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. <Chapman chroni .
"Wings O;ver AggieI'
the 'Friends of the S'
, ta,{1s the GommunitY
i ;:) ," T~day.fs the last~fi
)' ~tiivensaryPbfmlUi's .
ago, '8 lone man mane
tie built around a 4-cy ,
4hJ!kyan to an astonish,e .~lt: ,:;: 'i!",L,,<,,1~>\J~' '('.
.Aviator Robert G. Fo ;,tutned his Wriglit:F;}.y'er,~o\.l.th.at:' j
'.Fen Worth and follow, , e Houston & Texas'Gentii~i.r.ail- ,. .
:;';f,pad tracks, with stops'm')yaXal1achie, Corsica~al Me,Ua ~d
j~ 'Hearne., The 2D-mile triifUiom Hearne to Bryan took 25 "
,,,.,minutes. , ',';:~.,! , ' . ,,'.
:t,.,~. "The machine flew ev.etAy.ahd smoothlY, and. the popping, .
; l of his engine could De p1&@Y heard," the ~agle reported. ";
;:::' :',.As ,the tiny airplane1'fE!;~ across southw~~fJJryan, the .
<'~' ene on the ground wa~jj'i.eF1~ic::al,to.thfA!~t~ tll ,n -
~ n~ spaceship mentiomed above. Peoi>I~,sp,ritmDled' or. t. ~,
.; ,,$1 place to watch"one.'i!er~di).even ris~i1i~:g;perilous perch"
".:tat'0p the ornate cupola' of-the then county' cou'f.thouse. ' ','
,., At Kyle Field, more than 400'students wMt~ijtor Fowler.
printed on the tickets sold by promoters waii:prpmise to re-
~" scnedule the event if Fowler were delayed "~hrQugh accident
': /01' unfavorable weather." '''"
,':That Fowler made an ~nscheduled stop l>;e(()i:e reaching
.;;; Kyle Field shows how dangerously uncer.tajpl~l1'e ~arly,days .
4 '~.. . t' uld be .. " , "
. '9.~ ~Vla ~ol)'co..., ,'. ,.;.' , ,,' 4;~ " " "", 't-",. .,' ;t.~
,1: "(JlJst as the craft neared'1h~.campu ' ,}!~i;lt@:ppellh:;
" o.ift -sigh~ sending a:wave of,~ppp~q~p, "~ as-. "
.,mble'q cI'9wd," writes Chapman.;t:Fo . d'i1tthl;l,
~r,~ fair~Qup,!& ,betweeh:":BJ:?'an and t!t ~~e an ."~
~. 'emergency adjustment,to.a rough-I:' . ~, . t " · ' .
" A quick turn ofa n\}H)ere', a nee g.'$ii)c;l!.Eowler
<'f'~!l~once,again in tP.~ air, Chapma. p.'!1~l~l}.ded "
Kyl~,FI,eld;the waIting student, , d, the, tmy:. ..
,,'. rar~ t<fstare in a~zement ,g.I)~ :~. t. ,,-
,.1f ~:;f\t 3 o~~lo~k he agam mO\mJ~!l. ",~,bl~~,fmd
\:;- .. ~f;!,a~e~ f~r HemJ?stead, hi~ ne~: f;:.~.the ~~gle,
\' ,r,eported'k- "}~,
, "'ReadiIig4'the published acc 'ondel! tbat F0w-
.. ler's 1911 visitinv6ke.'lin th' ~~clfilar sense.ofde-,:
, lineation betweep. theli'Jd.an' " . :apptan said..
, Farmers still thr~at. , , 'P'ie dri~ir,ig;~pu~d
:. {Brazos CountYjn oJ! .' gleg, smoke-ge:l\l1ing,
,automopiles.' , .' ~~ tWaJ,the" , oll~y
~~. T '''d''~':!A&ri'~.' ,"'t
~: !ne oP~llJ!_, ~ e,!., ;c~m,.Pj!l~.
, Fowl~r!.s-- 'scales in f~V.0r~t
, Chapman ~ai~ . -,
!'It seemecft . times have cOIllet! I'
. oniy tt9;.~ ' : ~ first airplane l~nding at Kyle
FIeld, th~J'r.sH~w was held at Qellwood Park, be-
Pleas~"se~~AViATION~'p~ge~4 ,
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and climbed away.
That these visiting barnstor.
/ mers influenced A&M students is
also shown by fatality figures.
During World War I, 10 of the 54
former A&M students who lost
their lives served in the Army Air
. ~n Bryan and the campus. Bad S~~seicceO'nd' Lt. W1lliior' d McFad.
. ather plagued the event. After
'.vera! dayS' del8y, pilot Art den, class 'of 1917, of the l03rd
mith crashed on takeOff during a ;AerQ; Squadron (Lafayette Esca- '
llctice run.,He lefHhe'wreckage drme), disapPeared on dawn pa.
' d and returned to, the Curt. trol: sOmewhere over France," q
,~ Aeroplane Co. 'factory "to Chapman writes. "He had beeri,oh: "~
iWd new, strong Parts." ,. ,the front only three weeks, a6dut.l,1S
" ly aviators like Fowler and the average life span of a flglltJ!r rll
th made big money, but they pilot. ", ' <:::'t i'tJ
'Jook bigrisks",ChaPDlliUlsaJd. The man for whom Eas~~~6Q.~ '.
'linn Lt Th mas E S lfrid Airport is named" Jes~f'" ,.,~ '....
~' tb$ t1rs~ perio~ k~ed f~ Easterwood, class of.:!91 ' '~
i lane accid@nt. Jh 1.~, four Naval Air Servicli:;'" "
died. AviaUon,clWned 32 vived the wat.o
1910. .!\:lore titan 70 people a flYing.,.~cc' ",:
'airplane accidents in 1911. 1919;;~{ ", ~\;',j>
t th da . ia i 'b Texas'A&'
, e enger, av t on e- its chan' ce to, b',~e<;,",
e symbol- of technology's
In pre-World War I tied to militai'y.... when it
F;or a commUnity like Was passed over as tefOi" an
,where' motor ears were Army tra1n{ii~l>: , "lpilots. In
" it}', grabbing a piece of 19.17~ th~ ~m~us':hecame a center
':e prc>,mised by aviation fo~ ,Si ',~~9rp~,)lCtivities, in-
Pt5Ftant to its identity, q!Y.d ~tn,:mLchanics to re-
'said. ' , ''.j ,:., -t.,p I , Jrral:lios.'.After two
i~12"seyer~ local cIUbsY'", ",-" "-sl'i4rPlane~crashedon
aerial exhibition star- take off .within a two:day period
stunt flier Harrold ,in April 1918, the Army suspend.
ti~r, ,tlying a Bleriot ed further fli~t~ from campus.
ad s~J the w01jld reo Texas,,~M'went two more dec.
. es , r hour at ad~s without an om~ial air field.
't'" ,PriJy on, "it u
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,., ,OiiliB:tlliiDt amt ' 'Il!iD;ll.i.t'slie WIn marly '; ~" '" t"
James. Stephanie told Eric that Buzz. Buzz aCCUSed N..~diri~;, , ;
he should have accepted when Ueving their TV "marriage" ,Is
Sheila offeredh1ma divorce real. Vanessa and Matt were
DAYS OF OUR LIVES: jOnah thrown together after a sailing
tried. to COnfront Lexie after accident. Alan is attracted to
Wendy said she thinks Lexie has Tangie.
feelings for him. Vivian made LOVING: Buck confessed to )
sure that Victor went with her Trucker that he has a daughter
when she had an ultrasound Alan who he abandoned before her
told Lucas that he didn't rape birth. Stem befriended an elderly