HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940s Football Memorabilia weekend full of many colarful events was viewed by thousands of visitors to the A. & M. campus 'ao came to see the Aggie-S.M.U. faatball game and the Aggie Rodeo presented by the Saddle and rloin Club. The top scene was taken during a thrilling moment at the rodeo Friday nigh± as one of e Rodeo contestants takes on a tough Brahma bull. Main attraction of the weekend was the foot- ,11 game which the Aggies won 21-10. Derace Moser, speedy A. & M. back, is seen dashing around s own right end for six yards. Richardson of A. & M. is about to block Wright of S,M.U. The other M.U. player is Gass. At the bottom is the Aggie "T" as formed by the cadet corps during the half. -Radea photo by Ralph Stenzel, others by Jack Janes ~ex~.s ~. ~ :~I.'s First Charity Football Game ON KYLE FIELD SUNDAY, JAN. 19, 1941 Benefit Of ~t~«~e'~t ~lil Fu>E>!d ~t ~tl Bundles for Br~>t1 in STLTDEN'!` COMMITTEE JAKE W ILK ....................... General Chairman TO~I RlCHEY _ .......... ....... Business Manager HUB JOHNSON ......................... Publicity Manager V~h~te 'Squad Maroon Squad COACH CHARLIE DeWARE , Co ACH nR. VIRGIL JONES Warren Sleeper, Team Manager R. K. "Jug" Newton, Team Manager E. R. "Gene" Curt.an, Water Boy Paul Cheatham, Water Boy No. Name and Organization Pos. Wt. No. ?~a.ine and Organization Pos. Wt. 25 Lebus, F. L., "C" C.A.C. . ............ .. _..B 1.48 24 Duty, C. O., "B," C.V6'.5,. ........... .. .B 16 26 H:~ 1, Tip, "I>' F.A. B 165 25 Cowan, R. R., "B," C.W.S. B 16 28 Sterling, Mac, "E" F.A. _ B 170 26 Morris, R. L., "A " Eng. B 1 29 Richardson, "Dub," "D" C.A.C. .... h '`1 " ......B 170 28 Fuller, F,,;;W., "R,". IYIf " B Lr 3U Ko erts, J. Ii., , F.A. ..... .......B I65 29 Goodman W. G. E " Inf. ............. ~ .....T 22 32 Ramsel, Buddie, "D," F.A. ........ ...._ B 155 3U Moss, King, 4th C.H~Q. .............. ....T 2I 34 Wills, J. L., "C," Cav. B 155 32 Kiser, J. W,. "M," Inf. ... ....B 17 37 Kraras, J. M., "F," C.A.C. . .......... .......G 181 33 Benbow, R. H., 4th C.H.Q. ............ .. G 16 38 Standish, Gus, "C," C.A.C. ...... G 183 34 Elwell, C. D., 3rd C.H.Q. ................. . G 18 3~3 Tompkins. "Bin Jawn," F.A. ....... .......B 37 Leonard, T. W., "I," Inf................ .....C 19 40 Ne~x; boy, H. L., "B," Cav. ........... .......B 160 38 1Zann, T. 0., "C," Inf. .... ....B 16 42 Beavers, J. M., 1st Hq. F.A. _....... ..... B 180 39 Campbell, T. N., 2nd C.H.Q. .......... ....C 19 43 Buncan, "Bob," Hq. Cav. .............. .......C 185 40 Cure, R. G., 2nd C.H.Q. ............... .. G 18 44 Bailey, J., "F," F.A. ...................... ......E 180 43 Harris, 1st C.H.Q. ........ ....E 22 45 Zimicki, M. P., "F," C.A.C. _..B 170 14 Griffin, B. O., "F," Eng ..... ....G 19 48 Bubose, L. A., "H," C.A.C. ......... ......B 175 45 Bolton, B. F., "G," Inf. ........ ...C 19 4J Kincannon, F. C., Hq. Cav. ............ ......B 155 47 Scheumack, P. A., "F," Eng. .......... ....T 18 50 Haikin, Mike, "D,"'Cav. .... _G 196 -?9 Bennett, F. D., "H," Inf. ....... ........ ....B 18 53 Heitkamp, Rust~T, "A," F. A. ...... .....G 180 50 Christian, A. I,., "I," Inf. ................ ....G 18 54 Jonsson, E. O., "F," F.A. ........... ......T 185 53 Lovoi, D. J., C.H.Q. .... _ ................. .. B 20 55 Junge, E. B., "F," F.A. ................ ......E 155 ~;4 O'Leary, J. E., "C," Inf. ................ ....E 19 56 Fowler, Bill, "A," C.A.C. ....._...... ..... T 195 56 Phillips, M. M., "I," Inf. ............... ....G 20 57 Francis, "Big," C.A.C. ........... ......E 190 57 Carden, D. D., 1st C.H.Q................. ....E 19 58 Brown, G. VF'., "H," C.A.C. ............ ......T 200 58 DeSalvo, V., "A," Inf. .................... ....E 18 59 ProwelI, J. P., "E," F.A.. _ ............ .... C 170 5J Carson, J. L., "A," C.W..S. ..._.... ....T 20 60 Bolder, "Slats'' Cav. ................ ......C 185 60 Schwarzenback, H. F., 1st C.H.Q. ..B 15 62 Hughes, H. C., "C," Cav. .............. ......T 190 62 Perkins, G. M., "F," Eng. . .. . ....B 17~ 63 Gillette ,Ray, "H," C.A.C. ....... .....T 210 63 Montfort, J. D., Hq. Sig. Corps ...... ....T 20. F4 Beam, Vt'. ~'V., "A," C.A.C. .......... ......T 190 65 Scaggins, J. D., "I," Inf. .. ....B 19~ 65 :;alliham, M. R., Hq. Cav. .............. ......E 160 67 Edmonson, H. B., "hI," Inf. ......... ....B 17! 67 Sorrell, A. C., 2nd Hq. F.A. ............ ......E 170 68 Marsh, C. R., "C," C.A.C. ............. ......T 200 74 Strickland, W. A., Mg. Cav. .......... ... .G 175 OFFICIALS PENBERTHY ....... ....................................... Referee ELKINS ............................:................ Field Judge BURGESS ............................. Umpire 'VtTHITE .... ............................. Head Linesman / 9y/ Y E L L .t . .. , ~. `; ~'>`., ~Rc +~ ~:. .~ ,~. ai r ~ ~~ ~' ~ '~ ^5T S T A F F :,. ~~ ~.r, ~.~ ~~ f Wt1~:1V -1-Hr: LV1V(itiVK1V~ HAL 1H~1K lJAY-~. These three shots show a lot of what went on at' College Station Thursday when the University of Texas defeated the Texas Aggies in the annual ~~ Thanksgiving classic. On the left, Malcolm Kutner, Texas fine end, waits with outstretched arms for the pass from Pete Layden that produced the second Texas touchdown. Trying to get to Kutner or the ball is Marshall Spivey of the Aggies. Kutner took the ball on the five and lugged Spivey over the, goal line. The ,play gained about ~_ 50 yards. In the middle picture, Pete Ilayden has just knocked Marshall Spivey a-winding with a tackle, typical of the Texas tackling that held the Aggies to a net five ~: yards rushing for the afternoon. Other players :; noticeable are Billy Henderson (No. 88) coming up behind, and Vernon Martin (No. 27), Texas blocking- back ; Buddy Jungmichel (No. 65 ), the Steer guard who played a whale of a game, and Bo Coheuour- (No. 75), Texas tackle. The official is Jeff Farris,: the referee. '~ "~In the picture to the right, Mrs. Ford Munnerlyn, who wrote "The Twelfth Man," stands behind Skeen Staley, Aggie yell leader, as the Aggie cadet corps ~.;' sang the song at the half. -Staff Photos by Paul Peters and Ellis Sweatte. n TCU Invited Cadets to grid Gamma' Y~ r ;~. ,. F; << ~ 't M . V~$ Five thousand strong-lunged Texas A&M cadets are expected to reply in person to an official invitation from the Texas Chris- ' tian University student body to be present in TCU stadium Sat- urday afternoon for the annual football clash between the two schools, A TCU student delega- tion is shown here as it deliv- '~ ~ ~'> .. '' ....#~:i eyed the invitation in College Station last week. Standing in front is Miss Lois Jeane Cayce, secretary-treasurer of ibhe 'TCU student body, with J. 0. Alex- ander, head yell leader for the Aggies. With another A&M yell leader standing at the left end of the other row, the others in the group are, left to right, Mar- -Texas A&M Pho#o by Howard Berry, shall Mason, TCU yell leader Harden ..Killian, Shirley Hall Joe Timmons and Anne Hutto r, members e{ the TCU stuoen council, and Prof. C. H. Rich ards Jr. of the Fort Worth school