HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949 Cotton Ball J {Il aJ ~~ ~~E"l M-P .. MI-.~ ori aJ 0 ::4 0.. 'M Q)-P ojt::laJ .s::: .p ~ .00 oj tI:: Q) ::;;; . bO < a> {Il M {IlOM .M........ 0 ::a 00 ... ..... --I ..... ~ 'CI >< ..... ~ 'CI ~ >< ~ :z: - ...... ....:c Q ...... ~ C :z: CI' Q ....:c ~ :0:::3 L..U 3 .:9 \,::7 '" ~ ~ ~ CI' :z: ~ ~ ~ "'E 'Io,.J , e ....cr: ~' , . " :J~e A&m College 0/ :Jexa6 College Station, :Jexa6 BUSINESS MGR. AND ASSTS.: M. E. RIEWE W. A. KELLING R. H. COOK C. C. OHLENDORF THE AGRONOMY SOCIETY ~.~ f(i:f't' , '''''''',, .,: , . . '? , ~F ~"::... ";,. ~. .,'" . -.,.. .'; t....-. :.: ._~ ~jj ,. .'~ ,;1 .;:~~ ..........~;}>... SOCIAL SItCRETARY: D. D. DECKER AGRONOMY SOCIETY: J. E. ENDRIZZI, PRES. I. J. BOHUSLAV, VICE.PRES. G. K. DESHA, SEC. T. R.' O'BRIEN, TREAS. G. M. DARBY, REPORTER M. J. SPEARS, PARLIMT. DR. C. E. FERGUSON, SPONSOR SOCIAL: B. D. MARTIN A. K. JACOBSON W. L. TOWNSEND PAGEANT AND STYLE SHOW STAFF: J. S. MOGFORD, SPONSOR MRS. MANNING SMITH, DIRECTOR ARRANGEMENTS: N. J. CAIN J. L. HALL B. SMITH L. D. BARTEE PUBLICITY: N. N. HINCHLIFFE L. C. ALLEY J. F. ROBERTSON B. J. TERRELL Presents DECORATIONS: G. S. McKEE J. R. HENRY W. S. DALBY G. E. CHANDLER E. H. KARNOWSKI H. S. MICHELL HEAD USHER: C. A. BLAKELEY :J~e 15t~ Annual Colton Stgle S~ow anJ pageant APRIL 29. 1949 . . . 7:30 P.M. ROBERT SMITH. DOROTHY MANGUM KING COTTON QUEEN COTTON COTTON BALL .. 9:30 P. M. MUSIC BY AGGIELAND ORCHESTRA ADVERTISING: F, M. ZABCIK J. E. TROUBLEFIELD A. H. CURRY March 30, 1949 Dear Duchess: We wish to congratulate you upon being chosen one of the Duchesses to the Fifteenth Annual. Cotton Style Show Pageant and Ball which will be held in the Kyle Field Memorial Stadium on April 29 at 7:30 P. M. It is ou! pleasure to have you as our guest at Aggieland and may you have a pleasant visito Your escort'is being notified of thir. honor, and he vall make arrangements wi th you by mail" A dpl'mitory under the supervision of a hpusemothel' vall be available for your use.. Maids vall be on duty' at all timeso We prefer for you to arrive in time for yoUr escort to familiarize you with the sight of the Pat;eant and other arrangementse It is requested that you and > your escort be at Kyle Field not later than 7:00 P. M~ on the evening of April 29tho You will be expected to wear a cotton dress, formal or informal of your .ovm choosing or design in the Pageant, and we vall appreciate your wardrobe for the entire weeke~d to be of cotton since this event is held in the honor of our Royal Plant Cotton,. For your information, the Cotton Style Show Pageant and Ball are open to the pUblic, and V18 extend a most cordial invitation to your family and friends I) . If theY'\'n..sh to get tickets in advance, they should contact 1r!rQ Marvin Rievf8, Business Manager, Cotton Style Show and Pageant, Box 1272, College Station, Texaso All tickets are reserved - prices are $lQ50 and $loOO~ ' .... If theie are any details you are uncertain about, please feel free to write mel) Very truly t"'\ J.l-1-V yours, I' j) j" ,t, I ~ ;';'I/f'/~v/' Don DI) Decker, Soqial Secretary Po'Oo Box 4031 College Station, Texas ...... ~ LI') o , ~ ffi ,'~ ",.;"Ji . ~ '. ',C", ,,,;"';'Tt,'{ ." .')'-', ',"t('",I,;h"F$: 'S; th~ 1949 Que"en'~Q'fl"eQttoif., :ducnesses .by IilSsem})lYf1ining,them .;itoYlIl<Cop!1 'bl~C6t_~n;:c0mj tOVh'w~th ,,~we . 8~iloutiCers'", from .,;,:pf'B, d~ch'e~'ges~fl!q;t1I?f~~Cj~7~,~bth 'wini's 'of the '.'.''1'''. . s'haped. ,'du,k'es !refti\1ihe A.IP'IWP~~~ ;stage., It was a vast."lm~1l0veJfie,nt , :was ,pr,esented '"l1-no"""lih.em .over some of, the. pas,t season's ., ,'duChe'!;sjls' from' 'vaiib\is"shows, which came'! neat t6"b'eing ubs!and'o' 6rga:nizatiQ,n'!l~~~ere,: ruined by': the l).ecessarUY slow ~tt,'~;~J.." , ....:.'~;?l.\, l introductions., ' bjl't8oor,s,Jor tl}e~ir.l'lt' 'tip1~. The. entire: show this year was ,Kyle,..Field.., horsestioe; tne one of firSts. 'By;,holding tbe show , 6'spee.!led' U.Pif the' 'Usually in. Kyle F;ield, the.. Ag~ol)oJ;lly So- -ll1y"S~OW introauctions'of {tp,e, ci'e'ty sponsors-'niade it 'possible >for local merchants to' parade floats during the show" Six g-r9UPS en- tered floats in- tlie Rllrade, which w:as led by" the' Allen " Acadebiy qand and the MadisonvHle mou~ted 'quadrille. ' " . Concluding' the PageIDit program was the annual style'show of cot- ton' fashions by Sanger' Brothers of Dallas. 'Sixty {ovelYi collegiiU; models from 1'~CW i'vd. S~U.,pa- raded the latest in cotton trocks formals, Qathinll: s4its, and play clothes on double ramps, built a- round the Kyle horseshoe railing. The National- Maid Of: Cotton, ~ue Ho.well"wade, four appe,ar811ces m vanous cott.ons styled for her' by European and' Ame1jcan design-' ers. . Setting for the show was a high "T" shoped platform, Built in the North end of Kyle Field, with its top against the North goal post and its ru~way J!tlqing in ;carpe~d steps just short of the cinder track. The platfor,fu was fl'ank.ed .'on' eith- er side by the Aggieland Orchestra and Allen ,Academy. band, w.hich ,provided music for the Pagleant and fl.oat parade. .: ' The cou.tt. was' introduced, from the KyJe Field ',ertttahce gate and moupted: the !;1tah:s' to. take their places' in ~~~. '~!l_nter 'of tlfe"stage. After the pr'e'sentation of the court, the organizatiQn duchesses, came onto the stage from the, two ,wings. They were .introduced, 'walked the length of the stage, and took their' 'seats on either side, near the ,bands, The stage, done in purple and white, with a huge, lighted crown surmounting the c,!'\ .,..,gt; tl:!e ~~5~?I?!:ft~,; '" ,,~~ger's LiE ~C! .,rJW~'ilie Ag- ~on9ip " , ~geaIltr,ra.i~l!s ri . ' .f' re 'ii}lg..irn~ r; gr n.t9Uf",ot study through cotton producing and processillg.,areas. ot,,:the ,JJnited, Sta~s~ ,arid; occ}lS'ioiuilIy.in forEilgn co:untl'Ies. ' ..' ,:" , ':G~r(eLal c.ll.~lil!.~ {.Pageant ''': . '~rp of ,the 1,* 'M" '>M '~, '. ;.. ' ,an-. n: t"a:nd stu- d ' . , ,~ en were D. P: ,: '~e, J.t N. Hmc '... .' n, 'G. '. S. Mc- Kee F; (! 'A.. in k 1 '1"-''''>' . ., . . a e ey" Jl,~B. 13M: . ,!'ti9'", ~ff{f./:~- " '.:~;;' ~ ';' .. i",~. :' ';tl:l)e Eifteenth Annual Cotton" ge\nt-complete with the' .pre e~...;~!)O b~au.. tiful girls, lavjsh,; f~:e~! and.. ~arade of f~ol!ts:" :t~el'Eld" off 'WIthout a hItch 1:1 ~il~n't' skies Fl'iday ni'ght.,:r:;-v, b.Q4(,agr;ed it was wort~.:8iH', e-ffe~it.^ "... " :> " ~~hg :' Cot,wn; ~.ol>"~,U'Jj;J).,(., row.ned..by Lleut;enal!'t,,,,Gey, Han Sh,iv,ers,. anQ"1ilie,,)fi,l,t' 'rn,' cro}'{nl;!d Miss'Dor?thy M!a-r).'. ~'. , .' ~~'""~-I' ~;:'~~~j~ f{~:, ~}i~~ '"~:. 'c.'. ,j~fI'Ef; ',;' , ,.""'.~" ,; u ~... '" ..i)Q'a.'. ,~' ~am': 'm'e' , ' ' ' ,~..~11~ 1" lBh4' Ii, .- " l) fJJ - 't"," :J!! 1,\ - ~... LiJ.'~".... I~I~.. \ . . f''';',. ::r.' 'jf 'n'~ ,':. ,,;,,;;,.,, ";, ,. - , :. ..l, '<~') '~"'f71 (Contmue!! from Page 1. ) ,<.:t'<"" ',' ,',f.,. _ _ _ '-"', ,- _ - ~l - " .. ,~,...Dt~,.,t' '0:'::' .'. ..." i'~' "J I'; D"- F':" attw' ',: "s' ;;',8;: "n"c:~, ",',.'1 €' ;~r":~;. . ::.,: '-'.:~' Mjs.s nru, ~na Golli!1S, n. (1~s ':Smith; "", . " '." " '" ~A' . . M' 'M' '.' '" "l'~'O" 1 ., W' d; :' ' ," '" _ .""..1 ,..,.; f ", ;, :..",. ," ,:, , i ~.:,' 'is~::' Inerva,,':'qt:m:;l,. 'avlI)" 'In -': "',~!'P.l~, "'). ~X':", .'. \' . : I ",'~o,"~9.!,,,,,' J hani'f Mi!;l~ Mahr./cJo 'Cornforth, O. , " '.' "'~, , ...f L .. S a" M' 'A'l-' O'D ;-Of t. , I." ',".", ,\ .," ., ""'''''-' ': if'" : .,~r. I . aun ers; ISS ^ gene' an;. e' J~tg.es't.,,~94~..~pst. coJqrJu( 'w.ere' absent' F:ridKy~hi~lt. '-"'l"'~,~' iel, Edw~rd Rl:lms-e~; Miss Jane'De- ~I!Jl~~aYlt~~~"lh]!lt.Ory~as'top,.1 Mllt's.,'jUst aiJI,'w,ell,l1forxfe;\Yi,)aI3Y' ,DICk Graves; Miss B,illie ,;t!.?Yi:,?~~?gfyt~e, I1!o~t, ~~c':" ravela~traKteg "~S l~rgt~,'Q: cars,) !Di~k!ln,s, Joe> Ischy; M.iss.,Pegp:y "a~n~~s,'.~E,~~lie year Frl(;lay the "Coft6h,:Billl: '; ':"J.~' I """,vi j)ryd~n, Harl~Ild:~=C91hJ1s;(; ~~~s i _~m;tth,ous~~ds ~f Aggles" . The 'dancers began 'If: . 'ng 1.l>Maq1i)Yerj:;;'~I.,:,L; An.del\~oJ:l; M~ss ~s'~",dr 2'U~!ltsl"'~tteJ1ded. mto the~baUroQm soo '~e~ Sue-Eaton; ..Ben Lamplbn-; MISS '44Cf;tt6,,~,[~.'l'i$ J:... ~;;.;;:;'itGofl~~Jt,..:;Kagtif4ht't~w~s;;' ~.'.' 'Martha Eg.ger, Kb)g Egger;.. .Mrs. , oVllI~a By -~IIL'The HUIi.drelts' ,'of '<;:'* Q" Luther EllIson, Luther EllIson; 'd,'Orcljes" ,m01l'tlli w.,J!.o.ha' "ih. .' Miss Lura Elliston, John Fuller; .wW .the';'eal'l~er' ~l..&a 'I8-1 ~iss J:oyce Engelbrecht, Buddy cr. ' - .' , ' ' Burch. 1.' ,~, . ,,'i.;-. *' ,.. >rt,;', I .Mt{~~t~tci~ Eval).~:.Bt.U ~vaI?-!r; id~.h ! rMll~!!':~..Iil~ll'F)~r,rJlr,'A:ce::J;.Qrg~ni MISS Rf~t .. ~ttx.:i,:f.~n,;!!I~;r\GJJ.y"Nofflee~, Miss R,r4: '~por6thY',Jil~uIlt:J(}ilcar,Gtay~ MIss r., /~t ~;-tp~,. s~fu the 1G1611a" F~ftret;''''I.fqy Blan.~on,; ~iss m . , -v!sf~or~.' t..... " t, "~T :A~n::I!'leefwoC!ld, ,}~~ve ',;Ifl'e~-g,er; l]h~t:'-Otc}festr:a,B .'Wlt~>>,j,ja'I'read~, M) ss. ~l1:&1.IJ:l('l"loya",[A.~.J:ll~~ E!oyd; ad" don~ .more-than <o~"da&1;.st'wf.k: 'Mrs.~..P-at Fr~~erg;~';f~~'Oy':~~ly; at "'tll:e.-';P. , ~g.. eaIrt'....,w>as'..in.'1&,jitsml Miss 'G. ~eti'>F;xye. ;{F.;Pw, ,-~I'.",g,;;M. oil,~~'ls; ,tOR form\~lthoifil;h tM~y <sU.f.fere(l Miss~~vbnI?-~.9all~~:r~~ee Wil- ffOom'/lsy1ti'y hot'air as ,hlueh',or 'son; MISS MarIe G,arcla;7:iJohn Pope; '.-."" 'f,~th" d" " . (' -:'. C"'''"".,.r Mrs. Betty' "Garret~, BiH, Garret. mor.e-. .' ,e, ancers. . '<.V '-.10<. . .. '( ". ~' 'l1e~' ,','we1:etat a'mi," '-'f. MISs"M:lI;rgl!-~,e.! Garr~YlJ',Hal })un" but;iliher.;(lpr.isUl. ofJ\this~ ar . gan; , ~l,SS: F'I'ances' Glb~ms, J Imm th!l,ri)inade,~,. up .'.. for;lltlY. " tA.. U~gI~. ~ISS, Da. IPh.~." :;GrdeoN, RO~.l '.FhEd'l;fil"]rnes:';which~;s' '$rLBl';l~; ~s;, ~a~lce, ,R,B!1 the" ". ,:Ger. rr' .~ ' ~ ':' ~.. .'. ist. '€!la GU.lJ ' PlOa t~s ~ m, ~ rJ' h,.{ .~. ' . c. an '.' s OUlae ~ ., . _ c ~~~ ~M ~ pOI;uidda, a f\,-, son;' i';-~ Flas'h "i: 'a"l,I-~v'- h;"~',~"~Sta1i ;~ r . U _. _ :..~e' _ '"., .-.." ,~_ \.&; as sfti{lent-.aliti';p '"" . i'6ifa'~ ',~ar . graphe'rS' made 'th'eH:lIl\:6st.f'Glf, ,J,~m ,"" colorlul crowd. '''';,~~ ,:Bill; Q ,. . "o{m;: " .. .. ~;MortsOli{ Mis~ .,.. 'line':,H_ .._;'W;€r.i ner Llq4ig.; ';1(,I41;s ~~~t~ Jl~:PJ>. :bar." ry McGannon,; Miss'-" . ., ,.time :Holi~K: ioe','fkffowffis;;l'. 'E1"si'El Holt; '3a.mes3r..e:wis ;;:M:l ~;e'lly< HornB:'urg/Itah{iro"Ma:tl.thfez'; Mik~ Teddy HuberW~P,att'H:Up~h; Mis,!\; Katherine Huiffman, ))eLOaeh;tMar~ tin;' Ruth Hutchison; Miss'Jeyce' Jacobs, Jimmy Cashion; Miss J,oan KaufmaN, Dick ,Baugh)" Miss' La, Jean Kaufman, ".ij.oy. Spe8.1'~';, Miss, Erma Lee KelU}.ed~, ';Gene':.Bal'l!lerr Miss Peggy'J{ennep~,~Tba'i! J(\)nn~ son; Miss' t>oris }\ing, Babrun Murray, Miss Mary Kii'o'tts", ickes; Miss Je'lJ;nelhfe Tremon t ;t{iss V'lfr ,~ H 11' B k' . ...,.t:J', o IS a ,er" ~l',N$,! J'acKie Porte;; :Ml~sneLewis, Earl, Rose; Mrs::-:Bqm~, Lip85omb, ILindsey Lips co,.mb.; ,/~M . ist:'l~dY;,':,' Lo-. b D I'd' OJ< k^ Mol ",..., ue, ona _ 9' ,tar e,;,'" !SS ',Plilggy, Loc~e, E. ,S..Broussard; Miss ~ary Magr,!Jder, ,Tommy Bensen; Misll Mary M-li.ncha,;.;Er~est Valon,; :Miss Ann- Mg;tney.-,":..De nichal'dson,; .:MisS' P.eggy MCCafferty, Ed.w.l{J;d; Ful- l!r-ight;J,.Mliss:"" Rosemary 'l\f~CaH, i Ralph Sl1il1f~tm~ 'Mjss,' ~fal'iari. ,M~. Gonnico~ )B\inon.;.Hiliki'" 'M4ss.,Mal'- i.ha:.MeCuliliYgh;, ''Ge&ie~odiers. lI\ " " , , ~ . U~Jr~~~~ ~- I _...:~ I . ,~ eant - , " J "OJ.,!, ',- ,~: ..... .......,. -.....1_:1, "If ,Miss Wanda"Mc'0uliYI~'" -'iA~' I'm-und:; ," Miss\' '3:oiln ,': nzie, 'iMoor,!n-an Crumrin~; ~M.i~.!l;;. ~~1 ~bminne~ ",P&iiieJ;;,J;loi'igiel'Ye;.-Mijl.s '~ar;y~~ ~~SwahH';' "Floydt'{t~.ftiR j".' 'l\l1iss -aeaime 'M'er"edithlJdlm,;::'Sltoe:.. fiJIaker.:;,;Miss J:oan: Me.r.er,~'Jlr~ 'ee. 'Morisse';.Mi!ls, Ann 1\ti}(-iif~. m' Barton,; Miss 'M;arthWc.M4He, ., eh :$chrl!-der;M~~s <J~I!.!~ Mmi~aIl;.~F.,red Crawford; :MISS Yn:glma't1Mu;rr,ay;, ,Homer '.l1errY;~'M.iss'Oa' . " :6,pre,' John Fall; Miss J;une' AJohn Read:y; Miss Sue. ;i..16yd .Boo't~i' ~fs~ ~bi~t, . 9(jr~;,'Ch.ar-' l,es 'lrt1at~el. . .1.'1."', ~'f,l;, '1" , ~ ";:,, \ ',.~, d2'1e d'# " '" M.:is", ;Pat:n\~yattl\El9.}~,9!!fy.it:~a;, Ma~q", .A:nn~l>rJlllpl,~fYm~n,,~,~~d~' ~Jss, 'RuJ>y (:),~stri~i~ ;"~:!>bi'lM!ly.-. 'fIeld.; MISS Ah<;e Q8~m~,:,- af~lly Shaw; l\.1rs~ ~e!l'}1n~',g,s ' r., t~s" Ojltner;, M)~s,i<'13~~~t~!( he ~oya!~y;,;~jSS ,;J\oy~e: . JJ, W:ar.d ;Ti!!nler;~~l!p~a: Mn, Pay~ B.errY;;':~t~s'\ : ~nn Potter, James, Bakel<;' mily P.owell; Bin Blac1t;turiJ:;; .,\))ita!) ~Q\\f.il~".l{en?ith;}V:il~~ ;\LJ~S': B~t- W Qfunn,. BIll. An~J!e:w:;.;.J\':\.~"s'."PatlY Raley, Lawr~nce\:Baker,;lbssWan- da 'Ralston,','HerJ:>ert :';SchUlz; '.MiSs 'Ba~.t>aI.:arRe'e4','~!fliiDf~", "'fi;,}Iiss Nanc;'y, t!teynold.s~. Do.~gl ,.:'1m!!l'; ,Miss, Susan Reynolds,' m. ',Mc- ,N,e'Ul; Mis~"Lo~s ~ic~, ~ar'QJ.!};~i~e;> '~iss ',M'a,rt''''~!~~~r..qs~nxJ'[liij' Far- ~() 'St T 'S ;~!f S 'r.i ur~ ~'i-. "J.YH Sc Wh ;A:: '.wa :J8.' 'Mi Miss .. ;),';;","~; ~,Mi.s'~f,J;l~'fb..~!i:.. ' , fOl'd~:'}"'iMisB~,C.l Ca1.6Iihe~;. .', Keith Allsup; " M-isli't.Marg;Fette 1 .. .-, ."c.. ''''. 1, ._. J:"'!.- T)lo~ps,oP,~~-!9I1J'Pol,l~y f1\1J~;VV- ma Joy,ce Timmj Wllton'HrnCIr; Miss.( Jba't}., ;,T9Uet~ Ch'8;l.les' 'l:IJ1At; '.i~g Rat }J~orp,:13jl~ .cor,w~h;:i:fti,!s!! Barbarl!. Tucker,. Bill ,J?9~elf;-~'lss Bettx Jean. Nilnce"",pic1,c ~9ser: Miss Bev~r.1y 'v.est;' pscar ;Vest; Miss Ann Walberg,' llhOl1.\1. Wise) Migs Maf.y,.nYa:Jaeh~:\~SL. Schu\. "marlh. ~..' ;1../< 5:+~::)f\.:. "'~' , '.~ ~ .;~;:~ Miss'.Dorothy Wolle, Curtis Tim... ll}er.man;;,M:i.ss H_elEm~,W~t~~s,' .Age A-bniham..; Miss Egf9.,.e': ,s,;S~rn.: ~ cKen:iie;~l'4rg", o!loh' ': ~.; Jolln ~ ells ;"":Miljs <ES:th~+ "'Wi .....~" ~ ack WoOds;, :rv.bss"Margaret Ray-Wlley, Va.~1;Y' Bro;vm;oMis.s, J;>atsr ',;r-o. 'Wil- iams, ,;,B,en Templ~tC!n; Mrll, Mau~ rin~ W:~11ia~s!J~ T,'~1ilj~~~; Miss, Martha1fiWIlbams, ,Eranllti" 'W;eod;' iss Slln"ley' WUHafus,' C~citLewis; iss Jl!f1e; Wilsent J;peJ 'Bli.o~a{;i nd Mrs., Bob Yeary,. Bolh YeaFY{,' ...' " ..,' '~:...,' :.:'~<: ."'''. ,': .(""' / " ',' ";r;/,;h ;t"1' " ~E~.-.)(S.:the t9.!...~-\.,.Q~e.~..p-.'!O..~t.€~tt6. Ii:, dl1c~ess. 'e~ bl. Yo: asse.. n;lily.;~~,n{i;lg tp. en). ''j.h:g<:Ro;yal1Cep~::..of,:C.o..t,:top'7c'01p.-' rout~ ':w~th .' two . fl~tJ.~U;J\'Cers~. :frpm , o,f ;8. Q;?c!h1i~s~s',!ro~~';':r~C.:'Y~ ,90th. wintst of .the ,'.'T" ',S111\ped, ,duJte~.!rofu.'Jhe., A.~w:omy. ,sta,ge. It '\Y\as a" \!Q.st,,,lmP'1'ovem~nt ty, ;.v~ pI:esen-ted ';and,-"'tn!}h, over some .of the. past season's IlO,~d'ul!he'sses' from 'vari~us,.show.s, which came', near: to'" fieirig , h]bl'!~!md: orglmizat.i<?i,1'~'fyleff, :uiiled, br'~ the l}'ece~sa:rny sloW c~tl:;:.!-... .' ,,;"'~h> ;" t mtreductlOns. , ~ but1:loors, f9r' t1}e'first 'time. The entire show this' year was ';,Kyle,.iFie1d""ih<II'sesR'0"e; th'~ one' o~ firs't,s. 'By.hoIaing the show t?, spee,9~d ~.H'I~f'~~e '~SUlilnX il} ~yle F.iel~, th~. 4gl'onomy So- 'ly"slow mtrQQUctlOns, of .the' CI'l!ty sponsors"made It 'possible for local merc'ha,nts'to'}larade floats during th~ show, ,Six gz;OlJPs en- tered :floats, iIi' the p'arade, which was led by" ~he Allen' Academy , 4a:nd and the Madisonville mouhted . 'quadrille. . . " I Concluding-the. PagelUlt program was the annual. style show of cot- I ton fashions by Sanger' Brothers of Dallas. ,Sixty 'lGVel~ .c'ollegiit~ models from ').'S-CW: .a:nd,. S~p,pa- raded the latest incottbn frocks formals, bathhH~. suits; a:nd"play clothes on double ramps, built a- round the Kyle horseshoe railing. The NationaL Maid ,of: Cotton,! . Sue Howell"lU~de> four a.ppearances in various 'c'"ott.ops styled 1,01' her by European and ,American desilin~ ers. Setting for the show was a High "T" shoped platform, lluilt in ,the North end of Kyle Field, with its top against the North goal post and its ru'l}.way ~nding in:ca;rpewd steps just s.hort of the cinder track. The platfor.m 'was flank'ea"on';eith- er side by the Aggieland,Orchestra and .Allen A~fl-de,my b~nq, ",qich ,prOVided musIc for tHe Pageant and float pa,rade.. " The court was, .introduced from the Kyle Field '.erttrance gate and mounwil Jhe staiTs' to take their ');llaces, in ~l}~ 'ge,nter of .tlie~stage. After-the pre'sentation of the court, the organization duchesses, came onto the stage frOm the two,wings. They were_introd'uced, walked the length of1<he stage, and took 'their: seats on either side, near the hands. The stage, done in purple and white .with a huge, lighted crown surmounting the cent,er ' c& the backdrop, w,as "y:c,..,S'iUfg.er's .~~ ~ - ep:~'" .;h"e' ~ .~.~;;~ -~~.~ .' w<<l f_b~U,he Ag- ~~m . iigeafttr<f.a~~s n - hre '. u~.J,iaing .Xgro ,tQtiJ.\ ef study through cotton producing ahd pr,oce:;;sil1g . a,reas" of" the, -,United States, arid' occJisionally:fh fo're1gh' cou,ntl:ies. ' . , " 'G~n::erftc~~~.!'iiJ3:S' tif9ii,~~l1.~;Pageant esso .~,.. r~ of ,the it '1'. "Man- 'J{d or "and, stu- .en were D. , . ewe, 'N. N. Hinc . ;, . i~aJn,'G. s. Mc- "Kee, F:""....ZI,l.Bic}l:;;.C: A. Blakeley,. nd,. B. :a~~M-artin. ' ~~-~-. I-.~ .. ~,:cPl ;.: :Dhe Euteenth :Annual Cotton" ~'ea~t-comPlete with the 1>1'0', ~1 ~(j)O b!)autjful girls, lavJ'~h. 'c })~~s, and; parade of. floats~ je'eted off 'without a hitch un 4lrlit skies Friday night. 'F;:V o!J:y agreed it was worth aU~ . ffo~t. ""'-., , .-,.}\ ',~ . 7 Kmg , Cotton '.Bohi"Sm ,rowne<L by' Li.i!q(en~ri~.:' ~llan Shiver,S" 'and.' tJie~:, !urn, cro~n,ed Miss D,or?th'y . . '.. ;. ".~r. ~. r ; " . ~.;:r (;:r.'f~ Sl)is~~.I8~~, . '~rEr',!tlJ C 'I D . H' , ' . 0" '- ~01 . ott6:~ S~;:~_',' raw-so ,.tu:it'e"~r"t ,u." I ~' .,..~-t.. ,. ~I:' ~1''',~_,:.> ,,\ . .~ t. .,\ ... _;)r:\, ...., -~\,; '!f'_n:~~4_': .t'l r:rh,e larg'e f mpst,. ~Q}01ful, were .~b~sent Jf!id~y' nig~};~(tNP::~ "it Cotton' P~ '.,..' ~ ,ory }'IIaS'~op- was Just as'well,., 'for, fe>vJtij~nceS' ped off,1)w~',one~:oft,tlie most..,suc- ,have ,a1;.tract!'l4 ,as larg.e,a~~ttQ~d, ~s cessful'~dant$~;.b':G(~lierYear'FHday, the':"Cot't6nBalI: ,':^""'it': nig~t. :when 7th~U~apds . 'df" A.ggt~!{l, . T~e dancers began s,t~e.a.Jnin,g thel~dates"':aJli<t:"&\ue.s-ts",c'attended mto the"gall ro()m soon a"ter~the. the..~a. :nl1.,.ual"C. '..l5,f.t.o~,..l{a~~.'. '~;'~.',~ ,:Cp~to1t ,I\age}intil f,w~:s.-~..;(: . It:i.,. Md. ::r Witb>mu~ffi " '~"~'" ell, Ex .' B'ill . The 'Hundreds 'of d:tIcM ": aWd T~fI1e~.,a~.9-: iIle a~d":9.rcp.e>s~, , Il1()ftels. :wh.o .. ha~t , p~'rJi~~ :~ ill tr9",tli~;diin'Sbisa:'''Har11f,trre'' eal'l'ler' ~ffalt'i ,!.lit VKy leitl' fro ,o~, i~?~ E1th' f "".ii-ll then,;,ma<le their ...a""e ' 'd .,,"(;: "'l'rnl. .' ,.' ii$,' luagii!~ft15ffi.'itlii'~t.~~: n'J ~l .y,;. " .J$i:them Jn~ssW1i(e~:;lr';.j~{ '3!i . ,.' , ,..,', . ..~.' .'.',.. .. " ,The 'refreshment' ceu,fI.teI' ,did 'a lartd" office~' bus'in~~B::-il.'i ,Illk fitst i'e!l-Hy~hot' sp~ll 'bf~{,~y.,~Bir ar- r~ye<l" at -"the same, ~im!! 'as~' the ma.Jiy..'vi.sitbrs.' " . . ; , The.' orc'hestr.a," v,.;lU~h, 'l'jliolieady ,ad. dgue more.Nthan a 'dq,y;s':wo1,:k at' 't!ie Pageant: was 'in itS /usual ~o'p form, althou~h they suf{ered ftOln the 'Sultry hot'air as much.or fnotfe tlia,n' the dancers. .' ..::.' I1ecorations were at a mi,~~m.'upi, hut the 4'lo1\i-5ts of this; area; more than !na., de: up ~9r. a~y"defi,.cie. ~.c'~~' The Ilftlgphnes' WhICh gna:kea~~l1fo he. ~jde~al}{s.. in fronll.'i:Q,f; w~~tl~~ ist, shoRS earlier: in,x tnt! . even" proaii:~~~tpel'tfE!siiU~'~t tfui Flo}V.f!rjl ilW ,)~he-.LDU!lMTP!:.r~~ shoulders, ''hair,w8iists, lihd of the,thouila~d~~of IQ~a:J~,~ '. . ported dates ,who 'lltt,lm.dga,lt}1e~it.1I~ Flash bulb's'popP'~.d' all""e'v~ni!'lg as 'student arid p'i'ofe!?sional,..1>~[m; I graphers made the' most ,'of ,the colorful crow!,!. ~~~, P.a's fit> , Nit i3't.~1 ' l'4iss M~ry :L'b;~ 'lfic~~) ~CJ. lend'oz:..r;" 'Mls~' tJ oan~e- ,r Bill' Townsend ':'~;M'i R#cka'hY:;' R,ay' ig.uj{~ bll'ra .Gr,i{fi:tlj'f '~:IDoI}~~,,, , Miss Charl€ite ,Williams · 'After"ilre, llresMtlit , ~(>u.rt,' ~iss":Mlj.i\gP,ii'!!i, ed Queen '€otto'h. 1!'}).v.." , oJ eaN'Pdttg~'$i07i1ai#'~ the'Queen:s coroIra\tio I :~: ;:'1*. t, TI1"e style 'show wJlf Sue;: Ho:well,"i;r949 -N Cottpnr, an~ 60, girl TheY wn.f' shOw'tlJe .>cot-to,n' clo~hes'~ ,I'.(' . This pat;t of, the' .~hred' "oy Sang'ilH" ll!s./rhe stYle. slio, :the ,north' end of Di1ch~sses' re ' schools H)r the' 5 . e~c;.~'~\yiH a~so P~~l'; p,a,'KeIwt. ,M.1J3st:gal/ Illy-peon ,Qre,!!.r;- ^~.a~s1:\.'s.. Mi~.~Ji -corted' by Burt liesent' Baylbri;lT' .....,_~..;1t~~ , UUl .. , . (~j~~~n.~e~ f~O~ pa;~ y j Miss Dniena ~oUins,," Ross )8mith ~,. 'I .. """ .......... '. ".. .~-;:". \; ~'. ~1:' .-- ..tl Miss:Min.e.J:v. _a):<1lQl..1...1.,.ns.I1.'.'.\P. ,a,iVI.T!J.i,W iM~':" Ram:;' MisS,. lVlai'y:"€Yo"~qrnf6,rln, C.', L: Saunders; Misg,~lgene';-O'Dan: ' iel Edward Ramsey;' Mi~s Jane' Be- _ la~y', Dick Gr!1-v;es; Miss <eillie ~Diekens, Joe' Ischy; Miss ;...'Peg~y >Dryd~n, Rad.a'Q;d';;Q911ips;,t' ~~ss I ~Mary,f'Dyerr.~< L,'fl.n,de~lloD; MISS Sue":Eatorii ,Behl:LainpRiri,; Miss Martha' Egger, Kmg Egger;; Mrs. Luther Ellison, Luther Ellison; Miss Lura Elliston,.John Fuller; Miss Joyce Engelbrecht" ,Buddy : Bur~~. ~ ~: ~' "l\;: '~"J :;:: : "",' i Mi ~' a Evans,cBdl Ey,ans; ~Miss:J ''!Ace~J.9rgwn;' Mil:is Beit~... ~"!'l offleet,:' ~i~s Dt>roth scar Gray.; Miss ,Gloma,1F. '. , ',0'1 Bl'a'9ton,; )\~iss Ann ~Fle'etwoed,. pave" Kre~ger; Miss'(~R,yer ~Floy"a~. '.I\tma'" F>l.9Yq,; MrS. 'Pat;'FJ,:eMtW,".J:,ply;. Miss Gwen' chels; Miss,.Wyvoriri~., . " .bee 'Wil- ,sori' Miss Marie.. l'ci'a;'"John Pope; Mr;. Betty~'Gartet, Bill G'aI;l'et; Miss' Margaret Garrej;~, Hal Dunj , gan;/Miss Fra~ces Gibl?ins, JimmY, ;A. 11 e.g. i;,. M. i..S..S D., .~l.P. h~ ".G. I~e.. on, ..R. O.b~" ~ ert Blum; ;Mrs. J.amce., Gcmlen, 1311 Gor '..wa!'ss' ' ~rr , e. la ot:t>;\;M'i. ' fGu1 tis '.'. ., , 'Halffi rtah, . ",.M. ,.;.11,'1'1.\ can .~.,' "1 ~ "M.-brrij obn ,e; E'd . . , !-'Hicks, Jimm.fi Sim . " ,it;jsiEl~ine Bill, Bill ~1'~rY; ':Mis~}oan'. H,i\l,Don 'Monson; Miss' Earline-' H!ngs~, W er-. 'ner LihQ.ig;'M'iss Betty Hipp, Lar-' "r.y MCGanR;p'ii.;'~:>J!i~s,,~n~ie J,u~e :HolicK,' Joe'Knowles;.MI-8s ElsIe Holt,~JJlrlies 'r;.~wis;. M}ss'~':BJe t t Y HorhDurg/ Ra'inirG Martinez; Miss 'I Teddy Hubert;., Pat 'Rupert; Miss Katherine Huffman, DeLoach Mar- I tin;' Ruth Hutchison, Miss Joyce I Jacobs, Jimmy Cashion; Miss Joan Kaufman, Dick Baugh; Miss La Jean Kaufman, .,Roy, Spears; Miss Erma, Lee Kennedy, :.Gene Bal'ber~ Miss Peggy Kennedy, Thad John- son; Miss Doris King, Babrun Murray. Miss Mary Knotts, .FreddY'~ Ad- Ickes; Miss JeanEjnne Lakin, :Pete Tremont; Miss Jo Ann Latnprecht, Hollis Baker; Miss Jo Al).n Latham, g-ackie Porter; Miss Marjorie Lewis, Earl Rose; Mrs. 'Billie Lipscomb, indsey Lips~omb; .Mis!,! JudY' Lo- ue, Donald, Clarke; Miss' Peggy Locke, E. S. Broussard; Miss Mary Magruder, Tommy Benson; Miss Mary Mancha, Ernest Valon; Miss Ann Matney, Le. Richardson; Miss Peggy McCafferty, Edward Ful- bright;'1"Miss Rosemary M~Call, Ralph S~nnon; Mi13~ Marian Mc- Connico, 'Burton Hfnk; Miss Mar- '.ha-McCullo.ugb, George Rodgers. - . '"'"" --;. .~. \' ;,."'1 . . ,:j1t . ,Mis's Wa,pda.. Mc€ully, Bill JV ah- J'~ i.~. Miss .Joan McI\enzie" ~lr!P .ati!::.<Lru~~I~woi}\Ii~~,;~'aI'.t~a eY"oPamt!L:IJongserre; 1\:I1,ss ; W:'cSw.ain,.. ,i Floyd 'GTiffin;, clin;i1~#Me~edIth;"J0}m "Shoe-' l.Miss Jo.an 1VIeyer, ':Brli~e f1'4~1*iss'e';"Miss 'A,nrt)1ikuierikaj",Tom ;J;larfon; Miss, M~rth~r,Mmer" Ben ;Schl'l!-,der;Mis.s ~.1l!!.~ Mr!1ikan, Fred .CraWford; . ~ISS' Ylrgni.1a :iMurray:, 'll~m., e.,'~ -'1JEitf!y, ;:'M:i!l3.'i;Car. 01. Ul~ :Moor~, , .r oh1i~ Fall; Miss' .June i M'd'ore, John ,n.ea'd~:;' MI~s Sue. W6qre" ,Lloyd, '::B,06~Ph ;..~~qss' -La~~t; Moo're; Qhar- les~l\fatteJ"" . ",of " H' '. ~" ~ - ;li:~r', .1~' 'i- l~'.;' i~ '~~iss ;RattMyatt,l~Elo l1-\6p.a:\'itza; lVIary, Ann Norman, Ljrnan'Reed;' ,~iss . Ruby' .ddstri~il, Bob ,May- :fi~ld; 'MISS Ali<;e Qsporne, BiUy S'haW;f ~r~ ..-.: e~Ant; ~ pstner; Cha.,r- 'Yes'"Qstner; MI ty Rate, Cha~ '1ie;:ti,i>'Ya1t~;,;; ~~~e' p~ra. n~lla, W 8:J<d' TisriU~r;>; a.,ra p'att~rson, Paul,,'.Berty'~ '. .. Betty,' Ann 'P.o~t~r, Jam~~: :B'a"ker;\ Miss 'Emily F.owell;: Bill Black,aurn; Miss. Fr,an :Pqw:~U;.i,}en.n'e\1i. y.Tiley;' ~j.ss Bet- ty: QUlDh"BIll,An,i!lFew;, MI~s Patty' ,R8I~y, Liwr,ence\!Baker;. Miss :Wan- daRalstbn, lferpert ,Sqhulz; Miss "Barbara Re'ild,'W;iiliaJIi Adair; Miss Na,~<<y '~ReynoidB, Douglas Tiner; ;Miss' Susan Reynolds, Tom Mc- 'Neill; Miss ~qis Rice, Marvin Rice; Miss Mary ,Richardson," Jim Far- rell~ Miss, ~a~b1:l-la.,~ ~oper, Larry Gooii,wym, " '" ,. ";,' , .. Mis~ EV'a,RQP,elkJ:ll:thes WiUiam- ,so~; l'iIi,ssBetty:::ro ~~Ro:Ss" Wymon ~tew,~rt;. ':M)ss' Gla?ys, Schalfer, Tomm~," Green; . MISS, Jo Ann SChi,ntlJ,er, Clyd~.~chul~~;,Ml's. Molly SewaU;'Chlil'les '~~wall.;;Miss Hazel Shaw, iRicliatd,,1?ra,t;er; "Miss Har- , riet Sh,eal.'er, :e\1rtiii . Erck; ~ Mrs. Kenneth: Shooe, Kienrteth Shobe' Miss, -;MQna : SpenceF.,:. E d g a : S.chwal'z ;,'M'iss' j,ackie" Spivey Tea W1,1itletI r'M:i~s"J.oll.~e ,stedmah W. ,A. BroJJ~~ard;;'iM!i.'~~ Mari, Lou Ste- wart,' J~~e~:"Ga1t:ri~Qil';" ;M\iIl8'S~,rah JaneStoq}tWen;:W~"'4\ VonSch<ieler M!ss ':Fa~~;:~jtOD'e,{jtichard Holland; MISS Joan, '.Pemp.1.ef :nab Skidmore. ..' -~ . ." ,~l ~.r-. " /4. ~_.&<' .~ -' Miss"ltarbllra" T~rrell, ,BtH, Mog- ford, 'Miss . Caroline' , ~fiolhpsori' Keith Allsup;' ~iss Margrett~ Thom.pson, Byron,Dolley; Miss Al- ma Joyce 'timm, Witton Hrncir; M!ss: Joan, ,TolleJt, Cha,ri~s Hunt; MISS Pat;;'I;orn, Bill Corl}ish; Miss Barbara Tueker, Bill Powell;' Miss Bettx Jean Vance, ,DJck Moser; Mis~ Beverly V:est, Oscar Vest; Miss Ann Walberg, ThO's. Wise; Mis'S Mary. :Walden; W. ..L. Schu- mann. ';{, , Miss Dorothy W oUe, Curtis Tim- merman; Miss He'len' W at!dns, Abe AbI:aha~;~i~s,E91!>e~ee,m~, ,Sam ,McKenzle;,.M'rs. J;ofu1;;:WeJls; John Wells ;"Miss'Estber 'Wiggins, Jack Woods; Miss"Margaret Ray Wiley, Vall"Y Brown; Miss Patsy JO' Wil- lianis, B,en Templeton; Mrs. Mau- rine W:ima.,ms,.J. T. Willillms; Miss Martha~'Wi11iam.~; .Fran,k Wood; ~iss Shi:rley Williams, Cecil Lewis; !Miss Jal.le Wilson, Joe Thomas; ~nd Mrs. Bob Year}', ,Bob Yeary. .. v,;~,~~r~,:n:iC~f': ';~'i ;::rt" tton,wasJpres~ntea ,J<}r.idq.y.. . 11. '~~~~h),g~Cott:o~~'i~'Bob Sfitith 1;1 ~ ,~. r.!'1o' , ~ ,. ,,~:"" , l' ..... ~ j, ,...\~~'\~i<,.~....? ',j j If.'''' 1"'.-1 J -? ',' "'. 't." '1:.1 [''''',\c ",V \ .it',;;!,.'Jl\''f'~'''' 'u"., ,1).-" ,! ~ ~ l ~ ';s,. ~ '."~ . -I I' f-'T"l ....,,' .' J '1J;<: 'i:' I " '(Jo.ttOJ\' is. Ilc)l:~t 'Y/\.~l:!!~p~\ ":,"Ph~t !4 ,\~yj . iUelUb~rs, ,of!'; th,.,~r.f>coyrt:. .' / Aggi'cland Orchestra Master of iCeremonies AI-len Academy BaJ:\cl , Joe' W oQlket Lt. Gov,emor kUan Shblers' and Party \1 " Crowning of King 'Cotton-~obert R. Smifh Cr@wn BcaFcr:. . . , , , , , . . . ' , , ,Billy 'Chin Pf"esentation ~f the Queen's Qo~r-t 11 ~ Miss Rose Marie Kelypas, , . '. . , . . . . , . . :. . , , . , : ,Mr. w.,my Ke1'liti~ .Miss Diana Hofmeistcl', , , ,',' ...' , ,... "." .' ,Mr. ~rah Jacobson . }.. -, Miss Nancy Bul:r€.l", , , , . , . , , , . , ,,:, , . . , . ' , ',' , ,Mr. J~m Tl'oublef.ield . .\00 . I . Miss Mary Lou Ficke, , , , . , , , , , ' , , . , ... . , . "Mi. Conrad: bhle~d6lf . ' ~iss ,J oa.nl\e BB.lingsle.y,."",.,;",:"."", Mr: 'I3:ill' TOWI:1$~nd ',.1 lVIiss' :Maudine Huc~aby" .',,:.. ' , .. '. ., ,',.",.,. ,~l'. 'Ray Kunze .' .. ~ ." I Miss ,Barb,arn Griffith, , , . . , , , . , . , , . . , ,', , ,'. , ."l , . ,Mr:. IDOn meeker