HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-64 Scrapbook x ,',,;' ':;:'< t'"" "Hefr;"". ,;".~.,. .'~..'~"" .', ',"...'....';..'~~'.',..s...'. '~"e:.:'''': R~ Ia 'p'l)" ~~.'.,".K' . , ,"\ ~','-" ,... . '-' . . '.' . . .", , . , \" ~, I .. ..- ( \ \ ." \ A&M ~~N~~1IllRt~n~~nlnRHI~H ~~Hnn1 * m~J fUntBHll pnn~RHm A&M CONSOLIDATED TIGERS No. Name Position Wt. 15 Ri~ky Carton QB 145 17 Walter Varvel QB 154 18 Robert Morris B 133 24 Paul FaganWB' 142 25 Peter Fagan WB 162 36 Lee Sicilo G 160 37 David, Parsons FB 186, 39 Frank Litterst RB 176 45 Russ Harvell WB 170 50 Joe White C 130 55 Carl Gough C 160 60 J. Pewthers G 170 61 Bill White G 160 62 Stephen Prescott G 161 ~3 JohnPerry G 155, 74 Bm Gilmore T 180 74* John Gladden T 180 75 James Carter T 195 75* Randy Ransdell T 170 76 Darnell Gossettt T 180 77 Larry Godfrey T 188 85 Timmy , Wolters E 145 86 Jimmy Parish E 161 87 Duke MiIler E 155 88 Russen Hanna E 160 Head Coach: Edsel Jones Asst. Coaches: Jack Churchill and Art Bright Ralph Smith, Student Manager Drum Major : Jackie Kelly Twirlers: Margaret Brown, Carol Whiting, Jane Rudder, Sherry Holland, Gail Keown, and 'Susan Medlen Tigerettes- Pamela Adams, Kim Alexa:der, LindaA~j~!SOn, Jane Bashaw, Dianne Bell, Alice Berry, L;nda Cheer Lead\ers: Sallye Sorenson, Dianna Weirus, Broom, Ann Boykin, Charmille Bridges, Susie BrowJ1,\ lanet Calliham, Patricia Calliham, Sandra Cathcart, Sharon Covey, Janet Whitehead, and Shelley Cooper, Loretta Covington, Susan Culpepper", everly Davis, Kay Fisher, Kerry Fisher, ~ Sarah Giesenschlag, Billie Jean Greer, Janet Holt, Linda Isbell,' Margaret Ivy, Janet Leipper, Sharon Lynch, Kathy Daisy Sloan Litterst, Ann McMurry, Sandy Miller, Jane Mills, Rebecca Plantt, Sally Robinson,. Bonnie Sharp, Rosemary Bengel Bells-,- Pam Adkins, Ann Avera, June Sharp, Becky Sicilio, Sherry Simmons, Kar~n Smith, Susan Sorenson, Cyndi Sous-ares, Celia Stark, Diana Bearden, Karen Berndt, Peggye Breazeale, Jan Sutphen, Karen Thompson, Susan Timm; Lynda Welch, Linda Williams, Phyllis Wolf, Sharon Yeager, Mary Bailey,Carolyn Ackerman, Carolyn' Castle, Kathy D1!ke, Penny Hancock, Barabra Hedges, Jackie Hunt, BuUer, Cathryn Cleland, Margaret Durst, Julie Faye Inglis, Betty, Mossley, Linda Redman, Nacy ReI d, Kay Storey, Ann Trail, Lanell Wilson, and Evalyn Goode, Janet Gould, Ann Kirby, Linda Lyles, Worley. . ~uth Mcqiy" Srlvi~ Price, antJ+inda Rudder II, ~"F,E, R,EES, "IGNA.li .,", U '" ~~,n,a,"'" O,~, ~' o ~~:'O Mf~ - . '"'r~ ~' ~ ' "c:;;- ~;~:c;:s~~=: aut _0 ~,"g _ Offside or violatio_n Illegal motion; ~..t-- ' ' 01 Iree.kick ruies 'illegal shilt, both hands Unsportsmanlike conduct DEL V ALEE CARDINALS No. Name Position Wt. 10 Buddy Smith QB . 145' 11 Rodney Boatright QB 140 20 Jerry Handsel HB 145 ,22 ' 11erry Boothe HB 155 44 Larry Strong HB 155 35 Ronnie Moreland IlB 155 15 Neal Burch FB 150 50 Mike Stratton FB 170 54 Larry Kocurek C 165 55 Walter Demond C 155 63 John Conner C 155 6,0 Tom Williams G 162 65 Jim Allen G 155 69 Don Caldwell ,G 150 70 Sam Jenke T 175 71 Ronnie Porch T 185 72 Bobby Lynch T 145, 75 Arnold Gilberg T 175 80 Darrell Heine E 160 88 Bob Mosteller E 160 89 Ronnie Swenson E 155 31 David Hilgers B 145 COACHES: Jerry Angerman (Head Coach) Steve Shaver, Roger Wilke , . ; , , 'lLo~'IL:j~~ ~. Touchdown or Ball is dead field gool 'Time out Q. , 0, Inte,le,en ce w.th, 10" 0,' ,0,., ' , 0 catch or lorwa,d poss ~ ~ , Q' ~) I.._'~g~' ~\ ,l I, '.- ~ Uleg.oI.',Y,k,icking, or. " .' ~ . b~tt,"9'a loose boll . " 1~,legallO'Wa'd pass ".({J, (} ~;~::~~~~~~~~~,~,;.H \I, Jntentionol Ineligible receiver ~ ......." V, '~ grounding . down field on pass " FOUL SIGNALS Safetf, Clock starts First down ~ ...~ . (." Constitution of the A & M Consolidated Tigerettes ~ve, the A&M Consolidated High School Tigerettes, hereby accept and adopt this stated constitution. Article I--Name The name of the organization shall be the Tigerette,s. Article II--Purpose 'The purpose of the Tigerettes is to booet school activities, to create a spirit of school loyalty, and to increase interest in all sports. Article III-Membership All members shall have a freshman or above standing and shall maintain an overall scholastic average of 75. Article IV--Officers Section I--The officers of this organization shall be president, two captains, four lieutenantp, six sergeants, historian, and reporter. Section2--All officers shall be elected in the last month of the spring semester. Section 3--Nominations of officers"'shall be made from the floor. Section ll_--Voting shall be made by the show of hands. Article V--Sponsors Section I--The sponsor or sponsors shall be any female high school teacher. Section-2--She or they shall be elected by the organization upon the approval of the principal of the high school. Article VI--Meetings SectiOn I--Meetings shall b~ held during football season twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Meetings for the remaing period of the year shall be held on the first Tuesday of the month. Section 2--Meetings may" be called for special pur,Poses with the consent of the sponsor. Article VII--Quorum A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of the bonafied members. '\ '" '." ~- ~ ( \ '~ .....,~ '~ ,~ --~ " '" \ ~ ", '\ \ '\ l' I ", i J j r , , , i i r I , I I { .... 1 ::,.,' j t , t ,j , I i ~ ,.' I "": I : , , i , ;-;' i 'I I I I t ,) I' , I 1 I I , I ! , , i , iI.-""'~ .. A&M CON SOL I DATED: HIGH ".SCHOOL SCHEDULE OF CLASSES., '963-:-64: ", COLLEGE STAT I ON"., TEXI,S'"u" ,." ,t:l TEACHER PER I ~~ RMI 8: 15~9: 15.* ~i 9: 18': 10: 18 L1Q.;.23 ~ 1I'~;3:J~';""' :2~,..;' 12 :~6' t~ooN~~';\~r:~~,.=~T:~'!'~:':}2:2~.:'~,_~\~O':,j :';;;;" ,.' COURSE ROOM COURSE Roo~'."QOUi.g_ RooM' COURSE ROOM,';,"" ';,.;,., COURSE' RnoiX : COURSE . Roo~"J;.l?' MARTIN ENG 4 20g ENG 4 2_QE;1 ENfl f.,_ ;.Qg~.~':Y ., """,', ;,:_~_\" i "n ,,:~"rENG'-4~-r~.0~' / WORLEY 12-4 ENG3 201' ENG 3 102 ENG 3 ~ .t~iEi( ~.:", "",\;SF'AN,J :iOr~.,. SPAI~ i ",2U! ,,;:~ COULTER 12-1 ENG . ,', ANN X ENG ANN X --J.-.;~,.~;., C((N:CHO I~'" UO,;, i;~i'7ljCliCrRiisUD p,'1'ENG~ ,'=r./i~~-;~E:; MERRILL 10-2 ENG 2. ."..".,.203 ENG 2 203 .:..ENG I ' '"'U3;:.'r .'.. -'>,';";:;t.CENG;2 03T;i;~NG2/}203,;, AUSTIN' II-I.: ENG ;r '302 E!lLG~ 1302 -".;;", DPEECH. ~~_02:: ", ';.'18' 3'io4 ..' s021'cffC 1'30zr~ NEELEY",0,;' {SPAND 20.1 'SPAN 2-3 201 ,,'SPAN 2" Oti';',i7:Z;;,).," ( ()RR >;.' "LATIN' 206 ;".LATIN 2~ 206F~;.;""PL'GEO'"' 0.-6:.,; ,i. (>,LATIN .2. 06i"/ PL. GEo206't BftlGHT 9-2 ALG,ll' ,.,..,30'4}. AovMATH 304 ALG 2(9) iJ04:<";=',;,'!',<.. ftAI..GH,." r>04 ALGi,} :304 " LEl.AND ,'1-2 4Pl.,GE:O">, 30 Ii ". ALG'2.. · 30.1 ALG.2 301,;<;1'; .";,.'t";',:;...";:.';AL<L2",';~OTi.:,.. ~A'LG;2' 301 f:~ JONES e& "..L" _,. REL MATH '10.3 LI BRARY";"", e:CMA'rH'" 02' :, 'Pt. GEO 02l ;',; . !it, rr~" ; '';'" 'ii:iRCHAM ,.10-"1,"': 'i:,' .', ,\" "'''}PL GEO ,,', 101 SOL - TR I G 30.2;; ?HYslcs ;.,03' . I' \PHVS I CS 'o.3fLT:R I,G-.SO IOZ',;' MORGAN }I .:-:,4 i. BOT,..l:."ZOO 11041;":' BIOLOGY 1 04';~i ~HY;SCfENCE :0.1,;, .i.' 'f\hLG8'H)L6G~ '04,PHY;SCf a,04;i ki.' ,... STREGER ""J2-i2 CHEt..HS$Ry'1.0.r: BIOLOGY 10.4 CHEMISTRY 10,."1,',.",.".,',:,,.;,,'..... 3I,;',O,L:,OGY"i,'" .,..04,'",0/" ,;,:,;\,jh:,,' 13,:": G,L:m',j",. :+CH,'E"",Mf,','",~"T".,..'" :..,..;~ir,O".h, it',~, t SPERRY ,.~t:, 9-3' AMHIS,T., 2,05 'i' AM HIST 20.5 AM HIST, 05,,, ,"iTi.., ,i.; , 1..,tGOVT,.', 0.5 i, AMi'HIST '2~0;';!~ HENSLEY :10-3 GOVT,'" 2.04 ,"W. HIST 204 W.HIST 04..",[' ::\"j.,., ,)"';W. HaST, 04,:, W.\HH;;r~:;20' , CHU~CH I Ll .I '';3:GEOGRAPHYi! OZ'."",Boys':J?E GYM Boys P.E. VM:: Boys P .E;; c.. YMi'J '.,2'.;'" ,. Xy'j .. 1\ iGEOG(l''': 02., 31\?~"nf'" COCHRAN 0' GIRL'S SPT~G'(M':GIRL'SP.E GYM (GIR~sP.EJ vti,':, :' .i,'."d:L',;oi{ [fA "'G:!H":/:ij; i.,,:.::;L? !.;;;:; d RIGGS ,t Q~4" :; ,in .iL..,HMMK 3, LAB HMMK I ., LAB.,;!; rtMMK I : \,'AB'j LiHMMK:A,.'AB t2' ie":, ' r,~;;; ,~ PHILLI,.S'12,;,;,3' HMMK.,4 'LAB .'. .H&F LIf5:E LAB '. i' n: HMMK 2 \ "A8';0;,:: 'i}HMMKit2' i 'AB;: XjT., " u...CY <, ,9~J VOc':A'G..1. ;AGn.L>" VOC AG; 3 ... .. H.. . ... 4'Q:~'~. .. ~'~: ~ ;;;i, (';i; ,;"t. f Hi, (Voc\AG2"cf:iC ': ':."", . i" ,....,. LORMS ; "'" .:~!'.,' ,;:'d ", ,"T';;r),. v1E~H DRt, ~G\~ ;.,' ,,:SHOP 1 ,',." HO~ .,~.,.EY'."Cp"',HE..,.,..,.,:',,D, RTAGL ";:},.,,: COOK ; 9:"".4;} TVPo.E, \303"p" TYPE 303", SHORTHA80..,3a3(. ;{":\ ,;lBKKP 50.31 I; '. 303,,;,\',. BAIltG'ER ".'; ';';, ~L.,:;', "I: l;;ART 'ARty ~",:;'~ JOHNSON. J.,,; ,," ;, ,,"'< '.i 'i"; ; It 'IBANo"'Au(f :""T DUNCAN ,L1SRARY. L'i'i","',L1BRARY"",; LlBRARy'F ,ii, ' ';LIBRARY r'.; UIBRA~,~.'",,"~r TH (S SCH EDUl!E WAS ARRANGED TO MEET'YHE NEEDS AND RE({UESTS OF THE GRE~T,E.!;,T';NUMB,ER,OFf;'STUOEN.TS. "WHEN COURSE,SUBST I Tu;r';I:ON~,,;;';'r WERE NeCESSARY, THEY WERE MADE ON THE BAS'S OF THE COURSE SELECTI O.fI!S,;:s,uf3Mlr~EO ,ON THE FOUR,YEAR :fH;;AN.,. .STUDENT.i,..RE({l!,ES;rS <"f; FOR SC~EOULe: CHANGES 'MUST 8E,4iAOE IN WRITING ON AN OFFICIAL FORM.~~O;M.UST,~Ei.SIGNED,BYPARENT:,tOR,GUAROtAN,~,:V~LIOLR~A~O,N~,:i,~"f t MUST BIit SUBMITTED. THESE ARETO BE LEFT IN THE PRINctPALtS OFF,',ICE" A.,f'J',D, ',:.:WIll;..'i.BE""~.IVEN,.:CARE,FU,[.',,O'ONS.IOE,.RA.1:10,N.rS,TUOEN'TS'jVOl,L';",f';f,l BE NOTIFIED :IN DUE TIME. UNTIL NOTIFIED, STUDENTS ARE TO MEE,T; THE,SCI-!EOULE ~S"ARRANG,EO.;'i'"",;;:. :"1" ",,- l ; :~ :; ,", "'-- , ,I 91 ~""" ,.,,,' ,." ,,.,.;;. ,~, '-'" - - ._~_ ,., ",' ",' ...,.. "c- -'--, ~..,' 'I' I ,,~ .' ',_.,__". .~".__~ ,._"_..-_"" .._,__ ,,"'~''':^'''''''''--'--_V' ,_,_><,.....~""'~,-"J . i ,j ,J'iJ ~ -,';;(/ ' ., 'E. tA,IdaLf..4/ML}' f ~ l' . ,I ., STUDE.T~d4'" ."" "t: ABSENT .// ABSENT Citizen- ship ~ b.. \,_~ \.(\ ,il' Q. ." Teacher ,,), 'Ii W,' ,n A fI Citizen- ship eN J1-JI (. h eti.F < E.,P. OZMEI"T,,~, - !'!1"" F . P. OZl\!h:1"1' I"~ HrincipnJ M Mary Leland " ';;';''',,' d'iI\',-dI}.. ^~ ''':41< ~, ""~r. "'''" ,!} E", _,,'; "" Teacher ~'i-:,: - ~ ,- "} i;i,jl ll' "' \ \ \ '~, ~ ,,-- / ~ \. '~' c fH f SAFAR Vol A] ~'TO .1 ~1is issue cou~tesy of the school. I O'~ l~cj; Conso] i ~~;H'p[l Hir~h Br:li,nol r.n'llpf':'" S;-;-d-j :'),.;-) ;.i 11[:: . l' l ~"'J" , 'i;,'" ;'~,:'f:v '. ...,. ,."..-, ...) ., ". , , Ii'rorn tl;18 0 :ff'i C,G :; I I , . 4! ~'~r-. C' Z"~\"\or.t.- re~Jor.ts - ~hat h~ is l?oki~C IOri;JarCi to tne 1)0 s t , t . 1 , I 1 , :rc 21~ 't:;ve r 0 Regt;lr,tions on caD-- pus dress will re~ain tmcllcyngec1 :f'roTl las t yec::c, 'L.lYlless ,:le c;ot II,,",, ''''lY tI'18 - "'~r" " ~,J l....J,.::>~_." J.._.A t.,\t:l.t).;t (l J.-~ word to the wise on tile le'l[~th oJ:' your shorts. Let's not abuse this Driviled~e~ c . "'0 ....1.1:::,1. r-O'C}l 1'0"<:5'- . ..J... ~... '--~ _, r.J -.' ...... J and Girls can co~- tiuuo to wear sports cIe the S OE li'ridays. l'..~.o tI1~Lr'_~~ r:8':J 011 the c't;rriculDr.1, but students will be a~azed and per- haps a little hurt to find every teacher testing or spelling . - " C,t1.1S yc&r e 3 i~l)(.GP t;s t~;:lci:r'l~; lanC'LCE,[';(?S or vocational courses wi-II caze on new i'O.CAS ~ ,,::icht rev! teachers will Join 1.~S .' :~rs. ..John -~8rrill \.,ri11 tc~J~re l~r. 1'Jc1(~:~1'2r' s :n:cli.s~ classes and Frs ..:.lston "Jill re~lace ~ :rs '.Jarrell in s'oeecl1. ;;rs Dett,)'.' ~'Tc>el('~r "lill - - .. . ~- -"....... ~- .' J ..........:...-to- teach ~alr-timA in ,Spanish II and III an,c. l:r. ~"}r,rChEEl ,.!ill Till ;~r. Gr.thrie' s ?qsi tiOY:. ,Lrs., ~~ary .::)1n111ps \11.11 teach home~aki~~, an{ lII's. Cook '.Jill bob17S il"cGSS tC2cher. III'. Lorms \'Ji11 tal':G \~.or:7.; l)~"'tL:e '"),.'" HERE WE ARE 11'he f"irst SA~S'AnI since 1960 hits the stands this morl1. in r. , August )0. Tvricc-monthl'Jr- issues at a dime per issue are promised by Editor Ken Fisher and the staff. If you have any suggestions, 'VIe' d like -to see tb,ern. If you have gripes, 'tfe t 11 take ';;hoSG, too. (But be kind.. .He bruise easily.) ~~01'etll be o~~icial notices ~rom the front office, and some social tidbits, too. Hotll have news fram clubs and organizations and, of course, SpOl"ts . . If' reaerG 1's aJ."e inter... osted, we will include a Duy, Sell, 01" 'I'rado c1as-' sified colw~~. So name it, pleaso, and lfit fits, Br weill print it;. . Support the 3~'Ujll\.ln 'I eh? 9W NU ~ l /\ t the 1963 Annual party on the slab, of course. 11'1::10 crot-ld heldbacL: until the arrival of the honoree, upon 1;1hich lIrs. 'dorrell read the editor's dedi- cation to Principal E\.P., OZIi1ent. Then Betsy Got busy taldnG in receipts and givinc;out yoarboo)cs 1'Ji th . the help of J oc' Jaros, Shorl"'~r Holland, and 'lance IComler. Everybody vl110 could Get thero got thore, and it was a pretty croat reutlion. . fI'ha111:s to Betsy Hamge a.:i."1d a hard -'t-J'orldng TIG-Sit... Ll':\,lTD staff. ;,To Ire proud of" our 1963 ltnnual. Eo'tv textbooJ::s, among others ~ Latin, spanish, and niath GIR lS' B~ ~ Sf Sl~lf ~?~2 t.l-1erino J~d"lG~::cc1s Lii1d~ FelJnlan an~t -j-i';-"" Ial"""'1','11'~- snn;or'=' 1 ~'_J.~...., 1\-:; ..~....... c.. v, . V~,.-:-.... .-J, re~resenteJ COnSO~l- ~~,-~~! ~L nO'r~t r,~~ ~~r1C'j ,-1, to. V" ',.', C<. l. C.J ~ 'J c." ~U ..,.... ,:;) :3ta.t,G tllis 'S'Ulr~.r:le:c. Boys' S.tate met from J'1:~::1-,S 9 to 16 2~t :J:2~(a._s th~1:1..\l(01')sit:V t11"lC:~ "J,as c:ir- acted by Dro Ilay~ie of. tIle fu.nericclT1 Lr~Jsiorl., From <hme" 12 to 21, li~(~ a.tt8nded Girls. 13 t:;~ t.G c1 i: t.I"l8 're:r:flS S'tata J~hooJ~ for the Dli~~ il1 Austi~. }irls. StQte was di.rec"ted l)y : .: i s S j?l~ clt:C i s C' 0 f..f' . ~~}-l.e ~31.-:_sj.jl.ess C~Ylc} Proi,'<::ssic:1a1 ';imnens t Club choSG Linda. :iil:e ! ';!as sY'onsarec~ :)y C~1G 'Gllcs Clu1J. ~3otll s t1.:cc.1onts were selected on the !J[J.sis':)}? sC~lOla::'shi') and i2terest in govern- lTIGTLt. p '.1:1"1.8 DUr1JO S 2 a f the :"'"",,,, '~;rl (<lorl'", "L~t'"'S ,..~h..J 'l./ ..:) c_l_....... ',_1 ..") I,) lsCl. \::'; is 'co Elal(e t}1G S JCll(3.c~:1t;S }J~8JG~t(:;r c.;cq1.1e_int(~~.j, ,'-ri t}l t-l"p HO.,...l,l" ',;"q or" r,'o"<r"'~Y'n- _.L...... ~~ .L....... ......c:.-...... _ ~_:; \i ,......... '_'~ n!(;J:':1t. cant. pa[;e,.2 , ~. --- ') \ \ \ ~ Tr - " ~, '- \ " /. " \ ., , " , " "" (, \, !> <C Eon ORR l BAD In!;\;JS . \!h~r do s'Ct1.dents quit coller;e? I I ,I I' '.-!hen on a national average students drop out of collece at a rate of s~ out of' ten this is bad news. 11hy does such a percentage drop out of college? Everyone ventures a Guess. ~[,here is the possibili'ty that for som.e college is a bore; it's no challenge for them. nlis group feels that thay'pe vTasting time and .t:1oney sitting in the classpoom trying to absorb knov-Tledge that they could better acquire on their min. ?ne reverse is often true. Some students find - college too c1 if'ficul t. luey are 1.Lnable to meat the social and scholastic requirements of' college. 1"'b.ere is deep resentnent among the group of students who were pushed into college by parents. But whatever the reason, figures show that 50% or more of the college freshmen do not complete their college \-101"1:. How can this percentac;e be cut? I propose a three point plan. ~ 1 I I (1) Get ready for college while in high school. By this I mean learn to study, get involved in oxtra activity, learn to tcl:e advice, learn to vtri te and us e a library. ' -:l b t.'" '\ " -,' U . . t 1" . hO 01"- 11.o,use, .i~t~l1 n1.vers1.-y 1. Jrar1.an, once said that 90jS of' the .^:.&Ii freshmen don't Imow how to use a large college library. (2) Choose a college that will best suit your needs and your aim in life. If you want to be an engineer choose an engineering school of' good quality. (3) If you are not college matepia1donJt go to co11ege;Jgo to a vocational school or a junior college or a prep school before you choose youp life1s wopk. It is not a disgrace not to get a college edu- cation. Some people are not college material. But whatever you do, choose your vocation wisel'Y. and make your choice of college with the utmost care. Editor-in-Chi0f..........~.......1~n Fisher Assistant Editor.................Lopelei BrOWD Sr. l1oportors.................... Ilelal1ie :;[illep Pam Adams >Jr. H0Porters....................I\.uth l1cGill - I~atherine Ldwards Soph. Roportel"s................. .Stephen Prescott lIar)" I1uth Hatldns Spec ial thanl;:s. to Thomas Echrards and Vi1<:1::i Vrooman }Irs. Harriet Hartin is the '. sponsor of S..af.al"'i ~'." . Page 2 C;D PB.r1(irJ.g ;vcr:{02-.}~~ 'rl~10 c~riveS 'too sch^ol T\',,'(:1,v ~11'~J'l"" J __'-' A ~v ~ ,.....1 _..J.....;.... ...L.I. i~ ~is '3~ De3oto or DiJJ I/Jf.'dte in, his ~1el,v Cl18't.J:;t, rr~lTS t l1a-v-'s cJ. ]')lEc'? t:J parl:. ~ut these arc OFF IJI~.'lI.~.~j' ~ the C:IL~ .lot~ ar:0~ the Jr. ~Ii side of Eolid: Stre(:; t. ;,{er:Je '.s \~l1101"C j""Ol:' ,(,1E~"'t:; 'Dark~ on ';:,he aL:~~li'toriur S ic1'2 of ITolic1': :Jtrcet a)1(:j 01'~ tllS lJad: ~3 ide 0: the office lot. Plans arc under way for a student lot, but until it develops, car \,Ji.:tb 1Irinc1mv ..?-1ickcu;:s rrnlst vie for chdice p3.rkif;~:'spots . State from page 1 In ordor to do this the students were divid- ed not only into polit- ical partie~ but a~so into cities, c01Lnties, and districts which composed a mythical fifty-first state.Stud- ents were then nominated to run for offices from cityleve1 through the House of TIeppesentatives and the Senate. Even a governor was elected and an inauql~alball.heldat the cap1.tol. Among the persons who spoke to the two groups were the Governor of "..I' Texas, John Connally; Attorney Genepal Uaggoner Carr ; Jack Cox, foptller . Hepublican Canditate for governor; andthe editor of the Austin StateSlilal1.. Linda and i.fi.xe. x'eport they returned home with amuchgreater knowledgo of the workings of the goverrunent and both ex- press the desire that nore people might share their experiences. '''Y / "-':;"~;'- ~-_..''','-"'..' ....-~_. ") J \ \ \ il ~~ ~-.- '-.','./!;,,'::.," ,..,-'~ ~,/ 'I' Tl , \ \ ~- ~ \ ( \ "........~ ~ ---- '........ ''\, :\\ \ . '\ , \ " ~ I _ \\ \\ B:"T R.f,t,"l :; ," (".l' 11 .-.l u.._... ....... -~ .-- The location is the ballroom of the Student Center of a certain Dallas colle?'o camTrL~s? the tin:l.9, t:O.8 las t \1001;- of' "July. Ins tn}ctor DinYlcn'~l :::Q~len sl~rveys rei'! uP10n rov! of girls try:Ln:: a ne'\!! dance routine. Tj. 1 ~ .~ C'" - . 't ",,1.3 lLea OJ: I ome on, Plrls--let' s 0''''1:; 'l-hoc" ':j ('1'5 't.;: "i, '_ 1. '~'VJ, '. .--.,.::J ....'1 ," ','" .~.~..~ l.~:....;~ v... .::>'V .;.-~~............\.. ..Ip, 0 iTer YOb, nOaUS 18 be L oy D. cl"lorus 01 ?TOanS 2;3 , ..11 .J... r\ ...~ Gr_l~. ",calES 1. rom allover Texas an.c: co ic::J:lbor1:::.[?' s te. tes bee:in thojr S8C'ond r!1;c,r cod:; t'h"" Dr=>...." C:au:pt'l" ;:>1'1(; "''''']';'11 "'L'o'...r.. ~*~ - -"J v~ .!..,...... - '-' f.J"'" .,......~....~~ ......J........: UJ.._ ..' C'.11 Sch?,ol of ~.r.:. U. . ;'~ccC?rC!lng\Aj "f l r n~' ,,' b. to Lr. IrV1.:'l.2 Drcnbrocit. V'~ ," L U '.' ,. , -, _~, 'I superlntenaent, there are ~20~s~r~s ~t~~n~i2g~ Amon~ A big, JIG welcome L-deL ar.,-:; 1..L 'JJ, hC.n \"'0."1301l- to j:"lcor:lin:;:: fresbI'len &J1c. On tee', 3s)",2:0,l :JGlles. to all ne~/! students, too. The c'al"""'''':''''''"]~' T".T... 2~i S' ~'J. ~ ., __, ,,"_l.',0 ~,.l. ,-hl to '-'.LJ liTee 01)1" 111"8 t; P'2P raJ...lY through AU2~st 2 is DIe will, be held soon,we ~ope sceno of instru~tion i~ you'll be wanting the D18.rchin[;, c3an.ce rOl1t:1.nes, l:JOrcls 1,0 our school sorg. ancl L1o'~1'eltrlf~ ~ I-Iec1cl il1str1.1ct-IIE're t:llSY c1re.'~ "1" 1'S j,Ci co "" r'." <- (<.: e :~ 11 '1'" ~-' ....... ,$ J,".\,_,';:'.::: (-4l....-.v,.:'..L 1.-'~e ~.Jcl'TvlS, sponsor of ttle Kil~ore Ran- Z(Jrettes. D:y~ l:rzCl i?orir :,I1;.:1I:..orlYJl. .3et.vleen cla~Jses t~e drill tenms usually practice separatel:,/, !l1c,l'}-;::lng the ,ree};:: on.e of eons tan t 1:JOrI:. Competitio~s are held in marching, modeling, and dancine. Ther3 are three I~J'vi-l'O'l~o l)QN~~~ rs "". _,;:' "._' l. Cb~lhCO , in~eYme~l'~t'a 0n~ a~v~~"ec~ ....~. v~, _t l .Jo. ,..1 a ....... j t::.l,..;. ~I"'..:. .....~ 0..1. .l.\...." ~. on our use of the In advanced modelin? Pam University, Library: Adkins placed first-from Zacl1 Consolidate6 abo11t 50 girls. ..... Hi3h School student Attendins the school 'lidll be issued an ID \,!ere Pam Ii.:Hd,.ns ,A~m Avera, ~- - " +- F cardvrhich he !':1US t j\arer:, tlerno v, "eggye prosent vThen he checks 3reazeale, Cathry'(i Ol~t a book fTom the lal1d,J\;Iargs.r8t D-o.rst, .,. tro 1" -O,.'l 1'1 11 brary. Sach card'; ane \JOD G, Lll1v,a.] es, R t' "r. '11 S l' n' i s y)~]i';11"2Y'er\ dal.""r] ~'l,rl 4 U n hC",l " Y VIa .L rIce, -.. ~."......_...'._~' --'_ '-"', ...._l.-., c.A. _''OJ! ' ,,., signed by the student 11;inda"Rudd;: ~ a~:d Sponsor it identifies. ~rs. hary ~nlll1ps. ". 'I - ^ FolloviY1(~ t1l."jr r"';Trn iiS scnoo, ooel,s, "'-0 ,,'--.-- "v, '-- a,ho'Llt 4~O' gre n.ft,p- from the school, the _". '~ v ../ "'-"" ... ~ J.. '-' T'p7ister.-::>Q 1'r r.~"ne11t :Jelles performed at AcJl's :~ ..J~'). -l-1. '~.,tI - ,. V ~"H. ,,-- r,7~ t. ,,- t::!.l ("i ~..~ f""_ Tj' ;...",r1.., I~ .. t""\'Y'l :::>avq "1t.1 I (1e eVV1""c C<' "t,;, 10.lc.. ,::>CJ,~n~.e l Ol,",~'-',CtT,l'-'l', J...' ~J...,."".~ "'"_ .I'\1:-;.........~ v - 3. rnaxix:;urn of 4'1 r:; ','''10 Fro::;ram variety shm'!. The ./, C.....t_,. 'R.-'ln "'l<:! ~ ...<:"', ~.1.""""-.~ ~ "'1 s, settled srl.rollment .:...t::..L c:S c. ~,o per.lorlucU ane:. of l.16C. 'V-Jere i.ntervieitJGcl on tl'1'm..rn Talk'! . " \:CH": I =:0.1 - 32farj_ Cffice cont. [rm:l -pa.s:e 1 over ~~on an~ ~echan- .. ,.~.~ I.. _: . ",.v_ ~.~ __(....._-'_.,. 'leal QraWln~. out no . . '-' ~ I 0=. teacher has been :ound to cover for Mr. L~;:.cy, "\'\rho recently resizned to move to C:1 junior- colleFe. All these :1,~\,! teachBrs are ~i3hly q1j,~ltfi.ed artct ea~~:er to start. Let's ShOvI them v!e ce.n ~eet their standards. '--' .. presnmen and sopho- mores will have to l1buddy-uplt on lock- el'S this year. VIe' 11 say there aren't O''1011'71} lo'ckers rat1'ler "-' - \o."':_"J~" ",-, ,',... . , than tha t ther:::: s.re too ~any underclass- ~.1~S 11_ <to Another change is in schoolGround ,Dark- i~3. 2ach car d~iven to sell.oal 1't11.1S t SflO"'v.{ a window sticker which will be registered i:1 the orric::;. (For more on student park- in~~ see editorial G. ) Ar,j, here's ne\'JS i~ tL;L lJ.8 t ')c' lC~(.,) ...; '} -./ ...":) B f llf S ~ r It N 0 Cle- ',,,, '-, ~,-- " Page 3 ~[HOOl r' ~r ~; \....t:.l.LoUo Voices rins out to Eail C.~I.S. ~.:i.e 8.:r~ts ~eill(:)c1 't'lj.. t}l 1\') C. II 0 S 0 T"~,,;>Y' "0 F~'l' .f-P'lT"',ll v 1..J;/..... ...'-:., d . ~t. v~.:: L<.......~-J , J.:;'Jsr \J8 O.L8SS theo 1 1, __o3Ta 'C:)T Each happy memory Cf C 11.:3. FIC]llif .S'J:JCi. We. are the Ti~erso . . _..... J Tleers trlec and truce For V:1r.:tory He fi;(:lt. In, t!lG S to.J:l5 1110 'I'S fi;::1 tiYlg too'. For naroOl"\, 2nd '\;Jhi te . Hi!: or lose ':li th hearts aflame, Vi~ or lose we try~ ~r r, -:~~ ~ ,..... -; 'I, .f - i'1. (~'l.. .l- +-" -j r~:..-' 1- ., .,~ -"';,' (, ~ ,;".11", ,L ,....:.',~l'v' T :~,f~}) -t ~, I)la~~l tl"iO F:~~i.l~!e, p" , -y."., - {.1.'1" '1'::; ,,' C'r c:: 0 '{'" ."J I;::' ..). \.:.;.. v:~. f"""'; J... ......C~ ':' ~..... . .... Co~solidated'IIig~lQ CI':~lis follovlS j!;ric~e rs It'ii_-';I1 t 11) - T-I-G-3-R-S ,T-I-G-:-Z-R-S Tl.~Orn ~io~l+t rl'l.~~~~C ... ',> .': ~~, .I.' _ D' ,,. -,cO> t::.... .~ , lJ'J..Cr1t! Tigers, TiGers, Fizht! ........---- ') f . ~ \ \ \ :/'/ ./ , ..,.~-'"..__._,~~ ,::::-,> I \ 'II T \ \ ~, \: ......... ~ ~ " ....... ...::?" ''\ \ :\ '" '\ " \ \ " ( ~C';P~V"".',)' '1.<ll.lo l' ", 1 , ' iVO.\ ,_ _~ (j}T_ Football Schedule Soptm;lber: 6 C ol'l..uubus 13 Del Valle 20 l-Iadisonville 27 Giddings October L!.: Huntsville 11 Open 18 Cro.ueron ?5 Caldwell H ove,mber 1 Hearne n Hockdale 15 Havasota T II T '...T 1..1.. T II T II T Ii I i I Six Weels ~eriods 10 Sept.3--0ct.ll 20 OC~G"U~--1Tov,27 3. Dec.2---Jan.24 40 j'aJ.1027--Har.6 50 flaro9---Apr11 211, 60 April"?1-lIay 27 ... Six HeeksExam. Schedule 1st; day-,--peri6ds. 3.. 5 2nd day--~periods 2 G ~ 3rd day~~-periods 1 & b Eid".i',erm exa111S-- January 23 & 24 I"I,AP 0.( -<: H 1<3'" 5 0-1 dOL "'" /'I p; vJ LA.n:. '" ~ ~ I II. The Safari ,Aug. 30,1963 Page 4 Hf~E COfftt COt UtJ ~ U S \~f ,n Ie ,.' , , Hore than .forty hopeful grid stars' hit the field for Coach Edsel Jones' first practice A~gust 19. Only six were returning lotterl'tlen: Darrell Gossett, Carl Gough, Frank Litterest, David Parsons, J Pewthers, and Walter Varvel. Of those, only Litterest and Pewthers are seniors 0 A wet field necessitated two and a half hours of "skullll pructice the first day in addition to ,the regular four hours of physical ex.ercise. The sinlstor~s01.u1.din "skull it practice is actually nothing more than classroom work: watching films, blackboard lectures, playlearning, and Jones' varsity play- pep ,talks., Skull practice ers for the first game is the theory class of include: Ricl:: Carl ton, football; the practice field James Carter, P~ul Fagan, is the lab. Peter Fagan, Bill Gillmore Following practice days Larry Godfrey, Darrell establiched the pattern: Gossett, Carl Gough, for the A team, t\vO hours Russell Hal1.nah, Russ" of mprning wOl"kout in should-,Harvell, and Franlr . er pads at 8:Qo, an hour of Litterest, .' sltull practice at 3~00, Md . 'Also Duke Miller, Bob two hours ,of 't-J'Ol"kout in Horris, Jimmy Parish; full uniform at 6:00 in David Parsons, John Porry, the evening. For the B JQ Pewthers, Stephen team, two hours of workout Prescott, l'Jalter Varvel, in shoulder pads at 9:00 A.l1.Bill Uhite, Joo m1.ite, sku1:l practic6 'vrith the and Timmy \'!olters'are. on varsity" and full pad work,,:" the ,A Teall1. out from;): 00 to '"{;:oo. The B Toara reserves Couch Jones star-ted are: David Alexander, ,,11'1;h drills in the evening Paul Becker, Bob Bishop, he is now emphasizing scrim- Steve Boring, {i~ny Brad- Iaageto prepare his players ley, Fred Davis, Hilly for their season opener Edmunds, Ed Goldsnlith, 'tiith Columb1.;ls, Septe.mber 6. Eike Hensarling, and Nack " J.101comb. . . ;."'. , . Also:. Larry Holt, 1l1erry Jones, Terry Logan, Larkin i-1.clJoil, I'~enneth lmrphy, Bill Price, Jimbo Robinson, Glen l'{allace, " Hally Hilliaras, and Ovlen Young. '" TO G '/1/\ L:n?, 1~4 1/ I MAl.'l>'l, vVlW3 .- '].10 the loft is a' map of the school for all ne'Vl- comers and oldtim~rs wh (1 on 1 t Imovl" c ;{ 0 ;{. I -;203 'A 0 'f.. Qos Q(},b /- 'off:z.ce f:4ook for the mistakes and! laugh hard 'cause you f 11 I never see theraaga,in" , , Safari Staff ~ I ,-~.-^- - -- - - -"- 11,11\, \ \ \ " ~/ ~ / ( , ............................ '~. ............. ...... ..., \ "\\ '\ \. " / ~ J J ~/ /.---~ "', " A~',"" ,,_, ,'.~~,IB1:'-':~' _ ~j:.-:,"- · .'. :~'~ ."~ :T~:~~'~' Q;i"~~1,..l.." ",~.iP-~,~/'~::r,'" J' ,...>;:.~-, ,."... '~H'.-'. ;.,~::,Br~,9'B lI~At~~> "...'."froin:~~~"'~~~t:O,.,flr~fte~~~~k., "." ,,' ,.' " '"Eag'le"Sporfs Staff ,..:walte,!:, VaFel.toend~~IIlrn~ 88.yards m,the, fIrst lialf to their ,.I1:A~iS6~YIL~~E'" ' ;,'~J\.&:ty.lW9Jte*si,i~d~~:}!er~,Z~!:l~>,'~~ "t.p.ihesec~~a,half;,' '.'1?,;., '~,~ Consoha~Wde.xpIQded'her~;Fn7, ibqP.llS ';~ t~~~:p1t f~~!~!i!'ll1d,.\W~:,. V:a!,v~1;thr~w,(at~"a ,500,' clip, cikynight: to ridethEi' Madison-,Mcaroop,;~~d")W'~*::\YCl.s;;i~.h~,ad completing tllree, of six passes: ' ville'-'Mustangs ,tOll. 30cO . .fn;l2~;:O,..', );,. ,;,:,' ,",..';';' $" :;~':::i:;\ ;,:f9r'~a' tgtal tofr1~;yii:qls:~hrotiglli ,their. second, iIl'three tries. "" ,~" A.s~coU9- .'ttpws!1dqw~,;1Il:\tl1~t'tge Xaii'~i''J.'h'ej'home' tearri\~ threw' :-. 9,~iitor ppeed~1e,f;.,g,ta~,k It".., ,st! ,P er,io' ~(cq.ri1e' ,~hen"2:Litt~;m 'It:~t~m~es: and~coinpleted~lfwo.'for pouhd,,~d ,,~he',.MlJ.~,tang"liBe .%Ot; $,l:Jr(?ke':~F~!,;g~tl1~/Must~~~ l~ne ,~'passm~ totalp~,;4n'YI:!:!~S,'j,'~i;" ".I' 260yardstand'!thre~ ,tou~hdoWns ,..~n.<;I.:~U!Faged~~he;~e.<::0~flc~1~Y/>iJO ';''l'h~.TIgers,'''returnhome '.next to lead 'the . I3eIigals 'to ~iC'tory. , 'yards;f<;>ri~,\h~.~t01,lc1;?iQ""n'~1g~i~~}Ve~k:~to,' tak~'J)on'(the "Gielding '. Three!firstdbwns 'andlthree' ,the tryJo,r extratP~l:.l1ts. ",:a1l,noBuffalo~;;TheBuffswilhbe look~ yards ;\thrdugh the air'i'was"'the' ,gOO",~" a1!?,!th~'~~lger" ,,,ov~~(f~F ~ing;fo'h;:theii:"firSt, wihagainst , .,.wft ,'I '. ",' ..' ';; '",t,.",\ 'out.ln..froIltiJ2!~0,~.'<:..ff:1i.;;;('tllr:ge'10sSes,;"L'i.,'f';, ~"",,"" .,,;, " i'rlad'vm~~?c~i1~."' ;,., A.THI8Diof"the' . yjn1io:the A&M,'Con',/' "15,;' 0'12'3" 30 First ~,do~~ HHH.:'J1HH,!:;;,'B:h' 11 .~!~p~l qua~tef>tne;'~k.~ki~g:c,~~i~s;IY,t!l,cii~6n~fli~;~::::',.:, 0':;;0',';"0";.0 ,...'..0 'Rush.mg yardag~ HH"H'HH' 159.;, 'F ,,,~92,yirere :agaIIl glvenJo;if>arsons;,antl ,." '<, " " '.' , ' "i,.' Passmg yaniage ,HH"HHH ,41, 43 , 't"h""'" 'h"" ,.., 'i' ," ", ""."~. , Pas~es~'tte'ml?ted ....H,<'12. 4.'6"1 ",,,lstI!,:e" e, call1ejtlirough~?l1d. , Passes completed :.' . 2""'&',3.' ~put\tI:le~;.baU:.where it,,:pel ! Passes~had interce.pt'e~l 1 '\,,;i> It 't6;'a4d:'the :firtaFthree ''Poi'' rroTAt.,Y~EDtGEj,. ...." ,200 f~:~35., 'to'&he'r~cdrd' boo:Ks"11Ild(gi Fumbles/Lost., ,n 0 ,of 0 . 0 of}.." '. .}." '" " ",". " "'''.':' .~ ,.",', j".'" : el'!.alties/Yard~~", ..' 4for35'/4for30 "~B~ng1fls~" s~fe.,";p9~0,;.tp~;:gla; Punts/ Avg C, "";n..:,,2for 45'1" O}or 0, ,,,,For ,the,i,rest;of.,the ,(mght; .", .' ~' 'w ,., Wi"S' '~w,;.:..~:~!lMustarlgs':triedk{o,marcl1hipth'e, OIil~~lff~r.\l2c::~\e~,gep,tJO~ft,tJ;i; fiEddEwith!1ilittl~"iru~cess.iOritll'e1 ?33~,lard,'rr:a~'gm' ,me Tlger,~~~d~ - ,#nal', try;;;tl1e+HoisesSpi~k:'ed~up, edyp ~~amstth~~us,t~~gs,(,>on: 'four. first '/dbwn~'j~n'd"re~~l1ed thE: 'grOlmd,~ 'ki; .,".:.":. ,i',/ii .~;,.;:, thei/Tiger t31j',yardi lihe ;"'b€lIOr ,EA"EL'''(,ccdN ,tb.e,mltIal~l?eD!9d 'they;,T'an,otlt '6f,ste~ni;"Tl1e{;b~l 'of,;Rl~y ,}.~e " 1,,86- p~)1~df,~lt;erstryva:sjiiiv~n.to''t~e,Ma~o~n!el~v~ rae~,d'-15y~rds, fOl'tlje l~ll's,H~,!-l- 'on1"downs;J, ,yarveIYcalled11o":' lyof," th~~~ame. TheJi,g?rsel~f~- '. pl~Y?rid'their',\vatched'h . ,.' .....'. ." e~,tp..,,\l'Y f.Of two ,?!1arr:~<:J.!".~t ,Tl!ri"out." , '(J~"&J,iJ;"'. .to t~k~.Jh,~Jrad; 8~?,."" )~r;'.The M4~taiigs'c~meori;'S ..;:tMmut~F~~l~ t(2r, .~, ~ltt~rst.1?ga~n, I, eriri . the"sec6nd"1lalf ,and', pIck€; '.cii'r!,~ed !he';,ba,llto:pay:qirt' ~~?~, 'up :;.siJC'first"do~mi"'lo\Hle ';:ih 11,. yard!" ou tjo]send the Be~gals Tigers' iii. tha t'" departrn:enf~Tb: 'ou:Hn"f~o'rrt;bY 14,p0:nts',~D~vid ." ." " .. ',', ,F arsons ":ca:7ne'; Off'f'the, bench ':to :at'ternpt' the"poirit' a:hef,j,:arl'd. r splt,tthe uP<Mttights.~: ;;';?:':',p..j~j..f\M::!'" he'J.lec~ng quarte~,~th~;~lg'" . e,:J'~ ",Ih 's.triking'dil't~'nce a , " chose to letPars6nstryfor 'th!'eepoints. The'kick';ffas wide' and ,to'.,tlle.rigl1t "an'd{,th'e"score' remalrt~ci,,;f5-0~"C~nsolida1;e'd,.;~ ~, :N'eit~er teaIl), {h're~t~ne~'ag~In dlirirlg "the"llalf} a,nd;'th~ "Tiger . ~leyen:;eIJjoyed::aiP5"'Poiitt!l1a.~;: ,gil,l,it'tpe midwaY,poin.t.'i, ,':,'" '," 1 tIff ' '. _', ~..', ~it:; "~_;' <,'~ I t A SHORT WHILE,:int6X!the ,third~st'anza" the,. Tigers"jstruck' for the third tirne'~.,Tnis"trip~'th' tally carne on' ~ 26~yard' pas' '-~_ \.,: :~:J?~ '" ! '/ ~ \ \ ~ I I 'I ~ / / \ -............~"---~ -- -- ------~-------............,--......... '"'-. ."----~ c/ / ~ c, to ~c \O'\. S BANQUET I -\,' r ~. . tt~' ,~ #J $11 :'~~$f~It~lll(f~t I 00 !' 7-41> J t?EEE 70<\1" '1> 1E o L L EG EST A T I ON ~~ ~ $~~ .~ ~~ 4f.0 ~ ~~ .....~ ~ .~ ~.. ~~ .~ ~ ~~. ~~~ ",'6 c~ c'6 '\. ~ ~~~ ~". ~~ :\jV ~() ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ :I 1)0 i './'1'. I o~ . .. ~ .,,~ :\.S~ ..:.e ~~ ~ ~ 'b-S ~e~ 0\ 'I'... [' '- '/ ~ \ lj\i;' :Y '" 1,~ ~\- , c'~ \. . 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",,', ;~""'b:/'o;;;t .0", _.t "",,,,, 9 "c-; Pf,,&M \'-%1wOi!! a ....o.**~o*....**..* ;~ *.*..**.*~..$..**..*. Y';?; ,~l1gal &ll~~ DOODUOOOOGOOOOOOQoooaJ8n ShareD & 'T.!l "" ."'n".jl-!J...."""" ' P'l)'i<.y,,,wt 00(1) " () 0,0 0 C\)O () 0 Q 0000"" J.!.. f.'Hz.!. ,\.11.6"""", ""', ,g... Ji ""...;, '" V-'lY't:1<J~~ 00 l:> CO" 0 C (I I) c', 0 a Q 0 ...- G; w;..,"~"a Pa tters~rl = {') t:'l <:'I (\ 0 0 Ii (I 0 Cl\'HH1" Ifllnrla Cr@l'W 81: Ga.:tl iil@I.,3a1~;l "'~ o (l 0 o,~ 0 00 <> oD~'bbie ,_ (}~)~Jp~n." 9 t1~'ida Diana o~tphen~ Linda .!t~ "" f f I " "1 t ;';~~,; ~ ~ ~~; ~ \\t~~\\\ t \\\ ~ \\ t\\S ~\- ~\\\t\\ ;~~OB S 1\.sSOC -c)(1\. '..,. 'Is;.. , ' \TIll 1\.R'E 1\. 'f\le 'f1tE.~E. : .. needs lJ.S.~' 1i'1t~ 7 1964 ~~RC1t ' 1ta11 'Waco . "<~E.RSl'f'<{ lJ~lv , 13~ '<{I.O~ 'fe~as 'Waco, FIRs., PReSBY., BoERIAN I"{l'AN , 1~XAS GorcJ. ' OIJ Ot 31 St CHURCH ~".,,-------,,' , '~"" ')} /~t "" '~, , '" " ~~~~' ........ /' ~, I' ,/ '.. ---'-~ \ " , \ r --------------------- ~ /~~~':~~'-... ' _/-~' .--,------ ...............-..... , I ~______________~_ i I I ' ! : , \ :! "" "\", / ~ \' CAST MOLLIE RALSTON . . . . Donna Files GILES RALSTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . David Maddox CHRISTOPHER WREN ... . . . . . .. Don Delucia MRS. BOYLE ,"~....... . . .. . . Karen Stuverud Christine Schroeder IyIAJOR METCALF . . . .,. . . . MISS CASEWELL . . . . . . . . .-,-. . Dick Pewthers . . Jane M~'l.rtin Loreli Brown MR. PARAVICINI . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry Holbert LT. SGT. TROTTER ............ Fred Worley I I , , , . ~ SYNOPSIS OF SCENES ACT I 1-, - Scene 1., The Great Hall at Monkswell Manor Late ,afternoon Scene 2. The Same. The, following (jay after lunch L I, ACT II Tne Same.' Ten Minutes Later. Time: The Present ; 4 I I l I "I '" - ~ u 'I; C" · mr,', p'. "'8" i':-- N,D \ MUFFLERS fD1E i1E;N Ii 5 ,\JtL~..:i J KU~. k )l ~"j,., COURTESY OF 'J'BE VARSITY SHOP 'l'O\\INSHIFE SHOPPING CEl\!'TER 1:::'(0 C\'{ A 1\1 rpt\'"\f rt ,Q, l~:;J.!..-"n",'-t$) ,,~w..r.,,--n.ilr.,.. L Barbra Staten, Gail Venuti J erty Pickron, Sylvia Mansfield Linda Bloom, Sharon Yeager Linda Rudder", SET CONSTRUCTION ....... David Holmgreen STAGE MANAGERS . . . . . . . . . Katherine Edwards' David Kent STAGE CREW. .Katherine Edwards, Carolyn Hooper Carolyn Hooper, Carl Gough David, Holmgreen, Sallye Sorenson CIa ire Elkins, Katy Sperry Daisy Sloan, Jim Amyx PROGRAMS. . .. . . . Terry Sharp, Carolyn Hooper PUBLICITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Sharp USHERS. . . . . . . . . . Margret Durst, Janet Gould Syliva Price, Kathy Cleland Terry Sha.cp, David Parsons Linda Rudder, Linda Bloom Rosemary, Sl}arp, Jim Amyx PRODUCTION ASSISTANT ...... Frank Coulter Coffee and soft drinks will be ~erved in the library durin~ intermission; . . , . 'F ~ \ \ " \ //~~~ I ~ , ~--,-,'~ y~ l/ " SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN . , '; Player Wt t ,No. PIa yer , Wt Ht No. Ht ili 15 Snuffy Sm lth 65 5-11 15 Crackin v Ackerman 35 4-1 ,17 Stupendous Sousares 188 5-9 16 Frisky Fisher' 4:9 5 22 Harum -scarum Holt 93 4-7 17 Senile Stark 200 5,~5. 23 Fee ble Fisher 300 ~ 5-9 22 Love -em Litterst 173 4-2 24 . Soaring Sorensen 201 6=4 23" Im pish Inglis .15' 6 33 Surly Suruik 180 4-8 24 Crazy'-1egs Castle 350 . 7-10 34 Barracade Brown 213 4 33 Weary Wolf 340' 4-5 35 Overgrowth Owen 320 6-6 34 Pigeon-toed Plant 71 5-6 I 44 Crinkle Calliham 471 5 35 Crash Cooper 87 4":10 I 45 MIsc,helfious McMurry 130 5-7 1/2 44 Buny Boriski 222 5-4 I. 46 Cockroach COY Ington 176 5-10 45 Hurricane Hancock 51 5-9 Ii 51 Spunky Sutphen 133 5..2 46 Curly Calliham 45 5- I l1 52 Granny Gregory 99 4-4 51 Mighty Mllls 171 53 Whirling Williams 150 5-6 52 Daring Duke 1 61 Battling Becker 'it 46 4-5 53 Whee Un e Cathcart 62 Bouncin e Boykin 63 4-3 61 Baffle Bashaw 63 Wiggle Welch 210 6-3 62 Worldly, Worley 64, Culprit Culpepper 77 4-9 63 Hop'-along H;edges 65 MinIature Miller 85 4-2 64 Butter-fingers Brtdges 66, ~~, 0::' Hippy Harris 27 4,.10 65 Ruff & Ready REi id 71 Shoving Shafer 220 6,,;;,2 66 Rugged RIchardson 74 SwIvel SIcilio 35 5~5 71 Windy White '"''',~ 75 Bruiser Berry 72 4-11 74 Weasel WUson 76 Rubble Rudder 54 6 75 Lolly-pop Lei,pper 82 Upper, Upham 266 4-6 76 Histarical Huebner s~ 83 Girdle Garrison 187 6 82 Clubfoot Clark l 84 Ironic Isbell 140 5~"'3~ 1/2 ,83 Ar" " 86 Cautious Cooper 154 6-1 .jf ,84 H 86, I 1, I;; , j ~ 1 \1 ,i>; "- ~ -~~ '/ '"\ ,\.., / ~ \ A' ,,/).. b~ ~o(~ ./ .::OLcvn.k ~~~. ~"~ ~ci6..$~ ~~~d~ad- i r!..d&-'V ~'/7Z.e~ F !I ~'-tz;~~ I SJ~~~d./~~ /~ ;t!;ndcu fs ~ -CJ<] ~du.h ~~ ~ ~~~..,J)L Lu"-aa- ~~.~ ) You are cordially invited to attend the Voice Recital of Miss Patricia Hill . Miss Mary Margaret Gibbs The Woman's Club Sunday, April the fifth four 0' clock in the afternoon Reception following Recital . \~o. \'(I.'J\ l\~\\"1 O'{\.\o v;c. i. O~ ~'{ . \,0 ~t ~o.'(I.c.t \\'(I.~ ~ o.\t'(l. t\t~ o.t~"1 ~t ~c.l\' o.~ ~'(I. ~\\t'(l. ,~ ~~~ .:\ ~\t'J 0.0."1 ' ~'(I.\,\ t"< c.o.\'~"< . ~\, (,~'(I.\; ~ t\'O ~\, \"<o~ S\,~o.V; ~~"<s\, . !j f ;6 1.-, (1'8 "?'$ I.- 44, './:> ?'", . <" 3'$ , )'; co/: lt~ h, fliQ//, IYOdt ~ litv.' ~tVJ' p 'ltes Cl.ll o ~ )10" t. 'Ii SQtq/: Jt 4l. 0 Oe . Itlit. flQ)I /)4 ' Pl'es. eteelt It' /)ece tV C ~ eltt nO;" '/t1tt2/: J1Joel' /G '. eiaL etlq, 0,,1'1. a'lt-tl- . , 'lttl. eelt r,,1'1y SI.l'1y Ih C~ "ltti/ ' thl'ee "0 ~, e/e 'To.. be.. <<'se .<-th . II'Iy f{ 0.\ 'r~O"<~' St~'\; -J.f?' ~, . ~.'<> . ,~'l:". AS.' ~ . ,.JX'ff' ,o.g~ " . /~",1i~oO l'(.!'<'2I' '~ ..... / ~ ~~ u, p~ BENGAL BOOSTERS 1963 *?~ ,'B4#UJ<<d --~ '~ )/ ~ l:~~ ~. CALL TO ORDER * FRANK LITT ERS T SCHOOL SONG Sharon CHEER LEADERS Covey, Diana Weirus, Janet Whitehead, ...... Daisy Sloan, Sallye Sorenson INVOCATION, MASTER OF CEREMONIES Recognition of guest Introduction of speaker SPEAKER Director of Development Fund of the Association of Former Students Texas A & M University PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Introduction of Team Introduction of "B" Team Most Valuable Player Outstanding Back Outstanding Lineman, J, PEWTHERS FREDDIE WOLTERS R. E. "BUCK" WEIRDS Head Coach Edsel Jones Coach Art Bright Marion Pugh J. O. Alexander M. L. "Red" Cashion DANCING 9:00 Til 11:00 Music by "THE AVANTIS" '~*-"" -~ -- : : ";.:;.,."~::::.:~ :,''';;'-..,~..............; / Edsel Jones - Head Coach Jack Churchill - As st; Coach A & M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL " TIGER " Varsity Football Roster No. Name Class Position Experience 39 Frank Litterst ,Senior Running Back Two letters 88 Russell Hanna Senior End One letter 60 J. Pewthers Senior ' Guard Three letters 36 Lee Sicilio Senior Guard One letter 61 Bill White Senior Guard 'One letter 86 Jimmy Parrish Senior Guard One letter 18 Robert Morris Senior Back Varsity Sqd. Bill Duke Senior Back Varsity Sqd. 17 Walter Varvel Junior QB Two letters 76 Darrell Gos sett Junior Tackle Two letters 55 Carl Gough Junior Center Two letters wit 37 David Parsons Junior F. B. -Tackle Three letters 77 Larry Godfrey Junior Tackle One letter 45 Russ Harvell Junior F. B. One letter 85 Timmy Wolters Junior End One letter 75 James Carter Junior Guard One letter 15 Ricky Carlton Junior Wingback One letter 25 Peter Fagan Junior Wingback One letter 63 John Perry Junior Guard Varsity Sqd. 74 Bill Gilmore Junior Tackle Varsity Sqd, 44 Tommy Meinecke Junior End Varsity Sqd. ~)j 87 Duke Miller Soph End, One letter 24 Paul Fagan, Soph End One letter 50 Joe White , Soph Center Varsity Sqd. 62 Stephen 'Prescott Soph Guard Varsity Sqd. Student Managers: Ralph Smith, James Creswell, David Barrow, "Tiger" Gard S'pecial Awards Tri -Capt. All-Dist. Tri -Capt. Tri -Capt. 'to AGGIELAND STUDIO BARRON BRill 0 N ~ IN G. BAN'KS 'OF BRA,ZOS O]OIUNTY OLEA,RIN,G HOUSE ASSD'G. ODL,L,EGE STA,T'ION KIWANIS GLUB (i{ ~ " .,'/~~~ -" I I "'---- "- / ;/ ~ / I I \ \ .~ ~ / /! '~ I ;. ,- --~ . , 0 e Report Card REPORT CARD 6 Stub . e / 6 " Q) Group Analysis of Pupil's Performance e INFORMATION FOR " Pupil N o.______~_______of Teacher's , 6 JUDGE ~rJl . ;~~ ~ .. Q (To be filled in by .' 0 < Teacher) IrJl'~ PUPIL'S PROGRAM a)'ro * Judge, write below . Judge, write below 0 of PUPiL__Lb.___ i",il< Q)... I@'O . "ol JUDGE, CHECK RATINGS C's Nos, of Pes. in A's Nos. of Pes. in Q Age I pa ~n:i~~~: P~~~~J.o Q)Q) ON PHASES: Q p:;~ Whic~C's occur: which A's occur: 0 Length of Study -,10-' .il< Composer ,r .. /' . I ~- 6-"tt'~4 Ls, 0 l.1::lee~nOVen .V ACCURACY: Time Values , 0_ ----------~------------ 6 I 2 :Baoh I PreludA :/:I."), 'r #' Correct Notes V' r- 7 0 With Present Teacher. 0 3 :Bil.otti I Tazw:o TrJ.ste " Rests y. ,/ 0 NO. YEARS A NAT'L. 0 4 Kabalevskv Prelude #It:; Tempo Indications YA/ 0 WINNER BEFORE THIS 5 l{ c no'l evskY Prelude #1 Expression , Q _ Marks of --....;:;;" 6 YEAR_________________ Moaart 2nd 11 .Mozart Sana ta #"), b' ,;}>0'NE QUAL,ITY: Warmth '" '-# ". Q 6 0 CLASSIFICA TIONr OF .. 7 Chopin Prelude v , Vitality ~ E' 0 PUPIL 0 8 'RAp.h , .J1, , Legato-Blending ,P Q Pre-School 0 EA EB EC ED' 9 DebUSsy Golliwo~t s Cake Wa Jc ./Singing .. Tone 0 IA IB IC ID IE " 0 IF ~~ vf.c 10 Scales y '/Sensitivity "lj'FJ"" 0 PA PD PS 0 ! 11 Chords {fJJJl" 1}ECHNIQUE: Clean-Cut P' , 0 CA CB CC CD .. V- 0 YOUNG ARTIST _____-_ 12 ArpeggJ.o I of.?' ",Arm and Wrist Ease 0 Ear-traJ.ninR' 1/#'" t.,,#~" 0 APPLICATION 13 Fingering / 0 FOR I SiR'ht-readillir if / 0 NGPT nIPLO)'JA 14 ,fl'luency 0 .. Transnosition !r/ " Ji;"'~. 0 High School ------.----- 15 Velocity 0 Touches liP, 0 Hi.;h School SMT ______ 16 Command of / 0 RHYTHM~ Accent ,"y 0 Coll"giate 17 0 18 Steadiness of Beat II" 0 ~ A 0 Fresh ,____ SOph__h_ 19 I Con tin ui ty-Momen turn ,...'".. 0 0 Jr,_______ Sr c.______ 20 I Flexibility ". ;' 0 V;" 0 ArtisL_______ PHRASING: Slurs . 0 Proper Grouping V, / 0 APPLICATION FOR Key 'ro Judge's Cbecks on Pl1ases, ~/ 0 ACM DIPLOMA Rise & Fall-Me!. Line , 0 y 0 C-Special Commendation Range of Shading .""'. ,/ 0 High Sphool ---------- .. 0 A-Attention Finesse in Endings "v:'" /~ ,~ , 0 Collegiate To , ~ DYNAMICS: Contrast y, 0 0 Fre8h_____ Soph..-___ Uncl:~ecked Phases -Satisfactory for Ability, PEDAL: w'ell-timed #($" 0 Age, and Time Studied. . -#' 0 Jr_________ Sr _______ . Legato Connection 4JI'"" Q 0 If Judge signs the Attached Certificate, the IfI" /" 0 ArtisL_______ Pupil has passed. Avoidance of ABlurs 0 Add.'l Pedal Effects ~ ,#' ".' 0 NO. PCS. THIS YEAR'S 0 ~-,. JUD~E'S ADDED COMMENT' tJ., ....) ~ Use of Soft Pedal ~:, ,,",," . PROGRAM" /0-1 ,Ot~~tz~, i"" ..." "1:-'..e ,/i'''J',{t''~j...J!:tlJ:".c..,. 0 INTERPRETATION: Style ~. ,/ 0 ~""" I ",#'" 9 -r _ ", <, Balance--Mel. & Ace. , I 0 Name of PupiL________ ,t' :'~'r ; 0 Structural Design V"" ~ @ ~iI1-~~_~WgJA~~____ I ",<;I" . t,J j.. . _ Clearness of Voices V /' 0_,_. PUI'IL'S RECORU U LiIG. ,.pl.. . ct..~ / t 4rC4 Nuances V ~ ' To be Filled in by ''J'" "'~ ,.. 4~ ~:Vl-L\~",.:~/t[ ":~ . -- Climaxes l/" /' ~ Judge, () *') """"I../) 14Ft iIl."" Po ..... Jt!:.. .-'. " Total. No. of C.s ,~____ r I Feeling Imagination : Total No. of A's --::3-- ~ ~'" \{ REPERTOIRE: Classic fY" ,- d , . 1 ~ Romantic & Modern V';, ,r 4 Not Passed____.:.________ If y Q ,,/' IMMT ,/ <l , ';2 teeL 4 Passed ----..!'-4-________ i 'Added Phases ~/ ~ @h~-,~_.,,_e_~,,~~~ ~~~l~L~~~~.:.---~-----~~,~-_-------- .y..15 ~ I .Judge's Signature TOTAL NO. of C's TOTAL NO. of A's _3 ' , Signed~Judge Q Be sure to sign i Copyright by National Guild of Piano Teachers Judge: Please write clearly TOTAL NO, OF C & A CHECKS ~N Spaces ; attached Certificate - Above ~ if passed. 1 & Also On Pupil's Record Above----_________________________________i 91 I . . . . ~ ,''''.' 'i~ ;.!iI "';(['f" ~.~"'. j:: ill: ! I , - . . - - - .' ~ \ - \ \ I \ " ~ -----.. i I '~ ~ , / ~ \; ~ e I , /' 1- , I i .- , I . , " - - " \ I - '\ ~ / ! d I \ \ ~ / ~, 'F. ',.{l '!~ ct., Gr ~I, .~...l \Jl ;"f GI' ~ \ Tv\ J'E' .q,,,.~ "1>. q.. ~ ~ V "-7q/ ~ .;::, .8'1S VI <<9 VI ~'<tS~ IS IS,"/. 0 'ISIS 41/, e", ~ 4cQ. qtq Q'er;" I"q'c;p ry C'1z . J /) I"IS : r.' e tn. /1"0 Cel,>; ,'F/qs A J ,~ e . De /) "1//, luL I" "L q", ~ cr~ ~e ~ 4cQ. It"'til sev Q'el,>;ele e"'tlz ry ~ ve", ' ecr. eqt.. 10", -Yq II r(!11t ql"e. cOr. "0QI;, t; '.Y . o t/. I",v' qe '1teq' ~,-(' q \d-..ct\ Q~~,\ 'f\"') ~"'~~~'" \\l~ ~.,\.. ~~'. ~..~!>. . o.~'~ ~ ;,^..\S \\ '\ ".,.,....J ~~, 25~ I~O lileli {t?<1y 6;8 OUr Co ' Jf 'l.{/Je 1l, Sr rl?{l? <1 ria1\; PliO1\; , . rl?J( /!.. v/ <1s 6.,'109 ? ~~ . * ** 97'ee AtI1\;1 7z., Go~ <1rUl?/J Y c **" OQ7'Se - * ~ ,~, "'1 ~ 'Ii; ~ ',c:> 0. - 14: 0-0 ~~~ ~()() (\.~) ~~) '20,: ~ ~ :~ ~ / ?/"" ~ ! J ! , ; i _i 1 ~ ,~ f' ~~~ 1\ ~ ' , , :' I r I ~ , , , 1 1 I , r 1 I I Ii ; I '1 L t. I ' .1 " \~ i~ '\2 Da _~ ~&.~q b j (1 .-~ f :~ 2! ~ ~,-" \ " '\. [i'~';';;'~\"''' 1- ~.~';;:"'i" ~ ': ,.!''; ",...'t't.l.~ ,~~,' ~~,L" ~~_~~,~'..." ',,' ,,'<~ , II g j, ~V'f.:f~ rn~:?!ltt.t~ a /l;O::{il ~~Ji,",r" i'~, ~ '\-. > C ,0... ,_.,. '_.. _, ,<, , T '1 t}-~// :ing ~.~ ,-~~ ~'"' _. " _.O<,~ .. ~~.~~ ~1"" ~ \;J~ \)~ ~~\~\ '3~ i . I, ~ __N~ '~~, ~ ~ 'j::~ ~ '-~ ~.~5:;:f'f'V~~\ ~- 'd \) . .~ ~~ . '~ .' 't1 ~ 2 '" ~""i J.j ~-\ g' ~f'> '~'" ",.. })(~ i(:J t" y,t ,;;; "~~;l.l t, ~,,-,~ ":i! ''f r-~ t)'Bm'e1t~l -:;5.' J;"S ~\,rii }.I~~l:'.., ,di '",I AC, 'd .'i~~:. :;::), ,*"',." .....-".. Each Tie,erette h8~ a ~ '- " ' .... . 8' 'b 7.' f ~:~!. ~)rr":, {;; (; t~ -0 .tt ~1. 1. ul 1:1 rex. ~3 t:~.:s ;03 1- ~J:t~, ~'t ....,..;...... ,...j "',.,..... -'. :.;:.o~'~ '-~~" ,~~ --Sol DI~ @ l~ (@ '9 \~ ~~~~'-- ~~ "*5' ~-:;"!~ ~:f""'V~ " M}, b" ,Ah" ~ "I'CHif. , ~5;'X'J --"--'.c-:~~'-->=-= . ~ . ,"'.", ,/ \ .- ..-..-~' '9 I 1 1 , J j I .".~~ j// / 111\ \ \ \ " '" "" ~ ~ \ , , "" "" " II I !'\, ~';:.. , :;;';'-'::'; II ,,' ~ \~ // ~ '., PROGRAM III SONGS FROM OUR AMERICAN TRADITION GREAT SONGS, FROM THE PAST. LORD WHO IS MY GUIDE BUT THEE PSALM 100 SHOUT AND BE JOY~UL ALL YE LANDS. JOYFULLY SING TO GOD THE LORO. SERVE HIM WITH JOY AND GLADNESe AVE MARIA HOW LOVELY IS THY DWELLING (REQUIEM) THE CREATION MARY HAD A BABY DAWSON SOLOIST: LINDA CHA'PPELL YANKEE DOODLE ARR. WAGNER 'THIS GAY. RHYTHMICAL WHIMSY IS A FIT TRIBUTE. TO OUR FORBEARS. OLIVER GARCIA. BARITONE SOMETIMES'I FEEL LIKE A MOTHERLESS CHILD ARR. DAVIS THIS SONG FROM THE CONFEDERATE PERIOD TELLS ITS OWN POIGNANT STORY. JOE CRANE. TENOR SCHUTZ SCHUTZ RACHMANINOFF BRAHMS RICHTER . I REYNOLDS o JOHN II SUE MANNING, ALTO SONGS BY OUR AMERICAN CONTEMPORARIES TEN MINUTE IN,. ERMISSION CROSSING THE HAN RIVER MENNIN A CAPTIVE IS RETURNING TO HIS LOVED ONES AFTER. MANY YEARS IN CAPTIVITY. As HE GETS NEARER TO HOME, MANY PEOPLE HE RECOGNIZES AS FROM HIS OWN VILLAGE. HE DARES NOT ASK OF HIS LOVED ONES BECAUSE OF HIS. FEAR OF FINDING OUT THE TRUTH. SONG OF THE MEADOWLARK BRIGHT (COMMISSIONED BY THE KILLEEN HIGH SCHOOLCHOIR) SOLOISTS a MICHELLE PADGETT LINDA CHAPPELL LULLABY CHRISTIANSEN IV SELECTIONS BY THE ENSEMB1.,.j::S THE MADRIGAL SINGERS THE FOLK QUARTET THE GIRLS SEXTETTE V SONGS FROM BROADWAY - THE GREAT WHITE WAY SELECTIONS FROM CAROUSEL RODGERS-HAMMERSTIEN SOLOS: CHARL,ES ROWTON PHYLLIS SCHULZ JAMES'LAMPLEY SOPRANO: MICHELE PADGETT ALLELUIA THOMPSON THOMPSON, ONE OF OUR GREAT AMERICAN COMPOSERS HAS COMPOSED THIS MUSICAL- PEAEN TO GOD WITH . . , ,. - THE ONE WORD OF PRAISE - ALLELUIA, VI OPTIONAL NUMBERS HE'S GONE AWAY ARR. GREAT DAY SOLOS: DANNY MURPHY JAMES LAMPLEY SONGS FROM MY FAIR LADY STAR SPANGLED BANNER ARR. DAVIS MARTIN PAT MICHEL LERNER-LOEWE O'HARA I 1 ,1 I '.'1...,.. I. i I ,1 ,I l .. , I ~ ~ ~/~// ~< - h -) ~, - ~: ...~ "ll,~: Ii ~ ,:~...,:~ '" ,1 'I' ",'Il ~ /' '" 'Ili '( II ~ . ~ - { 1 e~,'~" *1:'1~~~ ~ If.. I 'II. 'l' !" '~,~~~~~~~~:~2~~t:~~:~1:,~~:;~~:,L~~~~;~.:~.;..c::~:;..:~' _,,: ':~~~~:, ~,:" :~1,~_~,~-~..~'-.: ;'~:, NI G H T 0 F MUS I C Annual.,Spftng',,~6ral Concert. May 8, 196,4 Frank Coulter - Director Accompanist - Carol Whiting Au Ibach Murray J 1:. ' t ,I MIXED ,CHORUS o Day of God There is a Ladye 'SOLO - Sherry Holland The Sleep that Flits KAPiWELLES Hi-t.ili Hi-to Love is a ~funy Splendored Thing Dian~ Sutphen Linda Williams Pat Calliham Debbie Cooper , Carpenter Jane Houze Fain Kaper Kay Fisher Linda Isbell on Baby's Eyes Accompani s,t ,\ I 1 } J MIXED CHORUS Adoramus Te The Lord Bless You and Keep You THE TREZETTES Peggye Breazeale Sherry Holland Polly Von Preacher and the Bear Palestrina Lutkin Dianna Weirus MIXED CHORUS The Year of Jubilo (Civil War Song) Soon-ah W~lll Be Done (Spiritual) arr. SOLO Patricia Hill As Long As He Needs Me INSTRUMENTAL - Double Concerto in Mr s. Mary Le land Henry C. Work Dawson from "OliverIO D for Two Violins Diartna Weirus (All-State Orchestra) GIRLS' CHORUS Au clair de la lune '" A nun takes the veil He I s gone away arr. - Vene Barber arr, - Ne lson '\ ,t ~,' MADRIGAL GROUP Psollite. My TrueLove Adams, Pam Breazeale, Peggye Clark, Stanley Collier, Glen SOLO - Suzanne Medlen A Birthday CONCERT CHOIR Clap Your Hands Holy Spirit SOLO - Glen Collier Man of Constant Sorrow (folksong) Hath My Heart Cooper) Joy' Duke, Bi 11 Holland. Sherry Hooper, Carolyn Palestrina Jean Berger Parsons, .David Pewthers, Dick Riggs, Bruce Weirus', Dianna Woodman Accompanist - Charles pa.~tle Glarum arr. - Hairston = CONCERT CHOIR Rise Up My Love I Love My Love , 'I' SHOW SPOTS Glen Co llier David Parsons from Suzanne Medlen Dick PewtL1ers Wi llan Ho Is t :'The Most "Happy Fella" Patricia Hill Peggye Breazeale CONCERT (CHOIR THE PEACEABLE KINGDOM Randall Thompson Say ye to the righteous The noise of the multitude Howl ye! The paper reeds by the brooks But these are they that forsake the Lord Have ye not known? Ye shall have a song COMBINED CHOIRS - FINALE Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Trumpets: Phil Butler Louis Nemec Percussion:Phil Whitehead Bill Braddy arr., - Butcher Tommy Clark Jane Houze \ \ (~//~=-==-~" BEG INN I N G M I XED. C H 0 R U S - 1963-1964 SOPHOMORES Berry, Alice Boriski, Tom Brown, Susie Brusse, David Clark, Tommy Covington, Loretta Fagan, Paul Lorenz, Dianna Sefcik, Becky Snider, Shirley Smith, Karen White, Joe Whiting, Carol III SENIOR Reeves, Jimmy 1l Ct " JUNIORS Atkins, Pat Avera, Ann Davis, Anne Fagan, Peter Houston, Ailese Hunt, Jackie Krenek Leinhart, Don Maddox, David McGill, Ruth Sharp, Rosemary Staten, Barbara Varvel, Walter \ . ~ ,i~.) ~ , i f~ ;. .<1/ '\ 'f if 11II FRESHMEN Alexander, David Bailey, Mary Bashaw, Jane Bradley, Jimmy CalHham, Janet Cathcart, Sandy Cooper,; Shelby Fisher~ Kerry Griffin~ Mary Hensarling, Thomas J ones., Terry Leipper ~ Janet Litterst, Kathy Martin, Kenneth McNiel, Larkin Mills, Jane Owens, Melissa Riggs, Allen Skrivanek~ Sharon Thompson, Karen Trail, Ann Urso, Virginia Worley, Evelyn ********************** UIL Solo & Ensemble Competition - Waco - Feb. 22, 1964 All entries - Grades 1 or 2 Concert Choir - Represented Region III State Fair of Texas All-Youth Music Festival - Oct. 8, 1964 ANNOUNCEMENT.............. Choir-Props (Parents of Choir Students) Meeting Monday, May 18, 7: 30 p. m. Speech Room Resume of past year's activities and next year's proposed schedule. Election of 1964-65 Officers \ \. ( ~....- \ \ \ ~'..., j , fit, "" '~, -~ / ~" /' '$; : ,\~,ji;.oo '~';. ~" '-- / ~ , ( ~ "l' ~ ,.vl<~~ .-' ~~~ ". ~'~, ~ .~coj( , .vl<~ ~ ~.,~~.. ~~'l ~~ ,.vl<~ ~.~oj( ~.~~ -lC .. 'i'" . -lC~-lC -"l~~.f':icoj( ~~ ~~ 111.-lC-lC r ~... ,~ MUSic Teachers ASSOCiation :t't~ . ~c 1.~c, s~~ ot STUDENT RECITA~ '(..& o.e"O- S'(..'\). 5- '(..\\e . '\.'\.\.8.'\,\\ '(.. \."O-'b 0. ~'),. &e"O- "\).8.j:, ~""e , "eo ~&. 'I ! r 8."0-0. , I I ocY- C \\8."0' 1:-. c. ~""&. r I '\. qb~ '\.1 , y>>i ~ -lC-lC~~ -lC-lCoj("l( .-lC":ic-lC-lC -lC~~'< ~ -lC-lC~-lC -je-lC-lC"lc ~\~~-lC-lC i(-lC -lC-lC i(i( ~olc oj(\-lC~ ., -lC-je~~-l< olcol( 'l(-l< .j(l( -l<-l< . -l<-l< -l<-l< ' -l<-l<-l<-l< olc-l< -l<-l< 'colC olc-l< olC"".-l< """.olC {C'" ol'~<~-l< . -l<-lc~-lC -1<olC f ~ L / ~ *****************************~~~~******************** Yeflow Rose of Texas .. .. . . .. . . JANET PERSONS* (4~ months) Sonatina . . Merry Farmer Eckstein ...~.........:.. Cobb Schumann .. . ~ . . * . . . . . . . PATRICIA BLACKffiJRST (15 months) The Restless Sea .. .. Son?tina.. . Exodus . .. . .. .. . . 4 Bentley MEG HUEBNER* (1 year) ~ .:0. .. ._.. .. 'G- ... Diabelli . . . .. Gold . .. KIM SCHMIDT (15 months) ,S-onatina .. . ... . . -.. . . ~ . . ... . . . . .. . Biehl CAROL' NOWAK* (1 year) Minuet ...... .. .. . Battle Hymn of the Republic . . MARK,SICILIO (6~months) . 9 Padarewski Steffe . . .. .. .". , , March of the Candy Soldiers .. NANCY HUEBNER* (1 year) , Little Waltz Etude .. , I I l~ f L ! :} I, 1 1 I .- . ..- .' '. .--. -. Hopson ~ .' . . . . . Wright Streabog ". ... .. .. . . .. .. . "0' -. ,. __ . POLLY TRANT (16 months) Cai.ssons Go Marching Along Sonatina .. ... . . , ",".' . .. Schaum . Lyne s .. . .' LYNN HOOD (7 months) Schumann '" .. lU', "" '.. 0 .0 ... . .. . 0 .-..,-..,. .-. --0- .. ,,'-. .-.. . .. **i(irldrlrlrl(*******1~**~~i(*******'/(irl,,****************~~ ~ ./ . . Schaum .. .. Arranged by Al an Sma 11 Knight Rupert . . . . ,. .... '. . Ellmenreich .. ~ Schumann Peter Cook Arranged by Eric Steiner Arrangement Arranged by Eric Steiner SUSAN SOUSARES --q,O. .........-.'"..IJ-. Beethoven "He" Sonatina ., " (J II .. -. '. 0" q. ;0- Stickler ... Biehl &_""."_0' fS-'CJ--.,.. DEBORAH DOW (5 months) ;jl:" " '\ \ JANET CLARK* (2 years) Down in the'Valley . . .. .. .. BECKY HANCOCK* (9 months) Rachmaninoffs Concerto No. 2 in G Minor .' . .'- ,'0- 4 ...... I NANCY HOLLAND* Spinning Song . .. . . . .. .... Melody.. .. . .. . " .. .. ._ ... TERRY TRANT (16 months) ToA Southern Pine .... ... ..' BARBARA CROW* (2 years) Oh Susannah .. .. . . ..,.. ~, ~ ~, -0 MARK ROB INSON (2 months) ~unday'Afternoon . . .. . . . .. MARY MARTHA SICILIO (1 month) Let's Be Gay . . -..- .:.-.: .. ANN WILLIAMSON (1 month) Romanze . .. . ,'~ >: ""c 1 I 1 ~ 1 r " I' 1 Ii i I! h:. :-,; ~,; MRS. 'A'. "B. MEDLEN, .PRESENTS PIANO CLASS~IN;'R.~PIl'AL ,.it.;...::AJ..;J.J.J.J~J;...::AJ....:J<...:J<...:i<..:k,,*~J~JJJJ..:J,J..;k...:Jt...:J,J~':.:J.L_:i!,JJ.J~~J~ O<\';f(4i'~ Ii " , Atthe Ska tingi:Rink. . .. ..... ',' . .. The Singing Bnook.. . . . . . . '. .. .. .. ... . . LYoNNEM00RE . . . .'. . Aaron . '0' . . . Aaron ....... f:.: ,. .. .. .. .. --. Gl1mbin9',,$o Hfgh. .. . .... . . . ~ .. 4 . . .. . .0 . .. ,_ _. .. .._. ,.,. ,_ '. . . .. _, .Joyner BUD HAMl'V1AN ~ Ship Ahoy. . . . . The Gello . . . . '" Bentley Matting 10/ . 0: .g 80 d,o . -0 ...-. ,. .'~.- .. ........'t. . . , ~ 80 .0 Q . .. . .. 4,0 ~' 4 . ~ .. ."............ ;,:;o:i;. o -0' 0 VIVIAN BARRQN*. Sonattncl' O:P. 57*4~ .. .. . .. ." -at'. '. .. 0 ., ."'.. ."":A:' ,0' ,. .. .. ,. ..:.:tI .. . ,. .. . .. 0 .- TangqBbngo'..o ... .. ,0 .. .. ,:0-,. . ,-e ,. .. . ," . .~i1.. ._. . 0,. . .. . .. .. ., ;j,~. Twg '?ian.os': l\II inuet in,GM'adt5r .. . . 0 ... . .". EO . .' . . . · . .. DEBBIE. DA~pA* . Biehl ... . 'Nevin . . Bach Sonatina, in G . . . . ". Fl1ght,of the Bumble'!3ee . . . ... Andre. . . . .Arr.. Schaum- .. . .. ., ,. .. . ., . ;0-0 .0., ,. ,.0 ;,_.' .. '. . . .. ,0 ;. .. .. .. .. ,0, . 0 . .. ,0. . . .. . DEBORAH.BURGESS** ff:! SonataK545 (Allegro).. . . Sonati:na Op~. 151 #2 .... Two Pianos: S0lfeggietto , M0zart DiabeUI . . .. Bqqh .. .- . . .. .:~'.. . .. .. ,0.4 .0 "f;l .lIi......,. ,0 ,0,.0 0 . . ...'..-.-. . . . . . . .. .. .. . , . . ., -0 .. .. LAURA... TRANT * * Watchman 113 Song C;;rieg,,~~~ ~~~i!t.~r'i' ;~':N~'Ef~~tJl'~' , . -q Ja ~le~.... ..' . ,.. . ._ ,.. ., ...~ ,. .. .. ... ~'. ,. . _...;r- . ,. Gra,nt .,-;'.0 .0 .. '. .,4 ,0- ,0 . 4- ., .. . e DAISY MARY SllOAN Sonata in G #11 . g " .g. g g " " Hluttering Leaveso . . . 0 . . 0' ,,1), :0> ~ ..0, .,"". -& . _lit ~, . . . . . . ~ Haydn . . KoelTing . h . " >> . . ::.t~ ;Or 0- '0 ,0 ... .04 ~ JU]DYPOSS Lament . ; " Moon Mist. " " . " .. ,Allen . . .. Rod~er~ -0. l) . u- .0 ti' & ~',b-o 0,-$ .. ,o~:o-, 0 .. .. -,lit .. ~ .0- .0- .. .0; ~,;~ 0- .Q o:Q.qd,o..,u:o ~o- .0 ;0 G .. ,.0 SUSIE HIERTH Four Variations on T,heme of Pagartlni . . .. . .. . g " ... .. .. . .. ", .' " " Laounski Pin Wheels .......".. 0 . .,,, ... . " " .'. g . " . .. . . . . . . G 11>loc](, Two Pianos: ,Prelude in C .. .. ... . .. .. . . .. . .. . " . . . . . . . . Bach LUCILLE DQNAHO** Du~ts,:Two-Piano Tambourine .,.. . . . . .. .. . " . Ma-laguena. .,. . . .. . .0... . ..... .' ,a' '0 ... .. . . .. "Rameau . . llecuoha. -~ ..,.,.... ...,.... SODa ta'Pathetique Tango Triste .... ,DAISY MARY SLG>AN AND SUSIE HIERTH (Ada g:iO) q.o _ .~. . 0 .. :0 . .. 4. ,4 .. .. . . .. $. .0 . . . . Beethoven .. .. .Bi,10tti ... ,.,0.0 . . it ,0 . . . -0-0 . .Q .0 ... .-. -Go .. .. .. . . .. .. LINDA WILLIAMS*~ D .0 _ . d ~ .. . . . At .. .. . -.. .. . '."'" . . . . . 'v' Wolf . .. . . 0 . .".. Berslein ll'wo Pianos: Shortenin' Bhea.d:, Duet:'s Ton;:.,ight .., (1 .0 ,... ;,:a, .0. ,~, .. :0. ,G . .._,!J 0,.'-.:," .. f'-. , LI~)BAWIL~IAMSANb'ANNiBURKHART ^..J...;/(J...J..J.JJJ..J....J..J..J.JJ...J..J.....L:J.~...:J...;J;JJ..:J<~J....:J<...:J<..J.~J..J...:Jc...:k..:J<JJJ...:Jc...:i;~ . .. ..' ',-- - ," ,,," >-- ~.;.' in W ':hl' .. , " .. ,,- ''\'o''j!l'll " * National G14,ild Award, * *interna tional GulldAw~rd m . \ \ \ ~ "',.,,/ "". ~ .", \ \ .._-~, ,,- \ " '~ ~. -~ '''~ ~ '~, --........, ~------ ~ ,/ ", \ 0'''. '\ '\ '\ 4' '>\ S T'U DEN T, R E C IT AL ,.. Bryan-College Station Distric~ Music Teachers Association Assembly Room, Memorial Student Center Sunday, February 16,_4,p, m, J.=7<JJ..::}.~JJ-i-JJJJJ..:J.JJ~--^-.:J<JJJ..:J.JJJ..J....:J....:J.JJJJ..J...J,JJJJ..J<...;J"J...:J....:J,...:J,...:J.J...:JJ..J.J-).~.J,JJJ...:!I<.JJ...:J,JJJJ ;.~ PROGRAM The Star Spangled Banner. . . . . . . . KAREN KRAFT and KAREN McGOWN . . Key Little Suite in E Minor o. 0 , 0 , o. JENICE GOODE Q I) . II II I) ,Gillock .' I Outer Space . . . 0.0..0..011.....0 , Aaron Peasant Dance , 0 . GI II 0 Cl . . 0 II . . . . . . . . .Bentley CINDY McBEE JEAN LINGER . Skip to My Lou . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Folk Tune KATHY RODENBERGER and PEGGY SAMSON Gigue . . .'. 0 0 . . CI '. III II . . . III GO . . .. Corelli-Diller MICHAL STULL Little Drummer . . . . II . . . . . . II . . . . . . oBannigan Rhapsody in'Scales ,.,. 0' . . . 0 . . . . . . . .Nevin DAVID PFANNSTEIL MARK ELMQUIST , Processional o . . . .. 0 I) . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . Elgar Singing Fountain . , , 0 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 . Burnam CINDY ROBINSON LYNN CLARY illI London, Town. II 0 II . . . " CI . . . . . . . . 0 . Wilson The Firefly 0 , , " . . I) 0 G . . . , . . 0 Bilotti' LISA LAMBERT ANDY DEAN Fawn in the Forest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adler JIM MILLER Marche Milita ire, . 0 , 0 0 , 0 , . 0 . . . , , , 0 Schubert LINDA CARTWRIGHT and ANDY DEAN .' Sparkling Fireflies. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Fichlandler GAROL,NDWAK 'p German Dance. . 0 o I) 0 I) II 0 I) I) . Beethoven~Seiss DAVID LING The Cuckoo .. .0...0...".... . . . . Sautrinskaya Arkansas Traveler .",., 0 , , .' JANELL HUTCHISON I) . . 0 . 0 Guion RICHARD RYAN Clap It Boogie. 0 . . . , . . , . . . . . . o. . . . . Glover SHAR,GN PURVIS a nd PAT~TI MADDOX Haunted Castle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .McAllister PATTI MADDOX Granada s CI " . 0 0 G " 0 I) 0 I) 0, . 0 I) I) I) . II . I) II 0 . II Lara,; LINDA WILLIAMS and ANN BURKHART "'. ,~\ ., *. . . ,. . ? '. :Q~' . .~....., ,...e";;::.., "', ~',.." ~,0~ ~''.}:~ 'd" ~,"" , -'-, ;;.~,'..,",.-.., "8- 0~ O'~ ?';1, ..0. ~..... ..0.' ,~ ~ ,~'1 "11 \ \ / "~ .,. . o ,..... 0> '.v ~ Cf)o:' ';t.o ~%. ':2.~ 1--3 ';5 ro', l',-' (i' (' MRS.LEONARD WILLIA2AS MRS.CoK.HANCOCK ';t. 0> B r-" ro p.. o 0> (j) r-'" i-' ro ... I) 0 Ill" Oil'" STUDENT RECITAL 0." fI>. {I I)" (.\.. stuart Musio OO.lllDany ", ,,' Deoember 15 \,1963 ***************~************.*************************x******~ .-0. c. , ~" ...... . Cf). 0> . ? . p.. Busy Fingerst'}e/i)..~ooG00. POLLY TRANr'1i'90*OO<tGGOlBrett o Holy Nighte $ 0 00 00 6> III 1& fl<<!1 MARK SICILIO.. '"HI''' ~o 41> ~Adams Fairy Q.ueen Waltz 0 0 ~. <:I G" BECKY HANCOCK 0 EH 1>" ~ 410 eRaazer Swans on The Lake ll> IiHIO @ u LYNN HOOD" <91>0 l!l .. .,,, 'HHIl III 9 Thompson Noelooooesf,><J",@oOOOOll'GOI)O Deborah Dowoooeofi)oe@GeStickles Gypsy Baron Po1kao0~OG$O PATRICIA BtAOICHURSTeooBrahms NaroissllS 0 $ 6 GO Q {I $0 0 <<} e II> 00 ;r ANET OLARK (duet). B..!\RBARA CROW 6..... 9 eo I} 0(> ..Nevin S,tl"aU.se ]'01'." Two. 6" \.'lGO 0" 0 laM SCID9ITDT (piano' duo) JOHN HANCOCK~ 1) \> \1l e 0./11 0 ~ oNev1n MedleYe <11 g t!J G ~. e <l) ~ I} GOO. <J " q ~ SUSAN SOUSARES c <'to C <II @ o~@ Glov6!' Sparkling Fireflies.. (I @ Q @ CAROL NOVlAKo1ll6 00 Q 0" ~ ~ aF:tchandler 'Waltz Dua't.... ~. 01>> ClO" Ii> ~ @ '" '" G TERRY TRA1I"T 111 GO" '" 0 . . .... '" (dust) KIM SCHMIDT ~ e 0 G iii I1l <:) <:) I) e @Nevin Dance of the Puppets...... 'JJ 0 Naney Huebns1' G ~ \II .. '" '" <5 'ill "Martin Ft:lt' Elise Q (,0 (t" ~ /II e> Q '" <l ~H:II1>'" 0 'fERRY TRANT f> C ~ C @ <) Q ".0" ..Bee'tb.oven Wavelets I) $ ti ~ <1> Cl <;> Q Q e .. Q/ IJ (10 ... >II TERRY TRANT OCl 1& '" & (HI ~ q)" "Brett Sol:fegg1a'tto... .. <11 " .. ... 4> .. .. " ~ ~jC[M SCHMIDT 9 III <.I 3,,0 '" .. IH. ,,/II C e ,.' P.. E", Bach ,Chop~;t.:i.ek~Or,:1.gi.n~l...._.... .......,~ lQ:!1LSQ,~1:rR.r,r 1"," G ,,'".. "'''-;.''' ..Arr.. by~" ""', ~ (piano duo) JOHN HANCOOK... <>. <),0 G ~; Iii iOSohmidt&HanoocK .-0. ~. 1--3. ...... . 't .. b' O' O' ~. . .-0. ~.. '1--3 . ....... 'S., 7' Q ~I Y I I "'"~ ~...;.:::'~;... MERRY CHRISTMASt (Piano Daos) Christmas Oarols" Silent Nightooo....o..o...o Polly Tran~ and Kim Schmidt Away in a Manger,.... U H ..Mark Sicilio and Kim Sohm.1dt o L1 ttle Town otBathlep.am@ ",Patrioia Blaokhurst and Kim ScrAID.1dt V!lnter Wonderland. ~" ll.. @ ~CAROt NOWAK.. @ t;lo 0 0,0... $"'. ~ g,Bastelman Jingle Bellsolllooo9o@".o L'YNN HOODsiO@o""'$@d>@a00411Ste1ner a'oy to the World", Q GI Ii.... <} NANCY HUJ:!:BNERool) $'" '" 0lI (> ~.. "Handel S;ilwar Bells" ,>>" Ill.,....... <Il 4) co BARBARA CROW" GOGO ,'H.." '" oArl".by Terry Christmas Candles 0 ",$ 6' 0lI JANET CLARK...@<<> 0'. G" (I iii ~ III ...Adler Gesu. Bambino", ('I c..."..o iii '/}.... litEG HUEB~mRo ~ Ii> <>> @ il> GO!) Ii> " 1/1 ~ (duet) LINDA WILLIAI'v1S>> Il> IHHI ... '00 cPietil"O Yon LindaV.r1111ams--------""......-Pllp11 of Mrs.. A" Bo Medlen John Hancock -----w-------Pup11 of Mrsc Wo C. Banks 1';11'8.. Medlen also direots and assj.stsin teaChing Kim Schmidt t) " " l I 1 I, I ,/ ') jJ ;t;; (;J~// ,p -c_ i(IlL .~ ,_ &., Yi'~' J0/-_-~- / 1.\ 1\ '" )..' ",-, ')j ,,,,, /'" /" ~ ~ 64 ~ oUIfg--ti, . 19 ....flJ ~, ~ .\~ ~..... ~ferme~ t!' fill ,~ o~ t// C ~~.. ~tS mi' ;'\ff i\~ jb -~~,,' ---- r i~ ~ ~ .' CONCES~ION ALLEY,- Crowgsenjoy die. wares and' gamef]' present~d';by the,,<>p~ ,erators of themany conc'es:;', Si()nfi'stands ~atthe Cameron Town' and Country Fafr. ;~: i?1i1 ;;,:,,-:>. '!t R \~ ~ ~ ;ll ~ ~~ ,';f :X 4 ,~ GLT^ RD' S;,;GUARD':;;-!\rmy, National Guard qi Rpl'ay of the Nike Hercli~cB.'ground- to-air mi8s1e at tbe Town and;Coullfry Fair. ;;iI;rS'i,,:': ',oi i;i!i; "-. ".. :--'1, .~ ,!,';l ~ ~ ><; \w~>-" ~i>, ~ ~", . ~ . Thur~day, JulyJ8,1963 'j, {.f? Pf :,~ K; \~ ~ ~ HAR VESTER ROW -"" ,Boys fr()m tbe Ca~eron area I< drive" one 'of the lined-up harvesters at the Town and Cou'ritry FMrin Cameron. ~; ip '*~ ;~ ;,;; 1!l\,; ~~ i I ~ ' ! ! I j! ,I II I ! i 1 i' h I q Ii ,"" ~ 1:, >?~ A PRETTY MISS -- Cute Cameron "miss misses her chance to win a Tedd~ I3ear at the It Knock-Down-The- Bottle':.. booth .~,~ the Cam- ~eron Town a nd Country 'Fair. ~ ;'1; tf" " I I I 1 I 15; ~ \~,' , I Jj I j I' 'rANK TOn -- View. of the Camez:o~ Town ~nd Country F air. f;t'o~ atqp the Army .Natio .' Guardtank~it. ~ ~ i~ ~ ~.." ,i! \\l 'l'l 1:'1 ~ f~ ;s; II: 'Baccalaureate S ermo n..., Commencement Progra~ A & M CONSOLIDATED STADIUM Wednesday Evening, May 27, 1964 Eight 0' clocle A & M CONSOLIDATED AUDITORIUM Sunday Evening, May 24, 1964- Eight 0' clocle v Organ Prelude Processional - March Triumphale R. Diggle Organ Meditation Invocation H. Bruce Fisher PASTOR, A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Processional - Marche Romaine .............,......."... C. Gounod Once to Every Man and Nation .,......................... D. York CONCERT CHOIR Invocation ............................ The Rev. William R~ Oxley Remember the Island of Childhood .,.................,.. F. Coulter CONCERT CHOIR Introduction of Speaker .............................. W. T. Riedel SUPERINTENDENT, A & M CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS Hymn "God of Our Fathers" ...,.,........................ Warren CHOIRS AND AUDIENCE Address ........................................ Jeff Montgomery PRESIDENT, KIRBY PETROLEUM COMPANY, HOUSTON, TEXAS Sermon ...............'....."....... The Rev. William R. Oxley RECTOR, ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Awarding of Scholarships. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . '" E. P. Ozment PRINCIPAL, A & M CONSOLIDATED SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Benediction ...........,................ The Rev. William R. Oxley Presentation of Graduates ............................ W. T. Riedel Postlude - Chomle .......,...........'................ F. Peeters Presentation of Diplomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. John B. Longley, C L U PRESIDENT, A & M CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL BOARD "c. H. S." ............................'............... Munnerlyn (No Recessional) Benediction ............................ The Rev. William R. Oxley Recessional - March in D H. Willan GOD OF OUR FATHERS C. H. S. God of Our Fathers Whose Almighty hand Leads forth in beauty all the starry band Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies, Our grateful songs before Thy throne arise Thy love divine hath led us in the past In this free land by thee our lot is cast; Be Thou our Ruler, Guardian, Guide and Stay, Thy word our law, Thy paths our chosen way. Voices ring out to thee, Hail C. H. S ! Hearts filled with loyalty To C. H. S. Ever so faithfully- Ever we bless Each happy memory Of C. H. S. Organist and Director Frank C. Coulter Organist ...........,.............................. Charles Castle \ \ \ '~ \ // ~ \. ,\ ~'t . RECORD OF DRIVING TEST '~ APP'OINTMENT (IF ANY) MANEUVERS ,START I I II I I QUICK STOP ................. DO BACKING SO FEET......." l'CI'D ' :~:~INAGBOBUE\~~~~..~~~~ ~g~r STOP ON GRADE............,.... D D D NUMBER START ON GRADE;,;'....,....... D D D POSTURE".....),..i...............,.. D D CLUTCH.......;.v.ch.. .. _-"----'_ ATTENTION - DISTRACTION.., 0 D '-'tEEPING IN LANE........,..... D D OLLOWING................,........ D 0 D 9 ERTAKING....................... D D 0 BEING OVERTAKEN............, D D D RIGHT OF WAy................... DO USE OF HORN.............,..,...: D D D ~.",4 = 19~ M}l:I' APPROACH TO CORNER FIRST...... SECOND... DATE RESULT ~_ APPROVED FOR LICENSE b".~ ~: S;:: RCOHVEECOK EFOO Re_ETLHOEW D MORE IMPROVEMENT NEEDED D ACCIDENT o DANGEROUS ACT AS CIRCLED D VIOLATION OF LAW AS CIRCLED D INSTRUCTIONS NOT FOLLOWED. :a. lfl~tl P,'j lq ~'1 ~i\ ~ ~J I ~ ROAD TESTS BAD FAIR GOOD SLOW F IRST.....D D D IGN SECOND..D D D FIRST.....D D D SECOND..D D D FIRST SIGNAL,..O'D [2j sPEED....D D TURN LANE",.. D D TURN...., D D SECOND, SIGNAL...DD SPEED....D D TURN LANE..... D D TURN...., D D " SIGNAL...D D THIRD SPEED....D D ~/ TURN LANE..... 0 D ~ TURN..,.. 0 D FIRST SIGNAL...D D SPEED....D D TURN LANE..... 0 0 II'l TURN"... 0 D Z ~ ::::I SECOND l- I- TURN :J: CI THIRD ~ TURN Your driving skill is rated on this form as good, fair and had. A complete, review of this test will be helpful to you in improv- ing your driving. Instructions for the proper performance of anr maneuver, not marked a.. good, may be obtained from the Drivers D.L, Offices do not otdinarily use an aP- pointment plan. This s lip must be pre- sented if an appoint- is made. Handbook. MAY 4 - 196,~ [1!J11J!~!l1r! DATE _ !4-ACE _'~ EXAMINER ~~_ ' APPLICANT ~ ~.. I .," . ~,...J I~ DL'33 ONE WAY ~ 13 ~ \ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 0.... -<...;., , , ~- ~ ~ --- ~ .1 y ~' .-/ ~~ - .<C~ ---~ / ) ,..--- ~~ \ \ ~ n "-1{:'~~ I l'\ \ \ " ~ ~ \ \ ~ ( -, \ ~ ..-- '-~~ ~ ~, .". \' ~" , \ '\ " \ , " " \, ~ ), .~ -' ~ \ '---... <,--~,~ ~- ~ FRONT CENTER: Scott Wilson. FIRs'r Row: Barbara Stout, Donna Pratt, Kay May, Linda Williams, Marcia Mallard. SECOND Row: Darnelle Cunningham, Kay ,Cox, Annette Enloe, Judy Poss. THIRD Row: Logan Rennels, Bill Butler, John Stevenson. FOURTH Row: G. T. Hill, Earl Lee Murphy, Terry Arterburn, Randy Wilson. NOT PICTURED: Lucinda Kerley, Dale Vick, Kenny Cunning- ham, Doy Butler, Nancy Hewitt and Guy Clifton. ~CV"J THE CHAPEL CHOIR FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - BRYAN, TEXAS TOUR ITINERARY Sunday, August 18. . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . First Baptist Church, Bryan, Texas Monday, August 19. . . . . . . , . . ,. , . , . First Baptist Church, Edmondson, Texas Tue~day, August 20. , , . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . , . . . . . . '0 , . ,Open (Vermejo Park, New Mexico, or Glorieta Baptist Asse~bly) Wednesday, August 21. .. . . . Skyway Baptist Church, Colorado Springs, Colo. Thutsday, August 22. . . .. . . . University Hills Baptist Church, Denver, Colo. ,,,~Frida,y, August 23. . . . . . .... . . . . . :E;~m~nuel Baptist Church, Sterling, Colo. ';:-';1""S~tufday, ~{gust'2,4.... .'~................................... .~~.Ope17: *,~~l,<S~~~y;:A~gu~t'25-=- <i . <. . .,''IfA. M." 'Ii," . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . F~rsJB,.~ptist Church, Edmond, Okla. i;;;,&:;c:M. 'ii'..... ~. ,. . . . . . . IIllm~iu;"en~,~Ptist ChuGch;!Sh~:n:e, Okla, ;~, .~ ~ "'" $ if: ::;j ~ i~~ / :ii':,( ~~ ~'---""" "'~-~ --- ~- \ \ \ ~ c, ~_c. f~--.~ I 'II \ " \ " ~ ~ ~ ( -~ ~'''' ~ ",- ." \ 0" '\ ,,, '\ \ {J. First Baptist Church BRYAN, TEXAS presents The Ch&peli Choir in Concert ~~ 1 1 I I ' l Now I'LL SING FOREVER..................... .Witt Soloi~ts - Randal Wilson and Marcia Mallard SCRIPTURE AND ' PRAYER TESTIMONY o KING OF PEACE. . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . -, . . . . ,Aulbach CAROL OF THE ANGFtLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown LAMB OF GOD, ...... .. .. ..:..... . Arr. Christiansen TESTIMONY PIANO WORSHIP. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . Mrs. Jim Reynolds SPRING LEADS DEATH TO LIFE. ...,.... .. .. .. . Licht Soloist - Judy Poss PRAISE GOD IN HIS HOLINESS. . . . . . . .. . . . Thompson DEEP RIVER.... . . , . . .. . . . . , . . . . . . . . Arr. Hickman LET Us BREAK BREAD TOGETHER. . . . . . . . . . .Arr. Cain TRIO-Kay Cox, Nancy Hewitt and Marcia Mallard TESTIMONY THE GREAT COMMISSION. ',' ; . . . . . . . . . . Arr. Reynolds CHORAL BENEDICTION- A C karal Prayer. . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . Glarum I l?, " \ 1 2f ;/ 6,'":' I 'I " ~ '~ ~ / , \ \ \ ,,\ ''., I j II 11 'I I I .\\ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ \ ~- -- ~-'------- ......... , -"" ~ \ ~,~ -~.. . <", ~ "- ~ / / ~ ,) --/~ \ ,---- ,c _ ~ _~~ ________ -.' ~" ~- ---- :, \ \ \ \ ~ .- j:;,,~. / I If T\ \ ~ \ ~~ "- '- '-. '-, " \ ' :'\\ \ '\ " \, "\ I I I 11 !. \, I I'~;/ '-""" "'--, \""--" -- ~ _1_._ ~ ,\, r " .\J~ -- \ ,~ 'I ~ ~-- --c~ "''''__~__~ -'~ -c..-.-....-....~ '" ___ > -~~~~~ y \ ~, I -\,..... '/ ") .~ .-/ ----------,- --------- ~i .;...-- ,/ ..----- j \ \ \ ~ J",~~,. . ''\ I II l[ \, \ '\ ~ ~ I --~ ~~~ ~ '\, \ :'\" \ '\ .. , '" ~'- '1 1, II ]1 II- ~ I I I i I i ~ 'j ~ \ ., \ / .tr:, . y ~._~ ~ ,- ,. /~~---.. -'-",,~~ -~ " '/ ~ ~ )'~ --- ~ .'J \ \ ~ h',' f!:~.~. ..... ./ 'I I \ " \ \ ~ ~ \ ~ -~ ,./ --- ~ ~ ~" "" '" \ o '\ '\ \ "\ \- - \. 4 1 ~ ~ ~/ .::::..~~~~ '-~..~, 111\ '\ ~ ~ ,/ I ) '~ eo, \ "\ ,~c '\/,..,..~..",' I ,~ \ I }'-~'/ CALLAWAY-JON,ES FUNERAL HOM,E "Serving All Regardless Of Financial Condition" Funeral Insurance Ambulance Service $100.00- $1150.00 Air Conditioned Family Group First Aid and Olxygen 1 Month - 99 Year$ Radio Equipped We Honor All Burial Policies Call Us Collect T A 2-3717 BRYAN 3001 SOUTH COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION 1\ 1 / ... I I I 1 ";" ",,\ i ,....-~~ .) \ \ \ \ ~ ~-, _o-j;.;'.~ .... '~ "~I \ \ 1/1\ \ '\ \ ~ / _~':1 ~, '" ~, ~..............,,~~ ~ '" \ ~ '\, , \\ '\ \' '.", , '\ -~~~ I ~ I j \ , / y ~ ~~~ ---===-- r " .-/' . -- - ~=::::::::;'~~~~"--~---. . " ~ '~ " , '\ ~ ./ / \ --------- '." i!.;.~"... .~ ~ ---- ~ J \ \ ~ r \ \, ." \~ ~ " ~ ~, \ ~ ~ "-. --.,~ '" \' :\" '\ ,,, \ ~ '" \ II ~,/ ~ -~--=-. '---J / . -'l;' r / ~ ), y ....-/ ~~~ ~-~- --~ - ----- ~- - - c -- ~ ._-->-~c<:-_:;<<____ _ 1 y \ \.,. ~/ .i----- .....~ ) "\ \ ~ ~";, ,~- ",- .~ .1 \ \ \ II II \,' , ' \~ ~ ~ \ ~~ ...--~ / -~ ..---- ~, ~~...... '-- '\, o \" '\ ~ \ \ . .- "