HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Right Start in Life`The right start in life' Boys & Girls Clubs volunteers rewarded for service By LAURA HENSLEY Eagle Staff Writer Awards were presented to six outstanding volunteers and partners of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Brazos Valley during the organization's annual meeting Thursday night. "That's how we are able to keep our doors open," Ron Rolett, president of the Boys & Girls Clubs, said about the organization's numerous vol- unteers and supporters. "Without them, we wouldn't have a club." Rolett said each individual and organization recognized during the celebration has had a profound impact on the clubs, which provide positive girl, and I always had dreams. programs, activities and I just didn't know how to get opportunities for more than there. The club has worked 1,600 children — mostly disad- wonders for me. I am who I am vantaged — in Bryan and Col- today because of Boys & Girls lege Station. Club." Members and alumni of the College Station received spe- Boys & Girls Clubs presented cial recognition during the the awards and provided ceremony. The city itself entertainment during the cere- received the clubs' Partner mony, which was held at the Award for continued support Miramont Country Club Ball- and partnership with youth room. programs at the Lincoln Recre- Karen Mitchell, the first ation Center. female member of the local City Councilwoman Nancy Boys & Girls Clubs, served as Berry was given the Woman the master of ceremonies. and Youth Award for her sup - "At that moment my life port of Boys & Girls Clubs pro - changed," Mitchell said, grams. And Steve Beachy, the remembering the day she city's director of parks and joined the organization. "I was recreation, was given the Man always a good student, a good and Youth Award. Rolett said Eagle photo /Butch Irelanc Cierra Thomas, 11, of College Station sings Amazing Grace at the start of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Brazos Valley's annual meeting Thursday night at Miramont Country Club In Bryan. Beachy has been important to lege Station Mayor Ron Sylvia the development of the part- said. "We lust want to do nership between the city and everything we can to get them the Boys & Girls Clubs. off to the right start in life." "This is our youth, and we See AWARDS, Page All are just so proud of them," Col- The Wells Fargo Trust Department was given the clubs' • C.A.R.E. Award (Com- mitted Attitude Respect Every- day). The department was rec- ognized for its long history of support to the clubs through the management of the Astin, Doak, Orr and Edge Family Trusts. Each trust also was inducted Thursday into the Jeremiah Milbank Society, the national Boys & Girls Clubs' top donor program that includes individ- uals or groups who have con- tributed $10,000 or more to the organization during the fiscal year. Other members of that society include Don and Donna Adam and David and Julia Gardner. Also recognized was Boys & Girls Clubs board member Al Scott, who received the Service to Youth Award for his five years of board membership. And Kathy Joyce was recog- nized by the 23 p board as