HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/13/2000 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS 13 March 2000 6:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sears, Board Members George McLean, Robert Mooney, Frank Cox,Helene Weber, Glenn Thomas*, Alternate Kevin Kuddes MEMBERS ABSENT: Alternate Shannon Schunieht STAFF PRESENT: Building Official Lance Simms, Building Plans Examiner Carl Warren, Fire Marshal Jon Mies, Land Database Technician Melissa Rodgers *Note: Board member Glenn Thomas arrived during discussion of agenda item number six AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call meeting to order The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Scars AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear visitors for items not on agenda There were no visitors AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Approve minutes from Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals Meeting on Monday,December 6, 1999 George McLean motioned to approve the minutes, Frank Cox seconded the motion,and the Board concurred, (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.4: This item was removed from the agenda because the applicant nas able to meet the requirements of Chapter 5, City of College Station Energy Code AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing and consideration of variance request 00-002 to request modification to Chapter 3, Appendix 1, Amendment number 14, 1994 Standard Building Code. The applicant is Gary M. Staiger. Dan Sears asked staff to brief the board on the request. "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS 13 March 2000 Minutes Page 2 Lance Simms, Building Official,explained to the Board that this variance involved a request to omit the sprinkle system in a proposed 5 %level parking garage to be constructed in the Northgate area. Lance explained that amendment number 14 to the 1994 Standard Building Code requires a sprinkler system for all structures that exceed two stories in height.Lance also stated that this variance request is the same, in many respects,as the variance granted by the Board for the parking garage recently constructed at 215 George Bush Drive West. Lance referred the Board to a memo from Jon Mies,Fire Marshal that supported the variance with conditions. Dan Sears opened the public hearing. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the variance request. Dan Scars closed the public hearing. After brief discussion by the board,Frank Cox made a motion to grant the variance with the conditions outlined in the Fire Marshal's memo. Robert Mooney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously, (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.6: Public hearing and consideration of variance request 00-003 to request modification to Chapter 3,Appendix 2, Amendment number 12, 1996 National Electrical Code. The applicant is Gary M. Staiger. Dan Sears asked staff to brief the board on the request. Lance Simms took the floor and explained to the Board that this variance involved a request to use metal clad(MC)cable as the wiring method for a private dorm proposed to be constructed in the Northgate area. Lance explained that amendment number 12 to the 1996 National Electrical Code prohibits the use of MC cable as a► firing method in commercial buildings. Lance went on to say that this request was similar, in many respects, to the variance recently granted by the Board at the Dillards remodel project in Post Oak Mall. Lance said staff supported the variance request with the conditions outlined in the staff report. Dan Sears opened the public hearing. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the variance request. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. After brief discussion by the board, George McLean made a motion to grant the variance with the conditions outlined in the staff report. Robert Mooney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously,(7-0). "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS 13 March 2000 Minutes Page 3 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Hear a presentation from Steve Cook with Southwest Representatives concerning Aquapex polyethylene water supply tubing. Lance Simms introduced Steve Cook with Southwest Representatives to the Board. Lance explained that Mr. Cook had approached him about the possibility of using Aquapex polyethylene tubing as water supply piping in College Station. Lance explained to Mr. Cook that the City of College Station had an amendment to the plumbing code that prohibited the use of polyethylene tubing. Lance continued by reminding the Board that the City would be considering the adoption of the 2000 International PIumbing Code later this year and that would be a good time to take a look at all of our code amendments. Mr. Cook took the floor and thanked the Board for the opportunity to make a presentation. Mr. Cook stated that the reason for his presentation was to familiarize the Board with Aquapex tubing in hopes that a recommendation could be made to the city Council to remove the amendment in the plumping code that prohibits the use of polyethylene tubing in College Station. Mr. Cook continued by passing out samples of Aquapex tubing and explaining that the product was not new to the market. He stated that Aquapex tubing has been used as water distribution piping for about thirty years. Mr. Cook demonstrated the method to make joint by using a special tool that expands the tubing to allow fittings to be connected to the tubing. He entertained several questions from the Board concerning the bending radius, application,and installation of Aquapex tubing. Dan Scars asked Mr. Cook to supply information on the acceptance of Aquapex tubing in other communities as well as any technical information on the product. Mr. Cook agreed to do so and Dan Sears stated that the Board would look at any information submitted and make a decision on a recommendation to City Council at a later date. The Board thanked Mr. Cook for making his presentation. AGENDA ITEM NO. S: Adjourn The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman: Dan Sears A 1"1'EST: .�i Building fficial: Lance Simms