HomeMy WebLinkAboutSS Marker Correspondence state Marker Program Texas Historical Commission P.o. Box 12276 Austin, Texas 78711 512/463-6100 Date: May 24, 1991 Re: S'mELE ' S STORE COMMUNITY Brazos COtU1ty Dear Applicant/County Chair: OUr staff has made a preliminary review of the above- ed marker application. Before we can complete our evaluation, we need the following information. Answers should be typed and documented and submitted as an addendum to the original narrative history. We will place the application on hold tU1til all requested material, hás been received. - Can a founding date for Mudville/steele' s Store established~- Was there ever a post office located during what yêârswas it in operation? When did Hen:ry his general merchandise store?d - I asS1.:JIœ the Steele's Store School was consolidated with another 001 district in the mid-1940s. Please provide data on the year of idation and the name of the consolidated school àistrict. :* 8Jhe last paragraph on page 1 of the narrative history states on1 Y : . that the léIDJest agricultural colony in the South was in Brazos County . but does not mention the name of the colony. Was it steele's Store? If so, did the "Abstracts of Reports on Recent Immiqrants in Agriculture" (the source of information for that fact) Steèle's Store by name? . Þ . - Was a community burial ground ever established for If so, is it still in use? In what year did the fo place? }'L-¥?~ . - Are there plans for preservation of the historic you would like technical assistance, please do not hesi our Division of Architecture for restoration advice. Thank you for your assistance with this request. Please note that this is not a rejection of the application but a request for additional information. If you have any questions the material we need, please contact the State Marker Program of the Texas Historical Commission. ~~~ Frances Rickard, D~rector state Marker Program Copies to: Charles Schultz, Brazos CHC Rosemary DePasquale Boykin Charles Marco Patranella If t 1 1 1 I July 29, 1991 Re: STEELE'S STORE COMMUNITY Brazos County Ms. Frances Rickard, Director State Marker Program Texas Historical Commission P.O. Box 12276 Austin, Texas 78711 Dear Ms. Rickard: I hope that the attached information will satisfy the questions posed in your letter of May 24, 1991 regarding my application for an historical marker at the Steele's Storé Community in Brazos County. I will be in Austin until August 1 and will return to Austin August 6th. I plan to return to College Station August 7th where I will remain until departing for Lesotho, Africa on August 16th. Should it be necessary to contact me regarding this application I can be reached here in Austin at 345-8162 and in College Station at (409)693 -0224. After that date please direct any requests for further information to either Dr. Charles Schultz, Texas A&M University Archives, College Station, Texas 77843 or to Mr. Charles MarcoPatranella, 206 South Haswell Drive, Bryan, Texas, 77803. It would be most helpful if a copy of such requests, made after my return to Africa, would be sent to me at the American EmbassylUSAID, P.O. Box 333, Maseru,100 Lesotho, AFRICA. Thank you for your interest in our application. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Rosemary DePasquale Boykin 1505 Laura Lane College Station, Texas 77840 Copies to: Charles Schultz, Brazos CHC Charles Marco Patranella small general merchandise store the early settlers and plantation them the long trip on horseback or store did not start a community, but together." (Moore, p. 13) Because the reference from"Abstracts of Reports on Recent Im111ig:(f1.n~s in Agriculture" does not specifically mentìon Steele Store I should probably not have used it for that particular bit of infor111a.tion although I felt that reference was being made to that community based on other materials. "This community was at one time the largest rural Italian settlement in the United States, but at the present time there care. only fifty-six families in this area." Moore, p. 1 (attach xerox copy of p. 1 & 2) According to Mr. W.D. Bunting (former Brazos County School Superintendent) of Bryan, Texas, Steele's Store also housed the Post Office which was established in 1878 (Brazos County History, p.37 & 38 & 55)for that community up until the late 1920s when it was moved to Benchley "Originally called "Mudville" by many people because the roads in this areas were very muddy. The name was changed to Steele's Store after the store was built." (Moore, p. 14) Known as "Mudville" as early as 1851 (Brazos County History, p. 61) ~ Brazos History indicates (p. 126) that many rural schools were incorporated into districts from 1947-1953. Steele's Store was not one of them. Steele's Store, was not incorporated into the Brazos County Independent School District until 1968, according to Mr. Bunting. Furthermore, Mr. Bunting is not aware of any plans for the preservation of the historic schoolhouse In regards to a community burial ground: Mrs. Paul Bell, 504 Park Place, College Station, Texas has recently completed a listing of all cemeteries in Brazos County. She said that a small burial ground may be found near the Don Angonia farm which is located very near the Steele property. She was told by Mr. Angonia that there are three unmarked graves at this site: Mr. Henry B. Steele (1837 - 1912), Lestina Steele (wife), and a son, whose name is thought to be Daniel. Mrs. Bell also made reference to a previous conversation with an elderly black man who recalls another area in which many slaves had been buried. However, he has stated that this site was located near the old cotton gin but has since been plowed and incorporated into a nearby farm some time ago. Boykin, p. 3 In regards to a community burial ground: Mrs. Paul Bell, 504 Park Place, College Station, Texas has recently completed a listing of all cemeteries in Brazos County. This project was completed under the auspices of the Brazos Genealogical Association. She and her committee were only able to locate one small burial ground in that area and this can be found on the Steele property which is near the Don Angonia farm. Mr. Angonia showed her three unmarked graves at this site which are known to be those of Henry B. Steele (b. 1837, d. 1912; Lestina Steele, wife (dates unknown) and that of a son, believed to be named Daniel. A distant member of the Steele family verified this information but could not supply anything further. It was also assumed that since there are no records of other designated burial sites. early settlers were most likely taken for burial to the old Bryan City Cemetery or to nearby towns in which Catholic churches were located In addition, Mrs. Bell told of a previous conversation with an elderly black man who recalls another area in which many former slaves had been buried. However. he stated that this site, formerly located near the old cotton gin, has long since been planted over and no longer recognized as a burial site. since its location is not definite. Boykin, p. 4. REFEREN CBS 1. Brundidge, Glenna F. ed. Brazos County History. Rich Past - Bright Future. The Texas Sesquicentennial Edition. Family History Foundation. Bryan, Texas. 1966. 2. Moore, John William. A Social and Economic Study of the Italian Settlement, Steele's Store. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University. Master's thesis. 1941. 65 pp. 3. United States Congress, Senate, U.S. Industrial Commission on Immigration and Education. Italians in the Southern States. Abstracts of Reports of the Immigration Commission (1911), p. 566 - 572.. .~ ,,~\E OF)- l¡,¡ C:> ~+ ::r:: E- CURl1S TUNNELL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR P.O. BOX 12276 AUSTIN, TEXAS 7871 I COMMI S S ION (512)463-6100 TEXAS HISTORICAL September 12t 1991 Dr. Charles SchultZt Chair Brazos County Historical Co.lsston 1200 Goode College Stationt TX 11$4() RE: STEELE'S STORE COMMUNITY 27" x 42. Subject Marker 'III post Job': 04591 Dear Charles: This letter is to notify you that the State Marker Committee has rev approved.the above-referenced topic for an Official Texas Historical At this time, payment for the marker is due. A check in the amount of $750.00 should be made. payable to the Texas Historical Commission and sent to the letterhead address at your earliest convenience. A form for ordering' paperweights and other marker-related items is enclosed for your information and convenience. Any order you may wish to place from this form may be made simultaneously with the marker payment or at any time in the future. Once payment for line to have written until copy will be sent to The Texas record and you for your pc: Charles Marco Patranel1a Ylle cr Ink Df~/ÓÆ YlØ/mú; g>UJeWaIion. 27 January 1992 Ms. Frances Rickard Local History Prog.rams Texas Historical CommissIon P.O. Box 12276 Austin, Texas 78711 RE: Steele's Store Community 27" x 42" Subject marker w/post Job: #04591 Dear Ms. Rickard: Upon my arrival to holidays, I was that Commission for the placement of a by the I will be in Austin this of March when I hoped that ceremony in celebrations. and I plan to come until the middle Africa. It is for such a time When I return to Charles Schultz marker. Enclosed will be made with placement of the a check for $750.00 to cover its cost. Should you need the home of our 345-8162. I purchase of me while in Austin, I may be reached at number is regarding the On behalf of the sincere express our Sincerely, (Mrs.) Rosemary 1505 Laura Lane College Station, Texas 1 February 1992 Ms. Frances Rickard Local History Programs Texas Historical Commission P.O. Box 12276 Austin, TX 78711 Community marker Dear Ms. Rickard: lam you 4 Again, thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Mrs. 1505 College (409)693-0224 March 9, 1992 Miss Penny Anderson Texas State Historical Association 2.306 Richardson Hall Austin, Texas 78712 Dear Miss Anderson: In regards to our recent conversation dealing with the Steele's Store Community near Bryan, I have enclosed copies of the documentation portion of my application to the Texas Historical Commission for an historical marker to be placed at that location. It has been approved and will be put in place in time for a dedication ceremony on October 11 th of this year. In the interest of time I have not included copies of the references and feel that they are available to your office through your library. My overseas address is listed so that should you need these please don't hesitate to write to me. For other information I would refer you to Mr. Charles M. Patranella, whose address is also listed at the end of the documentation. If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Rosemary DePasquale c/o American Embassy P.O. Box 333 Maseru, 100, LESOTHO AFRICA Boykin