HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1997 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS November 17, 1997 6:00 P.M. Training Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sears, Vice Chairman James Holster, Board Members Glenn Thomas,Jean C.Bailey,Robert Mooney, Bill Lewis,George McLean, Steve Abalos(alternate) MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Member Wick McKean STAFF PRESENT: Building Official Lance Simms, Fire Marshal Jon Mies, Building Technician Lisa Hankins, Senior Secretary Melissa Rodgers AGENDA ITEM NO. I: Call meeting to order The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Sears AGENDA ITEM NO.2: I-lear visitors for items not on agenda There were no visitors AGENDA ITEM NO.3: Approve minutes from Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals Meeting on Monday,October 27, 1997. George McLean motioned to accept the minutes,Jean C. Bailey seconded the motion,The Board concurred, (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.4: Consider Variance request 97-011 to request modification to Ordinance No.2159, Section 602.6.1"Access to Buildings by Fire Apparatus",Code of Ordinances. No building of any type construction for occupancy shall be constructed in such a manner that any part of the structure is more than one hundred(150')feet from a public street,or highway provided, however, that such structure may be erected at a greater distance if the owner or developer designates,constructs and maintains a fire lane having a minimum width of twenty(20')feet and minimum height clearance of fourteen(14')feet, terminating within one hundred(150')feet of the furthermost point of such structures; providing further, however,that no fire lane shall be required for any single family or duplex dwelling. The applicant is Vestal-Loftis-Kalista,Architects. Dan Sears asked for staff to explain the variance request. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS November 17, 1997 Minutes Jon Mies,Fire Marshal took the floor to explain the variance request to the board members. He said that this variance request was the same as the one approved for College Hills Elementary School on October 11, 1996, Jon said the Fire Department supports this variance request because the applicant is going to sprinkle the portion of the building in question. Dan Sears opened the public meeting. Board Member,George McLean abstained from voting because he was speaking on behalf of the applicant for this variance request. Mr.McLean took the floor to say that the main concern was obviously for the occupants of the building,and having it sprinkled should provide enough protection to evacuate the occupants should a fire result. Dan Sears closed the public meeting. Jon Mies confirmed that fire hydrants were adequately supplied on the premises. The board held brief discussion on this variance. Robert Mooney made a motion to grant the variance, Steve Abalos seconded the motion,the board concurred, (7-0). Note: George McLean abstained from voting since he is employed by C.S.I.S.D. Steve Abalos,alternate,voted in his place. AGENDA ITEM NO.5: Consider Variance Request 97-012 to request modification to Section R-213.2, 1992 CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code. Winders are permitted,provided the width of the tread at a point not more than 12 inches from the side where the treads are narrower is not less than 9 inches,the minimum width of any tread is not less than 6 inches,and the average width of any tread is not less than 9 inches. The applicant is Mike Lane Construction. Lance Simms,Building Official,took the floor to explain the variance request to the board members. He passed out pictures of the stairs at the residence in question,the original plans submitted, and a copy of the building check list to the board members. He said the applicant was informed at the plan review stage about the requirements for stair winders. Lance said that when the applicant came to pick-up his plans, he had a copy of the plan review checklist used by Building Department staff with him and the plan reviewer went over it with him before the permit was issued. Lance went on to say that during the framing inspection,the inspector noted that the stair winders did not comply with the code requirement. Lance visited with the applicant about the situation at that time and the applicant said he would have the stairs corrected on the final inspection. The framing inspection was approved with the understanding the winders would be corrected. However,on the final building inspection, the stairs still did not meet code. Lance said that staff recommendation was to deny the variance request for the following reasons: 1)Proper stair construction is a life-safety issue by preventing a potential hazardous fall. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS November 17, 1997 Minutes page 2 2)It wouldn't be an unnecessary hardship on the applicant because he knew what was expected of him and building staff communicated to the applicant at all stages what the building code requires. Dan Sears opened the public hearing The applicant,Mike Lane, took the floor to speak on behalf of the variance request. Mike said he was notified about the winders on the stairs during the framing stage,and talked with his framer about the situation. He said he met the inspector on site and rebuilt the stairs in an effort to meet the code. Mike said when they started the trim out,they realized at that point that they would not be able to meet the minimum 6 inch requirement for the winders. He said that a solution would have been to make the newel post a bit larger at the bottom of the staircase, however, it would have made the stair width below the minimum 36 inch requirement causing him to violate two sections of the code instead of one. He said they completed the trim out of the stairs with the knowledge that the minimum winder width had not been met. He notified the Building Official of this,who suggested he apply for a variance. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. The board members directed questions to building staff regarding safety issues,alternate solutions to reconstructing the stairs,etc. They were very concerned with the fact that the winders as constructed would allow someone to step down three or four risers, causing a hazardous situation. They discussed ways to resolve the problem,one being,to install a"cheater bar"or inside rail about 4 inches from the original rail and newel post. The board said they were aware of the fact that if a"cheater bar"or inside rail was installed to achieve the minimum six inch winder width,the stair width would not be met. This was a solution they would consider acceptable. Glenn Thomas made a motion to grant the variance contingent upon the applicant placing a barrier around the newel post to achieve a six inch minimum tread width for all winders. Glenn acknowledged that granting this variance would require the stair width to be less than the code required 36 inches minimum, however, he was willing to accept this provision. Robert Mooney seconded the motion,the board concurred, (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.6: Other Business AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS November 17, 1997 Minutes page 3 APPROVED: Chairman: Dan Sears A ITTEST: B 'n Technician: Lisa Hankins CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS November 17, 1997 Minutes page 4