HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-2188 - Ordinance - 06/27/1996ORDINANCE NO. 2188 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY ADDING SECTION 12: RURAL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, RENUMBERING EXISTING SUBSEQUENT SECTIONS 12, 13, 14 AND 15, AS SECTIONS 13, 14, 15 AND 16, AND ADDING SUBSECTION 9-F.2 TO SECTION 9: RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMENT FOR INSTALLATION COSTS. WHEREAS, the College Station City Council recently annexed property that is rural in nature, WHEREAS, there has been interest expressed by both citizens and developers in developing residential neighborhoods that have a rural atmosphere within the City limits, WHEREAS, the current subdivision ordinance does not have any provisions to allow the development of rural type residential neighborhoods, WHEREAS, the City Council has expressed a desire to incorporate subdivision regula- tions to allow rural type subdivisions; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: That Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances, the Subdivision Ordinance of College Station is hereby amended to add a new Section 12 to read as follows: "SECTION 12: RURAL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 12-A q}eneral The requirements outlined herein are intended to allow the development of rural residential subdivisions within the corporate boundary of the City of College Station, Texas. It is the intent of this section that these regulations be used to create a rural type atmosphere for development in areas where the Council through zoning deems it appropriate (See 12-F, Zoning). It is not the intent of this section to sacrifice the integrity of the City of College Station's current or future infrastructure systems. 12-B Applicable Sections Sections 1-7, 9 and 10 are applicable in their entirety to rural residential subdi- visions. 12-C Community Assets In all subdivisions, attention shall be given to all natural features such as trees, watercourses, historical sites, and similar community assets, which, when preserved, will add attractiveness and value to the property. jz/c/ordlnan/rural2.doc 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page 2 12-D Suitability of Lands The Commission shall not approve the subdivision of land, if from adequate investigations conducted by staff, it has been determined that in the best interest of the public, the site is not suitable for platting and development purposes of the kind proposed. Land located within FEMA designated floodway and land deemed to be topographically unsuitable shall not be platted for residential occupancy, nor for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life, or property, or aggravate erosion or flood hazard. Development of the flood fringe shall be controlled and designed in accordance with the City of College Station Drainage Ordinance. Such land within the plat shall be set aside for uses that shall not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation or shall not produce unsatisfactory living conditions. 12-E Larl:le Tracts or Parcels When land is subdivided into larger parcels rather than ordinary lots, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance, such parcels shall be arranged so as to allow for the opening of future streets and logical further subdivisions. If the City's Compre- hensive Plan requires principal streets to cross the interior of the subdivision or lie anywhere within the subdivision, the right-of-way shall be dedicated to the public. 12-F Zoning No plat of land within the force and effect of an existing zoning ordinance shall be approved unless it conforms to such zoning or other pertinent regulations. A rural residential subdivision can only develop in a specific zone, as provided in the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, Section 7. These rural residential regula- tions may only be applied in areas where the zone designation is A-OR. 12-G Reserved Strips Prohibited There shall be no reserved strips controlling access to land dedicated intended to be dedicated to the public. or 12-H Standards All construction on streets or easements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City Engineering standards and specifications. 12-1 Streets 12-1.1 Goal The goal of this section is to provide each lot in a rural residential subdi- vision with access to a durable and maintainable public/private street with adequate capacity, while retaining rural aesthetics and cost effectiveness, and without compromise to the City of College Station Thoroughfare and Transportation Improvement Plan. j~/c/ordma~/rural2.doc ?/11/9~ Ordinance No. 2188 Page3 12-1.2 Street Layout Adequate streets shall be provided by the subdivider such that the arrangement, character, extent, width, and grade of each shall conform to the Thoroughfare and Transportation Improvement Plan of the City and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to the topographical conditions, to the public safety and convenience, and to their appropriate relationship to the proposed use of the land to be served by such streets. 12-1.3 Relation to Adioinin;I Street Systems Where necessary to the neighborhood pattern, existing streets in adjacent or adjoining areas shall be continued, in alignment therewith. Where adjoining areas are not subdivided, the arrangement of streets in the subdivision shall make provision for the proper projection of streets into such areas. 12-1.4 Street Joes Whenever possible, street jogs with center-line offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five feet (125') shall be avoided. 12-1.5 Half Streets No half streets shall be platted. 12-1.6 Dead-end Streets Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except short stubs to permit exten- sion. Temporary turnarounds may be required. 12-1.7 Cul-de-Sacs Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed two thousand feet (2000') in length to radius point, and shall terminate in a turnaround not less than one hundred feet (100') in diameter, with a pavement diameter of eighty feet (80'). The number of dwelling units may not exceed thirty (30) on any cul-de-sac, regardless of length. 12-1.8 Street Intersections Acute angles between streets at their intersections are to be avoided. 12-1.9 Principal ~treets on Master Plan Where a subdivision embraces a major or minor arterial or collector street as shown on the City of College Station Thoroughfare and Transportation Improvement Plan, such street shall be platted to maintain continuity in the approximate location as shown, and of the type indicated. In certain cases the City may have constructed a street through the area to be subdivided, in which case the subdivider shall develop the necessary street intersections at his expense, in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The Planning 8, Zoning Commission may require that, where practical, residential lots adjacent to arterial streets or parkways be platted or restricted so as to prevent driveways opening into such streets. All principal streets, major and minor arterials and collectors (if they will be continuous beyond the rural residential subdivision) shall be constructed to urban standards as contained in Section 8-G, Streets. All Js/c/ordinan/mral2.doc 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page4 residential streets and those collectors, which are wholly contained within the rural residential subdivision and provide internal circulation for the rural residential subdivision(s) only, may be constructed to the standards contained within this section. 12-1.10 Minor Streets Minor streets shall be laid out to discourage through traffic. 12-1.11 Geometric and Pavement Standards Streets within rural residential subdivisions may be constructed to a rural section, which includes roadside ditches in lieu of curb and gutter. The following standards are for the rural street section. RURAL STREET STANDARDS Right-of-Way Width~ Pavement + Shoulder Width (measured at shoulder edges) Pavement Width (between edges of pavement) Traffic Lanes Rural Residential Street Rural Colleotor ~treet 70 feet 80 feet 28 feet 34 feet 24 feet 30 feet 2 2 Median none none Min. Grade .4% .4% Max. Grade 6.0% 4.0% Minimum Radius Centerline 200 feet 400 feet Minimum Tangent between Curves 50 feet 75 feet Stabilized Subgrade2 6' 6" Base3 6" 7" HMAC4 1-1/2' 1-112" Sidewalkss none recl'd none reCl'd Right-of-way width listed herein is a minimum, additional fight-of-way or easements may be required based on drainage considerations, proposed or future utility locations and. t.q~o .g~p..by..: . . Refer to thc City of Collc~ Station Street Specifications for additional details on tAcse floras. See footnote #2. See footnote #2. TheFe arc no sidewslkq required on rurdl residential streets or rural collectors ,_Imf arc wholly contah,.ed within th~ subdivision. (~ Subsection 12-t~, Sidewaas) j~/~or&nan/rural2.do~ 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page 5 12-J 12-1.12 Standard Details and Specifications Refer to the City of College Station Street Specifications for the standard pavement cross-section detail and specifications regarding all pavement materials. 12-1.13 Street Names New streets shall not only be named so as to provide continuity of exist- ing streets, but shall be named to prevent conflict with identical or similar names in other parts of the City. New streets shall not be named after any living person. Easements 12-J. 1 Drainage Easements Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, natural channel or stream, there may be required a drainage easement or right- of-way conforming substantially to the limits of such watercourse, plus additional width to accommodate future needs as determined by the City Engineer. The City of College Station Drainage Policy and Design Stan- dards shall be used as a guideline for easement sizing. No construction, including fences, shall impede, constrict, or block the flow of water in any easement or natural watercourse. Such easement shall not be consid- ered a part of the lot area for purposes of minimum lot size requirements of the zoning ordinance 12-,).2 Utility Easements 12-J.2.1 Utility Layout A utility layout is required for all rural residential subdivisions, which shall include all utilities proposed to be installed in the subdivision, as well as any future utilities. Based on this layout, all lines shall have adequate clearance from other utilities and each block shall have a utility easement either at the rear or the front of all lots, reserved for the use of these utility lines, conduit, and equipment. These utility easements shall be twenty feet (20') in width, and shall be continuous for the entire length of a block. If taken at the rear of the lots, it shall be taken as ten (10') feet from each lot where the rear of the lots abut each other. These easements shall be parallel as closely as possible to the street line frontage of the block. The City's electrical engineer will design the electrical system in all subdivisions. 12-J.2.2 Additional Easement Where utility easements are not themselves straight within each block, or if the same do not connect on a straight course with util- ity easements of adjoining blocks, then an additional easement shall be provided for the placement of guy wires on lot division lines in order to support poles set on curving or deviating rights- of-way or easements. js/c/ordinan/rural2.doc 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page6 12-sl.2.3 Easements Required by Citv Enoineer Utility easements may be required across parts of lots other than as described above upon recommendation of the City Engineer. Where the propo,s,,ed subdivision adjoins a.n unplatted, area, the full twenty foot (20) width of easement may oe requireo along the rear of lots adjoining the unplatted area. 12-~1.2.4 Fencin!:l in Easements Utility easements may be fenced if unlocked gates are provided to allow free movement of excavating machines, maintenance equipment, and personnel throughout the full length of the ease- ment. 12-K Blocks 12-K. 1 General Blocks generally shall be platted to provide two (2) tiers of lots with a util- ity easement between them, with proper regard for drainage channels, wooded areas and other topographical features lending themselves to attractive treatment. 12-K.2 Block Lengths Block length shall not exceed one thousand fifteen hundred feet (1,500') in rural residential subdivisions. In blocks over eight hundred feet (800') in length, there may be required, near the center of the block, an access way as hereafter defined. An access way may be required at the end of a cul-de-sac to facilitate pedestrian traffic movement. 12-L Lots 12-L. 1 Lot Confl!:luration Side lot lines which make acute angles with front lines shall be avoided where practical. In general, an arrangement placing adjacent lots at right angles to each other shall be avoided. 12-L.2 Lot ~ize and Setbacks Lot size and setback lines shall be in accordance with zoning require- ments. Lots abutting on access ways shall be treated as corner lots. 12-M Access Ways Access ways, where required, shall have a ten foot(10') right-of-way, dedicated to the public. A four foot (4') sidewalk shall be constructed in the center of the right-of-way conforming to City Engineering standards and specifications. 12-N Sidewalks Sidewalks are not required on residential and collector streets that are wholly contained within the rural residential subdivision(s). If they are provided, they shall meet all regulations in Sections 8-M.3 and 8-M.4 and shall be constructed away from the roadway surface to provide adequate safety for pedestrians. All ]s/a/ordinan/ntral~.doc 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page 7 sidewalks shall be a minimum of four feet (4') in width and constructed in accor- dance with City Engineering standards and specifications. Sidewalks are required on ell major and minor arterials and collectors that will continue beyond the rural residential subdivision and are required to be constructed to urban street standards. Sidewalks on these streets shall meet all requirements in Section 8-M, Sidewalks. 12-0 Bikeways Bikeways will be required in accordance with the Bikeway Master Plan. Refer to Section 8-N for requirements. 12-P Water Suooly 12-P.1 Goal All rural residential subdivisions shall be provided with a safe, reliable (~ublic/private water supply to each platted lot, without compromising the ity of College Station's future water distribution system. 12-P.2 Determination of Water Supplier All subdividers of rural residential subdivisions shall ascertain which local water supplier is certificated to serve the proposed subdivision. If the supplier is not the City of College Station, a predevelopment meeting is mandatory and shall be held between the subdivider, proposed water supplier and the City Engineer, in order to assure that adequate water supply will be available to all lots within the subdivision. 12-P.3 City of (~olleoe Station as Water Supplier If the water supplier is the City of College Station, waterlines shall be sized to accommodate both domestic use and fire protection to the subdivision. The design of the waterlines shall be in accordance with all applicable city, state and federal regulations, City of College Station desi{~n standards and construction specifications and acceptable engi- neenng standards. The design shall be approved by the City Engineer. Adequately sized waterlines shall be provided by the subdivider such that they conform to the City's Utility Master Plan. 12-P.4 Rural Water Sur~plier If the water supplier is not the City of College Station, the waterlines shall be sized to accommodate both domestic use and future fire protection for the subdivision. Fire protection in terms of standard fire hydrants will be added at a future date when the system is connected to the City of College Station's water distribution system, wherein both pressure and supply will be adequate to support traditional hydrants. The design of the waterlines shall be in accordance with all applicable city, state and federal regulations, City of College Station design standards and construction specifications and acceptable engineering standards. The design shall be approved by the City Engineer. Adequately sized waterlines shall be  ovided by the subdivider such that they conform to the City's Utility aster Plan. j~/c/ordinan/rural2.doc 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page 8 12-Q 12-P.5 Water Wells Water wells may be allowed in cases where supply by the City of College Station system or a rural water supplier is not possible. If water wells will be used, all locations shall be approved by the City Engineer to assure adequate clearances from sanitary sewers, septic systems and compli- ance with all applicable city, state and federal regulations. These loca- tions must be shown at the time of platting. Fire Protection 12-Cl. 1 Goal To provide an adequate level of fire protection and emergency service to all lots within rural residential subdivisions. 12-Q.2 Standard Fire Protection In the case where connection to the City of College Station water distribu- tion system is required, public fire hydrants shall be designed and installed as a part of the water distribution system. Fire hydrants shall be designed in accordance with all applicable city, state andfederal regula- tions, City of College Station design standards and construction specifi- cations and acceptable engineering standards. The design shall be approved by the City Engineer. 12-Q.2.1 Hydrant Location and Spacino Hydrants shall be located so they are visible and accessible. Locations at or near street intersections are preferred. Spacing between hydrants shall be no greater than fifteen hundred feet t1500') along roadways. No property shall be greater than 750' rom the nearest hydrant. All hydrant locations shall be approved by the City Engineer. 12-Q.3 Non-Standard Fire Protection In the case where a rural water supplier will be used for domestic supply, the subdivider shall install a reliable water supply for fire protection by constructing either a lake, pond or cistern located centrally within the subdivision. Dry hydrants, as necessary, shall be located on these water supply sources. The water supply source and the dry hydrant shall be designed in accordance with current NFPA 1231 standards. As listed in Section 12-P.2, a predevelopment meeting is mandatory for a subdivision using non-standard fire protection. The subdivider shall p. resent a conceptual drawing with the dry hydrant location(s) shown and ~ts proxim- ity to all lots. This shall be drawn to a standard engineering scale. The City Engineer will evaluate distance and travel time of emergency vehicles to determine if the layout is acceptable. 12-Q.4 Structures within Rural Residential ,~ubdivision-~ Due to the limited ability of the fire protection system, and to protect the health and safety of College Station residents, residential structures constructed within rural residential subdivisions shall:  ordina~ral2.doc 1/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page9 12-R Not be located more than five hundred feet (500') from the public street. If they are located at a distance greater than five hundred feet (500') from the public street, then a twenty foot (20') wide all-weather surface, meeting current engineering standards shall be provided to the structure prior to bringing combustibles on-site. and Not be located more than two thousand feet (2,000') off a public street unless approved by the Fire Marshal. This shall be allowed only in the case of unusual topography. Further, any bridge or culvert installed on roadways or on an individual lot, where the structure is located more than five hundred (500') from the public street, must be designed to handle emergency traffic loading. Sanitary Sewers 12-R. 1 Goal To provide adequate sanitary sewer service to all lots within rural resi- dential subdivisions, that does not compromise public health or the future of the City of College Station gravity sewer collection system. 12-R.2 Gravity Sanitary Sewer System Required At the time of zoning, a determination shall be made as to whether the subdivision must connect to the existing sanitary sewer system or if an on-site sewage disposal system (private septic system) will be allowed. If it is determine.d at the time of zoning that a gravity sewer system is required, the oesign of such shall meet all applicable city, state and federal regulations, City design standards andacceptable engineering standards. Adequately sized sewerlines shall be provided by the subdi- vider such that they conform to the needs of the sewer service area and the City's Utility Master Plan. 12-R.3 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan If it is determined at the time of zoning that on-site sewage disposal systems (private septic systems) will be allowed, a gravity sanitary sewer master plan shall be designed for the subdivision. This master plan is required to assure that all lots, at some future date, can be connected by gravity service line to the future sewer collection system. Adequately sized sewerlines shall be provided within the subdivision's sewer master plan such that they conform to the City's Utility Master Plan All lines designed within this master plan shall meet all applicable city, state and federal regulations, City design standards and acceptable engineering standards. This master plan shall consist of: verbiage explaining all design assumptions, plan and profile layouts of all future gravity lines to be constructed within the subdivision, and a minimum finished floor elevation established for each lot to assure a connection to the future gravity sewer collection system. All minimum finished floors established by this master plan shall be placed on the respective lots on the final plat. j~/c./ordtnan/rural2.do~ 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page 10 Said master plan shall be adopted by ordinance by Council prior to final plat approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission. 12-R.4 Private Septic System Licenses On-site sewage disposal systems (private septic systems) shall be designed to meet all requirements of the Brazos County Health Depart- ment. The system shall be licensed through the same agency and the license shall be kept current. 12-~ Drainaae 12-S. 1 Goal To provide adequate drainage facilities within rural residential subdivi- sions, that do not compound flooding and provide roadway facilities with adequate drainage to allow safe ingress/egress. 12-S.2 Drainal:le Design Drainage shall be provided to handle runoff from the subdivision in accor- dance with the City of College Station Drainage Policy and Design Stan- dards. No construction shall impede, constrict, or block the flow of water in any natural or improved watercourse. 12-S.3 Roadside Ditches Roadside ditches shall be designed in accordance with the City of College Station Drainage Policy and Design Standards. They shall be a minimum of eighteen inches (18') deep, except in areas where the topog- raphy deems it inappropriate. 12-S.4 Culverts Culverts shall be designed in accordance with the City of College Station Drainage Policy and Design Standards. The minimum size of any culvert shall be eighteen inches (18'). Safety end treatments, headwalls or wingwalls are required as appropriate. 12-T Utility Lines All utility lines that pass under streets shall be installed before the street is paved, with embedment, backfill, and depths in accordance with City engineer- ~ng design standards and specifications, or the crossing shall be bored. 12-U Gas or Oil Lines High pressure flammable gas or fuel lines ara defined as those which ara oper- ated or may be expected in the future to operate at a pressure of over sixty (60) pounds per square inch. High pressure flammable gas or fuel lines, installed on public property, shall be buri~d with a minimum cover of thirty inches (30~), and shall be marked by an all-weather typed sign, installed at each crossing and at intervals of not or than three hundred feet (300'). The signs shall be installed by the utility company, state that the line is high pressure, shall name the product or products transported therein, the utility company name and an emergency phone number. j~/c/ordman/rural2.doc 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page 11 12-V Street LiRhts 12-V. 1 Goal To provide adequate street lighting for the protection of property and the public, while in keeping with a rural setting subdivision. 12-V.2 Standards Installation procedures and acceptable standards for street lights shall be governed by the utility standards of the Public Utilities Department in effect at the time of subdivision construction or addition thereto. The type and size of luminaire, and the installation and size of street light services, shall be determined by the Electrical Engineer for the City's Public Utilities Department. Pole type for mounting of street lights shall be selected by the Developer, subject to the approved street light pole standards of the Public Utilities Department. The developer shall furnish satisfactory easements for the installation of services to street lights, with said easements to normally be five feet (5') in width. 3. The installation of subdivision lighting shall be performed by either of the following: (a) _By_City, subject to cost reimbursement as provided in Section 9-G herein. (b) By the developer or his authorized construction representative, subject to compliance with the utility street light installation standards of the Public Utilities Department. 12-V. 3 Locations Street lights shall be required at the following locations within rural resi- dential subdivisions: 1. At all street intersections, and 2. At the end of all cul-de-sacs greater than 300' in length. The subdivider may request street lights at other locations within the subdivision, given that the locations do not exceed the current standard for street light provision as outlined in Section 8-T, Street Lights, contained herein. 12-W Electric Service 12-W. 1 Goal To provide adequate electrical service to all lots within a rural residential subdivision, that is in keeping with a rural setting and does not compro- mise the integrity of the City of College Station electrical distribution system. J~/c/ordinan/rural2.doc 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page 12 12-X 12-W.2 Determination of Supplier All subdividers of rural residential subdivisions shall ascertain which local electric supplier is certificated to serve the proposed subdivision. Where the supplier of electric service is other than the City of College Station, the supplier must meet all the applicable City ordinances and have construction specifications approved by the City's electrical engi- neer. 12-W. 3 Installation At the developers discretion, lateral electric lines and service lines supplying electric utility service shall be placed either overhead or underground. 12-W.4 Easements The subdivider shall dedicate easements upon forms approved by City for the installation of utilities, including electric. All liens and other ownership interests shall be subordinated to the easement use. 12-W.5 Underpround Service Where underground electric service is selected, all street lighting and site lighting equipment shall be placed underground except for the poles on which the lights are to be affixed. 12-W.6 Underl:lround Conduit The subdivider shall be responsible for furnishing and installing, and the expenses related thereto, conduit for the installation of all on-site under- ground development feeder, lateral and service lines utilized to provide electric utility service to the subdivision. The specifications for the conduit shall be approved by the electrical department prior to installation. 12-W. 7 Auxiliary Equipment Where electric service is placed underground, all auxiliary equipment for such service, including but not limited to transformers, junction enclosures and switching devices, shall be pad-mounted on grade or shall be placed underground. Monuments and Comer Markers All monumentation for a rural residential subdivision shall be in accordance with Section 8-V contained herein.' I1. That Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances, the Subdivision Ordinance of College Station is hereby amended by renumbering Sections 12, 13, 14 and 15 to Sections 13, 14, 15 and 16, accordingly. js/c./ordinan/rural2.doc 7/11/96 Ordinance No. 2188 Page 13 III. That Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances, the Subdivision Ordinance of College Station is hereby amended by adding a new subsection "9-F.2" to read as follows: '9-F.2 In the case of rural residential subdivisions served by the City of College Station, if overhead electrical is provided there will be no cost to the subdivider. In the case where the subdivider requests underground elec- trical, he shall pay forty percent (40%) of the cost of installation, including labor, materials and standard fee percentages for engineering and over- head costs for underground electric service. The actual cost shall be calculated by the City. All costs shall be paid prior to the commencement of construction." IV. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its ,~assage and approval by the City Council and duly attested by the Mayor and City ecretary. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 27th day of June, 1996. APPROVED: ATTEST: CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary Lynn ~/Icllhaney, Mayor ~" jz/c/ordman/rural2.doc 7/ ] J I9~