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A&M research pr()tJr~s
. request regents' stippt)tt
Preservation lab seeks higher status ~thm, sy~tem
Eagle Staff Writer
A Texas A&M University
research program: that
works to document histori-
cal buildings will. ask the
, Board of Regents on Friday
to recognize it as an official
"center" to help increase its
Another program that is
working to improve rural
health services is asking the
regents for a similar designa:
. The board will consider
lease on life. It's a mark of
respect, and the university
system saying this is a part of
what we do."
Woodcock said the faculty
and students work on docu-
menting, -measuring and
archiving historical sites, as
well as' developing new tech-
niques to help them with that
process. It is cross-discipli-
nary work involving anthro-
pologists, civ:il engineers and
"We want people to under-
stand the value of heritage,"
Woog.cock said. "The word
heritage is more appropriate'
than history because when
people hear 'history,' they
th~!~f.~t~~&st. They want
to keep, out'llf :the past, like
there's' not anYthing useful
for the ' ,.. ~
On~l :Q! the; '1'l>of~tot-~'S '
mor 'hJ.gh-ptofl ojects is'
re~r tf ' e. at
p \ :.
~xt ,.dr, ,
rl' , ~te'
Te:x t~ and
fuw:i ; .James
Earl:, . ,\t-he","21t<l "
Ran~er Ba~n to"eliminate
Naz-i gun emplacements fir-
ing)at Allied troops on D-Day.
The work at Pointe du Hoc
done by faculty and students'
will be featured in' a History
Challnel program in 2006.
Tne Southwest Rural
Health Research Center,'part
of the School of Rural Public
the proposals during a two- . Anchitecture.
dllY IJleeting .~t A~M that If' , th.e' regents :';!Pln~OVe,
begins Thursday. ,.... WQQd~ock':and his <;dl1\eagues
Officials with the Hister-ic will.' ~ork on a forwal pro-
Resources Imaging Laborato- posa]. for. the regen.~. .,4etail-
.ry said the request follows ipg the.,structure and gQ&!s of
the university's policy to cqn- the eEniter. . :. - '" .
tinue its research as a ~.of The\'tesult wOlIHf 'be an \
the Texas A&M system, ,,' )... ins:r:~a~e in visibility)\rhen
David Woodcoc~, directo.r.- QOll!peting.for ~xteQ'lJU {lind-
of t~e Historic Re~o~fces ing~~~~e~a.nd'p~~je<?ts. 1:1
Imagmg LaboratoI1i,'s8,rd the ~'W'e';~e essentaaUy. out-
program is asking.', for ~ . grown' the n.abora~qt:}J'l-title,"
approval of a concept paper, he' l;'aid. ~:EB.ejn:g,~~a~ed a
the fIrst step on the path to center] woUld' give\uT:l( new I
upgrading to a research cen-c.,,", . . ".. ',\;.;;,
ter within the ,~ollege of .~See REG"EN1$>Page A4 I
-Larry Gamm, the""'C~me'r'
director, said the 'reQuest i
m~inly procedurat," '
'~~t'll be nice~ having th
regents' recognition," Gaml1
the center was establishel
, wi~h .a four-~ear, $2 milliol
grant from~tiie U.S. Office 0
Rural H~alt!l' Policy.
~. a:R~l stuqents wor]
on.st)ld~g th.e"deiJiuind fot
an~. proJjteJ:R~~'i~W~.:1'~;, t! rura
he th care.'M~joFis'SUes th
ce , ter is looking at 'includ<
chronic diseases, constraint
onk health-care funding pre
grwns and shgr;tages of pri
ml!fY care providers.
.'I11e Board of Regents alSI
will hear a presentation fron
A&.~. pres. .i"de,nt R6b'~,~.. 6~e
O~l: ~.e sta,~s, of th~~Qre em
nculum,.~riting-ifi'tensi VI
courses;., :if1t~rnational am
cu.tuta~"div~Ls~ty course:
an~ . tpfi,t:QF~~gn-Iang,Uagl
reqUlrem~~,.ij", ' '
'e~en: ' .,.' e,expeCte(
to':, i<:))
whe ,...,.
tr , ;~Ie ,
ba~epall"", .' " 06 :eh'
dr~ss. C~ifq}ig~~ar~ii"" (
Ju~e 2~ aft~r;..~pend~g" ei~
sea~ORl? as th~ J,lniv'l!rsity 0
Nebraska's pitching'coach;...,
Dtscussiollc\on 4te' apporo.t
meq.t of a vi~~01>resi'denf fOl
cOQl,llunications aiJ'cl"'f.dllte
mar~et~g officer at tile Col
leg ,,.StatIon,,,campus also is ot
the c ~ 'ssion ag;2~/
. Gte ~kwHarf~". e-mai
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