HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/25/2000 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS 25 September 2000 6:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sears, Vice Chairman George McLean, Board Members: Robert Mooney, Kevin Kuddes, Frank Cox, MEMBERS ABSENT: Member:Glenn Thomas, Larry Patton,Alternate Shannon Schunicht,Alternate Mark Clayton STAFF PRESENT: Building Official Lance Simms, Senior Assistant City Attorney Roxanne Nemcik, Fire Marshal Jon Mies, Building Inspector David Opieta, Staff Assistant Marla E. Brewer AGENDAJTEM NO. 1: Call meeting to order The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Sears. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consider request for absence Roxanne Nemcik took the floor and explained that Ordinance No.2046 was passed by the City Council and applies to all Boards and Committees. Council implemented this ordinance to insure a common understanding of the expectation they had for all their Board members in attendance. She explained that there is a absence request form that is to be completed and mailed to the staff liaisons prior to the meeting. Dan Sears said he thought it was a reasonable policy and asked how to approve or disapprove the absence request? Roxanne responded that the Board would vote on the submitted absence request but that it did not have to be read out loud at the public meeting. Dan Sears said that in the future he would like each member to have a copy of any absence request forms so they may read it before they vote. Roxanne said that would be fine. She also stated that the item must be on the agenda; it must be stated that a request for absence has been made by a specific board member and for which category it applies to. She said that a vote must then be taken, Maria Brewer asked how to handle the case when a Board member is not present at the time of the vote,which is the situation we have tonight. She asked if that is something that could be handled at the next meeting? Dan Sears said he expected the member in question to make it in some time during the meeting. Marla said she did too, but she was wondering how this situation should be handled. Dan Sears said we would take that absence up at the next meeting. Roxanne said she agreed, because the Board did not know why the person is absent. Robert Mooney asked about being late to a meeting. Roxanne said there is no policy about being late. Dan Sears passed the absence request form for Larry Patton around for the board to consider. Dan said Larry could not attend due to a business commitment and asked the Board for a motion to approve or disapprove the absence request. Robert Mooney motioned to approve the absence request. Frank Cox seconded the motion, and the Board concurred, (5-0). "CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS September 25, 2000-Minutes AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Hear visitors for items not on agenda. The visitors present chose not to speak. AGENDA ITEM NO.4: Approve minutes from Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals Meeting on Monday,July 17, 2000 Robert Mooney motioned to approve the minutes. George McLean seconded the motion; Dan Sears abstained from vote because he was not present at the last meeting. The reminder of the Board concurred, (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing for the consideration of Variance 00-011 to request modification to Appendix 1,Amendment 14,to the 1994 Standard Building code. The applicant is Jason Lentz. Dan Sears asked staff to brief the board on the request. Jon Mies, Fire Marshal,took the floor and explained that the variance involved the installation of a sprinkler system in an open five level parking structure. He said that Appendix 1,Amendment 14, states that any structure over two stories in height is required to have an automatic sprinkler system installed. He continued by saying that this request is basically the same type of variance granted for the Callaway House parking garage,the parking garage for the Tradition's project and the City's parking garage. Jon said this is for a proposed garage to be built in conjunction with a student housing project located at 711 Church Street (mud lot). He continued by saying that the garage in question is noncombustible construction so staff is recommending approval with the conditions outlined in his letter. Jon then reviewed the conditions for approval for the board. He then asked if the board had any questions. Dan Sears opened the public hearing and asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the request. No one present chose to speak. Dan Sears then asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to the request. No one present chose to speak. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. Robert Mooney motioned to grant the variance based upon the Fire Marshal's recommendations as presented in the staff report. Dan Sears asked if that included all three items on the letter? Robert Mooney answered yes. Frank Cox seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, (5-0). 2 'CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS September 25, 2000- Minutes AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Public hearing for the consideration of Variance 00-012 to request modification to Table 407 of the 1994 Standard Plumbing Code. The applicant is Greg Williams. Dan Sears asked staff to brief the board on the request. Lance Simms took the floor and explained that plans had been submitted to remodel an existing 1800 square feet tenant space. He continued by saying that in this case, Table 407 of the 1994 Standard Plumbing code requires two restrooms(one female one male), with some exceptions. Lance displayed the exceptions to the code on the overhead for the board members to see. Lance pointed out that one of the exceptions state that if the space in question is less then 1500 square feet you are allowed one unisex, handicapped accessible restroom. Lance said the applicant's space is 300 square feet over the limit to take advantage of the exception. He then said the applicant is requesting a variance to provide one restroom instead of two. Lance reviewed the staff report with the board and said that staff is recommending approval of the variance request because a large portion of the space will be used for storage. He said that if you classify the storage section separate from the retail section it would put the retail portion of the space below 1500 square feet,therefore meeting the requirement of the exception. Dan Sears opened the public hearing. Dan Sears asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the request. Greg Williams of Al's Formal Wear took the floor. Greg Williams verified that the majority of the space would be used for storage, with only about 50% being used for retail. He said they deal predominantly in men's wear and they want to meet all the handicap requirements and have made those changes already. He respectfully requested the Board allow them the variance for one restroom. Mr. Williams continued by saying that they added the additional square footage because their customers had requested more dressing rooms and if they were forced to put two restrooms in, they would lose two or three dressing rooms. He then asked the board if they had any questions for him. None of the board members had questions. Dan Sears then asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to the request. No one present chose to speak. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. Frank Cox motioned to approve with staff recommendation. Robert Mooney seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council concerning the adoption of the 2000 international Mechanical Code, with modifications to Appendix 4, Chapter 3, College Station Code of Ordinances, following a presentation from Lance Simms, Building Official. 3 °CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS September 25,2000- Minutes Dan Sears asked staff to brief the board on the request. Lance Simms, Building Official, took the floor and reminded the board that he is trying to review one International Code per meeting so that he can take the 2000 international Codes to council as a group. He stated that the City of College Station is currently working under the 1994 Standard Mechanical Code (SMC). Lance said he would like to adopt the 2000 International Mechanical Code (°MC), He told the board that David Opiela had helped review the new code for differences and is available for questions. Lance began the overview of the 2000 IMC and said that Chapter 1 is Administration. He said he wanted to give a brief summary of the major changes included in the new code. He continued by saying that the new code provides a schedule for refunds of permit fees. Lance said the 2000 IMC gives specific guidelines for the refunds. He said the new code also authorizes the Building Official to order disconnection of energy sources when a mechanical system is hazardous or unsafe. Robert Mooney asked if this included an existing property. Lance answered yes. He added that if an item was putting individuals in immediate danger he would need to act, for example, a gas water heater that did not have a vent and was discharging carbon monoxide in the house would be considered an immediate danger. Lance said Chapter 2 is Definitions and had no major changes. Lance stated that Chapter 3 covers General Regulations. He said the new code adds regulations for the cutting, boring and notching of structural and non-structural steel framing members. He also said that this chapter clarifies the requirements to elevate equipment or appliances having a source of ignition 18 inches above garage floor. He said one of the changes in this code is that it clarifies what a "source of ignition" is. Lance said Chapter 4 covers Ventilation. He continued by saying that the new code does a better job of explaining and providing details for the requirements of exit enclosure ventilation. He said the new code has added Table 403.3, specifying outdoor ventilation of air. He continued by saying in the current code you had to go to separate standard for this table. Lance told the Board that the new code adds a provision for the ventilation of enclosed parking garages. George McLean asked if that would apply to residential garages. Lance replied no, that it only applied to enclosed commercial parking garages. Lance stated that Chapter 5 covers Exhaust Systems. The new code has added several sections addressing exhaust systems for specific uses deemed hazardous or irritating. He said the code specifically lists the processes that will require an exhaust system to be used. Lance told the Board that the new code adds a section requiring a"Type 2°exhaust hood over commercial dishwashing machines. Dan Sears asked Lance why would that be a requirement? Lance said perhaps because of the humidity associated with commercial dishwashers. Lance then said that the new code also adds a section requiring exhaust systems far indoor woodworking equipment. He said a commercial shop with lots of wood dust could be flammable in certain situations. Lance then said the new code has an expanded section on smoke control systems that are required by the building code. He gave the example of a high raise building with an elevator shaft or stair shaft where smoke could build up and need to be ventilated. Lance moved on to Chapter 6,which covers Duct Systems. He said that up until this code, air- handling units between 2,000 and 15,000 cfm could employee a firestat in lieu of a smoke detector to shut down the fan in the event of a fire. He added that in the new code the firestat would not be an option, a smoke detector is the only fan shut down that will be allowed. Lance said he thought 4 "CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS September 25, 2000- Minutes this was a good idea because a smoke detector will provide for an earlier shut down of the fan than a firestat would. Lance said Chapter 7 covers Combustion Air. He continued by explaining the need to supply combustion air for any gas-fired appliance. He told the board that the new code has expanded the provisions to allow more discretion on where you obtain the combustion air Lance continued by stating that Chapters 8 and 9 contain no major changes. Lance then moved to Chapter 10—Boilers, Water heaters and Pressure Vessels. He said that a table regulating controls and limit devices for boilers in the current code is deleted in the new code. He said the new code simply refers to the manufacturer's installation instructions for information on controls and limit devices. Lance stated that Chapter 11 covers Refrigeration. He said that the new code refers to the 2000 International Building Code for machinery room construction requirements and the 2000 international Fire Code for refrigerant detector installation and maintenance. Lance said Chapter 12, Hydronic Piping, in the new code adds a section requiring pressure testing for all hydronic piping where in the current code some items would not require testing. Lance then moved on to Chapter 13—Fuel Oil Piping and Storage. He said this chapter changed from the name from fuel gas piping to fuel oil piping and storage. He said the changes made in this chapter really don't affect us much because fuel oil piping is not used in this area. Lance said Chapter 14 regulates Solar Systems. He said this chapter had no major changes. Lance stated that Chapter 15 is Referenced Standards. He said it added the standards for the new materials and methods in the code. The board had a short discussion about some of the new standards. Lance then told the board he would like to address the local amendments. Lance said we only have one amendment involving this code. He said that it concerned the requirement for a electrical receptacle at the outside condenser location. He continued by giving a brief history of the amendment. He said that because of the way the new code is worded this amendment would not be needed as part of the new code. Lance said his recommendation was to delete it. Lance then said he would like for the board to consider adding an amendment that would allow PVC residential clothes dryer exhaust under a concrete slab when complying with section 505.1 (exception#2.) The board discussed the issue of lint collecting in the pipe. Robert Mooney voiced a concern about the pipe clogging with lint if installed underground. Several board members replied that the dryer would have enough force to blow the lint out. George McLean asked Lance if he felt an inch of pipe was enough above the slab. George continued by stating he thought a 1'/cinch of pipe might be better. Lance said that a 11/2-inch would be fine with him. The Board had another brief discussion and then Dan Sears asked if anyone would like to make a motion. George McLean made a motion to recommend to Council, the adoption of the 2000 International Mechanical Code with the amendment as outlined. Kevin Kuddes seconded the motion. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. The motion passed unanimously, (5-0). 5 'CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS September 25, 2000-Minutes George McLean motioned to adjourn. Frank Cox seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, (5-0). The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman: Dan Sears ATTEST: St f Assistant: Ma . Brewer 6