttiiiar with those in your fielu, for these txx,ks are primary toob in library research hinally fausiliarite yout^self •rith the pericxiicrJs in your field, Leans what they loot like anti how often the more prominent ones art published. Which are the mare prominent ostes? How dr» the character of the advertising give you a clue to the stactcling of the journal? How thoroughly is each rant indexed Questions like ttacxe tnakr_ you aware of the broad rang, of literature in your professio.~. t~S~~G B~F~R~N~~ BQaI[~ Reftr+erace books, which bring Nether facts Pram a number of sources and arranges cttem four cuetvenient use, are intended tc, be consulted for definite bits of in#ortziation rather than for being read clear through. Thee fact bucks include general works like the Ency- cloJ,edia Britannica and year books such as the Britan- nica Book of the Xtar anti the }Yarld .~fl+manac, which brtrrg the encycloptsdiac up to date. 'T`hen there are refertnce works like list Encyclopedia of Religion oral Ethics, Grove's Dictionary u/ Altesic asuul Musicians, and the eight-volume The Stienee a j PesrQftum, wh9th restrict their facts to particular fitlds. $iajtraphical volumes like M'ho's il~hc, and the Dsctionary of e~mtr- icon Biography tell alx-ut important people. A~a-in, there are specialized bioAraphieal works, }ike the Directory of American Scholnrs; li~ho's K~'ho in Engi- neerYng', atxl Anrrrir•nn Mrn uj Srrrnre. Anrether ttse- [ul type of reference ixx,k is the kind that pros'i<ies unusual facts, like Fmm~us First ,Facts and .irnerican lJicknames. And of course the indexes anti abstracts rttentioned in the previous suction sl-,nuld be included among the reference books; they're a kind that do not give the farts directly, but tell you where to gu to rook [or them. Dictionaries, coo, are found in the reference room:. indeed, they form a prominent part of the co[tection. In addition to the unabridged dictionaries placed on the study tables, you will see on the 9+ralla the great ~~rtw English Dictionary, in twenty-one large parts. as well as its fc,ur-volume American cotanterpart, the Dictionary of American English. Besides these, there are foreign language dictionaries, some of sarhich arc specialized, like the C,erman-)•:rtglish dictionaries for scientific terms. and then of course you can find slang dictionaries like lierre}' and Van Glen Bark's American ~'hesaurus uJ Slang. liy means .~f its business directories and its col- lection of telephone c[arecturit~s the Reference Room can Help yc,u find the names and addreasrs of [tae officers of variot:s cc,taapanies. .Arid where you need an ales quotation: fur a speech or are puzzled by a literary allusion there are aids like Baa-tlett's Fnrnilrar QuQ;ta- tiorrs seed the t:lxfvrd Cumibnnirms, Drat for 1'nKlislt Ifl Pi.ttraturt and one for Arta+rr-ican. tJn "Ie behind the Reference desk in what is called a "v. rticat file" is a large r.-ile~ion of uncataloged rrta cYriai. chiefly pamphlets, .w various subjects like diffrtEt9t v;acatiotu, recreation, e~r. Very alien when you ha•e exhausted the usual reference resources one. of the }i~~r'atians can help yew with a reference larc,blem try 6c'nR• to this vertical file. In the Refc~ence Rnom the box>ks alt placed around the walls ,n c-ptn shelvt~e, acca~rv3ink to the Iaewey Dtcitna[ ,~}stetn, thc:,ugh certain frquently cansultc~cl books a.°:~ shelved behind the lil.-sclera's desk. Look aver the reference cullectian, to :`~ what t,cx,ks are in it. "i'he~e volumes, which are at listed in the card catalog, wit: the cr91 number prececc;~,i by an R (fnr Reference) , do not g„ rn,t for hom use; howevet•, if the catakm ic~dicatcs that th< librar has a secnnd or an olds col;E of a txaok, that copy ,nay be charged aL!. Lea~eting to use the Refere.ie Rya efficiently~s large:y a matter of practice. its t.,«; tx~+et; said befan f=:st of all look over the shelves, h~>w ;Many genera, encyclopedias do we have besides ~,,P Brrtanrrir•a1 Are there any other specialized Whc,'t `t1'a., txx,ks be sides I1'ter,'s Who in x.rlKinreri»t;>' Tien try frr}• simple problems: How many hortcxary c;:grecs clot.. t•tfirbert i•~cxaver have? (See Who's 3i'ho, first laoke.., u the book in the carol catalog, to get the call numb... ~ K'hat [vas the attendance at the last World's Series. (L«,k in the World AlmanRC, latest edition.; At first you"11 probably call on the reference librarians far a lot of help, but gradually ~zs you gain confidence, you'd do almost all ref year reference work voursel f. Liberal arts 311, a +,ne-r'redit•hour course that meets for twee laboratory periods a week. l,iaen em- phasis on specialized rrlerencr cools. The course ie clesignecl to clevelopsn staaents skills in the use a( library resources at the us+l,rr level. Prerequisites ate junicar c[agsificatiun and cnrnl:lctiun of rite so~hc>rtubrr i~:nglish program in one's curriculum. `~ ;. !rt ~yaiilt:t'34' ~ ilG:StYitdi i(,r d tr~'rt''1 ~)ei~t<'S ~lr {ff?Ekri :~-~it.;°t, ~.s •~';:! is . t;u• :>iir•4+• ..i)r<I1• as •,~'~.r}; f;,r '~i.U tyt'~~'1t3F;:13t:: 34 tt?i ilYt` !l'it': "L)i f'. t~E!>.li5t #vlil'rt ~ f)si :rr: a~lii.n, ,,s.t) i+l~irr};ratih,`. Yl lit~.~ca'>',~T~..t~t^Y it :# t ii+'!'t ie )*.. , clt ;i tS2~I ~J*R~ t}ii9ili"a .#!Ll~ i+t '; L1+°li,. :.{l~T(`Lil::t- ~t~? t:t!'i' ~D~.rL?llr'i!L i~dt:i, t)t x;ariE:, art it 'e~. :t:l. ti;t.'r l)lii:t~.:! a?~.tt.eri.#! ~,?t a gl3?:t=. :t){1i^i (. ~:~'i(1 40 !.{ ;l:.t': r~ tl±'t: ii +ie J $}1;fll<:l~3~:a}s(ty. 1.l:t'i~vs:t :r)tt t3;i~';; x;'77 :i•,i{??•'i! ;f l+it?l :Ilt•t7i}t.' rY lt. p:.ir' i^.l%firt, .ir ,t)'; gt..;fct'.it .Flit ',lc+ 3 ilt5i, i!r El sgcrt~i trill. ~ ~: .' lilt:*~ i>il~{t'li;'l iti7~3''r, {+~ 1'.CS{ 7? t~tt) t'C!i! +7 'r()Yii i.`~lle':. 7". iii.'.' :s~;?I'r,il~il: r ! list FD~ R+".iD:~ f_bEC:tl, E•` +i riii.'zti' ti?ti 8„4.CE:~ rt~.... :'.f}!tti t'ntt .Ei14't' .l.T"¢:':!'i't. T,"a1+ .~15;, i:'^it(i?I :, iltd {: ~~:7V; .,F )'4:' :C+~i'.~~'.i:,:F',~' m':?J ii:il; i.'it"; ~i+F tl.f' ~.t;';'~, ~~ it',~ :tl saint LlFt' T:;'!t'r• o??e'f:~ (r?rl~: slt+t{,L :. ~":'. b'+=:C)('t-. !I 4:i;St',~Jt?t.C 1"d}°i ?~Y[.: F':1;.~3t1 it{ it i't'tl'ri•.YlCS. tali E}tali :>WiCi :;; 1::.' ~i:ttlt~lk:::i«. kFtrir'Yti't't, Wt' are ..,at:a _rt.t~•.; ',!'iiil Nli;3t iy :t~ tirt;rfy' .'.t1?t't! llle ~>r.-`. it f:(:"» tar itrr.r;~r?;. i3i~)El. ,u.;lt}r?. Y'. El!t ii5t i+~ rti''.f ?": <i ig ,t'a `t~~! "+lti 1•r.: Lt'.?'.~. ')? `lttllC tG t-('aE~, ;a'.'?Ef tak.e.: r)<!t(~ ,~:~,. 'i'ttl. d ?+1h,i;r~,Ir.il,,~, is ti." :esulL nt :! f :}}t'1tiF. Sett':+1?t :1 t: •+e,'1rt i"! ~r)r t3)iliF'CL9i~ S,.i! 'iEtr)f2~1~ rtt.? :tit:"1 l ? ti :' .la:}: ir; ;i l,i:-rl~ -°`ttl'+ .#1lLis,tt. !tF t!i!4 4ta}1-: Bt: ~t:+tt !V'.i` !?,.' ~.i1t!', :c: CF.itt', l;rSt, :l t3+%~It?, d'[iW k) •, (.; tt!tit)tt? s??:r;t;tiK t'3t lr:+ti}'+.:nz! ,ec~)r+t!• ;r!>c:ut ~tliw ':t1 s"f_'t;()I'r! ii3C' int1t11,1;i:,i tir•r[l';-'.iFCL'i'i t'.iift'i< i.itll'.rFti ..._(..;C•`• )'(3p }3't.\"?" !C^'..311ti i114'Fil. .f v():.J .ti':. ;.s:•tir r:t:(t PI :i !:`r'~.~;t?*it:r itz r.!'!e lit:l:l ,~: ti ;>aill snACiftCi C`~ i'iit'!`:' c{t;rtT,;(' tU ~;^+tt. •rrSt ~~lUialti 11: .' with ~;t'I~cI.•l tta.lir:y;. •i ht: ttlet ;tittritl tt?c';;r t(ie tDi'R.t fl~ t':LS 'es.'tCCt ill -,ISy 4t;:it .y Lil;tl FS i~rt';I;li"! ~~ ,•i} r:r,1;e•~L!(lti ...:,f a°:tie't::t~ r,t; .t ,/?,', '/i( >,tdl,jt:E r:~ t~lt~tif~ 3iJ63,i': ~'., `..: 14~ t_"lr' .!tit ii tt :i fi?l~~"!~: ACDi`~~r C.tii I7a.; +.J1 :, T3'( :itiAt :t+%ttt ',x311 kt.tD'•,' YA:IC"sI'F tilt.lt yrsltS SJl~~Clr .'it` !,~ tr#t# ar=. n+)t ?:;{~ k;tittbt.tr t~ l:l: L!+" t.±~'".,. t't`ti wltti ,.i ,Cltit'tt:)t~±i`t, Tt"tI l~^,>IkltI ltr tt.at?. aUr?L.i i} l.i :1 s;. '("~tl.?t;,tt: a..r it) .i:i t't'it~'r~<l~iC.'tl„3 iii sii'ttr'3- 6.ii 4~.tUri a ;;:•ttrt-:31 ).:~ 1::,~ '',.t?<.f. ~~re•+}.! t;tlj- ;tf .'t~ e;t,t r)f at) ~•.Cti {(Y;'.ii iR'i;aX alp?•~~C ~~: '•i: 1'~'ISi ~ ilii ii iC~• e~it:i+l'TFIN (if .#s,i Ee'iiEill?~ u';,~ tr (sb; iFtt' ?:3kp~e, t S(r>r $ ~+P4?t f:;? IfiE#!f, !)'•.t• tt!}r' :31 , t~i.iir'i3 t'S t:tit.5 •ir lIt ;)ecttYts~ i,i~ 13i~,ff,r~~ lS i:.,r ~+)t+' SI:Q`S1:Iltl~i; 6't'ti t?!t~lit : Dt)`•t?! h ~rY:it'r:1t (31• 'FC}i}~=1; ('l:il r33~•. Ll'iC 1f'i~r `f!!t 't is ~+! i?pf i +'.. 'ir .. )1:h. Iz+_iL i(_ rt)sl a3-±• 'ut~rkiil~ ii. a t,', tilti, ai Fit•tti. a slitDSt;rZ 't j(}~ .) st)rrli.: d!y '~)~ 'it3t5t:}!i,!lil~ )l)r4-i:iii/( .t ''II:~Clr~'- C:~t'i'l.iti it? iL .. tom;., %''+<• S;(t,i:~.cr.l S.;r ? ,(;('if;n t,( F-!t-?'it• r ~,...t(rf, .Ore'ty {tr•tt;?a { !'7);S..r,~i•.:~lrF i!) (;rtrt.+^rtl;6~, ~". t•'j ~t)fie'ii ri: ~s, .. 11 t,..FF !!: P tri+~it.tk y; .fie?~~~7-;7 {c..i Prt dt'.F ~','.;r;~r:%irl+:J lrioa,-r'+,);.f ;~rr'%rD:~,lui„~3•,S"~ttli~Piiri.in)I's Irtirtt!<u! (F!)i~ rs•::i:irr i'.r:: tt ';;;r,fi,rr, ~CIE~ ~~l+r' :Si't- FlttF• t.•{ f'r.rvirrirri. -rlei ilf,ai ti):_,4.l; ... i.::'• 'a ttli:~ ate' .til .:.f.,~;ii.:r.C:t! ~f.ilt~+:l1 `, ':s'e'rtr.b?"'+~~ ii! .1 yl?i(~i.: ES(t'.! tt~~'~, }'r.Ittr fife!':c 'i (':'-~l,,°3.~1 i' ii;.7t a..i t'<'t ._ . i;D l'1 ir:li!{3 "tit' .t .i3t' d~i Si itt :'•1 rt `.+iilt lic,•l, wp,ith \4ii~ slt: :~,>: lul: sr,ir)rtni4LlUr U)1 :P,IK f~+ SN.t'~: ~iilil C~alliai.' tii:llt'L' .~` t!1 ti:dCli'~t,t5 tt'il4tll(i(° ~itt~i'a.i:!}it,F`~ ~'~i}ilti)Nar.ty i5 ii 1!s'i. t)i j!S5L s:•tnt: rii i!#t'tts, a }i;t ltt:l't ri.ftlz~t(-la t+! t:At• §(•irn'~rs, rht•l.:,r~z? Lh(:'r ar.' .aci):~.~r F!ttiltt•t (tlr t!?~ -FCast}a*latscs: !-i'•. pry Fuidr ;:)r il,r, `..ftrri;.,t: (,u?ter' !n lh2 1_itt!a- ltrjt' u( ~ 1Ir't!J">ll~i, ~'f~i.itiS 1.::'•(tl:rla'~ fr:e.:'-ir` ftJ iJfC l.edrl;~tult' ,!( ..l~rlltcn;rtrtr-s ;turf ~'/issi~s; [:t:i•~e !rr t;e"+I;lNtt f.tir',td rrP; (+tr:r1 i+'+ :JrC 1.l~trrtdrt*~ ;r( 1. Y:; ,~')+':'!j'i: ;.}: Sfz:'-!r'!:'~ (;:1rtr t-u•(u; (,ri <-yilt ::1!t3rr dt:i1 L~1C ~},'i1;,tliCaS ~E'itilt't•:p ~C,(,(e.*r:i!(e ~t,ir3ltdl=5 ~iit'+t' Mt,r{,.R l:Rt t~tt'St' :lrti'r!!:C ii+,'I;cl~ta' .i` 3ltf'14 ~ttt;~,f'f°i1~1S :al,i t.ittt S:t'e C V4(t ;)i,itfv' t't?ttltlf.CB .rfi <`S'C.t; !)f)#)'f5 +T~ Ct,alt- ~s•go )Llt!l~ii~{, :;r,fU!tfi lrl ~r(i t:~lt)t". Ltt ~c'4 ~tartl'il. hn ;',A Lltf tt•tYrr"tlt:r !i#) ~:i;:ti ili;}It ak"i`•' it> ~:+,y ';'IJR,+ .'.:Ile tai IF#a ~u.kl,;, to '.nt;r 4`it'!±>.. Litt C~i:'~Cf)1't^E'rfrf t;'Y€` itEat.!!!ng ft;i:{ttli~vt'+, }':n;i W'tf~ rit t'tly,3tlt` U',t' t~"3!; t..+f"t r';3°.4~rY~ :!r;lt t~4t' `; ,)ti+.l;iS t'2(~t:Xi:4 d'?t! :tf'''+I3'aCi Sfi~lt'S ii~.[' t!)r-ct: Tr!('lif4lrtit=l~ i!i E.IrE:riC#L3, ~citi:lz;~ of '?)ib li.lntll',r.xllt. i'h: i-t•ftr!•ric(• l~iirr,}r:at? ~ !"')J t(s :: IRt,L'i ,yl.'3L'f) F't'SIdICI+"! tilt i-)tL`S __ tike. t~lr. :~•'(xti,)r:n! ~''rPrr,(r r•D:r f:rf~t`;r)~,r.Ffiriw' ffi,h?i- i:~YQfj{r-+; Uf ,S r,;il Srtt••)ti t", f'f 3it!!Zr'i.t <2 r!(] fa'll!1(:1 ,•9kr;.rir;.+:t~; litb~t':)i'.rr.~ift'r :~/ .Pi•t,'r~i 1.rtrtd ~•; t:~a;r•tI j ,r?ttl I.rzret. fl+:'7trr 4Ffi': :ttt4( iJ;~rl:r,j;r(s;?~;•: i:f ?diP ;t.ttP>'rll+JiP nta dlyd• ;bl~rty; k;i,'r:frrlts rtrtd 'f'it.'tr t"'2r•t:.,ru~3 du Bpfand ;rntf .~ritnrrti; ~+`::trrt~+:r; -- v,•.ti(,3 L:lti ):a':t; Y,o'_t tr?i'.Sti~e3.. tliit: time !r);' ihr.!) yut: w'ii; a);,t sl:,-.'r ru :fart Jt ri,,'[,ytg(~}t L.tc lrttiz«: ~r•nrfai t,i?)ii+:KYatit?s(•'. !ill, ti„• t.r~Fn.~'rtls~j; l'Ir(i',v {ir tllC .'.!(!; aC t/lit4, .'i i:ttlvi•, rKfP`;E F.'! !3S! :1'. ~,t.tc tic •! itttl, !it•et ()~, [!lt' #~P;titE.it't! t!t+l'.'wL~. ~l[ ~'e:irit~t l;+f'.'#3 i';3l l)tr t,:11t' ~'t L~fil °;t;t ti'YLY ?t) R'Iti'f Haiti .t eunt!)!e'tc lltit +^i ;t l; tltt: ill<it'a,i!?~ ':;rr~tt+:~s .iFlti itlBitZtC1> 711+'7t.J# ft+.'lal :rr E~> 1(•t! y'<,Y !13 t!t't:t!! ~ritrY±L 'f N'6iCi 4' irk !11lt1 ni: `.it.:rli'P t}1 .laj~ p;?~` tt !'~lt~, i-ilt iu !t#~F.l• ^,u ;±l .t r;• t~! i!'i:: rni,t.#itrt' (,! t);3ntftxx+'r. it> ~:t'!ll v(,ts ?~'itu} thl~- t3S:!}era.t! ,3t'd :t..:irt• ::l :tit line+< !t,t ::# lj:. tt'IItst:t: !4+'3 r: l;, 'Viii E5 DL !!11,: l)ttCl'+»r, ,#'~ fllt~ ::(_,:tit3ii Iu rirsc:t~it~e a!? .-te ttiffl•i~'tit a}~a~•a; :r)t~~ slt,"l'irx~s l4it rCt rlTtift3}S e bJ:dtlrlCtS; a't)F rl {~i:'iC t~t"~tG,~)>>!?c e at'9 tK. itJti ~[t tri ~;a:Attr' l,rxpk• 1ll,t' I't•i'it?17 !~'_t?-1'> ,F,r~+t „i;i'r:~%t'ty !F'?tl %~r7r,ettFl~rrs; ~ "4 :r' :~1<tnsuL' ~tn 1,++t ~ 'z*ta ~%rut•lr~tdg Sdir~,°r.tt- (~,3t. tts('te »r<: s'+•rt:tit3 w~r;tr:Il l>t'atticf~, 'tr>4 t;tti 1.33J5e'rl`t' :St1<t 'll.~t,'i) 4't)li tract tt~ittl'.ti. !Il L`tl trllaI Ilt:3rf': ;f?lsh~S tC:+,tl+ r'idlti4t3` .,%f }f)l.tY 54'(; riClliy; tl: t3lt,l~ra.. .'!`; (ill t:13'tati - f~+3: 3tlreY"(' L!'3:47P OI3C tii\ a <'H!il, 13312 t,'{ t:ilrt'• t)t` Clli:.4<#nie S)l.t' r,'.~~'> 3fTt' rlit»I 5fl'.27Jt't7it'o t'r17~3f~D}.'.fi ~)f (rt2tSt', CD't!i-i+i ]'<,Yl~S' ~'.i}t t1ieV (71lt lie*tC+`- ':t(i34't? ,`n :! 9l3("t't ()t lDA~t:r~ ;'silt iCl tsir,' tit"tl r. i- }(.tl( t3 ail.l it'"Cl! +~~.=.'^ t~3~-i23; hi3i 3S sii+.irt .;s l~•)sli!)It: liar tlv:,c .ir.:tat,r;,s .ni cards. Ft)r :# 'tt::rk tit [;ti:!:; t:;ti '~• tolat?il)Ibl::ll'at 1<)il ,-;tat ..~~tE tc:. st, :;~:`;rtact ~rt~?ss ii. ,,{ati tr:,rtat)~,:' t±. ,~tt.l kelx tilt lslc, ;tl,~tt .. `.••'t;ri,it3,~ f,ilD`+i,>~*~,:1+':t~ ,.tu ~;,3'rr!+ ril't~r L'et' tir':tt~ r:',itC:4t•Cii.r;P?; v:;:'r et;ntit:~.lr+t ftttt'rr.,T ttt (!li' i ~"i3.• !nr•~t3 ir;7 ;eE..,=,:fil,~q i'izsitu7'E4 ,s€ti~rtt rt+:RS~E•: i ~3i)t+.'tE; t'T ~i.U:id'I7t:. ~T~1°.' •rl7t' !'.~7t9t~,! :rr :tp37a:7~77ik',. t5` :i;;7* ii7t'rd' t'i !'7t) tit7i?S .~tt7tK .. :l ~f;)p; i:SrtS ici++li; il':tr't:CRSis. ~~le' t'~`l:r.t7]y)l:C, i;cs E!ni ,. t}7Y ;"43RC Er :;l17 YrTf f:t:~il••34rti d k ::a3':!~i•. 1 iii' w.•4: f!1.+.d tir t" 1' j•.r t7il~+~r bF' ,375 C.r~t E?YExi }Yt! ;77 :iiEii te, c YPY9kE !'.'7'f iFE li•r i+`.t'. f:at't:~,.,;~1; =et ~h:;::ltd !t'.eP7! at7;! `lie.)w ',1r i,T7'Y;', t}Y d t1~711{371 {.'f?-~ RI)"y d':I ~.'7 ~Zli. '-?Uill:i ik Ii? ~'t Dt7~ it7:3 f7.3 Sii-iii. .lY?';ti L', 3'; Y)Ye t"t't't~ `~.-: r1P;~ ~;.CS!•ilSit'3T i.;.i c, T,''r 4t'7S~ iIFY)~i,l i;il Le: v~~ifst' 4t?t }.:t};i:y~t nT 1it=:t(>('Y, (Nl<` t)3 t~7`_. 1'3:U2't e, "S.j i.•.`-:~i{}~'3 ;lid'tR f:r! i```t f:. Y' iiC it+i :ti'l~i iii' tiS'?st~Tti~7Ct°'. i1Fi'l' -•° :d•i`7(!t7 tit:a :5 f~i }Y91ti,.' t1,iS-t!.7~}IicNlF'ci a:P+~ ;1 ~ilfit' t'lifl?'[; =="i2l~:rB..CC tEa„?: 3~'.tt~,C it5i'ti ot`. rt7f. i.}Cp'rlt''- ~itTi( ti7Ya- ;;Ci?S't~i~" tFyt' C7`,(' CY't t2:itis`,trY`tY:t9 ,i; ~~1:i4~ti ~7v.i:t~ t t':7- _i4.fJ'iC;? ..i3dr4~'.. U'ill? 711 setttt' S?Yi>;.--:iir'~'11'?3;i) IY% i77S r;-;;:R :i ll{tip!!1. t]fY~+,t ;C f]i:tti£ f.YC'S~YCf'C'! (~lR' tYin lYtiz'•- r.".1 c.t )tt`S~ :?t {t7~ ai ~k-ATi\ ~t7tti filar !+! }_l l~'.'P;f"T?1• I ii fz et :7!' -ir 1!e 7 j; ~l'rt,:l;. l;te• :lpir at1 .e ~!+!+r~: t)f r 1;a:7 t H..l..~ii .+ ,t;:i7{ l: f.l{ ~i1T t:I.; t7i::+F. ,'i~.>C5, 3Sit>.~kT~71'19'';~1 • Yti:IY ~t,l t~t• YSIi>:' tl~ a ii''ri!rd'! 7[1 :: iX:i.)i:, tel ;1~ :ii! ,ra :.;a; i'! I-rC, 1+.*d~:~;7i .S ~i..: ti3 S.ItN. ):.?t .tlfl ti,.if Yi. aFe6. L'Iei i~C ~t>lttC. "iil±'f -ASS I'1i7S ~1.~.. ila 4.S"Ii.."ti •Tfz c ,f L;S icJt~" :,'LIS! ;i•#f° t7S S kvtspEi {tR :i ?i.iC 1:5 iAtt7C:fit'tr?Sf 7TC: (r75:tLCt' t', '?:+!,:,. 35, <i3lrt :ti.r iYti:"r µ"rtt'•.?3 lf. 4~t~+°Llil7lt't~ i'ki;c'i.>l t;:t' }Sild'ji i:i. t1 -;+ i!7c') tY(;rrx7dl:+lip~~' .'Y`r;;Yi37:,7fxS7S :c=?r.S~ it:?. ~ j:li:!`A tit3r Yf1 lil t`!)1,hS,. „,:tll!. EiIV4! ic'::e. rr tN 4 d'SA•F, 717 *x'+~•:7=~c!itt;r, ific citrri~)n t;:l :a !-x>,..c:, ycfzS r7Y:ett !t; f;Ut .~}t~44i7 tprT1; li0%: t:c't371 f?~' t":ftd9C'.}l:r'it7Ei`: ~. ?!}C ;s.l;lr:' {,t .t.d.:7+fs'7 it. ?:~st n<,tne fil`st, tviit)~.sr.{i !;} ;,iret7 71:"Y. t'°i tT:" Y ±ttst!ti, :t5 a:t'r tsC):Vit ltt ~:s71r Six,?YEC: .i. !YS it; Cf` 1''t. iX)<rC. E.,f•:T'Ticr;,;-Yi, "1,!Idil ;'d}il7rspt 7Y4397~~k:r.. 7~ ,i~S Yct)L +.tae ilriL: I>z tS 7ai~,71i~73tiCTt7 !ti EY(iit97A',P(( iri Iki{: 71 b,774i" •. ,: 'rl_' i'r1i:i~r l •+°i'. ,.. 1 ii till` w!l:'ii ~i.l~ i.+c•rvt d't~id'c~, if i'4 ~.~ ~)y ti-;e tt'.Y?Y7~~C-'7' '?~ ~l'PI:PlYF j''"^. :9 ti4C1Y 1~ IT7Y lTd'. tir:7!'t Cii7t" ~. !>~.}i,_ rrS ~:!Yli~7f Jti !il: w F'7.1 ST!(' tiE Silt``+T~IISYtf't IitiS/!C' 4l+a' ..• ..'[';, y«=. h .i•r ~.??:lt :3 i;t+:~ ~•~ttr~Rl'. ~::Yt7• "Ei.aS'3c` :'`yf,FL,Iitti7, n7.41t1 YiEi~ <<l{<;t~IIia'*c?4'l, .. 2t+~ t`, .~t .)Ld: tt: }~,iYi'e~lt:f tl•!i Y. (, l~r ra. ti7lPtl 'e i'~tT S.i t-a, till t1!(' L.l,~ci ~~tt- Y~7ii Rr!l17~it^i .t t7+~ i'r{'(~Gl~)S ;.a (;E"Etc?p:t~7lZ{1 ittit{• ',6c)!p :tisi)t)7 ;;:!' St: n:Y. '. a: :',f itt' 3Y7t 6'>)Y l't- I.D:t ird'E. i~371 t. :~r7 s3YJ! tf~' Itt S.tI:C Wt}i~:iitk 3!f!fi.. 4t':'a d hli)I9.!.;~'!'.:.~)kt°t~ ~:>17:i.1 ~~f..i. ris' R} :: <;:ftd lYSr {; 3i}lt.f'~ air at:~k (Y77 {.n,:L r7 is 1 1 ! 6 /~ ~ ' u• ~ fa .~ •s..d. Y. i R,~.-GGF~r.^,.w n.~¢t.V .. ~ .A^.. ~1 •-~_ i.my.. ~,..F/4^d 4s:y 1 ~ S'' 5 1 I 1 ___._.._._._.__~..___.._-_.___._._.._--.--- _.._...___._........_.-_...____~.i ?,lit S~'.«.. I}.;t t7':st, rt .ar S Altli t s.r'tz4i._r a•' i.'rc t:f~f:ry~ t'df[?, WhieE'! ~;~,..• Lt7rir !'!f-.'tJt~pa`" ;tibit ,+j{T;a~;t +r';7i Tni•: r77i1:if 7~ft :. • 2 s'9d' (.lt.'itllil! lir(lf. t!)i i1:! 77~t --:~\ .,a .+. E:<'rlt'x:.l)t.:dt iti +;(dl:l?~ +Tl,otr eC:,F,*:r,l!~, 'v+ roe; k'ii4 rct~t>r('~ +•ix 5 prt'7piti: f d!ti~7rY'~•ti `i:t;t'if: Z. rlli;~ <f~ :.t~?It:{C y!p"c Yf:S r'Yt;7C1(~i' 7.?l:: °'t:K) k, t'rr: i77+' Srfx ~+c'1't{.st!tld} tSifld~d`.t- Ift7Y_;i;; ~. .Y1!Yi7P!: YiiAtT:'it',r i/! '•C'llax~iCrAl~ ;1. ;::St.w iif ~7t•:7i.tiit:ll :r7: i~:;f~:4ti!Y'tif7; : <tt7ci i~ tt7t' 4i,';~;+.9 c(ti a:h,=t1i ia~ arziit~•t.. Fnt)!;:t. D~eit~~, x; ;ht' dit:!tidr./ ~c.±7'~i idly tii£ {ir'til ::1~2t~~r T't ltli' •;l7t;j:i' d~YiUilltt irupiY •~r':'lt~•°l. ~.t1Yit,. 5~'y .~:p••. r]9T ~);tk;w ];.)_ ("~~r)Y !."iY7 L~t.`L i~74" ,.;;thr..r'^, 9ir~r tl.z<oi:• Ct„+r° tizL. :tYtt}t„r r:7 t7 •, ir7 #i'r•{:ttrr:!` r:Y.iili'"E ~--.---_-• _-- •---_ ______..---. __.__._..._ _..•._ _____. _ _.A~._.. _.__ _.. _. -._t 1 i t r t f + a i f f.L ..rM GLl4;~ .~,. fi.A/.~-+~.d.•c.-7.% ~° !~P"~6.y?jY'. 1 E I ,j r,T t f t1"~ , f f i ~ ~ i s ~ {`t f F't?T~z:ze~ .hc~ int:t'z :,. :!il3~t:aet tit>t7 arti° tntil±~ cv i:Yd.7•.' btT37?' +.lt:lt,{YTY;} f,itt'~ ''!a„ ,itff3ll11i/(:d)rl iK] "C ~FCiC7 dill: of+.I(Y t7€ !i)2'C~7, er;r~ ;L'f{JL't)v 7I 'rc'>~? Yk+!' 'iiis}7•; ii:t- itd7t.t. >:~d'f sa>r :)t!t p~7!• It.l lti;A 7ia.i ttt r1t.£ ,l/ttt't. ii~t!'C.i ;Y~k3~'f• a:7t1 ~k~r.';Piri ii7C :t~ifE'~•.-„d3ra°T?. i'ftti7ir=117='* yd)ti t.'ili "'73fr :7(rt1'S& :t (Ir:!i7r>t's =Jf Ft'~7it!T !ic? ec l:r~)d;" tS y;~t'.v fP; ttt t~V:tl :ii.+: `~(-Yt ..3 tlYjt{u y.Y:}t'r Aretf$' tt't'n°': W7rt? ti7f~ fi(SR Y,4tIrYi•tY( ifTt^ ili~C. a13`4 it• ,~tjD#r:7~F-l;.ri17~? ~~r,u t;-r-;+! pi=t rt~t w,lY-~; ~i?;tsezr~is~ Al7V /ifrl:°ie, 7•P t.£7i7r4e•4 l; tl E! k'?'id` fi'rt .titt')ft/~S t;.7trte: E t i f z ~.6wWdtw.srz~Itl o~s`rw+:~,!--: 7 uZN ~t'r rardi :,k."-.'d' ~+>l)iYf .)4' li=!.tf tlr3tit'1 r!te t-;°, ~S ? .lYdt7tip3 it ~s 7'k"s) r.,f Sil rtf` :.•UfsSt:~'~. a~@ -!'3r-?ia r. ill{'7"+i .-ii, il! ett:' N ~e'i' ifs;.sf rP!tTlc`! .t-E,' ;rrt'~'frt 8i3t?it~:1 s P}Ei.'iY' •~ lcsi t'tY'2'•.i :' !l.+. r'?~3, 715 Y` .t:!751~"".t' eDl #}'i;' :2'.i4~'t+°"}t'i Etlt3att,~i:l1)it lit :1 ,i'11i'ti, a t,;~)t'CtE31[iCnt 11(x.atillettt. ftr <on 'Jrticie in a s~olurttc ]ikc one r-f the Rgriratlttta•ul f;•,ir{)r,r,/E.i (each r:,tte~ rrt ~~ltich hats its oH'tt ,lxcial tislt•) , fc-tt shc»E1sl con,ult a ltandbcx,k such as Hurt's. ;Grow tt> rt~l,rat a few of tht• gt:nrr:t! suKgestiors, tnr uht'rE stutlertts il;au-re [bent they olten get them- st^]t'eti inu> tangles. Kt~:•l, yc,ur cia:±eions on cards, one to :a card. Dtnt't c lutte•r up ~ c arts with notes - take vur notes on sl,cc i.tl note c;trtls and raearly indicate t1;c ,<,urcrs - thcxa~;h ~+>u'cl ltcttc•r rt'cord the cell nuatther c)tt the tar<l. Yu( tlox•at the data accurately', ao that you »•c,n•t )rtc•t• u) gri back anti Icx-k ttp the infctrntatiun :again. 11'hen you get into your own specialised licld. t•ntplc,-• ahc• citation f•c,rnts aCtnrlarcl Irrr that lield: thc~'ll tx,• nu,ttitications c-f the <>ttrs Kist•n hc•rc. 1ne1 a final rcntialdcr: call c,n one uE the rcfcrcncc lshr.u•ians for hell>. Nc-u sul)ln-,<• ~r-u l::tvl• sclcrt<•el your topic, tnactr- a ec,t>rkiatg 1-it>tic)1;raphc, done tc)ur reading and taken ~<>ur nc~te•~;, aE.~l lin.cll}• ttat•c wurittctt vour palu•r, wing foc)tntnc, r)r refcrenccs u- spc•cil:'r passages in your reaclit7G t+, dcxtun+•nt sour asrcrtttnas. .fit the end of C:atlK•a1l:utt,t., tiyh•aatus. ~~ t tore xran ttivtcr. d.r:ntc. l~.xecrl,t:,, cclittxt i,y R. lm. Th<)ntas. ~narrir•nn t`fPr-ifn~r', fa (()cu,l,t•r, 1!titi} lay-!)'3. Calton, Bruce, "t.ettyshuai;; 1'!:u•e <rf Litnitless Vistas,.. 11,'et~ York Tir,Ers Ala{;nsin.~, 1)eccmber 1I, i95~,, 9.11. Calton, }intro. "Reatli:tg, ~1'riring and Nisteary," .4rn~rirrltt flrr;trt~e, 7 (June. 1S1,5ti) eJ2.7. t:;cxth•ick, (:hcstcr K. "~ngt~l of ~iar}e•'s Keights," GnruncQ, 4l (J:niuary, 14571 15.1.5, Holtncs, C)lis•er ~1'cndrll. Trlut-heel :aitlt 1•'irr; Civil Il rte !.r•ftr•rc cruel 1)rnty u{ Olirvr f1 r•radr/1 flnlrttr•.c, Ja.. IKti!-ltltil. 1':ditrd 1+} dark 1)e 11,'n11e 1ic,we. (:a~ti,riclge, 1i:n•sard ltatiu•rsity 1'tess. l!-4ti. 5trntc. Fate. Brnkenltua,r; T/tr Fran»rr{ ul h'rtt[' tih,aae, lfiti!•14tiR. !•:clitrcl I,y John (`. :~ndt:rsc,n. Baton Itottgc, l.,ouisiaata State Uni~•rrsit}• Pres, 1955. .,Yank anti Itch C;I's anti C:ent•ra1s," .9ntrri~rt, 9fi (Ucxentber ti, 195ta) :3tt'I.-5. ~oR~s .~~~ ~~a~~~~~~ Jtt,t as t]tc bihlie-gt•aphy re•presents the breadth c,f the reading you base clone on sour subject. ~ the ftx>tnotes pinpoint your intk•btrtlnc•ss for particular facts and juctgntruts t,itich •ou h:+~'c Fx>rrcrwcct from `~otu s~»arcrs and incutlwaau•d into ~~rntr text Antl again, just as Ic»- hil,liogaal-hiral citatinu~, there is no :)nc• sGtncl:ud font) for fouatu,tcs. (Se>tnetintcs you'll hear teachers att;uing atxxtt the "correct" Eorm. lint such :ett :arf;tament u•u:+lis tncan. thet onC teacher ]tact gr,nc to ,thot)t in (:atih»•nia, :tnc>thcr in Texas, anti, the thind in ~ra• ferscc.) Each field is likely to iaa.c it, own l,: ac tit es, antt in airnc v<-tl will k•arn ut follow chi' 1)r::. tile, c,I ~c,+tr lic•Id. ~tcancvhilc, hcrc~ is a sintl>k sysrrttn that ,hould pttnc :tc•ccptablc tot tcrnt 1)apct, at+tl tel,ort.,. l.itcr.tll~ .r lr,t)UU,tt• i~ :1 atone aI ahc• fi,,,t r-f a pegc. ]iut in ~ht,r: i~:cpcr~ aht• ,~•.re•, rri„ha sdcil ~11'Ncar a1 thc• t r .! ut r!sc +c ~r, ut .1 ,t •, tin: hc:cdctl ' Kclt•tcncc~,., iaunctli:lu•ly Illl'tt.•4itC1~ 'ht hil,liuf;aal,lty. ~1'hu. a'c+u may' StUlTtht'r yt,llt not c, rcut,ct utirciy throuKhout the aholc }-:Il)er, :ntd })-n also tc•ill not need to w`orn' alx)ut H•hctltcr s~t».a ur .ow t}pint has Icft c•nc-ugh rooua at the tx,ttont of the lrage. (\erthing need be ,aict beer al,c)ut tltr oicl-fashioned way of placing fcx,tnutcs in the b+,tly <-f the text, 4or that prer.tice teas cmiy falling in w•tth the preu•net: thrt the palxr was being prepared fur the l>rittter.) in the text a ]exttitote is an .rabic superior nurntter placed at thc• entl of the pas•.s:tk-e fur w•hic.h }•ou arc inclctated, anti outsiclr any lnnu•nsatirtn, thus.r (ltrmeertlx•r that yr-u must :trkou*n•ietlKe tx>tre-wed m;tteria) whether you yuott• direr tlt• or nut. Some satc.lents arc tinder the r»isapprrhension that alt they ot•t•tl to dexuntent is direct yuotaaion, anti hence often leat•c themsclt•es ultcn to a c-hatg<: of plegiari:+tn.} t)n the rilcrcnrt• page itself the lc,c»nnte tsuntbcrs might ts•c•11 txr placed uu the same tines as the notes. "1•hc notes thetmt•Es'cy arc indentt•tl i^ the normal wa} artcl arc sinf{Ic-spaced, with taut+hk sl>acing ttetwccn them. In the .vstrm suy;gt'+trcl ist t1ti~. tL•uultxx-k, the f+x)IIUt:)• f~)r a ft'It'It'ntt• to :1 h, ). ,1. 1~ I.Ilfi\ ,JlNltlt': I. atlrhr-a', Itsntr, firtit n.unr• lir,r: ::. tith; , 1~:)~ier littrdl , fullna•rtl h} editor', name. nutnhe•t c)l tht• eeiition, anti voluntr nuanher, il• ahem items art' ne•edcd; and '3. nuntl,er of tttc page nr l-ages. l,recrded by a °p.•' Er-r a sinKle page rte b}' "l>l,." for Inure than e,n<~ paKr. (()h- serve that fur the fex~tnc-te you nectln't say anytltinK atx>ut city, puhlicht•r. nr tl;ttc-.) C'r~nnta~ ~elartte the iaent~ within the note, u•Itich cht,t^: ~•ith a perirxl. I3