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Union Patificpicking up pace
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" ' ,"; '4, \ Eagle photo/Butch Ireland
,Unlon"p~Ifl~;;tr~.t"" ~fnan Steve Martin cuts through tlJe rail railroad Is adding ballast u~~r th~ Intersections In Bryan to meet
Tuesday';aftemoo ,', t Street and Tabor Road In Bryan. The " regulations when the speed.llmlt is ralsedrfrom,10 mph to 25 mph.
!B~':~~iS :~t)~~r questions safety of increa~jfig:'tra~s) speed
By"APmL"AVIs6'N Feb. 1 on about 21 miles of ture. The tracks in Btyan are
Eagle Staff Writer track stretching from South being upgraded to Class ,2,
Main Street in downtown which allows freight train
Bryan to Hearne. speeds of up to 25 mph.
"It allows us to clear cross- Abou.t 160 Union Pacific
ings faster'a,nd, rw!}.ce incon-)Vorkers have been involved
ve~lence ,,: ,6~ ':',m()~~!i~t~l',';"" .)l)c(,tiW lO?li capi~ ~prove-
Umon Pacillo st>f>l\esmarf J-OO:;' plent 'proJe.ct, WhICh mcludes
Arbona said. "We're'takihg installing 19,000' new
into consideration safety crossties, placing gravel
first." underneath the tracK~ and
Speed-related classifica- )res~acing iabo,ut 1,000 feet
tions are set by the Federal'- ',fef railroad, 'Arbona said.'
Railroad Administration, Th"ere are no plans to
based on the. stre.~$tl1 of,: ~p~~e:~ain speed limits
tracks and their curvatuI:~;1 ,,~l&ew.b~r:~- ill the Brazos Val-
according to agency, litera-'ley, 1\roona said. ,
Union Pacific trains will
pass faster through Bryan
starting nextmonth, prompt-
ing the mayor to question
whether the new speed limit
will endanger motorists
crossing the tracks.
But Union Pacific offiCials
say that safety actually will
increase when the, speed
limit goes from 10 mph to 25
mph, the result of a $3,3 mil-
lion upgrade. ,
The change will take effect
Union Pacific; trains go
,through Con~ge Station at 40
:n1Ph. Some Union Pacific
:freight trains reach speeds,
up to 80 mph ~pther Parts of
Texas, Arbona Said.
Bryan Mayor Ernie Wen-
"trcek said Tuesday he wants
to raise awareness of the
"speed limit change. .
"I'm concerned that citi-
,zens have grown accustomed
~to the train coming through
at 10 mph, and occasionally
they go around the gates
"It's important for
people to be aware of
[the speed limit change],
and it's always good for
people to be extra
when the train is coming,"
Wentrcek said. "It could catch
some of those people by sur-
prise, 'and we could end up hav- !
ing an accident. I would have
been happier if they had done
this in increments over a peri-
od of time."
No plans are in place for it's always good for people to be
additional signage to be posted extra cautious at 'railroadl
at the crossings to alert crossings," he said. '
motorists of the speed limit Officer Jillian Garza, a
change, Arbona said. spokeswoman for the Bryan,
Wentrcek said he also is con- Police Department, said it's dif-
cerned about a' letter he ficult to gauge whether thel
received last week from Dan change will make a difference
Shudak, general superintend- in emergency response times
ent for Union Pacific, that or accidents near the railroad
states "in many instances, the crossings.
risk of derailments is greater at "We really don't know what
slower speeds." kind of effect it will have,"
~'They comment that the Garza said Tuesday. "We've
, Jxain~is less likely: to.turn over had 1;he~10 mph limit for so
at a higher speed," Wentrcek. long, and we haven't done anyl
said. "That would be the oppo- research: as to how raising the
site of what I would think." speed limit would affect our
Calls placed to Shudak on accident rate." I
Tuesday were directed to
Arbona." . April Avison's e-mail address is
".If [a train is] traveling at araOri1..avisoo@theeagle.com. ,
slower speed, you have a ten-J
dency of people trying to beat
the train. When you have a
crossing accident, that increasJ
es the potential of derailment,"1
Arbona said. "If you increase
the speed, you reduce the num-,
her of,incidents." ,
Arbona said his staff also is!
trying to publicize the speed
limit change.
"Certainly it's important fori
people to he aware of this, and ,
Union Pacific spokesman'