HomeMy WebLinkAboutCadet Slouch - C HOW TO FLUNK A ,w with ~1j~ cadet slouch {, (\ it ~ ~~ DtPANKAR srn J~g? published by te)(81 8 &m colle9 e JIfA. mLf ({),o .... HOW TO FLUNK Any college with academic standards as high as those at Texas A&M College will have a high rate of students who are flunking at least one course and many flunking more than one. This book is aimed at these students. It is believed that after studying this book, they should be able to flunk all of their courses as all well-adjusted college students should. This will not be easy. Much work and originality on the part of the student is required. If you are not willing to discipline yourself and work hard, then perhaps you should choose the path of the lazy man and make passing grades. If you are convinced that you have the stamina and determination to flunk, then study the following pages carefully. This book merely scratches the surface of the complex art of flunking. You must improvise as you go, and always give your fullest effort. Always remember-FLUNKING IS HARD! r.. o!o -'" I I I I r 1 HECKLE YOUR PROF One of the most amusing ways to flunk is by heck- ling your prof during class. When he makes a very serious statement about the lesson, throw your head back and see how loud you can laugh. At other times you can whistle during his lecture while keep- ing time by tapping your foot. Well-timed wise cracks will also serve to unnerve him considerably. Other less subtle methods include throwing garbage at the man or practicing your trombone lessons in class. .... . r SLEEP DURING CLASS Are you run down, worn out, tired? Then you need to attend class today. Lean back in your chair with your feet on the man in front of you. . . your prof is about to begin. . . you're beginning to feel drowsy. You drop off to sleep as your instructor begins in his monotone voice to review for the next quiz. One hour of sleep in class is worth eight in your room. You will also discover that you can flunk while you sleep. You may later master the art of sleeping with your eyes open. '" (' " 88 ~8 II.. e, ee I I I .. I I ATTEND MOVIES If your school work is piling up, you're behind, as- signments are coming due, time is running out. . . . drop the whole mess and take in a movie. This will work wonders! You will be relaxed for 21h hours completely oblivious to your lousy grades. When your grades become embarrassingly high, go to the movies; this will asure you of flunking grades. .... . BE TARDY If you are consistently tardy, you will win the admir- ation of the class, all except the prof. Timing is very important. Give the class a chance to get settled and the prof a. chance to get wound up. Then you enter. Stumble forward in your pajamas, trying to kick the waste can on your way to get the full at- tention you deserve. Slam your books on your desk and collapse in your seat as noisily as possible. You will surely flunk the course, but think of the friends you will make. ~ (' r l .. I II ~ i r DON'T TAKE NOTES If you don't take notes in class you're a cinch to flunk. Having to sit through a dry lecture is enough, but learn to utilize your time in class so it won't be a t~ta.1 loss. . Whil.e the rest of the class is wasting their tIme taking silly notes, think of your education. R~ad newspapers, comic books, or your mail or any- thing of such cultural value. It will take you a while to become accustomed to reading while your instruc- tor is yelling at the class. .... . ::::::---::::: ~ ~ IGNORE YOUR PROF Why should you have to sit in class and listen to some fathead rave about the lesson you were sup- posed to have read? If he's so smart, what's he do- ing teaching school. With this in mind completely ignore him. If. he's too loud to ignore, wear ear- muffs. You will now be free to occupy your mind with girls, dates, girls and important things. This is one of the more pleasant ways of flunking. (' t) ;;; r <r@j P 1\ DON'T STUDY The student with his mind set on flunking should never study. After a little practice you will learn to look at your book for hours and not be studying; this. is specially good for Freshmen during C.Q. If the lesson begins to soak in, be careful, that's study- ing. If you have trouble keeping your mind off your ,lessons, start a pin-up collection over your desk and that will certainly keep your mind elsewhere. Fol- low these instructions and you'll be able to boast the lowest grades in your class. .... . HORSEPLA Y Anyone with an aptitude for "horseplay" has a very good chance of flunking, but this is far from the eas- iest method. Horseplay is a full time job for only the more robust students. The most popular form of horseplay at A ~ M is water-fighting which is very expensive due to the costly damage caused in the process. With this in mind, always select the water- fighting site with care. If possible, waterfight in another dormitory so you won't have to clean up af- terwards. () f n -( .1 GO HOME WEEKENDS If you go home every weekend, you have probably learned by now that your grades are going to the dogs. If you play your cards right, you can make arrangements so that you can cut your Friday classes and leave on Thursday afternoons. When the week- end ends - Monday night - you will return early Tuesday morning, only to stumble to your room and sleep till Wednesday morning. This leaves you with only two days per week to think about your grades. Don't worry, they'll take care of themselves. .... . =- - - CUT CLASS The surest way of flunking is cutting class. After all, how can your prof. pass you unless he confuses you with the student in front of you. To add sport to the art of class cutting, look for new places to hide dur- ing class. (Not that anyone will look for you). You will also enjoy class cutting more if you can think up a few good lies why you are absent and try them out on your prof. n 0 HELP OTHERS FLUNK Flunking is more fun when enjoyed by a group, so try to enlist participants. When you find a friend studying try to talk him out of it, but don't give up if he is unreasonable and insists on studying. Hang around his room and distract him, turn his radio up, throw his trash can down the stairs. Convince him that flunking is the best policy. Don't become dis- couraged if you get thrown out of a few rooms. .... " . ALIBI The final step in flunking is the preparation of your alibi or excuse for being sent home. Many of the old stand-bys are: hazing, corps life, unfair profs, and too many outside activities. With a little work you will be able to build a believable alibi around one of these ideas. Never tell the folks at home that you actually worked at flunking out; try to l1)ake them hate A&M. It will. be hard to keep a straight face, so you need to rehearse your tale of woe before you try it. Remember! It was A&M's fault! (1 ~. f\ FOR THE WEAKLINGS After reading this book you will notice that flunking is not for weaklings, but for the strong of mind and body. If you feel that you don't have the strength and determination to apply these methods of flunk- ing, perhaps you should learn to live with passing grades and to make the best of it. Listed below are various people who are available to help the student pass, who is too weak to flunk. If you don't let these folks help you pass maybe you can flunk after all. 1. Instructors of your courses 2. The Basic Division 3. Department Heads 4, Deans 5. Unit Faculty Advisors 6. Tactical Officers 7. Scholastic Officers 8. Freshman Faculty Advisors 9. All Upperclassmen. .... . f'\. ~'--- ~ /'/u k-//( ~ ~DI~ANKAR SEN ....