HomeMy WebLinkAboutMel & Willie Pruitt Documents ."''-.. .~ I, Mell Ruth Carreathers Pruitt, am the eighth child born to the holy union of Henry and Maggie Smith Carreathers. Mama, I cannot expostulate in words how much we love and appreciate all the wonderful things that you taught us through expressions and living example. To list a few of the expressions that I remember daily: Do unto others as you would have them do by you. If you can't say something good about someone don't say anything at all. Mama, I can see you leaving home at 7 a.m. for one job; going to a second job to iron at 2 p.m.; and to baby sit at 7 p.m. When you didn't go to a night job, you were going to church. This/we know was all out of love for us. I never remember seeing you- get out of bed in the morning or)n the bed at night without your first kneeling to pray. If I could hear you sing "This Train Is A Clean Train," my hearVwould rejoice once more. I will remember you saying that you felt as "Fine as split silk" regardless of how tired or how poorly you felt. Mama, once more I want to say "Thank you" in these words of God's Promise of Strength: "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31. Love You, Mell Carreathers Pruitt '\ I, Tommie Bell Carreathers Williams, am the ninth child and doing fine. Mainly because you were so much like Christ...full of love, hope and charity-and for this I'm truly grateful. The times we laughed and joked meant as much to me as they did to you. I love you for those joyous moments as well as the endless unwarranted deeds you did for my family and me. Cutting your toe nails was always a thrill for me as I knew why you would only let me cut them. You realized it was my unique way of saying-"THANKS!" To use your own words...may I say.....Your kindness cannot be obliterated." We love even the the thought of you and Papa-and that will be everlasting. Your Daughter, Mrs. Tommie Bell Carreathers Williams (" I, Margaret Carreathers Bell, am the last of the ten children God blessed to you, Mama and Papa. Through me he added a wonderful son-in-law, the late Robert L. Bell, and a loving granddaughter, Margo Antoinette Bell. Thank God for being so kind and sharing his precious one "You," not only with us, but everyone. I know, our family is a close knitted and better family because of the closeness you gave us. Antioch is even a more loving church because of the love you shared; Denison is a more prosperous town, because of the prosperity you shared; Texas is a better state because of the leadership you exemplified; and the world is a better place because of your Christian life. Often, I knew of the bread you took from our table to share with friends and strangers, yet your own children were blessed never to go hungry. Many times our school fees were late and other bills went unpaid because you were paying insurance, etc. for others; but God blessed us that they never went unpaid for long. <(--dust reading over a letter which you had kept that I had written you over 25 years ago and I promised never to disappoint - If hurt you. I pray I never did. .....;;! Now, I realize God knows your assignment on this earth is complete and our job is "Well Done." He saw fit to call you to the grave to rest and sleep until that Great Getting Up Morning. There is no doubt in my mind that your name has been written in the "Book of Life" for you are God's child. I pray my life will also be one on doing God's word and not hearing it only, for I want to continue our glorious days together in the hereafter, because it promises to be even more glorious. Margaret Carreathers Bell We, your grandchildren of Henry and Maggie Carreathers love every moment of life God gave us with you. It is natural for the human heart to grieve when the contact with a loved one is ended. We are able to accept the passing of our dear loving grandmother who has gone from sight, but not from heart and mind. We know that she is continuing her activity in one of the Father's many rooms. She was so sweet to us, she treated us like she did her very own children, her prayers and her teaching the Bible way helped to shape our lives. We love her because she first loved us. We will certainly miss hel Ms. Margaret C Bell (our Grandchildren 600 E Glade Box 562 Gladewater, TX 75647-3021 r ,~ ( I 1 > Mel Pruitt 804 Waco Bryan, TX 77803 ~~ I 1987 OUTSTANDING WOMAN OF BRAZOS COUNTY ~ Nomination Fonn Nom i nee I s name MRS. MELL RUTH PRUITT Telephone 822-0469 Address 804 WACO STREET Street BRYAN, TEXAS Ci ty t(.... ..- 77802 Zip The'nominee should have made significant contributions to the betterment of Brazos County. Provide specific information on the range and extent of her activiti es and thei r impact:;on the' communi ty.- .,c,You may' attach up to,"but no- more than, five (5) additional'sheets. These may include letters and news c'l ippings. 1. In your own words, tell why this candidate-is an ~utstanding Woman of Brazos County.1I ** SHE HAS BEEN A DEDICATED SCHOOL TEACHER FOR MANY YEARS, AND AN ACTIVE ADVOCATE FOR OUR COUNTY'S YOUNG PEOPLE. SHE BELIEVES THAT YOUNG PEOPLE SHOULD GIVE THEM- SELVES A CHANCE, AND WE AS ADULTS SHOULD DO MORE THAN JUST ~HOW THEM SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE TO MODEL AFTER, WE MUST SURROUND THEM WITH SUCCESS IN OUR HOMES, NEIGHBOR- HOODS, AND SCHOOLS. HER UNTIRING EFFORTS_ TO BUILD A YOUTH CENTER, IS JUST ONE OF . MANY EXAMPLES OF MELL'S DEDICATION TO OUR YOUTH OF BRAZOS COUNTY. 2. Activities and contributions that have had significant impact on the community include: - ** DURING HER 10 YEARS OF SERVICE ON THE BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES, SHE SERVED ~ IN SEVERAL OFFICES, AND WAS THE TREASURER FOR THE PAST FEW YEARS OF HER TENURE. AS ~ TRUSTEE, SHE WAS SELECTED BECAUSE OF HER EXPERIENCE IN THE COMMUNITY. SHE TOOK A LEADERSHIP ROLE IN RESEARCHING AND WRITING THE CHAPTER ON BLACK HISTORY FOR THE AWARD WINNING HISTORY BOOK, "BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORY-RICH PAST, BRIGHT FUTURE." THIS SISQUICENTENNIAL PROJECT OF THE CITY OF BRYAN HAS JUST BEEN AWARDED FIRST PLACE IN A CO~TEST FOR COUNTX HISTORIE& BY.THE TEXAa HISTORICAL COMMISION. 3. uutstanding buslness, protesslonal and/or homemaklng aChlevements and awards include: ** MRS. PRUITT, AND HER HUSBAND WILLIE, BOTH OF WHOM ARE LONGTIME SCHOOL OFFICIALS, WERE HONORED ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1987. THEY WERE PRESENTED WITH PLAQUES, FLOWERS, AND SPECIAL SONGS. SEE THE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR THE NUMEROUS AWARDS, AND RECOGNITIONS SHE HAS RECEIVED THROUGHOUT THE YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY. i' Nominator1s name BETHUNE WOMAN'S CLUB Telephone 822-2536 Address 705 HOUSTON STREET Street BRYAN, TEXAS City . 77802 Zip ~ I ~ ,... . J Fiv~ sets ?f all nomination materials must be received either by mail or dellvered ln person by Tuesday May 5, 1987. Nominations received after this time cannot be considered. Please mail or deliver to : BRAZOS VALLEY MUSEUM 3232 Braircrest Dr., Bryan, TX 77802 Located in the Brazos Center. Ca11 776-2195 , . .~ ~", t ~- 1. WHY THIS CANDIDATE IS AN OUTSTANDING WOMAN OF BRAZOS COUNTY PRESENTING: MELL RUTH CARREATHERS PRUITT Her name is synonomous to serving, giving, volunteering, hard work, dedication, strong leadership, sharing, promoting, sponsoring, LOVE, HOPE, FAITH, AND CHARITY. MELL IS THE PROMINENT AND DISTINQUISHED PRESIDENT OF THE BETHUNE WOMAN'S CLUB OF BRAZOS COUNTY. The projection of her qualities, and the profound outreaching affect that she has had on the lives she has. touched is overwhelmingly MAGNIF~CENT. : FAMILY - EDUCATION - ~ -- MELL is married to Willie Pruitt Sr., an assistant principal of Bryan High School. They are members of Shiloh Baptist Church in Bryan. He is a church deacon, while she is active with the BaptisteryCommittee, the Cir- cument Committee, Reporter for the General Mission, and Program Chairman of the Elizabeth's Circle. They are the very proud parents of two sons. Clavus has a Master's Degree and is teaching at Gary Job Corps in San Marcos, Texas. Willie Pruitt Jr. has a Master's Degree; a 1976 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, is an instructor in Political Science there. MELL is a 1948 graduate of Terrell High School in Denison, Texas 1952 graduate of Prairie View A&M University, B.S. Degree 1959 graduate of Prairie View A&M University, Master's Degree 1965 Counselor Certificate Texas A&M University Graduate work at Sam Houston State University Graduate work at Texas A&M University She has attended numerous workshops at various univerities, and is presently working on her Special Education Certificate, Texas A&M University PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE MELL is presently employed by the Bryan Independent School District, and has worked in this capacity as teacher or counselor since 1952. In May 1987, she will receive her 35 year pin from the school district. SUPPORTING RECOMMENDATIONS ".J <' As a student under the guidance of Mrs. Pruitt, I knew that I had to put my best foot forward at all times. She would dare us to be great; to do the very best that we could do, and to give ourselves a chance. She believed in hard work, total commitment, and dedication toward getting the job done... .. well done! She is an inspiration, and a very positive role model. ~\,.., ' :;, I served ~~~_ .a<' jLtdge for this selection several year-s ago and I understan~'well the importance of choosing the most outstanding person of those nominated. I strongly r~commend Mrs. Pruitt for selection as the Outstanding Woman of Brazos County~ ~- // Gratefully ~i~by:____ r0--~~/~ Cornelia Hall Walton Former Student Bethune Woman's Club ******************** *******~******************* \ Submi ttl?d by: ~ ?'. ~cn.tM.. ~ Clara B. MOLtnCe City'Libr'arian Bryan Public Library System a, ./7 *************************** '__'__'__I_~~~L~~~~&~~~~~~~~ ;;:- " . ~ ,r.t'. .Jt..;, I.:'~~~;,~ It' r.. ,",. ~.~" ".. '. :.' _.,.~ ' ';:''J .:.;.:.. ,', ~ ~~('+~~;'~'.t.:"'.;.t":tt.lIillNt~ I ',4::"":" ~~.',l~}'.);~'~';' .i~r,,;f:~j;.i1:1.. ~.~...t:'.:~~~~i't-~:"'i ',"~'U;.~.; ~':n, ., _-.. . ..' ; ..' ~ <1 _ _ . .~~~ ~;o;:~~ji.i~:l'l~,~"..~:Q.~"l' ~f''''''~.. , 2. ft ACTIVITIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS THAT HAVE HAD SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE COMMUNITY ~ MELL ~ ....' ::;3 has'served on the Bryan Library Board for ten years. She has served on the United Fund Board. She has served on Bryan's Mental Health Board. She is a member of the board of directors for the Bryan Girl's Club. She has served as secretary for the first Brazos Valley Cooperative Teacher Education Center - College of Education Texas A & M University, under the chairmanship of Dr. Limbacher She has served on Bryan Independent School District Curriculum Advisory Council. She has served on the Executive Committee - Brazos County Heritage and History Council - Brazos County History - Rich past Bright Future, honoring the Texas Sesquicentennial 1936-1986. MELL is listed in 1966 Outstanding Young Women of America. ' . She is listed in 1969 Outstanding Leaders of America. 'She has co-authored two books: "SHILOH 1984" arid "B.C.H.S. and KEMP HIGH SCHOOL 1885 - 1985" ~ l..".. I I II II Ii I' .~ :1 '.' :Ii * As a direct result of Mell's involvement and resourcefulness, she has sponsored many Kemp Alumni who have become prominent members of society, in various programs 'right here in Brazos County. 1. Frank Perry. . . . . . .0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . In Recital Father Melvin Turner...............~....................Speaker for 1980 Reunion Pat Brown Sadberry.................................................... In Concert Dr. Adolph Johnson......................................Speaker for 1985 Reunion Captain Willie Pruitt Jr. ...................................Poetic Presentation and Resource Speaker Ruby Newton Lewis.................................................... .Style Shows Rev. William (Jack) Green..................................... .Religious Speaker Resource Speaker Joseph Taylor Twine, Ms. Texas Teen 1980.............................Talent Show Rudy Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resource Speaker Curtis Dickey................................................... Resource Speaker Gerald Carter................................................... Resource Speaker She has sponsored many winning cheerleader "champs" in national cheerleading workshops 'at Prairie A&M University. She has sponsored two winners of the Miss Texas Teen Pageant held at Prairie View A&M. She has personally carried many young people to college campuses and assisted them with registration, especially in getting scholarships, grants and loans. She planned and sponsored a bus trip for 43 Brazos County citizens to West Point, New York in 1976, and in 1980 a bus trip to California. ) MELL is the President of the Bethune Woman's Club. She is presently directing a pro- ject to raise $150,000.00 to build a much needed communtiy center within the next four years. .... j ;J 1') (...~ She is a very distinguished person, very highly thought of and .has the trust of the commu~ity. She has been the president of this organization for 19 years. She has helped to make it possible through the club, for top black students from Bryan High School to receive scholarships since 1972, and for Kemp High students from 1968 - 1971. .. E' ,. r \ 2. ACTIVITIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS THAT HAVE HAD SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE COMMUNITY (CONT'D) MELL has the ability to organize and work with people in the community with projects that support, motivate, and direct young people. Through the efforts of the woman's club , a group of black engineers from Texas A&M are tutoring kids in mathematical and read-~: ing skills at Bethune Woman's Club Youth Center every Tuesday night. She has served as organizer and tutor for the Bryan Girl's Club Tutorial Programs. She has arranged for wholesome activites to be taught at the youth center, with hopes of keeping our young people of Brazos County off the streets, and free of crime. She works with the 4H Clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Girl's Club, and Shiloh Baptist Church youth group. She is presently employed as a counselor for the Bryan Independent School District, and has worked in this compacity as a teacher or counselor since 1952. She has; *Participated in presenting inservice to teachers and parents *Inservice to teachers on standardized tests *Helped to write course outlines for Bryan Independent School District *She has done work shops for different faculties on child abuse *She has assisted in presenting a workshop to parents on "Study Skills" *She has served as a school coordinator for testing(TABS, TEAMS AND CTBS) *She helped to organize the first Kemp High School National Honor Society 3. OUTSTANDING BUSINESS, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR HOMEMAKING ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS INCLUDE: MELL holds professional membership in: 1. Brazos Valley Counselors Association 2. Texas Association for Counseling and Development 3. Licensed as a Texas Professional Counselor 4. American Association for Counseling and Development 5. Bryan Education Association 6. Life Member Texas State Teacher Association 7. National Education Association ~ I ** Certificates, plaques, awards, and special recognitions she has received are: * Awarded a silver bracelet by E.A. Kemp High School Faculty for outstanding performance as a teacher * Awarded silver tray by Behtune Woman's Club for outstanding performance as a president * 1959 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION * TOKEN OF APPRECIATION * 1960 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION * 1963 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION * 1964 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION * 1966 CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION * OUTSTANDING YOUNG WOMAN OF AMERICA * FTA HONOREE PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Cheerleading BRYAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Baton Twirling PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Marching AMERICAN JUNIOR BOWLING CONGRESS BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Seminar on Alcohol Education ~~ KEMP HIGH SCHOOL ../ / /' "/--- .... .. ~ :oIj .~... , ,> ----~-------------~------~---~~~---,~.~-----~__~_J__~_.__~_ ".. RETIREMENTS As of May 11, 1990 Fifteen Bryan ISO employees retired in the 1989-90 school year. We wish them well. Professional Employees: Lila Cashion is retiring after 29 years in education, the last four of which were in Bryan. Mrs. Cashion was a special education teacher at Lamar. Jimmy Dixon, most recently a counselor at Hen- derson and Travis, leaves after 33 years of service, 30 in BISO. She has worked at Fannin, Sam Houston, and BHS in addition to serving at Henderson and Travis. Mrs. Dixon has been a counselor since 1967. Sue Guinn, Bryan High librarian, has spent all of her 22 years in education in Bryan ISO. She has also worked at Jones and SFA. Kemp principal Paul Kunz is retir- ing in June after 32 years in education. Mr. Kunz started with Bryan ISO in 1970 as a distrib- utive education teacher at SFA and BHS and during his career has served as assistant principal at Jones ('72-'73), principal at Bonham ('73-'77) and principal at Carver-Kemp ('77 -'88). He has been principal at Kemp since 1988. Jo Ann Locke has served 33 of her 35 years in education in BISO. Most recently, she was Social Studies department head and a govemment teacher at Bryan High. She has also been on the faculty of Jones and SFA. Martin Munoz retired in January after 28 years of service, all in BISO. He was a physical education instructor at Jane Long Junior High when he retired and has also taught health and P. E. at Jones and P. E. at Milam, Bowie, and Fannin. Veteran BHS assistant principal Willie H. Pruitt Sr. leaves BISO with 37 years of service to the district. He was a P.E., health, and driver educa- tion teacher and coach at Washing- ton Elementary, Neal Junior High, and SFA from 1952-72 exceptfor four years (1965-69) when he worked as an in- structor at the Gary Job Corps Center near San Marcos. Mr. Pruitt has been assistant principal at Bryan High since 1 972. Carolyn Alford is retiring from Lamar after 28 years of service, 27 of them in Bryan ISO. Mrs. Alford has been a teacher at the pre- sent Lamar cam- pus since 1973. She began teach- ing in 1 962 at the former Lamar Junior High, located in the former Fannin building. She has also taught at Croc- kett Elementary. Gayle Todd re- tired in January after 36 years in education. Mr. Todd came to Bryan in 1957 as a biology teacher at SFA. In later years, he taught Coop Ag and ICT and was Vocational Supervisor at BHS until 1976, when he was named as Voca- tional and Community Education Ad- ministrator, the position from which he retired. Mr. Todd now works as a consul- tant for the Private Industry Council. "\. , I ! , ~ Aubreyene Ste- phens is retiring as cosmetology teach- , er at Bryan High I after 12 years, in public education, all of them with I Bryan ISO. , I I I , , I I , , ~ I Prudence Byrd retired as a second- grade teacher after 39 years in Bryan - ISO and in educa- tion. Most recently, she taught second grade at Milam Elementary, but she also worked at Washington Elementary, Travis Ele- mentary, and Ross Elementary and has taught grades 2, 3, and 5. Paraprofessionals: Gloria Kocurek, I payroll accountant, ' is leaving BISO with 21 years of service. She came to BISO in November 1968 and has worked in the Payroll Depart- ment for her entire tenure. Auxiliary Personnel: Pauline Lewis, maid at Henderson since 1968, is retir- ing with 23 years of service to BISO. Carpenter Eugene Herzog is retir- I ing after 15 years~n BI$O. , I I . I I ._--...".. ---- /" I / / ,I oJ' ~ . /' // /'-_01/ ./ Ruby Crawford, cafeteria worker at Ross Elementary, leaves the district with 5 years of service. / / .....- , ',~<-': ' ~., "'-~1" :,' ",,\ ~,_ :..' <I.:.,...;,t,;~ ~ ':, ',t", ..,,~'-,. ~Y,. ,.,t . ;!f1:\f'r <r~\.,,".J. .' ,..t.. ~, .,.,((,..4, ;/0.. . ~........ -,'1. ~t"'~J,{4. ~~.~ >'''''f'': "l""'~"-' ',,',': ~.~,,'!.' .J.'\.~' ,:t..!_ .J~. · V;,-",It ,,: !f.......: ,~"'i.j'i"'.l'.;".) L 'L;._'f..t.,"'......';jr.;~ ,_~. 'OK l~)J'4. _';- ~' BRAZOS COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY ~ Yo P.O. Box 4112 . Bryan. Texas 77805 409.764.9130 RON GAY, COUNTY CHAIRMAN April 1, 1987 American Association of University Women 2517 Fitzgerald College Station, TX 77840 Dear Judges: It is indeed a ""great honor and a privilege for me to recommend Mrs. Mel Pruitt for Outstanding Woman of Brazos County. I have known Mel for many years as a dedicated school teacher, ~nd as an active advocate for our county's young people. She is a positive role model for young people of any race, reI ig ion, -or creed, and I am proud that she is my friend. .. ".-- . "I Her untiring efforts, and those of the Bethune Women's Cl ub, to build a youth center on Bryan I s west side is just one example of Mel' s dedication to young people. She has told me that for young people to succeed we must do more than just show them successful people to model after, we must surround them with success in our schools, in our homes, and in our neighborhoods. Mel believes that a west side youth center is but one of the necessary ingredients to surround our young people with success. ::: ~'= ~~ ~.;;.:...;.:: ~~- In our lifetimes we meet hundreds of people who complain about our qual i ty of 1 ife. Mel prui t t doesn't complain, she gets up and does something about it. She is the embodiment of the Christian work ethic, that we should endeavor to leave this world better than we found it. Me 1 Prui t t has made Bryan-College Stat ion, and Brazos County, abetter place to 1 i ve, and that is \'lhy she should be Outstanding Woman of Brazos County. Sincerely, C;Z J;"1f v Ron Gay Chairman, Brazos County Democratic Party L PRECINCT CHAIRMEN 1, Fleeta Fanneii 2, Bob Bell 3. Regina Fore 4. Bill Anderson 5. Jane Moore 6. Clyde Burns 7. Claude Skinner 8. Philip Sulak, Jr. 9, Jon Bond 10, Audrey Bunting 11. Bob Wimbish 13. Arnold Vedlitz 14, Vincent Rosas 15, Jerry Gatson 16. Julia Herrera 17. Dan Bragg 18, Marion Haynes 1" Nina Jones 20. Derek Blakeley 21. Rufus Stephens 22, H, G. "Moe" Hair 23. Dale Knobel 24. Gary Halter 25, Wayne Sad berry 26, Frank )teelman 27, Norman Beal 28. Paul Parrish 29. Sandra Lawrence 31. Vivi Cook 32, Elaine Gibson 34. Barbara Day 36, Robert Orozco 37, Jeffery Cox 38, R. C. Thomas 39. Joe Templeton 40, Jim Locke ~~ ~........ ~ -.d-1D:~-. ~ - ~ I L~1"i~ "",~"c;!P""~~'. ..~-,: ::t:<-iJJ!I.J,~__..~~ li " ,~. ~.. ,..t;,.t~",~'r,"{r'r:il~i:.~!~~~~I.'Jl"~,'~'~l'!~', ";;;',:',.~:'!,~.:':"I.\' .-.' - d'J::.a~~,"",~~.~~~t~- ."'-~l.~~~~ DA;':)~~~ --& ::i ~ ..." J ..... .. ~ To Whom It May Concern: I have the distinguished pleasure of recommending Mrs. Mell Ruth Pruitt for "Brazos County Woman of the Year". I have known Mrs. Pruitt for over 15 years, and her impeccable record of exemplary service to the various communities of Brazos County is unmatchable by any other single individual outside of elected office. - Mrs. Pruitt has been, and continues to be, active in numerous civic activi- ties and organizations. Many of these enterprising endeavors are directed towards improving the educational development of the disadvantaged young men and women of Brazos County. As a direct result of her involvement and resourcefulness, these students are afforded tutors to enhance their academic abilities. They are enrolled in vocational and/or college preparatory programs to prepare themselves for whatever post-secondary undertaking they elect; they are counselled as to what opportunities are available for them; and fiscal assistance is arranged for many of those who do not have the necessary financial background to partake of the unlimited educational opportunities available. These are areas that I can speak extensively on for this is the assistance that Mrs. Pruitt has provided me and countless others in Brazos County. .~ ~ " ~ The honor of being named "Brazos County Woman of the Year" is but one small way that we, the members of the Brazos County community, can express our grati- tude to a woman who has done so much for others without expecting any type of reciprocity. I can think of no other person more deserving of this award. Sincerely, c~ /C tJ~__ -- ~ Cecil R. Webster Captain, US Army Assistant Professor Department of Mechanics United States Military Academy West Point, New York 10996-1792 ~ ~ ... t. -- .... ~ ~.,--- ,('\. (\ t5 3. OUTSTANDING BUSINESS, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR HOMEMAKING ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS (CONT'D) ** Certificates, plaques, awards, and special recognitions that she has received are: * 1968 CERTIFICATE OF MERIT PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Student Press Club * 1969 COMMUNITY LEADER OF AMERICA AWARD EDITORIAL BOARD OF COMMUNITY LEADERS OF AMERICA TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY School Desegregation Project TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Desegregation Sensitivity Program * CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION * CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION * 1970 WOMAN WITH A PURPOSE BRYAN EAGLE KEMP HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL AND FACULTY * CERTIFICATE OF AWARD BRAZOS COUNTY PTA TEXAS STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Upward Bound SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY CITY OF BRYAN BRAZOS COUNTY BICENTENNIAL PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY * 1974 CERTIFICATE OF LIFE MEMBERSHIP * 1975 OUTSTANDING SERVICES AWARD * 1977 CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION * CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION SILVER ANNIVERSARY ALUMNUS CERTIFICATE * 1978 OUTSTANDING BLACK HISTORY AWARD * * NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY E.A. KEMP HIGH SCHOOL Decade of the 50's * CONTINUING EDUCATION CERTIFICATE * 1979 PLAQUE * 1980 OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD * 1981 CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION * 1982 COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD * 1983 CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION CARREATHERS FAMILY 85TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT Judge W.T. McDonald BRAZOS COUNTY NAACP BETHUNE WOMAN'S CLUB SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH BRYAN GIRL'S CLUB TEXAS SCHOOL COUNSELORS MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH MUSIC DEPT BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GOVERNOR MARK WHITE THURMAN SINGERS .; * CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION * 1984 CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION * CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION *11986 CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION * TEACHER APPRECIATION CERTIFICATE * CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION * 1987 THURMAN SINGERS AWARD . -- r ... '..,.....A.~_. ~ '<..% ' ... (l;:-"''''",,' - ~~..''''' : I..'~ .~..~.-! j. . or .... _____. _ _ ___ _.:.. ... __~ _'-l.-<A.--\!O.A!~":l....- ........ ."s-.........._, ......~~ ,~ ._ _~_ I ~ ~ I .."......., '......... ~ I' \ o \:-~ ......... 'l '- 4 ., ~"" .~ ~~ ", .i. I r-'IltAJ. T I' ~. ~. . .. >- oJ"',... ... L-' .... r.." :~ ' i: I I BRYAN HIGH SCHOOL 3401 East 29th Street · Bryan, Texas 77802 · (409) 774-3300 JERRY KIRBY, PRINCIPAL Administrative Staff Jerry Ellis Willie Pruitt Mary Thornton Terry Couch Counseling Staff' Donna Jernigan James Shelton Rose Urbanovsky Curtis Laudermllk Peggy White Apri 1 27, 1987 Dear Committee Member: I am more than pleased to have this opportunity to publicly express my love and gratitude about my wiFe, Mell Ruth Pruitt. I was Fortunate enough to get her to marry me on May 28, 1951. Since that time, my liFe has not been the same because of the constant love, support and motivation I have received From her. '::, .. ~ ,..,. ...' Mell has been a caring and 'supportive mother to our two sons, and she has helped to nurture,' love and motivate them through their graduations From Prairie View University, each with two degrees, the United States Military Academy at West Point and Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public AFFairs. Both presently have excellent jobs in teaching, one at the Job Corps Center in San Marcos, and one at the United States Military Academy at West Point. She is now putting Forth the same kind of untiring eFForts with our 15 year old granddaughter and our 18 month old grandson. Mell is what I call a more than exceptional wiFe, mother, grandmother, teacher, counselor, and Friend. I can assure you she would make an outstanding Brazos County Woman OF The Year. I strongly urge you to select her. .. ,; Willie Pruitt, Assistant Principal WP/ns ::i " ! BRYAN iNDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTR~ET ~ DR. GUY G. GORDEN, SUPERiNTENDENT/ ~. .i? . " ..... f; , 't '~ ,~ ...... ~;~ .~~", . "~,, :"'" ~ ... ,.. -,...,. I r '. ;ft1 ""ii' " ./.. ...... -':, !!f \ ... '>., '. J.;~,..- ., ,.' .~~. "t,. ;~'."':':":,,\\-'1 ~i '. '1:4 j; 1 '~ ~embers of Santa !etes'a ea.t~~U~." .. ~~!chln:.', . "'"<';U:~' ~jb raise $1O,OOO,to help ~he~4(;Jroaqg'viCtirns i; a~ag0sa.' Ions may be made to the ~ecorisiru~th~n Fund: First Bank & ,!it" P.O. 'Drawer 1033, Bryan,.77,,8.05.., "" l~ }, :..\ .;, ,)0 'l I ~l . " ? . _'. ~;'~1cP.Juitt, the ..987 Qutstandr~g W'~~an"of'Br.azos Coun''- wh'o ~a~, b<?rl'ID{ed!lt,a lu.ncheon this week, and. to the oth'er .~:i,e~"~--f\:P~' '~~~p: }E.ql\aMa~ CoHins, Sharon' Col~QQ, i1h: ~;~~',,'- on"Patnc.ia A. Haensly, Loretta'M. . , '~, ,Diane Quo, Kandy Rose', .'~lso, a 1;;lUr;el to outgoing " ti~:~~ G'lrgilJ. : , annual cow , ~,. all. The. helter to 'J" ~ .,:.. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY WEST POINT. NEW YORK 10996 May 6, 1987 RE'L Y TO y:,,),'1:' ,'}. UTENTJON OF c' Department of Social Sciences Nominating Committee Brazos County Woman of the Year c/o Mrs. Mel1 R. Pruitt 804 Waco Street . Bryan. Texas 77803 Dear Members of the Nominating Committee: I am writing this letter in support of Mrs. Mel1 ,Ruth Carreathers, Pruitt's nomination as "Woman of the Year." Without equivocation" I offer, and seek to establish, that she is singularly deserving of such a high honor. Indeed, Mrs. Pruitt is my mother and my evaluation is necessarily reflective of that fact. But, I also see her from a perspective that reflects the breadth, depth, and quality of her life, known only to the few of us who know her best. Her contributions of the past year provide only modest insight into ,a lifetime of service. Mrs. Pruitt's efforts on behalf of her profession, community, and church are most exemplary. In her work she is 'the campus coordinator for testing for the Lamar and Carver-Kemp Schools, coordinator of an extensive program for orientation of fourth graders, registration . facilitator for rising sixth graders, and director of an enlightening career awareness program. In sum, she is responsible, in large part, for. the academic, social, professional, and psychological development of our community's elementary school students. One has but to speak with, her students and the level of ,compassion, competence, and courage which she embodies and evokes becomes clear. Her work with the local, state. and nat~onal teachers' associations,as well as the respective counselors' associations, complements her efforts on her students' behalf. 1- Long-acknowledged for her selfless devotion to the community through the Bethune Woman's Club, she is presently seeking to raise $150,000.00 ~ for a community center for the area's youth. Mrs. Pruitt has organized, tutoring programs for students with special needs through the Woman's Club and the Girl's.Club. Serving as co-editor of the Kemp High School reunion s'ouvenir book and contributor to the recently published volume on the history of Brazos County, her efforts have benefited the focus~d and greater communities. A volunteer for the March of Dimes, member of the Bryan Public Library Board, and Girl's Club Board of Directors, her '"' . ~;~~~.,}! .~f.fft: ~'i:~i'10 i;4.' ~ /' ,. ~~!and other resources are used to constructively affect the lives of .~l4tr Brazos County residents. Add to this her devotion to bi-partisan ., ~,,:,!f1it'political participation implicit in her coordination of seasonal forums ' to educate and inform prospective voters, and her record of community involvement leaves her without peer. ~ She is an especially active member of Shiloh Baptist Church who has dedicated hours of her time and personal resources as co-editor of the Church's souvenir book for its renovation project. A,woman of faith and' commitment, she is. . I I Indeed, the past ye~r is representative of Mrs. Pruitt's life, a life that has been spent in service, to her profession, her community, and her church. Those who she has touched are the young' and,theold~ the 'privileged and the underprivileged, the min~rity and the majority. When asked,she will tell you that i3enior citizens and retired persons 'are, her. special concern., .... It, is particuiarly disheartening to me to offer that one has been so selfless in her life-long dedication to the community and, as of yet, has not been formally recognized by that community~ The lives that she has touched are innumerable and so are the ways in which her influence will continue even as she is gone. . Lastly, I speak to you as a son,' who has seen. her as a public servant as well as a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and in-law. To kn~w that she does so much for the community while being the pillar of her immediate and extended- family, is' inspiring. As her: son, I find in her the motivation, inspiration, and confidence which I need to pursue a committed life. Her's is an example of, parenting and service worthy of . emulation. From her support of my wife in pursuing a Master's Degree in Business, to her advice on preparing our toddler for kindergarten, to her counsel for me iri making career decisions, she is the most perfect reflection of God's love for us. She is always there, always concerned, always the mother that we need. In my brother and me she has' nurtured a desire to serve others, indeed, to live a committed life. In this letter I have attempted to reflect that commitment _ a commitment to, and of, a woman who has served long and well in, and for, her community - a woman who is most deserving and reflective of the honor... Woman of the Year. Members of the Committee, I humbly, respectfully, and proudly submit this communication of my support. ;n;'Il(jJ~Jf WILLIE H. PRUITT, JR. Captain, United States Army Assistant Professor of Politics and Government The United States Military Academy ... Local .., THE DENISON HERALD-Denison, Texas, Sunday, June 7, 19~ Ex-Oenisonian.; named . Brazos County 'V\ ., .'. . '. . MELL PRUITT Woman of the year ..... -- Mell Pruitt, a former Denison woman, was named Outstanding ,Woman of. Brazos County for , 1987. , Mrs. Pruitt, a Bryan school teacher for 35 years, was selected for the honor by seven organizations making the deci- sion and sponsoring the event. The award was made by the American Association of University Women, The Brazos Bells Chapter of the American Business Women's Association, the Bethune Women's Club, Bryan-College Station Business and Professional Women's Club, the League of Women Voters and the Bryan-College Station ...."., Chamber of Commerce. "'j "Children learn or do what is expected of them," Pruitt said. "If you expect a lot; you get a lot. If you are lenient, you really 'Children learn or do what,ls expected of them. If you.. expect a loti you get a lot. If you are lenient, you really don't get a 'ot.' , don't get a lot." She is a fifth and sixth grade counselor for the Lamar, Carver and Kemp schools in Bryan. She was born and reared in Denison, the daughter of the late Henry and Maggie Carreathers. She is a 1948 graduate of Terrell High School in Denison and she earned her bachelor of science degree from Prairie View A&M in 1952. She married Willie Pruitt there. He is assistant principal at Bryan High School. Mrs. Pruitt's sisters and brother are Juanita Johnson, "'1.. ..__L - - I _ I ...MELL PRUITT Dollie McDonald and Sylvester "Jim" Carreathers of Denison. Her children are also teachers. Clovus is an instructor at the Gary Job Corps Center in San Marcos and Willie Jr. is an instructor of social science at West Point, where he graduated. Mrs. Pruitt was honored at a dinner along' with the, other nominees June 4 at the College Station Hilton Hotel and Con- ference Center. She played a major role in enabling the school district to "- - -, ~ . .' ( 1 I ~:j 7 9 oman of the Year' -: "travel the troubled waters" through the early integration period and "has continued to . serve with dedication and great vision," according to Carl Orr. a retired Lamar principal.;' She has served as president of the Bethune Women's Club since 1968, is spearheading fund rais- ing efforts for a community youth center in North Bryan. and has been on the. Bryan Library Board for 10 years. She has served on the Bryan Mental Health Board and on the United Way Board. She began her teaching career as a, physical education and health teacher at Kemp High School. She is a leader in her church, the Shiloh Baptist, and helped raise money to refurbish its sanctuary. She has taught Sun- day school and provided youth , services, and has arranged rides for the elderly. She helped write tWo black history books, and participated in the writing of the "Brazos County History - Rich Past, Bright Future," which won the outstanding county history award given by the Texas Historical Commission. ELECTRIFYING. . OFFER ~-- ._-~ ,., ~- I, ~ I ~ ... ....t:. -- I . , I - ~~ ,>> 'l~ t'., '.( . . , '~"I J,t I, Willie Lorenzo Carreathers, am your first child. I left you during my early adulthood going west for economical reasons. ~. This was not an easy decision, being the oldest. You and Papa were so dear to me. I knew not how life would go, so I consulted ...1..... "\lith you. You left it up to the Lord and me. On my visits back home, you would always be there to greet me with open arms t. And a heart full of love. . Mama, I really hate to see you go, but Dearest, Sweetest, Mother, rest in peace. God has taken you to give you your Heavenly reward, Your Oldest Child and Son, Mr. Willie Lorenzo Carreathers I, Juanita Carreathers Johnson, am your second child, who has been with you all of my life-night and day; sunshine and rain; wind and storm. Mam, you fought the fight and kept the faith and now you have gone home to God. You fought until you fell upon the battlefield. You heard the Lord say, "Lay down your sword and shield." Her soul has gone to God. The earth has claimed her own, Now she is shouting around God's Throne while we are left to mourn. Good night Mother Dear, We'll meet you in the morning. Love You So Much, Mrs. Juanita Carreathers Johnson Dearest Mother, I am your third child, Lena Mae Carreathers Strickland, who loves you with all the love God could give a child to love their Mother. Even in my adult life, you have always been with me. I have never been away from you on a "Mother's Day." I remember when I was in service in Des Moines, Iowa, you came to be with me on Mother's Day and we were able to worship together in church. I have tried to write or call you every week. Your prayers and teachings have carried me through life this far with God's Guidance, I love you so much. Now that you are not with us in flesh, you will always be by my side in spirit. I pray you and Papa are together in your new life as you were on earth. Rest, mama, Rest. We all love you, I pray we remain the family of love, Love, Mrs. Lena Mae Carreathers Strickland ~?\ ~.~ Dear Mama: This is the last letter that I, Raymond Eugene Carreathers (Baby Boy) your fourth born will write to you, To me you will always be the beautiful lady. I say this because it was you who worked so hard to mold me into a responsible citizen. You taught me a way of life that would be pleasing in the sight of God. I truly understand what you meant when you ~ said "Start training your Children ten years before they are born." The exemplary life of yours was an example for all who knew you. Mama, that whipping you gave me for stealing a piece of chicken made a difference in my life. You had a way of teaching values, instilling integrity and honesty that never failed. You must know that you taught me well that I must accept the consequences for my actions, Mama, I thank you for my being, for my education and most of all I thank you for just being you. Good-bye Mama and say hello to Papa for I know that you join him. Dr Ra d C th . ymon arrea ers Marion (Buster) Carreathers, the fifth child of Henry and Maggie Carreathers. Born May 10, 1923 ' Deceased June 4, 1951 Killed in the Korean Conflict. No greater love has no man that this...to lay down his life for his family, friends, and country. Marion Carreathers .I'f\ ~ I, Sylvester (Jim) Carreathers, am your sixth child. How well do I remember those days when things weren't so well with us. Mama would always pray for God's guidance to supply our needs and many of our wants. Just like Jesus-in times of trouble-she was always there. Regardless of the circumstances in life or how dark the night, Mama would always wear a smile and say "God will make a way." With such fond memories stamped in my heart.. ,the prayers and guidance you gave me are sure to see me through. I love you. Your Son, Sylvester(Jim) Carreathers I, Dollie Ruth Carreathers McDonald, the seventh child of Henry and Maggie Carreathers. "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Mama, you have labored down through the years. I never heard you say you were tired, I never heard you complain. Mama, if I could be like you in every way, then I know my living will not be in vain. If I could help everybody, like you helped everybody, my living will not be in vain. If I could love everybody like you loved everybody, then my living will not be in vain, If I could keep the faith and keep my hand in God's hand as you did until he says, "Well Done," my living will not be in vain. Mama, if I could be just like you, then I know I will be walking upright and I will be Christlike. I know when the roll is called in Heaven, I will see you face to face, and every day will be Sunday, We can smile and never get tired. I love you. Your Daughter, Mrs. Dollie Ruth Carreathers McDonald ~ , ~ ....,) "'" ~ $:.- -..,...I "'.-/ _ -r I. She is a 1948 graduate of Terrell High School in Denison, Texas, a 1952 graduate of Prairie View A&M University with a B.S., a 1959 graduate of Prairie View with a M.S.~ In 1965 she received her counse10r's certifi- cate from Texas A&M. She has done graduate work at Sam Houston State. University. -'.)- -,- Mel1 is employed as a counselor for Bryan Independent School District. She has worked for Bryan Independent School District as a teacher or coun- selor since 1952. She will receive her 35 years service pin from Bryan Independent School District'in May 1987. She has attended numerous workshops at many different colleges and uni- versiti es. She is married to Willie Pruitt, Sr., ~ Assistant'principa1 at Bryan High School. They have 2 sons. Both have masters degrees. C10vus the oldest one has a daughter and he teaches drivers education at Gary Job Corps in San Marcos, Texas where he has been rewarded for per- fect attendance on the job for 12 consecutive years. Willie the youngest son js married and has a son. Willie is a 1976 graduate of The Military Academy At West Point, N.Y. He has a masters de- gree in Public Affairs fro~ L.B.~. scuo~ of Public Affairs in Austin. Willie is an instructor in ~ot'f~r'tatO~cle~'ce~at the Military Academy in West Point, New York. ' , I She has traveled in most of the states including Hawaii. She has also been to Jamacia. ~L She planned and sponsored a bus trip for 43 people to West Point in 1976 and a bus trip to California in 1980 for the same number. As stated by most travelers both trips proved to be the most educational and fun filled experiences they had had in their entire life. She loves to read and work with children and young people in her spare time, in her home, at church, the Bethune Woman's Club Youth Center, and at the Girls Club of Brazos County. She has arranged for twirling, cheer1eading, typing and dancing to be taught to interested youth at the Bethune Woman's Club Youth Center. She has proven to have valuable leadership experiences and qualifica- tions. -'-1';;- ~--- She served as secretary for the fi rst Brazos Va 11 ey Coopera t i ve Teacher , '. > -: ----~.- , ~-v.:J_, .j ,. ,-f:* . . Education Center - College of Education Texas A&M University. While Dr. Limbacher served as chairman. She has served on Bryan Independent School District Curriculum Ad- visory Council. She has served the community by being a marcher for Mot~er's March. , She was on Bryan Library board for 10 years. She has served on Bryan I s United Fund Board. She has served on Bryan's Mental Hea)th board. She now serves as a member of the board of directors for the Bryan Girl's Club. She is now and has been since 1968 president for the Bethune Woman's Club. She has been responsiBle for helping to start a reunion for Bryan Colored High School and Kemp High School to be held every 5 years. She has helped to sponsor Kemp Alumni in many programs in Bryan: Frank Perry ----------------------------------------- In Recital Father Melvin Turner ----------------- Speaker for. 1980 Reunion Rellglous SerVlce Pat Brown Sadberry,Ms. Texas High ------------------ In Concert Dr. Adolph Johnson -------------~----- Speaker for 1985 Reunion Captain Willie Pruitt, Jr.----------------- Poetic Presentation and Resource Speaker Ruby Newton Ellis ---------------------------------- Style Shows Rev. William (Jack) Green ------------------- Religious Speaker Resource Speaker Josephine Taylor Twine, Ms. Texas Teen 1980 -------- Talent Show Rudy Wood ------------------------------------ Resource Speaker Curtis Dickey -------------------------------- Resource Speaker She has worked with children of all ages through education, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Girls Club, 4H, Church, youth coaching beauty pageants, twirling, cheerleading, dancing classe~ and typing. And other youth volunteer groups. 1- At the present time she is directing a project for the Bethune Woman's club to raise $150.000.00 to build a much needed Community Center in the next four years where the youth and young people in Brazos County might go for whole- some recreation where alcoholic beverages are not sold and there is responsible adult supervision. --vI' -~ -"~ She has helped to make it possible through the Bethune Woman's Club for '" '. ~ ~ J ~/ " the top black students from Bryan High school to receive scholarships)since 1972 and Kemp High school seniors from 1968 - 1971. -~~~ 1 She has sponsored 2 winners of the Miss Texas Teen Pageant at Prairie View A&M University - Patricia Brown Sadberry and Josephine Taylor Twine. She sponsored many winning cheerleaders champs in national cheerleader workshops at Prairie View A&M University. One of her strongest assest has been her ability to organize and work with people in the community with projects that support, motivate and direct young people in wholesome activities. ./ -~/. She has served as an organizer and tutor for the Bethune Womanls Club j.--'/ and for Bryan Girl's Club tutorial programs. At the present time the Bethune Woman's Club is sponsoring a group of Black Engineers from Texas A&M Univer- sity in a tutorial program every Tuesday from 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. at the Bethune Woman's Club Youth Center on the corner of East 20th at North Houston in Bryan, Texas. The organization that she is president of is providing a practice place for about 40 young adults to practice for spiritual singing every Sunday from 7:00 to 9:00. -_.~< : She was honored in 1966 as the first teacher honored by FTA of E.A. 'Kemp High School as an outstanding teacher, while Mrs.W.A. Tarrow was sponsor. She is listed in 1966 Outstanding Young Women of America, and Outstanding Community leaders of America 1969. She has co-authored two books: Shiloh 1984 B.C.H.S. and Kemp High School 1885-1985 She has served on the Executive Committee - Brazos County Heritage and History Council - Brazos County History - Rich Past - Bright Future honoring The Texas Sesquicentennial 1936 - 1986. She also assisted in the writing of the article about Shiloh Baptist Church, The Bethune Woman1s Club and Black History while serving as one of the Contributing Authors and Task Group Leaders. She has personally carried many young people to college campuses and assisted them with registration, especially with scholarships, grants and loans. _XJI... She holds professional membership in: 1. Brazos Valley Counselors A~sociation 2. Texas Association For Counseling and Development 3. Licensed as a Texas Professional Counselor '. '" . _' _ ._,_1,.;" 4. American Association For Counseling and Development 5. Bryan Education Association 6. Life Member - Texas State Teachers Association 7. National. Education Association -.---- ~~U1-- Some of the certificates, plaques, awards and special recognitions that she has received are: 1966 1 968 - Outstanding Young Woman of America Ce~tificate of Merit 1969 - Community Leader of America Award 1970 - Woman with a Purpose 1975 - Outstanding Services 1978 - 1979 - Outstanding Black History Award Plaque 1982 - Community Service Award 1986 - Certificate of Recpgnition Texas Department of Aging 1986 - Certificate of Recognition 1986 - Teacher Appreciation Certificate /qg1- (!...J~J,I:.c.'eo..fe 6...( IffP('e(!"ti.';;~YL 1984 - Certificate of Appreciation 1984 - Certificate of Membership 1983 - Certificate of Appreciation 1983 - Certificate of Appreciation 1981 Certificate of Appreciation 1 980 - 1978 - Outstanding Service Award Certificate of Congratulation 1978 - 1977 Continuing Education Certificate Certificate of Appreciation 1977 Prairie View A&M University Student Press Club Editorial Board of Community Leaders of America Kemp High School ,Principal and Faculty Prairie View A&M University Upward Bound - New Zion Baptist Church E.A. Kemp High School Decade of the 50 IS' - Brazos County N.A.A.C.P. - Governor Mark White - Mt. Olive's Music Department - Bryan/College Station ~amber of CommercLe I I /l nt1,'/ it r .re'" ~ (!-tco I b7 "d ey'l C-CU razos County Girls' Club - Texas School Counselors Bethune Woman's Club Shiloh Baptist Church Eighty-fifth Judicial District Court Judge W.T. McDonald Carreathers Family Reunion State Representative' B i 11 Presna 1 Prairie View A&M University Brazos County Bicentennial Celebration Silver Anniversary Alumnus Certificate-Prairie View A&M University -. ( .,. 1/'. ~> 1977 Certifi cate of Appreciation 1977 - Certificate of Membership 1974 - Certi fi cate of Life Membership 1970 Ce rt ifi ca te of Award 1969 - Certifi cate of Participation Shiloh Baptist Church Missionary Society City of Bryan - Bryan Public Library Board Texas state Teachers Association Brazos County PTA - Texas A&M University School Desegregation Project - The University of Texas-Austin Desegregation Sensitivity Seminar Baylor University - Seminar on Alcohol Ed. - American Junior Bowling Congress Prairie View A&M University Marching Prairie View A&M University Baton Twirling Prairie View A&M University Cheerleading - Bryan Public Schools 1969 - Certificate of Participation 1966 - Certificate of Parti ci pati on 1964 - Certificate of Completion 1963 - Cert i fi ca te of Completion 1960 - Certi fi cate of Completion 1959 - Certificate of Completion Token of Appreciation --x\.{- --- She has participated in presenting inservice to teachers on standardized tests. She has helpe~rite course outlines for Bryan Independent School District. She has done workshops for different faculties on Child Abuse. Recently she assisted in presenting a workshop to parents on "Study Skills" for Bryan Independent School District. She has done workshops for parents on parenting. She had done in-service for faculties on the different campuses where she has worked. She has served as a school coordinator for testing (TABS-TEAMS and CTBS). ~ " . She is a member of the ~ commi ttee '! tJ. f' +/-!iley ; -' Shiloh Baptist Church where she is active with and thee!; J committee. 6/11'" u fo/;4 (l. " '''' ! . , .__ 4_ References 1. Irene Lane Barbara Lebow - Carolyn Alford - Judy Hughson .507 East 21st Street Bryan, Texas 77803 2. Jessie Burditt - 3. Olivia Banks 4. Travis Bryan 5. Carey Cauley 6. Mr~ Calvin Guest- 7. Linda Asberry 8. Judge Carolyn Ruffino 9. Dori s Scurry 10. Representative Ri chard Smith 11. Carl0rr 12. Mrs. Clara Mounce Librarian 13. Johnny Moten Cunningham 14. RonaldGay 15. Barbara Wlaker 16. Mr. Frank Boriski - 3200 S. College Ave. Bryan, Texas 77803 905 West 19th Street Bryan, Texas 77803 615 East 30th Street Bryan, Texas 77802 2320 Woodard Bryan, Texas 77803 2907 Rustling Drive Bryan, Texas 77802 Bryan, Texas 77803 Brazos County Court House - Bryan, Texas 77803 508 West 17th Street Bryan, Texas 77803 3744 Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas 77802 3005 Camelot Bryan, Texas 77802 206 East 21st Street Bryan, Texas 77803 Da llas, Texas 2802 Wilderness S. Bryan, Texas 77802 Bryan, Texas 1417 East 28th Street Bryan, Texas 77802 822-2530 775-1559 822-4792 822-1407 779-3629 846-6174 361-4380 822-1180 846-1224 776-1859 779-1736 764-9130 822-3965 -, ~ .. ! .... , 17. Dr. A Bowens 18., Dr. W.K. Summers - 19. Mrs. E. B. Sa 1 e ., I __t__ :--. -2310 Valley View Drive Bryan, Texas 77802 .77 4-4563 2905 Braeburn Drive Bryan, Texas 77802 776':'4377 1630 Barak Lane Bryan, Texas 77802 846-4432 -~~'~.,--~-~. ..:<.,~,r",!i:"":'i<:-r..\~r':~'i"~"~~.. . .~.. r.:/......'. .....:>'r~,J,... ,..t. ,'4'.'~ .... .-. ..:~~. a."a.'''.. ;.:~. ~ .....' 2_ ';._~~-~.,..""""."'- '. <-- .. ~ ..., .~?; #".,;; ....." -- {..)pr'i 1 r;a"'" ..::.,':;' , 191::17 ~ \ '- This is a statement to support the nomination of Mel Pruitt as the Outstanding Woman of Brazos County by the Bethune,' WomC.~n . s Cl LIb. In recent years, I have worked with Mel Pruitt in the publication of the Brazos County History book in 191::16, and also as a member of the Bryan Public Library Board of Tr"ustees. ... Mrs. Pruitt took a leadership ro~e in researching and writing th(;~ ch.::\pter em b 1 ac k hi story f m" the aW.::'I.r"d wi nni ng hi story book, II Brc:\zoS County Hi stor"y--Ri ch Past_'l....Br i ght Future. II This Sesquicentennial project o~~he Gity of Bryan has just been a~"anjed fir"st pl.?:;.~" ifl ~<:\ Co-lItf::~st for county histclries by the Texas Historical C ~~~ssicn. '-""- ~ ~ During her 10 years of 5erv~c~ on the Bryan Library Board of Trusteli?S, shf:? ser-vecl in seve':'1f' 'pf f ices, and It'Jas the tr"(-=ii.~sun:;w for" the! pc\!::.t fl:?W yeat-s elf her" tenure. ~ ~.o!l!lI A!::. a tt-ustf:'?e, t'lrs. Pr'uftt We\S sel ec:tr::!d t:leCii:\USe of her' (,-?),:peri encl:~ in t.he COI1HTIL.lni ty, her- undet~~.tc:~r!.lji ng of thf::~ vi tal rolf!.~ thl? litwat..y plf.:\ysf) in thi!:; count-f, c\nd her" knowledgf:? of the nee!ds o.f tllf:? 1 i tH"cllfy user's and~ t.he 1 i bn:u-y' s .:.\bi 1 i ty to 1"'.., -- t:.- qi.ve ser'vice. ",""'" ~ "A.( 11 ~ .. =i..~ ~... III':i - '----:t!'"-'- - ---- -- -- - - I Sf:H"vl:?d as a judge 1: or" tl'li s sel,:-ef;tj. on severed yecH"S agc.') i:':\nd I understand well the importance of choosing the most outstanding person of those nominatedf ~ strongly recommend Mrs. Pruitt for selection as the Outstanding Woman of Brazos County. t' ~ - Submit.ted by: ~ ~. -1Ucn.tM- ~ Cl ara B. I"lounc:e City Librarian Bryan Public LibrarY System ., o!:O' .~., , of' ~. 1':1.- ." ~ _ ~;o..~...~~~.;l.5A.. .-'t~;'I~:' ,t Ji!....{,: ,;J&~N.J.~~"J /..:' -. ......, ,~ 'iti" . . , ,; ~{;; -::::;:= "' .... ~ \ (' c ELECT R. E. "Ray" CARREATHERS MAYOR City of Prairie View A PROVEN LEADER AND MANAGER INTO THE NEXT MILLENNIUM , ELECT l hYMOND ~ ~~~ATHERS \1 City of Prairie View May 2, 1998 Experience · Service · Leadership Vision, Integrity, Concern and Dedicatii Pol. Adv. Paid for by the R.E, Carreathers for Mayor CommittO Jiles p, Daniols. Treasurer- P.O, Box 2052; Prairie View, TX 771 '. r ' ! , Things 'Gotta' Cj , A Dynamic Change for ... .J Unification .J Communication .J Cooperation .J Collective Thought .J Equity .J Economic Development .J Effective Management ",'/ " \~ ,. 4 " '.I ,,,-;,,J I /~ .~ ... "-- - - - -- ~_..~ ELECT Raymond E. Carreathers MAYOR City of Prairie View May 2" 19~8__ . Experience -. -Service - LeadershIp VISion, Integrity, Concern and Dedication . P "V' n< n446 Paid Pol. Adv, by E, T, Carrealh"rs' P,O, Ora_r 729. ram" -, _ .1.-. Vote for: Vision Integrity Accountability Leadership , 0 Mark ballot for Ray Carreathers for Mayor, City of Prairie View, May 6 .,...IJ " II',! ~~ IJI' V" '. ~ 11 ~