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I ' ~-'~ -
I Many ,C hildren
I. Gi~~ To Fu~d'T~ i
I.}iill.d Memorial I
~D. 19~,
A gl'fat (jntpouring of COO[1era-
tive community ,pirit is being man-
ifest in r<,spon,e to the movement
to establish a memorial stndent
ac.tivities center at th~ 'A&M Con-
so'lidatcd School in nwmOrv of
Luke Patranclla, ~cocj'(ling to \V,
L. Penberthy, chairman of the
tlJ(.mor{ul cO';lmit(ee, ~'I
"To date we have r('ceived more
than $700 in c,(lIttributions. and
the daily tntal is a [1proximately
$,,,,,,,,, Pb I '
dVV, en ert lY saul..
"Sixt~r-~('velh indivi(l~1l11s hav"1
cqn.lribu(ed gilts ,:unning from 251
,cents to $2:10, 01' an average of
labout 1;;10 P<ir gif~,
"It i~ not' ,urprising in the least.
but it' is highly gralifying to note
i that people in all t~,pcs of busi-
nesses an' l'Olltribu(ing (0 tl1l"
fun.d. The g']'ocers, florist~ and o(h-,
er bnsine"s mlJ,n are ,howing tlll'irl
approval of the m,emorial i,lca by
being alllong the first til con(rib-
ute, '
I "The children of the corilmunitv
too are emptying' their Savillg::-;I
banks. allll showing as best thelr'
melll~'i. will pel'mit theil', apprecia-'
I,lion.for the many hapi1Y moments I
the Luke }-'atranella Easter Egg \
I hu nts have given them. The chil-
I dr('n alsn I'ememb"l' the fact thl;lt I
I the jolly Colleg'c Station grocer al-,
ways \Va, able during times of I
sllOl"lages to come up with plenty
I of delicaeics for their birthday'
\ parties and othcl' enteltainmentl
I cven(s. I
"The pu]'l ic rca<'lion t.o the de-
I cision of the committee to under-
\ take to start a fund which will be
,au/.!.mcnted as time g'oes on [-o!' a
\ ccmplete set of facilities at thc
A&1\1 Consolidated Schoo) to in-
I dude a concrete slab for skating.
lig-!lted tennis courts anrl an out-
door swimming' pool. is hig-hly gmt-
, ifying to members of the commit-
tee WhD set their sights high after
being aswrl'd by Mrs. Pat!'anella
(hat she was heartily in favor 'of
such an undertaking.
"\Ve [eel sure that we can man-
11(':<' t.o h!ep alive all the popular
I benefactions that Luke Patranella
I provided [or the children at vari-,
\OUR t.imes during' ea.,eh year of' his
lif'eLil11c-the Eas(('!' Egg hunts, I
I the seholal'ship awards and the ree-
o''Titiol1 of' outstanding athletic
a('com pi ish m en ts.
"\Ve know of no uthel' way to
I better signify {)ur la~ting appr~'cia-
\ tion of the things that Luke Pa-
tranella st.ood for HI thiS commu-
\ nity t.han to cany 011 those acls of
kindness and interest in the young
people of the community; and we
I'pel SUI'P t.hat everyhodv in the
Bryan-College Station area Willi
wish to have a share in perpetuat-
ing' the good wQrk and tll<' chal'-\
acter-huilding efforts of Luke Pa- i
. -.
Stroke Is Fatal
T ~u~e~~Ji~J~~~\~! M.
Patranella, 46, who died of a heart
attack at 11 :30 o'clock Saturday
morning, June 15, while vaca-,
tioning in Mexico City, will be
held at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow
morning at the First Presbyterian
Church in Bryan with the Rev.
Norman Anderson, pastor of the
First Presbyterian Church of Col-
lege Station officiating. Burial
will be in Shiloh Cemetery under
direction of Hillier Funeral Home.
Mrs. Patranella and daughter,
Joyce, arrived in Fort Worth by
plane from Mexico City Monday
evening, June 17, where they
were met by Mr. and Mrs. John
Patranella of Dallas. brother of
the late Mr. Patranella. They re-
turned to Bryan Tuesday.
Born in Bryan July 22, 1899,
Patranella had resided in this
area his entire life.- He had been
engaged in the grocery business
at College Station for the past 10
i Pallbearers will be Dr. T. T.
'Walton, Ford Munnerlyn, J. J.
fAldrich, R. L. Elkins, J. S. Hop'"
per, S. A. Lipscomb, W. L. Pen-
berthy and Harry Boyer.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
'Elsie Patranella, one daughter.
Joyce; and three brothers, John
Patranella of Dallas. Charles !\at-
ranella and Joe Patranella of
Patranella was affiliated with
Earl Graham Post No. 159. Amer-
ican Legion; member of the Bry-
an-College Station Chamber of
Commerce, the Bryan Rotary Club
and Girl Scout Council. He served
as deacon of the A&M Presby-
terian Church.
The establishrpent of a Luke
Patranella Memorial Fund Com-
mittee was announced Tuesday,
June 18, by W. L. Penberthy,
"With the passing of Luke Pat-
ranella the community lost a fine
I citizen and the youth of the area
a fine friend. His interest in chil-
I, dren was evidenced llY his annual
Easter egg hunt and a scholarship
award," Penberthy said.
It is impossible to say in what
form the proposed memorial will
manifest itself. The memorial
committee will make a study of
youth needs and strive to make
a fitting memorial, according to
Everyone desiring to contribute
cis requested to make checks pay-
able to the Luke Patranella Me-
morial Fund and mail them to
any member of the committee.
f Members of the memorial com-
mittee are Frank Anderson. Gor-
don Gay, Sam Hopper, Joe Wool-
ket, Harry Boyer, Hershel Bur-
gess, S. A, Lipscomb, John Brav-
anee. Keith Aldrich;
J. W. Rollins, Spike White, Carl
Tishler, Byron Winstead, Ford
Ylunnerlyn and Penberthy.
Il ~ .