HomeMy WebLinkAboutSaturday Evening Post Article - Courtesy PhotA A WAVE 40 YEARS LATER: A copy ofThe Saturday Evening Post in 1958 featured the uniform Navy WAVES wore during World War II on its cover. Marie Bennett Alsmeyer, pictured right, who served as a WAVE, poses in her uniform. Mrs. Alsmeyer wrote a book describing her experiences in the Navy branch. I . " !if4ti. '1(~':) MAGIC EVES FOR MEDICINE By v. K. Zworykln Marie Bennett said her farewell. There was not always a place for women during wars. The extreme patriotism and a sense by everyone to do their part, along with her mother's encouragement, beck- oned a young Marie to the unknown world outside her tiny town. More than 55 years later, Marie Ben- nett Alsmeyer, Tyler, has made her memo- ries permanent in her book, "The Way of The Waves," thanks to the letters her mother kept over a three-year period. "I wrote it because people are so differ- ent now," she said. "Women are more aggressive now." It was shortly after the "Great Depres- sion" when she arrived in Bronx, N.Y., she felt like "a small speck" in a sea of about 5,000 Navy WAVES at Hunter Boot Camp. "Imagine leaving a small town right after the depression and going to a big city," she said. "I was always amazed at new cars and the women." Mrs. Alsmeyer said life was very excit- ing as a WAVE. "In San Francisco everybody would let you into the movies and everybody was very nice to military people," she said. In one situation desclibed in her book, she and a mend wanted to check out a club WAVES Page 3, See, 3 o VeteransDay Events Planned - Page 8, Sec.1 By JAYMIE POESCHL Staff Writer On a cool crisp night in 1943 a 5-0, bright-eyed, small-town girl said good-bye to her family and her South Texas town. Only the lonely sound of the old South- ern Pacific train's whistle could be heard over the tears of family and mends as t, ADV.NTUAaa 0" THe MINDI CALL ON LUCY and DESI By Peto Martin I (0 99 - :::::;:-=~~ ___;' ""'_W~'\~"f~lI~ ':o.'O.'\'\).W)))......;.~;;.X'i''i'..;:-r.'i1\!l'l.''l.. rt ,,'" _." <"' ...."'.;,.;,'!f"tl.~t _\Jl ...~'\:I: r\l>''l: "''''~.." ~ '" rt ",,""""'::l '" ~"" ;r ~,,~~o "g""lll"..~:r '..."'."'. ."" x,, :roo"",,""" "6,,0\'''''''' SI.O I ~ ;3~~s;~g'gJi &p~~'~" ~ ~;3~n :~'g-~~" g.~ g.;.~ ~ gJSS~~~ ~lf~Jl "',r 0""""" "" It'''-....'' o,<",,,,t'j,, rt'" "1';"'''' ",0" 0 I !;li1mm~~f~m Jl~li{ ~~:I~!Jn~iUH I &(l~ g.?; ~~...:Jc::",7;'~ ~H~~'\% "'~ ~ s.g-~ ~~ ij:.g.i:: ~'.,'~~b""R~ m ~ g- I "" ~ _ '" ~ ::r El S-.... _ " "'''' _' _.", -' ' . 00 0;' rt rt " zg"oi!'l [\ .". "1tro-S-~ ~O" g g:. g' ::;:0)> o~ '" 'l'cw Z \ "~gz.g'tS~~",.:! ,~~""'~;3~ ~iilii 'gEsH~ ~ \ .;J 'S'" 0 0 " '" 0 z" "' c" """' ~,,~ m"'''' ".. rt.." '" " ~o"g. ",<"",,< 0..." ",a "~,,..,,-"" s: ~p~~~~~g.%~"".gg-~ s,~~ ~~!:! ~,,"u;te; ~. 1?0~" 0", 8;;'~:=0 "''' S &gp- 0-" 1ft ~&a-.,,'g3 ~ <:"'<t:nQ,:l~J:;:ooo- /:00':1 ...::r21 g j;JUJ ~ f/'J ? ::lSaO""-'''''''''''''''''''' ",_~3~" o;j"'''~O, " ~o O~ m~~o~o <_~ ." ~""1?0 ~ " m@, 1i5iti ga.~g9-~ ?;~" ",~s'~<P",' ~ $ 15 [!} g-~~ S'~ s,~" 'g ~tO~ ~ ~ f;g~ gc::;t~ gJS' ;jg Erg.5S ii'15 e.g ~~g ~ ~~~~;3 g ;.~g.~n ~g ~~~~~a ~ W~ ~'g~~~o ~~~o;:gs.ig.'~g ~ ~~" v, " "''''' "," ~o- ",,,,,,,,"'~~"""'rt ""'0"" <5 ltir ""o~..::o ~S~&' "::S" ",-,,"j!!' ",,""-. CD' ~ ~o.",(!).~'g".S"..~~",-"''''''''' . 0 ",," ~"..:>>:" ~ ,,'" srg ~p.:<" ~..,,~. ~ ~ i!l~0''<1l'' iP:.&""0" ~"o",Edr[!}~ @o","'c<::i(l~ " 0"'''' ~15&o:s", 15- e."'oE ~"."",~;',.""15~o"'",,,o g:o;.gg ;tglV S 15 ~~ g B~"'3 ~S ~[~..g:~" ~~~'~-g~.." 1\.""~ S;Sa ~~ g ~~.~-O~ ~ ~ ~.::~ a~ ~n~05'~ HE o5'~ [~gg~~ ~ ~~ g-U8:~ ~ "" '" _ _ "''' g,," 0 '" -..."" .." ;3 '" 0 "'"- ~ "" ,~~" ~ - '" ~ [l~~~:~ Hl';.~ ami !~h~t~m !!h~li;t ~ ~~",al~ ! e,~~i ;$.:~'?? g n'~~ m gp[! ~ ~~ g~ ~~~~~ g w;% ;;'05'0 ~ 0 [\ rn". ":I:e." g" "g!i" %-1\.s""-g ~ g.!' ~~1\.~~ ~15" " ;j",~g&~ ~&CW~ g-~~:sg-", g.~c""" ~I:l:l" ~.",~..",,<~~.. " <>'..", ,,;l ~ ,,~""" s." ~.c ~"" ";;:,,,,1ti&~t=og fr. ~"~,, g:" ,"," "" .. "" 0 ,,,,,. '" " " "'" ~ '" c .."'" "" '" :" ~" , :-. ~ 0 ~ ,- '" ~ ,-<.< .." ,..., Il! ("I '::!!';::~ :=..1 p... - 0 t""'-'1 01 ~.::l ;:.. :;:ot:l::l 0 '<: o~ 0 ~ '"' ~ t:"'O ~OtdE:.~ 1""1 s '" ....,,,,,'" n....... z ~..&. ~ ~ ~ ~ i:,--,.:..,..-.;:.t "... ~. ~ ;;:>~ n'CS'C'":l--; - ~ I,... "...., '> - ~ ' '~':rl U> (l) () ~ CJJ ~ 00- 0 0 a- 6' ; ~ ~ 0 e ;9 ~ :-' W r '" o<i Z g:"t1 " 0 " JJ - ~