HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/2023 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilCCM121123 Minutes Page 1
DECEMBER 11, 2023
John Nichols, Mayor
Mark Smith
William Wright
Linda Harvell
Elizabeth Cunha
Bob Yancy
Dennis Maloney
City Staff:
Bryan Woods, City Manager
Jeff Capps, Deputy City Manager
Adam Falco, City Attorney
Leslie Whitten, Deputy City Attorney
Tanya Smith, City Secretary (Left Early)
Ian Whittenton, Deputy City Secretary
Kim Dickey, Records Management Administrator
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum present, the meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor
Nichols via In -Person and Teleconference at 3:00 p.m. on December 11, 2023, in the Council
Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840.
2. Presentation of employee service awards.
The following employees were recognized for service:
5 Years of Service
John Alger, Fredrick Ates, Coltin Boggs, Ross Brady, Ethan Cartwright, Camilo Cruz, Earl Dannar,
Alan Degelman, Robyn Forsyth, Nicholas Francis, Karen Fryman, Grecia Fuentes, Robert Garza, Jose
Gonzales, Timothy Grandy, Krystal Hamilton, Michael Holmes, Dylan Hudgins, Adrian Jackson,
James Johnson, William Kindt, Gabriel Ledezma, Fernando Lee, Nicholas Macias, Eric Macias,
Patrick McClung, Gary Mechler, William Moore, Jeffery Nuttall, Kelby Perez, Michael Pohl, Dean
Ramos, Shelby Reed, Curtis Richmond, Sara Rochen, Rebecca Sanchez, Ryan Upchurch, Danielle
Vacek, Isaiah Vazquez, Larry Vierus, Erik Walker, Matthew Welch, Robert White, Bryan Woods and
Jonathan Wynn.
10 Years of Service
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Larry Adams, Jason Busa, Elsa Contreras, Damon Crowder, Keith Derickson, Emily Fisher, Timothy
Green, Joshua Havens, Robert Lawry, Christian Lovelace, Bruce Millman, Matthew Newton, Sandra
Oehler, Traci Perez, Joshua Rahmani, Phillip Rhodes, Tiffany Romero, Charles Selensky, David
Smith and Nicholas Sutton.
15 Years of Service
Jose Alaniz III, Jason Arnold, Erika Bridges, David Brower, Larry Clark, Lisa Davis, Marisia
Dominguez, Eric Falke, Zachary Hall, Lance Hausenfluck, Kristen Hejny, Valerie Hubbard, Jonathan
Huth, Todd Knight, Long Le, Stephen Maldonado Jr., Alison Pond, Stephan Richardson, Tanya Smith,
Shasi Smith, Joseph Valdez, Dee Dee Vargas, Ricky Watson and Mark Wegmann.
20 Years of Service
Justin Birdwell, Gina Bosquez, Lewis Clinkscales, James McNeely, James Paldo, Frederick Robinson,
John Schoellman and Kimberly Voitier.
25 Years of Service
Jon Ballard, Matthew Marek, Michael Montgomery, Randall Ray, Kathryn Reiter, Bradford Smith,
Joshua Varner and Jimmy Yow.
30 Years of Service
Jeffrey Capps, Tommy Galvan, Robert Mumford and Andrew Murph.
Mayor Nichols recessed Council Meeting at 3:25 p.m. for a reception recognizing the employees for
their service.
The Council Meeting reconvened at 3:45 p.m.
3. Executive Session Agenda.
In accordance with the Texas Government Code §551.071-Consultation with Attorney, §551.072-Real
Estate, and §551.074-Personnel, and the College Station City Council convened into Executive
Session at 3:45 p.m. on December 11, 2023, to continue discussing matters pertaining to:
3.1. Consultation with Attorney to seek advice regarding pending or contemplated litigation, to
Kathryn A. Stever-Harper as Executrix for the Estate of John Wesley Harper v. City of College
Station and Judy Meeks; No. 15,977-PC in the County Court No. 1, Brazos County, Texas;
McCrory Investments II, LLC d/b/a Southwest Stor Mor v. City of College Station; Cause No.
17-000914-CV-361; In the 361st District Court, Brazos County, Texas; and
Shana Elliott and Lawrence Kalke v. City of College Station, et al., Cause No. 22-001122-CV-
85, in the 85th District Court, Brazos County, Texas; and
City of College Station v. 47 Oaks, LLC, Cause No. 626-CC, in the County Court at Law No.
2 of Brazos County, Texas; and
SOAH Docket No. 473-22-2464 and PUC Docket No. 52728 – Application of the City of
College Station to Change Rates for Wholesale Transmission Services; and
Cynthia Hopkins & Geoffry Hopkins v. City of College Station, Cause No. 23-002880-CV-85
in the 85th District Court, Brazos County Texas.
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CBL & Associates Management, Inc. v. City of College Station, Cause No. 23-003159-CV-
85 In The 85th District Court, Brazos County Texas.
Legal advice related to a development agreement regarding land generally located at the 2200
Block of Arrington Road.
Legal advice related to an interlocal agreement with the City of Bryan for sewer service.
3.2. Deliberation on the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; to wit:
Property generally located in the area of FM 60, Boyett Street, Church Ave. and College Main
Approximately 28 acres of land generally located at Midtown Drive and Corporate Pkwy in
the Midtown Business Park.
3.3. Deliberation on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline,
or dismissal of a public officer; to wit:
City Secretary
Planning and Zoning Commission
City Manager
Council Self-Evaluation
4. The Open Meeting Will Reconvene No Earlier than 6:00 PM from Executive Session and City
Council will take action, if any.
Executive Session recessed at 6:04 p.m. No action was taken.
5. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, consider absence request.
6.1. Presentation of a proclamation recognizing Ten Years of Ocean Autonomous Vehicle
Operations Day.
Mayor Nichols presented a proclamation recognizing Ten Years of Ocean Autonomous Vehicle
Operations Day to Dr. Steve DiMarco, Director of GERG, Dr. Sakib Mahmud, Dr. Uchenna
Nwankwo, Dr. Xiao Ge, John Walpert, Kyndra Reed, Andrew Dancer, Jared Pocock, Al Gutierrez,
Marty Bohn, Adam Luedke, Gianna Milton and Matt Smith in attendance.
7. Hear Visitors Comments.
Mark Sicilio, College Station, came before Council to discuss his concerns on the safety issues and
excessive on-street parking. He stated that if there is 2-hour parking, it should be enforced for all 24
hours, as students are taking advantage of those requirements that there be adequate off-street parking
where they live. that this City required appropriate parking at Northgate, and he appreciates similar
treatment in this Historic section of their beloved College Station
Barry Tate, College Station, came before council requesting a variance for his future business as a
gourmet bakery. He believes that the city requirements are not necessary for this bakery and cited the
quality of ingredients and methods of preparing the product as reasons the required grease trap should
be modified.
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Caleb Schoeneck, College Station, came before council as the pastor of Beautiful Savior Lutheran
Church to discuss proposed changes on Krenek Tap and the loss of on street parking in the plan. He
asks council to weigh the needs of the church and community when limiting or modifying access and
Hugh Lindsey, College Station, to express his dismay with the behavior of some university students
and gave a few personal examples of interactions. He cited noise and trash left behind as just a few
of issues the university could address with the student body.
Presentation, discussion, and possible action on consent items which consist of ministerial, or
"housekeeping" items as allowed by law : A Councilmember may request additional information
at this time. Any Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda for a separate
Item 8.3, 8.9, 8.10, 8.12, and 8.16 were pulled from Consent for clarification.
(8.3) Jennifer Cain, Director of Capital Projects, explained that this project is for the widening of the
existing two-lane asphalt roadway within the county section of Greens Prairie Road into a 4 -lane
concrete minor arterial with medians and multi-use paths and includes storm sewer, water and
wastewater utilities, fiber optic lines and street lighting. The contract will be to finish out the design
and provide construction phase services.
(8.9) Mary Ellen Leonard, Director of Fiscal Services, explained that there is no financial impact to
the City regarding this resolution. Financial impact to the City of College Station will only occur if
the area is annexed in the future.
(8.10) Brian Piscacek, Assistant Director of Economic Development, that explained Visit College
Station has previously engaged with Texas A&M Ventures for these marketing services on an annual
basis, but staff is proposing a shift to a three-year contract to extend and maintain this partnership and
streamline service delivery.
(8.12) Brian Piscacek, Assistant Director of Economic Development, explained This agreement was
amended in July 2023 to extend the term through September 30, 2025 and the amendment would allow
the placement of one portable classroom building.
(8.16) Emily Fischer, Director of Public Works, explained that the proposed ordinance would prohibit
left turns for vehicles traveling eastbound on Gilchrist Avenue onto Williams Street, which is the drop -
off and pick-up line for College Hills Elementary School. The prohibition would be on school days
between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
8.1. Presentation, discussion, and possible action of minutes for:
November 20, 2023, Council Meeting
8.2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding adoption of the 2024 Annual
Council Calendar.
8.3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a professional services contract with Binkley
& Barfield, INC. for $113,921.50 for design and construction phase services for the Greens
Prairie Road County Portion Widening Project.
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8.4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a contract for website
development, redesign, customer relationship management, and content management systems
with Tempest, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $268,825.
8.5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Ordinance No. 2023-4484
amending Chapter 38, “Traffic and Vehicles,” Article VI “Traffic Schedules,” Section 38-1014
“Traffic Schedule XIV, No Parking Here to Corner and No Parking Any Time,” of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by removing parking on the southeast side of
Cherry Street between Second Street and College Main Street and modifying parking on the
northwest side of Cherry Street to restrict parking within 215 feet of College Main Street and
within 30 feet of the intersection with Second Street.
8.6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a change order with Dunham
Engineering, LLC. for $101,500 for construction and inspection phase services for the Greens
Prairie Elevated Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project.
8.7. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on purchasing rifle resistant body armor
from GT Distributors with Office of the Governor grant funds for $218,869.86.
8.8. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Resolution No. 12-11-23-8.8
authorizing a license agreement with SRB College Station, LLC pertaining to an approximately
495-square foot building canopy encroachment into a 33-foot-wide public utility easement
located on Lot 1, Block 1 of the Post Oak Mall Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in
Volume 517, Page 689 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas.
8.9. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Resolution No. 12-11-23-8.9
consenting to the issuance of bonds by the Brazos County Municipal Utility District No. 1 in an
amount not to exceed $8,715,000 for road improvements.
8.10. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a three-year sponsorship agreement with
Learfield Communications, LLC dba Texas A&M Ventures, for marketing and advertising
services in the amount of $225,000.
8.11. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Resolution No. 12-11-23-8.11
appointing Tradd Mills as the Emergency Management Coordinator.
8.12. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a second amendment to the lease
of 3.1 acres including an approximately 28,949 square foot building at 2611 Texas Avenue South
to International American Education Federation, Inc., d/b/a International Leadership of Texas,
for the addition of a portable classroom building.
8.13. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Semi -Annual Report on
System-Wide Impact Fees for Water, Wastewater, and Roadway.
8.14. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Ordinance No. 2023-4485
amending Chapter 38 “Traffic and Vehicles,” Article VI "Traffic Schedules," Section 38 -1014
"Traffic Schedule XIV, No Parking Here to Corner and No Parking Any Time" of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by removing parking on the west side of
Eisenhower Street from University Drive to Ash Street.
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8.15. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Ordinance No. 2023-4486
amending Chapter 38 “Traffic and Vehicles,” Article VI "Traffic Schedules," Section 38 -1014
"Traffic Schedule XIV, No Parking Here to Corner and No Parking Any Time," of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by removing parking on the north side of
Halter Loop from Horseback Drive to Canter Court.
8.16. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Ordinance No. 2023-4487
amending Chapter 38 “Traffic and Vehicles,” Article VI, "Traffic Schedules," Section 38-1008
"Traffic Schedule VIII, No Right Turn and No Left Turn," of the Code of Ordinances of the
City of College Station, Texas, to prohibit left turns for vehicles traveling eastbound on Gilchrist
Avenue onto Williams Street and repealing ordinance 2015-3667.
8.17. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Resolution No. 12-11-23-8.17
accepting a $97,135 grant from the Office of the Governor for Active Attack Integrated
Response Training and designating the Fire Chief as the authorized official to execute
documents necessary for the release of grant funds.
8.18. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Ordinance No. 2023-4488
amending Chapter 105, "Floods," Article 2, "Flood Hazard Protection," Division 3, "Flood
Hazard Reduction," Section 105-84, "Special Provisions for Manufactured Homes in Areas of
Special Flood Hazard," Part 3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Harvell and a second by Councilmember Yancy,
the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the Consent Items. The motion
carried unanimously.
9.1. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Southeast Park and Future
Ballfields Update.
Jennfier Cain, Director of Capital Projects, provided an update regarding the Southeast Park and future
Southeast Park
On-line Survey
• 553 Survey Respondents
• 20% affiliated with an HOA
• 73% said they would use a park at this location
Public Open House
• 40+ Meeting Attendees
• Pump Track – 152
• Trails – 121
• Dog Park – 21
• Fishing pond – 8
• Disc Golf – 8
• Pickleball – 6
• Multipurpose court – 4
• Splash Pad – 3
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• Open play – 3
• Playground – 3
Potential Future Ballfields
684 Survey Respondents
• 51% affiliated with a league or club.
• 59% said they or someone in their household currently use baseball fields.
• 70% said more baseball fields are needed.
Public Open House
• 25+ meeting attendees
A majority of the Council directed staff to move forward with master plan designs for Southeast,
options for the placement of larger ballfields, then return these items to council for consideration.
9.2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the Victoria Avenue Roundabouts project.
Emily Fisher, Director of Public Works, provided an update on Victoria Avenue Roundabouts project.
Victoria Avenue
Added to FY 19 Capital Project budget.
o Original budget $3,620,000
Original Preliminary Engineering Contract approved June 13, 2019
o $234,500
Original Engineering Design Contract approved January 28, 2021
o $458,400
Scope revised – Change Order to close out Design Contract and New Design Contract
approved May 26, 2022
o $182,900
Current Scope
Add concrete roundabouts at the intersections of Creek Meadows Parkway and Woodlake
Feasibility of adding sidewalk on south side of road between Woodlake Drive and Creek
Meadows Parkway
Asphalt pavement will be rehabilitated with street maintenance plan.
Randell Smith, Sr. Engineer II, provided a basic overview of how roundabouts operate. He stated that
drivers enter the intersection by first navigating a gentle curve which slows drivers down, then after
yielding to traffic already in the roundabout, they enter the circle. Which, they drive around the circle
in a counterclockwise direction until exiting at their desired roadway. When using a roundabout, you
should try to enter and exit the intersection without coming to a complete stop. Mr. Smith explained
that the greatest reason that roundabouts are so safe is the point of conflict are greatly reduced. Studies
have shown that roundabouts have a very large impact on safety. Currently Creek Meadows Pwky is
what we would call a 2-way stop controlled intersection. Studies have shown that when a 2-way stop
controlled intersection is converted to a roundabout, there have been up to aa 62% reduction in ALL
crashes, and up to 82% reduction in fatal and injury crashes combined. Similar safety numbers have
been attained with signalized intersections changing over to a roundabout.
Randell Smith provided the traffic flow benefits to the Roundabout.
Traffic Flow Benefits
CCM 121123 Minutes Page 8
Reduces traffic delays as much as 65%
Vehicle stops reduced as much 52%
With less stops, vehicle emissions reduced (15%-40%) and fuel consumption is lowered (24%)
at the intersection.
Positive Effects
Public Opinion of Roundabout increases over time with use
Safer for drivers (failure to yield is less severe)
Gaining Popularity
Vehicular roundabouts began in the 1950s.
Modern Roundabouts are gaining in popularity since 1990 (Nevada, USA)
“Roundabout First Policy” has been adopted by NY DOT and Virginia DOT
College Station Roundabout Policy & Guidelines
o Adopted and Signed 2019
o Roundabouts are the preferred facility at controlled intersections of one (1) or more
collector or local roads.
Updated Scope
Public meeting held September 19, 2023
o 30+ meeting attendees
o Received positive and negative feedback concerning project.
Remove roundabout at Woodlake Drive
Add sidewalk between Creek Meadows Parkway and Woodlake Drive
9.3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on adding a Council appointed member to the
Tourism Advisory Committee.
Bryan Woods, City Manager, provided overview of the Tourism Advisory Committees’ purpose and
Goals for the City of College Station.
Tourism Advisory Committees
Purpose: Promote and enhance the tourism industry in College Station
Goal: Consult and advise CMO and staff regarding overall tourism strategy
Committee Membership
Previous/current experience in:
o Hotel/motel industry
o Retail/restaurant industry
o Major tourist attractions
o Other relevant tourism activities
Consists of 10 to 14 members
City Manager to appoint, remove, and fill vacancies
Status Since 2021
Resolution adopted unanimously on September 9th, 2021
Committee members
o Bill Peel - Mays Business School
o Bob Holzweiss - George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum
o Greg Stafford - Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center
o Hege Kalaouze - Aggieland Outfitters
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o Hunter Goodwin - Oldham-Goodwin Group
o Jenny Davis - Walk Ons
o Salim Ismail - Texas Hotel Management
o Rebekka Dudensing - TAMU
Pending members
o Cortney Phillips - The Dixie Chicken
A majority of the Council directed staff to bring reports three times a year and provide minutes of the
meeting body to council.
10.1. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Ordinance No.
2023-4489 vacating and abandoning a 30-foot wide public drainage easement located on the
property south of 3055 Holleman Dr. S across General Parkway, said easement being located in
the Crawford Burnett League, Abstract No. 7, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, being
part of that called 69.37-acre tract described in Volume 7551, Page 41, of the Official Public
Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being the easement described in Volume 14119, Page 131
of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas.
Gillian Sitler, Planning and Development, stated that the public utility easement abandonment is being
requested by the applicant as a result of further development of the area. The originally dedicated
easement was utilized to cover the discharge of a curb inlet along General Parkway that conveyed
stormwater of the property to the north. New development on the tract where the easement lies will
be constructing additional stormwater sewer lines that have been appropriately designed to covey the
existing and proposed runoff directly to the portion of Bee Creek Tributary B that lies on the property,
with no adverse impacts to the natural flow of the creek. These new lines will be within the existing
right-of-way with proposed right-of-way and a new public drainage easement being dedicated with
the plat to cover the new discharge location. The public drainage easement is generally 30-feet wide,
extending 115 feet south from the curb inlet on General Parkway onto the 42.738-acre tract.
At approximately 7:54 p.m., Mayor Nichols opened the Public Hearing.
There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:54 p.m.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Yancy and a second by Councilmember Smith,
the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-4489,
amending the budget ordinance, Ordinance 2023-4457, authorizing the City Manager to execute real
estate contracts for the purchase of property to be used for Community Development projects . The
motion carried unanimously.
10.2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the purchase of single and three phase
transformers for electric warehouse inventory with Texas Electric Cooperatives, not to exceed
$338,867.30, KBS Electrical Distributors, not to exceed $61,550 and Alamo Transformer Supply
Co., not to exceed $109,372.
Timothy Crabb, Electric Director, stated that staff issued Bid #24 -005 on September 20, 2023, for
Electric Single and Three Phase Transformers and the Bid was opened on October 25, 2023. Twelve
(12) sealed proposals were received and were reviewed by Electric Staff to ensure the compliance of
required specifications. Texas Electric Cooperatives, KBS Electrical Distributors, and Alamo
CCM 121123 Minutes Page 10
Transformer Supply Co. were awarded based upon delivery dates, meeting College Station Utility
specifications, and pricing. Upon Council approval, staff will issue purchase orders to Texas Electric
Cooperatives, KBS Electrical Distributors, and Alamo Transformer Supply Co. for a one-time
purchase. Staff recommends the award of this purchase to Texas Electric Cooperatives, not to exceed
$338,867.30, KBS Electrical Distributors, not to exceed $61,550 and Alamo Transformer Supply Co.,
not to exceed $109,372. Quantity and size details for units are attached. This purchase aligns with
historical years’ activity for electric warehouse needs.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Yancy and a second by Councilmember Wright,
the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, authorize the purchase of single and three
phase transformers for electric warehouse inventory with Texas Electric Cooperatives, not to exceed
$338,867.30, KBS Electrical Distributors, not to exceed $61,550 and Alamo Transformer Supply Co.,
not to exceed $109,372. The motion carried unanimously.
10.3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a construction contract with O&J Coating,
Inc. for the Greens Prairie Elevated Storage Tank (EST) Rehabilitation project for $1,790,000
plus a $179,000 contingency, for a total appropriation amount of $1,969,000. Approval of this
item grants authority for the City Manager to authorize expenditures up to the City’s
contingency amount.
Ramiro Martinez, Water Services Department, presented information on the Greens Prairie elevated
storage tank rehabilitation construction contract. The tank was built in 1984 and last the last rehab
occurred in 2000, with this contract including both the tank and column wet and dry areas being
recoated. He also presented a new design for the tank and column.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Maloney and a second by Councilmember
Smith, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve a construction contract
with O&J Coating, Inc. for the Greens Prairie Elevated Storage Tank (EST) Rehabilitation project for
$1,790,000 plus a $179,000 contingency, for a total appropriation amount of $1,969,000. Approval of
this item grants authority for the City Manager to authorize expenditures up to the City’s contingency
amount. The motion carried unanimously.
10.4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an appointment to the Brazos
Valley Solid Waste Management Agency, Inc Board of Directors.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Nichols and a second by Councilmember Smith, the City
Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to appoint Bill Lartigue to the Brazos Valley Solid
Waste Management Agency, Inc Board of Directors for a 3-year term. The motion carried
10.5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an appointment to the Brazos
Central Appraisal District.
MOTION: A majority of Council voted to appoint Ron Kaizer to the Brazos Central Appraisal
District for a 1-year term. The motion carried unanimously.
11. Council Calendar
Council reviewed the calendar.
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12. Items of Community Interest: The Council may receive reports from a Council Member or
City Staff about items of community interest for which notice has not been given, including:
expressions of thanks, congratulations or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules;
honorary or salutary recognitions of a public official, public employee, or other citizen;
reminders of upcoming events organized or sponsored by the City of College Station;
information about a social, ceremonial or community event organized or sponsored by an entity
other than the City of College Station that is scheduled to be attended by a Council Member,
another city official or staff of the City of College Station; and announcements involving an
imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the City of College Station that has
arisen after the posting of the agenda.
Councilmember Wright reported on Christmas in College Station.
Councilmember Yancy recognized the passing of Marvin Tate, former mayor of the City of Bryan.
Councilmember Maloney recognized the efforts of Barbara Moore, City Managers Office, Visit
College Station, Parks and Recreation, Tourism Advisory Committee, and many others who
participated in making College Station’s first Christmas Parade a success.
Councilmember Maloney also reported on Howdy Holidays at Northgate.
13. Council Reports on Committees, Boards, and Commission: A Council Member may make a
report regarding meetings of City Council boards and commissions or meetings of boards and
committees on which a Council Member serves as a representative that have met since the last
council meeting. (Committees listed in Coversheet)
No reports were made.
14. Future Agenda Items and Review of Standing List of Council Generated Future Agenda
Items: A Council Member may make a request to City Council to place an item for which no
notice has been given on a future agenda or may inquire about the status of an item on the
standing list of council generated future agenda items. A Council Member’s or City Staff’s
response to the request or inquiry will be limited to a statement of specific factual information
related to the request or inquiry or the recitation of existing policy in response to the request or
inquiry. Any deliberation of or decision about the subject of a request will be limited to a
proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting.
In accordance with the Texas Government Code the Council reconvened into Executive Session at
8:26 p.m. on December 11, 2023, to continue discussing matters pertaining to:
Consultation with Attorney to seek advice regarding pending or contemplated litigation on:
Legal advice related to an interlocal agreement with the City of Bryan for sewer service.
§§551.074-Personnel, deliberation on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties,
discipline, or dismissal of a public officer; to wit:
City Manager
Executive Session recessed at 10:07 p.m.
Council directed the City Manager to initiate planning for the Northeast sewer trunkline following the
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route along Cooner Street and Chimney Hill. This includes the necessary lift station and easement
acquisition and intended to be undertaken in cooperation with the City of Bryan to address proposed
changes as enumerated in their August 10, 2023, letter regarding sewer service on the “East Side” and
“West Side” as documented in the Interlocal Agreement dated December 2011 and subsequent
amendments. The ILA must be amended to encompass the proposed changes and brought back to
Council. In addition the city appreciates the proposals made by the City of Bryan in ongoing
discussions and would like to bring these matters to a successful conclusion.
15. Adjournment.
There being no further business, Mayor Nichols adjourned the meeting of the City Council at 10:10
p.m. on Monday, December 11, 2023.
John P. Nichols, Mayor
Tanya Smith, City Secretary