HomeMy WebLinkAboutGravitt Brothers Scrapbook Newspaper clippings from an album kept by Aunt Mildred during World War II. These clippings were dated around early 1942 (after Pearl Harbor) . JOlIN c~' UR.4VrrT""';!~' , (Pictured above) A""'" - , - ' " and Mrs. 0 T ~ tc SOn of, Mr. I ' A brother,of Wifbe~ h) Gravitt. so of FlOYd R. - ho ~ and',al_ .PhiJi ' , lV lVas.in th . ' ~Pfnes lVheJllast heard fro e I John C. eIJl!sted in the M: III. In NoVelllber of 1938 B ~ board the ui.fated, U e ~as on Jahoma earlY'last .S. S. Ok- Dot a~ .b '. Year, but lVas lie .... _;: ~rp~ber 7tl1. Ba8elSan~ D_. at ~~l!~ Na~ tro- .- n.._~' ,~lIt'.fa8i, heard', I ' -.... -"""11......- -- t ' ." f '.' , ua',.._ a sea. ''II';':. E-~ "....-,. ~;, ':.-, :,' 'llllW;;lB?7-1!Il<_n._ ;,. FLOYD R. GRAVITT 00.._ , I" (Pictur~d above) A son of Mr. and Mrs.O. T, (Butch) Gravitt andll. brother of Wilbert Lee,' aDd,' 'John C:,~' is ~ the, armed ser': vice8;..:....::theMarlnes - "Some- lVhere'~' 'lit liea."the;...Jast, heard , from hbJa.' ~~Yd,~nlfsted in Nov- ve~bllr;' . ~9.: C~through the at~~"p~J',BiLrlJor 'sal~y. It Ja JJeUe'f: ~ JaaBa.cuo OPera- tor iwff.h , '~ner~'Walnwiight, "8ODl~wh~re' ."Ji1 the! P~~lnes. ~- r:.. .. Floyd - teenage~ - about 1936 / t_ ,- Reading mail from home ~ Phillipine Islands, 1941 ~~ Floyd - 1938 - going to ...... Coyne Elec, School, Chicago:; --- ~-- If_......... r'I~~r' i .., ., On Maneuvers, Nueva Acijas, P.I., November, 1940 " 1 Clark Field, P.I.,1940 (" L--- -.-- --- --- -- r - - { Visiting Phillipine natives ~941 ~...; Riding motorcycle ..,~:', Zampanga Province, p, I" 1941'" r ------ #J&-.'-' .. " " ~,\--/'iFle~~, li. Gravitt, 6t2'96t<1~Qt Air CerJ;ls. is ~~,~ prisoner of war of the Japanese '",,:. ,c 1.\' t Fhi~"+p,p~e :PsJ.ands. J. . ,/. '-,.t, . GOVjernment !:IV':' :~t'A'8;' " ./""' '--"'?~;'. .,',", ""',--' ~~ t t i ;:~;'-..," ':;his will confirm my telegram of January"17', 1943. ll~ '~W~',~ .. .... t'r~, "'.' ...... "l"l,~_.....c:.t&, . ~.""lpac:... ...."i;.~.:.:..:!"'~';'\.... ',.; ;-:~ A:~~~, ; 1 ~ . '~I ~,:,I t ,. ;,~ . d 't ; <,:,p'i,)I_Y';;;''besent. "-4n'y future corr~spondeI1ce in conn-ection with hi-s ~ta\&U~" ~ ~'-" " ). ~ ,~ ~.~ , '8:,', ""'. 'ltt~~~w.( b,e da~A'n<<s.ged _~Q 1ili4t'" ,Gf~d:c:.f!;."" ':, -,", " '~~.~~ ".11> -:~":":'::': "., .~-"~~,.'-:_ ;;' .-""~-"'.~~~ .'...."I!. ~;if~ ,.(:;:! . 1.:.....~~ ~\lIr ;:-.~~-:."'....~.. ,>,', q" .' . ~ery trw.~ 'i~;'~~ :~~">. ~. .. -1 I ' tL -r ' ~ r'~ .. r ~. /. I .~ '"' The Frovost Marsh~l Genera>!, Prisoner of War Information Washington, D.C., will fm-nlsh. you, the aQaress to which _~~<' ^;~t '1,. .. ~f ':. :~.. 2 ~ - \ r- f (' ..;.-- ,.--' ----..... - _.-~-- :; Telegram t Floyd' s re~ Ulcaks about M "-, ease from J tit" -~~--" apanese ,~!!.. ---,' , \1.04 - 0' ~\."f..c.'o\.~1& ~~~:_t~ ' t)' ~\ ' ' ",..,::::: .,... . . "'""," ' ' _ '~.' ' "<,,0>,,-0< ...... ~ . . ' ~.".."" _"," 0 - ,._ "" '" ,.. .," ,0.., .' ..... ~ ' "..... .... \"~ .... . ,.~"" ..... ",.. . ....." ",,,, .' 0"" " ...... "I,..~"" . ....0..0. '. 1.1l4.f> .~~....- ,......",_"" d~'I'. l.i _ \'1\eo1\",,\e~ t:.!O"" 'II. ~....~. ' . tbi' a_te \ tt' ~e.. v ,~ .,.,............ 1.1.e.i'o.> e ' 'fl\8 .. ~ e ~~e J\\'a "'~ , , , . :t,ee ~).o~ c'~-S:~, ~eSf,.6 . :so'\).-s:a.e.'P-'tO'P- < -' - ~. .- \ - '. ~ ...:,-- ." , "0. ee'9"" 1.0 l\"Oe-s:e.'te ' t).O~o. , ' O~ , , ~o'tne .0 ...\ l).~~e.. " o 't' G~6;~e't'\i .~~# t , , Floyd at HOs' McCloske pltal, Tem 1 y General and recu p e, for t 1946 peration f reatment rom p . rlson c amp, J Happy Days Day Parade -SEX-POWS in , an Angelo , - -....~--_... --- ~\AR~Y BRANCH ", '. YOUNG MEN:$ ,CHI}ISTIAN ASSOCIA TI8-'N . , PRESiDIO OF SAN FMNCISCO .' r .. .Y" ,~, " J,. , Correspoj'tmence Room .." h ~ "', "'J;~... \.. \. ... " !". :i.- " , San I1ra~2isco, Calif. ~, (C(F~ 0' / tl'l5 ,~ \ 7 .~_.""~~ -~ - . ~~ ,:-'\~~.~.}.~ )~~'> . "':'- ."1 ,&~i4;;' "'~l "y " " -~~J . . 1:1' ( a-VZb Y ~ ~ ~ ~y, . ~. ;f.tr:v ~.,A'6/~~,. \ t;;:],,~ ~k~:::J ~ ~".1 . ~~~ ~'ft- "wr ~., ~.)O /t~ h~ . ~.~ #f"-- r4e. s Y"'" ~ ,'1 ~.. " ',.' ",ALi Y' ~~'" " '., ;tr. r ~/I ~J~ ~,' ~,~. ~, ~~ pA1~~. /J '~~~.r~ ~~A-,.,~ : ~ ~~ ~ ~?;;1-~ ' ?~rl'l ~J r~1 Ud " M ~IJ.'!:}J~ ~ ,db:ti-.-,j ~ : =w 4. ~~~.' :. t4~,~"~, < r ~ (JJv 1;) ~:f~. ~_ \ '.' ~~.~:ut7~~~h ~ . ':~::- > (In cooperation ~~ p . r I r , ,~ L Thinking about Floyd and remembering an anecdote he told me: We had been looking at some of his old Phillipine pictures with the natives. I asked him about why they seemed to be so near the base. He told me they were actually allowed to come 9n the base, Fort 5tatzenberg in this case, and roam the area. It was an old calvary base and was not really very active any more. 50, he said some times the natives would wander around and sit under the wings of the planes and work on making their arrows. Too bad he didn't tell me more stories of the innocent days before World War II. ...~" ~ f'\ .~ Lt, John C. Gravitt, .\ 1943 It A LIEUTENANT GRA VIIT. I A.. Medals Awarded. I Lt. Gravitt's citatian, also. sign~ iHeroic Texan ~d by Secretary. ,F arrestal, read: I ' "Far extraardinary her a i sm wh;l, "",;ng ~ . pl.;oo. J"d" ; :Killed,!JIPeleliu , attached to. the. Third Battalian, (LEVELLAl'iD!.~,:~.rune 6 (Spl).- , Seventh Marines, "First Marine di- IThe Navy Cro:;s,iind Purple Heart : visian. in actian against enemy Jap- \have been .PosthIimauSIY awarded anese farces an ':Peleliu, Palau is- lto Marine 1st L1.' JahnC. Gravitt, lands, 28 Sept. 1944. Skillfully lsan af Mr; and Mrs., Orner T. i leading his plataan in defense af a. iGravitt. I f h fr I. I ; He was ~illed an, Peleliu last i sectar ate ant mes vita to. the, ISept. 28 while repulsmg an enemy \ j ~uc,=ess af the_missian._'~sSjlriied his ':attempt to. autflank a unit af the I campany, First Lieutenan~ Gravitt )lst Marine ,Divisian. , canstantly expased himself to. heavy ;: Gravitt was leading, his plataan I enemy machinegun and rifle fire I'n 'in defense af a sectar af the frant I [lines when h~ abserved a group I larder to. direct the fire af his unit iof Japanese maving to a new laca:! against the fartified hastile emplace tIOn. He was aware that their I ments. Observing a graup' af J an.. fire fram this paint wauld imperill I . , ." ~an adjacent unit and render his; ,anese maVlng t.a a. new locatI.an a~d ,'awn p~siti.all an a ridge untenable, I aware that theIr fIre fram thIS pomt! ,the cltatIan,accampanying the I wauld imperil an adjacent unit and f I ~Navy Crass relates. i render his awn positian an a barren ' I: He .un~esitatingIY seized an au.: ~'dt d bl h' h' . 'I ,I itomatIc rIfle fram ane af his men I 171 . ge un en a e;. e ~n esltatIng y; ;and "courageausly making his way! PasthuriIaus awa:;ds to.. two. ~elzed ,an autamatIc nfle fram ,ane" farward Ja' an apen area,' deliv.! Sauth: Plains' Marines who.' gave af his awn men and, caurageausly! ,ered intense, accurate fire an the! their 'lives ,far their' cauntry were making his way farward to. an apen I lenemy graup until he was mar-; d th ar~a delive ed . t " tally waunded." He had canstant.l presente to. eir mathers at; cere: ,.' r m ense, ac~rate: ;ly expased himself to. heavy enemy I' manies Tuesday aherna~n..at City I fire an the enemy graup untIl he Imachine gun and rifle fire in ar- hall with Majar Sicbiey, J. Altlnan i was martally waunded. By his in-! \der to. direct the fire af his unitl af EI PasO. and Mayor O. .W; Ispiring leadership and dauntless' 'j'against the fartified hastile em- R'bbl ffi" ' '. I'f' h' ... th' f f placements. 'I I 'It a clatmg:' , , " Ig tmg SPI!ll m . e ace a gra!,e: \ Gravitt participated in landing I While their husbands and ather Ij danger.' ~Irst... LIeutenant, GraVItt" !assau.I ts an Ja.pa. nesepasitions an I m~mb~rs,: ,of, ,their,' fa, ~i.lies ,a ,n d'l I enabled.hls platoon -to. lacate and l:r'ulagi, Gavutu,,'Tanambaga, Flar'l friends looked. on.,. Mrs. .,Douglas I destray the Japanese troops, and ilda and GUildalca,~~ Islands. \ W. 2517.... ' , h' lf 'fi' d' d He was a prafessIOnal baseball I 'Ilt; '1 wenty-secand; 'and I IS s~ -sacr!. clDg .evatIan to.. uty ,player in civil life and pitched fari Mrs. Oma T. Gravitt 0.1 Level- , was In keepmg WIth the highest the S1. Lauis Browns in 1936, He I : land, were" prese~ted themeda]s. I traditians, af the United States ',~nlisted in t~e Marine in 1938 an, d \ They were: a Branze Star to. lpfc. ! Naval service. He gallantly gave' 'm 1939, a~ pItcher far the USS Ok. E J W. 'k'TI d .r:~, his life far his cauntry." ' ',lehama mne, spa~k~d~hat team to I verett . Itt~! I e ui; ac~ian '.' ,the f~eet champIOnshIp. He was I June 16, 1944, an Saipart.. and a 1 st. Lt. Jahn C. GravItt at ane :barn m Prague,Okla" and attend. Navy Crass, .seC'Ond highest Navy time was a resident af our caunty ed schaal there and at Jaurdantanl award, to. 1 st Lt. Jahn C. Gravitt and attended schaol here and has ;and Levellan~, Texa~. . I .' .~! ~ many f' d d I t' h I A brother IS a prISaner of the I kll ed m actla~ an Pelehu, Sept. 1"'oR I h fiend s tn re a .Ives . ere, !Japanese, Anather brother was, 28, 1944. N tJ '1 ~'..., w a are sa to. ear af hIS passmg, )killed in a bamber crash two. years; , ewspaI=:.er c)"lPPlngS from Levelland lalta. . J ~ about the aW,ard of the Naval Cross ._-- i second hi,~hest Navy award. ' I:"'., ~,., --~ r r----- I laoo.. -A.. f) A.. : .,.~~..:~ . _ _._._-~..t7'j.-;",;-,,:,;-,;''''', POSTHUMOUS.A WARDS' . GO ;fO ,TWO MARI~J;.S f\ -\ ,. -~ ! ""'I I' " ~~";;.;;-= r 1- ,.. , . !' Ii'r I~___..- ........ ,,~ r.tY.'" ~'~,.."~~~ r ~ ~\YJ OJ .' ~~W,....-,~r..;:-'--' ~ y.~~ ~ IlI- 'J. ,...lil_"~l.__.__.... A/'A1..,r.,_, , r:~:or:J;~' ..',. "~i. ~;. . , tt.~I".:!,~ ";' ~. lit )"'ftT ~. ....~"I Lt, John Gravitt and friends rTraining recruits, Quantico, Va. 1943 r- Visi ting the Ulcaks, ,Jourdanton,____- - - ----- -~~~ =;<- ..-,... ....- 1939 ~ ~= John and Friends, stationed in Hawaii on the D.S.S. Oklahoma, 1941 ~-=-~~- ---~ --- -=::::::::: ~~.- ~ -- :::::::::---=:: ::::::::::- -- :::::::=:--== - -- - -- - -- --- -- __ =-=- - -J - . r - I ~ '1 " ,..---- - - - - - -~ r7 n' II '" John in camp, 1939 ~. '" ,/ ~ ... .,..:C iiiiii: ~ '."1 '\ 1938, Camp Graduating Class Pendleton -\ '" '\ ~ ) 1941 J.1 Champions --- ----.- Baseba Fleet \ ) r I , - (()~ 0,1' 'VI '8u /201 ~l .Lt.\-'. ~ ,^-~111~~ ';f . _ , -'-:', . "t,.lI"""- . I I...... OJ . .' ". . , r .2 I.......' ~ . ,,"~. .~,," ' ..-........--. ,IJ)J)JI. ~~'.O' '" ~ fD.H I . ~ J G '( ~ '. ~.;,~, 10 dJ. ~'> .~ ~..f).vJ. ~ ~~~-;L- AYL ;;. 10 ! ~ Ai ~~ '(.-U. )1\~~..hIt P.J.L <."1 th p~ ~J ~ J ~ ~ il.)~AI{~ ~. ()J1 ~ n 1!... ~Y'IU. W1ft >:t4 1: ti:~ ~{'"~ ~dj 1 tr,,:t~~d ~-d 0 7/~ .)4 ~,o.) ~ JJ.w. ,~:-J ()--. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~t ,~ ~f dJ I ~ ~.IIJ4...~~~. J . '~. o-J. ~ ~ ',~ . 0 ,A.. ~ ~ ~ ~i.c ~j:..~~ -. (/ r::J.-..~pi' 'I '~~' ( hruNly# ",,,,,,.Ii ...;.t'~.;;..r...;......_. .~ r HOM I"~ , ~ ' ,I'~ ,l".'~ . f."O $;~"r."~,.,r,.. ('z,l. HAVI YOU __ . ~ ,~ AI"," ~ HAY, TOU FlUID IN COM"""' _ "DoeI51 A' TOP' ,- , """ ~ ~ iiiii.ii ~:::::==. ~ III II ': ; ~, I I ~..:-; ',liNt 4 · - rf' ' ' 'J I ~ . '-. / " 9/?/~ ~~,. '. ..... ' -x-~,~..?-"- ~. , -....~'"" ,\-~, \ ,,---.j)..... ~ /- -. ...,,(, l-f /JA ,. .. . I . - . , ~~~L2; - ':. ~~~ ,~~c::?c;/' ~~~~-.o/-~~~ -:- " '_ _~ .. '. - d2;AJ~\~7~hr ~~A1!;/~~ _~~~4-~~'_~:~~~- ~"~~u.L~.A-~7~~~ ~~<. d '-~~k'''-75~ ..~d.L~~ /. 'C/~~,' -I- ': 13.~~~o ~L- ~l~}{u~:: ~ ~~~-~.~ c:ZYL ~ - J2:;t. ~.,.~=~~~~~~ -f"f':-~~~~~ "'~~,Q ../c/~~_~ ~ '.. . .,' ':"- "..&:!-d'- Q ~ ' /J". ". 7-. _ _ .' r ,.,' ~ fi -c:7~~ y- ~~~~~~~2??~ <:J'-~'" "-- ~ ~. .~~ ca ~ u ' .~, ~.. _. , . f__ ~ ~o. _ _ ..~ _ ~ - --- ~ ~--t?'- ~ - -. U'." ..' . ~ f5~ ~.~t5- _~~~J ~~ .' _ "* ; ,,,~ ~ - JJ-~..~~-~~~-~ --.:/-?-3-~~ -&2b-YJ-S-J:J!:~-~~~-- -~~_~p-~7~~~.~ - ~ 'I ?O'cJ .L /~_ r' ~~,~_CTJ-UY- ._~~~_~ _ -d--dU~-~"7~~-~- - 2.. - '. ~fli;-~ '. CVJ ...L ~--=--j?/~~~ ~-g~~~~~~ ~~ t2~ .~~~-Z/~~ ~t;L~~--L~-~-~~ - , W~t:&-~" ~~ w-aa-b-.? d~~~ -_ -1JJ~ ~Cl~~~~~ _~~., h~:_-d~~~~~- _~*~-'='-~~~J-. ~ ~-;- -A-v,~~~ - *~/~-~-~~ ~~_~-=-~tt~ <7-~_ . ~ ~~~~~~.e;Z:Zda- ~?~~,r~~-;:~' ", . ,-,.. ~ _ ~~~-2 ~~P?.d~ :.:l-L~_j2~' ~~## 7~~ '/J - _-.-/~ U/~ ~~ ,- , 0~-~~~ . ~ ,. -k ~':L,-. c??:-l-~:2."1- ,--'c:2.k/~~ ~~ ~ r???~ ~c. /,,./-tt:?<7-k' ~___ , ;;M~-~'4le~~ ~'.-" .~~. ..~~.-:-~;---- '-.'~ ,...., ' ...........~.~~~,~~ . ~, - , \ 'JI;-~~~~ ,~ , - .' , %~ v'T- :,'~; . -- .. . , - - . " ,/ (i) to,,' ~- ~John and Wilbert - ......-: Two Baseball Players-1932 .' I \ Before the ball game at · . the Christine free barbeque ( ~- .1 ~ ~~ ~~. - l \ \ \- \ \ \ '\ \ t) (t) . l .. Wilbert - always with a glove in his hands- Hickam Army Air Base, T.H., 1941 <I> ,,----....... -- r .~ ~l 1 .1: -.'.!_-'*~ ..-, JIo~' e' . ._ .......' ,t ::!I " ",:/ ~ ..~ i:i [--~ I I I I I r ..0 This picture was received in one of the last letters from Wilbert. On the back he wrote:"This was taken 1st week of Dec. 1941 when we were starting to get into condition for thl coming season. The Japs beat us home But you just wait, we haven't gone to bat yet." '-..- - -- / ~ 101 / I r- II ,-...... ... II r (\ , . ".... -r ~.I_, ~........~;~. r..;'~p "- /I:,~:' ll: l"':( ,.'1 " ) " '",',-': ."".\.,....../. I '),:.? . ~. I ',' ,.' I _h:- ,... r" _ I) 'I , ~' , t, 1\ 1/ I" I:, : j \,-~ ~ ~ ~ -, ~- Various snapshots of Wilbert in Hawaii.~ He enjoyed playing baseball, taking' V snapshots and being with his friends. Sgt.. Wi1~~1't GravItt K filed In Servic~ ., r . ,(Of Wilbert Gravltt,'21. W:~s killed in a plane' crash in Pearl, Harbor, Sunday,'April.'5th,.. according to messages.' received by his: parents, Mr.,.llnd Mrs" Omar 'Gravitt of 'LeveUarid, Texas. ,Wilbert; a ser~ geant in the 42nd B. Squadrori,of Hickam Field, was a photograph- er but also did, patrol duty;f1ying in planes' alongt1\e' coast. Just now the crash ,'occured isn't known ~'et as, all the word, received by 'his' parents was a message an- nounciIig -he had met death in a plane crash. Four other youngtnen are thought to have lost, their lives in the crash. ' Wilbert enlisted in the army in November, :riS9." at the Same time hi~ brother, Floyd, enlisted. He has since been stationed in, the Hawaiian Islands and ~loyd hasl been in the signal corps in the Philippines. Floyd' was last -heard from December 19~ when he sent home his l;avings arid other val- uables, ,'knowing the philippines would be attacked. Another broth- el', John" is with the marines' and somewhere in the. Pacific. He was I last heard 'from:'iD.':February, and'i was aboard, Ii ; ship:"\somewhere in I the ~outh Pa;it~>JJi: . ,,:,' ,I . ,.Wllbert G~~t~;;::yo,ung~~~. son! of Mr. and Mrs.",.omar Gravitt was born in Pad~II-~f,.o~la9om.a," oCtober j 15, 1921. Hl,f;,g~e~':"up In Prague, \ graduating 1iom 'tpe grade school and taking' hIS <"firSt three.l~ears of high.schoor 'Wti~k the're.,; 'His parents ,then moyecV'to t.eveIland; Texas, ~Kere ..he.'entered' high , school, and: graduated an 'honor btudent.:ln: ,19.39. In'stead of', going to co~lege the: next' fall he de~ided ,:upon an' army'ca!eer -and with,his '.brother,Floyd,:'enlisted"in the se~, ~iee'in 'Novem~E!~'-' '."r,.' ,~": ' ,'~', His parents and littk,sister,.Jo Anna, live' at . LeveUarid, 'and he 'has many relatives 'and friends'in Prague., . ' , .. - I ' So far as, is knoWn Wilbert is I Pjiiit ~iwiUty,. ... .' ;~ , Wilbert Gravitt I j ,. I ... ... ,- 'WILBERT GRAVI'lT DIES IN TRAINING BOMBER cRASB WlIbert Gravitt. nephew ot Mrs. I L. L. Ulcak; was killed earlier ~ this, m'onth when the areoplane t which 'he was aboard crashed while on a tril.intDg rt'ight in Hon4 olulu. Gravitt was a member bt a bomber squadron. He is remembered' well here having 'completed hi9 'high school 'educatio~ at Jourdanton. He 1s t~e youngest of the three Gravitt br'others. all of whom are In the I U ~_s. service. f HOMiretCr~~h\ ls'Ehtal To; , ," o. ...::. ... J :tpt~I'Boy.. ";,; ....... -t .~,:.:."... I , ',A , me~age ,.announcmg the d!lath: elf .,~.i:geant Wiibert Lee Gravitt in; a' bomber .crash' m the Hawaiian '13-, la~ds o~.sunday w.iis' received ,thisj! morning, (Thursday), by his parents, Mr. 'and'Mrs, O. T.Gravitt, " Sergeant Gravitt enlisted in Nov-, ember 1939 in the Air Corp. He was statlom~,c( at Hickman Field , and came ,through the attack of Decem- ber 7th unhurt, . He hll.S two brothers in the Arm-, ed Forccs-JohnC. was in the phil- ipplnes the last news received ot' h~m, and Floyd R. is in the MarinE>.5 and Is thought to be in the phlll- ~;:~~:~-{/~~~'-;rt~~~ ~~~~'~;ci \ , ", ...," ,I ~~er, Joanna, an~.~hetwo broth-l er~t~~~:v~~,~:~~u~ted~i~h' h;~: I ors in the Class of 1940 Levellandi High School. Had a record of 'straight; A's, played on the base ball team: here and was a well known sand lot I player 'in Oklahoma. He was the I youngest of the three slins: -;:::::~ ,~ ,~ .. ~J ~ '\ i Telegram from War Department ~ April 11, 1942 .. -"\ \ ~ . ~ / ::: ~ c I .... => Gravesites - John and Wilbert Buried next to each other National Memorial Cemetery at the Pacific, Honolulu ::: -- ...--- :::: ~ ( -- ---, -- --- -(j/fA..-:~ ~ -7~1' /..)-;'1?>/. rt/,1 f '.,. i'V"':; · ~ )J't -'/,( 1..J - .1- )~ ~:"~t' 1 ~<'I' 1(} J~,~' JtfrMtf ~~-C-l~'~ ~2~~ ~uk ~ rr1Af.~~l--'kA:{~ ~~ e... - ~/J1~:/../f.j)d e.i~-:r;i(. " ~~.<-Jl b l~'~ ~ ~~ d.fAJ 'U r. .j I ;;' ,j ~h ) I 'vI.4-'t. -! I J /;1;, -' --rr-~ lfl\ t ~.c!l- ~ Iu~{ ~ J/~) &,1- ~~f I -- ~. ....---::- 0- J)., ~~~ ~ i-v-"J ~+- 1f...t ~-c. )h.J~) ~t{ /~<~-vf-i"'t:k ~ I ~ , ;?~ 1!~ ?'h~.ilu. 0{ ~ fi; ; ~, (\ JtJ /f\, ~ I _\ /J ' '*' ~ .crv \ :."', <t~A ~/ ".,""...... ~ ~--"... ,..; 1i (1 , ,\'} . iifI { ~--7 ... I J I ,- \~ ..... ) ') ') \ ~ ~ ,- ~ '{ :,~~,' i ~ \~ ~~ "- ~ t ~ ~.~ ~ ~ \ ~ I I ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '0 ~~~~ ~ Q I '{~ l ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~j~ !- , ~ "\ ~ ~ '" f.--> <:> .~ -- ~ I - I ~~ ~ ;; j i ~ ~ ~{~ 1 ~~; ! ; r~ ~ J €' ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ i I '~:iJ )'; ~ )'" ~~ \~ !K'l~~ ~ '1~.\ / , I _ ~ ,<') ~ ~~ I r , ~ ~ t'~'\j<o.'I~r' I~~ , .~ ' ~ f',) -\) ~ i' ~ J .: ~ .~ ~ ~ ~:~ 1 i>:"('~~~ ~ '" : C\ ) \ ~ _~~.t ~ ~~~ J i !'~J I I 'i 'f ~ ~ ~ ::-F ~' j ~~ L{-t J · , l~ ~J '. ~ ~ !(~~:\~ ~1' ~ ~ ~ I ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ,~ (, ~ : · ~~ ~~ ~,,- "o~ { ~ ~'l~ -~_~ ~~ ; :~ ~ ~ J1 ~ \~ 1 A ~ ~) ~ ~{ ~~ i : /'" ~ LI " ~ {' ~ USMC WWII . .~. 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'f II 'i . .. II . ~! ~ n ~ "~ n, ~ f!" ~ r !l " r n , ~ ~ n " ~ ~ '., """', ,mf'''""'" """n,,,w,um"l . r r ,,- I ! ~ ' , : . , I . I 1 · l' . , . ~ ~ ' r r P. , J I 1 ~ I , , ill TT'" r ' , ~ i , ~ ~ , . ' ~,' ' $ . r ,', f'- \f .... (' ..... r Ir~1 . .~; '1" I' II 11 " II '1 If II, :;" \l ~: r I ~ n I II, lllT'!' 11, .. 4 .. F' Ill",. " "" II! '1 " If .. " " r " " " " 'I ,0 tl I I; ." " II" If' . r p , '. . Ii r1 ~~! 1 r, !, . I M I . I I II I! "' 8. , " ...~ n j! 1 fI'" l r- ~ r r- ,<",- -,SSO(:14I', ,,\'-' a ,It ~\'o J I I "When I moved to College Station five years ago, I had no friends here and knew no ~ \ I 1 \ Te:fAP%5 FC;( .() ~ / /V r;:' 1'5' c!J rt' J IF >> ~ r/~ ~/Y/~~;~ I one except my son and his family, I heard about Senior Friends a month after I moved and ioined right away, Now, I have lots of friends and we do lots of things together-trips, parties.. lunches, etc. Joining Senior Friends was one of the best things I ever did!" -Joanna Yeager