HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/18/2023 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission College Station, TX Meeting Agenda Planning and Zoning Commission 1101 Texas Ave, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89968858046 Phone: 888 475 4499 Webinar ID: 899 6885 8046 The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. May 18, 2023 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers College Station, TX Page 1 Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the meeting body will be present in the physical location stated above where citizens may also attend in order to view a member(s) participating by videoconference call as allowed by 551.127, Texas Government Code. The City uses a thirdparty vendor to host the virtual portion of the meeting; if virtual access is unavailable, meeting access and participation will be in-person only. 1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. 2. Hear Visitors At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to visitors wishing to address the Commission on issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The visitor presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) 3. Consent Agenda All matters listed under the Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. Since there will not be separate discussion of these items, citizens wishing to address the Commission regarding one or more items on the Consent Agenda may address the Commission at this time as well. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it may be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 3.1. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes: Attachments: 1. May 4 2023 3.2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Southern Pointe Section 111 on approximately 5.024 acres of land, generally located along Southern Pointe Parkway. Case #FP2022-000009 Sponsors: Robin Macias Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3. Final Plat 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. Page 1 of 45 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 May 18, 2023 5. Regular Agenda 5.1. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding waiver requests to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 8.4.C.8.a, ‘Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria’ and presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Preliminary Plan for College Station West Subdivision on approximately 41.8 acres of land, generally located northeast of the intersection of Jones Road and Raymond Stotzer Parkway. Case #PP2022-000015. Sponsors: Jeff Howell Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Waiver Request 3. Applicant's Supporting Information 4. Vicinity Map and Aerial 5. Preliminary Plan 5.2. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 4 “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from GS General Suburban to MH Middle Housing for approximately 0.4 acres of land at 1100 Dexter Drive South, generally located south of the intersection of Holleman Drive and Dexter Drive South. Case #REZ2023-000004 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the June 12, 2023 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Sponsors: Jeff Howell Attachments: 1. Vicinity, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Rezoning Exhibit 3. Background Information 4. Applicant's Supporting Information 5. Existing Future Land Use Map 6. Rezoning Map 6. Informational Agenda 6.1. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev 6.2. Discussion of Minor / Amending Plats approved by Staff: • Aggieland Business Park Phase 3A ~ Case #FPCO2023-000005 • Williams Creek Subdivision Phase 6 ~ Case #FP2023-000003 Sponsors: Jeff Howell, Robin Macias Attachments: None 6.3 . Presentation and discussion regarding the College Station Parks Foundation. Sponsors: Michael Ostrowski 6.4. Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Thursday, May 25, 2023 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, June 1, 2023 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. Page 2 of 45 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 May 18, 2023 • Monday, June 12, 2023 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, June 15, 2023 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. 6.5. Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board and BioCorridor Board. • None 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 8. Adjourn. The Planning and Zoning Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on May 12, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 3 of 45 May 4, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 5 Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting May 4, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairperson Dennis Christiansen, Commissioners Jason Cornelius, Bobby Mirza, Melissa McIlhaney, David White, Marcus Chaloupka, and Aron Collins COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmember Dennis Maloney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning & Development Services Michael Ostrowski, Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services Molly Hitchcock, City Engineer Carol Cotter, Assistant City Engineer Erika Bridges, Transportation Planning Coordinator Jason Schubert, Long Range Planning Administrator Alyssa Halle-Schramm, Senior Planner Matthew Ellis, Staff Planner Naomi Sing, Graduate Engineer II Katherine Beaman-Jamael, Deputy City Attorney Leslie Tipton-Whitten, Assistant City Attorney II Aaron Longoria, Administrative Support Specialist Kristen Hejny, and Technology Services Specialist Joel Lopez 1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. Chairperson Christiansen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors No visitors spoke. 3. Consent Agenda 3.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • April 20, 2023 Commissioner McIlhaney motioned to approve the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Chaloupka seconded the motion, the motion passed 7-0. 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Page 4 of 45 May 4, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 5 5. Regular Agenda 5.1 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from GS General Suburban to GS General Suburban and ROO Restricted Occupancy Overlay on approximately 27.1 acres of land, being 39 lots within Southwood Phase 21, Block 3 and 4, generally located along Bee Creek Drive and Southwood Drive. Case #REZ2023-000007 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the May 25, 2023 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Staff Planner Sing presented the Rezoning to the Commission recommending approval. Commissioner Collins presented scenarios that may be prohibited under the Restricted Occupancy Overlay (ROO), asking for clarification on their allowance under this neighborhood’s overlay. Staff Planner Sing confirmed that none of the circumstances would meet the overlay requirements or the City’s definition of a family, and therefore would not be allowed under this overlay. Administrator Halle-Schramm clarified that the scenarios with only one additional person, would be allowed within this overlay district. Ms. Halle-Schramm also explained that the Commission is to decide if this ROO is appropriate and applicable to this neighborhood. Commissioner Collins asked if two separate family units within one dwelling unit would be acceptable. Staff Planner Sing clarified that a family would be one single family unit and the individual outside of the family unit would then be the other unrelated person. Commissioner Cornelius asked for the number of homes that would be over the occupancy limitations if this ROO is approved. Staff Planner Sing stated that staff does not have the current occupancy information for the homes in this area. Commissioner Cornelius asked if any occupancy citations have been issued in this area. Staff Planner Sing clarified that staff does not have the citation information for this area. Commissioner White asked for the City’s definition of an authorized caretaker. Page 5 of 45 May 4, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 5 Administrator Halle-Schramm clarified that the ordinance is written so that an authorized caretaker would involve a live-in situation, with a home-health aide, that would need to be on-premise 24-hours a day. Commissioner McIlhaney clarified that the Commission is being asked to evaluate the current application according to the current regulations, to decide if the application meets the set criteria, and that it is not for the Commission to evaluate the current definition or the merits of a ROO. Staff Planner Sing clarified that the Commission is making a recommendation on whether this is an appropriate zoning change overlay for this neighborhood. Chairperson Christiansen clarified that a ROO is an available zoning by City ordinance. Mr. Christiansen stated that this rezoning is a question of a ROO being an appropriate zoning for the subdivision. Commissioner Collins asked if this rezoning is legal and appropriate, and stated that this rezoning would have a disproportionate impact on people based on race. Staff Planner Sing clarified that this policy was enacted by the City Council and staff is enforcing the policy based upon the ordinance that was written. Commissioner Chaloupka asked if the Commission is looking at whether or not the subdivision has met the criteria for a ROO. Staff Planner Sing confirmed that the Commission is providing a recommendation on whether this is an appropriate zoning for the neighborhood and stated that the Commission can recommend as they see fit. Commissioner Cornelius stated that the Commission can look at whether or not this rezoning is necessary and needed for this particular area. Commissioner McIlhaney stated that, by definition, it is going to be neighborhoods who are proactive about unrelated occupancy that will meet the criteria, stating that the criteria would be harder to meet if the area was heavily occupied by unrelated individuals. Commissioner Mirza stated that there may be different scenarios for families in the area, but there must still be enforcement by the City. Chairperson Christiansen opened the public hearing. Roy Hartman, Petition Committee Member, Southwood Subdivision, College Station, spoke in favor of the Rezoning citing concerns for student-based neighborhoods, and expressing favor for the quiet and the safety of the neighborhood. Page 6 of 45 May 4, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 5 Sherron McKenzie, Petition Committee Member, Southwood Subdivision, College Station, spoke in favor of the Rezoning citing the preservation of the area. Harold Boas, Petition Committee Member, Southwood Subdivision, College Station, spoke in favor of the Rezoning. Chairperson Christiansen closed the public hearing. Commissioner Cornelius expressed his concerns for a ROO. Commissioner White asked for the number of homes that would be affected by this ROO. Staff Planner Sing stated that this ROO encompasses 39 lots. Commissioner McIlhaney spoke in favor of the ROO stating that the neighborhood is using the tools available to protect the neighborhood and its values. Ms. McIlhaney also spoke in favor of MH Middle Housing zoning districts as a better, long-term solution. Commissioner Mirza expressed his support for the ROO. Chairperson Christiansen expressed his support for the ROO, stating that the neighborhood has used the ordinance, followed the procedures, and met the petition criteria. Commissioner Chaloupka motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning, Commissioner McIlhaney seconded the motion, the motion passed 5-2, with Commissioners Collins and Cornelius voting in the negative. 6. Informational Agenda 6.1 Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 6.2 Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Monday, May 15, 2023 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, May 18, 2023 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, May 25, 2023 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, June 1, 2023 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. There was no discussion. Page 7 of 45 May 4, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 5 6.3 Presentation and discussion regarding an update on items heard: • A Rezoning of approximately 8 acres of land located at 3197 Holleman Drive South from R Rural & GS General Suburban to T Townhouse. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on April 6, 2023 and voted (7-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on April 27, 2023 and voted (7-0) to approve the request. • A Rezoning of approximately 5 acres of land generally located at the intersection of State Highway 6 Frontage Road East and Venture Drive. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on April 20, 2023 and voted (5-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on April 27, 2023 and voted (7-0) to approve the request. There was no discussion. 6.4 Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board. • None There was no discussion. 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Approved: Attest: ___________________________________ _________________________________ Dennis Christiansen, Chairperson Kristen Hejny, Board Secretary Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services Page 8 of 45 Planning & Zoning Commission May 18, 2023 Scale Construction of Southern Pointe Pkwy and Mather Pkwy on approximately 5.024 acres Location Extension of Southern Pointe Pkwy Property Owner Phillips 3 Land Holdings, LLC Applicant Schultz Engineering, LLC Project Manager Robin Macias, Staff Planner rmacias@cstx,gov Project Overview This plat is one phase of a 552.9-acre multi-phase subdivision in the ETJ which includes residential, multi-family and commercial lots. The Southern Pointe Subdivision is a redevelopment of the Texas World Speedway property and the first Municipal Utility District in Brazos County. The Southern Pointe Subdivision is located within the City of College Station’s ETJ, but as a Municipal Utility District is required to develop according to the adopted development agreement. This agreement specifies development occur in a manner which complies with Unified Development Ordinance Section 8.3 General Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design for Subdivisions within the City Limits in anticipation of a future annexation. This phase includes the extension of Southern Pointe Pkwy and the construction of a portion of Mather Pkwy. Preliminary Plan The original Preliminary Plan was approved with waivers for UDO Section 8.3.E.3.a ‘Street Projections’; Section 8.3.G.2.a ‘Block Length’; Section 8.3.G.2.b ‘Block Length’; Section 8.3.G.2.c ‘Block Length’; Section 8.3.G.4.b ‘Block Perimeter’; Section 8.3.J.2 ‘Access Ways’; Section 8.3.W ‘Single-Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting,’ and Section 8.8 ‘Requirements for Parkland Dedication’. It has since been revised in December 2017, August 2018, January 2020, January 2021, April 2022, and January 2023. Public Infrastructure Total linear feet proposed: 3,860 Streets (Brazos County) 1,631 Sanitary Sewer Lines 5,656 Sidewalks(Brazos County) 3,123 Water Lines 2,082 Storm Sewer Lines (BC MUD #1) Parkland Dedication N/A Traffic Impact Analysis Not required Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Final Plat for Southern Pointe Section 111 FP2022-000009 Page 9 of 45 Planning & Zoning Commission May 18, 2023 Supporting Materials 1.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2.Final Plat Page 10 of 45 Page 11 of 45 Page 12 of 45 Page 13 of 45 PATRIOT DRIVE 15 30292827262524232221201918 17 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SOUTHERN POINTE PARKWAY MATHER PARKWAYDARLINGTON AVENUE27 25 27 MATHER PARKWAYPOINT OF BEGINNING MATHER PARKWAYSOUTHE R N P O I N T E P A R K W A Y 31 LINE TABLE LINE # L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 LENGTH 70.00 90.00 35.36 50.00 35.36 35.36 50.00 35.36 141.42 105.11 141.42 84.79 80.00 84.79 141.42 105.00 141.42 DIRECTION S68° 33' 02"W N21° 26' 58"W N66° 26' 58"W N21° 26' 58"W N23° 33' 02"E N66° 26' 58"W N21° 26' 58"W N23° 33' 02"E N66° 26' 58"W N36° 44' 50"W N23° 33' 02"E N21° 26' 58"W N68° 33' 02"E S21° 26' 58"E S66° 26' 58"E S21° 26' 58"E S23° 33' 02"W LINE TABLE LINE # L18 L19 L20 L20 L21 L22 L23 LENGTH 50.00 35.36 35.36 35.36 50.00 35.36 90.00 DIRECTION S21° 26' 58"E S23° 33' 02"W S66° 26' 58"E S66° 26' 58"E S21° 26' 58"E S23° 33' 02"W S21° 26' 58"E TBPE NO. 12327 911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840 www (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: FINAL PLAT SOUTHERN POINTE SUBDIVISION SECTION 111 5.024 ACRES BEING A PORTION OF A CALLED 374.89 ACRE TRACT VOLUME 17135, PAGE 211 OPRBCT STERRETT D. SMITH SURVEY, A-210 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS, TEXAS SURVEYOR: Nathan Paul Kerr, RPLS No. 6834 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 TBPELS FIRM # 10018500 KERR JOB # 21-785 SCALE 1'' = 60' JUNE, 2022 LEGEND SHEET 1 OF 2 OWNER: Phillips 3 Land Holdings, LLC. 1140 Midtown Drive College Station, TX 77845 (713) 705-4525 OWNER/DEVELOPER: BV Southern Pointe Development, INC. 1140 Midtown Drive College Station, TX 77845 (713) 705-4525 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ST A T E H I G H W A Y N O . 6 MES A VER DE DR CITY O F C O L L E G E S T A TI O N CI T Y LI MI T S PEACH CREEK CUT OFF RDELDORA DRDAR LI N G T O N A V E N U E P I P E L INE RD SOUTHERN POINTE PARKWAYPage 14 of 45 “” “” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” “” ” “” ”” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” SHEET 2 OF 2 TBPE NO. 12327 911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840 www (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER:OWNER: Phillips 3 Land Holdings, LLC. 1140 Midtown Drive College Station, TX 77845 (713) 705-4525 OWNER/DEVELOPER: BV Southern Pointe Development, INC. 1140 Midtown Drive College Station, TX 77845 (713) 705-4525 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ST A T E H I G H W A Y N O . 6 MESA VE R DE DR CITY O F C O L L E G E S T A TI O N CI T Y LI MI T S PEACH CREEK CUT OFF RDELDORA DRDAR LI N G T O N A V E N U E P I P EL IN E RDSOUTHERN POINTE PARKWAYFINAL PLAT SOUTHERN POINTE SUBDIVISION SECTION 111 5.024 ACRES BEING A PORTION OF A CALLED 374.89 ACRE TRACT VOLUME 17135, PAGE 211 OPRBCT STERRETT D. SMITH SURVEY, A-210 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS, TEXAS SURVEYOR: Nathan Paul Kerr, RPLS No. 6834 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 TBPELS FIRM # 10018500 KERR JOB # 21-785 SCALE 1'' = 60' JUNE, 2022 Page 15 of 45 Planning & Zoning Commission May 18, 2023 Scale Three residential (multifamily) lots, one commercial lot and an open space/detention area lot on approximately 41.8 acres of land Location Generally located east of the intersection of Jones Road and Raymond Stotzer Parkway, on the south side of Raymond Stotzer Parkway in the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Applicant Lexie England Project Manager Jeff Howell, Senior Planner jhowell@cstx.gov Project Overview This preliminary plan is for a development consisting of multi-family residential and commercial development located along a proposed Freeway/Expressway and adjacent to a future Minor Arterial thoroughfare, which is partially being dedicated as part of this Preliminary Plan. Waivers are being requested for right-of way width, as well as the cross-section for rural residential street standards. The preliminary plan layout shows three privately maintained roadways (50’ R.O.W) to be projected off the extension of Health Science Center Parkway. Towards the middle of the development, Mandy Lane and Scott Street are proposed to have a reduced right-of-way width (50’) with 27’ of pavement, which includes a raised curb and gutter and a 5’ sidewalk. Robin Road at the end of the development is also proposed to have a reduced right- of-way width (50’) with 24’ of pavement and no shoulder. Therefore, the applicant is requesting modifications to both requirements for each roadway, which are to be privately maintained. Several waivers are requested to amend street standards found in UDO Section 8.4. In all, six subdivision regulation waivers are being requested to develop the multifamily community. Parkland Dedication Parkland dedication fees will be paid prior to recording of the final plat at a rate of $1,129 per bedroom. Traffic Impact Analysis A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required. Preliminary Plan for College Station West PP2022-000015 Page 16 of 45 Planning & Zoning Commission May 18, 2023 Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance The preliminary plan is not compliant with the newly updated Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map, however this property is located outside of the City limits in the extra-territorial jurisdiction where the City has no land use authority. Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes, with the exception of six waiver requests, the first three related to the rural residential street standards regarding right-of-way width in UDO Section 8.4.C.8.a Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria requirements. The last three waivers related to the details of the cross- section of the rural residential street standards found in the 2020 B/CS Unified Design Guidelines for the same roadways. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the waivers and the Preliminary Plan. Supporting Materials 1. Waiver Request 2. Applicants Supporting Information 3. Vicinity Map and Aerial 4. Preliminary Plan Page 17 of 45 SUBDIVISION WAIVER REQUESTS The proposed Preliminary Plan is in compliance with the applicable Subdivision Regulations contained in the UDO except for the following waiver requests: UDO Section 8.4.C.8.a ‘Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria’ - Per the requirements of this section, right-of-way width for the rural residential street should be 70’. As shown in the attached waiver requests, the first waiver requests are for right- of-way width for Mandy Lane, Scott Street, and Robin Road along the extension of Health Science Center Parkway. This request is to reduce the right-of-way width to 50’. This is below the requirement by 20 feet. The applicant is requesting these waivers as their intention is to increase the developable area and provide pedestrian access for multifamily communities. Page 18 of 45 UDO Section 8.4.C.8.a ‘Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria’ -Per the requirements of UDO Section 8.4.C.8, streets shall be constructed to the rural residential standard. As indicated in the 2020 B/CS Unified Design Guidelines, rural residential streets are to have 24’ of pavement width with a 2’ shoulder (ribbon curb) and no sidewalks on either side. As shown in the attached waiver requests, the next waiver requests are for the cross-section for Mandy Lane, Scott Street, and Robin Road connecting to the extension of Health Science Center Parkway. Mandy Lane and Scott Street are proposed to have 27’ of pavement width, which includes 24’ of pavement for drive lanes, 1.5’ pavement to include a curb (raised) and gutter, and a detached 5’ sidewalk on both sides. This is meeting the 24’ pavement width requirement, however a raised curb, gutter, and sidewalk (urban street design elements) are proposed. Page 19 of 45 Robin Road is proposed to have with 24’ of pavement with no shoulder. This is below the pavement requirement by 3 feet and provides no shoulder. The applicant is requesting these waivers as their intention is to provide pedestrian access for a multifamily community, while providing right-of-of way to meet block length requirements. The applicant states that they are to construct a non-standard, privately maintained road section with curb, gutter, and sidewalks to provide desired frontage for residents of future multifamily communities (Scott St. and Mandy Ln.). Also, that in the case of the minimal roadway section at the end of the development (Robin Rd.), it is not an access road for residents and is intended for maintenance. If the requirements were met, the developable area would be reduced and sidewalks providing additional access for residents would not be provided. Rather than provide wider right-of-way areas with roadways that do not include sidewalk for residents, the applicant is proposing to make the development more accessible and include a more desirable frontage for residents that will be privately maintained. Page 20 of 45 In accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, when considering a waiver the Planning and Zoning Commission should make the following findings to approve the waiver: 1) That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; As this property is located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction, the right-of-way is being dedicated to Brazos County in order to meet the block length requirements. To increase the amount of developable area for future residents, the applicant is proposing modified roadway width, along with a modified cross-sections (which includes sidewalk, curb and gutter) that is more desirable for the proposed multifamily development. While sidewalks are not included and these are not the standard sections of the rural residential street, Brazos County has determined the privately maintained roadway sections are acceptable and have reviewed the Preliminary Plan as well. 2) That the waivers are necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; If the waivers are not granted, the subject property can still be subdivided. However, the applicant has stated that granting the waivers are necessary for the increase in developable area, as well as to make a more desirable frontage for future residents. They have also indicated that the other modified cross-section (Robin Rd.) will help signal that this particular roadway is not to be used as an access drive for residents. 3) The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter; and The granting of these waivers would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare of other properties in the area as this development will comply with all other standards and requirements found in the subdivision standards of the Unified Development Ordinance as they apply to properties in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. The applicant has stated that the roadways will still meet the functional requirements of the rural residential street standard, while also providing sidewalks on those specific streets for future residents. Since the roadways being privately maintained, there is also no cost burden to the City or County for the modified sections. Based on the 2020 B/CS Unified Design Guidelines, the proposed streets in which waivers are being requested are more closely aligned with those standards for typical urban streets found within the City limits, particularly for Residential and Neo-Traditional Design (NTD) Residential streets. Page 21 of 45 4) That the granting of the waivers will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. These waivers will not have a negative effect on the orderly subdivision of land in the area. The right-of-way for these modified streets is being provided in order to meet the block length requirements, which provides for future connection to adjacent un-platted properties to the north and south of the subject property. Page 22 of 45 Page 1 of 2 PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION Name of Project: SUBDIVISION FOR A PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT Address: Applicant:: Lexie England Property Owner: LIGHTSEY THOMAS WHITT ETAL Legal Description: A014400, J H JONES (OCL), TRACT 4, 18.7 ACRES Total Acreage: 41.83 Total No. of Lots: 5 ROW Acreage: 6.83 Floodplain Acreage: 0.00 Number of requested waiver(s) to subdivision regulations, if applicable: Requested waiver(s) to subdivision regulations and reason for same (if applicable): Regarding the waiver request, explain the following: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantional property right of the applicant. Page 23 of 45 Page 2 of 2 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): Detailed explanation of condition identified above: Requested Oversize Participation: Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat, if applicable: Parkland Development Fee: No. of acres to be dedicated: No. of acres in floodplain: No. of acres in detention: No. of acres in greenways: Parks & Recreation Advisory Board approval date: Page 24 of 45 Page 1 of 2 PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION Name of Project: SUBDIVISION FOR A PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT Address: Applicant:: Lexie England Property Owner: LIGHTSEY THOMAS WHITT ETAL Legal Description: A014400, J H JONES (OCL), TRACT 4, 18.7 ACRES Total Acreage: 41.83 Total No. of Lots: 5 ROW Acreage: 6.83 Floodplain Acreage: 0.00 Number of requested waiver(s) to subdivision regulations, if applicable: Requested waiver(s) to subdivision regulations and reason for same (if applicable): Regarding the waiver request, explain the following: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantional property right of the applicant. Page 25 of 45 Page 2 of 2 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): Detailed explanation of condition identified above: Requested Oversize Participation: Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat, if applicable: Parkland Development Fee: No. of acres to be dedicated: No. of acres in floodplain: No. of acres in detention: No. of acres in greenways: Parks & Recreation Advisory Board approval date: Page 26 of 45 Page 1 of 2 PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION Name of Project: SUBDIVISION FOR A PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT Address: Applicant:: Lexie England Property Owner: LIGHTSEY THOMAS WHITT ETAL Legal Description: A014400, J H JONES (OCL), TRACT 4, 18.7 ACRES Total Acreage: 41.83 Total No. of Lots: 5 ROW Acreage: 6.83 Floodplain Acreage: 0.00 Number of requested waiver(s) to subdivision regulations, if applicable: Requested waiver(s) to subdivision regulations and reason for same (if applicable): Regarding the waiver request, explain the following: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantional property right of the applicant. Page 27 of 45 Page 2 of 2 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): Detailed explanation of condition identified above: Requested Oversize Participation: Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat, if applicable: Parkland Development Fee: No. of acres to be dedicated: No. of acres in floodplain: No. of acres in detention: No. of acres in greenways: Parks & Recreation Advisory Board approval date: Page 28 of 45 Page 29 of 45 Page 30 of 45 WELCOME LN(60' ROW)RAYMOND STOTZER PKWY - FM 60(ROW VARIES)RAYMOND STOTZER PKWY - FM 60 COLLEGE STATION WEST BRAZOS COUNTY, TX ©PP-Not for construction or permit purposes. FOR REVIEW ONLY Engineer P.E. No.Date Lexie England 139395 04/26/23 NOR THPROPERTY LINEEXISTING CONTOUREXISTING EASEMENTPROPOSED EASEMENTEXISTING ROADWAYLEGEND500VICINITY MAPSCALE: 1"=3,000'NORTH1PRELIMINARY PLAN - NOT FOR RECORDNOTES:1.DUE TO THIS PROJECT'S LOCATION WITH THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ETJ, THERE ARE NOAPPLICABLE BUILDING SETBACKS. THERE ARE NO ADJACENT LOTS WITH ZONING DESIGNATIONS.PRELIMINARY PLANFORCOLLEGE STATION WEST41.83 ACRE TRACTBEING ALL OF A CALLED 22.172 ACRE TRACTCONVEYED IN VOLUME 3379, PAGE 21 OPRBCT,THE REMAINDER OF FIVE TRACTS OF LANDCONVEYED IN VOLUME 11072, PAGE 263 OPRBCT,AND THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 2 ACRE TRACTCONVEYED IN VOLUME 11072, PAGE 266 OPRBCTJOHN H. JONES SURVEY, ABSTRACT 144BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS5 PROPOSED LOTSDECEMBER 2022PROPERTY OWNER/DEVELOPERTB COLLEGE STATION DEV, LLC6001-2 W WILLIAM CANNON DRSTE 101AUSTIN, TX 78749PH: (512) 800-4534CONTACT: AARON LEVYSURVEYORKERR SURVEYING409 N TEXAS AVEBRYAN, TX 77803PH: (979) 268-3195CONTACT: NATHAN KERR, R.P.L.S.ENGINEERKIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES5301 SOUTHWEST PKWYBUILDING 2, STE 100AUSTIN, TX 78735PH: (512) 646-2237CONTACT: LEXIE ENGLAND, P.E.PRELIMINARY PLAN 1Page 31 of 45 WELCOME LN(60' ROW)RAYMOND STOTZER PKWY - FM 60(ROW VARIES)RAYMOND STOTZER PKWY - FM 60 COLLEGE STATION WEST BRAZOS COUNTY, TX ©PP-Not for construction or permit purposes. FOR REVIEW ONLY Engineer P.E. No.Date Lexie England 139395 04/26/23 NOR THPROPERTY LINEEXISTING CONTOUREXISTING EASEMENTPROPOSED EASEMENTEXISTING ROADWAYRESIDENTIAL LOTCOMMERCIAL LOTOPEN SPACE/DETENTION/DRAINAGE LOTPRIVATELY MAINTAINED ROADLEGEND500PRELIMINARY LAND USE PLAN2 PRELIMINARY PLAN - NOT FOR RECORDCOLLEGE STATION WEST LAND USE SUMMARYCATEGORYPRELIMINARY PLANACREAGEPERCENTAGE OFTOTAL AREARESIDENTIAL (3 LOTS)31.1974.56%COMMERCIAL (1 LOT)2.125.07%DETENTION/DRAINAGE/OPEN SPACE(1 LOT)1.443.44%RIGHT OF WAY7.0816.93%TOTAL41.83100.00%PRELIMINARY PLANFORCOLLEGE STATION WEST41.83 ACRE TRACTBEING ALL OF A CALLED 22.172 ACRE TRACTCONVEYED IN VOLUME 3379, PAGE 21 OPRBCT,THE REMAINDER OF FIVE TRACTS OF LANDCONVEYED IN VOLUME 11072, PAGE 263 OPRBCT,AND THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 2 ACRE TRACTCONVEYED IN VOLUME 11072, PAGE 266 OPRBCTJOHN H. JONES SURVEY, ABSTRACT 144BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS5 PROPOSED LOTSDECEMBER 2022PROPERTY OWNER/DEVELOPERTB COLLEGE STATION DEV, LLC6001-2 W WILLIAM CANNON DRSTE 101AUSTIN, TX 78749PH: (512) 800-4534CONTACT: AARON LEVYSURVEYORKERR SURVEYING409 N TEXAS AVEBRYAN, TX 77803PH: (979) 268-3195CONTACT: NATHAN KERR, R.P.L.S.ENGINEERKIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES5301 SOUTHWEST PKWYBUILDING 2, STE 100AUSTIN, TX 78735PH: (512) 646-2237CONTACT: LEXIE ENGLAND, P.E.NOTES:1.DUE TO THIS PROJECT'S LOCATION WITH THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ETJ, THERE ARE NOAPPLICABLE BUILDING SETBACKS. THERE ARE NO ADJACENT LOTS WITH ZONING DESIGNATIONS.Page 32 of 45 WELCOME LN(60' ROW)RAYMOND STOTZER PKWY - FM 60(ROW VARIES)WHITE CREEK RDWHITE CREEK RDRAYMOND STOTZER PKWY - FM 60(ROW VARIES)RIVER RDCOLLEGE STATION WEST BRAZOS COUNTY, TX ©PP-Not for construction or permit purposes. FOR REVIEW ONLY Engineer P.E. No.Date Lexie England 139395 04/26/23 NOR THPROPERTY LINEEXISTING CONTOUREXISTING EASEMENTPROPOSED EASEMENTEXISTING ROADWAYEXISTING WATER LINEPROPOSED PUBLIC WATER LINEPROPOSED STORM LINEEXISTING WASTEWATER LINEPROPOSED PRIVATEWASTEWATER LINEPROPOSED WW MANHOLELEGEND500PRELIMINARY PLAN - NOT FOR RECORDPRELIMINARY PLANFORCOLLEGE STATION WEST41.83 ACRE TRACTBEING ALL OF A CALLED 22.172 ACRE TRACTCONVEYED IN VOLUME 3379, PAGE 21 OPRBCT,THE REMAINDER OF FIVE TRACTS OF LANDCONVEYED IN VOLUME 11072, PAGE 263 OPRBCT,AND THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 2 ACRE TRACTCONVEYED IN VOLUME 11072, PAGE 266 OPRBCTJOHN H. JONES SURVEY, ABSTRACT 144BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS5 PROPOSED LOTSDECEMBER 2022PROPERTY OWNER/DEVELOPERTB COLLEGE STATION DEV, LLC6001-2 W WILLIAM CANNON DRSTE 101AUSTIN, TX 78749PH: (512) 800-4534CONTACT: AARON LEVYSURVEYORKERR SURVEYING409 N TEXAS AVEBRYAN, TX 77803PH: (979) 268-3195CONTACT: NATHAN KERR, R.P.L.S.ENGINEERKIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES5301 SOUTHWEST PKWYBUILDING 2, STE 100AUSTIN, TX 78735PH: (512) 646-2237CONTACT: LEXIE ENGLAND, P.E.PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN3 Page 33 of 45 COLLEGE STATION WEST BRAZOS COUNTY, TX ©PP-Not for construction or permit purposes. FOR REVIEW ONLY Engineer P.E. No.Date Lexie England 139395 04/26/23 GENERAL NOTES1.ACCORDING TO FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS FOR BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, MAP NO. 48041C0285E,EFFECTIVE DATE 05/16/2012, NO PART OF THIS TRACT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE 100-YEAR FLOOD HAZARD AREA.2.EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED IS BASED ON CONTOURS DERIVED FROM LIDAR DATA COLLECTION.3.THE EXISTING SITE IS UNDEVELOPED.4.DUE TO THE SITE'S LOCATION WITHIN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION'S ETJ, IT DOES NOT HAVE A ZONINGDESIGNATION.5.THERE ARE NO PHASES PROPOSED WITH THIS PROJECT; THE ENTIRE DEVELOPMENT IS TO BE BUILTSIMULTANEOUSLY.6.COMMON AREAS WILL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). HOA DOCUMENTSWILL BE PROVIDED WITH THE FINAL PLAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH UDO SECTION 8.4.S "OWNERS ASSOCIATIONS FORCOMMON AREAS AND FACILITIES."7.ALL PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ILLUSTRATED ON THESE PLANS ARE PRELIMINARY IN NATURE AND ARE SUBJECTTO FINAL DESIGN MODIFICATIONS WITH FINAL DESIGN AND PLATTING.8.MAIL SERVICE WILL BE ACCOMMODATED BY CLUSTER MAILBOXES LOCATED THROUGHOUT THE DEVELOPMENT.FINAL LOCATIONS WILL BE COORDINATED WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE AND THE CITY OF COLLEGESTATION AS APPROPRIATE.9.ALL LOTS SHALL BE GRADED SUCH AS TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS. LOT GRADINGSHALL BE PROVIDED SUCH AS TO AVOID DRAINING ONTO ADJACENT DEVELOPABLE LOTS OR PROPERTY. ADETAILED GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.10.COORDINATES AND BEARING SYSTEM SHOWN ARE NAD83 (TEXAS STATE PLANE CENTRAL ZONE GRID NORTH)BASED ON THE PUBLISHED COORDINATES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONTROL MONUMENT NO. 203 ANDESTABLISHED BY GPS OBSERVATION.11.THE EXISTING POND AS SHOWN ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAN (SHEET 2) IS TO REMAIN. THE EXISTING BUILDINGREMAINS AS SHOWN PRELIMINARY PLAN (SHEET 2) ARE TO BE REMOVED.12.BUILDING SETBACKS SHALL BE ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BRAZOS COUNTY SUBDIVISIONREGULATIONS, ARTICLE 7, SECTION A-2.WATER AND SANITARY SEWER NOTES1.THIS SITE IS TO RECEIVE WATER UTILITY SERVICES FROM THE WELLBORN SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT. ALLPROPOSED PUBLIC WATER LINES WILL BE OWNED, OPERATED AND MAINTAINED BY THE WELLBORN SPECIAL UTILITYDISTRICT UPON ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH.2.ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (PRIVATE SEPTIC SYSTEMS) SHALL BE DESIGNED TO AND MEET ALLREQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. THESE SYSTEMS SHALL BE LICENSED THROUGH THE SAMEAGENCY AND THE LICENSE SHALL BE KEPT CURRENT.3.WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SHOWN ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAN ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARESUBJECT TO CHANGE. A MASTER HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS FOR EACH SYSTEM WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE FINALSTATES OF PLATTING WHICH WILL DETERMINE RESPECTIVE LINE SIZE(S).STORM DRAINAGE AND DETENTION NOTES1.STORM WATER RUNOFF WILL BE CAPTURED AND CONVEYED BY SWALES AND UNDERGROUND STORM SEWERSYSTEMS TO PROPOSED DETENTION FACILITIES ONSITE. THE DETENTION PONDS WILL BE DESIGNED ANDCONSTRUCTED SUCH AS TO CONTROL THE PEAK RUNOFF DISCHARGE TO PRE-DEVELOPED FLOW RATES PER THEREQUIREMENTS OF THE 2012 B/CS UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES, STANDARDS, AND SPECIFICATIONS UNLESSOTHERWISE INDICATED BY WAY OF A VARIANCE.2.PRIVATE DRAINAGE SWALES, DETENTION FACILITIES, AND STORM SEWER BEYOND THE LIMITS OF RIGHT OF WAYWILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE DEVELOPER.PAVING NOTES1.THE PROPOSED EXTENSION TO HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER PARKWAY (SEE RURAL COLLECTOR SECTION VIEW THISSHEET) WILL BE OWNED, OPERATED, AND MAINTAINED BY BRAZOS COUNTY UPON ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH. ALLREMAINING PROPOSED ROADWAYS, ALTHOUGH DESIGNATED AS PUBLIC, WILL BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED INACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 8 OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS.2.CUL-DE-SAC PAVEMENT RADII WILL BE 40' IN DIAMETER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS.3.ALL PROPOSED STREETS ARE TO BE MADE OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT.EXISTING EASEMENT NOTES1.ELECTRICAL EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF BRYAN (VOL. 144, PG. 68 DRBCT) DOES AFFECT THE PORTION OF THISTRACT CONVEYED IN DEED VOL. 3379, PG. 21 OPRBCT. THIS EASEMENT IS BLANKET IN NATURE AND CALLED TO BE20' WIDE CENTERED ON AERIAL ELECTRIC LINES AS INSTALLED AND AS SHOWN HEREON.2.ELECTRICAL EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF BRYAN (VOL. 144, PG. 109 DRBCT) DOES AFFECT THE PORTION OF THISTRACT CONVEYED IN DEED VOL. 11072, PG. 263 OPRBCT. THIS EASEMENT IS BLANKET IN NATURE AND CALLED TO BE20' WIDE CENTERED ON AERIAL ELECTRIC LINES AS INSTALLED AND CANNOT BE PLOTTED AS NO EXISTING AERIALELECTRIC LINES WERE FOUND IN THIS AREA.3.TELEPHONE EASEMENT TO GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST (VOL. 1011, PG. 606 ORBCT) DOESAFFECT THE PORTION OF THIS TRACT CONVEYED IN DEED VOL. 11702, PG. 266 OPRBCT AS SHOWN HEREON.4.TELEPHONE EASEMENT TO GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST (VOL. 1011, PG. 612 ORBCT) DOESAFFECT THE PORTION OF THIS TRACT CONVEYED IN DEED VOL. 11702, PG. 263 OPRBCT AS SHOWN HEREON.5.WATERLINE EASEMENT TO BRUSH WATER SUPPLY CORP. (VOL. 1302, PG. 341 ORBCT) DOES AFFECT THE PORTIONOF THIS TRACT CONVEYED IN DEED VOL. 11072, PG. 266 OPRBCT.. THE DESCRIBED APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF THISEASEMENT IS SHOWN HEREON. ACTUAL LOCATION OF EASEMENT TO CENTERED ON THE INSTALLED PIPE.6.WATERLINE EASEMENT TO BRUSH WATER SUPPLY CORP. (VOL. 1302, PG. 344 ORBCT) DOES AFFECT THE PORTIONOF THIS TRACT CONVEYED IN DEED VOL. 11702, PG. 263 OPRBCT. THE DESCRIBED APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF THISEASEMENT IS SHOWN HEREON. ACTUAL LOCATION OF EASEMENT TO CENTERED ON THE INSTALLED PIPE. BRUSHYWATER SUPPLY CORP ASSIGNED THIS EASEMENT TO WSUD IN VOL. 10359, PG. 62.PRIVATELY MAINTAINED STREETS NOTES:1.IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT ON APPROVAL OF THIS PRELIMINARY PLAN BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF BRAZOSCOUNTY, TEXAS, THE BUILDING OF ALL STREETS, ROADS AND OTHER PUBLIC THOROUGHFARES DELINEATED ANDSHOWN ON THIS PRELIMINARY PLAN AS PRIVATELY MAINTAINED, AND ALL BRIDGES AND CULVERTS NECESSARY TOBE CONSTRUCTED OR PLACED IN SUCH STREETS, ROADS OTHER PUBLIC THOROUGHFARES, OR IN CONNECTIONTHEREWITH, SHALL REMAIN THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER, HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION/PROPERTYOWNERS ASSOCIATION, OR OTHER MAINTENANCE ENTITY AND/OR APPLICANT OF THE TRACT OF LAND COVERED BYTHIS PRELIMINARY PLAN, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PRESCRIBED BY THECOMMISSIONER'S COURT OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT ASSUMES NO OBLIGATION TOBUILD THE STREETS, ROADS AND OTHER PUBLIC THOROUGHFARES SHOWN ON THIS PLAT, OR OF CONSTRUCTINGANY BRIDGES OR CULVERTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH.2.PRIVATELY MAINTAINED STREETS SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO SUCH A STANDARD WHICH WILL ALLOW EMERGENCYVEHICLES ACCESS FOR THE ROAD DESIGN SPEED IN PERPETUITY BY THE OWNER AND ALL FUTURE OWNERS OFPROPERTY WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION.3.CERTAIN COUNTY SERVICES MAY NOT BE PROVIDED FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED STREETS. AMONG THE SERVICESWHICH MAY NOT BE PROVIDED ARE: ROUTINE LAW ENFORCEMENT PATROLS, ENFORCEMENT OF TRAFFIC ANDPARKING REGULATIONS, AND PREPARATION OF ACCIDENT REPORTS.4.THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION/PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION OR DISTRICT, AS OWNER OF THE PRIVATELYMAINTAINED STREETS AND APPURTENANCES, AGREES TO RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS THECOUNTY, ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY, AND ANY PUBLIC UTILITY ENTITY FOR DAMAGES TO PRIVATELYMAINTAINED STREETS THAT MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE REASONABLE USE OF THE PRIVATELY MAINTAINEDSTREETS BY SAME, OR FOR DAMAGES AND INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) ARISING FROM THE CONDITION OF THEPRIVATELY MAINTAINED STREETS, USE OF ACCESS GATES OR CROSS-ARMS, OR USE OF THE SUBDIVISION BY THECOUNTY OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL OR UTILITY ENTITY.5.EVERY DEED SHALL CONTAIN A NOTICE TO THE GRANTEE THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS SHALL BE PERPETUALLYLIABLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF ALL STREETS DESIGNATED AS PRIVATELY MAINTAINED, AND THAT THE QUALITY OFTHE ROADS MUST BE MAINTAINED AS TO NOT AFFECT ACCESS BY PUBLIC SERVICE AGENCIES SUCH AS POLICE,FIRE, AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES.GENERAL NOTES 3ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTIONS(NOT TO SCALE)BRAZOS COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONSAPPENDIX G.4 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIESIT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER, NOT THE COUNTY, TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ALLAPPLICABLE STATE, FEDERAL AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE PLATTING AND DEVELOPMENT OFTHIS PROPERTY.THE COUNTY ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF REPRESENTATIONS BY THE OTHER PARTIES INTHIS PLAT. FLOODPLAIN DATA, IN PARTICULAR, MAY CHANGE. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT THE OWNERS OF THETRACT OF LAND COVERED BY THIS PLAT MUST INSTALL AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ANDSIGNAGE THAT MAY BE REQUIRED BEFORE THE ROADS IN THE SUBDIVISION HAVE FINALLY BEEN ACCEPTED FORMAINTENANCE BY THE COUNTY.PRELIMINARY PLAN - NOT FOR RECORDPRELIMINARY PLANFORCOLLEGE STATION WEST41.83 ACRE TRACTBEING ALL OF A CALLED 22.172 ACRE TRACTCONVEYED IN VOLUME 3379, PAGE 21 OPRBCT,THE REMAINDER OF FIVE TRACTS OF LANDCONVEYED IN VOLUME 11072, PAGE 263 OPRBCT,AND THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 2 ACRE TRACTCONVEYED IN VOLUME 11072, PAGE 266 OPRBCTJOHN H. JONES SURVEY, ABSTRACT 144BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS5 PROPOSED LOTSDECEMBER 2022PROPERTY OWNER/DEVELOPERTB COLLEGE STATION DEV, LLC6001-2 W WILLIAM CANNON DRSTE 101AUSTIN, TX 78749PH: (512) 800-4534CONTACT: AARON LEVYSURVEYORKERR SURVEYING409 N TEXAS AVEBRYAN, TX 77803PH: (979) 268-3195CONTACT: NATHAN KERR, R.P.L.S.ENGINEERKIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES5301 SOUTHWEST PKWYBUILDING 2, STE 100AUSTIN, TX 78735PH: (512) 646-2237CONTACT: LEXIE ENGLAND, P.E.Page 34 of 45 May 18, 2023 Item No. 5.2. Rezoning - 1100 Dexter Drive South Sponsor: Jeff Howell, Senior Planner Reviewed By CBC: N/A Agenda Caption:Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 4 “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from GS General Suburban to MH Middle Housing for approximately 0.4 acres of land at 1100 Dexter Drive South, generally located south of the intersection of Holleman Drive and Dexter Drive South. Case #REZ2023-000004 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the June 12, 2023 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Relationship to Strategic Goals: Diverse & Growing Economy Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the request. Summary: This request is to rezone approximately 0.4 acres of land generally located south of the intersection of Holleman Drive and Dexter Drive South from GS General Suburban to MH Middle Housing. The subject property is currently vacant and has not been platted. The applicant intends to develop the property and rezone to allow for a housing type permitted under the Middle Housing zoning district. REZONING REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Whether the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan: The subject property is designated on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use & Character Map as Mixed Residential. For the Mixed Residential land use, the Comprehensive Plan provides the following: Areas appropriate for a mix of moderate density residential development including, townhomes, duplexes, small multifamily buildings (3-12 units), and limited small-lot single family. These areas are appropriate for residential infill and redevelopment that allows the original character to evolve. These areas may serve as buffers between more intense multi-family residential or mixed-use development and suburban residential or neighborhood conservation areas. The intent of the Mixed Residential land use is to accommodate a walkable pattern of small lots, small blocks, and well-connected street pattern that supports surrounding neighborhoods. Developments in this district should prioritize a mix of housing types and scales located near community facilities or adjacent to commercial or neighborhood centers. These areas also may serve as a buffer between multi-family and suburban residential areas. The zoning districts that are generally appropriate within this land use include: middle housing, duplex, townhouse, and limited-scale single-family zoning. The proposed MH Middle Housing zoning district is designed to be flexible and provide a variety of housing options by right. It allows for detached single-family residences, duplexes, townhomes, Page 35 of 45 courtyard houses, small and medium multiplexes, and live-work units which are in line with the Comprehensive Plan. Shared housing is also an allowable use within this zoning district. 2. Whether the uses permitted by the proposed zoning district will be appropriate in the context of the surrounding area: The subject property is surrounded by low to medium density residential development with detached single-family dwellings to the north, east and west, and townhome structures to the south. The MH Middle Housing zoning district enables an incremental increase in residential density on this vacant site, while also enabling the possible future redevelopment of this lot at an appropriate scale. In addition, the lot has frontage on Holleman Drive (a minor arterial). The residential uses permitted in MH Middle Housing zoning district are appropriate for the surrounding areas as it would allow for an increase in residential density in the area against the thoroughfare. 3. Whether the property to be rezoned is physically suitable for the proposed zoning district: The size and location of the subject property is suitable for a housing product type permitted in the Middle Housing district, which allows for residential uses such as single-family, townhouses, and multiplex structures. Since this property has not been subdivided, replatting would be required in order to comply with the Middle Housing dimensional standards. 4. Whether there are available water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation facilities generally suitable and adequate for uses permitted by the proposed zoning district: The existing water and wastewater infrastructure is adequate to support the needs of this development. Drainage and any other infrastructure required with the site redevelopment shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the BCS Unified Design Guidelines. The subject property is located at the intersection of Dexter Drive South and Holleman Drive. The residential lot may take access from Dexter Drive South, which is classified as a local street. However, depending on the use of the property, access may be allowed on Holleman Drive which is classified as a Minor Arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan. The proposed use is expected to generate less than 150 trips in any peak hour; therefore, a TIA was not required. 5. The marketability of the property: The uses allowed by the proposed zoning district are generally marketable for the area. The applicant states that the single-family housing is permitted, but they indicate the property is prime for repurposing and located between other residential uses on an arterial thoroughfare. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Vicinity, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Rezoning Exhibit 3. Background Information 4. Applicant's Supporting Information 5. Existing Future Land Use Map 6. Rezoning Map Page 36 of 45 Page 37 of 45 Page 38 of 45 Page 39 of 45 Page 40 of 45 BACKGROUND INFORMATION NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: May 18, 2023 Advertised Council Hearing Date: June 12, 2023 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station’s Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: The Knoll Neighborhood Association McCulloch Neighborhood Association Property owner notices mailed: 34 Contacts in support: None at the time of this report Contacts in opposition: 4 at the time of this report Inquiry contacts: None at the time of this report ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use Northwest Minor Arterial GS General Suburban Holleman Drive Southwest Mixed Residential PDD Planned Development District Townhomes Northeast Local Street GS General Suburban Dexter Drive South Southeast Mixed Residential GS General Suburban Single-family detached DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexed: March 1956 Zoning: R-1 Single Family Residential (upon annexation 1956) R-1 Single Family Residential renamed to GS General Suburban (2013) Final Plat:Unplatted Site Development:Vacant Page 41 of 45 Name of Project:1100 DEXTER DRIVE Address:1100 DEXTER DR S Legal Description:A000701, CRAWFORD BURNETT (ICL), TRACT 25, 0.45 ACRES Total Acreage:0.4181 Applicant:: Property Owner:LALA VIDA LLC SERIES 1 Kurt Fisher List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. Middle Housing, as a zone option, recently became available and best suits uses for this property. Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. Middle Housing for this property is supported by the current comprehensive plan, per Planning & Development Service Planners. How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? The current zoning supports only GS Single Family housing, though the surrounding areas have developed into many other uses and it is an increasing challenge to attract residents interested in having Holleman Drive as a side street nearby the property with townhomes bordering the rear of the property, and commercial property located on the next street corner (Welsh & Holleman, on land that was once a part of this property). Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested. As explained in the "compatibility" section: "middle housing" perfectly compliments the various nearby property zones and uses including the now busy Holleman Drive, bordering the side of this property. REZONING APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION Page 1 of 2 Page 42 of 45 Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. As explained in the "compatibility" section: "middle housing" perfectly compliments the various nearby property zones and uses including the now busy Holleman Drive, bordering the side of this property. Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. The current zoning district permits the land to be used as single family general suburban housing. It is not part of any neighborhood. It is a stand-alone parcel, a "property island" in the middle of town, sandwiched between a row of smaller single family homes, larger single family homes across the street, nearby duplexes, townhomes in the rear of the property, and an arterial thoroughfare with ever-increasing traffic. List any other reasons to support this zone change. The prior owners sold this property as a double lot. Before purchasing the property, the current owner verified this with PDS and was told that a replat would not be an issue but changing to commercial and some other types of zones would require an amendment to the comprehensive plan. The prior owners deliberately neglected normal property maintenance on the past structure for the past ~10 years, knowing that this property, on the corner of an arterial thoroughfare and independent of any neighborhoods, was prime for repurposing. The current owner purchased the property and allowed the prior owner to rent it back until she found a "place in the country" reminiscent of how this property was, when it was a 40 acre farm with horses and cows. The current owner cleared the parcel and began the replat. During the replat, the city adopted new shared housing language in the UDO and added Middle Housing Zoning to the UDO and checked with PDS staff to verify that a change to Middle Housing does not require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Looking at available options, the ideal use of this property, location and surroundings factored in, most accurately fits Middle Housing zoning, thus the re-zoning is now being requested. Page 2 of 2 Page 43 of 45 Page 44 of 45 Page 45 of 45