HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Caldwell News 1947 .. , ---r--..-- .. .d1~~";"~J. .~. ....r '. ....rlf.--~. J ~ ---~ --'~-1~~~,i'""""--:'- .~~ ." ;) .~~~ ;-..' + ,. --,,~""""" ... ". .. t' ........~. . ",.~,'f l11Y 'W'!i' . . \ '/fJ .' " -' .......,~. .!n'e' , "'I' .\',r'~:,' ~l.,. .. ~ ~'. < . ."-0,. !L ~ . ~.~~;'" ,', "....~. .. '. AND THE B~t'ESON CQ~'l:.I~~R ; . .,~' - ---;: -:~.-~ q - CALDWELL" TEXAS, FR~l>~:t, JitO'~Y"'25, 1947 ~{- . i .0\. '1,-- '!i..l" '....,. <i\ C~he~e;ans Oqt~';d ( ~ ~'era; In " ~~ce. To ~~uist i'l\'" ,.~ ''\':~,7. ~; ~ In Na~lOn~I~\~'(;lrd ,I~~.~&~~~ Ag. Captain ,Francis' A~ :Cla:rk and ~F" :,Jp..""I:,. 'll.W L . T-Sgt. JOSE!ph C~ 'P-Ietzer will be' 0.".-' e,~'. . ooms By a vote of 85 to 0, the Senate lit the Caldwell, !-lost office on ' [. " Saturday passed and dis'pa-tched to Administr~tive Officer Tuesday, Jul'y 29, inom 2:00 until ',. President Truman legis)ia,fion au- Says County Has $36,136 4:00 p. m. for .the pucpose. of 'in- 'f.:iv:~,\...w; $i~,Jf<<!l'e Farmer thorizing 9,000,000 veterans to For Farml>rs terviewing all interested men iJ~ ,Veterl}n ,.p~~ants Needed cash $1,800,000,000 in terminal Y the newly,o.rganized 2S6th Armored T'0 (lind.' S'chool leave bonds. The Senat~'earlier , Engineer Battalion. . ....'t.. had passed by a voice' vote another The Bul'les~ County Agricul- For the information of all vet- bill which would increas~ living tural Co~servation Associl\tion, erans dutyassignnaents and grade Fourtee-n n.ew...a,pplications for allowances to veterans' going to Local softball'fans are in for a formerly '.operated as the AAA, va(:ancies will be open to those n,n a. dditional d.,ass in Vocati{)nal school under the GI Bill 6f Rights. treat .;Monday, Jilly '28, when the was notIfied tltis- week to resume ~/ Th b I with former military training in, .~gr..Iculture fQ{fa'l'mer veterans 0f e i I now goes to the-lHouse. !lewly organizecl men's softball ACP actjvities within program personnel wprk, sunply, compar;"'~~. o}'ld Wlrr IJ: j'rav,e. now been filed, The terminal.' ~eave .,.Rood 'mea- league will get under way with funds wh\ch were allocated to this'" J - -, R E L BJtt and battalion adm.'inis-tratiolJ' It was a'qnGup.eed -tQday by George sure got unammous a'Pproval by -ev. . . Love's Red So-x tangling countY\, . d, t"g continue in opera- tracked and wheeled \'el1icle oper~~ Fall, cooidinatdr, and a new schoo') ~hc Hous.e two weeks, /lg,9' It would with Tommy Philp's White Sox tion throu~h... 1947, it was an- tion and m~ntenance; as well as. r-robably wi,ll ~e started here- in permit but not require former en- in the opener and with J. D. Fau- nounced -todJiY by G, D. Henry, communications, ordnance and ba- Cal ~L t la.t~.than August 1 listed men to cash bonds issued t:> bion's Black Sox slugging it out Administl.'ative. Officer. Henry sic soldiering. ,EO . . I' 'oT 'f:i\t.e more veterans toem starting last year in lieu of w.ith Harold Matejowsky's Blue stated that the Burleson County --0' ..,. " '. . u fore 1;hat time. (}ash terminal leave p~~. The bonds Sox in the nj~~llap',...)'l'he firt baB AGA- n'o\v his on hand $37,136.15 J W Mj.' '11'.' ~ Three ap.\l!.ication,s for the pos'i- could be turned in for c8:l:fh' at local will be tossed out promptly at 7:30 which nits not been allocated 'to t' .... ... h t f h h b k ft S te ,,~ l' U d d 't . , ' . . ')~" ' ,,' rio..n as .'""e.ll-c e '.0, 't.".' e sc 001 have . un sa' er ep. m""r'*,. ", n er p. m. an I IS suggested that the farmers for ,oarrying out soil '" ' th I h ,~ ii . ) (!" Ire. en recelI;vett..<.a.....h. re be-ing co.n- .e present aw t e matlJrity date tans commence gatheI'lng much Dui1(J;.l)g practice's. p ~ ~ . f ' A ._, '. . sJ(;l~recl, ,Fan sa.'i " A'man in order IS ive years after datli of issue. earlier since the choice seats will Hem;y also. -pointed out that it asses :.ura. ,J! to, !}uality,..; - 00, 't~,ll.,.ch on~ of these 0- be going fast. ' wiiI be' necessary fQr fal'mers to ~l'8~ I" "--. - Th f' ld A F "'R'- , . c; asses rn!1~t"m;Y"a, colle,ge graduate. 80 y nll.d e Ie east of the high school secUre p.fior written approval for t ar'm" .m., e ' with a Dr R .a~r~e!. preferably the ", . e. ar- .. U.I..' I. gym has been levelled and improved " a~ practice carried out in order yap PQ~sessot' .of ,W-' SRUth-Hughes eer- , '. until it' is an ideal place to pl'ay to be ~ligible for assistance. Farm- " . l"!ii:}il!'r~a'1i'd" ~qne' experience as as, k R :,.J; ,- i.. with use of the' 24,090 watt light- e~~ %iTb hp,:e ~Iready receivelli ~p- Intermen.t o:f' ~oo'-'s POl'-~ teadh',ep, €If' v,:6c.a,tidl'lal, a-g, riculturt'. .... noo .~ . 85mB. .D. II ing 'Sys.tem the playing will be. 'p~ollals for 'the fuaximum amotitt I \..,.( ~ ...". S T' , . I d R 'd t Md' ,( b...; l)l"ll<r~e,S WI~~ be plWd In. aco'0rd- D~. ' J....J... "I'A;,I one unde:r; the n~ar equiva.lent of OIl their farm wil1 not be eligi'ble C~Sl ten a e ,n ..ua8.QDtc aace w.i~"Ul.e....,~l'l~W '1947~48 state, r. 'leS"~ 'U;-', 'y'L, ,'. Ii" daylight cOI)~iti(Hj.;.T"here' will be to receive a part of the money erne el'y "sabry J$hedul;~,Fan ~oi~ted out. ,'., ,'" " -II I plent~ of selit,ing' space for -tbose that is now on hand. The $37,136.15 ' AlJY@.a:~ W'h.e,.-l1ellieves he has the, who ap}'Jear early enough, and the represents the amount of money John William Mitshe1l, son of qualli.fica;~f)pS;. t-o teach a new .. j high scho~l will" be o'peratin'g' con- in the ACA balance at the time the late John Samueif. and Martha course ,in tih~ school' is urged to Funeral Held Last'Satilrday cession stands for those wlfo feel ~ the county office was stopped from Lauallilt Mitchell, a t native of ma.k!! llIJl)llio~on at the Vocational At Moravian Brethren the need of refresQments. The best "Pappy" Bethanconrt Of issuing prio,r approvals. For furth- Burleson County a~d.ia resident of S:eh.ool. oJfice upsta;~rs in the Bow- Church for George'Macik thing abou1; the whole deal is that ... E'l' inform,ation and requesting 14>- Cook~ Po~nt Co~mu)lit;y, passed ers bu,i1d}~gl Tile,office is open from it is absolutely free, Br~zos County Furniture pI{}vals those interested are urged away Frrday, July .18th at 6:158:30 a.p:i. to 5:Q'O' p. m. everyday George Macik, 80-yea:r--ofd resi- Since th,e-,time last week's News Co. Returns From Chicago to contact the county AAA affice. P. M., after a long IIIIiless. . e~cept SatUrtlayt ",'hen the office dent of Snook for mOl'e I than six went to press the Red Sox have --- 0- Mr. Mitchell was botn Octobeq closes 1iJ!;'nob1t'4>~ decades, pl!ssed aWl:lY ~t an 'early added Jim Kattner and Henry Bes- F. H. "Pappy" Bethancourt, New O' 1-:1 We'll 4, 1871, at ProvidenGe, Texas, and . _ ~, ' 0 hour Friday morning at Ms fam- 'eda to their player list and the o matlager' of McCullough-Dansby later moved to Cooks ,Point where p "'. ily home. White Sox have signed Herman }".c.,mer Resident Co. of B~yan who recently returned At ebriG, Sma,D be married Mis~ Lilly Sherrill oop. , "ap. '~' E1e cted He was born in ci~twsJ~akia Boedeker and Billy Groce. The ~.. from C~i(:ago, found the furniture ~ May 4, 1919.. : ,.,\, , " March 5, 1867, and caqie!~t-o Texas Black Sox have' been strengthened Of Snook Passes !1Iilrket busy throughout the entire Mr. Mitchell was a close follower- "V. "~ P id ' as a yo-ung man of :116 yearl' of age. by, the additio.n of Adolph Hajoy- A I H t 1l:~o ',weeks it was open which was I'P '..1 of the ~hul'ch. H~ often sang in" IGe ,re"S ent He lived and worked for relatives sky to their roster while the Blue way n Ol!'Si ,.on 'lfoilJ!.1ething'uhusual during the past S .' rOr.ilcing the chol-r, and iR, ..1940 joined the . \'1.: .. " at NelsG,I),ville on a fal'-R,!. for about Sox have secured the services of fe-w year-s; ~ethancourt indicated Re-organized ebw'ch of Jesus, ,A'. '\ " . A,., · t- 3 years after which time he .moved Rudy Horak. It is thought that Mrs. Lenora Fmncis . Lednicky that the buyers were cautious in P ~hr. ist. His life :va,::; sPent in. helJh; rea ~S,~~o.cla Ion to Snook. Here he res1ded a!< a there wi.ll be many men whose in- H d roduction, However, Is th d h - ~ . l;\'mmo.n , age 27, died Friday makiT)g purcp.~ses and that he be- mg 0 ers an e. \va5'well knoW]l . gGod friend and neighbor ~ those ,terest will rise as soon. as play morning, July 18, at 8:25, in the "ii';'ved that thei'e~'s a gradual re- Low and Seven More for his tolerance. &1td,patiel'lce. . A~-' lii.. .-~ .O~ 'd'..1 t F rribout him Iv:'- his remlli;fNhg 61 begins. Anyone who wishes to play Methodist Hospital in Houston fol- turn to better . uality in home Wells May Be Drilled Even though his healvh had b\!en -~lSO"'"'ltWI a:n l.,.a e or (veal'S ~ ~ may see Rufe Conoley in his of- -. b d f ,~ ....-'1. . ~""'t' m L ". 'o",,' lo~ing !l m~ior operation. f,urni.!l'bings.. _ " ' a or several' yea'r,s', he w-as ~J:e;s-lltA.e'9.., "'L'a., e 'Xl.. . C. , In 1890 he Wall ~a d to.' Miss'f!ce in the' basem~nt 'of the court- S~e walf'~li in oth~ -Snoot< cqm- Ip:~ ~~tem~~t> trf the . ,~EWS The Houston POST recently pub ne\'er k~own to ut~;r ~~hM'sh wo.rd. J!}~JS:tud~n'.,,:.. ;{;rolW . Fr~nces Ko~~l~ J.p.:~, ,To this house \an.~. b~ assIgned to.a tea.m. mymty on May 5, 1d20, and mide Betharrcoui't Sl!:~'f lis~e~ an art~cl~ in ~regard t'e the Hu~~in~ and. ii.~l)in()?'ie~..e. ,'~s' ..,Jilt:" " ,_ ~ ulllon sevel,~ ,ilhlldteru ' ,j! born It was a~lded at a meetmg WIth . hfl~' hom,e. in that co~munity until "Fer till! fir~ time in several l'tnkmg :of 'oIl m Burleson counyy IChOI, &J?o,rts ~nd a!!2~1!:.tRe~l'\dJ\~ ;~.~.'~W:o St~ity was elect- :i.:Clt;!I.' oldt:shpti;,\p.;lG~~ .~ fath~ Public School Supt. J. M. Hare and " i- ma, ~~!fe. .\0 ~f!~}t~m~~pd 'rke~ ,and'~a a,l! ~ollows: "A,n~w pqu! ~,~lke i g?m~ <I: ~~ }~i! e~'WC~:.iJiI Of the Ex..Stu- ier i,n dea{h in 19';],2\ '" COQ,Ch Qx DM"by that it would be , 6n,'June J~~~'a ~*"~'",~ur.> coun,ty" 1j2 ~ire$' ;cu~ OJ! '(;he,B ..'", cll!, .m Texas Lath-" aUfV,iv,i~gt- it,11C hi~,.~' . Ma;!'., t~e ?~,,~t pO%y to.,allo\Y.J1o 'bne tOI !' _..~ ~ e h '.. . . . ,""0 t ,_' RoC.kdl'ine;...ti"!l5"'h~~l ~.I:l.~ :e.,I;,elIham Arj!jl' 'l1~nGes ~m'ctk foif'gii' ~ ft:.' pa.rtIeipate,I~ bot~ the Y~h" If~1 il'~1l 'f'~n ,in_ nook, el'l1g' con- '. . , ;y ." 'H. e:ca IOUS 1\i' '!pO - ,~pe" '. ~.Ci'esSrefti1" O'~r e:a:~ .., '" r. , . '. >:,.iIl7'~li:"'in8afi . _. ." ". ,9fit.' 19fJ;!l\.~:llRlm!U$.~'bf..ltR,e. scl\bb1...ati!j fumed m the year, 1935, and wae' 1,pg, q!la\itt and"p.t:i'Ce c~mp~ri~on~.\!D~~I~~,:' ,l.' " ",fL. .;Aa~e&'Jh~,e. ,,'. 'Ben Rosenbaum of. '~.u.is" 0: ~l~e,ston, ~€i.~' an'd' thE' G'-C. K'eagiwe:' Those youtns a memb~r of the Snook high scho,o11 GJle>th'ing' which' ,was ex"'pected .gf' :-'Dh~ 1tisco'(ery well, No. 1 Net~e /..' ~S}steE~, ~~-~ 1. .~.:t~!iS; !P jv'i'11~' ~~s named presideflk Eddie, both of Snook, ~1laii4~bina whQse .naD,l,e.s are currently on the graduatmg class ~f 1938. this market ~as.a retuUl of better !~~ ,GT.amm, E. Saute survey; PIli'>' 'O~." rY~ll" ,~e~1i':.-s" ~ll'd,~ ,n'\lmerl1l~,' ,i~~.,:J, Weber of .Wiedevj1Je Va1lusek-' of' Iowa Colony,,-Il'qui Mrs. C-C rosters will be ;replaced by . Mrs. H.ammond s mothe~ and a ~uality. This we .ca~ ~ay is well on ouced a pote?tial .of 18.56 barrels meoes ~nd ,~~p'hews.. _"" -' Illiea:<!::.,~:t9Hior( of s~ripture and F'sll;n,ie Sebestft, of SMU:k,. twenty- int-erested aduol~s. , SIster, AlIce, preceded her m death ItS way. The exhIbIts reflected of 38.3 graVIty 011, on the pump S~VIce8 wj!~l;! hel'd at tlie.Hal'veY-j ~aQ'J!.l:lolpoI;31yel' after WlllCh the group sev~n- gra-nd' e'hildnen. ~~61;;, S'even' All games WIll be played on i~ 19~1 lfrd .!mother sister, Vlas.ta, much improvemEmt .in q,u.ality over .~r,qm. a sand tOPP".ed 'at 3440 feet Sch~J.l':l: Fu-n~raIHo~i1n ,Caldw~tlr. s-a'l1g,.~I:1Hr:graee, "Feed Thy Chil- !;'l'ea.t'i i-i..a~~~. tc.fi'ildr~.~; ~...;. ~ ,i. i, . . 1;r.,t6ndays ~md,: ~rid.ays with the dIed m 1934. A brother alsq dIed IRst January. So 1111!ah, in fact that wI,ttJ. hole bottomed at 3495 feet." Texas", at 3 P. M., Ju;tY,.2.eth, WIth' ,c1ttet\\\'~~~her Hoiy." During the Mlf, W:~sldc\y,as a '1Q..~)}t-a~(t faith- ,F.il1st games b,egm.IJrng promptly at in infancy 'and ~n'-1942 ,her. father it is refnesning aoad1.eiircouraging. Repotrers from ti\e NEWS in- R.e~. ~.C: . M. MitcheFt ~f. Br~a~l ;d0!l.r~e' 'of a delicious dinner of' ful m'em'bei: - of the'$ Moravian 7:30, and the ~econd at 8:45. There passed . a~ay.:, "A ~reater emphasis Wl1S placed spected thi~ new well this week offICo!~,tr)lg and !}.et, c: .1'4': W,liLte.. i~~ ch~cke~ .and ether seasonable Btethren Church of Snook, where \ wili be a one-hour time limit on SurVIvmg are her husband and on brIght colors and a continued and found It to be about like the of Caldwell. ass,Istrng hmi':'i~- ~4I~es. pr.epared by the mernl'ers his funeral was held at 2 p. m. e.ll games. The pla\yers are re- a small son, Mack Frank, age 17 trend toward modern furniture was old one which was discovered 'about mept was held in" ,the. Masonic. i~~ the Ladte~ ."it! of St. Paul's Sat'urday, July 19, under the di- quested to be present "about thirty months: a sister, Mrs. Olga Law- the highlight of th~ market in the 300 yards west of the new well Cem~tery. The. numerous flora,l ,Qhl:lrch, Brenham, Ben Rosenbaum" rection of Harvey.-Schi'Uer. Rev. 'minutes early so. that the 'lineups rence, Snook; seven brothers, moderate price field. which is located in sandy country offermgs and large gathering of icJIailrman, intr.oduced Rev. H. 'f. H. E. Besetla officiated 'at the sel'. may be prepared. Frank and Fred, of Snook, Adolph, "Coordinated- groupings ba.sed, on about seven or eight miles west friends and relat~ves 'w!lre evidence !Fbcnmeier, La Gl'llng-e, as toast- vice and interment was in the cem- Following is the schedule which Clem, Louis, Leroy and Rudolph, standard col~r 'charts were made of Chriesman. Old timers around of thfl 10,ve and>' friendship he: :mas-ter, who after: a few remarks, etery at Sn09k. will ~ide: ~he' play of the teams all of Houston: five nieces and ayailable through the home furl!- Chriesman indicate that perhaps possessed: :rp:eseFl1;ed the fol1owing features, Palt bearers were J. 'S. Sebesta during'the league ig~a,son: Monday, four nephews. ish,ings style. council' and the na- more oil was hauled fJlom the old Out of town friends included, ~'whieh hac;} been a'rranged by the J. T. Skrabanek, Joe Kulbanek: July 28, Red Sqx vs. Wihite Sox and Services were held in the Czech- tional retail furniture association. well than is being hauled from the Mr. and Mrs. NO'ble Rodgers, :program committ~e, Miss Theda Frank Kulhanek, Will Kovar and Blue Sox vs. Black Sox; Friday, Moravian Brethren Church at Memoors of the associa'tiol\ were recent addition, however, there. are Mrs. A:'P. Clay, J. D. Ptessley, and ~I-uel!-er and W. {). Danl'lhaus, of J\e i'akui;lik. Aug. 1, Re.~, Sox vs. Blue Sox and Snook at 3 o'clock Sunday after- furnished with sp~ial selectors so two large tanks filled to capacity. Mr. and Mrs.. yv. G. Gough of 'Bl'enlham: , ' 0 White Sox vs. Black Sox. noon with Rev. A. S. Broaddus and that furniture stores ca.ri now offer Five wells in the above mentioned Hpuston. Mr. aDd MJ;s. Leonar.d' fn.trt'lduction of three ex-students R t I 1947 8t t MOJ:}day, Aug. 4, Red Sox vs. Rev. F. J. Kostohryz of Temple ,their c)lstomer,s 'c~lol' s~hemes that area have been drilled in this Nunley and. daughter, l\!r. and Mrsplesent }Vho attended T. L. C. while '68S' n "a e Black Sox and White Sox vs. Blue officiating. Arrangements were un, answer the iIldiv.idual preferences. county over a period of years A. M. Nupley, Mr. and 'Mrs. H. M. (it. ~as located in Brenham, name- Taxes Finds Burleson Sox; Friday, Aug;. 8,. White Sox tier the djr~tion of Phillips-Luckey "The supply situation has im- three of which failed- to discover Hay, ~'. D. Dodson, ~r. and Mrs. ~ n, A. Krueger, Brenham, Rev. County HeaVl'ly HI.t vs. Black Sox and~Red Sox vs. Funeral Directors. proved considerably except for and two of which _ have proved H. P. HIll and Mrs. Maud Hay of W."'\volf, Welcome, and Chas. Lan- Blue Sox. "T Pall bearers were Thos. J. De- carpeting and certain major ap- small producers. It was said by' Hearne, Mr. anq Mrs. E: L.'Ntlnley graf, Brenham. Monday, Aug. 11, White Sox vs. dek, Raymond M. Sebesta, Claro' pliances such as refrigm-ators, some pe'ople around Chriesmlln of M~xia, ~'r. and Mrs. '.L. H. ~ Grpup ,singing directed by' A. State taxes for Burl~soll county Blue Sox ,and Red Sox vs. Black ence L. Junek, ,WJallace Sebesta, washers irpners al'ld cooking and that plans' were being made by! Bogg~n of ~orpus'.Christ,i,'lt W. 'C. Pape. .Piano ..selections by Mrs. went up approximately $20,696.70 Sox: Friday, Aug. 15, White. Sox Bennie Sebesta and Eddie Fojt. heating stoves for. which the de- either the Cresslenn Oil Compan'y, Belcher, Jr., a~d Mrs. R. yr. Bel- T. R\,Str.eng, Brenham: "The An- Monday when GovernQr Beaufo,rd vs. Red Sox and Black S:ox vs. o mal'ld continues.- Fr,iees at the mar- or some other company to drill cher, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. C,lyde TOOl) da~.te:;" Fifth Symphony by Tschai- Jester and the other members of Blue Sox. . County Court k;er 'were firm with -the '1lccent on seven more wells there in an ef- and family, Robert C. Toon, Mrs. ~(Owsky: "C~J1<;,ert9 in A Minor," the automatic tax b'oal'd' set thc ~onday, Aug. 18" Blue SOJ,C VS. O d . .' improved styling and better quali- fort to strike a gusher. Little in- J. L. Guogh, Mr:.. and ~rs. W. F. <Grieg.., l'&te at .'12 ,cents on the $,;):00 v,alue, Wh.Ite Sox and Red Sux vs. 'Blac~ . r ers ElectIon ty. formation about the well seems .to odom, 0tto I{mpey-ef, Y. C: Wat- Address b~ W. W. Christians.en, almost double the currerlt rat~ ot Sox; Friday, Aug. 22, Blue SOX V!!. "More new desig:ns in dining be available, however. son, August Lee Nowak, Mr. and, head of t,he P@>lic Relations Dept. .27 cents. ' 1 Black Sox and Red Sox vs. White The Commissioners' Court. of room furniture were shown than 0 Mrs. W. H. Toon, Mr. and Mrs. ;of T. L. C., Seguin. Mr. Christian- This means that the ci'tizens of Sox. R"?rleson ~ounty ordered a county at any time since 1941, and there Cook's Point Ladies J. W. Hall, Mr. and Mns. Frank '~en exp,res!leq his pleasure in see- the county ~ill pay approximately Mond~y, ~u~. 25, Blue. Sox vs. Re~ w.Ide electIon for ~he purpose of were many new attractive dinette, . Peel, ,an,d Mr. and J'drs-. Malcolm' '1ng' the 10~a1 AII:l-ffiui 'Chapters ac- $~.30 m~e, I~ State ta(C.~~ f?r ev- So:, and WhIte Sox ,vs. Black Sox. voting for or against the re-allo. ,suits ;.nd fUJ.1ctional groupings for To Hold Bake Sale Gough ef Brya.n, Mr. 8,llcl Mrs.' .aive again a.ftElr ,!l rapse of five' ':er.y ..ma1l';i ,,":om,an and clhQg !,n < the Fnday, Aug. 29, Black Sox VB. c~tion of county taxes by changing smaller dining roe1ns. W. G. Cabaniss of .~~at;:h1s, Mr. (years du\~,' to 'wi'""" conditions. He county, beogmmng October 1, .1'9.47. l!Iue Sox and Red. Sox vs. Whiy Jury Tax from' fifteen (15c) ,cents "There is a general tendency for The ladies of the Cook's Point' and Mrs. E. M.- Sherrill of Austin,tij;,tressed: the i-m,portance of keepi,ng'\ .ijurleson c@unt~ prop~l'\ty 'IS' as- Sox.. j to five (5c) cents and Road and smaller pieces of furniture to con- l\1ethQdist Church will hold a bake and Mr. an,q Mrs. "William Crn-';~informed and retain an interest in ,sessed f?r taxatIOn thIS year at Monday, Sept. 1, Black Sox vs, :Bri~e }l'ax fr?Il}.. ~ifteen (15c) form. with the smaller. homes. Most s~le Sat~rd.ay, Ju.ly 26, in th~ Gulf kovic of Missis'sippi" '>T.. " Itheir Alma ,M~t~r7 . . ;~boJ.!t , $GiO~~,~.34.61. \ . , Whi~e ~~x and Blue ~ox vs. R~ centii. to twenty-fIve (2~) cents. of the new Plltterns m mahogimy State buIldmg. Smce they wIll of-, Nephews se~ved ..1's "f~dl lleat'f!rs- < In a short busmess meetmg aft- f It was pOInted out! how~ver, ~ha-t Sox, FrIoay, Sept. 5, Black Sox v.s. This will not raise or lower dining room and ~edr06m suites fer oJ:}ly cakes, pies and cookies for' R. S. Norcross, Sam Harper, W~. wi ~r \~he, ba~q'tif(icit.;.. was stipulated ~~ ,~ea.~ wa!!l the fIrst. Yi~r. since R~d Sox a~i;Blu; ,So~ vs. Whi~e taxes.. U~d~r the. p.~esent law the will. not be availab~ to the dealers sale, they hop'e to have a sufficient Norcl'oss, Edd .Ha:bett,~ Fred Nor~ ~that. this 'area is eligible for. a th~ ma:lEImU~ tax had bE\en voted Sox. . "':>::'i' , " CommIsslOne!,~' Coutt; ca,nnot legal- untIl fall or later .due ,to shortage supply on hand. cros~ and LUlln MItC'h(lll.candIdate for state president of th:-t. all of. I~ was no~, 1l~~' anq The OffICIa .Men s Softba:Il Iy transfer .mpne_' ,rom one fund" of mahogany. 0 NIeces served as flewer beaners': Ithe ass~iation and A. C. Pape thIS mcrease m state taxeS' 'is only RUles for 1947 WIll prevail during to another..... .A:t.<-j" t ., ,present time . "The industry will feel' the ef- ,Baptist Brotherhood: Bertha Belcher, Mary.'? Wilder, :was named as a candidate for that over that of last year. In 19~5 t~e a~1 contest~. The servi~es of eff~- the Jury Fur-d, Ii, g., more money fect~ of wood shor,tage in general , ~ary, A~n Nercro~s, EJ,la;ne -Sh~r- ,po~t'ls.1ate }ax ~as the same ts ,It Will cIent. u.mplres are bemg sougl)t than is nee.dea,- wlie'reas the ~oad for quite some time. Bq-ying at To Meet Tuesday nIl, Patsy Ha].'tneW;, i.Be~ty~Belcher'. Cl- tB,c,.for 1!!~7. " aT)d 'It 1.S .th~~ght that there will 5nd Bridge Funcl. is 'not suff,icient the marke~ was rathel;' s.ubstantial D'ilrothy, Becker,_ 'and ," Marjori, Brenbam's' Airport State Co~ptroller George Shep- b,e no dIfflcurtJ~s at all a~ong JlV for the constructIon and mamten- and much mterest was bemg shown Brotherhood banquet at First N@rcross.. ", " .' pard and State Trea~urer Jesse, Ime. Sho-uld dIsputes anse, "Pl'p- ance of county noads. in the ne\t and i11lproved lines," Bapti.st Church Tuesday night, Ju- ''''. " 0 -"".' ,16 'O~R~ A:Dgust 15 .I.~_mes., a~e ,the o.ther twp m~mbers. tests w.ill b,e _placed with Mr. Con- If approved by a majority of Bethancourt said. Iy 29, will be served to Ii- number Mr: ,itd Ml's; l~'.fI"l~~F,e' visitJ . .. ._~~::....- on the automatIC tax boai'd with oley" the l(lilgue dir-j!Ctor, who will the qualified property tax p,aying " 0 of th& members and th~ir friends, ed WIth relatives ,~il.Ii~~}n Sun~ The offj<;i.,ah op~ning date of ;theBovernor J,.ester.~erve. ?n ,a, ~o,mmit~~ with the ,:~ters voting .in such election it Pint~r:( Infant . it was announced this week by. C.' day. ;', "<""'-" ; . renl,1am Municipal Airport has ~ . 0 . two dISm~el'.esteii n\an~gers to se4t- wIll decrease Ithe fury "Ful1d ten, M. W~ite, pastor. , ~ , , ~: . been tenta,tivelY,set for Augl,lst 14-.r.c. 4\,ssoclation ,,\ _ tle. the. Iss~es. ,All' ground rul~s . (10c) cents and gIve t~e. same Buried Sunday P ~ Special music by the Bro.ther-. . ~ 7:, .with aetu'al operation to begin tfti'J An r Nt:'. t whIch ~~e' dee~ed pec.j!ssary ~l! amoupt to- the Road and Bridge. ,.. hood wUl be,furbisned and a short' COri'eCh6.tf' 'sometime 'betWeen' August 1 and " nua ee ,~e explamed .prIOr 'to the fIrst Fund. Such re-al1ocation and talk will be ma'de by Harold M~e- that date, managers of the port,! . " games on July 2~. changes would remain in f~rce and Funeral services were held at thel jowsky:The. Giddings Brotherh'ood' In last week's issue of the Wilson and McVey, stated this The 1946 annual meetmg of 0 effect for a period of six (6) years. Phillips-Luckey FU,neral Home, at will present a program. NEWS it Was stated in error week. An air sho-w will be held on s~ockhold~rs of _t?e .Bryan'Produ~- Attend. Tr:actor 'to~,~r~a:t~~~;n ~:o~J:}~~,~~fl h:~: ~;I:O;'P~~~~~~n~~:tli~~~ ~~an~~ Old Un~ashed V t ',~;: ,:rst~\ae~~,ei:e~a~~:~~:= that date. 0 , '~~;a~r~:~ A;;~~~~~;n~~h~el~t~~ School In Dall~s an oppo,rtumty.to vote fC1r or and Mrs. Evon Pinter, who was '. e :trIc,t. to anotheI: was ,the ,last of H tn D tr d ~~~n ,~. Austm hI~h sch~ol. audI- a.gainst the adoption of the "Op; born in Bryan Hospital' Friday" Checks VOId Aug. 1 August. The' a'Ctu'lil <iea,dUn.e 011 '0; e es oye ,t,crI>,:m and ~afeterra..~~ ~?-OP- Bruno DU~lwall apd Rudy Steck, bonal County Road Law of 1947.' July 18, and passed away the fol-' all these, transfe.rF.ed students .' ,. , . . . ,er~t~ve, lendmg age~~y;,., ~ll1,rntsh<:s employees of the Harvey Implement " 0 'lowing day. Rev. "A." S.' Broaddus. Uncashed readjustment allow- "is. August 1, which date has FIre of undetenmned OrIgm de.: ,credIt at cost to elIgIple,1;,sryners Company, attended the training Mr. and .Mrs. Albert .Houston conducted the service'. 1. . ance checks outstanding six month' .ilDeen in E!ffect' 'many: years .stroyed the f?rm home and all con- and Uvestoc.k raisers in. Brazos, school in Dallas .c'onducted by the and sons returned to ,their h~)l.ne in Besides the parents, a little sist- or more, wip ~ c'lNIcelled August tr~,e~efoIle, patentg~whoexpect.t~~ tents belongmg to Mr. and Mr3. Burleson, Grimes, M~dlson, lYIilam Joh~ Deere Company for tractor B.r?wnwood ~edn~sday after a er, Patsy Jean, survives.- The pa- 1, M.ilton C. hessley, II).8nag,er of )~~lmsf~r tht;it child'l'en whose '" Henry K,u.chE\r,a ,of Sec~n~ Creel, ,J'-nd ~?bertson. countIes.." ~ barbe- ,serVIce men. , VlSlt here W?-th hIS mother,. Mrs. ternal grandpatents are Mr. and the Texa!l: ~niptoyment I GommisJ . ~des are not ..tau,ght iT! their e:rlY. 'Yednesday, ~oI'I\mg ~bout ~Jled dmner, WIth soft dnnks and The !Course. w,a,~ held a~ the John , . ::r~~n, H~~o.!l,~,an,~..b!:ioth,~,r." ~ulius~ 'i.~l'~"Fl'ank-, P..iP~~t_I\.!!.q...th~,.materl'..sion ,today' w'arnid Y.ete~1).S.-in thiJ tlWn district, to I\Ilother district,..'~ :30 0 cloc~, lI,ccordmg to, fnep~s :1:: c,r.ea.rr:' W;~s served, to the .ap- Deere Plow COplpa})y In Dalfts, Albert:.ig at'hletic dh:ector and head,.l)jd .-ITat:Idpa,l'ertts ar-e' iM'l".' ,ihd"\Mr!l.,:atE'l!;~ Veterans illlWk$ for b'~th '~,~. ; ~""H rlf) ~'l "'-'; '3t~" t~an A '.1- I ~~,h~. re~ort~,c,I ~~.e los!; ,here tl;11!l\ lQorf~U'r.)'.l;t~ly. '4~O mem'bers and and Duewall attended week before coach at the Brownw60d high M~JI)'" I"~"l\m 'of Bel~:>n, all of emnloymmt aJ~ self emnloymer,e :..'''~, 1", . i "'1 _ ~;;. I, was sa1d .t?::t the los~ Vias .-'~(~t~ "'h" ,"e~Istered at, tn.e meet- last, while Steck returned Satur- .school. whom survive. I will be' affeCted by this ~rder: '1- ,'':"" . 'I,.." ,,~.. f:. ~~ .,; Je~ only. pa'l bally, by msur- W;. ..~" H, ~~.rnett, local repres?nt- rillY aftj~ ~~ving spent la!lt week c , r.m<;~'" il;.-~ed:., lilt. the( lICiiOOl:' . '. '"': It ~'-Y , . ~ r ~: ~ : , ~ I , " .- ~ \ lb-' ... . :' ~~~ ::. ~ ~.l'H'I"':'; . , ~ ~'~ . ~ . ~., . r . . . . ... *. . . , . . ~ · If There ,Is . Check lid · 1 ' In n,ia SQ1J8.:N 0, ~. ... · Your P~pef IIu ~xp"" .. . * .. . . . . . . . .' TOWN OPICSl .. *. By GEORGE c, F_..... . . . . . . * * * * . . .,', * * '- '.. INTERESTING, p e 1'8.,0 n a.1 which was to appear in this newspaper today in the social news has been lifted to my col- umn for obvious reasons. The personal reads: "Mr. a'nd Mrs. H. P. Woodson of Birmingham, Alabama, and Captain C. B. Woodson, U. S. Navy retired, were guests this week in the borne of Mr. amI Mrs. H. P. Woodson of this city." Now laugh that off. Both Woodsons are in the lumber business, have the same name and never saw each other until this visit. While in hospital last year Harrie P. of Caldwell was reading a lum- berman lil magazine and noticed in an<tfilvertisement that Wood- son Lumber Co. was doing busi- ness in Birmingham, Alabama, and also that the owner of the busineps was 11. P. Woodson. lIarr.ie wrote the Alabama Wood- son who was equally surprised to find that H. P. Woodson owned a lumber business called Woodson Lumber Co. in Cald- well. Recently the Alabama Woodsons visited Texas and telephoned the local Woodsons who insisted the Alabamians come to Caldwell for a, "'~t which both families enjoyed ini; mensely. ~elieve it or no~~ sent to RIpley. . ~--' . "'~ 1 _ VOLUME LXI-No, 1 PlUC:tl 'n.bo A Y:EAR-6 CENTS A COpy . .1. . I Congtess Mov,~s To Cash' Vets 'Leaves '. And Increase 'r~Y; N el,V Local Se~vice Is Established' By' Social Security \ ~Pr~gram T C!>t · o ' ontmue Through 1947 Double Header Softball. Game S~:t,'For Monday "\. Residents of Caldwen and VICIn- ity who have business or inquiries connected with the operation of the Federal Old-Age ,and survivor's insurance system will have an op- portunity to diseu.ss them person- ally with a rep:resentati~e of the Austin Social Security office who \vill visit Caldwell on a regularly sched'uled basis, David 8'. .Pruitt, manager'of the Austin office of the Sucial Security Administration l'aid today. ~ ~7 A Irepresentative will be at Old Age Assistance Office in Caldwell (Ill Wednesday, July 30, at 10 a. m. The service is established to g-ive persons of this area an oppor- I tunny 'to ,file benefit claims, ob- tain new a.nd duplicate social' se- curity cards",c~,cl!<their wage rec- ord and make inquiries concerning the old-age and survivors insur- ance program. Dates of future vis- its will be announced later. o Lighted High School Field \ To Be Scene of Initial Games In Adult League . LEE BROADLlUS brought me"B' , ,D" half .a dozen apples the other' , ryan, Duyer mornmg. They w,ere grown in his t own back yard. They were good. F mds Irk:At Lee says th~t anyone having an .. '. ..' ~ apple tree around here that doesn't Is .f'I...._ .~1 10US bear should plant another apple "'- tree close by it or just drive a nail in tne trunk of the single tree. Asked him what affect that ~ould have and he just' said that j\ made 'em bear 'f~'uit. Nature is a wonderful thing and "God' moves ill mysterious way!! His miracles to perform." I I I' t I 1 I t I. I I' ! I I I I I I' I I I I I ! I I I , I I I I I I j .l~ ..... t }, . , ,- -- 1 I I I 1 t .I ~~ I I i 1 -\ 1 '1 I I I J 1 I 1 , I ~ , f I I ;r I 1At,,:i,.. '1'l-'~ ~~'I'T')W_l<~.T.. ~r~\T:S, , .. J~ta.,'"\~,~: ...... t 1';' . ,. :ItE, NV. ;;- ':"-u 0 F:~ Alta:' SEEN~~:' - :'..... - WitH "ii. final paYme.i~O .t~ U;., ~ q.""""" . W' <.' -<. " I, ': .' r . S.,~:T.r~a'S,Nry recentl~, fro J th!!~Slh " .' . """ ..', ' .. _ "- .. ~. ',~: ; P,aijl Lal'\d Bank! &,ll'ti ij; 12 land N(')th,ing V:~~do mne.<to..keetl, '1111!',' 'Do, ~., Flit'::' h 'ban'res ill toe U ::S be me coni!' lwople from l1'eOlng the help of l.j,U. 1. rairn~.U urc plet.ely owned b~ "tlle farmer and ~)sych,iatri~ts ,than a renewal ~f Forms Women's Guild ranchmen 'patrons.' . '. mtellIgent, vltal, per'\;onal rel:- , . , gion," declares Harry Emerson I . ---;-- , U. S. ,import~ of honey are ~tll.l;.ee' Fosdick in Tbe Reader's Dig~st for The St. Stephen s Circle of the times as large thus far in 1947 as July. A religion built on faith in Lun.> Star Larger Parish Women's compared with a year ago. Cuba; the purpose of one's existence, and Guild met ~t. St. Step.~en:'s~Churd1 Csnada and Chili are the leading" devotion to persons and cau~es .o.ut- Mound PrairIe, on Th).lI'sday, July, exporters. side oneself, is.a.primary condi- 10, at 3:00 p. m. .. tion of a healthy life, the author The purpo-se of this new organ- Among motorqyclists there is says. ization is to "uni.te all the women only one accident in every 315,459 Citing the fact that there are 01'. the churc,h in '~~ristian fellow- mile's of driving. Contrary to popu~ today 4 011 "accredited psy~hia- Ship, and with' Dlvme help and 1111' belief they are among the trists" in the United States, Dr. guidance to develop u!l~erl5tanding safest of motorists. Fosdick sees "more dIsordered lives of the work of the entIre church, , heing produced'than they can pos- de~I;le.n sp~r~tual life, stimulate ~a':l sibly deal with:" His. solution is c~iflclal ~IvI~g, and promote Chrls- not- to increase the number (Jf psy- tIan serVIce m the. ho~e, the local chiatrists but to keep people from chur~h, the den?mma,tlOn, .the com,: needing psychiatry. mumty, the natIOn, and the world.. "A' ~ 't" h' h th The pastor led a ,discussion on n mner slJ'em y, w IC e the "Membership DepartIIl;ent," ~u~hor ~ol?s nec~ssary to true re- and (Jffered a devotion on the IIglOn, IS ImpOSSIble to many, he th . "My G d . h I tr st" J I' "M I' d t d h . erne. 0 m w om u. .>e Ieves. . ~ tItu es 0 ay ave Mrs. Chas. Stromier was electEd ~(J place. InsIde thems(;}ves where, secretary. III a nOISY and turbulent world, they can calm down and be q!liet. Refreshments were, serve~ by Turmoil without tranquillity is Mrs. Chas. WuenschenY preSident, th-eir life and the" emotional effect and Mrs. Otto Maass Sr., treasur- of such ~eaceless living is disas- er of the Circle. In addition to trous " those mentioned, the following la- , . dies were present: MIlS. Fritz Fick, Good-~ll, eve.n toward ~hose w~o Miss Annie Giesenschlag, Mrs, ar~ unfrIendly, ~~~ot an ImpraetIc- J<lhn. Giesenschlag, Mrs. Willie ~l Ideal .but an mdIspensable ?actor ,Bentke, Mrs. Esther Coburn, Mrs. m emotIonal .and mental health. Wm. R, Schoenem-ann, M'rs. Wal- S~lf-:espect I~ anot~er. The ad- tt;r Weichert, and Mrs, L. F. Mod- miSSIon of faIlure gIves a pe~s?n schiedler. ~n excuse to e,,:a~e a.~l resJ>OpslbII- A delegation of six ladies will It~. .But true. religIOn "smashes th~t. visit the Women's Guild of St. alIbI to smIthereens, the author Paul's Evangelical and Reformed contends. Church. at Schulenburg. The next Some psychiatrists are suspici- meeting of the Guild will be on cus of religion, even hostile to it, Thursday, August 14, at 3:00 p. m. because in'many cases in produces c "sill-y. irrational remorse over moralistic pecadillos, threate1;ls I people with penalties for breaking nor.s;nsical codes, and thus causes I complexes fbr which there is no sound reason." But the eure for such "petty, perverted religion" is not irreligion, Ii>,r. Fosdick says, but "great, religion." o With 36 different ways of spell- ing the name of Baer, 29 spellings of the name Snyder, 22 spellings of the name Bailey and vari<lus spellings of other names, David S. Pruitt, Manager of the Social Security Adminrstration field of- fice .in Austin, urges emplo,yers in industry and commerce 'ip keep I We wish to express our sirucere complete/and accurate payroll rec- thanks and appreciation to our o~ds of the names and .account good neighbors 'and friends fo~ ,numbers .of all ~~rkers, .which they . . are 'l'equued to .report In the next helpmg out at the fIre on our quarterl~ tax returns, to be filed farm last week. Everybody worked with the Collector (J:f. Itemal Rev- untiringly, fighting the fire and enue at the end - ef :June. w(' want them to know that .their Since the names lIInd account efforts were appreciated. nllmbers of ~ot:k!lrs are so c10seiy Fra~k Malek li~k!!d, ~th,t'he ~~ture monthly ben- ";"',2.,..:.et.,I!tS. ~.~ ~.'_." '~:". e.,the. Ql ~nder th.e ~... dl<t<r,ge'~ UIP-v,:lVOI:,S msurance,l . 'I'~ \. sy.it~~,!~,. .e{:~., {liould co.Rt.. dow~ In t _ ~ ..~p1W1E!nt recoT~t -thf' worker's 'sod8!l"'security cards, Pruitt said. Emplu.yers Will need' these names and numbers when . they make their <Luartely reports; to the CollE!9.t-or pi. :Intemal Rev-.. enoe. The names in~4 Rl:lmbers are used by the SOcial Secnrity Ad- ministration to identify the ae-' counts of workers under the old-age' 'ar.d survivors insurance system. A grea.t proportion of the' er- rors in the wage 'reports made' to the Social Security' Administration are due to ,inaccuraCy-such as er- rors in the speHing of names or tran~posing of digits in accou1l} numbers. Many unidentified wage items result from the fact that a worker is on the job only one or two days, and .the employer c;}oes not get his social l!lecu"l'ity account number. Another source of difficulty in maintaining .,correct ,records, Pruitt said, is tile I fa~t that bride's, di- vorcees anclt otHer workers, who have chal).ged tAEtI' names, do not report to the Sl>~ial' Security Ad- mirlistr!!tion field' (Jffice their new namE\, and s:O they are apt to have 'their wage records kept qnder two names., it was -'stated. A form OAAN-7003; "~mployee's Request for Chang,e ,in Records,~' can be ob- tained at any Social Security Ad- ; 'ministratiod office 1.-0' have the rec. ords c"hanged., . t. ' . '-'.. / 'Page'Two y FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Charles M. White, pastor Sunday School _--,-.9:45 a. m. Morning Worship __11 :00 a. m. Training..Ullion _.__~_7:00 p. m. Evening Service ___8:00 p. m. Teachers Meeting. (Wed.) 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting (Wed.) 8:00 p. m' You are cordially invited to come and worship with us. CHURCH OF CHRIST -Thomas F. Shropshire, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES Bible Study' ______10:15 a. m. Preaching Service __11:00 a. m. Co~munion _~_11:50 a. ,Dl. Evening Service _,___8:,00 p. m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend any or all of our services o o The Presbyterian Church FIRST METHODIST CHURCH T. Gordon Watts, D. D., Minister Elza L. Love, pastor SCHEDULE OF SERVICES. Church Scr..ool __9:45 a. m. 9:45 a. m., Sunday School, ".. Morning Worship __10:50 a. m. ery Sunday, Byron O. MeLear Methodist Youth Fellowship - superintendent. , _____. 6:15 p. m, 11 a. m" church service, everJ E . W h' \ 7 30 \ Sunday. Sermon bJr Dr. Watts. venmg ors Ip -_: p. m. The public is cordially invited, You are cordially invited to to attl'md all our services. worship with us.- ~~IMl/MI....c.J1M.l.I1WI1....v..IIW.J!W.lI~lIW.JIM'l-lV.JtlU"1....v..41-l\l.'~V..M...VA\.V.JlolV.Jll\ 1A11\.11Il\., .0 _ D _[l_~~ _II _11"- ~ _1_ D _ II _ a_a_.. THE, . CALDWELL NATIONAL BANK PROMPT ,COURTEOUS SERVICE Large or Small, we appreciate your business. Capital and Surplus. . . $145,000,.00 Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Members Federal Reserve System Oldest and Only National Bank in Burleson County Card of~1fhank~ . .._D_~_ll__ _a_r...--..-.a_J_ll_ _a_a. ~'IfI''' ,..,. uli7"rtlr/Y"~tr^W^~f{\m"/\mi'\1ti'"^tti7\,ftf\tI'7\'Ii"{'\""^~"NflIf^-'If"^"tr/'\fIf"/'iitfN'b \:, ""J t..- In Appreciation \ .I For your business in the past and continued patronage in the future. i For 16 years I have been Servicing' the people of Caldwell inlthe'laundry and dry cleaning business! ~nd Rug and Hat Cleaning business. , During these 16 years I have driven 900,000 With only two'minor accidents - thanks to luck. miles \, My first customer sixteen years ago was "Pop" Middeton, who at the time operate~ the New York cafe. I just want all my friends and customers here in Caldwell and Burleson County to know that ["'shall' . continue to render efficient and courteous serviae .at .. " all times and through their coop.eration a~d k,indiess -I have been sucessful in my work. WE INvITE NEW CUSTOMERS . . New customers can reach me by leaving th~tlr~ames" . and telephone numbers at the New York' Cafe~,(; ..a'i!\" . . '. ~.,. '. / i;... " in Cald~ell every Monday and"Thtirsday of eaeq.'wee1f, P~ices on all 'work f~rnished 'upon requ:est. , ' " HENRY F. BOSSE,,' "~. '. Representing St., Anthqny notel Laundry' Brenham, Tex~ ., _a........ . riil.. .. ... .~ . .I;'>j. .. ,... ~ L , What's In A Name? I -. . WwCis' TO , B~~' . ...., ~ ~I! ~ .1. .l If':1r:.,, '. '.'. . 1." ".. - . _J- . .' '. .. ~.. ..... T~~ ~~it~oile you'D pay' atl~~.for~die'~!toyour owp '1&1'. "fop... C .!Ou skid .&u;cf' ~i't _, ~f~Iif;"~ ''':.o:~~.,~ pa>;s' to flave' deee~lei AutQDl.obile ~o,. lisipn i~UW1Ctl! Let UI . 1 teU you. how liule .. i . North ~erit:a Policy, WiU' ~t:~o 'dbllgitiqn. Stop "in or"PHo~e.jtoiJay. ,~ . .-..... ~ ...... D" .L~AlDJd-Jr~;. '..~. p~ ,... '4,0' .~..... Ii . ~ ~-..,r.. RUPI , . .. r. St. Patrick, the patron saint of irEland, was actually a French- man named. Succat. At R. E. ALFORD'S SERVICE STATION- N ear the "Y" The finest gasoline, oils, and lubri- cants for best auto performance. Sowa l'OUtJ keep JJWl1 kinds oflaadftl OD hand. They iDclude weak. miLl, IClOIlI aad harsh tJpeI (0( dHrecmt __ fII the family. ActuaIIJ. &1.1 JOG -a II . llaaIe bottle of IICW. improwcl~ the F.um,y 1:.AxA'nVL If,. ~ compoWlded Toae-Upluadft bJ'adoctoe... worbqulddr.bIac......" to moYe waite tbrouah the dipIliw'" Stimulate. .lu,,1sh iDtadAal auucIII equally well (or J'0UJIIIIeII or oLlc ... pie. Try it aad 1011 wiI11eara ~, .,.,. 20,000,000 bottlahaftboealClld. c--. we oaIy .. directecL . A'D-.ERIIA 'HI '0..1._1 "'Iii' eLAXAllY Wheit~o1J~~' Out of Gas. .'. TELEPHONE 151 . . ~ - I lo.....:..._ ~ Jl,ENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTiON SELL US ,YOUR ollRE TROUBLES , , ,,' , I, t. j ,~: . Buy NewG800#iE4R ~ , ' . ' 'Ti,res N'ow '~jnd;"'-g~et:,.tJ'~tl~L VACATIO,N " I' T'RADI~:IN'. : ALlfJ:WA.NCE .~ - i - ... MORE MI"LEAGE ~T LOWER PI'ICE . r ~'. . " TIi. Ne.w Goodyecll f).b,xe . . " 34% More,Non-Skid Mneage t~an the famous ~oodye<XI' tire it replaces. MillioDs oj ~es'of road tests proY'8. ~s: IyopJii'CAL VALUE, 6.00x 16 ..\. " - . .0 TIRE $1~6' .~O ,to PlUtE ~." ,'y~ "'I. liRE' $1[;4':40 "I"." ",,:,... "II!~' I,J:1",.' <" .~ . ," t~., I ~. ; ..... ' ... .'....... j ... ! ,.~ r' , lA' .' ~. , R ~"_' .' r 1 ~t' . 'cost. ,t09~%:': L~ than the olcf GOOdr;(1f, ~.,: Luxe' in all pOpul~. 8~zes~' Pr,ic~,~ of all sizes. Wliazplt re:: ~ c:lucea~' . Stronger Corel-' ao~.Y 1 dCf:ahjfii..:{ .BuDGEr P~Y""I!NTS' .- Wider, ''''a'-r''r.d~' ;t vmt8rM! ~g! ,on ',~~. old ".tir,es,. .. .,' .- >:., \ 'anoth~r day? Come m and swap . .". Itn'jWoytNJ ShOiltd...~. tnetn~fbr: lho~ds of mU~ ot care- _ ft~'.'18~: .. e K.J..:da;\'. '-" ... l~ee;, ~t~YlI1.g. "': . LUS TRA~i-IN t, -.~ . ......'~,....f!,~_...."'/f * -...... - .- .......'''- "'" ::' ~-.~ ~~- \ ~' Friday, July 26,~~~7 ",~..,>-\ ,I :1 , ~ I ';t. I ~-~:L~""~.'S~M \ ~ - -;'~.- . ~~~.-:-; .-r -" - ~...:"~.~~~-" ..~~~ -... ,- - - -.......... # THE CALDWELL. NDv.S Pap 'I1aNI W1hen Samuel 'Pepys, author of : the famous "Diar,-," was appointed It has been said that a mana- . clerk of the acta in the English . iipt .qf Th.eophilus shows signa Navy office in' 1660 he was so l'Of.~haWig been ruled with a black ignorant of businell.S tl}at he did not lead pencil but the first diatinet even know the 'mu1ti.p11cat~on table'ii:il,l,ls,ios to the pencil was made PepYll, then 27, soon mastered the'by Conrad (';esner of Zurich in 1585 needful mechanical details by work. fin a treatise on fossils. ing early apd late, the 'Britannica ,--- says. The founding of pure breeds of swine did not take place until the 18th or 19th centuries, aI- thoqgh the pig had been known t~ man for hundred of years. At 'present prices of cotton an<i~I" Too fine grinding of feed waste. I Tb S cottonseed, no grower can afford I both feed and power. Coarsel'Y ompson ays to lose the one bale out of seven ground graill and chopped rough- . " which insects normally steal. age is more palatable. Gal Shortage . PlANO BARGAINS Only Alleged = ~ ii E ,I ~ ~ I i 5 ~ ! I "" .1 9 I I I I .1 , I i i i i -s ~ E liE .. .- '_~~~_~IH.IlllllllIiImDJ1llIuIllHIIIIIU!lftl~lUftmIUUllIlJlllmJ!.llK!lU!II11IB1II1IUllIllmlll~III.~!InlBiillIllllllllllliiHJlIllllIIWIIIIIIIIIIIlllll"~'K'il~ W. ho.,. thr.. 1o.,.ly piono. In thi. vicinity that w. will tran.f.r to reliable pltopl. on ea.y monthly paym.nt.. 1 \ovely bungalow upright piano, 1 lovely con.olell. piano. 1 lovely .pinett. type piano. Th..e piano. are guoranteed for ten yeou and ploy like new. If you want on. of th..e piano. Write, Wire or Phone u. before we .end o~r truck for them. BROOK MAYS CREDIT MANAGER. PIANO CO. _ J { < ~ . :..~' '...~..,. . RENT... ... . .$.00.00 LIGHT.........O.OO GAS. . . . . . . . . . . O. 00 TELEPHONE... . 0.00 INSURANCE ... 00.00 It Pays To Pay By Check .. There are so many advantages to a checking ac- count - yet'it costs so little. Simply figure, the many places you have regular bills to pay each month - then figure the time and effort it takes to pay those bills, if you have no check- ing account. To pay by check is the business- like, economical, safe way to disburse money. Stop in today and open a checking account here. FIR S i S 1'1\ 1 E B A .N K IN CALDWELL Member Federal Dep~sit Insuranc.e CQl'Poration ...'..-, . .~ ~ ._10 '"'..#\ ""-= Ir .. \~.... ., - I' .~ 1'.u get 80 e~tTa ,nl-ileage out of N, ,'~f d-" _..J it? . ursa ::t.ee I :eu 4. Encourage secondary recoverY of oil left in Qld oil fierds whi~h" '~Fo'r Ii - raJi.ina were developed under the old time '0". ~ open f'klw methoOs which ineffi- A' J' l!t. 1\_ · cient production ?~ctice left 75 t ,,-e. ITdVlS pel' cent of the 011 m the ground. 'fI:1ese billions, of barrels of oil can Makes Suggestions In now be recovered by water or gas Washington How To Help f),ooding. It will cost money to g.et this on but it is being done ia Cllre Situation Pennsylvania where oil brings four dollars a barrel. Texas' Largest Civilian Hospital Launches Out In State for, Studen~,'~urses end as guests in the nursing home and will ~ "giyen a t,rip through the hospital, Mr. Reaves said. Interested applicants may write Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols, liirector of About 2,146,000 passenger autos nurses at ~efferson Davis, 180r were produced in the United States Buffalo Drive, Houston, Texas. last year together with 933 000 trucks and busses. This is less than 64 per cent of the number of units produced in 1941 when, .in ad~ition . to the cars and t~!lkl!, automotive plants also produc~d nearly $500,000,000 worth of armanents. There is a great furor in' the __n HOUSTON, July 18- Jefferson land about an alleged gasoline Synthetic Fibers · ~u~s hOSJ>.i'~al, ;'!'exas' l~lrgest shortage. :'. clvlhan hOSpital, IS. launchmg a Ernest O. Thompson, chairman Compete With Cotton campaign throughout the state to of the Texas Railroad Commission, recruit students for its September was invited by telegram by Senat- College Station _ The, prodl.l,c- nursing class, A. D. Reaves, hos- or George W. Malone of Nevada tion of synthetic fibers, as oPPollled pital director; said today. chairman 9f the Senate Nationai to the "natural" fibers _ _ cotton, This announcement came at a EconoI\lic Resources Committee, ~o wool, moh.air, silk, and flax' _ _ time when the short,age of nurses go to Wshington Monday of this is showing a big increase. . threatens to bec.om€!, so .sever~ as week and testify. Up until around 1935, according to close wards III m~ny hospitals Thompson told the committ~e, to the USDA Southern Regional' oyer the country., . .. that. Texas was and had always Research Laboratory at New Or- . The Jefferson DaVlil'~:campalgn 13 furmsr..ed all the oil requested by teans, rayon was the ~mly manu- dlre~ted toward the girl graduates a.ny buyer ~oth in war and in peace. factmred fiber in commercial pc.o- (l! high schools .pver the state, par- time-that Texas was presently duction in the United States. It t~c~larly those fro~ the small p)"oducing '2,288,000 barrels of oil i:3 made of cellulose. After a couple cIt.le~ and rural areas, who, the " per day and could produce 118,000 of false starts rayon production hospital has found, make excel1ent ) barrels per day more without harm got under way in 1911 and has nU,:ses. . ' I to the wells. increased so rapidly that today Nu~smg offers. to thos: w?~se Texas has 106,336 producing oil it runs second only to cotton as educatiOnal and Job opportumtles wells in 1,172 oil fields. New fields a textile fiber. Production is still might otherwise be fim~ited, a wide al"e being found an'd about 10 new climbing: 482 million pounds in opp~rtunit~ fo~, a ,career in a p~o- wells are added to our list of pro- 1940 to 875 million in 1946. fessiOnal field, Mr. Reaves saId. ducers each week. , Before .1940 the consumption of "Nurses ar~ in dema-nd in hospi- , Thomps?n said that oil consum,P- synthetic fibers ot,her than rayon. tals, factoZ;les, }~partment stores, tiOn has Simply outgrown the pres- was very small, arid even in 1940 "hotels, scHools, c4\Heges and all ent pipe line and refining capacity. totaled only 4.5 million pounds,; g~vernment agenCies concerned He made tr..e four following sug- by 1946 the figure had increas~d WIth health work." gestions to help cure the situa- to 53.3 million pounds and out-' To enrol,l in the Jefferson Davis tion: ranked silk and flax. hospital 'class, a student must be 1. Make steel available for drill- Some of the man-made fibers between the 'ages of 17 and 30, a ing oil wens and building pipe lines that are coming up fast in the syn- hi~~ school gra'd-uate in the upper and build additions to or add new thetic field .are: thIrd of her dass, and in good refineries in order to be able to Glass fiber; commercial produc- "health. refine, more crude oil. tion began in 1936 but the OUtpl~t A loan fund is available" interest 2, Increase the price of crude oil was very limited during the fir~t free, to eligible apJ>lica:nts wno to a point where more "widcat" three, or four years. lack tr..e registration fee and othe'l' exploratory wells will be drilled to Vi~yon, a fiber made of syn- expenses of the class. This loan find new oil fields. This has af- thetic resin, first made i~ 1938, may be repaid after graduation. ways got the job done in the past. Production is still small. ' In addition, student nurses also 3. Encourage the use of lower Nylon; commercial production may compete for ~polarships of- octane gasoline, since the present began in 1939, after a short period fered by the Q~ota club and the day motors get no added mileage of experimental operations. t\u15mary of the Harris C9unty out of premium high octane gaso- Aralac .and saran, casein fibers, Medical Association and for $100 line. This would save 75 million were introduced conimerci a II y awards given annually by' a Hous- barrels of oil per year based on arQ.und 1940. tOil business man t(l)' the three out- present consumption. High octane And a synthetic fiber made of standi~g students. gasoline is of utility only in motors soybeans is coming up. When enough p.rosp.ecttve stu- of the future. We are at present dent nurses hav:e applied for en- under an "octane obsession" and W trance to the $epjember class, they only kidding ourselves as to pow- ant-Ads get results will be invited to spend a week- er and mileage obtained from its use. What we should consider is miles ller barrel of crude on the road. If high octane gasoline will not give you more mileage in your present motor then use regular gasoline ,and save money and at the same time save the raw crude. Why use a fancy product when The barley crop last year was estimated to be about 263,360,000 bushels. This was 12 per cent below the ten-year average of 289,598,000 bushels for _1935-44. YO.UR .RADIO IS A DELICATE INSTRUMENT. . As such it should be serviced properly. We be- lieve that, with years of experience in Texas' largest city, togeth~r with high grade new materials we can give you. . . THE FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE WE SERViCE ALL MAKES, Genuine, authorized DeaIer Service ,;p,aILCQ SERVICE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED J ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR ABOUT US. Phil Wood / RADIO S-ERVICE Locat,ed on -Highway 36 across-from Fojt ~nd' Co. "Serving Texas People with 'Quality Service for 16 Years" I , If you've thought of 'ever~thing, you've brought .PeF>si-pd'la. Ever-pleasing. . . its extra qual~ty is, a , standout at any picnic or party~ And the big 12 ounce "'! bottle stands out as a bargain. Retilember, Pepsi's I ' ' ;ti\~ better li~ OJ;4'd the drink ~o buy!, ~-...-- P:I'C N"le W'IIH -...., '" ~ .~i,.. , ' .-.:. f_. J. -, r.......... \ ' ., .. .-L:..,... ~.. ..; ~'-..;;.... :'~-7 r}!".. .. ~~~ .{ . I~ , Nothing But The I I , ,i. Best , Any skilled craftsman wtU he proud to ';L1t:.... ~, ~ use tools, such as we' carry. But if you want ~o do goqd, repair work, the ,tools used for -..' ' . ,'''." . home repairing are just af?jrpporta.~t. Stop, in today and let us show you the difference. i \ L I; I I \ I I I Parker-.Astin 'Hard~are "COmpany i JIM MARTIN;M~t. Bryan \: , I' I, ,....!.. I' , Te:us . '~>:tf::", .. .'~';\.",'- . , , -, ''7' '.. ....,...... ", . ..~', \ .~' )-....... ~ ~1 l 'I II I '} ) ,j. 1 I ~ I t II tj l j \ I I, f I .. , \ I :1 I , 11 I ~ . . ~, Fnmchised Bo~t1ers: Pep~-C91a bottlIng Cn.. -Cald'weD ., 't , . .~ I l I 11 \ I :1 I t ( I I d j 1 ) I 'i .. I ....-- _ _ .'... t.. .: " ".' :.-::"~ >.' .... ,; . ,-~ ... .. ~ ~; ;t, .... ~ "..:: e, '".;1<..,. '>:. ...,. ,'d -' """'" ..' " . . ,., .. ...:- .. ~ ~ . '.---..'v...... . '/ ~ I I ,. I , I t I I ~ I -,' t I t I ., ....... - , r Page'Four ..,.. i t'}-7" - ~'T~ ~~.::;.~,.~ .-,-- ~ _-.c"r ;~---,.._._....... - .......:=-..- ...-. r-.lo.. ~ I ,') I , I , ;~' .:~ , ,._~.... t" .'_ _ ..,.- '1'~ . . THE' e~LDWEtt.: :k-E';\VS 1 ,_ , f , -..-,. Fri.Q~y,'':':july' ~5, 1947 ......\.. . '~ I ..J! -' f I I 'lrbt ~albti1tlf j}'tWg And The Burleson County Ledger PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BDtered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Olriee at , Caldwell. Texas 811becriptign Pri~2,OO per year in rounty;, $2.50 outside county George C. Fall and A. C. Pape .' . MBMBER Tex.. PreM AssociatiQll-86'uth Texas Press National Editorial AssociatiOll -PJlblishers AS8ociati~ Cpt Lee S. Fojtik is ~t home on terntinal leave after sei"ving 21 . months in the army, seventeen months of which were spent at Camp Stonum, Calif. He will reo ceived his discharge by mail. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jacobson and children of Galveston spent last week here and at Brady. Mrs. E. F. Dalchau accompanied them home for an extended, visit. . In Appxecia;tiott . ; S~tt'i(, Classifi&.d .~~ 1'1 . '- I wish to eKW~SS lljl,y sinoe,r-e ap- preciatio'fi to '"those 'of yeu who have been so kind and thoughtful of me si~lce', my accident. Your many cards, visits and y'our pray- ers have done much to hasten my recovery. - Your expressions of friendship, wil1 long be remembered. Mrs. 'W. H. Hyndl"eY, ." 0 n /. , Advertising rate i~ this c~lumn is 2c per word for ,~ach inSef~ti~n~j;r'~~Uh:'rit~5,s '50~ per week. Forms c.lose on all advertising W ~dhesd~~';~Pon. " . ", returning home. FOR SALE-56 acres, E: H. Han survey, 6 miles south of Dean- '! ,-ville-. N 0 improvement~. C6nta'ct ''', John C. Seibert, First S.tate '8'ank" Deanville, Texas. (7~4-12ts-C) 'I _ POSTED NOTICE: My land, WhiChl is located on the E. H. Hall league near the Yegua, eight miles south Of Deanville is hereby posted j against hog and turkey roaming-, I hunting, fishing and trespassing of any other nature. Violators of this' warnfng will be prosecuted to the full' extent of the law. Horace Jackson, Somerville, Texas, Route One. (7-11-4ts-p) . "SA Y IT WITH FLOWERS- SA Y IT WITH OURS" I ,w'e can provide beautiful flow- ers for every occasion. ALMA'S FI'.OWER SHOP Alma Schweda, owner-Ph. 263 Card nf Thanks ..,... We take this means of express- ing our sincere appreciation to our friends a:nd relatives for their many acts of aid and kindness of- fered during the illness and at the passing of our beloved husbanc~, father ana "l2ncle: We especially thank those who spent so many' nights at his bedside. We also wish to express our thanks for the many , flowers and other expressions of sympathy ex;tended to us. MRS. LILLY MITCHELL, NENA FAYE and .ELAINE o Gp)DINGS 'MA T,TRESS F A'CTORY" ~ I Cooked '?,'y'.an .Qld }\a'l'-B-Q man. We spe'cIal'izelh :pJ,t; bar-b-q and fine !lGeaks. Bar-B-Q,'Every Day , J We specialize in innerspring mattresses, old mattresses i"1 made nf;W -~ new mattresses ',' made t9 order., j I Speci~l Every Wednesday Ba;-B-Q'd chicken, fresh pork ribs and be.ef. Open air tables. Day ana Night Service! Fried Ch~j{en' all the time! , .... Ho'n, for curb service. WE PICK-UP AND DELIVEI PHYSICAL CHECK-UP SPINAL ANALYSIS and With Charge or, Obligation Appointments At Your Convenience DR.A.V~LOFTON CH-IROP;RACTOR ab..d REFLEXOLOGIST Struwe Bldg. - Upstairs Phone 114 Caldwell, Texas ~~.~ ".....c . I Now is the time for I yournew... ROTHMOOR' coat in a: new sn~ouette for fall and autumn. Beautiful colors king, blue and red in Stroock's Woolen. $75.00 Other ROTHMOOR coats from $69..95 LESTER'S g~:gluJp,. . Bryan. TeQ,l !. ~ '; ~ J p .... . r ...._. _...:. of Your business appreciated! FOR SALE-Sixty acres open land on Highway 36 about two miles south of town. See R. M. 1\1 oorman or Jack Lemmon, Cald- well, Texas. (6-27-tfp) - IN MEMORIAM R. ,Po Capehart Manager , Giddings, Texas ~ . ,JACK HINDMAN C E N T"li"A L '" , FreighfLbl~'s, Inc. Connecting North and SoutJt .Texas _/ In memory of our baby girl, Mary Jane Cannon, who passed away July 27, 1946. Qne year .has passed since that sad day; 7'he one wit loved passed away. The Savior called her home, It was his will. But in our hearts she liveth stilt The mid night stars are shining on a lonely grave, Beneath it sleeps tne one w loved but could not save. Mr. and'Mrs. J. B. Cannon 'and' children (7-1i-tfc) f ~'~ . FOR SALE OR TRADE-4 motor' NOTiCE - 1 cycles, $100.00 and up. Will CATTLEM.~N-DA1RiY~EN-~ave POSTED. NQiicE - My pastuxk tr&de for cows and hogs. Charles complete ,s!frs.~ir\g .l!""qu~pinellt for of 346 acres on East Yeguh, L. Dobrovolny, Route 3, Bryan, spraying cattle' w-jith 1)D1' "for lice, Creek, ,Burlesp~. County, f0rmerly Texas. (7-11-3ts-p) Ji~ks, horllflies, etc. ''''ill c.ome to kpown, a's the Aus-fin Nelms pas- your house. RhID1l! 298 ,or caI-I at ture, i'!; posbett against shooting MALE ,HELP WANTED H6MEYERj:;i~Q.e~RY. (li-6-tfc)' 22-rifles or rifles .9f l&rger calibre. RELIABLE man with car wanted s; e Violators of this' notice will be to call on farmers in Burleson NOTICE.-:- Ha'l~;.y~u~ h~u~e .a~'cl' prosecuted. Walter Helweg County. Wonderful opportunity. roof pamted no"", WIth spray gun. (7-25-4tsp.) , $15 to $20 in a day. No experience Phone 298 or sJ~e'IHerm.all Homeyer --,- or capital required. Permanent. at Homeyer Gl'ocery. J(6.B-tfc) , . (} FOR SALE:, ~OOD 194-1 master Write today. McNESS COMPAN,Y, '. _ ,I, John Michael is the name given deluxe Chevrolit Coupe. Ben Vavra, Dept. --A., Freeport, Ill. (7-18-2ts-p) FOR SAL~;t'?,?.)n~' J19us~ 11>, .be I to the infant.:;;on, born to Mr. and' Caldwell, Texas (7-25-ltp). moyed off place. 'Mrs. J. .J. Kins- Mrs. W. E. Dalchau on Monday, -- FOR SALE _ Two cafes now tof, R01,1te 1, CilEl~eli~ Ten}!. (7- July 21, at Bryan Hospital. The CARS, FINANCED open ,and doing good business. ,25-3ts-p) Dalchaus ~side at Snook and have New cars financed'at 5 per cent Beth are combined beer and cafe '..~- _ " I another little son, Waldo Earl,' Used cars ,not older than '42 establishments. See A. A. skopik, POSTED-My..lan$l'.cQ,nsist~pg of ' age 6.. model, loans'made 5.40 per cent 1]3 South Main, Temple, Texas. 100 acres, l.ocatetl 7 1-2 miles Mr. and M,rs. Ed,ward Skrabanek 12 mOllths to pay (7-11-3ts-c) east of Deanvill~, t-a hereby posted and son, Edward Jr., and Mr. and C. A. BAIN., Agent against hog>' ll,Qa-mmg .without I I Mrs. Joe Urban Jr spent Sunday Caldwell, Texas HELP . WANTED FEMALE _ rings~ turk~y_ rga.m.ing and tres- CaldwelJ Jewelry Store in Austin visiting with Mr. and' '. I Girl or woman to work ,in home passing. of any na't;u're. Violators Bryan IlHrs. John Skrabanek. FOR RENT OR SALE-List your to keep house and cook. Good sal- will ,be prosecuted.' Walt~r F. Mr. and Mrs-: E. H. Pape, Mr. property with C. A. Bain, Cald-' ary, room and board. See A. A. Poeh~s, Jtoute> 1, Sqmerville,ITexas. I and Mrs. George Kaiser, and Mr.. well, Texa:i. (,!-25-,3ts-c) , Si{(~p,ik, 113 South Main, Temple, (7-4-4ts!p) 'and Mrs. A. C. Pape attended the - Texas. ,(7-11-3ts-p) ," SEE US FIRST T.L.C. ex-students banquet last FOR SAtE. -".' _,~.I,'~me house, four' NOTICE-We car7 ,tL c~mplete " FOR SA E line of JU1tlB&i\authmob:'e seat. FOR Friday night. rooms, patli and two larg.e L OR TRADE FQR .1;' 'll' 4", ~ Stanley"PF,azak and Iittle.daught- porches' on 35 ,acres of land,' all ion CATTLE - 1 portable Jay Bee cover~.. For. ~~ah~~ an,~ P..9S~, :'se'e', BUT AN~.-SYSTEM-S er of Bryan and Mrs. Frarilc Orsak c,ultiv'S"iion. .H!>hlte~, also has double ha-mmermill on rubber with inter- our lIne. JennIDlli!! ':IJdlYe...-~o. (p-ll.: anJ! ~PPLIANCES of Ft. Worth spent Sunday here' garage. 'Wfted. Highway 3& one national Harvester company power tic) - "t " .~ . I . with their mother, 'Mrs. Marie' mile :f-tom- OlItiesman kno\\o'll as' un~t, $500.00' One large size Sam~- .: .",- ., .~.-~. , PLUM-DING\'lUld Prazak. ' Bob MQol'ItI'lil1,' heme. Pressune' son windmill complete with rower FOR SALE- One 1"9'40 Phevy cab- Joe ~rsa.k of' Ed!,a:,yisit~.W i.lie pump and '-e1ectr-icity with concrete pipes, sacker, rods etc. $190.00 over, long wheel '~a,~!l, 1. 1-2LtE>1l' ' ELECTRIC WORK home of his sister, ~rs./.L: R. ,PI,o- milk houg~Uapdt Qtther improve- C, H. Bamett, Caldwell, Texas t~ck. In gOO~ ~2n' iJilllP: W'iHh,or I RAnlO REMIRING I k d I 'th tli '1 .. m nts lco....... D M M (7 18 3t) , wlthout beverage. $::a, It Cald- .. '0 . ' ,,; ails 'y an a so WI 0 er:re Q.' -e . ",eoa 'h. . oonnalJpj - - sc., , 11'120 ' .. " h tives here this week.- ..' <'Chrresmi\il,'Ue~a-s. (Up) "~' we. or '~n.. "~~pe'pSi-1 ~ If A W' . Mrs. Lydia Brandt and Mr. and ,,- " , ~ :, ~j F.OR Qti.1CK' SALE - .O-n~ 'acr~ of CQI!l PI.a~t, ;GlJd _ -l:Yi~~),. ,( p~q~~G ,&'.~t~c' ' Mrs. Eugene Brandt of 'HE>uston FOR s.At~E:xit.Fa n,ice rt4iUir~' .~!ilnd, 'on,e ~nd one-~.It ,imiei ifA'~'1t~GESk\: ,jp"~la ~ ~ ,r~~ifw,~u:.~,.~ were guests of Mr. and Mis. Hen- P,Ony, g y~lP'.sr, old, looks ,'I}j.~ijJlo o.rth of Caldwell on HI-~ay 36.. ,,- ..'.' , ~.;,."" ' . I' ., .. '. ' U d th I' k 'I FS.lI d~. ~l;Ji 'T Fed Cald II T ' I,n our stdr"~,. r," .!;!Istate,' , "-III rv A<~errmann' a';- - <I t er re at~ves wor s' .we~. '~I'l' y goo, cfleap' ;o'e ora, we, exas ""..!i: d~ _ i '0 c _ h~r.e Sunday. ' ' saddle. S. G. Ragsdale. (7-25-2ts"p (7-18-3tsc.) H~rd;wick and,oli)e.!'Ii,<tL 'J'.ew;el gas . Mr: and Mrs. A. R. Dallmau and ~", , . . " ranges... for immJaJate, 'deli.very , . ~ '" A E Kraft Furniture 'oel, 'Bryan, Texas., family of Pasadena vi!!ite(l,.jrl>the,Ior!I~Lg ..'t-ANtE1'i)-~irls .to ~ork' R YOU SATISFIED WITH (7-11-3ts-p) " :, ' home of Mrs. E. F. B)tsh,tl!" ~d , ..~n~a, .;p.l1~~-~~e In Fredenck~- YOUR EARNINGS _ If you Mr. and Mrs. Adolp'hnM:ilo~on (:~g!.'feX;~,l,l\t!lSt -be 18 y.ears or have a car, are under 115 and ;..~, _ Route 1 Sunday. order. Can furBish room and board. would be interested in a lIfetime P~OR SALE-W4ilpi .l!t1gs a'l'ld car- Mr. and Mrs. ,E. E., Duby and For further detail-s wri'te: Ml"s occupation with possible earnin,gs pe~s, all siiell' ~<f"\l04Qrs. Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Billie Hildebrand Walte.r Hellmi-g, Fredericksburg, 1$50.00 and up weekly, contllct FurnItu~ Go~.,.""Brf;a.tl, 'fe:lHls: (Tl-< spent Sunday in the home 'of Mr. Texas. ('7~25-4ts-c) Clyde V. Foust, 2111 Lasker, Waco, 11-3ts-c)' .. "'..,' ' , Darby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B ~ T<exas. (7-:P8-2tsc.) FOR SALE-=&o:odi~'r,~~~ c'Qw. ~~'ee F. ,Darby at ,,Davilla. _ .' G. H. ,Shawat,~S,'f.aw' Furnitur~ Recent visitors in the home'6f ,FOR SALE - Massey HarrIS Excl1aage. (7-11-ttfc1)r Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thomas were DAN e E Power roebinder with bundle . ',,-, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jackson of San carrier. This binder drives from We' h8lye 3 l!ly,ely' ,tian~s in this Marcos, Mr., and Mrs. Jhon Ger- thJ. e power take-off. ~rom traotor-", vicinity ,~hat We, '~i~ll:' ttransfer to man of. Houston, and Mr. and Mrs. 0 D H S H II n very good con~JtJOn, a?d has l'eli,able. party on, e~sy monthly Carl Thomas and Carla Ann of ...~. a been used very httle. WIll sell t~rms. q:he love}, aJ!1 ,:uwJ"'~t Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. John German L T I r~asonable. John Gerdes, Dea~- pIano. .0000e Conso " {l}a~o. &/te of Austin also visited with the y~ns, exas vIlle, Texas (7-18-3tsp.) . ~sed ~pirine~, pjll . ,..., Me, pi~'nos ~ Th,omas' last week and Mrs. Thom- T sd J I 29 _, ' . r.8,re, :6ully. ,gua~~~ pf~~:.liik . as accompanied them to Austin to ue, ay,. u y FOR SALE R.. E. ClampItt a new,. pIano. If' . sted, wttite,", 'visit SUJ~day lI-nd Monday with farm at Cooks POInt See J. M. wire or call by phone collect be- Mrs. S. H. German. .Music By Dean, Caldwell, Texas. (7-18-3tsp) fore we send our trucks for them. We J~ Berzik of Chicago and Mrs.' Credit Manag.er. \ Berzik, the former Miss Mary Ann MusicaJKnights. FOR SALE - House, has lots of BROOK-M,AYS -'PJANO CO. Sobotjk of Frenstat, and their son, good 1 by 12's, and other lumber Houston, Texas Roy, were visitors ill' 'the home of To be moved off property. Walter 1522 Main'St. F~4308 . their parents, Mr. and Mrs...John h Helweg, Deanvil1~, Tex. (7-25-3tsp) 80botik, of Frenstat, this week. Johnny Berzik and Miss Ros;ie BeL- zik, brother and si~ter of Joe's, accompanied them to Texas. The group will visit Mexico prior to J Loea: Agent - ,Phone 190 ' Johnnie Broaddus Have Your Eyes Examined B, Dr. John S. Caldwell Office I I ~ " VETERA~S r 'Ther~ will always be a demaDd for Skilled Craftsmen. Earn while YOU learn under , . THE "G. I. BILL" S~uthwest Technical Schools (Bryan Army Air Field) Box 91 Bryan, Texas DANCE S.P.~.s.1'. HaU Sin ".,0 k Fri,d3f' ~Qgust 1st ,MUSI:G BY FOR SALE-My home in Somer- ville, 7 rooms, spacious closets, venetians, "hot water. heater. Lot size rOOx170. E. H. 'S~hroeder. .(7,: 11-3ts-p) RADIO Have Opened An Up-to. Date Radio Repair Shop ALL NEW 1947 EQUIPMENT Have Experts to Fix Your Radio We specialize in sound, as we a.re experienced in this line of work. L. HESS RADIO SERVICE Next to Alford's Filling Station- " FO~ RENT - Nicely furnished apartment, with private bath and garage. Mrs. Faye Fitzgerald, CaI-dwell, Teras. (7-25-3ts-c) * * * '*~. * * * * * * * . ~_f ~ 1~ ,. , .B\ "~~"" S N () 0 K' '" \t , . * Matsonian Theatre · * C~ldwell, Texas . :1 "NEW FOR SALE We!ltinghouse Electric Ranges $199.95 -' $289;95. '- for imme~iate delivery. . Attic fans size 42-in. -.119.95 F 0 R S A L E A I JJ,' L [, !' &E ~I1 wool Carpet, _'6.95 sq. yd. , , ,',.", , ' '!:,'. "',' Wool ~,'8r 9x12 ---_'59.95 ' ," ,. _:~ 't " Ice boxes' __ $89.95 . , " ~. '( ~~l steel 'lawn chairs "'.99 3 Lots, in "New" Snook :For SaI ';1 if I ,KR:AFT FURNITURE CO. e. . ., . "'. Bryan, Tezaa I 'I . * .. . * .. . . "'. .. . . Lots On W ashi'n~on Blvd~ Friday, ,fury 25 "The Two Mrs.. Carre-lIs" , With Humphrey Bpgart, Barbara Stan- wyck a.nd Alexis Smith . Saturday QNLY, July 26 DOUBLE PROGRAM "West of Dodge City" Chas. Starrett as Durango Kid and Smiley Burnette. ALSO...- "Gay Blades:" . ) : ~un~, <t~~~r.r;~Ulr,:.,21~;28 t i'~lIe >t5nfahtll'vU t-- With '., :' .." . Ann SherMan, Zachery Scott. and r.e" ,Ayen. CARTOON Hunten Hansen . Tuesday and Wednesday, July 29-30 and His "Love and Learn" ; f. ': ll'Mt1ari1I&' Melody .Bpy:s . r; !, ,1~ ~. ~..rt 'lJt:tiGn-ano! : I " ~ ~....y.o ,,:.. "q.b'-: . :. ...;.- l...... ....c;;...}~~a;.~.......".c:..,..-.~c'- t~ ,('.., " ... JESSE JAMES A-nd iA:.u~the Boys From ~Wltill / , . 2 Lots on Highw~y for 5. Year Le~<} . l l-'~ , .,. ._" lo t. . ., -, 2 (Fresh First Year) White#Hereford O)"!H" f ": !; Dr. N. B. McNutt exc~lIent condition- FO' R' , SALE. 1 d '-! U , DENTIST O.ice OYer, Canady's Phar.aey , 1 <' t # ~ Parker Building Zenith, Norge, Dixie St))ves, Water lIelt~m,:-'" 'y , ~ \ W' JlinU:aace and other electrical, &RplianeetJ. l 107 West 26th at, Main Street ',Ur."( n rt ' A.PPOINTMENT8 See LE{)NARD~HW4tR " ,. Telephone 2.1457 ' . .' . ~ ':Om 'iid.iriJ, Y~~R8.,IN, BRYAN, TEXA.S AliHiU~~I~.S~,t~n. .'.'~or:"rie,-..: i'\ >rOSrlr; , . F~ert1 Ol'Ci.Jci~'It\~e) FOR SALE- One 1942 1 l-.2-ton C. J.' K1J:r..~ J:I ~.:",Ford truck C~SiB,'~g -laMl 30( East James, Str~t' ~ ~.-Ir. ,.m:.,l~r"l ~ \J ~a~, ~,' J:,: A-I condition.; can Calc!- . . . , ' . "i/n.--. ,~...~rr; ~ 1l. I, ~jHI~~ or can be lee" at Peplll- .t:. P~;"$51-V(. . ,/',~~rr:.,q J~~la ,plan.t. ,Caldwell. .f7-p-tte) .. <, . . ,'''..;'<' ,;....... $" .... \kPrlcl: &met'll ~~~ will lJ.,.,,..... . "l"!..t"'k""..,. ,..""....f.... ~ ~... .1'" ... ...~.._... u .,' I '. ~'. ~. ._' i ua~; .~ '~.!a-~ia~ . -4- Dit,NCE J ,".:' 'G~,' f ~'; 'S~TJ.R ~~ Cqf''' ~ I ' 11.-,' - . '," -SlI,n:d_, Aupstw3.r.d (; I .' , . Music By t:... ..'~\ . ',1 . # -f- ","" .. .----.....................~ ...,~, ~ .- ,_ '- '" -:::.:~~~~._'"""-~-~;'- - ...... - - -.._~ ~--.:.. '<~-r . ""',.::\ ,",,- .... (~ ..... +- ~:- ."",= ,.:>c:......~ ~-.:::-y-~.... ~_ .'~ >.: \ ... .( - . Friday, July' 2,5, 1947' J l':~1diE' G!.ALDw~tL ~S Page Fi'Te __.'_ ....r.-"...... -"-"-~....... _ .a..-..- ~___. .'~ , l , ~ ~ ~ I I<'ra1J.k~ ~,..-,.t '11:,11- ,', ~nd: Belli Anno811Qunent was lj~"'~, herej ev.~t')~ _e~"'\ls~<f .Vr Ith I recently. ~rQ.m ..Te.c~.,;~g,t~~, 'l\;Vtt. I Mr'M IJ~',Q .. ~~, Mi,kesk,a la~1I&S1.!,'~, ~ '~,' ',0,' ~vi,~J,',e., of, P.r~~1 ~'~, S, 1.1,,<1 'V6e ' " ~~'t'<'~ ,''iWanclsco, CallE.., that a '1S~t-:y bo)' ~e News Welcomes Contributions to This Column. Wben ,vI\- ,,an " $..~iQi'~fil'Crnkovic, h~~ .arri~d'}ll11"'tHeir .,.1to1\~'K "He! .1.11 m N 36 .and;, . .' itil1g M'r. andwerghed s',l~" _ds, anti' -e\v,elve luu Have Company. Go Away 01' E"Roter-taift\"vh!lne '0., 'Mz:s. _:e ~;d' ,f~mily, btl.paes anslt,has ,beeR g,i.v.en, the MRS. M. B1!NElGHBORS. ~ditor,9f{ScjdaI News ;i;tptl,jJa;3. ~h'e'.' ',ovic's home ,is n~me Rodney Lon. , ., , i1l "C'~Rbe:r;t, 'I~ ,1\11'.. and Mrs. C. L: TuI'D.\lr Jr. The Laredo Times Wed. Ma.y 28. Dl'gac, G-eo. C. 'Phli, !I. B'. Dowell, " ;f' 'l'etorned home' of B~yan ,were guests, olf Miss O'GALLAGHER-STONE J osephine Fuclts".~i~r;ty"Ford, R. E. 'F:n D h k W d d' . M,"?,-:Jl. W',~ek. s . vis. it ,'v,jth ~ . ra c,es I:l.,.s e ", ~ nes' ay even,,/ RITES SOLEMNIZED f', French, Richl!- "'" .Bgjwers, O. S. ~t,n' .ll! fnends m Tex- mg.. . ... The marriage' of' 'Miss" Bi~it'ie Windell, Jo~ ,- , 'nsky, and, the as Gi~' _ 'and' 6alvestGn. .Mlss ~ranc~s Dush.ek Is~.sl~ng I Stone t.o John. Patri5.k:.p'G~llag~er' .hostess. " j..' . 'Mi'Ss 10' Belli:~HDlIister and hel' 'Wltth ;(nends m Corpus Ghrlst~. a was quietly solemi'i1zed" Tuesday ~-~' . ~ ~ J~)Mltlitiz;,. B$1~e;1<;wh0''' have been', i(e\y ~da'Y;s' tl\~s week. """ '. afternoon at 1:45 o'clock in the LOUIS-LEMMO'N' : visihng. m' the; '1i!0,me of Mr. a'lld Fra'l1~,~. B_r~,addus la'P~ hIS rectory: of ~t. Peter's Church.! The Miss Ruth,'Il.Frapces Louis, :MIiS. -Ge.Cil Simifl:ii '~'nd other rela- ~a~gh~~;, "~atrl'.:I~, of Jj)~cago, Re:-.. Father George Gloeckner daughter of M;:'~an<t .Mrs. W. A. tirves.; ,'M:v,~ ret;1.!~Q to their home 111., vls~teq here hlSt wee~ m the offlclate~ at the ~ere~ony.. Louis, and R.o!Je!)t RoY ~mmon, ,hi @i\8~6ide, YeW Vorl{. home of hIS parents, Mr. (l,nd Mrs./ The .bn?e was given m marn.age son of Mr. an~~ l\:Irs. ~. H. Lem- I J H. L. Broaddus. I. L. Broaddus and I by hel s~ster Mrs. H. ~. GaIner mo.n, were mal'ri~d at 6 p. m. July . ,Mil'. anti .MJ1S'I' '. ~oleman al~ wife'of ;J3rownwood c'ame over an(! of Camel on, Texas. 17 in a- simple d!r~bny performed ~l1ss . ~~u.~. Gal . e'n30~~? theJ,r spent th,e week-end to be with i Attendant,s were Miss Luna in the Moravian tBrethren manse ' , vaca~-tp~,'~e"Genti en they went them. Frank returned to ,Qhicago, I A~lredo of ' Lar:.e~o ,'and. Fr~n;{ by Rev. H. E. 'Bes~da. The youn:; to,:El"'a<{\\~iW(l.o(k((' Ma:; and Ml's. ;while Patl'icia went to G~T€lHiwaite, o Gallagher of Cmcmnatl, OhIO.' ccuple will make their home in ~l~tJQn,. ~7horn~s '1 ~ ,~hJ!dren . and, to 'visit with 'her materna'! ,grand-l Immediately after the ceremony Houston 4- l\iJ, aJ)td. ~ J~, aW. of Jacksen, mother . , thf' coJple left on a, wedding trip . > M4isSi'~~;' J~~. '.. t~m for a Mr. ~d Mrs. Ed S:- Duiih'ek, Miss I .,.., to New Orleans, La. and on their 0 w~~.s" .000000bFl,g;~~lshm~ at Lake"Frances Dushek.' Miss Ajmie Skri,. return, will make their home in FQrmer Cald'wtilf Girl " :'Bjr0w.J1Wooft",", >,' va'!>lek and Mi'ss' Lillie DWle'k were the Hachar Apartments: Marries In POIi-l'Arthur "&Its. J. ...~" &nd Sandra in Cameron Saturday a'ftermool1, --.,-0-- . Friends and h~Mives here re- ,.0'1' 'N,e\Y1 ~(j~ ij'T.ecently with where they visited Wjith .Miss Ag'. l\lRS HENRY ENTERTAINS c€ntly ~eceived ~titj:ollowing com- .' Mn's. iAr4,~' and ,,r.e~..Dusek, who is in'the }wspuaJ. SATURDAY BRIDGE CLUB i}uni-cation fv~. Port Atthur, :famiJ:y.. ~ , .j -.Mr. .aJnd Mrs. C. J. J-a'n~.. .M~. Mrs Carroll Henry was hostess :Texas: Mr. a'nd Mrs. William 'I' ~!:il'.' F. ,;.I\. , '.' of Rockdale' aNi Mrs. J"oe'Skrabanek, M,rs. Pete to the Saturday Bridge Club at Weichert annoYn~e the marrjage .' SI1(il/t 'iS~CV; .he past. week':S~-fcik and Mrs. Lydia (jn~cy'vis- l:er home 1'ecently,' Red roses and 'of their daugh~~i', ,Lavel'lJe, to'Gal" . ; in .to'e"lrAm .ot '0 Mrs. H. B. fted with relatives at: Rosebud other mixed cut flowers adorned vis Gene LoWe-, o,n Friday, the . irfQ:wi1ii~. ' "$lIuday....' , the party rooms. Following several twenty-sev.enth o1JJ2J.1e, 1947, Port! Mr. Q.n'd . Sc:lloen~man' Mr. and. Mrs. H. C. Be~~ 'Sr. and games of bridge, fruit punch, sher- Arth,ur, Texas. '>io;, , . ,~\~'~il!Rl'i1y,' ,adys Coufal ~r. and N1rs. !H. ~. ~eeves en- bert, cookies and candy were Mr.;' aRd M ri'cI!lert and fam-; , ~l!'6' \Vii \ies in RoseJ~ Joyed, a fe"o/ da~s flshmg at Bu- served to Miss Kathleen Cade" ily fQ'r~erly live, .tn"Cald~ll and! '.. 1b~ ~' 0, -viI!) last weelf. chana,n !:lam. this., ;:ee~:"::' ., Mesdames R. R. NO'losad, Colbert mlO-ved to - 'Por.~' .',nhur severa)'~, ,an 'I);l. Dowell ana. M..I'S. Marvm ,Porl'4& ~t:;'yIJl.l,1, years ago. Th . ,;son-in-law and , 'Mrs: j'f;.,w ' of' ~ockdal~, a~ompanied i>y Mrs. D. "~lw~a-' Mrs. Lon Goodson of the SecoIld daughter are no a.t home in 01'- " ~ri-t to Cd nd~"y\ to see dington Mrs. R. L. He~~n"l! arid Creek community is spending .this ange. . j ',' , j. '. 'their si&t~' ,'u E. Had,do..x; Mrs., J: Earl Pqrter te!~,(;i{iay wee~t in the, PLele~s!ntot Gr~~t f.olm- 'Mr. add M~:'it~-,.H.' Mooore. had wl1() llrlbml W,'geJ;y seV~~, -erning by car i.J'F New W'6rk mum y near xmg n w...... re a- th : , t,Il~"'\{ ,~ k d ' ""."...,.,,.C \\(e~~8~.g~. ~ '., ~~,Qx i~ .S1ii~li "here the~ will' be"guJ8U,~ M:l" a ",W'''$O!,AL ....~... co thl'ves a~d flriendsti,: ~~'et'h'iSta~tenbd~l)g, ~r. :!Jg,~r:.~\ e~.y eH:;~s-ePo-i MRS. JAMES OB'ED ALE~A~D~ .l'R.'-I 'e '. ".,rrl :F-~:f;' L~ttTh"and .~~~...G~don Pe.litti"e,,~fter ..Bon't worry about finding the t e revlva mee ng' a 1S emg L bb "k'Dn' -' . "t to, ' . ". "-, ',._ ~~IlI!l~u.~~,*Y . ~~:;J!!1II~S' came' tlley ViSi~tb~~(l'tf'rs.' Peltti:e 'fin ~001'S y~u desire':""" just pay a visit conducted by R,ev. C. M. White of MU b'~ 'A'l e}!.". ~t en~:hu ~ I _ 'vo SAY '. ,.',,' " " . T h'OTe . ,l' VISIt. . join them,,:q.li al'f#p' to C'(lii~'da. ~r. to PARKER-ASTIN. You'll appre- this city and by Rev. Godley of .0 1 e" d +a.,., V~tS~ . WI t~ a, W T KEN B NAN ING RAJM. Mfr, ~ek, Dea-nne ll<nd Mr:~ P:tttti~ 'live nea'~ 'Pough- date our comp1ete' stack of small tJves an~a s :Ilelr vaca to.n. . ~ ' , ~ .. ". ~ ..,..;jF.. wi- d M . . ' _ , ,~ .,....l.Bryan. , .. : it.... and/Mt' :BUI Green .:and ,JAMES OlBEO ALEXANDER JK. . "':"~-n ,.mr. an rs. keepsle, New: Yal'k.. . to.ols an.d carpe~ter tools-:nd you I Mrl ana '~. ,rs. He,nry Ma!=at and " B" '1'1' f' -, M' '.. ft. . ' ,- "'t Fru:dc~ ~ spent s.u~i 'MissJ"-o-A!nn Za-tmaelt _ ,1'-(0' wJ'lI enJoy buymg where }"O.q 'are son,' I y.. 0" 'son, ISS., "Ie: . " 'd,a' .. '-lIl'''o.e. :Bark '1'1 '.,' , " d fth t fth be't'!f Alice, -.(1 D.E. Autrey spent Tu~s<fay fer' Fi~, to vis,it w.i~, " '.. .. ". ~ '-. > i~" :,~ ~:\>_" , ., . ".' , y.., , 1. turned h,:o"iri~from; a visit. 'wtb ~el: assure .0 l.e mos 0 e s' or the ~ee (J' with relatives aNd . I ti' 'bef ,urning "to the.ir The .marrlage of MI-8s IriS ~all trIp to West Tell<IlS", Mil's.' A1e<<af1~r ~ A!~D, ii~, < J.. I ' ..:r~.! t' M' l'M' th~ least. f d T . . 1 e a ,ves , or~, . . . . Ingram of Garland to James Obe,d " . _ -". . '. ....... . , MIril'l}1i. ". and son., u!'c e r a~w au,n , r.~.,. rs. rlen s a~ rm~tY. . h(,me, They ha~~1 ,en vI~ltmg WIth Alexander Jr. of WelbornBIla~os' .wa..s,;."Weff~ a ilW~k m9lt'e.,"sm ~~~1t: f . :t' .'" FranK ZillmMiek) at Ca}emJL/l. Beverly Jenmngs of Woodward, their mother, ~} Neahe Reeves, C "t " i .'-. d j:/ '''"d' ',,~ ~"i wi.f.lt.lli 1J)il'ack.f~~nt !'JuS'e and :.fjc ~, v.ISJ mg Ifld . Okla., has arrived in Caldwell t,) and other rela . ~ ('un y, .\Vl!~ S"O !!1'IJ!llze 'l'.l. ay Js"l, '':-' '~ ' , '11<he l!o~ _, !};,ent~, ~r. an spend three weeks with her graNd- Mr. 'and Ml's n~E. StefIc'a 'and 8 p. m. I~ t?e gard'en at the hom~ lo~es o~ WT:I-te, ltl'ld other 'acc~s- M'PS.~. H:f id iamlly. E E .. d ~ . parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Jen- 'Bett~ Ann, Rosie Stefka, of the bnde.s, uncle ang aunt, Mr. sunes of black. ~Ijt~ had a GO.r-S~.e..l"~' "0)1 I,JiJMert Jr. of .'yes "xalDlDe" ~ nings, on Highway 21. and MI's. F. ' _,.ua.ek and :rheo- ~d, :M:r\ SIdney ~~~I1;n,. <~9~1, 'l1lf g,a'l1cl~piQ.~..Ml","~'M~~~eiX:~- .Al-lSoUn. ~:' 1. days (Jf last G'ass.es Fittfti !' Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Pap~ a.nd dl1lfEfwent to Te Rie"Mon4a~ Wo1:len da~;\t~: :i if:~ a~4trs.IS<!~~~"d~ Wji'lil, .1S.~/'~t J.J~ ~,~ ~'b~rn' w~e-~;,:;Vi1!'h ,eJlts, !4r. and Ir..,. _ .' Carol Anne, Mrs. AugusJ Paper t.hey 'attended }i\meral of Mrs. T' ,". f G lihcfl!. dth,p '~Ha"" J v:flte-r AlIIgtl, st 1. I' 'M,I1S', )', Fr.iday ~ Dr. f. ~ ~u~ w;Jlt,,~, ~JP' Mr. and Mrs..E. H. Rl\pe and v. .(, {(ostbh~l' lsmger. 0 ,.ar , an ....or"" ~~,~ .'.. , I f w.eil;t ~ ' ere she mp..t, tak's Drug Store tb,e"Ji,f.1JIOndi, E8ther Ma.rie, a.nd Miss Matilda, M~a'n~'M' n' Beseda and g,ro,o.m IS tj'1e son of ~'r: ," ,~. ~e .~I<ie IS ~l1llid.liate of A.,&~,_"Mlu. ~~r,t; ~ ' re~ur.ned tb of .each Inont4-Ne~'tr.iPM~'day' Pape at 'tended the funeral Monday sorr' Ed!)xin ~0f . J~ were visit- Alexanderljlf 'Y7.I!borl1:ra~ ~~~ Con.!lolid~ted HlglJq ,stchoQI !It C t"i,,A!u$;tig, ~~ \", l'e~ater f-e't July 28th. ..' ('lI.;1," . . N' f M G H '. ).., 1lJb. ho I late Mr. Alexari.der\~ I St.t' U A!... ,~ ~, . '....,;,.~'..I..: ~-'te Di t th-e" L ~ ..,..L . _"., l..~ ... In JilliOn 0 'r.. . a\ls~ann, 01'5 in the--~: "te@:~ . me ast Th. R~" D....b~ '-b Ik' d tl.. ege a.ilO~. !l'':'i, SlOa ':') a ~~ _ '''lie S''''''''i\''' '. ,ll~ as" ~.., '. df th f M~' A C P ", . It" - e ev. pu ,,.-"0 ' r~ lie "~f ....', '-\,\ 1 U' _~.... ' ' " gran ~ '8 er 0 'r-s. . . ~pe. weelt~eJia. . . t'l!J ~ . ~> 'b f' _)...~. ~a"" 0.,(!).HI.3, uij1e ,e", '~'\1:~.~, .' '- _. Cp},J'o-jtik ,vi~!~~, ~.ith; his . ~ril. Ri~i,..i f' Bryll'l\ ~,~:; a~:~_~~c I e o,r~ an ~~ as a f.i, ~, .! :~~)_ ~ ? ~~r:e ~ j' brot, her, Antoll J. ~~)tik. Jr., whom VISited '.wi't1i ~#l . ~. . '(/of 4te'lt.<<i s~es I~ ' .~' _ ,~:1 ~"~~. _'~ st be ,had n?t s~en In ~. Y.fl~S, and Beseda;.18i1t ,,,.;,;eBej!, IS "'r',; '. . , . , 110:"". ...' .dflY tqr~s . 'I I who w,aS'"ln tli,e, hOSP1till,at H.~\1s- w"s M~'s @ [d'.past' li,ll!l~"",'il:l r.0und 0h....~lnlet ' "~:~, '...~U ;f~en~.~ ~," , . .. - ~ ~ " · ,'" -~, w... ,v, ' . )1 w}"., an erns I(1'W"'I~ .," Wi " I, ton. 'F~y, ~~ s~ns o~ 'r. ~nd' ~ra: ,tn~li ;/:ll J~, . ill ~tliJ <b. " , . ~ ~p '. An~n, tF,Btlk b,f C~\y"r,ell, ~~~.e. r ~'r,': an&", ,n.p!e ._ !lalli, .scl1f: ,se. __';1. ~. Al1"Gtbe.r SO!!, Cl~tnen-t Eb'jtik of }1;l'yaJ1'. 'l!~ z... Il'J.1I ' e,,, __II.. ..... llv,es rift iBnha1R_. .' -" """4 :e' , ~"'ltufid '~: 'bY boy.,: jI'y .' Mt . 'I, "h~mi ff ~'.-:- - , .. "-"~ ,'Jill~ - ~\e~t'Qrg . ~ Iro., ' . Mi-. Tisinget P:Ve 'His ,. in mania'gl!. She WGre',an , "--'Ba'ke''Sal~ . 'j lrg~)Vn o~ ivory silk ~a~)ll.~re w ~;,. :' , " , ~ ;heor lpaternal gr(lndmother lia~ ~. The l~dles of 'the Cook s worn at her wedding in 1895 an~,' , ~ Joe, were visitors it! CaldWell this P?,i~" 'Met~oflist ,Church also w~jch was ~orn. By the brider~ ,j week. They were dividi,ng time. with :N1U .hold a~ake: sale Satur- 'aunt. at her. wedgmg m 1931. It w~s . '! their pallen-ts,,Mr. and ,Mts. Georgel day, July 26, ,mthe Gulf f~shl?ned ~n the Style of the M'"Johnston, and 1ih-eir sister, Mrs. S'tates building. 'n~metJes WIth ~uge leg-of-~ut~on G~~ge ,Fall. - ' sl~eves and a hIgh round r-Ieckhne . - With a smocked yoke dfect. Toh~ skirt was gathered to a semjb411tle' in back. Her veil of impor,ted !!ilk illusion fell from a tiara of seed pearls llnd bugle bea9s. She carried a shewer bouquet of carnations and gardenias. Mrs Frank Watson of Bryan at- tended the bride as matron of honor, and bridesmaids were Miss ~oseanne Foster and Mrs. Jack A8hworth, both of Bryan. Lawrence Scott of Liberty served the bridegroom as best man; and ushers were David Shelton of Gon- zales, Thomas Yager of CaldweH, 'Joe Marion Thomas of Welborn and Lawrence Thoms of Houston. Following the ceremony a.recep- tiGn was held in the garden. Miss June Kiles presided at the three~ tiesed cake and Miss Margaret Means had charge of the bride's book. The bride's mother was attired in a rose' crepe dress with black acessories and a corsage of pink, carnations, while the mother of the' groom WOJ;e aqua crepe with white accessories and a pink carnation corsage. As the coupl'e left for a wedding 0---- -,..- -,11,..... ,rr"':;IIl'"." ~-~ T. Of . Loc~I' J nter.~st Don't Neglect Theml Nature designed tlte kidneys to do a marvelous job. Tbeir lask is to keep the flowing blood stream free of a.n excess of toxic impurities. The act of Iiv.ing-/ife itself-is constantly producing waste matter the kidneys must remove from the blood if good heath is to endure. When the kidneys fail to function as Nature intended, there is reiention of waste that may cause body-wide dia- tre.., One may suffer nagging baekache, , -nt head.j1che, attacks of dizzinese. l@ ni~hlih .sw.,eJling, p'ufllness , he eyesrifeeJ tired. nervous, an w oUt. ' ,< j -_ ,Tre~entJ l!IC1tMY or burning passages ate Bo~etime8 (~ther evidence of kid- 'ney or bladder di'5turbance. 'The recognized 'and proper treatment is a diuretic medicine to help the ki~eys 4f1et rid of excess poisonous body waate. Use Doan'. Pill.. They have bad more t."an forty years 01 public approval. Are en<1ors.ed thp count.ry over. Insiot on Doa,,'s: Sold at all drug stores. PARKER ASTIN$S DIAL 2 - I 541 ~, :Rryan, Texas' d f ~ ~ I ~ , ;1 l' ~ ,,' < . ~ . " ""1: " , ; ~~fJ:i ~. ... ,i '. .~ , :.~ AI~c't.(.J~ ,Ji~tt t v.e t ' ,~~ '_. t -. .. _" ": . ~~ ."" ~ . !:".~:t~:~ll:,~t.:t:k~ 5,a c k s wit h I . . 'I.. _'.' . \ .- !,'\ itqJjw -.,u ' ~ t ; (' SUO' E':"" , ' " , I , . l' · t li ~, _ - _ .,' , . ... \...., REPAIR- · of .00..tin~lon , ., .. . ~ ~ r \ - ~~ . ~ ()~1~ fr~medl .,11 when clone il1 CIIAPMEN'S art .iJ3ptrneft~ ;f: We have opened a shoe repair shop in Homeyer Bros. building on the square. We have' an expert ~hoe repair man on duty and will' appreciate your patronage. . ~tde and lle~utifll'l Seleetion. of M()ldings~ 0 0 . GUARANTEED. SERVICE . Colttplete'Linje 0f Artists' 8DPP~@S, 0 0 0 " . .., o ./ SCHILLER'S SHOE SHOP "II If) ... ~':~!;...,1. .11 S', "'~.i.f.h~i~e' . D'-e~I~1}IIE. "an~ ~~~-.u'f' ~ P~\t&~, jiB Jf'ine. ,'\t'IU..t,iie)I&'. .' ,_ , " ,t~ . Plate, :~~SBl1f}. ~ml!!~UJ~e"for De.,_.~: !~ht~ ~~lld..~fti(Da '~Ca1..i~ . \ H. J. SCHILLER, Prop. .' GREATHouSE ,AN,NOUNCING "'1'HE 'OPENII'G OF 9UR 'NEW: GULP' SEllVICE STATION SiE-RVlCE STATION ~ l' f'i, ,",I, ~ . ~ ~ PEllr.N8'Y'S l.sttilCIAL, PICK'SiteK M'ad'e of Bes\ "A" Grade Texas DuCk . \ ..'; ; "1 Lecated Two Blocks FYorn the Courthouse on I -1" I : Highway 3&.. \ ... I .J My pre~ouaj ten years' ~~rience in S~~~'\8~~~n work will. e~_ble me ;te<gl~e,you the servlceY<Nl €fesl:J!'e. '. " t ,r_ ~ \ YOUR P A'irRONAGE WILL ,BE APPRECIATED . '. : ~ , J C1h' '~..- "'.'. l ~ .-. .," '. ' ~ . - , ~ " . - ~, "'i. " '~'_' '_! ap I" )~, _ ti ,; _ ' !J ~~~~~ ----~~-T---~~-----------------~:!.f)() ~~clt ~iR. ,wide, ,''oz. Grade "A" Duck \ ~ ,~~.,. :vel. '.' . . SEE AND C0ItP ME TJ{ESE BEFORE ,.:' -' . .,_.'~@u BUY!, -. . ,,J;.. . i ::f ~ . ' ! . ; ,," " " ~ ~ '- ,~;xt ~r:to Ptit8 ..Jlic~ ...t, i . .. Itr"., 'Ee_. ' . ,I , . .,..- .,. ,:: .~Mi}1 ~C.;GREAtROYSE PROP. ',~ ..., - .'.. ~"'" , ~. . '!1:, It,., (~. '\4, ....~ ...,.. , . "... ~ ._ ' ~. :r: ~;,~" .:~.~~ ';~ IN THOSE GOOD Gutii PRODUCTS '" ~ ~ ~ l, ..: 0':: ,J.,- I .. .. Sho~I~\r~~~,:fay More? \ ~ ' ~,,~, . ~._'. ~.~tr' .:t~ .:". ~. , . r, ~ . . ,:J,. I ~.; , .', ,II .-- ~..: ~ ~,' "~ i . a. ...... .';1. ...:~ ,-c: .~:\l"j: 'oJ '.:.\. ~. i 'J " ,"~'!~:t~}~~~l Jo';i~ j.~t.. i . I' . - . ':;,~.f:."!4--.1. . r, ~:. . ,,,'~ . ~"k"":" Ji;,....' . ..; .:4 -;;5'": ~-, "}t -. ~" MN. ~..:~.. ~,..':.; _. n -'-~'7 ~ 1i;I"'''' -........ " -=-. :.>oJ.;. ..~.,.. ........,- ....-.... I \ i I I j , I l 1 I I I I I ~ I t I j .~ II i I I i ) I d. ; 'i 1 I 1 11 .. , I I 1 I I 1 ,.'" , 1 1 I I I J I 1 I , I I : ! , j j I I I I 1 I f I i ~ , I I I I I I I I .( I. -,I " . I I \ I \ I . I l t I I I I I I I~ [ ,~ --.. "1 ~, ,- 7- -... ~,-~ ~v ""'~~~'~,\"". ......~~ . l~~n.d,i~~ on,l~n,~rYl ,of ~~is,~~ar!,eanDiRg maJ;..le "Is !f.i.e ,~~9ductton I~,!i'J.1~ aveF.ged;' , . ',:. :.:..- ~ ;:~ .oJ:d,.,t,OS3 each. '~ne farmers' A Step. . .Iaver ifu~rl..tenn debt j)Oil,it-ion is, tavor- ---...:.._- ~qle. AIlQther :t..Yera~e fl'ctor in COLLEGE STATION - An old, 't,'t'~e llresent situlkti91l is that the di-scarded tIlble out of the barn has i,lir-t,ners own substan-tial savings made- a work-saVing tann,ing table tn ,caalt,'bank deposi~, and Un~ted for Mrs. Ira Floyd, home demon- S.tI.tes tlends. ' stration club member of Navasota, V olume of Bank Credit J.. possible source of danger lies Grimes County. in the tr,end towards the, higher Looking for extt:a space in the Used by Ranchers And cost of equipment and improve- kitchen to place :her sealer during Farmers Is Higher ments whix:h may reach a point eanning work, Mrs. Floyd brought . ~ where the)je purchases cannot be the old table in, "made it just the R fl t:n "'th' d t f Jjn'linced out of chrrent incnrne I right height," added a new, sturdy e ec I g e mcrease C08 8 0 ' -.. . d producing !crops and the a vaifabili- "Another factor in the Texas I top an . produced a real work- tr of more farm and ranch equip- agricultural picture which bankers saver. . ment, the volume of bank credit are watching carefully is the price Constance S. Hanson,. Grimes d b T f 'd t k 0-1' farm lands Based on 1912 '4 County home demonstration agent, llse y exas armers an s oc - " -:I. h . bl" I men is currently higher than it W!lS averages at 100, the average farm s~ys ~ e cann,mg ta e IS' Ideal, , d' t C C land prices of the state on Ma'l'ch smce It can he made the corrcct aN Ylrnlear ago, .~ccor mfg h Oc Id' II' l' '1947 reached 165 compared height for easy working. Mrs. e s, presll:lent 0 tea we" , Fl d dd d d h bl N t. 'I B k h h with 174 at the peak of the 'Iand ,(j.y a e a rawer to t ~ ta e a Ion a afl, w 0 represents t e ' 'h' h' h d f hId' Texas Bankers Association as Bur~ boom "in 1920. During th.e past W IC IS d an ~ OTr h 0 mbgl canner IEson Count K B k year, the increase has been 10 per part~ an to~,s. e ta e, when " y ey an er. .. cent.' not muse, sldl.es out of the way However, Texas farm famlhes, " .. into the p~ntry,. but saves many are probably in the strongest fi- The Texas Bankers AssocIatIon . nancial positiOjl that they have ev- and the A~cultural Commissi.on er been," Nelfhs said. "Lass farm- of the American Bankers Assocla- K ILL RED ANT 5 I ers and ranchers need to use the ti-on are working together to help bank credit available to them be- keep farmers of our state in a cause continuing high incomes sound financial posi.tion.. We are make it vossil:J~ to finance operjl- urging. our customel!S to limit their , tions out. 01 current: production and f<l<l'm mdebtedness to, an amount ,when credit {s used, it is retired wl1i,c1n ca!} be paid from normal , ~ when crops ~d cattle aile sold." I falin!' ,incomes, figured fl'em the Repo~ting on the results of a ~~ term ~y;er8%e ~rices of .farm . third natiOl).!!.Y,U u,rvey of ban,k lend- p'r~l:lUC, ts. w,e-i~r," ,~~e the unusu~)" ,ing 'made by"'Agricultura.1 Com- cha;t;act:er of.~T ~'l1co~e and t:~eJ . 'mission of tae ~merican Bankers fal::f!1 lan~, pn~l!-~i\t.~ktuatlO,~ at tne :" Association, Mr. Nelms said that :~~ent ~time, lind: ':~ qal}kers we , "- Texas, farlJl~s used only a frac- " eo;: .:pledged to discpurage bor-'. tion of the .liarlk credit availablp 1'0Wmg to. sRec~Ja;!! ,:on farm land t.o them ,dur-ing r946. HDwever, the .o!A?~rt(~w~ng to,-~4y,l~nd .a~ high 7~0~ ins,lfri!~ {comqJ.ercial banks ~lti,lies, WhIC.~ ~~ n~~ ,J.usUfI~d l'w, which s,erV~'agriculture in, this a~lg\' ter~ ItI~Op~ . ~~os'~cts, ~r", state ,made 56>1,,290 loans to 193,- N'elrtlS said. Woe aTe ebcouragmg 946 fa~ers and ranchers. These !~as. farme~~\,~o ~ou~d o\lt and, IO~tns aggre'ga.te.d '%3941'&12,P00, of ,.dI'Vel!S-l&Y theI,r.preductlOn and to which $172,20,5,000 .remained' out- ccptserve and brii;ld YP the produc-' .standjng pn J{lft.uar~ I, 1947. Banks t:vity of tl1~f;;:'spil'. Another im- had lit least $613,68-3,000, or about' ta t rl oi~' ih'" . twice the amo'unt 'in use at any, por n pa . ,;c,' - ,15' pr?g~am IS time, availaofe'for additional loans concerned W1th the equcahon ;:If to farmers if the demand existed. faTffi yout:h €h~h 'activities such D.uring 194~ loans on farm real as the 4-H Clubs and Fut:ure Far~' e!'tate in Texas incJ;eased substa-n. mers." · tialIy. The~w-ere 12,411 farm r.lortgages'marm; for a total amount of $25,762;000' bringing the t:otal volume outstanding on January 1, 1947, to $24,428,000. The farm 'mortgage de'\)tr-' is higer than \ it was a ,ye, ar~, although it still remains orlIy..laht om-half of the volume that:.! ~\l!nted in the com- parable perioi'f ''-'loWing World I. ' lak ad Ag~i~ltural~ M,tr~icti,on loan~ classeli as "othijlent ns to' fllrm- ers" were made ~r, "!S1;535 farm- "er's and ranchers ' y Texas blj,l)'kosr '~duting 1946(" in" '&"!1 '-,t8\k~e$~,lf' "'/ 'amount of $..3,6g.i050I()'O:b.,'i;.0"f!.~,,)€ft~9' ,I ,amount, only,if!27! ?'!1~~1t~7~q~'''.JI ~. , Page Six Ranchmen have found that Ught. 8ealonal stocking improves range- land and boosts beef yields with less stock. ttj,: Sunday. bas alwaJS' been the went driving day since the very beginning of automobile history. However, an insurance company haa report4ld, that there were DlOre accidents on Saturdays in 1946. Texas F arDlers Stronger than Ever'lniMonef , A grasshopper will eat its oW1l weight in green material in about 16 hours. If human appetite was on the same scale, a 150 pound preson would eat 150 pounds of food every day. In monkeys and apes t?e num- ber of pairs of ribs varies from eleven in some' speciese to fiftee~ in others. , SOMETHING NEW'! ~ 4 . $"~S'e!J FLEXOLUM , , VENETIAN BLINDS New, Beauty, Warp-Proof and ~ust- Proof, Won't Chip or Crack, Whis- per-Quiet, Hasy To ,Operate and Fire-Proof! WE CAN MAKE DELIVERIES IN ... FROM TEN TO TWELVE DAYS. Let Us Take Your prfler Today ! . ' , HAR VEY -SC-H.IL~L>ER FURNITURE CO~P ANY JNQ: W. SCHILLeR, Manager CALDWE~L',rw!E~S_ '~2~~ .~ i ;1' ~ , ; ''''i ~ , ~- . I ~,~ . ~ <.:' ,t ) ~. .. ; . . ,~-. .~:'~.,." \ . . ~':\i(. . THE CALDWELL NEWS -.--- Rid your premises of Red AnI Beds with DURHAM'S ANT BALLS for less than 5. p.r den. Jusl disJalve-balls in wat.r, paur in beds. Goodby. Antsl Handy 30e and 501 jars al yaur druggist ar ' <, - Fri~}'. J~lr J4?, ,~~'! st~ps ~h:n: bl'Ough~ ~ear the stove I provement work' that womeno~ during canning. the Navascita Home Demonstra- Mrs., Floyd's C&J!.ning table is a tion Club ~re doillg, says Mra. good example of .the kitchen im- Hanson. -f I ~d_f.>1 tu.r.:...u From where I sit... by Joe Marsh', "Not Respon~ible For Wife's Debts" . ; , I -' A young man came rushing into the Clarion office the other day and W'an:l~d m'e to print an ad-"right ,~ick""":'saYing he won't be respon- sihle for ~~ife's debts from noW' on, as he's leaving her for good im- mediately. I.allowed as how the forms were all closed up, and it wall too late to take his ad. 11; says: "All right, Momlay .then'1-and we agreed on Monday. Of course, the forms weren't closed. But 1Jlad kind of an inkling of wr-< might happen. Thl!n Sun- da, he phones me, and says, kind of sheepishly: "You can forget that ad. Me and the missus have every. thing all patched up. And we're h..... ing . friendly glass of beer, right now," From where I sit, if you gin folks time enough to think thing. over, those hasty quarrels that come so often from misunderstand- ing will give way to tolerance and common sense. Q ('., O'Of 'M~ Copyright, 1947, United States Br' UMIT!D'- SUPPLY ,--'-'''- .". . We have a very limited supply of Calcium Arsenate for your use in poisoning cotton for boll weevils. Come and g,et "it :nbw, as the supply is not only limited here but in ether"places also. Womble' Oil .Mill Co. ENTtRaYOUR SIArSHOTS , ' IN OUR'., . ::,": .~~.~ '-~ ::..~~... ~I '" ' ll=:k ~....'...;, .~.~".~ .C t' . I .' cost .Of LIVING! ... ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.' . . ,. . .' .';. . . . . . . . . '.' . .' -. . . . ':,.. . . .'. . . . . . . 'fEST Win~8. F. Goodrich \ - .." . Sea~~o-,matic: tubes fol' and 'an opportunity to '~ youI' c:al' . win . . . $ ,00 '. , ~~ililin$~Y ,PI1'OOle 223"'-' ,;~ ";J~ 'it!;:, ,~'G~ll~rat'Merchanaise Sto~e -...~ '..:',M , 'R'; ''!''~''';F''-'''':~'''':'G'' """"-"'" ~"",,;-"\'. -. .' '., ,'.:.... ..., , .i". "'II"."',.:,~;:",'{'.,., .:...,' ',,'~ . '.' :., '":": " "0' ''''.:-~, ""',' ,/.-:,',.,"'.:'.,:\ ,.', """"';';.'~.~.",';'~~." '..' " ,..., '0 Pl,.e, {...-.,.',)".... .\ ~ ~ .' '. _ '. , ',';I J '1 t- ',.': - _ - ' _ ~ - " .<~ ,'::.~ -~ :1 , .f . , .. _'. . ' 'r!,;e.", ' , " < . ,12';. ' ' ~ ..', ~w,' " ' ",. .: ,'J'~~,' ,.,' " , ' ' .-, .:>'j;{~i;?J',,' " , ., " FIRST IN eUlQBER ' '". ,LIBERAL TRADE.IN fOR YOUR. 010 TIRES ON , ',B.F. Go'odrich "Silvert"o"'n~ THE TIRE THAT GU.TWEARS .. PlfWAR r ,t .I~R;E':S ~ -" ,. . '.,- {~~~.~, f ...... j lr :,,~ ..~:. . .', O'..~'.'.~.~, ...._ 'L~t~ No dollar yori spend, hri.ngs ~~gr>e3tik!r : .,'~ ,'....... it..;." '~~ value than the dollar' you spend, ,(Qr good Gulf States electric service'... ". . . GULF. STATES UTILlTIES,.CO, , . . . .. ,-~ '0:1- ,. ~ J'''' r;i.h.t.t '~']-,;::';",' '~;,~,,>;j '0', n '" ~:'.........";'] ';; I i' '~-).l' -- . ' ", , . , , , , ' A' ..~". . ,;" .-, ... -'.,- 1. ~ ~' \ " .' . . . . . " . e.l;. Caldwell; iTe:xas I . . .'" HERE'S' AlL YOU DO. .. ,Just, print your own name and address plainly on the re"verse side of each snapshot or photo and bring t~em to us. There's no obligation on your part -and nothing to buy. Your stIapshot can be of any size and ,on any subject. The winning photo in our local con- test will be entered in competition with winning photos from other B. F. Goodrich retailers who are spons0ri~g similar local contests. The local prize is a set Qf.~.,&~~goodti.c:;h Seal-o-matic safety tubes. The grand prize is $2500.00 in the national contest. ~.e.r..e./s ~,OW Seal-o-matics protect you and , ;.. . . your fami'ly' .. ,,, ~ _~.__~.,o!.. ~ ....... I. '~. . , . \ Seals with f'UIiJ in. Self.healing Un. . H!"ls 'with """- out, ,M nall is, re- ing closes around the nail. , . blocks' moved. self.helihng, hntng works Inta e&Cape of air,. hole . . . seals agamst leak. r " -', . ,.,~ r ,r' , c", \ ~; i . ili ~'~;t~;t~,'~J ";,.',' r-,.'" A.'~ \, f~t~,,~"~rfe""b~ " .ug ust ~!JI!'rST' ue "II,,~ I." ;, - ~ ~ .' tt,~t.1; ... f...!' ,: .~ ,~'''i ~\..t, , 23, v,... ! , . ;,.' "I ........ . .-....._--~~~-;r-. . i\ _... .... ---. r, porated' generally.' in the. 40,.000-: pattern of demQ,nstrat-ecl'-yalue . for . Thed=e ''is-'~' new ~Dutch sweeten-! mile National System, of Inter-! almost every kind fi)f, safety acti- ing which is said to be 4,000 times' . state Highways, designation of' vity. It makes possible maximum SIJt ., _ :.ug:ar. . . whjch was authorized in the Fed- results from our concerted effort. I .,' (: - eral Aid Highway Act of 1944. In a very real sense, unifoormity I ! , Nationwide uniformity is also, mO'e~ns 'a un~ted, ~5l,1erican front I ~ I! "t . th d' d I t' 'a",amst traffIC accltlents reqmsl e m e eSlgn an oca IOn '. of warning signs, signals and pave. ---0- _. ., - - ., ment mark.ings. It is likewise es- Pawnbroking was 'probably Forty-seven million American. .' . sential in' the administration of carried on in China as early as two drivers can't be wrong. But Ull- es~entlal char~ctenstlcs of sound motor vehicl"e departments; 'in the thousand years ago. Usually, the fortunately they can be confused - traffic regulation~ do not vary' training of perso~nel in the engi- borrower could take three years aud often are - due to the maze materially., For. inst!lnce! identi~al neering, enforcement and educa- to redeem / his property and he .of divergent and contradictory laws I statutory. directIves are Im~ratlve tional fields of safety; in the es- could ,not be charged a high;!r und ordinances regulating the use for turnmg movements, nght-of- tablishment of techniques and or- rate than three per Cent a year. : motor vehicles in various parts I way, overtaking. and passing, sto~s ganizational facilities for selective . country, for through highways and raIl- enforcement by the police; in the The best reason for ~nowmg While the motor' t 'b road grade crossin,gs, and pede developmlent of an adequate sys- enough to come in out of the rain . _ ..Zhly familiar w~~h t1:a:raffi~ tr~al1s' rrghts ~n~ duties. And cer- tern or accident reporting and, is not to k~p fro~ getti~g soaked I. es in, his ,own community and, tamly no lOgIcal ,x:eason Ca? ~e analysis, without which no fUll-I ~ut t~ aV,Old bemg str"uck by I tc, he cannot depend upon that' a~d?ced by t~e alfferent Jur.lll- scale attack on the accident pro- hghtmng. , knowledge when traveling any dis- dlct.lOns for fal~ure to s~naar~lze blem can hope to succeed. In the o beyoncl his home borders. It e,qulpment requlrement~, mclu?mg same manner, u~~f?rm and. tested Americans ate an average of 382 does, he may wind up either in hghts" brake~ ~nd ~varmng deVlc~s, methods of moblhzmg pubhc s~p- eggs per person in 1946. the hospital or in jail. For in the I as well. as hml~tI~n~ on the .slze port are our best hope of mouldmg "es nt chaotic situation( what is' and wel~ht, of mdlvldual vehicles in every individual an attitude of haffic law observance in one state or combmatlOns. ptrsonal responsibility for safety. -nay be a violation in another, and By the same token, there can be In short, uniformity offers a irect invitation to sudden death no disputing that uniform provi- , ,he bargain. sions for driver liceMing are high- , is patently' absurd to expect Ily desirabl~, in order that each ~'v .=rs to know al'l the differe~t state may ,recog~ize. operat?rs' and !, 'ay directives now in force in: ~bd.uf~eu.rs perm?ts Issued In other am cities and states of the nation.: JUl'lsdlctIons. Nelth~r can there be in effect, such behind-tr..e an~ doubt o~. the usefulness . oJ cl omniscience seems to be umform provIsions for suspensIOn manded of them at the present i ~nd revocation of llfenses, so. that ~im.e, when the volume of inter- mcompet.en't and ~ckl"ess drl~ers .} travel is greater than ever may be w~eded. out. And so. on "c!ore in our history. This tremen- down the lme .wlth t~e other ~rrt'- increase is rcfl~cted in the portant regulatIOn deslgn.e~ to Im- fact that last year the total motor p:ove the safety and .efflclency ~f i.'le mileage in the United States Ingh:vay transportat.lOn - un!- (,xceded by 4 per cent the aU-time fOl'lmty not onl~ prOVides the baSIS , cord of 333 billion miles set fOT comprehenSive statutory agree- in 1941, This year the milage is ment on a national scale. but helps "'ng to even more astronomical to .ensure mor~ "effective motor h,vels. The annual tourist business veh.lcle control loc~ly. t.is country alone amounts to AU the fundamental require. 'or six billion dollars, which gives ments for good traffic law are s, me idea of the interstate move- enbraced in the Un.iform Vehicle 1'~:t involved 'in "seeing America Code for states and the Model first." Municipal Ordinance' for cities, "'hat the lack of uniformity in which together comprize the na- Ide and local traffic rules per- tionaUy accepted standards for such i"ts does not mean that its dis- legislation. Enactment of these "rlvantages are not recognized. The basic statutes by every common- nlnunting highwa1y casualty lists wealth and community is urged ,," us that it is fraught with haz-I by the pr~ss, sj;.~t~ highway ~n.d r: 1" \Ve know that it hampers the motor vehicle offiCials, the police, free flow of traffic and causes a I women's ,clubs, farm organizations, ,a deal of personal inconveni- Chambers of Commerce, automobile '~'lcn and vexation. Moreover, we clubs and numerous Qther groups '0'1'1 that it seriously tends to les- throug~oyt the Uniled States. In ,,"servance ,of regulations, cal- fact, 81' national organizations" cu'ated to win the reSpect of the with a total membership of over cithen. 100 mi.J1ion persons, are now work- While there are in every state ing toward that end. The Presi- certain conditions which present dent's Higt.-way Safety Conference dilltinctly local problems for which set up the achievment of uniformity snecial provisions must -be made throughout the length and breadth 'l~e state motor vehicle law, the of the land as a major objective _. _ _ _ . of the nationwide 'accident pre- . '. \'ent\op- prog:r.am. '''' '.-d.,.'. THE STATE O'F TEXAS In-t,}fe dta'lna~f'savihg li\res and ",' I,f ~ T!> Tpe ....S.heriff~. ~ny pO.:ll.St~~le ~c~r, ~,t~~~,' '~co~~~c~: losses ;.f of Bu-r1t'g"orrcou-n'ty"'&.r.eetfn~.; . " t.r g' v9lll'ea'llures: the prin- WHEREAS, on the 24 day of cip'le of linjfotinity pla~s a vital April, A. D. 1947, O. F. Schu- role from; first to last. Indeed the macher, Administrator of the American Association of State F,state of August Schumacher and Highway Officiais has long reali- Mrs Amalie Schumacher, Deceased, zed the necessity of creatin$ poli- filed in the County Court of Burle- cies 1O'f road design which .c<>uld son County an application for the SHve as national'stan'dards';' These' partition and distribution of said have g~adualiy 1>'ee-n,developed and F,state, and alleging that the deal with such vital 'safety factors' f~JJowing named parties are en- as alinement, grades, curves, sight titled to a share of said Esta~: distances, width of pavements and n F. Schumacher, Mrs. ROSie shoulders, clearences, intersection Reichle, Mrs. Elsie Hein, Mrs. layouts, and many others. The rei Mater Schumacher, Mrs. Olga fin~d standards 'help to provi'de Osada, Walter Schumacher, Frank the "built:'in" safety of ou-r modern Dworsky, Otto Dworsky, Edgar W. ,'cxpre'ssw&yS ' and ':Will be incor- Dworsky. AUg'ust C. Dworsky' of Knoxvill'e, Tennessee, Rudolph E. ,'\ orsky, Albert Dworsky, Mrs. O]~a Shelton, and Mrs. Zelma Sehoenemann: Therefore you are hereby com- I'lillnden, by publication of this writ ."'f'':' in a newspaper regularly p\JlJlishe~ in Burleson County, Tex~ as and said publication shall be rIot less than ten days before the Tt.>turn day hereof, to summon and rpf1uire the said August G Dworsky, f1'nd all persons interested in said "state, to be and appear before the ...."nnty Court, to be held in the t;r,urt Honse of said Burleson r,nunty, in Caldwell, Te:lfas, on Monday the 11th day of August, A. D. 1947, being the date fixed hv the Clerk' for heal'ing on said ...:'plication, then and there to show cause/why partition and dis- I--i,."tinn should not be made. HEREIN FAIL NOT, but have you then and there before said r.ourt on said date, this writ, with your return tr..ereon, showing how yon hsvp exect\t~d the same~ ., WITNESS John J. Toupal; Clerk or t.he County Court of Burleson C~unt.v. TeXllS. GIVEN UND'ER MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF SAID COURT AT MY' OFFICE in Cald~' wPoll, Texas, this the 18th day of July, A. D. 1947. , John J. Toupal, County Clerk, Bllrlel!on County, Texas By Luelle Kornegay, Deputy . -.......-~~ .~-..:;r~ j Friday, July 25, 1947 -- Uniform. Safety Regulations'Urged i 0 A.id Driving And Cut Accidents By PYKE .JOHNSON, President, Automotive)Safety :f;~~~dation I I I'" I I I I I j I', I I I I I r t , , t" I. I I I I , , I I I I' I I j S,cond to N~'"~i~. f,tit . p~ %;1, ~ , NOTICE OF APPLICA TION ' FOR PACKAGE STORE P~RMIT - Notice is herebY.' gite. tba~ T have filed with the Te~ I."iquor Control-Board, Austin;' r;,'exa~, an application for a ~ack&ge Store Permit. I,~. Snook: Texas. in the -Galvanii. 7.ed iron building belonginj' to : JohnJ. Foit across the "Street f!"om the 'u. S. Post Office, Precinct"" '. 'iNo. ,2,~ - Burleson Count~'Tex~"about"20 miles East of the town of Cald.eU, w..... "..i". ~ ... cw..... ,...1 Texas. A. J. Rub~ch. (1.2S.2t&) FRANK E. SEBESTA ~"a~'--' " I I lJ . <=> .:,~r--"'- -~- :..,,'.......~.~~.... ........." ~ -- --' .,..--('"'or--.....-,......... ....~ . f .~ - ---~ -~~..~~..."'.... , .~~~ "' .... -..;,..."", ..;, 'THE CAiJDWELu~" Page Seven ~ ..) \:"~'~~-"'-' ~,'-- ",l,:~......-~.. .-.. F A'R.'J:"ANI~1ALS 1', \ d B^~,B~<eIJE A~Jn llS'~ICE A.LL DAY SUN1}~ Y;,' Jrrr.&Y 27 , K. J. T. HALL FRENSTAT Dane~ In the EVening We Pick Up Your Dead or Useless HORSES .,MULES. CATTLE Free':of Charge Prompt and ,Courteous Service ; . r I NA TIONAL BY-PRODUCTS, INC. Call HERBERT CARTER Caldwell, Texas Phon~ 266 ~ I I ! I I i f I . ~ " July 20-26 Safety Week. is National Fa!m J Music By RA Y KRENEK -. Of Wallis, TU-AIl \ ~ . , Advertise In The CaJdweltNews I I j I I 1 '1 I I I 1! . . , , . \, -/ "~'4 ' -'':';'''-' _-i.: ~. ~ ~ ~'p r-; ~T R' t" .~:'I' -1_-':""~".;":'" , , ., ,I '.. r'Z:,,~ " '*, ~.. ".; ,,7H THE RECKLisS ~ ,,- .. " ... ,~ '\ .. \ , " ' One.~()u.rth of all fa~a;~;a;~,ei4Jents on .the highways, oj! o~r country and ~It ~he streets of 'out dn' ", and towns' are caused by speed..Reck. l~ss ~rivers-disregarding- ,:;; 1 ~\e laws of traffic s'~fety and common sense, urging onw~rd ante ", : I '; ra tapu-It,ed by th~p~~el: of a hun- dred horses-these were th,. !:-, iifers in 1946. " , <I '!: " I Last. year 33,500 per~,.;., ~'i;--:, ddel's and pedestrians-df ed i~';alilton\ohile accidents. ': " ?' ; \ljlU one death ev~ry fifteen min- :utes. ~ore than a :miHion '..'~". ,,~E.ed, raany of th.em maimed or 'cripple~"for life. Ttds y(!:~::' .t." "~,; wiH be even greater approaching 11 t. h. 1 . , , a:l1 a - ,-Bne Xg.il f, ': 40,{lv~~ ;~;". :';;3,--unless ,you, IVh.. and Mrs. Driver ,/ call ~ff.this daHy ~. .nE(...1.V~"~ ,,'. ~ '1 Death. . , Yon can. r'" ~. :; l ,.,.. en) stop tl]is hig!nvr.ty '~]~-ughtcr by -:. "i. >~~, :, ':'~. I. :tt.free record-. DI-':., II.? ~: ,~(, ~'(d]y at' all '~k 'j ..-.tL'f .;~.ivers and peae:.t.... '. ,.:..'~ your, "'t FJ..~ . ',..;'.,'., .;.~l ra~i!c requirenc, ";", - .~. rJP'~'" . ~~",,". ", , L... .. , t~ ' ny ~' b . ,~#: .~, ~ . ; ~'\' ,'.' J.J.l' shoulder ~ll': " ' _ '\td.:,_ ...lI.-. ;... ,- r ? . '. _'. I _ : . ..ty to the .' ,nY,\-". _, ~ . ; 5 -,~: , If ;...~ ;!" ~/ . This advertisement is present.ed in the public interest by t1i.. ,President's Highway SMetV1 iConfer..,ce and the cUily:'andj f~ee~ly newspapers.. of tt,lei' :Nttor, through their P-.reSs' let1d '.Publisb... -^1~I.ti~!J", , , , ,I ''''-- I' .' Sanitary Farm pairie.~, I~~. George Kocurek's ~umbl~,g~tion ~ . Neal and LeWis Garage The Jennin~. Compaq,:: \.. Jone Fine Bread Co. Cubby's Tex~C8 Sta~iol1 ~' W ooctsqn Luml.ler ~mpaJly"'r r .' Hdmeyer~G,~ery': '., .... . I,~...!.r . , R. E. ~.fard . Service Station John J. Fojt & Co. Lawrell~t<fr~Jry 'Com"a:u .:.) i "1'; ", ~ .'1 Corner Drug stoJ'~" Alma's Flower Shop ; <,.' l' _' I _ ,.. _ or '''' f" Phil1i'p~:~ Cuckey Company , Burl~~~~, Co~nty Co-op. Store Struwe 'Petato Chips Broaddus lee House G. A. 'Stovall's Garage " Br~Z08..Burleson ProdUce . Co. Mutual ttitriber COmpany , '. ": , ," '. - 0. - '.. Pepsi.Cola Bottling 'co. Sipt~k Drug Stere : G. H. Sha~Vurniture Exchange . ~/ <It. . r ;-6. W. ,Nichols Gro. and Serv:: S#ttion . . :Qerndt .Grocery Company ~ Malftlle1'. ;. '.~'_~..;r ....,...~~. ..~ ~- -. '. - ~ I t \ I r-- .....-.~.'> ~.--,i-"':,~;''':~:r~~. "?f"'~"';"~-:~~-- ~- . - -~ --, ,.. )...--- ,.--__""',r"'-~-~;r-.,. - '- .... - "'.,/"fr Pa'1" Eia-1it ge .,~ ~~. FOR IMPRESSIVE DESIGNS, COLORS AND WEAVES SEE OUR BROADLOOM WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS AND ROOM SIZ~ RUGS , ~ ~/t~C^RPETS cod R~GS 7 ~ I., ~,,:/ 1) Come in today and examine .our new BIGELOW BEADV AIS of beautiful weaves. LuxurIOUS carpets an?, !'ugs -made by th~ famous BIGELOW WEAVERS. All ~lvely wool" springs back ~nder foot. \ Sq. Yd. _________________$7.95 9 113T Jl~ ____________________$9().()() Soon We' Expect To Have The Complete Bigelow Line For Your Selection. . '~. , asb~ .~ =J MCCu11och~Q C~7tomll~ , , BBY A:N~ 1$~S f r ;. . --:; . ~ ., ~ , ,', .! ;BRY1\N FINANCIAL STArEMENT ASSOCIATION 1-1.:' PRODUCTION CREDIT Bryan, Texas As of June 30, 1947 As Presented to Stockholders at 13th Annual Meeting Held July 19, 1947 ASSETS: t Loans to Members Interest Receivable U. S. Government Bonds .Cash Other Assets $910,325 18,302 / 183,500 20,763 473 $1,133,363 Total Assets LIABILITIES: Borrowed from Federal Intermediat~ Credit Bank Interest Palfable to Federal Intermediate Credit Bank Other Liabilities $901,000 6,174 465 - Total Liabilities NET WORTH: Member Owned B Stock Member Owned A Stock Reserves to Protect Members' Investment $J}07,639 .. $80,350 15,485 , 79,889 "- $175,724 $50,000 Total Member Capital and Reserves Stock Owned by Production Credit Corporation Total Net Worth $225,724 PROGRESS TOW ~RD LOCAL O~NE:R~HIP " 12-31-43 12-31-45 . ' . Member Capital and Reserves $107,042 $138,885 Stock Owned by Production Credit Corporation ,. 6-~0-47 ... ,;..: , n15,7U $: 5'O,QOQ $175,000 $110,000 Office Located 2nd Floor St!uwe Building C. H. Barnett, Local Representative / ( ,".... -, :rmr~l.DiWE-Lt., NEWS -- - ..........-- _.~ -...- ~---...----.. -.......,....-- ~---- 'I I I I Frid~y', July 26, 1947 J.,R.y Harvey and Henry Vy- '~hopetl attended "i Bendix sales' meeting i'n Houston Tuesday even- . ing. I~'" -.....- _"AM ,.n.1llR'iIII\.}'JU\JIll\~"1IiIR.1IJnll1M._ft 1III'l.1llll1ll&'l'nIIA1: maUIIBIlI_ ,..":"I_U_1III1. 11II1. _,.._ _0 ._._ _~y L'l BIll'" Bin '_'_IlIA 111I . " ,~" . ~',. , .. o NOTICE OF ELECTION, ~ursuant to ti!e Order of the Commissioners, Court 'of Burleson County, Texas" n.otice is hereby given th~t a SPE.9.IAL ELECTION will be held on Saturday, the ~3 daj; of Augullt, 1947, +n Election, Precincts" No. J, 2,~ 3, and 4 at all voting boxes in' the County of Bur- 'Ieson, State of Te?C~s, for the pur- pose of voting f~' 0r ,ag~inst the reallocation of cl'Il:Ih"',: Tax'es !:Jy .. ''''If-). ~'::"'r ,I \ changing nrt:!!s aji ioJ],pws: "Jury Tax:"',frQIl). 'fifteen (15c);, cents to five (5c) cents}' "Road 'and Bl"idge Tax: from' 'fifteen (15c) cent;; to t?:'enty-five I (25c) cents, in Bllrl~on County, Texas. Edward E. Braveuec, County Judge, Burleson County, Texas. (7-25-4 ts-c) 0--'-- tl E. Bravenec, Count! 'Hqrleson County,', . (7-25-4ts-c) for outstanding flavor, try Ja-*ee :Do,.ate @!d ~1tiMuJ ROOT> BEE-I ::. '- I to,day! ,1. I' t ~ ~ , I _ NOTICE OF BLECTION Pursuant to the Order of the Commissioners Coul't of Burleson County, Texas, notice is hereby \ given that a SPECIAL EI;ECTI,oN.. . will be held on Saturday, the 23 day of August,. 1947, in Election \.- Precincts No. .];, 2,.:.B...~nd 4 at all ,1 voting boxes in the County of Bur" l leS'On State of Te43iS, for the pur- pose 'of votill'g "for or against' the 1_. adoption of "The Qptional County. t. Road Law of 1947," in Burlesol1 ' i CountY, Texas. Cc I Edward' E. -Irravep.ec, County Judge, Budesotl : County, II~ Texas. (7-25-41s-c) , __0 NOTICE OF ELECTION P1,1rsuant to~ the Election Pro- ~ clama.tion issued by the Governor of Texas, noti~e is hereby giv~n ~ that a SPECIAL ELECTION WIll be held on Satulida.y, the .23,Td Day of August,. 1941l'~ in Election Pre- cincts No. i, 2, '3 -<li,nd 4 at all vot- ' 'ing boxes in the County of Bur- leson State of Texas, for the pur- pose 'of voting for or against the adoption of a proposed amendment to the ConstitliU;i011 of the State of Texas as follows: Proposing an (llUl.endment to Ar- I tide VII 'of the Constitution ',of' the State of Texas, add;ing S~" tions 17 and 18 providing for the: I levying of a s,~1e a,d valorem ta.'<' on property in,.IW\i of the present state ad valo!;em ~alC of Sev~n (7~~~." ' Cents for C.o~feqerate pensHms JRj , ol'der to cre~te frpe,ci~!l'1 funds Ile~e;J-: " , , sary. fqr t;.li'e I?~Y!J3ep.t of Confe'~. i er~te e.ensi~tl:~,:~~~ ~or the fina~c" ' \ , i-n-g .of 'th~, Iftp>>~}i()nl and eqUlp- I , ", I meat 0f b:ujl$li'pgs and other p~r- " I ,,' " maonent im~~9v1Rli~qts at st.ate 1?- 1.~~,\.;'mfl\;~i~~-~)\i.~-t;,~!iP;;;\-ii^itilh'ni-;;I;1~~M^'jr~tri\~II'~ii~,.;.l.jJ;"m"~~1 , stitut,iQR,s', ~ J ~er lea,rnmg~, !It ' ' ',1~" ~. <' '-,,-:;-. :~ H~ _......',,;...._ ~ ---- 'j;he a~Elu~' 'Ii'T'i.O (2c) !lC~J.1fi " ~ '~ ,- .~,...~ < 'i f" ~ ~.~ =_ _:;.:-r:-- ,;;; ~_. I and iljive,,~) . ~. r~~.J?~~ti ;~lf' \ ~ . . ,,' - ,- " ' ";.o:~~.,~,','-,," 'c '.,JO,..'.~,.' ',.,';' ,.'"",. . -, '~ l,niO:vir.1"'g'J:f"O~ '- ,e' O!!Jlt ze, - ..' . ~ " :,.-, JI~_{" .. ~ ~_ 't J J ": <C: ..... . I t-ioIli Q!~ 1lh,e.. ~nn-um ..a.po\v~jj ~' . r.tute ta?t;pn proo~Y, maki\1g I?U~~,l :" tax not to e~(!eeq Thirty H~6c ) Cents on the.. One Huna'red ($100.00) 1:>@li~-s valuation; pr?- viding a m~th00,.of payment for , the iConstruct.iOJ~ and equipljIlent of improvements and' buildings at the . AgricuJturi!--l a~ Mechanical yoi- lege of Telfas and The University, oJ;. Texas. Edward Judge, Texas. , .. . ~, ",. The best - , you ve ever tasted. :- 7-Up Bot.t,ling Co. Bryan; Texas , ,'1 "'1, ..' ....: ,.J!;~':,! : l '~ - ~yE - " ~'.- p -' :A~~"'. For 'Sale " Bus in e$S, Lots 'fr AND Home Sites " , PRICED FROM $150.00! Time Payme.nts from $Jl5.0.8,,:pown, and $Jl().()() per month ,~. \ up! CITY' LIGHTS AND WATER AND ~A-r. :r NATU,RAL GAS! Lots'Located in C. H.,Lewis' Second Addition- -' Six Blocks From Center~.(ff Town on Highway 3(). . , f " CONTACT.. .' Sonny-- Lewis OR TELEPHQ:~~ ~. W. GRAY , ~ t " "'" -&- 1\' W esti~gbo~e' I Ele~trical f' ~" "f' ~ppliances '. / ~. -lI' NOW, ON " 'DISPLAY . I Electric Ranges - Hot,Water Heaters - Radios Comllination Radio ancl,}tecprd Players - Electric . ~J' Roast8s - Irons. . , , , . t..~.,._ ..." ,p<f . OTHER'" \'EL~CTtltAl' APPl;IANCES . , . \ ' ' " .. ..~"'~...<.t\f~ \ - ~. Toasters, Floqr;.$weeperstr.oover ,and Cylinder Types . , ) . with all attachments - JDijps.---;- 'Hot-Plates - Water '~'~.~~~~';: ';. / ":"';.8'. ". ,rn",,---ZP ~ . ..., ,. ., - ;"- -;, . .' " t-. \.'" . ' The' :IU_~~,,:C(). HAIi~; ":"')'R,::" ..11 p . .' -:-~;':, i:'~" ~, ' ' Caldwell ',lj~l~~t' PhoJ;1~ Jl3:'i , -: ;'" ,:1 . \. ' ." ~'\')'I"" ~ '_' . , I ~:.""-;r~ ,-I " '~~~~ ,:.. )~' >. .. ,. ,.'. .~I''''~'~;,--~. ....-.'"l..~~.. ~-="'<"~'I->~.:-t' ~"'..' ,.,..,.,~..... .-:.>..,.-.......,'r....~.. ..:;..: 0:' . ,to " 10-..1'; " ! "" !'i , . J , . , ;~, ;,~'='.:'11 "'!.~-...f :..,