HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/1994 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Thursday, September 13 1994 4:00PM Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sears, James Holster, Tom Wilson, Paul Swoboda, Bill Lewis, Wick McKean, and Danny Sustaire MEMBERS ABSENT: Jean C. Bailey STAFF PRESENT: Building Official David Moore, Plans Examiner Wayne Kellam, Assistant City Attorney Pete Shivey, Board Secretary Susan Macdonald AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Dan Sears. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear visitors. There were no visitors. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Approve minutes from meeting on August 17, 1994. Tom Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting on August 17, 1994. Paul Swoboda seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing for the consideration of a variance request to change the parallel longitudinal axis wall fire separation requirement of the buildings to 2000 square feet areas. Fire rated walls running from front to back located at 3400 Longmire are alternative methods of fire separation. Applicant and owner of the property is Bode's Joint Venture. Building Official David Moore informed the Board about the status of the WI Construction appeal from the August 17th meeting. He said that a report, a copy of the packet, and a copy of the minutes were sent to the applicant. As of today, David Moore has not heard any response. Building Official David Moore presented the staff report to the Board. He said Section 403.5.3 of the City of College Station amendment to the 1991 Standard Building Code requires that a two hour fire rated separation be constructed parallel to the longitudinal axis of each public rental storage warehouse. That is a specific amendment to the Standard Building Code which is Section 403.4.1. Three thousand square feet (3000 sq. ft.) partitions are allowed, provided that one hour fire rated separations are constructed in compliance with tenant separation requirements of the 1991 Standard Building Code Section 403.4.1. This code section was deleted by local amendment. The developer is requesting to install perpendicular fire rated wall separations on each two thousand square feet (2000 sq. ft.) areas. This suggestion of an alternate method to achieve fire protection safety by the developer is more restrictive than the longitudinal axis amendment requirement. He stated that staff feels the variance request will be sufficient and provide more fire resistance safety in this application. Section 403.4.1 that was deleted would have allowed the separations the developer has requested. Since it is a local amendment, a variance had to be taken before the Board. Chairman Dan Sears asked why the local amendment was passed. David Moore replied that it was a separation requirement for containment during a fire. Dan Sears also clarified what the applicant is requesting would perform in the same manner. David Moore agreed that what the applicant is requesting would fulfill the requirement. Mr. Moore read code Section 403,4.1 which states, "In a building or portion of a building of a singe occupancy classification, when enclosed spaces are provided for separate tenants, such spaces shall be separated by not less than 1-hour fire resistance. EXCEPTION: In Group B and Group S buildings, non -fire rated partitions may be used to separate tenants provided no area between partitions rated at 1-hour or more exceeds 3000 sq. ft." Mr. Moore said this was the specific section that was deleted from the code. He said the variance would cause the construction to be more restrictive by making it 2000 sq. ft. which is 33% less than what the code would allow under that section. Paul Swoboda confirmed that every 2000 sq. ft. will have a fire wall separation and that there will be a one hour fire wall separation between each tenant. David Moore replied that it would be a 2000 sq. ft. cubical, that is why the applicant is asking for a variance. Under Section 403.4.1 it says a one hour fire separation for tenants is required, but there is a specific exception that allows for B and S group occupancies that are allowed to have up to a 3000 sq. ft. area without tenant separation. Jim Holster asked about the configuration of the building. David Moore defined parallel longitudinal axis. He explained how the specific exception in the code section was deleted by the amendment, but not the code section itself. David Moore presented the set of building plans to the Board and explained the variance for clarification. Jim Holster asked about the dead end corridor rule. David Moore explained that this project is still in preliminary review process. CBA Minutes September 13, 1994 Page 2 Dan Sears clarified that staff recommendations did not have a problem with granting the variance request. David Moore agreed. Dan Sears opened the public hearing for anyone to speak in favor or in opposition to the variance request. Larry Claus, applicant, approached the Board to speak in favor of the variance request. He stated that the building is going to be a climate controlled storage facility. He said to accommodate for the air conditioning equipment, the fire separation needs to be horizontal instead of longitudinal. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. Wick Mc Kean made a motion to approve the variance request. Tom Wilson seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7-0), AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Other business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Adjourn. Bill Lewis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Danny Sustaire seconded the motion which carried unopposed (7-0). APPROVED: Chairman Dan Sears ATTEST: Board Secretary, Susan Macdonald CBA Minutes September 13, 1994 Page 3