HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/1993 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Thursday, June 17,1993 4:00 PM Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sears, Tom Wilson, James Holster, and Danny Sustaire. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Building Official Phil San Angelo, Assistant City Attorney Roxanne Nemcik, and Board Secretary Susan Cole AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Dan Sears. AGENDA JTEM NO. 2: Hear visitors. There were no visitors. AGENDA ITEM NO.3: Approve minutes from meeting on March 4, 1993. Tom Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting on March 4, 1993. Jim Holster seconded the motion which passed (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing for the consideration of a variance request to reduce the number of plumbing fixtures required in a Group M Mercantile occupancy at 1306 Harvey. Application and property owner is Toys R Us. Assistant Building Official Phil San Angelo presented the staff report to the Board. Mr. San Angelo stated the City of College Station uses the 1991 Standard Plumbing Code. He has received several complaints that requirements of Table 922.2 are excessive. He explained to the Board the process of code approval by the Building Code Congress. He continued to say that if the Congress receives enough complaints across the nation, it will be changed. Tom Wilson asked if there were cases in the past that exceptions were allowed. Phil San Angelo replied that were not any cases. He continued to say that if there were cases, the cases would have to go before the Board for a variance. He commented that the Toys R Us has stated the fixtures proposed are adequate and that there has not been any problem at other stores. Chairman Dan Sears opened the public hearing for anyone to speak in favor of or against the variance request. Brian Yingling from Casco Construction approached the Board to speak in favor of the variance request. Mr. Yingling stated that Toys R Us has many stores nationwide and are very responsive to any complaints. He continued to say that the fixtures are adequate and that customers only spend ten to forty-five minutes in the store. He also stated that this a smaller store and they have considered the number of fixtures as related to that. Mr. Yingling asked the Board to grant the variance request according to the plans. Jim Cudlip approached the Board to introduce himself as the project manager of Toys R Us and offered to answer any questions. Chairman Dan Sears closed the public hearing and opened the subject for discussion by the Board. Dan Sears commented that he believes the facility will have adequate fixtures. Tom Wilson stated he agreed with Dan Sears, but commented he has problem with the reduction of women's water closets; however, he thinks Toys R Us has probably worked out any problems. Tom Wilson and Dan Sears asked if the variance would be for just the store or for the occupancy type. Assistant City Attorney Roxanne Nemcik replied that the variance is only for this structure Danny Sustaire made a motion to grant the variance request. Jim Holster seconded the motion and passed unanimously (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consider and approval of application fee for variance requests. Phil San Angelo explained the memo to the Board. Phil stated that the application fee would be applied to recover the cost of the hearings for each variance request. He continued to say that this expense is currently being carried by all citizens and the proposed application fee would place the cost on a specific applicant in the future. Tom Wilson asked what account the application fee would be deposited in. Phil replied it would go into the general fund. Tom Wilson made a motion to approve the$50 application fee for variance requests. Danny Sustaire seconded motion and was passed unopposed (4-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Other business. There was no other business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn. Tom Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Danny Sustaire seconded the motion and was carried unanimously (4-0). APPROVED: Chairman Dan Sears ATTEST: Board Secretary, Susan Cole CBA Minutes June 17, 1993 Page 2