HomeMy WebLinkAboutGorzycki Immigration Documents UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 201 PETITION FOR NATURALIZATION ,~ Il i.~)jr.1.<;. 1< ..' ......... Coo"".... jl.r.\l,~. Q ~... C; 9.W \t.y ...... ,I ... .~.;:Y..\l:r..I...!.~~.!!....._. r --" . . Ilr.i.a ..O.QrzYs:ki................ .................. ................ ..... ..... ........., h...t., .,... -......- ..... . ......R.. ...J!'..... D. ..}lQ... .. ~ ..D 1'.3' an... . .'1'.ax . ,t> .." ........"~ ,. ..... Hou SAWU. s....................... 'ii'~' ..1'J:ll and........ ........... ~ l..Ma y.. .22....1 ~1.3..... ..".." " .....1'ol iah-...................... ..' _........ _ . ,III." of.h, ".11" ...... 00 Lar s: b . . '~.,..1 'il.3.6. ......... ,. .h. ....... Di at r i. c :t..................- , :k91l...Q.Q.llJ).1<Y.. ................. .. . . ...... .Bryan ,...T eXIlS. ........... .... ................................. ':'; . -"". T........' m' .... " ."h.., ,. ........ Ja c 0. P. . . An d.l: e W. . Q.o. r.W G 1<1.... ............. ......................... ,,' "." ,.D.llwll.e.r...o. ..1S.\l. O. ............. .... . . II ry e.n. ...r exa $ ........ .............:..............., ...... . ..p.o.laIl<i...... .............. ..... ".. .. ... H Q:V: \'lInO e r..1 Q. ...lL-\.o :i..... ........, ....... tho u.'''' .- r.~~ ...K....X. .......... ........ .. ... ...l\lJ\ g.. J.7.. ...J. Q.Q l... . .... ............. ,,, ",..".'" ...ld.... ,b_. ..d .... ..1l,...1!l.Q,...!l:..llry.an...T.llxa Il............ ..... ........... ......... ...... I b... ....\1.. obn"'... ..d ... -- - ....... of ,..,d.." ., ...b .,..,d obnd... on .. "nO"'- .................................. ...... ...... .......................................- In...an.d..no~.. r.eside...in U. .3 a .. .A... . ...... . ......... .................................................. .. -. . ...............-.-.. ..... .......................--....... . .. ..................................................... -...................................................................... .- ,,;;::~':::::::iiiiiiii.'.'.F.Qi.iiii~'.. ..... ..' ................. ...........~. '.~':. .; ;;,;,.;;;;.; .;;-.;;;~:;;:;;;~;;;~ . . ".'. BrAm lID. ....G llrmanY.... ............. .. .... .. . .. .... ... ....... . .... . "",.y"" ..'" '''' .........1 'yld.... .. ... u..... .- ~ .QrK. ..N .L. Y..... ....... ...,,, .bo ...m' .1. V fA 1.e.;I;.i Ii!.. .j\ \,Ill\: 9.W ~J.d.... ............ ............ ....................... _.l.,...l~e.~.........._........, on tho vts.,l ., .. ,.SS. ..Q'n.l;<;J1.Q.W}.'1. ".. .................................................... ........ 0( III' IITlnl aUllCh..1 hereto. " .. '" .,,-1 to M...'ud ."...m.."" ...m""'" ...m",,'" ."b .., ",..""II~ M h"", " ....,... ....h..' d.""oI .. .. - ~I. I om .01 . po' ,....,,, .'" . bo""" ,. "" ,,,,,,,.. " .,,,.,,m,. ,.... ..."10.... '0 Ih' ,,"'."'~ " '" 0...,,11..11.. of ,... u..... a..", __..... ,..... ",.. bOd h.""'.... " ,h. ",,,,,, "".. ,. ,. m, m''''''o.. .' -... · ,II "0" ,Ilh' \I,,,.. ...... ..d ,. ..-... ....."'. ... Uld Ddel1tY 10 any lorehln prlllDe. pol/lnlnte. .tfttfl. I'r ,n\"rrrl~"IY. ftn<\ rl\Tllol\llIrlv III ............ ................................................. ..."'''' ",... .."'."'...'" "'......... "'................. .................. '".k. . ....'j,i,', i ',m " ,"bi,;; 'Co;' ,ii,.,. ;r.,~.~... i!!;;' ~i~~,H ii;p!;mr.;~ r;'~!,1? i";",i.i ...,;;.:.. isi' r .;n';bi; i;'.;;aii',biiiDidi'b""iUNi. ..,........" ,. tho U. "'" . ..,.. ., Am'" ~ 'M tho '" m 0' n.. y"" .. '0"" 'm .....10. "" ..""'''M "" ..... " ,h ,. ..'",,,, " .11, .... opt....L... LtlB3...... .............. .......... ." .....,. tI.o C...",., .. ,... BrazO.s... ......................................... --', ~.. ,,,,..11" tho '0" ,1110'. p'tltI~. .,.... .. S .C.jl :to ... ..6. . .. 10.0;5 ... ........... hoI,,, ,N'd..~ .lIh" "'. _tr .,., "'" _ JII'Il*lIIll the date 01 thl~ \lellllon. , ... JIQ.1t ..".,... mod. ",," ". 'or S......".. tI." s..m',.,........ ...............-- 0'.. .......... ..... ............... ........................... 1 .......... ..................... ............... .. .... ....... .., ....h "'''t1~ ... ,..,., h, th., .....,t 1M Ih. 1.11..... - ... ..- 10..... ~ ..._";;;';;' bU';';;;; bM' . .;;;;.; .;; ',;mo.;';: . .. . . .... . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. n . . . . . .. -- . n ...' n .. . n'" ...... ............ .......-...... ...-........ __ ud mod. . "" .1 thb. m, 1"""00 ,,, .,,,,,...bI... ... ..., ,~1"'"'' ol"'...."~ to ........ , "I'....."... u.,... .-. .............. ... "\.Ib<< of my ..Id arrl....l. .nd the l\ITIrlavlU or thll two \'r,iryln~ 1<"11 n,.CI'M f~'llllr~r1 t,~ l,,~. I, ,OGI p'Utlonlr, pray lhftt I may be admlltNI a cltllrr\ I'~ Ih. l'nll,t1 Fill'.... 1\1 "'"~rlr". IIntl 111",' 1'11Y ""m.lle chansed to ............................ , ... ...;;.:;-;;;;;,;;~.~~;. ,~;~~.~'!:- ~;~ \l;;::~ 7h~ . i' i..;; . ( ',;~;!f~;' j' :;,.;.;.:;,;;. . ;;,. ~;;~ ';;;';;~;;'ib;;;';; ,';;;'U;;';;;;'';;;'.,j """""IIOIpl ... to malten horelu slated to bo ILIleSll<1 upon Inlorm",tlnn 1\1111 \1",,,,,,1, .Ill! tbllt "" I" lhn.1' mllUfmI T ""~ln'l tn be tru.; Uld tba' 'bll petltlOIl lit _ w1Ul my lull, ~rul nawl. (""'J / I" I. · ,I' ...jj..tJk.W/:,/..i.'!.'::......~ ..a../":.i:tT;.. ...~a...t/.~l. $~Ilr.~ aad 11II1 1 1If. .1 ~iiiMr ,." ./ ~ AFFIDAVITS OF WITNESSES j. -lIr~)LW,9.J;:!l;l@!! n ...n nn ...n ....... .... .. . ................ """p'''~ ..,... 9. ~ \JJl ~ Y . q ~~k: .. ........................ ._......mm...nn.......~ry.!l.I)......r!!~.!\ f!....................... ... .... ............. ..... ........... .............................d .m.J:.'...M...__F.er~\.UlQJl............ .... .....m.'"'' ..., ...... nrMll'ltlnll ..',.... .C.ount~.. J.ud&e....................... . ~i~.@i;.;n..;;;p;;i'." ;.i~M~;>;;!W;.t ,of ~::-~~ 'b.'. ',<iii... ',ii.; ii;;,i>.'iil... OJ '.'m.i..: '\iiii',;,iiii .,;;;;.;.;&iIr'Wft....,;;;;;;;; '- \lie UIIlI&ed !)lal. wllb I L...Y ale :r.ill... G.Qr zYs:ki.. ..______... ...... ....... ..... .h. ..Ill"." ,hon 01..."..... .,... ....l II ~ Q.....l.\l.OB......... .... .. ....... ....""" .b. ,,,,11I,," h... ...'d" ,. .h. ",,,.... '''' M ~",..m"" 1"""'"'' tho d... ., 01"'"'' """'" ".blob I.... o/Sd..tt · , _ _ ... .... ,... m,,"..od. ...d 01 ....___....... ..11 r y ~n .. .................................. ,. "" c....... .1 .........llr.az,QIL......... .".::"" lb. ''''H,,,tI.' ,.",,~ " m.... ,,,,11.,,0"'''' .Wo.. .. .1. \11 e, ..an c1. 1 ~ Q .6 . .. .. .. ... thoJ h.. h" ......~ .....,.... th.I'" ......~.. .., ....h ,~,... h" ,~" . '''~. 01 ...... ,,0'''' ""oW'''. oI,,,h'" '0 .,,, '" ,."".,,, M "" r.... "..,,~ ., th. \I,'''' .........d .", d'" . d h'lllllneunllho \ 'nlle,1 RUles. IIn'llhal I~ lli~ ol'lnlnn Ih. \"" 1t'l\n"'0 ~\'rfY \I II" 'lllr;, tn hIIal1mlttN1a cltlr.an 01 lb. united Stac... . .. . ..L0!..~~.. . ........ ./."-J..~rn....v..... . ..~...... (8lcDalur. ,,1 ..II....) ,I",-''''Illf pI ,..lln_' ~ ,., "~la"d ",...... b.,." m. 10, .b. .hm....m.' 1''''''0''' .., "'''''"'E 'h'."~" '100 ct.., ., ,," O~"'" ...BJ:jran.,...T.exa.s...... .... :1;...... d., ., ... .May........... A'" ""m'" ".. 3.8 t ,,,..hr mil',. ",,' ~,l\n~" 0' .ffl..'lI', ...... ---......... ....... .....---............ _ "33'" "",bm. .b,.'... .10. ,..",1 ""' '0' ,..m""'" ..., ,."" '0 0' .." "0'" '0"0' .""'0 """'. ,,,,,,,,,, ""h .,,'...."00 of,....lI~ N'. .......... _..... g... ........ _.... II! 'lIrh 1'.>1 Ill,mf'r. 11l\.' tw'.." "r ..... "'.. I ., .' I, ,It.,. ',r.' "'. n,;.1 ",",t. ., ".,., ,,( t hl~ I\/'f It Irm I'll l,hl~ rlRI.ft. /'/ . ./ ( /f .' ~~L./I, l) I ....~ I.~( 9.- .. ................. .......... (IlUJ.) ('/nll. '~I , (. I I I ~ . \ I , ; I } ) ll' :~ t {f ~, . \ .;! ( I I'. tl It t' i , I I \, No, 332 UNITED STATES OF A MEI~ TC.A DECLARATION OF INTENTION (Invalid for all purposl'S $('\'('" yellts after the d"t" h'!reof) In {h(~ .... 'H DiR.tr.lct . .... __ ... Court 55: nf. DrUzoG COUr. ty (11 . Dryan.,... T.e~1J.':L_ j'l"hf"'''' "'ri!~'d J.40 1,(1"',,'~; \,j.jhl" di.~tj~ldh'(I mnrkR . , . PO la n d ; 11:11 j, "Ial i' . : ,~, 1 i [~ 11 , ," 1 ~ : 0 y ,~. , l ~V?~; ~Tf!cob i\ndr'o\'l ':itl":'-?yok:1 (II.'" ill'Yf1 n, >:nn f. : ~ hr. WI\II novor;lH~f" 'In, 1 "6:> (';";'";'f~:';~;i fhr Prdt<-ri lC:;tntcll ,4,'1. 'i ~ ,....~ ~ "'~,r' Juno l"{, Inrll ,"'r':' ""n""'I' "",,'11"ll''' flll'rpin, And 1I0W '11. 'I,' J ;"" " 'hlnlJ' ;";;"'"'' ~"'! ('". 'l"I"". ,'.,t" 1111.1 plllf't' of hirth, ":..1. 1;~.'rll in :'.~~fJ t')0W l'fHlide in..... 'iY~'IH' . , ::1 1'1......' . I <Ill ~1In\h"r . ~ ... ". .. ... . ~-............... . . n~l " '"",:.\ '" ~ 'm~;"'~~i;i~:;~;7~'~~;~ .::::.. Te run~: ~:ii&:r~'ii ~:. cc:t1, or "'..n I n led t<l the Pllill'd Rtllf('~ or AIll"ril'l\ from. ...... . ... .)ro:';cn. ,j"t- "', 10'__'1' '-11&1 entry (or prrmnncllt r(,f;irlrll"r ill the lTnifcod ,r;:'"t(',~ 1"11_ Il~ " IMlWIlr. o( - Valer.1a. .:-:v.lkoWSlt1 ..'tIIcI.....0.0...TJ.D~q.~_ " . . ...... . . . '1' "ll,,., ". " I. '<1__. ."'" "","1,." . ',.,....,... Iwm, bc(orr. br:ill~ adlllitted (n. /liZI'llship, 1"(~llnllllc'e flln'\, r Bli :dl,'r.illll,-" :111" Grlr-li'," I.... nl1\' fnr"i~ll prllll''', 1'0 t,f' II f.ntf' , WlOverciglllYl/llld flllrliclllarly, 1))' IInml1, to tll" prill"" pntl"":,'r', .,t."", "~~'l"n,.jr:'do" ,.r ,,""1'11 J mnl' Iw nt, tho tillH' ......on a dUz"1I IIr .~lIllkd; T lllll IIllt Illl ollnrl'ld..:f; r Hill' "I '1 P"I\T'l11;';! II"" '1 1....'j,... C'" ;'1 "1" prll"fjl'l' IIf l'"In:l\my; nlll! .rlolentil\lI in g'",,1 f/lith (II ''''I:''"I1~ 1\ rifizl'll (,f 1'",1'1'''' . .:I..',....,r ,\,,,,.,:, '1'1';,1 In ", .:i,J" pr:"ll1!lll"lllly tlwrdn; nnd J llIo".',o 1"'"'''''''' 1'1, "n; "." ", I' '" "" 1'1;..", e ,,," "'pH, ", , "., ',' .: ." "'W", . J ""', ,.:" .., '.,' :'" r: nT.. 'I' . ., . ,'. '. . . j ( )) / , ( I , '. .,.. I I I :)!../. . / \:::. t'.' C. ' h ".< "~':Il' ",o,fi,",7:r, ttf '..r:~.t.!. ,.; .:,I...i;.,; ";;"';',i;;,'~ " ,iii:-d')" -.-.... ........ ~lIhF;I'l'il\l'd nl':! "\\'Ilrll In h,f."" 1"" ill f'", flrrjr-,.. "r fhi' Nrrk of ~l\ld Court, ot "'" ..:J.~l~n f. ';.c/:0~:.. ,fhi.; 9.. ..l~lr (1(, ..Y~r.Q.~........ 1\1111(1 f IOlllilli 1 fl ;36 ~QI~~r}(xy.xx X :,\XXXUX1r1Ulf"I1*:aiti'rwM- II i ~c . ~m:-n-1;T'r:X ~Zl-:'(':)T~.~'t1nXi XPJDSiX":JI:Xtm: X:OO::T.itr)E~ toM 'lCXI~P:Dfro:vJ::ecY ?\'i':'C:~~1'1r\ 'rxp'"}'.,( l,~,,"" 1f1"fiV".lf l!~:1':roXOO'JilfY.l),('~i-.l ',):ltiK '1'1,. j.)'"f, 1"."q,l. 'd'". : I .1 '1":, .,!, It..., !:'il)li"!l1 III "I",f ill n Ilk,,- . .I ;T II...~~ IIr I'". 01, ":'1",. I , / I .~'. ..:) (),'~'..':-~ District '.1.....,.'..,..11" :1o.r;:jnny !~ni'! ,":' r)J"'< I';'I',~~.~,,} , PIl .,}, V. '\I..fl, ""''''''l''Ilrt.' '., \'''''''','',1 ,. . . . .... ... .. .. . J.J lOO~ , I 'IlY' . i i'.'.'.......O ......... (v... \ [i'/: \l 1 ( /, d. "f I'''' . .... rouTt. r., l>rl"ltll rlrrk. 'OIO"''ll '.' _'0',' J ,.. .\ u, S, DrPAl!l\lfNTN L~r.'w l~l',~lr,'I\TI"'1 ""/t' 'j.ql'r'~l~t~~'~'1 '.,r."", ! t '.''';'1 - .,.,",,,,,,,- - rill'~''''''' .rn,.., 'Nt f. i , ) /. "( ,~, ,/ U :\ -" , \ 1\ ,~ I " \ 1 I \ ~ I ~ I 'j '1 I: :1; , \~ i., ~. ;: " ,. ~:i 1 ! 'I'! I ( I' I " i d , . !< /: I' ~j f" I, '," I , J , >; I !/ , I Ii ! I i ~ . . , 1 . f= ';j f ' /;1 II. No. __:i~Js__.____m____.__. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DECLARATION OF INTENTION (Inulld for an purpoI" "yen yurs after the date hereof) ~ .OF_TEXAS.....------..\ $S: _.o.E...BRAZQS_. .._.____m_U In the ---.....-..-D1.a.t;pj.,.o-t.-..---....---- Court oJ__J3n.ZQfJ...QQun.b:.- at ._:_J3nfJJl'-_!ltaP...---- l' JAQ O.C.. ..Arldr9_.GQny'Qk.1.. .., --.................. --.- ..... .......... ..... .......... ...-- --. .-......---.....-..........-.-.. ~~g at .......J.....F .....D.L ~~,_~~: ~ntm~.'O ttI.n1 ~.';::~n'tt1b...._.....___...mm...._._.m..... ...... IH_bor .....OCI_' 7. r(C'JI<7 or .....' 10......' llwle' o ._...1.linnar.......---.-......m.....' aged ... ..\J........ year8, do rlecl/lro on oath that my personal deaoriptlon is: :..-J.B--...-..... color .... .wh1.t.e........ ..._., complexion ....l1ght.. .... ......m....., color of eye. __...b~u.am.m....... .. bJ,Ir __.._hlo.nda... .._m"'" height ...500.. feet .... .5..... Inches; weight .1.45._..... pounds; vlalble dlatlnotlve marka ............................ .............................. _............_ ............. ~ ..__.. ..... _.. __....... M......... _...... __.._.. ........... -. -.... -- ........ -... ......... -......................--..............-----................--.-... lee &nd fidelity to" ~,'.. pn 1 1 shoo.... .., ........................ .......; nationality .. ..l).o Lis h....... . .--................----.......---.-........-......... -="10 p.o.znan.h.............rQl@.~.L..--........... ....... , Oil .,.. .No.v.emb~.r_-1Q..--.la6J5...-_.....--....- put.. ...-- ll:ltr........' ~l ~Tal 1 C _...J...V~ (Dv) (T_l I nHuriod. Tho name of my wHe or IK~ ......\ ... e.T. Jit. .!.o.r.M.Y.~A\~..--.---.. ......--...........-....--....---. -~'cd on .......QQ.t... .p.J...l~.~.Q.......... . . ., at. ......J~ry~.t:l:L..rr~~~~..._.___.m..u............_.; ahe o...M was . r L",,"'A1_d. 'I....' ,r..rl , ,</"+'10, '~!.'87'1. Is....u,_lrrl :.," ..Torun.... U.J..gJJ, ........................., on ....Mav..!....W.ht~.. . .y....___.........., entered the United States "-t~JI{~ l\T v ,...... Of _o,n) Se'" 1 -c'il'l'883 tD0071 I V.., I . , .J..~.:I\..J..lA...^.................., on .........~.u......,......................, for permanent residence therein, and now ," . .' lat:yf':::~' T---...I.8lt"I IV..., ~ 'Yo",l. .~ ~...D.J,: :an....... e:u.g.~"p"",__u"",__,," I ha\'t': ..u...ltn.e... dl\lcirr.n, and the name, date and place of blrtb, ICltr 10,",1 .' 8.... or .........,1 .11 b d 1d .. TT S. A place of residence of cnch of Bald children arC' /VI (nl1otl"J: q . Om .a.n... .nQw...r.e~ e....n...lJ_Lm ...-...~ --....._...... ...... 0.' r. 8 Col14tilut.I~~"~d Ild allegiance to tb P ME GOD. 10' _...-.........-.......................-..........-...~................_.... .--... ..... -... .' '" . ........................... -- ........ ..... ............ -.........---.... .... -........-.. r ........ ........ ................ . -. ....... -......................... --...... -........- , .... r , ..... . ... ..... .. ~. . .... ......-....... ............ ..... ...- -...............-.-...............-.- 'Jkr k. .:....;;..~~~~~~~~~;~.~~~~. ~ ~~~~~~~~.~(-~~~~~~~;. ~'~'b~~ ~'_'.'. ........~..~....._......~...._~~..~ ~~.~~~~~~xQi~be~=4:-=:=:~ f .~. . I .._.~.... .1ex~~___.n. n. ...... n._______. ........__..... _ ... ...P.l~.. ..r~g_~___.m__._..._~~~"_.___'_._"'__" . tatr '" ",...1 .p. !1-n flWw1 ~ ,,._ et-'l lilt foreign residence WlUJ _... .0 __A n ....J:.IJ..I:~~_......__._...... .............-------....-.-..........--..-..-----.-..-.-..-........ (Qtr.._1 (0eulrY\ toed to the United StateR of America from ..._._..___.Hamb~rR' ..GermaDY...m........----............-.-.......---.----... . . ,c,~.,_':i New York n ~lrT) awful entry for permanent reSidence 10 the UOIted St.u.v.s Wl\.Il t .................................I......!..--.....--...........-..........-.. . &he lWlle of ........_....J.~Q.Q9._~~~~..9:9.~.~.~..... .............., on ..c~I.~~.ttfl(,t..-:t?.I..-l~.~~~~~.._-....-.. ....yeael____.....__...8S...UDlQ}.Q."!1A.-_........._-- n_......__. m.... ... ..,..... ...n. ..,_.. ._.~:.~_..____ (Duo' IT~~ 01...... u.-.. b, "..... .14t4 .a......' .f .,.,I.a.lt , I will, ~foro being adnlltted to cltlzeuship, renounce (orever 1\.11 nl\llglll.nce anri fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, ofloverelgnty, and particularly, by name, to the pmce, pot~ntll.to, fttA.tr., or llovr.relgnty of which I may be at the time ~on & citizen or lIubJoctj I am not an anarchlstj J &.lD lIol. n pol.vgn.mist nor 1\ believer in the praotlce of polygamy; and II .,ID~nt\on in good (alth to become a citizen of thl' Unltr.rl Rtl\tl'fl of ^ meriell. nnd to reside perma.Dently therein; aDr I \hat tbo pbotograph .ffixod to the duplic,u> .,,1 t~i'"to her,of j, ,.1Ikoo... of1mo: St n'L' Ji"" 000, ( , '!t~f' ,3 (~.!.:.c."!!.:m~:'~n:':':.~~, ~..m. n:~..... . _.~.~~ It" 11\,..'..1.......... 014..1.".., .It~~~""" .... 01 . SUbfll'll'1.bed and Ilworn 1.0 hl'fore me In the office 0 e Ole said Court, at. __..Bryan , ..Texaa ""00"'___ this ..-SL...__ day of ...- uoh....___.. nnno Domi1f 19..:?~ ~~"'r I I I. k "'JIIfWha...Jl"'~ ~l' ILWlnn~~~iJ J["'II"~~1I"'1If\l[ <tcDDJ~d. b ~1'4~W7CWX~k~.AhJ\.." Ii",~.m r~ IlXXQC. The phnto!l;rnph nffixrd to t.he nllpllcatt'l /lnci t.ripllcate hereof ill i. like- lle/lIl uf till 'iecll\tf\II~: ...... . ~7~.2. .':':/..: (~~p.:".4...... ..__....................... {SUL] Clerk of the .........D1S.tr1.a.t-................... Court. By....... .................... .................. ........., D.puCIl CZ"k, ez-'.. fteued. ., . .-....-..-..... FOMll '20t-J,.^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR IMMIG~.ITION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE 14-te:II .....-..---.- , ."a.:,.a............... - _..~ ~ ~. ," ......0 i~;:t.r.1,<;. t......... ," c.,,, 0/ ....Il r.a~ 9. S .!::. QU,l\ ty.. ........ '" ....l.l ry .e.lJ. ~. ,~t lUb.ll......... . . ___..................J .a ~O b . ,AJ:l d.r, ~ lit ..Go. r W Q k i.. .. ..... . ..... .. .... ......, h..,,,, ...., ..........., ......, .-0,,,,, .. . ..RQ ~t. e.. J:i 0.....:4...13 l' ~ 1m . .. .'r.e.x~ s ..... ,.,.." ~","'''~ ,............ 1. armeI: ....................... ~. l'Oz,nJill. ...1' 9.11m1l...... ..........' '0 ... NQv,. 1 Q.... .1~Q(i . "" ,_I' . ....l'.QUllb....................... .... . .~,,,. to _m.. ",1I~. .ft'" n.Il'" HI.... ~ .. Na r c b. 9... 19 ~" ,. .". .......D is tr. i.c. t... .................. ~ 5r_ah.Q~_..9.9.\Urt.Y.................... at .., ... .Eryan. ...T~x~ s. __.-.. tnafTlod. Tb. nlUlluf my wll. ~~d I. ......Yal.~ ria.. .Oor.zs.ck1.. ..' ...... ..................................... ;:;~ ...,9.\:)j. .....0 >.. .1!;\.~Q.... ..,..... ........... .. ......ary Jill. ...r eXll ll.. .......... ......... ...'..................; a.. ... pr.un. ,. ..1'. Q l.an.<l. .... .... .. ............. .. ...., .. ..,.., . 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IJldlUcn petition wa.- r1l\ni4\r\ by thlll r.nurt for the'rollowlDlfNllllOtJ"end',-ullI\.l:-;""" __.;';'; ;,' ,,;i.n;.;' ;,;;';; i..,' ;.;,.r;; '..'mo..i:"" .... ..... ....... ............... .. .. ....... ...., .......... ..................-....... .......-......' Il-f'l" 1111.1 111".11\ r ",'11 III. lhl., 11I\' IlI'llllo.lI. It)! rl""",.hll', Ilr" my 111111''''""''" nf 11I'~"Iin" In NMmfl · attllMl ot tb. 'Oulttd 8tattl, ClIrtta.-&e from tbe -.' 01 ~ ,I Ill'" ,', \''''11\ nil \'h\ll\ 1\.1,.\\,\1. 01 \',..11\11 "l"\f\""r ""UI\I"-':1\4 :1\'11141'\11 11\ ,~\, 1 I'll ...' . ..' ..............,....,1,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,..,,, ........... ...... 1 \; l' I ' . dl'~' '1'11." ' I I J!. ,i'; (I V ,Ii .".1' 1 .. 1\ .1: . '1'1 J.. . :i i (\ I , I' 1/\ \1 I I . I !' I IIill I III :,' II . i)UIIIlI,j' \J.'."j~'~ _ IIL'Un1\ WO!'tt'hUlll ........... .' . ......... ......,....." .. _.............J~.:r.~~n.....r~l.<<lX~~. . .... .. ... ... ....... ............ ............... . "'r "'" ..................... ............ ...J.. ...M... .F.eri,u.aOn ....... .. I'rll"l'""nn . .....C.Ou.n:t.y....J.udge......................... :."". ~~Jil,; ~~ ~..Z,~:fi.~~.;.;; 'd;jioHi' ,..i ';;;;' i..i 'io;' ii;; ;iiii'-. ',j; i;; j" ;;,i;;i ,iii....i. .',;wi.., "hii'.; h;; ......Diit,..,;;;;;..iio..n;;;;;o; _ _ Uu1~ l:ltatel ,..I~b ,....,Ill 9,9.9.. ,M,9,r,~, w.. ,9;91: ;l;y.9.~L ....... no no.... 'b. ..'"l.... .h." ....,...... ..... ... J..n9.....~l1.o.e........ ..... "!all pnonai knowltdll' tb. petltlonll' bas reelded In the United 8tetll continuouslY \'1,,,,*,101 the data of lUlnl thl. petition, of wbleb tbll alJIc1aYit 11 .......lIIDaeUl. det.lut m.ntloned.lDd at ...........ary.all......................................-..,In lbe Oounty at .....Br.a.ZAS.............. E; .....:' .... tho ....H."".. ..,Il'" to m.... "."bO'.'" ".... ....LlllB .. and ..19.0 B... ,"'" ..d ."', b. b.. ......... ""...101.. ....,,, ~... = ~;~j .",b ,.".d. h.' ...." . ,.,,," ,,' ,"" ".", ....,,"', ........, ..,.. ,ol.d".. ., ".. C....'...loo ., 'ho V..... ..........d ...Il d ~h'PP"~ ,ftb. '"'''' Bl"", ..., lb.". b. .".,,, <h. ..""0'" ;, ",,' y.or ."Il." .. ....II'... d"'" .lIb. u..... ..... ...... ..~;~.~........../<~.n1......-." ".~, ~.... w= to ,.,~. m. b, lh' .h.....m.' I.'n....' ood .Il.- I. 'b.' .b. ct... .,..Id """,.,.. ry.an.~..IllXa.e..... .. B.t.... day of .._.liay:......... Anno DomlnI19.~a I nereby certifY that OI'rUtlcate olerri,,1II No. --...-..........................-........ ~"'Dtpvt 33 ...,,, L.b", .b.w'., 'M ,.w'''' "'I)' ,,, ,um..,qI ,..'d.... " th. .."""" ..." ..m". -.... wttb dod."l"'" .....".. N., ......, ---=<1................... ",...b ..""...., h.. t,.. b, '" ftl.d .ttb, ."",,'" to, ;;;;.';;}."" b~ d.... . ........ ............ ~. J............. ...' ............................... 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