HomeMy WebLinkAboutXmas2011[1] M What began as a new year bursting with energy and an increased focus on my passion of archiving Brazos Valley history ended abruptly with a major career change. The city of College Station, in their infinite wisdom, decided that the position of Heritage Programs Coordinator could be done in half the time without benefits. Many members of the community and good friends campaigned hard and heavy on my behalf once again. But this time, it was to no avail. Leaving the employ of the City of College Station, after 6-1/2 years, was not without tears and concerns for the future of the Heritage Programs and specifically for the Project HOLD website. I made great and lasting friendships at the city. My last day was September 16th. But this is not the end of the story. On September 19th, I began a new career as a Sr. Graphic Designer with Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), a part of the Texas A&M University System. This opportunity has given me a chance to expand my horizons and work with an international organization and an amazing group of people. I am certainly feeling December 2011 •College Station,, Texas It’s History A New Career Anne’s Christmas Letter W O Military History more comfortable financially. I started out in the John B. Connally Building behind the Hilton Hotel. But just last weekend, our offices moved to a facility further south in College Station. No matter what, I am thrilled to be a part of the TEEX family. My association with the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Board continued to be rewarding as we culminated the year in the dedication of a World War II memorial statue on the Lynn Stuart Pathway. This statue, a US Naval aviator, was created in the likeness of LT (jg) George H.W. Bush. Four more statues are planned to pay tribute to all who served during WWII. We are getting closer to our goal for the Vietnam Memorial. The War of 1812 Memorial will be dedicated June 1, 2012. I look forward to my fifth year of serving on this board with some of the finest folks in Brazos Valley. As you know, I have a special place in my heart for veterans and gladly work toward honoring their service. I thank my late father for instilling this appreciation and dedication in me. A special treat for me this year was having my grandson, Thomas Allen Gunter (11), at the Veterans Day ceremony and the WWII Memorial Dedication at Veterans Park. His interest in military history continues to Anne poses with an appreciation plaque given to her by the members of the city’s Historic Preservation Committee during an Exploring History Lunch Lecture. Wax prototype of the Vietnam Memorial to be dedicated at Veterans Park on the Lynn Start Pathway. grow. This year he was able to visit with several veterans, two of them generals, as well as members of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. He was certainly in his element. A photo of him at the Wall of Honor appeared on the front page of The Eagle newspaper. His knowledge and depth of understanding of military history is remarkable and equaled only by the tough questions he asks. He tells me that he is either going to be a Marine “because they are first in and first out” or an actor. It could happen! Occasionally, I sell one more of Daddy’s “Gare le Bete, A History of the 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 1942-1945” books. Hopefully, one day I will be able to republish this wonderful history. There seems to be a renewed interest in this part of WWII history. I have also discovered a manuscript Daddy wrote that is based on an incident that happened while Thomas Allen at the dedication of “”Day of Infamy.” Back row: Tamara, Brent (April’s brother), April and Thomas. Front row: Ava Delaine, Anne, Forrest Calvin, and Thomas Allen. “Day of Infamy” Anne Boykin, 2015 Langford St., College Station, TX 77840 979.450.3296 Tamara continues her work with IBM in Austin as Global Marketing Manager. Her travels this year took her to Wyoming and Japan. Tamara and Miss Olive continue to foster Golden Retrievers. There is never a dull moment with the foster dogs but Olive manages to keep them under control. Tamara participated in a national sketchbook project this year. One of my favorite pages appears below. Thomas Allen’s shadow on the Wall of Honor. Photo appeared on the front page of The Eagle, Nov. 12, 2011.Photo by Stuart Villanueva Mother and Daddy were stationed in Botswana. I would certainly like to publish this as well. On January 28, 2012, I will be one of several members of the community to be honored at the African American National Heritage Society Annual Appreciation Banquet. Their focus this year in selecting honorees is historic preservation. The AANHS is recognizing my efforts in documenting the hidden history of our African American community through research of desegregation in the A&M Consolidated School District, as well, as my work in helping four church congregations receive historic markers from the city of College Station Historic Preservation Committee. Thomas and April brought the Gunter kids to College Station this year for their first Aggie football game. The photos below show best what a great time they had. Thomas continues his career at IBM as Manager, ISV & DR Operations, in Austin. April works part time as Parent Support Specialist at Round Rock ISD. The kids are growing fast and are active in scouting. Thomas Allen earned his Arrow of Light this year. This month, Thomas Allen and Ava played roles in “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” at Sam Bass Theater. They performed in 16 shows The Gunter Crew Tamara T T A Special Honor O since the beginning of December. Thomas Arthur got into the act with a cameo as a firefighter in one of the productions. Ava attended a Selena Gomez concert and also visited the American Girl store in Dallas. She had a successful season selling Girl Scout cookies in the spring and more Girl Scout goodies this fall. Forrest won a blue ribbon this year for his science fair project called “The Biggest Pop” that compared various brands of microwave popcorn. He also had his artwork, “The Cactus,” displayed at the Round Rock ISD Performing Arts Center. He, too, perfected his sales and marketing expertise selling popcorn for Cub Scouts. The Gunter gang at Kyle Field. Forrest and “The Biggest Pop” “The Cactus” Ava and her dad on Opening Night Tamara Miss Olive The Sketchbook Project Thomas Allen and a female member of Corps of Cadets HAPPY NEW YEAR from Anne