HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/03/2004 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments " , MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS 3 November 2004 6:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sear~, Vice Chairman George McLean, Commission Members Frank Cox, Shawn Slocum, Mike Lane MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Building Official Lance Simms, Assistant City Attorney Angela Deluca, Commercial Plans Examiner Chris Haver, Residential Plans Examiner Terry Boriskie and Staff Assistant Melissa Rodgers AGENDA ITEM NO.1: Call meeting to order. Chairman, Dan Sears, called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM NO.2: Consideration, discussion and possible action on absence request from meeting. No absences requested. AGENDA ITEM NO.3: Hear visitors for items not on agenda. There were no visitors. AGENDA ITEM NO.4: Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve minutes from Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals meeting from Monday, October 11, 2004. Dan Sears asked the Board if anyone was ready to make a motion. George McLean motioned to approve the minutes. lof4 '. , CONSTRUCTION.BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS November 3, 2004 - Minutes Frank Cox seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.5: Presentation, public hearing, discussion and possible action on a recommendation to City Council concerning the adoption of the 2003 International Residential Code and related amendments. Lance Simms, Building Official, presented this item and began by briefly reminding the Board of the status of the 2003 International Code adoption process. Lance stated that the City was currently operating under the 2000 Edition of the International Codes. Lance went on to say that the International Residential Code (IRC) is a stand-alone code that regulates the construction of detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories in height. Lance stated that there have been significant changes made to the IRC since the initial 2000 edition. Lance continued by saying that this overview is intended to highlight many of the changes contained in the 2003 IRC. Lance then presented an overview of the changes in the 2003 International Residential Code with emphasis on changes from the 2000 Edition. At Section R602.10 of the IRC, Lance introduced Bruce Cordova, a representative from the American Plywood Association - The Engineered Wood Association, to make a presentation concerning braced wall provisions. Mr. Cordova presented an overview of the IRC braced wall provisions and discussed engineered alternatives that are currently available for narrow wall bracing. Following Mr. Cordova's presentation, Lance continued with the IRC ov~rview of changes and concluded his presentation by going over the proposed amendments to the 2003 IRC. Dan Sears opened the public hearing at this time. Dan Sears asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the request. No one spoke. Dan Sears asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to the request. No one came forward. ' Dan Sears closed the public hearing. Dan Sears asked if anyone was ready to make a motion concerning this agenda item. George McLean motioned to recommend apprQval to the 2003 International Residential Code with the amendments as presented by staff. Shawn Slocum seconded the motion. 2of4 " , CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS November 3, 2004 - Minutes The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.6: Presentation, public hearing, discussion and possible action on a recommendation to City Council concerning the adoption of the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and related amendments. Lance presented this item to the Board. He stated that the results of changes to the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) means simpler prescriptive compliance options, relaxed energy standards for sunroom additions, and cost effective improvements for commercial lighting efficiency. He stated that the 2003 IECC establishes regulations for the design of energy-efficient residential and commercial buildings and structures, as well as portions of factory and industrial occupancies designed for human comfort. Lance reminded the Board that when the window and glazed door .area exceeds 15 percent ofthe gross wall area in one and two family dwellings and 25 percent in townhouses the IECCis used instead of Chapter 11 in the International Residential Code. Lance then went on to give the Board an overview ofthe2003 International Energy Conservation Code with emphasis on changes from the 2000 Edition. He concluded his presentation by going over the proposed amehdments to the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code. Dan Sears opened the public hearing at this time. Dan Sears asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the request. No one spoke. Dan Sears asked if anyone would like to speako in opposition to the request. No one came forward. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. Dan Sears asked if anyone was ready to make a motion concerning this agenda item. Frank Cox motioned to recommend approval to- the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code with the amendments as presented by staff. George McLean seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.7: Consideration, discussion and possible action on future agenda items. 3of4 " , CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS November 3, 2004 - Minutes Lance stated that he wanted to include a requirement that home builders be registered with the State of Texas as part of the next meeting which is tentatively scheduled for 29 November 2004. Lance also mentioned that since the electrical contractors are now required to be licensed by the State that he wants to honor state electrical licenses and discontinue the local electrical licensing process. Lance continued by stating that he also wanting to present another ordinance amendment concerning the insurance coverage for automotive liability. After visiting with Risk Management, He proposes dropping the current $300,000 local requirement and defer to the State liability insurance requirement based on the respective trade. AGENDA ITEM NO.8: Adjourn. Mike Lane motioned to adjourn. Frank Cox seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, (5-0). The meeting was adjourned. Chairman: Dan Sears ATTEST: 40f4